#hunter Hearst Helmsley imagines
salemshotspot · 3 months
Said it once I’ll say it again, the lack of dx fics on here is criminal, outside of shawn and hunter I feel like no one in dx is written for, like guys please where’s the road dogg/x pac fics please
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rawiswhore · 7 months
Hunter Hearst Helmsley x Fem Reader- "Orchid Club"
Before "50 Shades of Grey", there was an often forgotten Mickey Rourke movie in the late 1980's known as "Wild Orchid", about a woman who meets a self made millionaire which leads to several erotic encounters.
Does that sound familiar?
That movie has such a sexy poster, and in WWF magazine in 1997 you and Hunter Hearst Helmsley recreated that poster together for a photoshoot.
You created the poster by being pictured with your head turned sideways and your mouth slightly open while Hunter stood behind you nudging his face into your face.
Hunter was taller than you, so his nose was positioned an inch above your nose.
You and Hunter were both pictured above your chest and his, where you and Hunter both appeared shirtless.
In this recreation, Hunter had his long hair hanging down.
This picture of you and Hunter could easily be the cover to a paperback bodice ripper romance novel.
If you've seen the poster for Mickey Rourke's "Wild Orchid" movie, you and Hunter are posed like Mickey Rourke and Carrie Otis on the poster.
When this "Wild Orchid" poster recreation was published in WWF magazine, the font was the same as the font to the "Wild Orchid" poster, it was even colored the same.
There are other men that could've been in that "Wild Orchid" poster recreation with you instead of Hunter Hearst Helmsley, like Shawn Michaels, Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, Christian Cage, Rob Van Dam, Scott Hall, and the list goes on.
In fact, I almost wanted to insert these wrestlers into this fanfiction for you women to choose or Don Johnson from "Miami Vice" in 1989.
Just imagine if that was Don Johnson in 1989 on the "Wild Orchid" poster instead of Mickey Rourke.
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aritamargarita · 2 years
Ya know that i practised English with WWE? Back then, I had difficulty understanding spoken English. Old WWF Promos were an absolute nightmare but i slowly started improving myself, especially by kinda following the words???
But here's the kicker: i really liked Triple H, and you know how he speaks, right ? God-uh. Minutess. Weirdly emphasised words. Tonight ughh. Beginninghh of the endhhh. shawwwn michae-LLLsss
Yeahhh i kinda took that on. So imagine a class of 18 Years old german kids, all with bad accents ( I think -> I sink) but me adding those stupid Triple H inflections. And the worst part? I can't get rid of them. My normal accent has gotten less bad but that stays the same. IMAGINE US READING SHAKESPEARE LOUDLY BUT I'M READING IT LIKE HUNTER HEARST HELMSLEY HIMSELF.
They originally wanted me to tutor other kids (PAID!!!) but triple nose ruined that because that isn't proper British English.
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Superheroes with Secrets: Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus (Fic Part 187. Set in 2002)
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Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places. Please inform me if you wish to be tagged/untagged from posts.
Tags: @tantamount-treason @piratewithvigor @thedollmaker16
Reference Posts: ‘Giantess’/‘Blacklight Bandit’ Kirby Roussimoff x Shane ’Hurricane’ Helms (Circa 2001)
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"That does sound nice. Very nice."
"You cut yourself a slice of cake, I'll get comfy on the couch."
"Yes ma'am." He smiles, pushing up from his seat and turning to cut a slice, showing off his back, covered in long lines of welts and some broken skin marks. Evidence of Kirby's lust painted across his body.
"Wow, Shane, starting to think Kirby's a hurricane of love." Dee chuckles softly.
"I wouldn't argue that. She likes claiming me."
"Yeah, likes claiming you a lot, looks like a werewolf attacked you." Jeff adds
"Kinda feels like it, but it also feels damn good."
"Like when Dee bites my collarbone a little too hard and leaves marks, feels like a vampire attack, but it's really fucking good." Jeff nods in agreement with Helms.
"Oh man, yeah. Love losing a little blood."
"Men are so confusing, I swear we're a different species." Kirby whispers, making Delilah laugh.
"Don't kink-shame." Helms laughs.
"I'm not kink-shaming, I'm making a joke because I'm the one who marks you up and gets off because you get off."
"We both like marking me up."
"Do you reckon Catwoman marks up Batman when they have sex?"
"Absolutely she does. He has a pain kink and she has claws."
"What about Superman and Lois Lane?"
"I don't think Supes even knows what sex is."
"Imagine explaining sex to Superman." Kirby murmurs, earning a couple giggles from Delilah.
"He's a Kansas farm boy. Sex doesn't exist there." Helms chuckles.
"Is this a veiled way of saying that because I'm a North Carolina ranch kid, I didn't know much about sex until you came alone, because that's pretty accurate."
"It's more like in Kansas, they're farm people and they're religious. Hardly any sex ed anywhere."
"So… the Godwin family, or Hillbilly Jim?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
"Who, what, wait a minute."
"Country boys, Dee, wrestling gimmick stuff."
"Yeah. The hillbillies who wrestled Trips in a pig truck."
"Trips?" Delilah asks, totally confused.
"Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Triple H, Trips." Kirby explains softly.
"Sorry, I spend so much time around only wrestlers I forget I may as well be speaking Greek." Helms chuckles sheepishly.
"Glad I can translate, sexy husband." Kirby murmurs, pulling Helms into a gentle kiss and messing with his hair.
"You speak enough other languages that I translate for, so I guess this is fair." He smiles.
"It's why we go so well together, we can translate each other."
"Cause we're so damn good at communicating."
"Communication is key to a happy marriage, and I couldn't be happier." Kirby grins.
"Neither could I."
Kirby pulls Helms into another kiss, placing her forehead against his.
"To the couch?" He murmurs.
"Yeah, to the couch… snuggling time."
"Bitchin'." He grins.
Kirby leads Helms to the tv room, laying on the couch and letting him lay on top of her.
He's on his side, nuzzled up to her bump and sighing happily, "Your Mama's a cougar," he murmurs to Lilith, "she scratched Daddy good and hard."
"More like a tiger than a cougar, or a lioness."
"Well, a cougar is also a sexy older woman."
"Yeah, but I don't have good connotations of that word, I have Mae Young and Fabulous Moolah connotations of the word cougar, I don't like it."
"Panther, then?"
"I like that, similar to a cougar but darker and in my opinion, sexier."
"Way sexier."
"You're very sexy yourself, my hero."
"Not as sexy as you."
"Thank you baby daddy, I love you."
"I love you too."
"You make my heart sing, mon amour."
"Do I really?"
"Yeah, a melody I cannot describe or sing to you."
"I think I understand the melody."
Kirby strokes his hair gently, smiling at him and sighing softly.
"You feeling okay?"
"Yeah, I'm okay, super tired though, but that's about it." Kirby whispers.
"You've been really tired today…"
"Reading paperwork all day will do that to ya, haven't managed to catch a break from it since last Saturday."
"Glad it's nothing illness-related."
"If I were ill, we wouldn't be snuggling, don't want you getting sick when I'm sick, Shaney baby."
"That's sweet, but I'd catch anything to help you feel better."
"I love you, mon mari, you're so nice to me… can I make one request for tonight, my love?"
"Of course."
"Can we just sleep, I know that you're probably gonna want to make love and make me feel like a princess, but I just want to sleep tonight, mon mari."
"I don't mind, honey. If you need to sleep, so be it."
"Thank you, mon ange, you are so sweet to me."
"Well, you are the birthday girl."
"Thank you for reminding me, I'm so old, Shane, I'm super old." Kirby murmurs, fake pouting.
"Honey, you're not old."
"I'm older than you, and most of our friends."
"And I'm the second oldest."
"True, so it's not so bad being older than everyone, means I have more experience with the world."
"But it also makes us the ones who have to be more responsible… more adult."
"Anyone is more adult than the Hardys."
"Yeah, but currently neither Lita or Delilah is pregnant, however I am, so out of everyone, we have to be the adults, because you succeeded in getting me pregnant, ya giant slayer." Kirby chuckles softly.
"We're everyone's parents."
"Yeah we are, but more importantly, we're Lilith's parents, I'm more protective of her than anyone else."
"Same here. I refuse to let anything happen to her."
"I might have a nap, baby daddy, you alright if I get some more rest?"
"Fine by me."
Kirby settles down to sleep, softly stroking Helms' hair before falling asleep. As she sleeps, he rubs her belly gently, occasionally kissing where he feels Lilith moving. It's such a quiet moment that the only thing that makes any noise is Jeff and Delilah awwing at the sight from the doorway.
"You two gonna stay the night?" He whispers.
"No, we were gonna head out, but we noticed you two in here and couldn't resist peeking in." Delilah explains, looking quite ashamed of herself.
"She's sleeping a lot since Lilith started moving around more."
"Lilith's definitely your kid, Shane, especially if she's moving around a lot even before she's born." Jeff chuckles.
"I'll have to up my workout to keep up with her."
"Both you and the kid are made of strong stuff, but I guess that you made yourself that strong and Lilith is just genetically badass because of you and Kirby."
"She's already half perfect to start with if she's her Mama's kid."
"Guess we'd better be going, so I can get started on making a cousin for your daughter." Jeff smirks.
"Working on that already?"
"Not exactly, but it's not like I'm constantly wearing protection." Jeff shrugs, earning a sigh from Delilah.
"You ol' daredevil."
"You know me so well you green devil, anyway, we'll see ourselves out and I think we'll be back tomorrow with Matt and Lita."
"Good call."
Jeff and Delilah leave the house, the door closing waking Kirby up for a moment before she settles back and goes to sleep. Helms stays on her lap for a while, only moving when he's positive she's fully asleep. Kirby shifts slightly but stays asleep. He sneaks into the kitchen to start working on her actual birthday cake. The one he's making to truly impress her with both cake and decorations.
The house is quiet, unusually quiet except for the kitchen. Everyone's sleeping and Helms is doing his best to be quiet and efficient to let them both rest. Kirby's paperwork and sketchbook is still where she left it in the kitchen, she's been working on her pile of papers for almost two weeks straight and probably will be for another week. It seemingly keeps rising no matter how much she keeps working on it. It's mostly contracts and freelance agreements, but on top of the pile is her financial statements from her accountant and a note from the accountant asking if she wants to make a joint account with Helms.
It's something they've been needing to discuss, but the conversation never feels properly timed. Kirby wouldn't mind if Helms looked through the paperwork and she's made it clear that she doesn't mind him looking through her work. While he waits for the cake to bake, he looks over them a little. Halfway through the pile is a few pages with months written in the top right corner, the see-through folder the pages are in has a sticky note on it which reads 'WWF cruiserweight risqué calendar- do not show Shane'. Helms needs a moment or two to consider what he's seeing.
He decides after a second to open it up. It's full of sketches of the cruiserweight members of the roster, most of which are almost nude and accompanied by the pictures the drawing is based on, along with notes on ideas related to making a calendar from the drawing as an answer to Vince's idea of making a Divas calendar. As soon as he figures out what they are, he closes it quickly, his cheeks bright red. The moment he closes the folder, the egg timer goes off. He rushes over to the oven to take out the cake, trying to take out the cake, trying to get the images out of his mind.
For every three sketches of the others on the roster there was one sketch of Helms, some marked with 'v-2' or 'version-two' implying that Kirby has drawn the pictures of him twice, possibly one nude and one almost nude. Seeing him drawn by Kirby always makes him a little embarrassed. She sees him in a much better light than he sees himself. It doesn't help his embarrassment that in one drawing the only thing covering his crotch was his cape draped over him. He just prays he'll stop blushing by the time either her or Shannon wakes up. There's a small noise from the tv room, Kirby moving a little or possibly waking up.
Helms closes all the documents and stacks them exactly how they were. The house once again falls silent. He exhales in quiet relief and resumes decorating the cake. It took Helms a couple attempts but he's finally found the perfect way to decorate the cake. He's got it a soft peach with little piped roses along the edge.
It looks like one of those cakes you would see on a bakers Instagram page or Pinterest. When he pipes on the last little leaf, only then does he exhale in relief. It slowly dawns on Helms that he's got to find somewhere to put the cake. Using one of their biggest bowls as a cover, he gets it into the fridge and pretty well-hidden at the back.
"Shane, my love," Kirby calls from the tv room, "what's the time, sexy husband?"
"Just after four, hon."
"What would you like for dinner, mon amour?" She asks, slowly walking into the kitchen.
"Is it cheesy to say you?"
"Yes, but I'll allow it."
"Come feast on me, you sexy beast." Kirby teases as she gets undressed in front of Helms.
"My favourite snack." He smirks.
Kirby giggles, "Oh my love."
"Lie down for me?"
"How about we change things up a little, and you lay down for me?"
"Mm, that's different." He grins, following her instructions.
Kirby kneels over his face, her knees either side of his head, "you okay with this, mon ange?"
"Perfectly fine with this. Best view in the house."
"Don't just look at me, sexy husband, make a meal out of my love."
"With pleasure." He smirks, grasping her thighs and plunging his tongue into her.
Kirby moans in ecstasy, "oh fuck me."
"Could do that too." He chuckles.
"You could, but wouldn't you rather make me cum like this and then fuck me?"
"Absolutely I would."
"So, after you make me cum, then you can fuck my brains out, my hero."
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rainchyna · 2 years
triple h smut where he sees reader and shawn michaels spending a lot of time together recently and he just gets super jealous over it
you put that here and i can't stop thinking about it.
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warnings! [ jealousy, anger, cheating accusation ? smut, dom!hunter, sub!reader, fem!reader, degradation, hair pulling, begging, sir kink, possessiveness, pet names, one singular spank, hunter leaving hickeys, dacryphilia, bulging kink, orgasm denial, language, fluffy ending ?? def not in that order bc do u know who's writing u're reading ?? minors dni.]
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hunter wasn't sure what it was at first that began pissing him him off. shawn was your bestfriend, he was your friend before him and hunter even met, and he understood that you two would hang out from time to time ‒ but this was too much.
It started with you hanging out normally, just like every time you'd hang out in a public space or at either of your houses. Then you began hanging out without hunter and spending more and more time together. Now, at first hunter wasn't upset about it, he was just envious, his girlfriend and his bestfriend and having fun without him, okay - no problem. Then he noticed that you and shawn would be talking, chatting have a normal conversation, but the second he'd approach you but of you either get awkward or one would leave. What if you were hiding something from him?
You and hunter have always had a very trusting relationship. you were open with each other and always spoke your minds if either of you did something that made the other uncomfortable. You and shawn spending that much time together did start getting under his skin a little, but he kept repeating to himself, 'y/n and shawn wouldn't do that', 'they're just really good friends, that's all', 'they wouldn't do that to me', 'y/n would never do that'. He kept it in the back of his head, until he overheard you and shawn talking.
"do you think he knows?"
"I know it's still early, but he'll probably find out. hunter isn't stupid"
"we'll have to be more careful, I've never done this before"
"don't worry about it. if he starts suspecting anything, I'll cover for us"
And boy was he pissed. Now way you and shawn were ... No! Even the thought of it doesn't make sense. But the conversation he heard ... No, the closest people to him wouldn't do him like that, but that maddening little voice in his head was getting a little too loud.
y/n is cheating, accept it.
she wouldn't cheat, she loves me.
shawn would do it.
shawn is my bestfriend, he wouldn't.
confront them.
Maybe he should, this has been going on for a little too long. And here you were, doing your make-up in his lap. You see his eyes' reflection on the Chanel eye shadow palette's mirror, you can tell he was angry, or upset about something. You were about to say something, but his large hand began rubbing on your thigh, slowly inching upwards with every stroke. "You know that I love you, right?" he began, you nod slowly, "and that I wouldn't hide anything from you, right?" he added, you nod again. His hand moved up towards your stomach, then your chest and neck. He wrapped his fingers around your neck with a little tightness causing you to gasp lightly.
"what's going on with you and shawn, hm?"
oh, shit.
"you're not messing around with him, are you?" he said, voice dropping in pitch, you can't tell him. You spent this much time keeping this whole thing a secret, thinking he wouldn't catch on. But, oh well.
"c-can't say" you stutter. "you sure you can't say, baby?" he says, his other hand dove into your pajama shorts, gently grazing your clit. you fell back into his chest, this shouldn't be turning you on. He was literally accusing you of cheating on him. "'Cause i got a real nice way that'll make you say everything" he grunted. His fingers began rubbing on your clit in circular motions, your eyes shut and you tried to inhale, but having his hand around your neck like that wasn't helping. you lose your grip on the palette and the brush causing them to clash against the floor, the powdery cosmetic getting everywhere. you looked down at it, as the loud noise startled you. A part of you was upset that your Chanel palette was broken, but the other part was too horny to comprehend the sadness.
"say the truth, and I'll get you a share in the company" he offered. And as great as that sounded, you still weren't budging.
Alright then.
His fingers swiftly found their way towards your now wet slit, pushing them inside you. A loud moan escapes your lips, you grip on his thigh but he immediately says, "don't touch." you needed something to hold on to as you felt yourself fall apart in his touch. you held on his hand that was still around your neck, "didn't i just say don't touch? do you like being a fuck brat, you slut?" he says. you let out an airy laugh.
"fucking me and my bestfriend, literal whore."
he let go of your neck and pulled out his fingers from your soaking pussy, causing you to whine. He picked you up and walked to your shared bed. he put you down, and it felt like you couldn't look into his eyes. "look at me" he softly says, you physically couldn't even lift your head up, "I said, look at me, babygirl" he demanded. you still can't look at him. He grabs a fistful of your hair, yanking your head backwards, forcing you to make eye contact with him. You wore a v-neck shirt, which left your neck exposed to him. he leaned in, and you did as well. He delivered a harsh kiss to your lips, tongue dancing with yours. you were about to wrap your arms around his neck, but he held your hands behind your back. His lips moved onto your neck, his beard and moustache tickling you a little. he was kissing, sucking and leaving small deep red marks on your neck. As many as he can, anywhere he can. "p-please" you whimper.
Well, if he can't fuck the truth out of you, he'll fuck some common sense into you.
He pushes you back on to the bed and climbed on top of you, he pulled off your shorts, and he attacked you neck again. by now there was barely and skin that wasn't bruised or bitten. especially on your collarbones. he pulled himself away from you, taking off his shirt revealing his toned body. you were convinced this is what gods were built like.
"do something" you whine, a pout resting on your lips. "oh, i fucking will" he mumbles. he pulls of his pants as impatience was taking over him, he took off his boxers as well and his cock slapped against his abdomen, "on your stomach, now." he demanded and you immediately obeyed. as you laid comfortably onto the soft sheets, hunter pulled your hips up towards his, he raised his hand, then proceeded to spank you so harshly that his handprint was on your ass cheek, "fuck, please, just please do something" you cry. you didn't even finish your complaining before he was pushing his cock inside you, making you moan loudly. you'll never get used to his size.
his hips pushed and pulled against yours, cock slamming in and out of you. both of you were moaning loudly, you were so wet, so good for him. and him only, his dick felt like heaven as it rammed against your walls, he grabbed as fistful of your hair and pulled up on your knees and hands. "you think shawn can fuck you like this? hm?" he groaned before delivering on deep, fast thrust that had your head spinning and body shaking. "h-hunter" you whimper, "only i can fuck you like this." one of his hands held you up because you both knew that if he lets you go you'll immediately collapse back onto the bed. his other hand was now buried between your legs, rubbing your clit. he slowed down feeling his orgasm approaching, deep, slow thrusts replaced his fast paced ones, and at this rhythm and this position you could swear you felt him in your lungs. the hand that was holding you in place moved down towards your abdomen, his long fingers tracing the outline of his cock inside you.
"do you feel this, y/n?" he grabbed one of your hands and made you touch were his cock's imprint was, "so tight, for me only. you're mine. mine and mine only" he groans. his deep voice rang through your ears and sent goosebumps across the surface of your skin, his picked up a pace again, your words were merging in one blob of incoherencies, "gonna cum, h-hunt, p-please" you beg, " y-you don-t get to cum" he moaned, "you'll cum when i say you can" he says. his grip on you gets tighter and hips began stuttering, he was so close, so close he could taste it.
"p-please, sir?" you whined in the neediest tone. "please, l-let me cum, i-i'll do anything for y-you, please, ple-ease sir" you said, tears began flowing down your cheeks. hearing you beg for him like that did something to him, you? crying and begging him, being such a desperate slut for him to let you cum, like that?
that last one sent him over the edge, his cum coated your walls, hot and sticky, as he collapsed on top of you. seeing the state of pure euphoria that he was in made you wish you had told him what happened before you got here. "if you're not cumming on my dick, you're not cumming on anyone else's , you understand?"
"yes sir"
"good girl"
"can you get off of me, you're a little heavy.." you mumble. he rolls of to the other side of the bed, and lays there contemplating whether or not he should ask you again, because no way something wasn't taking place behind his back. "this is the last time, and be honest with me y/n, what are doing with him?" he asked. you exhaled loudly before reaching over to your nightstand. you opened the last drawer and pulled out a medium-small sized, square box. it was covered with a navy blue velvety material and a pearly white ribbon had it shut. "open it".
he looked into your eyes, hunter saw love and sincerity. he knew he never should've doubted you. he tugged off the ribbon and open the box revealing a golden Rolex that was dazzled with diamonds. A little note was tucked under it, he placed the box to the side and held the note, the silver text on the white background read:
Even pure gold and diamond will not be enough to thank those with hearts that are worth more than them. we love you the most, Y/n and Shawn.
hunter exhaled and covered his face with his hands, "wow, i feel like an asshole" he said, "an asshole whose birthday is next week, we wanted to do something special for you. me and shawn might be close, but we'd never do ... whatever you had in mind" you said, a slight smile played with your lips. he put everything back into the box and placed it aside. he pulled you onto his chest, giving you sweetest, most passionate kiss you've had in a while. he moved, readjusting your position so that now you were under him. he began placing kisses all over your face, making you giggle. "what are you doing?" you laugh.
"making up for what i fucked up"
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aewhore · 4 years
So can you do a Triple H x fem!reader. (WWF days).Where the reader and Triple H have been together for the past like three years,but Vince wants reader in a storyline with Eddie Guerrero (I actually love Eddie so could you make it where Eddie is kind of a good guy).And Triple H in a storyline with Stephanie.So after a few mouths,It’s time for wrestlemania and The two are put in a indergender match against each other.But Triple H has a different plan and the reader ends up battling Stephanie before Triple H proposes to her in the ring,exposing their relationship.
You’re the one for me ~ Triple H x Reader (request by the wonderfully beautiful @mrsbaszler ) Hope you like it!! 
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Flying from arena to arena to perform as a wrestler felt like a dream come true no matter how many times you had done it. You had just touched down in North Carolina and were checking into your hotel room. It was nearly midnight and Monday night raw was tomorrow so as you made your way up to your room, your mind was racing with the storylines and matches you will have in the coming week. You throw your bags down once you enter the room but you don’t even get to settle in before your phone rings, You pick it up expecting it to be Trish to talk about your champion match tomorrow. You’re pleasantly surprised to see it’s Hunter Hearst Helmsley himself.   
“Hello beautiful.” the smooth voice of Triple H brings a smile to your face. “Fancy hearing from you so late hot stuff” You hear him chuckle through the phone. “Oh, I’m the hot stuff now? Do you know how hard it is to see you looking so beautiful walking through the hotel lobby and have to hold myself back from grabbing a piece?” You and trips had been dating for nearly three years now but had never gone public with it as you both knew it would have negative repercussions on both your careers. “Why don’t you come down here and grab a piece right now?” There was silence as Hunter contemplated your proposition. “Listen. Baby, I’m in room 234. I’m heading for a shower if you’d like to join me.” You know you now have him in the palm of your hand. “Jesus, Y/N you sure don’t make it easy for me do you? … Fuck it! I’m on my way.” You break out into a sly grin as Hunter hangs up the phone. You’re quick to strip off your clothes and wrap yourself in a towel as you enter the bathroom to turn on the shower to get the temperature just right. You hear a heavy knock on the door as the water warms up. You damn near run to the door in excitement to see your man.  
You take a breath at the door before opening it to see Hunter in a tight black t-shirt that shows off his wide muscular chest and broad shoulders as well as blue jeans that barely contain his thick thighs. “Oh hello there gorgeous stranger” You sexily remark as you move aside to allow him into the hotel room. He closes the door behind him as you walk towards the bathroom. “Come on, cutie, this way” you tease when you realize you’ve reached the bathroom and Hunter has barely entered the room. To entice him, even more, yourself so he can only see your face past the door of the bathroom as you take off the towel and throw it at Hunter’s chest. “Oh, now you’re in for it now” You hear Hunter growl as you get into the shower finally.  
Existing the shower and getting dried off after You and Hunter’s escapade proved difficult on shaky legs. “Need a hand there, sweetheart.” Hunter jokes as you feel him pick you up bridal style to walk you towards the king bed in the center of the room. “Oh thank you, my knight, in shining armor!” you laugh into Hunter’s neck before he sets you down onto the soft cotton sheets of the bed.  He throws a shirt and pants towards you as he dresses before Hunter sits on the edge of the bed beside your legs. Your hands roam up Hunter’s biceps to his traps and then roam back down his muscular back. Hunter visibly relaxes under your touch as he releases all the tension that was previously being held in his shoulders. “Penny for your thoughts Champ” You speak quietly, Hunter turns towards you, deep hazel eyes meeting your own. “Listen, gorgeous, Vince called me earlier about a potential storyline for me” You’re confused at Hunter’s serious tone, he’s the world champion of course he’s going to have storylines. You nod at him to continue. He releases a deep sign before continuing. “It's a romance storyline doll… with Stephanie” You’re taken aback by this. Is he serious? Of all people, it just had to be Stephanie! You and Stephanie had never gotten along, ever since you joined WWF but you both did your best to stay professional by pretending the other doesn’t exist.  
“Oh Okay. So is this a definite thing? Like when does it start?” You’re hopeful that the storyline is still in the idea stage and not the final plan. However, the look on Hunter’s face tells you that your hopes are about to be dashed. “I’m sorry doll, it’s starting tomorrow. You know you have nothing to worry about with me, doll. So don’t look so sad” You give Hunter a small smile before you speak again. “Hunter, It’s not you that I worry about getting notions from this storyline.” You don’t have to say it but the look on Hunter’s face shows that he understands what you’re implying. You know Hunter and Stephanie had a fling together before you came onto the scene, you knew that Hunter loved you dearly but you just couldn’t trust the younger McMahon. “I know that, doll. I’m just trying my best here to put that pretty little head at rest.” You can’t help but laugh at Hunter’s confession. “Listen, baby. You know I’ll be okay. It’s just a storyline after all. I love you.” Hunter kisses your forehead once you finish speaking. “Exactly baby, it’s just a storyline. Nothing more. I love you” You couldn’t stop yourself from melting into Hunter as his hand comes to hold your jaw to maintain eye contact. “I love you too baby, do you want to stay here tonight?” fatigue was setting into your bones so you were itching to go to sleep. “You know I’d love to stay doll, but I have to get back to my room. I’m going to the gym with Michaels in the morning. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, beautiful. Gimme a kiss before I leave.” He brings his other hand up to enclose your jaw between his hands as you both lean into each other. When your lips crash against Hunter’s the passion from your lover takes your breath away. It’s only quick but you adore having these brief displays of affection. Hunter is standing and moving towards the door before you can even blink. Hunter stops at the door to turn back briefly. “Goodnight doll.” he winks at you as you reply. “Goodnight Hotstuff” Once you hear the door click closed, you tuck yourself into bed, trying your best to forget about this new storyline as you fall asleep. 
Monday night Raw is always hectic backstage, the hustle and bustle of it being too much for some people but you loved it because it meant there was always something new to be excited about. However not everything new is good, this applied to right now. You sat gobsmacked into the writer’s room. You were being told what storylines you were going to be involved in and it must be the season of love because you were now being written into a romance storyline with your good friend Eddie Guerrero. You weren’t happy to be in a romance storyline but you couldn’t be mad at who you were involved with. Eddie was always respectful and like an older brother to you with how he would help you train and prepare for matches. “ Ay Chiquita, You feeling okay?” You smile at how good of a friend Eddie is to you. “I’m okay Ed, it’s just a storyline. Let’s go out there and kill it, yeah?”  You give him the biggest smile you can muster up. “That’s what I’m talking about Chica! I’ll see you later for our segment!” Eddie returns with his signature million-watt smile before turning to leave. You lift the script that’s in your hand and roll your eyes at the cliché romance scenarios the creative team has written you and Eddie into.  
The time ticks by as you prepare for your segment with Eddie and your title defense against Trish later on. You’re lost in thought as you make your way through the halls in the arena. You nearly jump out of your skin when you feel someone grab your arm and drag you towards a more subdued part of the backstage area. You’re prepared to scream and start throwing punches before you realize it’s Hunter. “Jesus Hunter, a warning would be lovely.” you hiss at your lover. “Sorry doll, I just needed to see you before your bug match later on” You roll your eyes at Hunter before you break out into a smile. “I’ve been meaning to catch you. I just came from a writer’s meeting and I have a new storyline, me and Eddie. It’s not what I’d love to be doing but it doesn’t look that bad in the script anyway.” You calmly explain to Hunter. “Oh great.” Hunter sounds less than impressed which shocks you. “What’s that supposed to mean?” Hunter rolled his eyes as if you were supposed to know the answer already. “Eddie’s my number one contender Y/N, and I have good money to say he’ll be my mania match. I just don’t want you to be in his corner if he is my mania match, you know?” Hunter spoke gently as you could his worry about seeing you in his opponent’s corner in his eyes. You smile at Hunter as a nervous, softer side to him you don’t see very often comes out. “Don’t worry Hunter, I doubt this will last longer than 4 weeks.”  
Oh, how naïve you were. You greatly underestimated that since you and Eddie were both fan favourites, that people would fall in love with the storyline of the two of you being in love. So Vince decided to keep the storyline going for as long as possible as well as continuing Stephanie and Hunters partnership as they were creating nuclear levels of heat together. Mania season was upon you and the tension between Hunter and Eddie was building and building as their inevitable clash for Hunter’s title came closer and closer by the day. You don’t have time to worry about the guys since Stephanie is your number one contender for the women’s championship despite her not being a full-time wrestler Vince wanted her and Hunter to be the power couple but you and Eddie weren’t going to let that happen, even if you did selfishly want Hunter to keep his title because damn he looked good with it. 
It was time for Monday night raw two weeks ahead of Wrestle mania. Hunter and Eddie had a contract signing to make the match official. You would be escorting Eddie out to the ring since Hunter would have Stephanie in his corner. It was all going to plan before Stephanie slapped Eddie out of nowhere, Before Hunter could hold her back you had launched yourself at her in defense of your (storyline) man. You feel Eddie try to drag you away but Hunter attacks him leaving the signing in complete chaos. You see the officials run out to attempt to pull the brawls apart. They successfully pull apart you and Stephanie but you see Hunter and Eddie still going at it. You feel your eyes bug out of your head when you see blood flowing freely down Hunter’s face from his nose much to the chagrin of the audience getting to see an early glimpse of comeuppance on Hunter. You see the locker room empty as they try and succeed to pull Eddie and Hunter apart. You assume this will be the end of it but then you hear Vince’s music hit. Oh no! You’re in trouble now. “That’s it! I’ve had it! At WrestleMania, this ends once and for all! In the main event of WrestleMania, all of you will face off in an intergender match where the winner takes all! Yes, that means whoever wins will walk away with their genders respective title.”  You’re completely shocked as your eyes dart from Eddie to Hunter to Stephanie and back again.   
Preparing for your WrestleMania match was difficult since you didn’t get alone time with Hunter at all and your stress levels were on overdrive. However, the adrenaline kicked in immediately as you and Eddie made your entrance together. Looking down the ramp as you strutted down the ramp with Eddie by your side and your title firmly around your waist. You couldn’t let yourself become distracted by the fact Hunter was in the match. As you enter the ring you glare at Stephanie before looking to Hunter to catch him sending you a quick wink. You roll your eyes before turning towards your corner to take off your title and prepare for the square up before the bell. The atmosphere in the arena was electric as the four of you stood off against each other before you all decided to allow the men to start the match. Watching your on-screen partner fight your actual partner had your heart in your throat as you cheered for Eddie but you couldn’t shake the worry festering in the pit of your stomach. Seeing your men go hell for leather against each other entertained you and stressed you out to no end so you had your hand stretched out for Eddie to tag you in as soon as possible to end your suffering.  
Feeling Eddie’s hand slap against sent a bolt of pure lightning through your veins as you charge against Stephanie with the sole goal to end this match on the spot as your heart can’t take this match anymore. Your plan wasn’t going to plan as Stephanie put up a heck of a fight. However, you tried to run the ropes to clothesline her but she rolled out under the bottom rope on the opposite side of the ring to her own. You follow her without leaving the ring, you can hear the crowd erupt in roars as Stephanie smiles up at you before motioning for you to look behind you. Fear fills your body as you brace yourself for an attack from behind. However, upon turning around you don’t see your impending doom but instead, you see Hunter down on one knee in the centre of the ring in front of you. “Y/N I love you to the moon and back, Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?” Once you lock eyes with Hunter’s it’s like the entire arena fades away and it's just the two of you, this is your moment and you couldn’t be happier. You don’t even have to think about it before you're nodding your head and saying yes what feels like a thousand times. Hunter slides the ring onto your finger before standing up to pull you into the most passionate and loving kiss you’ve ever experienced in your life.
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daddyhausen · 4 years
[ “proud of you” ; triple h x fem!reader ]
[ request for @kamidekawaii​ ; sorry if it took so long :( ]
[ word count ; 2,075 ]
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it was that time again, where your mind would seemingly cloud itself with pure loathing for your appearance. your reflection would stare back at you with soulless eyes, completely hating what stared back at it. it was at times like these where you wondered what you husband, hunter actually saw in you. in your mind you were not the goddess he perceived you to be, not even close. for he had women swooning over him left and right, what was it that attracted you to him, what was it that made him choose you instead of all the others? your index finger prodded and poked at the flesh of your stomach, trailing down towards your hips, and thighs, pinching the skin as you did so. your own self-doubt fuelled your negative feelings, you did not feel like anything but a disappointment to him, in more ways than one. you felt as if you weren’t able to please him enough in the bedroom, of course you wanted to try new things but were either too embarrassed or self-conscious to tell him. 
“y/n are you in here?” he called out from the hallway, with a gentle knock at the door. the only thing you could mutter was a small ‘yes’ your voice pitching slightly as sobs caught in the back of your throat. he stepped inside, peeling his suit jacked from his muscular frame, placing it on the chair beside the door, kicking his shoes off in the process. his eyes turned to you, confusion racking his brain as he wondered why all of a sudden you had become so quiet, usually you were always so upbeat, a smile rarely leaving your lips, he walked up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you close so your back met his chest, his head resting atop your shoulder.
“what’s wrong princess?” he cooed, a serious undertone rippled through his words, masqueraded by his term of endearment. he pressed a loving kiss to the top of your shoulder. you gave a heavy sigh, resting back into his chest as he held you so lovingly, his fingers playing with yours tracing shapes into the wedding band that encircled your ring finger. 
“i just feel like i’m never going to be good enough for you as a wife or a lover” you confessed, choked sobs catching in your throat. “i want to try new things with you, but i’m too embarrassed to ask because i don’t want to disappoint you”
he said nothing, only simply pulling you in for a sweet kiss, it spoke much louder than any word that could ever leave his lips. his thumbs circling gently into your hips, lifting your legs up so that they wrapped around his waist as he guided you to the bed. you loved nothing more than his touch, you relished in it. gentle lips leaving sweet kisses to your heated skin, sucking pretty marks into your neck and the dips in your clavicles, painting your pristine skin with splotches of purples and reds, bruising the skin. his tongue swirling little circles into the places where he once kissed, dragging a wet trail from the top of your shoulder up to behind your earlobe, little moans of adoration leaving your lips. he made his point to be gentle with you, to cherish every heightened curve and crevice of your beautiful body, to listen to every whine that left through your parted lips, breathy and shallow, eyelids fluttering shut as you soaked in his praises.
“you’d never disappoint me, princess” your skin tingling as his words drifted through your ears, so calming and reassuring. his hands roaming your body so freely, carefully peeling away each layer of thin fabric that covered your modesty, his fingertips tracing shapes in and around your curves. the sight of your skin stripped bare for him, nothing but the splotches of his lust littering your skin, just as beautiful as you were the last he saw you, he loved every inch of you. “tell daddy what you want to try”
you listed off some ideas you wanted to try. three in particular stuck out to you. your cheeks flushed with a noticeable heat, thighs tightening, your cunt swelling with want, just the at thought of performing such acts. his only response was a gentle smile as he stood up, positioning himself at the edge of the bed, eyes silently beckoning you to sit between his thighs. you scrambled off the bed to meet his demands, biting your lip with anticipation as he freed his cock, his length springing free from its restraints, hitting his stomach gently as he began to pump himself slowly. your eyes never leaving his size, veins rippling through his shaft, grazing against his calloused palm as sticky pre-cum gathered at his tip. you swallowed thickly, scooting closer so his tip was millimetres from your lips, chewing the inside of your cheeks, your nerves beginning to settle in. he cupped your cheek softly, grazing a thumb over your soft skin with reassurance.
“don’t be shy, baby” he cooed, words persistent as you nodded. you were entranced, memorising it all of the tiny pulsating veins, the slight curve of his shaft, the cloudy bead of salty fluid that glistened on his tip. unknowingly you wet your lips, your heart pounding in your throat, your eyes glancing between his eyes and his cock. “go on, princess” 
you sucked in a breath, nodding once more as you placed a gentle kiss to his tip. his breath hitched in his throat, a hand softly gripping your hair. he gave out a subtle moan as you mouthed the underside of his shaft, your pretty lips sucking at the skin, tasting him, all the way up until you reached his tip. you glanced at the salty droplet, before meeting his gaze once more. he gave you a small nod willing you on. you kept your eyes locked on his, flattening your tongue as you drew shapes over his tip, tasting his saltiness. he hissed with pleasure, tightening his grip on your scalp ever so slightly, your lips gliding over his cock with ease, spit coating his shaft. he shuffled forward, closer to the edge of the bed, your movements, sloppy and untrained, you loosened your jaw, wrapping your pretty lips around his throbbing cock. you averted your gaze from him, eyes wandering as you began to suck at his tip. a low groan leaving his lips, the whole head of his cock slipping into your mouth, your jaw stretching further, both his hands locked in your hair as he began to fuck your throat gently, your head bobbing back and forth in response to his thrusts. a whine escaped your lips, the sound reverberating around his cock as he slipped deeper down your throat. you felt as if you were about to gag, your chest tightening, feeling his size fill your throat. determined to please him, you pushed through, his cock coated in your spit as he thrusted himself down your throat. his musky scent flooding your nostrils, the corners of your eyes welling with tears, trailing down your burning cheeks. his pleasured groans filling the bedroom accompanied by your moans resonating around his cock. he took a glimpse down at you, pulling his cock from your lips, leaving you gasping for air. 
“open your mouth” he simply demanded, pumping his throbbing shaft as he brought his tip to your lips once more. his cock twitching as he spilled his hot stickiness onto your tongue. you held his warmth in your cheeks unsure of what to exactly do with it. your mind battled whether or not to swallow it, your eyes peered up at him, so innocent and naive, you went with your gut feeling, swallowing his sticky warmth, much to the arousal of your husband, loving the way you swallowed so generously. he took you by the hand, helping you to your feet, your lips melding together in a passionate kiss as he laid back on the bed, kicking off his pants as he did so.
 you hovered over him, his hands guiding your hips to his lips, one kept firmly on your waist the other trailing lines up and down your thigh. your skin tingling under his touch, your wetness pooling in between your thighs, your cunt glistening with your sweetness as you hesitantly lowered yourself onto his lips. he teased your cunt with his tongue, flicking small circles into your clit, your body shuddering under the pleasure. he gave you a couple of seconds to adjust, his tongue dipped into your dripping pussy, sampling your sweetness, his thumb rubbing rough shapes into you’re the sensitive bundle of nerves. your hips began to move instinctively, almost if they had a mind of their own. he mumbled small praises into your warmth, loving the way your tight little cunt clenched around his tongue, your mouth slightly agape, pretty moans leaving your lips as you bounced on his tongue. one of his hands squeezing your plump ass, molding your supple flesh as if it was clay in the hands of a potter, kneading it so gently, his other hand trailing down his stomach, gripping his cock once more, his shaft springing to life as he stoked himself roughly, moaning loudly into your cunt. his tongue darting around your warmth, exploring ever crevice of your cunt his strong arms held you down on his lips, your pretty pussy rutting against his tongue, your defenses almost came crashing down, not before he pulled your hips up, eyes darting towards his cock, you took the hint, crawling down towards his cock, another salty bead forming at his tip, you gave it another small kitten lick, cleaning up the bead as you slipped his cock inside your tight cunt. your hips rutting against his, his hands reaching up to squeeze your tits, pinching your hard nipples between his index finger and thumb, loving the way they bounced as you rode his cock. you adored the way his size managed to fill you up, especially at such a different angle than you were used to. it was as almost you were injected with s shot of confidence, straightening your posture, back sightly arched, your tits perked up, replacing his hands with your own as your tugged as your sensitive nipples, pleading whines leaving your lips. 
“you’re doing so well for me, princess” his praised leaving goose bumps across your skin, the hair on the back of your neck standing up as you took them him. each breathy word made your cunt clench and your clit tingle, moans heavy with need as your bodied became one. his hands found their way to your hips, nails digging into your soft flesh, most likely to cause bruising, if he were to grip any harder you were sure that there would be bloodshed. each word you attempted to speak came out as nonsensical ramblings, the only words he could make out were ‘faster’ and ‘harder’’. he was never one to deny you of anything, his hips thrusted up into yours, filling your cunt with every inch of his thick cock, you leaned down to meet his lips, hips arching forward slightly as his cock filed you deeper. his lips trailing sloppy kisses across your chest, starting at your collarbones, down the valley of your breasts, before finally resting at your nipples, his tongue swirling around it, taking the sensitive nub between his teeth, twirling it as a small hiss of pleasure escaping your lips. 
“daddy, please! i’m gonna cum! oh fuck-“ you cried out, voice pitching, his hips speeding up, faster than they were before, trying his best to enhance your orgasm. your stomach tightening, pleasure washing over you in waves as your body shuddered above his. his tongue working wonders against your tits. he felt his own release burn in his chest, low groans leaving his lips as he buried his head into the crook of your neck, teeth biting down gently as he spilled his hot cum deep inside your cunt, relishing in your tight pussy throbbing around his cock as your juices seeped down his shaft. he couldn’t help but smile as the way you nuzzled into him, your lips forming a sad pout, upset that it was over. he kept himself in your warmth, fingers gently squeezing your ass.
“i’m so proud of you, princess”
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Lots to Make Up (Triple H) SMUT
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Prompts:  7 “I’m going to show you what a real fucking is.” & 30“Were you dreaming about me again?”
Warnings: Smut ahead
The gym was quiet as it could be in the late hours of the Friday evening. The only other person who had been in the gym was your big burly boss, Hunter. Most of the roster was out and about at the bars, celebrating a hard week but you had declined the offers from the girls.
Knowing that Drew McIntyre was going to be at the bar, you wanted nothing to do with that man. He’d taken you on a date after Monday Night Raw, his Scottish voice wooing you as he you’d sat down in a small pizza joint. He was sweet, he was funny. He was bad in bed. You shuddered at the reminisce of the night, lost in thought as you faced the mirror.
You hadn’t even realized you were staring at Hunter until he dropped the weights clasped in his hands and paced over to you, beads of sweat rolling down his chest in the process. “Y/L/N,” he called, leaning against the arm of your treadmill and tugging the earbud from your ear.
“Huh?” you breathed out, tripping and losing your footing. He clamped onto your arm to steady you, the red emergency stop magnet pulled bring the machine to a halt. You tried to catch your breath and glanced up at his large frame, touch igniting a fire on your arm.
“I said, were you dreaming about me again?” he chuckled at his own joke though the your absentminded expression made him unearthed . “What’s going on with you?” he asked tone serious now as he crossed his broad arms over his sweaty chest. You glanced down at your sneakers and sighed.
“I’m just tired Hunter, I’m actually going to head to bed,” you mumbled before you picked up your phone and your hoodie to step off the machine. Hunter reached out to hold your hand gingerly, playing with your fingertips.
“Talk to me,” he asked, “Please. I saw you backstage today, you were out of it. What’s going on?” Another sigh left you as you grasped his hand.
“Drew McIntyre,” you took the silence to observe your connected hands. Hunter’s eyebrows knotted. He pulled you to sit down next to him on a bench. “We just-, We slept together? If you can call it that.”
“Did he hurt you?” Hunter asked, face softening.
“He uh...he’s just not very giving,” you blurted out, suddenly looking everywhere except for your boss. How were you even having this conversation with him? Fingertips brushed along your jawline as you glanced up into Hunter’s warm eyes.
“You deserve more than that,” Hunter’s voice was husky as his hand traveled over the soft skin of your flushed cheek, “Let me show you how you should be treated.” He moved toward you, cautiously pressing his lips to yours as you hummed into his mouth. Your arm wrapped around the back of his neck as he slid you onto his thick lap. His hands pawed at your waist, climbing beneath your tank top you light your skin on fire.
You rolled your hips against his bulge, barely straining in his workout shorts. Your fingernails dug into the skin of his chest as his lips trailed down your jaw to your shoulder, sinking his teeth in and drawing out a moan from you. “I’m going to show you what a really fucking is,” he groaned against your skin, punctuating each word with his hips. Your hips began to move faster as he bucked up against you, sending electric currents up your spine. He lifted you up, swiftly pushing his shorts off his hips to his ankles, he tugged yours down to follow. His cock was thick, standing at attention as he pressed his lips to yours again.
Sitting back down on the bench, he rubbed his cock against you, spreading the wetness that had pooled up there. He pulled at the hem of your top, yanking it along with your bra off. His large hand pinched at your left breast as he slid inside you. Your hips began to move against one another, only sounds filling the gym were your moans and Hunter’s grunts as your hips slapped against one another’s.
“You look so fucking beautiful,” Hunter nibbled on your earlobe, “Riding my cock.” He hand grazed the small of your back as you rolled your hips on top of him. You began to shudder, forehead pressed against his shoulder as you came. That didn’t stop Hunter though. He pulled out of you and sat you in front of him, spreading your shaky legs. You whined lightly as your head lazily leaned back against him.
Thick fingers dug into your cunt as he licked his other hand. Whimpers spilled out of your mouth as fingers pumped you through your first orgasm. The heel of his palm pressed up against your wet clit, sending you over the edge to your second one. You cried out and wiggled against his touch.
Lips pressed against your shoulder blade, the scratching of his beard against your skin gave you goosebumps. “How was that darlin?” he asked, rubbing your thighs as you calmed down.
“So fucking good,” you whispered back, pressing a lazy kiss to his cheek. “But what about you? You didn’t finish.”
He chuckled, “I figured we could head upstairs, I’ve got a lot of shitheads to make up for.”
Taglist! Want to join? Let me know!
@sakurashortstack @jenapad @xfirespritex 
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mjfass · 3 years
So there’s rumors that Triple H might be being forced out at WWE, this probably won’t happen but what if fucking HUNTER HEARST HELMSLEY joined AEW. Imagine him stepping into the ring at Daily’s Place, shrugging, and just going “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.”
I want him to say “There’s always a plan B”.
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rawiswhore · 2 years
Val Venis x Fem Reader- "Pearl Jam"
The World Wrestling Federation's Attitude era was an era filled with controversy, but you were arguably the most controversial star from that era, and you were a woman.
Granted, there were things in the Attitude era worse than you, but you were a female who sometimes made Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Rock look downright wholesome in comparison.
The Attitude era might've been rated TV-14, but because of you, the Attitude era was nearly rated TV-MA.
The Attitude era could've even almost aired on HBO (which aired movies and TV shows with uncensored nudity and profanity) instead of the USA Network and UPN because of you, damn, imagine if that happened.
Because you were so infamous for your controversy in the Attitude era, during the late 1990's, you cut this promo where you looked at the camera with a smirk on your face and mentioned how a lot of pearl clutchers don't like you as well as the World Wrestling Federation.
A pearl clutcher is by definition, a prudish person who is easily offended by something they deem vulgar or offensive.
Yeah, no doubt there were lots of pearl clutchers upset over the Attitude era---especially the Parents Television Council---who eventually would be parodied in the WWF as Right to Censor---a group of prudes protesting and censoring vulgar, obscene content in the World Wrestling Federation.
After stating how pearl clutchers don't like you, Val Venis appeared behind your back, where with his signature grin on his face, one of his hands reached out and placed at your vulva--specifically where your clitoris is, and his hand squeezed where your clit is.
His hand squeezed your clit that was covered by your pants, and you were fully clothed during this promo.
His index and middle fingers pinched and squeezed where your clitoris is, your clit sandwiched in between the tips of his fingers.
"But there's some pearl clutchers out there who do like me" you added with a grin on your face, saying that smugly and smoothly while Val squeezed your clit.
A slang term for a clitoris is a pearl, even back in the 90's "pearl" was slang for a clitoris.
The camera zoomed in on Val's hand squeezing your crotch.
Soon, the camera didn't film you and Val, but instead cut to a black background with the World Wrestling Federation's white scratch logo as its known and the words "Attitude" under that logo.
You want so many sexy male wrestlers to squeeze your clitoris in this promo, like Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, Christian Cage, and Hunter Hearst Helmsley/D Generation X era Triple H (and other wrestlers not in the WWF), but it would be impossible for that many wrestlers to have one of their hands grab your clit.
Plus, Val Venis is easily the most sexual out of all of these men, so it made sense.
Ironically enough, Val Venis eventually did become a pearl clutcher who joined Right to Censor, and you nearly were a member of Right to Censor, but you refused to join and never did join that group.
You even called Right to Censor out on their bullshit and said how Val Venis not too long ago was a porn star and the Godfather was a pimp (he, too, was a member of RTC), and you got the biggest pop from wrestling fans you had ever gotten.
During this promo where Val Venis squeezes your clitoris, he could've easily slipped his hand under your pants and squeezed your clit.
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aritamargarita · 2 years
I've created my own professional wrestling original character who lives rent free in my head, and my pro wrestling OC I've imagined has had sex with a LOT of sexy professional wrestlers: Shawn Michaels, Jeff Hardy, Hunter Hearst Helmsley/Triple H, Rob Van Dam, Raven, Val Venis, Christian Cage, Chris Jericho, and the list goes on. She's also done some rather sexual moments on television with some of these men.
you know what? I RESPECT IT! she’s living my dream ngl
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aj-the-cat · 4 years
(Fuck it, a week early then when i had originally scheduled it to come out)
~ Chapter 1 ~ Masterlist
Word count: 2096
Scorpion’s Roost
Solidarity, Texas
"My god Shawn, do you ever sit still?"
Shawn Michaels squirmed on his horses saddle, itching to get up and move around but the man on the other horse was not having it. "It's uncomfortable, Hunter! You know I can't do long rides. And besides, the dude in El Paso was so rough in me, it felt like he was going to-"
Hunter made a retching sound. "I don't want to hear about your sex life!" Shawn let out an offended gasp.
"But I'm your best friend!"
"That doesn't matter!"
Shawn remained silent as the horses continued on their path. They trotted through Ginger's Plain, observing a fence around a certain area and the very little vegetation. Shawn broke the silence of the place. "Why'd they call this place Ginger's Plain? I see no red anything, and I certainly see no ginger's runnin' around." Hunter shook his head. "I don't have any clue. C'mon, lets hurry up. We can get to the next town a little past noon if we keep going."
The sun beamed brightly overhead as the two bandits finally made their way to the town sign. "Thank god! My ass is killing me!" Shawn hopped off his horse, staggering a little but still remained on his feet. Hunter shook his head and got off his horse as well, claiming his trusty sledgehammer off his horses rump and sheathing it on his back.
The two bandits walked their horses into town, earning stares from some townsfolk. Shawn looked around, examining every building until one caught his eye. "Sweet! This town has a horse stable, we can leave our horses there while we drink in the saloon." Hunter quickly shot that idea down. "And waste our money? We can just leave our horses outside the saloon for free, and if we need an escape, they're right there." Shawn groaned, but complied with Hunters words.
They walked to the saloon and tied their horses on the poles outside.
The saloon wasn't too flashy, but it did stand out. Everything was quiet inside. "Shouldn't there be a piano man or somethin' in there? Seems dead." Shawn whispered. Hunter slapped him on the back of the head. "Not all saloon's are the same, idiot. If it's quiet, it should stay quiet." Hunter put a finger in Shawn's face. "That means no flirting with the patrons." The shirtless bandit rolled his eyes.
They walked inside and noticed the place empty, except a single table with people playing poker, a shadowed man drinking in the corner and the bartender cleaning a glass. When she heard the bootsteps, she looked up from the glass at the two bandits in the doorway. "Y'all just gonna stand there or am I gonna pour you a glass?" She called out.
Shawn, ever the giddy drinker, quickly walked over to a seat at the bar. "A beer my fine lady." He tried to put on his best charm, winking at the bartender, but she wasn't fazed. She poured his beer and set it down in front of him, ignoring the immediate gulps from him. "What what about you, Nosey? What'll you have?" She called out to Hunter.
Hunter went to grab his nose but stopped midway. "Uh, I don't drink. I think a water is just fine for me, thank you." He sat down beside Shawn who had already finished his glass. The bartender set down the glass of water in front of Hunter and asked, "Never seen ya around here, Nosey. What your name?" Hunter politely set down his glass and replied, "Hunter Hearst Helmsley. But just Triple H or Hunter if fine. Thats Shawn Michaels-" Shawn let out a very unpleasent burp and waved -"My best friend. What about you?"
The bartender smiled. "Call me Chyna. You two seem very interesting, where do y'all come from?" Hunter choked on his water and Shawn snorted. Chyna's eyes twinkled in amusement as the shirtless one of the two beat the other on the back, and the other sputtered and coughed.
Laughing, Shawn replied, "He HATES getting asked that question. Never been good at telling his background so I will tell." Hunter flipped his head around to face Shawn. "SHAWN! Don't you *cough* d-dare!" Placing his finger over Hunter's lips, Shawn cleared his throat and lifted his other finger up.
"You see, this man was born with a silver spoon so far down his throat that it was impossible for him to be seen outside his mansion up in Conneticut. All his life he was a spoiled little rat-" Hunter glared at Shawn, still having his finger on his lips- "Hell, by the time he was 12 he already owned a couple acres of land and a couple slaves. He was so miserable. I found him by hopping a train that led to where he lived and I broke him out of that hell hole. We've been best friends ever since."
Shawn removed his finger from Hunters lips and smiled innocently. Chyna giggled as Hunter fumed, wringing his hands in attempt to not strangle his friend. "Thank you for that, Shawn." He growled. Shawn tipped his cowboy hat. "No problem, ol' friend of mine."
Hunter facepalmed and sipped a bit of his water. "I come from Dallas, bein' a bandit is all I ever known. My parents got shot while I was 13 and I learned to shoot a gun at 14. Been hittin' the roads ever since." Shawn smiled and looked at Chyna expectantly. Her eyes twinkled in amusement at the two idiots in front of her.
Chyna grabbed the men's ears and pulled them to her face, Hunter almost knocking down his water. "I'll tell ya what. You two seem interesting, and nothing ever interesting ever goes on here. I wanna join you two on your adventures." She let their ears go and their eyes widened.
Shawn grabbed Hunter's shoulders and turned both of them around on the bar seats. In a low whisper, he talked to Hunter. "Ya hear this?! We can start a group like we always wanted! And nobody would expect a woman!" Shawn looked back at Chyna and she winked.
"She is pretty, and she seems smart too. We could definately use her on heists." Hunter replied. Shawn smiled wide. "This is our big break! We'll be known all across the nation!" Hunter shook his head. "Don't let your ego get in the way." Shawn let go of Hunters shoulders and placed a hand over his heart. "I do not have an ego!" Hunter snorted. "You so do."
Shawn opened his mouth to retort back but was interrupted by the sound of spurs and bootsteps, as well as a heavy accented voice yelling. "I'll wring that stack o' dimes you call a neck someday, Vince! Don't you forget that!"
Both Shawn and Hunter froze at the voice. "Austin." They both said. Shawn climbed over the bar counter and grabbed Chyna's leg. "Hide me! Please!" Using her other leg, she kicked open a hidden cabinet and Shawn climbed inside. Hunter was about to climb over the bar but Chyna stopped him. "Only room for one. You'll have to face this rattlesnake alone." She pointed to the door just as Austin was walking in.
Austin whipped his head around from looking at something and his blue eyes narrowed as he saw Hunter. Hunter gulped as he saw Austin's hand clench into a fist. "Helmsley." He growled. Chyna put on a bored expression and walked to the other side of the bar, where the shadowed man sat. "I don't see yer partner. Come to MY town alone?" Hunter nodded slowly.
Austin chuckled and quickly whipped out his gun. "Well too bad for you. By order of the town of Scorpion's Roost, you are under arrest for your life of crime as a bandit. Any last words before I shoot you?" Hunter slowy shrugged. "Uh, beer sucks?"
"Wrong answer!"
Hunter ducked just in time for a bullet to shoot right where his head was, making a bottle of tequila explode. He crawled on the floor and between Austin's legs to the door. He stood up and yelled, "I got places to be! See ya!" And hightailed it out of the saloon.
Cursing, Austin ran after the blonde and yelled after him.
Hearing that the coast was clear, Shawn emerged from his hiding place and slowly looked over the bar. No bald-headed bounty hunters. All was clear. Sughing in relief, he climbed back over the bar and settled in a chair. "Thank god that's over. He scares the bejeezus outta me." He reached for his beer glass and found it empty.
Shawn looked to the other side of the bar for Chyna and saw her pouring shots for the shadowed man he saw earlier. He smirked and got out of his chair, sauntering over to where the man sat.
Leaning against the bar, Shawn made sure to puff out his shirtless chest and put on his best charm. "Hiya, Tex. Nice set of legs ya got there. What time do they open?" The shadowed man downed his last shot and set the glass upside down on the bar. Shawn got a glimpse of piercing green eyes and midnight black hair as the man got up from his seat. His heart raced as the man walked away, but he stopped.
"Put it on my tab, Chyna." He growled out and walked away, heavy boots clunking on the floorboards. Shawns heart was racing a million miles a minute and butterflies found their way inside his stomach. "Who was that?" He whispered out, still staring at the door.
Chyna picked up the glasses and put them under the bar. "Nobody knows. Everybody just calls him The Undertaker. He works at the local funeral parlor and comes in here once a week." Shawn's imagination fired up as he remembered the large frame of the man, now known to him as The Undertaker, and imagined his large hands gliding across-
"SHAWN!" Hunter burst through the doors of the saloon, making Shawn snap out of his day dream. Hunter's sledgehammer was out of its sheath and in its owners hands, making Shawn wonder what had happened to make his friend pull out his hammer. "We gotta hide for a while. I managed to lose Austin, but not for long."
Hunter ran over and grabbed Shawn's arm and pulled him towards the door. Chyna waved at the two bandits and set up a tab for Shawn and Hunter, and put The Undertaker's shots on his existing tab.
Outside, the sun was falling towards the horizon. Hunter and Shawn ran to the hotel across the street and burst in their doors. "We need a room. Now." Hunter said, very breathless. He put his sledgehammer on the counter to make a warning to the lady. Shawn had his hand on his gun and was surveying the surrounding area. The woman at the counter shakily pointed upstairs. Top floor, last one on the left." Hunter nodded and both bandits went upstairs.
Going to the room and locking themselves in, they sat on the floor and Hunter caught his breath. "We made it, oh thank god." Hunter thought about his safety in the room. Meanwhile, Shawn's mind wandered to The Undertaker and his green eyes. He usually could forget people and what they looked like, but this man had a hold on his mind.
Shawn usually had his mind hardwired on sex, alcohol and his mischevious antics. But this time things were different. His cheeks burned as he thought about the man more and more. 'God what is happening?' He thought to himself.
Hunter noticed his friend looking a little sick. "Shawn, buddy, you ok?" He snapped his fingers in front of Shawn's face, making the other man jump. "Hunter what the hell?!" Hunter noticed Shawn's pink cheeks but ignored it. "Shawn, you ok? You spaced out." Shawn waved off Hunter. "Im fine."
Hunter nodded and layed on the ground, not even bothering to tour the room. Shawn followed suit and looked up at the ceiling and was lost in thought. 
Eventually, the sun went down fully and the half moon glowed brightly in the sky. Hunter had fallen asleep, but Shawn was still wide awake and deep in his thoughts.
Who was this man Shawn's mind had grabbed on to? Shawn had to find out. Closing his eyes, he decided that in the morning he would find out. Sleep soon took over him and cast him away to a dream-filled night.
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rainchyna · 3 years
triple h kinks 🥺
we're whores 🥺
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warnings! [smutty, language, gn!reader]
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[sir + public sex]
as a man who's historically called himself daddy several times, you'd expect the daddy kink to be obvious,,, but dawg, i just know he likes being called sir. oof, can you imagine, you're at work, minding your own business and you're talking to him and you accidentally call him sir and he's like "y/n, i swear to god-" "i didn't mean it like that! you're the one who thought of it like that!". teasing him with it is so much fun, "here's the paper work you asker for, sir" "seriously? in my office? what if i fuck you right here, right now? do you want everyone to hear how much of a slut you are for me y/n, huh?" he wants everyone to know that you are only his, even if it means them walking into you getting your guts rearranged. he's convinced you to go at it in public several times, the thought of someone hearing you or potentially catching you is hella intriguing to him.
[degradation + praise]
depends on his mood and how you've been acting. if he's in a good mood, and you've been a pretty angel who listens to what they're told then expect a lot of "good job, baby" "you're doing so well for me" "so good, you're so good for me" "so pretty, you deserve everything" "you just say, there's nothing that i wouldn't do for you" "my pretty baby", but if he's in a bad mood and you've been a menace, well shit. "since you wanted to be slut, i'll fuck you like one" "good for nothing but being used" "look at yourself, a fuckin' whore" "do you like being a brat? huh, answer my question you slut" "look at you, like a bitch in heat, you love when i'm rough with you, don't you?"
[brat tamer]
nothing that hunter loves more than putting you in your place and reminding you that you belong to him, he's the authority. can tell when you're being bratty on purpose, just to have him get all angry, and overtime he's learned that the only way to have you behave is by (i.) giving you the cold shoulder, ignoring you for the whole day, he just leaves you hanging there all needy and whiney, begging for him to touch after you've disobeyed him, and even if you touch yourself it'll just get worse for you. or, (ii.) immediately taking action, literally putting you in your place, punishments are common here. "look at you, if you hadn't been such a fuckin' brat, good god, if you had kept that fuckin' smart ass mouth shut, you wouldn't have been here. slut"
literally dizzy
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littletroubledgrrrl · 4 years
Various WWF Wrestlers x Fem Reader- “Sexercise”
Professional wrestling is known as sports entertainment, especially the WWF, which would eventually be known as the WWE, which stands for World Wrestling Entertainment.
Keyword: sports.
Besides steroids, sports involves a lot of athleticism as well as exercise and working out.
And of course, pro wrestlers exercise in the gym.
Since joining the WWF in 1996, you've seen some pro wrestlers exercise in various gyms and exercised with them even.
Gyms have locker rooms, a place you've had sex in with a few pro wrestlers.
In 1997, there's some wrestlers who are starting to get so much hotter and sexier in the looks department, though others are starting to lose their looks and leave the company!
Since you've exercised at a few gyms with these wrestlers as well as did other things, you have an idea.
In June of that year, both the WWF and WCW exercised at Gold's Gym in Venice Beach, California, and that's mostly a wonderful thing.
Why mostly? I'll tell you later.
After you exercised for a little while, you walked up to Shawn Michaels, the sex symbol of the WWF, who was busy walking on a treadmill.
You told him an idea you had planned in mind with him, and he loved your idea.
He wasn't the only one you shared your idea with.
You looked around the gym, trying to find other wrestlers you wanted to do this plan with, until your eyes caught that wrestler you wanted.
You walked up to that wrestler, who was busy lifting weights or doing some bench presses or whatever, exercising, and told him an idea you had involving him.
Did he love your idea? Yes he did!
Some other wrestlers could see you talking with that wrestler, and seeing you talk with these wrestlers, they knew something was up.
When you talked with each wrestler you wanted, you entered the ladies locker room first, which was luckily completely empty.
Though, you wonder if you should do it in the ladies locker room or men's locker room.
Some of these other wrestlers, but not together, walked into the ladies locker room, which hopefully other wrestlers busy working out won't see.
Some of them actually could see you enter the women's locker room, wondering why there are a few men walking separately from one another and entering the ladies locker room.
After you got undressed and some of these other wrestlers you invited had pulled their shorts down, you were sitting on Davey Boy Smith's lap, where he was sitting on the end of a bench in the locker room, your back was right in front of his torso.
His cock was up your asshole, and you were bouncing and riding up and down his shaft, his hands were holding onto your hips as you rode him.
Shawn Michaels was in front of you, where he thrust his cock back and forth, in and out of your pussy hole.
This was before Shawn told Davey Boy he wanted to win the match Davey wanted to win to dedicate it to his dying sister.
The former Billy Gunn was now known as RockaBilly and he had his blond hair back, which is a good thing, and his erection was pointing in your face, where your fingers were wrapped around his shaft, pumping and jerking off his dick.
Rob Van Dam was standing on the opposite side of RockaBilly, his erection was pointing in your face as well, and your mouth was busy sucking on his cock, your mouth and lips going up and down his shaft.
Hunter Hearst Helmsley and Jeff Hardy were standing at both of your tits, their erections pointing at your nipples, where they rubbed the tips of their cocks around in circles on your areolas as well as jacked their cocks off.
They didn't jerk each other's cocks, as in Hunter jerking off Jeff's cock and vice versa.
You love having sex in the locker room, especially getting gangbanged, it gives you as well as these wrestlers the feel of being in a porno.
You just hope what you're doing in the locker room won't get you and these other wrestlers arrested for indecent exposure, but you're all doing this in privacy.
People get naked in locker rooms all the time.
Actually, you have thought of doing it on one of the exercise equipment in the gym, though you really might get arrested for indecent exposure, so will maybe these other wrestlers as well.
You regret that you didn't have an orgy in a gym's locker room back in 1996 with some other wrestlers you thought were sexy then.
While you were busy sucking on Rob's cock, precum was spilling out of the slit of his penishead, but of course, your mouth was there to swallow his cum.
Rob was leaning his head back, his eyes rolled to the back of his head over how good this feels, but he was still trying to look at you as well as your tits bouncing.
Precum was spilling down RockaBilly's shaft, helping make it slipperier, but some of his precum was splatting on your face, and that's what you really want.
RockaBilly, too, was leaning his head back over how good it feels to masturbate him.
Hunter and Jeff were leaning their heads back, their eyes rolling to the tops of their heads.
Luckily your eyes were closed thanks to one man's cock up your pussy and another's is up your asshole, and the feel of their cocks inside you made your eyes close.
Your face turned over to RockaBilly's cock, where you proceeded to start sucking on his erection, swallowing his precum on his shaft and dripping out of his slit.
Even though RockaBilly is getting hotter and sexier again, while you're sucking him off, you're imagining you're sucking RockaBilly in April of 1997, that's the hottest he's ever looked so far.
Your other hand wrapped your fingers around Rob's shaft, where you proceeded to pump up and down his shaft, your fingers feeling the precum that trickled down it.
Your hand pointed his cock to your face, although his penis was pointing at your face already, it wasn't really necessary.
Blood was filling up your clitoris as you were getting fucked by two men and was giving one man head while jacking another one off while two other men were rubbing the tips of their cocks in circles on your areolas, all of these wrestlers surrounding you are so hot and sexy.
Meanwhile, while Jeff and Hunter were rubbing the tips of their cocks in circles on your areolas over and over again, their precum was spilling down your tits as well as their shafts.
Despite Jeff and Hunter being so much hotter than Rob and RockaBilly in your opinion, you made them rub the tips of their penises in circles on your areolas because your nipples and areolas are very sensitive, and having two sexy men rub the tips of their cocks on very sensitive parts of your body is wonderful.
It isn't just your nipples that are sensitive, their penisheads as well as their shafts are sensitive as well, although these men in this gangbang's shafts are sensitive in general, and this is a huge joyride for all of them.
Hunter's hair was hanging down completely, no little braids tied in his hair, no ribbon tying his hair into a ponytail,  just letting his long beautiful locks hang down.
As you were riding up and down Davey's cock, your tits were bouncing.
These wrestlers surrounding you were watching you ride and bounce up and down Davey's cock, they had ear-to-ear smiles plastered on their faces, loving seeing your tits bouncing.
While you were busy getting fucked, your moans were filling up the locker room, they could distinctly be heard from outside the room.
Some throaty, gravelly groans were even filling up the locker room and could be heard.
Wonder if people working out in the gym can hear you moaning?
Or even worse...Shawn, Billy, Hunter, Rob, Davey and you weren't in the gym and haven't shown up for quite a while, where could they be?
Though, you actually don't mind if people are watching you get fucked by who you think are the sexiest men on the WWF roster.
Speaking of moaning, when you were sucking on Rob and RockaBilly's cocks, separately, you were moaning while their dicks were in their mouths, their shafts feeling your breath on the side, which felt so good for them.
Jeff and Hunter didn't also just rub the tips of their penises around in circles on your areolas, but suddenly rubbed them up and down your areolas instead.
Some wrestlers working out in the gym were concerned.
Where's Shawn? Hunter? Why haven't they shown up?
One wrestler getting a drink of water by the fountain could hear some moans coming from the women's locker room, sounds like someone having sex.
You actually kind of wish some other WWF and maybe even some WCW wrestlers could join in on your gangbang, except they could jack their dicks off on your face.
Maybe next time, it could even be now.
One wrestler from WCW ended up walking into the women's locker room, only to find you having an orgy with various other WWF wrestlers you've fucked.
His eyes grew wild seeing that, so much, he rushed out of the locker room and told some other wrestlers that you're getting fucked in the women's locker room.
Other wrestlers probably knew you were getting fucked in the locker room, some didn't bother, others wanted to see it.
Pretty soon, some other wrestlers did see you having an orgy with various wrestlers, which made their eyes pop out and jaws drop, others had ear to ear smiles seeing them, roaring "yyyyyyyyyeaaaaaaaaahhh!" and pumping their fists.
Wonder if any of them are gonna pull their cell phones out and call the police?
You're really tempted to ask some other wrestlers now to join this gangbang and jerk off on your face, but they probably can't see your hand motions asking you to join.
Plus, you're picky about who you want to have sex with.
You should've asked this before you had this orgy!
Davey wants to put his hands on your breasts and caress them, so does Shawn, but they're gonna end up getting sperm on their fingers and hands.
However, Davey did proceed to start sliding his hands up and down your body, you could feel tingles of his hands when they ran up and down your body.
Jeff and Hunter (as well as probably some other male wrestlers) probably wanna suck on your tits, and you regret you didn't let them suck your breasts, but whatever.
Having you go through so much sexual pleasure by having someone's cock brushing in and out of your twat while another person caressed your body while thrusting in and out of your anus (and two men were rubbing the tips of their dicks in circles over and over your sensitive areolas), all of this felt so good, that you cried and yelped out so loudly you officially came on Shawn's cock, the tip of his penis drenched in your gooey, salty white cum, your clitoris thumping like a heartbeat.
But, it isn't over until all of these men cum.
Hearing you let out that high pitched cry and other wrestlers in front of you seeing your face scrunch up, that means you must've came.
Speaking of Jeff and Hunter, they've been on your tits for long enough, so your fingers slipped off of Rob and RockaBilly's shafts, only for your hands to reach out and wrap your fingers around Hunter and Jeff's shafts instead.
Your hands gently pulled Hunter and Jeff's shafts towards your face, which made their feet walk a bit.
They knew it was their turn next, and RockaBilly and Rob knew now it's their turn to play with your tits.
Rob and RockaBilly shuffled a bit towards your breasts, walking sideways, whereas Hunter and Jeff walked sideways until they stopped when they were next to your face.
You leaned your face into Jeff's cock, letting his penis enter your mouth, wrapping your lips around his shaft.
Your other hand was cranking up and down Hunter's shaft, jacking him off.
His shaft was slippery thanks to his precum dripping down it, but that's okay, actually.
Not only had it dripped down his shaft and gotten on one of your breasts, some of it shot out of his slit and got on your face, which is what you want.
RockaBilly and Rob had their erections in their hands, nudging the tips of their cocks on your areolas, where they ran the tips of their penises in circles over and over on your areolas, their shafts in the palms of their hands, jerking their dicks off.
RockaBilly and Rob were staring down at your tits, glazed in white precum, precum dripping down your breasts looking like melted candle wax.
Those wide ear-to-ear smiles were still spread across their faces, staring and looking down at your tits.
While you were sucking off Jeff Hardy, your mouth was sucking his precum on his shaft and swallowing it once it transferred to your mouth, gulping down precum that poured out of the slit of his penishead.
While you sucked him off, while Jeff was pretty hot in May and June of 1997, you were imagining you were performing fellatio on Jeff the way he looked in February of this year, how HOT did he look that month?
You couldn't decide what man to suck off first, they're both so hot!
Pretty soon, you heard Davey release a very throaty groan from his mouth, his eyes tightly shutting and his hands gripping onto your hips.
Yep, he came inside of you.
And he was the first one to cum in you.
You want to suck off Hunter before he officially cums, so you shifted your face to where Hunter's cock was, Jeff's cock exiting your mouth.
Hunter's cock poked into your mouth, where you began to suck his cock, swallowing the cum off of his shaft and dripping out of his penishead's slit, your lips circulating around his shaft.
Your head bobbed up and down his shaft, your mouth going automatically up his penis from you sucking his cock.
Your hand on Jeff's cock, however, continued to pump up and down his shaft, aiming his cock at your face.
Your eyes were closed just in case Jeff cums on your face.
Some of Jeff's precum did get on your face, while other precum trickled down his shaft.
Like the other men, yes RockaBilly and Rob did lean their heads back over how good it feels to masturbate, only to lift their heads up and look down at their cocks.
They weren't the only ones, Hunter and Jeff, too, did this, although Hunter and Jeff did try to keep their heads up and look at you.
Despite that Davey jizzed inside your asshole, you're not quite sure what to do, even he doesn't know what to do.
If he should still fuck you even though he came inside you, or get someone else to fuck your asshole.
"Hey y/n" Davey said, tapping your arm with the tip of his index finger.
You're busy right now getting fucked, you can't really talk with him now.
He figures you're getting banged now, so...
Pretty soon, another throaty groan was heard, his eyes tightened and his mouth grimaced looking like he's in pain.
That throaty, gravelly groan came from RockaBilly, who came on one of your breasts.
RockaBilly's cock was getting more flaccid after he ejaculated, and you don't know what to do with him now that he's came.
You should've talked with him and the other wrestlers about this before you got fucked.
You'd love to have Jeff and Hunter's cocks both inside your mouth at the same time, that way they can both cum in your mouth, though it would also be awesome if they both came on your face.
One by one, but not a few seconds after the other, many various pro wrestlers jizzed on you or inside of you.
Shawn came inside your pussy, releasing a very gravelly groan out when he came, Rob was after him, exclaiming he's gonna cum only to follow that shout with his slit releasing his jizz, and Jeff and Hunter were the last ones to cum.
Hunter came inside your mouth whereas Jeff jizzed on your face.
Yep, after they all came on you or inside of you, it was over!
For them, anyway.
When you opened your eyes, you looked and noticed some wrestlers from WWF and WCW looking at you.
You figured that they were watching you, you could hear the roars and cheers coming from them.
Davey pulled you off of his lap, his flaccid penis falling out of your anus, your asshole having cum dripping out of it.
When Shawn pulled his cock out of your twat, cum was seeping out of your pussyhole.
And ppcocaine calls herself a cumslut, HA!
You actually let Shawn rub the tip of his cock on both of your areolas, but you didn't let Davey do it because his cock has been dirtied by your anus.
Before you could have sex with the new few men, you cleaned Jeff, Hunter, RockaBilly, Rob and Shawn's cocks by sucking them, in that order, but you didn't give them all blowjobs at the same time.
You didn't suck Davey's penis because, again, his penis has been up your germy asshole.
Once all of their cocks and dicks were clean, you saw Brian Pillman and Scott Taylor looking at you, and you invited those two to join you.
They were both excited to bang and fuck you, Brian walking up to you with his signature shit eating grin.
You wanted to confront other wrestlers who might be exercising in the gym, hopefully they'll say yes.
You told Davey to go talk with Bret exercising and tell him you're waiting in the locker room for Bret to fuck you in an orgy.
When Davey told Bret, he heard the sex noises coming out of the locker room, and he figured you were having sex in there, and if it wasn't you,  it was Sunny.
Bret reluctantly did join in on your little gangbang, he shouldn't be such a putz and be okay with you fucking.
One wrestler you wanted to join you from WCW was one called Lex Luger, who was once hyped as being the next Hulk Hogan in the WWF, but that didn't go over too well.
You soon were having Brian fuck your cunt with his cock while you sucked off Scott Taylor and jerked off Lex Luger, then vice versa, whereas the tip of Bret's penis was running in circles on both of your areolas, fucking you like the previous men did.
You eventually let Bret get a blowjob and handjob from you.
Could these men have squeezed between Rob and RockaBilly getting blowjobs and handjobs while Hunter and Jeff were rubbing the tips of their cocks in circles on your areolas, and vice versa?
While you were sucking off Scott, while he is pretty cute, you were imagining he was someone hotter, like Shawn.
Brian was acting no different from the nutcase he plays in the WWF.
You know you and these wrestlers have a job, but you wish you could have all of the sex you wanted, even if you were busy having to rehearse lines and they were busy rehearsing matches and their script.
Reading the one star reviews for Cardi B and Megan thee Stallion's "WAP" on iTunes as well as the recent comments for ppcocaine's "DDLG" music video, people are leaving comments saying things like "this is musical pornography!", "what's wrong with this generation of women?", "this generation is going downhill!", etc.
Imagine if they read my fanfiction, which is set in the 1990's?
My fanfics, especially the ones involving orgies, are arguably way more sexually explicit than "WAP" and "DDLG" could ever be.
Though, "WAP" is the biggest song in the world and perhaps the #1 song of this year, and "DDLG" is blowing up in popularity and those are things that are mainstream.
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moondustimagines · 6 years
I do find the lack of sir Hunter Hearst Helmsley to be quite outrageous. We need a civilized man, not some sort of rapscallion who speaks in some certainly devilish accent that is not his native tongue! It is because of this that I humbly request these things you call "headcanons" about our noble Connecticut Blueblood's, er, how you say...."stroke game?" (yes, the pre-hhh fancy boi.)
I can’t stop imagining him saying ‘stroke game’ now
-He always puts his pleasure first. He is, of course, the most important
-He’s so fucking smug when you moan for him
-If you go down on him he is very controlling, he guides your head the whole time
-He won’t let you pull his hair (it secretly really turns him on but he won’t admit it)
-Unless he really cares about you, he doesn’t care if you finish or not
I love every version of Trips but this one is my least favourite
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tigermaskdan · 7 years
Dickbag of the PPV: Survivor Series 2017
Last night’s Survivor Series was a pretty great show.  From top to bottom, competitive and compelling matches with generally clean but close outcomes made for an incredible enjoyable night of wrestling.  
Hats off in particular to the four teams from the tag division for showing up and putting on some incredible wrestling.  I’m hard pressed to think of a better time for tag wrestling in WWE since the Hardy/Dudley/E&C days.  Great teams that work as a unit doing new and inventive spots, the finish to Usos vs the Bar was brilliant.
What I also found remarkable was that, for the most part, the people I was rooting for as a fan all lost, but I still enjoyed the show.  I was pulling for New Day, Bliss, Miz and AJ, as well as SmackDown on the whole, and they all lost, but I still was entertained! Imagine that!
BUT…there was also a main event, which brings me to:
Dickbag of the Pay-Per-View:
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Hunter. Hearst. The Worst. Helmsley.  When are you going to go away? When? Never? Aren’t your muscles just one small non-contact injury away from all ripping off your bones under the strain?  You’re the wrestling equivalent to that Dad that wants to tell you he can play a song on guitar that you play on Guitar Hero.  NO ONE GIVES A SHIT! Go away, we’re just trying to have fun.
The Survivor Series team building started off alright.  Sure we had the old guy GMs at the helm, but they were surrounded by “young” (I mean, Roode’s 40) talent.  Then all the sudden, the roster from WWE Day of Reckoning decides to pop in and take over the team.  
I get why they did it too.  Look at TLC.  Nobody gave a shit, then suddenly they added Kurt Angle and we all ate it up.  I ate it up.   I still popped tonight when Kurt’s music hit!  I love that potato of a man!  Then Triple H started doing scattered tour dates and people ate it up!  Hardy’s at Wrestlemania got the biggest return pop I’ve ever heard!  So this being WWE they decided “GUESS EVERYONE LIKES OLD GUYS, BETTER BRING ‘EM ALL BACK!”
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It went about as you’d expected.  The young guys we quickly disposed of.  Even John Cena was in and out in like 5 minutes.  From then on it was the Triple H show for the last 15 minutes.
Lately I’ve read a lot of younger fans say things like, “He was great against guys like Jeff Hardy, and started nXt!” I’ve heard older fans say things like “He was awesome in the Attitude Era, I’d love to see that again!”
You think the Authority was onerous?  Try the Goddamned Reign of Terror.  Raw was such a fucking chore to watch.  Just Triple H burying contender after contender.  Every week started with a 30 minute Evolution segment where he just shat on his opponent.  Kane, Booker T, Scott Steiner, RVD, Jericho, all fucking neutered by Triple H.  Even guys who got over on him like Goldberg or Randy Orton eventually got shat on and Triple H got his belt back.  Benoit was really the only one to get over him until Batista finally ended the Reign of Terror, and even then, Benoit was beat by Orton who was beat by….Triple H.
“Tiger Dan, you loathsome canteen of whale puss, that was a long time ago.  He’s put tons of guys over since!”
Well ox-felator, can I call you ox-felator? Yes ox-felator.  Here’s the thing about Triple H: he never goes away.  Even when he puts guys over, it’s all about him. No matter what angle he’s in, he becomes the center of attention.  He’s the one out making the big promos.  Getting the upper hand in the build.  Basically after all his Attitude Era peers left, he stopped sharing the spotlight with anyone that wasn’t Shawn Michaels.
The main event was the most Triple H-est thing that ever happened.  He wasn’t in the build at all.  He was the only one on his team not wearing a RAW shirt (opting, of course, to wear a special made red Triple H shirt).  He had his cute little moments with the nXt guys, and then BOOM!  The people that you want to see wrestle were all gone.  Nak, Roode, Joe, Balor, gone.  The only full timers left were Braun, and Randy “Please become a Part-Time” Orton.
And from then on, it was a slow confusing finish that was all about Triple H.  Sure Braun got do to the “send them home happy” power-slams, but did Braun really need it?  And wouldn’t him being the sole survivor been even better? Did Triple H need to even be in this match to set up his and Angle’s Wrestlemania match?  Why?
Because it’s always about Triple H.
What bums me out is that the rest of the show was so good, and this really, truly would’ve been an opportunity to finally give the new generation the rub.  You had four former nXt champs and the company’s monster of the future in this match.  You could’ve had them all take out the old guard, still have your Triple H vs Angle thing, and made the finish something to remember.   Instead it was just another match about Triple H, and I’m sick of shows being about Triple H.
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