#i WILL ride that serotonin high for SO long
soft-serve-soymilk · 2 months
rotating in my bed with great fervour because I’m getting happy flashbacks to yesterday with Dolphin’s little ‘aww.. Archie D:’
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9haharharley1 · 11 months
Since Ao3 is still down and I'm still riding the serotonin high provided by the wonderful @gilly-moon , I'd like to share a bit from a Golden Age wip I've put on hold but desperately want to finish! Enjoy!
He was a good Nightlight.
He was a good Nightlight every night leading up to the General's arrival, but when the Lord High General arrived, he didn't feel like quite so good of a Nightlight.
They met the General at the front of the palace, a small contingent of officers trailing behind the Protector of Galaxies. Nightlight paid them no attention. He had never met the General, had no idea what to expect of the man everyone called "hero." All he had were the stories the royal couple had told him, and so all his focus lay on him.
Those stories did the man no justice.
He was tall, impossibly so, at least a full foot taller than Nightlight, and maybe even a few inches more. His skin was dark, like burnt amber, his cheekbones high and sharp. His shoulders were broad, his back straight, and when he stopped at the base of the stairs to the palace, he placed his hands behind his back in a parade rest. Golden armor gleamed with fresh polish in the light. Nightlight's hold tightened on the prince in his arms, and his glow brightened just a bit.
"General Pitchiner, it's been far too long!" Tsarina Lunanoff exclaimed with a welcoming smile. General Pitchiner bowed to her, his stern face twitching with the faint traces of a smile, before resuming his rest.
"You're a sight for weary eyes, my lady," he stated with sincerity, and the sound of his voice made an unfamiliar warmth settle in Nightlight's belly. His glow continued to brighten. "You grow more beautiful every time I lay eyes on you."
The Tsarina giggled with a tinge of red to her cheeks, but she waved the man off. "Flatterer!"
Pitchiner caught her hand in his own, her pale fingers dwarfed by his large hand, and Nightlight wondered if his hands were as warm as they looked. Then Pitchiner kissed her hand. He'd never seen the Tsarina get so flustered over receiving a kiss in greeting like this. Was the General different? Were his kisses something special, like Nightlight's? He wanted to ask.
For the first time, Nightlight had the wayward thought of what it would be like to receive such a gentle kiss. All of his previous thoughts of kisses had been about whether he could give kisses, place a chaste kiss to a cheek or neck, or if he could work up the nerve to bite at someone's lips the way he had witnessed in darkened halls. But he had never thought about receiving a kiss. Was that allowed? Was there a difference? He kissed the baby in his arms "good-night" every night, had thought about kissing someone "good morning" in the mornings, but would someone ever want to kiss him?
His glow was starting to become blinding, so he closed his eyes, breathing deeply to expel the sudden nerves that had risen in him. The baby Lunanoff babbled in his hold. Nightlight opened his eyes to smile gently at him, adjusting his arms to bounce him, and when he looked up, General Pitchiner was staring right back at him.
Not me taking major liberties with Nightlight's character and powers, no sir.
Let me know if you're interested to see more!
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gangplanksorenji · 1 year
Pairing: fromis_9 Seoyeon x Male Reader
Word Count: 5296
A/N 1: Hello Orenjideul! It has been like almost 3 months since I last posted a fic and now here I am! Ahaha, midterms has been a pain in the butt but gladly, it's now done and I'll go back to serving some fluff fics for y'all! Hope you enjoy this one and stay safe everyone!
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This day never could have been perfect as the velvety-red-orange-like skies blooming within the reach your eyes can see—it feels like a dream seeing them; the ebullient sounds of people around the amusement park serves as the cherry on top. You never felt euphoric in your whole life as there’s so much serotonin running throughout your body and it can’t be helped as you’re with the sunshine of your darkest days, the happiness that rivaled your depressing days—the love of your life.
It has been a year since you’ve met her in a milk tea shop and you’ve never been grateful in your whole life after meeting a girl like her. It was a “love at first sight” moment as both of your hearts felt magnetic to each other. Both of you went out as you became friends with her as time went by; the connection upped an ante as the two of you are now in a romantic relationship. Now with your first anniversary with her, you’re making this day special as you wanted to make her feel the ultimate delight that she has never experienced before.
“Yah Yeonie! Come here! I want to show you something!” 
Your cheerful tone sends excitement down Seoyeon’s spine as a faint smile paints her face, making you feel soft to her once again.
“What is it?”
“Can we ride at that roller coaster there? It looks fun! And, besides, I’m sure you will enjoy it, Yeonie.”
“Ugh, do I look like I enjoy riding in a roller-coaster?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Shut it! You know I don’t like riding with these kinds of stuff especially, that HIGH!”
She points her index finger at the tall loop at the roller coaster which made you laugh at her being scared and worried about what could happen next. 
“Hey, hey Yeon, relax, you're with me, so you'll be safe. Besides, it's not like we're doing this everyday! Come on, please?”
You gave her a reassuring smile between the saccharine tone of yours, hoping that she agrees, even just this once.
“Uhh, fine…”
Your arms gesture happily as victory is earned as she agrees on what you want. The day is still long as the sun is still above the horizon, knowing that there’s still time for the both of you to bond with each other.
You hold her wrists gently, dragging her as the both of you rush towards where the roller coaster is located. 
“What’s with the rush?”
“So, we get on the line fast! Don’t you want it? We’ll finish faster too!”
“More like, killing me faster…”
A chuckle escapes your lips about the joke that she said as a faint smile curves onto her lips, knowing that making you laugh is always a memory of hers and both of you know that no one’s offended, which makes this a wholesome moment.
“Yuh! I don’t mean it like that, anyways, I’m sure you’ll enjoy it!”
The both of you fall in line as the both of you watch the coaster looping in a fast succession, making you in awe as her face is in fear. You see it and immediately begin caressing her hair in a playful manner, which earns a startle from her. You’re not usually like this as she knows how much you like teasing her playfully and not really showing affection towards actions. She’s not complaining as she feels comfortable in your arms, a smile curving her lips as response from your affection.
“You’ll be safe in my arms, okay? Just enjoy this and don’t be scared.” 
You patted her back as you gave her a reassuring smile, knowing how much she melts with that sweet smile of yours—it always makes her comfortable. Maybe it did work as she smiles back, causing your heart to flutter yet you know how afraid she is as it’s evident from her expressions—more people are coming in the roller coaster as it’s going to be at least two turns for the both of you to get a grip on this ride. 
“Woah, that loop looks fun! Ahh… can’t wait to ride it!”
“When did she show interest in these kinds of thrilling rides? Must be my doing…”
You can’t blame her for being confident all of a sudden as you thought as the cause of that is all because of your reassurance. There’s nothing wrong with it yet you’re baffled at the sight of it—even proud about Seoyeon’s audacious demeanor that you’ll never forget.
As a couple of loops, turns and screams have passed, the two eventually get closer to the thrill as you can see Seoyeon’s vibrant expressions and hear her deep, raspy voice being cheerful and it never fails to awe you. You always had a soft side for her yet you never felt softer than before considering how adorable and lively Seoyeon is today. Is it because of the places you treated her? Is it because of how fun it has been? Is it because of your anniversary with her? Is it because of you? These questions lingered around your mind about Seoyeon’s sudden switch of mood yet you’re not complaining.
“Oh, it’s now our turn, Yeonie. Don’t be scared, alright? Just have fun here! I’m sure you’ll enjoy this.”
“Wow, it does help me to not be scared… Thank you…” 
Seoyeon’s sarcastic tone makes you giggle, knowing that no one is offended. The both of you then find a seat at the back as you fasten your seatbelts, making sure that everything is neat and fine. Both of you take deep breaths as Seoyeon holds your hand, tightening the grip as she feels the roller coaster moving up, making her feel mixed-up emotions as adrenaline pumps down her veins and so are yours. 
Seoyeon looks calm at first yet you know how she’s screaming inside as the roller coaster goes higher and higher until the both of you can see the whole amusement park. She then closed her eyes as she tightened the grip of her hand on yours, knowing how much afraid she is in terms of heights yet you still managed to cheer her up, reassure her even though you feel the same—you want to make her feel better than yourself.
“Hey, just take deep breaths and you’ll enjoy this, okay Yeonie?”
All the response that you got is her eyebrows scrunching like an adorable panda that she is, knowing how scared and thrilled she is as the roller coaster is near at the top where you know that any second now, you’ll experience the paramount of fun and fear all in one go—the freefall.
You prepare yourself from the inevitable as you hold her hand, not wanting to let go of her as she lets out a scream of half-joy, half fear as she feels exhilarated and so are you. Once you hear the railings click, you know that this is the time of delight as the roller coaster goes down at lightning speed within a blink of an eye. 
Series of screams and laughs can be heard from the distance as the wind blows directly at your faces considering how fast the roller coaster is. Series of G-Forces can be felt as the roller coaster goes in a series of loops and turns which you enjoy whole-heartedly. You always want to experience these kinds of things—you always want to experience thrill and new adventures throughout your life.
“AHHHH! Oh my f- AHHHHH!”
Seoyeon’s screams ring all over your ears as you just close your eyes and count the seconds that’s passing as you want this to end quickly, as soon as possible. Eyebrows furrowed, you’re curious about what's happening around you as you refuse to open your eyes, fear taking over your body yet you fight it. Eventually, you got a sight of what's happening around you—people enjoying and thrilled about the ride as well as the view high up—as you looked to Seoyeon beside you who seems to be delighted about the experience. Time feltl slower as Seoyeon’s flawless features are in your sight, making you in awe. A smile paints your face, dopamine running down your veins as excitement skyrockets over the roof. 
A lap around has been completed as you start to feel dizzy and dumb-founded as the numerous loops and turns is to blame. Concern then paints your face as Seoyeon may feel the same, yet worse as you know how weak her stomach is. 
“Hey Yeonie, a-are you feeling good?”
“Yeah! This ride is so fun!!”
“She’s not showing any signs of fear? She’s maybe on to something…” You taught yourself as Seoyeon seems to be showing such uncanny expressions—it almost feels like she’s a new person with the same body but you dismiss those thoughts from letting you overthink as fun is what matters now.
Not so long after, Seoyeon then got a glimpse of you as she laughed with the faces you're making and on how you're screaming like a helpless child. 
“Yah! Are you a-alright?”
“Wha-DO YOUUUU-AHHH—think??” Your screams make you a clown in front of Seoyeon as she non-stop laughed while still enjoying the ride—also, still feeling the thrill of it. As you were screaming your lungs out, Seoyeon becomes calm as she feels overwhelmed about this experience, an experience that she’ll never forget. 
The ride then stops after two laps as you sigh in relief, thanking that everything is over as you got up on your seat slowly and checked on Seoyeon immediately if she was alright.
“What do you mean? I’m really fine!” Her adrenaline-filled words reassures you yet you’re not convinced as you know how weakly she takes these kinds of rides. Even though you’re the one who got scared all throughout the ride, you still prioritize checking on Seoyeon as concern dominates your feelings.
“Are you really sure, Yeonie? I know you…”
“Yeah!! We can go for another one if you want to…”
“No, thank you.”
A giggle escapes your mouth from sarcastic persuasion as the both of you get out of the ride. It seems like she wants to go for another yet you know that she can’t take another more, so you doubted her limits. Of all of the things you’ve done, this is maybe the most exhilarating and the most regrettable one yet you didn’t complain further as you savor every second with Seoyeon and couldn’t ask for anything more.
A few walks is all it takes for a call of nature as you hurriedly rush to the nearest restroom you can find and also reminding Seoyeon that you’ll be back shortly and telling her to just wait in the bench near the coffee kiosk. 
Boisterous noises of people screaming and having fun can be heard anywhere yet it’s just silence from Seoyeon—her right feet tapping the ground with a fixed pattern as her thumb scrolls up the contents of her newsfeed on her phone while waiting for you.
“Hey Yeonie, I’m here! I’m sorry that it took a while, coz’ there’s a lotta restrooms that are occupied…”
“It’s alright. I’m just feeling tired all of a sudden…”
You knew this would come yet not this way but it’s reasonable since it has been almost a full day of the both of you traveling and eating at places as well as having fun and you know she’s saying these kinds of things because of her subsided adrenaline. 
“Aren’t you just wanting to take a ride again on that roller-coaster earlier or am I just tripping?”
“Maybe both. Ugh, you’re such a kill-joy person. Haaa…”
Exasperated breaths escaped Seoyeon’s mouth as you know that she’s indeed serious about what she said earlier as it is evident. 
“Yah, I’m sorry Yeonie, it’s just the fact that I wanna know what you’re really feeling…”
A hand on her back, you patted her reassuringly, making her feel comfortable in your arms. She then smiled at your simple action which always makes your heart flutter. 
“You definitely look tired, Yeonie. I’ll take you home so you can rest, alright?”
Without a time to waste, the both of you went to your car in the wide parking lot outside the amusement park. After the both of you got into the car, you asked her if she’s really feeling alright since she’s not really exaggerating when it comes into expressing what she’s feeling.
“I’m just feeling tired, that’s all…”
“Oh, okay… Don’t you want some food? You’re maybe just hungry because of that ride.”
“I’m good. I just wanna rest…”
“Are you sure Yeonie?”
“I am…”
She then held your hand as a sign of trust, making you convinced that she’s feeling fine yet you’re skeptical, knowing how she’s feeling not-so-herself today. 
You always had a thought of her faking her façade to attract your attention but it doesn’t seem to be the case at this moment. The both of you then went to the parking lot, straight to your car as Seoyeonquickly opened the door and  thuds onto the seat, diverting your attention to her again as concern paints your face.
“Are you really alright, Yeonie?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, just drive us home so we can rest…”
Her reply is colder than ice; her face stern as you’re confused on what got to her to act this strange. Without any hesitation, you just dismissed those thoughts and just focused on driving the both of you home. 
*engine starts*
This day has never been so awkward between you and Seoyeon as the both of you haven’t converse since you started driving. You didn’t mind taking a glance on what she’s doing as you’re focused on driving with nothing else in mind. You’re not feeling any anger or frustration, yet confusion is. She felt strange and you don’t know how to react to it so you just hope for this to end as it starts to ruin your day.
“Yah, Seoyeon-ah, are you-”
Finally having a thought to take a glimpse of her and you're not surprised on what you saw—her sleeping peacefully as her body rests like a panda. You didn’t look too long as you’re driving but you can’t help but giggle at her current state. 
“The things you do to me Seoyeon-ah…”
You then dismissed those enervating thoughts earlier as you played your favorite songs on the radio while driving to boost your mood and serotonin throughout the entire course of the ride. 
Completely ignoring any distractions, you bobbed your head to the beat of the music as you feel much more reinvigorated than before. It even got to the point that you almost forgot Seoyeon was even there, in the passenger seat, still sleeping peacefully.
It wasn’t such a long ride for the both of you as you just arrived at Seoyeon’s place with just the 8th song finishing its last seconds. 
“Yah, we’re—”
You paused as you took a look with flawless features. You just realized how mesmerizing she looks whenever she’s sleeping and you’re in awe of it. You’ll never get tired of seeing her, on how beautiful she looks—her visuals are out of this world. Dismiss the aggression on your voice and wake her up slowly and you did just that. Caress her cheek gently as you softly wake her up, she was met by your gaze as her eyes prettily fluttered, her drowsiness evident from her short, sweet nap. 
“We’re here Yeonie~”
“Woa—it was too fast, I wanted to sleep longer…”
“Well, the destination’s not that far from your place which explains why we’re fast. Plus, there was no traffic on our way here. Besides, you can sleep there as long as you want.”
She yawns in front of you as you find her stern face adorable rather than intimidating. With no time to waste, you turned off the engine after parking your car as you thought of opening the door for Seoyeon, making her puzzled and flustered.
“Didn’t know you were a gentleman. Thank you…” she giggled right after she said her sarcastic praise towards your actions. You scuffed as you know how much she loves teasing you but you didn’t mind—you rather found it cute than annoying.
“I’m happy to help, Ms. Lee.” your gentleman-like tone irks her as she lets out another giggle, knowing that you’re teasing her as she’s not offended.
“Ugh, stop it! You’re making me cringe…”
“My apologies then, Ms. Lee.”
“Ugh, stop it!”
Even though you’re playing with her, she couldn’t help but blush with your actions. Seoyeon finds your presentable tone and modulated voice with a hint of jocularity attractive rather than annoying. Not so long after, you opened the door that leads to her house, clicking and unlocking the locks and she rushes and thuds onto the couch.
You, on the other hand, are enthusiastically going around the house as you’re thinking about the possible ways that can make her out of that mood.
- - -
“Bring her one of her favorite chocolates?” 
“Nope, that’s the oldest trick in the book.”
- - -
“Maybe, watch some movies with her?”
“I doubt that she’ll even be interested in a single one.”
- - -
“Cook her an early dinner?” 
“She’s not really hungry, and she may not even eat it knowing I cooked it—she’s not a big fan of my cooking skills.”
- - -
“Ughhh, it sucks!” you rolled your eyes in disappointment as none of them seemed to work, or so you really thought.
“Hey, calm down, geez! Why the hell are you acting so stressed? Pftt…” Seoyeon snapped as she’s clearly annoyed by her actions. Why would she be annoyed? She made you overthink so much then she’s the one who has the guts to be “pissed”? Well, there’s only a single answer to find a solution out of this peculiar act.
“And why are you acting like that Seoyeon? I don’t know what got into you to act like this.” you snarled at her as you’re now at your breaking point. This was supposed to be a celebration but why is it like the opposite? There’s nothing you can feel but irritation as you glared at Seoyeon, sending shivers down her spine. 
As you’re about to go to the kitchen, Seoyeon shouts to stop you as ignored her, not minding anything at the moment as Seoyeon feels like it’s her fault for being like this. Well, maybe it is but you’re also questioning yourself on how the both of you are acting like kids towards each other. Having a second thought, you turned back to go to Seoyeon as a loud splash ringed your eardrums, surprising you on what happened suddenly.
“Surprise!” Numerous people shouted in joy as confetti flew around the room, surprising you with a lot of things as there was a birthday party the day after. You were caught off-guard as you don’t know what to feel at that very moment. Seoyeon was late after chasing you as she caught you, frozen on the spot with an awkward expression.
“I guess, it’s a… Surprise! Hah…”” Seoyeon’s sarcastic tone makes things even awkward as the plan has been ruined. She didn’t know that you’ll break like this as all was just a set-up. You knew something was suspicious once Seoyeon got out of her usual mood today and your speculations were right. You’re surprised to see her friends (Hayoung, Chaeyoung, Jisun, Jiheon and Jiwon) right here at her house to surprise the both of you—originally it was just you yet the plan has been ruined, leaving Seoyeon panicking and surprised about the sudden outcome.
“I’m sorryyyyy…” Seoyeon’s signature pouting tone made you collect your temper and calmed you down from the sudden burst of anger you’ve felt—more like a disappointment. Seoyeon felt bad seeing you like that and she knows she’s the reason behind this—she knows how much you hate people getting shrewish and the ones who always kill the good vibes. Awkwardness still resonates around the room as it’s dead quiet, Seoyeon breaking it by back-hugging you and tip-toeing to rest chin onto your shoulder, making you squeal because of how cute she is. You then face her as a smile of reassurance paints your lips, signaling that you’re fine with it as you hug her in return.
Hayoung and Chaeyoung were frozen on the spot too, holding the confetti poppers as giggles escaped their lips because of how cute the both of you are whilst Jisun, JIheon and Jiwon were teasing the both of you silently as Jiwon breaks the silence, shouting that the both of you should kiss as your cheeks redden. Seoyeon was also moved by what Jiwon had said as she hid her face with her hands, feeling shy as the serotonin was way too much and the pressure from Jiwon is not helping her, at all.
“Unnie! Please, stop it…”
“You two are so cute! The both of you should kiss together and—”
“Yah, Jiwon-ah, let them be! It’s their moment together!” Hayoung playfully scolded Jiwon as she pouts sheepishly, knowing that she’s maybe messing up another moment for the both of you. You didn’t seem to be bothered by her actions and so does Seoyeon—she even feels invigorated by Jiwon’s words. 
Without any time to waste, despite the still-awkward aura around the kitchen, Seoyeon invited everyone to celebrate your anniversary as plates and plates of mouth-watering food are displayed on the kitchen table. Your mouth waters by just seeing them as you hurriedly got plates for the girls but Jisun stopped you as she initiated to do preparations instead of you. 
“Please Jisun-ah, I’ll prepare the plates, I’m sure all of you got tired from preparing these.”
“No, Oppa, it’s alright. you sit down and relax yourself. Enjoy your time with Seoyeon, okay?”
There’s no other choice but to agree to her as Jisun patted your back, smiling as she got into action on preparing everything as Hayoung initiated to help too.
While the girls are busy preparing, talking and laughing, you divert your attention to Seoyeon who seems uneasy, her fingers fidgeting around the hem of her blouse as she looks at the environment outside, seemingly wandering to an empty abyss. 
“Yah, Seoyeon-ah… Are you okay?” you gently said as you approached her, making her gasp and involuntarily startling right after.
“Uhm… I don’t know… I’m—sorry about what I've done earlier.” Seoyeon says apprehensively knowing how much she had pissed you off earlier.
“Hey, Yeonie~” your tone is soft and reassuring, making Seoyeon relieved a little as she’s still not complacent—still worrying about your sudden burst-out earlier. 
“Don’t say sorry to me, I should be… I’m sorry for being too sensitive, I just—like, you know? You know—you know me, right?” your tone is uneasy, stuttering because of the overwhelming emotions you feel. She shouldn’t feel bad—she shouldn’t be in the first place, so with all your might, you kissed her on the forehead and embraced her despite the awkwardness the both of you are experiencing. 
You pull out of the embrace after a few seconds, knowing how it’ll make you embarrassed as there’s still Seoyeon’s friends, just meters away from the both of you. You’re uncomfortable showing affection towards Seoyeon with others around, so you pull right away, which Seoyeon didn’t mind—she’s also feeling embarrassed upon your act yet it still makes her flustered no matter what.
“Hey you two lovebirds! Come eat some food here!” Jiwon suddenly interrupts, teasing the both of you as Jiheon playfully hits Jiwon because of her sudden actions. Knowing Jiwon wasn’t offended or hurt by Jiheon’s hit, they proceeded to laugh it out as the rest of them joined the fun. 
Both of you didn’t seem to mind—Seoyeon is nonchalant and didn’t reciprocate further—as you smiled towards each other, taking a glimpse of her beautiful face and stood up on your seats not so long after. 
“Hey, what food do you want? We have some ‘kimchi jjigae’ here, some honey butter-flavored fried chicken here, and you favorite bulgogi—”
Time went slower as her voice is the only sound that echoes around your head. You then take a look at her flawless features: the sharp nose, those kissable lips of hers, her noticeable eyebags that earns her the nickname ‘panda’, those hazel-brown eyes—just everything you can think of: perfection. 
“Hey, are you good? Hey!”
“Wha-WHA! Ohh—ohh… Sorry, I was thinking of something, Yeonie…”
She eyed you suspiciously as she pouted right after, knowing that it’s nothing that she should think about thoroughly. Not so long after, you got your plate alongside your chopsticks and fork to indulge in the mouth-watering food you’re dying to eat.
“Oh gosh, stop being so messy!”
“I can’t help it, Yeonie. It’s way toooooo~ delicious…” 
The scattered crumbs and sauce stains are all over your lips as Seoyeon sheepishly clicked her tongue, disappointed because of the mess you’re making—she feels like she’s taking care of a little child as she wipes the stain out off your lips with a tissue. 
Minutes and minutes had passed as more chatters and laughs reverberated around the kitchen, you felt euphoric as this has been the best experience you’ve had in your life. You could never ask for more as this is way too much of a celebration—the balloons and confetti that flew over thinking that a birthday party happened, the food and all of the effort exerted is—in your words—unreal. It’s maybe exaggerated—disregarding the serotonin you’re feeling, so are the butterflies on your stomach—yet your feelings are true, true in a way that you’re sincerely grateful and thankful for everything she's done for you, and she’s thinking the same as if your efforts are appreciated by hers.
“Uhm… Seoyeon-ah!”
As the both of you were still talking to each other, Seoyeon was stopped as she turned her head, only to see Jisun waving her hand and telling her that they’ll leave. They also thanked Seoyeon for the food as Seoyeon thanked them for helping them for the not-so-executed surprise for you and also about the planning that made all of this special, in a way.
The façade of your faces changed as the door closed—it wasn’t anything new as the both of you are just shy to reveal your true personalities when it comes to showing affection to others. You then approached Seoyeon and back-hugged her while she’s still busy peeking through the window as she lets out the tiniest, raspy scream you’ll ever hear and it’s way too adorable for you to handle. Her small squeals as you kiss her nape is one of the reasons why she’s the most adorable girl you’ve ever met. Even with her intimidating and daunting demeanor, she’s a soft puffball inside and it balances her looks well—that's according to you.
“Yahh… Aren’t you mad?”
“Why would I be? Besides, thank you for the food Yeonie. You don't really need to bother preparing so much.”
“Says the one who treated us in an amusement park and in the cinemas…”
Seoyeon giggled right after her joke towards you, knowing you aren’t offended as you find it rather wholesome. 
“Also, I’m still sorry for making you mad.”
“Oh, come on Yeonie, it’s not your fault, it’s mine. You don’t need to say sorry, okay?”
You reassure her once again as a faint smile curved those beautiful lips of hers. In a mere second, you hugged her again as you stroke her hair, letting her know that it’s not her fault but rather, yours. She doesn't hesitate to reciprocate as she snuggles her head onto your chest, comfortable that she’s right by your side.
She raised her head, flashing a vibrant smile as her eyes formed a crescent, showing how delightful she’s been feeling. You tucked her hair behind her ear as you kissed her forehead, earning a soft squeal from hers. The both of you pulled away from each other as she initiated to invite you to watch a movie.
“Can we?? Pleaseeee…”
With those puppy-like, crescent eyes combined with her small and captivating tone, how can you decline? Besides, you wanted to watch a couple of movies too as curiosity is the main culprit here. Seoyeon inviting you to watch something isn’t new to you. She invites you and persuades you to try and do something so you’re not surprised yet something baffles you—it baffles you to the fact that she suddenly kisses you on the cheek as her tone’s much more affectionate than before.
Well, maybe it’s because of our anniversary that’s why she’s acting like that—you’re just thankful for seeing such an adorable girl like her lit brighter than the sun and you wouldn’t complain about how she’s acting softer than usual.
“You’re really the best!” Seoyeon exclaims as she hopped on the couch, the loud thud audible as you glared at her, signaling that she should be careful or she’ll be hurt. 
“You’re no fun!”
“Just be careful next time Yeonie, gosh. You’ll hurt yourself.”
“Awww, he’s suddenly thoughtful about me! How cute is that!” Seoyeon’s mocking tone and her pleading face is enough to make you in awe but you suddenly act cold, playing with her as her face is puzzled, anticipating what could happen next.
“Am I always not thoughtful about you? How can I— not be soft whenever you’re around?” Your cold demeanor is exchanged with your fluttering words that makes Seoyeon blush faintly. You know how to turn on her buttons and so she is towards you but she never saw this coming.
“Stop i-it…”
“AH! You’re blushing!! AHH!”
You already know that Seoyeon’s flustered once she faces away from you, her hands uneasy and her endearing yet intimidated tone. You always love to see those and you’ll make sure that you’ll treasure those saccharine smiles of hers at all times.
“Yah, aren’t we going to watch a movie?”
“Oh yeah, I totally forgot it when my mind’s all cloud up, all about you.”
“Yeonie, actually—” you held her hand as you endearingly stared right on her hazel-brown eyes, maintaining eye contact to her as you smiled involuntarily, her responding with a faint smile that’s full of enthusiasm, “—can’t we just, rest and cuddle each other?”
Seoyeon’s facial expressions changed faster than the speed of light; the utmost happiness can be felt just by seeing her smile as her delightful aura emanated, making you smile and feel the same happiness as she does. In just a few seconds, Seoyeon hugged you as you were pushed onto the couch, making you squeal lightly as you were shocked by her sudden action.
“I’m so glad to have you.”
“I’m glad too, Yeonie.”
A quick peck on Seoyeon’s lips is enough to show your affection towards her as her cheeks flushed rosy-pink. Both of you exchanged smiles as you break the silence, interrupting this wholesome moment which she didn’t seem to bother.
“I’m also glad your acting skills got better compared to a month ago—I think you should audition now, Yeonie…”
“Stop it!” she annoyingly responded and giggled right after. Knowing that she isn’t affected vastly, you laughed as she smiled back at you.
Whoa—those beautiful curved lips forming a saccharine smile should be always treasured, and you’ll promise to yourself that you’ll do, no matter how bitter or sweet everything can be.
“I love you…” your lips involuntarily shaped with the flow of those words as Seoyeon didn’t hesitate—nor got shocked—to reply back.
“I love you too…”
You then cupped her cheek—your eyes looking at her lovingly—as her hazel-brown eyes shining upon the not-so-dimness the room was emanating. Without any second being wasted, you pecked her lips and caressed your finger on her cheek as you enveloped her with your embrace, finding warmth on this cold, breezy and especially, the most memorable day in your life.
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cdmagic1408 · 1 year
"Mighty Mom" Detail Scout! 2.0!!! 🔎 ✨ 2️⃣
~ Advent Calendar Edition ~
* Click here for the first edition post! *
On December 22nd, Onward's Mighty Mom was found in the 2022 Disney Advent Calendar. That same day, I released a YouTube video where I read the story aloud! 📖
From flipping through it the first time last month to putting that video together, I realized...this version of Mighty Mom has EVEN MORE details! ✨ 🔍
So now I present to you: the Mighty Mom detail scout...THE SEQUEL!!
First things first, there’s the FRONT COVER...
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May I just say it’s EPIC! Very awesome looking! 🤩
We got all three Lightfoots together! Lookin badass and ready to handle anything that comes their way! Barley lighting the path with his torch, Laurel gripping her battle ax in her amazing protective armor, and Ian clutching his staff with the Danger Detection Spell in use!
And let's not forget the dreaded Giant Spider playing (as TV Tropes calls it...) the evil overlooker in the background!
Basically, it screams quest and adventure! I LOVE IT!! ✨✨✨
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Yep, I'd say that sums it up pretty well 😎
Now onto the story itself...let us start at the very end to mix things up, shall we?
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The thing about the ending is...it's slightly different! Compared to the first version, which ended on the more hopeful note of oh..."let's plan our next adventure!" this version ends a bit more comically!
It's definitely implied Ian and Barley are much more scared of spiders now after being trapped by a giant one, but Laurel on the other hand has conquered her fear! Which is good cause that was like her internal conflict and everything... 😄
But...yeah...don't think this is the only time you're gonna face a giant spider, boys... (*cough* *cough* IYTM chapter 29 😉)
I also couldn't help but notice that Barley's love for quests and the days of yore is expanded upon here... 😏
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...and there...
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Now I definitely get why Barley looks so hyped when he sees that minotaur security guard...and why Ian looks a little worried...
my point? the authenticity is GOLD ❤️‍🔥
We've even got an expanded illustration of the mall's play area!
and boy is there a detail or two to spot on this page...
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I don't know if it's just me, but that loooooooong green slide on the left looks suspiciously like Blazey... 👀 other than being long and green, it's definitely the tongue slide and the happy wild-eyed expression that sells it 🤪
Oh! and at the top of the small ball pit next to that satyr kid riding the dragon...young Ian, is that you? 😂
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And speaking of that satyr kid, it's the very same kid Barley plays with in the bigger ball pit on the next page! (yes, I'm putting that picture in too cause I know how much you love Barley with kids @itsme-star) and now that I'm really looking at it, I'm thinking he wanted to give that little kid another fun ride after swinging on that dragon and if that's the case...awwwwww that's so sweet 🥺
Lastly, I get the feeling that that spider jungle gym was meant to warn our favorite elves of the dangers below...but considering how modern and harmless it looks, I don't blame em for not taking that into consideration lol
This was the first illustration that gave me the impression that there was more to this story than what we saw back in April...
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I'll say the debris falling definitely adds urgency to the situation of the tavern needs to fixed and put back to its former glory 😅
But also...
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The three of them high-fiving is sooooooo adorable! I already thought they looked great in those construction hats and goggles, but this is serotonin if I ever saw it! 😍
And last but certainly not least...this book was in the advent calendar's day 22 slot!
I would like to give credit to our fellow QM, @aloftmelevar who has cleverly pointed out a couple times—this time being no exception—that Onward is the 22nd film in Pixar's movie library!
Whether putting this story in day 22 for that reason was done on purpose...who knows? 🤔 But I personally would like to believe that it was!
In the end, now all I can think about is this: both versions of the story have different adjustments to the scale of the illustrations that we see, so there has to be full scale artworks of all of them, right?! 😲
Where those would be...I have no clue...
Guess after finding this advent calendar, that's my next Onward treasure hunt! 😉 😉
So anyway, there you have it, Quest Masters! The second detail scout of Mighty Mom!
We'll have to see if a third detail scout comes to pass if there's a potential third version of the story out there somewhere, but as I said in my last Mighty Mom detail scout post, I hope we get lots more Onward short stories featuring our beloved elf bois for years to come! In advent calendars, short story collections, step-into-readings, whatever the case may be, I WILL READ IT!
But for right now, I can honestly say that I like the Mighty Mom story even more now than I did on the day we discovered it! It's like the more you read into the details and piece together the context clues, the more fascinating and enjoyable media ends up being as a whole! 💖 I've found that with Onward itself, and now that I see that in this story too, there's no doubt I'll find it in any Onward story 😊
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laxcoleccion · 5 months
motorcycle diaries.
closed starter for @jcnkyard in response to wanted plot (ft. apollo).
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i’ve lost track of how many miles it’s been since rubber first met asphalt. 
i  know this though—it hasn’t been long enough to erase the laughs of momma’s newest boyfriend.
︽ ︽ ︽
there are tears in his eyes as he flips through my drawings. they’re both high, no surprise that after twenty-one years my mother’s taste in men has all but dwindled, sunken to the pits; anything for a hit. 
“you ain’t gonna amount to shit with this, why don’t ya join y’er mom down in the club? i know the feller’s will treat you nice…”
mom’s eyes flash with anger, not at his comments but at me; the little bitch who stole her youth, and if I retort and fail to keep my mouth shut, I’ll fuck up her plug and then nobody wins. i ignore him, fingernails tearing through toughened barrier to draw crescents of blood. they’ll be gone soon enough. 
like clockwork, they disappear into the only bedroom of the trailer, but stupidly her newest companion leaves the keys to his chopper next to my mangled book. i pick up the ripped drawing, finding it ironic that he tore the one of my mother; she was sober in this one, a posed memory I had of her, retelling me about her life in france. before my father, before her fuckup—me. 
it’s not the first time the thought has crossed my mind, to just leave this shit behind, but it had never been so tangible before, dropped right into my hands. i look both directions, as if someone were watching me and would jump out to my surprise. no one does, and for once i decide…stop being the scared little girl you hate being; be the woman you always shout to be. i grab my bag off the floor, an old leather backpack thrifted from the rich kids on the outskirts of my town.
i snatch his keys, and i see his leather jacket hanging off the broken barstool we’ve fixed eight times now. i search the pockets for my new belongings: a pack of cigs, a wallet filled with receipts, his ID, cards, and 200 dollars cash. i know that if i look in the interior hidden walls of the jacket I’ll find a small stash of powdery serotonin—a save for a time when I’ll need it later. i keep the paper funds and toss his wallet aside—mom’s gonna have to pay for this debt. i decide i like the jacket because it matches my bag and take it too. 
I know I’m heading west—like those cowboys looking for land and whatever trouble that would follow. 
i sneak out the door, careful to not let the screen slam behind me as it usually does, and find my newest ride. i know he probably stole this shit too, and so I decide my new name is karma and to be that bitch. 
︾ ︾ ︾
i’ve driven out of the state, this much i know from the welcoming signs and for an upcoming rest stop. i know they won’t come this far, both because this motorcycle was already stolen and the hassle to reclaim it wouldn’t be worth it, and second because by now the weariness of their killed high has settled and they’re fixing for another hit. 
i think about rest, my eyes weary from the long journey but settle on another few hours before finding a place to lay my head … that was until halfway through my unknown destination I see the smoke of a car, and curiosity beats my will to drive past and abandon the figure.  
i brake my cycle in front of him, jade optics scanning over him. he didn’t look much older than me. a foot falls on ground, and i nod my head towards the vehicle. “is it fixable?” i ask him, deciding in that moment to engage with the stranger; perhaps he’d have an idea of where a decent meal existed nearby in exchange for a ride; besides — i had nothing better to do and absolutely no fuckin’ clue where to go next. 
this was life waiting to happen. 
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soppingwetguywife · 1 year
if i dont get to ride the high of long haired rei suwa, serotonin-wise for at LEAST another month, im straight up gonna scream, i need this, im holding him to my chest like a milk webkinz, rei baby why you grow your hair long? so a man with an ugly goatee can pull it???????? 🤨
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kittyisaddicted · 2 years
Somewhere this year I just gave up. No, I gave in. Gave in to the irresistible sponge that is my endorphin and serotonin seeking bubbly thing of a brain. My return to tumblr was a hell ride from start to now, and I enjoyed every bit of a sick second of it. 
Going through new and still ongoing shows with you all made me realise that my personal deal with media addiction comes in stages–just like grief, in a way. So bare with me for the 7 stages of (my) media addiction. 
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Stage 1
The encounter. Gifs, scenes, little snippets from fics. The inacurate quotes kind of thing that makes me go “This might be interesting”. Going into the tags, a short google search (because tumblr search, you know, … sucks), the like. Finally googling: Where to watch …. And maybe having the luck to not need another streaming service grave for my earnings or a VPN to enjoy another mind and heart soaking piece of fiction. 
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Stage 2
The beginning. Episode 1, the story unfolds. I’m chill. Watching episode 2. Seeing scenes I already know because of, you know, tumblr. All seems normal so far. Until I binge episode 3, 4 and 5 and stay up late for episode 6 and maybe get late to wor…
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Stage 3
The pull. Or: the binge. If I’m lucky, there’s only one season so far. Or *only* 3 (though no one of us was lucky to have only 3 seasons of Malec Shadowhunters Malec). If there’s more, then welp, because life is now circling around watching episode after episode like earth circles the sky, no hostage taken, every spare second is dedicated to w a t c h i n g! Also, every second of the day is about thinking and every night is dreaming about it. I’m all in. 
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Stage 4 
The high noon of addiction. Watching episodes alone is not enough anymore. I rewatch. I re-rewatch scenes on YouTube. I celebrate fan videos there also. My serotonin is up and running, i’m basically high all the time. I heavily search tumblr for meta, for gifs, for meta gifs. My brain and my heart are full, no space for anything else. Working is hard, living a normal life even harder. I’m constantly on my devices, consuming everything I can find, feeling both happy so many creators already did an amazing job and sad about possibly missing out something important, pure FOMO ensues. On the outside I try to seem normal, on the inside I’m craving MORE. MORE. MORE. 
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Stage 5
The crawling. Now. Comes the phase where I not only unconsciously know but fully realise that there are actors behind those amazing scenes. That there where a lot of people putting a lot of work into this so it turns out as amazing at it is. And because I never get enough, I dive into their accounts, the meta about them and their relationships, the conventions, the interview snippets, the behind the scenes, the bloopers, there is. so. much. to. see. and. read!!! I am living in an alternate universe basically, borders between reality and fiction fade, the soundtrack is on heavy rotation, I quote both the show and the actors without having any mutuals in real life who know what I am talking about. 
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Stage 6
The assimilation. I wake up from a fever dream. Life get’s easier again. As the whole show and cast live now rent free in my head, I can start to shift my interest from the original to the fan made bits and peaces, aka the fan fiction–canon, noncanon, doesn’t matter as long as the writing is in character and I get to know them better through the eyes of talented authors. The tags have a special place on the shelves of my well curated tumblr and ao3 lists (because you know, #The Serotonin is stored in the Ao3) and at least five of my brain cells have another content than my latest blorbo. 
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Stage 7 
The retreat. My brain leaves me space for new things. I can concentrate again on other things beside them™, like, well, working, cooking, sleeping, you name it. My sweeties have a special place in my heart from now on, and I will always willingly come back to them for comfort. But right now, the urge to follow everything about them, to dedicate everything I have to them, is gone or, better, just a silent thought in the back of my head. 
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Returning Home Prologue- Thorin Oakenshield x OC
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Thorin Oakenshield x Bellarose Baggins
Description: N/A
Word Count: 508
A/N #1: Yeah, I am jumping into another series despite just finishing one. I am still riding on the high that I got from writing Of Princes and Witches and decided to just jump into another one while I still had serotonin in me.
A/N #2: This is a short prologue, but honestly it was just a little information I needed to get out of the way before I start. Enjoy!
Hobbits have been living and farming in the four Farthings of the Shire for many hundreds of years, quite content to ignore and be ignored by the world of the Big Folk. Middle Earth being, after all, full of strange creatures beyond count. Hobbits must seem of little importance, being neither renowned as great warriors, nor counted amongst the very wise. In fact, it has been remarked by some that Hobbit’s only real passion is for food as they had also developed a keen interest in the brewing of ales and the smoking of pipeweed. But where their hearts truly lie is in peace and quiet. 
Well, there was one outlier to this: a Hobbit by the name of Bellarose Baggins. Ever since she was a child, she always went off looking for an adventure. When she was young she would spend hours upon hours outside with her older brother Bilbo exploring all that Hobbiton had to offer. They were always running off in search of Elves and the woods. They’d stay out late and come home long after dark, trailing mud, twigs and fireflies. Bellarose absolutely loved it, she was always eager to stay outside for as long as she could.
Of course, as with most things, good things had to come to an end. Well, for Bilbo at least. Bellarose was a different story. Despite being well past the age of maturity for Hobbits (having recently turned forty-three), Miss Baggins never really grew out of her childhood thirst for adventure. She desperately wished to just go off like she used to, to find out what lied beyond the borders of the Shire. It was because of that that she was seen as an outcast amongst her fellow Hobbits. 
But, of course, she couldn’t just galivant off at random like she did when she was a child, especially if her brother had anything to say about it. Believe me, she tried to grow up like dear Bilbo had. She really did. As she continued to grow she spent all her time studying. She went from reading for leisure to learning how to heal people. Eventually she became a healer for the people of Hobbiton and even a few surrounding Hobbit towns. She was incredibly skilled in her craft as she’d learned and memorized everything there was to know about the subject, and she was sort of infamous around the Shire for it. 
Unfortunately, in doing that, she also discovered hundreds of books with maps and history, and she was instantly hooked.  By this point she had managed to memorize maps, languages, history, anything and everything she could get her hands on. She figured that this would be the best compromise with her brother because she was discovering new things without physically running off at random times. So, between healing and such, she continued to broaden her mind and daydream about what adventures she could go on and discover. Little did she know that adventure would call her sooner than she thought.
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how2fit · 26 days
I have a theory: Part of the reason why Nordic countries continually top lists of the world’s happiest countries has something to do with how bike-friendly they are. I don’t have research to back me up on this exact claim, but the benefits of cycling are clear. As you glide along as fast as your feet can pedal, you get a legit cardio workout that can give you a major mood boost, especially if you do it with friends. Plus, it's far more fun—and less headache-inducing—than driving or taking public transportation. “There's nothing quite like the cardio you experience on the bike,” says Peloton instructor Hannah Corbin. Whether you take an indoor cycling class or head outside for something more scenic, cycling has a lot to offer. And it's not just the Nords who love it: Cycling has been steadily gaining popularity in the United States, will more than 54 million people riding a bike at least once in 2022. Ready to reap the benefits of cycling yourself? Read on to see what the science and experts say, plus how to get started if you’re a newbie. The 8 biggest benefits of cycling Science and experts agree that there are many advantages of cycling. Here are a few of the biggest ones. 1. It could help you live longer If you’re on the fence about whether or not to take up cycling, here’s something that might persuade you: A 2023 review1 published in Frontiers in Sports and Active Living showed strong evidence that cycling is associated with a lower risk of death from all causes, plus a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes. 2. Cycling is a low-impact form of cardio What makes cycling so healthy? As a form of cardio exercise, cycling is one of the safest ways to boost your aerobic fitness without hurting your joints. “Cycling is a fantastic exercise to reduce impact while ensuring your cardiovascular fitness can be optimal,” says Palak Shah, PT, head of physical therapy services at Luna, an at-home physical therapy provider. Unlike running, another popular cardio exercise, cycling doesn’t involve the impact forces that lead to many running injuries. This can be a relief for tender joints. However, you do miss out on the bone-building benefits of weight-bearing impact. 3. The versatility is pretty unbeatable One of the major benefits of cycling is its adaptability. Do you like to work out indoors or outside? Want to keep things easy or turn up the gas? Are you craving a solo sweat sesh or feel like being social? You can do it all by cycling. “It’s anything your heart desires,” Corbin says. Indoor cycling classes like Peloton’s might also include some light weight work so you can incorporate upper body strength training, too. Check and mate. 4. You can get an exercise high Anyone who’s ever hopped on a bike has likely felt the mental benefits of cycling firsthand. Long periods of moderately hard aerobic exercise are known to release feel-good chemicals in the brain: endorphins, endocannabinoids, dopamine, and serotonin. “And that helps in reducing stress, and it helps in improving mood—getting the ‘exercise high,’ as you will,” Shah says. 5. Outdoor rides immerse you in nature When we spend most of our lives in air-conditioned boxes, going for a bike ride outside can be a great antidote. Cycling coach Colby Pearce, a former US record holder and Olympian, says that cycling outdoors is his “Goldilocks” strategy to getting out in nature. “I love to go hiking and running, but I'm limited in the amount of nature I can see without a really big time investment,” he says. “I could also jump in my car, but then I'm not immersed in it as much. But on the bike, it's sort of this happy middle ground where you can go quite far, especially as you gain fitness.” Science has shown over2 and over3 that this kind of exposure to green spaces has proven benefits for our mental health. 6. You can gain (or regain) fitness safely Cycling is a smart way to help you get back on your feet—literally. Shah points out that while you
might have to wait two or three months to start walking after knee surgery, for instance, you could potentially start cycling after just one week. “When you haven't really been [able to] exercise for a really long time, cycling provides you a safe environment to train up and get ready for whatever activity you plan to return back to,” Shah says. “Cycling is a great way to get blood flow going, get your heart rate back, get the muscles reactivated and re-engaged, [and] get range of motion back.” 7. It can be a social form of exercise Heading out for a bike ride offers an opportunity to connect with friends. “You get to bond, hang out with your friends, or meet new people,” Pearce says. Whether you join a local group ride or set up a riding date with someone close, cycling outside in particular can be a social sport that gives you time to chat while experiencing an adventure together. Bonus: Research shows sweating with a buddy can make you more motivated to work out, so you’re more likely to stick with it week after week. 8. The planet and your wallet will thank you The environmental benefits of cycling as a means of transportation may seem obvious, but the actual stats can be shocking. The Environmental Protection Agency says we could collectively save $900 million in driving costs and two million metric tons of CO2 per year (the equivalent of taking 400,000 cars off the road) if all Americans swapped out just half of our car trips that take less than a mile for a bike ride or walk. Which body parts does cycling work? Many people think of cycling as just an exercise for the legs. And while the lower body might get the biggest challenge, cycling can actually be a full-body workout. “I've noticed that when I go for a particularly long, hard bike ride, just about everything hurts, which tells me that I'm using all the muscles at a certain point,” Pearce says. Your quads, hamstrings, hip flexors, and glutes are doing most of the heavy lifting. The calves and shins also pitch in to push the pedals. Pearce adds that the internal and external hip rotators help to keep the legs in proper alignment. “At the same time, your core provides stability to your trunk,” Shah says. And if you’re heading downhill or leaning over while standing up out of the saddle, you’ll feel your chest, shoulders, and upper back muscles turn on, too. Indoor vs. outdoor cycling Is indoor or outdoor cycling better for you? Well, the answer depends on what you’re looking for. Pearce points out that an indoor cycle gives you more control over the intensity and specificity of your workouts. “You can precisely control your power and your heart rate and your cadence,” he says. When you head outside, on the other hand, variables like hills and wind and traffic can dictate how hard you ride. And, importantly: “One thing that we easily avoid is danger,” Corbin says of Peloton workouts. There’s no traffic to dodge during an indoor cycling class. Although you lose some control outdoors, you do gain other benefits, however. “It's about navigating balance, being mentally present [as] you're navigating through traffic or people and different terrains,” Shah says. Of course, you're also getting a healthy dose of fresh air. Pearce points out that if you cycle outdoors in the first half of the day in particular, the a.m. sun exposure could help your sleep cycle as well. How to start cycling for beginners Tempted to get started? Before you hop into a free online cycling class, there are a few tips to keep in mind when it comes to cycling for beginners. Prioritize good positioning As with any form of exercise, the most important thing is to listen to your body, especially when an activity is new to you. “If you have a back condition and if your posture is poor and you're leaning over, it puts a lot of strain on your lower back,” Shah warns. Learn proper form, and back off if you’re in pain (cycling knee pain is not uncommon). It can help to have a pro assess whether the pedals
and saddle are in the proper position for healthy ergonomics to minimize the risk of overuse injuries. A professional fitter can also help you find the right-sized outdoor bike for your body. Cross-train Cycling is a great form of cardio, but for a well-rounded workout routine you need to balance strength training with indoor cycling. In particular, if you feel like you’re not strong enough to maintain good form while cycling, Shah recommends cross-training with exercises like cobra pose to strengthen your upper back or hip extensions from tabletop position to train your glutes and core strength. Set sustainable goals How long should you cycle a day? “My recommendation is always to start with short sessions with a slower speed, about 20 to 30 minutes, three times a week,” Shah says. “And then gradually increase the duration and how frequently you do it.” “Find something that's sustainable—doing two classes a week for the next year is better than doing eight classes a week for the next month.”—Hannah Corbin Corbin says taking on too much too soon will only lead to burnout. “The most common mistake I see is people going from 0 to 100,” she says. “Find something that's sustainable—doing two classes a week for the next year is better than doing eight classes a week for the next month.” Focus on how you feel In the beginning, Pearce suggests not paying too much attention to your numbers, particularly your power metrics. “That can change your relationship with the sport,” he says. “Obsession with the data and power can really detract from your joy.” Instead, he suggests focusing on cultivating an internal sense of perceived exertion to track your fitness and how much you have left in the tank on each ride. Get the right cycling gear For indoor riding, the main piece of gear you need is an indoor bike or a trainer that can convert your regular bike for stationary workouts. If you get serious about cycling—either indoor or outdoors—clip-in shoes will help you pedal more efficiently, though they’re not totally necessary to start. However, what is necessary is a helmet if you’re headed outside. “And you want it to fit correctly,” adds Pearce. As professional bike fitter, he also recommends getting your outdoor bike sized properly. “Look for a good local shop with experience,” he suggests. Recover right Corbin reminds newbies to not forget about stretching and foam rolling after cycling. “With any repetitive motion, certainly with cycling, you have to release the things that you're asking to perform on such a high level for you,” she says. Be prepared for the challenge Accept that it’s going to be hard to build up speed, no matter how advanced you get. “Going fast on a bike is painful for everyone,” Pearce says. “Even the people who are winning at the world level right now, they're just going faster than you are, but they're still suffering.” Frequently asked questions Is hand cycling a good workout? Hand cycling (where you’re pushing with your arms rather than your legs) is another way to get in a low-impact cardio workout. A hand cycle will work your upper body muscles, including your arms, shoulders, upper back, and neck. However, Shah points out that these are smaller muscles than those in the lower body. “When you think about the kind of workout that you get, the large muscles getting engaged gives you a higher cardiovascular activity as compared to the hand bike,” she says. Who shouldn’t cycle? Given how safe cycling is, and the options you have between outdoor cycling, indoor cycling, and even hand cycling, this versatile activity can be safe and beneficial for nearly everyone. “I cannot think of any population that should not cycle,” Shah says. That said, if you’re worried about a particular health condition or injury that might be affected by cycling, check with your medical provider. What are the drawbacks of cycling? Bikes don’t come cheap, and if you really get into cycling, the cost of quality gear can add up. Outdoor cycling
also comes with serious safety concerns, whether you’re dodging traffic on the roads or hazards like rocks and roots on the trails. That said, dedicated cyclists will tell you that the rewards are worth these risks. Well+Good articles reference scientific, reliable, recent, robust studies to back up the information we share. You can trust us along your wellness journey. Logan, Greig et al. “Benefits, risks, barriers, and facilitators to cycling: a narrative review.” Frontiers in sports and active living vol. 5 1168357. 19 Sep. 2023, doi:10.3389/fspor.2023.1168357 Barton, Jo, and Mike Rogerson. “The importance of greenspace for mental health.” BJPsych international vol. 14,4 79-81. 1 Nov. 2017, doi:10.1192/s2056474000002051 Pasanen, Tytti P et al. “Urban green space and mental health among people living alone: The mediating roles of relational and collective restoration in an 18-country sample.” Environmental research vol. 232 (2023): 116324. doi:10.1016/j.envres.2023.116324
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The Kiddos From Universe 1 At Calypso Water Park
so one of my favourite character-building exercises I like to do is figure out how my OCs would act going to the theme park I used to go to a lot when I was in high school - Calypso Water Park. and while I've done this for the Realm Kiddos before, I haven't done it RECENTLY, and especially not since the canon shift. so fuck it!! we ball!!
Lydia is very much the Mom Friend of the group. She's the one who makes sure everyone's brought everything they need before heading out, and the one who pesters everyone to put on sunscreen (on Trinity's behalf). She's not the biggest fan of a lot of the slides, but she'll go on the smaller ones, especially if they're two-person slides and only one member of the group wants to go on 'em. Otherwise, she spends the day relaxing in the lazy river and spending time with Trinity to make sure she feels included. Probably gets a stomach ache from eating ice cream and then immediately getting roped into going on slides.
Sinclair is ADAMANT about going on literally every single slide in the park, probably bragging the whole time that these slides are child's play for them. In reality, they're fucking terrified of slides like Adrenaline (basically a straight drop), and completely chicken out at the Aqua Loops. They do get very competitive during races the group have on the Fast Track, and eventually it's just Sinclair and Sydney doing the ride over and over again until one of them is the definitive victor. The two bond afterwards over their bruised stomachs and somehow managing to steal the entirety of their meals (because both of them decided the food was super overpriced and thus it was stupid to pay for it).
Cynthia is largely just trying to keep track of everyone, since that's just instinct for her at this point, but after some time she starts to relax and do what she wants. I think the wave pool would be her favourite attraction, and she'd spend a bunch of time there just seeing how long she can last against the waves in the deep end of the pool (probably having a friendly competition with Dylan to see who can last the longest at least once.) She doesn't care too much for the slides, not because she's scared of them - they just don't really interest her. Still has a relatively good day against all odds!
Dylan is going fucking EVERYWHERE. He's doing Fast Track races with Sydney, Sinclair and the twins. He's going on Canyon Rafting with as much of the group as he can gather in one place. He's lounging in the lazy river. He's surviving the wave pool with Cynthia. He's eating a big hot dog and then immediately going back into it and then needs to rest on one of the lounge chairs in front of the wave pool because he gave himself a stomach cramp. Dylan is in his element here and he's having the TIME OF HIS LIFE. I think he might end up going into a bit of a funk for a few days afterwards because he got so much serotonin from this trip that he simply cannot get in his daily life. Plans on making this an annual event the second they leave the park at the end of the day.
Morgan loudly complains the whole time everyone is planning this excursion, calling it a waste of time, saying it's dumb baby shit, asking to stay home... But then everyone gets to the park and they learn that Morgan has a well-hidden thrill-seeking side. Sinclair TRIES to go on every slide in the park, but Morgan SUCCEEDS. Although, this comes with a downside... There are multiple slides that require two people that only Sinclair, or worse, Sydney are willing to go on with her. She definitely bullies Sinclair over being scared of the Aqua Loops and rubs it in their face when she does it, like, "see? I survived the big scary plastic slides. coward." Sinclair will probably seethe over this for the next week.
Sydney. is. fucking. ELATED. You just brought the Realm's biggest thrill-seeker to a water park that claims to have the fastest slides in the world! Peak enrichment!! Much like Dylan, she's absolutely everywhere, and it's really hard to track her down. Much like Morgan, she also goes on every single ride in the park, minus a couple because she got so caught up with the Fast Track bullshit. She and Sinclair get to do crime together too, which is just a nice bonus. She does get some weird looks due to her extensive scars, because sometimes people suck, but Sydney Could Not Care Less About This, There Are Slides To Be Conquered And Friends To Compete With Over Stupid Shit.
Trinity is deathly afraid of heights. This means basically every slide is off-limits for her. Additionally, she's pretty self-conscious about her death scar on her neck, and this doesn't help her social anxiety much. Mostly just sticks to Lydia, Dylan, Cynthia or Morgan's sides for the majority of the trip, watching everyone else have fun, but after a bit Bianca and Troy coax her to come with them to Pirate's Aquaplay and she starts to really enjoy herself. The three of them go under the bigass bucket there together (because when you go to Calypso you HAVE to step under the bucket) and the twins keep her from getting knocked over by the water, and it's the loudest anyone's heard Trinity laugh before.
Bianca desperately WANTS to keep up with Sydney but. holy shit. that's a LOT of slides. Her paranoia kinda ebbs and flows throughout the day regarding Troy, because on one hand, More People = More People Who Could Hurt Him, but on the other hand... who'd kill a kid surrounded by so many people?? (The latter reasoning is mostly her trying to fight that shit off with a metaphorical stick for the sake of actually being able to enjoy her day. It... only kind of works, much to her own chagrin.) And, at the very least, the two spend most of their day with Sydney, who Bianca full-heartedly trusts. (Maybe not to keep them safe from over-exertion, but at least to keep them safe from anyone who might try to hurt either twin.) She joins Troy in his gremlin antics at Pirate's Aquaplay, and is the one to suggest that Trinity come and join them to experience The Bucket. She heads to the gift shop early while Troy and Sydney are hanging out and gets everyone surprisingly thoughtful souvenirs from the day.
Troy is that little shit who goes to Pirate's Aquaplay and dumps the mini-buckets on kids' heads when they pass under it. I know this, because I was that little shit when I was a kid, and I know it's exactly the kind of thing Troy would love. A lot of the slides scare him more than he's willing to admit, and he especially hates any of the covered slides because they make him feel claustrophobic, but the big exception to this is the Turbo Lab. Partially due to the theming, partially due to the fact that they aren't super fast or tall slides, and partially because the ones he likes best are ones he can go on with his friends. By and large, though, he's mostly just following the group and joining in on activities like Canyon Rafting and Fast Track races. I like to think he and Bianca also make a bet on whether they can last more than five minutes in the kiddie pool without being kicked out. They barely even last a minute.
Gamma got volunteered by Alice to be a chaperone. He fucking hates it. Not just because it's REALLY hard to keep track of nine humans when they're all going on different rides on different ends of the park, not just because there are more people in the park that day than Gamma's seen in his entire life, but because Gamma has a secret phobia of drowning/being underwater. Being around this much water? That's hell to him. Either Alice or Sinclair has to explain the concept of a "lifeguard" to him to keep him from spontaneously combusting out of stress, and he can't look at the wave pool without his stomach twisting up in knots. Also? He refuses to wear swimwear. He's still in his fucking suit. He only vaguely understands why he's getting strange looks from everyone. Needless to say, Gamma does not have fun, but the humans had a great time and no one got seriously hurt, and once it's all over, that's all that truly matters to him. (He still needs to take a day or two to recover tho, because being hyper-vigilant for that long is fucking exhausting. And by 'take a day' I mean he spends a little more time than usual reading between patrolling the woods and making sure his siblings do their jobs, because Gamma doesn't understand that he can take a sick day without everything exploding, so there's no way he's taking a mental health day voluntarily.)
Alice would fucking LOOOOOOVE to go, but because of the Mechanics Of How Realms Work, she physically cannot. (The humans obviously can't go back to their homeworld, so they have to go to a different Reality in order to go to Calypso, and Alice is shackled to her Realm and the Reality it branched off from. I'm torn between it being a "if I leave I die instantly and I Do Not Want That" situation or "yeah I've got a built-in aversion to leaving this place that's kind of like a primal fear and I'm Not Fucking With That" situation. Could be both!) She still makes an adorable swimsuit for herself just for fun and watches everyone's day through portals while eating popcorn. She also spends a good amount of time talking with Gamma over his communication device whenever he starts getting overwhelmed by the. fucking EVERYTHING happening that day. Absolutely gets him to bring her back a souvenir from the park. (Oh, also, the group circumvents the money issue via Alice basically creating counterfeit money. Hey, they're only there for a day! What are the cops gonna do, track them down across time and space for a couple of forged twenties?)
#Universe 1#The Gang's All Here#it was going to be LITERALLY every human(oid) character in Universe 1 but. tumblr wouldn't let me post it???#did this site get a word count limit when I wasn't looking or someshit???#anyways!! long story short:#(in a hypothetical post-main story Everybody Lives And Nothing Sucks timeline)#if Dawn went too Dylan would try to spend more time with her while they're there. it's awkward but it helps a little#and Dawn finally has a chance to fully relax for the first time in fucking AGES#meanwhile the Oracle couldn't go at all because her seer powers have left her pretty incapable of being able to be around large groups#or in water that she could drown in because. if you can't perceive what's happening in the moment you can't exactly. tell you're drowning.#but she doesn't care much because all of Alice's soldiers are basically strangers to her and she didn't like water slides to begin with lol#Alice's guards also can't go for. obvious reasons.#although the mental image of El and Ar in one of those two-person floatie tubes is fucking hilarious to me#like ''uh yeah can you let my fuckin rock dogs go on this water slide please? I've never asked before.''#if you're asking why I made this. I don't fucking know. but it sure was fun!!!#I'm sure this is kinda incomprehensible to anyone who didn't grow up in southern Ontario lmao#just look at the Calypso website they've got all the attractions listed there#(along with the cheesy mascot-esque characters that go with them afahjsdgfjhasd I've got a soft spot for them)
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suzufield · 10 months
2, 11, 27 for the fic ask :]
2. Do you plan each chapter ahead or write as you go? my original story has like, an entire notebook's worth of notes written about it and that hasnt helped me write it At All. meanwhile this fic I'm writing rn. zero planning just vibes. and it's worked out so far. (it will probably not be very strong narrative-wise, let's be real) so I just wing it.
11. Link your three favorite fics right now I'm going to interpret "right now" broadly because I don't have a ton of bookmarks lol
https://archiveofourown.org/works/44727055 this is like. one of my favourite works ever. and it's a dc comics fanfic. on god I would recommend it to anyone who hasn't the SLIGHTEST idea who either character that this fic deals with is. I'm serious. also I find it so cool how it's an AU but it's entirely canon compliant (or was before some new comics came out). anyway I'm not selling this very well but it's about clones and identity and coming back from the dead. VERY GOOD VERY ENJOY 👍
https://archiveofourown.org/works/47150170 original fic about a girl with an eating disorder who falls in love with her tapeworm. it's fucked up and a great read (and soon nearing its end 😔 I'm a bit scared ngl) (also I like how it updates live. like every journal entry is actually posted as if the story was happening chronologically)
I was debating but I cannot pick a third one for the life of me so I leave you with these two!!
27. What is your most and least favorite part of writing? ok. had to think hard about this one.
I love the interactions I get while writing? like when I send a snippet to someone and get to see their reaction, or when I get an impromptu english lesson with a friend (happens more often than you think. my english is not good) or just, idk, when we do teamwork to find the word that is just right for what I'm trying to say. also I love explaining concepts I've come up with (when I actually know what I'm trying to say!) and I love bouncing ideas off each other. it's the little exchanges!
(I also love my writing style and I love seeing the word count go up. very serotonin inducing.)
my least favourite part is probably just… how motivation ebbs and flows. one day you have the stamina enough to write an entire chapter, and you ride that high for as long as you can, and next thing you know you've crashed and can't write more than a sentence in your document for a week. there's no one way to recharge that energy that works 100% of the time. so there's a certain frustration that comes with that.
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lost-in-wond3rland · 11 months
I had two 12oz redbulls and a 16oz monster today and I'm alive out of pure spite
TW for: food relationship, depression, self medication
So maybe I'm not just alive out of pure spite but it sounded more fun that way lol I'm mainly alive from riding the Eras Tour high (thank you Seattle and Taylor Alison Swift) (no, I don't live in Seattle but I did fly there).
So I haven't slept since Thursday.
Not entirely true, I mostly slept last night and the night before so really I hadn't sleep Thursday-Sunday but Sunday night was chill.
I did overly pump myself with caffeine today and it did exactly z e r o help at work which sucked.
I have therapy on Friday and I'm 95% sure I'm going to cancel. I don't think I like my therapist.
It's been a couple of sessions and:
Talking about myself is uncomfortable as fuck (yes, I realized the irony of this as I am semi journaling on a public platform but bffr, no one is reading this and if they ARE I have know way of knowing)
I'm not against natural remedies persay but e v e r y t h i n g she suggests is natural remedies? Tea for insomnia, roots to eat to help focus for the possible ADHD (on top of the fact that I've asked more than once to see a psych to at least get a diagnosis to know for sure if I have it, especially since I apparently check most of the boxes? But then she asked why I would want them? Um... cuz I wanna know? And I'm going into grad school and don't have time to be fighting my brain all the time?), exercise to raise serotonin to help depression (which yes I understand the science there but TW ALERT I have some... food and body issues we shall say that turn into spirals v quickly of I will go to the gym for two hours and only eat a singular granola bar for the whole day. So like. Yeahhhh when she said I might be depressed because "maybe you need to exercise more" that was fun lol Especially when I know I obviously don't look like I have said issues in the stereotypical sense)
So like. You could see why after a few sessions I'm not too keen on going back. I've been on a bit of an up swing anyway so like *shrug*
The reason I started going to therapy again was because things were... not ideal. Not that I was actively gonna do something. But also like. If I fell into an eternal slumber, I wouldn't necessarily have been mad about it typa deal. Kinda hoping for the whole eternal sleep thing but not doing anything to cause it, ya feel? But now things are fine and I can't help but feel like I was being dramatic because like. I'm fine. Everything is fine. And I really have nothing to complain about. So like. Dramatic, ya know?
It feels silly to me a lot of the time. People have real issues and real trauma, and I haveeee. A trip to London and Paris coming in the fall... so like. What the fuck do I need to be in therapy for? It just. Feels kinda fake. Like I'm being dramatic.
I feel like sometimes I build shit up in my head too much and then I stop and I'm like. Why. There are so many other things happening, so many other people with real life issues, and then here I am. I don't like it.
I was smoking a LOT of weed for a LONG time to just kinda coast ya know? To either feel something if I felt nothing or to feel something else other than what I was feeling. Which is great, and worked, but with my job if I get caught I will no longer have said job. Also the fact that like, weed sleep is a THING and where as not being hungover is great, I'll loose half the day knocked tf out (which considering the sleep situation might not be the worst thing so maybe I should go to the local dispensary lmao but then it makes me eat a bunch and then I feel awful the next day and cycles and cycles and cycles). So unfortunately/fortunately that is a no go cuz work and I gotta be awake enough to do hw man.
So yeah. I'm kind of in the "fuck therapy, I'm fine" mind set lately. Yeah, I get some intense lows but they haven't been consistent like they were plus I don't even know what fucking causes them. Somedays I just wake up and it's like, "oh cool, I'm floating in an abyss today". Some days I know if I spend too much time alone, my thoughts will suffocate me. Some days I wake up normal, and halfway through they day a switch flips out of nowhere and I'm just exhausted and don't want to exist. Sometimes I'm so numb or out of it I know I just shouldn't be driving because I feel nothing or feel out of my body.
But lately there's been none of that, and I've been good. So.
Yikes, this shit is not linear at all lol It's going in any and all directions. And there really is no point to it either. Just. Wanted to talk to myself about some things in my brain. But either way.
Therapy on Friday. Be there or be square! 98% sure I'm gonna be square because I just simplyyyyy do not want to go, nor do I see the point of it at the moment.
I also probably really need sleep. Or at least more sleep since I did in fact sleep pretty decently last night.
Oh! I'm also kind of in love with Taylor Zakhar Perez. He's so pretty it's irritating lmao He's also gonna play Alex in the RW&RB movie and I can't wait. I'm watching it with Lex on Saturday (Aug 12) since she has D&D on Aug 11 (cries in I wanted to watch it that night but I GUESS I'll fucking wait lol). But yeah. Hashtag daddy
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winglesscrow · 1 year
February 18, 2023:
Last night was beyond insane. Incredible. Life changing. There’s just not enough words to describe it.
I mean, talk about a serotonin boost. It was wild.
I tattooed NONSTOP from 1:30pm to 9pm. And all of my clients were so nice, and sat so well. I’m so thankful.
I also made a decent profit, which was insane.
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My booth was in the back corner, which was perfect for me (thank you, neurodivergence). I didn’t feel overwhelmed or overstimulated. I had ear plugs, a comfy chair, and everyone was so conscious of my personal space! Just incredible.
I’m already looking forward to drawing more and prepping for the next event!
They also want me to tattoo out of this shop part time moving forward, so I’m stoking.
What a wild week it’s been!
I do need to fall back to reality, though, and get my homework done this weekend as well. So I’ll get started on that tonight and try to ride this mood high as long as I can!
- C.
Currently listening to:
Amnesia - Mod Sun
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Hey 👋👋
Your pinned post about college resonated with me so much ,i feel like crying.i keep wishing i didn't move out of town for college.i really miss my friends. people i met in college are really nice tho but sometimes i can't stop feeling a bit lonely.
Sorry for the rant.you asked for serotonin and i gave you this but i needed to talk to someone with similar feelings.
Its been a year since you made that post . Hope you dont mind me asking this but how does college feel now ??
Again sorry for the rant .hope you have a nice day😚😚
Oh darling, when I made that post I had no idea how many people felt to same way as I did. Hearing others talk about it makes me feel like I’m not so alone, especially when everyone only talks about the “fun” side of college.
As you said, it has been a year since my post and now as a sophomore I can confirm it gets better but you never really get rid of the longing and question of “what if I had stayed closer?”
My amazing roommates have made everything better though and I thank every star above that we all stumbled upon each other. The friends I make, even now, are hard to keep when we all have different schedules and maybe have one class together and never know if we will have another one again. But I think that’s what college is kind of about, ya know, beyond the academic side of it. Some people make friends the first day of freshman year and keep them to graduation and others collect them slowly like Pokémon over time. It’s still hard sometimes when my high school friends post with each other and I know that I’ll never be as incorporated as I used to be in the friend group but I’m learning to accept that maybe all friendships aren’t the same and it hurts but knowing they are happy is enough. Since last year I have started volunteering at my local humane society when I can, even adopted an older cat with asthma, and going to college events if only to meet people I may never have met otherwise. The loneliness never leaves unfortunately because nothing every compares to childhood/high school friends but with the right people, it doesn’t feel so crushing.
College is still terrifying but it feels more like going to an amusement park alone, getting in the single rider line and finding others willing to ride the crazy rollercoaster alongside you.
Also, you never need to apologize. I’ll share all my serotonin with you if only to make you feel better. Hang in there darling, you’ve got this! Have a wonderful day/night and make the most of this time in your life :)
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juniperkinglet · 1 year
hi hi!!
📚Do you have a go-to reading spot or do you read everywhere?
📔Do you have any bookish rituals or habits that you follow before, during, or after reading a book?
Do you have a go-to reading spot or do you read everywhere?
i do the thing you're not supposed to do and mostly read on my bed lol... it's just the comfiest!! we don't have a couch, and my back & POTS don't like not being horizontal on a soft surface lmao. i have a hammock chair on the back porch i sometimes read in, though not too often cuz my body hates Weather.
Do you have any bookish rituals or habits that you follow before, during, or after reading a book?
i started tracking my reading process on goodreads this past year and i'm enjoying that a lot! it helps me remember what i've already read, what i'm currently reading, and keeps me on track with a book instead of going so long without picking it up that i forget everything and have to start over lol. the amount of serotonin i get when marking a "reading" book "read" and seeing Number Go Up is like WOO
i also tend to immediately go to ao3 once i've decided i like a book and see if any fanfic exists haha. for books like aftg there's a ton, but i read a bunch of 70s-90s high fantasy novels too, and a lot of times there's pretty much no fandom. so if one or more fics are there, i get super excited!!
once i'm done with a book, i usually at least make a playlist for it -- as long as i liked it, which, if i finished it, i probably did. big fan of listening to songs that remind me of blorbos when i'm on long car rides or in the bath. sometimes i'll do an art about it, and an occasional fic (most of which i don't post whoops lol).
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quilleth · 3 years
100 Days of writing days 2&3
Wasn’t able to get yesterday’s prompt done on time, so I figured I’d just put it in a post with today’s. It did get a little long, so I’m putting it under a read more! hosted by @the-wip-project
Day 2
For your current WIP: (do you have many WIPs? I have so many WIPs. So I mean current as of right this moment, the project you’re thinking about right now.) What motivates you to write this specific story? What makes this story special for you? Is there a special twist/trope/setting you want to explore? What got you started on this particular story? Many WIP's? I have no idea what you're talking about as I proceed to shove several WIP's into a cupboard.  I have so many!
My current project is for a fluffy self indulgent AU that has spawned far too many plot and world building bunnies to really fully count as just an AU fic now, since I've gone and done a fair amount of world building and developing other characters with their own plots for other stories in the world than the main ship I started it for! It started because of this tumblr ask, and apparently my brain went “yes, witchy story, but also let's bring in ideas from obscure fairytales, and also give it Ghibli/ Edwardian/ Victorian vibes.” Special tropes: as many as I can fit xD I love playing with tropes, so I'm having fun with them because the “witch has a familiar for a mentor, but also doesn't realize the familiar can shape change and happens to be her very nice neighbor she sees sometimes at festivals” thing I've got going really just leaves room for so many delightful tropey shenanigans. Figuring out the world building and the logic and reasoning behind the magic and the magical system is also something I'm enjoying exploring and trying to work that out more has given me ideas for other stories in the world. I normally don't do a lot of world building so it's been a challenge. But I think it's also what makes it special at the moment; I'm putting a lot of time into building the world and finding ways to let it grow, and I want to see how far I can go with it. I’m taking inspiration from some of my favorite comfort books for how to approach both the world and the writing itself and that’s making the process more fun and also more relaxing in some ways, even though I’m doing work i normally avoid because of how difficult and stressful i find it.
Day 3 What’s your character’s motivation? What motivates them to act like they do? Elisabeth wants to figure out her own place; she wants to be independent but also want to have connections to people. She wants to learn new things and she wants to help people while she's doing it. Family is important to her, so making connections with those around her is also a motivating factor for her. Plotwise, she wants to prove that she can do her job and do it well. Her goal is first and foremost to succeed in being the best witch she can for her town- which means managing magical problems, helping people with herbal remedies, helping with some of the festivals in an official capacity, among other things. I haven't figured all of it out yet, and haven't even decided on a name for her town, but succeeding and proving to both herself and to others that she can do it all without necessarily having the full training is important to her.
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