#husk is daddy
interestofthemonth · 7 months
Husk gets hurt/drunk/incoherent one night at the hotel and picks up Fat Nuggets, cradling him gently in his arms, telling the little pig in the most serious voice: "I'm gonna be your daddy one day."
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poppyfieldart · 3 months
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POV: When you get all dolled up to go out with the Casino Overlord but some asshole tries to ruin your night so you end up beating said asshole up with a crowbar 😊💅
For context please consider reading my fanfiction called Lucky Bastard. This scene is from Chapter 6. (click here)
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glitchedcosmos · 8 months
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Huskerdust parenting niffty is everything to me
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talesofnature · 8 months
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lilymagnemorningstar · 4 months
Headcannon: Husk creates a cocktail inspired by each guest at the Hotel and this one is Lucifers 💖
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hazbmymhotel · 19 days
Handsome Dusky below the cut!
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I don’t think I’ve drawn a hunk before!
He belongs to @albobeati7
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Consider Alastor stripping in front of Vox and when Vox is like "holy shit ur comfortable enough around me to be naked??" and Alastor laughs at him and says "Do you think I get embarrassed when taking my clothes off in front of my couch or dresser? Why would I be embarrassed because I'm naked in front of a TV?"
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fizziepopangel · 5 months
Daddy Alastor
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Let’s be clear, Alastor is an asexual king, he would fuck no one to become a father, the man would simply acquire a child. Most likely a child from Cannibal Town.
Despite his reputation, Alastor would be surprisingly good with kids. It would shock everyone except Rosie..
Rosie would give him all parenting books she could get his hands on because the usual calm and collected radio demon would basically be shitting himself when he realized that he was a father now.
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Although he would dub himself a father, I don’t think he would really feel like a dad until his child actually called him dad for the first time.
Alastor would be very, very protective of any little ones he acquired so he wouldn’t trust just anyone to watch them. In order of most to least trustworthy to watch his child would be: Rosie, Vaggie, Husk, Charlie, and as a very last resort, Lucifer, Sir Pentious or Angel Dust, under no circumstances would he leave his kids alone with Niffty since he still sees her as a child herself.
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Lucifer would be a last resort solely based on the fact that he has his own personal beef with the former angel.
His kids would absolutely terrorize Sir Pentious when left alone with him on the rare occasions they were left with him, but they would get along with the egg bois.
His kids would not be allowed to watch tv….  But Charlie and Sir Pentious would be total pushovers and they would end up letting them watch cartoons when their father wasn’t around. Alastor would be pissed if he found out since he would 100% be trying to teach his kids about the magic of radio.
With his own father having been a rather abusive piece of shit, Alastor is very much a gentle parent and does not believe in putting his hands on his kids for any reason. And god help anyone who does put their hands on Alastor’s child.
Teaching his child to cook would be something Alastor really valued because cooking and being in the kitchen was a big reminder of his mother. Each time he was in the kitchen with his kiddo, he would show them a new dish from his childhood, each one accompanied by a memory and story of his mother.
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If he had a son, Alastor would have him in a little suit similar to his.
Alastor would be the type of parent to have a bag of everything his kid might need from various snacks to a change of clothes to a little first aid kit, he would even do this when his kid gets into teen years.
Husk would be his go to babysitter for a small child despite not being his first choice since he’s a cat and he would think a small child would absolutely love hanging out with a giant cat…. He would be correct. Vaggie would be his go to choice for an older kid since he would trust her more to watch out for an older kid in a more attentive way, and he would nickname her his child’s guardian angel.
There would be weekly trips to cannibal town to visit aunt Rosie (who would always have a new gift for her favorite niece/nephew).
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In the event that Alastor had a little girl, he would threaten Angel Dust within an inch of his life. Not because he’s afraid of his child being hurt by the spider demon in anyway, but because he wouldn’t want his child exposed to Angel’s *cough cough* adult content too early or too often and any daughter he had would absolutely want to hang out with Angel as much as they could because he would be the most extra when it came to playing dress up and giving makeovers, and playing tea party…. And Angel would be the only one who could entice a certain cat to play with them too.
Any child of the infamous radio demon would know all the other overlords well since he would bring them to overlord meetings with him. Alastor would sit them on his lap with a coloring book and some crayons and a few snacks on the table in front of him and when asked why he brought a child with him, he would refer to his kiddo as a future overlord and call it an early lesson in their “family business”. In the event he had an older child, he would have them take notes on what they learned in the meetings.
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Despite having his own personal issues with the king of hell, Alastor would go to the man for advice on parenting if he had a smaller child since he is the only one Alastor knows who has really dealt with a small child.
His child would be one of the only people who he talked to without his radio filtered voice most of the time.
He would hang up every drawing his kiddo made, especially if he saw that they had a real passion and talent for it. And when he ran out of room in his room and his radio station, he would make Husk hang them at the bar and persuade Charlie to hang them around the hotel.
This man would absolutely let his child come on his radio show every now and then, and he would 100% always refer to them as the a “very special guest” just to make them feel special.
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marcieadoresu · 5 months
eeeAHHHHHHH *explodes*
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So… Royalflush is a ship that I ADORE!!! And I want to be Fucked by these two-! So I search “Royalflush x reader” NADA! but when I search “Radioapple x reader* BAM Everything! PLASE SOMWBODY DO SOME THREESOME SMUT WITH THIS SHIP PLEASEEEEEEEE
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eminemily05 · 7 months
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Sketches I plan to digitize based on my rambles this morning. I love the idea of Overlord Husk not being so nice as he may seem.
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avionvadion · 8 months
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I feel like this might be early Angel??? Before Husker gets him to open up and trust/be real around everyone- so before Sir Pentious joins, too.
I don't think he would intentionally ditch her, but I think Angel would forget she was there after a couple drinks and after flirting with some other Sinners, and she has to call Lucifer for help when she ends up surrounded. Angel realizes what happened, gets hit with guilt- watching Lucifer teleport away with a crying El- and starts taking protecting her more seriously afterwards. His invitations outside the hotel become more genuine, too, noticing she never really leaves unless Lucifer calls- and he teleports her, so it still doesn't count as leaving.
Anyways! After the incident, El feels very unsafe/uncomfortable and probably just sits in a corner until Lucifer pulls her into a dance to try and cheer her up. It works. By this point, Lucifer is moving on from the divorce, so he stopped wearing his wedding ring.
...I have no idea when the spicy drawing takes place, I just... wanted to draw it... a-ahem.
First time drawing Angel Dust, Alastor, and Husker! Here's hoping Alastor doesn't murder me in my sleep for where I unintentionally placed him. Oof. I feel like I got his color scheme slightly off (the colors don't really feel bright enough to me) but I tried.
Bonus doodle!
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alastor-simp-page · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel poll 3.0: Who does Alastor go best with ship-wise?
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What I mean what is your favorite Alastor x [insert character] ship? Who does he go best with in your opinion? I know that Rosie said he is asexual but this poll is just for funzies. I'm just curious to see what the masses think! No hate please!
Some of these look like crack ships but I'm too tired to look more for the popular ships. I'm pretty sure half of these would end terribly. Let the polls begin!
AngelicRadio, RadioStatic, and RadioDust sound so pretty.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments and who you voted for!
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markster666 · 8 months
really wish I was Husker goddamn
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hazbmymhotel · 11 days
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Suggestive below the cut!
Dusky belongs to @albobeati7
Love you, Bestie!!!
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a-hazbin-reader · 3 months
Honey likes anime and junk and Husk will sometimes let them ramble to him about the shows they’re into even if he doesn’t remember everything (he’s an old man) cuz it’s nicer than listening to the others fussing.
Honey: (passionately talking about my hero academia and the owl house)
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Husk is the kind of dad you think never listens but then for your birthday he gets you the one thing you've been gushing over 😭
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mamamangaka · 8 months
my domestic huskerdust AU children: the twins Morello and Moscato 💕
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