#i adore her being like a little kid with giles. that's her dad!
clarkgriffon · 6 months
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER 4x01 | “The Freshman” 
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thewingedwolf · 2 years
I’m gonna attempt to watch through all of Buffy bc tbh I don’t…remember a lot of it. So much of it is also filtered through my 12 year old mind and that was just a mess of hormones and repressed sexuality so it’s not reliable at ALL (I mean who knows I might give up at one point like I did with Glee lol).
Anyway Im halfway through s2 and my opinions are
Sarah Michelle Gellar really holds the script all together ya kno. She’s just absolutely pitch perfect right off the bat
Especially obvious bc I forgot how bad the acting is in the first two seasons, it’s just SMG and Anthony Stewart Head giving the performances of their lives and everyone else is giving their best High Schooler Attempting And Failing To Deliver A Hamlet Soliloquy
I think it’s funny that Willow almost right away seems to see morality as much greyer than any of the Scooby Gang. She tends to see the good in bad people because she wants to believe in the power of redemption. It’s interesting when you think about it in terms of her story as the series goes on.
Why does the show try to convince us that Willow and Xander have chemistry. There is Nothing there
I adore Joyce. I can already tell the reason her death made me hysterical as a tween is because she’s not just a compelling character (and not to ever give That Bitch any props, but a mom being ALIVE can be so hard to come by in SFF and I’ve complained about it before), but sometimes she reminds me of the women in my family, and U Kno I Love Projecting
That theme really does go so hard tho
Giles puts up a good fight but like 3 episodes in he is so EAGER and READY to play the father to Buffy, Xander, and Willow and loudly complain about how they don’t treat their father with respect lol
Dru/Spike is just as appealing to me now as it was to me as a tween, I just love Villain Who Is Devoted To His Wife dynamics, and Dru is so weird and SO FUN
The kid who plays the Anointed One is so boring, I’m sorry little kid but show an emotion bro
Honestly, while I think s1 is a bit uneven, the show picks up Immediately when Spike and Dru show up. They bring such a fun, uniquely stylized villainy to the show, and I think that’s when it really starts to cement its own flair of urban fantasy, and even tho I want to fight Joss Whedon with my bare hands, I GET why this flavor of urban fantasy completely took over the genre
I love the way Xander dresses because I dressed exactly like that in middle school and I’m very embarrassed to realize that my friends were right I was SUCH a frumpy dresser
I loved Bangel as a kid but I also LOVED Cordelia/Angel (like I was DEVASTATED when she died I loved her so much) and seeing Cordelia and Angel hit it off IMMEDIATELY even when he’s dating Buffy made me giggle lol Angel really does find her very charming
Okay but imagine you are Giles and you finally have your life on track as a Watcher and you’ve gotten used to suddenly being a dad to 4 children and a vampire, and you don’t even LIKE half your new children but it’s fine, you’ve got it under control, the principal likes you, you’re making friends, and then your evil ex boyfriend shows up Lichrally just so he can get off on you beating the shit out of him like how angry would you be??! The life of a DILF is so hard
I am just now realizing I had a huge crush on Drusilla when I was a kid and it’s in character bc Zhaan in Farscape was my bi awakening but why did I have such weird taste in women as a teenager bro
(Also omg I think I was in love with Cordelia??? Ajsjdjd I repressed so many crushes on girls as a kid holy shit)
#JusticeForJennyCalendar she was so cool and she dressed so cool and watching Giles trip over his feet around her was so damn cute
I love the Spike/Dru/Darla/Angel fucked up family dynamic, it was my FAVORITE in the show
Feels like the show is hell bent on making Buffy pay and make amends for not having a crush on Xander and it is so annoying. Like every time she shows An Interest in Angel or another guy, Xander gets to be there Suffering Loudly, and Buffy once again has to make space for his continued forcing of the responsibility of his feelings onto her. Why is this her problem?
So I know we canceled Angel in the first few seasons for dating a high schooler when hes 300 or whatever, but Angel is just SO emotionally repressed post-getting-his-soul-and-breaking-up-with-Darla that I don’t think he’s mature enough for older friends, he’s just so whiny in a specifically teenagery way
But also doesn’t he ever get tired of a bunch of high schoolers constantly trying to be his best friend after awhile??
This is not me saying I hate Angel, I love that emotionally repressed, painfully awkward broody bitch he’s my man in all his awkwardly Byronic glory
I loved Xander/Cordelia, they are so funny together
I just love Kendra so much, I wish we’d had her for longer
I think I might get way farther in this rewatch than I expected because I’m actually really enjoying myself. We’ll see how long my attention span lasts
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prose-for-hire · 4 years
Bad to the bone
Part One
Pairing: Spike x Giles!reader
Request: Not really requested. Inspired and suggested by the 🏜 Anon !! This is a second part to ‘Bad boy, lunchable reader’ 
Warning: Bit of a rocky relationship with Dad!Giles, mention of reader feeling a kind of abandonment by him.
A/N: I’m not sure how similar reader is to the original fic (can a reader be ooc lol). I just wanted to show the softer side of their relationship despite the people around them being more hostile. It was really nice re-visting this one !! 
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You ran, waiting on the kerb rather than in the house. You knew your dad wouldn’t follow you out. Not after that argument. You tried to just ignore what had been said, as if it had never happened.
You waited for the sun to set, knowing he would come for you as soon as he physically could. Your vampire. Ever since he had told you he loved you, you had been completely loved up. And everyone around you appeared to be against you both for it.
Despite it all, you couldn’t help your heart soaring when you saw him approaching on the motorbike that had suddenly come into his possession.
He grinned when he saw you, dismounting the bike as you walked towards him. He pulled you into a deep kiss. It knocked the breath from your body, his tongue meeting yours with a fierce passion. He always did this as soon as he saw you, just couldn’t resist it. Could never resist you.
He gestured for you to join him and you happily started to sit behind him but he paused you, brandishing something you hadn’t noticed what with his distracting kiss.
“On. Not bloody moving ‘til it’s on” He warned, coaxing the helmet into your arms and stared, waiting. When you didn’t put it on he spoke again, “Come on, stole it special didn’t I?” He encouraged softly. It made you smile when his tone softened that way. He only did it for you. You had always known his heart was softer than it appeared.
“Hey! You don’t even wear one, you’re treating me like a baby”
“Humans have skin. Soft, squishy parts. And you got the softest of all, pet” He said tenderly, moving his hand to rest against your upper arm ,as if in appreciation of said skin, “Can’t have you in harm’s way”
“Fine, but only if I can drive on the way back” You warned, putting the helmet on your head.
“If we crash you can do the hero thing, y’know, save me all vampire-style and kissing me”
“Yeah while all your bones are crushed beyond recognition”
“You… you wouldn’t kiss me if I was smushed into the floor?” You pouted, which made him tense his jaw. He loved you, God he loved you, but you didn’t half ask some stupid questions sometimes. You were so soft and unassuming though, you really wanted to hear the answer. He was a sucker for you.
“’Course I would”
“You mean it? You’re not just saying it?!” You laughed, looping your arms around him still stood beside the bike and pressing yourself into him. Almost hitting him with the extra padding around your head. You closed your eyes, so relieved that he was here.
“Just… come on, pet” He gestured behind him, trying to peel your arms from him. You just smiled a little giddily because you were in his presence and tried to press more kisses to his face through the visor. He looked around, making sure Giles or the Slayer wasn’t around. You weren’t listening so his tone changed a little harder, “Get on the bike or I’ll drive away into the sunset”
“Yeah, dust in the wind” You muttered with a pout but moved to sit behind him. He caught it but didn’t say anything.
You were clinging to him, his waist. He loved having you this way, driving you through the streets. Allowing everyone to get a good look that you were his. You leaned against his shoulder, the tension releasing from your shoulders the further you drove away.
You arrived at his crypt, a place you loved. It was a solace. You were able to love freely here. Without anyone’s unwanted opinions or fists getting in the way.
Nobody accepted your relationship and your dad was the worst. You had argued with him again. Just before Spike came to pick you up. It was becoming almost every day now. You wished you could share how much you adored Spike. How happy you were. How he took you to the library and sat there the entire time you were studying. How he offered such loving comfort. How he was there for you without question, without agenda. He was yours.
This is how you had ended up exchanging more infuriating words with your father.
“Look at him, Y/n, for pete’s sake! He’s bad to the bones of him!” He seethed as you tried to mention casually that you were staying over at Spike’s. You didn’t ask permission seeing as you had lived alone for most of your life until you had moved back in with him again.
“Dad, please, just believe me – I love-” You began, trying in earnest to get him to understand.
“You don’t know the bloody meaning of the world, child!”
“I’m an adult, Dad, I’m not your kid anymore!”
“No, I suppose you’re just some stranger I allow to live here rent free”
“I can leave”
“Then you should do so, as quickly as you can” He had said it in the heat of the moment and instantly regretted it. He was driving you further into Spike’s arms and he only comprehended this as his last syllable pierced the air towards you. Leaving you wounded, fleeing the scene.
Spike took your hand softly in his, guiding you through the grave stones and into the crypt he called home. Nobody would ever believe you if you told them how soft his heart was. All they saw was the big, bad vampire that had crashed into Sunnydale.
But he was good, no matter his faults. He was so good to you. He could get violent, you had seen the evidence from the fights he got into. But he would never let you see that. Wanted to protect you, make sure you were always safe.
He had been so close to trying to hurt your Dad recently. Giles had threatened him away from you. Shoving him hard into the wall upon realising he couldn’t fight back. Spike stood and took it. No matter how angry he got. He would have risked the headache if it hadn’t been for you. His way of proving he wasn’t backing away. He wasn’t going to lose you.
Spike hadn’t told you though, didn’t want to see you cry again. He hated to see you cry. Didn’t want to be the reason you were upset. He’d hide it from you, not wanting you to fall out with your Dad again. He knew how much his approval mattered to you.
It soon became apparent, however, that you were already slightly down. He didn’t press you to talk to him, just pulled you into his side. You had settled on the sofa in his crypt. He had cleaned up again, always swept around the crypt and tried to make it look habitable when you were coming over.
Wanted the best for you. Always.
You leant into his chest, not able to hide your frown now. What your Dad had said was finally sinking in. You didn’t know whether to ask Spike if you could stay here. Or whether this would only make things worse.
But this worry began to dissipate with every loving second you shared with him. You loved his jewellery. He often wore a single silver chain around his neck. You twisted your finger to look his necklace. Thinking, brow furrowing lightly now as you did.
He kissed you softly on the forehead before casting his eye back to the tv as he spoke, “Your old man again?” he questioned, knowing your moods as if they were his own. You just nodded, hiding your face. Nestling into the side of his neck.
He wrapped his arms around you protectively. As if he sought to save you from the world outside the crypt.
This is the man that was entirely bad to the bone. The vampire. A killer. But one who would never harm you, hated even a word said against you. Who would defend you even past his last breath. Who would whisper such tender love. Such sweet affirmations. His poet’s heart sung for you. You had found him writing feverishly. About you. For you.
You couldn’t describe it properly, but with him you felt safe. Safer than you ever had before. Despite everything you knew. He had told you his past in excruciating detail. But you still confirmed your love after. Because of the way he was with you. The way he cared. You knew something had shifted within.
He put something on the television as he pressed such tender kisses against your skin, trying to get you back to face him. God, he loved your face. He pressed his lips along your jaw, small kisses making a path of his love.
“Let me make you feel better, love?” He posed the question innocently but his eyebrow was telling you different. He loved to kiss the pain away. he was a big believer in healing through this kind of affection. He always wished to make you feel his love so intimately. He was the typical bad boy but you loved the bones of him.
Spike latched onto your neck, soothing kisses. Hands slowly roaming. He cherished every inch of you, sliding you onto his lap as he pressed further kisses against your skin. Your lips.
Wanted you to know that he was with you. But you never doubted this. His love always surrounded you. Like a quilt. An aura.
Suddenly this soft moment was shattered. This peaceful moment you held in reverence lost. Buffy had dropped in. Again.
“Get off them! Now!” She barked, an obvious disgust written all over her face. It made you both so uncomfortable. You loved so deeply and yet nobody could see through the attitude. The past he wasn’t ashamed of sharing with you despite always worrying about your reaction. You knew it all now and loved him more for it.
You didn’t understand how everyone else hated him so.
“Buffy, what the fuck!?” You muttered, she always brought this reaction from you now. You sprung from Spike who just moved his head a fraction to lazily glare at the slayer.
“Get up, Spike” She scowled at him.
“You can’t just come by unannounced and start slaying! It-it’s like Spike just coming to your house and starting to bite people at random!” You complained.
“He has done that…” Buffy said, crossing her arms over her chest, “Twice”
“Oh… right” Your brow furrowed a little, you were still getting used to the vampire thing.
“’S’alright pet, only a nibble. Like when I-” He arched a suggestive eyebrow as a heat ran up your face.
“Do not finish that sentence” Buffy warned before turning to plead to you, “Y/n, you know he’s no good. You know what he is. You don’t have to do this, to disrespect yourself this way”
“Buffy, I love him… he’s my boyfriend”
“Apart from the boy part, oh and the friendly part!” She rolled her eyes, “Come on” she grabbed your wrist and started to pull you away with her.
“Buffy, we’re not friends! You didn’t care to even know me until you found out that I was with Spike. This isn’t about me, it’s about… how you feel”
“No. it’s about you breaking Giles’ heart. Have you seen him lately?” She prodded, her tone turning harsh. She had tried to be understanding, played the concerned friend but she had given up.
She couldn’t understand liking Spike without hating yourself for it. Without treating affection as a transaction. He’s a demon. He had done horrible things and appeared to her to have no redeeming qualities. Apart from, admittedly, the fact that he was kind of attractive. Only in the right lighting, obviously.
“Yeah, I saw him thirty minutes ago when he threw me out of his house” You replied firmly. Your softness gone as she had made your life her business. Again. Buffy was so shocked she dropped your wrist.
Spike instantly got to his feet and moved swiftly to your side. His hand on you, he knew what this meant. He knew this would hurt you so much. You had felt distant with Giles for a long time, he moved away to basically raise some other kid. And left you behind. And now this was happening all over again.
You felt abandoned. Like he had created an entirely new family right here. Not made of blood but with the young people he helped all of the time. It was a secret he had kept from you and they had all been in on it. How could your own father make you feel like you were an outsider in your own home?
Spike’s hand was soothing on the small of your back. His eyes only on you. Sensitive to every minute inflection of emotion on your face. His expression held such understanding. Buffy looked between you, faltering only slightly before righting her face. He really did appear to love you. On the surface at least. His eyes didn’t move from you, his eyes glassy as he felt your emotions almost as strongly as you did.
He couldn’t help that swell of hope that you would move in with him though. No matter how concerned he was for you and your troubles, he was overjoyed that you might want to stay with him. To have you, by his side even in the day. To be close to you. Domesticity that he pretended he didn’t crave when you were around.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t realise…” Buffy offered. It was sincere. Of all the things she knew about Giles, she hadn’t expected him to parent like this. It was harsh, much harsher than he was on her even. She appeared to soften, want to offer a hand of friendship.
But Spike was already ushering her out of the door without her so much as collecting up her thoughts before she left. He hurled some choice insults out of the door with her before slamming the door shut.
He immediately moved to your side. Closing the space between you and allowing you to lean against him. He cradled your head whispering hushed assurances. That he would never leave you. That he would always look out for you even if everyone else turned from you. Which was exactly what it had felt like.
He knew this, knew your own thoughts as if they were his own. He didn’t like to admit it, although it was evident to you in abundance, but he was so soft for you. Especially when you were alone this way and you needed him. He was so comforting the gentle nature he shared with you almost made you cry. He continued to reassure you and held you to him through the night.
He wasn’t able to bite back any comments he had on your Dad, ones he had held inside for a while. He had never really liked that man.
Spike, this man who was so bad to the bone was your only comfort. All he wanted was for you to be happy, no matter what. He was soft with you where nobody else had been. He lifted you up, helped you carry on. He was yours.
You did move in with him after this, spending time together. It only made your relationship stronger.
You would make up with your Dad eventually. At your college graduation. He felt guilty, you had very rarely spoken to him since he told you to leave. He was protective, despite you having spent a large portion of your life looking after yourself.
He would never approve of your relationship with Spike fully, despite his assurance that he would never stop loving you because of it. He apologised though for his behaviour, something you hadn’t recalled him saying to you often. And something else.
“I’m proud of you, Y/n” He said, a hand patted yours. Your gasp audible. He had never said that to you before. It had honestly been all you had wanted to hear from him.
You still returned home to Spike though. You wouldn’t want to be anywhere else. He wished so badly he could have been there but it was the middle of the day. He showed you just how pleased he was for you either way when you returned. He was so supportive, even if you hadn’t made up with your father, Spike was all that you needed.
It wasn’t a fleeting love, you were his. For life.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus vol. 2 Reviews (SPOILERS!!!)
A Stake to the Heart
Act 1: Deceit Another layer of Buffy's pre-Sunnydale life, which I utterly adore finding out about. Back to original illustrations, Buffy looks absolutely stunning. Wow we have a cold open to Buffy's parents' separation, very accurately dimming their voices, because kids rarely hear anything besides ''our family is falling apart'' (''The words blur together.''). Ahahaha Buffy almost stakes Dawn and then the little monster of a sister FINALLY gets that everything she'd previously read in Buffy's diary was reality. Whistler raises an excellent point and it almost makes me tolerate him – Buffy being a few centuries too young for Angel. Aaaaaaand! Giles complains about the sunny weather in Sunnydale ahaha! I love everything Giles does. Librarians being smart and ridiculously hot, of course. And some of them have vampire calendars on their walls. LoL, Rupert! This weird-looking demon (''a malignancy spirit'') follows Buffy around, talking about her dad, filling her head with all sorts of bad and heavy imagery, until she eventually sees Hank with some woman – I really love the metaphor for emotions here since I've been through the whole parents separating, dad leaving thing. Act 2: Guilt I really love the creepy imagery that depicts the Summers' sadness and guilt, because that sh** really follows you around like a demon. Also, the parallel to The Rime of the Ancient Mariner is quite brilliant here. Principal Fluuuuuutiiiiie! What a guy. What a soon-to-be-eaten-by-hyenas guy! Cordy and Harmony sighting! Cordy being witty as ever. God, I love Cordy!! Oh, and something else: Jesse is here and I'm really glad we get to see him... well, anywhere, since he was apparently a big part of the pilot Scoobies but they never mention him again after being turned and staked. Things get really ugly in this act and some of the best horror elements are on display here. This issue may be my favorite of all. Oh, and Dawn disappears for a moment. Just a moment, though. Act 3: Abandonment Well, this is another depressing entry with Buffy and Dawn lamenting their parents' divorce and the demon getting a grip on Dawn because of her sadness. But theeeen Buffy goes wild on the demon, apparently she can see her. Also, oddly, getting into a ''pure state of being'' means getting naked. Oh, Angel! This scene is huuuuugely weird tbh. Also, the part where the demon literally pulls Buffy inside of her? Yeah, awkward and creepy. But then we finally get into this other (dark) dimension we've been seeing from the beginning. Abandonment Dimension? Whatever, it's all spooks. It turns out, this malignancy spirit Angel brought on actually trying to help Buffy, is the very reason evil forces converge onto Sunnydale. Performing this ''naked'' spell, Angel somehow screws up AGAIN and points the malignancy towards Sunnydale. La boca del infierno, as Whistler puts it. There's this funny scene where Giles is settling into Sunnydale High library and talks on the phone to his mother - wtf, never heard of her before - and then the malignant demons show up and he's all like ah... mmm... I have to ... go. Joyce picks out four cities for where they would move and Buffy pulls a name out of a hat. And THAT is the only reason they go to live in Sunnydale. I'm loving this Omnibus vol 2 more and more. Act 4: Trepidation Buffy and Dawn sleep at their dad's and it's really sucky to see him reassuring them they're still gonna be a family knowing what I know from the series. Best quote ever: ''Everything will be fine once we get to Sunnydale.'' I wish these Angel and Whistler scenes would stop, we get almost no exposition whatsoever. I gotta say, they are the one minus in an otherwise excellent issue. We're finally in Sunnydale and trouble immediately ensues because another malignant demon is roaming the town, some creepy moth-lady provoking people into being indecisive and acting all tired and cranky. After some decent horror imagery, Buffy gets rid of the demon. This issue is mostly just about how Summers women settle into Sunnydale and Angelus decides he needs a new name.
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theajaheira · 3 years
Wait ok now i wanna know. Which teenager do you think was closest to jenny and why? Also do you wanna talk a little about willow and jenny?
OH boy okay. so i think that the way i view jenny in canon is twofold, because there are two ways to view jenny in canon -- the literal interpretation of what we are shown, and the more abstract fanon interpretation that involves ignoring the fact that jenny was literally written as a sexy lamp & approaching canon as though she was actually treated as a valid scooby at any point in time.
THAT SAID, i think that willow is definitely CLOSEST to jenny when compared to the other scoobies, but we get maybe three interactions between them in jenny's run? and they're:
willow noticing that jenny is allowed to contribute to scooby discussions in prophecy girl, and responding to this with an indignant "how come she's in the club?"
willow agreeing to come and help jenny out on a saturday for extra credit (and tbh It's Willow. she doesn't need extra credit. that is pretty damn adorable and i will give canon that.)
willow being placed in charge of jenny's class for the day, asking a lot of clarifying questions, and responding to buffy's arrival with "sorry. i have to talk to her."
and of course after jenny's death the latter half of season two spends a whole bunch of time going "oh, jenny <3 this beloved member of our crew who we all treasure and miss and are gutted by losing," but i really don't think that counts, because for the last few episodes of her being alive, the scoobies RAKED HER THROUGH THE COALS. so them doing a huge heel-turn as soon as she's dead and suddenly talking about how kind and incredible she was has always left a rotten taste in my mouth, because it's really abundantly clear that jenny's yet again being used in a way that is narratively convenient + to tug at heartstrings. she was literally never THAT important to anyone besides giles in canon. after she and giles start dating, she nEVER has a one-on-one convo with ANY of the kids that does not in some way involve giles! horrifying!
ANYWAY. point is: willow, by virtue of being someone who shares common interests with jenny, is likely the scooby who was closest to jenny, but it is by suuuuch a small margin if we're interpreting what we are literally given in canon! because canonically NO ONE BUT GILES cares about jenny UNTIL SHE DIES, and even after her death we have stuff like xander WEAPONIZING jenny's death to guilt giles and buffy about not killing angel.
(i do wanna say here that i don't think the narrative actually intended to have xander weaponize jenny's death against buffy and giles! i think that the intended narrative beat was for xander to be angry on behalf of a teacher he loved. but the thing is, canon doesn't actually ever SHOW any connection between xander and jenny that would justify such violent, furious rage on xander's part -- which is again a byproduct of canon not registering jenny as a person! so this is a bad look for xander, but it wouldn't BE a bad look for xander if canon hadn't just totally dropped the ball wrt jenny.)
but the thing is, all of this so does not mesh with what we know about the scoobies! the way they treat jenny comes directly from the fact that jenny is an underwritten sexy lamp, and doesn't actually reflect what the narrative might have done had it registered her as a person. (and then sometimes people just uncritically consume canon's treatment of jenny and assume she really WASN'T that important or good. but i digress.)
we have SEEN the way the scoobies treat their own, and it just seems utterly implausible that these wonderful kiddos would not appreciate jenny's company. so had jenny been written with more intent and less "let's throw giles's girlfriend into some random situation to create dramatic tension," i lean towards her
empathizing HUGELY with buffy -- the duty/destiny thing at a very young age would resonate on a big level -- but having trouble communicating that empathy and trying to illustrate it by being extra supportive of buffy's Normal Girl Activities. before the angelus mess, i think they'd have kind of a weird, sweet dynamic -- y'know, daughter + dad's new girlfriend.
having limited patience for xander but sort of awkwardly trying to find common ground sometimes. this reading comes very specifically from the fact that jenny is a LOT like giles -- she is a weird cynical nerd who does not always have the patience for teenage boy shenanigans. she's better at kiddos than giles in that she's not, like, a dick to xander, but his disinterest in her vocation and his lackluster work in her class does grate a tiny bit.
gently mentoring willow! i can definitely see willow having a baby gay crush on jenny. i also think that jenny would be very impressed by willow in a way that would really feed willow's ego, because this is a bab who grew up with parents that have just totally checked out.
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sacredslaycdd · 4 years
Hi, I have a lot of Dawn introspection tonight because I feel like a lot of people give her a hard time. I’ve seen a lot of comments about Dawn recently and we’re ABSOLUTELY all entitled to our own opinions so i’m going to post alot of the thoughts I have, I’m not saying it’s going to ELEQUENT because hey, when am I ever? Putting it under a read more because it’ll likely be long, I’ll try to put it into points so you can actually take a breath lol. 
Where shall we start? Her childhood.  - Buffy and Dawn have a fairly big age gap, which means, in a sense, while the love is CERTAINLY there, I’d bet things were always strained. Buffy was always older and so much cooler, naturally outshone her.  - And then the slayer thing kick in, Buffy’s always in trouble so she’s still the centre of attention.  - Her parents begin to argue more, and if I remember rightly, Buffy distinctly remembers holding Dawn one time (possibly when their father left?) because she was distraught. The fighting alone can be detramental, it’s not a fun enviroment and I imagine Dawn is still pretty young at the time.  - Her dad leaves and he’s pretty absentee after that.  - They move to sunnydale, because of Buffy, away from all of the friends she has and the school she’s familiar with. She has to fit in somewhere new and make new friends.  - Weird occurances are ALWAYS happening, pretty scary for a kid.  - Going to jump ahead to S5, excuse if this isn’t in chronological order.  - Her mom get’s sick, which is terrifying for both fo the summers girls  - Just as they think she’s going to be okay, she dies. It could be argued this was more traumatic for Buffy since she found her and yeah, I’ll give you that, and Buffy had to step up and become caretaker to Dawn. She was now sister and guardian.  - Their dad is still absentee. She’s grieving her mothers death and likely wants to grieve with her sister who’s saving the world all the time. Probably feels incredibly alone, feels like a burden on Buffy and the scoobies, and to be fair, she’s probably been made to feel like this a fair few times.  - and THEN she finds out she’s not real. Can you imagine how traumatic and difficult that is for a child to wrap their head around? Because yeah, 14 is still a frigging kid.  - so if anybody wants to argue about her reaction to that... i will fight you. (i’m kidding I swear xDDD)  - A god wants to kill her.  - BUFFY DIES TO SAVE HER LIFE.  - Her sister sacrifices herself for her, she’s lost the only family she had left but constantly has to see her sisters face around and hear her voice with buffy bot but it’s not HER. Still, her grief stares her in the face everyday. The scoobies step up and they are like family and she loves and appreciates them but it’s not the same.  - and HAH not like GILES sticks around to help. He’d have just sacrified her and I’m sorry but Giles was a monumental figure in BOTH of the summers girls. Granted, they were never going to be like Buffy and him, but still, he watched Dawn grow up and was the only male authority figure in her life, because you can bet Dawn saw ALOT of him. You’d think he’d care a little more. Not to mention he’s almost a direct link to Buffy, a little care from Giles would have gone a long way. Instead he left Willow and Tara and Xander who are barely adults themselves to take care of her and goes to England.  S6&7:  - again sketchy timeline wise  - Buffy comes back and Dawn DOES care, she does want to help her and be there for her and love her and Buffy doesn’t want / can’t deal with that, which is absolutely 1000% understanable but equally, as time goes on, Dawn is still living with that guilt and her sister is there but she’s not.  - She almost loses her sister again to the black hole she’s sunk into, or at-least that’s what it feels like.  - they deal with things differently. Buffy Internalises, Dawn externalises.  - Not only does she have survivors guilt, she thinks her sister resents her, resents the choice she made. She wants to be there, she wants to help, she loves her sister but she’s extremely conscious of this. Buffy sacrificed herself for Dawn and she worries her sister refrets that and perhaps even resents her for it, for having to make that decision.  - In a lot of ways, I promise you that’s exactly how Dawn feels about herself, because she got her sister killed? everyone around her dies.  - Willow goes all evil and almost gets her killed until Buffy saves her.  - Later, she walks in on Tara’s body. Tara was a surrogate mother and sister figure and Dawn adored her so much. That relationship was incredibly precious to Dawn.  - The feeling like buffy resents her? directly correlates with what the first says to her. Buffy won’t be there when she needs her. and she’s not entirely wrong about that feeling. Buffy says to Giles if she had to do it again, she’d sacrifice Dawn.  So yes, Dawn wants Buffy’s attention? Does she externalise how she feels sometimes into anger? and generally being upset which most people describe as her being a ‘brat’ - que eyeroll here - Dawn isn’t a brat, she’s reacting to circumstances that for the one thousandth time, are beyond her control. Even Xander acknowledges that it’s tough just being normal but acknowledges she’s extroardinary. Any kind of acknowledgement along such lines from Buffy, would have gone a long way to solving a lot of problems. Nobody can say Dawn didn’t communicate, and sure, it was over the top sometimes, but she’s learnt that if she isn’t, nobody cares.  She is constantly treated as a child and brushed off throughout the entire 3 seasons she’s in, you can’t then call her out on acting like it. - le shrug. -  Also, Dawn telling Buffy to leave in S7 is a joke and in my opinion, out of character for her. She threatened SPIKE, you really think she’s going to send her sister off to god knows where when she just got her back and there’s a big evil out there? PUH-LEASE. Dawn would have fought for Buffy and in my portrayal she does. 
ANYWAY, THANKS FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK. I am sorry in advance if this comes off ranty- this isn’t hate on anyone (WELL, maybe a little giles...), ESPECIALLY Buffy. I stan Buffy, none of this is her fault either, it’s all circumstances and dealing with things differently. 
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bizarrebird · 7 years
As mentioned, I’m still on my Buffy kick, so I’m gonna continue with my live blogging. Fair warning, I may skip some episodes because they’re... not great or too Xander centric for my tastes. But I don’t think anyone’s gonna read these who isn’t familiar with the series so you probably know why I’m skipping the ones I am.
Anyway, onto Season 2, Episode 2: Some Assembly Required
First, I just wanna say, I’m really dumb cause I thought this was the episode where Spike and Dru show up and stuff gets good but SURPRISE THAT’S NOT TILL EPISODE THREE FFFFFFUUUUUUUU
So we start with Buffy in a graveyard (we start here a lot, idk if it’s the same graveyard all the shots here are so fucking dark you can’t tell what anyth) waiting for a new vamp to rise from his grave. Angel appears out of nowhere, startling her because, as Buffy points out, he never learned to approach people like a normal person. Angel makes a comment about how he expected Buffy to have Xander or someone with her.
And okay, there’s a lot to unpack in this conversation, the parts that happen before and after they get interrupted by random vampire of the week. Don’t wanna spend the whole liveblog on this, so I’m gonna bullet point the important things
Angel giving Buffy shit for dancing with Xander, but refusing to admit he’s jealous cause Angel is a tool (this is a recurring theme)
Buffy saying she just did it to make Angel jealous, probably cause he’s a tool and never wants to talk about his feelings (also a recurring theme)
Vague slutshamey talking about the dancing which is super uncomfy
Angel calling Xander ‘just a kid’ which has a lot of just... super creepy implications, which are like almost addressed when Buffy asks if that means she’s a kid too, but we don’t get an answer to that (for the record she’s 16 and Angel is super fucking old, yeah I gotta talk about this later in another post)
Angel just tries to go cause he’s a little shit baby who makes Buffy do like 80% of the work in their relationship
Alright, there’s a lot of expansion that can be done on all this, but a lot of it’ll probably happen in liveblogging future episodes.
SO ANYWAY as Buffy goes to chase after Angel (like he always makes her do), she falls into an open grave and they realize the body has been dragged away, starting this investigation into the ‘monster of the week’ as we go to OPENING CREDITS
As the cool music fades we go to Buffy and Xander walking into the library to find Giles talking to an empty chair, practicing how to ask out Jenny Calendar. It’s actually pretty cute and I love awkward nerd dad Giles and Buffy sasses him in a charming way... which Xander then makes super weird, leading to the very, very warranted line from Buffy: “I fear you.” You should fear him, Buffy. You and every other female character in this show. Buffy goes on to give Giles some advice about asking Jenny out, which is sweet, while Xander is a tool.
Buffy then starts talking about the grave she and Angel found. Xander of course has to comment on her being there with Angel, y’know the guy Buffy has a legit on and off again thing with, who she has every right to hang out with without you judging her Xander, shut your gross mouth. Buffy continues to explain stuff and they decide to get Willow to look into the missing body, cause I guess this was the 90s and no one else knows how computers work
Willow we find being adorable and signing up for a science fair where random creepo of the week (I think he’s called Erik???? idk he’s gross so I don’t wanna acknowledge him more than I absolutely have to. Isn’t it wild that a feminist show has so many just casually creepy dude characters? I wonder what that’s about, Joss) Less creepy rando of the week, Chris, shows up and has a nice chat with Willow (too bad we’re going to forget he exists after this episode) Then light of my life, queen of my heart Cordelia shows up to also do the science fair cause the writers needed to find a reason to get her into this plot where she’s gonna get creeped on a whole bunch, great. Buffy shows up for Scoobie bizz and Cordy and Willow go with her, conveniently missing the super cryptic lines the episode randos drop in the middle of a crowded school hallway, but I guess none of the extras can hear so no one calls the cops
Cut to the library where everyone except Willow is scared of the witchcraft that makes the computer work, so she looks up the missing dead girl. Cordelia doesn’t care what they’re doing, but follows along anyway cause the writers kinda want her to be in the Scoobie gang but can’t figure out how to make it happen. She also drops some big foreshadowing that no one listens to because no one in this show appreciates her the way I do. Willow finds that their missing dead girl was killed in an accident with two other girls, so they decide to see if their bodies are gone too as Giles runs through creepy theories about flesh eating demons or zombies. Buffy briefly mentions Angel and Xander shoves his own foot up his ass in protest
We then go to the graveyard where Giles and Xander dig up the grave while Buffy and Willow talk about boys (will we pass the bechdel test this episode? we just don’t know) Buffy gets shamed more for her ‘sexydance’ with Xander and then she asks about the foreshadowing Cordelia dropped earlier and Willow turns into an exposition fairy to talk about Chris’s dead brother, who totally isn’t related at all to the dead bodies being dug up now. Buffy opens up the coffin and we cut to--
Cordelia heading to her car after cheer practice, only to be stalked by a mysterious pair of shoes in the most ripped from a horror movie scene this episode. She hides in a dumpster only to realize the creep following her is actually Angel, who still doesn’t know how to not terrify people he’s trying to talk to. As she’s getting out o the dumpster, Cordelia finds a severed hand trying to cop a feel
The gang gets back to the library where Angel and Cordelia are hanging out (probably planning their spin off already) and Xander and Angel are stupid at each other because that’s the only kind of interaction these two can ever have. Angel tells them about the body parts in the dumpster, which apparently he looked at enough to know some bits are missing, throwing out all the theories the scoobies came up with. He says that the stitching was super good and Giles makes the (very justified) point that high schoolers shouldn’t know how to do that, but apparently they like to stitch up bodies in the science club, so it’s time to break into some lockers. Cordelia asks Angel to take her home and it’s weird for everyone (also Angel’s wearing a really weird jacket right now, it’s khaki and makes him look like a business man who just got laid off and is super bummed that means he can’t sneak around with his secretary anymore)
We then go to Chris’s house where his mom is clearly grieving, but still awful. Now okay, this scene is super short, but very good at establishing everything we need to know about Chris’s homelife, so points there. Back to the school for breaking into people’s lockers. Chris and creepo are found to have lots of medbooks and the creepiest fucking frankengirl made out of pictures from magazines or something. We then go to Chris and creepo in their secret lab where they’re frankensteining the girl bits together
And now we go to the school where Buffy rightly says how messed up this is and Xander opens his mouth to word vomit about love and it’s so weird how his mouth moves but Whedon’s words come out and shit all over female characters. Then we get some cute flirting with Giles and Jenny and he stutters a whole bunch and she asks him out and it’s a genuinely sweet moment (this is when we feel the Whedon destruction of happiness hammers looming. Remember kids, Joss Whedon hates happiness)
Willow tries to do research while Xander’s a dumbass, then Buffy gets there and they discuss the possibilities of frankengirl already being shambling around, only for Giles to get there and say that all three dead heads have been found, so Chris and creepy haven’t finished the job yet. We go to them, talking about how they’ve gotta move fast cause there’s a time limit before the limbs start being extra super dead. Creepy wants to kill a girl and Chris is like ‘dude what the fuck, I’m not doing that’ and it’s revealed that his super dead brother is now a frankenjock and these guys can just... bring people back from the dead??? For a show where people drop like flies, you’d think this would get a little more focus, but no. Super dead bro just wants an equally horrifying lady friend and manages to football talk Chris into agreeing to murder. Dead guy looks at creepy’s pictures and he picks Cordelia (cause it’s been almost an episode since she’s been kidnapped, gotta tick that box again)
The Scoobies meanwhile realize that Chris and creepy have to kill a new girl to get a head and Buffy’s the only one appropriately enraged by this. Willow tries to argue sympathy for Chris, which Buffy doesn’t seem to go for until she goes to Chris’s house and gets an idea of how shit his situation is with his mom. Buffy goes to check out Chris’s weird basement room while dead bro looms, she finds a creepy cut up picture of Cordy and rushes to the rescue. Meanwhile Cordelia gets menaced and kidnapped in the locker room but Buffy shows up just in time to save her. Then Cordelia, cause she’s a fucking pro, insists on going out for cheerleading stuff, gotta lead all those fuckin cheers
Buffy realizes Chris is still there and does try to sympathize, but tells him he’s gotta knock off the creepy shit. Chris plays the pronoun game saying he has to do this for “him” until Buffy realizes he means his dead brother. We briefly see said brother smashing everything and attacking creepy until he says he can make him the lady friend on his own. Buffy and Chris get back to the hidey hole too late and realize dead bro and creepy are still going after my sweet Cordelia
At the football game we see Giles and Jenny on their date, her actually calling it that and making Giles go all awkward. But then the cockblock crew shows up and Willow and Xander steal Giles’s food instead of... y’know, worrying about the potential frankenteen stuff going on. Cordelia gets statched by the dead guy and dragged off while the crowd is distracted by the bizarrely shiny yellow pants the football players are wearing. Buffy and Chris get there a little too late and then we see Cordelia with the creeps and she screams a lot, which... fair Cordy, me too
Chris tells Buffy where to find Cordelia. Apparently they’re just doing this in an old science lab??? .Chris goes to get backup and Buffy goes for the save. She real quickly tries to talk things down, cause she does sympathize with Chris, but when deaders goes to attack Cordy, Buffy goes for the ass kick. The fight goes on for a really, really long time cause this guy won’t get staked. The lab starts catching on fire as Xander gets there and (being useful for the first time this episode, no this season) goes to get a tied up Cordelia out (or he tries to, he can’t undo the fucking straps holding her down on her weird gurney thing, just ignoring all the knives and cutting tools like a foot away cause why use his thinkerbox for anything other than petty quips)
Giles and Willow get there and remove an unconscious creepy. Xander just... he fucking throws himself onto a still screaming Cordelia, giving up getting her untied and just wheels them out because the lab is on too much fire now. This knocks the gurney where the rest of the bits of the would be frankengirl are into the biggest fire. Dead bro is about to super smash Buffy when Chris gets there and yells at him.
This makes him notice the burning body and he just... really awkwardly climbs on top of it and gets redeaded in the fire. And it’s kinda sad but he’s been super creepy this whole episode and no one will remember this later
Outside the fire department gets there a little before Angel does (still wearing his weird khaki outfit like he forgot his middle and last names are “I’ll stop wearing black when they invent a darker color”) And he just... stands there for a bit until we cut to Giles and Jenny talking about a second date. I’m sure that will go well and there won’t be any drama
Xander and Willow talk about how they’re sad and dateless for some reason. Well, Xander says that because he’s a clod and Willow humors him because she’s a soft lovely lady who hasn’t realized there are better options out there yet (soon, honey, soon) Cordelia, who has been temporarily possessed by Joss Whedon, tries to flirt at Xander a little, but he’s dumbass and just brushes her off
Cordelia makes the greatest face ever and is temporarily released from the mild insanity that makes her think Xander is anything more than a terrible worm boy (this won’t last and I hate that)
Now we close out on the same graveyard where we started (wow, neat, such closure, much meaning wow) There’s also this weird cut to a closeup where Sarah Michelle Gellar is clearly standing on a box as Angel talks about how he is in fact jealous of Xander. Progress! I guess. He talks about how being a vampire is suffering cause it makes dating a teenager hard
I joke, but okay, this is a sweet scene and a nice way to bookend the episode, and this is coming from Bangelhater69 over here
FINAL THOUGHTS: In terms of advancing the plot, not a whole lot happens, but there are some good character and relationship moments here, so it’s definitely not all bad. But hey guys SPIKE GETS HERE NEXT EPISODE!!!!
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kevoreally · 6 years
#BuffyAt20 - S03E05 “Homecoming”
AND HERE WE ARE! I am finally caught up on #BuffyAt20 with this liveblog! Very exciting. Season 3, Episode 5, “Homecoming.”
> It’s weird to see these kids talking about something normal like a dance. Not funny weird. Weird weird.
> Why is Willow talking about this being their “last homecoming” as if they’ve ever been the types to celebrate homecoming? (Didn’t Cordy almost get Bride Of Frankenstein’d at last homecoming or something?)
> Is it homecoming or Homecoming? I’m not going to get it right, that’s for sure.
> I actually don’t think going in Oz’s van is the dumbest idea. It's at The Bronze, not The Plaza.
> Why are they talking about a limo for homecoming anyway?? Is this a thing? I thought that was just Prom. And yet I remember no mention of a limo once we get to the actual Prom.
> Wow, in a rare instance, Cordelia’s tactlessness is actually useful. I mean, she’s not calling out Scott in defense of Buffy so much as from a complete lack of social awareness, but it still proved useful.
> “The judge will accept that as a yes.” Bless Oz forever.
> Okay, Buffy is still a little zoned out, but she’s a fairly decent girlfriend in that first scene.
> Was that Angel dramatic curtain pull really as intense as the music tried to tell us? Probably not.
> I actually loved and still love the “Buffy hiding Angel” arc. I think it makes a lot of sense. I think it could’ve been better executed at times, but I still enjoy it more than, say, XILLOW.
>This smash-cut to the break-up is actually almost laughable. Who wrote this one? … Written AND directed by Greenwalt? Huh.
> This was such a weird three-episode arc, this Scott Hope thing. We literally never see him again after this episode, and he’s only mentioned again I think once in Season 7.
> He barely gives a reason for dumping her! YOU AGREED TO GO TO HOMECOMING WITH HER LAST NIGHT! What a chump. You can do better, B.
> Woof. The Twins. Hello, boys.
> Them watching her is such an interesting note to close the teaser on, because it still yet doesn’t give away any of the SlayerFest stuff, you just think “assassins.”
> No, seriously, every week this theme song gets me.
> Also Deputy Mayor Allan. Love him. Was he Deputy Mayor? I suppose I’ll be reminded soon enough.
> The germophobe stuff was such an odd and interesting quirk to add to this villain.
> “Dirt. And germs. And mayonnaise.” This performance, man.
> “You have all my faith.” HA!
> It’s cute that these senior portraits were used in the “official” Sunnydale High Yearbook. (Which I own, of course. (It’s… not great.))
> “Open to all mankind.” There’s that slut-shaming again.
> Xander actually does occasionally show emotional concern for Cordy and it’s… almost nice? But then this is the episode where he starts cheating, so… nvm.
> Eddie’s friend Nicole on #FreshOffTheBoat looked just like Faith and I loved it.
> See, and now here Buffy and Faith are talking about being sexually empowered. Isn’t that so much nicer than slut-shaming?
> UGH, the scene where Buffy’s favorite teacher doesn’t know her. I feel this too hard.
> I find it hard to believe any teacher has not heard of Buffy. THAT NAME ALONE.
> Also hard to believe there’s no make-up dates for senior portraits. And seriously? When Buffy didn’t show up after Cordy said she’d get her, no one else went?? 🤬
> “just because you were Guacamole Queen when you were three” - is that in response to Buffy saying she was Fiesta Queen a moment ago, when Cordelia wasn’t present?
> Yeah, my IG post had me wonder if Buffy should’ve backed off, since this is all Cordy has, but no. This is actually great. I root for Buffy all the way. Go for blood.
> "...and whatever the hell you are, my brother. You got them  spiny-looking head things. I ain't never seen that before." "I am Kulak, of the Miquot Clan." "Isn't that nice." Loool.
> “Ladies, gentlemen, spiny-head-looking creatures.” Seriously, Mr. Trick was great.
> OH NO, IT’S HERE. The dreaded Xillow.
> Seriously, can I just blackout during this?
> There’s even a soft pop hit playing in the background. STOP TRYING TO BE #DAWSONSCREEK.
> I’m sorry - eighth grade COTILLION? WHAT? (Meanwhile, I was in seventh grade when this aired.)
> Xander asking Willow how far she and Oz got is only inappropriate because of what comes next. It would’ve been so nice if they could’ve been comfortable opposite-sex friends who could talk about those sorts of things.
> This whole scene is so painfully awkward. Who actually wanted this? STOP DANCING.
> Okay it’s over bye, bye, byeee.
> This whiteboard reminds me of #CabinInTheWoods
> Okay, Buffy. Like. Why do you think anyone is going to laugh at you making fun of Cordy? We all know it’s beneath you.
> “A lot of people came to my welcome home party.” “They were killed by zombies.” “Good point.” HA.
> Okay, you know, Willow and Xander’s guilt pushing them to work harder for Cordy almost makes it worth the moment in THIS episode. But its continuation after this is just dumb.
> Like. At the very least, can’t Willow let Buffy see her database too? Wtf?
> “As Willow goes, so goes my nation” is something I say a lot, except with Nico.
> I straight up thought Buffy was just drinking directly from a bottle of wine just now.
> I like this song during the compaign montage. And hey, it’s Fastball! https://youtu.be/e97XbcKy8ZU
> I liked the Lisa Loeb song from earlier, so I may as well link to that too: https://youtu.be/NDdivQ8n5Ug
> Aww, it was so nice of the promo department to lend Buffy a headshot to use for her campaign posters. 🙄
> Remember last week when Scott’s two oldest friends were both killed, including one by the other? And we were supposed to, like, feel sympathy for him?
> How long is this campaign going on for? Where is Buffy getting the funding for all of this?
> Cordelia only gave Jonathan $6? Even in 1998, that was nothing. At least make it $10!
> Vulcan Death Grip - that’s not the right name, right? I feel like even I know that one.
> “is that any more tacky than your faux ‘I’m shy but deep’ campaign posters?” “...yes.” Ha. And, yes.
> ”How can you think it’s okay to talk to people like this?” SERIOUSLY, BUFFY. I’m finding it hard to understand how liking Cordelia at this point in the series.
> Like right here. Cordelia *purposely* goes to physically push Buffy, assuming the Slayer would never push back. The moment Buffy actually defends herself, Cordelia calls her “sick.” That’s uncanny.
> Okay, “vapid whore” wasn’t great. But. ...Y’know. 🤷🏻‍♂️
> For real, I still keep expecting it to turn out there’s some kind of horny homecoming ghost that’s going to be revealed as the source of this Xillow nonsense. But no. Never.
> “I’m talking about us.” Loooool, of course you are, Willow. Watch out for anvils, everyone…
> “The limo was not cheap, work it out”? What the fuck? 🤭🤣
> Okay, but for real, the setup here of how Cordelia came to be mistaken for Faith? I actually do find that amusing. And it was 1998, so you could still just barely get away with the Germans making that mistake without saying, “Okay, but all that tech and they got it wrong?” It was a magical time.
> Their dresses are gorgeous and timeless, by the way. And the color scheme evokes thoughts of #TRON for me, that orange and almost-teal green.
> Omigod, it’s a TV in the woods, hooked up to a VCR. Maybe it wasn’t such a magical time after all, haha.
> I want a SlayerFest T-shirt.
> I vividly remember “She’s a Slayer, I’m a Homecoming Queen” from the commercials.
> Faith just hanging out at this dance is so cute. There weren’t nearly enough stories with Faith actively involved as a good guy.
> I haven’t ever listened closely to “She Knows” by Four Star Mary, I don’t know how much sense Oz writing it for Willow makes, but believe I’ll be looking into it before I blog it.
> Giles psyching out Willow and Xander is friggin’ adorable. I love that Giles starts to loosen up this season. Is it a response to seeing the change in his returned Slayer? Hmm.
> I love Buffy just lobbing a bear trap at someone.
> I can’t tell if the hunter is cute. I wanna say mostly. I wonder if this was supposed to be Whats-his-name from “Phases”?
> Okay, it’s vindictive, but Faith’s revenge on Scott still makes me giggle. What?? That was a very unceremonious dumping.
> And we never saw Scott again. Who was his date anyway? What became of Scott after this? Other than, y’know. Gay.
> Giles is so on point in this episode. He’s fun and caring and charming. What a wonderful highlight in a lot of mess.
> Omigod, I almost forgot about Cordy’s spatula.
> Hm. This making Cordy realize she loves Xander is… interesting.
> And then her fortifying after Buffy goads her - and being smart enough to recognize that’s what she’s doing. Huh.
> Oh wait, she forgot to mention the telephone, nevermind, she still dumb.
> “No, this is better, for - oh.” Ha, tho.
> Buffy is leaving a voicemail on Giles’s landline. Lol.
> The spiny demon offering to cut off the hunter’s leg is actually kind of a nice gesture. New OTP.
> Wait, Buffy’s voicemail actually went through? Interesting.
> “I spent a year’s allowance on this dress.” And the muffins?
> Loving Buffy’s “pick up a yearbook and prove I went to high school” speech here, tbh. Writing and performance.
> How did this guy not just turn around and stab Cordelia while she was swatting him?
> “Cordelia, the spatula.” Haaa.
> This tech is some real #VRTroopers-looking shit.
> How have I not yet mentioned the Gorch reappearance here? And how much I love it? So fun.
> Wow, Buffy goes down hard when she gets hit with that stand. Damn.
> I do sort of love Cordelia talking Gorch into fleeing. He’s just stupid enough for this to work here.
> “I don’t recall them mentioning corsages” - that’s what tips them off? Sigh.
> “I need some wet toilet paper.” “Yeah! That’ll help.” Okay, lul.
> NOOO, goodbye, hot German twins! RIHotness.
> Seriously, cute plan tho, making them fire on each other. I wonder if their Dad/Handler ever got his money. Also, so like, what happened at school the next day, with this shot-up wall?
> The Mayor immediately offers his hand to Mr. Trick, that’s endearing. He’s a very endearing villain.
> “This is a very important year for me.” “Election year.” “Something like that.” Snerk.
> “The children are our future. We need them. I need them.” Like, does he mean ‘to eat’ here? I don’t think so, actually. He talks in Season 4 about having a children’s museum dedicated to himself.
> HA, SEE, I KNEW IT: “long story,” “got hunted,” “apparently not that long.” And also written by David Greenwalt. Gotta watch those, brother!
> Oh hey Devon!
> This scene does completely make me laugh still, not gonna lie. When he’s switching the crown over the two winners’ heads and our girls just walk off. Classic.
Speaking of classic - next week, a very classic episode, with another character reappearance, “Band Candy!” Looking forward to it. Especially now that I’m finally caught up! :D :D :D
0 notes
theajaheira · 4 years
i see your “jenny-lives” au and raise you a “jenny’s a college professor in s4″ au
giles, finding literally any possible reason to wander onto campus: buffy i think you left your scrunchie in a graveyard last night. do you w *loses track of what he’s saying because jenny walked by*
jenny, not putting two and two together: i have seen that man in like 17 faculty meetings and i have no fucking idea what subject he teaches
the scoobies have literally never seen giles have a crush before bc s2 didn’t happen, so their reaction is MUCH more extreme
buffy: oh my GOD i didn’t even know giles COULD be into women!
willow, a little prickly for No Reason Nothing At All: so did you think he was into men? would you have a problem with that?
xander: he knows ms. calendar’s WAY out of his league, right?
giles, in the car the whole time, seriously fucking regretting his offer to drive his kids to the 7-11 to get slurpees: yes, xander. well aware.
jenny showing up at one of giles’s espresso pump nights and him missing like five chords in a row
she laughs so hard she cries. it’s definitely a win
maggie walsh sitting buffy down and being like “why the fuck is your dad popping up everywhere on campus. does he have separation anxiety” and buffy being torn between “oh my god does everyone think giles is my dad” and “i would rather die than explain to my psych professor that my dad has a crush on my best friend’s comp sci professor”
hush is ADORABLE
giles, who had been planning to ask jenny out, spends so much time erasing what he wants to say to jenny and finally is holding up a sign that just has a heart on it, about to pass out
jenny just kinda skips over and gives him a kiss on the cheek
giles himself being much less prickly and bitter (never lost jenny, after all) but still in that empty-nester phase of “all of my children are gone”
jenny, really shitty at comforting people: i mean, rupert, it was bound to happen, right? you can’t expect them to want to hold your hand forever -- oh god oh fuck please stop crying
giles spending a ridiculously long time angsting over how to tell jenny about the supernatural until angel rolls into town and gives jenny a solid handshake when he sees her
he and jenny worked out a way for her to watch him under the table. the scoobies never knew about this until Literally Right Then And There
xander thinks it is so fucking funny that buffy’s socially inept ex-boyfriend has more of an in with jenny than giles and literally will not let giles live it down
spike ruins at least three of giles and jenny’s dates by yelling loudly from the bathroom.
at least two of these dates were about to get spicy before both of them remembered that there was a vampire in the bathroom.
very disconcerting for all parties. (spike has Heard Things.)
this is, of course, after giles has explained to jenny in detail why he has a vampire in the bathroom, because before he knew about her connection to angel he came up with a LOT of inventive reasons as to why she couldn’t come to his house.
his apartment has flooded nine times. jenny’s counted. she’s an agent of chaos tho so she doesn’t care if people keep secrets (and also she thought he got cute when he was flustered about how badly he was lying)
jenny, about to throw down with maggie walsh over capturing a teenage werewolf: It’s Broadsword Time :)
giles unfortunately hasn’t known jenny long enough to understand that no one should give her keys to the weapons cabinet. that backfired
definitely a few episodes where unemployed giles is watching talk shows with jenny snuggled into his side. like that just happens. ridiculous soft energy.
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theajaheira · 4 years
not posting this to ao3 bc the convoluted context only exists on tumblr, but here’s a mini thing i wrote today from that au where oz is dating giles and jenny’s daughter. also giles and jenny were in a band together pre-canon for a little while and have a very convoluted love story that i swear will eventually be a fic. fun times.
other things pre-fic that are fun:
ripper and jenny spent like a decade in la co-running a music store together while also raising their kids. jenny handled the actual business, ripper taught guitar classes on the side. janna is very musically gifted but teddy can’t carry a tune to save her life.
theoretically this is a version of canon where janna and buffy are the same age, and someday i will also write the fic where janna appoints herself buffy’s watcher, kicks wesley in the knees, and screams at every member of the council that comes near buffy. she’s heard enough horror stories from her dad.
“Are you nervous?”
The question took Oz by surprise. “Should I be?”
Janna didn’t answer. When he turned to look at her, he saw that she was looking out the window at what he assumed was their final destination: a relatively ordinary-looking house with the beginnings of a vegetable garden on the front lawn. “The last time I brought a guy home to meet my parents, he was super nervous,” she said. “Like, all spacey and weird. My dad was extra nice to him to compensate, but my mom kinda antagonized him a little ‘cause she thought it was funny. She probably won’t do that to you, though. I bet she’ll like you. I mean, she likes pretty much all my friends that I actually care about, and last time I brought a guy home I didn’t actually like him. Mostly it was just to show up Teddy ‘cause she’s always giving me grief about—”
Abruptly, Oz understood. Without a word, he gently tugged Janna’s clenched fists into his own hands, untangling the tightly coiled fingers to lace them with his own.
Janna exhaled. Shakily, she said, “I just really want them to like you.”
“I know,” said Oz.
“I mean really. Usually I don’t care a whole bunch, but you’re different.”
“I know,” said Oz.
“And sometimes my mom can be a little mean. Not like mean-mean, she’s just like that, it’s her way of being nice—”
Oz tugged on Janna’s hands, pulling her into a careful hug. Janna let out a nervous laugh and pressed a clumsy kiss just under his jaw. “I’m a pretty easy guy to like,” he said. “Unless your parents are the kind that don’t like it when a guy is in a band.”
“That would be totally hypocritical,” said Janna. “They were in a band.”
Processing this, Oz felt a slow smile sneak across his face. “So it’s genetic?”
Janna blinked, then smiled too. “Kinda, yeah! They ran a music store in LA till we moved. My dad’s the one who taught me how to play guitar and sing and stuff. He’s not classically trained or anything, but he takes it super seriously.”
“Your dad sounds pretty cool,” said Oz.
“He is pretty cool,” said Janna, her smile growing.
Gently, Oz tugged on Janna’s hand, then let go to open his door and get out of the car. He crossed around to open the door for her too, extending a hand to help her out. She laughed, letting him pull her out of the car, and tripped very purposefully to fall for a moment against his chest; he nudged the car door shut behind her and tugged her into a hug. “We got this, Jay,” he said, smoothing down her hair.
Though she was still very clearly nervous, Janna nodded, tucking her arm into his as they walked up the driveway. Oz rang the doorbell.
Thudding footsteps came from inside the house. Janna groaned. “Oh, no,” she muttered under her breath.
“Is this the boyfriend?” demanded a voice as the door was wrenched open. Looking down, Oz saw a small girl of about twelve surveying the two of them with interest. “I thought he’d be taller. How come he’s shorter than you? Why—”
“I am gonna punt you into next Tuesday, Teddy,” Janna threatened.
“Oh, this is Theodora?” said Oz with interest. “Pleasure.”
“At least someone has manners,” said Teddy with great dignity, turning on her heel and striding down the hall.
“Aren’t you gonna invite us in?” Janna yelled after her.
“Nope!” Teddy yelled back. “You’re probably vampires!”
“Someday I’m gonna kick her like a soccer ball and no one will ever see her again,” Janna was muttering as she yanked Oz over the threshold, roughly divesting him of his coat to hang it on a nearby coat tree. “I used to play soccer in middle school and I think I still know how to do it. Maybe I can get Buffy to do it. I bet if I kicked her really hard—”
“No kicking your sister,” came a very familiar voice.
If Oz was the kind of person whose jaw dropped, he thought it might have right then. Standing in the kitchen doorway was none other than Jenny Calendar, the original drummer for the Spitfires—the one who had toured with the band for two years before she and the lead guitarist dropped out to raise a kid. Jenny Calendar was looking between the two of them with an intrigued grin. Oz had a record with this lady’s face on it. “Uh,” he said. “What?”
“What?” said Janna, as though this was just a normal meeting between Oz and his girlfriend’s mom. “Anyway, mom, this is Oz. Oz, this is my mom, she—”
“I know who she is,” said Oz.
“Well, duh, I just told you,” said Janna. “Where’s Dad? Is he upstairs dissecting bug things for Buffy again?”
“Yeah, that was one time and I told them both they’re never doing that again. That’s my job in this house.” Jenny ruffled Janna’s hair. “Glad nothing ate you on your way here.”
“If it does, you gotta make a necklace out of my bones or something metal like that,” said Janna very seriously.
“God, you’re just like your dad,” said Jenny.
“Oh, yeah, it’s me she gets it from,” quipped Ripper, rounding the corner with Teddy on his shoulders. “Not like anyone else in this house was violent and terrifying at fifteen.”
“Okay, one, shut up. Two, no one needs to hear any of those stories. Three, shut up.” Jenny punched Ripper’s shoulder, careful to avoid jostling Teddy.
Oz was thankfully a little bit more prepared for Ripper’s entrance. If the Spitfires’ drummer was Janna’s mom, the lead guitarist pretty much had to be her dad. “Uh, hey, Janna,” he said, tugging at his girlfriend’s sleeve, “can we—talk outside for a sec?”
Janna looked a little puzzled, but acquiesced without much argument.
Shutting the door behind them, Oz said, “Your parents are Jenny and Ripper.”
“Huh?” said Janna, then, “Oh,” and then her face split open in a huge smile. “I didn’t know you knew about them! Pretty much nobody does! They left the Spitfires before the band got big, so it’s not like I bring it up a lot—”
“Okay, this makes so much sense,” said Oz.
Janna blinked. “What do you mean?”
“Your whole,” Oz waved a hand, “cool thing. It’s not just you, it’s genetic.” He grinned. “I don’t think I stood a chance.”
Janna went very pink, her smile impossibly bright. “You totally have to tell them you like their stuff,” she said. “Dad’s kinda mellow about it, but Mom has these insane stories from the years before she and Dad hooked up and she loves telling people about them.”
“Well, I’d love to hear your mom’s cool band stories,” said Oz, squeezing Janna’s hand. “Probably have a few of our own to share, right?”
“I mean, I’ve told them most of my good ones,” said Janna. “Remember that one time I broke a guitar over Devon’s head?”
“Fondly,” said Oz.
Janna snickered. “Dad’s done worse,” she said. “He was in Wretched for a little while. It was more of a Brit thing so you probably haven’t heard of it, but we have a demo album that they made and it’s soooo bad—”
“Mom wants to know when you’re coming in for dinner!” Teddy yelled from inside the house.
“IN A MINUTE!” Janna yelled back.
“We could go in now,” Oz suggested, “if you—”
Draping her arms around his neck, Janna said, “Give me a minute, Daniel.”
“Oh my god, I love him,” said Jenny delightedly. “Rupert, he knows our stuff! Does anyone ever know our stuff?”
“Janna’s last one didn’t,” said Ripper, attempting to take a forkful of casserole off his wife’s plate. Jenny whacked his fork with her knife. “Though I do think our darling Teddy psychologically broke the poor chap halfway through dessert.”
“If he was weak enough to be broken by a fifth-grader, he deserved to start crying,” said Teddy mildly. “It’s just facts.”
“She gets the mean streak from me,” said Jenny affectionately, looking at Teddy with adoring pride. “Mama’s girl.”
“They both get the mean streak from you,” said Ripper. Jenny started throwing wadded-up paper towels at him. “See?” he said, catching one of them and lobbing it back in his wife’s direction. “This. This is what I mean.”
“Your family is cool,” said Oz. “My mom’s gonna have a lot to measure up to.”
“Oh god I have to meet your mom?” squeaked Janna. “No one’s ever wanted me to meet their mom! Oh my god, you didn’t—why would I—”
“You know she’s never been this nervous about anyone she’s dated?” said Teddy conspiratorially to Oz. “I think she really likes you. Plus she writes your names together all the time on the fogged-up mirror in the bathroom and she made you a mixtape but she’s too scared to give it—”
“I’m gonna throw you out a goddamn window,” Janna hissed in Teddy’s direction. “You better believe I will.”
“Oz, you’re in a band, yeah?” said Ripper, giving Oz a little grin. “Might be nice to play sometime together, if you’d like.”
“Yeah, I would,” said Oz, and smiled back.
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theajaheira · 4 years
“I think Giles and Jenny’s daughter should date Oz in the timeline I constructed” 👀👀👀👀👀
You better tell me everything
thank you so goddamn much for enabling me, liv. i love you.
so i’ve been tossing around the idea of janna and oz for a little while in a project entirely unrelated to this one (i don’t wanna spoil it because i’ve actually already started it, and wanna believe that someday i will actually finish it), but for the past few days i have been thinking about the Potential of a canon-adjacent au where giles sidestepped the trauma of eyghon, never actually rejoined the council, started up a serious relationship with jenny, and has a teenage daughter with her at the time of canon. (possibly a lot of kids actually? giles strikes me as someone who would really enjoy being a dad without the pressure of the council forcing him to put his job first.) there are more moving pieces wrt giles and jenny’s relationship in this thing -- they meet when she’s a rebellious teenager and she has a HUGE crush on him that is obvious from the stratosphere, and in the process of him trying to talk her down and sort out her life, he also accidentally finds himself making healthy choices of his own. then they meet again like five years later and fall in love. (i am well aware that their canon age difference doesn’t actually work with this timeline but consider this: canon is what i want it to be.)
this canon has giles and jenny still in sunnydale, but janna’s the one who grew up with a whole bunch of council lore and therefore knows a lot about the slayer, which ends up snowballing into her elbowing her way into being buffy’s actual watcher. (wesley was sent to do it but is easily intimidated.) most of this is really just buffy and janna kicking it in graveyards and talking shit about kids in their class. the scooby vibe is initially extremely disorganized because it’s literally all dumb children, so eventually giles and jenny step in and are like “no you canNOT antagonize vampires, janna, stop telling buffy to throw molotov cocktails into an ACTIVE NEST. BAD IDEA.”
janna shows up on oz’s radar because she tries to sing for dingoes ate my baby and then screams at devon for like fifteen minutes when he says that they’re not a “chick band” and she should either go do her own “poser thing” or just play keyboard in the background. oz falls in immediate love and decides that he wants to leave dingoes ate my baby to join janna’s hypothetical band, which in turn leads to the scoobies accidentally starting a band. janna cajoles willow into playing piano, jenny teaches buffy how to drum (jenny drummed for giles’s band back in the day), and somehow xander ends up learning a lot about stage lights. it’s not very glamorous but it DOES eventually fuel his interest in construction.
on that note, giles’s band actually developed a pretty solid following, so oz has a Moment when he meets his girlfriend’s parents and they’re the it punk couple of the eighties. he and giles have regular jam sessions. janna wanted to be a rebellious teenager with a terrible boyfriend but somehow ended up with 1) cool parents and 2) a genuinely sweet guy, which she complains to her mom about CONSTANTLY. jenny thinks it’s hilarious. (oz thinks it’s cute.)
also, please take a moment to imagine oz and janna listening to music together on a long bus ride home. it’s the most adorable thing i’ve ever thought of and it’s what inspired a lot of this.
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theajaheira · 6 years
buffy summers, muggle-born
read it on ao3!
read it on twisting the hellmouth!
the premise: the scooby gang attends hogwarts with the golden trio! this is 100% the first in a long and ambitious and very adorable series; i have plans for a sequel involving tara that i will probably end up writing tomorrow. so i would definitely recommend reading this one.
Buffy heard the word Mudblood for the first time when she was trying on robes at Madam Malkin’s. Her mom had that continued look of vague confusion that she’d had ever since Buffy had gotten her Hogwarts letter, a look that seemed to be exacerbated by the droopy and not very stylish fit of Buffy’s robes. Buffy knew it would be pushing it to ask for some robes from Twilfit and Tatting’s, especially since she barely knew anything about this weird new world as it was, but some of the robes in there looked a little more comfortingly like dresses and skirts and things from Buffy’s reality—the one she knew much better.
So she was getting fitted, getting pricked a little by the pins, and this snooty-looking kid walked in, said very theatrically, “Good lord, they cater to Mudbloods here?” and ducked out to giggle with his friends, hurrying them along before Buffy could reply.
This was the very first time that Buffy considered—maybe not knowing a lot about this in her might be a disadvantage. New words to learn, new social niceties, new etiquette, new robes—she had planned to try out for her middle school cheerleading squad, this year. She had been so close to being in middle school, for crying out loud, something she’d been looking forward to since—kindergarten, probably, plus her mom had always said “bedtime is at nine-thirty until you’re at least in middle school, Buffy,” and how did that rule apply to weird magic boarding schools where they might call her a Mudblood and run away?
Before she even knew what the word meant, it had twisted itself into her being.
Xander had grown up hearing the word Mudblood. Sort of an “oh, at least we’re better than the Mudbloods” thing his lame-ass pureblood dad always said to his barely-listening pureblood mom, to make them both feel better about burning through their respective family fortunes before Xander was even born. They had never liked Willow, and she was a half-blood with a mom who was respected and active in the wizarding community—but all his parents cared about was Willow’s Muggle dad.
Personally, Xander liked Willow’s dad. Willow’s dad had been a college professor before meeting Willow’s mom, and now he was a spokesman for the Ministry and worked to better human-Muggle relations. He made nice cookies and he was gentle and kind with Willow, which was more than could be said for Xander’s dad. But that was something Xander didn’t like getting into.
Faith was an orphan. She didn’t like hearing everyone fussing over her in Diagon Alley like she was some charity case, and she definitely didn’t like the way people whisper about how “You-Know-Who was an orphan” because first of all, she didn’t know who, and second of all, so what if she wasn’t as friendly as all these weirdly dressed people expected her to be?
She figured she was a Mudblood, probably. She heard the word when she and the big groundskeeper guy were walking past Knockturn Alley, and she grabbed onto it and liked it. Faith had always had a habit for taking other people’s hatred and twisting it into something good—yeah, she was bad, but she was bad on her own terms.
She was eleven years old and this habit would stay with her for a very long time.
Professor Rupert Giles, History of Magic, was a pureblood of the old families with old money and an extensive knowledge of wizarding achievements throughout the ages. He, more than anyone, knew the value of Muggle-born contributions to wizarding society, and had forbidden the use of the word “Mudblood” in his classroom. He made it very clear that anyone who said it would be in detention for as long as Hogwarts policy would allow. It was a small gesture in the grand scheme of things, but it was still more than the other teachers did—they seemed to pretend the word itself didn’t exist. Professor Giles, more than anyone, knew that attempting to cover up the past would only end up hurting people in the long run.
History was about learning from one’s mistakes.
Platform Nine-And-Three-Quarters was busy and bustling on September the first, and there were whispers about a Boy Who Lived attending Hogwarts for his first year. Buffy, who didn’t have too much interest in boys at the moment (living or dead), was more invested in trying to find an empty compartment on the train, one where she could sit and enjoy the nervous excitement of going to a magic boarding school for a year. A free magic boarding school. Her mom had never wanted to pay for tuition for any boarding school, magic or not, but now Buffy got to have the full experience and it was—thrilling. She was thrilled.
Weaving through the train, she finally found a compartment that was relatively empty, at least in comparison to the rest of the packed train cars. The only occupant was a tiny redheaded girl, curled up with one of the Narnia books, and she looked up half-hopefully when Buffy came in.
“Is this—um, can I sit here?” Buffy asked a little awkwardly.
The girl blew out a breath and shut the book, looking somewhat sad. “Yeah,” she said.
“Are you okay?”
“My best friend isn’t here yet,” said the girl. “I think he’s sitting with a boy he met on the platform, and—and I’m his best friend.”
“If you’re his best friend,” Buffy pointed out (gently, because this girl seemed to need some delicate handling), “he’ll show.” The girl did look a little cheered by this, and Buffy took this opportunity to tug her trunk the rest of the way in and sit down. “You reading Narnia?”
The girl grinned a little. “You’re a—half-blood?” she asked, sounding hopeful.
“No, I have all my blood,” said Buffy earnestly.
The girl’s grin widened and she giggled. “No, I mean—is one of your parents magical, or are you the first in your family?” she asked.
“Oh!” Buffy giggled too. “I’m—the first,” she said, and almost mentioned the boy who called her a Mudblood, but it was beginning to sink in that the word meant something probably not very nice. “What would you call me, then, me being the first in my family to have magic?” she asked, a sort of litmus test.
“I don’t know,” said the girl. “I still don’t know your name.”
And that was how Buffy Summers and Willow Rosenberg became friends.
Xander showed up, out of breath and excitable, about ten minutes later, his new friend Jesse stumbling behind him. Jesse was a Muggle-born like Buffy, she found out, and something about that made her feel warm from head to toe; she didn’t feel quite as alone, quite as much of an oddity, when there was someone else just as confused as she was sitting right across from her.
Willow knew Muggle culture quite intimately, though—her parents wanted her to have the best of both worlds—and it was just as nice to be around her; she talked about books she had read that Buffy remembered seeing in her own elementary school library. Hogwarts isn’t that bad, Buffy found herself thinking, Hogwarts can’t possibly be that bad with people like this around me. She bought everyone snacks when the trolley cart came around, and the Chocolate Frog card she got—
“Oh!” Willow squeaked and made a dive for the card, scooping it up. “Ms. Calendar! She’s got a Chocolate Frog card?”
“Ms. who now?” said Buffy, mouth twitching. She’d gotten the mental image of a calendar with lipstick and legs.
Willow was blushing a little as she held the card close, all but cradling it. “I, I got a little excited,” she said, handing it back to Buffy. “Jenny Calendar works with my dad! She’s spent a bunch of time putting in the hard work to get Muggle technology recognized. She’s kinda radical—”
“Like a surfer?”
“Like a line of thinking,” said Willow. “She thinks the wizarding world shouldn’t be as much of a secret as it is, and that there’s a lot we can learn from Muggles.”
Buffy looked at Jenny Calendar’s face. She didn’t look like someone who would call Buffy a Mudblood, either—she had bright, lively eyes, and when Buffy made eye contact with her on the card, she grinned a little and winked. “They move?” Buffy said, awed. Now Jenny looked like she was giggling a little.
“Yeah!” Willow didn’t tease Buffy for not knowing—she just looked happy that Buffy’s learning. Buffy was liking Willow more and more, the more they talked. “Oh, wait ‘till you see the paintings at Hogwarts—my mom says the Gryffindor common room has a talking painting lady who you have to tell the password!”
“My dad says the Slytherin common room just has a wall,” said Xander, and smirks. “Sucks to be in Slytherin.”
“How come?” Buffy asked, curious.
Xander shrugged, scowling. All he said was, “My parents were both in Slytherin.”
Buffy got the sense that there was a little more to Xander than he was letting on, but let it lie. “I feel really behind the curve, here,” she said a little nervously. “Like there’s so much I need to learn.”
Willow’s smile softened into something both sympathetic and understanding. “It’s okay,” she said. “I can help! I’m good at helping—I help Xander with his math, and I know a bunch about the wizarding world. What do you want to know about?”
Buffy chewed on her lip, trying to keep the question down, but it bubbled up before she could stop herself. “What’s a Mudblood?”
Xander went still. Willow’s smile froze. Only Jesse looked unbothered by the word, focused instead on devouring his pumpkin pasty, but he stopped mid-bite upon noticing the way the mood in the car had shifted. “You okay?” he asked Xander, mouth full.
“Where did you hear that word?” Willow finally asked.
Buffy felt ashamed and afraid—like she’d lose her new friends—but she answered honestly. “Some boy said it while I was getting my robes fitted,” she said. “About me. What does it mean?”
Willow’s face relaxed a little, but she still looked upset. “It means—it’s a really, really mean way of saying you’re Muggle-born,” she said. “My mom always told me she’d wash my mouth out with soap if she ever heard me using that word.”
“My parents toss that word around a lot,” Xander mumbled, then added hastily, “but I never say it, obviously.”
“Do people not like Muggle-borns?” Buffy asked hesitantly.
It took Willow a moment to answer. Finally, she said, “My mom says only small-minded people with small ideas don’t like Muggle-borns.”
“Okay,” said Buffy. “And you guys aren’t those small-minded people, right?”
“Right,” said Xander fiercely, taking a chocolate frog and violently chomping off its head.
Buffy looked again at her Chocolate Frog card. Shyly, she asked Willow, “So—Jenny Calendar likes Muggle-borns?”
Willow seemed to get what Buffy was really asking. “Ms. Calendar thinks there’s no real difference between Muggles and wizards, at the core of it all,” she said, “and I think that too.”
The picture of Jenny Calendar nodded emphatically. Buffy tucked the card into her pocket, near her heart.
Hogwarts was big and bright, even from far away, and Buffy was too in awe to shiver as they were bundled into boats. Jesse was inadvertently separated from them, put in a different boat with two pretty girls who were fussing with each other’s hair, and Buffy, Willow, and Xander found themselves with a fourth boat buddy that none of them had met till then. Her brown hair was messy, and her mouth set in a firm line like she was trying to look as brave as she could, but her eyes were still lit with a wonder she couldn’t seem to hold back.
“Hi,” said Buffy, sitting down next to the girl. “I’m Buffy. I’m Muggle-born. What about you?”
“I’m Faith,” said the girl, chin jutting out, “and I’m a Mudblood.”
Willow drew in a shocked, reproving breath. “You shouldn’t say that word!” she said. “It’s a bad word!”
“I’m a bad kid,” said Faith, and directed her attention back towards the lit-up castle across the lake.
Buffy and Willow exchanged nervous looks before Buffy clambered awkwardly back to sit next to Willow again. She didn’t like the word Mudblood, even if Faith was okay with it—it made her feel too much like an outsider in this world she still felt like she didn’t belong in. Some part of her still thought there must have been a mistake—maybe it really was an accident that had made all her dresses that gorgeous shade of pink when she was seven, and maybe that slice of cake she’d wanted really had just fallen off the top of the fridge when she was nine, landing neatly on a plate—and she felt so, so worried that someone would catch her as she was entering the castle and go sorry, Buffy, this place isn’t for you.
They reached the castle, stars twinkling above them, and they were met at the door by a Professor McGonagall, taken through torch-lit hallways, and led into the Great Hall. Shivering, breathless, Buffy took in the floating candles and the golden plates, almost too awe-struck to speak, and her sense of awe only increased as the Sorting Hat began to sing, but—it was a long song, and she started getting bored, so her eyes began to wander.
Up at the front, at the staff table, she accidentally locked eyes with a bespectacled, austere-looking professor who was attempting to read under the table while the Sorting Hat sang. He looked a little flustered at being caught, but then he grinned a little, shut the book, and gave Buffy a tiny salute. She giggled.
“What?” Willow whispered.
Buffy tried to explain about the professor and his book, but Professor McGonagall cleared her throat and shot them both a look before she continued to read off names. Realizing that she really should be paying attention, Buffy shifted and watched, nervous and impatient to be Sorted.
One of the pretty girls who sat in the boat with Jesse was called up as “Chase, Cordelia!” Flouncing up to the stool, Cordelia sat down in her expensive-looking school robes (those were probably from Twilfit and Tatting’s, a slightly jealous Buffy thought) and waited for the hat to be dropped on her head.
Next to Buffy, Xander choked. “Her?” he said, indignant. “She’s the most Slytherin girl I know!”
“You know her?” Buffy asked, curious.
“Her dad works at the Ministry,” Willow explained. “She’s always talking down to us ‘cause our dads don’t make as much money as her dad.”
Buffy made a face. Maybe Gryffindor wasn’t that great a house either if a girl like that went there.
Xander was the first of them to get Sorted, and when his name was called, Willow squeezed his shoulder and beamed, sunshine-bright, whispering, “You’ve got this, Xander!” Xander held onto her hand for a second, then took a few trembling steps towards the stool and sat down.
Willow didn’t look at all surprised as she started cheering. “What’s the Hufflepuff house do?” whispered Buffy, who was starting to really wish she’d been paying attention to the song while it was talking about the houses.
“Just and loyal!” Willow whispered back.
“Just loyal?”
“No, just and—” Upon receiving yet another terrifying look from Professor McGonagall, Willow made an “eep” noise and attempted to hide behind Buffy (who thought she saw McGonagall’s mouth twitch).
“Lehane, Faith!”
Faith Lehane from the boats all but swaggered up to the Sorting Hat, glaring furiously at the entire Great Hall as though she didn’t want to be at Hogwarts in the first place. Sitting down on the stool, she screwed up her face and waited.
It took the hat a good ten seconds to say anything at all. Buffy and Willow exchanged intrigued looks, watching, and waited with bated breath until the hat finally shouted out, “HUFFLEPUFF!”
Faith looked startled, and surprisingly vulnerable. Something in her face softened just a little as she headed to the loudly cheering black-and-yellow table.
“Well, at least Xander has someone he sorta knows there,” said Willow with rueful amusement. “I know I’m not gonna be in Hufflepuff.”
“You’re not? How come?”
“I just—know,” said Willow decisively. “I’m definitely loyal, but I’m not loyal like Xander. His family says heaps of mean stuff about me just ‘cause my dad’s a Muggle, and he’s stuck by me since we were babies.” She smiled, proud. “I don’t know if anyone’s loyal like Xander,” she said. “Hufflepuff lucked out.”
“Where do you think you’ll go?” Buffy asked, curious.
“Ravenclaw,” said Willow. “On account of me knowing a bunch, and—and Ravenclaw’s where you get to learn more, right? I want to—oh!” She managed a sheepish smile in the direction of Professor McGonagall, who at this point looked a mixture of amused and exhausted. “Sorry,” she whispered. Then, “Maybe I’m not quite smart enough for Ravenclaw,” which made her and Buffy do their best to stifle giggles before—
“Rosenberg, Willow!”
Willow threw a last smile over her shoulder at Buffy as she hurried up to sit on the stool.
The hat was dead silent for a scary long time. Buffy saw Willow’s hands trembling as they clenched around the edge of the stool, heard the soft, interested murmurs of the older students as they watched—she thought she caught the word hatstall, and worried that it might mean something bad for Willow—but finally, finally, the hat cried out, “SLYTHERIN!”
Willow’s eyes flew open; she looked like she’d been socked in the chest. Looking very small, she quietly removed the hat and hurried, forlorn, towards the Slytherin table. Buffy’s heart went out to her, and she made a mental note to check in on Willow as soon as she could—Buffy personally didn’t know which house she’d be in, but she did know she would have be very sad if she’d had her heart set on one and hadn’t made the cut.
“Summers, Buffy!”
Buffy felt her stomach jump as she stepped up to the stool, looking first at Willow (who beamed at her) and then, half-involuntarily, at the professor who had been trying to read. He gave her a soft, encouraging little grin, and—that settled her, a little, enough to listen to what the Hat had to say.
If all the children were as easy to Sort as you, I don’t think they’d need me anymore, it said, a laugh in its voice. Then, to the hall, it shouted, “GRYFFINDOR!”
The hat was taken off Buffy’s head, and she blinked at the cheering red-and-gold table. At the end of it, Cordelia Chase gave her a shy, pleased smile and cleared a seat right next to her on the bench. Buffy glanced at Willow, but—Willow just looked excited, and not too bothered by the fact that Buffy wasn’t in the same House as she was, so maybe this whole House business wouldn’t stop them from being friends.
She still didn’t feel like sitting next to someone who talked down to the only friends she’d made, so she squeezed in instead next to a boy with messy dark hair and glasses, trying to ignore Cordelia’s disappointed blush. “Hi,” she said to the boy. “I’m Buffy.”
The boy looked a little surprised. “I’m Harry,” he said.
“Do you know anything about Gryffindor?” Buffy asked, curious.
“Not really,” said Harry, smiling a little nervously. “I’m—um—”
“Oh,” said Buffy, relieved, “are you Muggle-born too?”
“Not really,” said Harry again.
“He’s Harry Potter,” said Cordelia Chase from the end of the table, sounding a mixture of skeptical and amused. “You’re telling me you don’t know who Harry Potter is?”
“I don’t,” said Buffy, feeling her face flush a dull red, and was frustrated to find that she wasn’t sure if it was from anger or humiliation.
To her surprise, Harry moved a bit closer to her on the bench. “It’s okay,” he said, grinning a little. “Up till a few months ago, I didn’t know who Harry Potter was either.”
Cordelia looked affronted. A few of the older students looked amused. Buffy, comforted, looked up to smile shyly at Harry. “Okay,” she said, “so who are you?”
“I don’t want to sound like I’m bragging,” said Harry. “Can I just say I’m Harry Potter and I’m sort of waiting to see if my friend gets into Gryffindor too?”
“Absolutely,” said Buffy, relieved. “Which one’s your friend?”
Harry pointed towards a red-headed boy at the end of the line who looked slightly green. “Him,” he said. “Ron Weasley. He was nice to me on the train.”
“He looks—” Buffy wracked her brains for an adjective that wasn’t nauseous, and settled on, “—pretty nervous. Is he okay?”
“Weasley, Ronald!”
Buffy and Harry shared a last smile, then went back to watching the Sorting.
The Gryffindor common room did indeed have a painting that talked, along with comfortable armchairs and twisting staircases that led up to a comfortable-looking dormitory. Cordelia Chase set herself up in the four-poster bed nearest to the window, ignoring the indignant huffs from the other girls, and immediately started brushing out her hair with the dramatic flair of a girl who had been raised to believe she was a princess. Buffy, rolling her eyes, settled herself on the bed as far away from Cordelia as possible, which put her right next to the girl who had attempted to do the same thing.
“Hermione Granger,” said the girl without preamble, looking shyly excited, “and did I hear you say you were Muggle-born too?”
“Oh!” Buffy beamed, shifting all the way on her bed to face Hermione. “I did! I was talking to Harry about it a little at dinner. He says he’s not really Muggle-born but I don’t know what that means—”
“He’s Harry Potter,” said Hermione, again as if this was supposed to mean something to Buffy beyond the name. Off Buffy’s look, she elaborated, “He defeated the most powerful dark wizard in the world when he was only a baby.”
“Seriously?” said Buffy, amazed.
“Sort of,” said Hermione. “Probably. He doesn’t seem to remember all that much about it.”
Buffy thought about the skinny, shy kid who had dug into his food with gusto, and tried to imagine him taking down a dark wizard—as a baby, no less. “Huh,” she said. “This school is weird,” and began to get ready for bed.
She saw Xander and Willow again in the morning. Xander was happily dressed in bright Hufflepuff colors, but Willow looked a bit more somber in her green and silver. “All the dark wizards come out of Slytherin,” she was saying in a small voice to Xander; she’d snuck over to the Hufflepuff table for breakfast. “And I just know my mom’s gonna be mad I’m not in Ravenclaw.”
“But you’re not going to be a dark wizard, right, Will?” Buffy pointed out, tempted to squeeze into the Hufflepuff table herself. She was a (mostly) rule-abiding citizen, however, so she sat down at her own table instead, turning on the bench so she could face them both.
“All the Slytherins are—”
“Well, whatever you’re going to say, that’s probably not true,” came a voice, and Willow jumped; a pretty, blonde teacher had swept over to all of them, squinting down at them thoughtfully. “I was in Slytherin seven years, and I turned out all right, I think.” She stuck out her hand to Willow. “Professor Anya Jenkins,” she said. “I teach Ancient Runes. You’re a bit young for that, but maybe I’ll be seeing you third year—now, is this your table or should you be sitting somewhere else?”
Willow took her hand, peering nervously up at Professor Jenkins. “You’re a Slytherin?”
“I was,” said Professor Jenkins. “Look, it’s seven years of your life. It’s not like people are going to ask you at every formal occasion what Hogwarts house you were in—and yes, a lot of dark wizards ended up in Slytherin, but that’s mostly because dark magic is all about ambition and power. It’s like saying that a lot of stuffy academics came out of Ravenclaw—look at Professor Giles, for instance.” Professor Jenkins gestured up towards the staff table, and to Buffy’s surprise, she saw the same professor who had been reading under the table at the Sorting. Upon noticing that he was being watched, he smiled a little awkwardly and began to uncomfortably polish his glasses.
“He’s a total dork,” said Professor Jenkins fondly. “But my point is—wanting power and being ambitious isn’t always a bad thing. It’s what you do with it that counts.” She ruffled Willow’s hair, then said, “You want me to walk you back to your table, kiddo?”
Willow looked nervously at Xander and Buffy.
“You’ll have classes with both of them, don’t worry,” Professor Jenkins encouraged. “I know for a fact you’ll be taking Potions with the Gryffindors.”
Willow’s expression softened and she smiled a nervous goodbye to her friends, letting Professor Jenkins steer her back over to the Slytherin table.
Xander watched her go with a strange, sad look on his face. Finally, he said, “I kinda always thought my parents were bad people on account of them being Slytherins. I guess—maybe it wasn’t that.”
Buffy got the sense that he’d forgotten she was there. She turned back to her breakfast.
History of Magic was with the Hufflepuffs, and Buffy had had every intention of sitting next to Xander before Faith plopped herself into the empty seat Buffy had been saving and said brightly, “Hey, Blondie, what’s up?”
“It’s Buffy,” said Buffy. “Are you going to say that word again? ‘Cause if you are, I don’t want to sit next to you.”
“What, Mudblood?” said Faith, unashamed.
A horrified hush fell over the classroom, and it took Buffy a moment to realize why: Faith had said the word Mudblood right as Professor Giles had entered the room. Quietly, he said, “Class, if you would all hold your seats. You two—” and here he gestured to Buffy and Faith, “—kindly step out into the hall with me for a moment.”
Buffy, furious and mortified, got up immediately; she hadevery intention of explaining to Professor Giles that she hadn’t done a thing wrong. Faith followed her, that same determined jut to her chin, and as soon as the classroom door was swinging shut behind them, she said to Professor Giles, flat and firm, “I’m a Mudblood, Professor. I’m not calling anyone else a Mudblood, I’m saying that I’m one.”
Buffy stared at the floor and wished she was somewhere else.
“Miss Summers,” said Professor Giles, “is there anything you have to say about this?”
“No,” said Buffy in a small voice. “Can I go back inside? I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I’m well aware of that,” said Professor Giles a bit more gently. “You’re not in any trouble, Miss Summers—I merely felt it my responsibility as an educator to talk to you both about that word. You’re both Muggle-born, yes?”
“Yeah,” said Faith, her voice sharp. Buffy felt a lump in her throat and she didn’t say anything.
“Miss Summers?”
“I want to go inside,” Buffy burst out, feeling all of five years old but being too miserable to care. “This school is too big and I still don’t know who Harry Potter is and everyone else knows more than me here, and I was going to try out for cheerleading at my middle school and I don’t ever want to hear that word Faith said again or even have to talk about it!”
“Your middle school does cheerleading?” Faith sounded slightly amused.
Something in Buffy finally snapped. Without hesitating, she shoved past Faith and ran down the hallway, not quite sure where she was going but very sure she didn’t want to go back. Going back would mean talking about what the word Mudblood meant and talking about how Buffy wasn’t smart enough for a place like this magical school (because Buffy knew who she was, and whatever she was, it wasn’t magical), and, and—
—and she had reached a dead end. Slumping to the floor of the corridor, Buffy buried her face in her hands, feeling hopelessly lost and hopelessly small.
It was about two minutes of her sitting like this before she felt someone sit down next to her. “I come from a very old, very antiquated family of purebloods,” said Professor Giles, and Buffy didn’t dare look up at him. “I grew up surrounded by crests and finery and long quizzes on family history. My family’s also linked to a council of Watchers, but that’s a whole other world and a bit too long of a story for us to talk about just now.”
“I don’t wanna talk about that word,” said Buffy, sniffling.
“I know,” said Professor Giles. “I can understand why. It is a horrible word with a history of prejudice and intolerance behind it, and you are a girl who has just now learned about this world and this word and still doesn’t quite know what to make of it. You’re not lesser, Buffy, if that’s what you’re worried about. You’re not lesser because you’re Muggle-born, and you certainly aren’t lesser because you don’t know anything about Hogwarts, or Galleons, or all the things you’ve got the rest of your life to learn about.”
Buffy raised her head from her hands. “Everyone I meet just seems to know things already,” she said. “And it sucks. And I miss my mom and my little sister.”
Professor Giles gave her a small, encouraging smile. “You have a little sister?” he prompted.
“Are you trying to distract me?”
“A bit,” said Professor Giles. “Thought it might cheer you up.”
Something occurred to Buffy, then. “You have class,” she said, horrified. “It’s the first day and you have class. Are you going to be in trouble?”
“I am a teacher first and foremost,” said Professor Giles, “and my job is to go where I am most needed. Is there anything at all that you want to know?”
Buffy sniffled again, feeling a soft, steady warmth in her chest that reminded her of being wrapped in a blanket on her mom’s cozy couch, holding hot chocolate and watching cartoons. “A lot of stuff,” she said. “Can I write up a list?”
A few of the students did whisper a bit when Buffy and Professor Giles returned to the classroom, but Professor Giles gave Buffy a lot of books to read at the end of class, and told her that her learning more about the wizarding world would count as a little bit of extra credit. So Buffy didn’t mind all that much about them casting aspersions.
Faith caught up to Buffy as she was struggling to pack the last three books into her bag. “Hey,” Faith said, her voice softer and a little more anxious. “Um, Buffy, right? Listen, I’m really sorry about that, I didn’t mean to—I didn’t realize it’d hurt your feelings so much to hear that word. I just thought it was a mean word.”
“It was,” said Buffy. “And it’s, it’s got a lot of history behind it, according to—” she hefted the large volume up and out of her back, but couldn’t quite make out the title, “—whatever this book is.”
“Yeah,” said Faith, shuffling her feet. “I didn’t mean to make you cry. You seem really nice and I don’t know anything either, so, um—” She handed Buffy a crumpled, messy piece of paper. “Can you give these questions about—uh—wizard stuff—can you give them to Professor Giles for me too?”
Buffy smiled slightly, then nodded. “Okay,” she said.
“Cool,” said Faith, and grinned at her, then threw her bag over her shoulder and sprinted to catch up with the rest of the Hufflepuffs.
Buffy watched her go, smiling a little, then fell into step with Hermione Granger. “That Faith is a bit—much, isn’t she?” said Hermione, not in a judging way, more in a half-awed, half-frightened sort of tone. As though she couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be taken out into the hall for a talking-to—which, judging from what Buffy had seen of Hermione, she probably couldn’t.
“Yeah, she is,” said Buffy. “But she’s pretty cool.”
Buffy kept Jenny Calendar’s Chocolate Frog card close to her heart when she cast her first spell. Wingardium leviosa, and her feather sailed high up to the sky—and there were bunches of people who said she had a place here, like Jenny Calendar with the work she did, like Professor Giles with his kind eyes. She took tea with him every Wednesday, now, and they talked about the wizarding world, and sometimes Willow and Xander came along.
“Almost in Ravenclaw?” he said when Willow told him about her hatstall. “Well, you must be quite a special girl to confuse the Sorting Hat so thoroughly.” Which made Willow smile, bright and wide, for three days running, and she told anyone who would listen that Professor Giles thought she was special.
Things began to pick up, slow but steady, over that first month: most significantly, Buffy learned to fly, and that was something else. Their flying lesson was a bit disrupted when an idiot Slytherin got in a lot of trouble and Harry became the youngest Seeker in a century, but Buffy forgot about all that when she finally got to be up in the air. Willow had a fear of heights that kept her clutching the broom, and Xander flew just a little wobbly, but the moment Buffy took off, she just—knew. Maybe spells and potions weren’t her forte, but this—this she could do. This felt absolutely, exactly right.
Buffy, I’m sorry, but I can’t buy you a broomstick, her mom wrote her back the next day. First years aren’t allowed to have them, according to that letter you gave me, not to mention I’m not at all comfortable with the thought of you hundreds of feet in the air. We can talk about it when you’re a little older, and maybe I’ll have changed my mind a little.
Buffy huffed, slumping back into her seat, and nearly missed the copy of the Daily Prophet that landed next to her. Looking up, she saw an excited Willow standing there with her own copy. “I just—I remembered you kept that card of Ms. Calendar,” she said, “and—look! It’s not on the front page, but, but she wrote an article about how important the perspectives of Muggle-born children can be.”
“That Calendar lady sure talks a lot about Muggles,” scoffed Cordelia.
Willow’s smile didn’t falter. “She’s using her platform to elevate the voices of the under-represented,” she shot back, “which is more than I can say for you, Cordelia.”
“Whatever, Slytherin,” Cordelia retorted. “Don’t you have some kids to bully?”
Willow flushed an ashamed red and her smile quivered.
Buffy made a face at Cordelia and scooted down the bench until there was room for Willow. “Here,” she said. “We should read this one together.”
She tacked the article up above her four-poster bed, in between her beat-up poster of Dorothy Hamill and a picture of her with her mom and Dawn. One section was highlighted—
…children born and raised outside our magical world inhabit not just our world, but their own: they are able to look at our culture, history, and knowledge from an outsider’s perspective, and oftentimes they see solutions to problems we haven’t even considered yet. Take, for instance, our owl-only methods of communications: non-magical individuals have found a way to communicate within a manner of seconds, whether it be through telephones or, as of late, emails. These children, attending Hogwarts, have created spells that enable them to make cost-free long-distance calls to their non-magical parents—something that might never cross the mind of someone raised in the wizarding world from birth.
Magic isn’t nearly half as important as what one does with it. Insight is a thousand times more valuable.
25 notes · View notes
theajaheira · 6 years
regarding honor and honesty in the workplace (35/43)
read it on ao3!
slow burn is over; expect some Quality domestic fluff :’)
from the personal files of Jenny Calendar:
It is 12:51 in the morning, and Rupert and I are once again working on a case.
“The part I don’t get,” said Jenny through a mouthful of Cheetos, swallowing when Rupert looked a bit confused by her muffled words, “the part I don’t get is why Cordelia hasn’t vanished off the face of the earth along with Wesley and Angel. Like, Lilah’s really goddamn good at covering her tracks—she was already planning to shoot me in an alley. It isn’t Wolfram and Hart’s MO to leave loose ends unless they’re planning on following up later.”
“Cordelia did something rather clever,” said Rupert, smiling slightly and placing a piece of paper down on the kitchen table. Jenny picked it up, taking a good look at it, and saw that it was a printout of an Instagram post—the picture showing Cordelia, all decked out and smiling beatifically at the camera. She was wearing the dark green dress she’d worn the night of the gala. “She returned to Instagram with a post about how she’d taken some unexpected offline time to begin preparing a—um—vlog?”
“Video blog,” said Jenny. “Or video log, depending.”
“Thank you for a very needed translation, dear,” said Rupert, squeezing Jenny’s shoulder as, leaning on his walking stick, he crossed the kitchen to reach above the sink and awkwardly take the kettle from a cabinet. “At any rate, Cordelia made her presence known online again with promises of a daily vlog, which meant that her disappearance might legitimately spark a buzz of online gossip. As our daughters noted, her online following is quite sizable.”
“God, that girl really is smart,” said Jenny, impressed.
“It was a failsafe in the event of a Wolfram and Hart emergency,” Rupert explained, his smile flickering, “but she knows it’s something of a double-edged sword. As long as she’s posting, Wolfram and Hart can keep consistent tabs on what she’s doing and the people she’s visiting.”
“Okay,” said Jenny. “I see the problem. How are we supposed to get to Cordelia and start making plans?”
“This is the part I don’t think you’ll like,” said Rupert.
“You haven’t asked me yet why Buffy was acting so oddly a few days ago,” said Rupert somewhat uncomfortably, turning on the sink to fill the kettle. “I feel as though that should be a question you should begin considering.”
Jenny blinked, and then took another look at Rupert. “No,” she said. “Rupert, you didn’t.”
“You had our daughter go and meet Cordelia?”
“In my defense—”
“There is literally nothing you can say that will make putting our daughter in actual mortal danger sound like a good choice!”
“All right, now that’s a blanket statement,” said Rupert, irritation added to the guilt in his tone. He placed the now-full kettle down on the stovetop, turning the burner on. “Might I get a sentence out, or do you have more that you would like to add?”
“Only that I don’t think it’s something Buffy should be involved in under any circumstances,” said Jenny archly.
“Have you possibly entertained the notion that I completely agree?” Rupert pointed out.
“Would Buffy have gone to meet Cordelia if you completely agreed?”
“Yes, she would have,” said Rupert shortly, “because Buffy went without my permission.”
Jenny felt her anger dissipate and she winced a little. “Oh,” she said. “I’m sorry. I just—” She waved a hand, then said, “I-I worry about you and the kids.”
Rupert’s face softened as the kettle went off. Turning off the burner, he reached for his walking stick, awkwardly crossing the kitchen to lean down and give Jenny a very soft kiss. They were both smiling a little nervously when he pulled away. “I’m well aware,” he said, “though it surprises me that you’re still willing to work this rather dangerous case with me.”
“Yeah, well,” said Jenny. “Hate to admit it, but you make a few damn good points about my not wanting to live my life with Lilah looking over my shoulder.” She reached up, tracing his jawline with a fingertip. “Not to mention that you’d probably just do this case anyway no matter how hard I try to talk you out of it.”
“Oh, absolutely,” Rupert agreed, and kissed her forehead before pulling back all the way, moving across the kitchen to begin setting up the tea.
“So tell me about what happened with Buffy.”
“Well,” said Rupert, “as you know, our daughters all have a knack for figuring us out both aptly and quickly.”
“Yeah, I’m still mad at them for not telling me outright that you’ve been in love with me since the Jurassic era,” said Jenny, mouth twitching.
“Proterozoic, actually,” said Rupert with dignity, which made Jenny bite her lip and smile at the kitchen table. “And the point that I am trying to make is that the girls quite easily figured out what I was doing. Faith wasn’t at all fond of the idea of keeping things from you, but did accept that it was my decision to make in the long run—”
“So that’s why she was mad at you,” said Jenny. “You know you can’t get the girls to keep things from me again, right?”
“Extenuating circumstances—”
“Swear to god, Rupert, I will break up with you right now if you say you’ll ever get the girls to keep things from me that might put this family in danger,” said Jenny mildly, wishing she had a mug of tea to raise to her lips in a dramatic yet powerful gesture.
Rupert smiled wryly and nodded. “Goes both ways,” he said.
“Obviously,” Jenny agreed.
“At any rate,” said Rupert, “Buffy was quite determined to help out in any way she could. She pieced together quite quickly that Cordelia would be a useful asset, left the house under the guise of getting milk, and met Cordelia at a coffee shop to ‘catch up on old times.’ She’s having lunch with Willow and Cordelia at Cordelia’s apartment in a few days, and she says they’ll be using that time to discuss possible strategies for locating Angel and his team.”
“Wait,” said Jenny. “Buffy knows about Angel?”
Rupert’s hand shook as he poured out the tea. “It was a rather emotional conversation,” he said, “but yes. She knows Angel’s back in town, and she says she’s dealing with it as best she can.”
Jenny smiled. “I’m glad she’s got some healthy coping mechanisms up her sleeve,” she said. Then, “She’s going to be in so much trouble for not telling me about seeing Cordelia.”
“I told her as much,” said Rupert. “She said getting lectured by you would be worth it if she knew she’d be able to help take down the people who got me shot.”
Jenny felt her smile flutter a bit. “Oh,” she said. “You know what? Maybe—we should talk to the girls, see if they can help.”
“Jenny,”said Rupert, reproving and a bit horrified.
“Hey,” said Jenny. “You had the good fortune of not having to be the one there while the girls watched a parent bleed out. I know for a fact that taking Wolfram and Hart down would make me feel a hell of a lot better about all the shit they put us through. I’m pretty sure Buffy’s got the same outlook, and I think she deserves to be a part of whatever justice we serve. Faith and Dawn too, as a matter of fact.”
“This is our job,” said Rupert. “Not theirs.”
“You know they’re just gonna go ahead and do it with or without us,” Jenny countered. “Just like you did when I told you I didn’t want you working this case. Why not make sure they’re helping in a way that isn’t going to end up with them getting killed?”
Rupert placed a mug of tea down in front of her, studying her with a grudging adoration. “You are intolerably, frustratingly right,” he said.
“Aww. I love you too.” Jenny took the mug, taking a long sip, then said, “Needs more sugar.”
“I am injured,” said Rupert, “and suffering, get your own bloody sugar,” and sat down next to her at the kitchen table with his own mug.
“Okay,” Jenny whispered, and kissed him.
Jenny and Rupert ended up falling asleep on the couch watching early-morning sitcoms, and woke up when the sun started shining through the curtains. Groaning, Jenny buried her face in Rupert’s pajama shirt, mumbling vaguely and wondering if she could manage a few more minutes of sleep at least.
“I’ll make breakfast,” said Rupert wearily.
“Ugh,” said Jenny, “no, you’re—you still need rest, I can make breakfast—”
“As it happens,” said Buffy, “us kids can very happily solve this problem for the both of you.”
Jenny looked up, surprised and still a little sleepy, and saw that the girls were all standing with a sizable breakfast tray, complete with slightly sloppy pancakes, two champagne glasses of orange juice, and a fruit salad. “We tried to make the pancakes heart-shaped,” said Buffy a little apologetically, “you know, to celebrate you guys being in love and stuff? But turns out Dad’s the only one who can really pull it off.”
“Do I have to start calling Giles my dad now?” Faith asked, smirking.
“I’m calling Jenny my evil stepmother,” said Dawn with satisfaction. “I always wanted an evil stepmother when I was little.”
Gently disentangling herself from Rupert, Jenny pulled herself up to cross the living room and carefully hug each of the girls, making sure not to jostle the tray in the process. She lingered on Buffy, because she knew for a fact that 1) making a lavish congratulations-breakfast wasn’t Dawn’s style, and 2) Faith tended to express her appreciation by just flat-out telling people she was happy for them. “Thanks,” she said softly. After a moment of deliberation, she added, “You know, your dad told me about your meeting with Cordelia.”
Buffy visibly steeled herself. “Yeah?”
“I definitely don’t like the idea of my kid being involved in this line of work,” said Jenny carefully, “but I also think that forbidding you from it is just going to make you more determined to do it. If you want to meet Cordelia, we’re okay with it, but we have to go over the finer points of collecting information.”
“Oh,” said Buffy, looking surprised.
“I was honestly kinda expecting you to chew me out,” said Buffy a little sheepishly. “Dad was furious.”
“Rightfully so,” said Rupert blearily, and pulled the knitted throw around himself, snuggling further into the couch.
“Well, what you did definitely wasn’t wise,” Jenny agreed, “but you’re legally an adult now, and I feel as though trying to protect you by keeping you uninformed about case work is only going to lead to you being placed in progressively more dangerous situations if this is a path you decide you want to pursue.”
“What about us?” Dawn piped up.
“Yeah, I’m pretty close to being a legal adult,” Faith added hopefully.
Jenny considered this, then glanced over at Rupert, who was now sitting up and looking at the girls with a slightly more alert expression. “Penny for your thoughts, sweetheart?” she asked.
Rupert smiled a little at the endearment. “Only that I very much agree with you inasmuch as keeping the girls up to date,” he said, “but also that Dawn isn’t yet in high school and I definitely don’t want her involved in this at the same capacity as Buffy.”
Dawn scowled.
“Hold that frown, Dawn, that doesn’t mean we’re not taking you seriously,” said Jenny patiently. “Buffy’s also been taking weekly self-defense classes for the last two years. She can hold her own better than your dad can, in my humble opinion—”
“Thanks ever so much, Jenny—”
“Shut up, I’m making a point.” Jenny skirted the coffee table to sit down next to Rupert, kissing him on the cheek and letting him lie back down with his head in her lap. The girls looked positively thrilled with this development. “Dawn, would you be okay with helping your dad compile and organize hard copies of our information? Not to mention we need someone who actually knows how to use a computer—”
“I know how to use your laptop,” said Rupert, his voice softening and slowing as Jenny idly ran a hand through his hair, “you’re so—hmm—dramatic—”
“What about me?” Faith persisted. “I’m not down for sitting still.”
Jenny considered this, then said, “You and I are going to start coming up with a game plan as to how we’re going to use the info we get from Cordelia. It’s behind-the-scenes work—”
“—but if your mother’s in charge of it, we know it’s the most important work there is,” Rupert mumbled, and smiled slightly when Jenny brushed her fingers against his cheek.
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theajaheira · 8 years
Bravery (19/?)
i feel like i’ve been writing a lot of Filler Chapters lately, but i can assure you that the story’s gonna start picking up pretty soon. 
(it’s also on ao3)
“You’re looking maudlin,” Xander commented from the sofa. “Like, more than your usual maudlin.”
“Feet off the couch,” Ms. Calendar instructed him patiently, putting her rose quartz necklace down on the mantel and walking over to sit next to Xander. “And where did you learn the word maudlin?”
“I know big words,” Xander replied in a self-satisfied sort of way.
“I used it to describe Mrs. Summers and Xander wanted to know what it meant,” Willow explained from the chair, sitting up and putting her book down to look at Ms. Calendar. One more finger had healed recently, but other than that, Ms. Calendar looked more exhausted than usual. It was heightened a little by the fact that she looked like she was trying to hide it. “I think Xander’s right.”
“Just tired,” said Ms. Calendar lightly.
“Lies,” said Xander dramatically, and wiggled his eyebrows at her. “Come on, dish.”
“Xander,” said Willow somewhat reprovingly, but she couldn’t hide a smile.
Ms. Calendar opened her mouth, shut it, seemed to contemplate her words, and finally said, “I worry about the both of you.”
“Aww.” Willow got up off the couch, sitting down next to Ms. Calendar and trying not to show how touched she was. She couldn’t remember the last time an adult said I worry about you, besides maybe Giles, and Giles apparently didn’t worry enough to stay. “We’ll stay indoors for the whole summer if you want!” she said quite seriously. “Safety issues and all that.”
“I don’t know if—” Xander began uncomfortably.
“I said indoors, not in your parents’ house,” said Willow hastily. Xander’s parents weren’t the types you wanted to be around for too long, especially if you were Xander.
“Oh.” Xander cast a sideways look at Ms. Calendar to see if she’d noticed before smiling relievedly. “Cool. Dad’s always getting on my ass when I’m inside too long.”
“I’m not planning on keeping you two under lock and key,” Ms. Calendar said carefully. “What do you guys usually do during the summer?”
Willow shrugged. “My mom’s not really that into vacations,” she said, which was true. She didn’t say that her mom wasn’t really into spending a lot of time with her anyway, at least not now that Willow wasn’t the Adorable Genius Girl. She’d lost her novelty as a teenager.
Xander looked down at his hands and didn’t say anything.
Ms. Calendar was quiet, looking at both of them with an unreadable expression. Then she said, “What would you say to driving down to LA and hitting the beach tomorrow?”
Willow stared at her.
“Don’t you have, like, twenty broken bones?” Xander said incredulously.
“That’s something of an exaggeration,” said Ms. Calendar. The corner of her mouth twitched. “And I think that after this trash fire of a year, we could all use some sun. It’s really nice down there.”
Willow stared at her, and tried to think of something to say that would convey how unbelievably wonderful that would be.
“Can you drive?” Xander added.
“By the time we leave, one hand should be good to go,” Ms. Calendar replied, “but if you guys don’t feel comfortable with that, I was thinking we ask Oz once he gets back from his vacation. Or you could drive, Xander. Do you have a license?”
“Not in the technical sense, no,” said Xander uncomfortably.
“I do,” said Willow.
Xander and Ms. Calendar both turned to look at her. “Really?” said Xander in surprise.
“I got one a while back,” Willow replied, trying to sound airy and cool. At Ms. Calendar’s raised eyebrow, she admitted, “A couple weeks ago, I just—wanted to make sure one of us could drive, you know? In the event of a Scooby getaway or something.”
No one said anything about the fact that Giles could have driven them, were he there, but Willow was pretty sure everyone was thinking about it.
Ms. Calendar smiled slightly. “Good planning, Will,” she said, and Willow felt the suppressed smile finally win out at the quietly proud look on Ms. Calendar’s face. “So is this something you’d both want to do?”
“Shouldn’t we be focusing on patrolling and stuff?” Xander pointed out without much enthusiasm.
“I’ve got, like, twenty broken bones,” said Ms. Calendar, quirking a smile at Xander, “and I’m still not sold on you two being ready to patrol, so a vacation seems like a reasonable way to spend the time before I’m at least a little better.”
“Then I’m in,” said Xander. He was grinning too, brighter than Willow had seen him smile all summer. “It’s been a while since I’ve been to a real beach. Can we have a picnic?”
“I think I have an old beach umbrella!” Willow added excitedly. “I can borrow it from my mom or something. Are we going to stay overnight?”
“I mean, LA isn’t too far a drive, so we can probably just hang out there for the day,” Xander pointed out. “Saves Ms. Calendar from having to pay for a hotel room.”
“Unless you guys want to stay overnight?” Ms. Calendar inquired.
Xander started explaining why LA hotels were expensive and therefore probably full of lots of Cordelias, and one Cordelia was enough for him, thank you very much, and Ms. Calendar had an amused little smirk on her face that Willow hadn’t actually seen since Giles had left. She settled back into the couch, not really listening, because it had been a while since anyone had seemed this excited or happy.
She almost felt a little guilty, because maybe they shouldn’t be this happy when Buffy was goodness knows where and Giles had left everyone after Ms. Calendar had broken up with him. But it was somehow reassuring to know that if it ended up being just the three of them, they’d still manage to fight crime and protect Sunnydale. Willow closed her eyes and tried to savor the moment; if anything, this year had taught her that nothing was ever really permanent, no matter how much she wanted it to be.
Or didn’t want it to be, she thought, and smiled a little. Maybe someday Buffy might come back, no matter how unchanging her absence might seem right now. Impermanence went two ways, and in Ms. Calendar’s sunny living room, it was easy to be hopeful.
It had been a very spur-of-the-moment decision, half because Jenny knew it wasn’t something Rupert would condone (and some small, petty part of her wanted him to come back and be appalled and angry, because then maybe he’d take her off whatever stupid pedestal he’d placed her on and they could be on equal footing again) and half because she hated that these good, brave kids didn’t have the loving home lives they deserved. 
Xander’s parents apparently hadn’t technically agreed to his accompanying Jenny and Willow—something about him being lazy enough during the school year and not deserving a vacation, he’d said, with a nonchalant expression and a laugh in his voice that somewhat unnerved Jenny. As much as she’d heard Rupert worry about Buffy, she couldn’t recollect him ever talking about Xander’s home life, which bothered her more than she liked.
“They won’t notice if I skip town,” he said, tossing a duffel bag into the back of Jenny’s car. “They’ll just think I’m staying with Willow or something. I did that a lot last summer.”
Jenny forced a smile and reached out to Xander. Her left hand had mostly healed, save for one last splint on her ring finger, and it was kind of nice to have enough mobility to lightly squeeze Xander’s shoulder. She wasn’t sure what to say, so she let her hand drop, but Xander’s small, awkward smile told her that she’d done the right thing. “Willow, you got your bag?” she inquired.
Willow skipped over to them, wearing an oversized pair of sunglasses. She looked happy and centered, something that made Jenny really smile. “Already packed!” she replied cheerfully, and placed her bag next to Xander’s in the trunk. “What about you?”
Jenny held up her small beach bag, throwing it somewhat unceremoniously on top of the other two. “Not a lot for me to bring,” she said. “I already put the picnic basket in.”
“Picnic basket?” said Xander eagerly.
“It’s a beach trip, Xander,” said Jenny in amusement. “Were you expecting me to not bring snacks? We’re going to be gone all day.”
“I don’t go on a lot of beach trips,” Xander explained. “And the few times I did were school, and you’re a teacher, so—”
“Fair enough,” Jenny conceded. “But I’m not your teacher during the summer, or I wouldn’t be taking you on a beach trip. We’d be holed up in the library doing punching drills if I decided to take the mentor thing as seriously as—” She hesitated. “Some people.”
Willow’s smile faded slightly.
“We going?” Xander asked, his voice awkwardly loud. Without waiting for an answer, he opened the car door, clambered into the front seat, and shut the door behind him.
“I wish Buffy was here,” Willow said, quiet and almost guilty. “Buffy loves the beach. She’d have so much fun leaving Sunnydale for a day.”
“Rupert probably hates the beach,” said Jenny, and laughed, but it came out a little shaky. “You know. All that sand and sun. He always complained about how sunny California was, and I pointed out that the town’s literally called Sunnydale.”
“Sunny town.”
They stood there in silence together, and then Willow said, “I’m glad you stayed.”
Jenny looked over at her. Willow’s eyes weren’t visible behind the sunglasses, but she had a feeling they might be a little teary. “This is going to be a happy, relaxing beach day, okay?” she said with conviction. “We’re not gonna get all morose about Giles leaving and we’re going to keep on believing that Buffy’s okay. We need a happy day this summer.”
Willow nodded. “I know,” she said. Then, a little shyly, “I love you, you know that?”
It took Jenny a moment to realize that Willow had probably been too sleepy to remember telling her she loved her, and that in Willow’s eyes, this would be the first time she heard Jenny say it back. “I love you too,” she said simply, and straightened Willow’s sunglasses, which were slipping down her nose. “Beach time?”
“Beach time,” Willow agreed decisively. “Happy, relaxing, all that fun stuff. Did you pack cookies from that deli we like?”
“I’m insulted that you even had to ask,” Jenny quipped as she and Willow headed over to the car.
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