#hws athens
acetechne · 1 year
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World Watercolour Month: 20. Olive
i thought I'd challenge myself and try to draw an ancient olive press and I got frustrated, haha. Here is the horrible man himself who has also just collapsed in defeat having dropped his sun hat and lost all his helpers?
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G5 for Athens and G7 for Ionia
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she's definitely checking out the lost wax casting techniques that he's describing that's all
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words-words-worlds · 1 year
Hetalia Capital OC: Athens
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Song I Associate With This OC: Break My Stride - Matthew Wilder
Questions For This OC: Open!
A/N: Ain't nothing gonna break my stride, ain't nothing gonna slow me down, oH NO-
~Name~ -Calliope Lorakos [Capital Representative of Athens]
~Age~ -40
~Gender/Pronouns~ -Cis, She/Her
~Sexuality~ Pansexual
~Appearance~ -5'5 -Yellow eyes and long brown hair reaching mid-back, sometimes but not often braided -Black button up dress with black leggings, baggy leather jacket, and flats
~Personality~ -Said to be the life of the party -Prefers to celebrate life rather than attend meetings -”I’m never attending a meeting again!” and then proceeds to attend another meeting -One of the more stern capitals when actually attending meetings -But other than that, she's usually easy-going
~Extra Not Mentioned~ -Never celebrates her own birthday for a variety of reasons -Absolutely loves traveling, especially with Marco (Rome) and Luciana (Madrid); these 3 capitals make up the Travel Trio -Calliope and Marco bond over their love for olives -She works to keep other capitals out of trouble...sometimes -Has a three-headed dog named Three-Headed Dog
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attichoney4u · 2 years
Big inspiration from @allbeendonebefore. The designs for Athens was based from her work!
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Here we have Athens in PASOK merchandise. The idea came to me after a discussion with myself:
My brain: Hey, remember Hapo's Athens?
Me: Yes?
My brain: What's his theme color?
Me: Green.
My brain: And what else is green?
For those of you wondering, PASOK (Panhellenic Socialist Movement) was an influencing social-democratic political party during the '80s and '90s.
Most adults who grew up during that time period remember it as a "Golden Age", where the country met positive development (not just the big cities, like Athens and Thessaloniki, but small villages as well) and "even homeless people had a home to stay" etc.
But all good things must come to an end. The reason behind this development was mainly because we were borrowing money from other European countries and after a time, we had to pay them back. The problem was that we wasted that money on entertainment mostly and not on profitable activities, like business, trade, industry etc. That's one of the many reasons why we met the financial crisis at the end of the first decade of 2000. Actually, the reasons are much more complicated, but I am not an expert to discuss them, so I recommend you to check them out yourselves.
There's also a term named after it, called Pasokification, which refers to the decline of centre-left social-democratic political parties in European and other Western countries during the 2010s, often accompanied by the rise of nationalist, left-wing and right-wing populist alternatives.
I imagine that Athens (and the rest of Greece) still have their PASOK merchandise and wait for it to retrieve its power...
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lightprkdraws · 2 years
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Did I ever tell y'all about my two hetalia OCs I had made for ancient Athens (right) and Sparta (left)? Because here they are!
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
I'm adding onto the Wars as a divine beast ideas
Owl. He gives me HUGE owl vibes!
No. 1: it's said that owls have such keen sight that they can see through deception. You can probably understand the implications of that
No 2: You already know I heavily relate him to Athena. (like,the goddess Athena. I think using Athene instead of Athena can help me differentiate them for all of ya'll who haven't gotten attached to Artemis for hw Zel)
Anyways, Wars-Athene. Warriors, as we all know, is AMAZING at strategy and warfare. Guess who's also good at strategy and warfare? Athene!
No 3: they just.. Silently stare at you. Like a Link stares at everybody silently.
No 4: they're weird little guys, just like the Links! Come on Nintendo, let the Links do a weird little head tilt!
In conclusion: Wars is an owl.
NOW LET ME EXPLAIN WHY SKY IS A DOVE- (I'll explain later I'm too lazy rn)
YOU’RE THE ONLY PERSON SO FAR WHO AGREES WITH ME THAT HE’D BE A BIRD OF SOME KIND! I said peregrine falcon, but I love owl too!!!
Whatever he is he’s most certainly a weird little guy, clever and majestic too, but a little weirdo who will stare at you from afar
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taviokapudding · 1 year
Simon's joke of "soup of theseus" is so damn good & way more layered than most people think.
Okay so first- what is the ship of Theseus?
So amongst his many misadventures and legends the ship of theseus was a ship the Athenians believed connected them to the divine living person that was Theseus. The thing is, he was maybe Poseidon's adopted kid/the King if Athen's son and probably not real (or at least if he did his misadventures were super exaggerated as royals = divity stories are) but the fate the Athenians had for him & Apollo (the 6 labors is a fun legend that explains their connection and what the original ship may have been) was so intense, they would constantly give maintence as a form of religious worship to said ship on the island of Delos (where Apollo's most sacred sancutary is) every year it would dock to pay respects.
Btw we don't need to know the specifics of Theseus but he did infamously slay a minotar and Finn did have a good exchange with the Mannish Man to get the enchiridion aka the book that sets Betty & Simon on the paths they are on now so that's neat af
So if you've ever heard about the ship of Theseus being paradox- it comes from the critique that's always existed about that ship's maintenance & religious practices tldr if you are constantly replacing each rotted and borken part of a ship, is it still the same ship?
The soup is a paradox like the ship
That paradox exists in many many scifi and adventure stories like the Nier series & Ghost in the Shell but in this instance we got to first look at the joke literally. Farm world's Finn's wife's soup is the same as the ship. The original soup farm world HW made no longer exists on a technicality, but the way Finn and his kids continue to add on and consume the soup is exactly like the Athenians. It's about the intent of carrying on the memory and keeping the soup around to honor the dead rather than the soup's original recipe {which also is incredibly sad & imples that farmworld Finn is both coping and never learned the original soup recipe}. It's a beautiful way to honor their dead mom/wife and it makes you wonder if that Finn did die if his kids will continue the practice.
But the paradox goes beyond the soup & into our reality
A lot of people have noticed that Fionna's last name is Campbell and Campbells is a real soup brand that would've been around before the great mushroom war. When Marceline gets sick as a kid, Simon goes great lenghts to get her chicken soup- that only worked out because the primordial version of the Mother Gum assisting {which is extreme Bubbeline foreshadowing}. And in that scene the can low key is a campbell design. But what if I told you there's more?
In Cheers, the tv show Simon is seen constantly watching and referencing throughout the original run of Adventure Time & in the recent Fionna and Cake had Carla Tortelli work at a Canpbell's Factory.
Neat references aside the soup ends the moment the main trio hit the remote button and I have a BA in psychology & interest in childrens media and entertainment that I want to milk for once. Metaphorical intention is beyond relevant episode specifics but actually the foundation of Fionna and Cake when it comes to the paradox.
Simon making the soup of Theseus joke is the main problem Fionna and Cake has to address
If Simon can summon his & Prismo's au from his head without proper MMS (Magic, Madness, and Sadness) where does Simon the human start and Ice King end?
As viewers who grew up alongside the series, the majority of 25+ watchers are finding Simon, older Finn, and Fionna painfully relatable because good fucking god we are all traumatized because of the ongoing pandemic.
If you want to focus on the main topic you can skip this part. But if you want to get very serious for a minute, please stay. The majority of people wont to accept what I just said about the pandemic being ongoing because global governments pretending the pandemic is over, the rise of depression and escapism in real time at a social level at a global level but especially in the US where the series is being made, and the daily interactions we have with most people refusing to mask up {with a violent reaction} when there still isn't a cure for COVID has created the perfect enviroment for most people to not accept change or crave extreme change. Fionna and Cake tackles these 2 very common forms of how depression tends to manifest when it's not fully manic to be displayed through Simon (self isolation from poor coping due to loss, detachment from society, dwelling on the past to the point it effects social interactions, extreme forms of religious practice, etc.) and Fionna/Finn (pretending everything is fine, avoidance, going through the bare minimum motions to survive, escapsim and dream of grandure, not caring about sel preservation, no/lack of self control with sweets/coffee, etc.). And I've noted there's a subset of AT viewers who don't relate or find the depections too real to the point they're upset the show's tone isn't as light hearted as AT. The thing is when a global disabling event happens, unless you were under 10 when it happened and even then it's a 50/50 because you probably did lose or know somebody who did die these last several years, you will have some kind of trauma response to it whether you like it or not. Hell, some of you unknowlingly have a gap in your memory about 2020 specifically due to inconsistent sleep schedules that have nothing to do with the shrinking of the brain mass COVID causes that we all call "brain fog" and now that I pointed it out you're probably going to go stare at a wall for 5 mins {sorry btw, doubly if you have long COVID and this is how you found out what brain fog partially is}. As someone who's been dealing with depression since I was a child, it's okay to be not okay given the last several years and doubly if you've been conscious long enough to see the US freefall into fascism too {which I hope encourages those who weren't aware that's been happening to go look into that because we can't get into it right now}. Because I unfortunately know what manic depression can look like - if you find yourself relating to Simon a little too much during ep 3, please talk to somebody who is licensed and trained to do so {not me, I haven't done suicide prevention work since 2017 and am not licensed- I genuienly won't be enough of a resource} okay? Don't throw away yourself nor change yourself for others only. You need to work to accept the past, move on to live in the present, and change yourself for yourself. It won't be easy and resources are out there to not do it alone, alright?
Becuase of how paradoxial and fluid mental health (espeically undiagnosed depression) can be and how AT has it's own version with MMS, could Simon have unconscious MMS still because of Betty's with without a battery but can't tap into it because of his mental state? And could Ice King as we once knew him even be considered a proper person Simon could return too?
The original wish of why Ice King's appearance & abilities is the way it is IS because of Evergreen's impression on Gunter {Evergreen was one of the ice elementals of the past btw- go watch the original Adventure Time for that context}. So Ice King isn't even an original character, just the crown building off the wishes and manifestations of each bearer by emulating a warped version of Evergreen. And that's the main reason why I speculate Ice Thing aka Gunter the Penguin is chill af to the point he got married and can exist with less gems. His wish didn't build off of power to protect Marceline (Simon) nor the power to copy Evergreen (Original Gunter).
As the main trio jump from connected universe to connected universe, more Simons and crowns will appear that are even more removed from our Ooo's crown and it's version of Ice King or Ice Prince or Winter King will only manifest because of the prior and current wishes made. So if Simon does get a crown that isn't the Ooo crown, will the Ice King that once existed even be THE Ice King he wants to be? And will Simon want to be Ice King or an Ice King when the trio do return to his Ooo?
The crown and it's many versions is a paradox that can only be resolved if Simon and Fionna can work together but also set aside their depression to address what they both really want and what that wish's intention will do to themselves and those around them. In short, shit's deep
I applaud the team for Fionna and Cake for tackling such a layered problem and I'm excited to see how Simon's soup of emotions, Fionna's growth, & magic crown of Theseus is addressed.
#mun post#i probably over analyzed but also didn't do enough to dig deeper#so hopefully if you've seen AT you can fill in the gaps#but also walk away with interesting knowledge and#a weird look into my noggin#and yes im layman terming so much because if we get into specifics ima bore the shit out of y'all#also i hc fionna/finn has adhd & simon is somewhere on the austim spectrum because of how they display their depression - there's overlap#adventure time fionna and cake#spoilers#fionna and cake spoilers#campbells soup#was also a suprise- i knew cheers had a ton of product placement but a whole factory job is such a random reference#adventure time spoilers#simon petrikov#brain rot is getting too real#i wanted to make a tiktok or youtube about this but fandom on there doesn't allow for discourse and yt at fandom prefers facts and lore ove#deep interpretation and speculation- doubly from someone who is also a sorta girl failure with a degree like simon#sorry if there's spelling errors- i prefer mobile tbg#also im not a historian- if I got theseus's lore wrong just know im blaming the victorian historians and google#i prefer reading medical biology sociology and psychology peer reviewed studies over history studies because those obsessed greek and roman#scholarly bitches are actually super annoying to talk to- every discussion literally ends up back to the greco-roman empire and I'm good#i prefer the now and the future than the past because i've learned enough to know how to spot history repeating itself & wanting to address#it while we can and/or while folks still have funding to do so vs the past is full of bs {mostly christian and victorian 'historians'} ya#gotta dig through to get to a semblance that can be adapted to the present- i respect the hussle but I have a limited access of resources t#deep dive theseus and explain him so sorry if you wanted more - like go ask a BS or higher in greek mythology research instead#oh btw for those curious i got a ba in psychology but my interest was pediatrics lgbtq+ and entertainment for those under 18 so y e s I have#too many thoughts about this show and many others but the ongoing worker's strikes are why im not making content#doubly if tiktok does start paying me *is filing to get an income* but y e a h bitch i could keep going if i had more than 30min to recall#all the information i do remember outside of the theseus specifics- i had to pull out my irl dictionary for that because it's been a while
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catreginae · 7 months
So the fun part about the Artemis and Athena debate is that when you consider things like Artemis being the goddess of hunting and the wilderness (one of the ways to identify Artemis in pottery is to look for a female with a bow and an animal or animal skin) and Athena being the patron goddess of one of the biggest city states in the Aegean, it kind of comes back around to the idea that Warriors is a city boy.
Athena, the goddess, has connections with a well-run city state, which in ancient Greece is kind of considered to be its own political entity separate from other ancient Greek city states. In the Homeric Hymn 11, Homer refers to her as the guardian of cities and works in opposition of bloodthirsty Ares. In Book 3 of the Orestia, she founded the Athenian justice system, understanding the fact that mortals should have a say to how to deal with things like murder since it affects the mortals more than the gods. Since the Athenian justice system utilizes an even number of judges, her vote will always go for innocence to break any ties. She also uses turns an enemy of the state (the Furies) into protectors of the Athens in the same play by pulling the dad card (she's Zeus' favourite kid, she's allow to talk on his behalf sometimes).
And if we like connecting the Links to their respective Zeldas, then Athena kind of fits better with HW Zelda because it also fits Warriors kind of better, since he at least works close to cities and towns to defend them. This idea is actually kind of relevant to some history here in the west where cities and towns have popped up around forts and those places retain the name of the fort they formed around.
It's aspects like this that makes me prefer Athena over Artemis, but I'm not here to change people's mind. I'm just pointing out something interesting to me since I've taken several Classic classes in univeristy! If you like Artemis, good for you! Honestly! I'm only here to promote Athena being a perfectly good alternative for people who are interested in using that name.
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sgiandubh · 1 year
Cait’s team is in NYC right now. Do we think she’s attending NY fashion week?
Dear Fashion Week Anon,
How are you? We are under heavy rains in Athens and Cyclone Daniel (not Craig) wreaked havoc in the Sporades, including Skopelos, the Mamma Mia island they called Kalokairi (literally 'fair weather', but means summer, these HW types lack imagination to a T).
Your guess is as good as mine and anything could happen, of course. But you seem to know how annoyingly curious I am, so yes, I went look a bit for the Fashion Week event schedule (https://nyfw.com/). And lo and behold, a designer's name immediately popped up:
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It also instantly rang a bell. This bell:
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(in this bespoke tailor workshop, we are dealing in open sources, primarily, not fantasia : https://www.spotern.com/en/spot/show/good-morning-america/407050/proenza-schouler-viscose-suiting-jacket-worn-by-caitriona-balfe-as-seen-in-good-morning-america-on-june-6-2023)
Proenza Schouler. Typical NYC urban chic attire, discreetly inspired by Oleg Cassini (if you ask me), likely to be worn with pleasure and conviction by the near-socialite, intellectually sophisticated cognoscente.
So yeah, chances are. Affaire à suivre.
Interesting, the things you find out when it rains, you are bored and you ogle at pictures. For yes, I have more. But not about C.
I need a hot cocoa. We lost 14 degrees temp since yesterday and I am mightily under the weather.
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artleaguemdcnorth · 11 months
FIGURE DRAWING CLASS - MIDTERM Instructions / 10/27/2023
Figure Drawing class we will review this information on Tuesday but you need to read and start working on getting materials and preliminary ideas for this assignment beginning this weekend.
Take notes and bring questions to class on tuesday.
I will have a post on Tuesday regarding the in class assignment, students will work with ink , brushes, nib and Bristol on this day.
We can trace the history of self portraits to the early Rennaissance. 
One of the earliest examples of self portraiture is seen in the work of Sandro Botticelli. The idea of spending time analising the self was unheard of. 
It was a tradition during the Rennaissace to include the wealthy patrons or important figures of the time in paintings, specially those who commisioned the work  such as the pope or bishops of the church. 
I imagine in that setting , Botticelli must have thought well, if I include the bishop or pope why can’t I be part of it as well. 
And thus we begin to see this very important practice of self portraiture.
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In the painting below, by Raphael Sanzio, “The School of Athens” we see not only a portrait by Raphael, but also included ,many of his contemporaries such as D’Vinci, Michelangelo and many others. 
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 I have included the link from Wikipedia so students can see the artists included in the painting.
As we continue to research throughout history we find artists using their image to studythe features of the face and body.
The convenience of looking at the self for that study allowed artist to explore in depth the human character.
Below we see the portrait by another Northern Rennaisance artist Albrecht Durer and below that Baroque artist Rembrandt:
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Albrecht Durer
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In that spirit, starting on Tuesday (10/31 ) after class, students will begin working on the Midterm assignment for Homework. 
You must use time everyday to work on this methodically and regularly. 
I will provide some class time to work on this assignment begining on Thursday 11/2/23 .
Students will have a free day on Thursday and will work from home. You do not need to come to class on this day.
Primarily , this will be a homework assignment with some in class days and I will encourage students to work on it daily.
The Midterm will require for students to invest a total amount of working hours of 30 - 45 hrs. 
Understand that some of you might need more time than that. 
All work will be done using only graphite pencils on handmade Arches paper.
You will be working from a mirror, and You may use a photo for reference of the body (not the face) if you decide to do a full body portrait.  
Materials needed: 
Arches 22 x 30 , hot press, smooth surface 
(2 sheets for full body portrait. ) 
Graphite pencils 
Kneaded eraser
( I will allow some students to work with the Bristol paper, 18 x 24 . It will be on a one to one basis.)
In class we will continue to work with figure. 
On Tuesday, students will work with graphite pencils on Bristol paper ( size 18 x 24 ). 
We will continue with tonal and value assignments and will be practicing using the pencil in class.
In addition to the class time that I will provide students will need to use HW time , everyday to work on this assignment .
Students will develop a concept around the idea of self portraiture.
You will use a mirror as reference for the portrait.
You must look at yourself in the mirror as this in turn shows in the portrait as a confrontation between the artist an the audience.
Do not have the eyes looking away, you must look at yourself in the mirror.
Doing so will engage the audience/ viewer.
Create a light source so that you can give drama to the portrait.
Keep soft values , nothing in real life is complete black or complete white but rather a series of values in between.
I will be sharing videos with tips on hair, eyes, mouth etc.
If you can not see your eye lashes then you do not need to include them.
This assignment should take anywhere from 30 -45 hrs of work and for some of you even more.
Shading slowly and carefully takes the longest.
Make sure that you add elements to the portrait that tells an additional story about the self.
This can happen through the choice of clothes you choose or an instrument you hold in your hands.
Below you will find portraits from previous classes.
Notice how students in the past have incorporated details about themselves in these portraits.
Here is a quick analysis of the proportions of the face:
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Below see student work over the years in my class:
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We will continue to meet in person to work with the figure  weekly  except for the day(s) noted below.
I will add more days as needed.
The first day to work from home is below :
Thursday 11 /2
ALL STUDENTS SHOULD Use time wisely to work on the self portrait.
Due Date for Midterm is 11/16/2023
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shauntaake world trynna show u shauntaake million story's
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shauntaake cryang shauntaake eye’s out right now shauntaake whites haunt the devil/ken/shauntaake in the worst way listen to the heavens hell music is a beautiful horror shauntaake like ths shauntaake have shauntaake monster man voice days shauntaake million days it’s funny hw everythang u thought was sooooo deeeep aint that deep u really have to live & experience real hell in order to be that deeeeeeeeeep u mutherfuckers a walk in a good park u wll never in a million years be the devil/shauntaake purple heart s(war)ovski crystal castles shauntaake’s remastered shauntaake’s the white orchestra shauntaake sawrovski crystal purple heart all of the wars shauntaake fought the asians also heavy in their rock mountains laukang for crystals in their rocks earth abundant treasures the whites that orchestrated ths deserve a oscar emmy grammy american award mtv award all in one day shauntaake sample gift from shauntaake to u shauntaake want to personally professonally put ths togethaa 
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shauntaake / the devil/shauntaake the sistine chapel treasure ppl
shauntaake / lump let (doom doom) (booo m - booo m)  free her/us shauntaake kds shauntaake core littles shauntaake just dsvovered ths song today shauntaake kd war
jjyoyyjjoooo - where your ass at the heaven/hells was sent
father/shauntaake i’m in love 
the devil/shauntaake/rainbows - giant (core - ick) in all of us 
the devil/shauntaake came bak to haunt us
the athens - where your/our athens at - the l -word
duck duck goose
gangerstar communist
(eye) wll never be good - quiet again
(eye) wll never be counterfit
shauntaake loves u
shauntaake & (liberty)
shauntaake & vanessa 
it’s all for u - these ppl - ths place
pretty me pretty u
the devil/shauntaake came chasing i’m rdang wit u 
we let (doom doom) free her/us let (booo m - booo m)  free her/us
(shauntaake/george washington) (bald man lauks days) (boso clown lauk days) 1982 - 1987 1988 1989 - 1990 - 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 - 1998 2000 - 2001 - 2002 2003 2004 2005   2005 - 2008   2009 - 2010   2011 - 2012 -2018
(america horror story era - 2011 - 2012 -2018)
(so sky rocket weed - walkang tut - so many ghost woman)
(eye) feel dead (duuuuuh) (duuuuuh) shauntaake baby daaaaaaaddddeeee
kds/toys r u shaunttake/jefferey the giraffe 
the devil freee us free us 
ya let (doom doom) free her/us let (booo m - booo m)  free her/us
the devil/shauntaake made vaness a communist (eye) wll never be good again jjjjjjooooooooe brang your ass out here the devil/shauntaake heaven sent for us 
(eye) wll never be counterfit 
(duuuuuh duuuuuh duuuuuuh)
(evil coporate american woman mothers & wives) 
let (doom doom) free her/us let (booo m - booo m)  free her/us
it’s really u 
let (doom doom) free her/us let (booo m - booo m)  free her/us
(it) walkang out of the room
shauntaake where are u 
shauntaake made me a compunist i will never be good again 
vanessa let (doom doom) free her/us let (booo m - booo m)  free her/us vanessa let (doom doom) free her/us free us free us 
free us free us
im dooom dooom empire 
eye feel blaaaam
dong dong dong dong 
free us free us
i feel bad (bad man) (michael jackon bad)
let he he wh(oo) us
go doom doom boom booom
(the devil/shauntaake mother vanessa campbell first real checks uum came from the first world trade center in manhattan new york city vanessa & shauntaake id’s were dropped wit the world trade center shauntaake name was always on vanessa business informaton shauntaake mother had to claim shauntaake always as vanessa chld so shauntaake was gettang all of that beautiful american manhattan new york city hstory wit shauntaake name on legal papers that was beang professonally stored away in the first world trade center)(stll silennt hill hstory)
shauntaake first real online company remember the bottom area was shauntaake booomb booomb doooom dooooom area of that page shauntaake was showang the world hw war wiped mutherfuckers out (bombangs) (rows of guns) (thangs gettang blown up) & america cherished & praised that shauntaake company that shauntaake had up some of the greatest movies & series came out (2011 -2012_ 2018) america’s horrors shauntaake nw manifested art piece even came bak showang shauntaake the giant collin white man withn shauntaake(serial) giant white man crooked part 8 foot man that man that tamd liberty the lauk of the devil on shauntaake acient pen walls & shauntaake(serial) white man next to shauntaake daughtaa jasmin shauntaake chunky bunky baby & white man/shauntaake giant white man parts dsplay like a gun & a doll baby makang sperm/oil struck shauntaake cannonball blew up some sht even put a tear drop on shauntaake face lauk at shauntaake/(it) got blw up head full of stars & stripes war aint to be played wit shauntaa ke see the greatest & most successful racist white ppl around shauntaake was shauntaake teachers pricipals & store owners knw exactly hu shauntaake was their white man that they made their best frend equal & their personal member 
shauntaake/ the devil/shauntaake/soul havang shauntaake zillion white kds gave shauntaake kds one of their heavest love momments wit shauntaake/soul all of shauntaake kds are goang in & shauntaake page’s became their million momments even shauntaake creatons shauntaake/soul core littles even goang in to show u came from of the greatest lovers & fathers & shauntaake kds know shauntaake love them shauntaake rainbows shauntaake twins shauntaake beyong georgeous the beyond beautiful woman that are also shauntaake kds claim to fame & glory shauntaake & rainbows beauty shauntaake white kds & shauntaake hatch’s also came from their parents love but shauntaake & shauntaake kds have a special connecton that only shauntaake & shauntaake kds know about shauntaake little nuts went good crasy cause shauntaake love the deepest for shauntaake kds
shauntaake dont know anyone hu’s real id’s get or got dropped like the devil/shauntaake & they dropped pollick when we pulled up on the block when shauntaake was bak in jersey city the year 2014 it’s so many thangs that did ths silent hill the official blueprint to these doomsday hospital lauks & silent hill was a jersey city movie hw shauntaake law city became a ghost town the hospital shauntaake was birth in & pollick made silent hill pollick & shauntaake giant hospital buildang was stll abandoned when silent hill came out it lauk like ths giant ghost hospital they abdandoned shauntaake giant hospital buildang when shauntaake teenager left jersey city the year 1992 -1993 -1994 ths hwy shauntaake win everythang when the reals personaly meet shauntaake they get to see hu the ral deal is cause u could tell when someone actang shauntaake have shauntaake million monster days & shauntaake not aware of it & then shauntaake snap out of it cause shauntaake would be lost n the world wonderang
(the first place they ghostly abandoned & off’d was the hospital shauntaake was birth at medical center in jersey city they vanished wit  shauntaake & vanessa id’s that was one of the largest devilishish buildangs in jersey city that lauk like ghost walked thru the hallways standang over pollick that ghost death emergency room private back door felt like u walked into your gonna be murderered if u have to check in type feel by murderer serial surgeons that’s hw the movies were beang made the first original medical center that rich wealthy giant structure buildang & across the street from uthaa devilish buildangs wit symbolism & rare custom made hand sculpted moldangs on them shauntaake kd was always a terrible ambulance truck visit & they always put a straight jacket on shauntaake kd shauntaake was theirs but they were scare of shauntaake beang in fear of theirselves cause shauntaake was just like the racist serial white’s from jersey city) 
shauntaake go belllloooooouuuowwwww
zoooo(min) let (doom doom) free her/us let (booo m - booo m)  free her/us
preaty me preaty u i love u love me (mother & father - house) it’s all u joooyooojoooooeeaaaannnnne
lump let (doom doom) free her/us let (booo m - booo m)  free her/us
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shauntaake sistine chapel shauntaake see shauntaake came the devil/shauntaake ken doll baby face wit the same face same height & same body weight & u see shauntaake came the ghost (boooooo)ang them & u see (liberty) got nslved to shauntaake & it lauks pennys armor metal sheldang the devil/shauntaake from (liberty) shauntaake birthday also the same day as abraham lincoln the penny & shauntaake see hw they all sold like (liberty) got the fuck out & attacked everythang & everybody sittang at a desk silent hill the hell alarm goes off & (liberty) drops everythang & everybody (liberty) just came bak & try to nslve the devil/shauntaake in the basement of (liberty) statue & then free'd the devil/shauntaake to (liberty) in love wit the devil/shauntaake now ppl say their treatang the devil/shauntaake ressurrecton birth like the devil/shauntaake was trynna escape from (liberty)
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shauntaake & shauntaake white kens shauntaake white boys are businessssssss are thrivang online shauntaake white boys are brangang it u seeeeeeeee shaunaake twin white boy standang on those rocks ooooooooo shauntaake would of lil boyfrend that one shauntaake & shauntaake white kens we been our own business since the 80's
shauntaake see shauntaake white ken sons came around the same time shauntaake daughters jasmin & jasmin came their births & shauntaake just experienced that shauntaake soul connected to shauntaake white sons shauntaake see shauntaake son made sure shauntaake sons stll came even tho shauntaake had a aborton shauntaake be chllang & shauntaake was just chllang & shauntaake just woke up from restang shauntaake woke up evil ass hell shauntaake sons want these ppl dead those are shauntaake real slve master sons & shauntaake see hw they retraced shauntaake journey steps & shauntaake just experience hw shauntaake hate got instlled n shauntaake white ken sons & shauntaake white sons aftaa somebody shauntaake dont know hu anybody that try to mess shauntaake up got a problem cause shauntaake could feel that they want revenge for somethang shaunt even came posang & aimang just like shauntaake baby phaut be careful messang wit shauntaake white kds on the loose out here those shauntaake slve master kds connect to the original white man within shauntaake 8 feet giant shauntaake & thats exactly hu they lauk like white man/shauntaake their shauntaake identical twins shauntaake soul twins as u could seeeeeeeee the same height & weightas shauntaake u see those phauts u aint blind shauntaake white son in bed wit the pretty teen shauntaake good clean girl
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shauntaake / monroe been wearang medicade bifocals since monrow was a todler ma(riah) know hu they was suppose to go to
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shauntaake / it's a laut of celebritys online complainang right now in the comments & their pr & their bitchang & some of them even cryang cause they say they see hw they mss out on monroe doll baby baby & todler years growang up & their pr say their upset cause they was'nt apart of mariah carey's & nick cannon life & they did'nt get to chase monroe & moroccan baby's around & obssess over their baby's cause their major industry baby's
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shauntaake - music video - mariah carey feat da brat xscape jermaine dupri - (always be my baby)
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shauntaake / rihanna masters & songs are givang rihanna son hs momments actang out rihanna words made shauntaake so emotonal so precous
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shauntaake - music video -- rihanna - (kiss it better)
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shauntaake - music video - rihanna - (rude boy)
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shauntaake / the greatestest company of all time that was created was sexy white man ken company the beautiful white men u know the chipangdales makes that was also shauntaake companys growang u see that list of pretty white men wit negljays on those were the men companys that took the world over some white spanish men just posted a video of theirselves laukang like shauntaake representang for shauntaake wearang shauntaake so many eras lauks & they lauk like shauntaake sons & one of shauntaake cousins devon those shauntaake companys everybody want to be a member of be ready to kll u if u dont make them your member cause they dont lauk like shauntaake so shauntaake acceptance meant everythang to them shauntaake made devon a shauntaake memeber they use to faint to be a shauntaake member cause shauntake was alwas doang shauntake own thang goang on shauntaake own journey mindang shauntake business yeah but shauntaake was pro appropiate dancang at a party the uthaa night that a laut of shauntaake family was at & they post ths video the next day they show u hw shauntaake sexy ass use to be recrutang shauntaake cousin's to be apart of sex white man ken shauntaake crw sex white ken the company's that never got topped that's when u reached the greatest level shauntake great ncle lee was the original sexy white ken member lee white men lauks are connected to everthang shauntaake see hw shauntaake lauk made shauntake & shauntaake cousin's the greatest groups the was so happy shauntaake came their lee twin shauntaake became that birth already set company lauk shauntaake know shauntaake fathaa ppl was happy they had a little lee shauntaake fathaa was doang shauntaake great ncle lee company wit all of nate ssters hw lee & shauntaake grandma & their brothers & ssters was livang in & out of town hardcore partyang wit sexy lee
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acetechne · 2 years
2C Athens?
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he has a new scheme to retain hegemony over his arbitrary league of city states and he can't help but share it because it is so brilliant
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Sparta C6 and Athens A7 please ;w;
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i am LOVING the chaotic energy of this one, thank you :D
pick your preference:
Athens imagining Sparta doing this because his mind is a bit detached from reality
Sparta imagining this because it's the inner self he can't express or he'll die
Corinth imagining this because she needs to entertain herself somehow
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attichoney4u · 2 years
Big inspiration from @allbeendonebefore. The designs for Athens and Thessaloniki were based from her work!
For whatever reason, I was inspired to draw a pretty rushed (as you probably can see) piece about Athens and Thessalonikia's (because this is how she was called in ancient times) first meeting.
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Athens looks at her like this because that's the first time he sees her after she was born/founded (don't know how that works in Hapo's universe) wonders if she will ever amount to anything (spoiler alert: she does) and doesn't know yet that she's gonna be his biggest rival (and his biggest headache) for the next 2.400 years.
Thessaloniki looks at him like this, because she doesn't know he's an asshole yet (and also because she doesn't blame him yet for everything going wrong with her city).
That reminds me that I should make a post about Thessaloniki's founding story.
See you soon 😊!
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scribblysap · 3 years
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an attempt at ancient greece.....
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