#hyper march nerf gun
best-nerfguns · 9 months
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uswnt-keeper · 4 years
Focus Isn’t My Strong Suit
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Prompt by @cpaeralricey: Can you do a Kelley x youngersister!reader quarantining together and the reader has to to do School online but struggles cause of their ADHD and just lots of fluff and Kelley helping the crazy kid out. Does that make any sense? If not don’t worry about it.
Note before we start. Sorry if this is terrible, I don’t have ADHD so I don’t really know what it’s like, I tried to make this is fun as possible. Also just for future reference I will no longer be writing Kelley, Alex, or JJ fics. (There will be my final Alex post today, but that’s it).
This royally sucked... like to a whole other level of sucking... does that sound weird? It sounds weird, oh well... whatever. That’s not the point, the point is, I’m stuck doing online school, which normally isn’t that bad, but it all kind of happened all at once.
You see, I’d been flown out to visit Kelley, my older sister, in my spring break which happened to be at the beginning of March. I hadn’t seen her in a long time between her traveling for different teams, and I missed her. I miss all of my siblings honestly. Jerry was off doing business man things, and Erin was off hanging with her besties on some beach somewhere. Kelley was the youngest of my older siblings, but shes 32, I’m 16, big age difference there. I’d been adopted by my family at a young age and so, of course there would be an age difference, but they were family and Kelley and I were close.
Anyway, back to my main point of how much this sucked. The nation went on lockdown literally a week into my stay, I couldn’t leave for the airport or anything and Kelley’s games and trainings were suspended after the SheBelieves cup, even the Olympics were cancelled. So I was stuck, but that wasn’t what sucked, I was with Kelley, that was great, but then came online school.
Online school, for someone like me, is the worst possible option. I struggled with ADHD and paying attention in a normal class, but sitting on my own in a room of distractions would be even worse, I mean... how was I NOT suppose to say dream or cheat on a test?!
Not only that, but I was awaiting my prescription, we had to start ordering it so it shipped to Kelley’s apartment in Utah. So with that going on, we were now in late March and we realized it would be another day before my pills arrives... and I was out.
“Kelley!” I yelled from my bathroom, looking at the empty bottle.
Kelley came rushing in, “What, what is it?!”
“I’m out of meds,” I said hyper focused on the writing on the bottle.
“Oh.... OH WHAT?!” She grabbed the bottle out my hands, shaking the orange container around as if she was trying to summon more pills to her.
“It’s just a day, it won’t be that bad right?” I said and Kelley looked at me with a glare.
“When was the last time you weren’t on your meds?” She asked.
I thought about it for a moment, “Uhh, probably before I was diagnosed.”
“So when you were bouncing off the walls?” She asked and I shrugged, walking out the bathroom.
“Look, I have school in like... oh actually I’m late,” I said looking at my phone, it was only 8, but class started at 7:45.
Kelley groaned as I rushed to my laptop, she had moved to the dining table after finding me staring at my ceiling for an entire class, she was fun as a sister, but her feeling of responsibly over me was unbearable.
I logged into the class with my camera off, apologizing for being late and I made up some random excuse. I looked to Kelley who had just walked out of my room, and she rolled her eyes at me and tossed me t-shirt. I muted myself and looked at her confused.
“You forgot to put one on,” she said before I could ask and I looked down at myself realizing she was right, so I begrudgingly pulled in on with a huff.
After my first class, I had my second period, which was a study hall, and I hated it, all I ever did was stare at off into space, which ended up happening this time too. I went through the whole school day, completely unable to focus on anything as I felt my ADHD consume my movements and thoughts.
“Y/N!” Kelley snapped me out of my trance, I realized she sat in front of me, working on something of her own, “Your teacher asked you a question,” she said.
I unmuted myself to apologize before asking her to repeat the question. The one good thing about ADHD was that I often retained large chunks of info if it was interesting enough, so I had the knowledge to answer the question this time.
When I muted myself again I sighed, it was times liked these I hated my condition, it was unbearable and made me miss so much shit.
“You okay Speedster?” A nickname Kelley had gifted me at the age of 4 when I literally couldn’t stop running around, it’s fitting now as I’ve followed in her footsteps and started playing soccer.
“I hate not being able to focus,” I complained and finally, as I said that, the class was over.
“Well,” Kelley started, closing my laptop for me, “Maybe you should walk around or something, get some focus back?” She asked, I sighed again, it was the best idea so far, “I’ll be here if you if you need me.”
I stood up, taking my computer to my room and threw it on the bed. There was no way I could focus on doing yoga or lifting weights, not at all. All I wanted to do was run around, do anything but what I was doing. It was probably about 5 minutes in my room before I rushed out my room, heading to the kitchen to search Kelley’s cabinets.
“What are you doing in there?” Kelley turned after I rummaged for a few minutes.
“Food,” I replied.
“If your hungry I can make you sandwich or something,” she said, looking away from her computer.
“Ughhhhh,” I complained, “A sandwich sounds so boring,” I groaned and she rolled her eyes at me, going back to the meeting she was in.
I left the kitchen, heading back to my room, sitting on my bed feeling restless. I tried writing and reading, I even did some homework, but eventually I got bored again, and I felt antsy. That is, until I found something I could compare to gold.
“No way,” I whispered to myself, pulling two things out from under the guest bed, “This is gonna be so much fun.”
Kelley’s POV
I was worried about Y/N, I knew she would feel bad about her ADHD, usually I’d go distract her, but I was caught in this stupid meeting for another few minutes. I was listening to what my manager was saying amongst the other people there, until something stung me.
I flinched, looking at my arm, then around me and at the floor, finding a... nerf bullet?
There was a click and another one hit my temple this time.
“Ow,” I complained, looking to where I heard giggling.
It was Y/N of course, hiding behind a cardboard cut out of me with a nerf gun reaching around it.
“Y/N, don’t you—“ She shot me again, laughing hysterically, I turned to my computer, “Listen guys, I’m gonna have to go, got something to sort out,” I said and they nodded as I logged off.
Y/N looked at me with a challenge, if this is what she needed to calm down, then I guess a little match wouldn’t be bad.
“It is so on,” I said, reaching into one of the kitchen cabinets.
“WHAT?! You have a nerf gun just sitting in your kitchen?!”
“Never know when it might come in handy,” I shot at her, the bullet sticking itself right in her forehead and she huffed and smiled.
“I’m gonna kick your ass.”
“You wish,” I replied.
Turns out the one round turned into three hours of an intense and heated nerf battle, ending with Y/N surrendering to the couch where sweat fell from her head.
“Alright, alright, you win,” she said exhausted for once and I plopped down on the couch next to her.
“Told you I’d kick your butt,” I said.
“Surrendering doesn’t mean you kicked my butt,” she complained and I laughed.
“How you feeling?” I asked, looking to her now.
“Exhausted for the first time today,” she said with a smile, “Never thought I’d be happy to be tired.”
I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her in to a hug, “You know there’s nothing wrong with your ADHD right?” I asked and she shrugged, “If you ever feel bad about it, remember that you can totally start a nerf war and it’s completely justified,” I said and she laughed.
“Thanks Kell.”
“Anytime kiddo.”
There was a pause.
“Do you have food?”
“I knew you wanted something.”
She laughed again and we spent the rest of the night eating and watching movies until we fell into a deep sleep.
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snellyboi · 5 years
Hey it’s a vent post.
I have ADHD and I’m afraid of medicating for it, and this post is about why. But just so y’all know, this post is not discouraging you from taking your meds. If your meds are working for you please take them and keep up with them as regularly as you need to. I beg of you. PLEASE DO NOT TAKE THIS AS SOME WEIRD NEW AGE HEALTH STUFF THAT’S NOT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT I’M NOT GONNA TELL YOU ANY ALTERNATIVES OR TELL YOU TO STOP MEDICATING IT’S JUST ME VENTING ABOUT MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE ALSO REMEMBER TO TAKE YOUR MEDS!
I’ve known about my ADHD vaguely since I was 6, but I definitely knew by the time I was 10. We went so some doctor, for some reason, and I ended up with ADHD. Well, at the time I think they were still calling it ADD in my case because I wasn’t super active I guess? Either way I had it. 
They put me on something called Strattera, and I remember feeling...a few changes? I took it pretty regularly and I think it made me a little better at getting homework done, but at this point in my life, my mother was still very active in my school life. It was normal for me to do homework at this point. It took less time though, at least, is what my mother said. 
It had some problems though. For starters, there weren’t many results? I mean my grades didn’t get any better, I still lost track of stuff, and overall it was just not doing much. 
The big kicker was that I wasn’t eating enough. 
I already had (and still have) a fairly fast metabolism, not exactly hyper-thyroid but a little above average, which isn’t helped by my hobbies of cycling, marching band, and at the age of 10, running around in the woods with spray painted nerf guns and making ‘pew pew’ sounds. So when my parents noticed less and less food being eaten by me? They got really concerned. That’s not typical, I usually ate quite a bit. Now I was eating barely anything. I’m told these days that it’s a pretty common side effect of this stuff? But this was way out of the ordinary, make no mistake. I couldn’t finish a happy meal. at 10 years old. 
My parents were concerned, and when we stopped taking the pills after about a year, my mother asked if I wanted to look at any other meds for it?
I said no. 
I mean, granted, at the time, I didn’t notice the big stuff. I knew I was lighter, and I knew I felt a little more sick, but I didn’t know that they were scared for my life or anything. I just kinda said ‘nah, I’m good’. It was a trauma that sort of slowly seeped in over time. I got older and realized it. It was weird, and to be frank, it was kinda scary. Of course I didn’t figure this out when I was 10, I was 10! My biggest concern was when Spongebob came on!
By the time I was 12, I never really wanted to try meds again. Not because I thought it was quackery; friends of mine took meds all their lives, and they did fine. This stuff works for people. But I figured that maybe they didn’t work for everyone, at least, not for me. And for the most part, it doesn’t get brought up. When ADHD does come up, usually with someone else who has ADHD, it’s not like the first question they ask is ‘what pills are you on’, that’s not a typical thing to talk about in my experience. 
I get by most days, and I’ve managed, somehow, to get into a sort of routine. This routine involves a lot of me time, and It’ll take me some extra semesters to get through college, but if that’s what it takes then that’s what it takes. I go on a lot of walks, I cook a lot, and I listen to a lot of music, and eventually I’m able to focus on getting stuff done, so long as there isn’t a massive amount to do. I try very hard to get everything in one location done before heading home for the evening, too. 
I wanted to get this stuff off of my chest because recently, a person who I was pretty close with, and who knew I didn’t medicate, tried to use me as some sort of example of ‘overcoming the need for medication’ or whatever. I was talking about how I had cleaned my room and that I was kinda proud of myself, and they said “Oh, well, y’know, you’re pretty well off, you don’t need to take meds! You’ve, like, overcome that or something, right? You’re past that, you’re better off without.” 
I hate that sort of thing with a bitter passion. It’s not like you just grow out of it. Especially not in my case. Sorry, Bucky, but I’m gonna have fucking ‘cool guy syndrome’ for the rest of my waking days. But the other insidious thing about this is that it makes it sound like people who use medications are somehow worse off than I am? 
I HATE that line of thinking, and it’s way too common. I’m not ‘better off’ because I don’t use medication, and people who DO use medication aren’t worse off because they need it! 
The worst thing is, though, I guess I have, like this guilt complex or this impostor syndrome. When this person said that, they made it sound like I was ‘cured’ or whatever bullshit they were thinking. I just felt like I wasn’t really experiencing it, despite the diagnoses from 3 different doctors, it being clearly marked in pretty much every medical history thing I’ve ever had, IEPs that lasted through most of my public school years, and even the doctors up here at college knowing about it. I’d say I have it on paper, hands down. 
But a comment like that just made me feel as if I’d been lied to my whole life. It made me feel like I didn’t have a real problem, like I wasn’t ‘legit’ because I wasn’t taking meds. And this wasn’t some weird, surely non existent diagnosed elitist saying this, it was a random person who I thought didn’t care what I did, and who I figured was supportive.  And this is all because I stopped eating while I was on some meds. It makes me kind of upset that I’m...like this? I know it’s okay to be afraid of things but this just always felt weird. 
Anyway, long story short, I’m afraid to take meds because it was screwy when I was a youngster and now I constantly fight with myself as to whether or not it’s okay to be nervous about meds. 
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newtstesco · 5 years
My school is filled with cryptids and I’m cranky bc I’m the only human
So I’m pretty sure the government could kill me for figuring this out if I’m right but they’d just be giving me what I want so let’s yee and haw
Government Robot: this is the cryptid I’ve know the longest, she is a stinky bastard who doesn’t let me play music at lunch when it’s my designated day. I’ve never seen her cry since knowing her since the third grade, she can run way too fast, one time she started spouting numbers at random (serial number???), she just misses like 2-3 days at a time (repair days???), and she has no concept of pop music (has no clue who Taylor Swift is). She’s also missing a rib.
Thot demon: I’ve known her for a little less time, but she’s very thotty, likes homestuck, owns only black outfits, is a huge fuckin weeb, likes supernatural, is taking Latin, knows a scary amount about human anatomy, and dyes her hair out of spite.
Loki, probably: known this fucker since second grade and they ate paper then and not much has changed. D&D nerd (our campaign’s dungeon master), super fuckin loud, huuuuuuge science nerd, spams memes in the group chat, plays the trombone in marching band, and they have decent music taste
Immortal being: hes a bad boy, kinda, idk. He knows an unhealthy amount of history, like we didn’t learn that in class kinda levels, he really likes rock music, he’s in stage crew, very tall, the running theory is that he has lived thru every war and that’s why he knows so much history crap (says he fought in every war to be with the alien [see below] on the moon, when approached with me saying that’s kinda gay he replied with “not yet”)
Alien: very tall soft boi, likes Star Wars, like has Star Wars clothes almost everyday and Star Wars bags etc, he has a surfer haircut despite living in a landlocked state, very chill, tried to commit sepuku in Eastern Civ class with a pencil, is so down to be with Immortal being, and owns an unhealthy amount of nerf guns.
Mom demon: she’s very nice and I would die for her. She has decided to try and stop me from making bad decisions, she told the Alien to not do religious sacrifices in the classroom, was on costumes for crew at one point, is super rad and laid back, and she wakes up with bruises all over her arms (demon???)
Vampire: The Last Goth™️ at the school. He has a big brother/ little sister dynamic with the Hyper Werewolf (see below), looks like a text book goth vampire, very pale, says he’d like to sleep in a coffin, and is in stage crew.
Hyper Werewolf: she is babey and must be protected. She is my daughter, speaks way too fast, is Mexican but looks and acts like every basic white girl ever, speaks in Twitter Stan language, if she is a werewolf she’d turn into like a shitzu, and takes every opportunity for a hug.
Witch: known her for awhile, since like 3rd grade. She’s in percussion for marching band, very aesthetic, a recovering emo, likes Hosier and Cavetown, very bi, dyes her hair now and again, her house and dog are probably haunted, and she really wants to run away with a Forrest Wife.
Fae: dresses like a literal 7 year old (neon outfits, graphic tees, knee high socks), has a super high metabolism (ate a McFlurry every god damn morning for a semester), does something in marching band (idk what), crushes super easily, and used to be a horse girl.
Fallen Angel: is the sweetest person alive, you think she’s innocent and then says something terrifying, likes to write, wears the cutest outfits, and is in marching band (idk what she does either)
That’s all the ones I can name off the top of my head, I have to deal with all these over dramatic clowns and I’d die for them.
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