#sometimes people get angry. and its not great but it is realistic and i LOVE diving deep into emotional realism
whats ur favorite scene in lost in the dark so far?
OH i love this question so much thank you for asking!!!! i gotta say, i think the mumbo argument is my favorite scene right now, at least out of whats already been written. That's got my very favorite line of dialogue so far in it, which is this one:
“Well, a fat load of good dying would do for anyone at this point, bud, I hate to tell you,” he snaps, taking another stilted step forward.
It's not even about the content of it so much as i am just SO pleased with how Mumbo's voice comes out in that line. I really feel like i just nailed his cadence right there specifically, and it makes the entire scene feel so sharp and on point to me
Also, im just really a big fan of writing Mumbo's specific brand of scared-angry right now. I feel like this particular type of reaction isnt written very often, so im excited to put it out there because i feel like it really makes sense for his character. He wont always be like this, but in the face of this crisis he is NOT handling his composure very well and i think thats a really neat thing to portray :]
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whispers-whump · 1 month
Some writing advice
that I like to use when I write. None of this is meant to be taken as hard and fast rules, they’re just things I like to do/keep in mind when I’m writing and I thought maybe other people would enjoy! <3
Never say what you mean
This is an offshoot of the very common “show don’t tell” advice, which I think can be confusing in application and unhelpful for scenes where telling is actually the right move. Instead, I keep the advice to never say exactly what I mean in stories.
By using a combination of showing and telling to hint at what you really mean, you force your reader to think and figure it out on their own, which makes for a more satisfying reading experience.
You might show a character getting angry and defensive in response to genuine care and concern. You could tell the audience that the character doesn’t see/talk to their parents often. But never outright give the real meaning that the character feels unlovable because of their strained relationship with their parents and as a result they don’t know how to react to being cared for.
Your readers are smart, you don’t need to spoon feed them.
Be sparse with the important things
You know how in a lot of movies there’s that tense scene where a character is hiding from something/someone and you can only just see this person/thing chasing them through a crack in the door? You get a very small glimpse of whatever’s after the character, sometimes only shadows being visible.
Do that in your writing. Obscure the important things in scenes by overdescribing the unimportant and underdescribing the important.
You might describe the smell of a space, the type of wood the floor is made of, the sound of work boots moving slowly across the room, a flashlight in the character’s hand. And there’s a dead body, laying in a pool of blood in the far corner of the room, red soaking into the rug. Then move on, what kind of rug is it? What is the color, patterns, and type of fabric of the rug?
Don’t linger on the details of the body, give your reader’s imagination some room to work while they digest the mundane you give them.
Dialogue is there to tell your story too
There’s a lot of advice out there about how to make dialogue more realistic, which is absolutely great: read aloud to yourself, put breaks where you feel yourself take a breath, reword if you’re stuttering over your written dialogue. But sometimes, in trying to make dialogue sound more realistic, a little bit of its function is lost.
Dialogue is more than just what your characters say, dialogue should serve a purpose. It’s a part of storytelling, and it can even be a bridging part of your narration.
If you have a scene with a lot of internal conflict that is very narration-heavy, breaking it up with some spoken dialogue can be a way to give some variety to those paragraphs without moving onto a new idea yet; people talk to themselves out loud all of the time.
Dialogue is also about what your characters don’t say. This can mean the character literally doesn’t say anything, they give half-truths, give an expected answer rather than the truth (“I’m fine”), omit important information, or outright lie.
Play with syntax and sentence structure
You’ve heard this advice before probably. Short, choppy sentences and a little onomatopoeia work great for fast-paced action scenes, and longer sentences with more description help slow your pacing back down.
That’s solid advice, but what else can you play with? Syntax and sentence structure are more than just the length of a sentence.
Think about things like: repetition of words or ideas, sentence fragments, stream of consciousness writing, breaking syntax conventions, and the like. Done well, breaking some of those rules we were taught about language can be a more compelling way to deliver an emotion, theme, or idea that words just can’t convey.
Would love to hear any other tips and tricks other people like to use, so feel free to share!!!
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cloudcountry · 4 months
I don't play sdv so im sending this on anon in case i say something wrong but it's always been bizarre to me how people dehumanize shane
I've seen multiple videos talking about the worst bachelors and they always put him in first because "he betrays the player" by relapsing on drinking but like, isn't that just realistic? Shane is human that's normal, it's always weird how they want to just save and fix Shane instead of accepting and loving him, they treat him like shit and for what? it's not like he's abusive he's sweet and caring he just has an addiction 😭
anon you hit the nail right on the head.
under the cut because im talking about mental health and relapsing.
the people who yell about shane being a fixer upper the LOUDEST are the one who actually WANT him fixed. nobody who genuinely cared for shane and loves him for who he is wants to "fix him," in fact you as the farmer dont even really push him to do anything. shane decides to get therapy on his own, he decides to repair his relationships on his own, HELL he even asks the farmer to take him to the hospital after he drank too much ON HIS OWN.
people love to cry out "YOU CANT FIX HIM" when nobody, not even the IN GAME FARMER is trying to do that. shane is a very realistic character, one of the most realistic in the game, and to say he "betrays" his spouse because he RELAPSED or "isn't a good husband" because his room is messy is CRAZY to me. its like people aren't even hearing themselves talk.
ive seen some people who seem to genuine like shane talk about how his room is so bothersome because "its messy" and "doesnt look as nice as the other candidates" and EVERY TIME i'm like. Yeah and you know why? because shane is depressed. because shane, who struggles to get out of bed sometimes, may not have the energy to clean up his room every day. shane, who still has horrible thoughts about himself, may feel like he's too worthless to even bother trying because what would a little cleaning do? shane, even after he marries you, is still VERY MENTALLY ILL.
its like some of the posts on here talking about how people only support mentally ill people if theyre clean and up to THEIR standards. shane is literally a walking representation of that. even the people who love him cant completely accept his mental illness because it makes him nasty to them and yet not a single one of them sees a problem with it. it makes me so angry because i HAVE struggled with depression, i HAVE gone through days were i couldn't clean, i HAVE been disgusting. and to me, every single time i see someone talk about shane this way, a character who i relate to because we have very similar struggles, it tells me that people would think this way about me too.
stardew is such a great game for finding fictional characters that embody your struggles. shane is one of those characters. people like him because of his many flaws and even greater amount of strengths. people like shane because he embodies them. the stardew fandom screaming over and over again that shane is nothing but an outlet for people with fixer complexes will never not piss me the hell off.
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happyimaginaryme · 1 year
One Piece Live Action review
I went into watching this thinking it was going to tank. I honestly thought it was going to be a disaster like Dragon Ball evelution. I was worried about only 8 episodes with first season orgonally having 46. I was worried they were going to change a lot and take away a lot. Make it more dumb. I really had no idea what they were going to do.
I was wrong. The first episode had me shocked. Was there differences? Yes. But they werent bad. They made sense. I rated the first epide 4 of 5 stars. It wasnt perfect but it truly was a good opening episode.
The actrors were amazing. When I seen the postrs and trailors Inwas worried. Sanji missing his eyebroe, Usopp his long nose, and some of the CGI looked a little weird. That was one of the reasons had me worried. Yet the actors did such an amzing job!
Zoro is just fucking perfect. I love him. I love Love love love that they included Mr. 7 and Zoro's fight. That was shook and let me tell you I jumped and nearly squealed when I seen that. They don't show that fight in manga or anime. Its only mentioned.
Mackenyu Did a great job betraying Roronoa Zoro. 5 stars.
Though one of my dissapoitments when it comes to Zoro are three things: First his missing fight with Hatchi and how Luffy is introduced with Zoro. And His fight with mihawk. (Not that it was bad but that 3 people who witnese it I always thought was omportant were not there)
Not seeing Hatchi is a disapointment. However I can see why they may have cut him out. The live action is following the manga as close as it can while also being realistic. But we see Hatchi again in later arcs. Before timeskip and right after. It would be hard to justify soneone who worked for Arlong (who pretty much inslaved Nami) make him a good and likeable charector? I mean I dont hate Hatachi from the manga/Anime but I never understood why Nami would be okay with associating with him regardless if he wasnt one who did anything to her or not. So that could be why they left him out? Another reason could be time. They only had 8 episodes to work with. Could they fit a third fight sceen in the one episode? Hard to say. Or even his 6 arms could have been an issue. Not sure. But still I really like his fight with Zoro. Still the fight sceen with Zoro and Sanji working wonders together is amazing and makes up for it. It was still a good part and yeah its a sisspointment not seeing Hatachi but at the same time The fight and banter with Sanji makes up for it.
Now one dispoinment which is me more nit picking when it comes to Zoro is his introduction with Luffy. Luffy wanted Zoro on his crew by just hearing about him. He didnt see him or know him he was like "yeah? Hes a good fighter? Ima make him my crew. Then he heard what Zoro did for rhe little girl. I really really likes that from the manag. That being said! The way the live action did it was still really good too. Is it a slight bummer? Yeah but not enough for it to be bad. It still good and the point across of Zoro being a good guy stands.
As for his fight witb Mihawk. It was amazing ok? I loved it. Now what is a bit sad to see is no Johnny and Yadaku and Sanji didn't witness the fight. Again its more nit picking but hear me out! In the Manga and Anime Sanji watches the fight and hes angry. He is angry its not him going after his dream but also because its like Zoro is Waisting his dream. I always thought that was important. At least for Sanji's charector. HOWEVER because of the things they changed with Sanji and his story it probably makes sense. Ill get to that when I get to Sanji. Its also a bunner Johnny and Yadaku isnt in this but I get it. Time and money sometimes minor things need to be cut.
Overall though. Every thing with Zoro is jsut so good. Even the things I got a Tad bumbed at (more me nit picking) but even though I was the changes they made I liked.
Lets talk about Usopp. Usopp again I was a little bumbed with no long nose. I mean. Okay. It probably would have been a pain to either CGI it or wear a prostrdic. So I get it. That being said Jacob Romero did a great job! And the only Usopp to get the kiss haha. Now I was happy Usopp got the kiss. At the same time I am like "bah. No romance in OP lol" but damn the Usopp Kiya shipper in me was so happy! Honestly 5 stars for Usopp.
My disapointment with Usospp's arc was no Jango. Like this one I did not get? It was Jango that hipnotized the impoten Kuru to believe he was Kuru in the first place. So unless they are going to bring that into play later? Yeah I have to say thats one of the biggest disapointments. Again not enough for me to hate on or dislike the changes. I really enjoyed the arc. It was more darker and honestly sad to! Like they killed merry! He's supposed to survive! They also cut out Onion carrot and pepper but to be fair a gron man playing with 3 children? Weird lol. Actually I forgot about them until I realized that they were also missing. My more concern was Jango! Even so it was fun to watch. Different and more thrilling.
Nami my dear I enjoyed her. She isn't my favorate in any addaption but I still like the charecter. I thought Emily Rudd played her well. 4.5 stars. My only issue is I felt like she was a little stiff at times at first? But she really started to shine towards the end. Like she was amazing. If it wasnt for the first episode or two where I felt she was off I would give her 5 starts. Its again nit picking! Because she was amazing!
Lets talk about Luffy though. I thought Iñaki Godoy was amazing. Like he was amazing Luffy. 5 stars. I almost almost want to say 4.5 of 5 stars because there were times where I think Luffy would be smiling or doing something dumb he was more serious? But I didn't care so much because this isnt the Anime and its not the manga. Its live action and some things need ro be realistic. So I got it. And he the actor loved being Luffy and you can see he did his best at ir. Like he was made for this part!
Now I want to get into Sanji. I kept Sanji for last because he's not only my fave OP char he is my fave Anime/Manga char of all the anime/manga I read and love. Like he is #1 in my book. He is the Goat! So out of the first 5 straehats, if I was going to nit pick anyone it was going to be Taz Skylar's betryal of Sanji.
I was not dissapointed. He did a fantastic Job. I was impressed to know that he not only learned kick boxing and cooking he also did his own stunts. Fucking impressive for any actor. 5 stars. Dude. I loved it. We still got to see that anger and cussing he does but most of all we got to see his kidness.
Was there disapointments in his episodes? Yeah. It sucks that we didnt get to see his fight with Ging. That is one great fight. The whole Gin crying because he cant kill Sanji and taking the poison gas? Holy hell. I get it they didnt have time to do the whole don kerig saga. But daaamn that is the biggest disapointments.
Howeever! The changes they made was still good. Because if this serious continued and we learn of Sanji's past with Germma then I think I underdtand. Yes I like the Sanji disagreeing with Luffy to join banter and Sanji in general being more angry at the start. But his nonchalant more easy going side is.... refreshing and part of Sanji we dont see much until later. I like that they are focused on Sanji's kindness! Hes always introduced in the manga as 'A kind hearted chef who lives woman' in every issue of the manga.
The Live action is really focused on Sanji's kindness but also his silly side that he can be sometimes. Still top fighter next to Zoro. But more playful. In both Anime and Manga Sanji is seen eating and enjoying rhe party. But here in the live action he is the one cooking and serving. Like they are really highlighting the kindess in Sanji here. So yeah I was dissapointed that there was no Gin fight but. Again it was changed in a delightful way! Like I like the change. It was like the writers went to Oda. "Hey. We want to highlight Sanji's kindess how can we change this without xhanging his actual past story and what not?" And oda was like "well...do this" or something. Because it worked. They made Sanji's intro still sad as fuck wirh him and Zeff on the rock. The two still share the same relationship and they highlight Sanji's kindness. Also I kinda like the tone down womanizing.
Also the Zoro and Sanji bantering? My ZoSan shipping heart is like Yuuuusss!
So yeah I had some dissapointments. I was hoping for Sanji to witness the mihawk fight. Even if it was out the window ya know? I do feel like it was important. Alas. But all that asside I loved it.
One more char I want to talk about it Buggy. This mofo is brillant betryal. Still Buggy but darker. More intresting!
So over all I give it a 4 of 5 stars. Not perfect but still fucking fantastic.
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galactic-academia · 6 months
There is a fury to Terry Pratchett’s writing: it’s the fury that was the engine that powered Discworld. It’s also the anger at the headmaster who would decide that six-year-old Terry Pratchett would never be smart enough for the 11-plus; anger at pompous critics, and at those who think serious is the opposite of funny; anger at his early American publishers who could not bring his books out successfully.
The anger is always there, an engine that drives. By the time Terry learned he had a rare, early onset form of Alzheimer’s, the targets of his fury changed: he was angry with his brain and his genetics and, more than these, furious at a country that would not permit him (or others in a similarly intolerable situation) to choose the manner and the time of their passing.
And that anger, it seems to me, is about Terry’s underlying sense of what is fair and what is not. It is that sense of fairness that underlies Terry’s work and his writing, and it’s what drove him from school to journalism to the press office of the SouthWestern Electricity Board to the position of being one of the best-loved and bestselling writers in the world.
It’s the same sense of fairness that means that, sometimes in the cracks, while writing about other things, he takes time to punctiliously acknowledge his influences – Alan Coren, for example, who pioneered so many of the techniques of short humour that Terry and I have filched over the years; or the glorious, overstuffed, heady thing that is Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable and its compiler, the Rev E Cobham Brewer, that most serendipitious of authors. Terry once wrote an introduction to Brewer’s and it made me smile – we would call each other up in delight whenever we discovered a book by Brewer we had not seen before (“’Ere!’ Have you already got a copy of Brewer’s A Dictionary of Miracles: Imitative, Realistic and Dogmatic?”)
Terry’s authorial voice is always Terry’s: genial, informed, sensible, drily amused. I suppose that, if you look quickly and are not paying attention, you might, perhaps, mistake it for jolly. But beneath any jollity there is a foundation of fury. Terry Pratchett is not one to go gentle into any night, good or otherwise.
He will rage, as he leaves, against so many things: stupidity, injustice, human foolishness and shortsightedness, not just the dying of the light. And, hand in hand with the anger, like an angel and a demon walking into the sunset, there is love: for human beings, in all our fallibility; for treasured objects; for stories; and ultimately and in all things, love for human dignity.
Or to put it another way, anger is the engine that drives him, but it is the greatness of spirit that deploys that anger on the side of the angels, or better yet for all of us, the orangutans.
Terry Pratchett is not a jolly old elf at all. Not even close. He’s so much more than that. As Terry walks into the darkness much too soon, I find myself raging too: at the injustice that deprives us of – what? Another 20 or 30 books? Another shelf-full of ideas and glorious phrases and old friends and new, of stories in which people do what they really do best, which is use their heads to get themselves out of the trouble they got into by not thinking? Another book or two of journalism and agitprop? But truly, the loss of these things does not anger me as it should. It saddens me, but I, who have seen some of them being built close-up, understand that any Terry Pratchett book is a small miracle, and we already have more than might be reasonable, and it does not behoove any of us to be greedy.
I rage at the imminent loss of my friend. And I think, “What would Terry do with this anger?” Then I pick up my pen, and I start to write.
Extracted from Neil Gaiman’s introduction to A Slip of the Keyboard: Collected Non-fiction by Terry Pratchett
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snail-studios · 5 months
OK I'm gonna send several asks about Orca OC because I've been thinking about several different ideas and I wanna separate them.
First, just some ideas to bounce names off you and see if you like any of then. Zora names are usually two syllables (sometimes three), and carry something of a heavier vowel focus. Here are a few of the ideas that I think sort of capture a "Zora" vibe and I hoped maybe one of them would get you going in the direction you want for the character.
Fura-- sounds like fury, just thought it was neat
Larunda-- straight up stole this name from a water nymph but it sounds extremely Zora-like. You could also go with its variant "Laru". Does come with the risk of sounding too much like the already existent "Laruta" though.
Sera/Sela-- tweaked version of French word for "salt" because she's from the sea
Saumi/u/a-- brackish
Nevi-- tweaked version of Italian word for "snow"
Padot-- just threw together a bunch of Zora names for this one.
Hope these help to some extent.
ahh these are great! (I'm just going to put all of your asks in one post so not to spam anyone)
long answers below ⤵
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Would she mop the floor with Link in a spear on spear sparring match?
It really depends. I would say she would beat him out of brute strength but Link can parry lynels, so he’s definitely monstrously strong. But she’s been training with the spear her whole life and can probably outwit him by making him angry, as long as she doesn’t lose her temper herself. I think in a no holds-barred fight she could kill him though, and post-Calamity Link when he’s just woken up wouldn’t stand a chance even if all the odds are with him.
Do you reckon she's on par with Mipha and the other Champions in terms of martial skill, or perhaps just exemplary among the Zora (but not close to a Champion), or was her appointment more of a formality like Urbosa's guards would have been?
Give her another century or 50 years of training and she absolutely would be, but pre-Calamity she’s more of a formal knight there for when Mipha’s unarmed or in a vulnerable position (resting, in unfamiliar environments, stuff like that.) I don’t think she’s like Link with Zelda and trailing her 99% of the time because that’s not even necessary for a warrior as skilled as Mipha. (Mipha’s probably an even better fighter than her knight but it’s always good to have extra support)
What are her chances against a Lynel?
She could kill it! She’s pretty big and strong so she has a higher chance of living than Mipha and Link fighting one together.
A Guardian Scout?
She’s mortal, so a beam could probably take her out, but if she got it onto the ground she could probably dismantle it fairly efficiently.
How many Moblins could she take on at once?
Realistically, probably three or four, given she’s a big target and fairly slow compared to Mipha, who I can imagine being able to take on around five or six. Together they could probably kill at least 15 tho. Teamwork makes the dream work! <3
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You've already given a snapshot of what her relationship with Dorephan, Link, Mipha, and Muzu would look like, but what about her reputation/relationship with Zora's Domain as a whole? We know Link finds her intimidating, and strangers likely do too, but would the citizens of Zora's Domain feel that same intimidation or something else? 
I think it depends on the Zora! The little kids would love her, since she’s friendly to them, but one of Mipha’s suitors? Or just a scab in general (or a rude tourist)? Yeah they would be terrified. She’s not someone to be immediately unfriendly but she doesn’t like rude people.
Do they perhaps look up to her, or think she's some really cool lone wolf type?
Some people would absolutely think of her as a lone wolf, but the people who actually know and spend time with her just think she’s a nice and respectful person. Little Zora and other knights look up to her. The little Zora think she’s cool, the other knights hope they can rise to a rank like hers one day.
 Do they gossip about her and Mipha? 
Oh absolutely xD Being a public figure like that, there’s no way they’re not getting gossiped about.
Does she have a Sidon style fan club? 
Is this emotional toughness a Link-specific problem due to jealousy? 
Yeah, I think so. She also worries that people don’t believe she’s fit for the job, so acts exceptionally tough and professional around people she’s insecure around.
I get that she has something of an aura of scariness, but I guess I'm curious about the particulars. Is she scary because she's the quiet, reserved, unreadable watchdog kind of person? 
She’s very much like a watchdog at times and can be quite unreadable, but most people fear her because of her stature and battle prowess. 
Is she easily nettled and perhaps overly forceful and aggressive like Buliara is?
No, not at all. She used to be when she was younger, but learnt that’s not helpful to anyone and just makes her charges uncomfortable.
 Is she one of those people you can clearly see planning how she would dismantle you on your very first meeting? 
If you’re a threat, yes. If you’re just a mildly annoying person or are acting normal and like you have no tricks up your sleeve, probably not.
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She'd probably bite her tongue .3.
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hushed-chorus · 1 year
20 questions for fic writers!
Thank you for the tags @wellbelesbian @orange-peony and @you-remind-me-of-the-babe! I’m always curious about how others respond to these things! I’ve been a little distant from tumblr recently so hoping this can get me engaging properly again!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Carry On/Simon Snow! I love them boys too much, and I love all the weird speculative shit you can get up to in the World of Mages.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Accidents Happen
What Remains After The Storm
Call of the Sea
Just Say The Word (The Word is Hedgehog)
Worst Disney Princess Ever
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! It’s just lovely to chat a bit with people, and I also want them to know I appreciate their comments. Sometimes it’s a little while before I respond but I always do.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I’m a happy ending person, or at least hopeful ending. That being said, The Danse Macabre ends on a glum note.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
That’s a tough one (see above), but probably What Remains After The Storm.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not these days, but I got a couple as a teen. The silliest was someone angry that my fic was a canon divergence–nothing more, nothing less. It was silly.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Sometimes. I struggle with smut. If sex seems right for the story/plot, then I’ll add it, but I don’t tend to write it for its own sake.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No, the closest I’ve come is an idea for an AU, but even then I’ll probably strip out all the characters from that setting
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Currently co-writing For All Intents and Purposes with @erzbethluna. It's been such a blast! I'm hoping to get back into writing soon
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Snowbaz (obvs)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I had an idea for a Piranesi-inspired fic. Wrote a bit of it by hand almost a year ago. I’d like to keep working on it, but realistically I don’t think it will happen.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Plots, maybe? I like writing little twists and reveals.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Smut or otherwise physically intimate scenes. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Personally I don’t like it. If I can understand the meaning contextually, then that’s great. If I don’t need to know the meaning, also, great. But if that text is relevant to the scene in some way, I don’t like it, even if translations are provided at the end. No shade on anyone who does this, but I find it brings me out of a story. Edit: Now remembering I did this in When Pigs Fly, and while it wasn't plot relevant, I understand if anyone thinks me a hypocrit.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Good Omens (I think)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
That’s a tough one to answer, but I’ll say What Remains After The Storm. There are definitely parts I think, in retrospect, I could have done better, but overall I’m really happy with it. Also, it just combines so many of my loves. The Ocean! Moors! The Fae! Stupid Sexy Mermen!
That being said, Accidents Happen will always have a special place in my heart.
Tags! Would love to see your answers @cutestkilla @artsyunderstudy @aristocratic-otter @shrekgogurt @theearlgreymage and anyone else who fancies joining in!
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pentacentric · 1 year
I am so so not gonna rb that john post bc of how it frames John caring so much about Sam & not Dean & such shallow take on John overall in general but i wanted to tell you how immaculate and on points your tags were.
I don't know why it's a war (i know why & you can see which side of fandom is shaping it as if John was attending to Sam 24/7 taking him on freaking themeparks every weekend) it's frustrating & upsetting. Let's not forget that in his last living moments John he was telling Dean he gotta kill Sam. Like this guy would've killed Sam unlike Dean. But hey, Sam had such loving tender father figure who cherished him. Anyway sorry for the ramble. I rarely see someone actually acknowledging that there's NOT supposed to be a competition but minimizing Sam's abuse and suffering is very common here bc they gotta remove Sam from the story in one way or another. I even consider myself a big john lover just bc how flawed but layered and damaged he was but he wasnt a good father for Sam either. He did NOTHING for Sam. Hell it was even Dean who carried Sam out of the fire. It was Dean saving and cherishing Sam, not John. I mean, I don't think there's an argument that he loved them both but that doesn't change how be treated them BOTH
Thank you❤️ 100% in agreement with you. This fandom can be a little exhausting at times as we all know and I generally try to stay out of that kind of discourse, but sometimes stuff like it slips in my feed and I just get so frustrated and I can't help myself. It's always nice to know there's other people that understand that the whole battle thing is just pointless.
And trauma fighting aside, even, it's such a bad take on its own. Like, not only are you completely erasing Sam's whole story and character (which is pretty much a capital crime, really), you are actually doing such a disservice to Dean! It removes so much complexity and nuance from his character, and only adds to the whole boring Dean woobification syndrome where he's the only one that suffered and is alone in the world and no one understands him (except, maybe hmmm I wonder…). Like Dean didn't have Sam suffering right there by his side. Like it wasn't the two of them against the world (which John was a central pillar of). Like all of that isn't such an integral part of why they are so intrinsically intertwined, which is what makes Dean Dean and Sam Sam and drives the whole damn show! You can't say you love Dean and try to remove his actual bond with Sam or reduce it to some kind of fanonized parentified-child/golden-child guilt trap. Because that's not it at all. And if they think that, they don't know Dean it all.
And I agree with you about John. I don't hate him (and JDM made me love him, even, with the way he portrayed him), but I can also be hard on him sometimes because he does have a lot of faults and he is abusive and it's very recognizable. But it's in a very realistic way where he isn't truly a bad person. That's part of his complexity as a character and why he's interesting. Like, someone can be loving and intend to do well and have a lot of great attributes, and also a total fucking mess and abusive and a kind of shitty parent at the same time. John may have tried, but he did utterly fail them in as many ways as he overall kept them safe and cared for them. It's fascinating because in those situations children tend to be pulled between loving that parent and wanting their approval and affectio , and also being resentful and hurt and angry, and both sets of feelings are totally valid. I think the show captures that really well with the way the boys react and develop as characters themselves. Villainizing John is as reductive as erasing Sam's canon history.
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sieglinde-freud · 1 year
1,3,5,6 and 15! I love women <3
hi faye!! 🩷 i already know this gonna be long hooboy
1. One of your favorite female characters?
frederica aesfrost triangle strategy. that is my GIRL. i dont know how many of you guys have played triangle strategy but me personally it changed my life. not gonna say too much because i dont wanna spoil it, but shes such a great female lead. shes basically fighting for the liberation of her people, the roselle, who the society of the game has basically condemned for no reason so if you go through her arc, you see how she deals with the pressure of having to free them, how hard it hurts to witness them in the state that theyre in, and the sacrifices she has to make to get what she wants and GOD. its so good. shes so good. also she cant fucking cook. me too girl.
3. What’s a female character you look up to?
ema skye ace attorney, specifically in aa4-6. ive never seen a character that made me go ‘GOD shes just like me fr’ like her (and apollo justice. but this isnt about him). i feel like it’s rare to see main characters like her really love something, and then FAIL pathetically at it. over and over. not that i enjoy seeing her not getting her forensic license, but it just feels so real. sometimes you love something and you’re so passionate about it but you just dont get it. and how does she react? is she still the bubbly ema you see in rfta with a “we’ll get em next time!” attitude? no!! no she’s not, she’s bitter, grumpy, snarky, dealing with the most annoying prosecutor of all time, and she’s so fucking real. be frustrated! be angry! life hands you shit cards you can be mad about how you have to play it! it’s nice seeing characters who pick themselves back up so easily, but most people arent like that and im certainly not, and seeing a character who’s just so honest about that is really refreshing. of course, she finally gets her dream in aa6, but that doesnt come without years and years of trying. in a universe where people are becoming lawyers at 18, it’s nice to see someone realistic. (im also trying to step foot into the forensic field eventually sooo… the fact that shes on the same path as me just kinda makes it hit harder, you know?)
5. A female villain you love?
pissing off both sides of the argument by calling her a villain and saying i love her but edelgard von hresvelg. before anyone says anything my favorite lord is yuri leclerc and the rest of them are equal in my heart <3 but edelgard clearly takes on more of a villain role in every route except her own, and even then she’s not entirely morally correct (duh). but i dont know. i wont say too much on your ask faye cuz i know you havent finished the other routes yet, but even when i played azure moon i couldnt bring myself to dislike her. her past with dimitri, the way she kept the dagger, and everything she reveals to you on her own path and how her past shaped her into who she is and what she wants and how she will stop at nothing to get it. i dont agree with the ends justifying the means, but i love characters who believe in that because it’s just so interesting. you want this thing so bad, nothing will stop you? your friends, your family, knowing you’re doing wrong because you think it’ll turn out right? what if it goes wrong. what if it blows up in your face? what if history remembers you as the villain forever? you’re already too deep in it i guess, so just keep going. shes so… ggrarghj. edelgard 🥹
6. A female character who got done dirty by the narrative?
athena cykes ace attorney. you’re telling me the entirety of aa5 is revolves around HER story, HER past, HER relationships, and it’s called “Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies”? the dual, by the way, refers to apollo. and you dont even play as athena during the climax of the game, you play as phoenix and shes just WATCHING. will they redeem her in aa6? you mean “Phoenix Wright: Spirit of Justice?” you mean the game where she gets ONE case on her own and it’s a FILLER CASE? admittedly a pretty good filler case but still. god. what the hell. i get phoenix sells but if you’re make new lawyers to take on his legacy, maybe? let them do that???
15. Female character you would defend with your life?
as usual there are so many to pick from. but i think this time i’m gonna pick nyx fire emblem. now, dont get me wrong. i will not defend her design. fates’ female dark mage design is pretty bad, especially since its used on ophelia and nyx. as much as i sincerely dont think nyx looks like a child as opposed to just a pretty short young woman, it’s…. blerghh. but aside from that? i cant STAND when people say shes just generic loli bait that acts like a child. because where? WHERE? point to where in her supports she acts like a child seriously. i know in her supports with charlotte she attempts to try it, but the point is that its unnatural and uncomfortable for her to do so. she is just. not like that. she doesnt try to play around like nowi or myrrh. shes not a child in dragon years or anything. shes just an older woman stuck in the body of a younger one, and if you would just READ one support, literally any of them, you would know that. but fates haters dont read, do they? clearly not. and its just a huge disservice to the rest of her character, which i think is incredibly beautifully written. shes such a standout in fates and i cant stand people ignoring that because “waaah nowi clone!” fuck you.
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microsuedemouse · 2 years
OXENFREE my beloved. Would you mind sharing your thoughts? It's always a pleasure to hear what people think of the game, especially to have a Before and After reaction to a normal vs NG+
anyway uhhh. yeah. Thoughts. okay well for starters, I haven't actually started a NG+ yet bc I wanted to let the story percolate for a few days before I launched back in, so I was playing something totally different in the meantime. I finished that a couple days ago though so I think I'm gonna head back to Oxenfree next
my first play was a kind playthrough, because... that's just what I'm like lol. I really want to do a silent run bc I think that's an interesting concept and also bc anytime my dialogue choice interrupted one of the other characters I was like... NO I WANTED TO KNOW WHAT THEY WERE SAYING lmao. I also like... kind of want to do a mean run, for the sake of learning as much of the story as possible, but I also don't know if I have the heart for it lmao?? there are many games that give you the chance to be a dick and I am ALWAYS bad at taking that option. it makes me feel terrible hahaha
I absolutely loved the game's mechanics and setup. video games are most interesting to me personally as a vehicle for narrative, and Oxenfree tells the story so well. dialogue being a major portion of the gameplay? listening to conversations as you move and choosing not only what to say but when to speak or stay silent... is such an interesting and engaging gameplay device. like I said before, sometimes I almost didn't want to choose a dialogue option, because I wanted to hear out the rest of what the other characters were saying.
and the story itself is so good. I am SUCH a sucker for character-driven stories, and on top of that, the family relationship(s) absolutely got me. Alex is a youngest sibling and I'm an oldest, so we differ in that regard, but it's still true that I'm incredibly close with my siblings, so stories that deal with siblings who love each other will always pull at my heartstrings. (this one, I'm sure you can guess, broke my heart.) even the very fresh but developing relationship between Alex and Jonas was really interesting to me.
I'm also a huge sucker for supernatural horror, and horror that effectively explores interesting human themes without being All Highfalutin Metaphor. Oxenfree pulls off both with an incredibly charming and straightforward, low-tech sort of mechanic for exploring said horror. I love that you don't even have to go looking for the backstory if you don't want to; all the explanations and history are pretty much secondary to the main plotline that you're made to follow. (which has interesting RP implications, too - are you playing Alex as curious enough to go looking for all the weird broadcasts and letters, or as too angry and/or scared to care?)
I love the game. its scope is perfect. just a few characters to care about, but enough that there are complex relationships to unravel and not quite enough time to delve into all of them. this weird little island that you can explore in pretty much any order and direction you like, with lots of secrets to be found if you want to look. the really effectively spooky atmosphere. the weird implications about ghosts and possible afterlives, about time and maybe time travel, about the relationships between life and death, between the living and the dead... PLUS great, vibey art, and gloriously realistic branching dialogue with great voice acting, and weird scary ghosts(?), and emotionally intense choices to make...
I'm sure with more time my thoughts will crystallise further - not to mention with more plays. I'll try to remember to come back and share any further feedback I have! it's the kind of game that I think I'll have intelligent things to say about in another like, month or two, once I've mulled over it for longer and/or talk to someone else about it, hehe. I'm trying to get my youngest sibling to play it, bc they'd LOVE it.
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mrstsung · 2 years
The problem with mk anymore is they keep writing themselves into a corner and writing it as if it was the last game ever.
And sometimes thats not a good thing.
I doubt mk12 is gonna be good because you cant really move forward well without another retcon. And people are genuinely tired of that.
And they are appeasing to the crowd that doesn't even play the games or know the lore and knows how much nrs and to an extent boon as fucked up the whole thing.
And it saddens me that we had the greatest talents working with them in mk11. So its a waste to not have them come back. Which as crappy as mk12 i predict will be. At least we'd have them reprise the roles.
But i doubt that because they are legit getting rid of everything. And that makes me both angry and sad.
Because im sick of them retconning everything. And im sick of wb sticking its dc comic dick in everything.
And im tired of people pretending its ok. When its not.
Mortal kombats story is so fucked up anymore the only thing good about it now is to beat up your friends over local or online and thats fucking sad.
The story is so bad. You can put it on mute and it would be more entertaining. The only thing good about mk11 was shang tsung. And tagawa coming back. But i doubt they are ballsy enough to do that again. Especially since well....you know. In the story. They kinda fucked shang over. At least on lius ending. And the only way to fix that is say both endings (shang and lius) are both canon. But i doubt that since they still wanna suck protag dick. (Sorry i love liu but yeah.)
Not to mention these crappy new movies. The only good ones are the animated ones. But even then they have their problems.
The live action one (2021) is god awful. And the sequel is more likely just as awful if not worse. Because again they are appeasing dc comicbook fans not mortal kombat fans. Which is fucking stupid. Because nobody wants to see those. So what makes you think sticking it in where it doesn't belong will work? WE DONT WANT SUPERHERO MOVIES ANYMORE YOU DUMBASSES! god wb is just as bad as marvel studios.
But thats for another rant.
This is not how a game especially a legend like mortal kombat should be.
Especially us fans who have been here. Played all the games. And now we are being treated like jokes. Especially from what was built up in 9. Which isn't a great game but they had and idea. I was cool with it. Then they threw it in the toilet.
Which isn't surprising since legit i feel like they dont wanna do half the shit they did in mk11. And not to mention the amount of hours put into the game. And even then its not complete.
Again mk12 im just gonna watch streaming of. Until im 100000000000% sure that i wanna buy it. Because mk11 is gonna be my last mortal kombat game if its shitty.
Which not to be a downer but again realistically i doubt mk12 is gonna be good. Because what more can you do to actually fix the shithole you wrote yourselves into?! Like the only way is to make both endings canon. Because otherwise you're not gonna have many fans be happy you legit killed off a huge roster. Icons. And are now left with no offense. Mediocre characters with no good antagonists. One dimensional shitty dcu/mcu writing relying on "funny quips" instead of actual personality development. Tropes(bad ones) instead of something worth getting invested in.
Like mk hasn't been the most kosher. Lemme be honest. But this could have been a chance to expand and explore already established lore and add i dunno ACTUAL FUCKING EASTERN CULTURES! and asian cinema references and not stupid American centralized/eurocentric bullshit. No offense but yeah. Im tired of fucking greek mythos being shoehorned into everything. Greek mythos aint that fucking special or great sorry to those that love it.
We have many other fucking mythos n cultures and if anything. Mortal kombat should be asian and eastern culturally centered. Period.
Im just sick and tired of the bullshit.
Im just disappointed more than anything. Mk11 could have been so much more. But nope. Corporate greed. Its a helluva drug for these dudes in NRS.
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My Experience with Jane Austen Part 2: Reading the Books
In part one I laid out which books I read, which ones were my favorites and least favorites, and the adaptations I've seen. Now I'd like to talk about my reading experience.
Disclaimer: I’m not an expert, just a casual reader sharing some observations, feel free to correct me if I get some details wrong. Out of the books I’ve read I’m most familiar with Pride and Prejudice.
Let's face it. Reading Austen can be challenging and I understand why some people dislike Austen.
It's easy to perceive her novels as "boring" because on a surface level, not much happens. The characters are well-off people (in the upper half of society) who spend their time at home or traveling between social calls and it's easy to dismiss their conflicts as "first world issues." Settings are often indoors, reflecting how "confined and unvarying" the lives of the rich (especially women) were. The plots often move forward through dialogue or conversations rather than big dramatic events. The focus on marriage can also make the stories feel like antiquated relics of the past and can be hard to relate to.
The writing style is also different. There isn't much dialogue at times because Austen slips in lots of very subtle commentary or prefers to describe a character's external appearance or characteristics. Often big events like proposals are described briefly after they happen rather than during, which can make the story feel rather "dry." The books are narrated in third person and sometimes there is unreliable narration (Pride and Prejudice) where we get characters' multiple points of view, but all narrated in the third person as to give each one credibility and prove that it's hard to trust others. Austen's writing style means that readers have to fill in the blanks with their imagination. For example, she doesn't give exact physical descriptions of her characters, often relying on general characteristics like "tall," "handsome," or "amiable." In my previous reviews of Pride and Prejudice adaptations, I explored that intentional ambiguity as a big reason why the character of Mr. Darcy is alluring--because the reader forms a personal connection with the character by sketching his portrait alongside Elizabeth. The characters (their physical appearance and some of their motivations) are purposely mysterious and while it gives the reader lots of opportunities for engaging with the text, without historical/literary context for "filling in the blanks" it's easy to see the characters as stiff mannequins in strange clothing rather than human beings.
Austen as a romance writer: Her romances don't always match up with our perception of what a romance should be. Some people start Austen expecting intense emotions and outbursts of passion but become disappointed when presented with formal courting and stately dances instead. Emotions are often veiled behind dialogue and for a first-time reader it can be challenging to see a romance developing. Most of the time readers have to rely on the clues given by Austen (descriptions of characters "blushing," looking "pale," or losing their composure) to detect the stirrings of love, but on a first reading it's difficult to do so when one's trying to figure out the plot and the characters. Finally, the dialogue can't always be taken literally; lots of people, including me, were disturbed when Mr. Knightley said he loved Emma since she was 13, but it was actually a joke made in response to something she said.
Her books are products of their time, and I sure am not an expert in Regency era economics or social norms. Sometimes the implications of certain actions can be lost on a reader if they don't know about the social norms of the time (I had no idea that Darcy following Elizabeth around, alone, on her favorite walk at Rosings was a sign of his love for her). Differences in social class are also very subtle and while one can generalize the characters as all "well-off" people, they are separated by many levels of hierarchy and their ideas about social position and status affect how they interact with others outside of their station. Darcy looks down upon those whom he perceives to be below him, and while Emma wants to make an advantageous match for Harriet, Harriet's lower social position means that Emma's schemes are not likely to work.
Because of the unique quirks within the novels, the reader is required to go beyond the surface level of plot and appearance and read between the lines to understand character motivations and actions. Without historical context (Regency era society having little social mobility, women having few legal rights and needing to make good marriages to secure material comfort) or literary context (the Enlightenment, 18th century Gothic novels referred to in Northanger Abbey, the birth of the novel, early Romantic writers just to name a bit) reading between the lines is nearly impossible.
So why do we read Austen? Below are my personal reasons.
The novels feature female heroines that have dignity and self-respect. It's significant that the stories focus on women who are trying to live according to their own values and speaking their own minds rather than acquiescing to societal dictates. Elizabeth Bennet is revolutionary in part because she wants a marriage based on mutual admiration and respect between two partners who know each other well, rather than an economic arrangement for a home. One could go on forever about how Austen is a feminist, but, the characters don't act like modern day feminists--they are still people of their time. However, it's easy to assume "feminist" heroines have to have "aggressive" characteristics (rebelling, fighting, defiance) in order to be labeled as "feminist." Importantly, Austen's women are allowed to be vulnerable (they cry or struggle with their emotions) without that being a shameful thing. We also see different types of personalities celebrated: Jane Bennet, who is kind to everyone, is seen in a positive light rather than shamed for seeing good in everyone. Anne Elliot, who is regarded as "old," becomes more beautiful as she gets older and has a second chance of love. Emma Woodhouse is spoiled yet confident and assertive and "not likely to be well-loved" (paraphrase of Austen's commentary on Emma). Fanny Price is a shy person but still achieves her happy ending. Her heroines are real people who have flaws and get opportunities to learn and grow so that they can make their aspirations reality.
A unique take on the universal conflict of humans versus society: Austen's characters are bound by social norms of etiquette as well as a value system that idolizes wealth and connections above all else. Persuasion is a great story in part because it focuses on how Anne Elliot learns to follow her heart and avoid being "persuaded" by others (and by society) to follow a path that will not make her happy. She's had to live with the regret of following the well-intentioned but harmful advice of others (Austen notes that Lady Russell values social connections too highly) over her own feelings and judgment, nearly losing her chance to be with Wentworth. The romances are significant in that they reinforce the dignity and self-respect of the female heroines. To a certain extent, Austen's stories are realistic in that marriage is necessary for material well-being in a patriarchal society that provides few ways for women to provide for themselves. But most importantly, she also sees marriage as a means of affirming self-respect and dignity of the women. It's one of the few parts of their lives over which they have any control because they get to choose whom they marry (for the most part, unless the marriage is arranged). Their wish to marry for love is revolutionary because they dare to aspire for something more than wealth. They want their future partners to be their equals, someone who they can love and respect (or be totally honest with them) and who will provide the same in return. This line from Emma (the 2020 movie adaptation) sums it up: "I have none of the usual inducements of women to marry. Fame I do not want. Fortune I do not want. Consequence I do not want."
The difference between outward appearances and inner character is a fascinating theme that appears in several Austen novels, most notably Pride and Prejudice, where Wickham and Darcy are foils of each other ("one has got all the goodness, the other all the appearance of it"). A lot of the villains in Austen's novels are those who deceive others about their motivations or lie for their own advantage. A common trait these villains all have is that they have a charming outward appearance that masks their true natures; they don't look ugly nor are they unpleasant (ex. Wickham having great social skills, Willoughby following the trope of the knight rescuing Marianne as the damsel in distress but leaving behind many broken hearts, Mr. Elliott being charming and knowing exactly what to say and how to act but actually a swindler). In contrast, the "good" characters are honest, even at the cost of social displeasure, use manners/etiquette to show respect rather than deceive people, and act selflessly to prove their worth (actions speak louder than words). It can be summed up this way: "don't judge a book by its cover."
Psychology: Austen very effectively described hindsight bias when sarcastically commenting on how the village of Meryton turned on Wickham after the elopement with Lydia, when previously they regarded him as an "angel of light." She also understands how easy it is to manipulate peoples' minds through confirmation bias (Wickham telling Elizabeth all the dirt about Darcy, which she eagerly takes because she hates Darcy so much). She also knows that emotions can override people's judgment: "angry people are not always wise." It's fun seeing how her people are social animals who make flawed judgments based on first impressions/emotions.
The secondary characters: Mr. Collins the clergyman is the most famous and he's so funny because of his arrogance in spite of his low social position (he keeps worshiping Lady Catherine instead of respecting God). Another great one is Sir Walter Elliott, a nobleman who is vain and constantly checks himself in the mirror (the most obvious social criticism). Also Austen understood how women insult each other: through passive aggression (ex. Caroline Bingley and Louisa Hurst talking negatively about Elizabeth behind her back). Austen's female bullies use their talent and "good breeding" to intimidate or shame others.
The romance (no explanation needed): "You pierce my soul. I am half-agony, half-hope. I have loved none but you." I love how the couples learn about each other through many spirited conversations and become slowly fascinated with each other until they realize they are in love and then have a conflict between formality and their growing passion...or they fall back in love with each other...or they are friends who slowly realize that they are more than friends...okay I'll stop talking nonsense I've been trying so hard to be semi-scholarly
Tags: @talkaustentome @austengivesmeserotonin @austengeek @princesssarisa @appleinducedsleep @colonelfitzwilliams
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noir0neko · 4 years
satan on the strip | m
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“But parties of two are my favorite.”
rating: very mature
paring: jungkook x reader
includes: lots of sexual tension, also sex, praise!kink, pet names, magic, drinking, other nefarious behavior, a lot of sexual thoughts, maybe some biting and maybe some air play and begging and cursing and just,,, it’s mature content folks, proceed with caution 
word count: 3.5k
a/n: Hi!!! It has been a hOT minute since I was here. I was just toasting some bagels this morning when this idea popped into my head and I knew I had to write it. Shoutout to bagels for giving me inspo, even though bagels are not in this fic in any way. If you would like to read along to what I was listening to when I wrote, here is the little playlist: “Miracle” by CHVRCHES. “Love on the Brain” by Rihanna, “Hypnotic” by Zella Day and “Locked Out of Heaven” by Bruno Mars. ENJOY! I am super happy to post something again! 
“Come on!” Your friends try to flag you over to the dance floor from your very comfortable seat at the bar. You hold up your drink as an excuse and take a sip, letting the bitter liquid burn a path down your throat. They scoff and give you a dirty look, but continue dancing, throwing themselves around wildly to the music. 
It’s the night of one of your best friend’s bachelorette parties, and of course, she wanted to have it in Las Vegas. And also of course, your ex boyfriend is the best man for her soon to be husband. And triple of course, they decided to crash the bachelorette party and you have now been watching another random girl grind on your ex for the past twenty minutes.
You take another drink, sighing heavily before turning back around to the bar. 
“Long night already?” A voice says from behind you, deep and low. 
You swing your head to the side, getting an eyeful of the very tall and very handsome man who has taken a seat at the bar. His hair is dark and straight, waving lightly over his forehead. His skin is pale, clear, and smooth, with eyes so bottomless and deep they almost look black. He is wearing a gray v-neck shirt with dark wash jeans that have rips in the knees, exposing more of his pale skin and you can’t help but notice he has bright red shoes on. 
“I guess,” You shrug, taking another sip of your drink and moving it to the other side of your body. Just to be safe. 
“I’ll take that it's going to be an even longer one, if your friends are all of the bachelorette girls.” He smiles with his straight teeth and full mouth. “Unless you just wanted to match with a bunch of random strangers for no reason.” 
You sigh again, fingering the stupid sparkly sash around your dress with an absent finger. Your friends had insisted on wearing little black dresses and pairing them with ridiculously bright and glittering sashes that say different things. Luckily, yours is one of the more tame sayings, with “Wild Princess” printed on it in big cursive letters. You feel anything but wild. All you want to do is leave and crawl into bed with a book and sleep. Or maybe cry and try not to replay the image of your ex dancing with another girl and not giving a damn about you over and over again. 
“I wish I was randomly matching,” You take another drink. “Sometimes a party of one is better than anything else.” 
The mysterious stranger gives you a mischievous smile. “Parties of one are great. But parties of two are my favorite. Anything above that is just a crowd.” 
You laugh despite myself, nodding along in agreement. Deciding to not sit and wallow all night, you place your hand in the space between you and introduce yourself. He takes your hand and electric currents run up your arms, pushing a shiver down your spine. 
“I’m Jungkook.” He says, smiling again. 
With his arm out, you can see the beginning of a tattoo curling around his bicep and under the sleeve of his shirt. Your eyes follow it, trying to decipher its long, coiling shape before he pulls back. His eyes seem alive and glowing, their almond shape crinkling in the corners as he looks at you. 
You clear your throat. “What brings you here?” 
“Oh you know,” he says vaguely, gesturing for the bartender. “Work.” 
“This hardly seems like work,” you quirk an eyebrow. 
“Semantics,” Jungkook chuckles. “I am in the entertainment business.” 
He orders his drink, a clean bourbon, and then turns back to you, a secretive smile on his face. It’s like he can sense what you are going to say before it comes out of your mouth. “Movies?” You can totally imagine him in an action film. 
He shakes his head. 
“Television?” You guess. 
He shakes his head again, thanking the bartender as he slides a drink along the counter. 
“Music?” You try again. 
“You’re getting warmer,” he leans in closer and you can smell the alcohol and musky scent of him. It’s almost more intoxicating than your drink. “Magic.” 
“Magic?” You repeat, stupefied. 
“Yes,” he sits back and your head clears. “Magic.” 
“Like rabbits out of hats and throwing knives at spinning people?” 
He seems to think for a second, as if actually considering your joke as a statement. “A bit more sophisticated than that, but yes. That’s the idea.” 
You narrow your eyes at him, turning to face your body towards his. “Show me.” 
“I don’t think you’re ready for the kind of magic I have, Princess.” He says slyly, eyes dipping to your sash again. You scoff, taking the sash off and placing it on the bar. His grin grows and he leans back into you. 
You swear you can feel electricity sizzling in the space between you two, desperate to follow the high he’s bringing. “Show me,” you say again, a challenge in your voice. 
“Alright,” his voice is so low you don’t know how you can hear him over the deafening music and yelling, but it’s as if there is no one else but you and him. “All of your friends are now wishing that they were in your place, when they were making fun of you for sitting here before. You wish you didn’t have to be here, but you are a supportive friend and know how much it would hurt if you left early. Your boyfriend over there is thinking about punching me and wants to know who I am and why you stopped being jealous to pay attention to me.” 
You  blanch, trying to discreetly look to the side to see the dance floor. You can see all of your friends out there, stealing glances your way in between steps and body rolls. You can see two of them giggling and whispering, wagging their eyebrows at you as they catch your glance. Then you see your ex, no longer with the woman from before, but making his way over from across the floor, his jaw set and eyes blazing. 
His angry face. 
Your stomach flips, but there is some smug satisfaction in his reaction as you turn back to Jungkook. He seems completely unaffected by your oncoming ex, but is staring directly at you. You think his eyes could burn you from the inside out if you let them. 
“What do you want to do?” He asks, his word ricocheting deep inside of you. 
“I want to leave,” you say, the words leaving your mouth before your brain can catch up. “Can we go?” 
“Of course we can, Princess.” Jungkook smiles, standing up and offering you his arm. 
You gather your things and join him, careful to not meet any of your friend’s eyes as you let Jungkook walk you towards the door. Hadn’t they been pushing you to hook up all weekend? Hadn’t they been throwing you at guys and giving guys your number since the party started? And even more because of the presence of your ex? 
The thought of him makes you grin and you look back to find him staring after you, clenching and unclenching his fists in agitation. Your smile widens and you can’t help but wave at him as you leave. Fuck him. 
You see your friends waving and jumping up and down excitedly, practically bouncing with happiness at the new development in your boring life. Jungkook’s arm is warm and hard around yours, static and heat pooling in the best parts of you. Close up, you can see the black lines and dots of his tattoo, but still can’t make out what it is. Your brain begins to question what you’re doing. This man is a complete stranger. And you’re in Las Vegas walking out of a bar with him. Every single horror film and terrible thing to happen to a woman always starts out this way. You start to rethink your choice, opening your mouth to tell him you’re going back. 
“Spend an hour with me,” Jungkook says, snagging your attention and the words from your lips. The night air is hot still, the street loud and bustling with people walking to and fro. 
“What?” You furrow your eyebrows. 
“One hour,” he repeats. “Spend one hour with me. If you want to go back after that, I’ll bring you.” 
“One hour?” You sound like a broken record. 
One hour. What can happen in one hour in one of the most crowded places in the United States? You both can just walk around, maybe get some food. One hour only has sixty minutes, after all and on the strip, that time would go by impossibly fast. Not to mention, the last thing you realistically want to do is walk the strip alone or go back into the bar without Jungkook and with your tail between your legs. You know your ex would have a field day and your friends would be so pitiful. Maybe it is about time to get wild. 
“One hour.” You say definitively. A statement this time. 
Jungkook leans in and you smell him again, musky and hot. “Then, I am determined to make it the best hour of your life.” 
His words bring fierce shivers down your spine. What have you gotten yourself into? 
Before you know it, your predictions seem to come true. A half hour passes without notice as you and Jungkook walk in and out of hotels, restaurants and bars. Jungkook asks you about your life, your hobbies, and does little magic tricks for you along the way. Pulling pennies from behind your ears and predicting cards before the dealer draws them. You’re laughing and smiling and living and noticing how beautiful he is when he smiles. How dark his eyes are and how you want to stare into them forever. How perfectly his eyebrows frame his face and how his cheekbones and jaw make him seem carved out of marble. 
“Have you ever thought about playing?” You ask him after you exit Caesar’s Palace. He had correctly guessed every single card before it was shown on the table and helped one of the players win big. Although it has to be well after 2 in the morning, the night is bustling and alive. Dancers are on the sidewalks in big feathers and bikini costumes, people dressed as Disney characters and superheroes are posing for pictures, and tourists are drinking and laughing and mingling with one another. 
“No,” Jungkook laughs, secrets in the sound. “I don’t need money.”  
“Doesn’t everyone need money?” 
Jungkook looks at you, tilting his head to the side. “There are things money can’t buy.” 
“Like what?” You ask. 
“Purity,” Jungkook responds. And the answer is so weird you stop walking. 
“Purity?” You put your hands on your hips, half mocking him. “Like chastity?” 
Jungkook moves close to you, looking down at you with those deep and confusing eyes. Your lips are part of their own volition. You want to kiss him. You want to do a lot more than kiss him. 
“Not chastity,” Jungkook looks wistful. Almost sad. “Heaven. The purity of it. When you fall, you can’t buy your way back in.”
Heaven. You think to yourself, looking at this man who seems to be a fallen angel himself. Beautiful and dark and full of magic, real or not, that pulls something buried deep inside of you and brings it to the surface. You hate how sad he looks, how regretful and reproachful. You want to ease his pain, you want to give him a slice of Heaven, a slice of the world, to see him smile and his eyes crinkle again.
And hell, if you don’t want to give yourself a piece of Heaven, of him, as well. 
Without thinking, you pull him into an alley between hotels. The night is hot and starless, the smell of sweat and alcohol and lowered inhibitions in the air. You don’t feel fully in control of your body, letting instinct guide you and Jungkook into the dark narrow street. 
“Time is almost up,” Jungkook reminds you. 
You growl in response, not even sure you know how to make such a sound. Not sure where this all consuming emotion has come from. “I don’t care.” 
Reaching out for him, you slam your bodies together and crash your lips onto his. You fit together perfectly, like two pieces of a long lost puzzle you didn't even know you’d been trying to solve. You push Jungkook’s hair back, catching a glimpse of small stud earrings in his ear. The jewelry is extremely sexy and you feel even more eager than you did before to feel him. 
Taking more control, Jungkook pushes you back until you hit one of the walls. You can hear the laughter and sounds of people around you on either side of the alley, walking up and down the strip and drinking. It would be so easy for someone to look in and see you both, obviously involved in much more than an innocent kiss. 
He touches you and you feel like you might break a part into a million little pieces. His touch is shocking, little fires trailing behind his fingers as they roam down the bare skin of your arms. Your back arches into the stone behind your head, a moan ripping from your throat when his fingers graze the skin of your neck. Jungkook is watching you with a feral gaze, licking his lips before leaning in to run his lips and teeth over your throat. You grip the front of his shirt, desperate to feel more. To feel everything. 
Jungkook crowds you closer to the wall, aligning his body to press against yours. You can feel the rises and plains of his muscle and frame through your thin dress. Your breasts peak with anticipation, a tingling sensation building low in your stomach. Jungkook hooks his hands around your thighs, the feeling of his bare skin on yours eliciting a string of curse words from your mouth. You’re ready to beg him to touch you where you need it. 
Luckily you don’t have to. 
Once he has you firmly against the wall, with your legs hooked around his midsection, he curves his arm around your leg and lets his fingers graze you. There is nothing blocking his touch and the contact and slickness of you seems to shock him. 
“No underwear?” He nearly growls.
“It’s a matching thing,” you all but pant. 
“It’s a naughty thing, Princess.” Jungkook responds, pressing his thumb directly into you. “How could I not tell before?” 
You ignore his statement, aware that you’re unable to question anything he does right now. His thumb begins to move and you moan, burying your head in the crook of his neck to muffle the sound. Jungkook’s other hand weaves through your hair, pulling you back against the wall so the sounds you emit echo against the narrow alley walls. 
“I want to hear you,” he commands. 
“But the people,” you begin to protest, knowing that even you don’t care. 
“They can’t hear or see us,” he responds, a grin carving a wicked look to his features. “Like I told you: magic.” 
Without warning, Jungkook slides two fingers into you, dragging the longest and deepest sound from your throat. Your hips are trying to move, begging for more friction, but he won’t give it to you. He has his body flush against yours on the wall. In complete control. You fucking love it. 
His hair curls with sweat, the strands sticking to his forehead. The moisture seems to make him sparkle and glow. Like an angel on Earth. Maybe a fallen angel. He curls his fingers and strokes you, your walls clenching around his fingers with delicious pleasure. 
“Shit,” he curses, sliding his fingers out. “I need to be in you. Now.” 
You whine in agreement, the intensity in his words making your toes curl. Jungkook reaches in between your bodies to undo his belt, long and nimble fingers making quick work on the clasp. You want him to do wicked and horrible things with those fingers, and that belt. You want him to tie you down and make you beg for every lick of pleasure he could give you. Wild desperation begins to build in you. You could cum just from watching him. Just from seeing that pink tongue of his lick across his lips. 
“Jungkook,” you groan, watching him pull his cock out. 
The rational part of your brain is aware that you are both in public, with hundreds of people walking by the alley every minute. The rational part of you is aware that you can get arrested for this. That this is dangerous and irresponsible on so many levels. But the louder and reckless part of you never wants this to end. The irrational part of your brain believes him, trusts him, and trusts his magic. No one has noticed yet. Maybe luck. Maybe magic. You don’t care. 
And then he is poised at your entrance and pushing into you in one, long, thrust. Your moans are incessant, no breath between the sounds. You can feel him at the back of you, you can feel him everywhere, filling you up and intoxicating you. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he is groaning, deep and dark and raw. 
He moves again, in and out, following an untraceable rhythm that is setting you on fire. You have never felt this alive before, this electrified, everything is you is singing with approval and building with pleasure. You didn’t know sex before this, you didn’t know how good it could feel before this. How can you ever be with anyone besides him now? 
He’s going to fuck you and leave you fucked for the rest of your life. 
Jungkook claims you in a kiss, his tongue roaming your mouth. He swallows your moans and sounds with shivers. Your hands reach under his shirt and travel along the rigid muscle of his stomach and shoulders. His body seems to come alive beneath the touch, skin rippling and muscle contracting. 
You can feel his large intake of breath along your lips. You don’t think you’ve heard him sigh until now, or breathe at all for that matter. It’s like he has never taken air into his lungs before you touched him. And now you can’t stop. Your fingers are everywhere as he continues to fuck you. Wild. This is wild. 
“Don’t stop,” you beg, breaking the contact of the kiss for breath. 
Jungkook’s eyes are touching you as they roam around your face, down your neck and collarbones, over your breasts and stomach, until they settle on the point where your bodies are joined. His skin is slick with sweat. His eyes are burning with passion. The muscles of his back and taut, signaling he feels as close as you do to release. 
He reaches between you and begins to rub your clit in small circles. That’s it. You’re gone. You’ve sunk so deep, you know there’s no coming back. You splinter and break a part around him, milking his cock with tight spasms until you feel him cum, as well. You cum for what feels like forever, moaning and writhing and shaking at his touch. 
Jungkook’s teeth are grazing at your throat and he bites gently. You think you’re going to cum again, moaning and arching up to give him more access. He’s still in you, despite the cum you feel dripping around him and coating your thighs. Jungkook’s lips curve up and he pushes his teeth deeper into the base of your throat. You feel a sharp sting and then warm, hot blood is dripping down your collarbones and between your breasts. Jungkook lets out a gasp as your blood fills his mouth, swallowing the thick liquid like he’s a man dying of thirst. His eyes are glowing, his skin is glowing, and you swear the tattoo on his arm stretches itself out, like it's waking up after a long sleep. 
“You,” he says, capturing you in a long searing kiss. You can taste your own blood. You can taste your own desire, still throbbing deep and low after he’s satisfied you.  “You are my princess.” 
And then, just as quickly as you were there, you’re gone. Swallowed up by a black so endless and so deep you’re not sure you’ll ever resurface. Like realizing you’ve sunk too far in the deep end of the pool and wondering if you’ll make it out. Like falling asleep and hoping you don’t wake up. And consciously, dangerously, eerily, like the color of his eyes.  
You’ve met Satan on the strip. 
And your hour is now eternity. 
~Admin Eggplant
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matchbookarmy · 3 years
Bend and Break by missbecky
Summary: The first two times Tony invited him to stay in Stark Tower, Steve said no. But that was before he realized that sometimes even the great Tony Stark needed help.
Rating: Teen
Why I'm Reccing: It's 2012, Tony has just flown a nuclear bomb into a portal into space and he's struggling to deal with that experience. Not only is he suffering from PTSD, but he's also suffering from the pressure of having to be the one to save the world from future threats (this very AOU idea written in 2012) because if he doesn't do it, who else will? None of the others can understand what's coming, because none of them saw the things that he saw.
Just like that, it was all there in front of him again, all those things he had seen when he had gone through the portal. The things he could never forget. The absolute black of the void. The enormity of the mother ship, blotting out the stars and everything in its path. The smaller ships and the individual flyers turned into pinpricks of shadow against the impossible bulk of the cruiser.
The brilliant flare of light and fire that had saved the world. The knowledge that he had succeeded, that it was all right to close his eyes and surrender. The peace of knowing that he had, at the last, finally followed the singular command that haunted him to this day: Don't waste your life.
This is a really interesting take on the post Avengers team dynamic. It's a slightly more grim, perhaps more realistic, and definitely more gritty look at what that dynamic might look like.
Steve and Tony are still at odds as this fic opens. Maybe not quite as much as they were in that scene from the helicarrier, but still very much two people who don't know each other very well, didn't get off on the right foot, and still haven't found a reason to try to understand one another better.
This sort of we're-all-still-basically-strangers vibe permeates the entire team. And again, while darker and less immediate found family than we usually get in these fics, I don't think it's an entirely unrealistic take.
The characterization here is really good. I mean, Tony's characterization is so amazing it makes me weep. But Steve -- this is a Steve who would get angry and fight with Tony for going off on his own to solve these problems (as in AOU) but who listens to Tony when Tony communicates his fears to him instead, and replies "I believe you" which are the words Tony maybe needs to hear more than any others. This is such a beautiful interpretation of Steve's character that somehow still feels very MCU-canon faithful.
This is definitely pre-Stony, so this is more enemies(ish)-to-friends.... but you know, I'll tell you, reading this back, it just made me desperately wish this is how it had gone down in the MCU. I fucking love this fic. Top tier fic, all the way.
Follow me as I make my way alphabetically through every Stony fic on A03.
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angstymarauder · 3 years
His Time of the Month {R.L} (Part 2)
Remus Lupin x Female!reader part 1
summary: You know about your boyfriends lycanthropy and you love him regardless, but sometimes the words he speaks on the days leading up to the full moon still hurt. A lot.  
word count: 1.1kish
contains: angst, troubles with self-worth, ending is left up to interpretation
a/n: the reader has trouble with self-worth in this and I would just like to say that your feelings and self-worth should NEVER EVER rely on the words of others, especially those of your loved ones. I know how hard it is to hear people, who say they love you, ridicule you, and say things that make you feel like shit. And its like - you know they don’t mean to hurt you, but it doesn't change how much pain you feel. I’ve been there (and sometimes I still go there) and while it is a big process filled with tears, cutting people off, arguments defending yourself, and just a lot a lot a lot of self-acceptance, it is possible to stop letting them get to you. YOU are the only validation you need. I love you for who you are and you should love yourself for who you are. My messages are always open, loves <3
He messed up.
And he knew he messed up, but his own mind was working against him and at that moment his rational mind couldn’t overpower the anger that had been building up all day.
Always his enemy, he wanted to blame the lycanthropy, but his rational mind knew that this was all his fault. You have been nothing but loving and understanding about everything when it came to his condition. Night after night you had sat there, taking his screaming and yelling, trying to calm him down, never leaving an argument with unresolved issues, but tonight he watched himself jump over the line that you had pushed back for his time and time again.
Remus stood in the now-empty tower, the sounds of your fading footsteps running down the stairs, each step another ache in his chest. The anger in his mind was screaming at your retreating footsteps. Words of detest, saying that you hated him. That you gave up on him. That you thought he was a monster just like everyone else. But the rational part of his mind sat in the back of his head screaming the truth over all the other noise and he knows he can’t blame you for this. He knows this is his fault. And somehow that idea just made him even angrier.
Angry at his lycanthropy. Angry at the world. Angry at everyone else.
But most of all, he was angry at himself, because he never wanted to hurt you.
Because he doesn't know what he would do without you. Losing you would be the worst thing that could ever happen to him. It would be like ripping all the pieces of his human heart straight out of his chest, leaving only the animalistic urges that show themselves once a month. Without you he might as well never transform back, find a way to stay a werewolf forever.
Suddenly Remus’ senses pick up on footsteps, coming up the stairs this time. He knew whose steps those belonged to, so when James opened the door to the West Tower, Remus was not surprised. Breathlessly, from running up all those stairs, James said “what…. the fuck …. is happening ….up …. here?” taking a breath in between each couple of words.
Running his scarred fingers through his hair, Remus turned to look at his sweaty friend. “I fucked up. I fucked up big time.” He began pacing, the events becoming clearer and more realistic in his mind with each word, “With y/n, I fucked up big time.”
· · · ∞ · · ·
“HE SAID WHAT?” screamed Marlene, now pacing around your shared dorm room, “I’m going to kill that lanky-ass son-of-a-bitch.”
“Marls, please,” Lily spoke softly after glancing at your tired expression. Heartache tends to wear a person out.
The redhead sat down beside you at the edge of your bed, running her hand up and down your back, allowing you to relax a little more. Whispering in your ear so the others didn’t hear, she spoke, “listen, just wait until Tuesday, after the full moon once he’s all cooled down, and then talk to him, ok?”
You nodded at her words even though they barely entered your mind, your head already racing with thoughts you couldn’t bring yourself to say out loud. Lily soon ushered you to sleep, the exhaustion evident in your eyes.
But you couldn’t fall asleep. Questions floating around as your brain sprinted marathons in your head, trying to answer them, and coming up with nothing. Could you ever trust Remus again? How do you know that the next time you fight he won’t say those words again? Did he mean them? Or was it his lycanthropy? How much of these arguments can you even blame on his lycanthropy? And when does it become his fault? You can’t use his lycanthropy as an excuse for everything, but you also don’t want to use it against him….
Did he mean them? That was the question your mind kept circling back around to. Did he mean them? Are your worst fears and deepest insecurities true? Are you good enough? If the person who has told you they’re in love with you, time and time again, doesn’t think so, then how are you supposed to?
Tossing and turning, you woke up, no less tired than the night before. It took effort to get dressed that morning, almost wanting to stay in bed all day, but knowing you couldn’t. Marlene, Lily, and Mary persuaded you to breakfast in the Great Hall. You avoided Remus, in fact, you avoided all of the Marauders. Their presence, only a reminders of your bleeding heart. Remus seemed to be giving you space and, for that, you were grateful. But just the mere sight of him sent you back to your bedroom where you spent the rest of the day, claiming illness to your professors.
· · · ∞ · · ·
It was 3am, you assumed, as you got out of bed. In only your pajamas you quietly made your way through the halls without interruption. Your feet leading you to the top of the astronomy tower where you stared at the sky.
The full moon. Your voice quivered above a whisper as you cast a small silencing spell before allowing sobs to begin escaping your mouth. You thought about Remus as you stared into the moon. Hearing his howls in the distance, you couldn’t help yourself from asking the stars to keep a watch over him.
· · · ∞ · · ·
They found you passed out in the astronomy tower, Lily and Mary, your tear-stained cheeks and dark circles made your previous actions evident. Your roommates came searching for you as soon as they woke up to find your bed empty.
Mary insisted on taking you to the infirmary. Lily, as the only other girl who knew about Remus’ lycanthropy, tried to stop it, but Mary wasn’t hearing it.
Your body began to wake up, your consciousness returning to you slowly, allowing yourself to regain feeling in your fingers and your toes before attempting to open your eyes.
You’ve been in the infirmary plenty of times to visit Remus, but you’ve never been in one of the beds before. You don’t even remember how you got here. Sorting through your memories you last remember being in the astronomy tower staring at… the moon. It was the full moon last night, which means -
“Hey.” He spoke softly. You could feel his eyes staring into your figure. Remus was so surprised when he woke up in the infirmary, the night after one of his worst full moons, to see you two beds over. Your skin lacked its normal shine and tears still stained your beautiful lips. His heart ached over knowing that it was he who caused them. He knows that James said to give you some time, but seeing you here like this, he had to let you know how sorry he was.
You turn to face him, your eyes locking almost instantly, “hey.”
His eyes bore into yours, an expression of complete love, sorrow, and vulnerability filled every inch of them and as he spoke the words, “I’m sorry,” you knew they were true.
lol i was so confused on how to end this and every ending I wrote felt wrong so I'm just gonna leave it up to your imaginations, sorry
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anonil88 · 4 years
Malcolm and Marie live blog
I don't usually do liveblogs for movies but yea.
Spoilers ahead!!
I love that its modern timed but very 70s stylized.
A tune indeed.
When you are high and drunk on success and
How the white critic reacts is why I feel like gatekeeping my scripts. At the same time some things I do make are about race or involve.
Marie sitting on the patio smoking is a mood whenever men are talking.
So he's pretentious and unaware.
Whoever chose the music for this, I feel like we would be Spotify mutuals.
Can this nigga stop pacing.
Also can he stop talking;
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Marie is so tired and unimpressed.
Also little booties matter and are to be bitten.
Oooo the tension and the jazz.
Title Card over mac and cheese.
Shitty boxes mac and cheese but still mac and cheese.
Tbh i always wonder if spouses/significant others get upset when their spouses don't acknowledge them during speeches.
John sounds so much like his dad but I really hope his acting style differs from his dad a lot.
Guilty confession?
He did not profit off of his partners backstory and then not even acknowledge her.....I.....
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If that ever happened to me catch me cussing my partner out during the beginning credits, the end credits, in the car, and at home.
The way I'm excited for Zendaya to give me some, oooo can she work with Regina King. Please on my knees I pray.
Um no that's not your job to coddle your lead.
He's a dick and the type of dick who makes himself look like a good person around other people.
If Sam Levinson is trying to make his viewers more of misandrist, it's working.
I feel like Marie has her flaws probably a lot of them and we will surely see as this continues, but Malcolm needs to learn how to apologize sincerely.
70s vibes! 70s vibes!
Them kissing and talking about criticism and dreams makes me miss a partner. A partner that I've had and haven't had.
Women really are behind every great man.
Yea sir you fucked a happy moment.
Oh visual allegories for looking in from the outside and cat and mouse chasing and looking from the outside in.
She's saying she doesn't feel noticed by you.
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Gas lighter :0 he called her an emotional support dog, bruh.
I would LOVE to co-write or take a writing class held by Sam Levinson. The fights i write are very much in this same realm of reflection and anger and monologue.
Sam.....sam.....are all the sides inside of you doing okay sir?
The ugly side of dating and being in a relationship with someone who struggles with their own demons.
Honestly I could close my eyes and listen to this script being read without seeing these characters visually. Just close my eyes and get a sense of these characters like it was a radio story.
Oh. Oh this is a new wheelhouse of Zendaya acting; a different voice is like breaking through here and her expressions aren't the same we are used to. You can literally hear another character in there....hmm.
Mans is outside really fighting with his invisible demons lmfao.
Selfish ass, how after everything she said you came out of it thinking about your own craft and self instead of how you hurt her.
So she's conditional.
Me: did sam (a white man) say nigga this many times in his script or are the actors adding their own inflections. Not just the lingo used but the topic of race and directing etc. being written by a white writer about black characters is always gonna be a critique when you're writer is a white person.
Alexa play Broken Girls by Saba
He is so hurtful.
A clown nigga a clown look in the fucking mirror you bozo head ass looking like you need some Mehron clown white and a size 16 in clown shoes.
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John is doing a really swell performance and reading of these lines.
He is reading her for her insecurities by bringing up his experiences with other women and that.....is yikes.
Arguments can get messy like this in real life but it takes a lot of maturity and control to either not let it get to this point or have a healthy conversation afterwards.
This film is really shot on some very crisp lenses.
They sitting there like 🚬🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️.
Leftover Mac and Cheese and unfinished cigarettes.
The nyt etc. pay walls are so annoying, but there is a work around look at the articles on incognito or add a period at the end of the url.
He sounds like his daddy so much here, weird, this is the only part I'm eh on the dialogue it feels real but a bit out of pace in how they are bouncing off one another.
Nail scissors? So the end is not the only part he based off of Marie. 🙄
ITS A GOOD REVIEW YOU DINGUS but also its a full review they are going to critique things. She isn't wrong though he did profit off of a woman's story that was not his own to profit from.
Yes Malcolm because unfortunately all marginalized people look through a lens of life that is inherently political because of the world they live in.
He is so mad and upset and had a lot on his chest. But I think he Malcolm and Sam are talking about something thats an issue and a non issue. Being critiqued for you art is hard but also Malcolm is not super self aware. He's like a stand in figure of for example rich depop sellers who wanna be oppressed so badly they yell at others instead of examining their own personal behaviors and ethics.
Oh Marie, when you know the spark is gone and you pick fights because.
He ain't even ask her to read?
One critic I have for most of hollywood actors is they learn their cry and that is it. A change from this is Margot Robbie, I adore her fluctuations of crying being similar but the crying is carried differently for each character. If I had to say any actor that does a cry scene amazing its this woman right here (Amy Adams)
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You stole her story from her and gave it away, she has a right to be upset and angry and a rubber band ball of emotions.
Citizen Kane, not the cinematography, but the story is it even that good? (Unpopular opinion but meh, maybe in my rewatch it will be better.)
But that is what people want authenticity and whatever authenticity means to them. What is real for one is false for another.
To be honest look at the criticism of Euphoria, well earned, but a lot of people were like this isn't real even though he literally wrote about his own life. People said it was inauthentic like....wtf.
Ahh the smoking is just a habit, he quit and she didn't.
CAST ZENDAYA IN A HORROR MOVIE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING. Get Lupita and Zendaya and some more black actors preferably less known ones in a horror movie. One with a interesting script and story, directed by Regina King. Please and thankyou.
I love Marie yep that was amazing.
Behind every great man is a greater woman, one that deserves her credit for how she has stood behind. I wonder the stories of those women, what they have sacrificed or not sacrificed. Their thoughts and feelings when the world is surrounding their partner and views them as a plus one. (I'd write a short script about this but I think do I have the time, can I, or am I equipped ?)
He is a shitty person for bringing up his exes, like she even said I don't wanna know any of that.
Imagine being on anti depressents and rarely having a sex drive and then when you do your partner starts talking about their exes and tearing you apart for all your faults.
I love when you see peaks of Zendaya's cadence in roles.
Tension, what if's and he didn't even bring her up in his speech.
Marie to herself and the audience:
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He is not afraid that he will loose her but as my character says in my unreleased story, "i can't wait til you give me a fucking reason to leave your ass." Malcolm expects everything in order for not even doing the bare minimum and she is only asking him for something as simple as consideration. She just wants him to be considerate. He wants to get married and considers their relationship like rolling down a hill at full speed and he cannot apologize, he cannot be considerate, and he cannot admit his wrongs. He can only offer her I love yous that he probably does mean but he does not back up outside of what he's done for her in the past. The past which was more of her experience than his and he sees his part in it as a burden. He doesn't use his own vantage point of the past to further his career he uses her. He does all of these things without a real apology or thankyou because he is not afraid to loose her.
The restrictions of quarantine and the panorama have made Sam's writing very no frills. I wonder how other films from other directors and writers that are filmed in small contained crews like this will be structured. But this was a very good movie gonna add to my letter box 3.3-3.5
Oh shit this is my song,
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Ratings/overall thoughts:
Script is like a C+, B- : I could go into my heavier big brain thoughts on the script but I don't feel like it. You catch hints of it above it centers conversation on race and privilege, mainly the writers and questions i have that won't be answered but Sam did make me grow disdain for Malcolm over a short time. Which is sometimes hard to do because im one sympathetic person but the sympathy i have for Malcolm is at 0. Maybe a 2 at some scenes but then it quickly goes back to 0. Some parts of the dialogue miss the mark or hit the are off balanced. While some of it like Malcolm's bathroom speech albeit mean is really strong or their conversation when he comes back from peeing really shines for me.
Performances: B+ to A- because they carried the script further than it could of gone with less talented actors. The monologues do well to showcase their current skill levels which are already high af and leave room for anticipation in where these actors go next.
Zendaya holding a knife: A+ with a gold star. That switch on and off and on is delectable.
John being a shitty boyfriend but following Marie like a lost puppy: B+ with a good job written at the bottom of the paper, Malcolm being nervous a frantic dialed up with more realistic nervousness would have sold me completely on Malcolm's anxious waiting.
Cinematography: A and a participation award.
The mac and cheese: A+ for the easy mac. Wish it was like Annie's or Velveeta.
Cigarettes: Participation award and their picture hung up for student of the month. Why the grill lighter? Everytime Malcolm opened up his mouth Marie was like sparks fly.
The music: A++ with a prize. Whoever picked the music probably makes good Spotify playlists.
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