#hydrogen renewable energy
Time to Switch to Alternative Fuel Sources: The Hydrogen Energy Saga!
If you hadn’t noticed the climate’s crazy behaviour before this year, then you certainly must have noticed it now. The heatwave, like the recent one, is relatively rare. With the scorching temperatures, stepping outside is almost like stepping into a burning furnace. The biggest factor responsible for causing such extreme conditions is the growing usage of fossil fuels that leads to an increment in the atmosphere's internal temperature.
Therefore, it is now more important for organizations and individuals to shift to alternative fuels like hydrogen. Hydrogen is a source of exceptional renewable energy as it leaves no harmful residue and has only water as its by-product. Continue reading to learn about the green hydrogen production process and its unwavering benefits to human life.
Green Hydrogen Production Process
The core principle behind the production of green hydrogen is as simple as it can get. One simply has to split water into its constituent parts, hydrogen and oxygen. It is merely the process involved in splitting water that constitutes hydrogen being green. Certainly not in colour, but rather the process behind the curtains.
A simple electrolysis process powered by renewable sources like solar or wind energy contributes to producing green hydrogen. Otherwise, a thermochemical method involving the heat concentrated from renewable sources also does the trick.
How does switching to hydrogen as a renewable energy source benefit us?
The best thing about hydrogen fuel cells and hydrogen renewable energy is that they have absolutely no harmful by-products or residue. Unlike fossil fuels that release carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, green hydrogen produces only water vapour. No toxic gases and residue in the atmosphere means stable internal temperature and no extreme change in climatic conditions.
Moreover, access to cleaner air is like a dream for most of us. The best step forward in that direction is to use hydrogen as an alternative fuel.
Challenges in the journey
The biggest challenge in incorporating hydrogen as a general fuel source is the integration process. The large-scale production and integration of Hydrogen fuel relies on the availability of renewable energy sources. It usually requires larger physical space than traditional fuel cells, which is why dedicated organizations are putting efforts into making the integration more feasible. Doing so would lead to a significant reduction in storage and transportation worries.
Additionally, people, along with the leading hydrogen energy associations in the world, have to get out of their comfort zones and take stricter measures to ensure that we have a sustainable future for our coming generation.
For more information, visit https://ahp.africa/ now.
Original source: https://bit.ly/4aYBmHv
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blogbisresearch · 2 years
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reasonsforhope · 1 year
"It may sound surprising, but when times are tough and there is no other food available, some soil bacteria can consume traces of hydrogen in the air as an energy source.
In fact, bacteria remove a staggering 70 million tonnes of hydrogen yearly from the atmosphere, a process that literally shapes the composition of the air we breathe.
We have isolated an enzyme that enables some bacteria to consume hydrogen and extract energy from it, and found it can produce an electric current directly when exposed to even minute amounts of hydrogen.
As we report in a new paper in Nature, the enzyme may have considerable potential to power small, sustainable air-powered devices in future.
Bacterial genes contain the secret for turning air into electricity
Prompted by this discovery, we analysed the genetic code of a soil bacterium called Mycobacterium smegmatis, which consumes hydrogen from air.
Written into these genes is the blueprint for producing the molecular machine responsible for consuming hydrogen and converting it into energy for the bacterium. This machine is an enzyme called a “hydrogenase”, and we named it Huc for short.
Hydrogen is the simplest molecule, made of two positively charged protons held together by a bond formed by two negatively charged electrons. Huc breaks this bond, the protons part ways, and the electrons are released...
The molecular blueprint for extracting hydrogen from air
With Huc isolated, we set about studying it in earnest, to discover what exactly the enzyme is capable of. How can it turn the hydrogen in the air into a sustainable source of electricity?
Remarkably, we found that even when isolated from the bacteria, Huc can consume hydrogen at concentrations far lower even than the tiny traces in the air. In fact, Huc still consumed whiffs of hydrogen too faint to be detected by our gas chromatograph, a highly sensitive instrument we use to measure gas concentrations...
Enzymes could use air to power the devices of tomorrow
It’s early days for this research, and several technical challenges need to be overcome to realise the potential of Huc.
For one thing, we will need to significantly increase the scale of Huc production. In the lab we produce Huc in milligram quantities, but we want to scale this up to grams and ultimately kilograms.
However, our work demonstrates that Huc functions like a “natural battery” producing a sustained electrical current from air or added hydrogen.
As a result, Huc has considerable potential in developing small, sustainable air-powered devices as an alternative to solar power.
The amount of energy provided by hydrogen in the air would be small, but likely sufficient to power a biometric monitor, clock, LED globe or simple computer. With more hydrogen, Huc produces more electricity and could potentially power larger devices.
Another application would be the development of Huc-based bioelectric sensors for detecting hydrogen, which could be incredibly sensitive. Huc could be invaluable for detecting leaks in the infrastructure of our burgeoning hydrogen economy or in a medical setting.
In short, this research shows how a fundamental discovery about how bacteria in soils feed themselves can lead to a reimagining of the chemistry of life. Ultimately it may also lead to the development of technologies for the future."
-via The Conversation, March 8, 2023. Article written by the authors of the study.
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allthecanadianpolitics · 10 months
TES Canada is investing $4 billion, without public funding, to build a Shawinigan, Que. plant producing "green" hydrogen, a fuel used to reduce dependence on hydrocarbons in industry and heavy transport. "This is the first green hydrogen project in the country," said federal Innovation Minister François-Philippe Champagne at a press conference in Shawinigan on Friday morning, accompanied by Quebec's Economy and Energy Minister Pierre Fitzgibbon. The plant's main customer will be Énergir, which will use the hydrogen to produce around one-fifth of its 115 million cubic meters of renewable natural gas (RNG) by 2030.
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Tagging @politicsofcanada
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mindblowingscience · 2 years
This could be another step towards a clean energy future, if renewables power the process. The new device makes a few chemical modifications to existing technologies, making it possible to extract hydrogen from untreated, unpurified seawater – which could alleviate concerns about using precious water supplies.
"We have split natural seawater into oxygen and hydrogen… to produce green hydrogen by electrolysis, using a non-precious and cheap catalyst in a commercial electrolyzer," explains chemical engineer Shizhang Qiao of the University of Adelaide in Australia.
Traditionally, hydrogen fuel has been made using natural gas, but it can also be made through electrolysis.
Electrolysis is a water-splitting reaction that uses electricity to bump hydrogen atoms out of elbow-shaped water molecules, and an electrolyzer is a device in which that happens.
Right now, this process can be achieved using electricity from fossil fuels or from renewable energy sources, but both systems require fresh water. Finding a way to achieve electrolysis with seawater could make the future of green hydrogen fuel production far more sustainable.
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As fun as it is to talk about how solarpunk the various Studio Ghibli movies are, Ariel and I decided to stay truer to Season 5's theme of tech in this bonus chat. One of our listeners is interested in converting cars to run off of a mixture of ammonia and hydrogen, so we decided to take a look at the issue of using hydrogen as a fuel in general.
It's a hot topic, one of those that we all have feelings about, without necessarily knowing much of the facts. Worse, at the moment, the hype over (and use of) hydrogen fuel constitutes little more than greenwashing - especially egregious, because it's becoming a policy issue raised as part of a net-zero energy solution in many countries.
We do our best here to bring you the facts about what hydrogen fuel is, how hydrogen fuel is made, whether or not hydrogen could actually be a sustainable fuel, and what role hydrogen fuel would most sensibly play in our attempts to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions ASAP.
(PS: Apologies for the potato quality audio; my mic decided to die right before recording. Am fixing it as we speak because I finally have time...)
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genesisnanotech · 9 months
'First of its kind’ | US firm unveils hydrogen-battery hybrid car with range of over 1,000 Km
A US start-up is now taking pre-orders for a plug-in hybrid passenger vehicle that runs using both a hydrogen fuel-cell and a battery, which it claims has a range of 700 miles (1,127km). Virginia-based Revo Zevo’s “model Energy” uses a battery as the primary power source, with the hydrogen fuel cell kicking in to power the vehicle and thereby extend its range. “This allows the vehicle to keep…
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
Good News From Israel
In the 5th Mar 23 edition of Israel’s good news, the highlights include:
·       A new Israeli treatment avoids risk of damage to vital organs.
·       Israeli medics are still working in Turkiye (Turkey) and Ukraine.
·       NASA are assisting Israel on two groundbreaking space projects.
·       Two Israeli developments in generating hydrogen - the fuel of the future.
·       Israel’s national water company is working in seven Argentinian provinces.
·       Two international gold medals for Israeli judokas.
·       No Israeli child is left behind on the Jewish festival of Purim.
Read More: Good News From Israel
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Israelis just can't stop doing good.  This week's life-enhancing medical advances include discoveries to prevent the brain from stopping prematurely, due to Alzheimer's or cancer. They include a medication that cannot be stopped by the skin, and systems that ensure the elderly won't stop enjoying life in their own home. There are devices that mean you no longer need to stop off at a dentist or an eye specialist for a check-up. And Israel's medical teams certainly haven't stopped saving lives in Turkey and Ukraine. There's no stopping Israelis from protecting the environment with renewable fuels, or preserving rare species. Pests, diseases and the weather can't stop Israeli indoor cultivation of valuable plants. And there is no stop to Israel's amazing water technology developments and help given to drought-afflicted countries. There is no stopping Israel's economy, and Tel Aviv, the city that never stops, has won acclaim for its unstoppable cycling ecosystem. Finally, a New Jersey couple showed that extreme age doesn't have to stop you from making the move to Israel.  And there is no handicap that can stop Israeli children from enjoying the Jewish festivals. The photo is of Kfir Damari, CEO of Israel's SpaceIL, being interviewed for ILTV at the OurCrowd summit in Jerusalem. He is positive that nothing can stop his two Beresheet2 spacecrafts from landing on the moon, especially now that NASA is supporting the mission.
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1-1-s1ay-2-2 · 2 years
Understanding Promises | Explained
Do you know how in a fish tank (a pool full of visibly fluid hydrogen), the bubbles that circulate the water...there are those oxygen bubbles that are being forced upward to the surface, flowing toward the reunion of where they originated, the surrounding air...
Oxygen bubbles formed in a pool of hydrogen/oxygen (water) rush upward to the surface to break free of the fluid hydrogen/oxygen to return to the vast air (oxygen) from where they started.
Bubbles get formed in H2O as small pockets of trapped Oxygen which then travel through the pool of Hydrogen/Oxygen mix.
The force being applied -- the tube with the mechanism -- produces the force of energy that travels through the tube, which creates the tiny, trapped orbs of oxygen known as the bubbles we see bursting forth at the surface of the water.
That is basically the outward force being applied while separating the oxygen from the hydrogen, forming a bubble, and because the bubble of just oxygen (gas) is now lighter than the heavier combo of hydrogen and oxygen (water), they automatically flow upward.
Bubbles rise.
Right now, as a human on Earth, it's like you are a carbon print of your true, spiritual self. An echo of physicality in the ever~universal order of light and creation energy.
Your infinite self is made of eternal energy...like a star~dust heart encased in a metal cage. Your body is like the metal cage and your spirit is like the star~dust heart. Living life is like taking a journey while existing within the confines of a metal cage. Earth is physically elemental indeed. Earth is like a carbon-based, third-dimensional paper, the elemental cages are our bodies.
But our spirits -- our infinite spirits and eternal souls -- eventually grow and evolve and progress out of the cages. We eventually ascend and transcend the "cage" and the elemental life of living on Earth.
Your spirit is currently bound by the carbon-based vessel you are equipped with in taking this temporal, physical journey as your human self on Earth. But...your eternal soul is not bound by the carbon vessel you currently inhabit. Your soul is only bound to your carbon-based vessel now, but it won't always be.
The carbon vessel (a human body) expires according to an Earthly timeline -- as we know everything that is born and lives in the carbon cycle also dies within the carbon cycle -- but the soul doesn't expire.
Souls (the spirit of a soul) is lighter than the heavy elementals of life that surround us. The spiritual aspects of existence are "lighter" than the physical aspects of existence. Your infinite spirit is lighter than the carbon-based vessel which homes it. Your eternal soul is lighter than the mortal flesh which surrounds it.
We are comprising physical vessels because physical vessels are required to take this journey as human beings on planet Earth.
But your spirit, your soul is lighter than your body.
So, even though your body is heavy and bound by the weight of gravity and the elemental forces that keep you sustained on Earth, your soul is like a feather being housed inside a tower made of stone.
But you see, like bubbles springing forth from a pool of water, everything is transformed throughout the process of creation and regeneration. Even souls.
What started as fluid water, when an outside force was applied, transformed into flowing bubbles (tiny orbs of oxygen within the heavier hydrogen and oxygen combo known as H2O) which then returned to where it started which then restored to how it was before to be born again from the vastness of the creation~energy that births all light and life into existence.
That is how the journey of a soul works, too!
Souls rise!
The force of gravity and magnetism and the constraints of physical life are like the tube with a motor attached that pushes the bubbles to the surface of a fish tank full of water, only concerning human life, it's the force that pushes your soul to excel toward the everlasting light.
Like the oxygen bubbles in a pool of hydrogen/oxygen rush to the surface to reunite with the oxygen air around it from which it came, our souls are being pushed through the fluid energy we call life, causing our souls to flow upward in an effort to return to the everlasting eternal light from which we originated.
It's why people who've had "near death" experiences see a "light at the end of a tunnel."
What they were really seeing was the opening to the ever~verses...the doorway to eternity, to ever~life and never~death! The outer realm that we are not equipped to see or perceive as human beings.
But, that's what transcendence is...the gift of knowing and believing and eventually achieving...the promise of eternal life given to us by Jesus Christ!!! The angels will guide us always! God's got this!
The Holy Spirit is light and warmth and love and truth.
Think of when a human body expires...the warmth leaves the empty, carbon vessel and the vessel begins to grow cold. We call that death of the physical body. Because there is no life energy left in the vessel. Life energy is God. Life energy is infinite. Life energy is warm and full of light -- God's renewing, creation energy. Life energy is the part of us that we can't see but we are aware it exists.
A human's life energy contains their soul signature -- or their uniquely, divine, interdimensional identity.
The soul never dies or expires. The spirit is infinite and can be renewed over and over again in various, physical forms.
The spirit and the soul are separate but also the same.
The spirit can be detached from the soul, while the soul still exists as itself. The soul is of the infinite spirit. The infinite spirit is of God. Everything in existence is connected to God's infinite life energy.
This is the promise of eternal life. Ever~renewal and ever~light!
New bodies, new lives...forever and ever!
We are carbon now...but we won't always be!
Heaven is real! Angels are real! God and His Son and the Holy Spirit are the most real deals there are!
Personal Note: When I was born, I nearly died because a drunk doctor delivered me while under the influence of alcohol. I was in a coma hooked up to a breathing machine in an incubator for the first week of my life with a sticky substance of afterbirth coating my lungs, and unable to breathe on my own. I had a near-death experience as a newborn baby, but because I was in fact a newborn babe, I could not tell anyone about the experience. Indeed, I did have the experience no less, despite my age, and not being able to communicate the experience at that time. But, I do remember...the deepest parts of my heart and soul and spirit and mind...remember. For some reason though, God wanted me to stay and live a life and maybe, perhaps, share the memory of my experience now.
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Electricity and food (prose poetry)
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solar panel(from Amazon)
Electricity is created as a substitute for something. The energy for a "hydrogen car" or "electric car" is made at a power plant. It could be energy produced by a nuclear power plant. (Energy cannot be created from zero.)
In addition, solar power generation, which is much better than nuclear power generation and is a powerful alternative energy to nuclear power generation, often has panels lined up on flat areas that would otherwise be farmland, but this makes it impossible to produce food.
In the case of wind power, it "takes the air out of the plants". It is said that since ancient times, crops have grown in a natural environment called "five winds and ten rains," in which strong winds hit every five days and rain fell every ten days.
People may end up sacrificing food production in order to live a more convenient life. Come to think of it, the "ethanol car" was a very barter of energy and food.
Note: I am anti-nuclear. I just wanted to mention the limits of renewable energy.
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viveksethsblog · 1 year
What Future Holds For Green Energy
Over all these years, I have been giving priority to incorporating Green Energy practices with the work our organization does. Lately, I have been researching tremendously on the future of Green Energy because I believe this how a real growth looks like: Moving ahead with a sustainable world. 
As the world walks on the path of growth and progress, and explores new avenues of Science and Technology, we as a collective society, are becoming increasingly aware of sustainability and the role that Green Energy plays in it. By 2024, 33% of the world's electricity is forecasted to be generated via Green Energy which is about 1200 GW! 
The future sounds exciting. 
Let's Dive Deeper Into Solar Energy!
Solar energy’s convenience in terms of its reliability is no surprise for anyone. Residential solar power is expected to grow from 58 GW to 142 GW by 2024. Moreover, once the solar panels are installed the operational costs are way less as compared to the other forms of generating energy. In the near future, solar facilities will continue reducing their variability rates by storing electricity during the day and running at night. 
Here’s an Quick Insight of the Rise of Geothermal Capacity
Geothermal energy ensures a reliable and strategic way of integrating itself into all kinds of electrical power generation systems. To generate geothermal energy, water is drawn from the underground reservoirs under high pressure when the water reaches the surface, the pressure is dropped, which causes the water to turn into steam. The steam spins a turbine, which is connected to a generator that produces electricity. The awesome part about Geothermal Energy is that the steam in the process is cooled off and condensed into water again which is pumped back into the earth, ready for another reuse. Geothermal capacity is projected to grow by 28% reaching 18 GW by 2024 proving to be a promising way of energy production. 
How Can We Leverage The Wind Energy For A Hopeful Future?
The wonderful part about Wind Energy is that not only wind is an inexhaustible source of energy, but it also provides electricity without burning any fuel or polluting the air. Hence leveraging Wind Energy and setting up the right infrastructure to do this is the need of the hour. Moreover, the onshore wind capacity is expected to expand by 57% to 850 GW by 2024. 
Adding to this, extensive research is being carried out by scientists to create airborne wind turbines in which the components are either floated by a gas like helium or use their aerodynamics to stay high in the air, where the wind is stronger. These systems are being considered for offshore use, where it is expensive and difficult to install conventional wind turbines on tall towers. 
All in all, with the variety of innovations and advancements in Wind Energy production, I think the future does look bright!
What Can We Do?
As consumers, we have several opportunities to make an impact by contributing to a sustainable future by adopting Green Energy Solutions. There are alternatives for a greener way of life like energy storage solutions with safe and environment-friendly battery solutions with a greater life span. 
Vivek Seth
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businessbigwigs · 1 year
Nel Hydrogen Coming to Michigan
Nel Hydrogen Aims to Improve Environmentally Friendly Energy
Nel Hydrogen announced plans on Wednesday to build a new plant in Michigan, cooperating with General Motors to make hydrogen a cheaper, greener energy source. Nel Hydrogen, a Norwegian company, makes electrolyzers, devices which split water into hydrogen and oxygen. General Motors wants to make vehicles which can run on hydrogen fuel cells, as well as use the technology for other purposes. Fuel…
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poojagblog-blog · 11 days
The global Electrolyzers Market is expected to reach USD 57.2 billion by 2030 from USD 0.5 billion in 2023 at a CAGR of 97.7% during the 2023–2030 period according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™. The growing demand for cleaner fuels is one of the major factors driving the Electrolyzers Market. Global electrolyzers demand has been increasing gradually due to goals set to achieve net zero emissions in recent years. Governments worldwide are taking proactive measures to establish the necessary infrastructure for the development of green hydrogen, with a notable focus in Asia and the European Union, alongside select American and Middle Eastern nations. The increasing investment and funding landscape have emerged as formidable catalysts propelling the electrolyzer market into a phase of rapid expansion and technological evolution. Nations have incorporated electrolyzer targets into their hydrogen strategies. With the spotlight on green hydrogen intensifying as a linchpin in the roadmap toward a net-zero future which presents a significant opportunity for the Electrolyzers Market.
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hnointernational · 1 month
Green Hydrogen with Solar and Wind Farms
Hydrogen, produced using renewable energy sources, is a crucial component in the transition to clean energy infrastructure and a sustainable reality.
Project Details
This project explores the implementation of the Scalable Hydrogen Energy Platform (SHEP) and the Compact Hydrogen Refueling Station (CHRS) powered by solar and/or wind energy. The developer aims to take advantage of renewable energy generated at low costs to produce, store, and dispense fuel cell grade green hydrogen.
The proposed facility is located in a region with abundant sun and/or wind, ensuring high renewable energy generation.
While our scalable hydrogen production platform is a fraction of the size of traditional hydrogen facilities, additional acreage is needed to support 1.5MW of solar and wind energy.
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shirazeetraders1 · 2 months
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townpostin · 3 months
Volvo India Plans Hydrogen-Powered Trucks, Increased Orders From Jharkhand
Kamal Bali Highlights Sustainability Initiatives And Economic Growth Projections Company CEO emphasizes focus on renewable energy and gender equality in industry. JAMSHEDPUR – Kamal Bali, the President and Managing Director of Volvo Group India, today shared some exciting news. He revealed that Volvo Group India has plans to introduce hydrogen-powered trucks, which is a significant step towards…
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