#i ​actually met quite a few older students last winter! there's a 40 year old single mom who started around the same time as me
smute · 1 year
anon because I'm shy but I'm v happy that you're also a grad student it just makes me feel good seeing someone the same age as me back at uni. I'm also going back to my parent's for Easter break and procrastinating on essays 🙃 hope you have a nice time back at your parent's 😊
moodboard for the sweetest most specialest anon ever
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i was a freshman at 25 bestie!! a fossil among suckling babes! when i got my BA at 29 they were actually going to shoot me behind the stables and make soap out of me but because im so smart and gorgeous i was reprieved and allowed to go to grad school 😮‍💨
but seriously, i know what you mean. 30 isn't old, but it does feel a little strange sometimes being surrounded by mostly younger people, and it can be somewhat disheartening especially wrt academic milestones. just remember, there is no schedule or timetable in life and we're in this together 🥰
🦧🤝🦍 ough ough
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strangesparkling · 7 years
i was tagged by... kjonginswife.. kinda.. :D i am sick at home and really really bored so please - everybody do the tag!! i want to live vicariously through you!! ;)
1. drink: water 2. phone call: my friend to tell her i was at her house 3. text message: "NICHT SEIN ERNST” 4. song you listened to: wonderland - taylor swift (old but gold) 5. time you cried: probably after fighting with my dad 6. dated someone twice: haven’t 7. kissed someone and regretted it: and regretted it? all the way back in 2013, though i don’t regret it anymore:) 8. been cheated on: haven’t ! thank god 9. lost someone special: my grandpas 10. been depressed: last really rough time was in 8th grade 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: after the exams of the last winter semester
12-14. red, blue, purple
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: yes 16. fallen out of love: *gotten over a crush 17. laughed until you cried: definitely 18. found out someone was talking about you: yep 19. met someone who changed you: yess 20. found out who your friends are: i think so! 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: does it count if we added each other after?
GENERAL: 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: i’m not gonna count. i’ve met 98%  23. do you have any pets: no:( 24. do you want to change your name: no it’s okay 25. what did you do for your last birthday: i had an exam the day of my birthday and the day after so i “postponed” it to the day after, had my three best friends from uni over, we had cake and we sang caraoke. it was lovely <3 26. what time did you wake up: 6:55 - second last day of work! 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: studying spanish with an app 28. name something you can’t wait for: seeing my friends from uni again :3 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: just now 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: get better eating habits 31. what are you listening to right now: the outro of gracie and frankie 1x01 :D 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes my cousin lol 33. something that is getting on your nerves: this guy that’s supposed to look after our student group’s bank account that messed up sending out a single form even though he had ALL THE FUCKING TIME IN THE WORLD 34. most visited website: google tbh 35. mole/s: quite a few actually 36. mark/s: theres one on my cheek but barely visible 37. childhood dream: write and publish a book 38. hair colour: brown 39. long or short hair: medium to short 40. do you have a crush on someone: dunno.. 41. what do you like about yourself: i’m kinda smart? 42. piercings: nope not even my ears 43. blood type: don’t know; which reminds me i really do have to finally go donate some blood! 44. nickname: caro, care 45. relationship status: single 46. zodiac: aquarius 47. pronouns: she/her 48. favourite tv show: the vampire diaries. 49. tattoos: none 50. right or left handed: right 51. surgery: none 52. piercing: nope 53. sport: ballet and anything active/adventurous 55. vacation: dreaming of going to the us once i turn 21 56. pair of trainers: vans
MORE GENERAL: 57. eating: my friend and i just made muffins 58. drinking: water 59. i’m about to: study some more spanish and then go to bed 61. waiting for: my vacation next week 62. want: love 63. get married: one day:) 64. career: working on that ;) 65. hugs or kisses: hugs 66. lips or eyes: lips but i like eyes too 67. shorter or taller: taller 68. older or younger: older 70. nice arms or nice stomach: stomach 71. sensitive or loud: gotta be a good mix 72. hook up or relationship: relationship 73. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: yeah 75. drank hard liquor: yea 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: don’t have any 77. turned someone down: yes 78. sex on the first date: no 79. broken someone’s heart: i guess so 80. had your heart broken: not by someone i was romantically interested in (yay) 81. been arrested: no 82. cried when someone died: yes 83. fallen for a friend: yes, fuck
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: hmm, yeah 85. miracles: no 86. love at first sight: attraction at first sight, yes 87. santa claus: no 88. kiss on the first date: can happen 89. angels: no
OTHER: 90. current best friend’s name: aleks 91. eye colour: brown 92. favourite movie: the perks of being a wallflower
I’ll tag: erichfried, allonsy-sweetie, ladyevanna, itsbedlambaby ~ thanks for reblogging my stuff xx
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surveyyyys · 5 years
1.if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to? Read -- I don't know if this is a contemporary definition of who I am, but I think The Sirens of Titan by Vonnegut would be a good example of what kind of content captivates me. Watch -- Maleficent is a really good movie because it matches my take on love and friendship pretty well. The Devil Wears Prada is also a good movie because it's basically everything I want for my own life. But they would have to stop just before Andy quits her job like I do LOL Listen to -- easily “Evelyn” by Kim Tillman and the Silent Films. I heard that song and I felt like it described me better than I could describe myself. 
2.have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who? I don't think so. I've read a lot of books and really admired how those other people thought. And I connected with the messages that the books sent. But I don't think I felt that my thought process measured up to theirs LOL.
3.three songs that you connect with right now. Adia Victoria's cover of Laissez Tomber Les Filles Hurricane by 76th Street Hospital Beds by Florence and the Machine
4.would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? LOL nah. She's not very trustworthy and she seems a little passively judgmental in bed. Plus I'm straight LOL
5.have you taken someones virginity? Yes!
6.how many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? None LOL
7.if you could, would you take back your last kiss? I wouldn't! I think it was necessary.
8.who would you like to see in concert? Probably Marina. I think that would be a really fun concert.
9.what was the last concert you saw? I went to Warped with a few other people 2 years ago.
10.would you ever want to swim with sharks? LOL hell no
11.do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? I hope so! I want to be the kind of person who's always changing.
12.what was the last thing that made you laugh? Probably something silly my mom said.
13.a song you’d listen to during soft/slow/passionate sex? I don't really listen to music during sex... but probably Tadow by Masego.
14.have any pets? My sister has a cat! I like to consider her partially my cat.
15.do you want to have kids? How many? Not now obviously, but eventually. I don't think I would want more than 2.
16.do you have piercings? How many? I only have 2 ear piercings.
17.do you miss anyone from your past? Of course I do. I think that's just part of being a person though.
18.what are you craving right now? Nothing really... maybe the energy to get me through this next semester?
19.have you ever broken someone’s heart? Probably. Not like seriously broken their heart, but done a little damage to it.
20.have you ever been cheated on? Yes.
21.have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? I mean, his actions often made himself cry. But I was the one who was affected by his actions, yes.
22.do you believe in true love? I believe that true love is unconditional love, and that it only exists when it comes to family. Blood is always thicker than water.
23.favourite weather? The first few weeks of fall when it's still warm out, and the leaves are still changing color. After that it becomes a gross playground for seasonal depression.
24.do you like the snow? LOL nope never did
25.do you wanna get married? Someday. But I don't want it so much that I'm going to sit around waiting for it to happen, you know?
26.is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? Sure, depends on who it is.
27.what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? LOL the weird tense we speak in.
28.go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! It is physically impossible to lick your elbow.
29.what’s your favorite pasta dish? I like a well done spinach ravioli.
30.what color do you really want to dye your hair? I don't really want to dye my hair that badly. But when I'm old and my hair gets white anyway, I'm gonna dye it pink. Nobody's gonna argue with an old lady with pink hair, you know what I mean?
31.what’s your favorite eye color? I think this is a very "White People" question since most other ethnicities have brown eyes by default.
32.talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. LOL I get a bag like that each year. I don't really buy expensive branded bags for this purpose since I know they're gonna end up in the armpit of New Brunswick, on Rutgers bathroom floors, and on nasty buses by the end of the year. I don't love them to pieces, but I'm glad I have them. This year's bag is a small white sling bag with a pink and green floral design on it. It carries everything I would need or want on a daily basis (ex. phone, wallet, extra phone charger, gum, whatever liquid lipstick I'm wearing that day, mini Swiss Army knife, earbuds, compact mirror, etc.). I take it everywhere with me.
33.are you a morning person? Not in the slightest.
34. what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? I've never broken in anywhere LOL
35.what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? I don't wear a particular pair of shoes with every outfit. I think the oldest pair of shoes I own are these tattered gray boots that I got in like middle school LOL. I rarely wear them.
36.what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I never really invested in like cute or fun socks because they're always expensive and I think it's kind of a useless thing to invest in. But everyone always has these interesting fuzzy socks on and I'm like "hmm, maybe I should get a pair of those." But I never do. In terms of socks, I prefer function over fashion for some reason.
37.tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. Nothing really interesting happened after 3am. There are usually 3 different post-3-AM scenarios: either I'm talking to someone for so long that it's approximately 4 to 5am before we realize it, we were drinking and someone got too drunk and blacked out/threw up, we were drinking/doing drugs and we actually survived the night without blacking out/throwing up.
38.do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! LOL I just go to Starbucks man.
39.who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? I don't go stargazing with anyone. I just notice them by myself and it makes my day better. It's more of a personal thing for me.
40.what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? I was always really scared of bugs. I still am.
41.do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? Nah I don't buy either. I don't have a CD/record player.
42.think of a person. what song do you associate with them? I always used to associate the song "Belle of the Boulevard" with my older sister. I don't think it applies anymore though, since she's in a relationship now.
43.what are your favorite memes of the year so far I like the lil spiderman one. I also thought the "some of you never ____ and it shows" ones were fun until they reached mainstream meme sources (Buzzfeed, Instagram, etc.) and they became unfunny.
44.do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? I don't like poetry.
45.what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? A Pottery Barn gift card when I was in middle school. For both instances.
46.what are some of your worst habits? I care too much about what other people think. I also grind my teeth.
47.describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. They're really short, probably one of the shortest people I've ever met. They're an INTJ through and through, and usually pride themselves on telling it like it is. Sometimes though, they "tell it like it is" during inappropriate situations which can be annoying. They really want to be a writer, but they're working in Marketing now for the money. They're a good student, and are motivated to succeed, which is a breath of fresh air in an environment where nobody seems to care about where they're going or how to improve. Behind their IDGAF attitude, though, they give many fucks. They tell me that they care deeply for their friends, and most of the time I actually believe them (which is saying a lot for me, since I never believe that anyone cares about anyone). They have a lot of insecurities and they can try to cover up those insecurities with male validation.
48.tell us about your pets! My sister has a cat named Minnie. She's a brown cat and she's getting to be on the heavy side LOL. She screams between 3pm and 6pm because that's when she's hungry. She also likes sitting outside closed doors and screaming. She really likes boys and she'll be super sweet to them. She's pretty indifferent to girls though.
49.is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? Actually, no. At most, I should probably be working on my case study or getting my shit together before school starts. But these are the last two days of my winter break. So it's okay if I relax a little bit.
50.are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? I don't really care about minions LOL.
51.what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? My coworkers threw me a little birthday party and put up streamers and got me cupcakes this past summer. It really brightened my day, since no one had done that for me in years.
52.describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. I don't really gaze into my friend's eyes like that.
53.what’s some of your favorite album art? War Eternal by Arch Enemy, Broken Machine by Nothing But Thieves, How to be a Human Being by Glass Animals, Villains by Queens of the Stone Age, Heritage by Opeth, and probably a few others.
54.are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? I want to get a tattoo on my upper back next summer. It's going to be a mountain range with a few birds flying over it, and 2 lines written in this language I made up underneath it.
55.do you like concept albums? which ones? I like the idea of them! I don't think I listen very much to any concept albums though.
56.what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Memento and Forrest Gump.
57.list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Oh No! by Marina, Hurricane by 76th Street, The Wolf by Phildel, Shake it Out by Florence and the Machine, Orbiting by the Weepies, Pretty Little Head by Eliza Rickman, Elastic Heart by Sia, Big Girls Cry by Sia, Cellophane by Sara Jackson Holman.
58.if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? Definitely to go 5 years into the future.
59.what do you do when you’re sad? I usually just listen to music and wallow.
60.what are some things you do when you can’t sleep? I play this one specific podcast called Dan Carlin's Hardcore History. I'm usually asleep within the next 30 minutes of playing it.
61.what was the best (non-romantic) night you’ve had? There are a few contenders. There's the night I did acid for the first time. There's any of the nights we had those parties in our suite last year where no one threw up/cried. There's that night I legitimately fell off the bed laughing, and we drove to another campus in the middle of the night in someone's pickup truck. Any one of the nights during my winter community service break trip where we cooked/got sentimental/bonded. I'm sure there are others.
62.who is the last person you told a secret to? The same friend I described in this survey.
63.what’s the best piece of advice you ever received? Many people have told me this. But it's to stop trying to jump to the finish line and enjoy the present.
64.what’s your favorite food? I don't have one specific all-across favorite food. But I really like breakfast food out of all others!
65.what’s your secret dream? I want to go on a several-day-long trip with a bunch of close friends. I don't want to tag along with my sister... I want it to be my own trip with my own friends.
66.three songs you were recently obsessed with. Despicable - Grandson OBLIVIUS - The Strokes Broken Machine - Nothing But Thieves
67.three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one --
68. three favourite old songs A Well Respected Man - The Kinks Shout At The Devil - Motley Crue Rust In Peace... Polaris - Megadeth
69.three last songs you listened to Overdose by Grandson and two other random songs I didn't pay much attention to.
70.worst possible time to get horny: During an exam (it's happened before).
71.have you ever had a friends with benefits? Yup a couple times. Didn't last very long though.
72.do you believe in soulmates? Consciously I don't, but subconsciously I do.
73.Is there anyone you would die for? My sister and my mom.
74.whowas the last person you cried in front of? My sister's cat LOL
75.do you give out second chances too easily? I actually don't give out enough second chances I think.
76.is it easier to forgive or forget? Forget.
77.is this year the best year of your life? Nope, that was definitely 2016.
78.do you have trust issues? Very much so.
79.who/what was your last dream about? I don't actually remember... I knew it was set in a university environment though.
80.would you go back in time if you were given the chance? Only if I could go back to my first year of college and relive it.
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