#hyunsu headcannons
tearscore · 5 months
Sweet Home fandom!
Would you guys be interested in an AU of Jung Jaeheon being one of the survivors in the stadium during season 2?
I've been thinking about it for a few days now and I have some ideas in mind to write a fanfic.
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I think more than anything the problem in this is "how could he survive?". That's the part I've been thinking about the least and burning my brain cells the most (lol). I also don't want to fall into the magical "OMG, he's alive! (In some way I'll never explain on screen)" but that's probably exactly what I'll do. Forgive me for being lazy.
Back on topic! The interesting thing is the HCs, I guess:
I thought of Jaeheon surviving but suffering the amputation of his left arm and looking too incapacitated to actively collaborate with the rest of the survivors in the stadium. In my AU, others who died in canon like Yuri, Jisoo, Sangwook, etc.... They would remain the same.
Jaeheon would still hold on to his faith, repeating to himself that somehow it is God's will, but why would he still be alive? Probably that would give him time to question deeply about it.
(Writing this I realize how thought out Jaeheon's death was 😭 but I refuse to accept it.)
I think he would probably help Father Peter with the mass and giving faith to the rest so they wouldn't turn into monsters (?). It would be interesting their relationship! I don't think they would necessarily get along badly, but there are things Jaeheon would think Peter shouldn't do from his position, like gambling, and aspects of his attitude that exasperate him. Yet Jaeheon is still really sympathetic as he was with Sangwook back in the day and doesn't take those details to heart.
I get the idea that Father and Jaeheon drink on the sly because they keep each other some company.
I think from his role, Jaeheon would relate to quite a few of the people in the stadium and they might find some comfort in his word. But I think the main people he would spend the most time with would probably be Jinok, Suyeong, Father Peter and Eunyoo (maybe Seokchan and Changyeon, idk).
Although the interactions with Eunyoo were probably to keep each other company in the face of losses, but every time Jaeheon tries to talk, she refuses to do so and takes her usual rude attitude...
He probably wouldn't know that UiMyeong is occupying Sangwook's body and would be hopeful that he's still alive.(I live for this ship, sorry). That he's a bit like Hyunsu seeing Eunyoo during that time.... I need that.
I think that's about the least of my thoughts so far! If you have questions or headcannons to share, I'd love to hear them. I promise I'll draw about it very soon! 😭
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luvsae · 1 year
could you write headcannons with hyunsu and a reader that has social anxiety?
hello! of course i can :D
ive never really written something like this before but i hope this will be good enough :)
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cha hyunsu with reader who has social anxiety | requested
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- how did you and hyunsu meet exactly? well, before everything happened, hyunsu was very talkative and loved helping everyone - that's how he came across you.
- you were very shy, though, so it was hard to get you out of your shell at first.
- he was your partner for a project at school and you two needed to communicate. he started off by saying "hi" and you responded with a quiet "hi" back
- you started to warm up, though. it took a bit of time but you became close friends with hyunsu and hung out a lot
- when you two became close you told him about your social anxiety and he was very accepting. he promised to help you in times that you needed it, and would also try to encourage you and help you overcome certain moments.
- there was one time you broke out of your shell
- that was when hyunsu was being treated horribly by people in school. you told them to "piss off" - what you didn't know is that hyunsu appreciated that.
- now, since you have social anxiety, you never imagined having a partner, but hyunsu changed that when he asked you out. you were hesitant and nervous, but you said yes.
- time skip to being adults; you live with hyunsu now in an apartment. your neighbors are nice but you're still anxious about talking to them. when they say "hi" or try to make conversation, you may freeze but hyunsu is there to squeeze your hand reassuringly.
- if you have a panic attack and need to go to a quiet place, hyunsu will take you there and hold your face in his hands. "focus on your breathing", "you aren't alone, okay?" "you're doing great."
- hyunsu is very comforting. always reassuring you, hugging you, loving you.
- if you have a hard time going out, don't evennnn worry !! hyunsu would rather spend his time at home with you then go out to an expensive bar.
- though, sometimes if you have moments where you don't want to go out but you're going to do something you enjoy, hyunsu will talk you through it. always giving you the option of staying home and relaxing, or going out for a bit.
- hyunsu is definitely the best at comforting you.
- when he catches you thinking about an embarrassing situation that happened in public a few hours ago, he'll reassure you.
- "you didn't do anything wrong, baby." "no one would ever make fun of you." "i love you."
- if you feel sick in public, hyunsu will gently pull you off to the side and talk to you. he'll make sure you're okay and ask if you want to go somewhere quiet.
- if you're anxious about ordering something, hyunsu will definitely take over and order for you
- i feel like hyunsu would come to doctor appointments with you, or any appointment in general
- even if you tell him it's okay, he'll insist, even if that means just driving you
- "what if they were judging me, hyunsu?" "i promise no one would ever judge you. let's distract you, okay?"
- if you're anxious about something, hyunsu will turn on your favorite show or will order your favorite food
- hyunsu is patient with you. if you need alone time he will definitely leave you alone. if you need him near you, he'll sit beside you and hold your hand
- he'll research breathing methods for you and then will use them whenever you're feeling really anxious
- hyunsu is the best listener. he'll let you rant or vent about how you feel. if you need him to say his opinion, then he'll say it. if you just need him to listen, he will listen
- he'll teach you the "5 things you can see, etc.." method because it helps him with his anxiety, so it may help with yours
- hugs hugs hugs.
- hyunsu will hug you tight just to make sure you're safe
- dates in public may turn into dates in your backyard or a snuggle on the couch ♡
- i feel like hyunsu would get you a journal to write down your feelings and help you clear your mind
- hyunsu is the best bf ever !!
- over all, he's always there to help you and will make sure you're okay ♡
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kromeihl · 2 years
Jealousy, Jealousy
✎ Cha Hyunsu
Warning(s): Mentions of blood, Monster Hyunsu harming reader.
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Everyone knew he was going to turn into a monster fully one day. But you denied it.
Until you experienced facing his monster.
"Hyunsu-ah." You knocked on his room, bringing a chocolate bar with you. You always felt bad for him, always being locked up after being used.
The door opened, making you enter it while slowly closing the door behind you. It was really early in the morning, 5 am.
You'd sometimes enter the room for Hyunsu, talking to him or eating together in silence. You felt pity for him since he has to stay here all alone.
"I can't believe Eunhyuk still doesn't let you go out." You spoke up as you gave him a chocolate bar, him taking it while opening it slowly.
"He's a really cool guy, but the way he uses others annoy me." You said as you watch Hyunsu chew on the chocolate bar.
"Are you okay?" You asked, putting your hand on what you were sitting on. You assumed it was were he was sleeping on. No pillow, no nothing, just hard steel.
Hyunsu nodded, putting the chocolate down as you continued to ramble on after getting his answer.
"Ugh, Eunhyuk is just so annoying but he's.." You stopped speaking, staring at your dirty shoes. Your skirt was splashed with a bit of blood.
"He's naturally good looking and he also cares a lot for his sister. And he's so frustrating but I can't just seem to hate him." You continued, placing your hands on your lap as you fiddled with your skirt.
Hyunsu made a loud bang beside you, making you turn to look at him in shock.
The sound he was making was his nails screeching on the hard steal, making you move away from him, covering your ears.
"Hyunsu-" You choked, his hand wrapping around your neck.
"Eunhyuk this, Eunhyuk that. You come here to use me as your personal diary, right? Feeding me like some dog and using me like him, right?!" His eyes were black, and he smiled like a maniac.
This wasn't him, right?
You held your breath, not moving an inch as he continued to tighten his grip on your neck.
"Now's not the time to get kinky, Hyunsu." You said as you twisted his arm. He let go, leaving a wound on the girl's neck.
Hyunsu fainted, falling on the hard tiled floor. "Hyunsu!" The girl coughed, crawling to the man on the floor.
"God, you're so scary sometimes..." She said as her heart beat faster, "Yet so..." She looked away, focusing on Hyunsu's condition now.
"Hyunsu-ah." He woke up. He started sitting up, looking at the girl infront of him.
"You okay?" You asked, brushing back his hair. He nodded, realizing what he had just done. "Your neck..." He looked over to you, realizing that a wound had popped up from how hard his monster self had choked you.
"It's okay, let's get water." You said, standing up first and letting your hand out for Hyunsu tp reach, and he did.
Both of them walked out, Eunyu appearing infront of them. She looked at [Name] up and down.
She eyed her neck, smirking in the process. "Woah, didn't know that Hyunsu could do that." She walked away after saying.
Leaving the other two, embarrassed.
"I didn't know I could, either."
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