#the feral and instinctual and purely emotional side of him takes control... in a rather calm way. yeah i had a feeling the keron star
kerorowhump · 8 months
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so indeed when the keron star is activated in any way he doesn't remember what he does, aka he's not in control
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fenristheorem · 3 years
Lance: Dragon Headcanons
A staple mark in Lance’s character is his dragon genetics, and I have a lot of headcanons regarding this, so I figured I'd write about this while I have it in mind. A lot of these probably aren’t canon at all, mainly just me rambling away about what I'd like to see, but I think they're still pretty interesting regardless. 
~Do note: Lance is going to be a bit more feral than usual in this one (this is discussing his dragon side, after all), and many of these are going to be romantic. Combine feral and romantic and you get something along the lines of NSFW. It’s not exactly NSFW, but this post certainly isn’t clean, either. This is really only a concern near the end of the post.
~ Under the cut ~
It’s known that in a partially transformed state, Lance’s mother - Tia - has a tail, scales on certain parts of her body, makeshift claws (technically they’re just filed down nails, at least that’s what I’ve read in certain descriptions), and a few other dragon-like features, but since this post reflects my own headcanons I want to add on to and alter that. 
In my headcanons, dragons in a partially transformed state have tails, as well as wings, real claws (not nails, it’s like an extension of the bones that turn into claws), scales in certain areas, and can actually transform to the point where their limbs are more dragon-like the further away from the body it is. They can also control exactly what features appear when they partially transform, but only to some extent. There’s either a full human appearance, or a full dragon appearance, and in the middle there’s a small range of partially transformed traits that they can choose to display; like having the claws, tail, and scales, but no wings, or limiting the amount of scales on their body while having the other traits appear fully. I imagine controlling their transformations is like a muscle; the more they work with it, the more control they have (which is already sort of canon since Valk admitted he wasn’t as strong as Lance because he didn’t practice as much when they were younger), and they can control a fine selection of which traits are active and when.
From that; dragons - like many other living creatures - have their own distinct scents, and with that there are scent glands (there’s a lot of reptiles that don’t have scent glands I think, but also some that do, and since dragons can shift between a reptilian and mammal form I like to imagine that they do have scent glands). In nearly any state, dragons’ scent glands are a lot like a cat’s and are placed in the same areas as their scales when they’re partially transformed; around the mouth, on the cheekbones, the neck, genitals, and a few places on their torso, chest, and arms. In their complete dragon form these locations are primarily the same, but since their anatomy is a bit different, there may be other locations with scent glands as well. These glands work partially with releasing their natural scent, but for the most part they’re also used for scent marking. Again like a cat, dragons can rub off their scent on objects and people by rubbing their scent gland scales across something.
Because of this, Lance may have a small tendency to brush himself against his partner... a lot, especially if he’s partially or fully transformed. It’s common for him to be laying with his partner and begin to repeatedly rub the side of his face against any part of her, but he especially prefers around her face, neck, or chest, and this is usually disguised as aggressive nuzzling. He can do this at random moments through out the day as well; when he suddenly comes up behind her and takes her in his arms and nuzzles into her neck, at night when he pulls her close and accidentally wakes her up just to rub against her, or even if they’re showering together and Lance wants to remark his territory because the water is washing his scent off.
For this reason, he probably doesn't like his partner wearing heavy perfumes or anything that can disguise his - and her - natural scent.
If his partner allows this scent marking to be a commonplace thing, they can find this becoming a habit for him even when he isn’t transformed, and he especially likes when his partner willingly touches his scales - even if just to feel the textures again. Along with that, his partner may make it a habit to brush herself against him; acting as though she’s scent marking him, or just brushing against him so that his scent rubs off on her more. Since dragons probably follow some set of instincts (like any other living creature, even humans), Lance’s partner ‘scent marking’ him is probably incredibly endearing to him, as not only does it mean that she accepts his instinctual nature, but it also shows that she wants to take part in it too.
On the topic of instincts, I image dragons to be incredibly feral and impulsive in at least some basic ways, specifically with some forms of communication and relationships (no matter if it’s romantic or not), so body language may be a major way of communication with him some days. Of course, he’ll still actually talk to other people, but if he’s having a day where he’s just really not in the mood to talk but he needs to communicate with his partner in basic ways, he may revert back to a relatively feral form of communication: body language. Everyone and all species display things through body language, so it would make sense for Lance to rely on speaking with his partner through body language when he’s not in the mood to talk, but he’ll probably use other basic sounds like huffs, grunts, groans, and growls to relay things more clearly since his partner may not be as fluent as he is with this type of communication. 
On these days, she can expect to come back to their room at night and ask a question, only to be answered with a grunt, or a faint growl with a glare, or a scratchy purr and contently closed eyes as he takes her into his arms. It will take his partner a while to decipher exactly what each noise means, as well as what they mean when combined with different facial expressions and posturing, but she should pick up on it quite quickly. Fortunately he acts a relatively similar way on the days he is talking, so many of those days where he resigns from speaking shouldn't be too much of an issue, as he acts mostly the same way minus the words.
Keeping on the topic of nonverbal communication; when he's partially transformed, he probably has a few other habits than just scent marking is partner. As a show of being territorial, he may drape or curl his tail around her, be it her ankles, legs, or even her waist if they're lying down together. As a sign of affection, he may lightly drag his claws along her skin, similarly to how he would with his fingers to relay tender affection.
In a general idea; when Lance is partially or fully transformed, he acts much more on feral instincts than usual. This can lead him to being simultaneously more territorial and romantic towards his partner; it imprints the idea to others that she belongs to him while he maintains a quality relationship with his partner so she doesn't seek to leave him. He feels emotions very deeply, and it's those emotions that influence him to act more on feral instincts (after all, emotions are basically chemical reactions within the body that we then respond to). This means that his emotional reactions can be - and usually are - amplified, or at very least it's easier for him to have a stronger than normal reaction.
This last headcanon may be a bit iffy, but I imagine dragons definitely take a singular mate for the rest of their lives, and have a sort of mating ritual where they leave a physical mark - a bite - on their partner that signifies that from then on, their partner belongs to them.
Marking in general - be it biting, clawing, or bruising (that last one is typically on accident) - may be a common thing with Lance due to his interest in making his partner his mate, and he may perform those markings willingly (usually on the gentler side) or by pure accident as he's caught up in the moment of pressing his partner into the bed and holding her down as she squirms (it's in these accidental moments where the more rough, violent-looking marks come from). He's alright for the most part if his partner would rather not have him inflict a lot of physical marks, he understands her reasoning - after all, its certainly not entirely painless - but his partner may need to understand that if she allows him to act on his more feral instincts sometimes, even in nonsexual ways, he may still end up accidentally inflicting some small mark on her. Of course, if she's sensitive enough to pain that any sort of marking will make her show signs of distress, he'll immediately back off upon noticing those signs (the last thing he wants is to truly hurt his partner), but if she doesn't show signs of discomfort, he may indulge in the feeling of sinking his teeth into her flesh a bit too much and end up accidentally leaving a mark. While on the topic of marking by teeth; dragons - being carnivores - probably have abnormally sharp teeth, even in a human form. This also helps their marking mates by a bite mark stand out more, as not many other species can do similar things.
On the other hand, if his partner is entirely fine with - better yet; likes - marks, be it of any kind, expect him to make that a semi consistent thing. He's much more likely to inflict smaller, more common marks (like hickeys), but if his partner lets him, he'll gladly leave a few scratches or light bite marks on her skin next time he finds himself between her legs and deep within her. On occasion, when he really lets himself go and indulge in the feel of his partner, he may leave a more aggressive scratch or other mark, but this would usually only happen when he knows his partner doesn't mind - or likes - these physical marks.
An important thing for his partner to keep in mind is that he has a human form but his species is dragon. At the end of the day, he’s a dragon by nature. He can certainly be civil and calm, but he will have his moments where he seems more beast than man. Living and being intimate with him is very different than just working with him, so his partner does need to be aware that she may find out some interesting facts about him that she may have never guessed before.
Being with a dragon isn't for the faint of heart, Lance is a true testament to that, but as long as his partner approaches the topic of romance and heavy instincts with an open, considerate mindset, it's unlikely there should be any issues that would arise from this.
I'm glad I finally got those written out, I've been meaning to write them for a while! Hopefully it's not too unorthodox of a topic, but I've noticed the topic of Lance being a dragon is something people like to continuously acknowledge, so I figured this is a good topic to post about.
Thanks for reading!
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himbowelsh · 4 years
Hi there! Could we also get a Valentines A-Z for Eugene Roe? I am hopelessly in love with that man
valentines day alphabet  ( accepting! )
aren’t we all, anon? aren’t we all
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A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Very subtly. Eugene Roe isn’t a “words” man  ---  his language is action, tiny gestures which show the people he loves how much he cares. When Gene cares, he cares a whole lot...  so it’s important to him to do things for the people around him. He’ll fix a broken fence without asking, clean his mother’s kitchen, replace a vase of flowers if they’re starting to wilt. Little, practical things, which nonetheless show a depth of care for the other person, and an understanding of exactly what they need in that moment. If he’s really close to someone  ---  at a point where he feels perfectly comfortable with them   ---   he’ll also offer physical affection from time to time.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
He actually knows a surprising amount about flowers and herbology, just from watching his mother, a passionate gardener. He’s not fond of store-bought bouquets. If possible, he’ll throw something together himself, just from what can be found in the local gardens, and it’ll look damn lovely.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
He’s not going to go feral over it, but he’s got a healthy appreciation for chocolate.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
He’d love to do something outdoors. Maybe a picnic in a quiet place, on a sunny day, with a canopy of trees proving shade overhead. Dappled sunlight falls across his bare arms as he stretches out on the blanket, leaning slightly against his partner; they made sandwiches while he brought lemonade and fruit; the chocolate chip cookies are freshly-baked. There’s no chill in the air. Somewhere close, birds are chirping. The entire world seems completely at peace, and he’s so happy to be enjoying it with someone he loves.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
Gene’s really not a hugger...  so when he does seek out physical affection, it means something. Maybe he’s emotionally exhausted, or maybe recognizes the other person needs it in the moment; at any rate, his hugs are like finally exhaling a breath you didn’t realize you were holding. They’re not too much, but just enough to leave someone feeling relieved, like a weight’s been lifted from their shoulders.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
He’s got gorgeous eyes. We know that. Say that dark gaze locks with someone else across a crowded room, and draws them in instead of letting go...   or perhaps they’re close enough that it’s easy to brush up against each other just slightly, hands accidentally caressing each other when reaching for the same thing...  Gene’s flirting is very subtle, and has no right to be as seductive as it is.   (Please note:  this is strictly Sober Gene. Sober Gene and Drunk Gene are two very different people. Drunk Gene gives lapdances.)
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
He’s okay at it. No one would call him a gift-giving master. Sometimes he gets it right and sometimes he gives Lewis Nixon a chia pet. When Gene gives great gifts, it’s clear how much effort he put into it; when he misses the mark completely, it’s hard to tell if he put any effort in at all.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
He’s guarded by necessity. Gene keeps his heart locked away behind no less than a dozen fortified walls. Breaking through them requires a wrecking ball, chocolate, and a lot of determination. He’s cautious, because when he cares he can’t help caring deeply, and quietly dreads the inevitability of getting hurt...  but sometimes letting people in is worth the risk. He’s...  still working on realizing that.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
...  more difficult than it has any right to be. Again, Gene’s not great at the whole “expressing his feelings” thing. If he’s in love, he wants his partner to know it...  but coming right out and declaring it is one of the hardest things in the world. He’d hedge his bets, working to show them his love rather than spelling it out. If he has a very verbally demonstrative partner, he’d be able to say it more easily over time, just because he’s used to hearing it...  but on the rare occasions Gene does say “I love you”, it’s that much more precious, because he’s feeling it so intensely in the moment that he can’t keep it inside.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Oh, yeah. Ye-eeahh. Not over just anything, but blatantly obvious things  ---  like seeing someone flirting with his partner, or touching them shamelessly... it gets Gene riled up. He’ll loom over the interaction, not saying a word, but silently intimidating the hell out of the interloper until he backs down...  and once he has, Gene steps up. He and his partner usually have to make themselves scarce quickly, because Gene can’t refrain from touching them. As soon as they’re alone...  all bets are off. Instinct takes over; all Gene can do is press them up against the wall and kiss them, hard and hot, until all thoughts of that other fool have flown out of their head.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
Gene starts out shy...  but, with the right encouragement from his partner, finds his footing very quickly. Uses touches very sparingly, but with great effect; tends not to linger in a kiss for long, parting for air just to allow his breath to caress his partner’s flushed lips, before diving back in for more. When he really gets into it, Gene becomes hungry, clutching harder at his partner, sucking at their lips and gasping in the short pauses for breath.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
He’s very devoted to his family, especially his grandmother when she was alive; Gene loves his hometown, everything about it, and he loves the people he’s grown up alongside. Certain people, like Babe and Renee, hold places of honor in his heart; once he’s grown to care for someone that much, he’ll do literally anything for them.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   is morning or night a more romantic setting?
Gene is a morning person. It’s not by choice. If he knew how to sleep in, he absolutely would, but his body just isn’t wired that way. He tries to be romantic at night, but after a long day, he’s usually crashing by around midnight. Obviously when he forces himself to, he can stay up (copious amounts of caffeine helps) but any time he’s got the time is a romantic time, far as he’s concerned.
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
Gene is intense to the point that it’s nearly overwhelming. His caresses, his movements, his kisses...  everything is charged with an electricity that can become overwhelming if his control slips.  He’s a demanding lover, giving his partner little time to rest;  his hands are doing one thing while his mouth is doing something else, all designed to elicit a reaction from his partner. It’s not something he thinks through in the moment   ---   Gene’s a purely instinctual lover, but he’s got some great instincts. Loves to have his mouth on his partner’s neck, slowly trailing down to their bare chest. He’s silent in bed, but vocal partners really do it for him; he could get off on his lover’s moans alone.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
Oooooh no, he’s not a “words” man at all! Gene struggles to verbalize his emotions; for as much as he feels deeply, getting those feelings out is like trying to speak a language he’s never learned. People close to Gene must learn to read his expressions and gestures, as well as his variety of “hmms”, because they say a lot more about how he’s feeling than he ever could.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Gene needs someone who cares. Not just for him, but...  about lots of things. Everything. Gene is drawn to people whose compassion is endless, who make the room seem a little kinder for their presence. He also appreciates someone who can lighten the mood, because maybe he gets a little grim at times, and who can get him to smile even on his roughest days. He’d love someone with a good singing voice, and a grounded side, even if they don’t show it that often.
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
(Go down and read ‘WEDDING’ first!) Once he’s made his mind up, asking is a piece of cake. He doesn’t go all out with the ring  ---  Gene’s not gonna marry someone who needs a huge rock on their finger, and frankly he can’t afford it  ---  but he finds the perfect place to propose. At the top of a hill, under a tree he used to climb as a little boy  ---  maybe the same place they had their picnic  ---  he won’t drop to one knee, but pull his partner close and slip the ring out of his pocket. A quiet “If you’ll have me,” is all it takes to make his intentions clear.
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
He’s shy about his romantic side; it’s not something he likes showing off, because he feels a little silly for being taken in by all those fairytale ideas. Gene would love a scene out of a Disney movie  ---   rowing on the river with his partner with fireflies all around, or kissing each other in the rain. Thing is, those aren’t realistic things to want, especially not from someone who considers himself so grounded. Gene’s romantic nature is buried under a heavy layer of practicality, but he can be heartrendingly romantic when the situation is right. 
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
Nah. He was a real wild child in elementary school, and most of the girls were wary of him. By middle and high school, he kept to himself more, and didn’t have much interest in dating.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
He...  genuinely doesn’t know. Maybe it’s real for some people, but until he’s experienced it himself, hard to say. It’s not something he thinks a lot about.
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
He’s been burned before, and that’s hurt enough. Gene isn’t eager to have his heart broken entirely.
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
Lowkey, Gene would love to do something nice for Valentine’s Day...  but he’d be hesitant at scheduling something himself, both because he’s bad at planning surprises, and because he wants his partner to enjoy themselves just as much as he is. He’d straight out ask them, “what do you want to do for Valentine’s Day?” and they can brainstorm from there. As soon as they’ve got a good idea, Gene will work out all the technical details...  and from there, they can just enjoy the day.   (Even if they’re not doing anything, he never forgets to get his partner chocolate, because that’s just a Valentine’s Day tradition that can’t be ignored.)
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
He...  doesn’t plan on it, no. Doesn’t actively plan on it. It’s not something he has any interest in, or gives any consideration to, until he meets the right person. At some point in the relationship   ---   once he’s it’s casually occurred to him, “yeah, this feels right, I could do this forever”   ---  the realization will hit him like a ton of bricks. He wants to get married. He wants to spend the rest of his life with this person. He feels nothing for the idea of marriage, but everything for the person involved, so they’re his deciding factor.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
He’s veeeery sparing with nicknames. The only times he’ll use them are when he wants to put someone at ease  (like when someone’s injured, and formalities have to be dropped, because they’re already panicked enough)  or when he’s very close to someone. All his family has nicknames, and Gene uses those without a second thought; if he cares deeply for someone, it’s way easier to be informal with them. For a partner, he’ll still be sparing with pet names, but may throw out the occasional “cher/chere”.
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
We talked about the jealousy thing, right? Gene’s protective streak is on a completely different level. He’ll throw down for the people he cares about, no question. For such an unassuming man, he can be fierce when pushed to it, and the one thing guaranteed to set him off is seeing someone he loves threatened.
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
He had a few girls back home   ---  teenage experimentation, and it never really went beyond that. He’s also got that sexy Catholic Guilt going on, so he feels a bit bad about it; sleeping around is not for him. At most, Gene’s had...  two previous partners.
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