theminecraftbee · 5 months
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[image ID: the hermits standing in front of the portal they used for the herald fight. they are all wearing their endgame armor and facing the camera. most of them have their helmets off in order to better appear in the photo. /end ID]
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evilrat-sabre · 9 months
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Today as it look like I am doing things just for the shit and giggles
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7
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pomodoko · 3 years
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Season 8 is out and I am super excited to see what everyone is going to do, especially with PearlescentMoon and GeminiTay as the newest members!
[Edit: fixed xB’s skin tone to look like a healthier tan]
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sammystuffies · 2 years
Hermitcraft sensor head cannons p1
// swear sensors//
Impulse- skizz saying leather boots or the classic “dangit” clip
Tango- anvil drop noise or a ghast cry
Zed- sheep bleat or baby crying
Bdubs- pm almost never swears, but if he does it’s the sound of a explosion since it’s usually everyone’s reaction to him swearing
Keralis- car horn
Doc- goat screm
Ren- howling
Xisuma- metal guitar noises
Wels- dragon roar or a lion roar
Grian- SUPER RARE to hear it but its because it’s super loud. It’s a cicada with a megaphone pm.
Mumbo- piston
Jevin- snowball being thrown
Cleo- doesn’t have one so she has to be more cautious with the hermits
Joe- classic sensor sound
Hypno- Pokémon noise
Beef- bull
Tfc- pickaxe noises
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raisans-art · 2 years
Hermitblr I beseech thee:
What animal onesie would these lads/lasses wear?
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sequoiainthebox · 2 years
Hello Sequoia! I recently watched Xb's season 9 episodes, and wanted to ask if you had any recommendations of what to watch next? I was thinking season 6 or 7 of Hermitcraft, but I do want to hear what you'd suggest!
Ooh ah! Alright I’m not an expert on xb’s content in general (wow surprise, how could I!) but I do have some recommendations:
Season 8, it is a short hermitcraft season as we all know, his collaboration with hypnotzd, the horse head farms, ran a mischievous business, you wouldn’t want to miss it. And there are plenty of great fan content of the HHF! (May I indulgently suggest fixed and dilated, a fic by @betweenlands ?)
And if you did enjoy them, I suggest also watching their sky factory 3 collab
Well, season 7, obviously! I know it’s a so much longer one comparing to season 8, with so many videos and content. But I promise you it’s worth it…!!! His base was zombie post apocalypse themed btw :)
Annnndddd if you are not afraid of digging your teeth into the old school (?) content, season 3. This was the season which he made a guardian temple his base!
Finally allow me to recommend some blogs here who also post about xB!!! (Apologies for random @ ing peeps) : Solar @betweenlands as I mentioned earlier, hella fantastic apocalypse AUs and just ideas in general; cyd @chaggle , their xBCam design… oh I just adore, and their headcanons I am looking so intensely; @fluffy-papaya , amazing writer and artist!! ; @yeswingsclub and @crystallex , the cutest art ever??
Alrighty I’m not gonna make this too long, hope this wasn’t overwhelming pfff sorry I got excited >:p
(Btw if anyone else have recommendations, feel free to add/ rb with your own??)
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evilrat-sabre · 9 months
So I have a new Hermitcraft / "Magical girl" / Soul Eater inspired AU
Oh hey! so I have a new Hermitcraft AU Idea, I am calling it Weapon Shifters AU for now(It will change{probably{maybe}})
Anyway “What is the AU” Well it's inspired by the magical girl trope + The sole part of Soul Eater that we have people becoming weapons (Because I frickin love this power)
The context of the AU is; monsters started appearing in a real-ish word setting and some random people started receiving the power to turn into a weapon, obviously you can’t wield yourself and most of them can’t really move while transformed so there is that, so you need someone else to do It. Because of that, to fight these monsters(That only a Weapon shifter can hurt and nothing more) you need a Weapon shifter and a Wielder to do it. 
Most Weapon shifters are wielder too, because yes these monsters are killing people and destroying the city, you would think more people would join the fight, but most normal people don’t remember the monster part 
Ex. A zombie horde destroyed a car and killed the driver? Welp the guy was drunk and he crashed his car. 
So because of that, the people fighting these monsters are mostly weapon shifters that are immune to the “amnesia effect”.
Let me talk a little about the type of powers, before talking about the hermits.
As I said some people can turn into weapons, when I use the term weapon I am being pretty vague “if you can hurt someone with it, it can be a weapon”, these are my parameters, so truly almost anything.
Most people have only one weapon base form, that means they can turn in only one thing, but some people are what I call a “multi”, that's when in their base form they already come with multiple different weapons they can turn.
Some Weapon shifters already come with a specific power, most don’t.
One thing that I want to make clear, is that a Weapon Shifter and a Wielder all have some level of compatibility, the more compatibility they have, the easier it is to the wielder to use the weapon and to the weapon to unlock their “Upgrade”. 
I want to make clear the Compatibility =/= as friendship 
Ex. Cleo can theoretically use Joe in his weapon form, but Joe can't use Cleo even if he really tried. They live together in the same apartment, they are very good friends, but they are not compatible as weapon and wielder.
Let's talk about upgrades. Upgrade is a power the Weapon unlock while fighting along a very compatible wielder. There is two types of upgrade; the “New weapon” where the weapon unlock a new weapon form, that basically makes them work as a multi and the “Supernatural Power” Type, were the weapon unlocks a new ability, it can be like now you are poisonous, or like now you can control plants, things like that. (BTW. Not all weapons get upgraded)
And a last thing is that wielders have a thing called “wielder trait”, when someone wields a Weapon shifter, they are changed to look more inhuman, so the normal humans can’t remember them.
I think that's it for explaining the main power system of this thing. Now a list of the hermits and their respective powers, they are organized like this “Hermit - "Weapon" - Wilder trait” and they are separated in the teams they often fight together with, but it's good to remember that they often trade who is wielding who and are not stuck to only working with their team.
BTW feel free to send me asks or messages asking me to explain things, because I have thought about mostly everyone’s backstory at this point. The brainrot is real and I love opportunities to talk about it.
Oh and last thing. I have image reference for ALL the weapons, I will make a separate post for it.
X - Doom guy armor (Can still move as a armor and control the person wearing him) - Purple glowing eyes, black void hair and skin covered in slashes.
Ren - Axe (Upgrade: Bear trap with a chain, think chompy thing from Mario, can move his jaws) - Dog ears and Tail
Joe -  Big old leather book ( His pages bring knowledge) - at sign eyes and slightly flickering in and out of the mortal plane
Stress - Not a weapon (For some reason she is extremely compatible with any weapon shifter) - Flower crown growing from her head and shining solid black oil-like eyes.
Hypno - Butterfly knife (Can control anyone who grabs him) - Third eye(hides on bandana)
TFC - Iron pickaxe (upgrade: can break anything like in Minecraft, cube shaped) - Glowing white eyes, pieces of rock and dirt embedded in his skin, spectral wings (made of stone)
Tango - Grenade launcher  (upgrade: Ice grenade launcher) - Red eyes, his hair will catch on fire when excited
Zedaph - Medical apparatus(Multi) - Purple goat eyes and ram horns
Impulse - Two big metal shovels (Upgrade: Electricity) - Yellow eyes, horns and spectral wings(bat)
Skizz - Not a weapon - spectral wings(dove) and warped halo
Doc - eye visor (Upgrade: Mechanical arm that can be a plasma blaster) - Green skin, goat horns and eyes with black sclera and white pupils.
Etho - Kunais, shurikens and a Katana(Multi) (Upgrade: Limited teleport throwing the weapons) - He isn’t the same inside, do not look what his mask is hiding.
Beef - Double butcher cleaver (Upgrade: Giant meat tenderizer like hammer) - Bull horns and hooved legs.
Bdubs - Tiny knife (Upgrade: Can grow and control plants. op as fuck, still a tiny knife to) - Big Eyes. And plants grown out of his body
Hateful neighbours
ZombieCleo - Great Sword (Upgrade: The things cut with her blade rot quickly) - Green with stitches
Ijevin - Bouncy rubber ball (Upgrade: can leave a sticky substance where he lands) - Blue and transparent, you can see his bones and organs.
Sweet faces
Keralis - Gardner scissors (Upgrade: Twin scissor blades) - Big eyes
Xb - Sniper gun - Fish ears and scales 
Iskall - Bayonet (Upgrade: The blade glows bright green, things that are cut with it are poisoned)  - Solid green eye and green blood(his veins are glowing green)
Grian - Kitchen knife (Upgrade: throwing knife sets) - spectral wings(parrot) and parrot feathers in his hair (can do voice mimicry while like that)
Mumbo - Electrician knife(Upgrade: Spear {The point is still the blade of the electrician knife}) - Sunken eyes and he somehow gets longer, resembling an enderman but human.
Minecraft Swords(IDK MAN)
Welsknight - Steel sword and knight armor (Upgrade: gets a Shield) - silver scales, spectral wings(dragon) and claws
False- Diamond sword (Upgrade: Becomes two diamond swords) - Spectral wings(eagle), talons in hand and feet
Scar - Hot Guy bow and infinite arrows (Upgrade: Potion effect arrows) - Spectral wings(vex), pale blue skin, sharp teeth.
Cubfan - Not a weapon - Spectral wings(vex), pale blue skin, sharp teeth.
Pearl - deer horn Knives (Upgrade: Giant Scite) - Her skin glows like the moon(She has to use a dark cloth, because sometimes it's too much moon light even for her)
Gem - Executioner's sword (Upgrade: gets stronger the more she beheads monsters) - Deer antlers, and hoved legs.
Team "Evil"
EX- Doom guy shotgun - red glowing eyes, white hair and a lot of slashes in his skin
Helsknight - black steel sword (upgrade: became twin rapiers) - dark silver scales, spectral wings(dragon) and claws.
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evilrat-sabre · 9 months
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They are friends your honor <3
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evilrat-sabre · 1 year
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Day 20 is of a hermit a day may challenge is Hypnotzd day!
I have a something to admit, I never watched Hypno and its feels like a crime (its not, but let me be dramatic). All that I have from him are the colabs that I watched with him and he looks like a very fun guy. 
I decided that I would do him as a speedrun so i did, 20 minutes and I did mister hypnotzd! Hoppe yall like it!
Note: I posted this in a hurry, This is Sabrina level of english when I can’t spend more than 5 minutes revising it before posting.
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evilrat-sabre · 1 year
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SOO after drawing this mess I decide to redesign my Hypno design, because I had a lot of fun drawing the legs and bat wings of my last Hypno fanart.
IDK what he is, maybe his mother was a goat and father a bat and now we have him, its up to interpretation.
But I loved how he is looking!
I just realized that I drew two Hypno’s fanart back to back, next drawing Welsknight as a red life! Wish me luck!
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evilrat-sabre · 9 months
If I had a coin for every time I dreamed I was Xisuma Void, I would have two coins, which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened so many times.
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evilrat-sabre · 1 year
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Soooo, This is Hypno, his design is a mess, but I am proud of trying to draw it.
this is fanart for @leopardmask-ao3 Fanfic The Binding of Two Fools 
This was a mess, my stile is not suited for it and even if its was my brain is not wired correctly for it.
I drew Wels to.
I really procrastinated to read this fanfic, because Hermitcraft and Binding of Isaac are two big hyperfixations of mine, I know what it would do to my brain and I was right.
Well I really recommend this fanfic, is a great read and my new favorite fanfic.
Good night everyone and don’t go into the basement it will change you
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sammystuffies · 3 years
Because of cub I came up with a au I am proud of! ((OUTDATED))
A error in the server causes the hermits to swap ages and/or physical traits! The only ones that are normal are pearl and gem (for now..)
Scar is now older while cub is younger!
Tango has normal eyes but impulse now has yellow eyes!
Wels now has dog ears and instincts while ren is a fae!
Idk what traits or ages for these guys but they are swapped:
The following hermits are undecided:
Bdubs, keralis, false, grian, iskall, joe, xb, zedaph, etho, vintage beef
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sammystuffies · 3 years
Hermitswap au needs help!
I have been having a hard time figuring out designs for some swaps and need ideas! You can dm me, send me art, or descriptions! Anything helps! Here are the swaps that need help:
Keralis - bdubs - false
(The only 3 way swap^)
Grian -Vintage beef
Hypno- XBcrafted
Tango - impulseSV
The first three are the ones I’m really struggling with, so helping with those would mean so much! <3
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raisans-art · 2 years
I think someone needs a sloth onesie
Not sure who but a sloth onesie is required
I saw your reblog for a sloth hypno and that's the best I got aside from cat hypno
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hypnotzd · 5 years
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Narwhal, the little mágical furry unicorn puppy #narwhalpuppy #dogstagram #umicorn #hypnotzd https://www.instagram.com/p/B45f0TCnR_n/?igshid=d02qlnypy3gv
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