#hunting nomad
birdsoprey · 1 year
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This Striking Image Won Our ‘Pictures of the Year’ Photo Contest - by Nina Strochlic | The National Geographic - Photography | 17th/01/2023 Asiilbek, a nomadic Kazakh eagle hunter, preps his golden eagle, Burged, for a horseback hunt in the grasslands outside of Bayan-Ölgii, the westernmost province of Mongolia. The eagle’s training begins when fledglings are captured from their cliff edge nests and taught how to hunt for hare, fox, and even deer. The tradition stretches back 3,000 years.
“For this image, I was lying on my stomach in the prone position looking through the electronic viewfinder at the edge of the stream,” says photographer Eric Esterle. “The ground shook as Asiilbek's horse passed less than a few feet away, splashing me with ice cold water. I remember covering my camera with my body and putting my head down.”
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black-suns-rim · 3 months
The Death Of Nomad (short comic)
Before anyone yells at me, this IS NOT CANON FOR NOMAD’S MAIN LORE. This is in the PHG universe. You can go harass @thenomadclan for more information since he commissioned me to make this.
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breezypunk · 2 months
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Would you choose them as your companions to adventure with?
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piroshky · 1 year
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The Altai Eagle Festival hosted in Mongolia, Vlad Sokolovsky.
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xxnomadsxx · 2 months
The Nomads AU, it’s been a while since I’ve sent in an ask BUT idea: what if Barb actually won and went through with the rock zombie apocalypse? Then months later finds out there’s this patch of land in the forest NOT conquered by the rock trolls or taken over. Cuz like, tbh I wouldn’t put it past the ferals and the grey trolls to hide underground and kill the zombies to maintain their survival. It’s not an infection AU so they don’t need to worry about contamination either…
It's been a while since I've posted so we're in the same boat😅
As for the question- the ferals and grey trolls already live underground (easy camouflage)
The ferals and grey trolls have enough rations to last YEARS underground!!(Branch is very big on storaging) The society in the village goes about the same, only difference is there in quarantined (much to the ferals dismay) Any survivors are immediately welcomed with open arms to avoid the rockpocalypse.
The only problem is the grey trolls don't want to kill the rock zombies. I mean these used to be there friends and family and sure they both look different now but that doesn't matter (what does matter is ones more violent than the other) but that doesn't mean the grey trolls want to kill them?! If the rock zombies ever found out about the grey village than the feral trolls would be the ones to fight back.
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On The Hunt: Then Two Steps Behind
Summary- 4.7 Alpha Steve x Little One. Steve and Bucky are finding no leads in their tracking, but Fury has a possible lead. T'Challa makes use of the Reader's Little Wolf tracking skills to help locate some of their kidnapped Panthers in Ulysses' camp.
Warnings- violence, mentions of weapons, and shifters being trafficked.
A/N- Thank you so much for everyone sharing and following this story. Any input, questions, or just general thoughts about this verse is welcome! It's pretty inspiring to keep continuing this story. Special shout out to my beta, if you see this, thank you! Dividers made by @firefly-graphics 💙🐺
Chapter Two / Masterlist
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Steve scanned over the Howling Commando’s gear, giving a nod of approval. “I don’t see anything we need to switch out, send a message to Stark that we are fine.” Steve told the beta who gave a nod to confirm and turned away to do the task given. Steve was meticulous in checking their gear, knowing that such a thing could be life or death for the team. 
Following the maze of hallways, he soon found Bucky who was hovering over a table, his hands in fists as he pressed down against the wood that was creaking under his weight. Fury eyed Bucky from the other side. 
“If there was something to tell you Barnes, I would give it to you.” 
“All of this is nothing?” Bucky snapped, if the White Wolf was at all showing, Steve knew he would be bristling. 
“Now I didn’t say that I have nothing, just not from this intel you brought me.” Fury, always cool and collected. He tapped on a screen, projecting a picture. “ My sources say it’s not just wolves Hydra is going for. It’s shifters in general.” Steve approached, glancing over the information the projection showed. “And they are willing to use smugglers to get them.” Another tap shifted to another projection, stats, and a face appeared on the screen. 
A face that the Alpha saw made him immediately snarl, Steve baring his teeth at the image. The weathered face with a grim sneer stared back at him. “Ulysses wanted to sell Y/N when they had us. Brock refused but he was willing to pay whatever for her.” 
<We should rip his throat out> The Alpha dropped his own suggestion. 
Fury nodded as if not surprised by Steve’s information. “I’m not at all surprised he would have bought Y/N. He is a kidnapper and smuggler. He stands to make a profit on an Omega Wolf such as Y/N. They are highly sought after because they are hard to control than a Beta or weak Alpha is, not to mention few and far between.” Fury side-eyed Steve as he said this. 
It made Steve’s stomach churn at the thought of someone buying you just to break you. Bucky studied the man as well, trying to place him. “I remember bits and pieces of him while Brock had me. He brought Brock shifters, but so many of them were barely hanging on anymore that we had to…” He stopped talking, dragging in a breath before continuing. “You think we can get what we need from him?” 
Fury shrugged. “It’s more than you Alpha’s are finding now. If you want to pursue him, I can get you over there.” 
“Where is he?” Steve questioned. 
“He is on the edge of Wakanda’s borders right now.” 
Steve glanced at Bucky. “Go visit the King?” 
“Might as well since what we are doing is proving useless for now. I’m going to pack up.” Bucky was abrupt as he left, leaving Fury frowning at the Sergeants departure. 
“Rogers…” He kept his tone low. “I want you to know that Barnes isn’t in a good place right now. I know he is practically your brother but you need to be careful with him in the field, especially with the howling commandos following his orders.” 
Steve felt the Alpha bristle at the implication but it was true. Steve wasn’t about to indulge in the struggles Bucky was facing, how the White Wolf has secluded himself away from Barnes, or the nightmares that had him fighting nothing in his room and Steve had to guard him against hurting himself or anyone else in the vicinity, how his anger and fear about the unknown was causing Bucky to either lash out or shut down vacantly. “I'm well aware Nick, trust me. That’s why we are leaving the commandos behind this time, just Bucky and I will be going to Wakanda.” 
Fury clenched his jaw but gave a nod, relenting to Steve’s decision.
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“Y/N, your wolf will just stand out.” T’Challa stated while you prepared to argue at the injustice of being left behind. “Wolves and Omega’s are not common here. Ulysses will know exactly who you are when he sees you.” 
“And you don’t think you won’t stick out like a sore thumb? You are the damn king of Wakanda.” You snapped out, you were feeling irritated at the implication you couldn’t go with the panthers and hurt to be left behind. 
T’Challa didn’t let your outburst phase him, well aware that you were dealing with pain from Steve’s abrupt departure from your life. “You are right, I will. Why I’m sending Okoye to strike a deal with Ulysses, offering to see his “stock” to make purchases. You and I will be listening in as backup, should anything go awry.” 
Your jaw snapped shut in surprise and the Little Wolf uncurled in your mind. <It’s reasonable… Ulysses looked us over extensively with interest, he isn’t gonna forget us.>
“Right now it’s the best we can do Y/N, but I promise you're not going to be left behind, we need you.” 
“Yes, I can be okay with that.” you relented, but a silent thank you passed between you and T’Challa with a look. 
Okoye slid from her seat, sighing at the long spear she typically carried. “So I have to blend in with the outsiders?” 
T’Challa nodded “Head to toe.” He pointedly looked at her favored weapon and she scoffed. 
“This comes with me.” With a twist on the pole, to grow compacted, able to store away should she require it. 
“Fine, but you still need to change. From the leader of the Dora to a wealthy trafficker looking to spend.” 
She wrinkled her face in disgust at what she was supposed to portray. “That can be done.” 
T’Challa laughed at her reaction, turning to you. “Come on, we need to blend in a bit more as well Y/N.” 
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You scowled at the brickwork of the building you were hovering around. Inside Okoye got her meeting with Ulysses, making the deal as you and T’Challa hovered in the back. The tall man stood next to you, his eyes narrowed at the street beyond, watching carefully. Your hand pressed near your ear, listening to the conversation go down inside. 
“And what is it you're interested in?” Ulysses voice grunted, muffled around something in his mouth. You could picture him with a cigar between his fingers, leering at the Pantheress. 
Then a tone you  expected rolled through the comm’s, Okoye purring in her response. “Specifics? Youngin’ panthers.” 
“Oh, what are you planning on doing with a bunch of brats?” 
“That is my business Mr.Ulysses, but I can promise you no one will look twice at a young panther here wandering the streets. Good runners.” 
There was a cackle in the comms and it went silent, you felt your heart hammer in your chest that maybe Okoye was caught. You made to bolt for the door but T’Challa’s hand grabbed at you, sweeping you into his hold like the two of you were huddling against one another. His sharp feline scent assaulted your senses as he hushed his voice near your ear. “Calm Wolf, his men are scouting the area for threats.” 
You turned into T’Challa, hiding against him, letting him shield you from sight. The Little Wolf lowered low, growling softly in your mind. Hush, I can’t hear Ulysses. 
<Sorry, I just hate being here and not doing anything.>
I do too. 
A booming man’s laugh came through. “You are ruthless, using the kids. Smart though. Sure, I got some inventory you might be interested in. Gonna cost you though.” 
“Name your price, I will have it ready tomorrow.” 
After a few more exchanges, Okoye hinted that she was leaving. T’Challa tilted his head back towards the street, signaling it was time for you two to leave the back alleyway and retreat with Okoye. 
As you both started out for the main street, Ulysses men came back through, stalking down the alley. Luck was not on your side as you tried to duck from being seen, one of them brushed against you, hard enough to make you stumble and the man lifted his nose, eyes blazing with interest. 
A fucking tracker, of course, this human would employ shifters. “I know you.” He snarled, whirring on you with interest. His eyes blazed at you as he sniffed the air again. “You were that Alpha’s bitch.”
Vibranium blades you kept hidden up your sleeves slipped down into your palm as you twisted to face the shifter, cursing at the luck you were recognized. You were seconds away from activating the bracelets on your wrist. T’Challa slipped out of sight, the men rounding on you taking no interest in what looked like another homeless person wandering the alley. “I have no Alpha.” 
“I can tell, you have that feral look to you, a bitch with no one to control her.” He sneered as he thought he had you cornered. The Little Wolf bristled, readying for the attack of the larger shifter, her snarls starting to build in your chest and escape as you finally revealed your weapons, slicing the tip across the man's face, catching his cheek in a flash, causing him to stumble back in surprise. “You bitch!” He spat while the armor swept across the front of your chest and up around your neck, protecting your throat.
You didn’t give him the time to come at you again, your leg sweeping out to kick at his gut making him double over with his arms wrapped around himself, T’Challa knocked his partner down when the man moved in a rush to help subdue you. He was quickly dropped to the ground while you had your blade pressing against the shifter's neck, pressing the sharp blade in enough to go through layers of skin, your face snarled as it pressed into your attackers. “I don’t need to be controlled.” 
The shifter's scent was sour with fear now, the way you had caught him by surprise. Your Little Wolf was ready to rip his throat out, take out the threat. T’Challa caught the man by the nape of the neck and crushed a handful of herbs under his nose; it was luck that the shifter took a deep, heavy inhale, drugging himself. The fumes were pungent as your attacker's eyes rolled and he was out. 
“Put the blades away Wolf.” T’Challa rumbled out, leaning down to sort quickly through the men's clothing, making it look like a robbery. “No bloodshed today. They will not remember us and we don't want to alert Ulysses that something is going on.” 
You leaned down enough to wipe your blade off and put it away. “What did you give them?” 
T’Challa grinned wickedly as he yanked out their wallets, pulling out the cash and ditching the wallets in a nearby dumpster. “We have more than just vibranium in Wakanda. Our land is rich with medicinal plants if you know how to gather them.” You two went back onto the street, weaving among the people bustling. “When they wake, their memory will feel like fever dreams and have a headache that will make them think they went on a bender and got mugged.” The money he took, he slipped the money to another soul on the street who needed it. “They will be so embarrassed that they won’t breathe a word of this to anyone.” 
You glanced over your shoulder, making sure no one else was following. “Clever.” You muttered while the two of you blended into the crowd, Okoye soon joined them, ignoring them as if they were no one till several blocks away, having been given the all clear sign and all of you piled into a van tucked away. 
“Deal’s in place.” Okoye settled gracefully into a seat while you plopped down, listening to the king and her go over the specifics of when, where, who and how much Ulysses was expecting. 
You could feel your Little Wolf getting ready for the hunt. 
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At any kind of exchange of this magnitude, it feels like it should be late. The night time shadows provide places for the most unsavory to slink through, hiding their intentions till they are ready to pump your system full of poison. 
Ulysses set up this exchange at ten o'clock in the morning. The only thing he did like you figured would be to go to a remote location. As the vehicle you were packed into with other panthers let you know, the springs protesting with squeals, you all being jostled in the back. Even T’Challa’s claws were out, digging into the side of the vehicle for stability. Your Little Wolf panted heavily in the muggy heat while you swiped at the sweat creeping down the side of your face. 
Okoye was going over the plans, preparing to let you all out well before reaching the destination with the expectation that the group could finish going the last couple miles, with your Little Wolf using her sharp sense of smell to find the compound's location. Ulysses wasn’t an idiot, he would have his own group checking every vehicle, probably with the same skills you possessed. They were ready though, to mask the scent in the truck, Okoye was confident in that. 
“Y/N, as fast as you all can travel okay? T’Challa is equipped to listen in when I’m ready for all of you to come in.” The stern general glanced at her king. “You have to let me get at least a hold of the kid he is using and try to hold out long enough to find out where else they are keeping people.” Her eyes roved to everyone in the back of the truck. Some of the fiercest shifters you have ever seen, the Dora Milaje was not a force to challenge. “Do all of you understand the orders?” 
A unionized confirmation made you hide a grin, thinking about how your pack mates would be sassing the Alpha right now, but they were as fierce in your opinion as this group. “Y/N?'' Your name came across as having no room for amusement, and you gave a confirming nod to appease Okoye. 
“Good! Stop right here.” She thudded against the driver's end wall and the truck came to a screeching halt, jolting you against T’Challa’s firm side. You distinctly heard the rumbling growl come from him in agitation before loosening his claws from the side. 
Straightening yourself, you popped out of the back of the truck, listening carefully to the sounds around you. Exotic birds and monkeys screamed overhead, which you were used to by now. Bursts of color rose as whatever flock had roosted overhead. The familiar buzzing of bugs and the chittering of other creatures emitted loud, questioning cries. It wasn't till Okoye climbed out and checked in one last time with everyone before she left that things went back to normal. Still loud, the jungle was much like the forests you missed. 
It was when all went quiet did you have to be concerned. Right now, none of you were seen as a threat to the wildlife teaming the area. You hoped that you all could stay that way, it would make your chances of getting to the compound without being caught better. 
“Shuri, we are going dark now…” You heard T’Challa informing his sister in whatever device was planted on him. “And you are going to have to quiet down so I can hear Okoye.” 
Nakia patted an assuring hand against his arm, leaning up to whisper in his ear. You and your Little Wolf felt a pang at the sight of the couple. 
It made you miss Steve, how his presence would have calmed the racing of your heart right now. How he would have checked in with you, his touches would have lingered protectively on you, but it was better. The two of you would have watched each other. 
If only he could remember that time as well as you did. 
The Little Wolf whined, knowing your distractions could cause you harm. You inhaled sharply, getting to work and pushing your mate from your thoughts. 
<Ready when you are.>
A glance at T’Challa sets you in motion, your form quick to shed its human form. Nakia grasped at the clothes of those who shifted and stashed away. The ones who remained were poised on their feet, ready to race alongside. 
The Little Wolf gave a shake of fur after the shift, releasing any of the pent up energy left. Her nose lifted, sharp in the air to sort through the assault of information provided. The air was heavy and damp, making everything cling in particles wherever the water was. A blessing for a tracker, the scents of man and shifters wouldn't fade nearly as fast unless it rained. 
So far the morning sun was shining bright. And she could smell the scent of fear and adrenaline, coating her tongue with a foul taste. 
It was enough to make her spring forward as in a chase, following the trail like it was a string, having unraveled. Everyone followed, well behind to not distract her. Except for T’Challa, the man kept pace with you, feet thudding steadily as you darted through the jungle. The animals who claimed the trees screamed at the suddenness you would burst by, followed by a pack of people and black panthers. But they never silenced, they never feared they were being hunted. 
It provided enough cover that when you skirted around the first of Ulysses' men, they never expected the king to leap over you in a silent attack or the other panthers to silence them. 
Everything about the panthers was stealth while hunting. 
Seconds later you skidded to a stop, the King coming to crouch next to you, his hand resting gently on your back to keep you from continuing. “I see them, they are not hiding very well.” 
Ulysses had let some of his guard down here, not bothering to hide the massive camp so deep in the jungle. Judging from how far they traveled, Wakanda’s borders were not far away. A couple days away on foot if that. 
How could the vigilant panthers miss such a thing? 
“Shuri, note our location.” T’Challa muttered softly. “Do you see anything?” His eyes scanned upwards, searching for how they were hidden. You could faintly hear Shuri’s reply in his ear. 
“Nothing brother. I will test it out some more. So don’t let anyone shoot down my drone.” 
T’Challa cracked a small grin. “I will do my best.” He went silent and you settled down alongside him, focusing on the camp. 
From this vantage, it was all so open. People everywhere doing whatever tasks were assigned to them. The stench was almost overpowering. Fear and remnants of blood, it was saturated into the ground the camp was built on, the Little Wolf kept her ears pinned back in unease. Okoye wasn’t all that far away, an appearance of ease as she talked with Ulysses, the General playing her part well. She never once let it be known she was aware they were close. T’Challa kept watch of her, waiting for her signal. 
“Impressive.”  Okoye’s eyes roamed around the camp while she strode with Ulysses. “Do you move lots of products through?” 
Ulysses was cold as he shrugged. “Enough for you to get what you are looking for, I am sure. Come, I will show you what I have for you.” He gestured his hand forward, Okoye hesitated a moment before flashing him a smile. 
“Shouldn’t you lead the way?” She glanced around and your fur stood up along your spine, a soft uneasy whine making its way up your throat. Something was wrong, it felt wrong. “I do not know the layout of your camp.” 
“And you never will.” Ulysses reached behind him and pulled out a pistol, aimed right for Oyokes chest. From the truck a shot rang out, a scream of the panther driving echoing sharply. “T’Challa thinks he is smart huh?” His voice raised as his finger started to squeeze the trigger, all happening in seconds. “Sending in one of his prized panthers.” The shot rang off, sending T’Challa breaking from cover along with you and the panthers hunting with you. 
Okoye was quicker, the shield Shuri equipped her with bouncing off her forearm she shielded herself and her spear was suddenly in her hand, the metal shooting out to form, knocking Ulysses off balance, the gun slinging away suddenly. 
The metal over your bracelets swooped over you as more shots rang out, the camp suddenly in full combat mode. Panthers snarled in retaliation as they attacked their targets, sharp claws piercing and slashing up men’s bodies. 
T’Challa raced beyond them, Okoye being blown off her feet as a grenade exploded near her and giving Ulysses the chance to evade towards a truck, swinging himself into it to rev the engine. 
The shifters still human stayed in the trees, taking aim with specially made weapons to shoot out anything they could. 
“Shuri, get that drone on that truck,” T’Challa yelled as he reached his general, helping her to stand. 
“I’m fine.” She pushed him away. “Go now. He is close.” Okoye hissed in pain at T’Challa, but he hesitated, unable to leave her just yet. 
You weaved through the fighting, searching for the captured shifters in this camp. The few people that took interest in you, noticing you among the chaos were quickly dealt with as you leaped at them, snapping your jaws at throats and ripping them out. 
It was brutal, quick, and efficient. 
Your nose raced, the smells being sorted in milliseconds till you found what you were looking for. 
Fear, blood, metal, bodies. Panthers always had a scent of the deep jungle tops, misty wet and floral scented. All of it tinged with fear, bitter and sour. Your muzzle wrinkled up at it, jogging to a tent. 
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“Who is that?” Bucky was quiet next to Steve, on the backside of the camp. Steve picked up Ulysses scent in the city and they followed it to this camp. The two of them prowled all night, picking up information about what was going on. 
Ulysses was moving shifters through, trucks going in full of shifters they found and leaving in the same way for some other destination. Bucky and Steve were just in the middle of a plan of how to infiltrate the camp when this woman appeared. 
Tall and commanding, she had her driver take her through the front without hesitation. Steve couldn’t believe his eyes as to who he saw. 
Okoye, and if she was here, that meant the Dora Milaje and possibly T’Challa himself were here. “A panther, that must mean there are others.” He pulled back from his hiding spot and tried to scent them. Something familiar was in the air, drawn to its wild sweetness, but he didn’t have the chance to sort it out when Bucky hissed in surprise. 
“They broke cover from the other side of the camp.” 
Steve growled at the suddenness of everything going to hell. Bucky was about to take his chance when he grabbed his brother's arm, pausing him. “Go fast, aim with kill shots Buck, anyone tries using trigger words, don’t give them the chance.” 
Bucky snarled as he shrugged his arm. “I’m fine Steve.” His eyes were hidden as he stepped from hiding and Steve felt the Alpha shake himself off, dispelling the unease of letting Bucky into this. They had seen him struggle with his control. 
<We will stay close> The Alpha assured as Steve bolted out, searching out both Ulysses and Bucky in a sweep of his eyes. 
As much as we can. A boom made the ground shake, Steve had to plant his feet as he found where the next threat was coming from. T’Challa stepped out of the unsettled dust with Okoye wrapped in his arm and a truck was squealing away. 
Got him. Steve bolted in a run, preparing to let the Alpha take over when a streak caught his eyes, low to the ground the wolf traveled swiftly, and he would know that run anywhere. You were tracking among the attacking panthers and that made the Alpha stall. 
<What is the Little Wolf doing here?!> Steve changed course, following after you as you approached the tent all the trucks entering the camp earlier would go to. 
He was so far away, Steve yelped a warning as you darted inside, knowing that the tent was loaded with guards all armed with various weapons. Steve skidded inside to see you mid-tackle with one of the mercenaries, your strong jaws around the barrel of his weapon, each snarl had you wrenching your head, scraping your teeth against the metal. Just as fast as he noticed you, Steve assessed where the other threats were located- two on one side, rushing out of their chairs where they were playing cards of some kind and another around the back side of loaded cages, bracing his rifle against the top one to take aim and the one you were currently working on disarming. 
With a lift of his foot, Steve shoved his foot against a wall of empty cages, sending them tumbling over the two mercenaries scrambling to their weapons, his hand slipping against his chest and yanking out a vibranium dagger he carried on him, a gift from T’Challa the last time he was here. The blade raced true to its target, landing in the rifleman's skull and killing him instantly. 
A glance over his shoulder showed you had dragged the mercenary down, unable to withstand your attack anymore while he covered his face with his arms, a weak shield against you. Steve leaped over the cages to grab another mercenary, a punch to his head knocking his senses out and he slumped into dead weight from Steve’s hand. The last one managed to crawl out of the tented area, taking his chances among the panthers. Panting, Steve hauled the last remaining mercenary to one of the cages and slammed him in. 
Finally, it was mostly quiet in the tent, the people in the cages huddling in fear, waiting to see what they would do and there you were. Shifted back to yourself blinking at him, the shield wrapped around your body like a second skin, vibrating with whatever power was built into it. The shock was etched on your face, pain and sorrow quickly melded into a rage. You snarled at him. “What are you doing here Steve?” 
Steve felt himself rising in the challenge as he stepped around the tossed cages, stalking towards you. You looked as fierce as ever, his Little One ready to battle the enemy, but now it was him you were bracing to go against. Your eyes roved over him protectively, like you were making sure he wasn’t injured in any way but kept your touch well away from him. 
“What am I doing here, why aren't you home Little One?” Steve hissed angrily. “Where you are safe?” 
You backed a step like you were whiplashed, shaking your head. “You don't get to call me that Steve. It’s also none of your business.” 
“Are you alone?” Steve hesitated to take another step forward after you purposely backed away from him, out of his reach. “Why isn’t anyone with you?” 
Your chin hitched, your defiant move. Steve could sense you were discussing with your Little Wolf what you must have wanted to share with him. His own Alpha paced frantically because you were so close. Steve tried not to let himself get lost in your scent overwhelming him. It was almost like the first time, heating him from the inside out with the need to be close to you and be able to touch you. <Don’t drive her away Steve.> The Alpha snapped at the man. 
“Yes, it’s just me here, I'm alone now Steve.” You finally started, loosening your fighting stance slightly. “The rest of it is my business. Now help me get these people out of these cages if you are going to stay.” The dismissive tone stung Steve and made his chest ache at how hollow you sounded. 
You simply turned away from him, walking away to continue your mission.
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thenomadclan · 11 months
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Happy 1 Year Anniversary to the awesome movie PREY! The comeback the Predator Franchise and Fandom Needed! Hope you all enjoy^^
@avpcentral @a-z-u-l-g @artiststarfire @araghorn07 @burninggladiatorprincess @bunnyraptor69 @black-suns-rim @crispy-ghee @captainraye @captainrayessketches @chillxxdash @daswhox @exileraptorda-goat1906437 @glitterfilledcriminal @gothikangelica @gracecelestial @kazumiabi @loser-brain @leechandoki @lunaerebus @outcastsnmagic @probablyspooky @queenlybeastly @skadi-gemini @shaymin-99 @vinylghast @wolfsnowphoenix @whereisxyro
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corvidpolyglot · 20 days
at least after all of that zellion gets to rest on (almost certainly) UTol for... probably not very long, considering the circumstances. that poor man. maybe he'll stop in at the noodle bar while he's there
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wanders-in-stars · 4 months
think i finally settled on a 'canon' early-game fit for tamar
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sheltiechicago · 5 months
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Before Migration
Nenets are indigenous Siberian people whose traditional economy has long been rooted in nomadic reindeer-herding, fishing and hunting. They live in chums: small huts made of reindeer skins, in order to ensure a minimum of thermal insulation, especially during the winter. In this picture Roman looking out of the chum, with his red cheeks worn by the cold, -50°C.
By Tommaso Vecchi
All About Photo Magazine Awards 2023: “The Mind’s Eye”
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the-tenth-arcanum · 4 months
had the interview, I think it went alright but now I'm not sure I'd want the job of they were to offer it lol
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saph-y · 2 years
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🌦️🏹🌿 [OC]
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black-suns-rim · 1 year
Little Red's Adventures
Word count: 1,795
Story 3
Beginning of a passion
"Mom! Mooooomm! Mom, mom, moma, mommy!" Little Red chanted as he jumped up and down on his poor sleepy mother's bed. He had a lot of energy as usual in the early morning. He plopped onto her face and Black Momba grumbled as she was rudely woken up by his ruckus. 
"What is it my son?..." She mumbled as she peeled him off of her face. She sat up and looked at the tiny red ball of energy. 
"Can you take me hunting with you today?" He asked her with big puppy eyes.
"I told you I would take you with me when you're older, my child." Momba laid back in her bed and got comfortable. Little Red flopped down right beside her, "but I'm older today! See? I grew last night." He said with a little smile as he tried to convince her. Momba chuckled and then locked the little yautja in between her arms.
"Ack! Let go mama!" He squirmed in her grasp, trying his best to get her to let go. "I thought you said you were older? Any child of mine would be able to get out of my grip of love." She pulled him up to her face and tickled him with her mandibles. He started to squeal and laugh from her playful nibbles. Momba chuckled with amusement and let him go.
"You are still too young to come with me on hunts. You haven't even killed your first prey yet. How about you learn what your brother Kub does for the clan? I think you would like what he does." Momba sat up again.
"Aww, but mom-" little Red whined.
"No buts. Hunting is dangerous and you don't have enough of the skills to hunt yet. You will when you are older. For now, you can learn something from Kub." Momba got up to get ready for the day since she wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. 
"What he does is boring. He doesn't hunt like you." Nomad pouted.
"Do you even know what he does Red?" She splashed her face with cold water and dried it off with a rag.
"Well… no, but he doesn't hunt." Little Red sat at the edge of his mother's bed and kicked his legs around as he watched his mom. 
"There are more skills in life that you need to know besides hunting. Your brother already has a mate, one, and he's happy with only her. His skills help the clan more than you know." Momba went to her closet and picked out her clothing for the day.
"Like what?"
"Repairing your gear if it breaks. A lot of your hunting gear will be electronic if you so choose. Your brother repairs gear and also creates specified hunting equipment. I don't know how he does it, but I find it amazing." She gestured for him to follow her. He hoped off of her bed and ran up to her to hold her hand as she left her hut.
"Have you eaten yet?" She looked down at him.
"So you just woke up and decided to bombard me?" She teased him. He giggled.
"Let's get breakfast then." Momba headed to the food court of the village.
A sudden voice came from behind them, "oh, you're up early."
Momba looked behind herself even though she already recognized the voice, "This little one decided to jump all over me." She told her father, Python.
He caught up to the two, "an early start to the day is better than a late one. He knows it." Python pat Little Red's head. Little Red had a small smile on his face. 
Momba yawns, "I can still get as much done in a day compared to everyone else. I just stay up later than most do."
The three all headed to the food court and grabbed whatever was being served. "Ew, worms?" Little Red looked at the bowls Momba had in her hands.
"They're not worms, they're grubs. They are good for you." Momba sat down at a table and Little Red sat down right next to her. Python, on the other hand, left after he grabbed his food, "Don't forget that you have to train the young bloods this afternoon." He reminded Momba from a distance.
"I know." She sighed. Little Red looked up at her and then to the bowl of grubs, "Do I have to eat those? They are still moving."
"When you become a hunter my Little Red, you will have to eat these if you cannot find anything else. Besides, these ones actually taste good." Momba took a couple of them in her hand and ate them.
"You used to eat bugs all the time when you were a pup. A lot of bugs… c'mon, just try one at least." She handed him his bowl. Little Red begrudgingly took his bowl and picked up a fat grub. He gently squished it in between his fingers, not enough to squish it. Momba watched him as she ate.
"Stop playing with it. Here." Momba took the grub from his hands and then put it in his mouth. She made him chew it. Little Red squeaked in response. Once he tasted the grub though, he started to eat the grubs in the bowel, shoving them in his mouth. Momba chuckled.
Once they were done eating, Momba took Little Red to Kub's workshop. It was a large hut that had a forge off to the side of it, connected. Kub was sitting at a desk, soddering small wires together with great precision. When he heard someone enter his workshop, he stopped and looked to see who entered.
"Oh, hey mom. Hey Red." Kub turned off his soddering tool and got up from his seat, going up to Momba to hug her, "What brings the two of you here? Need me to fix something?"
"No. I actually was wondering if you could take Little Red under your wing today. I have to train young bloods this afternoon." Little Red hugged the side of his mother's leg, feeling a little shy. Momba rubbed his head.
"Sure. I finally caught up on all my orders and repairs, so I can teach him a thing or two." Kub smiled as he looked down at the small yautja. 
"Good, thanks. I'll be back later today to pick him up." She hugged Little Red, "be good for me." She nuzzled her mandibles up against his small face and he giggled from how it tickled. Momba left him with kub.
"So, what do you wanna learn bud?" Kub went back to his seat and plopped down in it. Little Red looked at his feet.
"Aw, not feeling social this morning? That's alright. Come here." Kub motioned for Little Red. He slowly walked to him. Kub pulled him up and sat him on his lap, "This that I'm working on is a prototype weapon. I've been working on it for a couple of years now. This is the 7th variant. Wanna know what it does?"
Little Red didn't respond. He was pouting about the fact his mom left him to be with his older brother. Kub decided to tell him anyway, "This is a weapon that I will use in hunting some day, once I can get it to work. I will utilize kiande amedha blood to kill my prey."
"Their blood in this?" Little Red finally spoke, "won't it burn?"
"It would if it were any metals we use, but I'm also using the hide of the kiande amedha to create this weapon. It's proving to be a challenge… I have the wiring all figured out, but the hide tends to shrink over time. I've been trying to find a way to stop it from shrinking."
"Maybe dry it all out first? Leave it in the sun?" Little Red suggested.
"I've tried that. It just doesn't get all the moisture out no matter how many days or weeks I leave it out." He sighs, "I probably need a break from this side project…" He said to himself. 
Little Red looked at the parts scattered about on the large work desk. He thought about something and then grabbed a piece of the Xenomorph hide. He hopped off of Kub's lap and went to the forge's fire pit, tossing the hide into the fire.
"Wha- hey!" Kub got up, "that's hard to obtain. What are you thinking?" 
"Getting the wetness out of it." Little Red smiled. Kub grabbed a metal rod nearby and pulled out the hide. It had shrunk down, but it was still in tack. Kub looked at it for a bit before dipping it in oil to cool it off. He took the hide and placed it on his desk. He flicked it a couple of times and then he took a tool and hit it with it. 
"Huh. I'm gonna need to run some tests on that." Kub pat Little Red on the head, "wanna see some of the other things I've made?"
"Mmh… sure." 
Kub led Little Red to a different room of the large hut. This room had many weapons and different types of hunting equipment mounted on the wall. 
"Whoa-" Little Red's eyes darted back and forth, not being able to focus on one thing. He's never seen so many things like these before, "you made all of these?"
"Yeah, well, most of them. Some of them are just modified weapons. This is what I do most of the time; creating and fixing things."
"Whoooaaa. So… you help other hunters? And you make cool stuff for them? What's this for?" Little Red ran up to a small shelf and took off a container. He opened it out of curiosity.
"Those are noise makers. You can program them to make different sounds to lure in prey. I modified them so that you can control the sounds from a hunting gauntlet specified for these. They can also record sounds around them and play the audio through your bio-mask. Very useful if you're listening for something you can't see." Kub explained.
Little Red looked up at his brother with wide eyes, "I wanna make stuff like this!"
"Want me to teach you?" Kub grinned.
"Yeah! I wanna know how to make my own hunting weapons! I want to make cool stuff like you!" Little Red yelled with excitement, "ooo! What's this?" He ran over to another gadget.
Kub giggled and walked over. He had a feeling he would be explaining things to his little brother for a while.
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cinemajunkie70 · 1 year
A very happy birthday to the great John McTiernan!
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eats-the-stars · 1 year
when you play too much minecraft and you’ve been in the mines way too long and you start hallucinating that there’s a figure behind you in the tunnel when you turn around but you’re in a solo survival world so that’s impossible so you specifically start bringing a dog with you mining and having him sit behind you while you mine for security. and yes, I know a sitting dog can’t defend you and the danger is also not real, but it’s about the peace of mind more than anything. I turn around and there’s no figure anymore, just my boy Andesite standing guard for me.
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bogleech · 1 year
"you only deserve food and shelter if you contribute to society" says people living in countries where nobody's labor actually feeds or benefits their neighbors anymore but exclusively benefits the companies keeping the food and shelter behind the artificial paywalls
You're not nomads relying on each other to hunt and gather anymore, you're talking about stocking shelves for fucking wal marts
And even the oldest societies on earth all took care of the elderly or sick anyway
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