#hws amerca
hetalia-club · 2 years
Incorrect Hetalia Quotes At The World Meeting (Mean Girls Addition)
Sealand: I just wish we could all get along like we used to. I wish that I could bake a cake out of rainbows and smiles and we could all eat it and be happy.
England: *In the back of the room wearing sunglasses and a hoodie* He's not even a country.
Germany: Are you even a recognized country?
Sealand: No, I just have a lot of feelings.
Sweden: Sealand go home.
America: Russia, I don't hate you because you're a communist.
America: You're a communist because I hate you.
France: That's so fetch!
England: Stop trying to make fetch happen France! It's never going to happen.
America: I'm sorry people are so jealous of me...But I can't help that I'm popular.
England: If I was wearing jeans today I would be sitting over there with the dead nations.
*Pan over to Prussia sitting at a table by himself*
Belarus: Why should America get to stomp around like a giant, while the rest of us try not to get smushed under his big feet? What's so great about America? Hm? Russia is just as cute as America. Russia is just as smart as America. People totally like Russia just as much as they like America. And when did it become okay for one person to be the boss of everybody, huh? Because that's not what The world is about. We should totally just STAB America!
Romano (Smugly): I don't think my father, the The Pope, would be too pleased to hear about this.
Germany: I don’t care how long it takes to get the trade deals settled, I will keep you here all night if I have to!
Switzerland *Whispering*: We can't keep them past four.
Germany: I will keep you here until four!
America (to France): England says nobody likes you because you're such a slut!
America (to new NATO members): On Wednesdays we wear pink!
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hcaivoices · 9 months
Filling requests, tried to keep it all in the same genera. But I did want to include a good mix of characters. (Also to the person who requested 'doin time' by sublime I hope you're alright that I went with Lana's version Canada sang it better, it was a better fit for his voice.)
MP3s on discord. All voices made by me Posting for entertainment only
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alfredosauce50 · 2 years
Avatar [America x reader] 02
“Alfred never imagined he would get this far.”
Patreon link for early access
02 - Infiltration   Wordcount: 3, 315 Disclaimer: This is a crossover with the film “Avatar” (2009) A/N: Spoken Na’vi that is translated into English in dialogue will be indicated with “italics”. Allen’s name will be unchanged for clarity, but his name and yours are meant to be of a Na’Vi derivative.   Jarhead: “A member of the United States Marine Corps. When used by civilians it could be considered derogatory, but it is used often among Marines. The term originates from the  ‘high and tight’ haircut that many Marines have, which makes their head look like a jar.” Urban dictionary
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1p2p-heta-imagines · 4 years
This is another personal one. I was wondering if you can do headcanons for 1p/2p America dealing with a S/O who suffers from Hypo-Mania? They get really hyper, clean the whole house, indulge in reckless things and want to do things spontaneously like go to the carnival on a whim then they get tired and have to recharge for a couple days? I just started to crash and feel depressed lol. But I’m taking care of myself. Thank you if you answer this and have a good day :)
1p America would be a little confused the first few times but eventually learn to bring out the snacks, blankets and cuddles whenever they’re recharging. He’ll lay with them and ask how he can help them better when something like this happens again, like if there was anything that he could do for them. He has no idea what’s happening unless someone tells him but he’ll try his best to help them however he can because he loves them a lot and wants to make them happy
2p America would have no idea how to help as it’s happening but he would most likely attempt to ask them why while they’re mani, only to get basically no answers. He’d spend a lot of time trying to research what it means and if there’s anything he may be able to do for them. Once they’ve crashed, he’ll do most things for them until they start to feel better, from making them meals to taking any pets out for a walk, anything they ask will be done. 
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