#husk ;; ic
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“We’re both losers,baby”
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Just HuskerDust at the beach 🏖️🫶
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Husk: Angel once texted me "your adorable" so I texted him back "No, YOU'RE adorable".
Charlie: …And?
Husk: And now we're dating, we've been dating for three months.
Husk: All I did was point out a typo, but I like him, so l'm not complaining.
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hazbinsinners · 8 months
" HUSK! "
--- angel slams open his bedroom door, tearing down the stairs, planting himself in front of the bar. his eyes are as wide as saucers, lips curled into a grin. " husk. " he says again, staring at husk with the intensity of an emergency.
and it was just as urgent, in angel's eyes.
he thrust something forward onto the bar. a slightly crumpled piece of paper. upon further inspection . . .
it was a drawing. a bad one. it was slightly stylized stick figures that vaguely resembled both angel and husk . . .
and husk was fucking him. that was the drawing.
angel grinned so wide it hurt. " i made it f'a you. thought you could put it on you'a door. we could match. but, if you'a a fuckin' prude, i made 'dis one, too. "
he thrusts another piece of paper forward. same idea, only instead of fucking, they were holding hands.
this was his attempt at flirting: being an absolute nuisance.
( closed || @mediocremixology )
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Oh Adam, he really wanted the SpongeBob Popsicle with gumball eyes.
As always come check out my other art! If you want to support me, there are three ways! You can either buy a print on Etsy, support me on Patreon or come to my YouTube channel!
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gambling-bartender · 7 months
closed starter for @tangledfate
It had been 3 years since Husk had sat down and sketched out his idea for the Afterlife Casino. 3 years of work and managing and dealing with the ever-present warfare of pentagram city but finally all that work had come to fruition. Finally, Husk's magnum opus would be opened and revealed for all the world to see.
His plan was to throw quite a little get together, drawing in Hell's overlords and the most famous traditional sinners the ring had to offer. He had managed to get some imps to extend invitations to a number of the sins themselves as well but those bigger names had all declined, not that he expected them to show themselves. It was about the principal of it, and a number of them had sent in their apologies for being unable attend so Husk wasn't too upset about it. Mammon had offered to attend but only in the event that Husk signed over 50 percent of the casino's profits and he had thanked Mammon for the offer but had turned it down.
The get together in question was to be one of the best parties Pride had ever seen, and not just that, but a masquerade. Husk had even gotten into contact with some of the best glamour crafters in envy and directed the various attendees to commission them if they wanted a truly disguising costume.
Husk's disguise had been one he had worked very directly with the designer to create. Rather than the winged cat he was naturally, a form he did not mind all that much but certainly wasn't his favorite, he would take on a far more fox-like appearance along with losing the wings. He had kept the black and red coloring but introduced some gold into the clothing. His outfit was to be a black and gold ornate eye mask with a matching vest layered over a cream shirt and matched with a pair of black slacks.
He had very specific plans for the party that evening. The on stage where the various performances would be held normally he had hired a number of live musicians to perform intending to cover a number of musical genres over the course of the night. What would normally be the main gambling hall had been left absent of the usual tables and roulette wheels, instead he had left it empty to act as a dance floor for the evening. The dances were to change over the the course of the night, matching the changes in music and the goal was to provide music and dance from times of the the lives of the various attending overlords. Along the sides of the dance floor was to be playing tables for various games, creating space for guests to gamble to their hearts content and as a favor to those attending Husk had included in his invitation an announcement that all attending would receive 5 thousand dollars in chips to start with, and they could buy or play for more once there.
Husk himself would play little part in the actual running of the event, however. He had left the operations of the event in good hands and had every intent to enjoy himself as a simple guest.
The night was going to be a night to remember, he was sure of it.
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woeismywaffle · 8 months
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I might just kill a man ngl
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angie-long-legs · 3 months
"Tiffany Titfucker?! Are ya fuckin' kiddin' me, Husk?!"
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"Ya really got off watchin' that talentless bitch?!"
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burning-fcols · 8 months
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Husker was near clawing down the walls of the hotel, the sudden ban on booze driving him out of his fur in the worst torment possible. Pacing about the lobby, his bar now empty (which he swore was meant to mock him, seeing as Alastor very well could have just gotten rid of it all together instead of clearing it out), his paws were beginning to hurt in a near manic need to move. "This is fucking bullshit, I'm losing my fucking mind over here!" Turning to Angel, Husk's arms moved about in tandem with his words, hoping knowing that the spider would be one of the only ones there that might understand what he was going through. "My fur's fucking crawling, a-and I can't stop fucking shaking!" Sure enough, there was a constant tremor to his body, a feather breaking loose from his vibrating wings every so often to flutter about the floor where it would soon be kicked up by his pacing. "I can't fucking think! Everything just feels, fuck I dunno, warm? No, fucking burning all over, a-and tingly. Even when I was alive, it never felt like this when I was dry..." - ✧ ˖ ˙ 「 @ʜᴇʟʟꜱ-ꜰᴠʀʏ 」 ˙ ˖ ✧
「 ☆ 」 This has to be one of the STUPIDEST ideas yet... and that's including the whole premise for the hotel. Angel can understand the logic behind wanting a squeaky-clean persona for the place. It's sort of hard to preach ❛ redemption ❜ and freedom from vices when actively PROVIDING one right in the main lobby. Yet it hardly matters how well they practice what they preach if no one is around to learn. Angel knows that he's just there to fill a bedroom, ❛ progress ❜ or not. It's a pipe-dream with him, and it's not even his unattainable fantasy. Dreaming of angel wings sprouting from his back and a glowing halo hovering above his head is Charlie's schtick. Pentious is no better, the snake starved for praise not piety.
No, he can't imagine it working for either of them... Or anyone else, if he's being honest. But especially not the patrons they currently have. Lack of liquor isn't going to have people breaking down the doors to get in. It's also not going to stop Angel from indulging in his desires elsewhere, dangerous a decision as that may be. It's a shame, really... He had been enjoying having a place he could grab a drink without wondering when it was going to be spiked. Bartender is pretty cute too.
Speaking of which...
Sitting on a stool by the booze-less bar, he watches Husk practically wear a hole in the floor with his pacing. Gaze follows a feather's sad descent as it shakes lose from a trembling wing. Brows knit and a concerned bite to his bottom lip, Angel's fingers drum on his crossed arms as he mulls over the most delicate way to clarify the others... situation. It's painfully apparent that Husk has no clue what's going on. An affliction that Angel's enhanced senses had pegged as soon as he got near the fidgeting feline. It was overwhelming, the fog of pheromones surrounding the poor guy. Were it when Angel only recently arrived in Hell, he'd have gotten dizzy from how thick the air became... Thankfully, he has a better hold of himself now.
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Practice makes perfect, he guesses. That and overexposure to the stuff thanks to a certain aphrodisiac-addled moth. ❝ I, uh... I got a pretty good idea why that is. But you ain't gonna like it, Whiskers. ❞ Angel begins when Husk has finished spewing his shaky woes. One leg crossed over the other, he bounces his knee in a small fidget. ❝ When you were alive, I'm guessin' you weren't exactly... a cat. ❞ A finger lightly motions at Husk with the statement. ❝ An' bein' THIS comes wit' a few— eh, let's call 'em complications. ❞ Normally he'd jokingly refer to it as a ❛ perk ❜ , but now isn't the time. Not with Husk.
Standing up from his seat, Angel then rips off the bandage with a blunt, ❝ Sorry tomcat, yer in heat. ❞ 「 ☆ 」
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sirserpentine · 4 months
The Road Trip of Hell.
@hazbinned Multiple Characters.
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It was barely eight in the morning and Pentious had already hurricaned his way through the hotel for hours. He had first prepared a breakfast that could have fed an entire army, then woken everyone up at an ungodly hour, told them to get their luggage sorted and piled piles upon piles of pancakes on their plates with the reminder that their next proper meal would be many hours away. He had been a proper whirlwind, cooking, washing dishes and preparing coffee seemingly all at the same time.
Then he had double and triple-checked that he had all of his own items with him, before reminding everyone to use the bathroom around five times. Between each task, he quickly crossed out items on a list he had conducted weeks earlier.
Then, finally, he rounded everyone outdoors where Alastor and his amazing Radio Demon RV awaited. It was a true work of art! Large enough to comfortably transport them all, and stylish to boot!
"Before our holiday road trip commences, I shall remind you of today's timetable," Pentious informed as everyone loaded in their luggage.
"We shall spend most of our day and night on the road so that we reach Dante's Supernatural Reserve by tomorrow morning. We shall camp out there for two nights, but more on that later. We shall take turns driving and the switches shall take place after three to four hours. The driver has the ultimate power over the AUX cord and thus gets to choose the music. No whining for bathroom breaks, we don't want to fall behind on our ssschedule! Our first stop is the Gas Station at the West Border of the Pentagram, which we should reach by 1 PM! Alastor drives first."
The serpent barely paused to gasp for breath.
"That's all the luggage! Everyone hop on board! AJ, Frank, Felix, Francis- stop fighting-, Fred, Freddy Mercury, Frog," the serpent spoke, watching and counting each egg boi running into the large, vintage-styled vehicle.
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"Princess Charlotte, Vagatha, Angel Dust, Husk and Niffty my dear, you too! AND YOUR MAJESTY, AFTER YOU-" A stiff-postured salute was given to Lucifer, who regally stepped into the car toting his cane and a plush duck tucked under his arm. What an honour it was to have the King himself join their week-long expedition to Lu Lu World and beyond!
With everyone safely inside the car, Pentious hopped in himself and slammed the door shut behind him.
"That's everyone, Alastor," he boisterously informed, greeting his partner director at the wheel with a quick elbow bump before settling next to him on the front seat. "And a lovely vehicle you have summoned, absolutely wonderful. Permissssion to drive granted!"
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Angel: I’m too tired to slap you. Bash your face against my palm, would ya?
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@moonlightsdew continued from x
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Well, that answered several of his questions at once. Shit, he hated the fact that other versions of himself lost to that bratty prick. Then again he almost lost himself.
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"Relax. I ain't Al, and this ain't some joke. Long and short of it, is that I'm you. A different you from a different world. It's a fucking longer story if you wanna know the details. And if we're doing that, it's best shared between drinks." He says calmly.
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hazbinsinners · 7 months
❝  sometimes things aren’t alright and they’re not gonna be okay for a while.  and that’s alright.  as cliche as it sounds it’s okay to not be okay.  give yourself time.  ❞ ((for angel))
--- angel had given husk a lot of shit about "being a bartender to talk to" once upon a time. but for what it's worth, he retracts that statement.
husk makes a really good listener. and his advice is good, too.
he cracks a small smile, staring at the wooden top of the bar. his index finger traces the rim of his drink. " . . . thanks, husk. damn. you've got some decent advice stored behind all'a that fluff, " he teases half-heartedly. " i'm tryin'a give myself time, it's just . . . i wish time . . . would move a lil' fast'a. yanno? "
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huskscatnip · 27 days
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Husk and Angel going on a coffee date <3
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gambling-bartender · 7 months
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a closed starter for @likeamothtofame
This was it.
Husk was going to keep his soul, he was going to get back enough souls to keep the casino running, he was going to get one up on this smug bitch of a moth.
Four of a kind. Four fucking aces.
The chances were astronomically small that he even got this good a hand and he hadn't even used any of his powers to manipulate the deck -- a stipulation of the deal made to get him this game in the first place.
The literal only way that Val would be able to beat him would be if he had a royal flush and both a four of aces and a royal flush in one game? Fucking impossible.
Husk laughed as he slammed down his cards, grinning nearly ear to ear, "Read them and fucking weep Val, I fucking win."
And then he saw Val's face.
Val did not have a poker face. Val, notoriously, did not have a poker face.
And he did not look upset. He did not look like a man who had just lost a sizable portion of his staff and wealth.
He was smiling, and smugly at that. He looked like a cat who had just caught a mouse and had decided it wanted to play with its food.
"Lo siento, gatito," He said with a little flourish of his cards as he flipped them over, his smile widening to a grin as he saw the look on Husk's face fall.
A royal flush.
Valentino had a royal flush.
The dealer pushed the pot over to Valentino and Husk could almost feel it, feel the sudden loss of a soul, feel the sudden loss of agency.
It was over.
He was over.
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zestials · 6 months
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" i needn't remind thee of the peril. " spoken as a warning but void of the threat that often twined with the words. zestial's seated across from his fellow overlord , cards fanned out in a clawed hand. he wouldn't indulge his gambling habits , far too calculating to chance being bested by conditions outside of his control --- so he'd implored him to play a different game. the prize ? loser bought the next round of drinks. when asked for threes , a sharp tug of lips is the only tell he gives in the low light of the hall. zestial had all but cleared the other players with his very presence. lime green eyes rise to lock onto his companion , " go fish , @gamblins . "
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