#hws cardverse portugal
ask-gypt · 1 year
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Day 3: Conflict - forbidden love | espionage | duel The Jack of Spades is hitting the books for the bizarre and frankly unwelcomed turn of events whilst the Joker takes to the land in pursuit to investigate every kingdom. Off-screen accruing a member of clubs of all people, weird and totally not related to future events sure sure. In his travels, he royally infuriates the Queen and almost did not make it out and accomplish the fruit run, the real reason to visit Hearts. Visiting clubs there is a challenger waiting in hopes to play the game of harvest. Should Joker win, she would be open to clear all doubts of the day. In Diamonds, things took a turn for the intense, as a Diamond member had enough of Joker's suspicious nature and questions. Instead, this diamond chooses to dual for the sake of pure pent-up frustration and the desire to tip the scales so this suspicious person no longer feels like a threat. They were both quite motivated...had fruit not arrived. Who needs to dual when one has mellon dew. His day ends with the first of many letters, gifts, and well wishes from clubs.
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askcardsuits · 8 months
England do you kiss Portugal
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lingkaranitubumi · 1 year
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thanks for the requestsss
anw kinda cheated because my interactive circle is only like… three people at most. also sk here was taken from a random generator. hey at least i’m honest about it
i’m on my pencil sketchy era again (i forgot how to lineart)
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derehono · 4 months
your cardverse sounds interesting, could you talk a little about it?
Thank you so much for the interest! I would be more than happy to tell a little more about my Cardverse AU!
However, I want to warn that it was heavily inspired by oumaheroes Cardverse AU, please check it out! To be more precise, I absolutely loved the idea that at some point in time, Arthur was a royal advisor and that some shit is happening in Kingdom of Hearts. At that point, the similarities end.
Basic Worldbuilding.
The existence of their world and the birth of magic are associated with the life and death of the Great Dragoness. She was like a goddess who helped humanity giving them her gifts of healing and protection. Her power could end the famine, could calm the Earth but it could not make an immortal being.
Thus, after some time she unfortunately passed away but not before giving her presents to seven humans. Four of them were chiefs of their respective tribes and three of them were heads of their families. To the tribe of the cold and freeze, she gifted her eyes so they would always see through the lies. To the tribe from afar, she gifted her heart so their blood would always warm and any wound could be healed. To the tribe of the sun, she gifted her scales so nothing would ever destroy them. To the tribe of the night, she gifted her claws so not even a stone would withstand their attack. And to the heads of the families, she gifted her blood so her power would always be in their bodies.
And only after that, she passed away. Leaders of the tribes decided to divide their new powers between their people. The most important got more, less important got less power. This way the card system was born, and with remaining power returning to the original owners, Royal Cards were born. Even though, Royal Blood still contains mystery power that makes the card owner even stronger.
Heads of the families did not have enough power to do the same with their magic, so it remained only through their own blood. This way witches and wizards appeared who needed no card to cast even powerful spells. They had a deep understanding of the world’s magic, thus for a long time they were helping the Royals.
Kingdom of Diamonds.
The people of Diamonds have a powerful protection out of their magic. Their shields are as strong as diamonds themselves, making them almost invincible from the attacks, diseases, catastrophes, so they rarely have been attacked in history and their King rarely has been poisoned. The stronger cards could be protected even from the plagues, but even common one could guarantee some protection.
The past King was a violent man who started multiple discriminatory policies, messed up diplomatic relations with other Kingdoms, especially with the Kingdom of Clubs, and led the kingdom of jewels and gems into despair. One of his policies was Witch Trials that killed entire magic families and sent away the survivors. It surely created a new problem but the one who was left to deal with that was Francis, his nephew. But back then, he just preferred not to have an entire different class of the citizens who could possibly question his authority. During these trials Annisse Kirkland, the head of the Kirkland family, was violently killed and burned.
The current leaders are Francis Bonnefoy and Lili Bonnefoy-Zwingli. The King is the most influential monarch of his time not only because he is the eldest one in the new generation, but also because his power allows him to hold shields covering almost the entire Kingdom of Hearts. However, not a lot of people know, but Lily could guess that Francis sacrificed not only his magic to put and hold this shields. He with his young wife are seen to be extremely reliable and strong in public, even picking up the name of The Solar King but The Court holds a big challenge for them at times of their weaknesses. It is hard to see but the Civil War risks to break within the Palace.
The Past Advisor was Arthur Kirkland, secretly a witch. He was sent to the Palace at a very young age with an important mission and was raised as the next advisor for the new king. He indeed became one and together with Francis they were able to slowly start a progress in the kingdom, returning it to its prosperity. He was very well-known for his stubbornness and determination, possibly his power was something that young King needed to become the one he is today. Public does not know why he suddenly left but did not really question. After all, it is quite a hard jibe, so maybe he just could not handle it?
The current advisor is Remus Fernandez. He was the advisor before Arthur but after his leaving, he returned to the position. Thanks to blood ties with one of the witch family, has a very long life and so, has a lot of experience, and a little bit of carelessness. He is continuing Arthur’s policies and keeps an out on the Court. Has two sons: Antonio Fernandez who is a general of the army and one of the main leaders in the case of emergency, and João Ferreira who is the captain of the Royal Navy. Both of them are good friends with Francis.
Overall, the current Kingdom is recovering from its past mistakes and seems to be pretty successful.
Kingdom of Clubs.
The people of Clubs have an intimidating power of mind control. Depending on the power of the card, they could look deeply into someone’s mind and the most powerful cards could even control people. As a result, Clubs rarely communicate verbally (why say it when I can hear it anyway?) and outsiders may think of them as extremely rude due to them reading minds.
The past King was coronated for a very short period. She barely spent some time as a King despite her desire to continue her father’s legacy continue to improve the kingdom, and create stronger diplomatic relationships but quickly lost her crown. No one knows what happened to her and why did it happen but some speculate that she knew something. Something that she was not supposed to.
The current monarchs are Ivan Braginsky and Elizabeta Hedervary. King was coronated pretty early and in quite a rush, almost the same way the Queen was chosen to accompany him. Not a lot of things are known about them but with their reign, the kingdom became severely isolated and propaganda against other kingdoms appeared. It is hard to avoid since anyone could read your mind and just tell the authorities about it. The King and Queen almost did not appear in public and did not comment on their policies.
The past advisor was Feliks Lukasiewicz. He appeared and disappeared together with the past King so not a lot of information is known about him. Only ones who were close to him would say with no hesitation that despite his being eccentric, he truly wanted to make the kingdom better and he could not be dead. He is too strong for that.
The current advisor is Roderich Edelstein. Once again, there is almost nothing known about him, he barely appears in public. Before his position, he was a pretty well-known musician and his close circle knew of his passion to attempt in cultural revolution. He hoped to promote the culture of the Kingdom of Clubs, give more opportunities to artists, etc, but something went wrong.
A close friend of the past advisor, Toris Laurinaitis did not believe that his friend’s disappearance that so coincided with the unexpected King’s demotion was just an accident. He firmly believes that something deeper going on in the Court and possibly, King, Queen and their Advisor are not even themselves. Imposters? Puppets? He is not sure but he started his own Resistance that aims to uncover the secret of Clubs and bring a better future, meanwhile fighting the oppression. His other friends Eduard von Bock and Raivis Galante joined him.
Overall, the clouds are all over the kingdom and who knows what awaits them.
And that’s it for a first part!
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reallunargift · 2 years
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ty for indulging me, happy today's day <3
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gybas-blog · 1 year
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For @nyotaliafan-pinkmermaid
Outfit Headcanons
I don't know if Ecuador's outfit is what you imagined, I made a mix of these two.
I´ll redraw it if you don´t like it
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igasom · 3 years
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Day 3 (August 18th): Cardverse for @portvene-week !!!
Just exchanging some love letters ♡
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3
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lightprkdraws · 3 years
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Day 4: Nostalgia/Cardverse – I know this is really cheesy but that was my intention 🤣 My headcanon is that Joao is a commoner who saved Arthur from trouble (bandits or smthng like that) while the latter was on a trip without Alfred and Arthur was just very... Surprised by how the forward and bold the other was because nobody treated him like this ever. However it wasn't unwelcome and he might even be flattered by how determined the other seemed to be to protect him. In reality, the reason for his boldness was that Joao either hadn't recognised who he was or he didn't know that this could be considered inappropriate and insulting to a royal (bc he had lived all his life in the outskirts of the kingdom), and it is easier to protect someone when they are close to you and shielded with your body, right?
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needcake · 3 years
day 4: cardverse
Arthur/Teo, PG-15 (for some violence), 2k.
Three times the Queen of Spades almost caught the Diamond Bandit, and one time he did (sort of)
There had been talk – rumors – of a band of bandits roaming the borders between the four kingdoms for months. Their usual targets were trains loaded with gold and silver and the occasional rich traveler going from one kingdom to the other.
Arthur, currently, was the latter.
“Can’t you make the horses go faster?!” he shouted at the conductor who yelled back something he didn’t quite catch over the noise of the fighting in the carriages behind them where the rest of his security detail was being held back instead of doing their job of protecting him!
He shut the small partition between him and the conductor with a violent shove and noticed the inside of the cabin now smelled of lavender.
When he turned back on his seat, the Diamond Bandit was smiling at him, sitting with far too familiarity with his arms spread open over the back of the cushions and his legs crossed.
“My, so you’re the next Queen of Spades?”
Arthur breathed deeply. His powers had not fully developed yet and the masked man he had seen in the wanted posters all over the towns in the Diamonds Kingdom was very much not a rumor.
“What of it?” he asked, trying to buy himself some time while summoning enough energy in his hand to blast the damn smile off the man’s face.
The bandit shrugged, that idiot smile still plastered on his partially covered face.
“Does your future husband know?” he asked and Arthur could feel the small ball of pure energy in his hand growing even smaller and denser. It needed to be as small as the head of a pin before he could cast it and cause any real damage.
“Know what?” He needed more time, just a little more time and concentration.
The bandit leaped onto his lap and pressed a dagger to his throat. His smile turned wicked. “That you’re no longer a virgin,” he whispered in his ear and Arthur’s concentration evaporated, the energy in his hand expanding until it blew up like a firecracker and blinding white smoke filled the cabin.
The pressure of another body over his was gone. Along with his engagement ring.
When the smoke cleared, the conductor announced the bandits had retreated and they were safe now. Arthur nodded and pressed a hand to his chest. How had he known…?
Next he saw him was during a ball in the Clubs Kingdom to celebrate the Queen’s birthday. Clubs was a Northern kingdom with a long and proud tradition of horseback fighting and hunting, and Arthur was trying very hard not to look directly at the animals’ heads hung on the walls around the room.
The music changed and his dancing partner – an older gentleman and high-ranking noble, probably belonging to the House of 8 – was shoved out of the way to make room for a younger and more vigorous partner who strode across the ballroom with Arthur in his arms, barely giving him time to keep up.
“Watch it!” he scolded when his feet almost stepped over his.
“Are you going to throw another feeble spark at me?” the man laughed and Arthur only had time to catch a glimpse of pale green eyes and a dark mole beneath the right eye before the entire room went dark and a myriad of gasps and faint exclamations of fright and surprise replaced the music.
“It’s you!” Arthur hissed and felt strong hands hold him tighter against a firm chest.
“Does anyone in this room know, dear Queen?” the bandit asked in a whisper and Arthur felt his entire body shiver with the proximity and the smell of lavender. “Have you told anyone that you used to be just another one of the butcher’s kids until you began manifesting the powers of a Queen?”
Arthur’s anger grew white and hot and powerful, and when he shoved him away and flicked his wrists the entire room exploded in searing light.
He had to blink several times before the room had regained color again, the servants hurrying to light the candles again. Nobles and monarchs were looking at each other with surprise and astonishment. A lady clutched at her neck only to find it bare.
Her scream pierced through the night, followed by many others like hers.
The situation had to be dealt with. The Diamond Bandit could not just steal from under their noses and be allowed to go unpunished. After what happened in the ball, the King of Clubs raised the reward on the Bandit’s head and the Queen of Hearts volunteered to bring the man and the rest of his band to justice.
Arthur approached Kiku afterwards and asked to be a part of the task force. Kiku only looked him over once before acquiescing silently.
It took them a month to gather the information that led them to the humble stone house where the bandits were hiding deep in the Diamond countryside near the border with Spades. Kiku and his men went after the larger group while Arthur was left alone to chase their leader into the forest.
He aimed a single arrow at him when he had him in his sight and the Diamond Bandit fell to the forest ground, clutching at his shoulder and crying out in pain.
Arthur approached him slowly and balled up magical energy in his hand. He had trained for this moment. He was now so much better at it than when they first met.
The bandit smiled through the pain, writhing on the ground beneath him. His mask was slipping; the shape of his nose oddly familiar.
“Is your mother still the best seamstress in Spades?” he asked, grinding his teeth as blood flowed down between his fingers. “Does she still bake the most awful scones?”
Arthur stepped on his hand and he screamed. The ball of energy in his palm shrunk to an impossible miniature size, no bigger than an ant, more lethal than any weapon.
“How do you know that?” he hissed.
Green eyes looked up at him. “Have you forgotten about her too?”
Kiku’s horse distracted him as it rode with its master into the space they were in, and when Arthur looked back at him there was only a small pool of blood seeping into the earth in his place. Kiku dismounted and came closer, inspecting the blood.
“He has some sort of magic,” Arthur tried to explain even if he himself didn’t entirely understand. “He disappears.”
“Not disappear,” Kiku corrected him lightly. “He changes. A tanuki.”
He pointed at a small trail of blood, droplets that went further into the forest. Arthur looked at his friend. “Only Diamond high nobility can shape shift.”
Kiku nodded. “You should pay Francis a visit.”
It was not hard to convince his husband to send a letter to the King of Diamonds. It was hard, however, to sit at his table and pretend to enjoy the dinner when all he wanted to do was to strangle Francis’ neck between his hands.
“I see you have a new Jack,” Alfred said politely, raising his glass at the man on the other side of the long table and Basch raised his own politely in return. “What happened to the last one?” he asked Francis beside him.
“He died,” Arthur supplied in a dry tone and Alfred looked between him and Francis, noticing Arthur’s glare and Francis’ cold demeanor.
“His ship sank during the war,” Francis said and took a sip of his wine. “What kind of a Jack would he be if he hadn’t been willing to sacrifice himself for King and country?”
Arthur got up. His hands shook beside him with uncontrolled energy that seeped light between his clenched fingers. He stormed out of the dinning hall before he lost control. He left and did not come back, forgoing what he had come all this way for.
“Did you know the guy that died in the war?” Alfred asked him late that night after Arthur had forced them to pack up their things and take their carriage back to their kingdom.
“I did,” he said, staring out at the dark through the carriage window. “He was my best friend.”
Arthur woke up with a draft coming into his room through the open windows.
“You’re not too heavily guarded for a Queen,” the Diamond Bandit said, smiling at him under the moonlight.
He sat up on the bed and clutched the sheets to his chest. “What do you want from me?”
The man took a step forward in his direction and froze on the spot. A circle of light with intricate runes glowed beneath his feet.
“I see you’ve gotten better at magic.”
Arthur threw the sheets aside to reveal himself fully clothed and stood in front of him. He could already hear the guards coming closer, alerted by his spell. “Who are you?”
“Do you still remember when we first kissed?” he asked, still smiling despite having been caught. “Behind the house while my mother tried on dresses in your living room?”
The guards came into the room and took him away. Arthur prided himself for not collapsing to the ground until he heard their steps on the far end of the corridor. It was where Alfred found him minutes later, when he held him until he stopped crying, not understanding why since they were safe now. The bad guy had been caught.
The rest of the group had been hanged in the early hours in a secluded location as not to distract the people from the main event. Only the Diamond Bandit was to be given a public execution under the eyes of the four monarchs and the people gathered at the central square in the Spades capital.
Arthur had to give out a few golden coins, but he did manage to have the room alone with the Bandit before they took him to the gallows. Teo had his head down, his shirt had been removed along with his mask and his long hair hung over his shoulders, barely concealing the fresh bruises and cuts the guards had given him since he had been brought to their care.
“Did your companions know that you cheat at cards and that you once spilled black tea on your mother’s new dress and blamed your little brother?” he asked and Teo laughed, coughed, spat out blood. Arthur came closer to the bars separating them. “How did you survive?”
“The sea didn’t want me,” he said, his shoulders rising and falling as he spoke. “I floated to the surface with the debris and the enemy ship rescued me.”
“Francis would have paid the ransom.”
Teo laughed again, wet and raspy. “They tried that.” He looked up at him, green eyes almost swollen shut and Arthur felt his chin tremble at the sight of his mangled face. “He said he didn’t negotiate with barbarians.”
He curled his hands around the bars, pressed his face between them. “Then why? Why come back?”
Teo smiled. “You know why.”
Arthur sat beside his King and they watched as the Diamond Bandit was brought out. The crowd watched in silence. No cheering, no murmurs.
They put a sack over his head and a noose around his neck.
When the trap door opened, Arthur shut his eyes and flicked his wrist. Something small, smaller than a grain of sand, shot out from his palm.
The crowd gasped, someone screamed. When he looked again, the Bandit had disappeared.
Arthur came into his room followed by a chambermaid who was frantically trying to undress him while he gave her no attention and went on talking to his secretary about the seating arrangements for the banquet next week. The other kingdoms’ delegations should be arriving soon and their rooms and accommodations had to be prepared ahead of time, there was no time to waste.
He stopped when he noticed the open window over his desk.
On top of his books, there was a single stalk of lavender.
He smiled.
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emoryinasketchbook · 3 years
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"He'd be useless without me."
"Yes, My Queen."
"Don't say that, Alfred calls me that."
"Yes, My Arthur."
The Queen of Spades bitching about his arranged husband to the Ace of Hearts.
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ask-gypt · 2 months
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Day 2: You Should See Me In a Crown/ coronation | celebration | chosen one Optimistically I will be able to get the blurry antics fixed next submission. We arrive on the day of the former Jack of Spades' coronation. He is now King of Spades, and the desire of destiny now dims its glow in satisfaction. Who will become Jack of Spades? A chosen one, but not chosen yet. However, someone was chosen to be the target of someone's trickery! More on the incident at eleven. Bonus my boys internal panic
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askcardsuits · 3 months
spain could wink at me and i'd completely crumble
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mr-nauseam · 3 years
EngPort Week- 4. Nostalgia & Cardverse
Temas: Muerte del personaje principal. Insinuaciones de USUK. Amor no correspondido. Desamor. Duelo sin resolver. Depresión.
Despertó solo, en el desayuno y en los alrededores del castillo, no estaba el extraño adolescente con el que debía convivir, aunque apenas si habían cruzado palabras, la idea angustio al joven Alfred porque sin él, estaba atrapado con el montón de rostros raros y desconocidos de la servidumbre, quienes no le trataban como si fuera una persona normal, sino como el futuro rey que sería, en el calendario se marcaba el 5 de octubre, cuando pensó en quien podría destacar esta fecha solo le vino a la mente Arthur.
Fue así como se decidió a investigar su paradero, tras un pequeño interrogatorio a Yao, el hombre raro que parecía saberlo todo, le informo que Arthur se encontraba en la playa, claro, vigilaban todos sus movimientos, así que ninguno podía escaparse sin que se lo permitieran. Solicito el mismo permiso con la excusa de hacerle compañía al otro pero cuando llego al sitio no supo porque había insisto en ir.
El futuro gobernante dio unas cuantas vueltas buscando con la mirada al muchacho, le vio sentado en la entrada de un  edifico viejo y destartalado, se acercó sigiloso y no anuncio su llegada, pero fue obvio para Arthur que Alfred estaba a su lado, aun ambos permanecieron en silencio hasta que Al, impaciente hablo:
— ¿Qué buscas?
—No busco nada.
—Entonces ¿Por qué no dejas de mirar el mar?
—Porque allí está mi corazón.
—Dices cosas extrañas.
—Lo sé. Y Arthur se fue dejando solo a Alfred, así comenzó todo.
El día en que llegaron al palacio Alfred y Arthur estaban invadidos por una gran añoranza, eran dos jóvenes apartados de su hogar, envueltos de pronto  en el juego del poder por un simple. capricho del destino, ambos  se sintieron solos y perdidos, así que no hablaron mucho los primeros meses, cada quien se refugiaba y atesoraba los pocos lazos que conservaban de su vida anterior, pero conforme pasó el tiempo Alfred, agobiado por sus nuevas responsabilidades como el futuro rey de espadas, comenzó a anhelar el tener una conexión con su compañero así que intento acercarse a Arthur, su reina, creyó que sería natural el buscar comprensión y atención de la persona que le acompañaría el resto de su existencia sin embargo descubrirá pronto que el alma y el corazón de Arthur eran inaccesibles, pues siempre estaba atrapado en la nostalgia.
Empezó a vigilar sus movimientos cuando se decidió a tener una charla verdadera con su reina y trazo distintos planes para lograr captar su atención fue así como se dio cuenta que siempre podía encontrar a Arthur en la biblioteca, el chico se la pasaba horas encerrado allí, en un rincón sin despegar los ojos de las páginas y sin emitir ningún sonido, la razón de sus acciones eran incomprensibles para Alfred, ya que los libros solían marearlo y aburrirle, pero en un torpe intento por acercarse al otro, esa mañana entró en el cuarto y se sentó cerca de él.
Lo único que hizo fue observarle sin pronunciar palabra alguna, admirando sus rasgos, el rostro de Arthur no era atractivo pero tenía un aire de inteligencia y concentración que le fascinaba a Alfred, podía pasarse horas viéndole, porque las expresiones de su compañero eran muy reveladoras y podías saber perfectamente como se sentía aunque guardara silencio pero había algo que le agradaba en especial observar al futuro rey eran los brillantes ojos esmeralda que poseía su reina, incapaz de prolongar esta calma interrumpió a Arthur:
— ¿Qué tanto lees?
La mirada confusa y hastiada de Arthur le saludó.
—Cosas —fue la tajante respuesta pero Alfred no se iba a rendir.
— ¿Qué cosas? —pregunto curioso.
—Nada que te interese —ante su negativa Alfred intentó arrebatarle el libro que había estado leyendo la reina para descubrir que era.
— ¡Oye! —protesto y abrazo el libro posesivamente para impedir que se lo quitara, entonces los ojos azules de Alfred se fijaron en el aspecto del objeto que había estado leyendo, este en realidad era un cuaderno viejo y maltratado.
— ¿Qué n-n.
No pudo terminar la frase pues bastante molesto Arthur se puso de pie y le pidió que le dejaran en paz mientras se escabullía con el diario.
Alfred no entendió nada y se frustró por haber vuelto a fallar.
Arthur un infante rubio y sucio movía nerviosamente sus maltratadas manos, su pulso estaba acelerado y sus mejillas eran de un tono rojizo, miraba de reojo al niño castaño con el mismo aspecto desaliñado que estaba sentado a su lado quien leía con atención lo que había escrito en su diario, una pequeña risita pronunciada por el chico avivó la angustia del rubio pero antes de poder decir cualquier protesta una voz dulce y gentil se adelantó a disipar su temor:
—Es la mejor historia de caballeros que he leído en mi vida
Ni en un millón de años Arthur hubiera esperado escuchar esa respuesta y su sorpresa debió reflejarse en su rostro, entonces Paulo volvió a reír, cuan tierno fue ese sonido que en lugar de provocar la cólera del pequeño Arthur, este podía reír con él, así que rieron sin ninguna razón en particular y lo hicieron juntos.
—Y-yo he hecho más. Te concedo el permiso de leerlas —anunció por fin luego de un rato.
—Que honor el mío —concluyó Paulo con su piel bronceada brillando cuando los rayos del sol iluminaron su rostro y una enorme timidez pareció apoderarse de repente de sus gestos cuando se le ocurrió una idea.
— ¿Sabes Arthur?... Yo mismo he escrito cosas, tal vez no son historias tan bonitas como las tuyas pero creo que me gustaría compartirlas contigo.
Y con una sonrisa inusualmente cálida Arthur le dijo que estaría encantado de leer lo que sea que haya escrito Pau, fue una vez hace muchos años que en medio del oleaje del mar, dos niños perdidos sin futuro alguno y solitarios se decidían a compartir sus mayores secretos; sus sueños. Lo único que tenían los pobres huérfanos sin amor, convirtieron una libreta vieja y maltratada en el guardián de estas promesas, de estos anhelos y sentires imposibles.
Escribieron entre sus páginas dos manos distintas sobre mundos distintos pero unidos, resguardaron sus pensamientos más profundos en la tinta y dejaban que el otro leyera para que pudiera comprenderlo.
El tiempo no se detiene y todos somos arrastrados por él, pasaron años de incidentes y peleas, noches silenciosas y otras alegres llenas de risas pero sin importar cuanto creyera Alfred que había logrado avanzar en su relación con Arthur su reina este siempre permaneció lejano. Ocultando y guardando para sí mismo las partes de su alma. Una noche en específico donde practicaban el código de etiqueta para los eventos sociales Yao el Jack y confidente de Alfred se mostró indignado al descubrir que el futuro rey era incapaz de bailar adecuadamente, cuando le incito a ensayar para corregir sus deficiencias los continuos fracasos de Al lo frustraron notablemente y comenzó a quejarse.
—Es tedioso y aburridooooo —lloriqueaba Alfred por novena ocasión en la noche.
Yao le reprendió: — ¿Cómo puedes decir eso?, los bailes son una parte esencial de la convivencia entre reinos, debes practicar, ¡no puedes ir y tropezar con tus pies cuando invites a los nobles extranjeros!
—Pues no los invitaré a bailar y ya —resolvió tan fácil Alfred.
La frustración de Yao fue en extremo obvia:
— ¿Cómo puedes decir eso?, no hacerlo sería una ofensa terrible y acabaríamos en guerra.
—Ugh pero es que no soy yo, yo bailo bien lo que pasa es que nos haces bailar de forma aburrida y sosa, contando un dos tres  y haciendo piruetas raras —intentando demostrar su punto el rey fingió unas cuantas poses exageradas.
—Es el protocolo.
— ¡Deberíamos cambiarlo! ¿o no Arthie? —pregunto prestando atención al fin a la reina que había estado simplemente viéndoles discutir aunque la verdadera razón por la que le había estado ignorando era porque Arthur había estado actuando raro todo el día atrapado de nuevo en su estado de ánimo melancólico.
—Mi nombre es Arthur, no me gusta que uses apodos ridículos conmigo y haz lo que quieras Alfred de todas formas será un evento insufrible.
— ¿Ves?, él me apoya.
Y el pobre Jack se resignó a la actitud de su superior pero decidido a cumplir con su deber logró persuadirlo de ensayar un poco más mientras practicaban el estúpido protocolo Alfred noto que la melancolía que sentía su acompañante desapareció y ahora estaba presente su malhumor , se sintió confundido con este cambio ya que Arthur se irrito con gestos que le habían dejado de molestar hace años como el que le llamara Arthie y pudo ver cierto dolor en su mirar cuando le sostuvo entre sus brazos y guiaba sus pasos.
El futuro rey quiso preguntarle, quiso saber que provocaba ese pesar pero no dijo nada, sabiendo que todos sus intentos por saber la verdad serían inútiles.
Dos muchachos huían agarrados de la mano y conforme el sol desaparecía del cielo, ambos detuvieron sus pasos poco a poco, hasta que al fin cayeron rendidos en la arena.
—¡Dios mío! no puedo creer que le hayas dando una paliza de verdad al tonto de Carriedo. Arthur río orgulloso por supuesto, disfrutando de su logro y del reconocimiento que le daba Paulo.
—No fue tan complicado, Antonio es un imbécil y apenas si sabe dónde tiene la cabeza. Una risa traviesa fue la respuesta que le obsequió su amante y se mostró de acuerdo.
—Es cierto, que se salvara su pellejo fue pura cosa de Lovino quien tiene más cerebro que él.
—Si, tiene suerte de estar con un mafioso pero por él hay que esperar para saber cuándo podremos regresar al refugio sin que nos encuentren, tal vez tengamos que esperar hasta la madrugada —expresó pensativo Arthur que tomaba asiento.
—No creo, hoy son las fiestas, la mayoría del pueblo estará allí, podremos volver a nuestro hogar ahora mismo... o podríamos ir a la celebración —le invito Paulo.
—Nos sorprenderán.
—Nos perderíamos en la multitud —la mirada que le dedicó Paulo rogaba silenciosamente que cediera.
Arthur vaciló sabiendo que era una terrible idea y que estaría llena de riesgos, pues podrían atraparlos los vengativos de los Vargas por su disputa con Carriedo pero en el momento que se perdió en los ojos de su amado las dudas desaparecieron, siempre había resultado extrañamente fácil confiar en él y siempre se encontraba cediendo, entregándose a sus deseos y jurando con su corazón que le protegerá de cualquier peligro.
Así que con una sonrisa tímida le arrastro hasta el lugar donde las personas honestas festejaban y los hombres tenían esposas dulces e hijos risueños, donde el hambre no carcomía sus estómagos y sus manos no sangraban por el esfuerzo o el crimen, ese mundo al que no pertenecían pero donde de vez en cuando se infiltraron como dos buenos actores.
Fue allí su primer baile, con música de verdad que surgía de instrumentos reales y bien cuidados y no de una simple guitarra rota, donde la gente daba pasos rígidos y sincronizados mientras ellos seguían su propio ritmo, y aunque Arthur amaba la sencillez de su vida no podía evitar sentirse satisfecho de tener entre sus brazos a Paulo, con luces de colores iluminando su figura en lugar de que esta se ocultara por las sombras, esta imagen siempre le pareció más adecuada para él.
Y aun así nada le hizo sentirse tan feliz que cuando los mafiosos de los Vargas los sorprendieron e inició el caos y todas las personas que falsamente habían sido amables con ellos les insultaron llamándoles criminales Paulo le siguió a la más profunda oscuridad, dejó atrás la luz para seguir sus pasos y le amo tanto por eso.
La coronación iba a suceder esa misma noche, después de años de preparativos por fin iba a estar frente a su destino, Alfred a veces aun recuerde ese día en especial, en el que su piel ardió, creyó que se estaba muriendo por la forma en que le dolía el pecho pero cuando la sensación abrumadora ceso, una marca bien conocida de una espada y una corona se habían plasmado en su cuerpo, en este mundo los reyes y reinas son elegidos por el destino, una fuerza magnética e impredecible que escoge a los más adecuados para el puesto sin importar su origen o su sexo, la marca aparece solo cuando sus predecesores están muriendo y deben comenzar la búsqueda de sus reemplazos.
Alfred fue un niño de una familia común y corriente, tenía tan solo 12 años cuando le apartaron de sus padres y de su hermano para llevarlo al castillo de Picas, sufrió, dolió, pero no deja una vida atrás en realidad, el mundo que conoció fueron las paredes de ese santuario donde todos le decían que era grandioso, que estaba destinado a ser un rey, por eso nunca pudo entender porque Arthur, que tenía 16 años y vino de la pobreza más miserable lucia tan abatido cuando llego.
Estaban en el mismo cuarto, preparándose para la ceremonia, estaban ansiosos por asumir sus títulos, por las responsabilidades que ahora tendrían y el futuro incierto al que se enfrentarían juntos, fue entonces que vio de cerca a Arthur, jamás había podido verlo sin ropa y por eso no había podido admirar con atención la marca de su reina: una rosa y sus tallos espinosos se desplegaban por toda la espalda del muchacho, estas espinas envolvían el filo de una espada, la imagen era gloriosa e imponente pero a la vez que este pensamiento cruzaba su cabeza no pudo evitar saber que esa marca tan grande debió haberle causado un sufrimiento inimaginable cuando surgió en su piel.
No se dio cuenta de sus acciones hasta que se encontró a unos cuantos pasos de donde estaba Arthur estirando su mano para tocar con suavidad la piel desnuda de su espalda, fue la simple curiosidad lo que le motivo a hacer tal movimiento pero pronto la furia y el terror con el que retrocedió el rubio le hicieron retroceder algo asustado, vio en los ojos de Arthur una emoción indescifrable:
¿Qué era eso que veía? ¿qué era eso que sentía Arthur?; ¿furia?, ¿asco?, ¿tristeza?, ¿impotencia?, ¿la nostalgia maldita?
No lo supo y quiso preguntar, quiso acercarse pero como su reina se lo impedía. En ese instante más que en otros, Alfred sintió como si perdiera a Arthur para siempre, no es que nunca haya sido suyo pero la pequeña posibilidad, la puerta que a veces se abría y revelaba su huracán interior, pareció esfumarse para siempre, sin posibilidad alguna de retorno.
A veces cuando Arthur se cambiaba en el espejo el reflejo que lo saludaba le hacía sentir incomodo, no le interesaba ser hermoso o atractivo pero su aspecto no le agradaba, no podía mirarse por mucho tiempo sin sentirse extraño, como si algo faltara o algo se ocultara, una ocurrencia lunática que descarto por muchos años. La primera vez que le preocupo el ser bello o no, fue cuando siendo un adolescente se fijó en Paulo y su hermosa piel, en su cabellera larga, en su sonrisa y en las miradas que otras personas le dedicaron a su amigo, se alarmo ante esta distinción obvia entre ambos pero sus dudas desaparecieron cuando él le beso por primera vez.
Una noche a sus 16, sus castos besos habían evolucionado y ahora eran fogosos y llenos de deseos, fue en esta época que siendo torpes e inmaduros, se acercaron como nunca antes, cruzaron el límite de la decencia y abandonaron sus ropas para amarse con intensidad, entonces se sintió muy cómodo en su piel, en sus sentidos se grabó el recuerdo de la mano de su amante acariciándole y se sintió alegre cuando hizo pequeñas marcas que le probaban a los otros que Paulo era suyo.
Por muchos años Arthur supo que esperar cuando se veía ante el espejo, por tanto tiempo supo que esperar cuando salía en medio de la noche, que esperar cuando debía correr como un loco para salvar su pellejo, conocía su cuerpo, conocía su alma, conocía su vida y a su alma gemela, hasta que una noche cayo terriblemente enfermo.
La fiebre se apodero de su cordura, deliraba, ardiendo, su piel quemaba y sintió el temor de perderlo todo ante la muerte como nunca antes lo había sentido, su mala salud les causo muchos problemas, les hizo vulnerables y débiles, Arthur se odio por eso, por haber arrastrado a Paulo a esta vida intrépida y peligrosa pero él nunca se quejó y le cuido como pudo, entonces un día, fue claro lo que pasaba y ninguno supo cómo reaccionar ante la rosa que floreció.
Trataron de huir, sabían lo que ocurriría si lo descubrían, si los encontraban, así que se alejaron en el mar, eran jóvenes e inocentes, creyendo que podría salirse con la suya, que podrían escapar del destino y permanecer juntos, entonces en medio del océano, una tormenta los regreso a la realidad, aquella donde no podían seguir amándose, su pequeño bote se fracturo.
En la costa despertó Arthur, solo, sin nadie a su lado, quiso adentrarse al agua para buscar a su amor pero alguien le vio en medio de la arena, alguien supo exactamente que había en la espalda del joven y antes de poder decir algo, supo que estaba condenado. Tardaron muy poco en encontrarlo los sabios de Picas y le llevaron al castillo.
Los árboles se marchitan, Alfred tenía una reunión política con los otros monarcas, una muy tensa, cuando se dio el fin de esta reunión, agobiado suspiro, ¡sabía que el maldito de Iván solo intentaba provocarlo!, pero temía que el reino de tréboles de verdad fuera a atacarlos tarde o temprano por sus constantes desacuerdo, su líder era el hombre más infantil y trastornado que había conocido jamás Al y sentía un escalofrío al pensar en su enfrentamiento pero al mismo tiempo sentía que sería lo adecuado.
Tal vez ese sería su destino, luchar en una guerra y ganarla, para traer más riquezas, más poder a su humilde reino, mientras divagaba se sorprendió al ver que la reina no estaba en su habitación, juraría que hace tan solo unas horas le había dejado allí, intrigado comenzó a buscarlo por todos lados, en ningún rincón del castillo lo habían visto y cuando Yao demostró la misma ignorancia que el resto de los sirvientes sobre donde podría estar; lo recordó.
Hoy era 5 de octubre y sintiéndose torpe se apresuró a salir, hubo muchas protestas pero finalmente consiguió un caballo con el que escabullirse, fue a la playa, llevaba tantos años viviendo con Arthur que hubiera sido imposible que nunca se hubiera dado cuenta de este ritual que solía predicar cada año, siempre en esta misma fecha su reina, sin importar sus obligaciones o las dificultades iba al mar, no lo entendía y la  única vez que logro obtener una respuesta esta fue enigmática:
—Porque allí está mi corazón.
Siempre quiso saber más pero el tiempo le había enseñado que no debería hacer preguntas inútiles, Arthur jamás le daría una respuesta ni se abriría con el pero aun así creyó que era buena idea acompañarle, no le gustaba la idea de dejarle solo cuando lucia tan nostálgico.
Oh Nostalgia, ese era un sentimiento habitual en su amigo, sin embargo a veces tenía que se ahogara en esa emoción y nunca pudiera volver a sentir otra cosa. Cuando llego la figura solitaria y anhelante de Arthur estaba sentado en la orilla, atrapado en la nostalgia, soñando con la vida que perdió, con el amor que le fue arrebatado, su primer y único gran amor.
Un poco tarde pero bueno seguimos vivos. En esta ocasión intente usar ambos temas.
¡Espero les guste!
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Liechtenstein run! It's France!
???- No don't do anything dramatic! I'm not the king and I'm not here to hurt you!
Liechtenstein- Portu I mean João?
João- The one and only! Now come on we have to go now!
Liechtenstein- Go where?
João- Escape of course! Unless you would prefer falling to your death? I made Antonio go to lunch with Abel so now's our chance!
Liechtenstein- Why would you help me?
João- Well I'm not really a diamond guard, I'm a spy for the queen of spades, you said one of the jokers is your brother. The queen is very interested in the jokers and all things magic so he'd appreciate talking to you.
Liechtenstein- I can't leave Switzerland!
João- You mean the jack? What are you going to do, he's the most heavily guarded man in the kingdom. But if you come with me and talk to queen he might be tempted to lend you the help of the spade army. So are you coming or do I have to carry you?
Liechtenstein- I'll come! If it'll help Switzerland...
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askcardsuits · 3 months
Is it just me or does everyone have a thing for port?
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askcardsuits · 8 months
What happend to Netherlands ti have a so big scar??! (I know bad grammar)
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