kilmiel · 3 months
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Not a single exScion was harmed while making this comics OwO
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cynthffxiv · 4 months
FFXIV Polyamory Week
Day 2: Domestic Life | Mundane Tasks
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
The gentle sounds of harp strings being plucked fill the house and filter out the back door to the garden, where Hades lounges on a chair in the sun with a book in hand. If he listens closely, he can hear Cynthia and Hythlodaeus quietly discussing the lyrics and style of a song.
After a few minutes, he goes back to reading, allowing his partners’ activities to fade into the background.
But with the warmth of the sun…
Well. He can close his eyes for a moment.
He knows he’s lost this particular fight when he hears the two still inside the house start to sing.
He wakes up to the sound of muffled giggles and the sound of something being put down on a nearby table.
Cracking an eye open, he sees Hythlodaeus placing down a pitcher of lemonade and a few glasses, and Cynthia is crouched next to the chair looking up at him.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” She says, poking him in the arm. “Weren’t you supposed to be doing some super important reading?”
“Checking a historical text for any inaccuracies, if I remember correctly.” Adds Hythlodaeus.
“I’m allowed to close my eyes for a moment.” He grumbles, sitting up in the chair. “And it better not have been Cynthia who made that. You always make it far too sour.”
“Hyth ‘fixed’ it after I made it. Not my fault the two of you can’t handle the taste of lemons.”
“And yet all of your friends agree with my opinion.”
She huffs, standing up and pulling two chairs closer to the one he’s in, and then hands him a glass.
“What? Not going to tell me what the two of you were up to?”
He takes a sip. Still a bit too sour.
“Well,” Starts Hythlodaeus, “When you told me some of the songs Cynthia’s village had passed down over the years were in Amaurotine, I was absolutely intrigued.”
“So originally I had just been playing the songs for him,” Cynthia says between sips of lemonade. “But the discussion ended up turning towards a comparison of my village’s music and the music commonly played in Amaurot’s concert halls.”
“Which, of course, led to me asking about different types of current-day music. But before we knew it, a few bells had passed, so we decided to check in on you.”
“Only to find out that you were partaking in your favorite hobby. So we decided to join you out here.”
The three of them talk as the sun crests and passes the highest point in the sky and the glass pitcher is empty, and when Hythlodaeus yawns, they retire to a darker and cooler place to nap.
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eriyu · 5 months
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i'm just so unwell about this scene
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kunstpause · 2 years
Writer's Game: First Sentences
Got tagged by @elveny - thank you! ♥
I am on here so rarely that I barely know who to tag in these things anymore, but I'm gonna try @elfyourmother @dandelionofthanatos @semper-draca @kireon @rinzukodas @tishinada @corevocation-observatory @crimsonsynastry @curiousthimble
And feel free to grab this even if I didn't tag you please ^^
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first sentences as you have.
This was a fun one, hope you enjoy
1. Original Novel, not yet published
She faintly remembers a time when libraries used to be some of her favorite places to be.
2. a striking change of form and function (EmetWol, XIV)
Sometimes Emet-Selch wonders if he has lived too long.
3. Equinox (EmetWol, XIV)
The sun is getting low over Mor Dhona.
4. Remains (EmetWol AU, XIV)
"You look like death warmed over."
5. Brittle (ZenosWol, XIV)
Rory should have known that Zenos is not a man for empty threats or promises.
6. Rewards (ThancredxUriangerxHythlodaeusxEmet-Selch, XIV)
He knows Thancred better than anybody else in the world.
7. Somnus (HaurcheWol, XIV)
It's still early, no longer the pitch black of the middle of the night, but not yet light enough that people have begun to rise for the day. 
8. A Slice of Paradise (HythEmetWol, XIV)
Morning light floods the room, and rays of sunlight tickle your nose and slowly, gently draw you out of your deep slumber.
9. Small Breaks (EstinienWol, XIV)
Being the Warrior of Light and having her face known throughout the realm sometimes comes with a downside.
10. Soul Surrender - Ouroboros (EmetWol, XIV)
Sometimes, in the depth of night, you lose sight of who you are. 
A couple of commissions in this list, the only way you can get me to give you more variety than just EmetWol, it seems. 😅
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solveigruna · 2 years
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Azem April Day 3: Speciality Figuring out a method of teleportation without a crystal had been mentioned as a joke.  Everyone knew that the most efficient way to move a person long distance was via the large, condensed, crystals of aether. A talented mage could open a small enough portal to move themselves but, honestly, those people were few and far between. With a laugh, Soteria stared down the instructor and said that she’d figure it out. 
Hades had said she couldn’t do it. Figuring out a method of teleportation without a crystal then became a matter of pride and spite.  Time wore on and, while she loved everything about what it meant to be Azem, there were long lonesome days where she missed the two parts of her heart. Or, days where they would’ve been EXTREMELY useful (despite one’s assurances that he wasn’t). And, so… Figuring out a method of teleportation without a crystal then became a matter of heart.  What had started as spiteful curiosity had morphed, over the last century, into a burning need to see this idea through. Aside from the fact that there would be many practical uses (as far as she was concerned) in being able to teleport multiple people at once to the same location - just being able to see specific people would also be wonderful. Thus, making this endeavor also fairly selfish. At this point she was fairly certain she had worked out the invocation to the point she could test it on something other than plants and animals. Nothing had died, been malformed, or suffered a major mishap in the last two years of testing. While she was absolutely someone prone to just rushing in and doing something - she felt that this was not something she could rush. What if she accidentally hurt…or killed…that which she wanted to bring to her? No…that would be unacceptable and devastating. But…now? Now she felt ready to test it.  Had she warned the intended target? Noooo. Not in so much words anyway. But, after the many many years they had known each other, if he hadn’t learned to read between the lines then that was on him. Right? Right. With a determined nod, Soteria focused her will and watched as the glowing glyphs that represented this invocation erupted into a blinding light around her. Her heart and mind called across the space between her and where her target was in Amaurot. Once she found him, she gave a little mental tug and pulled him along the lines of aether she had connected between him and her. Within moments she heard a loud thwump of something hitting the ground and her teleportation circle slowly dissipated around her. “What the…” A confused voice she loved dearly muttered at her feet. “How…what…?” Soteria looked down and her green eyes locked onto a pair of purple ones and she grinned wildly. It had worked!! “Oh! Well, hello there Soteria!” The woman knelt down beside Hythlodaeus and wrapped her arms around him. “Welcome to the other side of the world!” she greeted. “Well, I’m certainly not in that meeting with Emet-Selch anymore. That’s for sure,” he responded with a chuckle. “Oh no,” she responded with a quiet laugh. “Lets see if I can fix that then,” she added. Still kneeling she focused her will again and repeated the process. It was quicker this time and a softer sound of feet hitting the ground happened behind her. When she turned to face the figure the man had a staff in hand and was looking around confused, angry, and ready to fight.  “What the hell is going on?!” “Told you I could do it,” she responded.  Almost three hundred years after a joke had been made, Soteria managed to create a teleportation circle that could pull whole people across the space that separated them. Reaching up, she tugged Hades’s robes and pulled until he rolled his eyes and sat on the ground with her and Hythlodaeus. She’d gloat more fully later, right now she just wanted to revel in having them with her. 
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unkiindncss · 2 years
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“Don’t ever give me that godsdamned sad smile to me, because I don’t know if I can say one more good-bye.”
Mira crosses her arms over her chest.
“Ideals that are involatile and invincible my ass.  The least you could do was say ‘I’m sorry, I’m bloody tired’.”
Meanwhile, my Hythlodaeus muse is going “I told you, my dear Hades, you should have said ‘I’ll meet you in another life’.  You just had to shatter their heart.”
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kilmiel · 2 years
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Hope your Little Ladies' day was as great as their OwO
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cynthffxiv · 4 months
FFXIV Polyamory Week
Day 7: Vacation | Relaxation
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
As Cynthia and Hythlodaeus start to lay out beach towels and set down a picnic basket, Hades sighs in relief, snapping a beach umbrella into existence and lying down.
“Looking forward to a day of sunbathing?” Asks Hythlodaeus.
“A few hours at least,” he grumbles, “since I’m sure the two of you will find some way to bother me.”
“But if we didn’t bother you, you’d worry something happened,” says Cynthia. “You wouldn’t have it any other way.”
He cracks an eye open and smiles at her for a moment before letting the sound of the waves lull him to sleep.
When he wakes up… sometime later, he sighs and rolls onto his side, intending to fall back asleep…
But it’s quiet.
Too quiet. 
Sitting up, he looks around to figure out what mischief his partners have gotten themselves into this time-
And he’s surrounded by a wall of sand on all three sides, with the open side facing the shore.
“Oh, for the love of-” he grumbles to himself, standing up and walking out the open side.
There are small sand sculptures and sandcastles all over the immediate area, and closer to the water are doodles statements written in the sand that are already partially washed away.
But neither Cynthia nor Hythlodaeus are in sight.
Frowning, he turns around and walks the perimeter of the created sand walls, and finds the two lying on a towel in the shade created by one of the walls.
They’re covered in sand, with Hythlodaeus partially lying atop Cynthia as the two are fast asleep.
If there’s already a layer of sand on them, what’s more of it?
He smirks, snapping so the sand wall closest to them collapses and partially buries them.
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cynthffxiv · 4 months
FFXIV Polyamory Week
Day 6: Celebrations | Holidays
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
“These costumes are incredibly well-made and well-detailed,” said Hythlodaeus, slowly turning in the mirror to examine the hat and robes Cynthia made for him, “but I’m still not quite sure why people dress up for this holiday?”
“Without going into too much detail,” begins Hades while adjusting his waistcoat, “people would dress up to ward off the spirits they believe to be more active on this night, and over the years it spiraled into the tradition you see now. It’s quite ridiculous… but not without its charms, I suppose.”
“The ‘charms’ being the amount of joy it brings our dear wife?”
He shrugs. “I suppose that could be one of them.”
“And yet you had to have quite the long discussion to agree on a costume for yourself.”
“I only agreed to dress up at all because she happens to share her nameday with this holiday. I will not suffer her inane ideas.” 
Turning to face him, Hythlodaeus plucks the white half-mask off of his face and puts it on himself for a moment. “Who exactly are you supposed to be, anyway?”
“A character from a play the two of us are fond of.”
“I’ll have to see it someday.” Says Hythlodaeus, before dramatically gesturing to himself. “Oh, how upsetting it is to be the only one of us dressed as a general idea, rather than a specific person!”
He rolls his eyes, before pulling down the brim of Hythlodaeus’s large hat. “Everyone will recognize you, character or concept. Even children know of the ridiculous attire worn by the black mages of Mhach. Though I wish either of you would tell me what her costume is. I have a feeling I need to prepare myself for the worst.”
“Oh, don’t be like that! She has a lovely idea that you would have absolutely vetoed.”
As if on cue, he hears Cynthia begin to descend the stairs of their house-
And he’s met with a near-perfect recreation of the Ascian robes and the mask of his office.
She even dyed a lock of her hair to match the visage he wore when they first met.
As he stares unamused, he hears Hythlodaeus break into laughter beside him.
She bows dramatically, smirking as she does so.
“Apologies for the wait, I needed this to be as perfect as poss-”
“Absolutely not. I will not be seen with you like that.”
She straightens up, crossing her arms and frowning at him.
And her mirrors her posture.
The room would be silent for their standoff, had Hythlodaeus not still been laughing.
Slumping his shoulders, he sighs.
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cynthffxiv · 4 months
FFXIV Polyamory Week
Day 4: Outfit Swaps | Role Changes
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Hades’s clothes keep going missing.
Or rather, the other two residents of the house keep stealing them.
At first, it was just something simple: Cynthia would occasionally take one of his jackets when she was leaving the house and he was staying in. But after Hythlodaeus asked why she did that… he started doing it too.
And then the two of them just kept “borrowing” more and more- a hat and gloves would be missing one day, a nightshirt the next- until a decent portion of his wardrobe wasn't even worn by him anymore.
Scanning his closet to no avail, he sighs, closing his eyes and dragging a hand down his face.
Two can play at that game.
Or three, I suppose.
As he isn’t the type of person to not care if clothes don’t fit properly (Hythlodaeus), nor is he the type to be able to effortlessly make over- or undersized clothes work (Cynthia), he has to take time to carefully pick articles of clothing that would actually work, rather than just plucking something off of a hanger carelessly.
When he eventually heads downstairs, he’s greeted by Cynthia and Hythlodaeus.
From her seat at the table, Cynthia doesn’t even look up from the notebook she’s writing in. “Well good morning, sleepyhead!”
 “It’s far past noon,” Hythlodaeus laughs while pulling something out of the oven. “This is even later than your usual time!”
“I would have been down here sooner were it not for the time I needed to spend rummaging through your closets to find something to wear!”
It’s at this moment when they turn to look at him.
And he notices something.
Squinting at the two, he looks between them.
Almost every single article of clothing Cynthia is wearing, belongs to Hythlodaeus.
And Hythlodaeus just has on one of Cynthia’s dresses.
“Oh! Hades, you look lovely-”
“If the two of you are wearing each other’s clothes, then why can I not find any of mine?”
They sheepishly smile at him.
“It’s laundry day!”
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cynthffxiv · 4 months
FFXIV Polyamory Week
Day 3: Date Night | First Dates
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
As Hades gets pulled around the markets in Kugane by Cynthia and Hythlodaeus, he looks down at his watch and sighs.
With Cynthia’s tendency to get distracted combined with Hythlodaeus’s endless curiosity, there is absolutely no way the two of them would ever get to the theater on time without him.
“Not to ruin your fun little tour, but could you perhaps continue it later?”
Cynthia turns to him in confusion, before looking down at her watch in realization.
“Shit, you’re right!” She says, and begins to tug the two of them in a different direction. “We need to head to the theater now! I really want to see this one too, since I helped Jenomis out with a bunch of it.”
“Wait, what? Since when- when did you meet Jenomis?”
“Don’t worry about it!”
After the show, Cynthia and Hythlodaeus resume tugging Hades around the marketplace and various teahouses.
“You seem to know this city surprisingly well, Cynthia.“ Says Hythlodaeus in between mouthfuls of dango. “How often have you been here before?”
“I lived here for a little while after I left home; before I went to Eorzea. The city did change a bit in the years I was gone, but things here mostly stayed the same. However, it helped that I was here a few years ago as well and had to stay for a while.”
Cynthia tries to stealthily pull Hades’s small plate of dango away, but he notices and lightly swats her hand. “You’ve had more than enough of your fill. Would I be correct to assume you met Jenomis when you were here a few years ago?”
As she animatedly tells him a story he would refuse to believe had it come from anyone else, he sees movement from the corner of his eye- and Hythlodaeus quickly swipes the untouched plate of dango that had been sitting in front of him, before sliding it between himself and Cynthia.
“Do not encourage her! She eats enough sweets.”
“Oh, come now. It isn’t like you’re eating any of it, so we may as well take your share!”
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cynthffxiv · 4 months
FFXIV Polyamory Week
Day 1: Sleeping Positions/First Time Sleeping Together
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Takes place at the end of Endwalker, so general spoilers..?
Cynthia stretches her arms above her head after dropping her weapons on the table in her room at the Baldesion Annex.
Well, their room. She’s sharing it with not only Hades, but now Hythlodaeus. Though… hopefully she recovers quickly enough that Hades will allow her to teleport to their home soon. It’s much more comfortable there.
While brushing and putting up her hair, and then brushing her teeth, she smiles to herself as Hades tiredly explains various paintings and maps to Hythlodaeus as they also get ready to rest for the night (And probably a decent portion of the day. Saving the universe is tiring for all involved.)
But as she walks to her suitcase of clothes (Because she never bothered to unpack anything), she hesitates.
…Maybe she should go to a different room, just for tonight. It’s been a very, very long time since Hades and Hythlodaeus were able to talk, after all… they’ll probably want to just be in each other’s company. Plus, she doesn’t exactly know where she stands with Hythlodaeus.
However, it seems like both of them- or maybe just Hades- realized what she was about to do, because after she changes into a pair of pajamas and turns to leave the room, she sees the two of them staring at her from in front of the door.
“And where do you think you’re going?” Hades asks, crossing her arms and looking down at her with a knowing smile.
Her ears fall back in embarrassment at being caught about to sneak out. “Well I mean- I just thought maybe the two of you would prefer- aah!”
When she looked away, Hades swiftly approached her and picked her up. “Even if we did prefer you to not be here,” he begins,
“Which we do not,” Hythlodaeus adds, following.
“If you left this room, you would almost immediately stumble upon someone who ‘needed’ help, and you would not get any sleep at all.”
“That is not true at all.” She pouts. “I was just going to go into an adjacent room.”
“Oh, I’m sure.” Replies Hades with casual disbelief as he walks over to the bed in the corner of the room, lifting the blankets and placing her down.
“Ah, but perhaps…” Hythlodaeus pauses at the foot of the bed. “Is it you who does not want me around?”
Both Hades and Cynthia turn their heads to look at him.
“We both asked you to stay, Hythlodaeus. Not just Hades.”
He sheepishly smiles back at them and shrugs.
After the two men crawl in bed next to her, she turns to face Hades, burying her head in his chest and putting a hand on his upper arm.
And she smiles to herself when Hythlodaeus, from behind Hades, tentatively places his hand on top of hers.
Neither she nor Hythlodaeus can see Hades smile when he feels the two of them intertwine their fingers atop his arm.
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cynthffxiv · 4 months
FFXIV Polyamory Week
Day 5: Alternate Universe | In Another Life
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
“Okay, break time!” Cynthia says, snapping her textbook shut and pulling her phone out of her messenger bag.
Hythlodaeus leans back into his chair and stretches. “Finally! Oh, thank the star. I felt like my brain was about to melt out of my head.”
Hades rolls his eyes at the two of them, looking at their phones and doodling in each other’s notebooks. “You know, for so desperately asking for my help studying for finals, the two of you seem very calm about your lack of progress.”
Pulling out a couple of cans of coffee from his bag and handing one over to Hades, Hythlodaeus smiles. “We have faith that our dear Hades will succeed in teaching us aetherology!” 
He sighs, takes the can of coffee, and leans back into his chair. “At least your other exams will be fine- Cynthia, that is not healthy.”
She looks over at him from behind the energy drink she’s chugging. “What? I don’t like coffee. But yeah, unlike you, we don’t need to ace our aetherology exams, we just need to pass them. That’s your major, not ours.”
“Which is part of why you’re uniquely qualified to help us!” Adds Hythlodaeus.
“Only part?” He asks, cracking open his can of coffee and smirking. “What are the other reasons you’re putting me specifically through this torture?”
“Because you don’t want to see us fail.” Is their simple response.
After a few minutes, Cynthia looks up from her phone. “Hey, where do you guys wanna go for summer break?”
“Ideally, I will leave our air-conditioned apartment as little as possible, aside from visiting the local theater.”
“Oh, don’t be like that. We all know you’d bore yourself to death by doing that. Besides, you’ve always mentioned in the past that you wished your major would allow you the travel opportunities that Cynthia’s-”
“I never said that!”
Cynthia’s leporine ears point straight up in shock for a moment, before they fall back a bit and she smiles at him, putting her elbows on the table and resting her head on her chin. 
“Aw, Hades, you could’ve told me! I’ll make sure to invite you two from now on. Other people take guests on our trips, it’s not a big deal!”
“Not all of us have the money you do to afford such fanciful and frequent trips.” He scowls, looking down at his notes.
“Cynthia and I could easily pay for you as well!” Starts Hythlodaeus.
As he’s about to object, Cynthia chimes in. “Well then, it’s settled! We’re going somewhere exciting this summer to make up for all the trips you’ve missed out on!”
“I haven’t even agreed to go anywhere yet! And besides, shouldn’t the two of you be more focused on whether or not you pass your exams?”
Hythlodaeus slumps forward, opening his textbook again. “Ah, I suppose you’re right. Although…”
“Oh no. I know that look.”
“How about this: If both Cynthia and I get an A on our aetherology exams, you have to go with us this summer, no matter where we choose!”
Shaking his head, he laughs. “The two of you will be lucky to pass, let alone get an A. Besides, what do I get out of this?”
“If even one of us doesn’t get an A, we’ll stay with you in the apartment the entire summer,” Cynthia starts, leaning forward. “and I won’t complain about your temperature choices for the A/C.” 
Hades got all A’s on his exams, of course (though not without several all-nighters full of studying).
Grabbing a coffee on his way back to the apartment, he flinches and almost drops his coffee when Cynthia and Hythlodaeus are standing right in the entranceway.
“Hades,” They yell excitedly in unison, “We’re going to Tural!”
On both of their phone screens are the scores for their aetherology exams.
Cynthia barely scraped an A, and Hythlodaeus scored almost as good as he did.
He feels his knees get weak at the thought of the temperatures he’ll be facing.
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kilmiel · 9 months
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I did it! Really fast one. And looks pretty good. Though I see some parst that can be improved but... it's one more step closer to making even better art OwO So here my dear ancients and Idra celebrating a New Year and making a dragon out of Idra. And I can bet they visited FanFest (a ffxiv event where a lot of fans gether together and have a good time) looking this way XD
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kilmiel · 2 years
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Totally forgot to share this one with you XD Valentine's with some cute ancients ♥
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kilmiel · 1 year
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I'm not sure if you remember me drawing a little present for myself on my birthday... But finally I finished it!!! And I really proud of the result OwO Hope you will like it too. And they are really the best boys ♥
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