#drunken-gambler ;; husk
hazbinsinners · 7 months
❝  sometimes things aren’t alright and they’re not gonna be okay for a while.  and that’s alright.  as cliche as it sounds it’s okay to not be okay.  give yourself time.  ❞ ((for angel))
--- angel had given husk a lot of shit about "being a bartender to talk to" once upon a time. but for what it's worth, he retracts that statement.
husk makes a really good listener. and his advice is good, too.
he cracks a small smile, staring at the wooden top of the bar. his index finger traces the rim of his drink. " . . . thanks, husk. damn. you've got some decent advice stored behind all'a that fluff, " he teases half-heartedly. " i'm tryin'a give myself time, it's just . . . i wish time . . . would move a lil' fast'a. yanno? "
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weirdozjunkary · 8 months
I don’t really like Vivzi for a variety of reasons (wether or not she is controversial). But out of the four episodes of Hazbin Hotel that we got so far, I think that Husk is the most interesting character among the cast.
Excuse me while I ramble about him for a moment…
Presumably being one of the oldest of the cast, he is an ex overlord, being forced to sell his soul so he could still have at least some power. As well, he has both a gambling and alcohol addiction (whether or not he uses them to cope is unclear).
But what really sets him apart from the cast to me is the fact that he is able to read people extremely well, which makes sense given the fact that he’s a bartender and people spew their feelings out in a drunken rage at him, and the fact that he’s a gambler so he needs to be able to read people in order to win.
Husk is just so interesting so far, and I’m very curious what’s gonna happen with him throughout the show.
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"How do people deal with it?" The Radio Demon leaned against the bar, finishing up his 4th glass of Rye. "It's a waste of time and energy, putting all yourself into someone. Then they work their way like a maggot into your heart, and when you least expect it? When you think you are safe?" He slammed his hand against the counter, "THEY tear it OUT! " He buried his claws into his own hair holding his head. "How could someone be so incredibly stupid to allow such vulnerability?" @voodoodaaddy
This drunken display was nothing new. Ever since Husk had been demoted to Alastor's personal mixologist, he had been privy to a number of inebriated rants. There was a delicious sort of irony in Alastor chastising vulnerability while pouring his heart out.
Fucking hypocrite.
The bartender plucked the empty glass from the counter and replaced it with a preemptive water. Alastor was insufferable enough sober, Husk didn't want to deal with the overlord's inevitable hangover.
"That's the funny thing about humans," Husk droned, washing the cup, "we crave connection. Well, most of us, anyway."
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Golden slit's finally dared to appraise The Radio Demon, catching the subtle tells the gambler had noted over the years. He didn't owe his jailer shit, but right now, Alastor was just another miserable drunk, and Husk could empathize with that, at least.
"Relationships are a lot like gambling," he asserted sagely. "Friendships, romance, either way, you take a risk by opening yourself to the possibility of reward: companionship, love...In a way, you're dealing other people the better hand - the power to hurt you. Despite all that, it's pretty damn special when you find even one person who's willing to fold for you. Isn't that worth the risk?"
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tuneonin · 7 months
@drunken-gambler (continued)
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"Precisely. Valentino is nothing to be jealous of."
Alastor's glowing crimson gaze never leaves Husk as he takes another sip. What is he doing, exactly?
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knightfire · 3 years
A brief idea as ficlet: Drunken Divination
“I’ve fucking figured it out, Al.”
Alastor’s bright grin turned sardonic at the drunken slur of Husk’s voice.
“Well I hope you brought enough vino veritas for the rest of us, darling! It’s quite selfish and rude to keep it all to yourself,” he quipped, laugh track blaring as he reached for the bottle next to Husk’s heavy paw-hand. His wrist was lightly slapped for his trouble, and the prerecorded audience booed before falling silent.
“Just for that, I’m gonna tell ya. I’m cursing you with knowledge,” Husk complained. “The details are a bit fuzzy but the gist is this: holy numbers. You following me? That’s the answer. That’s why the market value on human souls never crashes, you get me?”
Alastor did not, and said so.
Husk rolled his great avian eyes and grinned. “Pay attention then, I’m gonna teach you some math. Seven and three, Al. Think about it, and it all makes sense. It’s why there’s so much prayer at the card table too, ha! Gamblers; we know, even if we don’t know what it is that we know!”
Alastor hummed, and Husk’s grin grew wider than any Cheshire’s smirk. “It’s simple, Al. It’s all sevens and threes, you realize? Seven sins, seven virtues, seven colors of the rainbow, seven days of the week?” Husk winked. “All sevens. You get it? See, it’s a holy number. A law. A principle passed down from the highest of the high. It means completion.”
The eyebrow Alastor raised at the statement only invited more of Husk’s glee. “And it’s the same with three. It’s the holy digit most people think of. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Heaven, Hell, Earth. And Earth? Third planet from the sun. The number of dimensions humans see in? Three. The time that’s the charm? Heh, it’s three. But put them together? What do you get?”
Alastor’s expression went slack as the self-assured smile stayed on his smug companion’s face. Husk waved a hand and his faithful cards danced on the tips of his fearsome talons. Three sevens twirled between his long, pointed approximations of fingers as he spoke.
“Multiply them. A blackjack, three sevens for twenty-one. It’s all building off the same base. A lucky strike at the slots? Three sevens. Gambling has been playing the holy numbers since before the first knuckle bone dice rolled! It’s all sevens and threes, don’t you get it?”
Alastor frowned. “And so this means?”
Husk rolled his magma-bright eyes and laughed. “What’s the currency of the afterlife, Al? Souls. Human souls. But why? Because they’re more powerful than they should be, especially when you build them in collections that are multiples of sevens and threes! You damn well know that, don’t you? And why?”
When Alastor merely waited for him to continue, Husk smirked. “How many sins can they carry? Seven. How many virtues can they carry? Seven.”
He leaned closer and grinned like he held all the cards. “That’s two sets of seven. What’s the third set? There’s got to be a third set that gives human souls access to the three spheres of existence. Three, Al. Earth. Heaven. Hell. Only human souls get to experience all three as a matter of course.”
Alastor’s eyes widened, and he swore at the victorious grin on Husk’s face.
“Find out that third set of seven, and you’ll have Power these fucking rubes ain’t ever thought of, Alastor.”
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radi0activesmile · 3 years
@husks-alcoholic-musk continued from  🎙️
Alastor hums thoughtfully as he hangs up the antique phone and rises from his desk. Seems he’ll have to finish this work a bit later. The radio demon summons his top hat to his head as he leaves his bedroom, calling out to Charlie that he’s going out for a bit. 
Now, he very well could bring Husk to him. It would be the easiest way to handle this, and it would be significantly faster than dragging the other’s drunken self all the way back to the hotel. There are; however, two problems: 1, that limits the amount of time he’ll be able to lord this over the gambler demon, and 2, he’s quite intrigued to see where Husk managed to get to. 
The radio demon makes his way down the staircase and through the doors of the hotel, lightly tapping his mic against the ground with a rhythmical tune as he walks down the streets. The closer he got to the neon lights, the more demons could be seen roaming the streets. Well-- they were, until they heard the filtered humming of the overlord. Taking one look at Alastor, several demons darted from his path. One even attempts to take cover in a trash can-- though they’re a rather small creature and can’t quite seem to make the leap. 
“Excuse me!~” Alastor calls to the miserable little demon, wearing such a friendly smile that one would think he’s utterly oblivious to how much fear he strikes into the souls of weaker demons. “I’m looking for my companion! He’s rather feline looking, About yay high,” he holds his hand out to match Husk’s height, “wearing a top hat.”
A trembling hand points towards an alleyway under a bright, neon sign. Alastor tips his hat. “Appreciate it!” He calls before making his way, leaving the pitiful little creature to sit against that trash can and clutch his chest. 
“Olly-olly-oxen-free, old friend!” the Overlord calls out as he enters the dimly lit alley. 
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sketchydodles · 4 years
Memories PT. 2 | RadioHusk FanFic
Alastor snapped from his apparent reminiscing, finding himself in front of the front desk/bar of the establishment.
The layer of dust that was piling on top of the counter was visible for the naked eye to see, it felt empty and devoid of its purpose.
It felt useless without its barkeep to maintain it...
Alastor slowly traced a finger across the countertop, dust piling, and staining it as it creates a smooth and straight line. Alastor refused for anyone to even dare touch the drinking establishment, not even a light cleaning by the darling Niffty, but the cyclops didn't ignore nor deny the radio demon's request and simply passed by it whenever she had a cleaning spree. Alastor can sort of feel a bit relieved that everything will remain the same as it was before Husk left his post.
Although the pain remains in his undead heart whenever he would glance in the abandoned bar's direction.
It was a struggle to keep up his devilish grin whenever someone mentioned his wildcard's name.
Soon his inner anger and loss would cause him to be on a murderous spree.
Dooming his chances to even be redeemed.
Alastor didn't want to be torturing and massacring any hellians if his darling kitten won't be here to bear witness it. It's pointless to start arguments if none of the poor souls won't come up with snappy and drunken comebacks in return to his rant like Husker. Most of Hell's inhabitants will bear the same reaction of fear and endless pleading for life as opposed to Husk's apathetic attitude.
Nothing could be the same... It frustrated Al...
Alastor can feel a low rumble in his throat that was building up to be a snarl, his antlers slowly sharpening at his clawing anger that was threatening to unleash all chaos and destruction. His grin tightening as if it's being forcefully pulled on to keep that dastardly smile from faltering even a second. Alastor slowly makes his way out of the hotel and into the deserted city street, simply tilting his head upward at the sky as the sky darkens.
Then he hears a mocking laugh in the back of his mind...
He taps on his mic as static emits from him, humming a soft tune that he recalls Husk's always enjoyed in his early youth to drown out the unneeded irritation.
"I dedicate this broadcast to you, my wildcard..." Alastor announced as he watches a bright light shining across Hell's bloody sky, winged creatures spurring out from said light.
"You fucking shithead! Can't you see or are you blind as sh*t!?" Husk roared to the radio demon, snarling as a fit of laughter was his answer. "My dear Husker, you worry simply too much! It's no fun to simply have mercy on the game when it's more delighting to partake in the more violent approach..." Alastor retorted to the winged cat demon, while he did think Husk didn't have to hover over his shoulder (figuratively), he thought it was endearing to see the old veteran was caring about his wellbeing. Besides, he enjoyed the reaction Husker would have when Al comes close to being in harm's way.
"I ain't going to care for your ass if you so much have a broken limb..." Husk chided while keeping the angels at bay, quickly dodging and maneuvering around to grab their spear, taking this advantage to pierce it through its head. The blood quickly splatting out and staining his claws/paws, even a bit on his cheek as he dumped the body over the floor. Seeing the deer demon watching him with a softer smile and starstruck eyes, "Keep your eyes off me, bastard..." Husk simply called out as he briskly lunged the used spear towards the side of Alastor to which punctured through the skull of the approaching exterminator.
Alastor simply chuckled as he leaned against his mic, snapping his fingers to which tentacles quickly coiled around a few of the heavenly beings that attempted to stalk behind the alcoholic gambler. "Perhaps you should focus more around you than my state of admiration to you..." Alastor riposte as he waved his hands to quickly crush the angels of above to a nearby building, glancing as the building crumbled on top of them. Husk simply scoffed as he takes a quick scan over the area, hundreds of bodies was amongst them as he simply rubbed his tired eyes.
Sometimes Husk wondered how Alastor dragged him to play stupid charades like this.
"You seem tired, my dear..." Alastor cooed in Husk's ear as he had swiftly made his way over to his wildcard, although Husk simply swatted the approaching hand that wanted to rest upon his shoulder. "Don't act like you weren't the reason I had to miss my nap, fucker..." Husk hissed in a low volume as he ignored the hand that began to massage behind his ears although said ears simply lowered in content. "Alright then, would you prefer me to continue this game I have also kindly invited you into..!" Alastor proposed in his usual showman attitude, Husk rolling his eyes in response. "Let's just fucking go back..."
Although Husk couldn't exactly go-ahead as Alastor changed his hand to rest upon his hip, hugging him close as the smiling sinner simply nuzzled a top of Husk's head. "Oh, we don't have to rush my kitten! Enjoy the scenery!" Alastor acclaimed as he waved his free arm across the cityscape to show the corpses of their latest kills, feeling proud that he would share this wonderous feat with his wildcard.
"I much prefer it AFTER the extermination and when I'm rested, asshat..." Husk growled to his lover's praise.
Alastor simply chuckled as he escorted the winged demon to the hotel, humming a cheery tune as his mic begins to play an old song from Husk's time of lively hood. Husk normally would've told Al to shut the damn thing off, but he actually enjoys the song more than he likes to admit so he simply lets the song play out it's slow yet lively beat.
Although his ear twitches as suddenly his iris shrank, shaking as time slows.
Swiftly pulling himself from Al's grip as he uses his wing to shield himself and the deer demon, positioning himself directly behind Alastor.
Alastor turned his head towards the gambler as blood suddenly stained him over his coat as his eyes widen while his smile simply sharpen. Seeing a spear belonging to those from above, pierce cleanly through the red wings that matched with the blood staining the wound, and puncturing through Husk's lower abdomen.
Labored breathing acted by the cat demon as he slowly falls to his knees and onto his side, the heavenly weapon began to increase the pain and damage as the wound slowly glowed into that of soft light. Following along the blood and wound as if tracing his veins. Alastor suddenly let out a loud roared as he catches sight of the culprit, an injured angel who's ever grinning smiling mask mocked him. It stood there simply watching, knowing there was no chance of escaping but simply to instead gloat.
Alastor can feel his demon form manifest as quickly as one can snap their fingers, his eyes slowly becoming pools of black tar as some ooze down his cheek, his smile enlarging as the corners of his mouth began to tear and stretch to show rows of massive blade-like teeth, his body stretched and becoming withered with decay as his skin begin to meet against the bones, giving him a very slender like appearance as his horns grew in length, twists and sharpen points manifesting. His upper buddy becoming a bit bulkier despite his thinning build, bones protruding through his shoulders as his skin became more of ash grey while his legs twist and bend to that of an actual deer completed with hooves. Black tentacles cling and attach to his lower arms and hands along with his legs, giving his limbs a more elongated stretch.
An audible click was heard as his tone became deeper, demonic, and devoid of his usual radio filter. "YoU dARe tO HarM wHaT Is MiNE ThEn YOu WIll PEriSh!" Alastor let out a sickening combination of a shriek and a howl that rattled the near buildings weak windows and the ground shook, immediately pinning the heavenly being down to the ground although it wasn't struggling nor crying for mercy, but instead stare back into the empty eyes to which belonged to the infamous radio demon. This further fueled Alastor's fury and raises his long and gnarly claws to prepare to hack the angel that harmed his beloved.
Although what he heard was something that honestly threw off the demon that his anger suddenly was replaced to confusion and unease.
The being beneath him was giving a soft yet audible chuckle, to which began to grow in volume to a cackle, and soon the laughter echoed across the neighborhood to send a shiver down your spine. Alastor was beyond confused but at the light of moment took this action as an offense, a sort of mockery to him, knowing that this being of holiness gave no sheer fuck for what crime they committed. Instead, they took great pride and victory of their action with no remorse within their very being.
In just one quick swipe which began to claws and slashing left and right, the grotesque manner to equal the measure of Alastor's rage.
Breathing heavily as he slowly began to shift to his tame form, standing to his feet and giving a quick look over of the mutilated corpse beneath him. Although his attention quickly snapped and his full focus was his Husk, quickly making way as he gave to his buckling knees next to his darling wildcard who's breathing are soft and shallow as his golden honey eyes were now that of a dull and faded greyish caramel. Carefully pulling Husk's head to his lap as his smile was beginning to falter, struggling to keep pinned up. Tears forming as it blurred his vision, blinking to let them fall and mark his face.
Gently runs a hand through Husk's fur while the golden glow that accompanied his wounds was slowly taking forms of cracks over his body as if he were broken. The angelic weapon was taking effect and there is no way to reverse or heal its damage, so it was best to let it run its slow and agonizing course than to fight it...
"I... Never expected to see you this f*cking bummed out..." Husk quietly commented on Alastor's disarray state, his voice having no snarkiness or sarcasm to it but a genuine concern tone.
"Husker darling... I... I don't seem to understand... H-How can you let yourself..." Alastor questioned and stuttering over his words as tears continue to stream and let the tears fall onto the gambler's bloodied fur. He couldn't think of the right words to say, in fact, he lost the ability to think and speak.
"And I... Thought I've known you long enough... Yet you still surprise me..." Husk chuckled weakly as the sound of exhaustion overlay it, "For once you actually shut up..."
"You seem to take this too lightly, my dear..."
"To be fair, this ain't my first time being in a situation like this..."
"Yes... And I hoped it never had to repeat itself..." Alastor replied as he was referencing to Husk's death, while he wasn't alive to bear witness it himself, Husk once mental breakdown revealed the nature and cause of his apparent suicide.
Husk breathing was now that above a whisper as the glowing pattern soon reach his neck.
Knowing this is his ending, he put almost all his strength and effort to reach towards the hat that has fallen off of him just to his side, pulling out a dog tag that bears his own two from the war and also a ring that Alastor has proposed to him several months back. Clutching it in his claws as he brought it to where Alastor's other hand (which wore the other ring) lay on his stomach just near the wound, giving a soft but reassuring smile to Alastor to which the deer demon soon let down his own facade.
"Thanks, Al... For... Everything..."
Al quickly took hold of the gambler's claw that held the necklace.
The (not so) smiling sinner gently planted a long and yet passionate kiss atop the winged demon's forehead, watching as Husk smile stayed as he closed his eyes.
"Je t'aime..." Alastor softly whispered as Husk took his final breath as the glow soon brighten to near blindness. Once the scolding light dimmed to nothing, Alastor was soon met with loneliness as Husk no longer exists in his arms.
Alastor tightens his grip to still feel the dog tag along with the ring in his clutches, tears cascading as he let out a loud shriek full of pain and mourning, his hands covering his eyes as his holler reached almost several miles from where he was across the city. The clock striking loudly to mark the end of the extermination, hearing in the distance the fireworks that the princess has cast.
A year has passed since then... Alastor was no longer the same.
While the mannerism and his dark humor remained, the hotel crew knew it was forced and a mask to hide his scars of what he lost that day. The breaking of his heart couldn't be repaired if he could no longer have his darling Husk with him any longer. The atmosphere felt still and stiff since Husk's death, Alastor "requested" to her highness for no one to even be near the bar or to so much touch what lays with it. Charlie couldn't deny an obvious grieving man's wish as she enforces the rule out to everyone.
Months pass by like a stream as the vacant bar laid dormant, to never be used again.
Alastor can still hear the cackle that befalls upon him when he pinned heaven's winged vulture, it haunted him but deny any assistance or would never acknowledge it. The deer demon stopped drinking altogether as his impulses grew, more murderous, and blood coated broadcasts increased throughout the airwaves, each more grotesque and gnarly than the last.
This one was no different, although this sign off would forever be engraved to the sinners around.
Alastor murdering the angelic beings was obviously a sort of empty revenge knowing that no matter how many winged beasts he killed, Husk won't be returning.
Alastor laid on the floor as multiple spears of angels have pierced through him, his devilish smile plastered onto his face as blood seemed to pour out of his closed teeth, the mic broken by his side as it gave off an almost inaudible static before silence overcame it soon after.
In his hand, that accompanied his ring, held Husk's dog tags that also had the gambler's ring attached.
He never wanted to let him go, he'd never wanted to lose the one person he can feel this sensation again... He lost it once...
He promised to stay by his side... He refuses to break it again...
I'm forever here my love... I'm not leaving you again...
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boss-valentino · 5 years
// mxsecastle // *husk* "Hey...Bub...ya seen a spider man?" The drunken gambler said strolling over to moth
Valentino was sitting in his room, looking the car demon up and down. What was someone like him doing in his halls? Poking around with his cane, Val scrunched his face atad.
"Why and who wants to know? Angel Dust is not working for some time and I cannot remember to made any appointments with clients. So shoosh, kitty cat."
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