#i adore yuta but some of his fans suck big time
epickiya722 · 4 months
Someone really was like "if it wasn't for Yuta's Domain Yuji wouldn't be able to hit them Black Flashes"...
If that's the case where in the fuck was Yuta when Yuji was hitting Black Flashes against Hanami? In Africa.
If that's the case where the fuck was Yuta when Yuji was hitting Black Flashes against Mahito in Shibuya where everyone was fucking dying? In Africa.
You're telling me someone opening up their Domain is why Yuji can hit Black Flashes? If that's the case, what about Nanami? The previous record holder (he would be so proud) of the Black Flashes? I don't recall no Domain being opened for him to hit those Black Flashes. Oh, I forgot only Yuji needs some insane reason to hit Black Flashes.
Yuta, apparently, you're some key or something. Sorry.
Yuta has not been in the fight since what chapter? Chapter 252, got teleported the hell out of there with Rika by Ui Ui. That's been eight chapters. Yet to show up as of 260!
The past few chapters since 256, Yuji has been hitting Black Flashes because now he has been awakened. Like, maybe I'm reading a different manga!
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soliverse · 4 years
genre: angst, suggestive, romance
warnings:  alcohol, a bit of cursing
1 ⭒ 2 ⭒ 3 ⭒ 4 ⭒ 5 ⭒ finale pt 1
Length: 1.6k
ps: I didn’t proofread this so forgive the typos and grammars errors. Will edit this in the future.
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A series of clicks can be heard from your cubicle. You only have a few more minutes before the deadline of the article that you’re currently working on and so you’re furiously typing like your life depended on it. Your head was buzzing and your vision was getting a bit hazy, but you pushed through and managed to hit the send button before the website closes. You didn’t even notice that you were holding your breathe until you relaxed your body and you were gasping for air.
Massaging your head, you take a few more deep breaths to calm your nerves down. You didn’t even notice that you were holding your breath just as you were typing. Once you’ve managed to rest and clear your mind for a bit, you stood up and fixed yourself up before saying goodbye to your coworkers.
While on the commute going home, you decided to check your messages. It’s mostly just business contacts or some friends asking how you’ve been doing. You missed your old pals and decided to contact them for a night out. A little gathering just to unwind. Unfortunately, most of them seems to be doing something for that evening. You just sighed and  got off on the convenience store near your apartment and just decided to chill on your own. You grabbed the first row of chips that you can find, a few bottles of soju, and frozen pizza to stuff your face with while you’re watching some really sucky horror movies.
You were already daydreaming on the walk home of how you will spend the evening when you turned the doorknob and you noticed that it wasn’t locked. When you got in, you were met with a very occupied Taeyong, who was clearly very invested in whatever it is that he was playing.
“Oh, hey.”
He paused the game as soon as he acknowledged your presence. He was wearing his favorite gray hoodie and sweatpants ensemble that he usually wears when he’s at home. His long brown hair was messy because he never bothers with what he looks like at home. It was effortless, and yet he still looks ten times better than you and the “corporate zombie” style that you’re currently rocking.
“So… No show tonight, huh?”
You asked him as you made your way inside the house. He smiles boyishly and grabbed took the grocery bad from you.
“Yep. Bossman said that we need a few days rest before we leave for next week. It’s a pretty big scene so they’re taking preparations seriously.” He explained as he made his way to the kitchen. You followed suit.
Taeyong’s band is a regular attraction at the bar a few streets over. He usually leaves just shy a few minutes after you came home to tune some equipment or change into whatever they need to wear that night. The house would be clean, Felice is full and you enjoy the peace and quiet to yourself in your room. Then, he wraps things up around midnight and he comes home to you sleeping soundly. There are even times when they would be scheduled for some place out of town and you’ll be home by yourself for at least a few days. Your schedules made it hard for the both of you to meet. You’re glad that things are going well for him and his band. However, times like this made you miss hanging out with him just like the old times.
He gently placed the heavy paper bags over the counter and took the contents out. Just beside the kitchen cabinets, you saw an unenthusiastic feline resting beside her food bowl.
“Hello baby~ How was your day?” You squealed in this excited, high-pitched voice that you always use when babying your little one. You scooped her in your arms and snuggled with her fluffy body.
“I’m fine… Thanks for asking.”
He mumbles from the other side of the room, a bit jealous of the affection that you are giving to the cat instead of him, an actual human being.
You sat Felice down on the counter and sat at one of the stools.
“Nice. Haven’t had one of these for ages.”
He said as he was taking out the soju bottles from earlier.
“Guess that means you’re joining me then?” You rested your chin on one of your hands while the other is tapping your fingernails to the counter.
“You betcha.”
You’re no lightweight when it comes to drinking, but a few months without practice made it easier for the alcohol to get to you. You’re still sober, but it made it hard for you to focus and understand the film that you’re currently watching. You even forgot about the title, just remembered that it’s about some type of man-eating monster and stuff.
“Hey Y/N, are you even watching?”
Taeyong asked from below the couch, currently munching on some chips.
“I am! In fact, I know who’s been baiting all these men.”
He chuckled at the sound of your words slurring from intoxication.
“Well, of course you would! Her name is literally in the title.”
He takes another shot of the alcohol before speaking once again.
“The movie sucks by the way. Should’ve let me pick a movie.”
This time, it was your turn to chortle.
“Eww no. You would’ve chosen some cliché romcom movie starring Julia Roberts. We’ve watched all of those already!”
“Nope. We haven’t watched Pretty Woman yet. You’ve been missing out on a masterpiece.”
“Fine. But can you at least share my chips with me?”
You tossed over the remote to him. In other occasions, you would’ve been stubborn and stuck with the movie that you’re currently watching. However, your boredom and drunkenness aided your complacency. In turn, he tossed over a few bags of chips in your direction. One of them landed on your face, which earned him a glare. However, he just grinned and turned to the tv to switch the movies.
He had always had this fascination for Julia Roberts. He told you at one of your drinking sessions that his mother absolutely adored her to the point that his sister was almost named Julia. However, they opted to a more Korean name instead. It was one of those moments when you wondered if he and the performer Lee Taeyong was the same person. His fans would be surprised to know about the softy that he is.
He exclaims excitedly as he finished setting up the movie. This time, he sat besides you so he can stretch his legs from sitting on the floor too much. You didn’t mind and scooted over to the other side to give him more space.
As it turns out, Pretty Woman isn’t the ugly duckling fairytale story that you expected it to be. It’s PG13 nature rendered you speechless all throughout the movie. Even Taeyong was quiet the whole time.
“So that’s why you like this movie…”
You said teasingly, trying to lighten the mood up. However, he just looked at your way and pressed his finger on his lips. He shushed slowly before going back to watch the film. Your eyes widened at the sight. The way he did it just looked so, hot.
You muttered some curses on your head and talked yourself to snap out of it. You just grabbed one of the remaining pizza slices and stuffed your mouth nervously while trying to divert your attention back on the film.
Well… that didn’t help at all.
The girl, Vivian, woke up by herself and started looking for the main guy. She saw him at one of the halls, playing the piano.
Taeyong gulped, knowing how this scene will go.
Meanwhile, your eyes stayed glued at the screen and watched as the scene unfolds. Unconsciously, you started imagining that the main guy was Taeyong… and… Oh god.
You were about to grab the last remaining bottle of soju to cool yourself but your hands touched Taeyong’s, as he was also thinking of the same thing.
Your eyes met. He had this look that you’re familiar with. It’s how he looked at you that night at the club. Suddenly, you see yourself being pulled by some unknown force towards him. So was his. The next thing you know, your lips met halfway. You can feel his breaths hitching which probably turned you on even more. He slithered his hands on your waist and pulled you in your closer to him, your hands now wrapped his neck. You can feel yourself heat up as he lays you down, his body now hovering over you. You find yourself getting drawn in deeper and you closed your eyes just so you can feel it more.
And then memories of him started flooded in.
This jolted you back into reality. You blacked out for a bit, not realizing that you pushed Taeyong off of you. His eyes were first met with confusion, and then he realizes what just happened.
“Shit. I’m sorry Y/N!”
You didn’t even speak a word to him probably because of a mix between shock and embarrassment. You just ran off to your room and slammed the door, leaving Taeyong alone in the couch, cursing himself out.
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satannedtrash · 6 years
a new year’s resolution | qian kun
summary: where you go out with friends to welcome in the new year, but you never expected to welcome something - or rather, someone - else.
pairing: qian kun x reader
word count: 3.3k/3365 words
genre: fluff. just fluff. pure fluff
format: dot points (still not experienced enough yet :|)
warnings: none unless mild to moderate swearing and total drunks aren’t your thing (also not edited oh dear) (and ooc kun cuz i suck at this ok)
author’s note: tHIS WAS MEANT TO BE FINISHED LAST WEEK BUT STUFF CAME UP SO IT’S HELLA LATE AAA but anyway at first i wasn’t entirely sure what member to write about, but then i remembered how sm didn’t even release a happy birthday post to kun (jan 1). so i thought that i can dedicate this to kun. happy (extremely belated) birthday to the butter-for-our-ears vocalist, angel and mum, kun! (also y/f/n means your friend’s name)
EDIT: just realised there was a whole section missing (i realised after a month because i didn’t want to read back on this - thing - until now) and without it the oneshot didn’t flow, so i added it in. hope it all clears things up!
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11:19 pm
before this story starts imma explain sum stuff
first of all: bless kun
second of all: appreciate kun
third of all: say happy birthday to kun
oh and this is an au where the nct members aren’t idols so don’t expect to see saesangs or fans with their cameras out taking a photo of every move they make being mentioned in here
aaand i’m rambling so with that out of the way lez go
laughing at a friend’s joke, you lifted your right hand which held your phone, causing the screen to turn on
“gEEz okay then”
the bright, white light emitted from it shocked your eyes, making you blink furiously
when you could finally see without being partially blinded, you quickly checked the time and placed your phone face-down next to you
“what’s the time?” y/f/n asked, chin on your shoulder
not bothered to check again, you just say “11:19” and then leaned your head on theirs
“can you believe that 2018 is ending?”
“yep. this year sucked for me so i’m down for it to end”
“always looking forward, huh?”
you shifted your gaze from the city skyline to your friend. “have to. can’t afford to stick to the past”
pouting, y/f/n was about to respond when you lifted your head and stopped leaning back on your arms to sit upright
“besides, we gotta enjoy tonight, instead of moping around.” here, you noticed your friend eyeing the beers nearby you and sighed heavily. guess i need to be chaperone for the night
well considering that the rest of your friends and their friends were wasted might as well make sure they don’t mess the docks up
as you handed the bottle to your friend, their expression brightened as they snatched it from you
well damn aren’t they excited to get drunk
wait it’s not even 11:30 yet and we’re still going to a bar nearby after the fireworks wat
“er, shouldn’t you wait till after midnight to drink?”
“nah m8 tis the best time to have some”
(i have just realised that the vibe of this went from serious storytelling to a memey laidback sorta thing damn it)
(oh well i’ll roll with it)
not knowing what to do now that there wasn’t much to talk about, you brought out your earphones and decided to listen to some music to pass the time
calming music, such as a song with nine glorious men singing and some bed squeaking in the background
(i’ll let you guess what song i’m talking about)
you let your head bop to the song as you looked out to the sea port twenty metres in front of you, watching the dark waters ripple
11:48 pm
the next time you turned on your phone to see how many minutes left you had become a third wheeler
quite the strong third wheeler might i add
a few moments after the first song you were listening to finished, your good friend yuta had joined you and y/f/n because his other friends were “too rowdy”
but as soon as he saw the bottles he said “gimme”
so you were sitting there (barbecue sauce on my-) with two just barely sober adults acting like complete children
you had to wrestle out of y/f/n’s koala hug around your waist and escape yuta’s chin noogie to grab your phone
“oh for fuck’s sake” father why have you foresaken me
when you finished preparing yourself for another possible 27 minutes of torture, you turned around to see yuta and y/f/n throwing themselves at each other, singing like magpies
“wE wIsh yOU A mErrY chrIstmAsssss aNd a hAppY nEw yeeeEeAArr!!1!” they then took the opportunity to laugh, squeal and kiss the hecc out of each other’s cheeks
you knew that your friend was absolute shit at singing, but yuta was a whole different story good lord
you thought he was good???
maybe just when he hasn’t had a few drinks
you stared at the two dolphins then promptly stood up and sat down behind them because you had to make sure they didn’t do anything more than whatever the hell this was
not like it could get any worse
you could feel the gazes of pity the others were sending you, but frankly you didn’t care
before, you couldn’t wait for the new year to come, but now you were more eager than ever
someone please save my poor soul
11:59 pm
“yEEEE BOI a minute left!”
eleven minutes have passed and the final 60 seconds of the year were being counted down
you were less excited for the new year and more excited for the end of your chaperoning being closer
all you had to do was get through the firework display, watch the adorable couple in front of you until the bar and let them do what they want (there were sure to be other friends who were willing to let them join in)
it seemed like a simple, solid plan! :D
before you knew it, yuta and y/f/n had already started counting down from 15, so might as well start now
“13, 12, 11, 10...”
you took a glance at y/f/n, who grinned back at you and threw their arm around your shoulder
“7, 6, 5, 4, 3...” here we go
“1 - happy new year!!”
it was at this moment you realised that your eardrums were incapable of tolerating the two dolphins beside you
yay to starting the new year with loud friends screaming like there’s no tomorrow amiright
you had trouble focusing on the fireworks to the point you could only hear most of the big ones
that’s how hard it was to be next to them but oh well
marvelling at the city skyline, the fireworks seeming like entirely new stars, you began having very deep thoughts
the typical ones, such as “ what will 2019 bring?”, “what will i be like by the end of the year?” and “will i be happy with someone?”
you had asked the exact same things when 2017 shifted to 2018 and found that you actually had an answer for all of them
2018 brought some crappy stuff but also some good stuff to balance that out
you were still sort of the same, because every time something major came up you only changed a bit then went back to normal
and you weren’t with anyone yet, which you had expected
but a little birdy on your shoulder said, “then get with someone in 2019! make it a new year’s resolution!”
your eyebrows furrowed at the thought, but you decided to focus on the sky for now
because since when did you ever make or follow new year’s resolutions?
12:16 am
“12:16 okay then”
turns out you didn’t consider the walk to the bar part of your chaperoning
by the time the display ended, yuta and y/f/n could walk, but not without wobbling and intense laughter
so guess who had to make sure they could at least make the trip to the bar?
“um, are you sure you don’t want to go home yet?” 
“nah, i caan’t, my sister was meaant to be at home-!”- y/f/n stumbled a bit but you caught them before they fell - “-but she’s not, and i can’t beeee home by myselfff”
no wonder
here, you were struggling to keep the both of them propped up as you walked along the road, so there was bound to be a slip up
“you should’ve seen their face! haHA-!” yuta laughed a little too hard and nearly fell over his own feet, prompting you to panic and scramble to keep him from falling to the ground
“oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit-!”
but you didn’t need to because someone else already beat you to it!
sighing in relief, you looked up to see none other than the great qian kun putting yuta’s arm around his shoulder
he looked over to you gaping at him and smiled that warm smile that looked like it was sculpted by the gods
wow he looks great in this lighting
you were always attracted to kun, ever since you two began talking after stopping a full blown war between doyoung and ten
he appeared so soft and kind to you and you two seemed to have a lot in common
so naturally you hit it off
because who doesn’t love kun? :D
“you’re welcome?” oh shit i didn’t just stare at him for that long did i
“oh - sorry - thanks for that” nice going there y/n you idiot
kun just chuckled and hefted his drunk friend as he started walking, you doing the same
it became comfortably silent as your group made their way down the street and turned left into a reasonably sized bar, which as surprisingly not that busy
you set y/f/n down on a chair that thankfully had a tall enough back to keep them up and sat down next to them, exhaling
kun patted yuta’s back and went to sit down next to you
laying your head on the counter, you thought of striking up a conversation with kun
so, instead of saying things like “happy new year”, “thanks for helping me” or even “they’re hard to deal with anyway”, you just said “woah.”
“‘woah’? what’s ‘woah’?” he responded, taking on a teasing, motherly tone
you could hear the grin in his voice
you panicked and stammered some illegible words before you could actually speak
“i meant like, woah, that was exhausting, they made things real hard and all that…”
then you thought of something brilliant
you took out your phone and googled “woah”, only to find that it wasn’t spelled w-o-a-h but instead meant to be w-h-o-a
you frowned but typed “whoa meaning” instead and showed the definition to kun
all the while still laying on the mahogany-coloured counter
to your surprise, he rolled his eyes, laughed and ruffled your hair
“that was a really bad joke but you’re lucky i have the same sense of humor” his laugh was infectious so you had to smile
then he asked, “are you okay? not too tired?”
sitting up, you put your phone back in your pocket
“nah, my arms just ache, but it’s fine.” your polite smile suddenly grew into a wide smirk. “thanks for worrying, mum”
“i’m not a mum!” his expression made you have the sudden urge to burst into endless chuckles
in the corner of your eye, you could see ten, doyoung and johnny elbowing each other, pointing at you and kun and singing “kiss the girl”
you then had the sudden urge to throw some hands
kun (obviously) overheard them and sighed
“why are they like this”
“i wish i knew”
you and kun talked some more, random topics like how uni was going for you, how his singing was, how your book was going, all that jazz
with some playful banter and the occasional jokes that made you laugh so hard your back hurt
“kun loving puns and dad jokes? a coincidence?”
“i only laugh at them to make you feel better!”
“gasp! how dare you!”
“only joking, y/n!”
while you two giggled, y/f/n suddenly turned to you and said, “i think yuta and i will be fine here…”
you stopped and looked back at them, concerned
“you sure?”
“we’ll just go sit with the boys over there-!” a hiccup. “-it’ll be fine!” then, it hit you
is this bitch trying to play matchmaker 
you grumbled “i’m not sure…” but then kun spoke up
“yeah, sure, that’s fine,” when you gave him a quizzical look, he added on, “as much as i don’t trust johnny, doyoung and ten, at least it’s not just the two of them?”
he phrased it as a question instead of a statement, his voice getting higher by each word spoken
you pondered over this
well, he’s not wrong
you exhaled in defeat, saying “fine, go ahead”
y/f/n grinned at you and gave a knowing wink before dragging yuta over to the three boys
two of whom were busy flirting to each other and the other one third wheeling
you raised your eyebrows up and down at them before turning back to kun, who was looking outside
“so,” you started, causing him to look at you, “are you sure you want yuta and y/f/n wreaking havoc with those three?” you nodded in the group’s direction
kun stayed silent for a bit, then said “yeah, i’m sure. it kinda looked like you needed a break from them.”
“true. there’s only so much you can take.” kun chuckled at that and looked outside again
it went silent, but in stark contrast to the vibe of the walk leading to the bar, it was very awkward
too awkward to handle
so you took the opportunity to debate with yourself whether or not you should study kun
damn what if he looks at me though i’m not really risking that
but how can you not look at him? and what’s there to talk about?
it’s not worth the embarrassment
you were about to take a quick glance, but then kun spoke
“besides, i want to show you something”
once again, another puzzled look
“if you don’t mind, of course”
without another thought, you said “sure.”
“really? you’re okay with it?” you smiled at kun’s eagerness
“yeah, might as well, now that we don’t have anyone to watch over.” kun grinned and stood up, making sure to push in his chair (we love a polite king)
you two were about to walk out the door when you looked at a certain group three tables away from you
johnny and ten were still flirting and yuta and y/f/n were still laughing
but this time, doyoung wasn’t a third wheeler anymore, because a man who looked younger than him was having a somewhat civilised conversation with doyoung
you elbowed kun and made him look at them and made sure doyoung, johnny and ten saw you before both mouthing, “sha la la la la la my, oh, my~”
you took a mental screenshot of their faces before you and kun cackled your way out of the bar
12:47 am
“what are you planning on showing me?”
the two of you had been walking and talking for a while now, but kun still didn’t say what he was going to show you
you were waiting patiently, expecting him to eventually tell you, but you gave in
“it’s a surprise~” he said in a sing-song voice, which slightly irritated you
“i know that it’s at the docks, because that’s where we’re heading,” you gave him a light nudge with your arm. “so might as well tell me now!”
he stubbornly shook his head. “i refuse to tell you until you see it.”
pouting, you crossed your arms and muttered under your breath, “you’re lucky you’re adorable.”
to your relief, he didn’t hear you, because he laughed at your pout and pressed on
you lightly scoffed and picked up your pace so that you could walk alongside him
“can i at least have one clue?” you begged
“uh uh.”
“pleeeaaassee?” he looked at your hopeful smile and rolled his eyes
“fine,” you yelled “yes!” a little too loud, making people stare at you. “your clue is…
“...it’s big and sparkly.” you gave him a look showing that you weren’t impressed
“wow, kun, what a descriptive and totally-not-vague clue! i am sure to get it now!”
kun grumbled, “you sound like doyoung,” before remembering something
“don’t tell me the answer until we get there!” he quickly said, receiving yet another puzzled look. “so that i can give you the benefit of the doubt to make it all the more exciting! it’ll be fun!”
you in turn muttered, “well, you sound like y/f/n, and fine. i don’t wanna ruin the surprise. you look real enthusiastic about it too” he smiled gratefully before leaving you to do your thinking
thinking about that smile :)))))
damn his smile always gets me grrrrr
you pulled your mind away from kun’s personality and tried to think of a place with the clue “big and sparkly”
two came to your mind, the big ferris wheel and the big floating silver christmas tree out on the water
they’re both big and sparkly, but you couldn’t predict which one he was going to take you to
you were hoping the ferris wheel, but you just had to wait and see
“think of any places yet?” you jolted so hard, you threw your phone up accidentally
don’t worry, you caught it
kun looked at you, his eyebrows showing worry but his eyes glinting. “you okay?”
very nice going there y/n, how many more times will you mess up??
and my face feels like it’s on fire oh good lord 
“i’m fine, just got scared,” you had to take a breather before you put your phone in your pocket - where it should’ve been in the first place, but your dumb ass decided to hold it - and gave kun a thumbs up
he gave a thumbs up back and said, “surprised you didn’t scream.”
biting back a retort, you replied. “rude.” you sunk your hands deeper into your pockets. “and as for your question, yes, i did think of a place or two”
“good, because we’re getting close now”
you turned a corner and saw both the floating tree and the ferris wheel come into view
the ferris wheel carriages were lighting up one after the other, making it look like a loading symbol (great comparison there) from afar
a pretty and romantic loading symbol
while the christmas tree was dazzling, the rainbow lights getting brighter and dimmer like a pulsing star
while you two waited for the pedestrian light to turn green, kun said to you, “when we make it to the other side, make sure to close your eyes and keep them closed until i say so”
“let me guess, to ‘make it all the more exciting’?” he grinned and nodded
you did as what he had told, closing your eyes and relying on kun to guide you the right way
“i swear to god if you push me off the pier i will drag you down with me”
“now you sound like ten, but don’t worry, i won’t,” he gently pushed you away from an upcoming obstacle. “thanks for thinking so highly of me.”
“no problem, mum” you grinned victoriously when you heard a heavy sigh
you knew you were close to the water when you smelled less alcohol and more salty sea water
“are we there yet?” you asked impatiently. you couldn’t be bothered to be patient anymore
kun said, “waaait,” and guided you a bit to the left. “there! now you can open your eyes.”
“finally, i was wondering when- holy shit.”
it wasn’t the ferris wheel that you were hoping that he’d show you, but it was something you decided was way more worth it
the floating silver christmas tree towered over you both, and it looked like it was the brightest and most colourful thing for kilometres (or miles, you choose)
coloured lines streamed down from the top to the bottom, like a very pink, purple and blue waterfall, while stage lights at the bottom smoothly changed from red to orange to yellow and more
it also reminded you of the windows screen when you used it for the first time (if that even makes sense?)
white light shone from beneath the many large stars decorating the tree, making them pop, and the wind revealed that the tree wasn’t made of smooth silver metal, but silver sequins that showed the water ripples and waves from below
the star at the top was the most intensely bright of them all, with a rainbow outline and a gold center
needless to say, it was pretty darn beautiful for a sight that would otherwise hurt your eyes
you stood there with your mouth wide open, looking like a pathetic fish, and almost missed what kun was saying
“i wasn’t sure if you would like the ferris wheel or the tree, but then i found out that the ferris wheel would be closed today, so i just chose this,” you felt his gaze shift onto you, and you tried not to get flustered. “do you like it?”
you took a moment before you spoke. “yes, i really like it a lot,” the view was that breathtaking it took away your ability to talk like a proper adult. you turned to him and gave a smile, trying to make it look as genuine as you could. “thanks for bringing me here, kun.”
he gave you an equally big grin and said, “you’re welcome. glad you like it too.” he turned back to look at the tree, and you did the same
but not without sneaking a glance at him in all his ethereal beauty
kun never failed to surprise you, whether it be showing you a very rainbow tree, being so kind and trusting or just being himself
your mind floated back to the three questions you had asked yourself earlier, “what will 2019 bring?”, “what will i be like at the end of the year?” and “will i be happy with someone?” and the new year’s resolution you made
you took another look at kun then whispered under your breath, “huh.
“guess i am on the way to completing one.”
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sujus-girl · 7 years
Disclaimer: This is just for fun, so please don’t take it too seriously. This is not an official profile or anything like that!
I actually had a lot of fun making my guide to JBJ, so I was like?? What other group do I love that doesn’t get the attention they deserve? …. PENTAGON
Are y’all ready to cringe? To sigh? To question what is going on with these children? Then, without further ado, I present to you: Pentagon: My Shitty Guide to 10 Toddlers
Group Name: Pentagon
First appeared on a show called Pentagon Maker, which was called a survival show, but SPOILER ALERT: Cube decided to do the right thing and debuted all 10 members together
If I’m going to be 100% honest, I still dk where to find the full episodes, but there are a ton of clips on youtube, and, honestly, I was satisfied with just watching those
Beware because they’re very. Very. very. Loud
The fandom name is universe and i just think that’s so cute OKAY?
Ofiicial Music Videos: Gorilla, Can You Feel It, Critical Beauty, Pretty Pretty, Run Away, Like This, Violet
Personal Favorite Non-Title Tracks: Thank You, Beautiful, You Are, Spectacular, and Lose yourself
Aight, we have ten members to go through this time, so BUCKLE UP, MY FRIENDS
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Jo Jinho
The oldest member of pentagon
Vvv smol baby. Is only 5’6”
Is scared very easily lmfao
May be smol but has A HELLA SET OF LUNGS
High note king that leaves almost everyone shook
Used to be in SM the Ballad, but left and became a trainee again under cube entertainment
I guess he gave vocal lessons to cube trainees like Yoo Seonho (someone pls KINDLY let me know if i’m wrong)
Drops a bunch of covers and spoils Universe with his voice, thx boo
Usually gets paired with hongseok for stuff?? Idk
Has a room by himself in the dorms, lucky boi
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Lee HwiTaek (Hui)
The leader of this mess
Got pretty popular after the song Never was released, then continue to leave people quaking after Energetic was released
Is an A+ Singer and Producer, we love a talented man
Is vvvv scared of everything and also has a lot of tears (we love a man in touch with his emotions)
A former JYP trainee
Got7’s JB said that one time, Got7’s Mark got into a fight with him, Hui, and B.A.P.’s Youngjae and Day6’s Brian had to translate the argument LOL
Also in a subunit called Triple H that consists of him, E’Dawn and Hyuna
Also has a room to himself
Has a fanboy named Yoo Seonho that loves him vvv much, and they even went to vietnam together
also appeared on this variety show called hyena’s on the keys and flaunted his composing SKILZ
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Yang Hongseok
A former YG trainee
Was on the show that created iKon, and it was…. Oof
He was new at the time, so it was kinda awkward and tense, but it got better
Is obsessed with working out, and has the abs of a greek god as a result
Reads books in his free time, and enjoys studying foreign languages
He moved around when he was younger, so he can speak Mandarin and English (we love an intelligent man)
Apparently the mom?? Cooks and cleans for the babies in the dorm
Shares a room with E’Dawn
Also really likes Iron Man… and Jinho
The members say he’s the worst at dancing in the group LOL
It’s okay though, cause he’s vvv talented in other aspects
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Kim HyoJung (E’Dawn)
“I have no fear” not even two seconds later *HIGH PITCH SCREAMING*
Can reach an octave i didn’t think human possible
A little weird, but that’s okay!
Is also in Triple H with Hui and Hyuna
Hongseok’s roommate
Is really good at dancing, wow
Kinda looks tired 24/7, but we’re pretty sure that’s just his face. Like you know how some people have resting bitch face? E’Dawn has resting tired face.
Sry, i just really like tattoos, lol
But yeah! E’Dawn has multiple tattoos! Since it’s like 1 in the morning and I’m kinda tired, I’m not gonna try and think of all of them, but they should all show up if you just google e’dawn tattoos lol sorry
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Go Shinwon
Has trouble keeping his clothes on apparently
Like for real, just casually pulled his pants down and took his shirt off multiple times in pentagon maker
Is scared of animals because one time because… um…. let’s just say that there was an unfortunate incident with his pet hamster when he was in like middle school... yeah
Was eliminated during Pentagon maker, but four remaining members broke into cube late at night and put up posters saying they wanted pentagon to debut as ten
Gets mad real easily
Has broad shoulders… Like real broad. Edawn and yanan fell asleep on his shoulders and they were comfortable
Shares a room with Kino
Also really likes Mcdonalds?? Like, this boy put on a burger hat and ate a mcdonalds burger.
Really hates bugs LOL
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Yeo Changgu (Yeo One)
Has a visual that a lot of foreigners seem to really like? That’s just something I noticed, I know it’s not the general consensus
Is also an actor, he appeared in a webdrama called Spark and was the main actor for a historical drama not too long ago
Shares a room with yanan
Is yanan’s biggest fan
Has a laugh that can revive wilting flowers tbh
Talks a lot too
Sucks at table tennis
He and hui put ducktape on their legs and ripped it off
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Yan An
“Annyeong chingudel”
He’s from Shanghai
Hella model vibes, amirite or amirite
He injured himself when preparing for the Ceremony album, and he had to sit out and everyone was vvv sad and vvv worried
Got better and is back, and more random than ever
Sometimes says things that are real funny, even if he doesn’t intend for it to be
“What are you talking about, this is plastic”
“You… You’re in big trouble!”
“Korean name is Yanan. Chinese name is Yanan. English Name? Yanan.”
Also once called Jinho a foreigner, even tho Jinho is Korean and they were in Korea?
May be tol and handsome, but he’s really just a big toddler
Scared of roller coasters
Roommates with yeo one who loves him v much (yeo one has the right idea, y’all)
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Adachi Yuto
A japanese prince
AN ATHLETE! Played baseball and used to do soccer
A former JYP trainee
Good friends with Yuto (U) from ONF because they both used to be JYP trainees and also NCT’s Yuta
Shares a room with Wooseok and will laugh at anything he says
Milk couple
Can’t eat spicy food for shit
Hella tall
Also appeared predebut at ISAC 2015 for futsall
A bby that is afraid of many things. Especially the dark. On pentagon maker, the crew turned off the lights and he real cutely went “pd-nim~” and i almost cried it was so cute
“What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?” “Ice cream.”
Says he can’t do aegyo, but he hella cute already, so it’s okay
Also once danced shirtless and i almost sued, you a child Boi (i say as I am younger than him)
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Kang Hyunggu (Kino)
A whole cutie
I legit that he was my age or younger cause he was just so adorable
Only 4 days younger than yuto and 4 days older than wooseok, but he a whole baby
They did a vlive for wooseok, yuto, and kino’s birthdays and when they were getting into teams, hongseok was chosen to be in kino’s team but he said it so emotionlessly that kino got all pouty LOL
A dancing king
“I was going to go easy on you, but you called me Hyunggu”
Has a lot of friends in k-pop, he vvv popular
Shares a room with shinwon
A laugh that motivates me to be a better person
Saved the entire world by eating watermelon in front of cameras BLESS
“Get it Kino Beauty”
Proceeded to destroy yanan’s face with makeup RIP
Makes funny faces that i sometimes screenshot and send to my friends at 2 in the morning
ALSOALSOALSO, he had this little dance solo in Critical Beauty and I was LIVING for it
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
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Jung Wooseok
The baby of the group
He was sleeping backstage once and yuto put a chocopie in front of his mouth and he sleepily tried to eat it and i was :((((( he was so cute
Really likes yuto, they’re usually paired together for stuff. Like dorms
Really likes anime, legend has it that if you play samurai heart at exactly 1:23 AM, wooseok will appear behind you and sing along
Imitates an opera singer and achieves an octave that i would imagine isn’t humanly possible for someone with a voice as deep as his
Has a fanboy names Lai Guanlin from wanna one, and he will not let anyone forget about his precious Wooseok
Once did an eating broadcast with super spicy food and accidentally got some in his eye and the rest of pentagon thought it was the funniest thing ever RIP
Videos to Watch: (1) (2) (3)
That was a journey! We’re almost done, though!
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Videos Of Pentagon to Watch! Weekly Idol with Victon and Momoland! (X) This crack (?) series that I live for (X) The VLive that was all sorts of mess (X) Triple H Weekly Idol (only Hui and E’Dawn) (X) This clip from Pentagon Maker that was all sorts of mess, even with only 4 members (X) Hui, Wooseok, and E’Dawn trying to cook (X) This other VLive that was all sorts of mess (X) Pentagon Heyo TV (Mafia Game Cut) (X)
AND THERE YOU HAVE IT! A VERY SHORT, SHITTY GUIDE TO PENTAGON! I hope this helps anyone wanting to get into Pentagon, or even just makes an Universe smile! Now go and bask in the glory that is Pentagon’s craziness! Bye!
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rktaeyong · 7 years
┋ chrysalis.
As soon as the casting notice is posted on the morning of the 20th, the news spreads like wildfire around the company. The whispers of “Baek Jiyoung CEO is debuting a new group!”spreads from one person to another, trainees and coaches alike, until there’s barely a soul who hasn’t heard what Sphere Entertainment plans to do before lunch break ends. Rumors abound about the concept, quickly exaggerated and easily argued over, until Park Heungsoo, one of the company’s vocal coaches, calls for attention in the middle of the bustling cafeteria. Once the room is quiet, he informs the group that all male trainees are to be called out by their trainers individually beginning after the lunch period. “Attendance for these meetings are mandatory,” he emphasizes loudly. “As they concern your future with the company, I advise you not to be late.”
True to his word, Park Heungsoo calls you to his office several hours later. Seated behind his desk, he greets you by name when you arrive and offers up a small smile. “As you might’ve already heard, our illustrious CEO intends to put together a new idol group. Luckily for you, you’ve already caught her eye as a possible member for it.” The trainer reaches for a paper on his desk which happens to be your company profile. He reads over the listed information with a critical eye before switching his attention back to you. “My question to you, Taeyong, is whether you’re interested in this opportunity and, if you are, where it is that you see yourself positioned in this group. Main singer? Or perhaps as a lead vocalist, or even as a dancer? Maybe even the leader?” Heungsoo places the paper aside, staring at you intently. “If you are interested in being in this group, know that I will immediately arrange to place you in a special training regimen to prepare you for the demands of this group. This may mean dancing lessons if you are lacking in that, or even singing lessons if I also want you to improve in that area.” Leaning back against his chair, Heungsoo nods towards the door. “Think over this proposition carefully and get back to me with an answer by the end of the week. You may go.”
for the past three months, taeyong has been thinking.
thinking about his future, his interpersonal relationships, his abilities as a dancer, as a performer – as a newfound singer. thinking about how his life has taken this wonderful and most welcomed turn from the monotony of retail life, how his life has taken to a different sort of rut – but in this rut, he feels more safe, more secure. he knows that at any moment’s notice, he could be dropped from the agency for the slightest slip-up. he knows that he could be stuck in the trainee dungeon for years on end with absolutely no hope for debut.
he knows that this is a risk. he knew since he signed his name on the dotted line.
he didn’t – rather, doesn’t – want to turn out like that. wasting his young life with empty promises, no definitive plans. he needed to know what life has in store for him, and to be only given uncertainty is mind-numbing.
that being said, he knows that he hasn’t been completely accustomed to this lifestyle. he knows that there are people within the company walls that deserve this opportunity. being a trainee for years is something that he’s not familiar with. but he knows people who fall under these circumstances – hong jonghyun has been quite honestly the face of sphere trainees. the sunbae of all sunbaes. the cream of the crop. if anyone deserves to debut, it’s him in taeyong’s opinion.
luna is another person whose talents deserve to go noticed by adoring fans all over the world – leadership, headstrong, fiercely true to herself. taeyong had respected her decision not to go onto royal survival – he knows that either her loyalty is with sphere or the people at sphere. he’s learned that they are two completely different things, especially from her.
in all honesty, taeyong thinks that every single one of his fellow sphere family trainees – all sunbaes, he adds – deserves this chance. they deserve to see the limelight.
but he didn’t – doesn’t – actually think of himself ready enough for this opportunity.
he’d been completely silent, completely obedient as he’s brought in for this special meeting. his heart drops when he hears that he basically just has to give a vocal confirmation by the end of the week for all the spoils of debuting. his mind races – why was he given this opportunity? of course, baek jiyoung sees some light in him that no one else saw. she had brought him under her wing when no one else wouldn’t, three months ago.
but that was the root of another problem – three months. three months is all his record can say for him. perhaps the idea of seniority over talent ghosted over him like a specter. he remembers hearing the words new idol group come straight from park heungsoo’s mouth. you’ve already caught her eye as a possible member.
he’s terrified.
immediately after, he remembers texting all of his friends for their opinions, for their own insight, for desperate advice – wondering whether or not they caught word of the audition to this group. he thought about jaehyun’s smile on that stage – how big and beaming it would be. how happy this would make him. he thought about ten, how much of an amazing dancer ( more so than he is, taeyong thinks ) he is and the horizons this would bring him. how much this would help with his self-confidence – to finally have him realize himself. he thought of johnny, and how, even though he’s not particularly fond of this lifestyle himself, his smile would go from ear to ear just to see all his friends out on stage. how he’s always been the silent but strong and level-headed supporter of everyone.
most of all, he thought of yuta. his opinion on yuta is unwavering – he loves him, with all his heart, and taeyong’s been the happiest he’s been in such a long time now that they’ve finally found each other again. yuta’s confidence is staggering, and his talents can shine a super bright light on every single black hole in the universe. if anyone deserves this opportunity, it’s him – it’s always been him. but taeyong realizes that sphere just isn’t in yuta’s cards – and while he’s disappointed, he’s absolutely sure that trc is his destiny. he doesn’t want to get in the way of that path – he wouldn’t let the love of his life make that mistake.
they all said the same thing – do it. do it because this is the opportunity of a lifetime. do it because you have the talents to back yourself up. do it because baek jiyoung herself saw something that deserved to be showcased.
for a while, taeyong’s unsure. he’s crossing the tight line of accepting and otherwise. experience on one hand, debuting in the other. seems like a trivial comparison, but to taeyong, it’s everything. his whole life depends on his decision now. he doesn’t know if he can wait for probably years for another opportunity, but he also doesn’t know whether or not he himself he’s ready for this.
he does some thinking. more thinking. how far he’s already come. how he has so much more to experience. how he has so many more items of business on his checklist. how much he loves everybody in his life and how much they care for him. how they see the flame within him when he himself can’t. how it all comes down to this –
“hello. i’ve done some thinking and… i... i definitely would like to be a part of this idol group, as one of the lead vocalists but mainly as a main dancer. if that’s okay. i just... want to thank you for such a wonderful opportunity. i won’t let anyone down, i promise. i plan to be as diligent and hard-working so you’ll all not regret this decision.”
he decides that it’s time for him to grow up. it’s time to suck it up, and take more risks. it’s time to for him to live instead of exist. 
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