#i COULD just make them have to make another banner next spring lmao
Well, I didn't get the coaching job which is really fine in the end because it would have been super stressful. And I never actually wanted to run a program. I mostly applied because I care about the kids and they asked me to. Honestly, the thing I'm the saddest about is that I know how she's going to spin it and they're going to think I'm not involved in the program anymore because my friend isn't the head coach, but it's really because this lady has some weird vendetta against me and I can't just TELL the kids that because she's their coach and I want them to respect their coach.
The Athletic Director did ask me multiple times to talk to her about being her assistant because I guess they had multiple kids go into his office to say how much they want me there but it ultimately came down to the fact that she's been a head coach of a program before.
I don't know. I'm going to be sad for a while. This was 50% of the reason I moved back to this town and I love these kids a lot, but I do not trust this person as far as I could throw them and I'm not interested in pretending that I agree with her for the sake of peace anymore.
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beardrabbles · 3 years
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composed together. [ ♡ ]
characters: venti, reader
warnings: alcohol mention
word count: 3,029
notes: been trying out venti as a muse on a roleplay blog i have, but I wanted to have a crack at writing a reader with him. i'm not a poet in any sense of the word, so i'm sorry if isn't up to venti's standards lmao. if you tolerated all the rhyming, you deserve a gold star and a high-five.
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You had tried so hard to make it back in time, but were disappointed when you returned to find Mondstadt barren of the usual Windblume decorations. There were no wreaths or elaborately decorated banners, no potted plants sporting twirling pinwheels. The scent of fresh flowers and baking goods persisted, but it didn’t carry with it the festive spirit. People were, once again, content to ask for help rather than tend to their own needs.
‘ And that’s why I missed out.  .  . ’ You brooded. It was because you offered yourself as a member of the Adventurer's Guild that you had found yourself pulled away from your home. You had been promised that the job in question wouldn’t take you longer than three days, give or take a day depending on how well you did. But, as it turned out, you had been gone for an entire week. And in that week, the festival had come and gone.
Windblume had never been about the romance for you. Every year, you looked forward to the food and atmosphere, letting the spirit carry you away. This year, however, you had held onto the fleeting hope that someone might show interest. Or that you might gather the courage to approach the one you so adored. You knew it was a lame excuse to depend on one holiday to steel your nerves, but the time and your chance had dashed past in the blink of an eye.
“Shouldn’t have taken the damn commission.” You slumped at an outdoor table near The Angel’s Share, a half-empty tankard of cider resting in your hands. You drummed your fingers along the side of the tankard, willing yourself not to be bummed. The holiday would come around again next year, you reminded yourself as you downed another gulp. “But I’ll probably get sent out then too.”
You stooped forward even further, cheek nearly pressed flat to the table when the familiar sound of plucked  lyre strings thrummed in your ear. You sat straight so abruptly that you made yourself dizzy, your need to look around rapidly for the source not helping the fuzzy feeling in your head.
“Venti?” You called his name with such unbridled hope that he couldn’t keep himself hidden for long. A giggle sounded above you, and you felt your diminishing mood soar when you spotted the colorful bard sitting along the eaves of the tavern, beloved lyre in hand.
“The one and only!” He cooed, soaking in your glee. “Looks like you started without me.”
You frowned and peered down at your table, noting the two other empty tankards. Cheeks flushed from embarrassment, you pushed them aside, as if that would make them ( and your shame ) disappear. “Look, I just got back and I find out I missed out on Windbl——!”
Eyes up, you realized too late that Venti had vanished from the roof. You blinked once, then twice, your cider-addled mind slow to catch up. Where did he go?
“I was wondering where you’d gone off too.” His voice bobbed along the air, light and playful, and it tugged your attention like a hook pulling along a caught fish. He sat across from you, his chin resting in his palm and bright eyes twinkling with eternal mischief. “Missed Windblume, huh?”
“Mhmm.” You grunted and polished off the rest of your drink, mood dropping again. “I was looking forward to it too. Did I miss anything important?”
Venti hummed and leaned back in his seat. Absentmindedly, he toyed with the strings of his lyre. “Let me think. Margaret thought of a new, non-alcoholic drink and it went over pretty well with the kids and those looking to keep themselves a little more dignified during the festivities. Our own Honorary Knight was named this years Windblume Star! Oh! That’s right, I taught a class on the art of expressing ones love though poetry.”
You snorted.
“You taught people to write poems?” Your eyes narrowed suspiciously. “At what cost?”
“Come noq, Y/N, do you really think I could put a price on the ability to write out what a person’s heart yearns for most?” He paused, saw your deadpan stare, then let out a nervous chuckle. “A few bottles of holiday-exclusive wine is all I asked for.”
“Begged is more like it.” You rolled your eyes and shook your head. “How many bottles exactly?”
“Enough to tide me over.” Answered the bard vaguely.
“Is there any left?”
His silence was all the answer you needed. You groaned, let your head hit the table, then left it there as your forehead throbbed. Venti, sporting the rare flicker of guilt across a normally jovial face, leaned forward to pat at the back of your head.
“Hey, don’t be down. I have an idea!”
You lifted your head, but your eyes were downcast and dulled. “Is it a bad idea? I don’t think I want to mess with anyone right now, Venti.”
“I thought of the idea, so of course it’s a good one! And we’re not going to mess with anyone.” Venti grinned from ear-to-ear and stood, offering you a single, delicate hand. You gave it a hard stare, wondering what sort of troublesome plans he had brewing in his head. Unfortunately, you weren’t able to come up with a believable excuse as to why you couldn’t indulge him.
Leaving your empty tankards behind, you stood and took Venti’s hand. You stumbled the slightest bit before finding your footing. “What’s your idea, O Great and Fantastical Bard?”
“Since you’re being so kind as to lavish me in well-deserved compliments, I’ll tell you.” He winked at your withering glare. “You’re going to help me compose a song!”
“How is that going to cheer me up? I’m not poetic.” You grumbled. Venti clicked his tongue as he guided you away from the tavern and towards the cathedral.
“That is wildly untrue, Y/N! Everyone is capable of expressing themselves through poetry.” He argued.
“But I’m not good at rhyming or thinking of pretty words.” You countered. Venti sighed and gave your fingers an encouraging squeeze.
“That’s not what it’s about. No one said that poetry was meant to impress people. If it does, that’s a bonus, but the point is to shape your feelings. You write how you feel, not how you want to sound. If you don’t rhyme, that’s fine. If you want to use big words, then by all means! Short words are still words, and they can still carry your thoughts with them. There are no rules with it comes to poetry, no matter what some stuffy scholar might say.” He tugged your hand and pulled your arm up high, leading you into an impromptu twirl. Unable to help yourself, you fell into a fit of laughter that instantly lifted your mood.
“I guess you’re right, but that doesn’t make it any easier for me.” You followed along, a new spring in your step. Venti shrugged.
“Practice means progress!” He clearly wouldn’t allow you to wallow in your negativity, and you were quietly grateful for it. If there was anyone that could lift you out of a funk, no matter how deep and depressing it may be, it would be him. 
Venti lead you past the statue of Barbados and around the side of the cathedral, where he perched on the side of a stone railing. Beyond you sat the lake, it’s surface a constantly shifting sheet of vivid oranges, cheerful yellows, warm reds and sleepy blues. The sun was setting, and soon night would fall, but Venti didn’t seem concerned. If it didn’t worry him, then it didn’t worry you, so you found a seat beside him and made yourself comfortable.
“The breeze is nice.  .  .” You let your eyes fall closed, skin kissed by a gentle twirl of the air against your heated cheeks. You couldn’t see then how Venti’s lips quirked up subtly, an adoration in his eyes that not many earned. He watched you for all of one, still moment before your eyes opened and he was forced to look elsewhere.
“Yeah, it is. So!” Quick to discard the hammering in his chest, Venti pulled forward his lyre and cleared his throat. “About that song——”
“What is it about?”
“Unspoken love, the kind that lives in your chest and makes every moment spent with the person you adore both exciting and painful.” His fingers strummed one string, then another. You frowned, the first few notes squeezing at your heart.
“Why is it unspoken?” You wondered, keeping your voice low.
“Because, sometimes, confessing is more selfish and cruel than never saying anything at all. Because opening up one’s heart may lead to more pain than you first expect.” The melancholy notes only proved to add more hurt to your chest, but still the bard smiled.
“Do you really want to write a song that sad?” You weren’t sure that your flimsy mood could handle thinking about such a morose subject.
“Oh, don’t misunderstand, dear friend~ The reason for love’s silence is upsetting, but the love itself is anything but!” Venti began to swing his legs, and you felt the breeze pick up. Green eyes turned up towards the sky, while a subtle tinge of pink touched his cheeks. “I’ll think of the first few lines, then you chime in with whatever your lovely little mind and heart think of first. Alright?”
“If you say so.”
“Great!” Skilled fingers began to play, the heart of the music beating in time with your own. “I want it to start like this: I want always to treasure your warm soul and kind eyes.  .  .”
You waited for more, but were met with a calm quiet. A single glance from the bard, and you suddenly felt as is everyone in town could hear and see you. Face burning hot with embarrassment, you looked out towards water rather than at your companion.
“I want always to treasure your warm soul and kind eyes. Hmm.” You breathed in deep and muttered the first thing that came into your head. “Every smile and glance like a hard-earned prize.”
“Good! And you said you weren’t skilled at this.” Venti beamed, the sheer glee behind his praise lifting your mood higher still. “Let’s keep going. Next line: Your voice it rings like the sweetest prayer.  .  .”
You thought hard again, arms crossed tight and lips pursed. This was as difficult as you thought it might be, but Venti’s enthusiasm was infectious. So, again you offered the only words that rose to the top of your mind. “.  .  . a blessing from lips so fair.”
Venti hummed, the sound soft and low in his chest. “Indeed they are.”
“Nothing! Moving on!” He slipped from the stone railing and came to stand in front of you, posture loose and playful even as he came dangerously close. “I adore you, I do. My heart is yours, it’s true. Little skips and steady pounding, my dear, you are astounding.”
Feeling him so near, his eyes mirthful and intent on you, you couldn’t help but to shrink into yourself a little. You grasped the railing you sat on and hunched your shoulders, eyes glued to your feet. If only those words were meant for you. Oh, but then what would you do?
“Is this meant to inspire other people to think of their love, or are you thinking of someone in particular?” You couldn’t and wouldn’t dare to hope, but you had to ask.
The strumming stopped, but you didn’t turn your gaze up.
“Perhaps I am,” Venti purred coyly, “why? Is there someone you’re thinking about?”
“Don’t be such an imp.” You kicked a foot out, but he was quick to step aside. Your aggression, though harmless, pulled a laugh from the bard. “I might be thinking of someone.”
“Who is it?” Venti pestered. “Do I know them?”
“Maybe.” You sported a cheeky smile of your own. Venti moved in an inch or two more to your side, leaving only a breadth of space between the two of you.
“Do they inspire you?” He asked. You sighed, completely unable to contain the need.
“He does.”
“Oh, so they’re a he, are they? That narrows it down.” He tittered and let himself play a soft, ambient tune. “Does he know how you feel?”
“No way!” You let out a bark of laughter. “Been trying to keep it a secret.”
“Why?” Venti blinked, appearing thoroughly baffled. “He should know!”
“What was it you said? Confessing is selfish sometimes.  .  .”
“Using my words against me. Cruel.” Venti sighed. “You really won’t tell him?”
“Not until it’s right, and not until I’m strong enough to accept the possibility that he might not feel the same.” Your smile was feeble and didn’t quite reach your eyes. “Chances come and go, away with the wind they blow, so I hold these lovelorn words inside my chest, never to be confessed.”
Venti frowned, watching as your fingers pressed and rubbed at the sudden ache right where your heart sat. His own reacted in kind, the horribly familiar grasp of doubt squeezing at his chest. He knew those thoughts and feelings all to well.
“In your heart the feelings run deep, but darling, don’t put them to sleep.” He reached out again when you dismissed his lyrics with a scoff, only this time you didn’t hesitate to place your hand in his. He didn’t drag you away from where you sat, but let his fingers slip between yours. Your heart stuttered a moment, the gentleness of the gesture filling you with gratitude and trace amounts of confusion.
The breeze picked up again, and you thought you could still hear the gentle song of the lyre despite him being preoccupied.
“Look at me.” He voice dropped to a whisper, so soft and airy that you almost didn’t catch it. But when you did, you bashfully locked your gaze with his. The sweetest smile pulled at his lips, the glimmer in his eyes so sincere that it made your own eyes prickle at the very corners.
Why did you have to fall for someone like him? Why couldn’t you have fallen for someone forgettable, or someone that wasn’t almost always within reach?
“Listen to my words, find them true, only a moron would reject you. You are wanted, loved and adored, you are more precious than any treasure hoard.” Venti arched himself forward, his forehead meeting with yours. Music continued to play in your ears, making the air around his words sweet. Could you believe them when they came from someone as flighty as him? You wanted desperately to, but you had to argue, to contest his open fondness for you.
“By the time the day is done, you’ll have said that to everyone.” You countered. Venti couldn’t hold back a laugh, his head moving away from yours. Already, you regretted sassing him. Come back, stay close.
“You’re getting better at that. While it’s true that I love to sing peoples praises, what I give you aren’t throwaway phrases. You’ve caught me, dear heart, and I want to surrender, allow me to bask in your unending splendor.”
You snorted and gave him a harmless shove. Venti grinned and gave in to your push, but he was near again in an instant.
“It can’t be that hard to believe that someone would love you. Don’t you believe me?” His question hung heavy in the air, leaving you momentarily speechless. Your mouth opened and closed, and each time your words failed you. Only after a long moment of listening to you stammer did Venti cautiously lean in. “Should I be selfish?”
“What does it mean for a bard to be selfish?” After a moment of mental screaming, you felt a smirk tease at your lips, but it was short lived. “Aside from drink all his wine before sharing it with someone?”
“Selfish bards do many, many things.” He spoke slowly, making sure each word dragged and lured you in. “I’ll admit it was silly to drink all the wine without you, but I can make up for it.”
You hummed contemplatively, each passing second tugging you closer and closer.
“More wine?” He offered. You pulled a face.
“Mmmn, maybe. And?” Your mind was numb at this point, the idea that you two were so close making every inch of your body squirm. You had only daydreamed of sappy little scenarios like this, so living one out felt too good to be true. You were waiting to wake up, in fact, because this couldn’t be real. He couldn’t be tempting the idea of confessing to you when the entire world of Teyvat could offer him better.
“Songs written just for you?” Venti’s grin broadened, but there was a hitch in his breath when you nudged the tip of your nose against his.
“Anything else?” You egged him on, catching a flare of darker green in his eyes. He said nothing, but the way he moved his hand to touch your cheek spoke volumes. “How about a share of the apples you pick every day, or some mora, or——?”
“You’re talking too much.” He muttered, lips only a fraction away from yours.
“That’s rich coming from you.  .  .”
His breath was warm and welcome and mingled with yours for all of one second before you felt the notion of a kiss. It was then that the bell above the cathedral chimed, it’s proximity and the intensity of the clap jarring you and the bard from your shared trance. You jerked away, flushed and wide-eyed, while Venti clicked his tongue. Vexed, he glared up towards the cathedral.
“You can’t be serious.”
“I need to go.” You scrambled from your spot, heart hammering so hard in your ears that it almost drowned out the sounds of the bell. “I forgot to see Katheryne about the commission!”
Venti arched a brow. “Oh, really?”
“Yes, really.” You vaulted over the railing and contemplated running off without another word, but it didn’t feel right. Rather than succumb to cowardice and embarrassment, you turned to face the bard. “Tomorrow. We’ll do this again, I promise, and.  .  .”
“We’ll finish where we left off.”
“I was hoping you’d say that!”
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springday-aus · 5 years
Enemies to Lovers!AU with Doyoung
moodboard link 
Group: NCT 
Member: Kim Doyoung 
Genre: fluff, romance 
Type: Bulletpoint AU 
Word Count: 1.8k
okay so Doyoung is the mom friend of the lil high school!Dreamies
he’s got these mama bear instincts whenever he’s around them 
all he wants to do is protect them because the world is awful 
except for Donghyuk 
Doyoung thinks Donghyuk can protect himself 
I’m kidding……. not really though 
he’s always making sure they’re always hydrated and eating all their meals 
if they weren’t, he would make sure they got their reusable bottles filled or treat them out 
sometimes he’ll just make large ass portions of food and give them some 
Chenle and Jisung literally exploit this down to the core 
Doyoung did catch on…... and nagged them……… 
……… only to keep feeding them later on lol
speaking of nagging 
Jaemin: “my ears are getting closer to bleeding because of Doyoung” 
Jeno: “he lectures me more than my actual mom”
Jaemin: “………….that sounds about right”
and like the dreamies…. they make these jokes all the time, but like…. 
at the end of the day….. everyone knows that it’s Doyoung’s way of showing that he cares 
so, where do you fit in? 
well, with the mom friend, there’s the dad friend 
that’s you 
you’re the whole package, from the dad jokes to the barbeque skills 
you care for the dreamies just as much as Doyoung 
like giving them relationship advice or spending some free time with them so they get to relax from school and life stuff 
since you aren’t with them as much, you even give them some money from time to time if they need it 
it’s like a cute little family 
but….. there’s a catch………. 
despite being the mom friend and the dad friend……. y’all do NOT get along��
it’s almost like y’all got a bad divorce 
Renjun: “I feel like I’m being asked which of my parents I like better”
Jisung: “how are we even supposed to respond to that?” 
Renjun: “I suddenly don’t speak Korean”
Jaemin: “tHAT’S NOT FAIR” 
one time y’all got dinner together as a whole group and…. 
let’s just say there was an argument…… 
in front of the kiddos……. and the restuarant….... 
and it was NA S TY 
like y’all were real close to throwing some hands 
no one dares to bring it up to this day nor does anyone try to plan another full fam outing…… 
Jeno: “we’re not involved, but we’re involved”
Chenle: “hmmmm, we love tea” 
even though all of nct know what’s up……
(because Doyoung doesn’t ever stop to complain about you—cue side eye from literally everyone) 
it didn’t stop them from planning a whole group vacation
and I mean WHOLE group so that means... 
with you
because the dreamies begged Doyoung…….. 
when Doyoung asked you to come, you really stretched it 
You: “sorry, what was that??? you??? need??? me???”
Doyoung, with gritted teeth: do it for the kids, do it for the kids
basically, Johnny and Jaehyun have lake houses near the shore and for spring break, y’all went together 
and they thought it’d be fun to have everyone there
could you imagine a space that’d fit all of these boys like……. jesus christ 
anywho—lakehouse, plus ot…. (god knows how many members there are now) 
let’s just say like 20 of them 
so, when you and Doyoung first arrive, y’all just kind of ignored each other…. 
because like no one wants to get between y’all 
but like, as time went by, the small things started to build-up 
like Doyoung’s side comment on your outfit….. 
and your comment on his food…….
Lucas: “how much did I miss???” 
Taeyong: “you have no clue dude” 
so everyone just let it happen 
however…. some of the dreamies thought of this as an opportunity 
by dreamies, you know I mean Donghyuk, Chenle, and Jisung…. 
basically, the troublemaker line 
so, you all planned to go kayaking on the lake right 
obviously, Doyoung planned it because the dreamies wanted to try it  and they were like
Doyoung: “............................. I guess” 
so y’all head out and it’s fun 
like y’all have actual fun as a group 
even though you and Doyoung are in the same kayak…… lowkey ignoring each others presence 
……….. until Donghyuk decides to come out of nowhere…… 
and fucking takes your ores 
and with pleasure—he’s literally laughing when he sees your faces 
**cue them quickly trying to row away in order to avoid you and Doyoung’s wrath**
so what happens? 
almost nothing for like 30 minutes 
but then Doyoung speaks up 
Doyoung: “we can just pretend we like each other until we get to shore” 
You: “that’s an idea that would have been nice about 20 minutes ago” 
he just loses his temper with you and explodes
Doyoung: “literally, why are you so rude to me?” 
can you believe the fucking audacity??? 
Doyoung’s literally been so rude to you since like week one and you could not figure out why
he’s always giving you nasty looks and it rubs you the wrong way 
meanwhile, Doyoung can’t understand what your deal is with him 
like you’ve been shutting him out since y’all met 
both of you understand that y’all are only rude to each other……. because the other person’s rude……. 
You: “I should be asking that—why are YOU so rude to ME??” 
Doyoung: “what are you talking about? you clearly started this whole fiasco” 
You: “eXCUSE ME??? you literally look down on me all the time and I don’t understand why—did I do something to offend you?”
Doyoung: “....... I just thought…….. you…. had a problem…. with me……”
You: “.... I thought you had a problem with me…..” 
…... well…. things have officially become awkward 
so nct did find out what the lil troublemaker line was up to and came to get y’all 
but like….. it was weird…. 
because y’all looked embarrassed as hell about the whole situation 
later that night, after everyone went to sleep 
you were out on the shore, looking at the beach with a lil fire you made and a glass of beer 
Doyoung comes out as well and he spots you 
so he heads over to you with a glass of wine in hand and sits next to you 
not super close to you, but close enough for you to notice 
Doyoung: “you might want to head in, you could catch a cold” 
You: “if that’s the case, why are you out here?”
Doyoung: “..... valid point” 
y’all just kind of sit there in silence, looking out at the waves…. it’s nice 
it’s kind of the first official time y’all are not fighting 
even in the dark, you can see he’s got handsome features
with the anger subsided…… you can see he’s got a good face 
it’s okay though, he’s just noticing how cute you are too
eventually, he speaks up: “I’m sorry for the way I treated you before... I just thought you were rude to me so” 
you didn’t think he’d say anything about the whole misunderstanding
You: “don’t be, it was my fault too for assuming, I’m sorry too” 
tsk, tsk, common miscommunication 
anyways, after that moment, you two were slowly making up for the bad times on the rest of the trip 
y’all are kind of in your own little bubble, 
whereas, everyone’s just confused 
Jaemin: “are we in an alternate universe?” 
Jeno: “maybe bc one of their plans actually worked” 
Chenle: “this is why you should listen to us more” 
Jisung: “we come up with the best plans” 
Renjun: “no” 
Mark: “I’m confused, do they like…. not hate each other?” 
Donghyuk: “Mark, can you please keep up with the program?” 
this even continues when y’all get back
the dreamies like to call this “the process of re-marrying” 
because lowkey y’all end up lowkey dating 
eventually, y’all do go out without the dreamies and it’s….. nice bc it’s kind of an official date 
first, it was all casual like lunch 
or brunch bc there was a coupon date deal and Doyoung wanted to use it 
then y’all moved to dinner…. and then movies….. and other dates like when the fair came to town, shopping dates, or browsing through IKEA 
you swore that you needed to get a new desk chair and y’all literally left with nothing LMAO
okay but like the dreamies rights? 
they def followed y’all on some of the dates 
the whole hoodies, fake mustaches, holding up the menus shit 
Doyoung: “should we tell them we’ve seen them since the bus stop?” 
You: “nah, they’ve been following us for a while, they might as well stay to get something to eat” 
Doyoung: *pays for their meals*
Donghyuk: “I can’t believe I got roped into this shit” 
dating Doyoung feels like having a housewife 
he’s constantly making sure you’re eating six meals a day 
(because he read online that it’s better for your metabolism) 
which is without the snack breaks 
…….. which Doyoung also preps for you……… 
and the dreamies of course
he’s got like EVERYTHING in his bag because ANYTHING could happen 
also he’s gonna do that thing where he checks to make sure you got everything 
imagine him with a little satchel and you literally have everything in your clothes with deep ass pockets 
Doyoung: “where’s the medicine?? where’s the tissues???” 
You: “babe, I only need my keys and my wallet” 
he’s always gonna give you a kiss on the cheek before you go 
there’s the full parent dynamic in the works 
and even though the dreamies are glad “the parents” have made up 
they do that thing where they scream when y’all kiss, or show just general affection in front of them 
Jeno: *covering Jisung’s eyes* “you’re the role models here, what type of example are you setting for us” 
Renjun: “happy for you, but ew” 
Doyoung: “I want new kids” 
anyways lots of warm hugs from Doyoung 
like full-on hugs—he doesn’t give half-ass hugs
(unless it’s to Donghyuk……… joking) 
that also means cuddling sessions for days 
You: “I need to pee” 
Doyoung: “................ just two more minutes” 
the mom in him is like super supportive 
like I’m talking ALL the banners and the pompoms 
also cheers with your name 
god he’s so embarrassing but you love him 
bro I’ll bet good money that he gonna start nagging you too 
but you know he means well 
cause even though he’s telling you to stop playing in the rain with the dreamies, nagging you about your procrastination on your work, or complaining about the messes you make 
you best believe that he’s gonna make you soup when you get sick, help you with your work, and help you clean up 
Doyoung: *telling you about how you need to dry your hair immediately after to prevent colds and headaches from occurring* 
also as he’s nagging, he’s got a towel and a hairdryer in his hands 
You: **heart eyes** “I love you” 
Doyoung: “you better, I’m not working this hard for you to die early” 
You: “jusT LOVE ME BACK” 
Doyoung: “so needy, I love you too idiot”
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rainbowserenity · 6 years
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On Friday, I got to go to the KH pop-up experience at Disney Springs!!! It was basically just a big room of merch and the demos and stuff, but I got to sit by a giant mural of the cover art so day made A++++ I also got pics of like EVERYTHING there, which is under the cut if you wanna see :D I got to play both demos (there was one for Olympus and one for Toy Story) and have a bunch of thoughts, but I’ll put that towards the bottom in case anybody’s avoiding minor spoilers (although I think these are the same demos they’ve been showing at a bunch of conventions so this might be ~common knowledge~ IDK I’M JUST TRYING TO BE CAREFUL)
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I saw the sign pretty much immediately and was like LEMME IN OMG ALKSJF;LIWJE;FLIWJEF
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I know everybody’s already seen it but YEAH JUST LOOK AT IT
I ran in there and took a bunch of selfies next to Aqua and the cast members were looking at me like I was crazy :(
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and here’s the Destiny Trio looking fabulous as usual~*~
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they also had these renders covering a wall, so naturally....
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had to struggled to take a pic with Reekers~*~*~ (seriously, the cast members were staring at me like I was the only person to take selfies against the banners.....although judging from how many people wandered into the place asking, “What is this? A video game? Is it free?????” maybe they see it less often than I want to think lmao)
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This area led to the demo area!!!
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those screens played the trailers on a constant loop (and Dearly Beloved was playing in the background ;; it was a little hard to hear cause of the noise but STILL, THE FEEEEEEEEEEEELS)
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better look at these signs~ I think it’s kinda funny that Sora/Donald/Goofy were only included on the posters if they had new looks lmao
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Took this for @tensai-shoujo ;D They had an Olympus poster next to it, you could only see them when you were walking towards the demo area
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I like that they had those banners/murals/whatever up everywhere, as opposed to just setting up a bunch of screens lol IDK IT JUST MADE IT FEEL MORE SPECIAL
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I just really liked that Sora art~*~
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another view.......kinda wished I could’ve yoinked one of those banners lmao
BUT LIKE I SAID I played both demos and before I get into my thoughts on them, I shall show off the merch and stuff :D
WAIT FIRST THE KEYBLADES WHICH WERE LIKE....AS LIFE-SIZED AS THEY COULD BE I GUESS ALSKDJF;LIWEFJ I had to physically restrain myself from completely freaking out (y’know, besides the usual)
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I feel like I should know what the second one is...?????? I though it was Starseeker at first glance, but it’s not so idr if it’s a new one......obviously the last one is the Toy Story one lol
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They had a kiosk under here where you could preorder the game, but I was mostly just all THIS ART IS SO BEAUTIFUL AND SOON WE WILL SEE IT ON OUR SCREENS AS WE PLAY TT__________TT
and now for the merch!
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the top shelf was the deluxe edition of the ACTUAL GAME, and even looking at the real case and stuff, it still doesn’t even seem real......like we’ve been waiting for 12 years, is ANY OF THIS FOR REAL OR NOT??? I kinda wanted those figures on the bottom and hey, there’s that one keyblade!!!
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in case you can’t read the signs, the top shelf is a preorder bonus from ordering it from the kiosk....I kinda liked that lanyard lolol. the bottom shelf is bunch of awesome standees I vaguely recall seeing in the Squenix store (I’m not really up on all the merch lol I avoid looking at it too often cause it makes me WAAAANT it and I am poor, so I just don’t want to torture myself)
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ngl I kinda want this......REEKERS MY LOVE.............
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NEVER MIND I WANT THIS MORE LOL I’ve been wanting the Aqua play arts for so long, why do they have to be so expensive now?!? at least I got to see it in person lmao I SHALL TREASURE THE MEMORY FOREVER~
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the KH3 Sora play arts~ THERE’S THAT KEYBLADE AGAIN WTF it must be a new one???
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I had no idea there was a Roxas play arts??? or is this even released yet??? like I said, I’m not really up on merch news lol I guess his head must be interchangeable since you can have his hood on and pretend he’s super angsty about missing Axel and stuff
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I’ve always thought these were kinda cute in a stupid way lmao
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and I’ll unceremoniously end the images with lovely keychains and jewelry :D
Those are all the pics! now I’ll babble about the demos and my experience with the battle system, so stop here if you don’t want to know for whatever reason~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
Like I said earlier, I got to play both demos! It was slow enough in there that I just moseyed back in through the line and I could feel the silent eyes of the cast members judging me 8))))))
I played the Toy Story one first cause duh, and I think it dumps you into the beginning of the world since poor Sora was all WTF WHY DO WE LOOK LIKE THIS??? And I started laughing when the “I’m Sora/Donald/Goofy” line came when they were introducing themselves, cause some things never change ;P
it took me a minute to get used to the buttons (especially since you obviously couldn’t customize anything but the camera directions) and I kept accidentally using Shotlock and stuff LOL. BUUUUUT it was really fun once I got a sense of what I was doing! it was very smooth and fast and fun~
to me, battling feels like a combination of KH2, Birth by Sleep, and Dream Drop Distance. the coolest thing was that you could do a command (like Thundaga), and a reaction command would pop up. If you kept doing it, you could chain them together into one big ol’ massive attack - in my case, it was summoning the Mad Tea Cups!!! I GOT TO KILL HEARTLESS WITH A DISNEY RIDE LOL
what was also really fun was that you can switch Keyblades mid-battle!!! I had no idea what they all did, but I’m sure in the actual game they have different abilities like they do in most of the games. now you don’t have to choose just one mwhahaha~
towards the end of the Toy Story demo, you had to fight against an evil toy and got to drive around a robot and shoot lasers! PEW PEW PEW
one thing I really liked was how SMOOTH the animation was. idk if I just read a lot into it, but Sora’s always felt kinda.....clunky when he runs? maybe it’s his big feet lmao but in this demo, he felt MUUUUCH easier to handle. talking to other characters didn’t bring you into another screen, either, you just turned them and talked in real time. IT’S PRETTY GREAT
The Olympus demo felt shorter, probably because it was mostly a boss battle, but the coolest thing is that YOU CAN RUN UP WALLS HOLY CRAAAAAAP!!! I think they’ve showed this in trailers so I shouldn’t have been so surprised, but it was awesome :D
they had different magic options, and this time I managed to SUMMON A GIANT TRAIN HELL YEEEEEAHHHH~ I also managed to get some kind of Goofy limit and he destroyed a bunch of Heartless instantly, so that’s why Goofy rules okay
since I had a little more of grasp on the buttons and stuff, defeating the Titan was sorta easy 8D;; I’m sure they gave you stronger magic/abilities/Keyblades in these demos so it’ll probably be more difficult in the actual game - however, they didn’t really have any tutorial in the demo. They basically had a screen telling you how to run up walls and that was it.....and yet, the reaction commands and new battle system were easy to grasp (especially if you’re a seasoned player lol). I mean, yeah, a lot of it was just mashing the triangle button, but there’s also a certain finesse to chaining them together so that’ll be fun to discover~
....if you made it this far down, thanks for reading 8D I feel like I’m back in 2007 making a LiveJournal post, with what all the images and captions and babbling lmao
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lyssala · 6 years
You’re Idiots, the Both of You
Additional Pairings: N/A
Setting: High School Prom time; Terra & Aqua are 19 & 18
Rating: K
Notes: Can’t have a small town school without a high obsession with school activities, and prom is always a good one haha I wanted to do this because it would’ve been easy to get them together here but they’re still afraid of their feelings so it was interesting to write them being so close but not quite there. Also fun fact, I only went to my senior prom too only we couldn’t call it a prom because we weren’t allowed to dance like a real life Footloose LMAO
11. Dance
“I’m not gonna go to the prom with him, uh uh. I’m going with Dave because we rock together, Mama. The charade is over.”
Aqua was absolutely not going to ask Terra. There was absolutely no way. Nope, she wasn’t going to. She should really just stop thinking of it all together because it was completely pointless. She should absolutely stop thinking about it. It was never going to happen, not in a million years.
She slammed her locker door shut a little too hard, making the person next to her jump. Aqua mumbled a quick sorry before turning to the busy hallway with all the students trying to get out of this building and get out into the warm spring air. She wanted nothing more than to do the same but the banner over the front doors made her stop as she stared up at the pastel lettering, the dates telling her prom was coming in only a week. Like she didn’t already know, Aqua had only been dreading it for months now.
Someone brushed by her, nearly knocking her book out of her hand and reminding her she was kind of in the middle of the hallway. She swallowed hard, trying to ease the knots in her stomach but it didn’t help; not even the fresh air once she stepped outside seemed to help. The sun was out, it was warm, it smelt like that ever familiar smell of spring but Aqua couldn’t find it in her to let it lift her spirits.
She scanned the street lined with cars, looking for the one she knew well. Okay, admittedly she felt a little better when she saw Terra sitting on the hood of his car; he was facing the steps of the school but had his head down as he scrolled on his phone. Aqua took a few steps with every intention to not stop till she was in front of him but her name being called behind her made her turn her head. She saw one of boys from her English class waving at her as he headed towards where she was.
Aqua felt a little bad she couldn’t quite place his name even though she saw him every morning but she still stopped as he came over. He was wearing a letterman jacket and she thought maybe he was on the football team but it honestly didn’t help her remember his name at all. That wasn’t like her, but her mind admittedly was elsewhere.
She looked over her shoulder but Terra hadn’t seemed to notice she wasn’t there yet.
“Hey,” the guy said with a smile when he stopped in front of her.
“Hello,” Aqua said in return, giving a warm smile of her own. She was a little better conversing with people she didn’t know very well than Terra was, who usually didn’t care for it much, but really she just wanted to leave school and the reminder that she wasn’t going to have a date for her senior prom; well, not the date she wanted. “What’s up?”
“Sorry to shout at you,” the guy said, reaching a hand up to the back of his neck. “I just wanted to catch you before you left.”
“Oh, it’s fine.” Aqua waved it off. “Is there something I could help you with?”
“I just wanted to ask you something if that was okay?” He was still smiling politely, but he looked a little nervous, body weight shifting as he scratched at his neck.
Oh no. Aqua probably should’ve seen it coming as it wasn’t the first time in the past few weeks but it always made her feel bad. “Of course,” she said instead, trying not to let her smile falter.
“Did you have a date for prom?”
She felt her stomach sink at the impending answer she’d have to give. It was no of course, but saying no meant she was opening up herself to be asked to go with him. Yet saying, “No, but it’s only because I really want to ask my best friend who hates prom and doesn’t know how I feel about him so I’m never going to ask” didn’t exactly sound sane.
“No, I don’t,” she settled on because it was the truth.
The guy looked a little relieved but nervous considering he still had to ask. Aqua braced herself to give the carefully recited answer she gave the others who asked.
“Would you maybe wanna go with me?”
“Oh,” she said, trying to act like she was surprised. “I’m so sorry, I’m not actually sure I can make it so I wouldn’t want to have to bail last minute on you or anything. I’m really flattered you thought of me though.”
The guy blinked at her. “You’re not sure you’re going to Senior Prom?”
Yeah, I guess it was a little weird here; everyone harassed Terra to no end when he skipped both of his. “Ah, yeah,” Aqua reached up to tuck some of her hair behind her ear. Almost on habit, she glanced over her shoulder at Terra’s car but this time he was watching her probably wondering what was taking so long. “I might have a dance recital, but, um, my ride’s here so I have to go.”
The guy followed her eyes before looking back to her. “Huh, well, alright then.”
“I’m sorry,” Aqua said again but he just held up his hands, giving her a smile as he backed away.
“It’s fine, hope I still see you there.”
“Yeah, me too.” Though the moment he was out of sight, Aqua quickly hurried down the rest of the stairs and across the grass to where Terra was still sitting.
“Hey,” he said when she got close enough.
“Hey,” she waved slightly. She hadn’t even realized her heart was racing until she had a moment to breathe but it was already starting to ease up just being near him.
Terra jumped off the hood, pulling the handle on the passenger door for her. “How was school?”
“Usual,” she shrugged, sitting down and shutting the door while he walked over to the driver’s side. “Trying not to fall asleep in class, beating everyone else in gym, eating terrible food.”
He snorted as he turned on the car, putting it in the right gear while he pulled out into the street. She rolled down the window a little, just to get more of the fresh air. Aqua was already feeling better, mind starting to forget everything that had been plaguing her before.
“So what did Mr. Football want?”
Oh, well there went her feelings of ease. It’s not like she ever hid anything from Terra, especially if he straight asked her about it but at the same time it was kind of weird to tell the guy you had a crush on when other guys asked you out and then inevitably have to say why you said no. It was complicated.
“Oh, nothing,” she said. “Are we getting Ven today?”
“Yes,” Terra said, though he glanced over at her. “It didn’t seem like nothing.”
“Were you spying on me?” She turned her head to give him a teasing smile more for her sake than his.
“Why would I spy on you?” He rolled his eyes. “I was waiting for you and you stick out in a crowd so it was easy to see.”
Aqua supposed she didn’t have to say. She knew Terra well enough to know if she made another excuse he wouldn’t push it any further but she also thought it was stupid she was contemplating keeping something so silly from him. “He was just asking me to prom.”
Terra arched his eyebrows up. “Did you say yes then?”
“No,” she shook her head. “I’m not sure I’m going.”
“What’re you talking about?” he laughed, which caught her a little off guard. He slowed down for the upcoming red light but Aqua couldn’t quite stop staring at him for his reaction.
“What? It’s not that big of a deal. You didn’t go.”
“Yeah, but that’s me, Aqua.” He turned to look at her when the car was stopped. “You were heartbroken you had to miss it last year, now you’re telling me you’re gonna miss your last chance to go? I’m not buying it.”
She shrugged, even though he wasn’t really wrong. She couldn’t go last year because of a dance recital and she had been really upset over it, this year she knew there wouldn’t be anything else (despite what she said) but she still was having a hard time wanting to go. How could it be fun when the person she’d want to be there with her would never want to go? Took the glamour out of the night.
“Maybe I just changed my mind,” she said.
Terra still didn’t look like he was buying it. “A night to dress up and go to a fancy banquet hall? Nah, that doesn’t sound like anything you’d ever like.”
She reached over to hit his arm when he started to laugh but she wasn’t actually mad. Well, not at him at least.
The light changed and the car started to move again, the middle school already in sight.
“Clearly it’s not for lack of a date either,” he said though he was back looking at the road. “Why didn’t you say yes?”
The obvious answer was because the guy wasn’t Terra, but she couldn’t quite say that or do anything about it. “I’m not sure,” she said instead. “Do you think I should go?”
“Yeah, sure, if you want to,” he shrugged. “Don’t see why not.”
Part of her wanted to cry that he was talking about her going to prom with other guys so casually, but another part of her thought maybe he was right. Maybe she should just give up and give in. She had a crush on him since they were kids, but clearly he’d never feel the same and sometimes she was just tired of feeling so hopelessly in love with someone who didn’t share those feelings back. Maybe she should just go with someone else and have a good night, the night she dreamed about all through middle school.
Terra parked the car outside the middle school, waiting for the mass of small children to come running out.
The problem was whenever she dreamed about going to prom it was always with him, or even just him being there too. As much as she knew she could probably go on and have a good time without him, that wasn’t the point. She wanted Terra to be there with her, as stupid as it was. She knew that would be the turning point from a good night to a great night. Aqua wanted to see him roll his eyes at the cheesy decorations, to be able to sit with him, laugh, eat dinner, and she just wanted one dance. That’s all she really wanted, was that so wrong?
Honestly, maybe it wasn’t.
Aqua turned to see him already watching her. She had to do it now or she knew she never would. Deep breath, it was a simple question. “Will you come with me?”
He blinked at her. “Will I come where?”
“To prom, will you come to my prom with me?”
There the words were said, though the silence in the car wasn’t exactly reassuring as he just stared at her like he wasn’t sure what to say. Aqua started to feel panic rise up into her throat.
“I mean, people take friends all the time right?” she quickly amended, holding her hands up slightly. “I know you don’t really like it or anything, so don’t feel forced. I just thought it would be more fun than just-”
“Aqua, Aqua,” he said as he reached a hand to her chin, making her look over at him.
The school bell rang somewhere in the distance.
Terra didn’t look upset at least, more amused than anything. He pushed at her chin lightly, dropping his hand onto the center console. “Of course, dummy.”
Now it was her turn to be surprised. “Wait, really? But you hate proms.”
“I mean, hate is a strong word.” He leaned back into his seat, running a hand through his hair. “Not really my scene sure, but if you want me to go with you of course I will.”
Aqua kind of couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Had it always been that easy? “Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t say yes if I wasn’t sure.” The first trail of kids started to come through the front doors but Aqua could only look over at Terra. “C’mon, how long have we been friends? If you don’t know by now that I’d do anything for you I’m not sure what to tell you.”
The worry and panic in her chest dissolved into the warmest feeling she thought she could ever feel. It made the pit of her stomach feel light, and cause a smile to pull at her lips. It must’ve been a fairly large smile as she saw Terra’s lips twitch upwards too.
“Thank you, I really mean it.”
“It’s nothing,” he shrugged. “Just tell me what color your dress is.”
She blinked at him. “Wait, why?”
“The flowers.” Terra arched an eyebrow at her. “And so I can get something to match.”
Aqua slapped a hand over her mouth as a new sort of panic started to go through her. “I don’t have a dress.”
Terra rolled his head back against the seat as he laughed.
“It’s not funny!” She reached over to hit him in the arm multiple times but that only seemed to make him laugh more.
“You didn’t think this through did you?”
Aqua stopped, but she was still leaning over the center console into him. He looked pretty okay with this whole thing, the way his eyes were shinning, the dimples on his cheeks from his smile. It was far better than she expected whenever she thought of asking him. Maybe he really was okay with going with her. “Not really, no.”
Terra reached his hands up to her face and Aqua couldn’t breathe. “It’s okay,” he said, watching her. “Just tell me when you get it, okay?”
His hands were so familiar and his presence so comforting, like none of her stupid fears were valid at all. Still, she could only nod in response, making no effort to move, but neither did he really.
The backseat door swung open and almost on instinct Aqua leaned herself back into her seat. Terra was still watching her but didn’t say anything.
“Oh man, is it Friday yet?” Ven groaned as he climbed into the back, throwing his backpack on the floor.
“It’s only Wednesday, buddy.” Terra started the car back up.
“Don’t tell me that.”
Aqua turned to ask Ven how his day was but she noticed two more heads of hair clambering in after him. Terra noticed too as he turned around.
“Oh no, I’m not a taxi service, you two can walk.”
“Terra,” Sora whined, leaning back against the center seat. “It’s too far.”
“You live around the corner from the school.”
“Then you should have no problem driving us there,” Roxas said, poking his head up behind Aqua’s seat.
“He gives a fair point,” she said, reaching back to ruffle at the blond’s hair.
“Whose side are you on?” Terra snorted, but started backing up the car like he was ever gonna do anything but drive the twins home. “Roxas, sit back, and you and Sora both put your seatbelts on or we’re not going anywhere.”
“Please, Terra,” Ven said while the other boys did as they were told. “You don’t even have to ask. Aqua is always on your side.”
It was a fairly innocent comment from a thirteen year old little brother but at the same time it made heat rise to her face. Terra on the other hand didn’t seem to mind as much.
“I know,” he said, looking at Ven in the rearview mirror as Terra started to drive through the parking lot. “Jealous?”
Ven reached a foot up to kick at Terra’s chair a few times  but when Sora started launching into a recap of the day with Roxas cutting in to give his own commentary, everything else was mostly forgotten. Except by Aqua who was still having a hard time wrapping her head around that fact that she was going to go to her prom, with Terra, and now she really had to find a dress.
While, yes, Aqua very much did love dressing up and going to fancy dances, she honestly didn’t know why Terra was so against going to his. The decorations were actually really pretty; the rustic banquet hall a few towns away from their home was decorated with candles, lanterns, ribbons draped over the wooden beams of the ceiling. All the tables had flowers of purples, blues, and ivories, the décor looking like it came from antique country homes. Then there were the gardens with arches and even a barn to take photos in, it was actually breath taking.
Though to be fair, Terra had given her zero resistance the whole night. Even though she already set the pretense they were going as friends to him and to every single person who gave her that stupid look the moment she told them who she was going with, Terra still came to pick her up and dealt with her parents wanting to take pictures. He even brought her a corsage even though he had previously mentioned he thought the traditions were silly. The drive out there wasn’t awkward at all as really she was just hanging out with her best friend. Admittedly she had a hard time not staring the whole time when he ditched the suit jacket due to the heat leaving him in just his vest and button up, which he had rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. It was…yeah, she had to focus on other things
It did work out pretty well even though Aqua was incredibly last minute picking out a dress. She found a long one of blues and silvers that tied up behind her neck, silver embroidered swirly flowers on the fitted bodice and a skirt of fabric and tulle enough to make her feel like a princess but not so much that she couldn’t even get through the door. His vest and tie matched perfectly too even though it was less than a week before prom that she got her dress. Granted, Kairi’s grandmother owned the alterations shop for both men and women, so Aqua had a feeling it was all the older woman’s doing that everything came together.
Terra, who would just wear a t-shirt and jeans everywhere if he could, didn’t even complain about the clothes. He took all the pictures she wanted when they got there, talked to the people they knew, hung around the gardens till the sun went down, and not a single word of displeasure came from his lips, not even teasing. After all the shit he complained about when he was supposed to go to his prom, Aqua couldn’t even imagine this was the same person, but he was here and he never left her side. Even if they were talking to different people she could feel the brush of his arm nearby, his back to hers, his hand brushing by her back. Though the first time he put his hand on her bare back she nearly jumped out of her skin in surprise; not her most graceful moment of the night, but she loved it when he did it from then on.
Even now as they sat at their table, empty plates from dinner in front of them, he had his arm draped over her chair, his hand and body just barely brushing against hers as the music played, others dancing on the dance floor in front of them. It was nice; all of this was so nice. She didn’t know how she’d ever be able to thank him for doing this for her.
A yawn pulled at her lips, making her reach a hand up to try and hide it but he was already glancing over at her.
“I’m fine,” she said before he had a chance to ask her if she wanted to leave.
He seemed to know, merely shaking his head with a small laugh but he didn’t say anything.
It was getting kinda late, some people had already left to either go home or go to after parties or something. She was told where they were and that she was invited but honestly all she really wanted to do was take off her heels, put on comfy clothes and just sit on the couch with Terra and watch movies till they fell asleep. Yeah, that sounded really nice.
Still, even after the great night she had there was just one thing left she wanted…Aqua was just having a little bit of a hard time being able to ask him. She already asked him enough for one night really, she had no right to ask for even more.
Another yawn, this one so wide it made her eyes start to water.
With the arm he had around the chair, he reached up to poke her in the face a little, making her laugh out of her yawn. “Cinderella getting tired of the ball?”
“No,” she said. “Just maybe a little tired in general.”
“Alright.” He stood to his feet, looking out over the hall.
Aqua felt panic rise to her throat. She really didn’t want to leave without that one dance but she also still had no idea how to ask him. “Wait,” was about all that came out.
“What?” he asked, turning back to face her.
She could just ask, it was just Terra she knew she could ask him anything. This though…this was different. He was the one out of his element, she shouldn’t push for more.
“C’mon,” he said, holding his hand out to her. “Dance with me?”  
Aqua just stared at him for a second, trying to decide if he was teasing or not. He was smiling at her but it was genuine, like he knew what she was trying to ask him; which honestly he probably did. She put her hand in his and let him lead her to the edge of the dance floor. Plenty of others were there, dancing with their own dates and friends so no one seemed to be paying attention to them.
Not that she would’ve cared if they did. He dropped his hands to her lower back, pulling her in just enough to be barely touching. She carefully put her hands on his shoulders, looking up to see him already watching her.
“I won’t pretend I’m very good at this,” he said, though he looked more…embarrassed about it than annoyed.
“I beg to differ.” Admittedly they weren’t doing much in the ways of dancing, but really, it was all she had wanted. “This is nice.”
She hesitated for a moment; Aqua wanted to ask, but she was almost afraid of the answer. “I know this isn’t really your thing, but did you have a good time?”
“It’s not,” Terra said, though he sounded a little breathless. “And maybe with someone else it wouldn’t have been, but it’s you. As long as I’m with you everything is fine.”
Simple words but she felt that familiar warmth in her chest, that fluttering feeling in her stomach. He was still watching her, his face just inches away. He was taller than her but she also had a few extra inches. It would be so easy to lean in and kiss him like she always wanted to.
Her heart was in her throat as she pushed herself up on her toes to press a quick kiss to his cheek instead. “Thank you,” she said when she looked back to him.
Terra blinked at her like he was surprised. “For what?”
“For all of this. For coming with me even though I know you didn’t want to, for doing all the cliché stuff you think is silly. It really means a lot to me, all of it does.”
“Aqua.” He laughed a little, shaking his head. “You misunderstand. How I might feel about stuff like this has absolutely nothing to do with you. You asked me to be here, none of anything else mattered really.”
She threw her arms around his neck, leaning her head against his shoulder. Her eyes fluttered shut when she felt him hug her back. “I love you.” Even though she knew the words meant a little something different to her, they still felt nice to say.  
His fingers ran gentle circles on her back. “Yeah, I love you too.”
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ted-hyung · 7 years
Can you write a sungpil highschool au where Sungjin wants to ask Wonpil to go to prom with him
it’s been 1934802 years das why here please have 2.5k of rambling fl00f.
featuring: established high school boyfriends!sungpil, cool ex-gf!jihyo (twice), cousin dowoonnie~, and hopefully your love for my writing LMAO. please kudos and reblogs and comments ( ´ ▽ ` )b
sequel to this high school!AU.
prom comes after the annual spring festival, and sungjin wasn’t reallyinterested in wonpil’s affair before they were officially, lowkey-ly, dating.
when they were freshmen sungjin was already busy with debate club andgoing to guitar lesson after school, only finding out that his and wonpil’shome were on the same direction on one rainy evening when he didn’t bring anumbrella and wonpil had offered to go to the bus stop together, smiling cutelyat him with his crossed eyes and cute voice saying you’re always sleeping so you didn’t notice me.
on their sophomore days sungjin finally understood that wonpil was indeed popular on their school outing tohong kong. girls from different classes honest to god swarmed around wonpil totake turn posing for selca or group selca with him at disneyland’s twentydifferent tourist spots, which was quite understandable because even sungjin,last year, could tolerate such cute sight. disneyland made him soft he hadthought the sun’s got nothing on wonpil’s radiant smile that was alwayspresent, no matter how exhausting those teen girls could be. also, last year,jihyo happened, and sungjin got his first kiss right during the fireworks show.
this year, sungjin is taking wonpil to prom.
if you told sungjin that he’d be this nervous asking his boyfriend toprom, he would have laughed in your face because a) him and wonpil?? and b)prom was never on his mind, not even last year when he and jihyo were still athing.
before her, sungjin got asked out to prom by a senior, a long-haired girlwho was the student council president and wore thick glasses despite public’smajority demand for her to take them off because they were right; she was wayprettier without them and sungjin, who was the vice president of the studentcouncil, turned her down because before jihyo, he never cared about anythingbut his studies and learning the chord of oasis’ wonderwall right to its core.
something that he didn’t think would come in handy a year later, rightnow, since he’s sure without liam gallagher crooning in his ears for months, hewouldn’t have the guts to ask wonpil out to prom.
“are you listening to me?”
sungjin tilts his head and when he blinks, he meets with wonpil’s cutepout just across the table. they’re at the burger king, enjoying a gap hourbefore their cram school starts.
“um,” sungjin grimaces. “…no?”
wonpil tuts, but he doesn’t dwell on it. he steals a sip of sungjin’scola instead, his grin is wide and cute and sungjin waits patiently for hisboyfriend to continue whatever it was. it’s been exactly a month since then andthey’ve been kissing a lot, really, wonpil is irresistible and sungjin is weak.
“doesn’t matter, i was just telling you about my cousin visiting this weekend,”wonpil says, eyes twinkling. “do you remember him? dowoonnie?”
the name rings a bell but the timing even more so. this weekend? but onsaturday sungjin is supposed to take wonpil out to busk in hongdae (apparently,wonpil can play the piano and he loves to sing) and he’s—like, supposed tosneakily strum in to wonderwall while asking wonpil out to prom.
“i think so?” sungjin mumbles with a slip of blank disappointment on hisface that he can’t control.
fortunately enough, wonpil missed it. he’s squealing as he takes a biteof his soggy fries. “yeay! would you come with us to coex aquarium? dowoonniewants to go there, and then to namsan tower.”
yeah, sungjin found out in the most amazing way that a lot of thingscould change in just one year because before wonpil, he wasn’t this anxious about a dance that marks aglorious end of their high school year.
the whole school is buzzing withprom spirit. it’s happening in four and a half weeks, after all, and it’s allthe senior students talk about during lunch break, at the restroom, and on gymclass. sungjin watches at least two girls from different classes asking wonpilout to prom cutely; one baking him a huge chocolate chip cookie and the othermaking a small banner that’s taped to wonpil’s desk, next to wonpil’scollection of b1a4’s photo cards. wonpil, being the school’s ulzzang slash cuteprince, turns them down politely, cutely, and somewhat handsomely sungjin feelsso proud that he’s his.
today, out of the blue, jihyo sendshim a message on kakaotalk, asking him to sit with her during lunch break atthe farthest table in the cafeteria. sungjin frowns but replies that he’ll bethere and he tells wonpil, off-handedly, that he’ll be having lunch with jihyoand leaves without a chance to see the fall on wonpil’s expression.
she’s there alone amidst the crowdedcafeteria, and sungjin makes a beeline to the cafeteria lady to buy a bottle ofpeach juice he remembers she likes to have last year.
“hi,” sungjin greets her with a smile.she looks… otherworldly with new hairstyle that sungjin sees only in passing.the trendy, thin fringe is framing her full cheeks nicely. she did her eyebrowsand put on some faded red lip tint, probably from that one brand her favoriteidol boy group is endorsing.
she grins when sungjin slides thepeach juice to her.
“you don’t forget,” she says in ateasing tone and sungjin scoffs. “what are you having?”
“i think it’s fried kimchi leftoverfrom breakfast,” sungjin answers, unlocking his lunch box. “yep. at least mymom fried two eggs ha ha ha.”
“no veggies?”
“no veggies.”
“here have mine.”
sungjin peeks at jihyo’s lunch boxand sure enough it’s always so colorful with four different kinds of sidedishes and white rice. he wants the salted spinach and she dumps it all to hiskimchi fried rice.
they eat in silence at first.
and then sungjin’s phone pings witha kakaotalk notification from wonpil.
Whr r U? (;___;)
sungjin snorts a laugh that getsjihyo curious.
“it’s wonpil,” sungjin says, notreally seeing the need to explain who wonpil is because everybody knows theschool’s cute prince.
Cafeteria. Want anything?
“you seem close to him lately,”jihyo hums, “you two go to the same cram school right, with brian?”
r U rly with jihyo?
“brian… from hanlim? yeah. you knowhim?”
“he’s my friend from middle school.”
right after jihyo tells him that,sungjin reads wonpil’s reply and lets out a loud ahh.
Yes, but I told you. What is it?
“anyway what’s your plan for prom?”
sungjin, who is bewildered bywonpil’s cryptic reply, groans and jihyo leans forward to take a look atsungjin’s phone, her black hair tickling sungjin’s nose due to their proximity.
“you named him ‘wonpil-ie cutie’?” and she sits back with a resounding laugh thatmakes sungjin smile.
“he did that himself!” he retortsand goes back to his lunch, phone and wonpil’s cryptic reply forgotten. “youasked me something though. what was it?”
jihyo sits up straighter at hiscasual question. what she asks him next caught sungjin off guard. he came uponher request without having any initial premonition yet here he is, sittingtogether at the crowded cafeteria sharing lunch like they didn’t break up withjihyo in tears because of how insensitive sungjin was. is. what did he expectwhen he agreed to meet her for the first time after what happened? and is jihyoreally asking him out to go to prom with her, especially with all what he wassupposedly done her wrong last year?
“why… me?” sungjin doesn’t get it.
“why not?” there’s a challenge fromjihyo’s crisp voice. “unless you’ve asked someone and she said yes.”
now that’s the thing. sungjin hasn’tasked wonpil, his boyfriend, who’s definitely not a she.
“i can’t go to prom with you,jihyo-yah,” sungjin clears his throat, feeling it closing up on him. he feelslike he’s at fault just like the last time he and jihyo sat together over pastaand sugary drinks. “sorry.”
“huh,” jihyo pauses, puts herchopsticks down, and her smile reaches her big, doe eyes when she states with aclarity, “you don’t want to.”
“i—that’s—” sungjin splutters because she’s still smiling as if sungjin’srejection means the world to her. “jihyo-yah, what are you talking about?”
“it’s okay, never mind,” she offersas an explanation, shrugs, and begins cleaning up her half-eaten lunch box. inanother minute, she’s already on her feet. when sungjin blinks, she presses akiss to the top of his head and leaves, taking the peach juice with her.
on saturday, sungjin picks up wonpil on his house and dowoon is a cutekid with cute nose and cheeks and a fantastic baritone that doesn’t suit hisoverall cuteness. they have never interacted whenever dowoon happened to visitand sungjin happened to look, but dowoon is already teasing sungjin whofoolishly gapes at what wonpil is wearing for their babysitting date today;large white and navy pinstripes shirt tucked in some kind of tight, black dresspants showing his slim ankles and a pair of black shoes sungjin is not surewhat they’re called, probably some city in ngland or something.
“take a picture, sungjin-hyung, it’ll last longer,” dowoon sing-songs,swinging his and wonpil’s entwined hands together in the air, taunting sungjinbecause he’s only fifteen. that brat.
“har har,” sungjin growls, rolling his eyes as he pushes his sweatinghands in the front pockets of his baggy jeans.
they take the subway and continue with the bus to reach the coexaquarium. sungjin pays for their entry tickets after dowoon ends his andwonpil’s debate of who should do what. wonpil will pay for their lunch with thepocket money from his parents, and he buys a shark plushie for his cousinbecause he says the shark looks like dowoonnie~
sungjin sighs. it’s going to be a long day.
they watch the actual sharks and penguins and takes pictures on therainbow lounge and the undersea tunnel. come to think of it, this is sungjin’sfirst time going on a date (shut up this one counts, okay) that’s not the mallor burger king. heck, they haven’t even visited the lotte indoor amusement parklike a normal, high school couple!
sungjin jumps quietly when he feels wonpil’s warm fingers trailing hisknuckles before hooking his thumb to sungjin’s pinky. dowoon is in the toiletand wonpil takes a step closer.
“hey.” wonpil murmurs, smiling shyly. he smells like vanilla.
“hey,” sungjin uses his own thumb to graze the soft skin of wonpil’shand. “you look great today.”
“so i don’t look great the other day? and the day before that?” wonpilpouts, but the sparks on his eyes betray him. “ugh, i want to hug you.”
“well,” sungjin snorts, spreading his arms, bringing wonpil’s left armwith him too because he doesn’t let go of their linked fingers. “go on.” it’sso easy to just pull wonpil towards him, but sungjin doesn’t usually do that.initiating skinship is wonpil’s unofficial job.
“maybe later.” wonpil looks down, then up, and giggles, “you look greattoday.”
“do i?”
“your cousin is cute.”
“how about me?”
“you’re always cute.”
“hmmm, how about jihyo?”
“what about her?”
“gross, you two are too close!” dowoon yells in his fantastic baritone,separating sungjin from wonpil with his wet hands, most likely wiping the restof the moisture on sungjin’s black t-shirt. jesuschrist.
dowoon drags wonpil to the garden of jellyfish and they decide to finishthe tour before going to the nearest jajjangmyun restaurant to have late lunch.
dowoon gets to eat from wonpil’s bowl after his is emptied, and sungjinasks what is he going to do with all that carbo. wonpil flicks him on theshoulder and says, like an offended pet owner, that dowoonnie needs all that carbo to grow taller!
if only dowoon didn’t give him such smugsmirk sungjin would have let it slide.
sungjin feels a tug on the hem of his black t-shirt, then a hand seekinghis. they’re queueing to get on the cable car to reach namsan tower, and wonpilsays in a very small voice,
“i’m afraid of height.”
oh. that’s new. sungjin had never known this. but if his memory serveshim right, wonpil didn’t take scary rides at disneyland last year. wait. ifwonpil has acrophobia, how did he manage to stay calm during the plane ride??
sungjin looks up to find dowoon staring at their hands. their gazes meetnanosecond later, and the brat does a mehrong then looking away, whistling atune like he witnessed nothing.
“what do you need me to do?” sungjin asks, quietly. he bends his knees sohe can look at wonpil’s paling before him. he really wants to hug his boyfriendright now.
“please stay close?” despite his blatant fear, wonpil is smiling though,the cat’s whiskers on the apple of his cheeks are twitching from how nervous heis. “don’t let go.”
“i promise.” sungjin hums and envelopes wonpil’s thin wrists with hislarger hands, then switches to just one hand as he leads the three of them toenter the cable car. the floor sways a little as people crowding in, andsungjin gently pushes wonpil to the corner where he can shield wonpil’s visionfrom their surrounding with his body. he doesn’t know at what extent iswonpil’s acrophobia, but he will do his best to make the ride comfortable forhis boyfriend.
“where’s dowoon?” wonpil asks, clutching at sungjin’s upper arms.
“i’m here wonpil-hyung,” dowoon chirps just a foot away from them, phonein hand while the other holding onto the yellow ring above. “you okay?”
wonpil nods and buries his face on the crook of sungjin’s neck.
sungjin can feel wonpil’s lithe body trembling as the cable car shakesand begins its ascent. he really really reallywants to rub comforting circles somewhere on wonpil’s body but they’re inpublic. wonpil digs his nails to sungjin’s skin, whimpering when the cable carjerks as it passes another one descending and sungjin wraps an arm aroundwonpil’s waist, steadying him.
their loud heartbeats are in a matching rhythm.
“hey,” sungjin swallows, “um. will you go to prom with me?”
“of course i will go to prom with you!” wonpil squeaks then closes hismouth in his trademarked cute way, a blush is slowly decorating his pale face.sungjin grins, not caring about some people—couples,really, they should have known how nerve-wracking it is to ask your boyfriendto prom—around them who turn their heads because of wonpil’s squeaking.
“are you insane?” wonpilhisses, pouting. “of course i will go to prom with you.”
“of course,” sungjin chuckles, “i’m sorry.”
wonpil huffs, cutely, of course, and refuses to acknowledge sungjin’s presenceonce they get off the cable car, pulling at dowoon’s hand to hurriedly climbthe stairs to reach their destination. sungjin shrugs, admits that it’s hisfault for worrying about nothing and throws a candy at dowoon who flips him athumbs up with that infuriating, fifteen year olds cheeky smile.
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asirenspeaks · 7 years
Summer 17 necessities :  Maja’s Very Own Organic Mosquito Repellent
“Pretend I’m not here” I told Maja as I placed my nikon in her face (Yes, flash and all).  After she posed for me while still holding her wine glass, (yes, kindred spirits) I focused my attention on her products.   It was a Sunday afternoon, and she helped me arrange the products into a flatlay, flipping switches on and off to cast the perfect lighting.  It had been raining cats and dogs on and off since the spring in Atlanta, and the constant heat and humidity created the perfect conditions for mosquitoes to flourish.  The mosquitoes were clearly out here eating and living good while we either a) hide out indoors b) get bit up c) try chemical bug sprays and still get bit up and now also stink in addition to being bit up and itchy.  Those worries are now a thing of the past, thanks to Maja’s Very Own.  Now if you’ve been here before, you know I’m no stranger to chemical free living (in most  ways, still working on others) so I was over the moon when Maja let me purchase some of her MVO organic mosquito repellent before the shop launched.  I tested it the best way I know , I used it when I went to Florida for mother’s day weekend (Florida mosquitoes are a whole different level of terrible).  Not only did I return to Atlanta unbitten, but my family loved it too, mostly because it didn’t have that yucky chemical smell and stickiness most repellents give.  
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Maja’s Very Own, is the true definition of an entrepreneurial effort.  She is a one woman show, from expertly mixing her butters and oils, down to the labels that she designed herself.   I had purchased before the labels were created, so I enjoyed admiring the intricate flowers the California native artist created.   They are  simple and effective, much like the product itself.  
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  Get to know Maja , the artist and creator of Maja’s Very Own below.
 Tell me about how Maja's very Own started.
My thoughts of developing a mosquito repellent started when I knew I’d be moving back to the South. I lived in South Carolina for 8 years and there I found out I was highly allergic. Living there was miserable because 4-5 months out the year I couldn’t step out the house passed a certain hour in fear of being bit. I would swell so bad, and I even developed MRSA from being bitten before. I was determined to enjoy my new move because it was a new chapter in my life, and I didn’t want to limit myself. So I did my fav thing ever and google researched anything I could regarding mosquitoes and how to naturally repel them. I knew there had to be plants that worked, I hated the smell of OFF! And anything with DEET. Even if they add a “flowery” smell to those products, it smells horrible. It’s nothing but chemicals. I’m a self-proclaimed black hippy lol and want nothing to do with such things. I made my first batch summer ’16, it was a small personal bottle just to try things out. I was my own guinea pig and saw it worked for a little while but I still would get bit and would have to load up on benedryl to avoid using my Epi-Pen. But summer 17 was going to be my summer. I started my health journey, finally settled into southern living and really wanted to see what ATL had to offer. By doing more research I found better oils and remedies that might help so I threw some things together and would try them out and finally found a mix that worked and smelled good. Fortunately this time around friends and family tested it to make sure it worked for different people who have a different body chemistry than I do. Whala !  Maja’s Very Own. I wanted to have fun with it, so making it wouldn’t feel like or become a job, I already have one of those. That’s why there are Drake references in my description, someone told me I was “too urban” for those but clearly they didn’t get it was an MVO ting ayyyee lmao plus who doesn’t love a little Aubrey Drake in their life?… life is to enjoy and why not enjoy what you do?
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 When you realized you could turn your own personal remedy into a business, did you have any fears along the way ?   If so , how did you overcome them ?
I originally wasn’t going to sell it or even mention it. It was the push from family that gave me the courage to start bottling it. I have a hard time putting myself out there I’m very introverted unless I know you personally. It worked so well for family I was like fuck it why not, what do I have to lose? Yes, it’s pricey but not only will I be helping myself but others. As soon I made mention of it on my FB people were messaging me telling me they have the same problem and they hate the mass produced products as well.
My main fear was the cost to do everything, because everything I used I made sure was organic, pure and naturally sourced. We all know organic isn’t cheap, but I took the leap anyway because I believe in what I’m doing. I truly believe that as long as you try to do what you whole heartedly believe in you’ll never fail because you tried. You come out a winner because you learned something by simply trying. Plus i'm beyond fortunate because my family supports everything I do, I couldn't ask for anything more than that. they're my cheerleaders even when I fail, they understand the importance of being an entrepreneur, especially being a woman and black, how important that is. I want my brothers see me try and fail or succeed, and know they don't have to keep working for someone else funding another's dream. You can put time into your own and build an empire. It'll take time, and i'm not saying I'll be hugely successful, but until my last breath I'm going to use the gifts God gave me and keep trying. Just having my younger brothers tell me they're going to step out of their comfort zone to try something because they see me trying is everything, or having my mom and grandmothers tell me they're proud of me having the courage to constantly put myself out there.  I don't care if I sell nothing else,lol that's the most rewarding thing i've ever experienced. I'll forever submit my artwork to galleries or shows and keep making stuff in the kitchen just because of those things right there.
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 What are some of the challenges you faced initially as a small business owner?
Money… lmao point blank, everything else comes pretty easy for me. At a random job I had I learned design so I design all my labels, thank you inserts and banners for my Etsy. I’m also an artist so I pay serious attention to detail, almost borderline OCD lol
 Also because of that I kind of get anxiety wondering if people like what I’m sending them. Along with the product I send a general thank you, but I also send a handwritten note that I appreciate them and I believe in giving back to the Earth we take from daily. I enclose wildflowers, lavender and a few other seeds for them to plant personally or just spread somewhere so in a small way we help stabilize our bee population because we need them. Without the bees I won’t be able to continue making the product even if it’s just for myself and never sell another bottle, the fruits we eat or anything for that matter. We have to give back in some type of way, it's small but it’s something. My black hippy ish lmao
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 Do you plan on expanding your product line in the future ?
I do actually last summer on top of making me a spray I also made repellent infused jewelry which I was hella surprised it worked! I forgot to spray myself and just had on my bangles and earrings and never got bit. Also beside the spray I also have a rub I made. I think people tend to shy away from the rub because it’s the summer but in the summer we still need lotion with this hard ATL water lol. I use that in place of my lotion everyday just as extra protection because I myself have even forgotten to spray myself down before walking out and regret it as soon as I feel a slight burn then welt somewhere. It's lighter than you’d think and moisturizes your skin so well because of the Shea and coconut oil. Still smells really good which a main focus was. You can wear either spray or rub along w your fav oil or perfume and it won’t be overbearing. But yea jewelry is the next move.
 You can purchase Maja’s product at here etsy shop here.   You can also keep up with her on instagram.  I highly recommend her products, not only to support small owned black businesses, but because you can’t slay all seasons 17 when you’re swollen and itchy .  
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