#i LOOOOVE these kind of questions SOO MUCH u have no idea
whats ur favorite scene in lost in the dark so far?
OH i love this question so much thank you for asking!!!! i gotta say, i think the mumbo argument is my favorite scene right now, at least out of whats already been written. That's got my very favorite line of dialogue so far in it, which is this one:
“Well, a fat load of good dying would do for anyone at this point, bud, I hate to tell you,” he snaps, taking another stilted step forward.
It's not even about the content of it so much as i am just SO pleased with how Mumbo's voice comes out in that line. I really feel like i just nailed his cadence right there specifically, and it makes the entire scene feel so sharp and on point to me
Also, im just really a big fan of writing Mumbo's specific brand of scared-angry right now. I feel like this particular type of reaction isnt written very often, so im excited to put it out there because i feel like it really makes sense for his character. He wont always be like this, but in the face of this crisis he is NOT handling his composure very well and i think thats a really neat thing to portray :]
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