auvxlmz5az · 1 year
Sweet gay youngsters suck each others cocks before raw sex Stremer deixa a sua biluga dura depois de muito tempo Banana Pussy CreamPie Masturbation with Melena Maria Rya Hot pornstar gets cum facial after sucking Comendo a amiga gostosa Xoxota rosada Filthy slut gladly opens her face hole to collect cum on her face amatuer transsexual Swallow collection CLOSE UP PUSSY LICKING ORGASM WITH FRIEND [เพื่อนมาหาเลยให้เลียให้จนเสร็จ] - IcezySunday Latin twinks kitchen fuck raw
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madoo-net · 1 month
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Fehlersuche (2)
Vier Arbeitsblätter, bestehend aus 8 Kategorien (Städte, Möbel, Obst, Gemüse, Waldtiere, Haushaltsgegenstände- und geräte, Europäische Länder und Körperteile). In jeder Kategorie gibt es 8 Begriffe, in denen sich jeweils ein Fehler eingeschlichen hat. Dieser soll gefunden und korrigiert werden! Viel Spaß!
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mybuddyjimmy · 2 years
View On WordPress
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protoindoeuropean · 2 months
it's kinda weird that i never really encounter the terms hyper(o)nym/hyponym in english unless i want to translate the slovene equivalents
like, these featured quite prominently in language classes in the early years of school afaicr, so is it just that, by chance, i never encountered them in english or are different terms used or ..?
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fakeoldmanfucker · 1 year
"For obvious reasons, we cannot put real dogs in this textbook, so a diagram will have to suffice."
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tmema · 2 years
i like making linguistics charts a normal amount
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wheucto · 1 year
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Carnivine Evolution!
I'll try to keep these shorter from now on, I'm not sure that people enjoy the drama behind what amounts to a scribbley stegosaurus with armor. More importantly, it allows me consistently get through my DAMN BACKLOG.
Also there's barely a pokedex order anymore I'm just going through my oldest to newest
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Introducing Hyedra! (Combination of hydra + yedra, a hyponym of Ivy). These guys are based on full and overflowing pots of Venus Flytraps, which I think is actually pretty bad for the plant as they all have to compete for space and food...
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Not for the Hyedra, though! Their increased bulk and more importantly increased number of teeth from their Carnivine origins allows them to take down larger prey much more often than their unevolved siblings. Of course, a Hyedra is never actually full as a side effect of every meal only filling one of up to twelve stomachs, but at least it serves as a nice family bonding experience :) Until half the family starves and their heads shrivel and need to be plucked from the main body but let's not worry about that.
Hyedra actually started as a very similar but much more empty design that was meant to play off of beholders from DnD
Didn't do it very well, but it was there at least.
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Overall, I went with the simpler leg design and arm design as it made them more personable and more fun to imagine moving about.
Also I'm calling it here: this is my favorite shiny that I've made so far I love it so much (until I make a trans-flag-colored shiny which, is not unlikely).
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madoo-net · 10 months
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5 Hyponyme
Ich habe Arbeitsblätter aus den Hyperonymen des Spiels „Stadt Land Vollpfosten“ zusammengestellt. Hier sind nicht nur die gängigen Hyperonyme vorgegeben. Mann kann das Material auch gut mit Vorgaben von Initiallauten schwerer gestalten.
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aibyrdidini · 20 days
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Semantic Tree learning and AI technologies can be combined to solve problems by leveraging the power of natural language processing and machine learning.
Semantic trees are a knowledge representation technique that organizes information in a hierarchical, tree-like structure.
Each node in the tree represents a concept or entity, and the connections between nodes represent the relationships between those concepts.
This structure allows for the representation of complex, interconnected knowledge in a way that can be easily navigated and reasoned about.
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Semantic Tree: A structured representation where nodes correspond to concepts and edges denote relationships (e.g., hyponyms, hyponyms, synonyms).
Meaning: Understanding the context, nuances, and associations related to words or concepts.
Natural Language Understanding (NLU): AI techniques for comprehending and interpreting human language.
First Principles: Fundamental building blocks or core concepts in a domain.
AI (Artificial Intelligence): AI refers to the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence. AI technologies include machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and more. These technologies enable computers to understand reason, learn, and make decisions.
Natural Language Processing (NLP): NLP is a branch of AI that focuses on the interaction between computers and human language. It involves the analysis and understanding of natural language text or speech by computers. NLP techniques are used to process, interpret, and generate human languages.
Machine Learning (ML): Machine Learning is a subset of AI that enables computers to learn and improve from experience without being explicitly programmed. ML algorithms can analyze data, identify patterns, and make predictions or decisions based on the learned patterns.
Deep Learning: A subset of machine learning that uses neural networks with multiple layers to learn complex patterns.
1. Text Classification: Semantic Tree learning can be combined with AI to solve text classification problems. By training a machine learning model on labeled data, the model can learn to classify text into different categories or labels. For example, a customer support system can use semantic tree learning to automatically categorize customer queries into different topics, such as billing, technical issues, or product inquiries.
2. Sentiment Analysis: Semantic Tree learning can be used with AI to perform sentiment analysis on text data. Sentiment analysis aims to determine the sentiment or emotion expressed in a piece of text, such as positive, negative, or neutral. By analyzing the semantic structure of the text using Semantic Tree learning techniques, machine learning models can classify the sentiment of customer reviews, social media posts, or feedback.
3. Question Answering: Semantic Tree learning combined with AI can be used for question answering systems. By understanding the semantic structure of questions and the context of the information being asked, machine learning models can provide accurate and relevant answers. For example, a Chabot can use Semantic Tree learning to understand user queries and provide appropriate responses based on the analyzed semantic structure.
4. Information Extraction: Semantic Tree learning can be applied with AI to extract structured information from unstructured text data. By analyzing the semantic relationships between entities and concepts in the text, machine learning models can identify and extract specific information. For example, an AI system can extract key information like names, dates, locations, or events from news articles or research papers.
Python Snippet Codes for Semantic Tree Learning with AI
Here are four small Python code snippets that demonstrate how to apply Semantic Tree learning with AI using popular libraries:
1. Text Classification with scikit-learn:
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
# Training data
texts = ['This is a positive review', 'This is a negative review', 'This is a neutral review']
labels = ['positive', 'negative', 'neutral']
# Vectorize the text data
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer()
X = vectorizer.fit_transform(texts)
# Train a logistic regression classifier
classifier = LogisticRegression()
classifier.fit(X, labels)
# Predict the label for a new text
new_text = 'This is a positive sentiment'
new_text_vectorized = vectorizer.transform([new_text])
predicted_label = classifier.predict(new_text_vectorized)
2. Sentiment Analysis with TextBlob:
from textblob import TextBlob
# Analyze sentiment of a text
text = 'This is a positive sentence'
blob = TextBlob(text)
sentiment = blob.sentiment.polarity
# Classify sentiment based on polarity
if sentiment > 0:
sentiment_label = 'positive'
elif sentiment < 0:
sentiment_label = 'negative'
sentiment_label = 'neutral'
3. Question Answering with Transformers:
from transformers import pipeline
# Load the question answering model
qa_model = pipeline('question-answering')
# Provide context and ask a question
context = 'The Semantic Web is an extension of the World Wide Web.'
question = 'What is the Semantic Web?'
# Get the answer
answer = qa_model(question=question, context=context)
4. Information Extraction with spaCy:
import spacy
# Load the English language model
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
# Process text and extract named entities
text = 'Apple Inc. is planning to open a new store in New York City.'
doc = nlp(text)
# Extract named entities
entities = [(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in doc.ents]
Semantic Tree learning combined with AI can be used in various domains and industries to solve problems. Here are some examples of where it can be applied:
1. Customer Support: Semantic Tree learning can be used to automatically categorize and route customer queries to the appropriate support teams, improving response times and customer satisfaction.
2. Social Media Analysis: Semantic Tree learning with AI can be applied to analyze social media posts, comments, and reviews to understand public sentiment, identify trends, and monitor brand reputation.
3. Information Retrieval: Semantic Tree learning can enhance search engines by understanding the meaning and context of user queries, providing more accurate and relevant search results.
4. Content Recommendation: By analyzing the semantic structure of user preferences and content metadata, Semantic Tree learning with AI can be used to personalize content recommendations in platforms like streaming services, news aggregators, or e-commerce websites.
Semantic Tree learning combined with AI technologies enables the understanding and analysis of text data, leading to improved problem-solving capabilities in various domains.
1. Semantic Reasoning: By integrating semantic trees with AI, systems can engage in more sophisticated reasoning and decision-making. The semantic tree provides a structured representation of knowledge, while AI techniques like natural language processing and knowledge representation can be used to navigate and reason about the information in the tree.
2. Explainable AI: Semantic trees can make AI systems more interpretable and explainable. The hierarchical structure of the tree can be used to trace the reasoning process and understand how the system arrived at a particular conclusion, which is important for building trust in AI-powered applications.
3. Knowledge Extraction and Representation: AI techniques like machine learning can be used to automatically construct semantic trees from unstructured data, such as text or images. This allows for the efficient extraction and representation of knowledge, which can then be used to power various problem-solving applications.
4. Hybrid Approaches: Combining semantic trees and AI can lead to hybrid approaches that leverage the strengths of both. For example, a system could use a semantic tree to represent domain knowledge and then apply AI techniques like reinforcement learning to optimize decision-making within that knowledge structure.
1. Medical Diagnosis: A semantic tree could represent the relationships between symptoms, diseases, and treatments. AI techniques like natural language processing and machine learning could be used to analyze patient data, navigate the semantic tree, and provide personalized diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
2. Robotics and Autonomous Systems: Semantic trees could be used to represent the knowledge and decision-making processes of autonomous systems, such as self-driving cars or drones. AI techniques like computer vision and reinforcement learning could be used to navigate the semantic tree and make real-time decisions in dynamic environments.
3. Financial Analysis: Semantic trees could be used to model complex financial relationships and market dynamics. AI techniques like predictive analytics and natural language processing could be applied to the semantic tree to identify patterns, make forecasts, and support investment decisions.
4. Personalized Recommendation Systems: Semantic trees could be used to represent user preferences, interests, and behaviors. AI techniques like collaborative filtering and content-based recommendation could be used to navigate the semantic tree and provide personalized recommendations for products, content, or services.
1. Semantic Tree Construction using NetworkX:
import networkx as nx
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Create a semantic tree
G = nx.DiGraph()
G.add_node("root", label="Root")
G.add_node("concept1", label="Concept 1")
G.add_node("concept2", label="Concept 2")
G.add_node("concept3", label="Concept 3")
G.add_edge("root", "concept1")
G.add_edge("root", "concept2")
G.add_edge("concept2", "concept3")
# Visualize the semantic tree
pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True)
2. Semantic Reasoning using PyKEEN:
from pykeen.models import TransE
from pykeen.triples import TriplesFactory
# Load a knowledge graph dataset
tf = TriplesFactory.from_path("./dataset/")
# Train a TransE model on the knowledge graph
model = TransE(triples_factory=tf)
# Perform semantic reasoning
head = "concept1"
relation = "isRelatedTo"
tail = "concept3"
score = model.score_hrt(head, relation, tail)
print(f"The score for the triple ({head}, {relation}, {tail}) is: {score}")
3. Knowledge Extraction using spaCy:
import spacy
# Load the spaCy model
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
# Extract entities and relations from text
text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
doc = nlp(text)
# Visualize the extracted knowledge
from spacy import displacy
displacy.render(doc, style="ent")
4. Hybrid Approach using Ray:
import ray
from ray.rllib.agents.ppo import PPOTrainer
from ray.rllib.env.multi_agent_env import MultiAgentEnv
from ray.rllib.models.tf.tf_modelv2 import TFModelV2
# Define a custom model that integrates a semantic tree
class SemanticTreeModel(TFModelV2):
def __init__(self, obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name):
super().__init__(obs_space, action_space, num_outputs, model_config, name)
# Implement the integration of the semantic tree with the neural network
# Define a multi-agent environment that uses the semantic tree model
class SemanticTreeEnv(MultiAgentEnv):
def __init__(self):
self.semantic_tree = # Initialize the semantic tree
self.agents = # Define the agents
def step(self, actions):
# Implement the environment dynamics using the semantic tree
# Train the hybrid model using Ray
config = {
"env": SemanticTreeEnv,
"model": {
"custom_model": SemanticTreeModel,
trainer = PPOTrainer(config=config)
The combination of semantic trees and AI can be applied to a wide range of problem domains, including:
- Healthcare: Improving medical diagnosis, treatment planning, and drug discovery.
- Finance: Enhancing investment strategies, risk management, and fraud detection.
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems: Enabling more intelligent and adaptable decision-making in complex environments.
- Education: Personalizing learning experiences and providing intelligent tutoring systems.
- Smart Cities: Optimizing urban planning, transportation, and resource management.
- Environmental Conservation: Modeling and predicting environmental changes, and supporting sustainable decision-making.
- Chatbots and Virtual Assistants:
Use semantic trees to understand user queries and provide context-aware responses.
Apply NLU models to extract meaning from user input.
- Information Retrieval:
Build semantic search engines that understand user intent beyond keyword matching.
Combine semantic trees with vector embeddings (e.g., BERT) for better search results.
- Medical Diagnosis:
Create semantic trees for medical conditions, symptoms, and treatments.
Use AI to match patient symptoms to relevant diagnoses.
- Automated Content Generation:
Construct semantic trees for topics (e.g., climate change, finance).
Generate articles, summaries, or reports based on semantic understanding.
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junadeo · 10 months
Texan word:
(very long below so uhhhh also things are subject to change)
1. In the sense of "rice"
Alternative spellings:
ras (sometimes used by speakers who use (s) for /s/; proscribed)
ris (Old Script)
roz (Northern eye-dialect)
Standard: /rɑːs/ [ʁɑːs]
Northern: /roːs/ [roːs], [rʊs]
Central: /ras/ [ʁɑːs], [ʁɔːs]
Southern: /roːs/
From Middle Texan *rás, from Classical English rice, from Middle English rys, borrowed from Old French ris, in turn, borrowed from Old Italian riso (alternatively risi), from Latin oriza, borrowed once again from Byzantine Greek ὄρυζα (óruza; yielding Modern Hellenic υρζα), of unclear origin but probably from an East Iranian language, which is in turn, possibly from Sanskrit व्रीहि (vrīhi), then speculated to be of Dravidian descent, and finally, from an Austroasiatic language of some sort.
It is cognates with several American languages: Missippic ras; Georgian ras; South Floridian rase; Carolinian ros; Virginian róo; Appalachian ror; New Yorkian rois, lois; Pennsylvanian reih (and hence Standard American reis, via Literary Middle Pennsylvanian reis, reice) Ohioan rah; Californian rai; Cascadian ruis; and North New Englandic reisse.
noun (countable and uncountable; plural razir)
(strictly) rice; a highly important cereal, the editable seeds of the grass genus Oryza, specifically O. sativa.
(broadly) Oryza or O. sativa and everything produced from it. (Also referred to as a raspleynz (rice-plant))
Hyperonyms: ziriou (archaic; cereal, grain of a grass), krof (crop), zet (seed, embryotic plant), füt (food)
Hyponyms: Eyfriknraz (African rice), Zenrarraz (rice grown in Asia)
Coordinate terms:
cereals: barley (barley), korn (maize), eüt/eütz (oats), feüyneü (acha, findi, fonio) ra (rye), wet/wez (wheat), zorgm (sorghum)
Synonyms: Reis (American scientific name for Oryza), razet (definition 1)
It is both countable and uncountable. The singular is raz and the plural is razir.
When referring to rice as a collective, the grammatically singular form is used. When used to refer to several individual seeds of rice, the plural is used.
A single Orysa plant is grammatically singular; several are plural. Orysa collectively is singular as well.
Example sentences:
Noun phrases
A bou w'raz. (a bowl of rice)
Tengle raz. (tasty rice, delicious rice)
Full sentences
Ser d'razir pikin. (she's harvesting the rice)
Iz beyz raz in weyz eynwarmeyntz dgreü. (it's best to grow rice in wet conditions)
D'Mizipe produser yüyt kwondirer w'raz. (The Mississippi river produces enormous quantities of rice)
2. In the sense of "to write"
Alternative spellings:
wrice (Old Script; outdated, used from around the 26th to the 28th Centuries)
wrisce (Old Script)
Standard: /rɑːs/ [ʁɑːs]
Northern: /roːs/ [roːs], [rʊs]
Central: /ras/ [ʁɑːs], [ʁɔːs]
Southern: /roːs/
From Middle Texan *ráts, from Classical English write, from Middle English writen, from Old English wrītan, from Proto-West Germanic *wrītan, from Proto-Germanic *wrītaną, from Proto-Indo-European *wrey-.
verb (past reüz; present participle rariny; past participle riten; infinitive draz)
(transitive and intransitive) to write; to escribe; to carve, print, press, or otherwise put symbols on a surface (typically paper or a paper-like item), as a method of communication.
(transitive) to give an impression, image, idea, sense, etc.; to affect a person's perspective on or idea of someone or something, either positively or negatively.
Synonyms: dro, eyzkraw, marh, peyn, pleyz
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lemma form: raz. verb, strong verb, somewhat irregular.
non-finite forms
infinitive: draz
present participle: rariny
past participle: riten
finite forms
first person present singular: raz
first person present plural: wraz, raz
first person past singular: reüz
first person past plural: wreüz, reüz
second person present: yraz
second person past: yreüz
third person singular present: raz
third person present plural: raz, draz*
third person past singular: reüz
third person past plural: dreüz
*the third person plural form draz is not often used, because it is identical to the infinitive form. Many authoritative organizations proscribe draz as the 3rd per. plural form and instead prefer just raz. It is also rare across most Texan vernacular dialects.
Example sentences
Verb phrases including an object (or predicate)
Tü buk ratiny. (is writing a book, are writing a book)
Jeyr jar jeyple riten. (has impacted her positively)
Raz d'im. (write to him)
Full sentences
Your beyt esseir in ratiny. (you [plural] are bad at writing essays)
En Mendey, se reüz me a letter. (she wrote me a letter on Monday)
Abeoz deyz, yaü keynz yraz. (you [singular] can't write about that)
Je wor a poem ratiny. (he was writing a poem)
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eepy · 1 year
ive seen posts here getting angry at umbrella terms for being umbrella terms and also at hyponyms for being too specific so i think u guys just don’t know how language works
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