#i also have this hc that the star actively takes from its host. like a friggin parasite. keroro is worse off wearing it
kerorowhump · 1 year
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so indeed when the keron star is activated in any way he doesn't remember what he does, aka he's not in control
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weaselsmuses-aa · 4 years
Typhoon Island Villager HCS [final]
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Age: 21
Island occupation: Island Representative. Though she’s called a shady representative by many.
Sexuality: Bi.
Friends: All of her villagers of course! (though she does have her favorites, namely Punchy, Antonio and Bamikins.)
Very hard working. Is almost always running form one side of the island with new ideas for how to improve things
When she isn’t terraforming, pathing or planting, she’s hanging out with Punchy and her friends.
A gracious host, according to her. She wants all guests to check in with her first and foremost. Gets a little grumpy when someone doesn’t follow that rule.
Terrorizing Isabelle is her hobby, gets her through the day.
Loves rain, storms and fog the most.
Favorite season is winter. (Totally not because she can make the whole month of december about her.)
Has been bickering with Isabelle so long she’s accidentally befriended her. (easier to torment her that way)
Rumored to be good friends/has close ties with Redd. (How else did he get here?)
House has an incredibly ominous vibe. Something about it just isn’t quite right.
Is a great asset when you’re friends with her, when you aren’t though....
Almost always with Antonio and Bam (Three musketeers vibe) or Punchy.,
Doesn’t get along with Julian too well. Almost always yelling at him/swearing at him under her breath. 
Misses sloppy furniture damnit.
“ I don’t know about the missing people or the blood, stop asking about it.”
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Age: 23
Island occupation: Professional Slacker. (sometimes he’ll help Emma garden and clean the beach though)
Sexuality: Bi at best.
Friends: Bob [bff], Kid Cat, Beau, Antonio, Weasel, Stitches. && ofc Emma.
The FavoriteTM.
Representative’s Pet.
Probably dating Emma
Absolute precious sweetheart
Naive, lazy, but can be sarcastic and snarky when you know him well enough.
Huge heart.
Snacks on snacks on snacks on snacks
Can be a cry baby at times.
Very affectionate with his friends
Usually seen in his yard, by the playground or in Emma’s orchard.
Favorite color is blue, Favorite activity is sunbathing and naps
You look in his home and you’ll be able to tell how much of a favorite he is.
Has nothing but good things to say about Emma. (Seriously shes all he talks about.)
Kind of scared of Bam. He doesn’t get along with him well, for ...obvious reasons.
Popular but didn’t ask to be. He’s just sweet and easy to love!
Really loves cherries. A lot. Seriously. Fastest way to the little kittys heart.
Also pretty good friends with Monsun key’s Lapis, asks about her sometimes.
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Age: 20
Island Occupation: Has a part time job at the museum dusting and helping out with the fossils. 
Sexuality: Pretty het.
Friends: Emma, Ky, Swiss, Antonio, Kid Cat, Beau, Cheri, Getting to know Lucky.
Big brother vibes with a pretty bad temper if you know how to strike a nerve.
Best friends with the Island Rep and Antonio
Seems to be the island’s favorite target for teasing.
Gets along well with everyone …….except Punchy and Bob.
Avidly and openly does not like Punchy, its most likely due to jealousy. It’s also rumored the reason his his very blatant crush on Emma
Only person he likes less than Punchy is Bob as he is quote ‘an asshole’. (Its usually just Bob returning the favor though for Bam being a dick to Punchy).
Usually seen working out on the Beach, doing Yoga in the square, or taking walks. Really loves the Light house, the orchards and the Playground.
Known to be a little overbearing with his attitude problems when he doesn’t like someone. (He’s been seen walking around punchy’s house,and has hit him on a few occasions)
Is either your friend and super nice, or doesn’t like you and can be a dick.
Hangs out with Cheri and Beau a lot when his two right hand pals aren’t available.
Secretly wishes Brewster would come open a shop.
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Age: 22
Sexuality: Pan.
Island occupation: Got a part time gardening position from Lief. Also helps the nooklings arrange their shop displays.
Friends: Topaz, Emma, Ky, Punchy, Bam, Stitches, Lucky, Julian
Sleepy eyed sweetheart.
Very Peaceful and kind, doesn’t like to see anyone fighting and wants everyone to get along.
Definitely the type to always say yes.
Rustic mountain town vibe. Really likes nature and long hikes.
Favorite season is winter.
Best friend’s are Topaz, Punchy, and Bam.
Talks to Blathers and Celeste a lot, very interested in natural history and astronomy.
Goal is to be good friends with everyone on the island. The only one he’s having trouble with is Antonio. He can’t quite figure him out yet.
Likes to have Tea with the island rep on Sundays.
Always wanted to be like the reindeer he’s seen on TV. He admires the lifestyle and aesthetic despite being an antelope.
Has a baby blanket he’s very attached to.
Loves kids, and babysits Kid cat and stitches often, he thinks they’re very sweet.
Plants trees, flowers and shrubs a lot. He really wants to make the island feel more woodsy.
Favorite spot is the museum, orchards and star gazing spot.
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Age: 28
Sexuality: Gay Trans Icon.
Island occupation: He worked at the able sisters for a little while but they had to let him go because he went overboard and tried to control everything. He’s thinking about applying at brewsters. 
Friends: Kyanite! Topaz, Beau, Cheri, Punchy & Bob (sorta)
Narcissitic, Dramatic and self obsessed.
Only thing he loves more than himself, is a good book and singing.
Really loves to look good, and is constantly indecisive about what he wears.
Has an aesthetic and will NOT let you mess with it. Seriously, don’t give him furniture, he’ll give it away.
BFF is Ky.
He also gets along with Beau and Cheri. He can appreciate Beau’s simple pleasures in life, and his kindness. Cheri and him relate on pop culture and music.
Gossips constantly, cannot keep a secret to save his life, and only wants to know your business to talk about it.
Very loving friend once your’e close to him, and will likely only break his ‘peaceful’ face, for a friend. Pissing him off is hard to decipher most of the time, as he finds it beneath him to show ‘savage’ emotions.
Claims to be magic, but no one knows if he actually is, or he just uses his species to say that.
Usually seen in the square seeking attention, following others to eavesdrop, or at home either inside, or in his yard reading or writing.
Doesn’t seem to get along with Spinel too well. He tried to be friends with her but when it didn’t work out he just decided to mess with her for fun.
Dreads double visits from Ky and her girlfriend. As they mess with his lights until they break. Blames Spinel for encouraging it.
Very curious about Lucky and Stitches but kind of creeped out by them. He snoops on them when given the chances to do so though.
Loves the stargazing spot and Ky’s picnic area. He does enjoy a good stroll on the beach too when he isn’t shopping for stuff.
Cannot be without attention for too long, he will shove himself into your conversations, your day, and the town square and tell you gossip or start singing.
Wishes there were more people on the island that he could relate to.
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Age: 22
Sexuality: She like gurls
Island occupation: Has a part time job doing island clean up for Tom on the weekends. Thinking about asking the nooks to get her a part time job at the shop.
Friends: Pearl (Monsun key), Marina (Monsun key), Emma, Lapis (monsun key),  Weasel , Bam, Bob, Julian, Punchy (they bonded over music recently), Lucky (slowly but surely shes giving her lots of gifts and being in general sweet and cheri cant okay.)
Zero bullshit tolerance.
Sarcastic, snarky and loud, but a very loyal friend
Rap, Rock and Metal are her life
House so red you will forget what other colors are.
Rumored that she’s got an album, no one on the island knows if what she says is true.
Good friends with Bam, Bob and Julian.
Usually in the square Jamming or  Hanging out on the Beach.
Pretty good friends with the Island Representative, isn’t really into all the  gossip about her.
Thinks Kid Cat is cute, but also isn’t big on watching kids, so you know.
Good friends with Weasel, likes to talk to them every once and a while.
Literally don’t start an argument with her, you WILL lose.
‘ im a bad bitch, you cant kill me’
What the hell is stitches? What the fuck happened to lucky? IS anyone going to actually acknowledge how fucked up this is?? hello???
All concerns aside, she thinks both stitches and lucky are very sweet but seriously wtf.
Rapping in the square with her friends is the shit for her okay. She loves it. Has asked Emma to throw a rapping party to which she replied ‘eh.’
Leather jackets and cool clothes are just as important as looking cute as hell!
Talks about Raymond moving like it was the best thing to happen to mankind, and his existence on typhoon island like a bad dream. (she still holdin a grudge)
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Age: He....wont tell. well guess 25
Sexuality: Doesn’t talk about it.
Island occupation: Typhoon Island ditch digger.......he digs the graves. At least thats his supposed job. He’s seen some shit. Surely.
Friends: Emma, Bam, Swiss, Bob, Stitches, Lucky, Ky
One does not simply get rid of him
Is he all there or is he not?
Vacant stare
Either ramblings of insanity or way too meddling
Everyone calls him crazy but….he knows all the dirty laundry.
Usually in the square….listening..and watching
Favorite Song is K.K. Dirge
Digs the graves for the grave yard and probably puts up the missing signs.
Always seems to pop up out of nowhere. At the most..unnerving moments.
One of the least social, yet most involved somehow.
What are you hiding antonio?
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Age: 24
Sexuality: Bi.
Island occupation: Doesn’t have one. Works booorring. Give him some games and food any day.
Friends: Punchy (BFF), Emma, Lapis (Monsun Key), Weasel, Kid cat, Stitches, Lucky, Beau is okay
Absolute Meme-er
BFF is Punchy
Constant jokes, no matter his mood. Is he serious? Is he not? good luck figuring that out.
The popular kid on the island, but he doesn’t really care.
Also good pals with Swiss.
Give him a dare and he will do it. Every time
Older than the island rep and talks about it alot like its a personality trait.
Play fights you.
Sarcasm for days.
Affectionately bullies you softly
Annoys Antonio for laughs
Pisses Bam off on purpose (they dont get along)
Favorite spot is the playground , the pool and the beach.
Thinks stitches and lucky are super friggin cool. So what if they’re a little weird? That’s what makes them so awesome.
Affectionately messes with cheri when shes’ trying to sing or rap in the square.
Kind of avoids julian because he doesn’t like how he talks down to him
Got kicked out of nooks cranny a couple times. Who even knows why.
Kid cat
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Age: 12
Friends: Stitches, Emma, Weasel, Ky, Punchy, Bob, Bam, Antonio, Lucky, Beau, Cheri. (So like everyone.)
Is, as his name would suggest, A kid.
Absolute trash heap of a house. Like He actually lives like this?
The island rep felt bad for him and built him a nice bed. He’s very attached to it.
Best friend’s are Bam, Kody and Weasel.
Sees Bam as a big brother.
Wants everyone on the island to be friends.
Considers himself a super hero, always wants to be the one to save the day and help people with their problems.
Hangs out on the playground, claims the jungle gym as his ‘base’.
If he isn’t there he hangs out in the square trying to spread his ‘heroisms’
Wide eyed optimist
Is probably going to stay up past his bed time. Whos going to stop him
Claims the ninja turtles live under his house.
Misses Raymond. Says the island is ‘missing its dad’
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Age: Ageless, but comes off as a 6-10 year old
Island occupation: Doing whatever Emma tells him. 
Friends: Emma, Punchy, Topaz, Kid Cat, Weasel, Beau, Lucky, Bob
A mash up of many different bears and animals before him. All of whom met an untimely end by the hands of the creature.
Is not aware of how he came to be, and it is in Emma’s best interest to keep it that way. She will make sure you don’t tell him.
Can’t see very well, and can’t speak. Instead is telepathic, and can speak in sign language if need be. You will be able to hear his voice, but his mouth will never move.
Doesn’t come out of his house too terribly often, and is not allowed out after dark.
Favorite activity is playing pretend! He loves his toys and his blocks, and sometimes will go over to kid cats or weasels to play pretend with them.
Refers to the island representative as a mother, which .....disturbs and disconcerns most.
really close with lucky. They relate on a lot of....similar misfortunes. They can also speak to each other privately through mystical means without interruption or eavesdropping from others.
Is as name would suggest, stitched up. Sometimes the seams come undone and his stuffing comes out. (Yes hes actually full of ...just stuffing.) stuffin’!
Seems to be alive by sheer paranormal means. There is nothing in him keeping him ticking biologically.
Wants to be friends with isabelle, but notices he frightens her, so he avoids town hall.
Favorite spots are his room, the picnic by kys house, and the playground. (He wants to learn the monkeybars!)
Really looks up to Punchy, and wants him to help teach him the ways of the world....though punchy may NOT be the best rolemodel.
Afraid of Bam and Antonio, but is put under their care often.
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Age: ......we aren’t sure. Shes been dead a while. The only one who might know is emma.
Island occupation: Haunting the island after dark. (She’d help out if anyone would hire her.)
Friends: Stitches, Emma, Bob, Beau, Swiss
Is as ‘luck’ would have it, dead. She’s a spirit.
Rumored first victim of the typhoon island serial killer. She’s been dead a while, as her house would show, she’s not had the privilege of living for quite some time now.
Her bandages are a permanent feature, and theres a rumor floating around that without it, there wouldn’t be much left to her---besides those piercing haunting eyes of course.
Has a very sweet, soft spoken voice. Almost as quiet as a distant whisper. 
Very good friends with Emma. Follows her around almost....an unnatural amount. Almost as if...she’s got some sort of attachment to her.
Has a grave in her back yard, which was not naturally there prior. Seems to have dug it herself. A comfort thing perhaps since to present knowledge she was never given proper burial.
A very kind dog, and very helpful if you give her the chance and look past her....otherworldly appearance.
Loves stitches like a baby brother, almost always hanging out with him more than anyone else, will protect him feircly.
Self conscious about her state of being dead, just wants to make friends and live a happy afterlife since hers was taken from her.
Loves gardening, though all her flowers turn into black roses....or die.
Favorite spot is the graveyard, the forest, and Emma’s orchards.
Thinks her and Isabelle would get along good! If....Isabelle didn’t run away from her.
Really loves K.K. Slider concerts. Always wants to be the first to attend them. Can he see her though? She’s not sure sometimes.
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idoloatria · 6 years
Because I have a billion hcs and this might help?? 
Name: Lisia Le Roux (a hc last name, it never really gets used) Nickname/s: Lis, Lissi (by her fans and friends) Alias (when she’s incognito): Andromeda (Andy) Badeaux Age (main verse default): 20 Eye colour: Turquoise Hair colour: Turquoise Height: 5'3 Ethnicity/nationality: Hoennian (Sootopolitan)/Kalosian Current living conditions: An apartment in Lilycove City. Various Hotels as she travels. Occupation: Coordinator, Idol, Actress, Singer, Contest Judge, Event Host Disposition: bright, social, very happy and friendly and cheerful    
Important Headcanons:
Natural Appearance + Incognito Adventures (link here):
- Lisia’s “canon” look is something she has to work for/put on. Her hair is naturally very wavy (see this heckin gorgeous art), so for her Idol look, she has to use various products to prepare and style it into the smooth ponytail and fringe.
- When she wants a break from her fame and fans, she will go out in casual clothes, with her hair down or loosely styled with pretty much no product, so its all wavy. No one recognises her like this. This is her, like, one way to have freedom, she does not share this secret with anyone unless she trusts them. She doesn’t like lying, but if required, she will say her name is Andy Badeaux.
- Personas. This is a very important one. Lisia is different when she is being an Idol and when she is ‘Incognito’. Her fame has a big impact on her. She is more ‘free’ to make mistakes and be more human when she is not an Idol. (link here)
Sootopolitan Bloodline (link here):
- Lisia (and Wallace, and secretly Proton) are descended of the ancient Sootopolitans. This is rare enough as it is, due to the history and mixing of bloodlines, but these three have the recessive traits of the turquoise hair and eyes which was the signature of the ancient Sootopolitans as well as their affinity and connection to Water type pokemon (link here).
- Sootopolitans like Lisia have unique aura (link here) which is very similar to that of water type pokemon and helps draw them to her and bond with them. This aura is also what allows the, now rare, occurrence of pokemon that evolve via Water Stone to evolve without said Water Stone. Lisia’s Vaporeon is evidence of that.
- Lisia has the potential to learn how to use her aura to manipulate water (link here)
- She is drawn to the water and finds it hard to be away from it, it can interfere with her concentration (link here)
- Chaz. A Rich Boy Coordinator that debuted the same day as Lisia. He calls himself her rival. He thinks they have a special connection, and he’s always trying to get her to spend time with him.  (link here)
- Wallace. Lisia’s Uncle. Her idol. He’s the one that got her into Contests. (link here)
- Karine. Lisia’s younger sister. A Pokemon Racer in Kalos. Lowkey rude af. (she doesn’t have to be included, I’m not forcing her on Wallace rpers with them being family etc) (link here)
- Lisia’s Manager. She seems kind and caring and she’s excellent at her job. Lisia trusts her and thinks she has her best interests at heart, but the woman is subtly manipulative. (link here)
Contests and Idol stuff:
- Idol duties + more. Lisia is a very busy girl. A lot of her activities revolves around Contests but there’s also quite a bit more, which opens up opportunities for interactions! (link here)
- Contest Passes. They are what allows someone to participate in a Contest, Lisia carries a few ‘special’ passes around that she gives out during promotions. (link here)
- Entertainment Bureau + managers. There are Contest Halls in certain towns/cities. They’re where the Contests happen, there’s the huge stage areas, multiple dressing rooms, etc. They’re big places. But they’re not where all the organising and such takes place. In the big cities and a few towns, there are Entertainment Bureaus. They’re large office building complexes with multiple divisions within. Different floors have different specialties but they all work rather closely together. The business actually started when several entertainment groups joined together.They all come under the one ‘Entertainment’ umbrella but some of the bigger departments do have their own branches in certain places as well, where the demand is. (link here)
- Contests. I use a mix of game/anime as well as some of my own thoughts for how Contests for Lisia works. (link here)
- Contests are harder than you think and require a lot of skill! Seriously. (link here)
- Lisia’s only canon pokemon is her Altaria, Ali. I’ve given Lisia more pokemon for her ‘on hand’ team (link here). Since she has such a huge love of them, Lisia also has a whole hoard of water pokemon and other pokemon she loves particularly. These pokemon are not kept in a PC. (link here)
- Space/Stars. Lisia’s mother was an astronomer and so Lisia feels a big love and connection to stars and space. (link here)
- Water/swimming. Due to her Sootopolitan heritage mostly (Sootopolitans favour water type pokemon), Lisia feels a huge calmness from being in/around water. She loves swimming and she would love to meet anyone with water type pokemon, especially the water type specialists.
- Music/Dancing/Theatre/Singing. She took dance, music, and theatre classes when she was younger (link here). She’s also very good at mimicry/impressions. (link here)
End game:
I’ve seen a few rpers talk about ‘character arcs’ which is Awesome so this is my kinda version since I think its super important to have something like that in mind. So…
The Pokemon Journey™ and her view of trainers is very important to her. In the Game, after the Player defeats her in the Master Rank Contest, she says…
“I said the other day that I wondered what made you so special… I think I’ve got a better idea now what it is. See… It’s probably ‘cause you don’t do just contests, <player>… You’re out there filling your Pokédex, taking on Pokémon Gyms, and all kinds of other things! You and your Pokémon shared all those experiences… That’s why you can show off the real appeal of your Pokémon better than any one of us can! I’ve started thinking that I should do the same, Gyms and Pokédex and all.“
Even before I had read that, I had always felt like Lisia would pursue a change such as taking a break from Contests to try a journey. So, as I see it…after enough main verse interactions and development (likely with trainers), Lisia will-
- Take a break from Contests and start a Journey in another region (I’m betting Unova) - Struggle and develop, learning about herself and her pokemon. Grow to be more independent and learn to let herself be herself. And of course become a super badass battler along the way. - Make her return to Hoenn. Perhaps return to Contests since she only intended it to be a break. But I feel like they’ll be too easy for her now maybe. - Want to have more responsibility. Take over from Wallace as ‘guardian’ of the cave/sky pillar. Maybe become Gym Leader one day.
EDIT: i have now written a whole post for Lisia’s “Endgame” (link here)
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idoloatria-archive · 6 years
Since I’ve made some new mutuals lately and I have a lot of hcs OTL. This might help with interactions?? I’ma keep a link to it in my rules or something.
Name: Lisia Le Roux (her last name never really gets used) Nickname/s: Lis, Lissi (by her fans and friends) Alias (when she’s incognito): Andromeda (Andy) Badeaux Age (main verse default): 18 Eye colour: Turquoise Hair colour: Turquoise Height: 5'3 Ethnicity/nationality: Hoennian (Sootopolitan)/Kalosian Current living conditions: An apartment in Lilycove City. Various Hotels as she travels. Occupation: Coordinator, Idol, Actress, Singer, Contest Judge, Event Host Disposition: bright, social, very happy and friendly and cheerful    
Important Headcanons:
Natural Appearance + Incognito Adventures: 
- Lisia’s “canon” look is something she has to work for/put on. Her hair is naturally very wavy (see this heckin gorgeous art), so for her Idol look, she has to use various products to prepare and style it into the smooth ponytail and fringe. 
- When she wants a break from her fame and fans, she will go out in casual clothes, with her hair down or loosely styled with pretty much no product, so its all wavy. No one recognises her like this. This is her, like, one way to have freedom, she does not share this secret with anyone unless she trusts them. She doesn’t like lying, but if required, she will say her name is Andy Badeaux.
- Personas. This is a very important one. Lisia is different when she is being an Idol and when she is ‘Incognito’. Her fame has a big impact on her.
Sootopolitan Bloodline:
- Lisia (and Wallace, and secretly Proton) are descended of the ancient Sootopolitans. This is rare enough as it is, due to the history and mixing of bloodlines, but these three have the recessive traits of the turquoise hair and eyes which was the signature of the ancient Sootopolitans as well as their affinity and connection to Water type pokemon.
- Sootopolitans like Lisia have unique aura which is very similar to that of water type pokemon and helps draw them to her and bond with them. This aura is also what allows the, now rare, occurrence of pokemon that evolve via Water Stone to evolve without said Water Stone. Lisia’s Vaporeon is evidence of that.
- Chaz. A Rich Boy Coordinator that debuted the same day as Lisia. He calls himself her rival. He thinks they have a special connection, and he’s always trying to get her to spend time with him. 
- Wallace. Lisia’s Uncle. Her idol. He’s the one that got her into Contests.
- Karine. Lisia’s younger sister. A Pokemon Racer in Kalos. Lowkey rude af.
- Lisia’s Manager. She seems kind and caring and she’s excellent at her job. Lisia trusts her and thinks she has her best interests at heart, but the woman is subtly manipulative.
Contests and Idol stuff:
- Idol duties + more. Lisia is a very busy girl. A lot of her activities revolves around Contests but there’s also quite a bit more, which opens up opportunities for interactions!
- Contest Passes. What allows someone to participate in a Contest and how to get one.
- Entertainment Bureau + managers. There are Contest Halls in certain towns/cities. They’re where the Contests happen, there’s the huge stage areas, multiple dressing rooms, etc. They’re big places. But they’re not where all the organising and such takes place. In the big cities and a few towns, there are Entertainment Bureaus. They’re large office building complexes with multiple divisions within. Different floors have different specialties but they all work rather closely together. The business actually started when several entertainment groups joined together.They all come under the one ‘Entertainment’ umbrella but some of the bigger departments do have their own branches in certain places as well, where the demand is.
- Contests. I use a mix of game/anime as well as some of my own thoughts for how Contests for Lisia works.
- Contests are harder than you think and require a lot of skill! Seriously.
- Lisia’s only canon pokemon is her Altaria, Ali. I’ve given Lisia more pokemon for her ‘on hand’ team. Since she has such a huge love of them, Lisia also has a whole hoard of water pokemon and other pokemon she loves particularly. These pokemon are not kept in a PC.
- Space/Stars. Lisia’s mother was an astronomer and so Lisia feels a big love and connection to stars and space. 
- Water/swimming. Due to her Sootopolitan heritage mostly (Sootopolitans favour water type pokemon), Lisia feels a huge calmness from being in/around water. She loves swimming and she would love to meet anyone with water type pokemon, especially the water type specialists.
End game:
I’ve seen a few rpers talk about ‘character arcs’ which is Awesome so this is my kinda version since I think its super important to have something like that in mind. So...
The Pokemon Journey™ and her view of trainers is very important to her. In the Game, after the Player defeats her in the Master Rank Contest, she says…
“I said the other day that I wondered what made you so special… I think I’ve got a better idea now what it is. See… It’s probably ‘cause you don’t do just contests, <player>… You’re out there filling your Pokédex, taking on Pokémon Gyms, and all kinds of other things! You and your Pokémon shared all those experiences… That’s why you can show off the real appeal of your Pokémon better than any one of us can! I’ve started thinking that I should do the same, Gyms and Pokédex and all.“
Even before I had read that, I had always felt like Lisia would pursue a change such as taking a break from Contests to try a journey. So, as I see it...after enough main verse interactions and development (likely with trainers), Lisia will-
- Take a break from Contests and start a Journey in another region (I’m betting Unova) - Struggle and develop, learning about herself and her pokemon. Grow to be more independent and learn to let herself be herself. And of course become a super badass battler along the way. - Make her return to Hoenn. Perhaps return to Contests since she only intended it to be a break. But I feel like they’ll be too easy for her now maybe. - Want to have more responsibility. Take over from Wallace as ‘guardian’ of the cave/sky pillar. Maybe become Gym Leader one day.
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mitchbeck · 4 years
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BY: Gerry Cantlon, Howlings HARTFORD, CT - After a vote by its membership, the NHLPA has approved the NHL's decision to move to a 24-team playoff format to bring to a conclusion the 2019-20 NHL season. With that announcement coming earlier this week, it capped off a seven-day period of a great deal of hockey activity. PLAYER TRANSACTIONS Some AHL players have confirmed their decision to head to Europe while several others are patiently awaiting the NHL's final decision about their season. Ex-Pack Brian Gibbons (Salisbury Prep) is said to be close to signing a deal with HC Lausanne (Switzerland-LNA) after spending a part of this past season with the Charlotte Checkers and 50 games with the Carolina Hurricanes (NHL). Gerry Fitzgerald of the Lehigh Valley Phantoms has signed with Vasterviks IK (Sweden-SHL). He joins Vile Saarijarvi, who split the year with the Tucson Roadrunners and the Grand Rapids Griffins. He heads back to Finland to play for Lukko Rauma (Finland-FEL) making 17 players in total who have moved and 13 of 31 AHL teams who have lost players. In the college ranks, Cam Wright of Stonehill College (NE-10) signs with Amals SK (Sweden Division-2). The signing makes 29 college players signing in Europe and a total of 156 college players to sign pro deals in North America and Europe combined. Jeff Kopek of Gunnery Prep (Washington, CT) commits to Utica College (UCHC). COLLEGE HOCKEY The WCHA's University of Alabama-Huntsville Chargers announced late on Friday that effective immediately the school was canceling their Division I hockey program. The program has been a Division I team for 20 years and have had an active varsity program in Division I and II, plus an ACHA club team for 31 years. It was the only program in the Southern portion of the US for years until Arizona State launched a Division I independent program four years ago. The team was coming off a horrible season, 2-26-6, the worst in the nation and in the program’s history. In fact, over the last nine years, the program has struggled to amass a record of 54-230-22 over that time span. The hockey program started in 1979 and won ACHA National Club titles in a three-peat from 1982, 1983, and in 1984. They won two Division II national titles in 1996 and 1998. From 1986-1999 the Chargers bounced between Division I (originally in the NAIA conference) and Division II, but after the NCAA eliminated Division II level hockey, they made it to the top tier again. Despite the poor on-ice performance and terrible gate receipts, averaging just 1,419 last season (47th among 60 Division I teams), they also had the second-worst capacity of attendance at a meager 21.5%. Even though the school knew the numbers issue, they said last year they were planning to build a new on-campus arena taking them from their home rink, the Von Braun Center, which is also the home of the SPHL Huntsville Havoc. The most famous graduate of UA-H was ex-Hartford Wolf Pack goalie, Cam Talbot, who's now playing for the Edmonton Oilers. The first player to make it to the NHL from their program was forward, Jared Ross. of the Philadelphia Flyers, a few years before Talbot did. Among the other notable alumni are, Jay Woodcroft, the current head coach of the Bakersfield Condors (AHL), former Bridgeport Sound Tiger goalie, Scott Munro, who is now a goalie coach at Trinity College (NESCAC), and Dennis Skapski, the father to former Wolf Pack goalie, Mackenzie Skapski. The WCHA conference was set to lose seven schools after the 2020-21 season to form the new CCHA conference. The league is now down to eight teams. The last Division I program to exit was Wayne State in 2008. As UA-H leaves, Long Island University Sharks announced they were entering D1 hockey and becoming the 61st NCAA program and would play this comings season as an Independent. Like everything else, COVID-19 has infected the expected expansion of Division I hockey over the next two years. The University of Illinois was scheduled to make an announcement in March that they were going DI and going to the Big 10 conference. The WCHA was getting closer to announcing it will become the first true Western US states Division I college hockey conference. Sadly, this may not be the only University to cut back on their D1 hockey program. There may be many other program cuts as two WCHA schools in Alaska are likely to merge at some point this summer as a cost-saving measure. Some media reports state several Division I teams, particularly at state schools, and due to expected budgetary and health concerns are dropping non-conference games involving flying across the country in close quarters. UCONN, who's was looking to make an announcement next week in releasing their complete schedule according to Hockey SID Bill Peterson is still on schedule as planned. The season including its only major travel to a Christmas tournament in Milwaukee to be hosted by the University of Wisconsin. In addition to the host U-of-W, also participating in the tourney is UCONN, Arizona State, and Clarkson University. The hope is that safety will be less of a concern as far as travel by late December and the New Year. The Huskies are scheduled to host the Ohio State Buckeyes (Big 10) and the Arizona State Sun Devils (NCAA Division I Independent) at the XL Center and open the season at home against the Sacred Heart University Pioneers (AHA) in October. PRO HOCKEY While the AHL has ended the 2019-20 season and the NHL is closer to reopening in a 24 team playoff format with details still being worked on. Among the major issues is travel both to-and-from the United States and Canada as the border remains closed by mutual consent until June 21st. There could, however, be an exception that would apply to hockey players. The National Hockey League and NHL Players’ Association do not believe Tuesday’s extension, according to published reports, will alter their plans as they continue to work toward resuming the 2019-20 season this summer. The optimism comes from the belief that the border only remains closed for “non-essential travel,” which is defined as tourism, recreation, and entertainment. It affects the NHL and the AHL who are now trying to plan the start of the 2020-21 season. The NHL has seven Canadian franchises, while the AHL has three. Healthy people may continue to cross the border for “non-discretionary” reasons – for work and employment purposes - and NHL players and team personnel would be classified into that category according to two pro hockey sources familiar with the issue. Most non-Canadian players on Canadian NHL clubs hold a work permit, which would qualify them as temporary workers and allow them to cross the border during the pandemic for a limited period of time as specified under the border closure guidelines. A similar work visa exists for Canadian players who play for US-based teams and in the mutual consent decree by each government would naturally apply to Canadians here. Players from Europe still have a serious hurdle to clear. One of the few worldwide universal restrictions in this pandemic has been flying to another country requiring a mandatory 14-day quarantine. Approximately 17 percent of current NHL players are from Europe, according to NHL commissioner Gary Bettman. He disclosed in an interview on Monday that these players are currently enduring the COVID-19 pandemic in various countries in Europe scattered throughout the continent. The AHL has a significant European player population. Then there's the Canadian government's provincial pandemic guidelines which further hamper plans and adds another layer of bureaucracy to overcome. Alberta and Quebec both have canceled all inside and outside large public gatherings until September 1st. Alberta announced another set of requirements. In addition to being quarantined for 14-days, a quarantine plan must be presented to public officials for review. For the NHL it could scuttle plans to use Edmonton as one of its NHL hub cities for its Stanley Cup playoffs as currently being designed. The AHL and NHL both season was paused their seasons on March 12th. The AHL season was formally canceled on May 11th. The Wolf Pack 2020-21 schedule has only one game date set, the home opener is scheduled for October 9th and that is now not set in stone. The start of the 2020-21 season will most certaintly not begin in October. Read HERE in Thursday’s Providence Journal-Bulletin how if things were not tough enough, even the mere public mention of a facility being closed the rest of the year creates serious issues for the AHL. AHL AWARDS The American Hockey League announced Friday that Karl Taylor of the Milwaukee Admirals is the winner of the Louis A.R. Pieri Memorial Award as the AHL’s outstanding coach for the 2019-20 season. Under Taylor’s guidance, the Admirals finished with the best record in their 19 seasons of play in the American Hockey League in 2019-20, going 41-14-5-3 (90 points, .714) and capturing the Macgregor Kilpatrick Trophy as regular-season champions. Milwaukee allowed a league-low 2.24 goals per game and ranked seventh in scoring (3.35) – the third-highest goals-per-game differential (+1.11) in the AHL in the last decade – and established a team record with a 13-game winning streak from November 2nd to December 1st. Milwaukee’s special teams were outstanding in 2019-20 as well. They ranked second in the league on the power play (25.2 percent) and sixth in penalty killing (85.5 percent). Taylor, who coached the Central Division team at the 2020 AHL All-Star Classic, has sent nine of his Admirals players to the National Hockey League to compete with the Nashville Predators this season. The Fred T. Hunt Memorial Award winner was selected and awarded to San Jose Barracuda, John McCarthy, on Thursday. The award recognizes an AHL player who best exemplifies the qualities of sportsmanship, determination, and dedication to hockey. The captain of the Barracuda since 2016, after 18 games with four goals, McCarthy ended a distinguished 11-year pro career suddenly in December after suffering an ischemic stroke due to a previously undetected hole in his heart. Following swift attention from the team’s medical staff and physicians at Kaiser Permanente San Jose Medical Center, McCarthy made a complete recovery and joined the Barracuda coaching staff as an assistant on Dec. 27, allowing him to continue mentoring the San Jose Sharks’ top prospects. McCarthy, 33, played 577 games in the American Hockey League – all but 25 of them (Chicago Wolves) were with the Sharks’ affiliates in San Jose (2015-19) and in Worcester (2009-15) before he left with the team when the Pacific Division was created in 2015. He totaled 130 goals and 167 assists for 297 points in the AHL and is the Barracuda’s all-time leader in games played (275), goals (62), assists (76) and points (138). McCarthy notched four goals in 18 contests with San Jose in 2019-20. Originally drafted by the Sharks in 2006, McCarthy also had three goals and three assists in 88 career NHL games with San Jose. He was a member of the United States Olympic men’s hockey team in 2018 and co-captained Boston University to an NCAA championship in 2009. Six players were named to the American Hockey League All-Rookie Team on Tuesday. The All-Rookie team were Boston Bruins' forward prospect, Jack Studnicka (Providence), and forwards Josh Norris, and Alex Fomenton (Belleville Senators). Also given the honor were defensemen prospects, Brogan Rafferty of the Vancouver Canucks (Utica Comets), and ex-Wolf Pack Joey Keane of the Carolina Hurricanes (Charlotte) who was traded for Julien Gauthier in February, and Montreal Canadiens goalie prospect, Cayden Primeau (Laval Rocket), the son of former Hartford Whaler, Keith Primeau. The American Hockey League announced the 2019-20 AHL First, and Second All-Star Teams, as voted by AHL coaches, players, and media in each of the league’s 31 member cities. Two former Quinnipiac University Bobcats, one on the first team (Sam Anas of the Iowa Wild) and the other on the second team, (Brogan Rafferty of Utica). 2019-20 AHL First All-Star Team G – Kaapo Kahkonen, Iowa Wild (34 GP, 25-6-3, 2.07 GAA, .927 save percentage, 7 SO) D – Jake Bean, Charlotte Checkers (59 GP, 10 G,38 A 48 TP 3 PPG and 18 PPA) D – Brennan Menell, Iowa Wild (57 GP, 5 G 42A 47 TP, plus 8, 3 PPG and 23 PPA) LW – Reid Boucher, Utica Comets (53 GP, 34 G, 33 A, 67 TP, plus 8, 9 PPG and 7 GWG) C – Josh Norris, Belleville Senators (56 GP, 31 G,30 A, 61 TP, plus 9, 10 PPG and 4 GWG) RW – Sam Anas, Iowa Wild (63 GP, 20 G, 50 A, 70 TP, 7 PPG, and 35 PPA) 2019-20 AHL Second All-Star Team G – Connor Ingram, Milwaukee Admirals (33 GP, 21-5-5, 1.92 GAA, .933 save percentage, 2 SO) D – Jacob MacDonald, Colorado Eagles (56 GP, 16 G, 26 A, 42 TP, plus 7, 7 PPG and 14 PPA) D – Brogan Rafferty, Utica Comets (57 GP, 7 G, 38 A, 45 TP, plus 17, 3 PPG and 17 PPA) LW – Gerry Mayhew, Iowa Wild (49 GP, 39 G,22 A, 61 TP, plus 16, 13 PPG and 10 GWG) C – Alex Barre-Boulet, Syracuse Crunch (60 GP, 27 G, 29 A, 56 TP, plus 2, 9 PPG and 3 GWG) RW – Drake Batherson, Belleville Senators (44 GP, 16 G, 38 A 54 TP, plus 14, 3 PPG and 2 GWG) Each All-Star Team member will receive a custom-designed crystal award in recognition of his selection to the 2019-20 AHL First and Second All-Star Teams. HOCKEY NEWS Jim Rutherford, who has been the General Manager of the Pittsburgh Penguins since June of 2014, and who was also a former Whalers GM and a New Haven Nighthawk, and who was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame last year, now has an award named after him. The OHL unveiled the Jim Rutherford Trophy that will go to the OHL Goaltender of the Year. The first recipient was Nico Daws of the Guelph Storm. Remember potential Whalers future star, Hnat Domenichelli? He is the GM of HC Lugano (Switzerland-LNA). His son, Leonardo, plays for the HC Lugano U-15 team. Amanda Boulier (Watertown/Westminster Prep/Yale University) signed a deal to play for another year with the NWHL Minnesota Whitecaps (her third) and was named head coach of Duluth Marshall HS (MNPUB) varsity girl’s program. She was an assistant coach last season and started her pro career with the Connecticut Whale. Among her teammates is Emma Stauber, the niece of former Wolf Pack and Nighthawk goalie, Robb Stauber. She also coaches a Minnesota high school hockey program Proctor/Hermantown. Her uncle, Dan Stauber, coaches the boy's team. Read the full article
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