#human anatomy studyblr
smallartist08 · 2 months
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Anatomy studies, hands.
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puffycinnabunny · 5 months
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hippopotamus 🦛 hypothalamus?
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medstudsposts · 9 months
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Day 54/100 of productivity
• anatomy lab
• anatomy study
• bacteriology study
• lab study
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fullmetalgirl98 · 3 months
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Studying oral anatomy for the exam I'll take in September. Being here in my University city during Summer break, even if for a few days, is very sad and stressful ... but with the background of summer traffic down the street and Netherlands vs England to keep me company, the atmosphere suddenly becomes a little more homely :)
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er-cryptid · 9 months
Human corneas are incredibly similar to shark corneas
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illustriousseu · 1 year
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neuroandhemo · 4 days
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neuro annoying neutro... found neutro patrolling
NOT LORE ACCURATE AND BY LORE I MEAN PHYSIOLOGICALNOT MEDICALLY ACCURATE!! pretend theres a barrier between the two <\3 even then...
neutro is this close 👌 from starting ALS they mad
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Muscles And Fasciae Of The Palatal Region
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Levator palati
long, thick, round
on the outside of the posterior nares
starts at the top of the temporal bone and inside of cartilage part of Eustachian tube
after Superior constrictor, goes down and in and blends at middle line of soft palate
Circumflexus/Tensor palati
broad, thin
outside Levator palati
has vertical and horizontal part
vertical part comes from scaphoid fossa at the bottom of the internal pterygoid plate
comes down between internal pterygoid plate and internal pterygoid muscle
becomes a tendon and anchors around the hamular process
horizontal part passes inward into the palatine aponeurosis and horizontal part of the palate bone
Palatine Aponeurosis
supports muscles and soft palate
thicker at the top than at the bottom
at the sides merges with the pharyngeal aponeurosis
Azygos uvulae
pair of narrow, cylindrical fasciculi
each one comes from posterior nasal spine of palate bone
Palato-glossus (Constrictor isthmi faucium)
small fasciculus that narrows in the middle
forms anterior pillar of soft palate along with the surface mucous membrane
comes from the back of the soft palate on each side of the uvula
goes into side of the tongue
some fibres go into the dorsum, others to the Transversus linguae
long and narrow in the middle
separates by the palato-glossus by the tonsil
comes from an expanded fasciculus by the soft palate that divides in two by the Levator palati and the Azygos uvulae
out and down behind the tonsil it connects to the Stylo-pharangeus
comes from Eustachian tube near its opening
goes down and merges with the pack of the Palato-pharyngeus
[Gray, H. 2010, Gray's Anatomy, 15th Edition, Barns & Noble, Inc., New York. pp 302-304.]
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oh the beauty and horrors of anatomy
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themostofekramy · 8 months
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The human heart 🫀
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brhidge · 1 year
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I made this compass to describe discrimination received from medical people to their patients. Note how the further the condition is in one direction, the more problematic I think it is. Also, this is my opinion and I take constructive criticism <3
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puffycinnabunny · 5 months
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More brainy sketches
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authorandartist13 · 1 year
Doctors hate ‘em! Local human memorizing heart structure for 5th day in a row! (help)
YO anyone have any adhd friendly study hacks for memorizing the structure/functions of the heart? Uni brain is in a puddle atm and any little tips and tricks would be ✨greatly✨ appreciated!!
I’m trying some googled memory game thingies but there’s only so many times I can listen to The Cardiac Song on YT without feeling like I’m about to personally meet my sleep paralysis demons lmao. This is def not a massive deal but even sharing the sos is wonderful! Ty all.
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codenamewitcher · 2 years
I wanna go to bed so badly, but studying for my human anatomy exam that's friday afternoon says otherwise
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first-l0ve · 4 months
Blast from the Past: Human Anatomy
Genuinely, there’s not another subject I loved more than anatomy. Anatomy is my love, my language, my life.
It also helped me realize that I’m not cut out for surgery. Nothing more humbling than being unable to identify the pancreas during a lab assessment and the professor saying “I would never let you perform surgery on me. Why are you taking everything out?!”
TW for content below the cut: animal models and real depictions of anatomy dissections
Model species: Felis catus
Muscular System — Deep and Superficial
Gross Anatomy
Nervous System — Brain
Model species: Ovis aries
Cardiovascular System — Heart
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er-cryptid · 9 months
One pint of blood can save up to three lives.
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