art-now-south-korea · 3 years
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Hanging around, HyunJung Kim
Depiction and Performance – Reading Kim HyunJung’s painting Peng Feng(Curator of the venice biennial, Supervisor of Ph.D Candidates of Peking university) At first glance, Kim HyunJung’s painting is analogous to new gongbi-hwa 工笔画 (painting done very carefully and precisely with the utmost care for details) that was placed in Vogue China and also to pop surrealist painting that was placed in Vogue in North America. On closer scrutiny, however, I realized her painting was not influenced by the two trends of contemporary art but rather inextricably bound up with her individual experience. As a very special case, we cannot read and understand her painting without entering the world of her heart. I first met her at my office at Peking University. I found out that she had worked as an actress and treated her mental problem with painting. It is common to treat mental disease with art but few patients become artists through the process. As a researcher of art theories, I am very interested in her case. I am looking forward to more in-depth studies into the artist and her work. Kim’s pieces can be classified into two types: paintings with the image of Lala and paintings without the image of Lala. Works without the image of Lala have one thing in common: these paintings all have the image of a dragonfly. Kim sees Lala as her inner-child. Her paintings featuring the image of Lala are all recognition and depictions of her ego. If we regard the dragonfly as her avatar, her pieces with the image of a dragonfly can be similarly interpreted. The dragonfly is not actually incongruous with Lala. The dragonfly is an ideal playmate for many East Asian people as children, so they have beautiful memories associated with dragonflies. The dragonfly is thus Kim’s other manifestation of her inner-child. Whereas Lala is her intentional inner-child, the dragonfly is an subconscious symbol of her inner-child. The images of Lala and dragonfly are after all the artist herself. In this respect, Kim’s paintings may all be self-portraits. Painting resonates from the heart and the mind. As this is a significant norm of traditional Eastern aesthetics, Eastern artists are able to perceive and depict their ego without relying on self-portraits. The sun, the moon, and stars as well as flowers, birds, insects, fish, and mountains and rivers can all be symbols of one’s ego. This long-held norm of Eastern aesthetics had a response from Western modern aesthetics. A perception of the self by appropriating the object can be sufficiently explained by the theory of empathy by Theodor Lipps (1851-1914), which was in fashion in the 19th century. The mirror stage theory by Jacques Lacan (1901-1981) sees the other as an indispensable means to establish the self. We can consider Lala and the dragonfly as the other exploited to establish the self for Kim. A depiction of Lala and the dragonfly is a means the artist uses to set up her ego. If seeing her works as profound conversation with her inner heart, we come to realize that she has overcome wounds in her heart and formed a more complete, potent self through such talks. As her painting is not literally a self-portrait but a quasi-self-portrait, it is improper to interpret her work with the empathy theory or the mirror stage theory. In a sense, because her Lala and dragonfly images seem plausibly adorned or fabricated, the fiction theory is considered most pertinent to interpret her work. Kim becomes a dragonfly or Lala, and has talks with masterpieces of art history. Superficially, this link and metamorphosis is closely associated with the postmodernist style. However, what I pay more attention to is the painter’s role playing. The painter emancipates herself from the closed self and is in accord with a broader world through her role playing. This role playing is perhaps related to her career as a performer. Her twofold self is found in Kim’s work: the other to describe the self; and the role the self performs. What Kim’s work obviously shows to us is not only the perception and exploration of the self, but the perception and exploration of the world through the self’s performance. Kim’s work can be considered typically modernistif seen from the perspective of the perception and exploration of the self, but typically postmodernist if seen from the perspective of the perception and exploration of the world. In terms of material and method, however, her work can be seen as gongpil-hwa depending on typical traditional idioms. With this we can understand Kim’s work breaks down the boundaries between tradition, modernism and postmodernism. We may harbor suspicion against this classification, but Kim’s painting heralds the arrival of a new mode. An art piece of One Divided into Three : The Exhibition of Korean Artists in Beijing 2014.
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frankanthonyiero · 4 years
hey i haven’t seen this gofundme circulating here yet, but this is organized by the son of Hyun Jung Grant, one of the eight atlanta shooting victims.  his mother was a single mom and they don’t have any other family in the united states, so he will be raising his younger brother and organizing the funeral on his own.
please consider sharing this link and/or donating to alleviate some of the stress and in memory of his mother and the other victims in atlanta.  the original goal at this time has been met, but this family will be dealing with long-term expenses on top of the trauma they’ve suffered. 
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mrkcore · 4 years
in light of this situation that has happened in atlanta recently, i’ve been a bit scared to speak up, but i really want to talk about the situations of asian immigrants in these western countries. 
even though i’m not an asian american, as an asian canadian, seeing these things happen to asians everywhere hurts my heart deeply.
in chinese, america is “美国”, literally meaning “beautiful country”. 
so many asians immigrate to america with absolutely nothing. no english-speaking skills, no friends or family, no home, no income, and building a family there. taking your child with the hopes of them being able to be successful and have a better life. leaving your homeland with the “american dream”, sacrificing everything you had for the future of your children. 
usually balancing 2 or more jobs to even stay afloat, for non-asian to create this “model minority myth” really ignores and puts aside all of the hardships and sacrifices asian individuals had to endure. “asians are so diligent, they work hard, don’t complain, and stay silent.”; not only being silent because they couldn’t speak up, but diminishing all of the efforts they’ve put in to actually support their families, to have a good job, to get a good education, etc. (don’t even get me started on how this phrase also creates so much tension and hatred between different groups)
and all of this hard work only for white people to make fun of our culture, to make fun of our appearance, to fetishize our women, to put us down, is absolutely disgusting.
for the police to be hesitant to label the shooting as a hate crime truly shows how bad the tolerance of xenophobia is. 
these countries create bans and legislations against us, put us in internment camps, hate crime us, when are all of these atrocities going to be recognized? why is the education system not teaching people about these things when asians are such a prominent percentage of their population? why are we just learning about these things from social media infographics? why is our history invisible?
the perpetrator stated himself that he blamed asian women for his “sex addiction” displaying that even now, in times where people say are more “socially advanced”, people are still fetishizing asian women to the standards of “docile”, “quiet”, and “submissive”, still making the generalization that these women are sex workers. this is sickening. the victims were only trying to make money for their families at home to get by. and they were wrongfully taken from them. they won’t be able to see their families again, they won’t see their children graduate, won’t see their grandchildren, will not be able to experience the fullness of life. it was stolen from them. 
i watched this video today, talking about people that tell you to “toughen up” whenever something happens. the person said a really good point, they’re trying to weaken you, trying to silence you. so if you’re infuriated by this recent event, your feelings are valid. even though i personally have not faced super racist incidents, i see all of these people sharing their xenophobic occurrences and events in the news of asian elderly, students, anyone–getting killed, injured, traumatized. my heart goes out to everyone and their families affected. i too always think, “what if that was me?”, or “what if that was my family?”. we live in fear, and our experiences are belittled and our voices are taken away. 
so as a child of an asian canadian immigrant, i am proud to be chinese, to be asian. i am standing up for my parents right now for when they couldn’t. i am angry and i will not be silent any more, my parents did not sacrifice their future for me to be silenced. 
if you’re a non-poc ally that want to help, please listen to all of the experiences people have shared and educate yourself on our history in these countries.
as the new generation, we’re going to fight back until we get the respect we deserve. and we most definitely deserve that respect. so i encourage everyone to do something, even if it’s small. small still goes a long way, especially if everyone is speaking up.
we mourn with the families of the victims of this cruel incident:
Soon Chung Park, age 74
Hyun Jung Grant, age 51
Suncha Kim, age 69
Yong Yue, age 63
Delaina Ashley Yaun, age 33
Paul Andre Michels, age 54
Xiaojie Tan, age 49
Daoyou Feng, age 44
here are some resources for everyone to look at, as well as some gofundmes created by the families of the shooting victims. please take some time to look through them and share them:
gofundme for hyunjung kim - https://www.gofundme.com/f/in-memory-of-hyunjungkim-to-support-my-brother-i
CAA (chinese for affirmative action) website - https://caasf.org/
stop AAPI hate website - https://stopaapihate.org/
stop AAPI hate national report - https://a1w.90d.myftpupload.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/210312-Stop-AAPI-Hate-National-Report-.pdf
jenn im’s instagram post on anti-asian - https://www.instagram.com/p/CMnLjheJ9MJ/?hl=en
gofundme for tu hoang lam - https://www.gofundme.com/f/2awx9r78pc?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer
anti-asian violence carrd - https://anti-asianviolenceresources.carrd.co/
self-help resources from northwestern - https://www.northwestern.edu/counseling/self-help-resources/fighting-xenophobia-and-anti-asian-racism.html
a tumblr post with lots of other links to resources - https://donkuroo.tumblr.com/post/644675764167524352/important-please-read-if-you-care-about-the-asian
so many other ones, but i couldn’t link them all, but please check them out yourself :)
i hope everyone is doing okay during these hard times, and always remember that you are valid, your feelings are valid, and make sure to take care of yourself first. my blog is a safe place for everyone, so if you need any place to release all of these emotions you’re feeling, i welcome you with open arms. whether that is with a private message, ask, or an ask on anon, please do not hesitate to reach out. <3 
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emtmercy · 4 years
statement on racialized misogyny, state and individual violence against immigrant women and workers, and a demand for solidarity and action by the migrant sex worker led activist org red canary song
Interview w the elder son of Hyun Jung Grant who was one of the women murdered:
His gofundme:
Fundraiser for Delaina Yaun who was there on a date w/ her husband:
Fundraiser for Elcias Hernandez Ortiz who survived:
Just wanted to post some good reliable links I’ve seen today
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here are a few gofundmes regarding the atlanta shooting that took place a couple days ago. if you don’t have the means to donate, you don’t have to you can just reblog this post, if you do have a little extra money to spare though it would be greatly appreciated.
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i-am-just-trying · 3 years
Asian American lives are in danger these articles are talking about the shooting that happened in Atlanta. This was/is a hate crime!
What We Know About The Victims Of The Atlanta-Area Shootings | WAMU
This article is where I got the victims names from: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56446771
The victims were/are:
Delaina Ashley Yaun.
Xiaojie Tan.
Daoyou Feng.
Paul Andre Michels
Elcias R Hernandez-Ortiz, is still alive but currently in ICU, Fundraiser by Flora Gonzalez Gomez : Help Elcias Hernandez Ortiz cover medical bills
Hyun Jung Grant, Fundraiser by Randy Park : In memory of HyunJungKim to support my brother & I
Soon Chung Park.
Suncha Kim.
Yong Ae Yue, Fundraiser by Rob Pete : Memorial for Yong Yue and Peterson Family
Eun Ja Kang, Fundraiser by Joyce Cheung : ATL Shooting Survivor Unable To Work & Unemployed
Eunji Lee, Fundraiser for Kyung Yoon by James Na : EUNJI LEE Atlanta Shooting Survivor
Elcias R Hernandez-Ortiz, is still alive but currently in ICU, Fundraiser by Flora Gonzalez Gomez : Help Elcias Hernandez Ortiz cover medical bills
The only thing I know what to do is: try to sign petitions, spread awareness, check in on your Asian friends make sure they are okay, donation, call someone, I know there can be call numbers. My apologies I am still learning what to do to help. If you have any knowledge or advice on what to do please don’t hesitate to comment. My apologies if I have gotten any information wrong. Please say so if I did and I will fix it immediately!!
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scullydubois · 4 years
There's probably a post going around with these but I wanted to share since I have these links right in front of me. Here are the gofundmes for the victims and families affected by the spa shootings. This happened in my area so it's extra heartbreaking to me. The first two links (as of post time) have not yet hit their goal!
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serpentgirls · 4 years
Hyun Jung Kim was one of the people killed in Atlanta recently. Her 23 year old son is organizing funds for her burial and to take care of himself and his younger brother. Please donate if you can. I don’t really have the words to say what many people have said in better words but it’s so painful to see how working class and elderly Asians especially have been mistreated and assaulted.
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art-now-south-korea · 3 years
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Lala in La la land_Cherry Blossom Lala, HyunJung Kim
I debuted as a model and actress in 1999, and appeared in TV dramas, films, and theater until 2009. While working as an actress, I studied art history, art theory, artwork appraisal and painting. In 2009 I took a break and during this time I received psychology consultation at the Catholic Consultation Volunteer Course for more than one year, and met with my inner child “Lala” through the doll therapy. In February 2014, I participated in a special exhibition to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Segye Times titled "Three travellers" with Lee Wal-jong and Kim Kyoung-yeoul. Lately, I held a solo exhibition at the Gallery Artlink titled Kim HyunJung Solo Exhibition: Depiction & performance. In the same year I was invited to hold an exhibition at the Beijing Today Art Museum. The title of the exhibition was 'One Divided into Three – The Exhibition of Three Korean Artist'. I participated in the exhibition together with the work of the late Nam June Paik. My pictures and essays were published under the title 'Actress Painter Kim Hyun-jung’s Picture Talk' every week in The Segye Times from 2012 to 2013. In 2014, I published 'Lala’s Outing - My own Inner-Child Who Longs for Me' This work was a compilation of pictures and essays. I had been studying psychology consultation for a quite some time and I was looking for a way to integrate my inner and outer self. It was during this time that I was able to discover my 'inner child'. My inner child was the origin of my artistic inspiration. 'Lala' the rabbit doll represents my inner child and sets the present 'me' free from memories of the past. Before I knew it, the beautiful memories of my childhood was leading me. This was a victory over my inner darkness and a discovery of myself. I listened to the small voice of my inner child and expressed my desires and feelings through Lala the rabbit doll. Lala the rabbit doll and a dragonfly appears frequently in my work. If Lala is a conscious creation of the image of my inner child, the dragonfly is the subconscious image of my inner child. Both of the images are my self-portraits. It is the traditional style of Eastern art to use paintings as an reflection of our thoughts and feelings. Professor Peng Feng, curator of the Chinese Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale and supervisor of Ph.D candidates at Peking University wrote that as a painter I seem to be acting in the conversations with the masterpieces through the dragonfly and Lala. I become aware of the world and sought adventures through small existences like insects seen in the eyes of small children. The work of Qi BaiShi, the master of chinese painting (1860 - 1957), helped me to transform my experience of playing and catching insects in the countryside into works of art. I draw on silk using a traditional eastern technique called gongbi-hwa. The painting is done very carefully and precisely with the utmost case for details. I use embroidery in my work and I have developed my own technique called "hwaju-subo" (画主绣补) which has been evaluated to have brought new vitality to gongbi-hwa.
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harukimurakittty · 4 years
Hate crimes against Asian Americans have been on the rise ever since the pandemic started, and have been fueled by xenophobia and racism. Yesterday, there was a shooting in Atlanta, Georgia in which a man targeted Asian owned spa and massage parlors. 6 out of the 8 victims were Asian women. The victims (that have been identified) of the shooting were Xiaojie Tan, Daoyou Feng, Julie Park, Delaina Yaun, and Paul Andre Michels. Say their names. I am beyond horrified and disgusted at how the media has handled and portrayed this case. The shooter was not a “lone wolf”. He did not just “have a bad day”. This was the direct cause of white supremacy and the fetishization of Asian women. Spread awareness of this event as much as you possibly can, nothing will change if we stay silent.
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yodas-sugardaddy · 4 years
Hey yall!! please donate if you can, or spread + share if you can’t
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곧 다가오는 황금연휴 계획 세우셨는지요. 연휴를 맞이하여 5월 전시회가 준비되어 있습니다. 화창한 봄 날씨에 젊음의 거리 혜화동에서 <샤샤전> 나들이 어떠신가요? 갤러리이앙에서 진행됩니다. [전시정보] -전시명: <The 9th SHA-SHA EXHIBITION> -전시일정: 2017.05.03(수)-05.15(월) -전시장소: 갤러리이앙 (서울 종로구 혜화동 90-18) -개관시간 10:00~19:00 -문의 : 02-3672-0201 공휴일에도 개관하오니 참고 바랍니다. . . . #김현정 #김현정작가 #한국화 #한국화가 #동양화 #동양화가 #내숭이야기 #내숭 #한복 #일러스트 #샤샤 #샤샤전 #5월 #전시회 #단체전 #전시추천 #황금연휴 #나들이 #선화예중 #선화예고 #선화예술학교 #展 #샤샤展 #Kimhyunjung #Hyunjungkim #Art #Artist #Hanbok #Feign #OrientalArt #korean #Exhibition #Exhibition #TheoryofArt #sha #shasha
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hacoverc0sine · 4 years
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Someone worth helping out please  read and help out. https://www.gofundme.com/f/in-memory-of-hyunjungkim-to-support-my-brother-i?utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link_all&utm_source=customer
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himechibikohai · 4 years
I didn’t make this  gofund me ,but one of the brothers have. Please help these young brothers out .My heart goes out to them .I can’t imagine losing a parent. Please share this out and spread love and not hate . Racism needs to die.
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