#hypnos hates non family au
hypnos-p3au-inquiry · 2 years
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This Picrew
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crazymoonrules · 4 years
-pokes head in- um hi, Mod? Moon here. After a while of thinking I decided just incase there is something I should clear up/be crystal clear on.
Yukari. Now to be up frount, I dont like her/feel uncomfortable by her Characterization or atleast what I can makeout from first and third moives plus a number of game clips. But its just a dislike, if you like her or she’s your favorite character? Absolutely no issues or complaints. This was just to explain that yes there is a minor bios twords her but onto the main point.
When Minato talked about Yukari and her being well a Branch he was over exaggerating/taking it too far. She was upset by being ditched by someone she thought of as a close friend and was suspicious of Ryoji due to him you know coming out of no where. The only thing her having a crush on Mint effected was her being a bit jealous of Ryoji. So to be completely clear, Mints veiws are not my own personal views of Yukari. Minato’s opinion is just a sign/reflection of his warped and unstable trust issues.
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smallraindrops-blog · 3 years
Wake Me From This Dreaming
(Part eight)
Hypnos x male!reader, Achilles X Patroclus, background Zagreus/Thanatos/Meg, brief reader x oc
Word count: 5.8
Warnings: non- graphic sex, kissing, family issues, war, death, trauma, cursing, mild and super brief part of reader crushing on an OC, no beta.
Hello everyone! Thank you for your patience and support while I got this out. I hope you enjoy it! If anyone wants to make a request or have more shorts for this Au, just let me know.
Quick note, I know there are people who want some Pyrrhus and while he is not in this part, keep an eye out for him later.
The Masterlist
You were thirteen years old and you were bored out of your mind. You shifted in your seat as the old man in front of the crowd harped on about some cave and shadows. It was a cave, of course it was going to be dark.
You leaned over to Patroclus and whispered, “Pa, come on. I don’t think this guy knows his right from his left.”
Patroclus shushed you, his dark eyes focused on the talking man. You rolled your eyes and went back to staring forward blankly.
You hated philosophy lectures, it was always old men with too much on time their hands doing all the talking.  At least Chiron always kept it simple and you usually understood the point he was making.
You knew you would be stuck for at least another hour. So you let your mind wonder. You thought about the new training with your Father, how Achilles seems pleased with your performance lately. And tonight’s dinner, you hoped there will be meat or hen eggs or about the baker’s son, the slender one with the wide, friendly smile who often sneaked you extra bread or a sweet. How you caught him staring at you sometimes- you shook your head, shoving it out of your mind.
You squirmed, wishing that you could be anywhere right now.
Later, with a dinner of fish along with greens and bread, Achilles asked you how the lecture went. You liked these nights, the quiet ones at home with the sun just dipping under the horizon.
You paused, mouth stuffed full of food. You gave him a shrug.
"Chew with your mouth closed." Patroclus warned, pointing a knife at you.  You rolled your eyes, you haven't done that in years.
You swallowed, looked down at your plate then back at your parents. Achilles was curious; Patroclus with expectation.
“I think he was trying to explain…” You paused. You didn’t remember a damn thing that man was talking about. You remember the heat, the afternoon light, his monotonous voice and…
“He really liked caves?” You finished.
Both of your parents were silent, staring at you. You slowly stuffed another bite of fish in your mouth, never looking away from their stares.
“That's it?” Patroclus said quietly.
You met his dark eyes, “It’s not my fault that the old man was so boring. It’s a cave, it's going to be dark.”
Patroclus made a strangled noise in his throat.
Achilles snorted, and gave a hardy laugh as he slapped his hand over his eyes.
Patroclus sighed, covering his face with his hands. “Oh lad.”
Which only made Achilles laughed harder.
Once in the early days of the house, when you were still a new guard you realized something about Hypnos.
He was unusually fascinated by mortals.
During Zagreus’ warm up, you noticed Hypnos was distracted. A codex that Hypnos seems unable to look away from piqued your curiosity. Especially since Hypnos was usually busy chatting about something or giving Zagreus a hard time.  Today however, Hypnos was quiet as his eyes darted across the paper.
You tilted your head, trying to see the title “What are you reading?”
Hypnos looked up, blinking as if he forgot you were there. His mouth was parted slightly and you realized almost too late you were staring.
“Huh?” He said smartly. You nodded toward the codex, and he glanced between you and the codex before he understood what you were asking.
“Oh this?” Hypnos’ whole face lit up and you almost returned the smile. “This is one of Plato’s writings, copied by one of his students I believe.”
You frowned, fingers tapping on your spear. Something about that name sounded familiar.  A voice, loud and mind numbing and the hot sun beaming down, and you remembered the faint smell of ink and paper and pomegranate oil and Patroclus’s dark eyes stared forward-
Hypnos continued, “He was famous for his cave allegory. He had this idea that that if someone escaped the dark cave with shadows made by puppets-“
“They see the real world and become enlightened.” You finished. You shrugged at his surprise look.
“Pa liked taking me to philosophy lectures.” You told him. Hypnos closed the codex, his golden eyes locked on you.
“You didn’t strike me as a guy who likes philosophy.” Hypnos said.
“You would be correct, mostly. I thought Pluto was boring.” You replied.
Hypnos gasped as he waved his hands in shock. You chuckled slightly, not expecting such a response.
“You got to hear a lecture from one of the greatest philosophers ever to live and you were bored?” Hypnos said aghast. He stared at you as if he had never seen a mortal before, “Do you know how rare humans like him are?
“He had a very monotonous voice.” You said with an amused tone. You weren’t going to tell him that you were a teenager with other things on your mind.
You paused at the eye roll Hypnos gave you. “And took way too long with his analogies. The man just needed to learn to say what he needed to say.”
“Oh he did now?” Hypnos muttered, crossing his arms and you bit your cheeks. It was nice for one to be the one to ruffle some feathers for once, especially if those feathers were Hypnos'.
You smirked at him, “It's not my fault he doesn’t know how to entertain a crowd.”
Hypnos scoffed at you and he returned to his codex.
You felt a bit disappointed that Hypnos was no longer paying attention to you and on an impulse, you asked, “Why do you care about what a mortal has to say?”
Hypnos looked back at you, his golden eyes wide. “Why wouldn’t I?”
You shrugged, “It seems like gods would already know this stuff.”
Hypnos glanced at Zagreus and Skully, the latter counting the number of push ups. Slowly he looked back to you, “We don’t. Or rather we know but our understanding is different.”
You waited, this odd creature, this little god was already so different from anything else you know; you can grant him your patience.
Hypnos tapped a finger on the codex, “I can’t speak for other gods and I wouldn’t try to. But mortals seem… hungry in a way we aren’t.”
Hypnos saw the curiosity in your face, so he continued. “Mortals are so eager to seek and understand the truth, even if it costs them dearly. When you’re a god, you still have to learn but not like mortals do. There is not really a time limit for us, you know?”
Hypnos sighed, “I think I just like seeing how you mortals learn about stuff.”
You nodded as you and Hypnos watched Zagreus finish up his warm up.
“I liked a lot of what Protagoras had to say.”  You said as you glanced at Hypnos.  The little god looked at you, his eyebrows raised.
“Have you read his works?” You waved Zagreus to the center as Hypnos shook his head. “If you get a chance to read his works, do it. He had a lot to say about the objective truth and individual relativity -I think that's what Pa called it- and you would probably like it.”
Hypnos smiled warmly, “I think I will. Thank you.”
You just nodded, glad that you could walk away before a blush started to form.
You weren’t a child anymore and it would take more than a pretty boy to make you blush.
"A feast?" You shifted on your feet as Zagreus nodded. Zagreus handed a detailed list with a sheepish grin.
Of course, there was a to-do list.
"It's my mom's idea." Zagreus repiled, "And my father wants to tighten security."
You thought about saying that Hades had already tightened security to a tunt knot but only nodded.
"Of course." You said, "I will get the rest of the security and we will make a plan. When is the feast?"
"In three days." Zagreus bit his lip, "And… I just want to give you a heads up, Ares will be there."
"Great." You muttered as you looked back at him, "But the feast will be in the house correct?"
"Yeah, so nothing should happen. I've been talking to him also, so I'll make sure he is on his best behavior."
You raised a doubtful eyebrow. “He doesn’t have a track record of listening before, your highness.”
“I know but Ares has been told the rules and my father won't let anyone attack an employee of the house while here.”
You nodded even if you were still doubtful. "Thank you, your highness."
Taking the hint, Zagreus took off quickly with his arm still full of papers.
You sighed, going back to the list. At least most of it was simple and stuff you already did on a daily basis.
You looked up from the list when you heard Hypnos' arrival, it was always a soft sound. A fading note, like the last hum of a lullaby.
"Oh it looks like Zagreus got to you first." Hypnos leaned over your shoulder, reading the list. His curls brushed against your cheek, and you felt the tension leave your body just a bit.
"Hello to you, too." You told him. He looked up at you, almost nose to nose.
"They have you working for the whole feast." He said with a frown.
"Yes, the gods will be busy. If someone wants to try to steal something, now would be the time." You said gently.
Hypnos pouted, "I was hoping…" he trailed off.
"I'm sorry." You said. "I should be free afterwards."
You pulled the list up, blocking your and Hypnos' face. You stole a quick kiss from him, his lips soft and enger.  You pulled away but Hypnos quickly stole a kiss for himself with a small smile.
Fates help you, but he was lovely.
"Want me to take you to the lounge today? To make up for working during the feast." You whispered.
He nodded, perking up. "Yes, I have to go back to work. Meet me there when you get done?"
You muttered an agreement and with one last quick kiss, Hypnos vanished.
At least, you have something to look forward to.
You kept running even as sweat beaded on your forehead. The bags of animal feed were heavy on your shoulders and the afternoon sun was no help.
Achilles kept his pace with you easily, his blue eyes darting over to you.  He looked strong and golden in the sunlight, like heroes in the stories Patroclus told you. You just felt like a mess.
"Straighten out your back lad." Achilles ordered.
You took a gulp of air and did as he said, keeping your balance.
"This is the last lap, then we will do a cool down." Achilles said, his breathing easy.
When you were done, you dropped the bags on the ground and you followed, back on the ground.
You stared at the blue skies as you fought for air. Lazy and fat clouds rolled by, they looked so far away among the trees.
Achilles nudged you gently with his foot, making you look at him. He held out a sheepskin and you sat up and drank it.
He joined you on the ground with a huff. You and him traded the water until empty.
You flopped back down, the dust sticking to your sweaty flesh.
"You're getting better. Your speed has definitely improved." Achilles said. You rolled your head upward to him, "Thank you, Father."
He sighed and his shoulders slumped. "There is something we need to talk about."
You sat up slowly, "Alright." You haven’t seen your father like this before. You studied his face, noting the dark circles under his eyes. That was unusual on its own, and his mouth was tight.
Achilles kept his eyes forward, and you followed his stare but all you saw was the house in the distance. You wondered if Patroclus could see you and Achilles. Faintly, you could hear the ocean from behind, tainting the air with the smell of salt and seaweed.
"You will always be my son, do you understand that?" Achilles said. You blinked, looked back at him.
“I have…” he paused, rubbing his forehead. “I can’t give you the inheritance you deserve. Everything I have should have been going to you.”
You stayed quiet, not understanding where this is going.  He didn’t look at you nor acknowledge your silence.
“I’ve made some mistakes before we had you. We won’t leave you without anything, I will make sure you will be taken care of.”  Achilles said. “I’m just sorry, I can’t give you more.”
“Father-“ You tried to speak but Achilles held up his hand.
“I know this is a lot to take in.” He said. You nodded, looking down at your dirty feet.
Achilles threw an arm around your shoulder and pulled you into a side hug.
“Be a good lad, alright?”  It was a quiet request. You still didn’t understand but you trusted him, even if you still felt unsure at times.
“Yes, Father.” You returned the hug and Achilles relaxed for the first time all afternoon, a warm smile on his tired face.
The house had descended into chaos.
Dozens of shades were rushing around, some with paperwork flying out their arms and some with flowers and banners.
The cooks were working around the clock and there was a faint smell of meat cooking no matter the time.
Dusa, ever the hard worker, was covered in dust as she helped shades with their chore. Gentle in her orders and quick to help any shades that came to her.
Even Lord Hades and Zagreus looked frazzled, especially next to Queen Persphone's serene smile.
You winced when an unfortunate shade somehow ran smack into a closed door. With a sigh, you walked over and held the door open for it.
The feast was only one day away and there was still too much stuff left to do. You went back to rechecking the house, trying to make sure there was nothing you missed.
You had three shades appointed to Zagreus and his parents' bedchambers, one by the entrance of the house and several others out though the house.
You haven't even had a chance to write your weekly letter, or even spent time with Hypnos after a rather short meal at the lounge.
And you very much felt every moment of it.
You finished the walk through, checked in with the other shades and looked over the list again.
You couldn't wait for this to be over with.
You returned to the east wing, barely ducking out of the way for Dusa who was holding three feather dusters and a rag.
"I'm sorry! Excuse me!" She called out, her voice fading away as she hurried down the hall.
You shook your head with a chuckle. When you got closer to your usual spot, you saw Hypnos floating there. He jolted awake before you said anything.
"Oh finally. I thought you would never be done." He said as he rubbed one of his eyes. "You're coming with me." He told you, grabbed your wrist.
Your eyebrows went up, not used to this abrupt, bossy Hypnos.
"Where-" you tried to speak but Hypnos vanished,taking you along with him.
You blinked and realized you were in the middle of Hypnos' bedchambers when you saw the dark canopy of his bed and the overflowing bookcases.  You shook off the dizzy wave, finding your footing.
Hypnos wrapped his arms around your neck, pulling you down and kissed you hard. You gasped but returned the firm kiss. After a moment, Hypnos pulled back, his golden eyes bright. "I miss you. I don't have much time. Now kiss me."
You nodded, "Got it." You knew something else was up but an order was an order. And dammit, you missed him too. So you pushed your hands into his curls to pull him back into another kiss.
And Hypnos melted into you, and you couldn't stop yourself from touching his jawline, his chest and his back as you moved him toward the bed.
Normally between you and Hypnos, it was always full of heat but it was a slow burning one. You always took time to coax those little sounds from him, making sure he felt nothing but hazy pleasure.
This however was different. It was faster, more messy and you just tried to keep up. Hypnos was in control, giving you breathless orders for more kisses, to move harder and faster and you gave him everything and Hypnos was gorgeous as he fell apart under your hands.
A little bit later, Hypnos was fixing his curls in the mirror, fully dressed again with his sleep mask around his neck. His lips bruised from the rough kissing and you had to stop yourself from reaching over and pressing more kisses on those full lips.
You wished that you didn't have to return. You knew something happened to make Hypnos act out and you wanted to keep him here, safe and where nothing could touch him.
But you couldn't, Hypnos wouldn't allow it and you weren't some dragon. So you did the only thing you think of.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You spoke up as you finished getting dressed. Hypnos froze, his hands still in his hair.  "About what?"
You moved from your spot on the bed and walked over to him. You stood close to him, placing a hand under his chin and tilted his face up. His golden eyes darted away from yours as he crossed his arms and you sighed.
"Hypnos, you know this isn't normal for you." You told him.
He glared down at the floor, closed off and hard. "It seems like you were enjoying yourself." He said harshly. You traced his bottom lip with your thumb.
"I did. You should definitely give orders more often." You told him. "But what I don't enjoy is that you're hurting and not telling me why."
Hypnos bit his thumbnail but said nothing. So you push ahead hoping that you were saying the right things.
"I would do anything just to get you to smile at me, do you know that?" You said quietly. "If you don't want to talk, then don't but at least let me help you, my love."
Hypnos's shoulders had slumped but he looked back at you, his eyes golden. And he looked more like himself, softer and lovelier than anything else you ever knew.
"You called me love." Hypnos whispered, as if he wasn't sure he heard it right.
You swallowed, just realizing what you said. But you weren't a man who took back his words, especially when it brought Hypnos back to you.
"I did." You said simply even as your chest tightened.
"Do you mean it? The words, every single one?" He placed his hand on yours, his fingers careful.
"Yes, I do." You said and like a dam breaking, Hypnos leaned into you, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist. He buried his face in your chest and you just held him.
Until finally, Hypnos began talking, his words muffed. "My mom knows about us."
"Oh." You said, a knot in your gut. "She doesn’t approve?"
"She is unimpressed. Just like always." Hypnos laughed sarcastically. You sighed, you had hoped that maybe his mother would be more supportive.
"And she was going over the rules for the feast tomorrow like I am a child. And told me not to disgrace myself in front of the other gods but it wasn't even about you like I thought. It's just because she doesn't like how I am and-" Hypnos stopped, taking a shaky breath.
You just tighten your arms around him, anger burning white hot in your chest. "I'm sorry, love."
If she wasn't Hypnos' mother...
"Call me that again." He ordered gently, looking up at you with damp lashes. And just like that, the anger almost died out.
"Love." You repeated, leaning down to kiss him.
You couldn't do a lot of things you would like to do but you could give him this.
If you had thought the day before was busy, it had nothing on the actual day.
Lord Hades glared down at you, as you went over what steps you had taken and the plan for the feast for the fourth time.
Dusa was still zipping about and you sidestepped, still explaining to Lord Hades, as she began mopping the floor. Cerberus gave a small whine, moving his paws closer to himself.
"If anything happens, I will toss you in the deepest pit of Tartarus myself, understood?" Lord Hades warned, pointing a finger in your face.
It was only because your parents, mainly Patroclus, had drilled manners and some common sense into you that you didn't try to bite his finger off.
"Of course, Lord Hades." You bowed as he walked off, almost stepping on poor Dusa. Instinctively you looked for Hypnos at his usual spot, but it was empty.
He must be getting ready with his family, and you hoped it was going well. However, that didn't stop the bitter disappointment of not seeing him.
You really can't wait for this to be over with.
It didn't take much longer, you already had the other guards set up in their place, with two making around rounds out though the house.
Truthfully you were glad for the busy work. It gave you something to do while Hypnos was busy with his family. You couldn’t stop thinking about Hypnos, how his smile didn't reach his eyes all day yesterday.
Faintly you heard the arrival of the Olympians gods and goddesses.
You were especially glad that you would be unlikely to run into Ares.
"Sir Y/N?" A shade called out to you, one of the house servants. You raised an eyebrow, "Yes? Is everything alright?"
"Yes sir, there are guests requesting your presence in The East wing."
Your brow furrowed, "Thank you, you may go now."
If it was Ares, you weren't going to be responsible for your own actions.
"Lad!" Achilles called out when he spotted you, Patroclus quiet by side like always. You stared at them in confusion as they got close enough to pull in for a hug.
You returned the hug, and even in the east wing you could hear the party.
"Prince Zagreus had invited us,but we wanted to surprise you." Achilles told you as Patroclus hugged you.
"Consider me surprised." You said with a grin. "Unfortunately, I am working until the end of the party."
"Yes, I wasn't quite able to get my Father to loose up even with a party." Zagreus said as he joined you, his face flushed from the ambrosia.
He was dressed up, his hair was neater and he looked odd without his normal wear. The fabric was finer than you've ever seen before and his jewelry was rich with colorful gems. You wondered if that meant Hypnos was dressed up as well.
He hugged Achilles and nodded toward Patroclus. "But I got a shade to take over for a few minutes so you can have alone time."
You and your parents thanked him as he returned to the party. You wished you had a better view, just in the off chance you would see Hypnos.
"I'm sorry we won't get more time together." You told them, your hand on Patroclus’ shoulder.
"Nonsense. We're just happy to see you." Patroclus repiled, his smile making the lines around his eyes deepen. "I trust you are being treated well otherwise."
You were only able to chat for a few minutes before some of the other guards required your presence.
"Go on, I will see you soon as the party is over." You groaned as Achilles gave you a bone crushing hug and a firm pat on the back. Patroclus hugged you again as well, much gently.
Just a few more hours you told yourself, then you could see Hypnos and your parents again.
You had found the scroll among one of Hypnos’ many pillows. This was the third time you had visited his bed and was still getting used to the sheer size of his bed and his countless pillows and blankets.
Hypnos had fallen asleep on his side, spooning against your chest.  You rested a hand against his stomach, quietly enjoying how soft his skin was.
His slow, deep breathing was already lulling you to sleep as well.  You pressed a kiss on his bare shoulder as you settled in to sleep. Then you heard the sound of paper.
You blinked awake, shifted your body and heard the sound again. Carefully you sat up, trying not to wake him up.
You knew it wasn’t uncommon for Hypnos to fall asleep with a scroll or codex in his hand and you didn’t want it to ruin it by sleeping on it. You dug for it, trying not to move the pile of pillows and felt the rough paper against your fingertips.
The scroll you pulled had burn marks around the edges. You frowned at it, Hypnos wasn’t that careless even if he was clumsy at times.
Unable to help yourself, you sat up as you unfurled the scroll just a bit and saw your name. You kept going, wondering what this was. It didn’t look like Hypnos' writing, too uneven.
You read the title.
“Son of Achilles, greatest of the Greek And Son of Patroclus, greatest of the Myrmidons.”
Under the title, there was your name in full.
You glanced over to Hypnos, still sounded asleep. One of his hands curled sweetly against his chin. You pulled the blanket up higher, tucking him in. Your knuckles brushed against his cheek as you moved your hand back.
You return to the scroll and begin to read.
You stared, eyes slowly moving across the great hall.  Broken plates and pottery were everywhere on the floor. You saw that someone had taken the liberty of drawing penises on Lord Hades' desk. You laughed quietly to yourself, hopefully Hypnos had a chance to see it for himself.
Poor Dusa will have her work cut out for her.
You spied someone's tunic hanging from the rafters and you grimaced. At least it didn't look like it belonged to your parents, it was too small and too pink, so you were probably safe.
You made your way through the chaos and you saw Zagreus resting on his folded arms on one of the tables. His laurel was crooked and you heard faint snoring.
Both Meg and Thanatos stood by him, talking quietly to each other. Both were dressed up like Zagreus. Meg had her hair down and Thanatos wore a headband with a small purple gem center in his forehead. There was something about the talk that felt private so you just ducked your head and kept moving.
After a few moments, you wondered if Hypnos and your parents had already retired when the others left.
Until you heard Hypnos' laugh drifted over from the lounge area. You followed the voice, wondering who he was talking to.
You froze when you saw your parents and Hypnos seated together, several glasses between them.
Of course, you thought to yourself, they would run into each other. You felt foolish for not realizing that sooner.  You stayed where you were by the opening, watching them with a nervousness in your chest.
Achilles was quiet, smiling fondly at Patroclus, his love plain as day on his face. Patroclus was waving a hand around as he retold a story, a small grin on his face.
You almost didn't recognize Hypnos.
Like his family, he wore black as well, his arms exposed. In place of his sleep mask, there was a simple golden headband. It gleamed in the lounge’s faint lighting and he looked… good.  He looked happy and flushed as he laughed at something Patroclus said and you soaked in the sight like a dying man for water.
Almost unwillingly you started forward, a need to just be close to him.
Patroclus saw you first, “Pluto was boring, my son?” By the flush on his face and his louder voice, You knew he was deeper in his cup than Achilles. Your father laughed, and Hypnos covered his smile, and he was so beautiful when he looked at you with that familiar mischievous glint.
“Oh gods, not this again Pa.” You said. You stood next to Hypnos, placing a hand on his chair. “I still stand by what I said.”
Patroclus shook his head, and told Hypnos. “I spent years of my life trying to get this boy to like philosophy.” He turned to Achilles, “I blame you for this.”
Achilles grinned, pressing a kiss against Patroclus’ cheek. “Of course, my beloved.”
You groaned, “Really?”
“Sorry, I think my parents forget other people can see them.” You muttered to Hypnos. Hypnos just shook his head with a grin.
Achilles pulled a chair from another table, placed it between Patroclus and Hypnos and he patted it, “Come join us, lad.”
You did, fingers brushing against Hypnos’ back for a moment.
Then, you felt Hypnos’ leg pressed against you. After a moment, you returned the gentle pressure and saw Hypnos relaxed just a bit.
Hypnos was able to hide it but it was clear to you that he was nervous. Patroclus ’ eyes darted over to Achilles and he stood, “We got the next round.” And he stood, waving Achilles with him.
Your father nodded, glancing over to Hypnos for a second and they took off.  Achilles held Patroclus close as they made their way over the cook.
“They love you so much, do you know that?” Hypnos said quietly with a soft, almost sad smile. He was so beautiful right now you felt tongue-tied. Honestly if you could have, you would have already kissed him.
“I think they like you. They don’t normally act like this in front of other people.” You said just as quietly when you found the words.
“Yeah?” Hypnos peeked beneath his white lashes and you would give an arm right now just to be able to hold him.
“I do.” You said.
When it came time for goodbyes, Achilles hugged you then pulled a surprised Hypnos in a hug. Hypnos laughed warmly, patting his back.
When Patroclus hugged you, he whispered. "He is a good fit for you. Treat him right."
“I will.” You whispered back. You looked over to Hypnos, at how happy he was and you meant it.
You felt him move when you were about done with the scroll.
“What are you looking- Oh.” Hypnos’ whole body froze. You didn’t acknowledge him, just finished reading the last few words.
It was one thing to live your life, to know what happened but it was another thing to read it in someone else's handwriting.
"I'm surprised how much they got right, about my death I mean. I was fighting in the war before I was seventeen." You said in a low tone. Hypnos sat up, and after a moment pressed a hand against your arm.
"I'm sorry." Hypnos said gently. "I-im sorry. I should've warned you I had this."
You looked at the burned marks along the side, some parts of the writing were burned but not so much that it was unreadable. "Pyrrhus tried to burn it, didn't he?"
"Yes." Hypnos said quietly. "I didn't know if you knew what he did."
"He bragged about it often enough." You said, mouth twisting in distaste. "He never knew when to shut up."
You closed the scroll and handed it back to Hypnos. Wordlessly he snapped it back to the bookcase.
After a moment, Hypnos opened his arms to you. You stared, not sure if you wanted the comfort. Not when all your mistakes were written for the whole world to see.
Then you looked at his golden eyes, saw there was no judgment, no distaste.  Just bright and hopeful and something deep broke in you. You sunk into his arms, taking a deep breath.
Hypnos tighten his arms around you, his hand running down your back. You closed your eyes, trying to focus on Hypnos and his warmth. If you thought only about this you might be fine.
"Sometimes I think you forget you were just a man." Hypnos said. "That you couldn't have known. That you can’t control everything."
You swallowed, "I should have. I-i could have. If I had known that-"
"But you didn't, dearest. And that's not your fault." He said, running a smoothing hand up and down your back. You took a deep breath, then another followed by more as your eyes stung.
If Hypnos felt dampness against his shoulder, he had the grace not to say anything.
The moment you and Hypnos returned from the feast, Hypnos flopped back first on his bed with a groan, “I am never moving again.” He looked at you,”You will carry me for the rest of forever.”
You sat on the edge, close enough to be in reach. You chuckled, cupping his ankle. “Oh will I?”
“Yes. And you will enjoy it.” He told you, golden eyes narrowed.
Slowly you ran your hand up, over his calf and his knee, only stopping on his thigh. The movement pushed his chiton up, revealing his legs.
Hypnos bite his lip, quietly watching you. Slowly his legs parted and you moved, filling in the space. You leaned down, cupping his head and pulled him into a kiss.
Hypnos moaned softly as he tugged you closer, deepening the kiss. You broke the kiss after long moments, and moved his head to expose his neck. You pressed kissed against his jaw, working your way down his neck. Every breathless gasp just pushed you farther.
“You look so fucking good.” You muttered against his skin and he laughed. “I look like my family.”
You huffed against his collarbone and moved upward.
“Not the outfit, just you. You don’t know how lovely you look.” You said against the shell of his ear. Hypnos whimpered, his trembling hand found your shoulder clasp and tried to get open.
You grabbed his wrist, pinning it to the bed. “You first.” You said, pulling away and making short work of Hypnos’ belt. Hypnos scrambled to help you undress him. When he went to remove the headband, you stopped him. “Leave it. Please.” You rasped.
His hands dropped to your face to give you a slow and sweet kiss.
Before you could push him back down, because you couldn’t help but have your hand roam across his soft skin. He loosen your shoulder clasp, “Take it off.” He ordered and you obeyed.
The first chance you got, you pinned him down, claiming his mouth for yourself.
It didn’t matter who was a mortal or god, not here. All it mattered was you and him, two lovers moving together, learning and loving each other.
Afterwards, Hypnos held you close, running a hand on your chest. He pressed a kiss against your forehead, “Dearest.” He whispered, almost too quiet for you to hear.
“Love.” You whispered, listening to the beating heart of a god, of him.
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insomniac-jay · 2 years
Civilian File: Yasuko Kurakimichi
Full Name: Yasuko Kurakimichi
Age: 2 (Main timeline), 20 (Young Heroes AU), Late 20s or early 30s (BNHA Next Gen)
Gender: Non binary (She/They)
Nationality: Japan
Ethnicity: Korean/Spanish/Japanese
Occupation: Student, waitress, custom dress maker (later)
Affiliation(s): Miss Maid Cafe
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Design notes:
I know I haven't showed their father Hypnos yet but you can imagine his design based on the eyes alone.
Yasuko's sclera is also purple like his.
Is winged and her wings look like the night sky.
Personality: While kind hearted and gentle, Yasuko often feels like society pressures them into following their parents' heroic footsteps when that's not what she wants. This deviation has led to them getting much hate from people who were excited to see them as a sidekick to their parents, Hypnos (Yumeo Kurakimichi) and Pasithea (Seo-yeon Kurakimichi).
Though she loves and adores their parents and family, knowing they'd never do anything to harm them. Instead, Yasuko prefers a simple and quiet life away from the spotlight.
Yasuko loves any and all forms of art, especially fashion. She grew up reading fashion magazines and taping pictures of models wearing cool and colorful clothes on their wall. She especially liked the dresses female characters in movies would wear, fueling their passion to become a dress maker.
Quirk: Dreamland
Yasuko can produce an indigo colored sand that allows them and others to live out their greatest dreams. It is benevolent in nature, much like Pasithea's.
Yumeo Kurakimichi | Hypnos
Seo-yeon/Utau Kurakimichi (nee Yun/Kyusoku) | Pasithea (Mother)
Suima Kurakimichi (Younger brother)
Nemuriko Kurakimichi (Younger sister)
Seo-Hyeon Yun | Nightmare I (Aunt; Deceased)
Yun | Nightmare II (Cousin)
Ismat Yun | Embalmer (Cousin)
Kurakimichi Clan (Relatives)
Enma & Yomijin Kurakimichi (Ancestors)
Paired with: TBA (Anyone wanna have a go with them?)
@floof-ghostie @calciumcryptid @opalofoctober @elflynns-horde-of-stuff @pizzolisnacks @peachyblkdemonslayer
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l1terary-loser · 2 years
Blog Rules
Requests are: OPEN
Be patient. I am currently in college and I do not have a lot of free time. In the summer, I travel and visit my family a lot and I try not to let my hobbies get in the way. Tumblr is NOT my job and it will not be treated as such. If you pester me about completing your request, I will delete the request and any potential work associated with it. It may take me a few days or a few weeks or a month to write it. Be patient and check my WIPs list for your request.
Specify whether you would like headcanons (bullets) or a drabble (a few paragraphs). I do not take fic (full story) requests.
I will not accept any requests that do not follow my rules. You will be blocked if you are a frequent rule-breaker.
My default reader is gender neutral, but a female or male reader can be requested. I may not be the best person to request trans reader inserts from as I am not trans, but if I do receive a request, I will let you know whether I feel I am able to execute it well or not.
I will not write about pregnancy or having children.
I will not write about minors and I do not accept minors following me (no high school au requests).
Look at my list of accepted characters to see who I write for.
I will not hesitate to block you if you are intolerant towards myself or my followers.
I will try to keep my reader inserts race and body neutral so everybody can put themselves in the reader’s shoes.
However, as a fat person myself, I will do fat reader inserts upon request (I do not believe in fat being an insult and I despise trying to appeal to people with words like “chubby” and “fluffy,” so don’t ask me to). I’m also not going to take a bunch of requests where this reader is insecure and has low self-esteem. It’s time to break that stereotype and I want my fat reader inserts to be just as confident as my other reader inserts. (I don’t want this to sound like I’m saying fat people aren’t allowed to be insecure, insecurity is real and I don’t want to downplay that. I believe that seeing fat characters/reader inserts being confident is a start to helping overcome this insecurity because it helped me.)
I will not write requests for the typical shy, submissive reader. I hate reading that, and I want to make this a blog that stays away from that type of content. I think it is important for all different types of people to be able to engage with content that they see themselves in.
As a bisexual, I welcome requests for male, female, and non-binary characters with readers of all genders. In light of this, homophobia will not be tolerated and you will be kicked off my page.
Never hesitate to PM me/send me an ask to see if something is okay. I won’t be mad unless you go out of your way to break my rules.
At the end of your request, please place a ^ for SFW requests or tell me you have read the rules.
Most of my SFW rules apply.
No sub!reader or switch!reader. I won’t write any lines like “It’s your turn now 😈” or “you weren’t normally the dom, but you gathered the small amount of confidence you had and decided you were in charge for a change.” I hate reading stuff that’s tagged as dom!reader but it has shit like this in it. I REPEAT NO SUB!READER. PEOPLE WHO REQUEST IT WILL BE BLOCKED. I WILL ONLY WRITE DOM!READER.
Default will be gn!AFAB!reader, but like with SFW works can be changed upon request
Once again, absolutely no minors and I will block anyone who requests NSFW of minors
No scat, piss, feet, gore, or vomit requests.
At the end of your request, please place a # for NSFW requests or tell me you have read my rules.
Accepted Kinks include:
Impact play
Pact play (for demons)
Hypno and Somnophilia
Leashes and collars
Some pet play, but nothing too heavy (ie: “kitten” or “puppy” terms of endearment)
Degradation and Praise
Mommy/Daddy and Mistress/Master titles
If you have something not listed, it never hurts to send me a message/ask me privately.
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hypnos-p3au-inquiry · 2 years
Morgana walks back in and goes back to texting Tiefsee.
Morgana: “ So… where do you want to meet up?”
Tiefsee: “ At Leblanc if you don’t mind of course…”
Morgana: “ Sure!” Tiefsee: “ Before we end this conversation I do get to step on you whenever I want right?”
Morgana: * blushes sure!
They hang up as Morgana starts to get dressed in a black tuxedo with a light cyan blue tie as he walks into the living room to show off.
Hamiko: Mona, do you Really want to get Date wear tips for The Drag Queens?
Mint & Ryoji: but we look great when dressed up and have great Make-up skills🥺🥺
Akiren, who’s here to Pick Mona up: I third that thought.
Goro, whos done with his Boss’s Sht: No, you And those 2 will just make him look like that kid Honey bo boo.
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hypnos-p3au-inquiry · 2 years
Koromaru: “ Yeah thanks” Koromaru takes Azarath from the fox’s mouth gently putting Azarath down.
Azarath: “ ughhh.. now I’m all slimy…..” Azarath says covered in saliva.
M: too bad, so sad. Now, what do you guys eat? Im going to get my self a Post-Nap snack.
R: also do be careful, Mint has Corrosive venom that can mix with his spit.
M: ‘Opens mouth to flash fangs like Snake’
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hypnos-p3au-inquiry · 2 years
Morgana: * the cat is texting his boyfriend “ hello Tiefsee!” Tiefsee: * texts back using his tentacles “ Good morning Morgan.. I assumed you ordered me breakfast?” Morgana: * texts back “ yeah I did. Haha your so needy Tiefsee: * texts back “ well you always treat this emperor well~” Morgana blushes extremely hard and leaves his phone on the bed for Ryoji and Minato to possibly find
Mint, finds the phone: … ‘reads phone’
-Mint takes phone to Hamiko-
M: Hey sis, I think this falls under your Jurisdiction.
Hamiko(Philotes): Huh what do you me- Oh my! Awww our baby Brother has a Date🥰🥰🥰.
M: yes soo
H: 🙂??
M: do we Say anything , tell Mom and Dad or anything?
H: Nah, not yet. We’ll wait till Mona ether brings this dear to meet the family or atleast confides to one of us.
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hypnos-p3au-inquiry · 2 years
Koromaru: * barks a lot In a shirt that says I survived TaRtArUs “ Azarath? Azarath?!! Where are you?!!”
Azarath: * is hiding in the corner just to prank Maru
Koromaru: “ Where is he……”
Koromaru hears a Loud SQUAAAK!
Looking over Azarath is in the Jaws of a Large Navy Fox.
With a Muffled voice due to the Bird in mouth the Fox grunts: Here this is yours right?
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hypnos-p3au-inquiry · 2 years
Koromaru: “ Oh hello Ryoji hello Mina how are you doing????”
Azarath:” Probably bad-“
Koromaru spanks Azarath’s crow/bluejay mix ass
Koromaru: “ shut up! Or I’ll destroy you in bed!”
Azarath: * blushes “ oh… your so forceful…”
Minato, Picks up Koro: Hey Thany! Did I hit my head or not sleep in the last.. (squints eyes in thinking face) well in the last time frame?
R: no, Why?
M: Koro is talking in full Human sentences
(Ryoji comes to stand by Mint and looks at Koromaru)
R: huh…
M: ?
R: Congrats on the Relationship Koromaru!
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hypnos-p3au-inquiry · 2 years
Koromaru: “ thank god Azarath isn’t here…”
Azarath: * shrieks like a crow
Koromaru: “ Ahhh!” Koromaru gets down.
Azarath: “ hehe… did I scare you?”
Koromaru: “ go to hell!”
R: This IS hell Koro
M, Woke up by Bird Screech: Mrrr (makes puffed up Fox Cheeks) Very funny but please not near my/our Bedrooms
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hypnos-p3au-inquiry · 2 years
Tepes: “ I’ll think I have some meat and some bread and a cheese sandwich” the Shibapire winces waggging his tail. ( and maybe a little bit of blood)
M: -looks at blood- Ryo-
R: I see it Minty, I have the Dia ready. Apixzes will be back shortly with your sandwiches.
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hypnos-p3au-inquiry · 2 years
Yaguru Arisato: “ Hello it’s me Yaguru again and I bought along my cousin… meet Momo Aragaki she’s the daughter of Hamuko Arisato and Shinjiro!”
Momo: “ … Hi”
Yaguru: “ She’s fine.. she’s just a little gloomy”
Yaguru: “ Anyways…. What are you guys favorite foods???” Yaguru asks smiling. While Momo pets Ryoji in his raven form.
M: I enjoy some nice Twice baked potatoes and Azule has taken a liking to different berry sweets.
Azicsiz: I enjoy smoothies
Quince: Different pastas for me
M: 2 things. 1. Ryoji is just think ‘Me pretty birdy’ on repeat. And- (Minato leaves and comes back in a few moments with a boy with Red hair and dark eye) Meet Crimson, Kris’ son.
Crimson: um Hi alternative universe Half-sister. Ya, I guess Uncle Thanatos is nice and soft.
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hypnos-p3au-inquiry · 3 years
Moon twins Prompts!
Ryoji: Do you have any skeletons in your closet?
Minato: You mean literally or figuratively?
Ryoji: Honestly, the fact that I have to specify...
Ryoji: Don’t worry, I know exactly what I’m doing. Everything is going to be fine!
Minato: How can you still say that?
Ryoji: Because sometimes, when things get tough, denial is all we have.
Ryoji: How petty can you get?
Minato: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Ryoji: Lol heads up if you try to make a candle with food coloring, the food coloring will just sink to the bottom of the glass, and when the flame eventually reaches the bottom all the food coloring will catch fire and become one giant tall flame that you cannot possibly blow out and the glass will start to crack and then you'll throw your tea on it in a panic and then the extremely hot food coloring will boil and sizzle horribly and then the glass will shatter. Please take my word on this lmfao
Minato: What did you do op?
Ryoji: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! It's terrible for the environment!
Minato: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skeletons are much more environmentally friendly!
(They are probably saying this to their kids)
Ryoji: You kill people for money?!
Minato: I can explain!
Ryoji: And all this time I’ve been doing it for free like a chump!
Rando: Go to Hell!
Minato, tearing up: I wish I could...
Ryoji: Minato...
Minato: Oh no, 'Minato' in b-flat.
Minato: You're disappointed.
Ryoji: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back.
Minato: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
Ryoji: Are you an ‘arr’ pirate, or a ‘yo ho ho’ pirate?
Minato: I’m a ‘I’m not paying $600 for photoshop’ pirate.
Ryoji: Welcome, fellow idiots
Minato: Hello, Ryoji
Ryoji: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot
Minato: You underestimate me
Ryoji: How many kids do you have?
Minato: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
(Mod Moon whistles{if I could})
Ryoji: You love me, right, Minty?
Minato: Normally, I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere and I don’t like it.
Ryoji: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword.
Minato: That's why I carry two swords!
Ryoji: I'm a reverse necromancer.
Minato: Isn't that just killing people?
Ryoji: Ah, technicality.
Ryoji: Minato... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Minato: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned.
Ryoji: I wrote sanitize, Minato.
Ryoji: Oh just so you know, it's very muggy outside
Minato: Ryoji, I swear, if I step outside and all of our mugs are on the front lawn...
Ryoji: *Sips coffee from bowl*
Pharos, trying to cheer 6 year old Minato up: Things could be worse, you know!
Pharos: How what?
Tiny!Minato: How could they be worse?
Pharos: They couldn’t, I lied.
Ryoji: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder?
Minato: Stop romanticizing the past.
Ryoji, pointing: May I sit there?
Minato: ... That's my lap
Ryoji: That doesn't answer my question, Minato.
Ryoji: This is such a bad idea.
Minato: Then why are you coming along?
Ryoji: One of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.
Ryoji: What the fuck is wrong with you?!
Minato: Wow, you could start with a 'good morning'.
Ryoji: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?!
Ryoji: *Walking in to a room* Sorry I’m late... I was... doing things.
*Sounds of running footsteps progressively getting louder*
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hypnos-p3au-inquiry · 3 years
Moon twins Prompts!
Minato: Okay. I get it. You've had a really hard time lately, you're stressed out, seven people died-
Ryoji: Twelve, actually.
Minato: Not the point. Look, they're dead now and really whose fault is that?
Ryoji: Yours!
Minato: That's right: no one's.
Minato: I turned out perfectly fine!
Ryoji: Minato, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast
Minato: Ryoji and I have the kind of easy chemistry where we finish each other's-
Ryoji: Sentences.
Minato: Don't interrupt me.
(Isn’t this Canon?)
Minato, addressing the squad: And if you have any suggestions feel free to put them in the suggestion box.
Ryoji: But – that’s just A TRASH CAN!
Minato: It sure is!
Minato: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis.
Ryoji: You're like 15 years old?
Minato: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!
Minato: So what’s for dinner?
Ryoji, staring at the food they just burnt: Regret.
Minato, tending to Ryoji's wounds: So, how would you rate your pain?
Ryoji: Zero stars~. Would NOT recommend.
Minato: You know, I'm starting to regret showing you how that blender works.
Ryoji, drinking toast: Why do you say that?
(Nyx fight?)
Minato: So are we flirting right now?
Minato: That doesn’t answer my question
Minato: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Ryoji: I think... you mean cards?
Minato, pulling knives out of his sleeves: No, I do not.
Minato: You're 'the second worst thing to ever happen to those orphans', what does that mean?
Ryoji: It means i was second worst thing to happen to those orphans.
Minato: but what’s the first worst thing?
*Awkward pause*
Ryoji: Minato, they...they weren’t always orphans.
Minato: I went through an entire character arc during quarantine
Minato: I became more evil if you’re curious
Ryoji: We're still in quarantine, don't worry, there's time for a redemption arc still!
Minato: I’m going to get worse on purpose
Minato: Is something burning?
Ryoji: Just my love for you.
Minato: Ryoji, the toaster is on fire.
Minato: Am I in trouble?
Ryoji: Take a guess
Minato: no?
Ryoji: Take another guess.
Minato: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you.
Ryoji: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule.
Minato: ... Absolutely not.
Minato, in a meeting: My policy is if you see something, say something.
Ryoji: I saw a squirrel in a tree today!
Minato, with the tone of someone who is used to Ryoji: Outstanding.
Minato: This is what I’m talking about people.
Minato: Someone will die.
Ryoji: Of fun!
Minato: *holding a bottle* Is this whiskey or perfume?
Ryoji: *chugs entire bottle*
Ryoji: It’s perfume.
Minato: I can explain!
Ryoji: Can you?
Minato: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
Minato, watching the news: Someone tried to fight a squid at the aquarium today.
Ryoji: *walks in covered with ink* Well, maybe the squid was being a dick.
Ryoji: Anything, honestly, but Emos especially
Minato, desperately, as Ryoji bleeds out: YOUR BLOOD TYPE!
Ryoji: Oh! B positive.
Minato, talking to Ryoji on the phone: Did you preheat the oven like I told you to?
Ryoji: You bet!
Minato: At what temperature?
Ryoji: 535.
Minato: ... That's the clock.
Ryoji: 536.
Minato: I prevented a murder today.
Ryoji: Really? How’d you do that?
Minato: self control.
Minato: Here's some advice
Ryoji: I didn't ask for any
Minato: Too bad. I'm stuck here with my thoughts and you're the only one who talks to me.
-After Quince and Azure are saved-
Drunk!Minato: I learned some very valuable lessons from this.
Ryoji: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away.
Drunk!Minato: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically God.
Minato: It’s dark in here
Ryoji: Don’t worry dude I got this!
Ryoji: *Stomps their feet*
Ryoji: *Skechers light up*
Minato: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just incase.
Ryoji: Minty, that's a coma.
Minato: Sounds festive.
Minato: This is a mistake
Ryoji, enthusiastically: A mistake we're going to laugh about one day!
Minato: But not today
Ryoji, still enthusiastic: Oh, no. Today's going to be a mess.
Minato: *Kicks the door down looking panicked*
Ryoji: What did you do?
Minato: Nobody died?
Minato: I know you’re deflecting by making jokes about how hot you are.
Ryoji: It’s not a joke.
Ryoji: *sniffles*
Ryoji: I’m a legit snack.
Minato: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running?
Ryoji: Oh, I’m always running
Ryoji: The question is from what?
[November 2009{I think}]
Minato: Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground.
Ryoji: Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
Minato: This is bothering me.
Ryoji: Well, you are digging up a corpse.
Minato: No, not that. That's, uh, pretty par for the course, actually.
Minato: I am not out of control! I'm a law abiding citizen!
Ryoji: Really? Name one law
Minato: Don't litter?
Ryoji: That's on me. I set the bar too low.
Minato: Can you please be serious for five minutes?
Ryoji: My record is four, but I think I can do it!
Minato: Am I going too far?
Ryoji: Oh No, no, no. You went too far about seven hours ago. Now you're going to prison.
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hypnos-p3au-inquiry · 3 years
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Papa Mint and little baby Azure(Likely was getting bullied or picked on at a park.)
{Ears, Tails, and Minato’s wings aren’t visible to who ever they are looking at}
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