#hw: plotting
ifindus · 6 months
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"Pirates" - for the 4th day of @aphfrukweek
still thinking about my steampunk pirate au fic and the sequel chilling in my drafts...
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ask2pame · 6 months
whats wrong with luciano's neck?
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hyliagirl42-art · 4 months
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Yuga has some weird ideas about beauty, Cia has some weird ideas about the hero's spirit, and Orchard wants to be Anywhere But Here Right Now help
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noell0 · 3 months
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just leaving this here
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nalidyne · 7 months
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Happy Mayuge Day!!
Local salary man is dragged by his japanese coworker to try a newly opened restaurant that is rumored to have a special menu and a couple of very special waiters 🐮🥛
I caved in and drew something very self indulgent ✌️😔 Alternative version is on my tw!tt€r
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grem-archive · 2 years
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we call that the yankee doodle dumptruck
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prettyboykatsuki · 14 days
im so doomed im so cooked im so fried im so flambeed boiled and grilled
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mystybird · 2 months
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ive been watching too much game of thrones
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jaywinstcn · 1 month
who: @aurorabaystarter
where: utp
Jay stares at the person in front of him, glancing down to the cup in front of him. "I shouldn't even try it," he grumbles. He raises the cup up to his lips and takes a sip, scrunching his brows together. "What the fuck is that?"
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ask-extra-size-hero · 8 months
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★💙Get to know me!💙★
Hey you guys!! It's me ya boy, Alfred! Might have gotten a little lost in thought there, sorry. Can't think straight when I'm hungry! Anyways, are you ready for the ride? I can't wait to get to know y'all!
(((o(*[∂]▽[∂]*) o)))
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cryptophasia-nabros · 4 months
CanAme plot bunny:
Matthew wants Alfred. But Alfred is his brother. It can't be, and no one can ever know, especially not Alfred. Gilbert is older but close enough to Alfred's size that Matthew can close his eyes and pretend he's holding Al. He's loud and brash, extroverted, confident and self-proclaimed awesome. Good at math, loves engineering and likes to play video games with Alfred so Matthew can sit quietly and watch them both. Close enough to pretend. So Matthew settles, and no one can know. Especially not Alfred.
Alfred wants Matthew. But Matthew is his brother. It can't be, and no one can ever know, especially not Matthew. Ivan is older but close enough to Matthew's size that Alfred can close his eyes and pretend he's being held by Matt. He's quiet and calm, introverted, shy but also strong-willed. Good at hockey and loves winter sports so Alfred can see him play on the same ice as Matthew and look into violet eyes like his brother's. Close enough to pretend. So Alfred settles, and no one can know. Especially not Matthew.
Don't have anywhere to go with this. Was just in my head.
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ifindus · 4 months
Waiter, waiter!! More Viking Scotnor headcanons please! (If you have any ofc :3 )
Oh no!! Not my weakness!! 😳
Their relationship during the viking age was mostly very amicable, apart from a few minor fights and arguments later on. In contrast to England and Denmark, Norway and Scotland mostly co-existed peacefully beside each other and even developed a friendship. Norway has always been a traveller and would rarely stay in one place for long, but he would often spend his summers and occaionally autumns in his territories close to Scotland before moving along on his next adventure. During these months Norway and Scotland would hang out and Norway would tell Scotland stories about all his adventures out on the sea, exploring westward, as a hired soldier for the Byzantine emperor, helping out Denmark with his wars agaisnt England, and joining Sweden on his trips east. Scotland would think these were the coolest stories and always look forward to Norway's occasional visits. And sometimes Norway would even bring him exotic gifts he'd picked up on his travels.
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elliewiltarwyn · 7 months
Send 💎 for a screenshot associated with glamour or wealth.
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"You really think all your riches, your wealth, your piles of gil, will save you from my blade?"
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"Of course not, silly girl. What they would do is ripple out and trigger a sea of upheaval and chaos in this fair city that would tear it to pieces. But if you truly think removing my head would solve Ul'dah's problems, and not plunge it into torments capable of destroying the very poor you think you're saving and our dear sultana both... you are welcome to try."
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"...Who said I'm here for some sort of noble purpose regarding the poor? Or what you did to Nanamo? What if I'm just really pissed about what you did to me at the banquet?"
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"If Elilgeim Wiltarwyn, Warrior of Light, is truly so blinkered, then the realm is already lost. I do not believe she is. Do you...Ellie?"
tbh i had a lot of difficulty coming up with an idea for this until I remembered the one person Ellie's met in her career that so emphasizes a glamourous lifestyle made possible by his wealth, and how she would grind him into a fine paste if she could get away with it. it's extremely upsetting for her to learn that she, in fact, cannot just cut the head off of capitalism. :')
thanks for the prompt, @viiioca!!
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hyliagirl42-art · 4 months
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Have a hero of Eras for Identity Fruad AU! Do you ever go for a long time drawing a character a certain way and then decide later that they really need freckles and retcon the whole thing? Cuz that just happened lol
Also. If y'all know anyone who's really good at designing dragons lmk,, I've tried designing his dragon form SO MANY TIMES and it ALWAYS looks off somehow...I really am better at people than animals lol (I've been getting better at cats, bunnies, wolves, and foxes though?)
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sunflowerpieivan · 5 months
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Spirit of spring resting under the duvet of snow ❄️
I don’t know how to explain my feelings and thoughts…
I should drop some lore of this AU in near future in any form…
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unhetalia · 4 months
jealous England sounds fun until he realizes america truly has no clue when someone is flirting with him or not. I mean how is England going to woo him in the future?
I could never say how these two get together but in terms of what I like to read (and don't get enough of) I always ALWAYS want Arthur rescuing Alfred so that would be fun to think about...
Also, it kind of goes against any previous "Arthur badly courting Alfred" headcanons that I've previously talked about but recently my mind has flipped to a different relationship scenario between Arthur and Alfred.
Arthur is still a horndog who has way more sex than anyone expects (except Francis, who has been accidentally Arthur's best friend for many years).
Alfred, on the flipside, is either a virgin or someone who has sex very very rarely. Exclusively into men (does he know?), very demisexual. Doesn't have much interest in sex, but this is because he's either never been a good match with the men he's had sex with or, if he's a virgin, it just doesn't seem like it'll be that interesting.
Arthur has never seen Alfred as someone to be sexually interested in BECAUSE he's so busy living in the past aka wishing for the times that Alfred was a child.
Alfred is the one who has been in love with Arthur since before his revolution. I like the headcanon people have that his bid for independence was his attempt at getting Arthur to see him as an equal. (It doesn't work.)
It's near-modern times. Maybe late 90s or early 2000s, Alfred is VERY used to unrequited love. He and Arthur are... cordial, but they have different circles.
It's something that hurts Alfred a lot. How Arthur was never interested in Alfred when he grew up. Arthur only ever wanted a colony - and apparently Alfred wasn't even a colony Arthur considered important. He knows Arthur and India were together for a long time, and Alfred sees the longing looks they still throw at each other. She tells Alfred she's completely over Arthur, but how can you date someone for 50 years* and look at them like THAT and have it be "nothing"?
Then we have one of the bits that changes for me, depending on what fic I want. Something needs to happen to get Arthur to see Alfred as he is. I've talked about this before, but in previous posts I've always gone: friends -> fall in love -> get over revolution hang ups -> end up together. NOW, for England, I want to change it up to: get over revolution hang ups -> friends/fall in love (these two are interchangeable to me for England) -> lovers. Meanwhile, Alfred's journey is: fall in love -> everything else (I find his journey can be more flexible).
SO what can make Arthur get over himself? I think it would need to be something big that'll shake him up a little. Alfred-in-distress is one way. Arthur realises how much he wants to save Alfred-the-Nation, and not just who Alfred-the-Colony ended up being.
OR, with the jealousy theme we've been having: another Nation starts pursuing Alfred, and Arthur is forced to see Alfred as an object of desire for someone else, which then jiggles something loose inside him and allows him to see Alfred as someone who is incredibly desirable.
Alas, in the new ... dynamic? Timeline? that I have for these two, Arthur doesn't do any wooing - even when he does fall for Alfred, or becomes jealous of others wanting Alfred, he'll desperately want that shit HIDDEN, and will be glad Alfred's oblivious.
Them actually ending up together needs to somehow happen without planning. At this point in time I've thought myself into a corner with these two. The world might need to be near-ending before the feelings get squeezed out in the open.
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