#i also can’t decide if they WANT to introduce morro
sea-jello · 2 years
morro joins the band enjoyers i can’t decide if i want wrayth/the ghost team or ronin to introduce morro to,, someone,, so opinions please help
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echos-lighthouse · 3 years
Ninjago fairy tale AU’s because I can’t sleep
Lloyd: little red riding hood
Zane: Snow White
Echo: Rapunzel
Jay: the little mermaid
Kai: beauty and the beast
Cole: Goldilocks and the three bears
Little green riding hood
This was going to be Kai but Lloyd fit better
Oh my gosh like the fandoms expectations for the green ninja
Lloyd was told by his Uncle Wu to go pick up some tea from Mystake
On his way back, he keeps running into Akita, who’s trying to warn him of danger, but Lloyd can’t understand her
The danger is Harumi is following him. Lloyd doesn’t see her
When Lloyd reaches the monastery, Harumi is there, pretending to tend the place
She says that she’ll take the tea to Wu, and Lloyd is give her the tea, when Akita comes and scares Harumi off
Akita sniffs out Wu and after she finds him, reveals herself as a human
Then they all live happily ever after (except Harumi) the end
Snow White
Zane is the son of the oh so famous Dr. Julien, the royal inventor, but the King (ice elemental from the elemental alliance) takes a liking to Zane, and adopts him when Dr. Julien dies
Now Zane is the prince woo
The King also takes a liking to the ice emperor, but that was a mistake, because he sneakily kills the king and takes the throne for himself
“Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the coldest of them all?”
It’s Zane
So IE tells Vex to go kill Zane, but Vex doesn’t actually know how to kill a nindroid so he just tells him to run into the forest
That’s where Zane meets the 7 dwarves
Hungry (Cole) Chatty (Jay) Confused (teen Wu) Flirty (Kai) Grumpy (Morro) Happy (Echo) and Sleepy (Lloyd)
Later he meets P.I.X.A.L. who immediately catches his heart
The IE finds out that Zane is still alive, and decides that since Vex didn’t help him, he was going to have to kill Zane himself
He disguises himself and goes into the forest
He gives Zane an apple that gives him a fatal virus, but Zane doesn’t realize it’s bad so he dies (wow shocker)
Then the IE falls off a cliff
The 7 dwarves hold a small funeral and invite P.I.X.A.L.
P.I.X.A.L. realizes that Zane isn’t dead dead, so she kisses him and he comes back to life
They go back to the kingdom and Zane is crowned king, and P.I.X.A.L is queen. The dwarves are advisors
Then they all live happily ever after the end
Dr. Julien didn’t want Zane to know he was building a little brother for him, because he was getting sick, and thought he was going to die soon, and he didn’t want Zane to be sad at his brother and his father not being around
So he struck up a deal with Samukai the Skeleton
Samukai would give him a private place to build Echo, and a potion to help him get better if Samukai got to keep Echo
Not having much of an option, Dr. Julien agreed, hoping that Echo and Zane would find each other on their own
Echo was built and Samukai kept him in a lighthouse
Dr. Julien tells Zane of his missing brother
Events of Snow White (seen above) ensue and now Zane is king yay
Morro is a wanted thief and while getting away, he runs into what he thinks is an abandoned lighthouse
Only to find a rusty nindroid
Echo explains he’s always wanted to see the real world but he never got to
Morro sneaks him out and they head to the kingdom to celebrate the king’s birthday
Echo realizes that he’s the king’s brother, and he a Morro go back to ask Samukai questions
Samukai does an exposition dump, and stabs Morro, before Morro simply blows him away
Morro dies but he’s a ghost so it’s okay
They return to the kingdom and Echo FINALLY meets Zane
Morro and Echo start dating
Then they all live happily ever after the end
The Little Mermaid
Jay was always fascinated with little toys he found from human shipwrecks
He would often go on and on about what he thought they were all used for
His father may have been King Cliff, but Jay was practically raised by Ed and Edna, who taught him about the human world
His mom is dead rip
He goes to the surface and finds Nya, who he immediately falls in love with
He stays hidden, but sings Nya a little song
The ship almost wrecks, but Jay saves Nya. She’s barely waking up to his song again before he swims off. She wants to know who that voice was
Jay finds a locket with Nya and her brother in it, and he wants to take it to Nya, so he tells his dad
His dad isn’t happy that Jay fell in love with a human
After another fight with his father, Jay goes off and gets lost, but is found by Nadakhan
Nadakhan says he can make Jay human, all he has to do is wish, and Jay gets 3 wishes total. After the third wish, Nadakhan gets something of Jay’s
Jay’s first wish is to be human, his second is that he won’t be able to speak because he wants to save his 3rd wish
Nadakhan grants Jay’s wishes and Jay goes to learn to become human. He gives the locket to Nya
Nya tells him about her brother’s romantic escapades (see below) but she also tells him that she has to get married soon or she might not be able to support her career in technological advancement
She has her sights (or rather ears) set on the lovely voice she heard that night, but Jay can’t tell her that that was him
They meet Nadakhan who has come to get Jay’s third wish, but Jay won’t use it
Nadakhan says that if Jay doesn’t use his third wish by sundown the next day, he was going to kill Nya
Nadakhan uses magic to sound like Jay, and Nya has to marry him (she’s under a spell)
The next day, Jay still hasn’t made his third wish by sundown and Nya starts dying
Jay wishes her to stay alive, and says even if Nadakhan takes his legs and he never gets to see Nya again, he’ll be fine, just as long as she lives
Nadakhan grants the wish, but the spell on Nya fades away and she falls in love with Jay
I don’t know what to do with Nadakhan, I think I’ll have him just take the boat and leave
Then they all live happily ever after the end
Flirty and the Beast
Kai is the biggest flirt in their village
Everyone knows he’s just a blacksmith who likes fighting, but men and women alike can’t get enough of his flirtatious exploits
Though he’s never actually known what real love is. He also wants to go out on an adventure, but the closest he’s ever gotten was books
One day, Nya wants to take her samurai x project to ninjago city, and Kai tells her to have fun
While Cryptor (literally couldn’t find a better villain please work with me) is trying to get Kai to date him, Kai receives a message from Nya that she’s in trouble
Kai runs off to try and save her and that’s when he finds out that Nya’s been taken prisoner by an anacondrai looking person
She introduces herself as Skylor, and she says she’ll let Nya go if Kai stays with her
Kai agrees and Nya goes back to their village to get help
Nya tells Cryptor about Kai, and he just laughs it off, because Nya’s a women, and all women are crazy, but he decides that if Nya is going crazy, he could hold it against Kai
But he can’t find Kai
Back at Skylor’s mansion castle, Kai gets curious and finds the staff making Skylor a snake
After she scares him, he runs into the woods and is attacked by wolves, but Skylor saves him
They star falling in love after that
Kai asks Skylor if he could visit Nya, and Skylor reluctantly lets him go for good, thinking he might like that most
Kai also tells them of Skylor, finally realizing he loves her, and Cryptor decides to get rid of her, because “if I can’t have Kai, no one can”
They fight
After stopping Cryptor (Nya was able to shut him off) Kai shucking finally kisses Skylor and she turns into a Normal human
Wanting to help Kai go on and adventure, Skylor takes him, and Nya on a trip to visit a beach (queue previous story)
then they live happily ever after the end
Noir locks
Cole never wanted to sing and dance, but he loved watching the lumberjacks
One day he followed them out to a part of the woods he was unfamiliar with
He explores a bit more and finds a house. There seems to be fresh food, he didn’t eat breakfast and was starving, so he sneaks in
There’s cake
After eating the vanilla cake instead of the chocolate or strawberry, Cole decides to take a nap. He woke up super early to catch the lumberjacks, and walking for so long made him exhausted
He finds the most luxurious bed he’s ever slept in
He’s woken up to a high pitched scream
He sees an ivory and gold colored bear and starts screaming too
Two more bears come up the stairs
After they all calm down, the bears introduced themselves as Vania, Seliel, and Kataru
Kataru says his sister is usually here as well but she was out doing something else
Cole asks what the heck is going on and why there were talking bears sleeping in beds and eating cake
Vania explains that her father cursed her and Seliel, and Kataru was just a bear formling
Cole decides to see if he can do anything about it, so Vania leads him to her fathers mine
Cole try’s to reason with Vangelis, but the king won’t have it
Vania explains that Cole needs to shave Vangelis’s beard because that’s where he stores his magic
Cole does, but Vania and Seliel are still bears
Vangelis later explains that his magic is actually from a magic skull and he just tells people that it’s in his beard because he wants to throw them off
Cole tries to steal the skull, and Vangelis catches him and turns Cole into a bear
After fighting Vangelis and ultimately getting the skull, Cole runs off
He takes the skull back to Kataru who destroys it
Vania, Cole and Seliel turn back
Not having any real magic anymore, and just being a horrible person, Vangelis is knocked off the throne and Vania takes over
Then they all live happily ever after the end
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avomorg · 4 years
can we read anything for the glass cutter AU? Its living in my brain rent free and I neeeeed more 0-0 Its so amazing <3
Unfortunately (or fortunately), this is not just a romantic story, it's just that I'm drawing one challenge right now. :) I'm sorry, there is a lot of text here.
I use this tag to mark posts related to story of my main character, Hani. The presence of the OC changes the events of the plot of the series, so I can say that this is AU. Since this is not a single plot, but a story associated with almost each of the seasons of Ninjago, AU doesn't have a single idea. But I can say that this is a story where there is another ninja in the team.
I know there are many such characters, and this AU was originally made just for fun. But maybe I can make something good out of it.
I have a detailed article describing Hani's storyline, but I haven't translated it yet, so I'll tell you the most important things.
Hani is the daughter of Wu's ally, Keyon. During the events of the pilot episode, he was killed by skeletons – so Wu said. Hani then became the new master of glass.
Hani studied at Darkley's Boarding School for Great Children, where the ninjas worked as teachers after the second season. She could not learn to control the element on her own, so the glass was attracted to her against her will and left cuts. The ninjas noticed this, but didn't going to interfere, but Zane took pity on the girl. He became involved with her despite Wu's ban (he didn't need the daughter of Keyon, because Keyon died through Wu's fault). Hani became very attached to Zane, with whom she felt safe. He taught the girl frightened by her abilities to find strength in herself. Zane was not sure if her abilities were similar to those of a ninja, but he understood that they should be used for the good of Ninjago so that Hani would not use them for evil. Therefore, he did his best to have Hani join the ninja team and be under their supervision. To do this, he had to argue with his friends and Wu.
In Rebooted, Zane managed to gain Hani's recognition as a team member. Yes, she was weaker than a ninjas, but over time she could become a good fighter – and, most importantly, her abilities would not threaten the safety of Ninjago. Unfortunately, Zane died, and the ninjas didn't want to take responsibility for the girl, so they left her in the care of Garmadon.
After the death of Zane, she was devastated, as after losing her father. But she continued to train alongside Lloyd and Garmadon. Constant training and the desire to be stronger made her character quite tough, but she could confidently fight the enemy. Garmadon didn't like her aggression and too strong will to win, he tried to make Hani more calm.
In the Tournament of Elements, these problems intensified. Clouse skillfully used Hani's aggression, making her an enemy for all other participants in the Tournament. The girl herself, due to the constant use of the element in battles, lost her common sense. Even her appearance began to change. In the end, Clouse was almost able to get her to fight by his side – but Hani was too dangerous, so Chen decided to get rid of her. She was thrown in the desert, chained to the skeleton of some monster. Hani missed the battle in the Elders' Corridors. It was only after this hard lesson that she realized the importance of Garmadon's ideas. But it was already too late.
Maybe Hani would have died in the desert... If not for Morro. He introduced himself as a poor traveler and helped her get out of the chains, while learning from Hani about what is happening in Ninjago. Later they met as opponents. Morro offered Wu to exchange Lloyd for one of the ninjas (this was an attempt to eliminate Nya; if the elements returned to the ninjas, Wu would not develop her abilities). Wu traded Lloyd for Hani. Master never wanted to take her on the team and thus got rid of her. Hani realized that Lloyd was more valuable to the team than she was, and also she hoped to get rid of Wu with Morro's help. As a result, Morro and Hani tried to manipulate each other, but they succeeded equally badly – so they only learned the secrets and weaknesses of each other, being in the same body. Both became vulnerable to each other, so they ceased to be strangers. At the end of Possession, Hani pulled Morro out of the water, creating her Elemental Dragon for the first time. Morro was unable to surrender and die when he had a living ally.
After Morro stayed with the ninjas, the course of events in the canon changed quite a lot.
In the Skybound, Hani looked for ways to bring Morro back to life. But first, Wu had to be convinced to remove the curse from the student. While trying to complete these tasks, Hani found herself trapped like the other ninjas. But Morro was used to achieving everything himself and remained at large, and in the end he helped Jay and his team.
Day of the Departed was the perfect moment to bring Morro back to life. Wu surrendered and removed the curse from him, the portal is open and can let Morro through. But his fear of being unprepared for life almost ruined everything. Morro considers Yang's fate unfair and was ready to give him a place in the world of the living. Cole practically forcibly sent Morro into the portal so that he would not interfere in the fight between the master of the earth and Yang.
In the Recording (fanseason) reveals the stories of the Morro and Hani families. The wind masters are associated with the Cloud Kingdom, which is now in danger. Only Morro, whose fate is in his own hands, can fight the lord of fate. Hani and Lloyd go in search of the Master of Writing, because only they can actively move between worlds: Lloyd is a descendant of the FSM, and Hani, like the former glass masters, is called upon to protect him and follow him. The fates of Morro and Hani, written in the scrolls of their fates, are contrary to their wishes, and they must deal with this.
You can find a little more information about Record on my Instagram, later I want to make full posts here.
During the fight with the Hands of Time, Hani was almost glad that Wu had resigned and supported Lloyd as the new leader. But gradually she began to sympathize with Wu, despite what he had done in the past. The fact that he sacrificed himself to save the students changed Hani's opinion of him. But Morro still hasn't forgiven the teacher. He believed that Wu couldn't just disappear from the life of a ninjas.
The events of the Sons of Garmadon are changed: Lloyd approaches Harumi not because of sympathy for her (since he is already in a relationship with another character, besides, sympathy for the girl is too weak a hook), but because of the desire to bring his father back to life. But to bring back the real Garmadon, not his evil appearance. The real Garmadon will be able to deal with the Sons, like the Anacondrai generals with Chen's army. Harumi, like the entire imperial family, belongs to a mysterious association that knows the secrets of resurrection from the dead. Mysticism and a blind desire to meet his father again deprives Lloyd of the ability to think sanely, and he believes Harumi. Can't a whole secret society lie? Unbeknownst to Lloyd, Harumi bribed the respected Ninjago explorers and mystics to put on this whole show. But Morro doesn't trust the imperial family, since he once participated in the war between the dynasties. He is confident that the Sons of Garmadon are ruled by the descendants of the overthrown dynasty. He doesn't believe in the resurrection of Garmadon and condemns such attachment of Lloyd to his dead father. Morro is also suspicious of Harumi's physical fitness. He is a dangerous foe, so the Sons are trying to eliminate him. Hani generally agrees with Morro, but she still really wants to see Garmadon, so she doesn't want to suspect Harumi. Morro is on a ship and enters the Realm of Oni and Dragons, Hani stays with Lloyd. Before parting, Morro manages to conclude a Yin-Yang Promise with her.
In Hunted, Morro didn't lose heart and settled in the desert - he was used to wandering and starving. Morro tried to save the wind dragon from the Hunters, but failed, was punished, and nearly died. Despite all this, the cruel world of Oni and Dragons came to his liking. As Wu grew older, he and Morro finally found a common language and came to an agreement. Hani at this time trying to continue the fight after the loss of Morro and Zane. She becomes cruel again, like in the Tournament. Due to the destruction of the city in the streets a lot of broken glass, and with so many shells Hani can easily destroy enemies. Harumi gives the order to clear the streets of glass in order to deprive the Resistance of such a dangerous and ubiquitous weapon, but getting rid of all the glass in the city is impossible. The ninjas returned in time – blinded by grief, Hani has not yet lost herself, as in the Tournament.
Morro and Hani already hope for a respite and calm, but Oni's appearance again forces them to be ready for battle. Hani has both interest and disgust for Garmadon, who was resurrected by Harumi. Morro willingly communicates with him, Garmadon cannot really offend him with his sharp remarks. Hani greatly fears for Lloyd's life as he and Garmadon descend into the Darkness. After Cole's fall, Hani tries not to lose control of herself, as she did before. Morro tries to use the wind to pull Cole out of the Darkness, but is unable to break through the cloud. In the final battle with Oni, Morro and Hani use Spinjitzu. Morro is hesitant to team up with the others in the Tornado of Creation because he is unsure of his ability to use Spinjitzu, but Hani persuades him to take the risk. After the completion of the Tornado, Morro hits hard against the wall of the monastery. This encourages him to actively learn Spinjitzu.
The Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu events have been changed, but I haven't finished the AU for this season yet. For now, I can say that the ninjas ended up in the tomb of snakes not out of boredom, but because of the deception of Clutch Powers: he competed with a young researcher for a place in the Club and wanted to use the ninjas to pass traps in the tomb. The Forbidden Spinjitzu is a special elimination weapon used by the FSM to purge Ninjago of its serious competitors. The theme of not just winning, but eliminating enemies runs through the entire season and makes it darker, because the enemy of the ninjas is now Zane. And he is not going to negotiate with them.
Hani's story in 12-13 seasons in progress.
Thanks for reading to the end!
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diana-westmoon · 4 years
For myself and @zebra-all-the-time here comes Ayra‘s storyline (Yo, this actually rhymes. Wtf?)
This turned out to be a really long post. ^^” If you read this, you‘re my hero. It‘s 11:30 p.m. xD
Before Ayra (Things that happened before Ayra):
•Ayra is a young woman who lives with her 9 siblings outside a little village.
•Their mother died two years ago, so Ayra takes care of most things, since she‘s the oldest.
•On her last birthday she got a self-made coupon from her siblings. They noticed she was exhausted, so they gifted her a holiday and she was allowed to decide where she wanted go.
•And that leads to Ayra (The book)
Ayra (Book One):
•Ayra decides to meet the ninja, since she‘s a big fan and she wants to train her powers.
•She uses her wind powers to fly and lands in a near desert, the moment she‘s exhausted. This is the moment she meets Pythor, who asks her where she‘s going to. Since Ayra is a bit naive, she decides to trust him and tells him about her plan to visit the ninja and her elemental powers.
•Pythor proposes to her to stay for the night, which she agrees on. They go to the serpentines’ base, where Ayra goes directly into the little prison, because she‘s too tired from flying to notice, that the room is a cell.
•When she awakes the next day Pythor lets her out, only to drug her right after that and put her into a serpentine costume (I wrote this 3 years ago, please don‘t judge my 13 year old me)
•He then sends her to the ninja, who think she is a serpentine. They throw her off board after interrogating her and the masks falls off, which is why they see her real face, before she gets captured by Pythor again.
•Ayra manages to escape a few nights after that and is able to go to the ninja. She explains what happened and the ninja mostly believe her, except for Kai (at first) and Nya who thinks that Ayra would steal Jay from her (who Ayra is not interested in the slightest)
•Ayra and Zane share some time together and slowly get feelings for each other, Nya and Ayra make up after Nya being a little bit mean to her and the ninja train the young woman before Ayra creates snow in summer. (Really nice scenes…)
•In the next training lesson Lloyd and the others try to show Ayra how to summon her elemental dragon, but because she thinks of the rage and the sadness she felt when her mom died, she accidentally freezes the upper deck. After that she manages to create her dragon, but is very suprised, which is why the dragon dissolves into thin air and she falls again.
•After that she awakes on the bounty and the ninja go on a mission to find out what the serpentines are planning while Ayra is training.
•The next day (or the day after that) the ninja and Ayra go to the city and play some soccer. While they’re away the serpentines kidnap Wu and send the ninja a letter in which they tell them, that they will give back Wu, if they give them Ayra.
•The teenagers hurry to save Wu and fight against the serpentine, but they’re too many of them and Ayra and Zane get captured.
•Pythor uses a machine to try and get Ayra’s powers (because omg she has two of them (even though they’re not as strong as regular elemental powers (but he doesn’t know that)))
•The ninja come and save their friends and Zane and Ayra spend some quality time together after having a good rest. During the next training Ayra accidently does airjitzu instead of spinjitzu, but is not able to do it again.
•After that the ninja work on a plan to send Pythor to prison. They break into the serpentine base and destroy the machine, before freezing Pythor and kidnapping him.
•Ayra summons her dragon and takes Pythor with her, but halfway back to the bounty, he breaks out (he brought a dagger (he knew the ninja were coming. :0)) He threathens Ayra (this is one of my favorite scenes) and then throws her off the dragon. The dragon vanishes and Zane catches her. They kiss and then Ayra gets unconcious again.
•Ayra awakes, the ninja chill and Ayra gets a letter from Morro, in which he explains that she and all her siblings are adopted and that he’s her half-brother and she decides to visit him. Wu looks like he knows something about him, but he doesn’t say anything. (I mean it‘s Wu)
And that’s when Ayra II happens:
Ayra: Foul Play (Book Two)
•Ayra goes to Morro, they share some time together and Ayra has a nightmare the first time she sleeps in the beautiful house Morro owns, that stands on a beach. (describing the plot of Ayra II is way easier, because I haven’t fully figured it out yet)
•Ayra’s love interest is introduced, who’s a friend of Morro: It’s a young woman, who’s name is Alara and the girls immediately fall in love with each other.
•Both of them go on dates and nothing big happens, but then:
•When they come back from one of their dates, on which they almost kissed (almost), they see that the house is on fire.
•Morro dies right in front of Ayra’s eyes and Ayra griefes for a week, before Alara visits her again and tells her about a scroll, she heard about, where a ritual was written on to bring dead people back.
•Ayra remembers the scroll, which her mom owned and goes back to her home village. She takes the scroll and goes back to the house to perform the ritual, but a new villain makes their appearance: Maida, an older woman between 50 and 60.
•Maida threathens to kill Alara with a dagger (like Pythor threathening Ayra before) if Ayra doesn’t perform the ritual, but not to bring back Morro, but Ayra’s and Morro’s mother, since Maida isn’t related to her and can’t perform the ritual to bring her back. (It’s also explained that Ayra was frozen for over 20 years (because of timeline stuff))
•Maida is revealed to be the elemental master of illusion. Evertything written in italic actually didn’t happen. It was all an illusion.
•The moment Ayra tries to perform the ritual and Maida’s soul is eaten by a beautiful souleater (idk if you call her that in english. x3), who’s also @speren0x ’s wonderful oc Kuraiko. The whole illusion breaks and Alara vanishes into thin air. Not even she was real.
•Ayra is traumatized to the bone and pleads Kuraiko to stay, but she leaves and Ayra is left alone and scared.
•She returns home and rests, before the siblings decide to go on a big adventure to find their true potential.
The end (of book two)
Omg… This took so long, but I think it was worth it. x3 I actually need to go to bed now, so idk if there are any mistakes. If you have any questions please feel free to ask me. ^^
Have a nice day/night! I‘m going to bed. x3
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Ninjago/Avatar au Pt6
The second half of Book 2 (hopefully)
(Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5)
So Garm finally reads the letter from Wu. It starts off as a normal pseudo-journal entry, but after it mentions finding the Garms old armor, but no body, it turns into more of a normal letter. Wu says that he’s missed his brother since he was banished, and that he hopes that they’ll be able to see eachother again soon if Garm is alive, and ends with Wu saying that he normally burns the letters he writes to Garm, so that no-one else finds them, but that he feels hopeful that this one could actually get to him. It’s touching stuff.
Lloyd picks up earthbending almost immediately, unlike Aang. The element Lloyd is going to struggle to learn is fire (if you don’t count his airbending being self-taught. He picked up airbending really, really fast, but bc he’s been making stuff up and trying to do what Maya did with her waterbending [Maya’s had decades to hone her style tho, not just three-ish years, but he’s like someone learning ballet only from YouTube, for only a couple of months] since there are no more airbenders [or so they think, bc none of them saw Morro airbend at the North Pole]), and I’ll get into why that is when it comes up. They haven’t had Garm start to teach Lloyd any firebending bc they’re trying to go in the order as much as they can, but Garm has finally convinced Kai to learn more than just the basics, and he picks it up really quickly.
Meanwhile, Morro is taking care of an injured Wu (and accidentally making him suffer through poorly-made tea). Now, Morro is onboard with Wu wanting to leave the Fire Nation behind; unlike Zuko, Morro isn’t trying to win back the favor of some distant parent, the only family he’s ever known is Wu, and he’s not about to abandon Wu for a bunch of people who would probably kill him as soon as they could no matter what he did for them, and Harumi made it clear that no-one in the Fire Nation is going to be extending them any mercy.
Once Wu wakes up, Morro does yell at him for doing something as stupid as taking a hit from a well-trained firebender to protect a stranger (Wu hadn’t gotten around to telling Morro ‘hey, you know that guy with the big burn scar who’s traveling with the Avatar? That’s my dead-but-not-really-dead older brother. Pls stop trying to stab him’, and Morro wasn’t there when Garm revealed his identity in the North Pole), until Wu tells him that Garm is his brother. This leads to Morro yelling out ‘You mean to tell me that the Avatar is my cousin?!?!’ And that how Wu learns that Lloyd is Garms son (’wait, what?’ ‘Have you really gone this long without noticing that the Avatar calls your brother his dad?’ ‘I’ve had a lot on my mind, give me a break!’), and now he thinks that Garm and Maya are married with three kids, one of whom is the Avatar.
They make their way to Ba Sing Se, with the help of the White Lotus. Wu isn’t the leader of them (he isn’t super old in this au, imagine what he looked like in S9, with the mustache), but he is a fairly respected member. I still haven’t come up with a Jet character who would work, and I am open to suggestions. If I do find a good character, they will definitely throw hands with Morro (mb Shade? Just cut out the romance subplot in S1 and pick a couple of EM’s to be the other freedom fighters?). And yes, Wu does get his tea shop in the upper ring (Steep Wisdom), and Morro tries to be happy and supportive, but even though he is fine leaving the Fire Nation with Wu, it does still feel like he wasted years of his life, both in chasing the Avatar and just trying to prove himself to everyone back in the Palace, so he’s pretty grumpy.
Now back to Team Avatar: at Maya and Garms insistence the kids have been picking out their little mini-vacations. They know that they only have a limited amount of time before the comet arrives, but Garm and Maya want these kids to be able to be, y’know, kids, at least a little bit, in spite of the fact that they’re growing up in a war-torn world. Kai want’s to check out that glacier-spring place by the desert, it’s kinda underwhelming, but they get fruity drinks out of it. This whole time Kai and Cole have been getting closer to each other. Kai feels a little guilty, like he’s betraying Zane’s memory, but talking to Maya and Garm about it does help him start to feel better, and it helps his over-protectiveness start to abate a little.
Jay wants to pick a really cool mini-vacation to impress Nya, and he asks the people who are in the glacier place if there’s any place around those parts, and ends up learning that about a year ago some lady showed up saying something about a huge spirit library in the desert that she was looking for. They never saw her again after that, and figure that she must have died out in the desert. When pressed (and payed) one of the artistically inclined staff members roughly recreated the sketch of the library, and vaguely remembered the area on the map she said she was going to search, and with that Jay has his mini-vacation picked out.
They set off and find the library. Cole chooses to stay outside with Ultra (who can’t fit inside) bc he thinks they’ll be safer if the only earthbender stays outside incase something goes wrong, and if they need to get out of there fast he’d only slow them down with his legs. Everybody else heads into the library and meet Wan Chi Tong (did I spell that right? I’m too lazy to check), who agrees to let them use the library if they 1) don’t intend to use the contents of the library against anyone else and 2) contribute something to his library.
Lloyd and Nya both use their wanted posters (they both thought they were awesome [Lloyd bc he’s 13 and Nya bc you can’t convince me that Nya wouldn’t be thrilled to have a wanted poster bc she’s been fucking with a tyrannical regime] and incredibly accurate considering the art had to have been done by someone using other people’s descriptions, and they totally intend on framing and hanging at least a few of their posters up in their rooms when all this is over), Kai has a copy of a poem that Zane wrote for him, Garm has his brothers letter (he doesn’t want to give it up, but he has nothing else), Jay has a blueprint from one of his inventions, and Maya has a copy of a story in a series that Koko had brought back to the South Pole over the years. Wan Chi Tong comments that about a year ago a researcher had arrived and had offered him another part of the the same series. He mentions that they should be careful, as she never left, and has been primarily researching the Avatar.
Everyone has an idea of who this mysterious researcher could be (except Jay), but they decide to be cautious all the same, just incase she isn’t who they think she is. They all start discreetly searching for anything that could be used to help them fight the Fire Nation, and they end up finding and empty placard saying something about ‘the Darkest Day in Fire Nation History’, but when they go to check part of the section on Fire Nation (that library was enormous, y’all cannot tell me that Zhao was able to destroy absolutely everything that the library had on the Fire Nation. It could only have been the last few decades/mb centuries of Fire Nation history), as well as a campsite that was full of scrolls having to do with the Avatar and different bending techniques (and a few misc scrolls about random things like cooking, engineering, etc). As they’re poking around the campsite, who else comes around the corner but Koko!
She has her nose buried in a scroll as she’s walking, so she doesn’t notice them all until Lloyd happily calls out ‘Mom!’, and goes in for a hug. Koko drops the scroll and has a happy reunion with her son and husband, as well as with Maya, Kai, and Nya, and she and Jay are introduced to each other. Koko explains that she’s been able to stay in the library so long was bc she managed to get the fox assistants to like her enough to start bringing her food and water. She also explains that she’s been doing nonstop research into the Avatar State, the Air Nomads and airbending, and the Fire Nation (though she’s really quiet about that part so they don’t catch Wan Chi Tongs attention and ire) and shows them that planetarium thing and that she discovered the eclipse. (How did she make it out to the library without a flying companion or something? SHe’s just that much of a badass.)
Koko had been saving up supplies and charting a course out of the desert, and planning to leave the library as soon as she could, but now that they’ve showed up with Ultra she can just grab her things and go. Someone, probably Jay, gets a little too vocal about how they have a chance to beat the Fire Nation, and cue Wan Chi Tong sinking the library and trying to add them to his ‘collection of specimen’. Garm and Koko are a dynamic duo, with Garm distraction the angry spirit while Koko gathers all of her scrolls and supplies together while Maya gets the kids to the exit.
Meanwhile, Cole is holding up the library, and trying to help Ultra fend off the sandbenders that showed up to capture and sell the dragon. Cole is able to put up a bit more of a fight than Toph was (meaning that he was able to get one or two good hits in) bc being in the desert doesn’t impair his vision (the sand does tank his mobility just as much as it would anyone with prosthetic legs tho), but he isn’t able to stop them or even hold them off long enough for everyone else to get out. Cole, despite being initially afraid of the large dragon, had quickly grown to be one of Ultras favorite people in their group (like, third favorite. Kai will never admit that he’s jealous), and is pretty upset that he wasn’t able to save him. More on Ultra later.
So Lloyd is really upset about losing his companion, just as much as Aang was. He doesn’t act out (for lack of a better word) as intensely as Aang, since Ultra wasn’t the last thing he had left of his people like Appa was for Aang, but Lloyd is still rightfully pissed off. He takes off shakily on his glider, leaving everyone behind before trying to search for Ultra and the sandbenders, ignoring his families protests. Koko starts working on getting them out of the desert using the route she had plotted out (using the sun and shadows to orient them and get started in the right direction), and starts planing out how long her food and water (she had the good sense to bring those from the library) will last between all of them. The answer is: not long enough.
Kai (and mb Jay too) is the one who has the bright idea to drink the cactus juice, bc while Kai, like Sokka, (and Jay tbh) is smart enough to know that drinking a strange liquid out of an unfamiliar plant is a bad idea,but the fact that it is a stupid idea doesn’t stop him. Wait, y’know what? Jay definitely tries the cactus juice, but instead of acting as out-of-it and inebriated as Kai does, he acts like he does in S9, weirdly chill and disconnected from reality. He’s still tripping balls, but he’s reacting to it differently from Kai. Cole just ends up carrying Kai piggy-back, even though the sand makes it harder for him to move (he’s crushing, and he’s the only one [adults included] whose physically strong enough to carry him for long periods of time) (also Kai awkwardly and drunkenly flirts with him. Everyone pretends not to notice for Coles sake) and everyone else takes turns holding onto Jays wrist and leading him through the desert or else he would have wandered off and died.
Lloyd gets back to them, landing hard in the sand, holding back tears bc even though he’s upset and could use a good cry he knows that they need to conserve as much water as they can. He’s got his family there to comfort him (even if Kai and Jay are kinda incapacitated atm), which does help him a bit, but he’s still rightfully upset. They find the abandoned sandbender skipper thing, find the vulturewasp hive, and come across the sandbenders. Cole is able to pinpoint the sandbender (no idea who this guy would be, Ninjago character wise) who lead the others to take Ultra via his voice bc Cole a) was trained in a myriad of performing arts thanks to his father, primarily singing b) has perfect pitch and c) never forgets a voice bc of that.
Lloyd goes full Avatar State, but is comforted and calmed down by his parents while everyone else books it. The sandbenders tell them that they sold Ultra to some guys who were going to take him to Ba Sing Se, and then they take them out of the desert (with the sandbenders getting the Death Glare from all of Team Avatar the whole way. Koko totally punches the sandbender who lead the others to steal Ultra once they’re out of the desert.)
They make their way to Ba Sing Se on foot, with Lloyd trying to get a handle on his emotions (and worrying everyone in the process), and they run into a family with an expecting mother/wife (I am also taking suggestions for who these characters could be. I’m pretty tired while typing this so I can’t think of anyone) and try and get on a ferry to Ba Sing Se. Cole, whose father is well known and wealthy, uses that fact, his double amputee status (he ‘accidentally’ slips out of one of his prosthetics. Kai catches him before he hits the ground), and his acting skills to get them tickets without passports.
And we get best girl Pixal back! She helps Team Avatar help the pregnant family go through the Serpents Pass, and it goes pretty similar to cannon, except instead of a situation where Sokka is overprotective of Suki, Jay picks up on how much Pixal likes Nya, and sees that Nya, his crush, reciprocates those feelings, and gets a bit passive-aggressive w/everyone, but Pixal especially. It doesn’t last long, bc Jay is a hormonal teenager who realizes he’s being a dick fairly quickly, but it does help fizzle his crush on Nya a bit (sorry again to any hardcore Jaya shippers who were hoping for that in this au, but it’s really not my cup of tea).
They also help deliver the couples baby, but Maya and Koko are the ones helping take care of that. Team Avatar get to the outer wall, just to see a huge Fire Nation drill heading closer and closer to the wall, ready to start tearing through it...
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skalesjr · 4 years
My (Dumbass) Monster Au!!
Heads Up before I begin: Most of the monster Designs Are NOT plain Monsters (E.g Mermaids, Griffins, Shapeshifters) But my own design :) 
Okay, So Its Set in like a Modern, More Real-life Setting, And Takes Place Two Years After (Sensei) Garmadon Goes Missing, And Misako Has Abandoned Lloyd with his Uncle. (Also, Morro is alive in this Au and Is Adopted by Wu) So They are Moving to a More City part of Ninjago, (But not Ninjago city!) To set up a teashop! (And live there ofc) But while Exploring an Old house, They Fall through the Floor and into this Cavern, there are Crystals Everywhere. Also, Strange Writing. Morro Sees this Big Green Crystal and Touches it. (But seriously why would you do that) Lloyd Is like, ‘Dude its floating it’s probably cursed. But we are going down together you piece of poo’
And so then!! Bright Light!! And they wake up outside the house, 10 minuets later, They Go back home, Yada. But When they wake up in the morning that’s when the weird stuff starts. Morro has Some sort of Hot food for Breakfast and when he blows on it to cool it down It blows to the Other side of the table?? He’s so confused. And Lloyd While eating SWEARS he saw someone in a coat with a Fish tail. After Breakfast They Go to the Supermarket and See the person again, and they are wearing earmuffs, But it’s Not cold enough for earmuffs. They Buy what they where Going to get and Decide to follow the Person.
The Person Quickly realises that someone is following them. The person Leads them Down an Alley and Uses Magic to dump Water on them. This had the opposite effect. Now the Two really want to know who this person is. They Follow Behind still, Until the person arrives at a Cave. The Person Confronts Lloyd and Morro, When Suddenly a Monster Grabs Lloyd! Morro Tries to Calm the Situation down but fails terribly and Is Kicked to the ground by the monster.
Morro Panics, And The wind Picks Up. The Monster and the Person are Kicked Down, But Lloyd is freed from the Monster’s Grasp. When the Person and The Monster Are Able to get up again, They Ask if they Touch the Crystal. The Boys Reply That they did. The Person and The Monster Light up and Apologise for attacking them. They Introduce themselves as Kai and Nya Smith, Siblings. (But y’all knew that) They Also Explain that many Hunters Come to the Town to Hunt monsters Because of how many Sightings of unnatural Creatures there are.
And that’s Basically the Intro! More Info and Refs under the Cut :)
 Okay! Here’s some more Lore about the cavern and Stuff!
Blue Crystals Give off an aura that Makes Beings into Monsters, and Green Crystals Stop this by giving elemental magic. Red Crystals and yellow Crystals Are a secret Currently ;)
The Longer You stay in the cavern, The More Monstrous you get. Morro and Lloyd Stayed in the Cavern for less than three Minutes So they didn’t really gain any of the effects of the Crystals.
There’s Five Stages. Stage 1 – Nothing really (Under 3 minutes), Stage 2 – Get Spikes/Horns/Tails Stuff like that. (4-8 minutes), Stage 3 – You Look like what you would in Stage Four but More Human. (9-15 Minutes) Stage 4 – You Lose Your Entire Human Shape And look like a Beast. (16 – 20 Minutes) Stage 5 – You lose Anything else that would Make you human. (21+ minutes) Also the Cavern Kills Anyone Not worthy / Can’t Collect an elemental Power
Kai Stayed in the Cavern for much longer. (He Touched the Green Crystal During Stage 3) Nya Touched the Crystal During Stage 2.
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Lloyd and Morro! Are Really close even after Lloyd’s father went missing and Misako Left him in Wu’s care. Morro is Adopted, But He’s fine with that.
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Kai Is just a plain old fire monster, (Cause You know, He’s got fire)
Same Hot-headed Personality, Just Slightly More Cautious. He Hardly goes into Town. Those Holes In his body? He Spray fire from them like a dragon! He can also have Fire from his Palms :)
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Nya Has Those Fish Gill Ear things and a Tail (Kinda Like a Vaporeon) She’s also a Shapeshifter, But Cant Switch out her tail.
Same Personality, But Slightly More Energetic and Stuff, She’s the one to get food and Stuff. She Loves fishing, and Just swimming, she just loves the water (Probably Influenced by her Element)
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Zane He’s a stage two because he a nindroid, it doesn’t affect him as much. He Gains Ice Spikes on his body and is always cold to the touch. He’s still his same old self :)
Pixal, She’s a baby! She Lives with Borg and Zane (Who lives in the Tower with them) She Loves Going out with Zane to do Little things like buying Groceries And Lighters because they used up the last 20 to get ice off Zane’s face even though it’s the middle of winter… She’s also slightly more excitable!
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Jay, Is a Stage Two and he has Very bad Anxiety. He still lives with his parents, But under all that Anxiety he’s still his same old self!
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Cole, He’s A stage 2! He’s Very Cautious and Lives alone. He’s still pretty chill, but only if you’ve Known him for a while.
And that’s What I got so far! I Hope you like My First Ninjago Au!
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vedj-f-bekuesu · 4 years
Got yet another early finish today, so because it’s just a special I decided to squeeze in a viewing of Day of the Departed, exactly six months ahead of the holiday it’s a special for. Ah well. 
So, it was fine. There is one very big issue, but there is a bit of context for why unlike a lot of issues in the show so far; with the Ninjago Movie coming up, apparently this and season 7 were thrown into utter chaos and you can tell. I’ll get into in the notes.
-MVP of the special is pretty obvious. Cole gets the focus here and he does not squander the opportunity. Not only does he get to be on his top form in terms of more comedic personality, he gets pathos to his ghost form (finally) and a good show of his empathetic side. Plus he gets a new power to play with, one that makes a very good toy gimmick (and will be keen to the writers too considering how often it comes up).  -The other ninja don’t so much get that sort of treatment, just little opportunities to show off a bit of themselves at that point. Lloyd and Jay have the best of this, having opportunities to reflect on their arcs in Tournament of Elements/Possession and Skybound respectively with the theme of death and appreciating those still living, Zane’s is kind of weak but gets the basics in, and Kai and Nya were basically just setting up for season 7.  -The villains are fun, if obviously just there for fanservice. I think I’ve heard that one of people’s big hang-ups with the special is how it didn’t treat them seriously and...to be honest, the selection it had were not villains I took seriously in the first place. Samukai, Kozu and Cryptor were from seasons (or pilot) that didn’t take themselves that seriously outside of, like, the Overlord, Chen is the one post-S3 villain that was supposed to be silly and fun up to this point, Morro was actually treated seriously and kept his development from the end of Possession, and Pythor’s just a bitch. What limits them is that they don’t get to do more because there’s so much being thrown around.  -Yang’s alright, a step down from the last two villains. I mean, he spends a lot of it just being the stereotypical villain looking to just stop the ninja, but at least it tries to throw him a bone at the end (and makes more sense of his motives considering his previous status). The conversion to good is pretty breakneck though.  -The side characters get some nice moments, specifically Misako twisting Pythor’s words in Lloyd’s favour, Ed and Edna just being super supportive and Dareth showing surprising competence in the wake of Kozu’s attack (despite his sleazy comment at the start). Also Lou is back! He got kinda shortchanged when he wanted to start efforts to rebuild the city first in S2 only for S3 to basically force in Cyrus rebuilding due to the whole technology slant. I like the little moment he got at the start, but I wish it showed more closure with the family thing. I mean, when you think about it Lou’s had his whole world shaken since S1, he would want to have some family time for once. I swear, the one thing that will get me to riot about S13 is if Lou doesn’t get anything, give the man a break! And finally, Dr Saunders is a bit of a scene stealer despite just being there to set up...this plot. Boogily boogily. -Time to address the elephant in the room though; the pacing of the special is so fast. If the thing about this being a season first then shortened down to a special is true, you can definitely tell because it tries to include all those potential threads, and a Cole focus, and S7 foreshadowing all in one go. They wisely make the Cole material the strongest and the least rushed stuff (although as I said with Yang, it’s not completely immune), but it doesn’t take a breather, ever. I can see why this could be overwhelming.  -Also the fighting choreography here is a bit naff. Again, probably because it’s rushed. -But hey, the tone feels like S1-S2 light-hearted again, and I’ve missed that. It’s a breather between the heavier stuff of the seasons gone...and the seasons coming up.
Overall, I can see why people regard this as one the worst Ninjago things, but I can’t say I find it any worse than something like Rebooted. it’s a shame things panned out the way they did, because with more time this could have been an absolute riot. At least the insight into the more grounded side of Ninjago culture is given the spotlight (pardon the pun), and Cole gets a pretty nice sendoff to his ghost state.
With the special out of the way, it’s back onto regular seasons when the next Ninjago viewing will be Hands of Time. I sure hope we get more of Dr Saunders now that we’ve introduced him, it sure would be a waste to have the eccentric museum owner only around for one special.
...Oh who am I kidding, I’m on Faky’s LCA server, nobody would believe I don’t know how that turns out with the prevalence of his candy-crushing, Lance Richmond-voiced relative on there.
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afandomroom · 4 years
Partners in Crime: Morro's Story
Notes- This is part 2!
Warnings - none apply ((?))
Morro would never regret his decision to visit Mei and her brothers…Or Sage, as he’d come to find out her real name was. 
He’d been anxious and wary at first. Outside of her small show of kindness, protection, and acceptance, Sage hadn’t given much to prove herself as trustworthy the day they’d met. Everything was screaming at him that this was a trap, something put together to finally take him down. But it hadn’t been. Sage and her brothers had been welcoming to him, though Asher had been wary. Morro eventually learned that it was more because Sage was a trusting person whom Asher was protective of, and not because of Morro himself. After a week of unease, Morro eventually started letting his guard down, as he saw that they really wanted to help and accept him. He and Sage would share tea, discussing different parts of their lives and hobbies they enjoyed. He and Asher had, admittedly, gotten into trouble a few times. He found himself messing around when he was with the pale haired man. And then there was Marion. He was a very sweet and innocent kid, but seemed jumpy, ready for things to go wrong at any moment. He didn’t seem to want to get to close to Morro, and occasionally wouldn’t get close to his siblings. But Morro could tell this wasn’t a trust issue…or at least, it wasn’t due to distrusting Morro, Sage, and Asher. Marion didn’t seem to trust himself, and that made the poor kid wary. It wasn’t until Morro had spent a month with the makeshift family that he found out why. Marion had been suffering from a headache that day, something about a ringing in his ears. Morro had offered to make the kid some tea, since Sage had left to get some pain killers while Asher was still sleeping. He’d placed a gentle hand on Marion, in hopes of comforting him. That’s when an overwhelming sense of fear hit the dark haired man, and he’ stumbled away in a panic. Marion had looked down at Morro in his own panicking state, before hiding his face in his hands and mumbling several “sorry”s. The kid looked like he was on the verge of a breakdown. Once the fear wore off, something clicked in Morro’s head, as he slowly stood up and took a seat next to Marion. “You’re an elemental master?” Marion swallowed, nodding his head without turning to look at Morro. Morro gave a sympathetic look; he knew how it felt to be a kid who couldn’t control his powers. “Hey, you wanna see something cool?” He kept his voice soft; not wanting to put Marion is a worse state.  The red haired boy looked over at Morro, curiosity replacing the panic. Morro smiled kindly, getting up to take a handful of wilted flower petals that surrounded a vase. He placed them in front of Marion, which earned a confused head tilt. “Watch this” Closing his eyes, the dark haired man took a deep breath. He folded his hands by his chest, as a gentle breeze picked up. The gusts created a small whirlwind around the petals, lifting them into the air. Marion watched in wonder and amazement, a quiet “wow” escaping. Eventually, the breeze died down, and the petals floated back to the table. Morro opened his eyes, smiling at Marion’s awed expression. “That was awesome!” The kid’s mood had shifted greatly, it seemed. Mission Success. Morro sat down next to the young elemental master once more, taking a breath. He hadn’t even finished his own training, let alone gone through any training to become a teacher. But Marion needed someone, and if destiny had decided that Morro was that someone…..guess he was listening to destiny after all. “I could teach you...I’m not…fully trained myself...but I can help you, teach you to control your element” Marion blinked, as if he didn’t believe what Morro had said. “Really?” “Of course,” the dark eyed man smiled, ruffling the kid’s hair, “I can also give you a couple ninja lessons, if you’d like” A bright smile appeared on Marion’s face, as he nodded his head, in excitement, “Yes! Please, yes, yes yes!” Morro chuckled, “Alright, we’ll have to talk to your siblings of course. But I can’t wait to help” And that was the truth. He wasn’t sure why, but a sudden sense of pride, happiness, and even protectiveness had swelled up when Marion had agreed. No matter how difficult it got, Morro was going to teach this kid everything he knew. He had a new goal, and this time he would fulfill it. _____________________________________________________________________________________
Morro sighed as he looked across the view of the mountains. A warm cup of tea blew steam into his face, which was oddly soothing. It had been around twelve years since he’d been made human again; five years since he’d met Sage and decided to train Marion. Two years after that, he’d finally decided to visit his father. Wu had gladly welcomed him with open arms, though the ninja were wary at first. It hadn’t been until Morro had introduced Marion that they realized he’d truly changed. Wu had been a bit surprised to hear that Morro had taken on a student, but was proud. Even prouder when he saw just how skilled Marion was, in both elemental control and as a ninja. He’d surprisingly allowed Morro to continue teaching the Marion, while the elemental master of wind completed his own training. Morro had achieved a lot since then. He was an official member of the team, and official protector of Ninjago. He’d completed his training and was now formally moving his way up to the Sensei status. He’d unlocked his true potential, and was finally able to complete spinjitzu. And he’d guided Marion as he achieved those as well. And that was one of his proudest accomplishments. The red head, now an eighteen year old ninja with a small team of his own, was making his mark. For reasons unknown to Morro, Lloyd had sent three young elemental masters to Marion’s team for training. Morro always got a chuckle whenever the young master of fear called asking for advice. Sipping on his tea, Morro reminisced as he listened to the silence. All his mistakes, and all his hard work, everything he’d been through had almost been worth it. Ninjago was at peace now, and it was in reliable hands with the young “Shadow Squad” as Marion’s team was calling themselves. Morro was happy. He had finally learned to accept fate, though a little rebellion was always in order. Had to keep the cloud kingdom writers on their toes after all.
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infjarts · 6 years
The Ninjagotale comic has been discontinued
This is not early April Fools. It is unfortunately the reality of the situation right now. Let me explain (synopsis of the story also under the cut).
There are several reasons that I am discontinuing the comic.
1. I can't get myself to do the next page. I just... can’t. Its not that I don’t want to get it out. I just lack the motivation once I open the file on my computer.
2. I feel like it’s not original enough. I can't call it my own. I got the idea from someone else (with their permission), and I know there are at least 3 more interpretations out there.
3. I want to dedicate the spare time I have to Insanity Brothers. Its a story that didn’t exist before, there's only one. And I’m far more excited about it.
4. Ninjagotale doesn't need to have anything to do with Ninjago anymore. That’s not what its about anymore. Its about the struggle between Yellow and the Chara of the world. The fact that the characters are all from Ninjago doesn't impact the story at all. Their personalities are the same as in Undertale, the rules are pretty much the same, it’s not that different. It can just be an Undertale AT with the regular characters and an entity that is chasing Yellow around, trying to get rid of them.
5. I am going through an extremely hard time right now. My brother has become emotionally and verbally abusive to the entire family and I need to get something off of my plate to deal with all of the stress of that.
I think I need to rethink the world and turn it into its own Undertale AU where it’s the same characters of Undertale except for Yellow. Yellow is very much their own thing. I also think what I’ll do is make it a concept/story that I continue to make content for, just not an actual comic. So I’ll release the story synopsis, everything, and I might make new designs and an illustration or joke comic or two, but not an official comic or fic.
Alright. Here’s the story that was going to happen.
Yellow has an actual name: Rhynn. Rhynn is the “Reindeer” child mentioned in the discord.
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They were a kid from another AU whose creator was going to destroy it. Their parents were scientists post-pacifist route who worked with Sans on the surface studying the anomaly, and they discovered their world was about to be destroyed. So they sent Rhynn into the multiverse to settle in an empty world so that their world would build back up around them. But something went wrong, and their code broke apart and rearranged itself into a virus that can use anyone as a vessel as long as they have their soul. This virus then traveled between Universes, feeding off of the destruction they left in their place. Here is a little thing I made practicing gender neutral hairstyles that actually is concept art of Rhynn’s past vessels. It gives you an idea of what their stage one form is:
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Rhynn’s stage 2 form is when they have a vessel but aren’t concealing themselves. It varies according to just how much they want to reveal. It can be anything between this:
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and this:
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The creature behind Frisk!Rhynn here is their true form:
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The Overlord is not a virus, but a super powerful antivirus software trying to destroy the Rhynn virus.
Fast forward a thousand years of destroying things to Ninjagotale. The Frisk of the AU is about to fall into the Underground for the first time, but Rhynn intervenes and kills them, taking over their soul and body before they gain the ability to save and load. They then play Undertale normally, intending to reach the surface and spread destruction there. 
However, the Overlord antivirus finds the Rhynn virus when Rhynn tells Lloyd/Asriel their true name. To throw the Overlord off, Rhynn swaps the AU and resets to “refresh” and activate the new code. 
Hence we now have Ninjagoswap. Rhynn and Morro travel through the Underground, only to discover there is already a Morro/swap!Chara going through the Underground, doing a genocide route because he and much of the underground have been affected by the Overlord’s presence. 
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Morro, now the “fallen child” with a ghost Rhynn following them, hurries to Kai/swap!Papyrus to warn him about the murderous human. Kai joins them in hurrying to prevent Cole/swap!Sans from being killed, and they arrive, only to find swap!Morro already there. Instead of killing Cole, however, he uses his knife to corrupt him as well. Hence this illustration:
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Kai knows he can’t win, so the good guys retreat. Swap!Morro and Cole then move through the Underground, corrupting everything. When they reach Jay/swap!Alphys, Cole easily overpowers him and corrupts him as well.
Meanwhile, Kai and Morro head to Nya/swap!Undyne’s lab to find her crying over Jay, having seen everything on the cameras. Nya agrees to help them, and builds the technoblades. They will have to enter the digiverse/void and use them to destroy the Overlord. Remember, they still don’t know that Rhynn is the true villain, so they’re all just going by what Morro relays to them from Rhynn.
Suddenly Jay, Cole, and swap!Morro all barge in and attack. Nya and the amalgamates hold them back while Rhynn creates a new save file, and this time they turn it into a fell world. They escape just before the corruption is too much and the world collapses. But unbeknownst to everyone else, the Overlord saves Cole just in time and brings him to the digiverse. 
The Overlord tells Cole the truth and makes him his right hand. Cole asks if they have to kill his brother, because he still cares about Kai. The Overlord says if he manages to bring Kai to their side, he can be spared. Cole makes a vow to save his brother.
Meanwhile in Ninjagofell, Morro and Rhynn have switched places again since they’re not in a swap world anymore. Kai goes off to mourn for his brother by himself, so while he’s gone, Rhynn takes the opportunity to think about what to do next. They figure once they’re in the digiverse, they will be able to break rules enough to make Morro physical. So they have three people, but four technoblades. So they decide that they need Lloyd/Asriel because a god-like being would be a nice thing to have. But in order to do that you’d need seven human souls, and there are only six here, Morro points out. But Rhynn disagrees. Because Frisk has fallen down at this point. 
Morro realizes what they are about to do, and they try to argue against it, but as a ghost, they can’t do much else. He watches helplessly as Rhynn steals the six captured souls and goes to find Frisk. They encounter them and Lolley as they are leaving the ruins and entering snowdin forest.
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They access the code and rob Frisk of their control of the save file. Without having to worry about Frisk respawning, they kill them and take their soul. They then tell Lolley that they have seven souls now, and they need him to turn into Asriel to help them save the world. Lolley is too scared, so Rhynn changes the code again so that everyone forgets Frisk existed, and Lolley then complies.
Lloyd, Kai, Morro and Rhynn then head to fell!Cole to get him to help them enter the digiverse. They do, and upon entering, they turn Morro corporeal. Kai decides he’s had enough of following this suspicious child around and demands answers. Instead of telling him everything, Rhynn corrupts Kai and makes him a pawn of their own. Unlike the overlord’s corruption, the influence is less suggestion and more force by inflicting pain on the victim to get them to comply.
With the other three in tow, Rhynn makes their way through the digiverse, which is basically the Underground but looks like the digiverse from Rebooted. They arrive at Judgement hall, the Overlord’s lair, and try to use the technoblades to wipe him out, but it only forces him out of the code and he becomes a giant dragon. Cole suddenly appears and corrupts Lloyd. Three fights break out at once, Kai vs. Cole, Morro vs. Lloyd, and Rhynn vs. the Overlord.
Kai is eventually knocked to the ground by Cole, and Cole starts to reason with him. We have this scene:
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Cole corrupts Kai. Realizing they are losing, Rhynn turns into their stage two form. This allows them enough power to defeat the Overlord, releasing all those under his influence. They then say that they no longer need the others and can now dispose of them. Morro then engages Rhynn in a fight. Hence we have the private version of this illustration, where you can see Rhynn in Morro’s blade:
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The fight then goes into a stage 3 in a separate dimension when Rhynn turns into their true form. Eventually Morro beats them, and suddenly... pre-virus!Rhynn appears, cleansed of the virus. They then thank Morro and tell him that they will fix the code and send them all back to the original Ninjagotale timeline. This scene then happens:
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...They give Morro their stolen soul from Frisk. Now Morro can stay corporeal without the need for a host. With a final goodbye, Rhynn fixes the code and sends Morro and the others back. Without a soul or a vessel, they then disappear and finally gain the peace they were robbed of so long ago.
The story ends with Lloyd using his seven human souls to break the barrier in Ninjagotale. The monsters are then freed without the presence of a Frisk. swap!Kai and Cole go to live with classic!Kai and Cole (swap!Kai may or may not be introduced to Skylor/Grillby by classic!Cole) and Morro and Lloyd go to live with Misako. 
And that’s the end of it. I may release more about the reconstruction of it later, like redesigns and little content snippets like blurb comics and illustrations, and explanations of other ending ideas, but that’s about it. I’m sorry for disappointing you all. I hope you all can understand about the circumstances, and I hope you stick around for more Insanity Brothers. It’ll be an animatic series, so I’m real excited for it! 
Love, Piper
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