#i actually even fantasized about what would happen if the star had some. remote control type function the government can use
kerorowhump · 1 year
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so indeed when the keron star is activated in any way he doesn't remember what he does, aka he's not in control
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projectsoleil · 3 years
Collapsing Upon It's Own Pressure || Cella || MM Trial 6.5 || Re: Fergus, Leo & Pheo, Angelbot
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“One must start with generalizations and observations if they are to make a proper hypothesis.  That’s what good science is based off of.  Give me just a glimpse at what the aliens can do we’ll be that much closer to have a reasonable society again.”
Why don’t they get it?  This isn’t normal, this isn’t how the world is supposed to be.  Don’t get that!?  Fergus of all people should understand how much better everyone’s lives could be!
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“You’re telling me were meant to live in a society where someone could level a city because they were having a bad day?  That’s the kind of society you think is normal?  We don’t eve know what the aliens society is like.  Maybe only one of them has powers, or maybe they’ve millions of years to figure this out.  We’ve had it for what… a couple of generations.”
She’s not convinced, she’s been self assured time and time again the these powers are on the whole a net negative than a net positive.  Even if Fergus’ arguments are sound.
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“At least back then the average layman wouldn’t have access to rocket batteries or nuclear warheads.  We have people who can conjure pseudo-black holes, make people fall to sleep by singing, and conjure cyber creatures.  You’re telling me that you’d rather a world where every person is a walking weapon than one where at least you’d have to get a weapon to be a legitimate threat?”
Change… they kept on repeating that phrase.  What was the point of it?  Sure in small scale it was great, wonderful, people should change.  But what would that matter on a ruined planet?
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“I don’t care about their change, if they want to feel good about becoming better people than good for them.  Maybe in whatever afterlife there is they can talk about that in length.  You can change people, but do you know how hard and how long it would be to change a society of people?  A whole planet’s worth?  You’re all so tied down to your ideal happy-go-lucky solutions that you can’t think two steps ahead!  Like a heroic speech is going to change anything!  Where has that gotten us!?  Nowhere!  I’ll take something new, I’ll take this risk over your pointless and useless words anyday.  Your best isn’t good enough!  We need something better!  We need a workable solution!”
Her fuming is halted when Leo speaks up. She’s almost forgotten that she had lifted both him and Red up.
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“Well… I mean of course I didn’t do this all myself.  I don’t mean to lessen your impact on any of this either…”
Wait what was he reaching for?  His weapon?  Did he plan to cut the others down for speaking against her so sharply or…?
Again her thoughts were interrupted as she was completely caught off gaurd by Red’s words.  So much so that for a moment everyone feels that they fall for a split second before Rev unsteadily orients them back into her orbit once again.
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“Is… now really the time for this!?”
For someone who thinks themselves highly as a genius, she can’t really see where all this is headed.  Even as Red pulls the remote out she’s unsure as to what she’s going to do.  Even if it’s obvious to everyone else, even if her inevitably betrayal is so clear and certain…
Cella can’t even fathom that as an outcome that can occour.
Until it happens, and her reality is shaken.
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For once she’s without words, maybe because she was intently listening to Red, or maybe her head was still reeling from what she had just witnessed.
She’s sure that she’s misheard, or maybe in the high of all her explaining that her mind must’ve conjured some illusion before her.  That’s happened before to others hasn’t it?  The mania and excitement gets to them and their mind plays tricks upon them.
But when she blinked, when she repeated the words in her head it she couldn’t chalk it up to a mental mishap.  
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Surely it was a mistake.
“I don’t get it… why are you doing this?”
Maybe some fault of her own?
“Was it something that I said, or did?  Was I taking too much credit?  You both know how much I appreciate and value you don’t you?”
Had she not shown her appreciation enough?  Was she too cold to her partners?
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“Red… we can still go to space together.  And Leo you could get all the support from me that you could ever ask for.”
Everything is unstable, people rise and fall, speed up and slow down, if you’re fast enough you can probably slip out of her field of control as she grapples with the betrayal before her.
“I just… you all knew what I was doing.  I never lied about my intentions, or my plans, or anything to you!  Why are you sudden against all this now!?”
Ah… it starts to dawn on her… why this is all happening.
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“I warned you both against this,  told you time and time again not to get close to them.  Not to think of them anymore than lambs to the slaughter.  But no, you had to get attached, you had link yourselves to them.”
It was their fault.  All they were supposed to do was fight, murder, and die.  And somehow they ended up doing something much, much worse!
“I knew that this would happen.  I saw the signs, the warning, and I should’ve cut off those issues than let them fester into the infections that they’ve become now."  
Everything is obvious in hindsight, but she thought better of them.  She believed in them, she thought that they’d be able to stand by her side no matter what happened through and through.  
Do they think that they’re rats fleeing some sinking ship?  Did they never truly believe in her?
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"What do you even hope to gain?  Forgiveness?  Redemption?  A second chance?  Where do you think you’re going to go after all this!?  You think that they won’t turn you in to the authorities, or beat the ever loving crap out of you for what we’ve done?  This show of comradery won’t get you what you think it will!  I’m offering you a way out!  Even if you don’t want to come with me I can help you…!”
Ah hubris, the slayer of kings and gods.  And now it has come to take Cella down.
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“…Fine, you’ve made your choice.  And I hope you’re happy with it, and I hope you’re all happy with what you’ve done to them.  Give them the false hope that somehow this is better than what I can offer them!" 
They probably are if their words are any indication.  As for Cella she can’t help but ball up her fists as she glares between Leo and Red.
What use is a star with no orbiting bodies?
The point is further hammered home with Angelbot is quite content reminding her that she is in fact alone, outnumbered, and probably outmatched if it really came down to it.
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"It’s… it’s fine.  I don’t need…”
She doesn’t need anyone, what difference does it make now?  Who cares if she’s alone… again.  She was prepared for that wasn’t she?
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“I’m used to being alone, whether I’m surrounded by people or by asteroids it’ll be the same.  I know what I’m doing is for the greater good… I know it is!  So stop talking to me like… you know what’s wrong with me!  You think that everything is just going to end up being okay if you take me to some bar and show me a good time!?”
Though she’d be lying if she didn’t think that it would be fun to have one bar crawl before being off among the stars.
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“That’s always been the burden of the wise.  To be hated and resented for bringing about radical change when no one will get their side of the story!  The people they’ll… they’ll thank me long after I’m gone!  I don’t need to consult them!  One day they’ll look up and see what’s around them and realize that I’ll have granted this all to them.  Even… even if it cost lives!”
She knew she was human, she could only dream of having immortality and being able to live eons and see what she always dreamed of.  But Angelbot was right she was human, for all it’s faults and benefits.  That was one fact that she couldn’t escape.
“Any rich madman…?" 
She figures that Angelbot has a decent point.  In fact she knows that there was another organization doing what she was doing before she could even get her foot in the same door.  And she knew that they were right in that humans were… annoyingly stubborn and hardy.  
She remembered when she was going things about her own pace.  Even before the murder games she was set to do this one way or another.  Sure it probably would’ve taken more years to get launched and even more years to properly function.  But it wouldn’t have been with bloodshed.  Had her passion taken away her humanity?  So eager to be among the stars that she failed to see her proper place on earth?
"I didn’t forget about them!  I gave them everything that I had, trust, respect, I would give them the world and everything on it if they asked.  But they clearly…”
She choked up for a moment.  She didn’t want to show weakness, or sorrow, or anything less than control.
“Clearly they let something else take hold of them.  What use is there in remorse!?  Regret and remorse are things that stop normal people from achieving greatness.  I won’t be stopped!  Not by you, not by them, not even by… the people I called my partners.”
She sniffled as she rubbed her hand across her nose, but kept her eyes dry.
Friends… she thought she had those.  Maybe she still does but her stubbornness and unwillingness to admit her own wrongdoings is pushing them further and further away.  Like a rouge planet flung from it’s star system.
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“You want to revive the dead for some… ceremony…?" 
She’s actually unsure what to think at this point.
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Does she even bother to stop this mad robots ramblings at this point?  She’s not even sure where she ought to start replying.  Maybe it was best to let them fantasize for a moment.
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