#ninjago record
nyaskitten · 7 months
When it comes to the movie redesigns, the only one I dislike is Jay, I can't explain it but these do NOT feel like the same guy to me I'm not fond of it.
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He feels. Baby-ish.
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kagayakukagavaku · 9 days
Don't worry guys I fixed it
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lxikoniko · 6 months
I will forever push the "In terms of raw elemental power, Jay would be the strongest and most versatile in terms of range of his elemental abilities out of the main group (not including Lloyd obviously)" agenda
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cable-salamder · 2 months
Sometimes I will be reminded that Ras and Riyu have the same VA and I have to giggle a little. because that shit is hilarious to me for no reason other than who the characters actually are
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thepajamamen · 28 days
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you have no idea the kinds of crossovers that live in my mind
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withdenim · 10 months
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Something something girlboys kiss
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general-yasur · 4 months
with Lloyd's old va saying he was ten back in season one makes me realize lloyd was actually older than me back in 2011 he still was when the lego ninjago movie dropped and now he is an adult like me It is very rare to have a character literally grow up with you. Now he is bumbling about, full of doubt as he tries to be a role model while still trying to make the people who raised him proud
He's in a similar spot to me in life right now and its weird but also comforting
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izzydaninja · 2 months
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art-i-sticks · 1 year
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They got her. @twigs-sprigs and @greenflowerceo got Rach
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p0th · 10 months
whoever wrote this scene ily btw
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gravyhoney · 5 months
Guyes I’m gonna be honest :( i don’t think I get the hype around Cinder lego ninjago. He’s literally just a guy :( what do you all see in him he’s just a regular ass man :( and he beats up children……..red flag if u ask me :(
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writer-room · 1 year
Lloyd’s the kind of person to be completely silent while everyone is horribly singing Bohemian Rhapsody only to belt out the line “I sometimes wish I’d never been born at all” in perfect pitch and then fall dead silent again as he went back to like, reading a book or something. send post
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siren61 · 5 months
[ “It’s unforgivable to steal the youth away from kids... I still haven’t forgiven them for taking a young person’s youth away.” - Satoru Gojo]
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Another ver and speedpaint of my suffering under the cut 🔥🔥
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parachutingkitten · 11 months
Jay = High Intelligence, Low Wisdom
Kai = Low Intelligence, High Wisdom
Essay about this concept below the cut
Now these are all just my interpretations of the characters, I don't necessarily have hard evidence on hand to back all this up, but here we go:
I've been trying to put my finger on the Kai smart/dumb duality, and I think I can finally somewhat make out my thoughts. Kai is not smart. Book smarts don't come easily to him, he's not great at math, he's not great at overly complex stratagizing- but he's got a LOT of great knowledge in him.
Take the dragon healing in DR. He might not intuitively know how different medicines work or why, but he's got injured enough that he knows that type of information is important to know, and so he's forced it into his head. He couldn't tell you why the blue goop helpped the dragon, but he knew that it would, and that it would be important to remember that it would.
He's pretty good at navigating complex social situations, because he's good at reading people. Having had a history with extreme emotions, he knows how to take them into account, and knows how important it is to do so, even if it's not necessarily logical. I hate to say this, but he's very emotionally intelligent, which sounds kinda like an insult but is actually insanely valuable, because humans are inherently emotional creatures.
He's got a solid basis of common sense, and is constantly looking at the bigger picture. That's why he can come up with the best outline for a plan, because he can not think through the details. Now, if he tries to implement a plan of his without consulting others, he's probably going to miss some very important details, and screw himself over. But, he's most likely to have the best basic premise for an effective plan. This is why his intuition is usually correct. He's not logically thinking through the most likely scenario given all available factors, he's looking at every problem from the birds eye view, and is easily able to fill in the blanks, because he sees the whole picture. You can not tell me this kid knew Lloyd was the Green Ninja because he used logical deduction to eliminate all other possibilities, he had a gut feeling based on realizing the value of human life.
Now, sometimes you need details. And Kai is not good at those. He sucks at those. Big time. But he's self aware enough to know when those times are (most of the time, sometimes he wastes all his lives in a video game before talking to anyone else).
The thing all of these points have in common is that he's lived a very full life while making very many mistakes, and he's learned from all of them. He learns from his dumb mistakes, and is wise enough to know which lessons are worth holding on to.
Jay on the other hand... does not learn from his mistakes. He's got a real thick skull.
Inside that skull is a really smart guy who intuitively latches on to engineering and science concepts. He's got a whole heck of a lot of information that his brain is holding onto simply because it can. This man is all about the details. He gets hyperfixated on details to the point where it's a problem. He's the most likely to solve the intricate problem facing the team, forget that they need to stay hidden, and yell "I did it!". Good at details, bad at big picture. This is also why he usually gives up hope so easily compared to the rest of the team. He can not think long term, he can not see the bigger picture like Kai can, so road blocks in the current plan seem insurmountable.
Sure, he might have rigged an old sailing ship with rocket boosters, but he couldn't unscramble "darnagom" his logical problem solving skills are not what's carrying him.
My standby for the Jay dumb/smart duality is that he should have a significant amount of William Osman energy to him. He's very smart, and can work out how to solve intricate problems and make insane builds, but if making said things is a dangerous or dumb idea has never once crossed his mind, and if it has, he has actively chosen to ignore it. Jay's intelligence is much more creativity based than I think a lot of people like to think. Engineering is about slapping crazy ideas together which barely hold together at first- and that's Jay's brand of smarts.
If you compare this to Zane, that's the vital component that his intelligence is missing- the creativity. He is VERY good at assessing options, but not so great at coming up with new solutions himself. He's running on pure logic and tested successes. He's also missing that social intelligence that Kai has. I'd venture to say that Zane is, by far the most gullible member of the team. If there is not a solid logical reason to doubt something, he is absolutely going to take it at face value. Point being, all the ninja have different smarts, and stupidities, let's not try to conflate them too much.
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itsaboutbee · 6 months
*after seabound*
Pixal: I find it very unseemly of Jay to start dating again. Isn't the customary period of mourning 10 years?
Kai: Die and we can find out.
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general-yasur · 2 months
There’s so much debate about whether or not lloyd is a father figure to the new ninja. Ultimately I think it can be interpreted / headcanoned in a couple different ways, but I do think it’s important not to judge the show on family dynamics that are not canon (I myself enjoy the interpretation but when I watch the show im not necessarily analyzing it based on that)
However, I do think the show has drawn on stereotypical father / son tropes between Arin and Lloyd, specifically in s1 when they tossed plates around, like a game of catch- or when Arin hallucinated in s2 p1 and essentially referred to lloyd as dad because he thought he was seeing his own
It's possible that Arin Does see Lloyd as a father figure, but whereas it would be a source of Comfort to Sora, it's a Stressor for Arin. He is scared to replace his parents because it could mean they are Gone forever or he Gave Up on them- which means he Failed them, and it could cause a further divide between Lloyd and Arin. Lloyd may push, and Arin may withdraw.
I think the show is purposely making that father / son parallel, but that doesn’t mean it has to be a good thing! Only time will tell
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