#hypnos my baby
ordi3nary · 5 months
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frozeeeeen · 4 months
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All my recents Hades 1 & 2 fanarts, finished and wips
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jake-meraga · 5 months
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cozy-crow · 1 month
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They fallen asleep while watching a horror movie :>
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lemon-wedges · 2 years
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this was suppose to go with another drawing where hypnos accidently puts than to sleep cause he got too excited seeing him again but im too tired :C
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mayhemspreadingguy · 1 year
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This one is for my beloved sibling @roxiusagi who bullied me into drawing something for them 😌💖
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hellishgayliath · 1 year
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Showcasing a bit of Pico's taste in clothing, I don't think he has a specific style but it's whatever the occasion calls for :3
oh ye his uncles are here too lel
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lostinvasileios · 5 months
im very sorry for asking this and please ignore it if its too much but,
have you.... ever been... su1c1d4l during your journey? did it... i dont know, ever make your deities feel... disrespected? like, you cant stop feeling so depressed and hopless and it just sort of hurts them? something like that? im sorry i dont know how to phrase it
thank you for reading this im so sorry if it triggered you or anything
Greetings, sweetbee. I'm so sorry you're feeling this way, please, don't feel worried about reaching out to someone about this. I'm happy to help. 🩷🩷
Okay, so... Baby bee, it doesn't hurt deities when you feel depressed. When you battle suicidal thoughts. Or anything else that falls under those categories. Self harm, abusive environments, ect. They don't expect you to live for them, they don't expect you to suddenly become happy and for your mental illnesses &/or struggles to just pop out of existence because you're now worshiping or practicing.
Because they understand it.
I believe gods were once human a few times. I believe that gods understand the conditions, the harm, the - well - everything. They aren't going to approach your vulnerability with demands.
Now... I did struggle with it. I still do from time to time. I dealt with suicidal thoughts and depression since I was in the 2nd grade. And, in no way did it ever... Harmfully impact my relationship with my deities. My self harming never made them disgusted, they never judged me for the ways I'd cope, for the triggers I had, for the needs they met during my toughest times.
Yes, you can live for a deity or deities. I actually do it. It saved my life. But it's optional. And they won't feel - betrayed, or something like that because you cannot say with certainty you'll live for them. That you'll survive for them.
I didn't have a reason to keep living, I didn't see one. And that's why my deities became it. That's why we swore it to one another. Not out of obligation, not out of fear of them being hurt from otherwise.
In my experience, the only hurt I've seen from my deities regarding my mental issues and ect, was - well - the pain it caused me. It pained them to see me in pain. But it didn't make them want to leave me, it didn't make them irritated or feel disrespected because I cried in their presence. They didn't feel disrespected when I had so many fears and doubts that I for a long time couldn't even believe they were really... Real.
Deities know the difference from fear, from sorrow and pain speech, to disrespect and blatant hateful speech. They know your intentions, even if you yourself do not.
It can hurt your deities when they witness their beloved going through such a hard time. When they see them going through abuse, torment, and inflicting that pain on themselves, or seeing it as they deserved it/ect.
Deities want you to live a life that makes you happy, that's - healthy and loving for you. For your soul. They don't want to see their loved devotee/practitioner off themselves, to cut or starve themselves, to punish themselves for what other people did to them or what they feel is deserving of doing so. If that makes sense. They want to help. To be there. To try and let you see that you are lovable, that there is a life out there for you, that - you're worth it.
Apollon witnessed my depression firsthand when I started practicing. He didn't scowl at me when I was crying my heart out. Snotting and gasping, just - being a very big mess in front of him. He didn't see me as weak or as disrespectful. In fact, I've found out that deities - enjoy it. Well, not seeing you so upset, of course. But they enjoy that you trust them enough to do that with them.
To let yourself be so - raw. To feel these deep, stabbing emotions around them. From what I've experienced, they love being able to comfort their sweet ones. They love being able to tenderly hold them and shower them in kisses &/or kind words. To - reassure them.
Apollon listened to my vents night after night, he held my hands and let me know I was heard. I was - seen. I was loved.
Despite how much I feared love, despite how much I thought nobody would ever be able to understand, my deities showed me just that. Understanding, love, care, gentleness, and everything else I thought I never deserved. Especially not from beings so beautiful and perfect in my eyes.
You don't need to be scared to show your emotions around your deities. To show them your wounds. To - show them your pain. Just as, you don't need to be afraid to show them your happiness. Your interests. Your safe spaces.
Your deities want to be there for you, I promise. 🌼
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feluka · 4 months
me: idk if i want to play hades 2 tbh, maybe i'll just watch a playthrough to know what happens
hades 2: hypnos is in this game and he's cursed to eternal sleep and it's one of the protag's objectives to wake him up
me: ah well goddammit
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Would you love me if I was a worm made of yarn?
You know I would.
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Drew these based on my plushies <3
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tboydog · 4 months
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(checks the notes on my school of rock post) ah okay i see we like some sillier ones, how’s always sunny work for ya?
id: dennis, charlie, and mac, all white men with brown hair are in a basement, dennis and mac are wearing matching black nike tracksuits while charlie sits on a chair between them in a gray short sleeve hoodie, text reads “yeah, it’s probably a bad idea” “but just listen to me okay?” end id.
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otter-pop-supreme · 8 months
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Hypno Steve drawing (=
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howoffcentre · 2 years
girl WHAT is going on!!
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solace-seekers · 4 months
kitten update!!!
vet said it had a bite on its arm that’s infected and it’s very very swollen so they can’t tell if anything’s broken in the lower part of its leg, but the upper parts are confirmed fine
he’s a boy!! (the vet said he had “tiny little testicles”)
hes very tiny, under two pounds
and perhaps most of all, he is a determined little baby that does Not like to be contained (when he’s not asleep ofc)
here’s the name in progress rascal <3
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miss-sinner · 8 months
My little teddies.
Come to me, I call to you
Dont worry about the music, it’s just meant to calm me.
Though it’s ok if you find it a bit hypnotic. That’s the point of it
Oh? You actually find ME hypnotic? I see. I’m glad.
Oh? You say you love it when I just drag my fingers through your hair, letting my hand trail down to your spine, feeling every bump of bone and every slight imperfection of the skin? That’s ok. I’m glad
And you like it when I speak to you this way? I’m flattered.
Oh, you want to be even more inthralled with me? You want to make it where you can just hear my words and immediately get tied up. Wrapped up like a bug to a web, cocooned and hypnotized?
Hah. How can I say no to that, my little teddy?
It’s ok, let my words wrap around you, bind you into place. You might not be able to move, that’s ok.
You just need to breathe. In and out slowly. Like that.
You’re doing so good, my little teddy bear
It’s ok if you’re nervous. We all get nervous, but trust me. You’re safe in my arms. In my words. I won’t hurt you, I’d never hurt my toys.
Good. Good. You’re so good. I’m so happy! You make me so happy
You feel that feeling now, huh? I’m not surprised. The warm feeling within you, the way your body goes limp within my words? Feeling how they just tie you up and entrance you all at the same time, making it so hard to think? That’s ok. Just breath, and let the feeling take hold
It won’t be there for forever. Just for a while. I’d never keep you tied up for too long.
That’s good. Good little teddy, my good little teddy bear. Just lay there, just feel good. No need to think, not when I’m here
When I’m here, you can let your mind dissipate. The need to think, the instinct to act, the mear idea of processing anything that isn’t my voice… it’s just gone.
Poof. Gone.
And that’s ok. When you’re with me? I’ll take care of you, and I’ll think for you. I’ll be there, holding you, wrapping you around my words. I’ll be there, and you’ll just be my little teddy bear in my web, safe and sound.
Stay for as long as you like. Reread again. Maybe you’ll feel even more secure and mindless, and so warm and fuzzy.
Or you can just lay here, with me, until it wears off. My webs aren’t as strong as real spiders webs unfortunately. They dissolve after a while. But that’s ok. I can always rewrap if needed
But that’s for later. For now? Just lay here, with me. I’ll take good care of you, my little teddy bear ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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lemon-wedges · 9 months
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