#i GASPED when sephie appeared
hellishfig · 5 months
tonight's game changer kind of being a reunion for the cast of "the seven"... i'm Emotional
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radioactivepeasant · 3 years
Fic Prompts: Transformers Tuesday
(Returning to my Shattered Glass Prime characters, but this time we get a look at what was happening on the other side while Megatron was stuck in the reverse polarity Prime world. Introduces a character who seems to have been implied but never introduced for SG)
Soundwave was worried. It had been well over a month now with no sign of Megatron. Starscream hadn't left the Bridge bay in Arizona more than twice in that time. He was still trying to recreate whatever had gone wrong with the Transwarp Bridge before.
Considering the Autobots hadn't been any quieter, Starscream's absence on the field was starting to cause some tensions in the Con ranks. Especially with Sephie and the Trine. Soundwave was starting to fear that Sephie would do something drastic again.
"HMM!" Ravage bounded up to perch on the edge of the water tower beside Soundwave. "THERE'S NO BOTBOTS HERE AIFINKSO. MAYBEE I CAN ASKS DAT SPAYCESHIP, K?"
Soundwave twitched. He bent down and scooped up the excitable Deployer. "Dude, what spaceship?"
Ravage butted his head affectionately against Soundwave's chin, pushing his visor towards the sky. "UM, DAT WON, BOSS."
It took a moment to access the right satellites, but eventually Soundwave saw what Ravage was talking about. The craft was small -- by the standards of a Cybertronian -- and sleek; it seemed to be made for aerial combat. And it was headed for the atmosphere a little faster than Soundwave thought was advisable.
"OoOooOH. IT'S IN OUR AIRS, VOYDIN ITS WARRANTEE!?" Ravage fretted, hopping down from Soundwave's arms.
Soundwave hastily contacted the Nemesis. "Like, HQ, we may or may not have mondo unidentified dudes incoming. Uh...we got any like, IDs on these bros?"
Airachnid's irritated voice crackled over the comms. "Soundwave, if you don't stop butchering that surfer language, I'm telling Sephie to burn your cartoons."
"She totally wouldn't!" Soundwave gasped, outraged.
"She will if I bribe her. Give me the coordinates of the UFO?"
"You're like, the worst." Soundwave grumbled as he transmitted his location. "How come you get to say uncool stuff like UFO but like, I can't have any fun?"
"Because I'm older than you." For a moment, there was silence on the line. When Airachnid came back, she sounded tense. "Soundwave, that's a Decepticon signal, but that ship was registered as destroyed before we evacuated Cybertron. Keep your guard up. I'm sending Skywarp to your location."
"Stealth mode, got it," Soundwave agreed.
"I WILL BE ALL THE QUIETS!" Ravage loudly added.
The ship landed hard, shaking the water tower and plowing through the asphalt like soft earth. It came to a stop three miles from Soundwave's perch, leaking fuel from damaged engines.
"Well," Soundwave muttered, "If it wasn't totally busted before, it is now."
He dropped to the ground and crept closer. Until he could read life signs, he would refrain from broadcasting his presence. For all he knew, there could be Autobots aboard. Or pirates. Maybe even Cosmic Rust. Hopefully not Cosmic Rust.
A hatch on the port side buckled suddenly. It seemed like the mechanism was damaged, unable to open. A muffled shot barely rose above the hiss and groan of the wrecked ship, and then the hatch was forcefully kicked open. A formidable frame forced its way out of the damaged hatch and kicked its way clear of the rubble. Soundwave instantly relaxed when he saw a familiar red brand on the being's chassis.
"Yo! Over here!" Soundwave jogged up to offer a hand to the Decepticon. Belatedly, he realized that he was much smaller than the hulking warrior, and probably wouldn't be much help.
"What planet is this?" the stranger asked. Her vocoder buzzed oddly, clearly experiencing some kind of crash damage.
"Earth, Sol System," Soundwave answered quickly. "It's rad, full of cute little organic dudes with nasty tempers. So watch where you step."
"Earth," the femme repeated. "Good, that's good. What is your designation, soldier?"
Soundwave couldn't help standing just a little straighter as he answered, "Soundwave, Communications and Morale, ma'am."
"AND RAVAGE! U SEE ME? I AM WAVING!" Ravage interjected before getting distracted by the reflection of sunlight off of metal. "OOH!"
The femme nodded. "I am...well, the Quintessons who healed me, bless their embers, could think of nothing more than Mega Magna. Now the Autobots have begun to designate me "Mega-Empress", unfortunately."
"Mega...empress?" Soundwave tilted his head and flashed a confused emoji onto his visor. "That's um...that's..a name, alright."
"Commander Magna will do," the Decepticon sighed. "To avoid confusion with my conjunx endura."
Something tugged at Soundwave's memory. A story Starscream had told him about the origins of the Decepticon faction vorns ago. But the pieces hadn't quite fallen together yet.
Mega Magna turned back to the wreckage of her ship and called down the hatch, "Girls! Let's go! Don't worry about the ship, it's all salvage now."
Two smaller femmes, probably no older than Skywarp -- or maybe even Sephie -- at a glance, scrambled out of the wrecked ship. The black and pink one scurried up behind Magna and clung to her arm nervously. The black and blue one primed a path blaster and stared warily at Soundwave and Ravage.
"Satellites indicate a lot of Autobots on this planet," the blue one warned.
"Acknowledged, Moonheart." Magna appeared to be unbothered. "Any sign of Megatron?"
"I think I hate this place," the pink femme mumbled, "I wanna go home."
"We just totaled home, Luna," Moonheart snapped.
Soundwave looked back and forth between the newcomers and reluctantly commed Airachnid again.
"Uh, good news and bad news, dudes."
"What is it, Soundwave?"
"Good news is, they're Cons! Bad news is, they're looking for Mega-Boss."
"Well. Scrap." Airachnid mumbled a few more choice words under her breath, then added, "Bring them back to HQ. Shockwave can fill them in."
Magna frowned sternly and took a step forward. Peering down at Soundwave she asked a single question.
"Where is my husband?"
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generallynerdy · 4 years
And when I am called to quit this life, my feet will not spurn the sod (Cody X Fay)
Summary: Cody is dying. He can feel it. For a second, when a gorgeous, terrifying woman stands above him, he thinks that he’s hallucinating in his final moments. But then, she’s healing him. Fay is too late to save any of his siblings, but she’ll do her best to save this one commander. In the process, she finds something made of darkness in the man’s head, shrieking at her touch. Could this be a lead on the Sith Lord she’s chasing?
Warnings: Blood and Injury, Major Character Injury, Burns, Fake Character Death, Fix-It of Sorts, Ambiguous/Open Ending, Near Death Experiences, Mentions of Rako Hardeen Arc, Vomiting Word Count: 2,115
Author’s Note: this is the first of many star wars one-shots that won’t leave my brain,,,please don’t convince me to make any of them into a series because I’m a weak bitch and I probably will. I didn’t know Fay existed until I read a few fics with her and now I’m in love whoops. Title is from The Optimist, a poem by J. W. Hammond. WOW this is a rarepair, I actually think it doesn’t have any other fics on AO3? Wow. What have I done.
Read the rest of the series on AO3
Cody is dying.
He can feel it as easily as hunger or exhaustion, despite the ringing in his head.
The explosion was massive and he was at the forefront of it. No, wait, that's not right. He was the furthest from it. Why was he far away? The memory is fuzzy.
He gasps, pained, wheezing, as he tries to move, tries to speak. Fire crackles around him, smoke and dust filling the air. His lungs burn with it and he's certain there has to be something impaling him because it hurts more than just a bruised lung. Why does he know what that feels like?
The men. He was leading the men away when the explosion happened. There were mines in the ground, he didn't realise-- oh Ka'ra, how many are dead? How many--?
He tries to sit up again and stops, falling back when he hears screaming. It takes him a long moment to realise that it's his voice, his screams.
Cody thinks he's hallucinating it, maybe imaging the voice of an angel in his final moments. *He must be, he decides when a woman appears above him, her dirty blonde-- almost brown, really-- hair falling over her shoulder to reveal a pair of slightly pointed ears. Her eyes are bright despite the frown on her face, almost eerily so.
Cody doesn't know why he's imagining some sort of Sephi woman come to take him away. He generally finds the men of the species more appealing.
"Keep breathing, Commander," she tells him, her voice light and airy, but determined in a familiar way. "You'll be able to do it without it hurting soon."
Cody coughs a little, trying to ignore the taste of blood in his mouth and the fact that it's dripping down the side of his face, too. He can barely get in any air, but he tries to speak regardless. She can't be his imagination. No, she would've called him Kote, not by his title.
"Who--?" he tries to say.
"Shh, keep your strength," she murmurs.
He can't see what she's doing, but with a jolt of movement, the pain in his chest becomes stronger and he screams again, almost against his will. The thing that was impaling him is gone-- she removed it.
Panic rises in him. He’s going to bleed out. He’s going to die right now, right here, in this mysterious woman’s arms.
“Breathe,” she warns again, firmly this time.
Cody wants to laugh, wants to tell her she sounds like General Kenobi with that heartbreaking last-minute, death-bed hope. He usually has nothing to hold onto, nothing but the people around him and he holds them fiercely. If this were him, he would refuse to accept that Cody is slipping away, not until his last breath.
What he fails to realise is that this woman isn’t denying his death because she doesn’t want it to happen; she’s denying it because she can and will prevent it.
He flinches as best he can when he feels her hands peel apart his armour. It’s burned into his blacks and when it pulls off his skin, he wants to scream again but makes a weak, wounded noise instead. Then, her hands on his bare chest, fingers pressed against his wounds.
“Buy me a-- a drink first,” he wheezes out, chest heaving.
Her laugh is a song, which is a stupid, cheesy thought that sounds like something out of Rex’s holofilms. Cody almost wants to bleed out just for thinking it.
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re exactly like your Progenitor?” she asks dryly.
He snorts. “He was the rough draft. I--”
The gasp leaves his throat without his permission, a flaring heat stretching out from where her fingers meet his chest. It surrounds his entire body, cradling him in a gentle heat and almost numbing his pain.
When it reaches his head, however, a stab of pain goes through his skull. He writhes with the wave of intense pain, vision going fuzzy with tears.
“Stop, stop, stop--” he begs, sobbing.
“I’m sorry,” she breathes out, moving to rest her hand on his face. “It’s not me.”
Her fingers are cold against the heat she’s brought on, ice-cold as they dance across his skull, seeking out the source of his pain. They stop on a spot on the right side and press firmly there. When Cody gasps again, she stops as quickly as she started and the heat recedes from that place in an instant.
“Let any Sith in your head lately?” she asks.
He shakes his head viciously. “No, no-- why?”
“We’ll worry about that later. Take a deep breath.”
Attempting not to focus on that worrying tone, Cody does as she says, inhaling as deeply as he can, though it hurts. The moment he gets a good breath in, the warmth intensifies.
His eyes widen, terrified, but then it’s all gone; the warmth, the pain, the dizziness, the fuzzy vision-- everything. He flings himself up from the ground, hand flying up to his head. His fingers still come away bloody, but he can tell the wound is gone.
“How did you--?” he starts to ask her. He sees her robes and stops immediately. “I didn’t know Jedi could do that.”
She smiles. “Most can’t, I admit. It’s taken me a long time to learn. Anything still hurt?”
He pauses, assessing, before finally shaking his head. “Thank you. Did-- did anyone else--?” He hesitates to ask.
Watching her face fall is a punch to the gut. “No. I’m sorry, Commander, but you were the only one still breathing when I arrived.”
Cody shuts his eyes tightly, willing away the tears that threaten to break again.
So many siblings. So many gone, all but him. It always seems to end this way, he thinks bitterly.
“Ni su'cuyi, gar kyr'adyc, ni partayli, gar darasuum,” he whispers.
He jumps when the woman places her hand on his, eyes opening. “Commander, I know you’re grieving and recuperating, but the Separatists will be all over this field soon. I have a request to make of you.”
Cody frowns. “General?”
“Ah, just Master,” she corrects, her smile a little sad-- something Cody has noticed with many Jedi when he calls them that. “Master Fay.”
“Marshal Commander Cody, of the 7th Sky Corps and the 212th Attack Battalion.”
Her smile widens. “Obi-Wan Kenobi. He’s lucky to have you.”
He glances at the ground, but only for a fraction of a second. “Thank you, sir, but I think it’s the other way around.” He pauses. “You said something about a request?”
“What I felt in your head...it was pure darkness,” Fay mutters.
She reaches forward again, the tips of her fingers on the very spot she’s speaking about. Cody finds himself leaning into the touch, reminded of the sharp difference between her skin and the heat that had come over him. He stops when she smiles a little at the movement, somewhat sheepish.
“Obi-Wan thinks I’m dead,” she says abruptly.
Cody blinks a few times. “Pardon?”
Fay sighs. “Myself and three other Masters faked our deaths so we could hunt the Sith Lord over Dooku. I think that they might have to do with whatever is in your head; it has the same darkness.”
He knows what she’s asking of him before she even finishes.
“You want me to come with you. If I disappear, they’ll assume I died in the explosion,” he works out.
Again, the smile that comes over her expression is sad. He’s clever, Fay thinks, like many of his siblings, but it doesn’t make her feel any better about the offer. She would never wish this fate on anyone, no matter the blood on their hands.
“I don’t want to take you from your family,” she admits, “but you may hold the key to finding the Sith Lord in your head, Commander.”
“I--” he pauses. “General Kenobi faked his death once. It felt-- It felt like the galaxy was ending. When he came back, I was...pissed. Couldn’t look at him for weeks. If I do the same thing, I don’t know if they’d forgive me.”
His thoughts drift to Rex. Rex would kick his ass for even thinking of pulling a Rako Hardeen.
And what about the other commanders? After Ponds...well, Cody doesn’t think they’d be able to lose anyone else.
But they could end the war. This is different from just catching a handful of bounty hunters trying to kill the Chancellor, this is saving the galaxy. What kind of soldier is Cody if he passes this up?
But what kind of soldier is he if he abandons his men?
(Good soldiers follow orders. Good soldiers follow orders.)
It’s not like he has much of a choice in this matter, though. He can’t exactly explain his miraculous survival of the explosion or the fact that he’s completely uninjured. What would he tell General Kenobi? That a long-dead Master healed him?
And how could he live knowing there was something dark in his head? Not ever finding out what it was?
“I’ll come with you,” he declares finally. “I need to know what this is. If it helps end the war, I have to.”
Master Fay grimaces. “You don’t have to do anything, Commander, if you don’t want--”
“I want to. I want to save my vode, sir. I can’t let this --” he gestures to the chaos around them, “--happen to any more of them.”
Fay lets out a deep breath. Cody is something. He and Obi-Wan must make quite a pair.
“Alright,” she says. “You’ll have to leave the armour; it stands out too much.”
He nods and takes her offered hand, standing with her. “I want to leave something for my brother, Rex. He won’t say a word, I trust him.”
“And I trust you, Commander,” she says with a smile. “I’ll contact the other Masters and give you a moment.”
“Sure, sir.” After a second, he clears his throat. “And, uh, Cody is fine.”
Fay hums. “Cody? You don’t have to call me sir. Just Fay. Or Master, if it physically hurts you to keep from using titles.”
Cody can’t help but laugh. “Thank you, Master. I’m glad we understand each other.”
Rex feels sick standing over the explosion site.
“Rexster? Rex?”
He snaps back into attention, finding a worried Ahsoka squinting at him. “Sir?” he asks, hoping it doesn’t come out as broken as he is.
Her grimace tells him that it does.
“We don’t know that he’s down there, Rex,” she says softly.
Rex swallows roughly. “Yeah.”
He’s trying to keep the hope, but it starts to fade with every step they take and every body they find. Not a single one of them made it out alive. He knows, logically, that Cody would have been at the front of the squad and the farthest from the explosion, but the damage is extensive.
“Sirs! Over here!” Jesse calls.
The sight of Cody’s armour, splattered with blood and reeking of burnt flesh, makes Rex gag. He has to rip off his helmet and duck away from the Generals, Ahsoka, and Jesse, retching.
When he returns, General Kenobi is kneeling beside the pile of displaced plastoid, grief etched on his face. He picks up a vambrace with shaking hands and lets out a weak breath. Ahsoka, meanwhile, sobs, letting General Skywalker pull her into his side.
Rex steels himself and moves toward them again, waving Jesse off when he gives him a concerned look. He kneels beside General Kenobi, who puts a hand on his shoulder.
He picks up Cody’s helmet, numb.
He can’t even find it in him to cry.
The Generals give him a long time there to think, to grieve. Jesse stays by his side, waiting and watching his six.
"Ni partayli, gar darasuum,” Rex says, finishing the remembrance. He holds Cody’s helmet in his hands, pressing his forehead against it in a Keldabe kiss. Despite himself, he chokes out; “Ni partayli, vod.”
He opens his eyes, meaning to pull the helmet away, and stops abruptly.
There’s something carved on the bottom of Cody’s visor, in Mando’a. Rex frowns. That’s a new addition, he’s pretty certain, at least since the last time he saw his brother.
It takes everything Rex has in him not to sob with relief when he translates it.
Cody is a stupid bastard and he loves his stupid bastard brother. He’s going to kill him.
Fucking Rako.
“Wherever you are, I hope you know I’m gonna kick your ass when you get back,” Rex whispers to the helmet as if Cody is there with him. “And all the commanders are gonna help me.”
River’s Tags: @hahaboop & @mystoragehatesme
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sephythespooky · 6 years
Flower Child
(bringing valentine home from Goggle’s point of view)
Floret bitty from @gaiasteapot​
Twister bitty from @selkiesbittybonanza​
mythbitties from @mythical-adoptions​
Chain lamia bitties from @vex-bittys​
Puppy papri by @nyehtish​
Sunlust lamia by @bitti-tarts
Moonjelly naga bitty from @dumplingsspookysweeties​ (aka me!) )
I liked the idea of being a helper. Not being able to see wasn’t fun, even if I only half know what that’s like. It let me bond a bit with Virgil, that first little while, both of us missing sockets.
But Valentine couldn’t see at all, so I could help them. I kept their bitty carrier secure in my coils all the way home.
“What sort of bitties are at home?” they asked as we got in the car. It took a lot of effort, at least it felt like it from the tone in their voice.
“Well, we have a lot of myth bitties at home, and quite a few snakes if you include Goggles. And then there are the puppies.” Sephy giggled about them. I knew she was in love with the big bones, and it made me happy to think about it. Made me feel more secure that our family wouldn’t fall apart.
“Puppies?” Val seemed to be confused.
“really tall skeletons with some dog features and tendencies,” I explain. the little rose leans against my scales and hums, acknowledging they heard me. “Sweet Bun is the housekeeper in the family. He’s the cook, the cleaner, and very nice. Then we have Goldie, who’s more of a lazybones, but he’s the protector kinda guy. And last is Gracey, who’s the newest pup. He’s shy and quiet, but he’s gentle to us and very enthusiastic about everybody being happy.”
Valentine seemed satisfied for a while, their fingers smoothing my scales with interest. But then they asked, “what about the myth bitties?”
“We have Dante, a Dietyrus who is very energetic but sweet,” Sephy lists off, counting on her fingers as we sit at a red light, “his Harbinger, Virgil, and their little brother, Orpheus, the Faerie. Then we have Adonis and Morpheus. Adonis is an Eastern Red, a dragon-”
“FIRE?!” Valentine yelped and crouched down in their box.
“hey, no, it’s okay,” I tried to purr to calm them. I could feel the little pings of panic from their soul, “donny never blows fire. even when he was super mad at dante once, he never used his fire. and even if he wanted to, he’d have to get through all of me first.” Poor little flower.
Sephy felt bad about it, too, I could see it in her face, “Oh, honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. Goggles is right, Donny’s just a lazy noodle, and he’s really sweet, especially to his brothers and mate....”
“Wh-what are they?” the stammer showed they were still scared, but Valentine at least peeked their petals over the edge of my coils again.
“Morpheus is his first brother, and he’s a Lucirazz. Then we have a Dealer, Jubilee. He’s one of the sweeter red suits, a diamond, so he’ll be nice if you ask him to. And Donny’s mate is Amethyst, a Sunlust lamia bitty.”
I purr. Amethyst has been really good for our household. He made Donny happy, he helps me and Gracey and Sephy with our anxiety, and he love love loves the fact that we all like to cuddle...except Virgil, but I’m pretty sure he’s what Sephy calls a ‘tsundere’, like those cute cactus pictures she puts on her phone.
Valentine nods, “Anybody else?”
“Mmhm,” She’s turning into our apartment complex now, “I have a Chain lamia named Georgio, and I just found out yesterday that he and Wagner, his Vampyrus mate, are going to have a clutch of eggs soon.”
A soft gasp made me look down. Valentine looked nervous, “Babies?”
“Yes, babies.” Sephy slowly pulled into our spot at the end of the line. “And last we have Denim. He’s a Moonjelly naga, a classic sans type snake. He likes to boop people on the nose, but we told him to leave you be until you say it’s okay.”
Valentine has popped back up to full height, and I hold them tight while Sephy picks us up from the passenger seat. “Are the babies here yet?”
“not yet, rosey,” I explain. “Georgio and Wagner just barely told Sephy about it, and Georgio’s got his soul bond with Sephy. He’ll be kind of protective for a while until the babies are hatched and kinda big. So there’s no need to fret”
They ease a bit, and nodded again. “Okay. And they know I can’t see?”
“yep,” We’re going up the stairs so Sephy’s concentrating. She’s scared of twisting her ankle again like a few months ago, so I don’t blame her for being quiet. “usually when we take someone in from a center, we’ve all agreed they’d fit in well with us. only gracey and denim were surprise members of the family.”
They seem to relax for the most part, and Sephy gets them out of their carrier and opens the door.
“WELCOME HOME!” Sweet Bun’s voice greets us as always, and I feel Valentine jump at the sudden sound.
“Sweet Bun, remember-”
“Oh!” His voice is much softer now as he comes out of the laundry area and gives Sephy a hug. “Sorry, I forgot for a moment. Hello, little flower friend. It’s nice to meet you.”
Valentine reached out, and Sweet Bun put his finger into their hands. The pups were all at full height now, so he was over half a foot taller than Sephy now. It made me feel good that we had three tall guys here to help if something ever happened to Sephy. I know I couldn’t lift a whole human in my tiny arms.
“I do have to go organize the others, little friend. I’ll be back in a moment.” When he was let go, Sweet Bun zipped from room to room, gathering people as Sephy sat on the sofa after closing the door.
“Okay, Valentine. That was Sweet Bun. Are you okay so far?”
They say slowly, “I think so? It will take a little bit to get used to his big voice, but his small voice is good for now. Does anyone else have a big voice like that?”
“nope.” I don’t think so, anyway. Sweet Bun is the loudest of all of us. “Orpheus, we call him Fi for short, is a little loud and so is Morpheus, but they’re all way softer than Sweet Bun’s normal voice.”
“um?” I look down and Denim is there. He’s quiet, mostly, but he’s talking right now. And he actually wears shirts now. Sometimes.
“Valentine, Denim is here.” Sephy says, and their vines reach out.
“Hi, Denim.” Valentine is happy, so I’m happy.
Denim slithers closer and lets Valentine feel his face, “hi. i won’t boop you. um...what’s your name?” His voice is very very soft and I’m kind of surprised to hear it. He’s barely said a word to anyone since he came here.
“I’m Valentine. Thank you for not booping me, and I appreciate you talking softly.” Yes good. Everybody’s doing well so far.
Denim hums and nuzzles into Valentine’s hands, then backs away, “talk to you later,” and he’s off to wherever he likes to hide.
Amethyst slides up next, and I greet him. “hey, mey. meet valentine.”
“Hello, sweetheart,” Mey purrs and leans his face against my coil so Val can feel him.
“Oh. You smell nice.” Val mentions, and Mey starts to purr.
“Thank you. You smell and look fantastic, darling. Welcome home.” I had a feeling Mey would probably try to help Valentine out, too, and I didn’t mind.
“Goggles said that...that the dragon is your mate. He won’t burn me, right?” Aww, they were still worried about Donny hurting them. Poor Val.
“Oh no, he would never.” Amethyst cooed and gently kissed some of Val’s petals, earning a shy squeak, “Adonis is a tender soul who loves peace and family. And you are our family now, Valentine.”
“O-okay,” Val was blushing. and I knew things would be good. Mey could keep anybody calm.
Fi and Morpheus zoomed in, “I’M COMING, GOGGLES!” called Morpheus and Val shifted to face them as the two landed.
Fi squeaked and held out his hand, “HI! YOU’RE THE NEW FRIEND, RIGHT?”
By now, Sweet Bun was back and sat on the far end of the sofa, clearing his throat to announce his presence. Val reached out and found Fi’s hand, “O-oh, hi. Um, what is your name?”
“HE’S FI AND I’M MORPHEUS THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE!” Oh dear, M is being....well, himself. The more he grows up, the more (falsely) cocky he gets. I worry about him.
“Oh. Why are you terrible? Morpheus?” Val reached out their other hand and Morpheus seemed to realize his posing was useless and calmed down.
“AND I’M NOT TERRIBLE BECAUSE I DON’T WANT TO BE SCARY.” Fi answered a question no one asked. As usual for the cutie. “WE’LL HELP RAISE THE BLINDS FOR YOU TO GET SUNSHINE.”
Sephy chuckled, “That’s very kind of you, boys.”
Val hummed as he examined the two hands he was given. Fi’s wings were fluttering, and I said softly, “hey, fi, you’re awfully breezy today.”
He puffed up his cheeks and huffed, but Morpheus growled at me. Hah, cute. I love these two kids.
“Oh?” Val turned to me. “Was that a pun?”
“yeah,” I hum, “Fi was flapping his wings to make those little gusts.”
“Wings...” Val seems pleased with the idea.
“Um, if you’re ready for the others, Valentine,” Sweet Bun says gently, “they’re here. But at your pace, of course.”
Nodding, they let go of Fi and Morpheus, “it’s nice to meet both of you.”
They giggle and fly away, off to play more games.
Dante whines and puts his head on Sephy’s knee. I realize he can’t directly communicate with Val because he can’t speak. “virgil? would you mind translating for your bro?”
“It is my solemn duty and only joy,” Virgil huffs and appears on Dante’s head. “Valentine, you are in the presence of the great diety known as Dante, and I am Virgil, translator and brother of Orpheus.”
There are several groans and coos from Dante, and he signs while he makes them, for the benefit of the rest of the family (and so they can correct Virgil if he tries to twist the words).
“My god wishes you to know he is also blind, traditionally speaking, and can only sense the world through his amazing extra senses.” Val reached out their vines and was gently analyzing Dante’s face while Virgil talked. “Welcome to our divinely cultivated family.”
Val’s vines slip over Virgil, too, who is surprisingly patient with them. “Hello, Dante, Virgil. Thank you.” When the vines withdraw, so does Dante’s head.
Sephy says softly, “Are you doing okay, Valentine?”
“Um, yes? I could use some water, though.” She sets us on the cushions and goes to get some.
Sweet Bun pushes Goldie and Gracey forward, “Valentine, these two about to give you their fingers are Goldie and Gracey. Please present yourselves to our new tiny friend!”
Goldie’s soft, warm voice is always calming. If I had to pick someone to be in charge other than Sephy, Goldie wins. He loves us and is strong enough to protect us.
“hey, valentine. i’m goldie. it’s good to have you safe at home.”
Val shook his finger, then Gracey offered his whole hand to the searching vines.
“m’gracey...you’re a nice, soft little fella...that’s good.” This made Val hum happily. They liked being praised.
A soft purr reached Valentine’s attention, and they turned their head down to it.
“Georgio~” Sephy cooed as she picked up the mini chain. Here was our brave and gentle founder. I guessed Wagner and Starlight were back in the nest boxes.
“heya. felt how happy everybody was and thought i’d join for a minute.” He sounded sleepy. He probably was, if I had to guess.
“geo,” Goldie said softly, “check out our cute new pal.”
“ooh.” He turned and Val followed his movements with their head. “hey there, flower baby. i’m georgio, sephy’s chain. i’m a lamia, so snakey sounds are gonna happen. when they wake up tonight, you can meet starlight and my mate, wagner. they’re sleeping in the closet, but uh...don’t go there.”
“i...i don’t plan to.” Val answers shyly. Georgio purred some more and flopped on Sephy’s hand as it came closer.
“valentine, we’ll set you in the sun for a while now, okay?” I ask, figuring introductions were over.
“Oh. Okay.” they cuddle up to me as I set them against my back, heading to the windowsill. I figure I’ll let them sun and take a nap myself.
All in all, a good day.
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