#i also do the ipsy deal
Aftermath 4.5  
Palace AU
After the decree, everyone scattered back to their palaces. Shamura decided that he needed to at least spend a night and rest before he went out to the Eastern gate. Everyone was either working or getting ready to rest. Except for Narinder, he went straight to Kallamar’s palace. He needed to talk to him. Now.
“Kallamar! Open the door!”
He banged on his palace door. There was no response from inside.
“Kallamar, I know you can hear me! Let me in, we need to talk! It’s about what happened! Please let me in, we can talk about this!”
He said. He was ignored again. Ebony quickly grabbed his arm from swinging at the door.
“My bishop, we should just leave, he’s probably dealing with Melody’s wounds. He’s in no condition to talk right now.”
“Pfft! Her wounds? Why would he even pay attention to her? She’s just a concubine. She’s disposable! This is ridiculous behavior from a bishop! You know what? Step back!”
He tells them to step back and he kicks down the door to his palace. He didn’t ask to come in, he just made his way to his living quarters. Upstairs, Ipsy and Soujou were running bloody water out of the room and in with clean water. They couldn’t be bothered with Bishop Narinder, and just went to fetch Kallamar what he needs. Inside, one of the physician that he asked to take care of her, was having issues.
“Her wounds were deep, there might be scarring”
“Will she be okay? Will there be any permanent nerve damage?”
“She will be fine, unfortunately she will have nasty scars down her back-“
Kallamar gets up, looking at the Physician with anger in his eyes.
“Scarring is the LAST thing I’m worried about! I want her to be without pain!”
“B-But don’t you want her to be without scars? The medicine with aloe will give her scars, that’s unbecoming of a concubine, unless your planning on replacing her-“
Something gets thrown against the wall and the physician runs out of the room.
“Yes my bishop! Forgive me!”
And he dashes past Bishop Narinder. He’s never heard his brother sound so mad. even his concubines were concerned about their Bishop’s safety.
“Maybe we should give him some time to recouperate. He doesn’t-“
“…yes my bishop?”
“Did I ask for your opinion? NO! Announce me!”
Ebony walks in, seeing the bandages that were soaked with blood, the strong smell of disinfectant and medicines strewn across the table.
“An-Anouncing Bishop Narinder”
Kallamar didn’t even move. He kept cleaning Melody’s wounds as if he wasn’t even there.  Even after being introduced, he didn’t even budge. Narinder grabs Kallamar’s shoulders, and pull him to his feet.
“ get a hold of yourself! This is just some cheap concubine! There are millions more out there we can just get you a new one! Stop embarrassing yourself!”
Narinder shouted. Without warning, Kallamar shoved him into the table of medicines.  No, he wasn’t having any of this shit today.
Ivory and Ebony helped her master get up. They are also just a shock as he was. Kallamar was the most docile of the bishops so he gets a little lazy every once in a while. For him to shove Narinder, he was clearly in distress.  
“ did you just shove me?”
He shouted! Ipsy and Soujou came back and try to calm down there Bishop, but clearly they were not gonna get anywhere with him. Melody was unconscious, and she was the only one who could bring him down from such a high like that. Someone is gonna get hurt.
“ who do we call? Should we get high Bishop Shamura?”
“ I can feel his energy seeping through his body, yes, go get the High Bishop before he kills Narinder!”
Soujou said to Ipsy. Ipsy ran out of the palace to go and grab the high Bishop. Hopefully he wasnt napping or anything.
“ I know my faults, and I know what I did was wrong. But your issues exacerbated mine! I don’t understand what he wanted to punish Melody so badly in my stead, but they beat her so much she still unconscious. I’m just thankful she has a heartbeat, but you cannot look at me and say that we need to talk, no, no more talking. Get out of my sight!”
Narinder then grabbed Kallamar’s neck out of anger, choking him.
“ do you forget who I am, I am your older brother, and I will do with you whatever I please. Even if that means killing Melody for you to stop being like this! Weak!”
“ you’re gonna have to kill me first!”
“ fine so be it-“
And they both began fighting each other to the ground and punching each other. This was before the magic came out, that was going to be deadly but thankfully High Bishop Shamura came just in the nick of time before they laid deadly blows on each other.
… let’s just say that Shamora was anything but happy or impressed. No, he was extra angry, and was even doubting that either of them can even keep their own positions. He was nothing more than disappointing with his siblings, they were the older ones they shouldn’t be acting like this. He expects this nonsense from Heket and Leshy, and Leshy is not even a year old yet.
He separates the both of them and tell them to not speak to each other until he returns. And for good measure, he quarantine them both in their palaces until he returns.
“ actual children, I’m dealing with, unbelievable”
He said, frustrate as he leans back in his chair. He looked at the sundial and realize the time. So much for his calming nap before he returned to the battlefield. He lays in his bed, wondering if he should even leave at all.
“This is all up to Heket.”
He said as he gets up, ready to go back to the battlefield.
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semi-friendly-emo · 5 years
I have an obsession....i literally own 15+ palettes of eyeshadow,  a cup full of mascara, a drawer of different types of eyeliner,40+ tubes of lipstick, 3 primers, 2 setting sprays, 20+ perfumes.....i actually have a problem. And i cant get rid of any of my products i actually love every palette i own. in the tags are some of the brands i have
hit me up if you think i should post some of my makeup looks??? 
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adhdstudybitch · 5 years
Practical Tips for ADHD College Students
I know a few posts like this already exist, but I wanted to add my own experiences to the mix in case it would be helpful to someone else. Some of these will look familiar, some not so much.
Disclaimers: 1) What works for me may not work for you, take everything with a grain of salt and experiment, 2) These are what I’m using for a 4-year school but I imagine it would be applicable for any college? I wish I’d known to do some of these things when I was at CC, 3) I won’t pretend that I am an ADHD success story, not yet. I’m still finding my way, learning to cope, learning to thrive. It’s a process.
NOTE: This post is kinda long; if it’s too long I recommend just reading the bolded/italicized headings and only reading the ones that pique your interest :)
Sensory Issues:
Wear comfortable clothing: Screw the mentality that you always have to look your best in college. At the end of the day, feeling hot but ridiculously uncomfortable will trigger sensory issues (especially if you’re someone who is sensitive to certain materials/styles of clothing) and it will impact concentration and can cause a lot of distress. Are you comfortable in those sweatpants, pajama bottoms, baggy shirts? Cool, wear them. 
Stim toys: Love yourself, buy (or make!) stim toys and bring them to school. Can’t speak for CC because I didn’t use stim toys when I went, but at my 4-year school everyone is too busy drowning in deadlines to notice you squishing thinking putty or using a fidget cube under the table. 
Try different stim toys: I used to get caught up on trying to make the more popular stim toys work for me when they didn’t, so I had to experiment a bit to see what worked. It’s not always as simple as cubes, spinners, squishy toys, etc. If you have issues with texture you’ll want to really experiment, especially with things like putty, squishibles, etc. to see what is comfortable and what isn’t. But there’s a big ol’ market out there!
Headphones/Earplugs: The single most helpful sensory detail for me was always bringing my headphones to campus. I get easily overstimulated in uncontrolled situations with lots of different sounds. I make sure my volume is enough to block the noise out, but the songs I choose in these instances are usually familiar, so they don’t provide too much new stimulation when I can’t handle it. I also keep earplugs in my backpack for exams.
Studying/School Related:
If possible, leave your house: This has been one of the hardest changes I’ve had to make because I’m an introvert and genuinely prefer being home. But I’m starting to learn that my ass will not do work 9/10 times when I’m home. Too much to do, too many other things to get done, lots of fun distractions, and cats! So many cats! Unfortunately cats won’t take my exams. I’ve found that the library is okay, but for me small cafes worked much better. Armed with my headphones, some coffee, and an atmosphere that caters to silently getting work done, I’m able to focus longer, and to focus on what I really need to.
Note-taker: Admittedly I’m talking out of my ass on this one, because I haven’t yet done this. But that’s exactly why I want to stress getting a note-taker. My college life would be infinitely better if I’d done this when the semester started; instead, my notes have gaps where I couldn’t concentrate, or couldn’t process what was being discussed, etc. 
Other accommodations: Accommodations for ADHD differ depending on the college, but some of the common ones are: note-takers, silent exam spaces, assignment extensions, and use of tech such as recorders, speech-to-text software... If you’re like I was and are worried that you’re asking too much asking for accommodations, remember two important things: 1) Accommodations exist to level the playing field, not to give us an edge, and 2) YOU PAY FOR THIS SERVICES. That huge, overwhelming tuition bill with all those “extra fees”? You’re paying for these services already, might as well take advantage of them!
Talk to your professors: This part is truly terrifying for me, but I’ve started opening up this semester to my professors and it has made a difference. The professor for my hardest class actually has a son with adhd so she understood and was even able to provide me with some resources that would help. At the very least, it made my professors aware of my struggles and aware that I wasn’t just being lazy, which calmed my RSD a bit.
Organization: Staying organized is important for any college student, but especially for those with adhd. We lose things a lot, and if things aren’t in obvious, constant places it becomes so much easier to lose or forget where we put things. That being said, your ‘organized’ will probably not be other peoples ‘organized’. For example, I use my Ipsy bags for organization. One holds any writing utensils, flashcards, and post-its, another holds anything medical-related, etc. It seems a bit cluttered and disorganized to other people but it works for me. So try keeping things in the same spot if possible, but remember that finding what organizational structures work for you might take time and effort. If your school has success coaching, I highly recommend it for this purpose! Which brings me to the next point.
Success Coaching: Most colleges offer some kind of program like this, though names may differ. Success Coaching is designed for students of any academic level in order to help them get and stay on track. My college offers study skills, schedule planning, test prep, time management, help navigating campus resources, and a whole host of others. And the people doing the coaching are usually grad students who’ve been through the process. They’re typically trained in working with students with adhd, because that tends to be a significant portion of their students. They’re also just really nice to talk to. Almost like a therapist, but not quite.
Really forgetful? The best thing you can do is change your environment, not try to change yourself. You probably won’t be able to stop your brain from forgetting your notebook at home, but you can get a five subject and keep it in your backpack at all times. Same with folders. Keep losing pens/pencils? Just get a fuckton and shove them in a pouch in your backpack in the beginning of the semester. I’m not kidding when I say I have at least 20 pens and pencils in mine, not including the glitter pens and highlighters. 
Planners: Many people have said that it will take time to find just the right planner for you, and they’re correct. The planner I use right now is 8x11 with wide boxes. Some prefer smaller planners, others will use planner apps or just the calendar in their phone. You’ll have to mess around a bit to see what works for you, but you do have options!
Printables: Oh man I love printables so much, but a lot of the time I find that they’re more trouble maintaining than my adhd can handle. You can find a ton on tumblr, free to download and print, and some very beautiful packs for sale on etsy. Right now I use a monthly budget printable and one for studying terms/definitions. Sometimes the adhd mind needs something pretty and different to cling to, so I try to switch things up every so often.
Color-coding: This absolutely will not work for everyone (I’ve seen people say color-coding notes gets the hung up on the coding and not the notes, and I can definitely see that happening). For me, I use color-coding in my planner. Each class gets its own color. This keeps me from seeing a page covered in the same color of ink or pencil and mentally blocking it out. Gelly roll has the most amazing glitter pens!
Test prep: Will vary depending on the person and how they learn best, but for me I’ve found that no one method will work on its own. I have class notes, typed notes, hand-written flashcards, flashcards on quizlet. I won’t pretend that it’s easy; it’s fuck-all time consuming and sometimes I don’t have energy for it, but depending on the class I usually need a combination of at least two different methods to work. This is definitely something success coaching can work with you to figure out!
General Life Advice (that will impact college):
Get on a sleep schedule: I don’t even care what your particular schedule is (because it’ll vary person to person) but just get on one. Much easier said than done, because our brains never want to shut up at night, but lack of a consistent sleep schedule will mess with your concentration, focus, hypersensitivity, etc. 
I’ll just do this later...: is the adhd monster talking. What even is later? Does it exist? Sometimes I have to tell myself “nope, we’re doing this right now!” Doesn’t always work, but I try my hardest to do things in the moment if executive dysfunction isn’t at my door.
Develop a support system: This can be difficult because sometimes making and maintaining friendships with adhd can be hard, and sometimes family members aren’t very receptive or supportive. But a strong support system can make all the difference in the world! If your current friends don’t understand the extent of what you’re dealing with, send some resources their way and you might be surprised how fast they get in your corner. But sometimes people without adhd just don’t get it. If your college has a meet-up for students with adhd like mine does, this is a great place to meet like-minded students who understand what you’re going through and can provide support and advice! 
I’m going to stop this here because it’s already too long, but I hope this is helpful to someone and I’d love it if you could add your own tips as well! 
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veliseraptor · 4 years
okay fuck it I’m doing a 150 words meme, it’ll be good to challenge myself and also I just kinda want to do one. sorry that this is 80% untamed fic to everyone who isn’t here for that, that’s apparently just. what’s happening right now
the way this works: send me a number (up to three if you can’t keep yourself to one) and I will write 150 words in that fic. you don’t get to see the 150 words, you just get to know that you’re pushing me along, usually pretty quickly, on a project of your choice.
(seriously though, I sometimes end up writing about 4-5k out of this meme.)
if you don’t recognize a fic, the WIP masterlist with brief summaries is here. (and long.) only seven options, I’m keeping this one limited (trying to like. focus on things. tall order I know)
1. Jiang Cheng set down the brush and stared at his notes. He and Wei Wuxian had spent hours upon hours planning Yanli’s wedding. Every detail, with only the husband to be filled in, and he was mostly incidental anyway. 
In the end, Wei Wuxian hadn’t even been there. 
And a-jie wasn’t here.
Like water welling up from an underground spring, the grief arrived. Old and familiar but also fresh all over again, now, like he’d been thrown back in time, and for a dizzying moment he wasn’t sure who he was mourning. Then the world settled back in and he was back where he’d been, in Lotus Pier, alone. 
Not entirely, anymore. 
Jiang Cheng rubbed his eyes. He pulled out the Emperor’s Smile Wei Wuxian had given him and set it down. “She should be here,” he said to it. “And you should’ve been there.”
He drank the whole bottle by himself and regretted it in the morning. (With Absolute Splendor)
2. “Don’t test me, Xue- Chengmei.” 
He turned around, slowly, and spread his hands. “Who’s testing? I’m trusting you, Song-daozhang. Not to fuck this up. You need to get better at lying, though.”
Song Lan’s mouth spasmed. “I am no liar.”
“You are now,” Xue Yang said. “Get used to it.” (tell you my sins (and you can sharpen your knife))
3. Lan Wangji frowned. It was vague. Not quite an evasion - the spirit could not help but answer him. But nearly enough, which was its own kind of troubling. His nerves were prickling a warning, but he could not identify of what. There was danger, certainly, but he was accustomed to danger.
Who are you? he asked. 
The air itself seemed to hum. Then, you know.
A pause, in which his breath halted and he sat, quivering like a plucked string. Then:
Lan Zhan. (the fair and the brave and the good must die)
4. “Well,” Malkar said, “your manners could be worse. Though it is plain there is a great deal of work to be done.”
“Thank you, m- Malkar.” I caught myself, folding my hands in my lap and dropping my eyes. Now, I thought, now he’s going to take me again, and wobbled between fear and want. But Malkar just got up and came around the table, and when he took my chin and tipped my head back it was gentle. 
“I am going to demand a great deal of you, Felix,” he said, quiet and smooth like velvet. “But I do so in faith that you can rise to the challenge.”
A flush of warmth went through me and I would have dropped my eyes if he hadn’t been holding my gaze to his. He smiled, and said, “don’t disappoint me.” (Pygmalion)
5. The Grandmaster slung an arm over his shoulder. “That’s what they’re for,” he said. “I mean, I - I try to keep everyone happy, I really do, but sometimes people need a little reminder, you understand? Just to keep everything running smoothly. So R&D worked up these little devices. Really handy.”
“Ah,” Loki said, focusing his attention on the Grandmaster rather than the still twitching Krylorian. “I see.”
“So there you are,” the Grandmaster said. “Answer to your question. What do you think?” 
Loki was thinking a lot of things, none of which he could share. “Very clever, Grandmaster,” he said. “Truly an ingenious solution.” He was a bit proud of himself for how calm he sounded.  (the rapture of that cruelty)
6. Gabriel’s eyes now smiled, and the hand resting still on Lymond’s shoulder pressed him firmly down. “Don’t be stubborn, Francis,” he said. “Would you have me let you sicken and die?”
“I am sure that would suit you.”
“Not in the least,” Gabriel said. “St. Mary’s, and I, still have need of you yet.”
The fever-bright gaze fixed on Gabriel’s face. “And what need, pray, is that?”
Releasing his shoulder, Gabriel instead cupped the side of Lymond’s face, thumb alighting on the angle of his cheekbone. “My need,” he said gently, and reached for a cup. “Now. For the pain.” (et ipsi sunt jacula)
7. [haven’t started - the RTC honeymoon fic] take a breath (and take your time)
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Omg! Thanks for checking on irritability remedies taking the time to type all that info up. That really helpful. I definitely put that book on my Amazon wish list, I forget about it otherwise. Also, i think its shitty that when she gets negative comments she calls out bullies and makes a HUGE deal, but is very very close with other influencers who are known for being bullies and just plain fucking rude to anyone and everyone who doesnt kiss their feet. I wont name names, but they both start with a j. Odd that shes so against being mean for no reason but associates proudly with these people. I had apples, berries, Windows and nothing compares to the power and the evolution of Android. I truly hope you enjoy your new phone and if you have any questions please don hesitate to ask. Have fun!. Anything involving boosting yourself with your arms is awful. For the first several days my mom had to wipe me in the bathroom because I couldn't reach that far. I also couldn't really eat for a while because the antibiotic they gave me made me super sick. 6 customers, that 300 extra a month. That a car payment or a nice weekend date, or that recliner I want from mardens. And managing a small rural buisness, dont think itd be much, few new pics here and there, update a gas stations menu. Laqa co prickly pear pH gloss I pulled this out thinking it was a liquid lip. I have to admit, I was horrified. It like an 8 year old dress up pink color. Intelligence, ambition and drive or the lack there of. That is my first thought. My second thought is that we are controlled, primarily, by two driving forces our DNA and our mindset, which is for the most part set in our informative years. I often don even bother 충청북도출장샵 opening, just toss into the giveaway/swap pile. It one reason I picked up Ipsy too. They send me colors I like (I a red lips girl, mostly, but bolder colors in general. It may seem shady or annoying or whatever to the lot of you, but she won it fair and square.SweetDee__ 41 points submitted 2 months agoYeah that's what bugs me. If you END UP with a gift you didn't want, sure give it away. But she sought that out, other people wanted it, she 'stole' it, and then gave it away. Ahhhhh I actually lol'd at "being paid enough for what they're doing". If you're going into nursing for the money, that's the wrong reason. My nursing instructors said it, and after a year on the job, I'm saying it too. The two with the brown bristles. I not a huge fan of white bristles, but I did play with the display at TMS, and they are very soft. I just 충청북도출장샵 really hope the others I want come back soon since I rather make one order. To understand what makes a fragrance unisex, it helps to understand what constitutes men's and women's fragrances. A perfume consists of different scent bearing chemicals dissolved in alcohol. Similar scents, or notes, are grouped into one of four main categories: floral, oriental, woody and fresh. Not really. Colleges have their own concerns apart from those of the surrounding community. There are different events, a ton of buildings, and a very different population all crammed into a relatively small space. Buying beauty products online in India is not enough; to get the desired outcome one should follow this amazing beauty mantra. In fact, one of the researches shows that women who take care of their skin in this way can see the results of anti ageing cream twice in comparison of those who don The first step of double cleaning includes cleaning balms and oils; these are particularly effective on dry skin. Some of these can also be used under eye to remove the makeup strains you get after removing the eye makeup.
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I understand that everyone wants a partner, but I hate the mentality that everyone deserves one. I have one single friend in particular who comes to mind She almost 30, and she thinks it okay to "shh" people while they talking if she wants to talk. I sorry, but if I went on a date with a man who "shhh" me, I would leave immediately. What he really did whisper, the minister could never afterwards recollect. There was, perhaps, a fortunate disorder in his utterance, which failed to impart any distinct idea to the good widows comprehension, or which Providence interpreted after a method of its own. Assuredly, as the minister looked back, he beheld an expression of divine gratitude and ecstasy that seemed like the shine of the celestial city on her face, so wrinkled and ashy pale.. You could wax instead, but it takes some planning and is more expensive. It also tends to leave the skin red and irritated for a while. Instead, you might try an alternative called eyebrow threading. Have long lost faith in the institution of the Catholic Church. And I mourn the loss of my faith community. But I made a decision a few years ago that I could not, as a lay person, continue to prop up a family and decaying institution with my voluntary labour and my money.. Hey guys! So I started back on November 26th at 182 lbs, the photo on the left is actually from December after completing one month of 16:8. I switched to 18:6 starting at the end of December and have stuck to it religiously. I also completed a couple longer fasts, some of which were close to 24 hours. Why? It didn make sense since you don fuck with original content no matter the gender. The new Star Wars was horribly recieved and arguable hated because it shoved down "female power" down people throats which is how you ruin a female character. Ripley wasn seen as a woman, she was seen a character. When I was 16 I started having horrible pains anytime I ate anything. SEVEN 'doctors told me I was faking it to get out of school/work. THREE said it was do to mental health, even a therapist said so. Ugh flashbacks from helping my mom with her stuff. I never understood how these people can look at a computer screen, and not read what on it. I can do tech support for my mom anymore because there really only so many times you can tell someone "read what it says on the screen, then click the button that matches what you wanna do" before they start to get offended. A lot of the times its easier to get something off of MUE in a bundle that you know you want to try than subscribe to a bunch of boxes. It doesn bother me because 95% of the time it still a great deal as opposed to buying things at full retail price. I buy a lot of 속초출장샵 ipsy samples at $5ish a sample even though the person technically paid $2 for it because at least then you sure of what you getting. In my mind, the second is 속초출장샵 the core of math. Formalizing these ideas are important, but secondary. The thing that is math to me is the creation of the ideas, which is social. Just to be clear, I don know this guy. Maybe some disaster happened and he really is in need (though i doubt it based on the "I been traveling for 6 years" part of the sign). I against the idea of begpacking.
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icelebrities-dalisa · 5 years
Michelle Phan: A Social Media Pheonix
If you’ve been on Youtube in the past 10 years, you’ve probably seen a makeup tutorial. Now, makeup tutorials have become an integral part of the online experience. If your algorithm allows for it, you’ll be exposed to them on the regular. And maybe, you’ll pick up a thing or two on the way. However, they have become such a large part of the social media community because they also serve as one of the best forms of product placement and marketing. By taking talent young makeup artists, or social media personalities, and fusing them with well-known brands, you create the illustrious influencers. A term we can’t seem to escape. Chances are, no matter what your interests are, you are probably following an influencer. They have ever so slyly or maybe very aggressively suggested that you take your hard earned money and shove it into the wallets of some rich person, by stating that this product really made their lives better and/or they simply cannot live without it. But where, oh where did this all start? Well, in the realm of makeup, it is said that Michelle Phan was a pioneer -- The OG. 
Now, I distinctly remember buying my very first lipstick and making the biggest deal, so you could say makeup and me get along. So when I started buying more makeup and wearing it on the reg, I took to the internet. Surely, someone had dealt with falsies that just. wouldn’t. stick. And maybe that someone had posted a video about it, and then maybe hours later you’re watching video after video of girls applying their make up in low-lighting, filmed on their MacBooks, straight out of Photo Booth. But then you see this one, cute girl, her videos seem a little bit higher quality, better lighting, editing, and a soothing voice to top it all off. You stay watching that girl. The reason Michelle Phan pulled forward above the rest was that she put more effort into her videos than anyone else did at the time. Makeup gurus now are still following her footsteps. She had a system and it worked. She went from being a broke college student to being an internet celebrity, influencer, makeup brand owner, entrepreneur and even published author almost overnight by doing what she loved. The Millenial American dream come true, complete with her very own fairy tale love story and hot European boyfriend. 
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However, this dreamlife didn’t last for Michelle Phan. She was slammed with a lawsuit. Her mental health took a turn and she generally felt overwhelmed. Being an influencer is a lot more work than we think, and being a well-known, if not the most popular beauty guru, certainly had its drawbacks. Phan states that she didn’t stop working for ten years. So she took some time off, it was complete radio silence from someone who had been posting regularly for ten years. Her followers were confused, felt almost abandoned. But then she broke the silence and came back with a video that proved to be an emotional and humbling explanation to witness. She bared her soul to us. 
I think it’s very important that we as millennials, or, and more importantly, humans living in this Earth and connecting in this society continue to look for people like Michelle Phan to guide us and be our inspiration. She may be an influencer, but it takes a lot of guts to talk to openly about the dark sides of life. And she did so with beauty and grace. It certainly provided an outlet for millions of other people to say, hey, I feel the same way. It’s hard to believe that rich, pretty people have problems but they’re human just like us who struggle to keep a budget and sometimes, it’s even the same problems we have. But the important part is, she kept going. She came back. She left her subscription box, IPSY, started working on her own comic web series, started a website to help content creators find royalty-free music and more importantly, she rebranded her makeup brand, Em Cosmetics, and ultimately herself. 
If you follow her now, her content is a lot more relaxed and frankly, a lot more genuine. This isn’t an influencer looking for a big paycheck, it’s Michelle Phan. She abandoned her own old, tried and true ways, to become a better overall woman and human being. She connects with the world differently now, and we can all learn a thing or two from her. Mental health is a bigger problem than we let ourselves believe. It’s something we have to seek help for but instead hide under layers of (insert vice here), dark humor and perfectly crafted social media profiles. 
People who are willing to be open not only about their mental health but about the steps they took to heal, their failures and the steps they took become successful again, they are treasures in our society. Their honesty opens up an avenue of growth for others. 
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She may still very well be considered an influencer, I mean, I will be the first to admit that I bought the Son and Park Beauty Water after seeing it in her insta stories. But I think, for the most part, her content now is far more honest and truthful and she mostly uses her platform to support her own brand. It’s admirable. It’s genius. She’s her own influencer. I’m glad to still be following her, after all these years. Seeing her growth inspires growth for myself. 
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nostalgiamagic · 4 years
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I’ve been working on a lot of different things lately. My priorities have been minimizing the amount of stuff we own so that I can find the things I’m looking for by keeping them in one simplified spot and also using the things that I enjoy and displaying them more often. Basically, decluttering and becoming somewhat more of a minimalist albeit my parents are basically hoarders and don’t allow for that kind of lifestyle. This is one of three pictures of my makeup hoard which I’ve reduced and gifted as well as organizing it so my makeup products will get used. I also cancelled my Ipsy subscription because I’m drowning in products and even though it’s super fun to sample them, it’s not worth the cost and chaos that it adds up to be right now while I’m dealing with so many other things.
I’ve been working really hard on my patience and trying to be more confident in my parenting skills and finding an approach that works. I do struggle A LOT with the whining, tantrums, and fighting throughout the day. I think we have made a little bit of progress in listening skills by being more willing to participate in activities together and listen to his wants/needs but of course it’s still a major struggle. There was one time the other day I got really upset because I didn’t want our toddler to wake up his dad (because then he’s crabby and no one has a good time), so I tried to move him to a quieter area in the house but instead of setting him in the corner so I could close the door I did it too fast and it accidentally bumped his mouth into a magazine rack which I don’t even know why we have one. I felt really bad and held him while he cried and then eventually gave him ice cream for the swelling and cleaned it up while I cried and apologized over and over. Reflecting back I should’ve just let him cry it out and then calmly talked to him about it later instead of trying to get him to stop being so dramatic and noisy which escalated it and became a complete fail and the exact opposite of what I was trying to do.
My boyfriend started school again which comes with its own set of fears/disappointments, but also some excitement and happiness that he’ll be able to be home with us.
I’ve noticed myself withdrawing a little more and appreciating beautiful material things whilst trying to basically erase everything else about this house since it doesn’t really feel like a home. Other than my belongings I don’t feel a ton of attachment to this house like I did my old house and I kind of miss that and have been wanting to make this place my own.
I still think meals together are extremely important and I like to give my boyfriend some space to bond with our son even if it stresses me out and I have a really hard time trusting in his safety with him. It’s so hard when I can’t be in control of everything but I know that they need to bond and I need to give myself more breaks and keep myself a little busier so I can de-stress and try to relax. I have been struggling with my mental health since starting a medication that has basically saved me from respiratory failure and needing a transplant. The problem is there are a lot of people noticing that it affects their anxiety making it worse and causing some hormonal changes (acne, changed periods, severe anger, depression, etc..) so I’m still trying to adjust and feel like me again instead of a monster through all the things normal life and mommyhood is throwing at us. As always it’s hard but I do find myself surrendering a little bit of control and realizing when I need to go organize things, etc.. to save myself from yelling or getting upset with our son when he’s being naughty and I also really do think he’s noticing and listening a little better and wanting to be a part of it or help instead of refusing to help and bouncing off the walls. Of course he still does that too and I find myself trying so hard to stay grounded through this long and exhaustive journey but I’m seeing that I’m not alone and that it’s okay to just be me without all the pressure of being perfect or doing things the way other people want me to do them.
I feel like labeling my own emotions and navigating through them and stating what kind of mistakes I make, etc will help him and also offering him choices so he feels more empowered has been helping too. For now I stick to 5-1 countdowns when wanting him to do something even if he isn’t listening because it’s a lot easier to stick to than trying to turn everything into a game or doing the “warning, warning and consequence warning, consequence thing”. I like being able to adjust as needed and I know he understands what he needs to do when we count even though I do notice a bit of anxiety in him as well so I’m working on giving him more opportunities to use his words and finish up a task and hear the directions before I stop him from what he’s doing to complete something I asked of him. Choices seem great!
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thisislizheather · 4 years
June Jaunts 2020
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Above Photo: New York Public Library, June 2020
Can someone just hit me in the face hard enough so that I wake up in 2021? As a favour to me? (Also I love that we’re all assuming that a new year means a completely fresh new slate and that none of the actions taken this year will affect the rest of our lives? It’s ridiculous, but it’s a type of logic that I can absolutely get on board with.) In any case, life is hell right now. Here’s what went on in hell this month.
I found a new streaming site for movies that is incredible.
My brother Gary made another gravy video (this time a Swiss Chalet one) and of course it’s perfect.
My Dad turned 97!
I started doing Ipsy bag reviews again. The best find from the bag this month: a REALHER lipstick. Just amazing quality and I need to look further into their other products.
I watched Get Me Roger Stone and the man seems like a needy psychopath.
I rewatched The Disaster Artist: still great.
I tried hard seltzer (not White Claw, it was a brand called HOOT) and it was very okay, I just don’t see the big deal? I think we all have low standards for things being good.
God, I miss Jon Stewart. I find myself just watching old segments from his show which are sadly still incredibly relevant. 
I visited this coffee shop in Astoria called Coffee + Cake that’s so lovely. They make freshly baked goods each day and homemade ice cream and I’ll definitely return. This is their tomato & parmesan focaccia bread.
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I started taking antihistamine eye drops for seasonal allergies and they’ve cured me completely. It’s insane. I love them.
I tried birthday cake Kit Kats because why wouldn’t I and of course they’re good. But they’re basically just… white Kit Kats… and that’s already a thing that exists… and look I’m not trying to hate on them, so I’ll keep my mouth shut about it from here on out.
If I became famous, the first thing I’d endorse would be Vicks (obviously), but the second thing? This dairy-free, almond milk yogurt DAH! Yes, the name is terrible. But the yogurt is heavenly. The madagascar vanilla will change you.
Finally made this ricotta jam jar with crostini and it was everything I wanted it to be and more.
I’ve been keeping a collection of photos taken of the city throughout the pandemic that are just gorgeous photos, here are a few.
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Above Photo: April 2020, photo by Jerome Strauss
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Above Photo: March 12th, 2020, the first night of Broadway going dark - photo by Gretchen Robinette for Gothamist
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Above Photo: June 2020, photo by Benjamin Norman for The New York Times
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Above Photo: April 2020, photo by Jerome Strauss
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Above Photo: April 2020, photo by Jerome Strauss
I watched the Holy Chicken! documentary from the Super Size Me guy and it was okay. I did know a lot of those chicken facts already since we haven’t been eating meat these last few months, so it wasn’t anything revolutionary. And then after I watched it, I was reading about it and then came across all the gross behavior by the creator of the film and uggghhhh I wish I hadn’t watched and supported it now.
I tried this New Orleans cold brew and whoa. Good stuff. I don’t exactly know the difference between cold brew and coffee and it’s such a boring thing to look up, so… here we are.
Will forever love the food at The Thirsty Koala in Astoria. Thank you Katie, Greg & Irene for gifting us so much of their food this month! Truly so sweet of you.
Favourite tweets of the month.
New favourite Health-Ade kombucha flavour: passion fruit - tangerine. Absolutely unreal.
I bought a ton of underwear from Aerie since I don’t feel comfortable going into any stores or on the subway yet, and they’re actually pretty great quality (I’m sorry I didn’t get on this sooner, Marla.) The sizing is a little off in that one medium doesn’t fit like another medium, but once you figure it out, you’re good.
This girl. She’s still breaking my heart with these renditions.
How do I set my Google Alerts so that these types of stories are the only news stories I read?
I learned how to make vodka martinis at home, so what I’m trying to say is that I’m better than you now.
Truly don’t know how I feel about this news, but I think I have to support it, right? I wish we could just leave good things alone. Why must we always want more.
I watched The Joy Luck Club and here’s my takeaway: don’t have daughters. And also maybe don’t have mothers? It seems like everyone is a disappointment to every character in this movie. I was expecting to love it, so when that didn’t happen I was a little disappointed.
I watched Dan In Real Life (mainly because of Steve Carell who was way too good for this movie) and it suuuuucked. Hated Dane Cook. Hated the plot. Hated the whole white, rich, we-dance-as-a-family type aesthetic of the whole movie. 
I watched the first season of You and a few episodes of the second season and uuuuuuuggggghhhhhh what a garbage show. I don’t need to see anyone romanticize some pathetic Gossip Girl loser who I feel no empathy for. It’s actually just so badly written and how on earth did someone green-light this trash. Here’s a good piece written about it.
Also watched a bunch of reruns of 3rd Rock From The Sun and what an underrated, great show. Wish I remembered it more.
I’ve been on a real Harrison Ford bender lately and I can’t see it stopping anytime soon. I watched Sabrina (which was okay, the best part was seeing him play a nerdish, unlovable character). I also watched Working Girl (which is really not a great movie, but it was only watchable for Ford). Also saw Air Force One and what a movie. How on earth have I never seen it before?? Such a fox. If you haven’t seen it before, I shall entice you with this one line.
Rainier cherries are in season now and while I don’t particularly love a cherry, these are delightful.
I’ve been sucking down these Saratoga Springs sparkling waters for days and there’s no turning back, they’re refreshing in a way I didn’t think existed. Just pure magic.
The only summer salad that’s worth a damn is this panzanella salad, but make sure you add fresh mozzarella to it.
I never thought I liked biscotti until a friend recently made it, so maybe I’m just into chocolate biscotti?
What a great idea (below):
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If you’d like to hear the birds in NYC right now, get on over here.
I started watching Insecure but couldn’t really get into it, maybe I’ll give it more of a chance, maybe not. I feel like if you’re not hooked into a show within three episodes, it’s not gonna happen.
I rewatched Clueless and it’s really just a perfect movie. I could quote every line in this movie at one point in my life and I think I might still be able to. Still looking to emulate this perfect outfit one day.
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Cannot stop making this broccoli pasta with Banza and the Beyond Meat sausage.
Absolutely haunted by this moving front page of the Times.
I finished watching Fuller House and I’ll never know why I wanted to, it’s such a corny/actually-bad show and yet I still watched. Thankfully it’s over forever.
Incase you’re looking for an alternative site to Amazon for buying books: Bookshop.org
I haven’t read a book in what feels like forever, so I finally finished Glennon Doyle’s Untamed and wrote about it.
Excited to one day see the new LaGuardia.
I went over what I did from my spring list that I made in March.
I naively made a list of what I’d like to do this summer.
It’s been a harder month than normal and I found myself watching The Land Before Time and uncontrollably weeping onto my yoga mat (I like to watch movies in the background when I’m working out). A kind of cry that comes around every decade or so where you can’t really breathe and you’re blinded my tears and everything is too much to handle. I know it’s a sad movie, but I think it was the movie and the combination of this month that made me react that way. In any case, I hope kids today still want to watch that movie. It’s a hard one, but it’s really still so good.
My grandmother Ma passed away this month and since travel is not allowed, it was especially difficult for this to happen now. I felt helpless being separated from most of my family so I wrote a bit about how it made me feel. I could talk about the greatness of this woman endlessly, how it’s insane that you could live in this day and age and not read or write and still enrich the lives of everyone you know, there’s no way to sum her up as a person. I’ll just miss her. Her voice, her endless encouragement, all of it.
Some things I’d like to do this month: I’d like to not sink into an unending pit of depression (that’d be great), I’d like to keep going on our nightly walks with Nathan, I’m likely going to buy these bike shorts as soon as they’re back in stock and you can’t stop me (I already have an outfit in mind, trust me it’s gonna look good), I was looking forward to movie theatres reopening (the Regal near our house specifically) but the date’s been pushed again to the end of July (which will likely get pushed again), and I’d really like to start and finish another book this month.
If you’ve got any interest in reading last month’s roundup, you can see what went down in May over here.
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domytriesthis · 6 years
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So I lied: I do have one more late December 2017 post. Most of this has to do with the holidays, though the first photo joined the holiday stuff pretty much unexpectedly. The Urban Decay Electric palette went on sale, and since almost any UD palette going on sale for 50% off is a palette that’s about to  be discontinued, I impulse purchased it. Sort of. I’d been planning to buy it for a long time, but had been hoping to do so later because of the holidays. It’s a good thing I did buy it because it was out of stock within days. Anyway, they had a note on the order about a special offer but I had to wait until I got the box to see it (and I seriously tried to figure it out every which way on their site, but nope! absolutely had to wait for the box). Turns out the “deal” was a Christmas present of an extra Electric palette, a Naked Smoky palette, and a Perversion mascara mini! Seriously, over $150 of makeup (at normal prices) for about $15! The extra palettes went to my two older girls for their Christmas presents. :)
The second and third photos show the Electric palette with another impulse buy, the Nagel Vice Lip Palette. Next is a First Aid Beauty Radiance Pads refill (which I’ve reviewed here before) along with a 100 point perk: the Clinique Almost Lipstick in Black Honey. And finally we have my middle daughter’s Christmas gift to me which was a Sephora Passport bag filled with the Huda Beauty Obsessions Electric palette, Smashbox Insta-Matte Lipstick Transformer, Smashbox Be Legendary Lipstick mini in Legendary (reviewed in my December Ipsy post), a Sephora Collection Travel Brush set, and a gorgeous, heavy duty mirror.
So let’s review!
Urban Decay Electric Palette ::  I picked this up because I've been struggling to find a bright colored palette that works on me and have way too many neutral/rosy palettes. I need some color! I am loving this palette! I've had problems with bright palettes showing up on my skin even close to how they look in the pan (for some reason, on me the colors become dull), but even the lime green is bright and clear on my eyes. The colors are beautiful, the shadows are creamy and pigmented, and there's little difference between what's in the pan and what ends up on my eyes, plus little to no fallout. It’s become one of my favorite palettes.
Urban Decay Perversion Mascara ::  Oh man, have I got to get me a full size of this! It made my lashes long,thick, and beautiful. It's among the darkest blacks I've used.  It applied smoothly, and while the brush isn't one of my favorites (I much prefer a curved brush), it did a beautiful job of reaching every lash. No flaking fading, or smearing through the day. It's one of the few mascaras I've added to my loves list at Sephora, and this one I might actually buy despite the price! Better yet, they offer a mini (bigger than this sample, thank goodness) that makes it affordable and more of a guilt free purchase since I’ll be likely to use most of it before it has to be tossed at the 3 month mark.
Urban Decay  Vice Special Effects Long-Lasting Water-Resistant Lip Topcoat Sample :: I’ve tried a couple of the bubble samples so far, and I’m not really impressed. It dries quickly but feels uncomfortable and isn’t long lasting at all. Like the Vice liquid lip, it fades then flakes. Not something I’d buy the full size of...or even take a free sample of again.
Urban Decay Nagel Vice Lip Palette ::  I purchased this mostly for the artwork (I ADORE Nagel, and now I own one of his pieces on a pretty box!). I want Rio (and plan to pick it up as soon as I can), but most of the colors in the Sunglasses box work for my skin tone and preferences. They're pigmented, creamy, and dry down quickly without being drying. I like to top it with something on the creamier or glossy side because, while the Vice is comfortable on my lips, I like to feel a bit more slide when I press my lips together. The included brush doesn't feel very sturdy (and I keep waiting for it to break or something), but I do like that it's retractable.  It's also nice to have a variety of colors with me in such a small, easily carried palette should I decide to change the color I'm wearing. The box itself is very sturdy. It’s a bit bulky, but not impossibly so (I can still put it in my purse and take it with me, though it wouldn’t fit into one of my night out bags and leave room for much else), There are nit picky things, but overall I really like it for more than the artwork and enjoy using it.
Clinique Almost Lipstick :: Another lip product I’m not impressed with. They seriously should have called this a gloss or tinted balm. It’s smooth, creamy, and glossy, but has next to no color at all. I might try the Smashbox Insta-Matte over it and see if that does something, but the Insta-Matte isn’t for use over glosses and the like, so I don’t know if it will do anything. This might end up in my ProjectBeautyShare.org box. I haven’t decided yet.
Huda Beauty Obsessions Electric Palette ::  Loving this palette! For some reason, yellows don't show up well on my skin (and it doesn't matter if it's high end or drugstore: both barely show up, if at all), and my daughter and I swatched this in Sephora, and it showed up! The colors in this palette are gorgeous and pigmented. There is quite a bit of fallout, so it's probably better to do your eye makeup before putting on foundation. And at least one color isn't true to the pan: the berry-red in the lower right corner is more pink than red. Other than that, it's a beautiful palette. I've had no trouble with patchiness or blending (in fact, they do stain, so that's something to be aware of).
Smashbox Insta-Matte Lipstick Transformer :: I’ve only tried this once, and it appeared to do what it claims, but I need to play with it some more.
Sephora Collection Travel Brush Set :: I keep these with other touch up items in the passport bag in my every day purse. I haven’t used them much, but they are soft, the handles (and the case) are sturdy, and they do get the job done when I need them. No shedding, no smell. They work for what I need.
Not reviewing the mirror—I keep it with my “night out” bags to use when I go out, and the one time I took it with me (so far), the lighting in the place necessitated restroom visits for any touch ups. ;)
Anyway, domy tried these and is REALLY happy with all of it! And NOW I’m caught up with everything from 2017 except free samples (most of which I’m still waiting to come in)—and those don’t need to be reviewed soon after receiving them (in fact, a few of them have to wait until late spring/summer since they’re mineral powder versions of products and I won’t be using them until then). In terms of what’s coming up, I have a mostly (but not all) skincare order coming in, a Nyx order coming in, and my Ipsy appears to have shipped. Looking forward to posting about and reviewing new items from all of those! :D
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sunnystrong · 7 years
ok so……i feel like michelle phan is problematic for so many diff reasons but like reading this article on her confirmed how much of a bad influence she rlly is on young ppl?? millions of teens and young adults look up to her ignorant immature 30 y/o self without knowing the danger of the bullshit that she spews and follow her advice. if ppl like her aren’t the reason why we can’t have nice things then idk what is?? its great that she recognizes that she’s not doing well and wants to do something to fix it but like the way she approaches her problems and deals w them is so…..immature. taking online quizzes to self diagnose and determine if she has a problem but not actually seeking professional help THEN buying a 1 way ticket to switzerland to “escape” her problems is literally what 16 yr old me would have wanted to do bc obviously running away from your problems is so much more effective than actually facing them right??!?!?!?? 
idc what she does w her life but the fact that she so recklessly sets such a bad example to millions of young ppl around the world out of ignorance makes me so frustrated bc i just want mental illness to be destigmatized and seeking help to be normalized, but the more ppl like her romanticize escapist behavior, the less ppl are willing to actually face and talk about their problems bc a famous person like michelle phan travelled the world and found “bliss” so why can’t u?????? ugh
this is also classist af because she literally just used her money/privilege to solve her problems. not everyone can drop everything and travel the world on a whim. plus, even if she actually did seek professional help, the fact that she’s promoting taking internet quizzes to self diagnose urself and dropping everything to travel instead of facing her problems and seeking professional help just feeds into the stigmatization behind talking about and treating mental illnesses
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novelhoneycomb-blog · 7 years
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My April Ipsy Bag
  Every month, I get the Glam Bag from Ipsy. I have been subscribed for two and a half years now, and I have loved nearly every bag I have received. Thanks to Ipsy, I have become not only more familiar with different brands and types of makeup, but also more experienced with makeup, confident about wearing makeup, and happier about wearing makeup. Many people believe that people who wear makeup are self-conscious about their looks or have a poor opinion of their self-image, but Ipsy has helped me realize that makeup is about self-expression and having fun! With all that being said, let us move on to what I got this April!
Product #1: Lovey Dovey Twin Nail Set by Meg - So this nail set was a little smaller than I was expecting, but still good for multiple uses! I am not a huge fan of the brown/tan color, but perhaps it will be nice with a matte top coat! In the photos above, I am wearing the grayish/purple color that comes in the set, and I actually really like it! I was sort of hoping it would be a real neutral gray because I do not have any colors like that, but the overall quality of this nail polish is better than the one I already have similar to this color. Also, I love the packaging on this!
I found this here on their website listed for $10, and it is full sized so that is really awesome! 
Product #2: Rendezvous Blush from OFRA Cosmetics - This color blush will look amazing with my skin tone, and the pigmentation is the perfect medium to wear as a blush; however, I was kind of hoping to get a more spring time shade. Although, I do have an interesting idea on how I will use this blush. Lately I have been really into natural beauty trends, one of them being to ditch typical contouring. So maybe I can use this darker blush as a way to “contour” instead of the bronzer I normally use.
This product is also full sized. There is a difference though. It came in a normal pan to put in a custom palette, but it is sold in a more traditional blush packaging on their website for $15. I actually like it in the pan better! Here is the link to this blush.
Product #3: Seychelles Hand and Nail Cream by The White Company - This product smells amazing! I am not too sure if it does really moisturize my hands and nails, but it is very refreshing to use. I am constantly having to wash my hands at work, and the soap dries out my skin and irritates it. This hand cream has been my go-to after work now. 
Ipsy only sent this as a sample size, but it will still go a long way. I would say this size is worth about $3, which really is not bad! This is the link to where you can buy the full sized product.
Product #4: Liptone Lipcare Stick in Honey Moisture from TONYMOLY - I absolutely adore this packaging! It is so minimal and simple, and lately this color yellow has been one of my favorite colors. The formula is super smooth, and so far I have not encountered any inconsistencies. It does have a tiny tint to it and adds a nice glossy finish. My favorite thing about it is that it sets fairly quickly for a lip balm product, but still leaves my lips moisturized so my hair does not get stuck on my lips!
I found this on TONYMOLY’s website here for $10. 
Product #5: eye will stay Naturally Long Wearing Eye Shadow in 250k8 by PEEK Beauty - That is a long name! *phew* The packaging for this is so adorable. It reminds me of a lip gloss that I had in my pencil case in elementary school. On the other hand, it is a it smaller than I thought but not too small for an eye shadow. Plus the color is beautiful and the pigmentation is pretty good. The color is very natural and I think will work with so many different skin tones! 
It is sold as a part of a collection here for $25, so I believe this single would be valued around $6. 
Overall Thoughts: I will definitely use the products I got this month except for the tan nail polish, but who knows? Maybe I will. The overall value is around $44, so that is a pretty great deal! I cannot wait for next month’s Glam Bag.
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muh-lis-suh · 7 years
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This is a first impressions of Manna Kadar Beauty’s Sealed With A Kiss lip stain bundle.
This set is on Manna Kadar Cosmetics website for $49.00. I picked it up on Ipsy for $20.00 when there was a sale.
Each tube contains 0.17 ounces (5 ml) so you are getting 0.85 ounces (25 ml) for your money. To compare this price to product ratio I looked to Revlon because they are one of my favorite drug store brands and on their website they have Walmart listed as the lowest priced retail at $5.97 each for their Super Lustrous Lip Gloss which contains 0.13 ounces. That makes 5 of theirs worth $29.85. I want to take this time to state that I don’t have this lip gloss to compare products, this is only for a pricing comparison.
So, for more money you are getting more product which is a positive.
At first glimpse I wasn’t very impressed with the packaging but I’m obsessed with the lip gloss tubes. I really enjoy the sleek hard lines of the square plastic tubes.
None of the colors had an aroma or taste and the applicators are perfect, small enough to use for detail and a good size for all-over application.
I will be going right to left with the name of each color and my first time experience with the gloss. The pictures are also ordered right to left and the last picture is the final look I created with my favorite shade.
Disclaimer: in between each shade I reapplied a Revlon primer and a Maybelline concealer to get the full effect of the color. Besides, that is my normal practice when applying color to my lips.
Rosette: First off I really liked the rosey color, a good addition to my collection. This color was very opaque, it only took one dip into the product to cover my lips. This shade was not sticky at all and had a great shine. This one will definitely see a lot of use out of me.
Manna Babe: This color screamed my name before I even got the set. Once I received it though I noticed it does have very fine shimmer, it was instantly my favorite without even trying it. When I did try it I was pleasantly surprised, it ended up very nice. The color went on smooth and didn’t take much product at all. Not the least bit sticky, which is a concern of mine when dealing with glosses. Once applied the shimmer is very subtle, I don’t mind but I do love to sparkle.
All Of Me : One word, obsessed. The shade is a beautiful muted pinkish purple rosey kind of color. Application is nice & smooth with little product. The glossy shine isn’t there as much as in others in this pack but I really do not mind. I think this color is fantastic and so versatile.
Pinot Noir: When I first saw this color I was very excited, I thought it was going to be just as great as the colors before. I was sadly wrong. This color turned out to be extremely hard to apply without streaks or even glossy. The formula was very sticky and unflattering. Although I like the color this one was too uncomfortable to imagine wearing again.
Shae : My second favorite in the pack. This is one of the nicest nude glosses that I’ve come across. It takes one dip of product to cover my lips and ends up a mirror like gloss effect which is to die for. This shade could easily go with so many looks, something I really look forward to using on a nice warm winter look soon. Not sticky and absolutely flattering.
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gastlygirl · 7 years
*Some links included in this post are referral links or links to my own Avon e-store. Signing up or purchasing through these links will benefit me by way of “points” from Ipsy or commission from Avon. Other links are simply links to products that I found in case you are interested in them.*
Today I am exploring the Unboxing of my April Glambag. If you would like to receive a Glambag every month for just $10, sign up here!
This month’s Glambag was a really great one!
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First of all, the bag itself is extremely cute. Besides the Halloween bag (of course), it is my favorite one so far! It also seems sturdier than previous bags, since it feels like a thick, plasticky material rather than just printed cloth like they often are. I’m not a big fan of the coral orange kind of color, but I can deal with it for the adorable ticket design. It takes me right back to theatre in high school, which was an amazing time.
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The first item to come out of this Glambag was this Tonymoly Liptone Lip Care Stick in Rose Blossom. I have really liked all of the lip balms and lip treatments that I’ve gotten from Ipsy. I’ve never tried anything from Tonymoly before, but I see it in Ulta and on Hollar and a lot of it looks really cute. It is a rose scent that I really enjoy, and this first week of trying it out has been really nice. It is not anything miraculous, but it is a perfectly good lip balm with a pleasant scent.
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This Seychelles hand and nail cream from The White Company was the next item to come out of my Glambag. I don’t think I had ever heard of The White Company (and seriously, what a name choice… weird) before, but this product smells nice. It is not a very strong or lasting scent and, honestly, the feeling is not nearly as silky or long-lasting as my favorite Avon hand creams, which are also way more affordable! So, this is a cute little mini to try and smells nice, but, in the end, I will probably end up giving it to a friend or somebody because I have plenty of my favored Avon kinds and scents.
This nail duo from Meg is a super-cute, Ipsy Limited Edition neutral Twin Nail set. I was happy with the colors–the gray is a lavender kind of shade, which I am in love with. I’ve never been much for brown or beige tones in my nail polish, but this one is so neutral and cool that I am willing to try it, though I haven’t yet. I think that they are an unexpected but cute pair together so I might use the beige/tan tone as an accent nail or nail art of some kind to make me more comfortable with trying it out. I have worn the gray shade and it went on smoothly and lasted a while, so I am happy with this product.
This black liquid eyeliner from Jesse’s Girl was the fourth item in April’s Glambag. I am always happy to have another black liquid liner on hand because I use them every single day! The tip is comparable to my favorite Superextend from Avon, though it does not seem to be quite as black or as easy to apply over eyeshadow–do you know what I mean? That extra little tug when it is applied over shadow instead of just on a bare lid? Being not as deep or as black when applied over a color? That is the downside of this little baby. I will, of course, use it up, but I am not 100% impressed so far.
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My final product–and the one that I am most excited about–is this adorable brush from Glamour Dolls! I am not normally that excited for the brushes I get from Ipsy, but this one made my heart sing! I have seen the information about this Lisa Frank collaboration for a while now and can’t believe that I actually got this brush–it instantly takes me back to elementary and middle school when the folders and notebooks and other supplies were everything! I haven’t tried it out yet (partly because it’s so pretty and partly because I don’t wear blush super often, oops), but it is super soft and seems fairly densely packed. The metal section of the brush is even a cute rose gold!
  What do you think of my April Glambag? Totally worth the $10, right? Did you get any of the same things if you get a Glambag? Any suggestions for my products?
Thanks so much for spending some time with me today. Have a lovely Monday!
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Ipsy Glambag Unboxing, April 2017 *Some links included in this post are referral links or links to my own Avon e-store.
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michellelewis7162 · 4 years
How to Pick an Online Payment Option
How to Pick an Online Payment Option
 Just how to choose an Online Payment Remedy and also our selection
The payment carrier is picked based upon various standards. Some of these are the service accessibility in the nation where your bank account is, prices of a transaction, regular monthly fees, the prices of integration, as well as whether it deals with sales tax obligation problems or permits combination with some other well-known payment services. Many of these concerns should be addressed by You the customer. Red stripe is our preferred choice as it had exceptional API capacities. This write-up will utilize Stripe as its payment cpu of option. Wechat Pay Merchant
Ideal Practices for payment suppliers
Retry if transaction did not been successful The purchase may stop working not only because of technical factors yet often not enough funds may be the reason. You ought to retry processing the transaction between a hr to number of days later.
Know when your CC will certainly expire Several of the card details will run out or their information will certainly no longer stand for numerous factors. When you do not have valid CC information billing the customer will certainly not be possible. The significant card plans use a service that allows you inspect if there are any updates pending for the consumer data that you store. A few of the on-line payment remedies will certainly even upgrade card information for you. Red stripe will do this for most of MasterCard, Discover, and also Visa cards. Not just CC.
Understand that in some parts of the globe individuals are not happy to pay with their Bank card The best instance of this is China when Alipay is the primary payment resource. It deserves noting that not all customers are happy handing out their card information so making use of a well-known payment approach aids to raise the completion rate of possible transactions. Red stripe likewise sustains Alipay for China and also for Europe Giropay, suitable
We would like to have Alipay In some cases clients simply wish to make use of Alipay UK as they recognize with the brand name. Do not be stubborn - Red stripe will certainly assist to optimize your revenue. Red stripe and also Paypal are straight competitors there is no assimilation in between them.
Finest techniques while making use of the Red stripe payment process
PCI compliance with Stripe
A lot of customers come to be PCI compliant by filling out the Self-Assessment Set Of Questions (SAQ) provided by the PCI Security Specifications Council. The type of SAQ relies on how you accumulate card information. The easiest technique of PCI validation is SAQ A. The fastest means to become PCI certified with Red stripe is to make certain you receive a prefilled SEQ A. If so Stripe will certainly fill the SEQ A for you and also will certainly make it readily available for you to download to your account's conformity settings after the very first 20 or two purchases. The method to attain this is as adheres to:
- Use the Embedded type called Check out, Stripe.js and Aspects (it supplies much better layout modification after that Checkout). You can make use of react-stripe-elements which utilizes Stripe.js API or Stripe mobile SDK libraries. When you're utilizing react-native go with tipsi-stripe. ipsi-stripe bindings are not formally supported by Red stripe so support will certainly not formally tell you that they get prefilled SEQ-A conformity - however they do.
- If you are utilizing web serve your settlements pages ought to utilize HTTPS.
In all those situations information is firmly sent straight to Stripe without it going through your servers. When you select the fastest means you will certainly not need to do anything even more. It is as straightforward as this till you reach 6 million purchases per year then you will have to load a Report on Compliance to validate your PCI compliance every year.
Get ready for technological failing - Idempotency key If you are using API to take settlements you have to plan for a technical failing as all networks are unstable. If failing happens wit is not always possible to understand if a cost was made or not. When it comes to a network failing you should retry the purchase. The Idempotency trick is a prevention system versus charging a customer twice. If somehow you sent the payment twice - which might occur because of retrying procedures after a failure. In Stripes node lib you just add it to options criterion while billing. Each Idempotency secret will certainly time out after 24 hr so afterwards time if you make a payment with the same Idempotency secret you will certainly charge the client.
Stripe charges in cents not bucks On the internet payment options like PayPal charge in dollars as opposed to cents. However that in Stripes all fees are made in tiniest money system. This is not just the situation regarding dollars, Stripes does it for all money.
Red stripe provides many card numbers for you to examine various situations on the frontend and also tokens so you could straight check your backend. For instance you can not only examination Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club and JCB Cards yet likewise international cards and 3D Secure Cards. Red stripe also provides you with symbols so you can evaluate failing scenarios like a charge being decreased, or a charge being obstructed because its fraudulent, an ended card, or a handling error. So you will certainly be gotten ready for whatever that can take place when you go live.
Do not place JSON in description - Use metadata
Be descriptive as you can. Metadata is your pal. You can enrich your Stripe transaction with personalized data so you can then view it in the dashboard. As an example you can include things like customer ID or the delivery ID in metadata so there is no reason to contaminate your transaction description.
Should I gather much more information?
The bare minimum to accumulate from a CC is its number, CVV and also expiry date but you can accumulate much more. You can additionally collect the postal code/ CC owner name/ address for Address Verification System (AVS). If you accumulate them it will raise Wechat Payment UK security due to the fact that the fraudulence prevention algorithms will have more information as well as will have the ability to respond a lot more accurately. Nonetheless, from the individual viewpoint it's more data to kind - which is not constantly good. Customers are just human and also in some cases make mistakes when entering data which can likewise create some deals to be declined. So you must pick how much information you need as well as what will work best for you and your income. Equally financial institutions will certainly in some cases turn down payments with a 'do not honor' condition and you will certainly have to contact your customer so they can ask their financial institution regarding the reason (high level of current activity on a card, an absence of matching AVS information, a card being over its limitation, or a variety of other reasons which only the financial institution will recognize).
 If you are any kind of online vendor of products or services, a means for consumers to pay promptly and easily online is becoming a growing number of vital. On the internet payment options are abundantly available, and also offer clients a much more streamlined and also practical net shopping experience. The complying with are several of the benefits to executing on the internet payment solutions. These apply to small companies and also huge ventures alike (though the large majority of bigger business do have on-line payment remedies).
Ease of Purchase
It only stands to reason: if an acquisition is easier and quicker to make, there is a greater likelihood that somebody will certainly make it. When you contrast the quantity of time as well as trouble it takes to write out a check, placed it in a stamped envelope, and send it with submitting a name and a couple of charge card digits and afterwards clicking submit, it is clear at to which the client will certainly view as easier. And also, as a matter of fact they will certainly be proper also in a measurable feeling concerning the amount of time invested. Hence from a basic sales viewpoint, it makes good sense to supply on-line payment options UK.
Up-to-Date Look
Beyond the above, a website that offers online payment options appears much more updated as well as modern. Online payment is the norm now, the guideline as opposed to the exception. So it makes a site show up more market conscious and also practically current. This can aid to enhance the sight on the part of the client that the site is reputable, existing, and also customer-oriented.
Easier to Track and also Organize
It is simpler to track and also organize sales that are made online. The software application that processes these settlements may likewise include analysis and business components that are very valuable in both evaluation of the sales efficiency of the site and publication keeping. As well as excellent analysis as well as company of vendor information is constantly useful for maximizing as well as simplifying a service.
Conserves Time as well as Resources
These online payment options UK save the time and also sources of an organisation. Some examples are their capability to instantly handle repeating settlements, produce invoices instantly, as well as work as interfaces for consumer concerns and also complaints. The large workforce conserved below alone is reason to institute these options.
These repayments can be obtained anywhere internet gain access to is available. This significantly liberates time and allows better movement both of business workers as well as customers. When a client can purchase anywhere they can utilize their laptop, as well as a firm can also get those payments essentially anywhere and also anytime, the home window for making deals is much higher. This is all thanks to the increased availability/mobility.
A fairly current growth in this field is what is known as mobile payment. This is a growing network that permits people to Wechat Pay for items or services using only smart phones. Once more, what is occurring here is that payment is ending up being also much easier to make in a variety of various situations and also locations.
As you can see, applying an on the internet payment service E14 5NR for your company makes good sense on many different levels. If you expect to have any appreciable online sales presence, permitting clients to make on line settlements is essentially a need. Find an excellent service that fits your service requirements and also you'll prepare to go.
 Today's society is slowly progressing towards a cashless economy! People prefer to use their plastic instead of hard cash. Without a doubt, utilizing credit cards is a great deal less complicated than lugging cash money around. One card is all that you need to suit your pocketbook whereas in case of cash you need to bring a mass quantity given that you do not know how much you may need at one go. While speaking to a corporate top dog that lives next door, I realized the relevance of on-line payment and also its expanding importance for business world. They have actually begun using various online payment options and also phasing out the acceptance of money from the customers. You need to hire individuals in order to man the cash counters while in case of on-line cash move the procedure is quick, simple and convenient.
On the internet payment transfer is much more secure option as well. Charge card are issued by a financial institution after a lengthy verification procedure. While paying with your bank card, you should mandatorily double check all payment related details before last verification. Additionally, you MUST inspect charge card as well as financial institution statements meticulously after every payment to ensure the right quantity has actually been debited, as well as additionally that no fraud has taken place throughout the particular transaction stage. Majority of the people additionally use basic payment gateways (PayPal, Authorize.net, etc.) to move funds to the vendor. Occasion organizers as well are depending heavily on such on-line payment processing and monitoring solutions to efficiently take care of event enrollment costs and/or ticket sales.
On-line payment services come with some significant advantages such as:
PCI Compliance
It indicates you can securely utilize such a solution for monetary deals of any kind of kind. PCI which stands for Payment Card Sector has actually gotten a couple of goals that all bank card providing and also dealing banks need to adhere to. Several of the goals include preserving a secure network, protecting the card owner's information, and also regularly checking each and every purchase that happens making use of credit cards.
SSL 128-bit Information Security
Bulk of on the internet payment monitoring software application follow the SSL 128-bit information security policy to protect details that travels through the system. Therefore, the on-line payment service allows you refine all kinds of credit/debit card repayments and settlements made using prominent gateways securely, preventing any kind of chances of fraud.
Tension-free Cash Handling
Organisations of all kinds, event monitoring firms plus course organizers locate an online payment option extremely user-friendly. It is due to the fact that they don't need to bother about individually accumulating money from the customers, participants or trainees. The on-line system efficiently transfers cash from the purchaser's to the seller's bank account in mins with least human interference.
 On the internet payment options could be the key to conserving personal time. It's very easy to set up automatic electronic payment alternatives. You can log on a monthly basis to pay your costs. Or you can accredit for payments to be made as often as you want without going to your computer. Electronic payments conserve you time because you are not in the cars and truck or standing at the financial institution in line to make a withdrawal or transfer. Doing repayments online is easy for individuals with fundamental computer system abilities. If you want direct down payments from your business instead of waiting for a paper check, simply provide your firm your account details to set up deposits with the financial institution, and also the transfers begin usually in a few pay cycles.
As a business on the internet payment solutions will certainly save you a lot of time and also documentation. You will have accurate, arranged records of the paychecks you spread at your fingertips. It won't take very long to launch staff member pay-roll straight down payments when fundamental account info is licensed and also participated in the system. Now instead of preparing each specific check, publishing it, and then authorizing it, your payroll heads out at the touch of a couple of computer system keys.
A growing number of business is being carried out online so online payment solutions is a progressively approved as well as preferred purchase. Money can be transferred in real time where in the past, someone may have to wait days for a check to arrive, wishing it would arrive at all and also not get lost in the mail, and after that take it to the financial institution to deposit as well as wait on funds to clear. Now, because of the stringent regulative actions that secure on-line payments, transfers are usually available to the recipient right away or within a few hours of transfer. In today's stressed out economic situation, having timely accessibility to money that is your own or having the ability to pay your bills at the last minute when you can afford it, is a welcome advantage.
On the internet payment options is a terrific suggestion for individuals who require to move huge or frequent quantities of money as well as are worried for their safety and security. Prior to digital transfers, individuals needed to take payroll to a financial institution, approve payments personally, and also manage cash on hand. Now rather than fretting about being burglarized at any type of step of the way, electronic transfers provide a high level of safety and security. Workers don't need to stress over washing a paper check when they do laundry and after that having to change it. Digital transfer makes sure the money goes straight to the assigned account.
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john2983miller-blog · 5 years
Just how to Choose an Online Payment Service
Just how to Choose an Online Payment Service
 How to pick an Online Payment Solution and our selection
The payment company is picked based on many different criteria. Some of these are the solution availability in the nation where your bank account is, costs of a transaction, regular monthly costs, the costs of integration, and whether it deals with sales tax obligation issues or allows for assimilation with a few other well-known payment options. Most of these questions should be addressed by You the customer. Stripe is our preferred option as it had superb API capabilities. This short article will certainly use Red stripe as its payment processor of choice.
 Finest Practices for payment suppliers
Retry if deal did not succeeded The transaction could fall short not only due to technological factors however in some cases insufficient funds might be the factor. You ought to retry refining the purchase in between an hour to couple of days later.
Know when your CC will certainly end Several of the card information will end or their data will certainly no more stand for various reasons. When you do not have legitimate CC information billing the client will certainly not be feasible. The major card schemes provide a service that lets you inspect if there are any updates pending for the customer information that you keep. A few of the on-line payment services will certainly even update card information for you. Stripe will certainly do this for the majority of MasterCard, Discover, and Visa cards. Not just CC.
Be aware that in some parts of the world people are not ready to pay with their Bank card The most effective instance of this is China when Alipay is the main payment source. It deserves noting that not all customers more than happy giving away their card details so using a widely known payment technique aids to increase the conclusion price of possible transactions. Red stripe also sustains Alipay for China and also for Europe Giropay, suitable
We would love to have Alipay Often customers just want to utilize Alipay UK as they recognize with the brand name. Do not be stubborn - Stripe will certainly aid to optimize your revenue. Stripe and Paypal are direct competitors there is no integration between them.
Ideal methods while making use of the Stripe payment process
PCI compliance with Red stripe
The majority of customers come to be PCI compliant by filling in the Self-Assessment Survey (SAQ) supplied by the PCI Protection Criteria Council. The sort of SAQ depends upon just how you accumulate card data. The easiest method of PCI validation is SAQ A. The fastest means to become PCI compliant with Red stripe is to see to it you get a prefilled SEQ A. If so Stripe will certainly fill up the SEQ A for you and will certainly make it available for you to download to your account's conformity setups after the first 20 or so deals. The means to accomplish this is as follows:
- Use the Installed form called Checkout, Stripe.js as well as Elements (it offers far better design personalization then Check out). You can utilize react-stripe-elements which makes use of Stripe.js API or Red stripe mobile SDK libraries. When you're using react-native opt for tipsi-stripe. ipsi-stripe bindings are not officially sustained by Stripe so support will certainly not formally inform you that they qualify for prefilled SEQ-A compliance - yet they do.
- If you are utilizing web serve your repayments web pages ought to utilize HTTPS.
In all those situations information is safely sent straight to Red stripe without it passing through your web servers. When you select the fastest means you will certainly not have to do anything more. It is as basic as this till you get to 6 million transactions each year then you will need to fill up a Report on Compliance to confirm your PCI conformity annually.
Prepare for technical failing - Idempotency vital If you are utilizing API to take settlements you should prepare for a technical failing as all networks are undependable. If failure occurs wit is not constantly possible to understand if a fee was made or not. In the case of a network failure you must retry the purchase. The Idempotency secret is a prevention device against billing a consumer twice. If for some reason you sent the payment twice - which may happen as a result of retrying procedures after a failing. In Stripes node lib you just include it to choices parameter while charging. Each Idempotency trick will break after 24 hours so after that time if you make a payment with the same Idempotency key you will charge the client.
Stripe charges in cents not dollars On the internet payment solutions like PayPal charge in dollars instead of cents. But that in Stripes all charges are made in smallest currency unit. This is not only the instance regarding dollars, Stripes does it for all money.
Red stripe supplies many card numbers for you to check various circumstances on the frontend and tokens so you might straight check your backend. For example you can not only examination Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club and JCB Cards yet additionally worldwide cards as well as 3D Secure Cards. Red stripe also supplies you with symbols so you can check failure circumstances like a fee being declined, or a cost being blocked due to the fact that its deceptive, an ended card, or a processing mistake. So you will be prepared for every little thing that can occur when you go live.
Do not put JSON in description - Use metal
Be detailed as you can. Metadata is your close friend. You can enrich your Stripe purchase with custom-made information so you can after that watch it in the dashboard. For example you can include points like customer ID or the shipping ID in metadata so there is no reason to contaminate your purchase summary.
Should I gather more information?
The bare minimum to gather from a CC is its number, CVV and expiry day however you can gather much more. You can additionally accumulate the zip code/ CC holder name/ address for Address Verification System (AVS). If you gather them it will raise Wechat Payment UK safety and security due to the fact that the fraud prevention formulas will have extra data as well as will certainly have the ability to respond much more precisely. However, from the individual point of view it's even more data to kind - which is not always great. Clients are just human and also in some cases make errors when going into information which can likewise trigger some deals to be declined. So you must decide on just how much data you need and what will certainly work best for you as well as your income. Just as banks will occasionally decline settlements with a 'do not recognize' condition and also you will need to contact your customer so they can ask their bank concerning the reason (high level of recent task on a card, an absence of matching AVS info, a card being over its limitation, or a range of various other factors which only the financial institution will understand).
 If you are any kind of online supplier of service or products, a method for clients to pay swiftly as well as easily online is coming to be more and more essential. Online payment services are perfectly available, as well as offer clients a far more structured and practical internet shopping experience. The complying with are some of the benefits to implementing on-line payment services. These apply to small businesses and also big ventures alike (though the huge majority of larger firms do have on-line payment solutions).
Alleviate of Purchase
It only stands to reason: if a purchase is simpler as well as quicker to make, there is a better probability that someone will certainly make it. When you contrast the quantity of time as well as trouble it takes to draw up a check, placed it in a stamped envelope, as well as send it with submitting a name and a couple of charge card numbers and after that clicking send, it is clear at to which the consumer will certainly view as simpler. And also, actually they will certainly be appropriate even in a measurable sense worrying the quantity of time spent. Therefore from a standard sales point ofview, it makes sense to use online payment alternatives UK.
Up-to-Date Appearance
Past the above, a site that supplies on-line payment solutions shows up extra up-to-date and also modern. Online payment is the standard now, the regulation instead of the exemption. So it makes an internet site show up more market mindful as well as practically up-to-date. This can assist to strengthen the view for the consumer that the website is genuine, present, and customer-oriented.
Much easier to Track and Organize
It is easier to track and arrange sales that are made online. The software application that processes these settlements might likewise include evaluation and organizational parts that are extremely helpful in both analysis of the sales performance of the website and also publication keeping. As well as great analysis and company of vendor information is always practical for enhancing and streamlining a service.
Saves Time and also Resources
These online payment remedies UK save the moment and also resources of a service. Some examples are their capacity to immediately manage persisting payments, generate invoices automatically, and also function as interfaces for customer questions as well as issues. The large manpower conserved right here alone is factor to institute these services.
These settlements can be received anywhere internet access is available. This considerably frees up time and also enables better wheelchair both of firm employees as well as consumers. When a customer can purchase anywhere they can use their laptop computer, and a firm can likewise get those repayments basically anywhere and also anytime, the window for making purchases is much better. This is all thanks to the boosted availability/mobility.
A fairly recent growth in this field is what is known as mobile payment. This is an expanding network that permits individuals to Wechat Pay for goods or services making use of only mobile phones. Again, what is occurring here is that payment is coming to be even easier to make in a variety of various situations as well as places.
As you can see, executing an on-line payment option E14 5NR for your company makes sense on various levels. If you anticipate to have any kind of considerable online sales existence, allowing consumers to make on line payments is essentially a necessity. Find a great service that fits your service demands and also you'll prepare to go.
 Today's culture is slowly progressing in the direction of a cashless economy! Individuals prefer to use their plastic rather than hard cash. Without a doubt, utilizing charge card is a great deal much easier than bring cash around. One card is all that you need to fit in your pocketbook whereas in case of cash money you require to carry a bulk quantity since you do not know just how much you might call for at one go. While speaking with a company boss who lives next door, I understood the significance of on-line payment and also its expanding relevance for business world. They have started using various on-line payment options as well as terminating the approval of cash from the customers. You require to hire individuals in order to man the money counters while in case of on the internet cash transfer the procedure is quick, basic and problem-free.
On the internet payment transfer is much more secure alternative also. Bank card are provided by a financial institution after an extensive verification procedure. While paying with your credit card, you ought to mandatorily check all payment relevant details before last confirmation. Also, you MUST examine bank card and also financial institution declarations carefully after every payment to ensure the proper quantity has been debited, and also that no fraud has taken place throughout the particular transaction stage. Majority of individuals likewise use conventional payment portals (PayPal, Authorize.net, and so on) to move funds to the vendor. Event organizers also are counting greatly on such on-line payment processing and also administration services to successfully deal with event registration costs and/or ticket sales.
On the internet payment solutions come with some major benefits such as:
PCI Compliance
It implies you can securely use such a service for financial purchases of any kind of kind. PCI which means Payment Card Industry has actually enlisted a couple of objectives that all charge card issuing and also dealing financial institutions require to follow. Several of the goals include keeping a safe network, shielding the card holder's information, as well as consistently keeping track of every transaction that takes place using bank card.
SSL 128-bit Information Security
Bulk of on-line payment management software application follow the SSL 128-bit information security policy to shield details that passes through the system. Thus, the online payment service lets you refine all sorts of credit/debit card settlements as well as payments made via prominent portals safely, protecting against any type of possibilities of scams.
Tension-free Cash Handling
Companies of all kinds, occasion monitoring companies plus course organizers locate an on-line payment remedy very easy to use. It is due to the fact that they don't need to trouble around separately accumulating cash from the clients, participants or trainees. The online system effectively moves cash from the customer's to the vendor's checking account in mins with the very least human interference.
 On the internet payment remedies could be the trick to conserving personal time. It's easy to establish automatic digital payment choices. You can go to each month to pay your costs. Or you can license for repayments to be made as regularly as you want without going to your computer. Electronic repayments save you time since you are not in the car or standing at the financial institution in line to make a withdrawal or transfer. Doing settlements online is simple for individuals with standard computer abilities. If you want direct deposits from your company instead of waiting on a paper check, just offer your company your account details to set up deposits with the bank, as well as the transfers start normally in a couple of pay cycles.
As a service on-line payment services will certainly save you a great deal of time as well as paperwork. You will certainly have precise, organized records of the paychecks you spread within your reaches. It will not take very long to launch employee pay-roll straight deposits when standard account information is accredited and participated in the system. Currently instead of preparing each specific check, publishing it, and then authorizing it, your pay-roll heads out at the touch of a few computer system secrets.
More and more organisation is being conducted on-line so online payment remedies is an increasingly accepted and preferred purchase. Cash can be transferred in real time where in the past, someone might need to wait days for a check to show up, hoping it would certainly come to all and not obtain shed in the mail, and afterwards take it to the financial institution to deposit and also wait for funds to clear. Currently, because of the rigorous regulatory measures that shield on the internet repayments, transfers are commonly readily available to the recipient right away or within a few hours of transfer. In today's worried economic situation, having prompt access to cash that is your own or having the ability to pay your bills at the last minute when you can afford it, is a welcome benefit.
On the internet payment services is a fantastic idea for individuals that need to move large or frequent amounts of money and also are worried for their safety. Prior to digital transfers, individuals had to take pay-roll to a bank, accept payments personally, and also take care of cash money accessible. Currently rather than bothering with being burglarized at any step of the method, digital transfers provide a high level of safety. Employees don't need to fret about cleaning a paper check when they do laundry and after that needing to change it. Digital transfer makes sure the cash goes straight to the marked account.
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