#i already have 2 exams: one on the afternoon of the 28th and another in the morning of the 29th
minglana 1 year
its just. when i start thinking about it its already a bad sign that something terrible (me not going to the exam) is afoot. i really am just. not gonna end up going tomorrow and ill endup having to study for 4 exams in less than 2 weeks huh
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doctorsawyer 4 years
This is for @pandaroo-mcgee
Dani hadn't had much contact with anyone since Covid-19 struck The States. Family gatherings made her anxious anyways, so she was fine with staying at home with her two persnickety cats and 2 rambunctious dogs.
On a chilly Saturday night, Dani had just finished reading 'New Moon' for the 28th time.
'Geez, I REALLY need a new hobby', she thought to herself.
As she started dozing off, there was a knock at her door; nobody's knocked on her door in over a year.
"Dani! Let me in! It's pouring out here!"
The rain-drenched glass showed her that it was her old high-school friend, Natalie Harmon.
After Dani fidgeted with the locks for too long, Natalie pushed her way inside, getting out of the downpour. She still had on her scrubs from her afternoon shift at the hospital.
"Nat! You shouldn't be here! You're probably festering in Covid!"
"Don't be silly, Dani. I have antibodies AND I got the vaccine... We're fine"
After settling on the couch and talking about the abysmal weather, Dani snuggled up next to her friend, wrapping the blanket around both of them.
"Remember when we were kids, Nat? You always wanted to be a nurse. We played doctor every single weekend just so you'd have an excuse to wear your mom's old stethoscope"
Natalie perked up. "You mean this one?" She reached into her bag and pulled out an old metal stethoscope with a cross engraved on it.
"You still use it?! ... Well, I guess they don't really STOP working, do they?"
Nat shook her head, "Still good as new". She sighed and wrapped the steth around her neck "Want me to listen to your heart again, Dani?"
Dani's eyes widened and she perked up, "I've missed it, you know, playing doctor."
An expression passed over Natalie's face. She loved the control she had over patients, over friends, over Dani.
"I'll need you to undress and put on a gown, Miss Rickson."
Dani giggled, "You know I don't have anything like that here. Will a nightgown work?"
"Unfortunately not, Danielle. You'll have to undress completely."
Hearing her full name sent shivers down her spine. "As you wish, Doctor Harmon."
After her clothes were off, Natalie lead Dani into the guestroom. "Please lay down on the examination bed, Miss Rickson"
Doing as she was told, Dani watched in awe as Natalie rifled through her black bag. She found a pair of sterile latex gloves; the *SNAP* of latex on skin made Dani jump.
When Natalie turned around, she was wearing a surgical mask, her beloved stethoscope, and a fresh pair of surgical gloves.
"Danielle, you're here today because you're having problems with your menstrual cycle, is that correct?"
Dani gasped, "Um, well.. I guess? IS that why I'm here?"
"It sure is. Let's take a listen to your heart first and see what we're working with"
Natalie placed the bell of the stethoscope on Dani's bare chest. Knowing it would happen, Dani jumped at the freezing piece of metal.
"You used to warm it up for me!" Dani whined.
"Shhhh, I'm listening" Natalie began moving the bell over different areas of Dani's chest. She lifted her left breast to give a last listen to Dani's lower valves.
"Why are you tachycardic, Miss Rickson? There's no need to be nervous"
"I'm fine", Dani said in a small voice.
"Your heart sounds beautiful, otherwise. Shall we begin with your female problems?"
"Um... I think so" Dani gulped. They never had THIS kind of playdate in 6th grade.
Natalie's gloved hands slid down to Dani's waist and parted her thighs, making each moment slower than it needed to be.
"I'll need your knees out to the side as far as they can go, Miss Rickson".
After Dani had pushed her thighs and knees out as far as she could, Natalie slid her fingers down to Dani's fuzzy genitals. She inspected the girl's outer and inner labia, which seemed perfectly normal to her.
"Miss Rickson, nothing appears to be wrong on the outside of your vagina, which is very good."
Dani hid her face in the pillow as she knew what was coming next.
"I'm going to perform an internal exam to see what going on inside of you, okay?"
Dani nodded her head from the side of the pillow.
"Breath in and out, Danielle. You're going to feel some pressure."
Dani whimpered as she felt Natalie's gloved fingers inside of her; it must have been two, she concluded.
After a while of manually palpating the inner vagina, Natalie speaks in a serious voice. "This isn't good Miss. Rickson. We're going to have to run some more tests."
"Tests?! C'mon Nat!"
"My name is Dr. Harmon, and you will listen to my recommendations."
Dani looked deep into her doctor's eyes and nodded, a sign that it was okay to keep going.
"I'm going to need to dilate your vagina, Mrs. Rickson. It's going to be painful, but it's medically necessary. Do you understand?"
Another shy nod from the frightened patient.
Natalie reached into her bag and pulled out a case of metal probes, all in varying sizes. She selected one in the middle and applied a medical lubricant.
"THAT'S going inside of me?!"
"I've already told you that this is medically necessary. If you don't allow me to dilate your vagina, I'll have to dilate your cervix. Which one will it be?"
"... the first one, please"
"That's a good girl. Can you take in a deep breath for me?"
Dani did as she was told and felt the cold metallic probe push against her inner walls. She wriggled and shrieked as Natalie pushed the probe deeper into her vaginal canal.
"Ow, doctor that really hurts!"
"I told you it would be painful, Miss Rickson. Are you going to stay still for me, or will I have to restrain you for the next one?"
"I'll be still! I'll be good! I promise!"
"That's a good girl. I'm taking out the probe now, try to relax."
It surely wasn't as bad as when it went in. Dani tried to ignore the *pop* as it came free with more lubricant than it started with.
"I need you to be brave for me, Danielle. I need you to be a big girl when I put in the larger probe, okay?"
Dani's eyes watered and she squeaked a "yes" from the pillow she was hiding in.
"We're going in now, Danielle. Lot's of pressure"
It was too much. Dani yelped as soon as the probe met her entrance.
"I can't! I can't!"
"We're almost there, sweetie. Open your legs big and wide for me, okay? I'm going to push it in further, now. Try to be brave for me."
And it went in.
"That's a good girl, Dani. We're all the way in now. You're such a brave girl."
After the pep talk, Dani felt like she could do almost anything.
"This seems to be at the right diameter for your treatment, Mrs. Rickson".
Natalie pulled out a red cable from her bag and plugged it into the probe.
"Danielle, you're going to feel some electricity. Try to relax and enjoy it, okay"
"Are you sure this is part of my treatment, Dr. Harmon?", Dani cooed from her fluffy pillow.
"Of course, sweetie. This will fix all of your big girl problems. I'm going to send a current through your vagina now. The metal probe will send it down to your cervix and back up to your opening. Take a deep breath for me and squeeze your pillow, Dani."
The current felt like she had just sat on an electric fence. It was intense and warm and scary and wonderful all at the same time. Her back arched slightly at the voltage increase. She could feel herself letting go; her body getting warm and her electric vagina getting warmer.
"Nat! Natalie! I can't do it! I'm going to cum, Natalie!
"The orgasm is the final stage, Miss. Rickson."
Natalie turned up the voltage one last time to watch her best friend writhe and scream on the bed and arch her back and orgasm like she never had before.
It was beautiful.
Waiting until the perfect time, Natalie turned off the probe and skillfully took it out during one of Dani's aftershocks. She watched as her friend lay panting on her back, completely exhausted.
"I still love playing doctor, you know", Natalie said.
"me ... too..." Dani whispered between catching her breath.
"I think this doctor needs to get you a cozy blanket and some hot chocolate. What do you think, Dani?"
"I think that's the prescription I need, Doc"
The two girls cuddled all night. Natalie made sure that Dani was as comfortable as possible, so that she'd be ready for next time.
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sammyandmattsblog 5 years
End of exams
28th Nov - 5th December 2019
After an intense end of third year exam period, we decided to take a much needed break in the Kruger, while Matt's car was at the mechanic (it's a good excuse as any). I left JHB on the bus in the early morning and booked into Mercer hotel, which is opposite from the bus station and the mall. Matt only arrived from Maputo at 10pm but naturally I was already passed out by then.
When we stay at the Kruger we usual move to a new camp each day but Matt had to work and I was exhausted and just wanted to relax so we decided to stay only at Skukuza for 3 nights, so we didnt have to take the tent down and put it back up each day.
It was SO hot that first day (about 42) that the only thing I could do to cool down was take a shower in my clothes to stay cooler for longer than a minute. We dont usually stay at Skukuza, so it was nice to be able to spend lots of time at Lake Panic hide in the early mornings and late afternoons.
On the Saturday morning we woke up with the birds as it was Big Bird Day SA 2019 and Ryan convinced us to take part. We signed up for Mpumalanga as team Birdie Wordie. So the idea of BBD is teams in each province count every species they see in a 24hr period and log them on the birdlasser app. I had the THE most fun day ever in the Kruger going on a treasure hunt looking for birds. We had a good morning birding but made a few poor decisions in the afternoon and didnt see too many. Also, it was in the 40s again so the birds were mostly hiding in the cool of the trees (which is why we should've gone to find water birds). In the end our total count was 70 birds for the day and we came 31st in Mpumalanga. We were exhausted by the end of it and by the time the sun set I didnt have any energy to go hunt for owls or nightjars but I was totally happy with our score.
Luckily, Matt's mechanic kept on postponing our car pickup (we were in his car, rocking the Kruger in a baby merc, while Matt's was getting fixed). We ended up staying another 3 nights but this time moved to Bergendal restcamp. We got a spot right on the perimeter fence, which was one of the best campsites we've had in Kruger. We could watch animals from the luxury of our tent and woke up repeatedly during the night, listening to hyenas and other animals near the fence (last week there was actually a leopard IN camp right near our campsite).
We finally got relief from the 40 degree weather with a huge storm and it didn't stop raining for our last two days. With the rain came incredible animal sightings. I think we had 5 lion sightings, one with a pride of lions staring down a herd of buffalo. We also had a new record of 4 leopards and then 2 packs of wild dog. Not to mention 20 new bird species.
The Kruger never disappoints.
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