#i ALSO would like to find one of these books that has kogoro on the cover. looking like a handsome man. for reasons.
autumn-foxfire · 26 days
Quarter of Silence time! Can't believe I'm already up to movie 15.
I remember enjoying this movie but there were cringe worthy things like Ran desperately calling out for Shinichi because how dare she not rely on him 24/7. I changed my mind.
And it's because of this movie (or the ova) we get to see Shinichi in snowflake earrings.
The opening is cool though!
Shinichi is a reckless shit and this movie has him be one in spades. Imagine if Ran knew half the shit he actually got up too. There is no wat Shinichi was not hurt when the bomb blew up. He got flung between cars and the pavement and his body is only small, he should have way more than scratches.
I wonder why the movies make Haibara so blonde? I really like the red colour she has in the anime which is more reddish brown (which is what Gin described her hair colour as being even when it was much more blonde).
Shinichi and Ai never pass an opportunity to avoid being in groups if they can T-T Introverts.
"If you allow him to go around without a collar on him, maybe some random girl will show up and put one around his neck instead!" nice to know that's how people view relationships in DCMK.
Being that close will cause a phone echo, just so you know writers.
Ran, baby girl, WHY do you want to be in a relationship with Shinichi so bad? At this point I genuinely don't understand beyond you being told all your life he is the one for you (a boy you met when you were like 4) and you've both fooled yourself into thinking they're correct. Please get some self-respect and move on.
Shinichi doing what he can to protect the friendship between the group because he cares about these children a lot T-T
Agasa having to step in and stop Kogoro from hitting children is NOT a good look.
I'm curious, I am not friends with anyone from my childhood and yet in DCMK it's so common. Is it common for anyone else?
Well... so much for childhood friends.
Sonoko I love you but please realize that Shinichi is not a good fit for Ran T-T I know you want her to be happy T-T
I love the kids stoping Ai and Shinichi from passing from the snowball fight by just throwing snowballs at them and making them join in regardless.
And Kogoro just can't resist commenting on another women's looks and asking her to do things for his personal benefit.
The Shinichi and Ai interactions in this movie are on point though.
And the first murder has happened!
Poor Touma is going through it.
Kogoro is threatening to hurt children again... This is definitely not one of his better movies.
LOL fall over dumbass.
Located where?!
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Shinichi and Kaito need to go to Yaoi city immediately.
Awww the detective boys are learning, they noticed someone was following them T-T
Ran, take a page out of Ai's book. When Shinichi says "stay here" step on the power and make him go faster.
Ai and Shinichi acting like the groups big siblings and scolding them for going in the cave T-T Adorable.
How did Shinichi move that grate with his small body?
Shinichi is reckless personified. And now he's being beat up by the bad guy.
Shinichi is very lucky Mizuki was here to save his life, even though she also has other intentions.
She may have not wanted to kill you guys Shinichi, but she still shot at terrified children and if she had messed up she could have killed you guys.
And here comes Shinichi's most reckless plan to date!
Shinichi now is not the time for sick tricks!
Damn I've watched this move before and this part will still incredibly tense in a good way!
Okay. That must have hurt though. An avalanche would be heavy and Shinichi just got hit with all that force. He should be more than a little bruised.
Ran digging until her fingers bleed is so incredibly raw T-T That's her little brother man.
Okay, I actually don't mind her calling for Shinichi this time unlike what I said at the beginning. She's deseperate to find her little brother after all and wants all the help she can get.
Shinichi should be much more banged up though. Even in action thriller movies the protag is allowed to be injured.
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tabbi-mysteries · 1 year
That's actually two nights worth of episodes I was just busy.
Phantom of Konpira is well phantom of the opera so fairly straightforward. I do like that someone on the anime original writing team got attached to this little theatre troupe they made they and I'm sad that the wiki says that's there last appearance so far. Bring them back again.
Preview screening is a fun case cause it goes a little against the normal structure with the prevention of the crime instead and I like that and the hopeful ending. If I must nitpick tho, the guy didn't need to be in love with the victim as well, he can be sad his friend died without needing to be in love with her good grief. (Also my friend lost it at the star wars parody cause he had no idea it was coming) also hi widescreen!
The overturned conclusion is a fun detective boys case and I think it's the start of 'genta panicks thinking he accidentally killed someone' which will proceed to happen multiple times poor boy. I have no idea how the culprit planned on getting away with this long term tho. He's not good at thinking things through.
The mystery I loved could have been as simple as maybe ask the old lady first you idiot. If she's that good of a mystery writer to impress Shinichi and she was down for it this plan could have gone way better.
Sonoko's red handkerchief is a case I adore because a) Sonoko and b) Ran and Makoto sending a gang's worth of old men flying as a conclusion. I kinda wish the fight had been longer to be honest.
A mysterious man is one of those weird little cases where everyone is a bit fucked up and the plan seems not very well thought through...
Ova 7 (I think) is very cute and I like recognising the method to solving codes and ciphers even if I can't read them so that was neat. Also I relate hard to Agasa's poor eyesight here. I would be useless at providing information in my whereabouts without my glasses.
Class 1B's great operation is adorable though! So so good! Again with fun codes with recognisable methods even if you don't know Japanese and Haibara gets a spotlight in mystery solving and leading the kids and it was very cute.
The missing page is also cute. Simple but has a cute little message. Genta's book report is a mood even tho I'm a bookworm myself.
The shadow of the black organization is... well the cases are fine but the link to the overarching plot feels... a little eh I guess? Eisuke is one of the characters I want to like and yet find myself struggling to :( also the victim from the second half sure was a terrible person. Divorce was probably still the better option tho guy.
(my friend has a collection of bizarre half formed theories here that are okay but mostly a little off cause they are of the opinion that Eisuke and Rena don't actually look that alike somehow XD)
The unsmashable snowman is a nice case cause I think the trick is neat and the detective boys are particularly cute. Damn the victim/culprit and suspects are all kinda like what on earth is with you people though.
Phew that was a lot of EPs. I should get my thoughts out on the daily instead of doing this again. Looking forward to tomorrow tho! My boy KID is there! The next film! Of which all I know is it's pirate themed. Babby Shinichi and Ran! Teasing my friend who lives Eri and despairs over Eri/Kogoro! And maybe even reaching Genta killing a man. Maybe. Depends how much time we have. But theres a lot to look forward to.
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leonawriter · 1 year
I did actually finish the book earlier, and - I have to say, it was a good read. The character of Akechi was very human, and very emotional; you could tell when he got tricked, and when he was offended or taken aback. Likewise, the friendship between him and Inspector Namikoshi is clearly visible.
Lupin is... fascinatingly handled. There are a lot of ties and call-backs to previous Lupin stories, and you can really see that Ranpo was respecting the source material much like someone who really respects the canon of a series nowadays, but still writes fic because they’re disappointed in some way... and for Ranpo, that was the blatant white nationalism inherent in Leblanc’s work, and yes, he used those words, putting them in Akechi’s mouth. At one point Akechi exclaims in dismay how Lupin is well known for not killing, yet is still subject to the same “white nationalist” disease of others of his kind (I’d find it, but the book is out of reach), and referenced how in another of Lupin’s adventures, he’d killed Moroccans without much of a care.
In short, the whole story was a showcase of how in spite of the character being beloved and sparking off the Phantom Thief ideal, the author - and thus through him, the character - isn’t immune to the prejudices of being part of a privileged majority who sees themself as higher than others.
At the same time, Lupin is still a beloved phantom thief character; as such, if he were to be arrested it would be like saying “my detective can do what Sherlock- sorry, Herlock Sholmes could never do, and is better than him.” It’d be hubris of the highest degree! So Ranpo manages to have Akechi win against Lupin in such a way that although he gets the stolen goods back, and the Lupin’s new girlfriend has to go back to her family, but on the other Lupin gets away with his life and his freedom. Akechi gets the legal win, Lupin goes free to steal another day.
I’m still not sure how I feel about the whole deal with Lupin’s girlfriend, Fujiko having to go back home; on the one hand, she clearly liked her boyfriend, and we don’t know how she’ll be stuck back at home under her family’s eye, but on the other hand Lupin in the story is racist and looks down on Japanese people, and liking one girl doesn’t mean he’s cured of being racist toward her. For all we know, Akechi saved her from being used and left further down the line. 
Ever since I saw her name, I made a connection to the Fujiko of Lupin 3rd, and it makes me wonder if, even if they’re not the same person - or even directly connected to each other in a meta, narrative sense! - perhaps the later Fujiko was this Fujiko’s granddaughter, or someone who named herself after a forebear she looked up to. It’s possible, after all. 
In terms of Persona 5, it was really interesting to see a lot of parallels with Goro Akechi’s story, even if just in the beats and themes of it. The Gold Mask can be both the Phantom Thieves but also the Black Mask; at one point Kogoro Akechi is literally in a “black mask” as an “occidental devil” and... huh, sounds familiar, right? Some situations play out in familiar ways. I have to wonder if the people coming up with the story read the book; it’s probably a well-known one over in Japan purely because Akechi’s almost as popular as Holmes over there in terms of pop culture, and Japan also loves Phantom Thieves. I still find it fun to imagine scenes of the book but with Goro Akechi instead of Kogoro, temporally displaced, annoyed, and confused.
I’m rather curious now how other books of Ranpo’s about his Akechi will compare. I have the Early Cases, but The Fiend With Twenty Faces is supposedly Ranpo’s way of creating a version of Arsène Lupin without using that name earlier on, and I’m wondering how similar and how different the two are.
All in all, the pace was fast, the narrative was fun, and it did a good job of keeping the tension and suspense going. It was a fun read, and I’d rec it. :)
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orcelito · 2 years
Newest installment of "Fanny takes writing fanfiction way too seriously": me researching an early 1900s Japanese mystery writer to try to find a book whose cover matches what I want for this scene & whose content will drive a central component of these childrens' lives
This is going about as well as you'd expect.
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gisachi · 4 years
If Ran has an older brother, what do you think will be his reaction with her relationship with Shinichi?? Do you think he will be like Kogoro??
Ahh this is a cute ask! And also so funny because for some reason the first person to enter my mind when I read ‘Ran’ and ‘older brother’ in one sentence is Shukichi HAHA. I mean, maybe because if Ran indeed had an older brother, the brother would be sweet and caring, calm and collected yet can still crack jokes and be bubbly, protective but not entirely strict (like Shukichi) when it comes to his younger sister!
That being said, the older brother will definitely approve of Shinichi. :3 Big factor is because he knows him ever since he was young. I could imagine all three of them as childhood playmates, the older brother as the watchful eye sitting under a tree reading a book while Ran and Shinichi ran around the park playground. The older brother would also treat them ice cream on a sunny day! And he would always side with Ran whenever Kogoro reprimands her for frequently hanging out with the young detective. He’d be the best brother and guardian to Ran, considering their family’s circumstance and the early separation of their parents. And for all we know, he might even be Sonoko’s accomplice in pairing the couple together! He’d be all heart eyes once he finds out about their relationship! Ahhh I stan a supportive older brother for Ran!
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muggle-writes · 7 years
WIP Masterpost
(last updated March 30, 2019)
The formatting got all screwed up on mobile, so here’s a template of the summaries below, so you can tell what should go together. Title (link if published) Premise approximate length and other publishing notes
Partially published
Fandom: 17776
Patience Ten isn’t as patient as she hopes Nine can be. It all works out in the end Short, multi-chapter
Fandom: Harry Potter
The One I’ve Been Looking For (formerly Colors) Soulmate au: You see in black and white until you first see your soulmate, then you can see in color. Harry/Ginny with other canon pairings (but not all couples are soulmates and not all soulmates get romantically involved for a variety of reasons) Meant as a one-shot, became definitively multi-chapter, will probably wind up fairly long. Even if it’s short, it’ll contain vignettes of scenes over at least the first four years Harry attends Hogwarts
(Series) The Star’s Journey An Astoria Greengrass-centric series featuring a friendship and later relationship with Ginny Weasley. Canon compliant (so far) Originally written for PurimGifts 2019 (which is why it’s a series of one-chapter fics, rather than a single ongoing fic). Currently has three installments, at least two more are planned
Fandom: Detective Conan
Eavesdropping Hakuba Saguru is sure Tokyo’s littlest detective is too close to a certain irritating classmate phantom thief. His investigations uncover secrets that are deeper than he could have imagined. Long, multi-chapter (was once regularly updated, hoping to get back to at least bimonthly updates)
Begin Again Trans!Shinichi, begins nearly-canon and explores how the plot would be different if Shinichi were a trans guy Long, multi-chapter, no defined ending (irregular update schedule, which is not helped by being written out of order)
Sphygmoid Soulmate AU (mainly platonic, multiple connections per person) reimagining of the early series. Stripes on your arms, in different colors, represent different people that love you. They turn black if that person has died, so what does this half-and-half stripe mean? Multi-chapter, probably 4-6 chapters total when it’s done. Character-driven
Crossover with Kri – The Unseen Essence Awakening Begins basically canon, but is also set in the Kri universe, so upon a traumatic event people begin to see their Kri – the external half of their souls. (mildly self-indulgent, likely to wildly diverge from canon because the Sleeping Kogoro gag is much harder to pull off when Kogoro’s Kri is not sleeping) Short, multi-chapter. Open/ambiguous ending Marked complete on AO3, because the three chapters I initially drafted are all published, but I keep writing more so they may eventually be added ...Someone remind me to update the link in the fic header from the Kri website (which is no more) to the google drive folder containing all the official content
Fandom: Magic Kaito (Despite the frequent overlap, I do tend to write these separately)
Reunion Kaito comes home to find his father in the Kid Room Originally done as a writing exercise in the KaiShin discord, experimental (writing bot) style 1-2 more chapters before it’s complete Might be “completed” in a “choose-your-own-adventure” style with an angst ending and a happy ending
Stripes of Fate Soulmate AU: everyone has a stripe of color on their wrist that matches their soulmate’s hair color. It changes when the soulmate changes their hair color by any mechanism so it continues to match. HakuKai, starting a few years before they meet each other Published for DCMK Secret Santa 2017 but has placeholder chapters that I intend to eventually fill in because I wanted to post a “complete” story (or at least get to the happy ending) in time for the gift exchange (lol the previous version of this WIP list predicted this to end up as 2-3 chapters) Currently 7 chapters including placeholders, perhaps as many as 10 or 12 when it’s truly complete
Not at all published
Fandom: Detective Conan/Magic Kaito
(no title yet - affectionately known as Angst 1) Angst: the wrong person gets their hands on the Apotoxin, and things get worse before they get better (no character death, mostly light-hearted ending?) Long, multi-chapter (will be posted all at once because I’m not cruel enough to publish it partially and leave readers hanging… or worried about my state of mind. Also it’s harder to write now that I’m in a better headspace, but writing it was therapeutic for a while)
(no title yet - affectionately known as Angst 2) Angst: the aftermath of DC Movie 17 if any of a few things had gone a little differently at the climax of the movie. (major character death). In later chapters, canon-typical gambit pileup (which is basically crackfic in comparison to my usual style). Mostly outside perspective of the events. Short, multi-chapter (as with Angst 1, will be published all at once so I don’t leave readers with angst-cliffhangers with my irregular posting schedule. This one is mostly written except I’m several scenes beyond the original intended ending and the story keeps coming so who knows when it’ll be done and ready to publish). On the other hand, I might publish the first part as serious angst, and the later part as a separate piece due to the difference in tone. Still probably all at once
(no title yet) Heiji and Shinichi come out (from prompt) One-shot (delayed because of a mild twist, of the sort that I want to make sure I’m writing it well and that takes a lot of thought and proofreading)
Crossover with A Girl and Her Fed (no title yet) Rachel and Hope meet Conan and Jodie at a coffeeshop. Hope confuses Conan. Jodie asks Rachel to contact Josh about a case they once worked together (a case that she’s still on). Rachel watches Conan solve a case. Short, 2-4 chapter (delayed until I finally read Greek Key, in case something Hope does or experiences affects how I want to write Rachel here)
Crossover with Natsume Yuujinchou (no title yet) Heiji and Conan find Natsume early in the events of (Natsume) season 6 episode 1 and assume that Natsume has the same problem Conan does Short, 1-3 chapter
Crossover with Harry Potter (no title yet) Hakuba Saguru is actually Harry Potter in disguise (from prompt, expanded to: Harry, being The Harry Potter, has been given special permission to chase criminals across country lines. Harry is investigating a notorious criminal, known to Muggles as “the last wizard of the century”, and who wears white robes as though he once went to Mahoutokoro but got caught doing illegal magic) Short, 1-3 chapter
Fandom: Undertale
An Arm and a Leg Sans begs Papyrus to take Frisk for the evening, so he can take Toriel out on a date at the last minute, and Papyrus agrees despite having already arranged to go on his first date with Mettaton the same evening One-shot (originally from prompt with the premise above, delayed embarrassingly long because I mis-remembered while planning and wrote half of another story and then having to start over (plus college life) was hell on my motivation)
Fandom: Harry Potter
(no title yet) Dudley is the Chosen One (slightly modified prophecy, fairly divergent events once they get to Hogwarts) Long, multi-chapter (being written out of order and the first chapter isn’t ready yet - I do have a good beta on standby though)
Crossover with DCMK (see DCMK section)
Crossover with the specific already-a-crossover universe of Love Is All You Need To Destroy Your Enemies (no title yet) Hermione and Julie become friends. Wonderful chaos ensues. Short, multi-chapter (the background is established but the actual fic is pending a real plot. Tentatively approved by @davetheshady despite not yet having a plot)
Crossover with MCU (no title yet) Tony Stark turns out to be Harry’s biological father, and finds out near the end of Harry’s fourth year. Character driven Longer by wordcount than Eavesdropping despite nothing being posted yet. I’m waiting on posting it until I have a clearer idea of whether this is going to have a plot arc or be solely character driven. Currently in the form of a lot of disconnected scenes
Fandom: Natsume Yuujinchou
(no title yet) Touko-centric, the truth comes out (fluff, mostly) Short, 1-2 chapter
Crossover with Detective Conan (see DCMK section)
Not WIPs (published and complete)
Fandom: DCMK
The Truth Ran confronts Conan about being Shinichi one more time, and Shinichi, after some hesitation, decides it’s time for the truth (from prompt) One-shot
Movie Night Sato/Takagi fluff: enough said. (inspired by a screenshot of a pair of YikYak posts actually), 100% canon-compliant One-shot
Memory Conan is injured and Kaito has never been less interested in keeping a promise (gen, not angst) One-shot
Stripes of Fate arguably complete - see above 7+ chapters
Crossover with Kri – The Unseen Essence Awakening arguably complete - see above 3+ chapters
Fandom: Harry Potter
Distant As a Memory A glimpse into Hermione’s mind as she prepares to erase her parents’ memories Originally written for PurimGifts 2019. One-shot. Arguably complete, may add a follow-up chapter or two because I had to cut several ideas to stay within close to the event’s maximum wordcount
Dayenu Pesach is hard, the year Luna is 10. Jewish Lovegood family. Grief/mourning and a path to recovery Originally written for PurimGifts 2019 One-shot
Fandom: Dragonriders of Pern
Flights and Fights (and Happy Endings) (title subject to change) Rearranging characters’ Weyr assignments before the double mating flight in Dragonquest, leads to averted tragedy Minor character-centric (Varena, rider of gold Ralenth, yes her name shows up in the text at least once outside of the DragonDex at the end of the book) and throws out some of the more problematic word-of-god “truths” about mating flights. One-shot. Originally written for PurimGifts 2019. Lol what’s a maximum wordcount
Other/No Fandom
The Twins The Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Mission through the eyes of Opportunity, written shortly after the news that JPL was sending their last commands to Oppy. Vaguely poetic One-shot. AO3 “corrected” the “Mars Rovers (Fandom)” tag to “Space Exploration RPF” so this is probably the only “RPF” I’ll ever write.
Related: I posted a timeline of real events, for comparison so people could easily check which events Oppy mentioned in The Twins, since the history of Curiosity and Opportunity aren’t as neatly condensed into a “canon”
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popcultureliterary · 7 years
Eight Literary Allusions in Cartoons: Celebrating National Book Lover's Day
It's National Book Lover's Day, an official-unofficial holiday celebrating literacy and books. People often mistakenly believe that real readers only read novels, especially the literary classics such as The Scarlet Letter or Oliver Twist. That's not strictly true. Whether you read comics or novels, literary classics or fantasy, you are a reader. Books have been opening doors and inspiring people for ages, with broader audiences in the decades since the invention of the printing press in 1440.
In celebration of literacy, here are 8 (because it's August!) cartoons with allusions to some great books! I included a few anime, but unfortunately, my knowledge of Japanese novels and literary works is fairly limited at present. As a result, each of the included anime reference works that I am more familiar with, missing the boat on Japanese works entirely. I didn't find out about National Book Lover's Day until three days ago, otherwise there would be a wider variety of literary works from other cultures.
The Fairly Oddparents
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Arguably one of the best episodes of Butch Hartman's ongoing series The Fairly Oddparents is "Shelf Life". I might be a little biased in this opinion, as the episode revolves entirely around books. With summer coming to a close, Timmy realizes with a shock that he forgot to complete his book report for Mr. Crocker's class. He dashes to the library and, to Wanda's perpetual irritation, tries to take the easy way out by wishing the book characters to life.
His misadventures lead to allusions from Sherlock Holmes, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Moby Dick, Frankenstein, Tarzan: Lord of the Drapes Apes, and other well known titles. Fortunately for Timmy, Hartman selected titles that many of his audience members would recognize, so he too was familiar with them.
Detective Conan
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After the publication of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's A Study in Scarlet in 1887, the popularity of mystery stories exploded. His works inspired decades of subsequent stories, including the anime series Detective Conan (名探偵コナン Meitantei Konan, with the dub title being Case Closed). This long-running mystery series follows high school detective and mystery enthusiast Shinichi Kudo as he works hard to build his reputation as a detective. Throughout the series, he makes many references to Sherlock Holmes, the famed fictional detective who inspires his work.
In the first episode of the anime, Shinichi gets in over his head following a criminal organization he knows nothing about. When they catch him, they use an experimental poison on him and run away. Instead of killing him, the poison shrinks him into a little kid. Later, he crafts a fake identity for himself under the name Conan Edogawa. He draws the first name from Doyle, and the last name comes from the pseudonym of an accomplished Japanese mystery novelist named Edogawa Ranpo.
Bonus: Kogoro Mouri, the bumbling detective who inadvertently takes Conan in and gains notoriety through Conan's crime solving, gets his name from the detective in Edogawa's novels, Kogoro Akechi.
Steven Universe
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Rebecca Sugar packed her groundbreaking series full of subtle, sneaky book references. Many of these are visual, appearing without a word. The season one opening contains one book reference that is easy to miss. When the van zips past Connie by the Big Donut, she's holding a book in her hands. If you take a close look, the cover resembles one of the cover designs for Madeleine L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time. In season two's opening, she's hauling around a different book. Can you recognize it?
Keep an eye on the backgrounds throughout the show, or you'll miss other great literary allusions. In the episode "Maximum Capacity," fans get a look at Greg's literary tastes (or maybe Rose's?). His repertoire includes The Lord of the Flies, among other titles. Another background book reference comes in at the end of "House Guest," where keen-eyed viewers might spot a volume of the Sailor Moon manga on Steven's nightstand.
Read or Die (R.O.D.)
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In every iteration of the story, R.O.D. follows operatives working for the Special Operations Division of the British Library who use their paper-based powers to fight the world's evils. Because of the nature of their work, the characters often find themselves interacting with novels. Notable works that appear in the series include Anne of Green Gables, Fahrenheit 451, and The Diary of Anne Frank.
Bob's Burgers
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The incomplete book report trope comes in again in Bob's Burgers. Like Timmy Turner, Tina Belcher would rather have fun now and worry about her book report at the last second. In the episode "L'il Hard Dad," Tina's mother helps her fake a book report on Jack London's Call of the Wild. You don't have to be familiar with the novel to enjoy the episode, but anyone who has read it will enjoy how hilariously inaccurate their makeshift story is.
Honorable mention goes to "The Frond Files" in which Gene livens up a few literary works with farts. In his telling of the Frond story, Tina, Louise, and Gene can be seen holding three books: Are You There, God? It's Me, Fart; Huckleberryfart; and Fahrenheit Fart51 .
Family Guy
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Considering that the Griffin family's dog Brian considers himself a connoisseur of literature, it should come as no surprise that the series contains ample literary allusions. What is surprising is that not every allusion comes from Brian himself. Seth MacFarlane manages to sprinkle literary works throughout the series in a wide range of situations. A few episodes even parody popular novels, including the episode "High School English." Peter finds himself locked in a family's home library waiting for the police to arrive after crashing his car into their home. In the meantime, he entertains himself (and the audience) by reading three literary classics often studied in high school English classes. He works his way through The Great Gatsby, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Of Mice and Men. The man reads astoundingly fast for someone who's infinitely short attention span regularly endangers his family.
Looney Tunes
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Older cartoons also get in on the action of scripting scenes and entire episodes around literary works. In "Rabbitson Crusoe," Yosemite Sam finds himself marooned on an island with the antagonistic Bugs Bunny. Several references appear throughout the episode, including a nod to Moby Dick  with the appearance of a fierce whale named Dopey Dick.
Another allusion appears in the episode "A Street Cat Named Sylvester." The title itself is the allusion, though the episode bares no resemblance to the play from which it gets its name.
Black Butler
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Fans of German literature might recognize the parallels between Black Butler (黒執事 Kuroshitsuji) and the legend of Faust. In the legend, a dissatisfied scholar named Faust makes a deal with the devil. He exchanges unlimited knowledge for his soul. In the moment, he is more concerned with gaining the power of knowledge than with the inevitable future that awaits him. Several versions of the story exist in the literary archives, with Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's perhaps being one of the more widely known version today.
In Black Butler, a boy named Ciel Phantomhive exchanges his soul for the unfaltering services of a demon while he works to claim vengeance for violent crimes committed against him (and his family). To cement the allusion, a demon named Claude Faustus appears later in the series.
Those are all of the literary allusions that I have for you today. Do you have a favorite that didn't make the list? Share it in the comments! You can also connect on Twitter at @Popliterature, or send a message.
And as always, if you have a literary device you want to know more about, or a game, comic, show, or movie that you want to see make an appearance on the blog, leave a shout-out in the comments!
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autumn-foxfire · 1 month
Movie 12! Time for the middle finger at Gosho's decision to try and make Shinichi tone deaf movie! Although he recently realized doing so would mean Shinichi couldn't understand the sound of the phone call so he once again changed his mind. We love a consistent writer.
And it starts off with a bang! Literally!
Shinichi and Ai showing us they have the superior relationship in the series in the introduction, as always.
And of course its followed by the lackluster relationship between him and Ran.
Ran: Do you want to come?
Shinichi: Sorry Ran, I can't go.
Ran: But maybe you can! (and keeps asking when Shinichi informs her again that he genuinely can't)
Shinichi finally: I just told you I can't so please stop meddling in my affairs.
Ran: Oh I'm just a meddling karate idiot am I (he didn't say that), well I'll insult you in turn and then hang up on you.
Such a great and romantic relationship guys! It's not even playful teasing, it's Ran pulling a hissy fit because Shinichi isn't doing what she wants him to do and got upset when he got a bit annoyed she wouldn't take no for an answer.
This is one of my favourite movies just because of the music.
Reiko has no chill. Poor Agasa, he puts effort into those quiz. Though Shinichi also finds them stupid so he can't win anywhere.
I love the Detective Boys, they went to a celebrity singer and asked for her help and somehow got it XD
LMAO Shinichi quickly trying to get in Ai's good books after he told her she was a bit stuck-up like Reiko by telling her he meant she was a pretty as her.
Oh my god Ran, he just told you he couldn't join you and to stop asking him when the answer wouldn't change, there's no reason to take your anger out on Sonoko for it.
Why are they calling it a fight?! It wasn't a fight, Ran was behaving like a brat because she didn't get her way. Don't blame Shinichi for this. He usually is the ass to Ran but this time the fault is all on her. God they really can't resist making their relationship god fucking awful even in movies.
I need them to understand what tone deaf means. You can't have perfect pitch and be tone deaf because being tone deaf means you can't tell the differences in pitch and Shinichi can. He just can't sing, there is a difference.
Genta deserved to be poisoned, really. He's lucky that it wasn't deadly in nature.
Reiko, if you're planning to talk to Genta's parents about how they raised him, she should do the same for all the DCMK parents. Give them the verbal whiplashing they deserve.
I love murder happening as classical music plays. So fancy.
Awww poor Takagi, he got intimidated by Reiko.
Once again I repeat myself, the people don't have to have a link to Shinichi (or Ran) in order for him to want to protect them. This is a boy who will save murderers and serial killers because he views life as precious and I hate when the act like he would need a reason beyond that to protect them (I know they're implying that he only wants to help her because she's the reason he and Ran stopped arguing when in middle school which makes me want to gag).
Shinichi kept the shooting secret too because Reiko wants him too (and also because he's probably interested in knowing why the culprit didn't shoot when he had a great shot).
I love they just let Kogoro accuse a man of serial murder and the police did not ask him for his reasoining and evidence before they took him to the man's home.
Shinichi bonds more with Reiko than he does with Ran. It makes sense, considering how much alike she is to Ai who is a much better friend to Shinichi and him to her than either he or Ran will be with one another (at least how they're written in canon).
Detective Conan is so insane. In no other anime will you have a shrunken teen knock a phone off its reciever and then imitate the sounds of the phone buttons in order to call the police for help. Oh they were stranded in the middle of a lake near a dam I should add. Also for once Shinichi wasn't off tune XD
Shinichi and Reiko are cut from the same cloth, lying to the police to get their own way. And both of them know each other did. Shinichi isn't wrong, Reiko is so much like Ai.
Oh fuck off Shinichi, you don't give as much of a shit about Ran as you like to believe you do and we all know it.
I mentioned in a poll earlier the oldest song I know is Amazing Grace. I am not ashamed to admit it was because of this movie.
I appreciate the movie naming the music that is being played.
And fuck off Ran as well. Don't make this movie about you and your shitty behaviour.
Another great part of this movie, Reiko helping Shinichi stall for time, Ai telling Shinichi about Satou's plan and Satou getting to be the one who stops the criminal from blowing the hall up. For a change, the female characters have their moment to shine in very important ways. Even Sonoko gets a moment. Ran... someone get her better writers.
And it's quite sad that this case was caused by a misunderstanding between two people.
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Shinichi, why are you rewarding Ran's bratty behaviour from the start of this movie. She does not deserve it and needs to learn to accept that Shinichi told her no.
Anyway, a great movie. Remove the forced relationship between Ran and Shinichi, especially Ran's shitty behaviour, and it would be an almost perfect movie for me.
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