#hws lombardy
aphfroghat · 3 months
Out of context things my OCs have said
Lombardy: i killed his balls
Veneto: did you just call me Lombardy's bitch...
Piedmont: at least I don't flood all the time
Romagna: at least I can top decently
Guangdong: he looks like a homosexual hobo!!
Scandinavia: That guy looks like he's over 15. You should send him to war, Norge.
Provence: better than being related to Italie and that one guy who borders with me..
Piedmont: Sicilia and Calabria are actually greek !!!!!! fake italians
Marche: How do I tell someone they're annoying politely?
Abruzzo: you don't
Umbria: I'm not a simp
Trentino: once Alto Adige killed a squirrel with her own hands because we were lost in a forest
Südtirol/Alto Adige: ... Trentino is a threat to world peace
Calabria: auguri e figli maschi
Lombardy: why'd you glare at me. I'm calling 1522.
Lombardia: what--- who the fuck would want to fuck you anyways you ugly ass
Brazil: is this the middle ages
Valle d'Aosta: why do they always want to kill each other??!!
Piedmont: lo vuoi sto trapezio?
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temtamtom · 29 days
Do you headcanon the other Italian city states as dead? If so. How do you think the brothers reacted to their deaths? (Also, from one Italian to the other, Ciao!!!)
Hehe ciao!
Okay tbh I don't have a concrete answer EBGJFJ I do have regional/City State OCs, but they're not really part of my "main canon", if that makes sense?
I play around with them a lot. Whether they exist or not, if they live or die, what relation they have with the itabros, it all really depends on what I'm in the mood to explore! So for example I have some lore/story ideas where the Northern City States exist and then die off, and other ones where they stay alive as regional personifications.
Lately my friends and I have been super self-indulgent and playing with the idea of regions being Feli and Romano's respective kids. Does it make much sense? Eeehh it depends. Is it fun and silly? Hell yea 😎 I love myself a big chaotic Italian family DBFJR
Anyways, to answer your question more properly- I imagine, in this scenario, the only southern personification would be Romano (though you could argue there would be another one alongside him, but I digress). So the ones to die off would be the northern (and some central) city states, who Feliciano has interacted with a LOT throughout his life. They didn't always get along, and they fought pretty often, but I'm sure the loss would still be incredibly painful. They were a constant in his life, and now they're gone. They couldn't even fully experience unification and independence, something they fought long and hard for before passing away. It feels more than a little unfair, and I wouldn't be surprised if Feliciano experienced "survivor's guilt." It certainly doesn't help that he lost HRE decades prior.
Like I said, there are many ways to go about city states and region OCs. I never have a "set" answer because I like exploring these characters in a myriad of ways.
Anyways, I don't have any pretty art yet of the OCs, but here's an early exploration of Miss Lombardy (formerly the Duchy of Milan). She sees herself as the "bread winner" and tries her best to be serious at work, but she's honestly very easy to distract and is generally a lively woman. So don't let her stern mug fool you.
In an AU/Scenario where she's one of Feliciano's kids, she'd definitely be his golden girl.
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Don't look too close or I'll explode EBFIRHF <3 /lh
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I kind of really don't like how the Risorgimento in Hetalia is framed as a thing done solely by Veneziano and how it supposedly came as a surprise to Romano. First of all, it was kind of a long process, so it's been boiled down way too much, but I can forgive that because it's meant to be funny.
What I can't really forgive is that Romano is made obsolete in the comic, despite how influential the South actually was in making the Risorgimento happen. Just based on the Wikipedia page (I don't have the energy to go through an actual history book rn), there was the Carboneria formed in Southern Italy, not to mention that the unification happened under the House of Savoy, which admittedly was northern, but they first gained the title of king when they took over Sicily, and later exchanged it for Sardinia. Previously, Savoy ruled over duchies, but it was first when they gained the title King of Piedmont-Sardinia they started to consider uniting Italy. Those two are just the most obvious examples, but there's plenty more if you look into it.
It's not so much that South Italy did not want the Risorgimento or had no hand in it, it's rather that the results of it ended up being a betrayal, not just to the South, but anyone who was not Piedmontese – however, that betrayal was felt especially by the South. At least that's how I'm reading it. I'm sure I still ended up simplifying it a lot, and if anyone wants to expand on this, please do so.
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(I just wanted to draw Benigno in a frilly cravat and can't quite decide which color scheme I like more)
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breitzbachbea · 3 years
LFLS SicIre where Harry is definitely the more grumpy one but usually cheered up and immediately placated if Michele shows up is funny... but so is Hetaverse SicIre, where Michele is more of the grumpy, bitching enraged one, who's probably constantly bitching about the rest of the peninsula he has been Assigned Italian with - but immediately stops when he hears his Irish sweetheart. Like, fuck chewing out Feli, Lovi AND that lombard bastard, my darling is here, I have better things to do.
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urmomsstuntdouble · 3 years
because people liked i walk the sewers of paris so much, here’s some director’s commentary! 
- its pretty commonly thought that spain was a pretty big asshole for most of history, and my fic is no exception. however, i think that he might’ve been a bigger asshole than usual in this time period for a couple different reasons. the biggest of those is because by this point, many of the spanish colonies in latin america had become independent. antonio is both a sore loser about this and very physically and mentally ill. his physical illness is due to the independence movements in latin america- although its unclear how, land represents body parts in hetalia, so i feel like he’s probably experiencing a lot of phantom pain type stuff during this point in time. he’s also not really coping with his own mortality in this fic. it’s kind of difficult to see because the fic is from romano’s pov, but spain is basically really scared that he’s going to die soon. he’s seen nations die before from getting stretched too thin, and seen empires collapse, and a whole lot more. and while the empire had been in decline for a long time, he’s very scared that he doesn’t have very much time left now due to most of the latin american colonies becoming independent in the earlier 19th century. what spain thinks he’s doing here is reaching out to romano, although he doesn’t really know how to do that without being a bit of an ass. he’s not used to asking in order to get what he wants, and especially with romano, a sort of harsher control is the only thing he can really think of to do. he thinks that not being in control of everything is what’s killing him, so he’s seeking out both the familiarity of romano’s presence and also the familiarity of controlling him and what he does. 
- romano in this is very much having an identity crisis. the way i see it is that before italian unification, there were a lot more nation avatars, like one for sardinia and piedmont and lombardy and all that. during unification, a lot of them just straight up fucking died. lorenzo and feliciano happened to be the ones that survived, partially by chance and partially because they happened to represent venice and sicily/naples. the by chance bit of it is what’s got lorenzo kind of fucked up in this part, and is also why he’s so close to vene in the future*, despite not really getting along with him. he’s very much still grieving in this, and doesn’t know what to do about the recent deaths of a lot of people he’d thought would never die. lorenzo is also sort of in the same boat as antonio where physical stuff is concerned, because he’s always been relatively young, physically, as a result of him being sort of always controlled by someone or something else. i’d put lorenzo’s physical age in this as about 18-22, where antonio’s physical age is more in his mid twenties. lorenzo has just very rapidly gone through a lot of body changes (i’d put him around 14 or 15 at the start of the 19th century? aging that much over 70 years doesnt sound like a lot but he has been 14 for hundreds of years, so. feels fast to him) in a short amount of time and is also sustaining worse injuries than he has before. he’s very scared about his mortality as well, but also still caught up in the hope of independence and his grief about his other lost family members. however, due to the wars that are currently happening, lorenzo is also struggling to let himself feel things, and not just focus on winning. that’s part of why 
- lorenzo would actually really like to take antonio up on hanging out together, because he too craves the familiarity and comfort, but the picture of him that antonio has in his head is inaccurate. they don’t know how to talk to each other as much anymore 
*when i say the future, i mean the future as portrayed in my writings. the sort of default settings for my hws fanfics/analysis is present day nationverse, so unless otherwise stated, all of it does take place in the same timeline. anyway i say all this to say that by ‘the future’ i mostly mean brother of mine
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littlepikmins · 4 years
Me: Is sad Revali didn’t get any kind of character development or a more extensive look into his character in HW AOC Also me: Latches onto Falco Lombardi as a coping mechanism
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2017 HW Vanguard Awards NFL Coach Vince Lombardi once said, “Leaders are made, they are not born.” And he’s right. Hard work and perseverance through experiences, whether they are good or bad, help shape leadership. As 2017 wraps up and the mortgage industry faces a new year that will undoubtedly bring successes, a... Real Estate
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aphfroghat · 4 months
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aphfroghat · 5 months
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-> Friuli Venezia Giulia, Liguria
Umbria, Lombardia
Piemonte, Valle d'Aosta
Will draw more boys later
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aphfroghat · 9 months
I said I needed to post more about my region ocs and someone encouraged me.
so now get ready for THE bbg
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Human name: Gaia Vargas
Age: 20 (as a human), 1848 (as a region)
Birthday: December 7th (Sant Ambroeus day)
Lombardy is an introverted and intelligent woman who actually isn't afraid of killing someone verbally. She's very blunt and she often says mean things without really meaning it, making her kind of insufferable if someone doesn't know her well enough to know.
She can actually be very nice and generous in her own ways, and she'e more likely to say something kind indirectly other than directly.
She values money and her 'italianicity', in fact she hates being reminded of Lombardy-Venetia times, when she and her brother Veneto were under the Austrian Empire.
She kind of makes being the richest Italian region her whole personality (she refuses to aknowledge that Trentino is richer than her) and she has an overwhelming amount of self-confidence.
She is the eldest of all her siblings and she acts often like she's superior to them and like she hates them all. She has a soft spot for Veneto and Tuscany, though the only one sibling she genuinely hates is Piedmont. They fight often over who's Veneziano's favourite, who's the best region and over football/soccer, with Trentino being the 'regulator'.
She does fencing and she knows how to play the piano and clarinet. Thanks to Austria and France, she can speak German and French fairly well, but she'd rather die than speak any of those languages.
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aphfroghat · 8 months
I beg you for more regions. I beg.
im working on a character sheet rn but here are some doodles!!
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(lombardy and emo liechte--- valle d'aosta bbg)
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Abruzzo, nervous cutie
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Some bitches
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aphfroghat · 6 months
What are your favourite Region OCs ma'am? :D
Lombardy is my bbg, but I may be a little biased o.O
My other favorites are Umbria, Puglia (I don't draw him enough), Marche (mostly because I love the region irl bUT-) and Valle d'Aosta (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈)
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aphfroghat · 7 months
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I hate her ass anyways
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New designs right there!! (↓) Pic 1, left: Sicily, Liguria, Piedmont, Umbria - (↓) Pic 2, right: Lazio, Valle d'Aosta, Piedmont
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aphfroghat · 1 year
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I made ocs for Veneto (left) and Lombardy (right)-
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aphfroghat · 10 days
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