hypnodelic · 2 years
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GORETOBER DAYS 1 (Dissection)  & 2 (Decapitation)
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alexktplt · 4 years
Francois K. - Hypnodelic
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cadxgan · 7 years
I know I got a couple things to get to but starter call while I’m out!
Like/Reblog/Reply for a starter or come plot with me idk, detective is easily bored.
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toymusa · 7 years
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
Hello again. I have posted here many times for different blogs and I'm back again posting for my sideblog cadxgan. Aside from the blog, I'm also looking for script roleplays which will be done privately though tumblr messenger or discord(invivo #8762)!  Notes for the blog: 
I will not be using icons, but I'm fine with you using them. 
My character has both a faceclaim and a drawn reference. 
I aim to reply at least once a day. Usually more as I have a lot of spare time. That being said, I roleplay for fun only, so I'm not going to force replies if I'm not feeling up to it.
My replies will be on the shorter side. Rarely longer than a paragraph. I would prefer if your replies were around the same length.
My blog is a sideblog (hypnodelic is the main).
Character:  My muse is a homicide detective, unwillingly associated with a syndicate of assassins. It is possible that members of the syndicate will be used in roleplay, but I would prefer to focus more on the detective.  Notes for script roleplay: 
I will reply frequently, like I said I have a lot of free time at the moment and script is easily replied to.
I will use any of my characters in this style. Detective, stalker, assassin, gangster to name a few. I have a lot of characters, most of which are drawn(the only character with a faceclaim is the one used in the blog).
What I want from you:
Aim to reply at least once a day(blog), or as much as possible(script). 
Be patient, as I will be with you.
Communicate OOC. I like to talk to my partners. If I have it my way, we will be friends.
Be any age or experience, I'm not strict.
Roleplay in third person please. Not a hard rule but very much preferred. 
Please bring something to the roleplay. I don't mind leading but it's nice to have some input from the other party.
Please don't drop script roleplays when you go to bed. It's a common thing, please continue in the morning!
OCs are a preference, but canon is fine too. Just please teach me about your fandom because I live under a rock.
Rape, pedophilia, bestiality, incest, mpreg, scat, inflation.
I'm unlikely to roleplay smut, I just don't enjoy it. I prefer to fade to black.
Godmodding, control my character and I'll probably drop the thread. 
I don't do school roleplays, they bore me.
What I want to roleplay: 
Crime. A no brainer when your character is a detective. 
Pokemon!  Most my characters have a pokemon team(AU obviously).
Fantasy. Though I prefer realistic roleplay, it's fun to have some fantasy every now and then.
Dark themes. Pls. I don't mind gore either. Feel free to hurt my character, just ask before you do anything too serious.
Suggestions? I don't really know what to write here
Discord: invivo #8762
Tumblr: Cadxgan Thanks for reading. Looking forward to hearing from you!
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retegenova · 5 years
Musica elettronica e una video-installazione, nel segno della valorizzazione del patrimonio storico e artistico della Superba. Ad alzare il sipario su questa prima anticipazione dell’ottava edizione di Electropark, Kluentah, Dagdrom, Yú e Matteo Castiglioni
Genova – Comincia dal Galata Museo del Mare il 2019 di Electropark, festival internazionale di musica elettronica e sperimentazione artistica in edifici storici e luoghi non convenzionali. L’ottava edizione, in programma a ottobre, è anticipata da “Electropark meets Museo del Mare” di sabato 6 aprile (ore 22), con gli show di Kluentah, Dagdrom, Yù e Matteo Castiglioni. Electropark è un progetto culturale promosso dall’associazione culturale Forevergreen.fm in collaborazione con Goethe-Institut-Genua, Palazzo Ducale Fondazione per la Cultura, Teatro Nazionale di Genova, Teatro della Tosse, Suq Festival, Palazzo Reale Mibac, Coldiretti Pesca, 518 Bar & Restaurant, Abbey Hostel, con il sostegno del Comune di Genova e della Compagnia di San Paolo nell’ambito del programma Performing Arts.
«In questa preview del festival – racconta Alessandro Mazzone di Forevergreen.fm, direttore di Electropark – incontriamo un’istituzione della cultura genovese che abbiamo già incontrato in altre occasioni del progetto: il Galata Museo del Mare. Comincia da qui la nostra stagione, che nel corso dell’anno farà diverse tappe in città che culmineranno con il festival a ottobre». Ad alzare il sipario di questa prima anticipazione sull’ottava edizione di Electropark Kluentah, Dagdroom, Yú e Matteo Castiglioni. «Dal 2012 cerchiamo di valorizzare il territorio genovese – prosegue Mazzone – attraverso le note suonate da dj di assoluto valore, e questa anteprima conferma i nostri intenti. Dopo il set di apertura di Yú, il fiorentino Dagdrom porta il pubblico verso sonorità ipnotiche e ritmi techno, che saranno cavalcati in progressione dallo stile acid electro di Kluentah, che conclude la serata. A cornice della musica, un’installazione visiva di Matteo Castiglioni ci immerge nella storia del mare e della navigazione come omaggio al luogo che ci ospita».
Ingresso a 12 €. Electropark è un progetto di Forevergreen.fm finalizzato a rilanciare il percorso di attivazione e valorizzazione di edifici e luoghi del Centro Storico genovese attraverso la musica elettronica.
Kluentah è il moniker in solitaria del dj e producer elettronico Mike Van Olphen, di base ad Amburgo. Forte dell’esperienza come membro del duo Fallbeil, assieme a Wosto, con il quale hanno rilasciato nel tempo importanti pubblicazioni su etichette come la Return to Disorder di Helena Hauff, Valcrond Video, Mannequin, Contort Yourself, Public System Recordings e Mechatronica, Kluentah si sta confermando adesso anche singolarmente come prolifico producer tramite uno stile sospeso tra cavalcate acid electro e ritmi techno. Due anni fa Il suo debutto solista con l’ep Muskelbein, e da allora non si è più fermato bissando sia con l’ep Taubens su Sister Rec. sia recentemente fondando la sua etichetta Zement.  
Dagdrom è il moniker dietro cui Francesco Baldi ruota dischi sui piatti. Dopo le esperienze come resident dj per la crew fiorentina Lattex+ e organizzatore di club nights a nome Hypnodelic, Francesco ha fondato assieme a Sciahri l’etichetta Sublunar Records, dedita a rilasciare su vinile sonorità techno sempre più ipnotiche e profonde.
Yú é il fondatore del collettivo di Milano RAW, dietro cui si nascondono militanti dj equipaggiati con dischi infiammati per corpi caldi e menti pensanti. Volontariamente refrattario a seguire mode o generi musicali, Raw coinvolge in viaggi sonori sempre diversi tra loro. Per l’occasione, il capofila del gruppo Yu riscalderà i motori con un set immerso nello spazio profondo tra galassie lontane.
Matteo Castiglioni, proveniente dalla scuola di musica elettronica del Conservatorio di Milano, si dedica alla ricerca sonora, visiva e audiovisiva. Con il duo t.e.s.o. ha prodotto quattro dischi, l’ultimo dei quali sull’etichetta inglese Aperture Records, e concerti audiovisivi tra cui “A_meba”, “Alberi” e “Absolutly free”. Nel 2014 fonda la laptop Orchestra “1h20nein” con cui produce concerti audiovisivi commissionati per il conservatorio di Birmingham, il museo del ‘900, la Triennale di Milano, l’Auditorium San Fedele. Tra il 2015 e il 2018 progetta l’installazione interattiva “neMachine”, l’installazione cinetica “Making Traces”, l’installazione audio-visiva “Freddo Flusso” e per Electropark l’installazione immersiva “Movimento Continuo”. E’ fondatore dello “Studio Murena” insieme a Giovanni Ferrazzi e Maurizio Gazzola e ha prodotto le video-scenografie per le opere liriche “Elisir D’amore”, “Alfred Alfred” (in collaborazione con l’accademia di Brera), “Amor y odio”, “Cantor Caffè” e “Shakespeare ‘900”.
#gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Cooperativa Battelieri del Porto di Genova
Il Secolo XIX
Stefano Brizzante
Impianti Elettrici
Informatica Servizi
Il Secolo XIX
MusicforPeace Che Festival
MusicforPeace Programma 29 maggio
Programma eventi Genova Celebra Colombo
Genova Celebra Colombo
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hypnodelic · 2 years
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jdyf333 · 8 months
The Earthquake by Davivid Rose Via Flickr: (Watercolor paint on paper) (Digitally altered) A randomly-edited selection of approximately 700 of my pictures may be viewed by clicking on the link below: www.flickr.com/groups/psychedelicart/pool/43237970@N00/ Please click here to read my "autobiography": thewordsofjdyf333.blogspot.com/ And my Flicker "profile" page may be viewed by clicking on this link: www.flickr.com/people/jdyf333/ My telephone number is: 510-260-9695
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flaming-ramen · 6 years
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Here, have a pic of my buddy @hypnodelic, his birb Captain, and I. Some serious educated guesses were made, idk what he truly looks like so don’t take this drawing as gospel lmao. It’s based off of a dream I had not too long ago.
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muzikaralar · 6 years
Liked on YouTube: Francois K - FK EP - Hypnodelic https://youtu.be/vRam9qfOsEk http://bit.ly/2lO4mLQ Support the artist. http://bit.ly/2tY3Yyj Disclaimer: I do not own this music. NO copyright intended. If you own the rights to this music and you want me to remove it, please contact me & I will do so. A massive track from Sir Henry's in the '90's July 3, 2018 at 02:59PM
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hypnodelic-archived · 6 years
The time has come for me to close this blog.  Not that tragic considering I haven’t been on it in forever.  I’ve moved to a new blog of the same name @hypnodelic
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ask-cblt-scout · 7 years
"Ey, where's that lil rat? I wanna give 'im somethin'."
Toby smiled and reached into his pocket, pulling our the grey rodent. "Here he is."@hypnodelic
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candycoloredwolf · 7 years
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Tagged by: @scooty-bomb-booty Tagging: @queen-anarchy-666, @firewolf-pyro, @angryrunawaygalaxy, @hypnodelic, @blu-babes, @cotton-candy-wolf, and @dantethewerewolfdog
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Wow, okay I never thought I'd be making one of these post because holy shit, I didn't even expect to get 50 followers let alone 100? I'm sort of in shock because here I am, the awkward turtle trying to love everyone down. First off, thank you for loving me and following me and supporting me and my crazy ideas and just letting me do what I love to get away from the fucked up thing called reality. All of you whom I follow are wonderful people and I wouldn't have stayed here as long as I have if it wasn't for you. That being said, shoutouts since I saw people doing this, I figured okay, let's go. How do you guys do these things?! I'm sort of flailing about.
@constantlyxconstantine - If it wasn't for Tyler, I would have left the rp community well in the past 6 months ago. They've kept me sane and we may not rp as much as we used to, they are still my motherfucking anchor (guess that makes him Stiles to my Scott?). Basically, you're my soulmate partner in roleplay and i will never stop talking highly of you.
@fissarsi - Thomasina, my little peach, thank you for giving me so many ideas and letting me bounce them off you. I hope that you come back full force with Enzo bleeding out of your ears because there's much fun to be had. Thank you for just including me in things in general when it comes to Enzo.
@thegreyeffect - I never thought I'd be playing with a Christian, to be honest but I love you and I'm so thankful you embraced me into your world and what you've created for Christian.
@russbusfuck - You. Just. You. Thanks for bringing me endless amounts of pain just with soulmate au's alone. I love your muses and I can't wait to play with them more and talk you into fun AUs
@sweetestxnightmares - You know how much I love you and yours and I'm just really glad that we have so many storylines that are meshing together (and one of these days I'll stop causing you pain)
the skam family (and those that use skam fcs) @tetherlive, @fakelived, @askchrisschistad, @dirtyiaundry, @fleche, @jegheterisak - thank all of you for embracing my babies into your lives, you guys have been the most welcoming fandom ever on the face of this planet and those that just use the skam fcs are the same, it’s like we all stick together which is pretty awesomesauce if you ask me.
@shespokeinwhispers - you're amazing and wonderful and I hope you feel better and things settle down so that we get to play more because I really love how Carmilla and Alexander mesh and you're such a great writer. 
@faciiile and @prctticstboy - Beebo, you are just such a funny person with great characters and I'm really glad I decided to start playing Marcus with you cause baby's in love
@posxisms - You're an adorable person whom I love playing with when we get a chance and I look forward to doing it more in the future. Thanks for making Jack fall in love with Posy too lol
@singlesighted - I don't really know what to say other than, we have not gotten to play yet, but I've been following you literally forever and you're basically the only Carl I will follow ever.
And to everyone else that follows me that we haven't played much but I hope to play with you more soon, thanks for following me and putting up with my oddness: @nigrumsanguine, @danniexriel, @hypnodelic, @hcneverscwmethcrc, @6ix-bae, @heavenpetersuniverse, @apathyapartments, @livingourlivesinaslowhell, @ephemcre , @heroinesoftmrw, @passiionatee, @dia-the-thief, @enigmaticinvisiblezebra, @mclliflvous, @ofbloodyink, @cheerysociopath, @shewolverine, @gotnogame, @twinsizedmttress, @hcmanisms, @district-one-beauty, @bcckmarked, @lcvesvck, @lostbxtterflies, @problematicfaves, @fromaspecialbloodline, @jakerileyapd, @kingxfmischief, @ycngandreckless, @howdiidwegcthere, @giiilbcrt, @nightmcnsters
And I know I'm missing some, I feel it in my bones but honestly, thank you all. I love you all and here's to 100 followers. I guess I don't suck as much as I thought I did! I’m gonna take my awkward ass self away now and go try to do some replies *blows kisses*
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hypnodelic · 2 years
There’s a strange smell in the room...
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Hopefully the lights will be on again soon.
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mandapandaofteamtwo · 7 years
Tagged by: @how-true-that-is
Rules: You must answer the questions and tag 20 followers you want to get to know better: @hypnodelic @nightshadowsdomain @arkham-nights @alwayswillgraham and whomever else wishes to do it. Height: 5 feet 7 inches
Star sign: Aquarius 
Time now: 12:31P.M. 
Last thing googled: Notes to happy birthday 
Fave music artist: Dir en Grey Song stuck in head: One more time with feeling- Regina Spektor Last Movie: Rose Red 
Last TV show: Angelbeats What I’m wearing: Sweatpants and a batman shirt 
Stuff I post: Everything lol Do I get asks regularly: Lol no 
Why the Url: It's one of the characters nickname, and she is on the second team of 4. Gender: Female
Hogwarts House: Ravenclawn
Pokemon team: (Sun): ninetails, Phantump , primarina, dragonair, flareon, pikachu 
Favourite Color: Blue Average hours of sleep: 7 Lucky #: 8 Fav character: I have too many , but some mentionable ones: Seiko (corpse party), mami Tomoe (madoka magica), the Frankenstein monster and many others Dream job: to sell my art, maybe produce a manga or two #of blankets: 3 Following: too many XD
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