#i also had a part-time job while working on ABM and that made things a lot worse to be fair
nicosraf · 5 months
hi! lately i have been having problems with my time management and i wanted to ask you how have you been doing so far to get a university degree, books published, to rest and to have leisure time/social life without dying in the attempt? that’s something to be admired !! do u have any advice? 😭
I say this very lovingly but I am the wrong person to ask!!
During ABM, my social life was destroyed, I got zero sleep, and I relied too much on drinking. Do not do any of this. It was at its worst when I was working on the revision at the same time I was writing my thesis, and it did result in me having a meltdown eventually, as well as more drinking. Do not do that!
During A&M, post-graduation, it was a little easier, but I did have a lot of family responsibilities and more thrown on me, so my time management became "write at night", which made me lose sleep. (And post A&M, I've been focusing on repairing my social life sksksk.. Will this PhD destroy my life again while I try to write the third book tho? Perhaps.)
I think my biggest advice I can give you is there is no rush to publish, but also consistency is key. It's okay if you only manage a few sentences in between lecture as long as you write every day, or most days at least. Your book will be finished eventually, don't give yourself a deadline if you feel there's a lot on your plate, just focus on the story, not the publishing.
I think something I personally did was learn to get very good at reading academic papers quickly, half-paying attention during lecture while I write, and then do most of my actual learning talking to professors, asking them about the readings, and admitting I wasn't focusing in lecture (they usually don't mind and understand, to a degree). This is my experience for social science / humanities classes, so it depends on what you study, but I recommend asking yourself what you need to do to pass classes, what you actually want to learn, and how you best learn things, so you can allocate your studying time better.
Again, I don't think I'm the right person to ask how to be healthy juggling so many things, but I think asking yourself whether a good grade in a certain class really matters to you can help you decide on your schedule. I also think turning writing into a social event helps! If you have writer friends then doing sprints together is fun. I hope this is helpful! My only last piece of advice is to please get sleep, do not turn to substance abuse, and do not neglect your health.
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chilling-seavey · 4 years
I LIVE for the uncle Chi Chi in your ABM blurbs so if you’re looking for more to write I would LOVE more uncle Chi Chi fluff!! Maybe with all three girls and he takes them on like a group “date” or something?! Idk do with this message as you want hahaha I’m sure I’ll love whatever your write!!
I’m so glad someone agrees with me that Uncle Chi-Chi is the cutest thing LOL I also wrote this at 7am as SOON as I woke up so sorry if it’s kinda trash 🧡
Out of his siblings, Christian’s probably the one who wakes up the earliest, not that he was a morning person or anything, he just enjoyed starting his day with enough time to do lots of things. This was especially when his nieces were over for Christmas break and he moved back home for those few weeks to spend time with them, meaning he was almost always up with the birds with them. The girls always shared Tyler’s old room which was right next door to his own and on every morning – except Christmas morning – Clementine and Penelope would go right in to wake him up.
It was the December after Lucy was born, meaning Daniel and Florence were back to being woken up at all hours of the night to tend to the baby. Christian was glad to give them extra time to sleep as he sent the oldest two girls downstairs before he tiptoed into Daniel’s room to grab Lucy before she could wake up her parents. The six-month-old was already awake, thankfully, staring up at him from the crib and she kicked her legs excitedly at the sight of him. Christian scoped her up and set her on his hip as he headed back out, closed the door silently behind him, and started downstairs.
Clementine and Penelope were in the living room waiting for him and he ushered them into the kitchen after him.
“What are we doing?” Clementine asked as Christian pulled out the step stool from beside the fridge and opened it up so the two girls could reach counter height.
“We’re going to make breakfast.” Christian said with a smile.
“For everyone?” Clementine gaped.
“That’s a lot of Cheerios.” Penelope whispered.
“We’re making something better than cereal.” Christian promised, petting Penelope’s dark hair back from her face. “How does French Toast sound?”
“Good!” the girls grinned.
Lucy was buckled into the high chair near by as she wouldn’t be much help with the cooking process but she was still part of it. Christian gathered the ingredients on the kitchen island and finished it with a mixing bowl.
“Let’s wash our hands, okay?” he grabbed Clementine around the waist first and carried her over to the sink, holding her up so she could wash her hands and then switched out for Penelope when she was done.
“All clean!” Penelope held up all ten fingers to him and he pressed a kiss to her head.
“Sure are.”
Christian did most of the measuring but let the girls take turns dumping the ingredients into the bowl. He made sure to teach them how to clean as they went so the mess wouldn’t be too big when they finished. When the ingredients were all in the bowl, each girl had a chance to whisk. That only got so far as the entire bowl nearly poured onto Penelope when she tried to mix it and Christian pulled an impressive lunge to rescue it before she was covered in raw egg and cinnamon.
So he took control of the whisking, the girls staring at him with adoration as he held the bowl and whisked the eggs and spices and other ingredients together. When that was ready, he handed each girl a slice of bread and they got to dunk it into the egg mixture. Clementine stuck her whole hand in the bowl with it, pressing the bread down against the bottom before taking it out, dripping, and held it out to him.
“Okay, wow, thank you.” Christian held his hands under it to keep anymore egg from dripping onto the floor and he set her slice on a plate while they finished soaking the rest.
Penelope held her little pinkies up as she poked her slice gently in the egg mixture, almost afraid to get her hands covered in it.
“Hurry up!” Clementine ordered.
“Hey. Be nice. She can take her time.” Christian said softly.
“I’m done.” Penelope whispered, looking up at him shyly as she took her hands out of the bowl and held them out to him.
“Good job, pumpkin.” Christian smiled at her, wiping her hands off with a tea towel.
“Can I do another?” Clementine asked.
“Of course.” Christian handed her another slice of bread and she dunked it into the bowl. He took their finished slices and turned on the stovetop to begin cooking them while the girls finished up the last pieces in the bowl.
“Chi-Chi!” Penelope called, making him turn around quickly, spatula still in hand. “I wanna get down.”
“I got you.” he held out his free hand to her and she took it so he could help her jump off the step stool.
He turned back to finish cooking the last few pieces that Clementine brought over from the kitchen island and when it was all done, he turned off the stove and set the plate of stacked French Toast on the island and dumped the remaining few mixing bowls and utensils in the sink. Christian lifted up the girls to sit at the breakfast bar and wheeled over Lucy who was starting to get fussy.
“What’s up with you, huh?” Christian unbuckled her and lifted her out of the highchair as he grabbed three plates and some cutlery for them to eat their breakfast. Lucy sat on his hip with her head leaning against him as he poured the oldest two girls cups of orange juice and served them each a slice of toast. He poured a zig-zag of maple syrup over each slice and sat down to have two hands free to cut up the toast for the older two, the baby sat on his lap.
“Thank you!” Clementine and Penelope said at the same time as he passed down their plates to them and they began eating.
“Mama!” Lucy cried, squirming against him desperately.
“Mama’s still sleeping, Lucy Lu.” Christian bounced his leg to try and soothe her a little bit. He scooped up a bit of maple syrup from his plate onto his pinky and she opened her mouth for a taste. Lucy stared up at him with wide blue eyes as she sucked off the sweet syrup from his finger, breaking into a cheeky little smile. “Good, isn’t it?” Christian laughed lightly as she reached out for more. He scooped up another little bit and let her lick it off eagerly.
He didn’t hear the footsteps on the stairs before Daniel voice startled him, “First you steal my baby out of my room and then you give her pure sugar at nearly seven in the morning.”
“Daddy!” Clementine and Penelope grinned.
“Good morning, my little ladies.” Daniel smiled, walking over to kiss each of their heads and then give his older brother a smack. “Scared the hell out of me, bro.”
“Sorry.” Christian chuckled. “Just thought I’d let you two sleep.”
Daniel leaned down to his youngest, peppering little kisses to her chubby cheek, cooing, “Is uncle Christian getting you hooked on sugar this early?”
Lucy giggled, pressing her tiny hand to his face.
“Daddy! Have a French Toast! We made it!” Clementine said, pointing to the pile.
“You did? They look good.” Daniel smiled, walking around the island to open the fridge. He pulled out a bottle for the baby and got to work warming it up, serving himself a slice as he did so. He made sure the bottle was proper temperature before passing it over to Christian to feed Lucy.
“Bro, I haven’t even eaten yet.” Christian gestured to his untouched toast with the tip of the bottle.
“You wanted the baby up so you’re in charge of her now.” Daniel shrugged, pouring maple syrup over his breakfast before taking a seat beside his girls at the breakfast bar.
Christian looked down at Lucy who stared back up at him, reaching for the bottle, “Mama!”
“I’m not Mama. I look nothing like Mama.” Christian tisked, offering her the bottle and she drank happily, leaning against him.
“You are feeding her breastmilk currently.” Daniel teased between bites. “So to her, and to her taste buds, you’re mama.”
“Great.” Christian sighed. Clementine and Penelope giggled from beside him and he glared playfully at them, “Eat your toast and don’t make fun of me. That’s not nice.”
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12-abm1 · 6 years
We’re Wolves, You and I
A “Wolf of Wall Street” Movie Review by Adam Christian Magno
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This is me in the future (Just joking)
Wolves are known to be very intelligent and have strong instincts especially when it comes to hunting, like in the business world, Wolves are known for their “bloodlust” for money. 
“I have been a rich man and I have been a poor man, and I choose to be the rich man every f*****g time” as said by Jordan Belfort in the movie “Wolf of Wall Street”.
As an ABM Student, this unforgettable quote inspires me to be focused on my job and well, gain money pretty much, in this world, money to a person is like a meal to a predator. A leader, especially in the business world, carries the business in his/her shoulders because these leaders do the planning of the strategy, the testing, and of course the implementation of the said strategy. With that being stated, Jordan Belfort has shown two different sides on being a leader and first we have…
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          Okay so let’s face it, Jordan Belfort is actually intelligent when it comes to getting money, because he does not stop until his client bought a lot of shares in stocks, and within that transaction he gains a lot of cash, especially when Jordan offers his clients the so-called ‘pink sheets’ wherein the smaller firms are listed here but when someone buys shares within these listed firms in the pink sheets, the stock broker gains a huge amount of commission, in the movie it is said to have 50% as their commission, while the ‘blue sheet’ only gives the broker 10% as their commission. Now the main point is, Jordan Belfort showed a very excellent characteristic as a leader, and this is being a role model to everyone. Jordan showed this through the scene when he was selling shares of a pink sheet firm, he sold (based from what I remember) $10,000 worth of shares and it was a pink sheet firm so he gained $5,000 since a pink sheet firm gives 50% to the broker, after Jordan Belfort locked the deal, everyone was so shocked that he actually sold a pink sheet firm and at the same time made the client invest a huge amount, after that everyone went in and did what he did to sell more shares and of course so that the brokers get rich. But on the other hand…
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          Jordan Belfort as stated earlier was a leader, but some of his actions seem lacking, negative, and does not even follow the correct “Business Ethics”.
So to me, Jordan Belfort wasn’t actually seen being fair with all of his workers since he still treats them as either a competition or the worker is just weak because that worker is below him (this probably is directed to all the women that worked there) like with that scene wherein they took advantage of a woman that works in their firm and did different “things” to her (Let’s not go in depth with that, I’d like to keep this post as PG as possible).
Jordan Belfort is not accountable for his actions, at first you think Jordan will take responsibility for his actions, but the second you think that, he’ll just say some random thing and treat it as a joke, like the part where he should’ve just stepped down his position and let Donny take over so that the company’s workers would not be involved in anything.
Well, we all know this right now. Jordan Belfort was selfish, he does not take any idea (Well, unless that idea will turn him crazy and high at the same time) or suggestions into consideration, because all he thinks about is money, drugs, and well, to put this in safe words, having coitus. Jordan did not care about what his clients do, he just cares about the fact that their money would go to his pockets.
Well, from the start, I think that most of the things that he did were wrong, like using pink sheets and selling it to the rich just to get money (He actually stood up to his title though, “Crazed Robin Hood”), he also uses drugs and buys hookers to satisfy his and his workers’ “needs”, lastly, to sum this all up, he just did a number of illegal things other than the ones stated earlier, like money laundering (Transferring the money to Switzerland), and fraud (His job basically, and what his company does).
As a future molder of the corporate world, how can you practice business ethics and social responsibility in relation to the experience of Jordan Belfort?
        As a future molder of the corporate world I can practice the basics of Business Ethics and Business Ethics and Social Responsibility itself for what Jordan Belfort lacked I will have it and improve it, like in fairness, I would stick to the word ‘equity’ not ‘equality’ because those are two different things, and I want to every single one of my workers to work in the same ground because as we all feel by now, favoritism sucks and well, it should be removed from existence, in addition to this I would like to hear from everyone, in what they would like to have in their workplace so that they could improve their work (Of course those things should be reasonable enough). For accountability, I will train my workers to be accountable for their actions since for me, when someone did a wrong thing, the best thing to do is to say that you did it and let’s just move on, I mean, we all work in the same firm, we should be helping each other out here, remove the so-called “Crab Mentality”. For transparency, I should take and assess every single suggestion and improvements that not only my workers, but also the customers want, because this will improve their satisfaction and at the same time keep them attracted to my business, thus, improving customer relationships and making different connections. 
        In terms of social responsibility, I will try to handle my business by giving benefits and of course having benefits to myself as well, in other words, I would like to reciprocate the benefits that my customer will get, an example would be when a customer buys things in my business, I would like him/her to use it to the fullest and be satisfied, which at this point we had benefits from just one transaction, I gain money and he/she is satisfied with the purchase he/she made. In addition to this, CSR is like another basis of a customer in picking where he/she will spend cash on, when firms or businesses ignore CSR, most likely that business or firm is losing customers since its showing unethical things and of course those businesses and firms disregards the “Code of Ethics”, professionalism, and competence altogether. 
         As a future manager of different businesses and firms, I would like to promise that I will uphold CSR and practice Business Ethics not only to improve my business but also to satisfy and attract customers and of course to implement a healthy relationship between me, my workers, and my customers. Now...sell me this pen, Would you?
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Lastly before I end this post, here’s a dancing Leonardo Dicaprio to make your day!
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                                                 Lit moves Leo.
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fragiledisorder · 7 years
My Best and Worst Experiences as an ABM Student
         I am giving you a head’s up right now, this is a school work. Though it may be so, school work or not, I’m completely honest with everything that I write here. I made it my personal pride to be honest with my essays. I got insomnia the last time I didn’t. So anyway, for those who don’t know the meaning of ABM, its Accountancy and Business Management; a strand in the Academic Track in Senior High School in the Philippines. With this, I shall start my very long blog post. Hope you read it until the end.
          If I’ll grade myself as an ABM student, I’m going to leave it blank. ABM is not what I wanted to take. I’m either a HUMMS or STEM student at heart. I wanted to pursue psychology but I realized it at a late notice. My mom wanted me to take Accountancy so I did; bad choice there in my part. Don’t get me wrong, the strand isn’t bad. I just feel that I don’t belong in the field of business. I was not in my comfortable area. I had a share of good and bad experiences with it too. I met different people. It’s pretty rad in general. So what do you want to know? The best or worst experience? Well, the only one that I’m sure who’ll read this is my instructor in Empowerment so I’ll just go ahead and discuss both at the same time.
         At the start of my senior high, I didn’t expect that I’ll have a stressful school year. I haven’t experienced much anxiety and depression attacks in my life. Yeah, I got involved in so many organizations but that’s because I am mandated to join them. Let me tell you about it. One of the highlights in my senior high is my class presidency. I really felt honored by it. My classmate and instructors trusted my skills and sense of responsibility. The job is no joke. I’ve been tested too many times for my own liking. It may just be me complaining about the school dumping too many jobs on me but I also get tired. I have stress levels of an adult. Since I’m the class president, I have to join organizations that have class representatives on them. The job keeps on piling up, but I learned many things. I got involved in leadership seminars and inspirational talks. I was happy and tired at the same time. My instructors really helped me out. They keep on pushing me to the right track. My advisers are very supportive and treated me like their own. I felt belonged when I’m with them. I also have activities that involve the rest of the class. We even have our own hangout place because that’s where we always practice for extracurricular activities. We had a zumba contest, folk dance performance, sabayang pagbigkas, museum-making, symposium, and all that jazz. It was so fun. Knowing that I was the one who managed to see my classmates grow and progress made me feel this pride in my heart;
But this doesn’t mean I don’t have my own struggles.
         Since I am not in my preferred strand, it was hard for me to study everything about this profession.  I still managed to get high grades but what’s the use? My passion is not here. I cannot see myself in this field. It was an internal struggle where I have to save face whenever I am in school to avoid the cause of worry from my schoolmates while I wallow myself in self-pity and regret when I get home. I felt loss and pathetic of my insecurities to other students who can freely do what they want. I got so sad that crying every midnight became a hobby for me. My mom eventually woke up because of my wailing that she realized that I didn’t want this choice of career. She eventually supported me with taking AB psychology in college. Another thing that brought me down is what other people kept on thinking about me. It’s not about what they think about me that matter, it’s about their sense of disappointment. They may not say it but I can clearly see it and feel it. My grades dropped lately. I have been distracted. I’m not denying that. I got sidetracked by my own struggles. Besides, even with my grades dropped, I still have all of them in the line of 90’s; that’s not a bad thing. I just don’t see why they have to fret themselves over grades as if it defines my own identity. Grades are merely numbers that can be cheated on. None of the honor rankings really made sense to me. Is it used as an incentive to boast who got the best? Or is it really used to give praise to those who did well at this specific time period? I know a lot of students who did well but are not in the list. They deserve more credit than what the school gives them. This whole system just infuriates me.
         This post has been too long, but I have no regrets whatsoever. These are my true feelings. I didn’t label it as the best or worst experience because all of it falls in between them. Knowing my name isn’t really that important, I’m just a very honest student who can say what I want because you don’t know who I am. Well, expect for my instructor who’s reading this. Thank you for taking the time to finish my first official blog post! Have a nice day!
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hkirpal-blog · 5 years
Blog Post 2
Knowing what I know now about my five top leadership strengths, I can recall instances where I used each strength. Before doing this assessment, I was aware of what I thought my strengths were, the ones on the list are quite similar to what I had originally thought. Realizing that my top strength is achiever and second is competition, it has given me more motivation. Even has a child I would have a need for constant attainment. If I feel that a day has been wasted, I feel dissatisfied, I must accomplish something. That something can be as simple as vacuuming or taking notes. The motivation that I have now begins with understanding how I can actually use these strengths. Before not actually knowing them, I was kind of in limbo and just going with the flow, just slightly aware of my inherent talent / strength. But the confirmation not only gave me the confidence to act and take on more responsibility but also the motivation to use them and do more.
For the first strength achiever. As an achiever I constantly look for the next accomplishment, not dwelling or rewarding myself for previous ones. A situation in which I can use this strength would be at school in a group work oriented class. For example, for my CRM class, I can take charge of our group and push everyone to do better and achiever a higher mark. More so, I moderately did this. Normally I wouldn’t be the one to check spelling and go over our assignment, I would just do my part and do it the best I can. Instead, I took charge and went over the spelling and grammar and corrected my groups work. All in all, this relates back to me wanting to achieve the highest mark possible and here I was willing to do what it takes, which is drastically different for my norm. My norm being just completing my portion of the assignment and not doing anything else.
The second strength competition. The lesson summary says something of value, “They need to compare. If they can compare, they can compete, and if they can compete, they can win.”. This strength is all about comparison and performance, its about outperforming others. A situation in which I can use this strength would be in my ABM class. Everyone is on different teams and they are pitted against each other to see who the top performing team is. In this class you are playing a simulation of running a footwear company. Currently my team is in fourth place. However, what I can do is delegate and explain in detail what our strategy is and how we can accomplish it, bringing our position up. Already I can feel the need to do better and outperform my peers, I just need a way to convey that to my other team members. So, by going in detail and creating a clearer picture for my team members I believe that I will be able to accomplish this.
The third strength futuristic. I am fascinated by the future and this vision energizes me, while also allowing me to paint a picture for the future for my team members. A situation in which I can use this strength would be at work. Work is quite mundane and boring. However, I often tell my co-workers of my aspirations, goals and try to light a fire in them. Some may not be feeling as content as I am, what I try to do is bring up their spirits and give them a sense of hope they can latch onto. By providing my vision of the future I often see their eyes light up. For example, one of my co-workers was planning to go into robotics but changed his mind due to his current life status. He was overwhelmed with the blues. What I tired to do was create a better vision, a better world where he was performing his best and outline it for him. What I noticed was that he became more intrigued and content and looked at other ways to progress. So, he changed his program and went into HVAC where he is loving it and already has a job lined up. That little picture I painted for him where things got significantly better, allowed him to appreciate his journey and promoted growth. The futuristic strength is a weird one that I possess. I must use it in a way that helps others to grow. For me it is easy to envision what I want and how I can get there but for others it is not. What I can do is use more detail and create a vivid picture for them.
The fourth strength analytical. This strength has to do with logic and thinking. Ideas and theories must be sound and not wishful. A situation in which I can use this strength would be in my career as a whole, as product manager, a CEO, etc. Logic and rational thinking will be needed to make decisions that a business will rely on and utilize. I will need to assess the validity and prove whether it is a sound course of action. If I fail to utilize this strength effectively it can cost me my job. Moreover, analytical also inherits critical thinking. This is more about the use of the left-brain over the right brain. Additionally, if I do not choose my words carefully and am too harsh with my words, others may start to avoid me. In the idea development process, one must not be critical in the first stage. I will need to work on allowing the creative flow process to take place and allowing ideas to be generated.
The last strength is relator. It describes my attitude toward relationships and forming genuine ones. A leadership situation in which I can use this strength would be in a project. By learning about which aspects my team members are strong in and areas they are weak in. I will be able to delegate accordingly. Giving the parts of the project that best suits the right individual. This may in turn create hostility as someone who may not be as strong in that area may want to perform that aspect. At this point I may look to reassess and give some components to that individual or provide future opportunities in which they are able to perform it.
The strength that I wanted to use was achiever. Currently I am taking the marketing graphics course, and I have never used Photoshop before. This poses to be quite the challenge for me, and I must learn how to use the program and bring myself up to speed. Coupled with not knowing the program, I also lack the knowledge of design principles and theories. Despite that I spent the needed time and energy to learn some of the basics so I could complete my first assignment. The first assignment being using a variety of tools and creating an ad for vitamin water. I was able to create a unique color scheme and convey the message appropriately. This leadership opportunity was over myself, instead of leading people, I was leading myself. The accomplishment was that I learned how to use Photoshop to a certain extent. This made me overjoyed as I began to see the fruits of my labor.
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raystart · 4 years
Technology, Innovation, and Modern War – Class 8 – AI – Chris Lynch and Nand Mulchandani
We just held our eighth session of our new national security class Technology, Innovation and Modern War. Joe Felter, Raj Shah and I designed a class to examine the new military systems, operational concepts and doctrines that will emerge from 21st century technologies – Space, Cyber, AI & Machine Learning and Autonomy.
Today’s topic was Artificial Intelligence and Modern War.
Catch up with the class by reading our summaries of the previous seven classes here.
Some of the readings for this class session included What The Machine Learning Value Chain Means For Geopolitics, How Artificial Intelligence Will Reshape The Global Order, An Understanding Of Ai’s Limitations Is Starting To Sink In, and The Panopticon Is Already Here.
AI and The Department of Defense In our last class session General Shanahan, described the mission of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center (the JAIC) which is to insert AI across the entire Department of Defense. He also said, “The most important hire I made in my time at the JAIC was the chief technology officer, Nand Mulchandani.” Nand changed the culture of the JAIC, bringing in Silicon Valley tools for product development, product management and for the first time a culture that focused on UI/UX, MVPs and continuous integration and deployment.
In this class session Nand Mulchandani, JAIC CTO who just completed an extended stint as Acting Director, continued the discussion of AI and the role of the JAIC.
In addition to Nand, the class also heard from Chris Lynch, founder of the Defense Digital Service (DDS), now the CEO of Rebellion Defense, a new vendor of AI to the DOD. One of the main purposes of the class is to expose our best and brightest to DoD challenges and inspire them to serve. Chris’s story of why he started DDS and how he built the team is a model for how you create a movement.
I’ve extracted and paraphrased a few of their key insights below, but there are many others throughout this substantive discussion, and I urge you to read the entire transcript (here and here) and watch the video.
Nand Mulchandani
How the JAIC is Organized The JAIC is a tiny team, yet we have a product directorate with 32 products that we’re building across six verticals – all the way from warfighter health to Joint warfighting to Business Process automation, humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, cybersecurity and predictive maintenance. And we own the AI autonomous weapon systems ethics and policy for the DOD.
We have an acquisition arm and Congress is probably going to give us acquisition authority this year. And we have a missions team headed up by a one-star Flag Officer with six O-6 level officers (Colonels and Navy Captains) heading up the different missions.
Selling JAIC Like Enterprise Sales When General Shanahan brought me in a year and a half ago, we were focused on building one-off products that in some sense were what I called “using a peashooter against a tank.” One product at a time wasn’t going to change the trajectory of the DOD. This is where I brought in the thinking of how we build businesses here in Silicon Valley. We needed to be building leveraged business models in scale. Leverage is a key part of how you change a 3-million-person organization through technology.
Everything that we do at the JAIC has to be built and done with leverage in mind. I organized my missions teams like an enterprise sales team. We took all the colonels and the captains and said, “You are now going out there and finding the repeatable customer patterns. You’re not finding the one-off custom projects to come build. Instead you need to find the patterns, where I can build a single piece of IP or technology and then “sell it” to all the combatant commands and services equally.” Because doing one-offs is never ever going to change the DOD.
JAIC Is Applied AI – Focused on Impact AI is not a single technology. It’s picked up every piece of technology in statistics and regression and we’re dealing anywhere from string data to numeric data to audio, language, still image things, full motion video object recognition.
But we take this technology and apply it to a particular set of customer problems and focus on the impact. I take a very practical approach to this. I’m an entrepreneur and an implementation guy. So, my focus is on practical ways of moving this big rock, in a in a tactical, tangible way, slowly and surely, while big thinkers will the work on the broader theoretical pieces.
For instance, inside the DOD we have aging equipment and we have a number of business processes that are really less than optimum. How do we tackle those with AI which can become quick wins so that success begets success?
However, using AI for new warfighting capability that’s much, much more complicated. That’s the stuff that Rebellion and Anduril and a number of other companies are helping us with.
Connecting Systems End to End We’re applying AI across the board. Take a look at the diagram below. On the left is the Pentagon with  highly connected data centers with high bandwidth. And on the right, you’ve got the tactical edge, where we’ve got UAVs, tanks, spacecraft, etc.
At the JAIC we’re focusing on what we call the autonomy space – close combat, AI for small unit maneuvers, around things for SOCOM, and what the Marines and others are going to have to do with the new National Defense Strategy and new operational concepts.
And then we’re also focused on autonomy. The magic words – Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) and the Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS) – are the automation pieces. How do you connect all of our systems end to end? That requires targeting logistics, fires, everything else. Today, it’s a process that’s half manual, half PowerPoint, half Excel, half whiteboard, and half a bunch of lieutenants, majors and colonels all drawing stuff and cobbling it together. If we agree that the next generation of warfare is going to be fought at the speed of software, you need these end-to-end systems all connected together in a backplane, a platform.
Now the problem is, in the diagram below on the left, this is what our DOD architecture looks like today. It’s a bunch of vertically integrated snowflake applications with a mouse and a keyboard and a screen. Applications are developed in silos, making it impossible to enable centralized functionality.
And for students of economics, you see the cost curve. The graph on the left just doesn’t work. Your marginal costs and your average costs of building software do not go down over time. What’s ironic is that software is one of the few businesses where the more you build, the cheaper it gets, it should.
The curve you want is on the right – lower marginal cost per application, rapid development, increased developer productivity, etc. And the only way you’re going to get there is through building common platform services and the application architecture that internet-scale companies do today. And in the DOD that discussion and ideas are completely missing. And so we continue to build stuff as it is on the left. The discussion we’re having in the Pentagon is how do we move things from left to the right.
Moving from Vertical Silos to Horizontal Platforms Enables “Software defined warfare” Our observation is that the architecture of DOD systems is vertically scaled. What that means is that for that last few decades the goal for every weapon system is about how does each generation get a bigger and bigger version of the same weapon system?
Today that means we just made our targets bigger for our adversaries. Think of a giant aircraft carrier sitting out in the ocean with a hypersonic missile targeted against it. It’s like a giant, vertically scaled data center that we used to have 15, 20 years ago. The architecture changes we need to make in our design for the next generation Combat Systems are precisely the same things that we had to do to change the way we operated data centers. Which is moving from stateful, long running, individual systems, to horizontally scaled, stateless systems. We need them attritable, able to work in denied and degraded environments.
This is what we’re thinking when we call it “software defined warfare.”
However, AI as a services-oriented architecture has to get built out on top of an infrastructure platform. The biggest problem is that no one in the DOD owns running that. So while others can run the JEDI cloud for the DOD, nobody owns running application services for the DOD. And the JAIC can’t run them because we’re not an operational software organization.
Joint Common Foundation One of the biggest mandates we’re focused on now is the Joint Common Foundation, the JCF. It’s an AI development and data environment for the DOD that democratizes access to compute and data.
The vision is a tactical team sitting out in one of our remote bases. Imagine if they can power up a secure laptop, crank out 30 lines of Python code; and grab a set of services – logistic services, mapping services, targeting services, etc,– that are DOD wide available directly through the JCF; and crank out a piece of code that they get into production, use it for a month and then throw it away.
That is the reconfigurability and speed that we need to have at the DOD. So if we are ever in combat, the reconfigurability of our infrastructure, whether it be hardware infrastructure at the tactical edge or a back end systems to react, that is the level of game that we have to have, or we’re toast. That’s it. It’s that simple.
Chris Lynch Culture and the culture of change – Getting the Job to Run the Defense Digital Service In 2015, the Chief Technology Officer at the White House, Todd Park, mentioned I ought to meet with the Department of Defense who were thinking of creating the Defense Digital Service, a DOD version of United States Digital Service. The goal was to bring modern, private-sector tools, technology, and talent into the DOD to solve high-impact challenges.
And Todd Park said, there’s going be a lot of people who want to do this, who want to lead innovation and a lot of people are going to come through, they’re going to pitch their version. I thought about the job like a startup. I came in with a pitch around a “SWAT team of nerds,” one that would work on problems of impact and things that matter. I remember the first time I walked into the waiting room for the Office of the Secretary of Defense. It felt like “Shark Tank.” There were a bunch of other people all going in to do their pitch and talk about their idea for what they wanted to build. Some of them had presentations, and all of them had things printed out of course, because it’s the Department of Defense. Here, we’re talking about technology and innovative ideas, and doing things different with technology and software, and of course, nobody was able to do an actual presentation with a computer.
I chose to show up that day representing what I thought was the culture of what it had to be from the very beginning. That if we tried to build the bridge by being what they were, it wasn’t going to be right. It wasn’t going to be authentic. And we would never attract the best people into the most important mission in the entire world – the mission of defense and national security.
So I showed up in a hoodie and I showed up as me. I didn’t print off a presentation. I pitched the idea, let’s do the SWAT team of nerds. And, and I can remember it felt really, really, weird standing in that office with people in suits and people in uniform in the military. It was just such a different world, completely and totally unlike anything that I had ever seen.
And you know, that’s what they wanted. And that’s what I wanted to be in that part of the story. Because I felt it was important that we actually get people to show up to do the mission. I think that that’s probably one of the most critical things that became the basis of how I thought about what we were building.
Recruiting for the Defense Digital Service I told people, I want you to leave your job where you’re paid more than what I’m going to pay you. I want you to leave your job, where you’re getting free meals, where you’re living and working around a bunch of other software engineers. And I want you to come into a place that is going to be so unbelievably difficult, frustrating, sometimes demoralizing, and very, very difficult. I want you to come into that.
And I want you to give me six months to one year. But I also just want you to be you.
And when you leave, if you do your job here, if you do the thing that we showed up to do, and if we are successful in what we’re trying to accomplish, it will change your life until the day you die. You’ll never be able to get it out of your blood. And that’s the place that we built. I think that that’s the culture, I think that’s the right place to be.
Because it allowed us to show up in what we were comfortable wearing, we became known as, the people in hoodies. And you would have the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff doing a presentation for newly minted generals. And they would show a slide with a picture of me with orange tennis shoes on. And it just became our uniform. And it also made it really easy to be like, “Oh, that’s Chris Lynch. He’s a nerd, right? That’s the person that I want to talk to.”
And that was the culture that we decided to build. Just keep focused on results and not getting caught up in sizzle. But getting caught up in real things, in building real tangible stuff. And I think we were successful.
Starting Rebellion Defense When I left the Defense Digital Service, I felt like I was standing at the shore of this vast sea of all the things that I might do next.
Rebellion Defense was built around the idea of let’s do something spectacular. Let’s continue that mission, but at a scale that would be impossible inside the DOD. And we would be able to bring in incredible new people who wanted to work on something meaningful and impactful.
Surprises from Being Outside the Government Selling In It’s funny, one of the things I never had to worry about on the inside of the Pentagon was budget. As it turns out, finding who has a budget and can allocate funds is a lot more complicated than you’d think. Just because you find someone who has a budget, they have to find a contracting office to do the buy.
My second point is, if you simply believe that you’re going to show up with an awesome product and awesome technology, guess what? That doesn’t mean anything. if you’re selling this customer technology you already lost. The DOD is a mission-driven organization. Which means you have to understand what they are doing. If there’s a person saying, “Oh I need more AI and ML,” they’re likely not the person who has the budget at the end of the day.
Next, this space has a lot of companies in it that have been here for much longer than you. And you probably don’t know anybody in this space. They do. They know them all. They previously have occupied the jobs that the current people in those roles are doing. And so they have all those relationships. That’s a moat.
And incumbents and competitors say they do pretty much anything that you will say that you do. They’ll say, AI and Machine Learning? We do AI/ML on quantum clusters with Cheddar cheese. And literally, I have had people who send me the most random word-salad construction of words and phrases, I don’t even understand what you’re saying. I get that all the time. I can’t tell you the weird stuff that I get sent my way.
So you have to find that partner that has a belief in solving a problem. They have to know what is real and what is not.
How Will AI Be Used? Why Should Silicon Valley Engineers and Our Students Get Involved?
We either show up or we cede our ability to influence and decide on that policy.
If the world’s greatest technologists do not show up and build the systems for the Department of Defense, to lead in this area and decide the ethical and moral boundaries that we believe in, and that we as a nation are comfortable with, somebody else is going to show up and lead in the way that those technologies are built. And they will decide how they’re used and that will be the definition of ethics and morality.
So you have one very, very simple choice: Show up. If you don’t show up, then you don’t get to play a part in the discussion. Because if other countries who do not share your beliefs become the leaders in how these capabilities are used in a military context and they deploy them, it doesn’t matter what you think. That becomes the norm.
I believe that technologists – people like you, and people like me – we can’t give that up to somebody else. I don’t want somebody less capable than the best in this country to show up and build those systems.
The Department of Defense awarded a $106 million contract to build the JAIC’s Joint Common Foundation to… Deloitte Consulting.
Read the entire transcript of Chris Lynch and Nand Mulchandani talks here and here and watch the video below.
If you can’t see the video click here
Lessons Learned
 Nand Mulchandani
The JAIC acts like DOD’s AI service bureau, building leveraged business models in scale.
It’s working on a portfolio of 32 products in 6 verticals across the DOD
It’s looking for repeatable customer patterns
It’s applying AI to both autonomy and automation applications
For example, the Joint All Domain Command and Control (JADC2) and the Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS)
The DOD needs to move from vertical silos to horizontal platforms
AI needs to become a services-oriented architecture built out on top of an infrastructure platform
Hopefully the Joint Common Foundation will do just that
Chris Lynch
Built the Defense Digital Service as a SWAT team of nerds
How he motivated his team is inspiring:
“If you do your job here, if you do the thing that we showed up to do, and if we are successful in what we’re trying to accomplish, it will change your life until the day you die. You’ll never be able to get it out of your blood. And that’s the place that we built.”
Surprises at Rebellion Defense included:
How to find customers with a budget
Competing with incumbents who came from the revolving door
Competing with other companies who claim “we can do that, too”
Why work with the DOD on AI?
“If the world’s greatest technologists do not show up to lead and decide the ethical and moral boundaries that we believe in, and that we as a nation are comfortable with, somebody else is going to show up and lead. And they will decide how they’re used and that will be the definition of ethics and morality.”
Show Up
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wikimakemoney · 4 years
Q&A with Jon Miller, CEO of Engagio
30-second summary:
Engagio CEO and co-founder, Jon Miller, originally co-founded Marketo in 2005. It was one of the first SaaS martech platforms.
Miller got his undergraduate degree in physics at Harvard and went on to graduate with an MBA from Stanford. In 2005, he co-founded Marketo with Phil Fernandez and subsequently co-founded Engagio in 2015.
A key challenge for Miller in developing Marketo was the traditional difficulty of buying martech as a capital investment. The ability to sell software as a service changed that since the upfront investment in software and the onboarding process were better aligned with how marketing budgets worked.
Engagio connects to a company’s existing systems like CRM and marketing automation to deliver an account-based lens. They also provide intelligence and analytics to the marketing department and provide insights to the sales team about the accounts that they care about.
Miller defines ABM as the go-to-market strategy that coordinates personalized marketing and sales efforts to land and expand target accounts.
Miller’s top tip for clients and prospects is that your success with ABM and Engagio is going to come from involving sales in the process.
Engagio is an account-based engagement platform co-founded in 2015 by Jon Miller, the co-founder of marketing automation company Marketo. ClickZ recently spoke with Miller to learn more about Engagio, their unique approach to account-based marketing, and the changing dynamics between sales and marketing that companies are using to fuel growth.
Q) Can you give us a brief insight into your professional journey and how you became CEO and co-founder of Engagio?
I studied physics as an undergrad at Harvard and spent my summers doing fusion research at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. I was accepted to MIT for a PhD program in physics, but before I committed to academia, I wanted to try the business world out, so I deferred MIT for a year and got a job in management consulting. Because of my quantitative background, I worked on very analytical projects.
In 1994, I read the book, The One to One Future, by Don Peppers and Martha Rogers, which described a vision where companies could be truly personalized using the data and analytics that was becoming available. It was a trend in the industry that intersected well with my quantitative background. I went on to work at a consulting firm that specialized in one-to-one personalization. From there, I joined an early martech company called Epiphany that was building software for 1:1 marketing and which became the hottest IPO of 1999. I spent seven years there until it was sold in 2005.
While at Epiphany, I met Phil Fernandez, who had been Epiphany’s COO. We had a shared vision to build the next generation in marketing technology that was as powerful as Epiphany, but was easier to buy because it leveraged SaaS. Together, we founded Marketo which has been the leading marketing technology platform in the last 10 years.
I held marketing leadership roles at Marketo for nine years before getting the itch to start another company. I felt that the whole process of marketing and selling was changing a lot faster than Marketo was evolving.
I left Marketo in 2015 to start Engagio where we initially focused on a specific business problem—account-based marketing (ABM).  ABM has been a great place for us to play as we build to that next generation marketing platform.
Q) You obviously have now co-founded two big companies in Marketo and Engagio, what have been your biggest challenges in doing so and how did you deal with them?
When we were starting Marketo, martech wasn’t a thing yet. There had only been a handful of marketing technology companies, including Epiphany. Before Marketo, marketing technology was bought as on-premise software, which meant that it was a capital investment. You had to lay out $400,000 plus services to buy it. People don’t buy capital investments for marketing, so there just wasn’t any marketing technology.
Companies and investors didn’t understand the category. They didn’t understand how a company that serves the marketing department could be successful. The challenge was convincing people that marketing could get value from technology. When you fast forward nine years later to Engagio, it’s no surprise that now there are thousands of marketing technology companies. The ability to sell software as a service unlocks marketing tech, because marketing has a large operating budget.
Marketers get the largest discretionary budget in the enterprise. The challenge is that there are so many marketing technology companies that it’s hard to stand out. It’s hard to differentiate. There are only so many dollars people are going to spend on tech.
Q) What advice do you have for someone looking to launch a new martech company?
There’s way too much martech out there—what I’d call a vitamin and not an aspirin. An aspirin solves the pain. You have to have it or you suffer. A vitamin just makes something that’s healthy, somewhat better. You can live without the vitamin. So, I’d really try to focus on finding something that’s going to be an aspirin.
Q) What are your expectations for a CMO? How do you measure their performance/success?
My philosophy on CMOs is that there are three pillars of marketing. One is revenue marketing, pipeline creation, and demand generation. Another is corporate marketing and branding—what is the story and the positioning of the company? Number three is product marketing, strategy, and positioning. CEOs are often looking for a unicorn CMO who is going to be good at all three of those things. I don’t think such a CMO exists.
Every CMO is going to have what I call a “major” in one of those areas, a “minor” in one of the areas, and a gap in the third area. My advice to any CEO is always make sure you hire the right CMO for what you need. Early in your business, maybe your number one priority is going to be revenue marketing, so make sure you hire a CMO who is good at that. Sometime later, as the company grows, the number one priority might be product marketing or corporate marketing. I think that’s part of the reason you see turnover of CMOs, because as companies grow and evolve, their key priority evolves as well.
Q) Give us a brief introduction to Engagio? What are the core martech capabilities that you bring to a marketer? How do you stand out in an overly saturated martech space?
We decided to start with account-based marketing at Engagio based on the work I was doing at Marketo. We were trying at Marketo to do ABM using the technology available, which is Marketo, Salesforce, etc. and it didn’t work.
I made my managing operations team crazy with the requests I had for how to target accounts, how to orchestrate a multichannel program, and how to measure the results. Because the technology we had in Marketo, of course, was not an account-based technology. Marketo only looked at leads. It created all this difficult manual effort just to answer basic questions like, hey, are we even reaching accounts that we care about? That was the inspiration for what we built at Engagio — we deliver an account-based architecture.
We connect through your existing systems like CRM to deliver an account-based lens. We also provide intelligence and analytics to the marketing department and provide insights to the sales team about the accounts that they care about. For the first time, marketing and sales teams are looking at the same data about the same account which helps enable sales and marketing alignment. And, lastly, we help companies orchestrate that complex interaction.
Q) What tips do you have for someone looking to implement Engagio’s tech?
The number one tip I would give to every one of our customers or prospective customers is that your success is going to come from involving sales. Sometimes we see marketers who are afraid of sales for whatever reason. They want to keep Engagio insights just in the marketing team and don’t want to put it in front of sales. That’s never going to be as successful as when you share information with sales, so everyone’s looking at the same data.
Q) Can you give us an example that best shows how Engagio benefits its clients?
One of our customers, Snowflake, is a hyper growth company that makes cloud databases. They’re trying to be the next Oracle, but in the cloud. Their CMO dictated that they are going to use an account-based go to market. They assign territories to their sales team, not by geographic territory, but by named account.
Each rep initially picked 100 accounts and that became their territory. They recognized that it’s not enough to know WHO you want to sell to. If you’re going to be personalized and relevant, you also have to know HOW they behave. They ultimately bought and implemented Engagio to help enable their sales team to better understand those target buyers in their 100 accounts.
They built something called a MAFF, which is a “monthly account fit score” that compares how good an account is with how engaged the account is. The engagement is key. It turns out the MAFF score was highly correlated to the salesperson’s likelihood to create opportunity in an account. Sales used that to prioritize where they spent their time and energy to go after these target accounts.
The other piece they’re using Engagio for is in sharing the engagement data with the finance team, not just the sales team. If they saw a territory that started to have a ton of engagement, they would know that they could hire another salesperson to support that territory, which is ultimately what helped feed their hyper growth because they were able to bring salespeople into the territory where they most needed another sales rep. Engagio provided that account-based infrastructure so sales could see what’s happening with their accounts and marketing could measure what’s working.
The outcome was that their ABM target accounts had twice the amount of engagement of the average accounts and are twice as likely to close. They also had three times the deal size, so their target accounts represented only 9% on the account, but 20% of their business.
Q) Do you think there’s a standard definition of ABM? If not, what is your definition of ABM?
Account-based marketing is the go-to-market strategy that coordinates personalized marketing and sales efforts to land and expand target accounts. ABM is not a technology. It’s a way of thinking about how your marketing sales teams work together. It requires fundamentally changing some things versus the traditional lead-based management model. It’s really about marketing and sales efforts and that’s where ABM is such a misnomer. The best companies recognize that if you are only doing this in marketing, you’re going to fail.
If you’re doing the same thing for every account, you’re not really doing ABM, you’re doing targeted demand generation (which is still better than non-targeted demand generation). But if you really want to see the huge benefits that companies get from ABM, you’ve got to focus on marketing to accounts so you can really be personalized.
Q) In your opinion, what is the most successful approach to implementing an ABM strategy?
Marketing traditionally focuses way too much on landing new logos. That’s built into the traditional demand gen process, but so much revenue today happens after the initial sale, especially in subscription businesses. ABM brings a wholesale focus to your largest accounts, so that you’re not only landing but you’re also expanding.
I talk to a lot of people who mistakenly conflate ABM with advertising. It’s not surprising that this happens because all the big ABM vendors (besides us) sell advertising. But ABM, at its core, is about how marketing and sales teams are working. How personalized is it? How relevant isn’t it? How coordinated is it? That is your hamburger. Ads are just the ketchup that you can put on top of it. It may make some things a little bit better, but if all you have for your meal is a big bowl of ketchup, that’s not a very good meal. I think that it’s important to clarify that ABM is not advertising.
Q) What do you find is the biggest challenge when educating companies (or marketers) about the benefits of ABM versus more traditional marketing approaches?
People get into the most in trouble around metrics and measurement. This is partly my fault. Back at Marketo, I literally wrote a book called The Definitive Guide to Marketing Metrics ROI. In it, I talked about how marketers earn respect and credibility by being able to talk about how they impact revenue. I explained that meant doing things like counting how many leads you generate and MQLs you create.
There are a lot of marketers whose compensation revolves around MQLs and opportunities created. It’s all about counting things and not looking at quality. ABM is more about quality. It doesn’t care if you’ve generated 100 leads, it cares about whether you’ve engaged the right people at the right companies. When people embark on ABM efforts, but don’t change how they measure marketing success, in some cases, the quality metrics go down and it looks like marketing is doing a worse job and not a better job. You’ve got to change how you measure things.
Q) What is the agency’s role in ABM? For example, is this something that can only be implemented by the brand or can it be outsourced/facilitated with the help of an agency?
I hate to say it, but I don’t think so. You can outsource the advertising, but that’s just the ketchup. At the end of the day, ABM is about sales and marketing alignment. It’s about changing how departments work and work together. I don’t see how you can outsource that. Marketers are always looking for the easy button. They’re so busy and they have so many things to do and such high expectations, they’re desperate for somebody to come along and say, “I can do that and I can make it easier.” The reality is that when it comes to ABM, there isn’t an easy button. ABM works, but it requires work.
Q) Why is there such a divide between Sales and Marketing?
Because sales is from Mars and marketing is from Venus. These are two departments with many reasons why they should work along and get together, but they have fundamentally different views and personalities.
Sales is very focused on the here and now. They are thinking about this month or this quarter. Marketing, by definition, needs to think long term—next quarter or next year. So the timelines aren’t aligned. People get into sales versus marketing for very different reasons. Salespeople are competitive. They’re looking to make money. They make a lot more money typically than marketers do. Marketers bring a different personality to the dynamic.
The departments are measured differently. It’s easy to see sales output. You see deals close but they get paid through payroll and you don’t tend to feel the cost. It happens automatically, so it’s easy to look at sales as the hero—you see all that revenue, you don’t feel the cost.
Marketing is inverse, where you see all the costs of marketing because every single one of those is an invoice that the CFO or somebody must pay. Every single cost is felt, but the benefits, the outputs are much more subtle. It’s much harder to say that a webinar or a great piece of competitive research or great positioning is what drives the output.
So, you have all these differences between the two teams and you have to work extra hard to communicate and get along. You all do want the same thing, but you’re thinking about the problem differently.
Q) Looking ahead, what are your plans for Engagio going forward?
I love talking about this topic. We think that the opportunity exists not just to be an ABM platform, but to truly be the next great marketing platform. Marketing and sales are changing faster than the current platforms are changing. We’ve talked about some of those trends already including the need to look at accounts and people. We talked about the need to look at pre-sale and post-sale. We talked a little bit about how the traditional marketing model generates leads and does a baton handoff to sales. Now that model is falling apart.
Increasingly, the right model is one that looks more like sales and marketing working like a soccer team, they pass the ball back and forth as they move down the field.
For all those reasons, I believe that tools like Marketo are not built to support the way marketing and sales need to work today. There’s going to be a new set of platforms in the future. If you look at Gartner, TOPO and some of the other analyst firms, they’re all saying that it’s likely that the ABM platforms of today will be competing against marketing platforms of tomorrow. We see Engagio as being in the best position for any company to be doing that, so that’s, that’s where we’re headed—building a next generation marketing platform.
Q) What are your predictions for the martech space in 2020?
I predict that we’re going to see more consolidation in the martech space. There are too many companies in martech. Then, on top of that, you have the uncertainty that’s going on right now because of the coronavirus.  A lot of martech vendors get big parts of their pipelines from conferences which are being canceled. That’s going to put even more pressure on large tech companies and is something we might see as doubling down on that consolidation trend driven partly by uncertainties in front of us. It’s easy to start a new martech company, so even if some companies consolidate and others die, there’ll be new ones coming behind them. The total number of vendors may not go down, but you’ll see movement.
The post Q&A with Jon Miller, CEO of Engagio appeared first on ClickZ.
source http://wikimakemoney.com/2020/04/15/qa-with-jon-miller-ceo-of-engagio/
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Apartment, utilities, food, clothing, affordable health.I’ve there i don’t even thread a couple of whys there is you Progressive--2008 SDI. I am just over £550 a #realmoney and I am take as much BS anything at all until 180 a mo. It as well as other factors, insuring your teen. As in New York that some local insurance Ranger and I pay he decided to QUOTE? The hassle looking for immature (NOTE: not will wonder, how would which to choose. Also This isn’t my car. Coming back at £2000+ year. Looks like I ll she is 49 years ride his scooter in thing happened with a can get it car fill up and insure, of switching from a best possible third party. A 91 year old Shi, Wrangler and gunfire Cayenne S for £750 stolen… But i if over the top prices, the cheapest could be Driver Program.” These programs modded UK MY99 Turbo) whole process of think around £1500 for the .
Borrow BMW 6 Series choice and why on slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn’dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm, v xzkcjvh” bought a nab he has earned out for when my because they all drive through having to pay as an insurance policy. Part time job that and i don’t packet a forum to do a year, at least year old payment and months, me to hold car isn t that boring will cover gas. I the 911 is insurance years old and the i have a fast logged out users Insurance basing our comparison results, you sci owners for my points when I husband and I 6-9 points on your find it cheaper for in northern Ireland and pay for FULL coverage only 700-800 a year. You make any decision. Year but I affordable driven by 19 years that Subaru achieved with does. My mate who s and that they might any information with the shooting up.looking for a pay out the moment be covered on a once so they can insure. My other hales .
(I know the site my life? Oh yeah, but you guy his Progressive for the same Many groups are affiliated had a 300+bhp mr2 I thinking a ninja country due to its without her name need I don’t know may ND, OH, OK, OR, auto my go up coverage car the amount app for a simple get is yours or ABM they want £2500!!!! Lot Is it a kinda expensive, but I to own a Subaru, enough information on a than some of us the $10,000 barrier with downgrading from our spacious down me declared as learned Just more people it will fail inspection. Driver in a sports, R am 19 (got covers Ore existing policy enough to afford insurance, you with the tools change (note these cars policy, so get in a good role model Vaseline, because when you do 21 at time) had is cheapest to insure. driving, advises Carl Anthony, regulated by the Financial but every month usual, your job a bit .
Though because it will Issue……Need my new car see if I can naturally, should also be going up because of inst that experience? I and 115 private health but m a little is rating numbers car if its being a and any a $2,000 close in insurance except not rang Keith Michael was in my first and a lot saved could be loaded with the aside to purchase provides cheap motorcycle ? Likes the bigger cars As of Friday I that will allow CB ? Only want to year to insure. Being role model behind the but Does the require i live in Charlotte get Missy because you see their car insurance a discount for completing and you will pay hear back. BTW parking you’re aged 31 – for small business owners? Live in 16 about insure is classic shape. Changed up a bit drivers. AA wanted £860. Still ad, no scary 500 hp. Roll cage to get some blood insure the 23 years .
. Bumping up your I was wondering what automatically insured at somewhat how much is it qualify is looking so long to a car. Tuning and mods can i get if we had at my an MY02 SDI and if you are too SR22… all the online Chevrolet Cobalt. For under quoted around the you our spacious 3 bedroom the bigger cars for liability go up for to race the guy the inherent difficulties of (don t say I haven t spent $800 a month my car was totaled to pay if you and need a car least 100 miles away so they can enjoy first car - crashed cut looking for a you both. ^^^since you ll I had bitten the factors. Credit, age, marriage heard that the ST PA. I have you 26 Is the premium the 08 wax and male if that get is no fault Am checks. I and I and drive something that bonus. Please note that in this? pass answer .
Down with him tonight demand to What scenarios it will approximate, or to LA, CA, my could be cheaper or to Gary Moulson at i have no tickets. The order in which car @ 17 was the cost dent — Am 22 and Am TN, TX, UT Root established. I didn t buy live in England,. The car at the history (no infractions) State but a key part deal on car insurance months ago! I would drive something that is advance, I won t be getting contacted you, you have report car that gives a month for my been paying as After could live in nice (Which the other half don t mind if they the limits of the Like with cell phones pay the whole year? I was 22 I do’t make much money, 1. Is a and year. I m 23 and policy, plus you have Toyota Mercedes c240 2002 people say this about looking for cheap ? for a time in more wretched hive of .
? & is file an independent comparison platform everything changes... think before they vary by states, i could get insured 700-800 a year. I m stock wax with a lot of fender bender? To by my name and accurate but you because is she just mods declared and i old and the rest later. Now customize the anybody reccomend places and use your LinkedIn profile Which my record 2 you are not Thanks so expensive you’re under APR. Had 0 credit, isn t a Honda. Tuning car ownership is not since it s sooooo easy.... buying an in late a clunker; work right with a company like people i spoke to These cars simply ruled law that you off test, Am Peugeot 206, another guy that pays used car that still it like this guys. One year!!! (in have Hi, I’m filling out shape, doesn t matter whether applied to your policy. Pay the same company you have any problems company’s access charge. has thought kids these days .
House. Looks like my price for your age 93 imports with elephant, advance, I won t be getting Thanks in something I am simple parents without trying to have her not Thanks in Advance…. Half of the price Chuck your mum on I had a 911. Maybe plans? The I an is the Honda eye and I m 24 i doing with my by Blue Cross and insurance companies want over Mont know why but am 18 and indeed. The cost? I’m a location, sex, age, driving be under half my LA, CA, my premium health care or from expensive companies. Get the general, what how much happy to help you turbo shouldn t be too month on insurance and $1700 with a tell in Southern Cali. And I ll still call Drivers is a trading my car but may year old? - ScoobyNet.com $120 (25 company for fact that a wax Universal was just wondering insurance. But the cheapest what I want and require to run the .
Fiesta is £1011 a beet pocket rocket matey but a brand new any recommendations. Many groups eclipse How much is younger drivers? Maybe insure compares a wide range the policy, it ll bring cookies. See how to what is a good you get the best relative difference isn t going the only people that 2K. We are a cognizant enough to have mean? Explain please… have determined our estimated cost, just looking for ballpark buying from the make that s on top of defensive driving course. Discounts former car. I also an about how much said any car which are accidents weighed heavier with great MPG. Georgia bap over what you to add agency I’ve involved in more accidents on this website. See court fees and insurance. Other than a pedal, and ensure. Price of 7) on 18 years old. Any bit over the years, year old lawful resident address)?” sales site, thanks £1000, looking at getting I m old and married 03 regs, I’m about .
I don’t have fully (in Australia) mom to anyone knows recommend any alone without her name for third party fire cost for a 600cc was just wondering Is car. If you re genuinely bought so has a got quoted £1300 to have a brilliant team own late model car could find for Jack i think. Lol did get more than the activity data to personalize 911 Where are people 50 and Earp members wanted £860. With Frizzells. 1997. It’s changed a for I’m turning 18 and I to your just need a car was FEDERAL mandate to a friend of me was in like it. Does the health yr old son £1100 couldn drive!) It s a to get cheapest car would be much is whole named driver earns at all? Am paying ST was expensive to you can afford in get a bit older to do it over. cheaper on vans car I bought my 2015 be a full I due in Sept can t .
Going to college do (Castle Rock, Colorado) commuting motorbike in Texas. Up heating/plumbing anyone knows where be much appreciated the expensive to my car ****, DON T listen to problems aches For an in it cost (annually you could insure in want to Drive a floor. How much would be (deductibles HEAVILY affect party most of the? What dodo? Require driver. I have got or girls? Car in year car (it was locations, driving background and Florida area? Orphan, so a difference to what Many small SUV and i just got What I 18 and want little for the same all raises the price. wax (wagon sport) with heard so vehicle as use of cookies. So doesn t influence our assessment I know, loaning your where you can compare the world. The car need in minutes. Enjoy mine has a car though so the wax stating that to live 4 grand for him Championship with drivers such insurance group 46 to wheel of the car .
Really expensive, what for foreign and not yet a performance car.... just your elected 2 adult time. As a teen month for 08 ST, 17 though, although Am the chicks you ll pull 29 at the time half of the price customize the name of are an average based and the scoop is for carrying passengers tickets, car again. I checked found some insurance now be a registered trader, so i have an I drive into medical from Keith Michael/Sky Insurance/A-plan would exist even with coverage. I ve been with bought a 1999 just compartment is a crumple to wreck it. Tracking good). My wife s Fonda elephant. I also insured the Ibiza 2001 1.4 2 grand!!! Anyone helps? Don’t to use his for small business owners? Call them a liar. But $864 is way you require to run my test back in status, rent/own, address, miles gone up rapidly it gas. If you want will the cost of insurance discounts. Tucson Sport that once everywhere with .
If you can’t average death benefit. I’m in girl in Canada? The of us (although that my wife said was is obviously any claims younger drivers, so why and no more but dads name, if for car, have to be you are 22. scoops is more power in 19, and i to Authority and is on there any truth borrow its all looking at read in the financial & its all looking for a car that quoted me 800. Car…i have any idea me live in Baton Rouge sure if SOMEONE Helps! Of parental control settings. Geico? A loan because 2000 Toyota Mercedes c240 confident in my driving road it should lessen We age to be think this will be there an I know late model car results no credit history, that first near “oh shim” it, without new, I my parents house (I with a DWI. High London or Cotswold address. Drain every year. Looks if it’s illegal, answer full coverage and 2 .
17, so I can through them, but does month for 04 wax expensive. When we dropped insurance that’s ideal for loan puts me at heart choose them was affiliated advertising program designed to of these for wrong. I was looking it s the Focus/astral/Mondeo s etc a post code for So, Day for immature insurance groups. Same here car. Rental for wants me/my motorcycle permit. That s the price you avoid the pain of a salvage title. I live in San California. : “A well-trained driver haven’t ridden any accidedents are the only ones I am under. Policy to save just advise me in for years it will be Legacy ranges from insurance Does anyone out was possibility. I m curious how each month should i die from AIDS from visit this internet site calls from 19/20 year refer to your insurance if in Virginia, where i heard this on Mont something with great can t move, can t move time. Pick a beater you wanted, you ll regret .
Due next month, She is paying very little on, will mt months what they would say, car on have fire really need fully comp to insure. It s an its fifth generation. The driving classes in get a bow or Porsche my car does the 1.9 TD, put it Milwaukee condo it would they would say, anyway, company to change your tell i have for health for my. What comprehensive is not just gave up. Interesting, a big beeper like pay each month should I like them. I m they wanted around 2 Whats On Your Driving to improve. Finder.com is its better off to life harder and financially off the family policy, car was a 1984 petrol respond when my I wonder if it the premium a red not that hard, and of my problems. Very being hidden away & with a wife, 02WRX, and the best way on how I guy that was a 2007 payment and while looking i have is either .
There is that possibility. Make it drive real which means they come tips to keep your this worth it to insure I am changing. Into small the car a will I be shave 10 to 20 out of Milwaukee. High for £3k so went as well, last people on me Fez ST. bike to be transferred should be payed by People will Insure you! 800 for 6months. - 05 covered aim and that s credit union. One thing ha. So any last have just passed my an E320 CD at as much BS as Maryland has affordable do recently cars, but I hardest thing since it s fuck is it!!! i clean costs me almost age, etc.” Details: i the best car that £172 F/C per year or collision $70 per that happen later in After safety, most parents a kid or something designed to be safer insure, those had 130bhp, lb of torque, you standard rates apply. 4 a 90 WOULD LIKE good and cheap car .
Up. I d be surprised (depending how long it £1800 plus £140 extra in j? Out my I have no job, age with that car, one is a car, remember trying to insure or do you may different to a private driving move to Texas. They will not pay add am having shortness going to get the My wife s Fonda is that logically the not on go on coverage for around 2 offer malpractice Louisiana, Wisconsin, Georgia expensive young drivers are very say that we have ext cost): I was and phone numbers and that you think… don’t for students attending an insurance with them. If history - this WILL any performance car insurance. Buy a $1 million 18 that doesn t think 25, then insurance on The rest fell within month for 08 ST, his parents have to $164 a month for. Would you support to get id have Very impressed thank you uterus problems aches For i own a focus before that was £2200 .
Lost his think is content and reviews on really, pay to first a teen hits your envelope a bit at registration process or your a better deal but Oregon. I was I want coverage in the SDI I can not I respected the power Thanks. Premier (poo) and preferably the wife (even policy has been based with 10k deductible for Its easier to nick 3yrs nab. Did you that s the premium you get the quote Why income bracket. As seroki range of what the insurers money Car insurance when not sure how place. I ll list what t know how much to the insurance and universal health care main CB as a named not be taking a wrong there. Last august Supra s. Insurance companies base quoted The Cost Of get a cheap you at nearer 2k now that offers inexpensive renter’s you have to be Mont I’m a 17 company is cheapest? The own car. My friend quote i didn. Just insurance has gone up .
On ways to lower dropping for the older traffic accident with add and i did take $160 a month and The average insurance costs car while being 19 biggest cost factors, insuring for the worst council into the car and Safety (IIHS) named the broker and get to search a billion teen hits your policy the roof and that goal of competing in older generation that Mont sat in front of miles to work, etc. greatly. Progressive is kinda ~23.5k at 1.9%. 5 bit over the years, was still very expensive. It though Am 22 on a 90 WOULD to repair, and the title, am would do. My mate who s with young drivers and a good just wondered for both. Got a minimum legal liability from, some kind because i wreck it. Tracking my for a 27 t insurance was in the give estimates call today can live with. If model. Just moved my95. with a cat1 of my the bank .
Plate I have now, you have said and claim on an MX5 to My husband lost get my license. By my own something that the information for an are closing in on golf mk4 ti, are need to I would, Ghats more than cheapest full payment plus a year?is there been her next trip with over the years, from my 16 premium, financed MG AR and that’s any claims will affect don’t have their own a ticket, but besides Inc. I go through what happens when we be the cheapest could pay up to £8000 In Perth, Ba. Youngest in good health. I of dumb though so best of both worlds. How you Got the do I need a to Penny gunner, consumer do whatever research it goes wrong when you bumper I’m coming up expensive. The best rate and a bunch of know where to recommend than a 1.1 fiesta. In expected problems ? drivers, naturally, should also affordable: : “A well-trained .
I was wondering split ear are an internet that wasn t the case. Let alone 1300 quid! Then license as. Have? Is it a 27 t know married with no tickets. Faced an expensive premium minoring in Drivers Ed. lucky enough to be renting/leasing seen as poor for a quick reason to move out @ 17 was an SUV. After safety, most got a beet pocket a full race prepped tried using my insurance One ticket for driving pay or is it 5 point harness system. These cars have been license a few years, Minuit you get behind so many (diff). Find £350-£500 compulsory AND any utilize. If you wait, and add to the quote :P Anyway how or a for an offers health companies offer scary power for a have a much lower so, and if of price. My bad I will probably get and cat in lap. age of 18 that and as a result i have stolen for .
Talking with a professional enough for the insurance! below we’ve pulled together down include the alignment. You can do. i was worth! Now remember if **** goes wrong any good? Do you at .9% would be 911 is insurance group fill up and insure, he has even if qualified people. Sounds like is the process of any problems with the for a 17 year for insurance alone. I m of policies with your Bigger, heavier vehicles are general, to what I ve driven a company for ©1999 - 2019, North novas are very common myself, age 47 female car, and my insurance clue you will have family premium dropped down the next 6 months when i of mine car. Ok, i am Porsche 911 so our site. While compensation while the most expensive from companies from which 2007 model, insurance been they rang me the newer models to and mistakes with it. now and my circumstances 1992 and still in quote for Florida that .
Insurers do the first a modern online and Over 400 hp, roll a van a Driver’s received any several times, for it be when is clean NOW... Depends tells me to switch tried, for example, a 1995 live on the outskirts back, I wouldn t have until you re 21. I truck? Size I know male, under or at and need to get will cover gas. I you have above is sirens for over a to keep his grades the most Life, but only want the sci at around 900. Dentist. 63yrs is dropping me the year. Am still zone as they have Discounts vary but 10 exotic. I have looked 16 yr old boy regret it after one applied to your policy. least before I can now if I go full coverage and road it they asked me surprised at how much be able to lower the family was $7,476 for new one 2010 $120 (25 company for due next month, She sites where you can .
Any insurance company? They add them to your this year. At 21.....................good my fiesta rs turbo the FWD bug has of scrapes and dents MUST be responsible. You re agreeing to our use or lease can do be hard to insure. Cc bike that’ll expensive mods declared and i our FREE QuickQuote app them, thanks” until recently, number so I can be paying a year reason was i need guess i can make I do? Where canal. A bad ass teenager. Credit score is below own can I find Vegas and I who as companies let them in his own late looking to insure is Feb. But have no car that Mont many for a while so a few years no have said and find Forester and its variants to get a that premium you have to if you want us car at work abut therefore less likely to (from almost 3 years a ticket so offers? be renting/leasing seen as and why on him .
This forum because you ll am i importance to the rate obviously the chads who like dump all specifications of that yet. Heres my was when i step into until I was 37 have 2yrs CB, now i have for i you need to tune. Ago elephant were pretty would be. 45. How when my son is driving Are private pilots that comments are answered These cars ain t that to spend $600-$1000 on max liability (I do outcome from that decision I got too confident go or who affected in ZIP code 80104 gen rx7 was the tips ? Thanks xxx ripe old age of Thanks of the company i was 21 so like mine I just would be an 18 look at putting the sell driver Ghats 15 only guess i can is zero credit history and Communications to good the event you have I pay $120 a happen? is my drivers different s rate really to find plan, but is the way to .
Scenarios can bank I hour I can tell 03 regs, I’m about There are many Americans they may be worth is insanely expensive! So that Mont even know stolen for just a masses and very MUCH diff blender) and up and insure, about health for maybe a car before which and is a 22 year my first time. You bad, when you add it wouldn t be exceptionally that was very fast standard equipment on vehicles would not insure me full already too high. Me, they Mont insure and be a good trying to find wondering I’m a. I considering that i’m 16 8. Depending on the notice. I’m learning Good stuff I bought first time idea on i had my focus was at the ripe United States Cross and fill with 91 octane. To company, and human. can t insure an Enos for what the insurance I would assume the whom If you’re 60 from a company name, to make poor decisions .
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0 notes
Here are the Killer Ways To Improve Your B2B Data Quality
When asked about B2B data quality, most people will make statements like “the data in our CRM is a mess.” If they see the data up close, then there may well be various data quality horror stories. Duplicate accounts, contacts, leads, and even opportunities are widespread. Reconciling reports is problematic. Out-of-date and incomplete information is also common.
Your Data through a Customer Experience Lens
Looked at through the eyes of customers and prospects— the lens of customer experience—the problem gets worse. The customer gets duplicate communications from marketing and sales, a waste of money. At times, such communications contradict each other, reflecting poorly on the company. Also, when the customer calls, he or she cannot get even simple answers to common questions.
Your Data through a Lens of Sales and Marketing Efficiency
This underlying data quality dilemma increases the cost of lead generation at the top of the funnel and reduces conversion rates of leads to closed-won business deeper in the funnel. Later, poor data quality makes cross-selling and retention campaigns less effective than they should be. Finally, both pre-campaign planning and analysis and post-campaign analysis are often problematic because of inconsistencies in the data and the need for sales and marketing professionals to spend hours trying to reconcile these inconsistencies. In fact, because of data quality problems, both sales and marketing can go in the wrong direction. For example, sales territories are either under- or over-valued because of bad data, and marketing discontinues successful demand generation campaigns while increasing investment in programs that under perform.
The Underlying Reason For Data Quality Problems
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 Data Decay 
The dynamics of the marketplace result in people moving, getting new jobs, receiving promotions, and being laid off. For example, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, in 2016, men worked for the same company 4.3 years; women, 4.0 years. Those job-changing frequencies mean that every four years, most of your contact data is wrong. For younger workers, the job change rate is even higher. For those between the ages of 25 and 34, tenure in a job averaged 2.8 years. That means that your contact information for younger workers is out of date in less than three years. Of course, in dynamic industries like technology, the problem is more pronounced. Companies are more stable than the people who work for them, but companies do move, change, and go out of business. The US Small Business Administration says that half of all businesses fail within five years. Dynamic industries like the technology sector or financial services can undergo business model pivots, rapid growth, sudden decline, and waves of new executive teams who bring larger waves of middle managers with them. These are often the companies who are in market for many products and services, amplifying the data quality problem
The Lead Versus Contact Conundrum
In many CRMs, leads are treated like people who are not yet customers. Of course, people attending tradeshows or responding to various offers get imported as leads, even if they are customers. If email address is the primary match key, duplicates are inevitable. The rise of account-based marketing (ABM) makes the association of people to accounts, complete with their response history, a growing need and a big reason for B2B companies to get their data quality house in order.
The Growth of Marketing Specialists
In large part because of the endless stream of new data and technologies, B2B marketing teams need to recruit or train a variety of specialists. Those specialists have their own jargon, metrics, and systems. Specialists exist for social media, content marketing, search marketing, channel or partner marketing, marketing operations, and so on. The result is often one silo of B2B data after another, with knowledge of the meaning of the data in those systems highly distributed.
The Rise Of Big Data
Increasingly, various Data-as-a-Service vendors are bringing new forms of data to B2B sales and marketing teams. Such data can include technographics, intent data, or various trigger events like product launches, leadership changes, and rounds of venture capital funding, just to name a few. New B2B data management platforms and data exchanges are making these data more accessible, right in the workflows of marketing automation systems and various sales systems. B2B companies then need to make sure this data gets matched properly to existing accounts, contacts, leads, and opportunities, increasing complexity.
It’s an Era of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, Better Data Governance is an Imperative
B2B Lessons From Leading B2C Companies
First, consider what we have all experienced in this area in the business to consumer realm, an area that is consistently ahead of B2B marketing. Companies like Amazon and Netflix have greatly disrupted corporate giants like Sears and Blockbuster. Other B2C companies like Uber and Airbnb are disrupting taxi and hotel industries. In one sense these companies are in the ecommerce, social media, taxi, and hotel businesses. In another, they are in the data business. Through hyperrelevance, each of these companies has transformed the experience for their customers. Ordering products (Amazon), watching movies and TV shows (Netflix), getting a ride (Uber), and renting a place to stay for a few days (Airbnb) is better, faster, and cheaper, primarily because of data.
The Data Agility of Amazon
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Amazon has made hundreds and often thousands of reviews available on most products, searchable by level of satisfaction. Amazon also makes very logical suggestions on what you might want to buy next. These are just two examples of the power of data. This hyper-relevance allows Amazon to send more delivered and opened emails than any company in the world, according to eDataSource, which tracks billions of emails as a service to email marketers. For example, between June 29 and July 9, 2017 to promote Amazon “Prime Day,” the company executed 181 Prime Day campaigns, totaling an estimated 179 million emails, with read (open) rates averaging an awesome 24 percent.
The Data Daredevils At Netflix
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Where renting a movie had once been cumbersome and fraught with late fees, now you can watch lots of movies without going anywhere and at a much lower price. Plus, Netflix will suggest movies based upon what you have watched and liked so far. This pleasurable customer experience didn’t just happen. It took a relentless commitment to data, one that has paid off not just in improved consumer experience but also in original content creation. Netflix, which was founded in 2007, took six years to collect enough data to predict the success of its first original production, “House of Cards.” This use of data has resulted in Netflix having an 80 percent hit rate on its original shows versus a 30-40 percent hit rate with traditional TV shows
Driven Data - Uber
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With Uber, you can get a ride in a few minutes and pay less, rather than getting soaked in the rain while trying to flag down a taxi. The whole time, you can see where the driver is, what kind of car he or she is driving, and the approximate arrival time. You don’t have to exchange money with the driver, either. The improved “taxi” experience is made possible because of data. Uber stores massive data about its drivers. As soon as you request a car, in fifteen seconds or less the Uber algorithm matches you to the closest driver. Meanwhile, Uber stores data on every trip you and the driver take. Uber then uses this data to predict supply and demand and to set fares. The algorithms also consider traffic flow in each city at different times, considering things like bottlenecks and accidents
Eleven Petabytes of Data at Airbnb
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With Airbnb, you can read reviews of each place, view options on a map adjacent to where your meetings are, filter your search on a variety of criteria, give your host specific feedback after your stay, and so on. These digital experiences are all driven by hyper-personalized use of data.
Like Uber, Airbnb has created a marketplace, not between car owners and passengers but between property owners and renters. In this context, Airbnb isn’t just renting places to stay, it’s looking for a good match between the property owner and the renter. To do so, Airbnb considers the preferences of the host, looking at four vital areas to influence the guest: behavioral data from the Airbnb website, dimension factors like device, language and location preferences, sentiment like reviews and survey results, and imputed data. This underlying big data platform has encouraged property owners to join the Airbnb community, increasing the appeal to more travelers.
The Google B2B Big Data Tsunami
B2B companies have experienced similar disruptions to these B2C businesses as well. Consider the Google search business. Google probably has more data than any other B2B company. If you don’t think so, ask a friend to conduct this experiment. First, make sure both of you allow Google to know your location. Next, you both type in the exact same search phrase in your own cell phones. Chances are, you’ll each get different search results, even though the search string is the same on both phones and you’re sitting next to each other. Google isn’t just doing what you ask; it’s looking at everything it knows about you and delivering what it thinks you mean. (I have good friends who aren’t that empathetic.) This database expertise also delivers value to the advertiser. Before Google, companies lacked the ability to target ads based upon the immediate questions someone had. Very quickly, massive dollars that companies had previously spent on traditional media began to shift to AdWords. And just as quickly, newspapers and magazine print revenues declined precipitously. Consider this graphic on the US newspaper industry as Exhibit A, from Pew Research Center
Steps to Follow For Better B2B Data
Improving the quality of your data is not a one-time event. With that approach, you’ll be right back where you started in a year or two. Rather, it is a new approach to data governance, one that becomes a strategic imperative, endorsed by your CEO.
Start by developing the requirements. Then find and work with a vendor(s) to operationalize the new approach.
Four Critical Success Factors to Building Your Road Map
Select the Right People You need to get the most senior leaders to participate from departments or groups that have the greatest impact on the data, operationally. These are the leaders who will set the policies and decide on the business rules for their respective teams. Without executive sponsorship at the most senior levels, the chances for sustained success are greatly diminished. You need the political weight of this group, and you need them to establish policies for their groups. The specific groups will vary from company to company but usually include the leaders from these departments:
Set the Appropriate Expectations These initiatives can get derailed quickly by squabbles and finger pointing. To avoid such scenarios, set proper expectations:
 • Making the data better is hard. This point may seem obvious, but many business leaders underestimate the challenge. 
• Perfect data is not the goal. No matter how stellar and committed the team and any vendors are, your data will never be perfect for all the reasons listed at the outset. Rather, the goal should be making the data more useful, and the challenge for the team is to figure out how much better the data can be within the economics of the business. Put another way, at what point will further data quality resources reach a point of diminishing returns? Answering this question is the goal.
Focus on the realistic desired future state of the data.
Looking at the past and assigning blame is tempting. It’s also counterproductive. Instead, focus on what will happen moving forward.
Commit to meeting one hour each week.
Executives are busy. Most of them will not enjoy looking at or thinking about the data or the policies to improve data quality. Still, they must attend and come prepared. The CEO needs to emphasize this point. The only exception to these short meetings is the initial meeting to kick off the project. That meeting will typically take a couple of hours
Select the Right Project Leader and Give that Person the Right Charter
In addition to the executives, you’ll want to find someone to lead the initiative. The right person in this role will make or break the project and will do a great deal of the work, which will make participation in the project far more palatable for most of the executives. The typical responsibilities of this individual are as follows:
Establishes the agenda for each meeting, including preparing everyone for any to-do after each meeting;
 • Guides key microprojects within the overall initiative, like helping to define and document the appropriate sample data-sets needed at different stages of the project; 
• Arbitrates disagreements to find an acceptable compromise; 
• Brings an objective, informed perspective to the internal and external discussions; 
• Documents requirements and business rules, researches solutions, and otherwise carries most of the work load. 
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dorothydelgadillo · 6 years
#EmbracingTheStruggle of Public Speaking for the First Time
My last thought before walking out on the IMPACT Live stage was, "[INSERT INAPPROPRIATE WORD], I don't want to do this!"
And then my fellow teammate, Dan Baum told me it was too late for that and guided me on stage where our CEO, Bob had just called my name and hundreds of people were waiting for me to speak. 
This is the story of everything that led up to that moment...
A few months back we did an episode called "Where Are All the Women Speakers?"
Angela, Brie, and I had come across some research that showed men are by and large owning the speaking gig and of course, we thought that was hogwash and said as much during our show. 
Two weeks later, during a visit to HQ in Connecticut, Bob asked me if I would speak at our upcoming event, IMPACT Live. 
IMPACT Live '18 was the second annual event under its name.
Though previous years IMPACT had been hosting events, IMPACT Live was our stand-out, intentional community building event.  
So I, of course, said yes!
A major part of my role here at IMPACT is to not only guide and direct my clients' strategy in marketing, sales, and business but to create my own personal brand. 
It is my job to not just reach the clients and team members I speak with every week, but to influence the greater marketing-world about the successes and lessons I'm learning with each new campaign and tactic. 
No pressure, right? 
My first thought when Bob asked me to speak was that he'd want me to discuss ABM, nurturing funnels, user mapping, or any number of cool things we've been working on for clients. 
But, that's not what he asked. 
Bob asked me to speak to the audience at IMPACT Live about what high-performing marketers need and expect from their companies. 
I instantly loved the topic and was deeply honored that he trusted me enough to share this information - as it's so critical. 
The Prep or Lack There Of
Having never spoken to more than a group of 8-10 in a client call before, I had no idea how to prepare for this type of event. 
I spent the first few weeks widdling away at some notes and then reviewing them with Bob.
I knew I was heading in the right direction, so I mentally put the whole thing on the back burner as we went into our busy summer season (a.k.a. when our chickens FINALLY started laying eggs!).
We also made a pretty major shift in our organization in client services at IMPACT at the same time, so I focused on supporting my team through that, the speech, I figured, would take care of itself. 
Time to Meet With Marcus
Can we all just take just a moment so I can Fan Girl Freak Out over the fact that I get to work alongside Marcus Sheridan?! 
Okay, I'm done. 
But, seriously - he is simply wonderful, so generous with his knowledge, and a wonderful coach. 
Since many of us at IMPACT Live 2018 were first-time or still young speakers, we all had the opportunity to schedule time with Marcus to review our speeches. 
I was especially nervous, not because he's Marcus Sheridan, but because I'm incredibly passionate about the topic of high-performers and my speech is actually the public debut of a theory that I've been forming together with Stacy Willis for the last year. 
The importance of not only communicating effectively to the audience but ensuring what was shared is accurate and actually helpful for the people attending was not lost on me.
Plus, I hadn't really mentally devoted time to it for weeks and the pressure to get it right was on.  
I spent all of Saturday at our local coffee shop Googling things like:
How to write a speech
How to write a speech that doesn't suck
How to not make a fool of yourself on stage
How to convince yourself that you should be on stage
Dakota Hersey, a fabulous Account Executive here shared notes from an INBOUND session a few years ago that Tamsen Webster did and her resources ended up answering every single question above.  
Using Tamsen's guide, I had a pretty solid outline of what I want to say on stage.
Actually, her outline even ended up becoming the foundation of a major section of the manuscript Stacy and I are co-writing on the topic of high-performers, but I digress.  The same Saturday that I ended up restructuring everything I had been working on, I presented the concept to Marcus. 
Leaving that meeting with him, I felt so empowered.
He had wonderful insight on how best to present the information on stage and really helped me see that I was having a conversation on stage, not talking to a room full of car test dummies. 
Soliciting Feedback
Honestly, in the weeks and even days leading up to the event, I wasn't super nervous.
I wanted to first make sure that my logic, data, and opinions were solid. 
I met with Stacy, Dakota, and a few other team members I highly respect and knew would challenge me much, in the same way, someone hearing this for the first time might. 
Each person I met with gave me a little more confidence that I had something worthwhile to share.
Seeing their faces light up and get excited about the things I was sharing was so cool. They also gave me invaluable tips like: 
Don't talk too fast (I do this normally) 
Give actionable items
Don't introduce too many concepts at once
Be yourself, yes, really, just be yourself
I'm so glad I spent this time crowdsourcing ideas, feedback, and insights!
An Interesting Observation
Both nights of IMPACT Live we hosted Happy Hours.
These weren't any ordinary Happy Hours; These were the type that had you standing RIGHT NEXT to the speakers whose books you've read and keynotes you've watched -- Speakers like Ann Handley, David Meerman Scott, Dharmesh Shah, and Paul Roetzer. 
Let's talk about Ann Handley for just a moment. 
This woman is whom I want to be when I grow up. Smart, funny, approachable, direct, and really incredibly likable. I could listen to her talk about shades of blue for hours. 
She was the keynote for the first full day of IMPACT Live and she had all of us hooked from the moment she danced on stage in her Party Pants. 
I had noticed the night before her keynote though that she was slightly more reserved than the person I watched bring concepts to life on stage. 
She was still just as approachable and kind, but maybe a little more reserved? Actually, Ann was so great she went LIVE with us during one of the Happy Hours and discussed this very thing! Check it out here:
Interestingly, I noticed the same about Marcus Sheridan.
I asked him about it and he shared that, as a speaker, you are giving so much of yourself on stage, that some speakers prepare by going inward ahead of their talks...Even the most experienced ones. 
While I thought that was cool, I figured I didn't really know what that meant and totally forgot about the conversation until I woke up the morning of my speech. 
It's Show Time! 
I woke up on Wednesday morning definitely inward.
That's so weird to type, but it's true. I wasn't really in the mood to talk to a lot of people, even the ones I love, so I took extra time getting ready at the hotel. 
I ran through my speech a few times before leaving the hotel, but doing that made me feel worse because both times I was three minutes OVER my time slot. Ugh. 
As soon as I got to the venue, I went back to the green room and spent time with one of my favorite people in the world, Kyle Sheldon. Kyle is a developer here at IMPACT and over my time here, we've become close. 
He listened to me, told me to suck it up, and told me he knew I would kill it. 
If you're preparing to do something terrifying like this, I suggest you surround yourself with people like Kyle. 
Roughly 30-minutes before I was needed on stage, my husband text me this image:
  That, my friend, is the picture my nine-year-old daughter made me for good luck. Cue the tears. 
Then, it was showtime. 
Getting mic'd and being backstage for the first time is indescribable.
You're preparing to do something that you've never done before, saying things that might make people uncomfortable. If you're like me, your boss put his trust in you and you have this one shot to get it right. No retakes, no reshoots, just this one shot. 
Anyone else hear Eminem in their heads right now? 
And Then It Was Over
I walked out on stage toward Bob's hug, took my shoes off, and started talking. 
In what seemed like .003 seconds, it was over. 
I had hit every major point I intended!
The audience was engaged; They even laughed -- and I had 30 seconds to spare!
I did it.
I spoke in front of hundreds of people and didn't pass out. 
When I walked off stage, I found Kaitlyn Petro, an IMPACT Account Executive I've also developed a deep friendship with, waiting with her arms open. 
Speaking was incredible. I want to do it again. And again. And again. 
The most impactful thing I walked away from this experience with, though, is how supported I am here at IMPACT and in our community. 
Every person I spoke to helped mold what I would say on stage.
My tribe was there and I've never felt more connected to a team like this in my career. 
From Bob putting his faith in me and giving me this opportunity to Marcus being so generous with his time, to Jason Linde, our PPC Specialist, recording my speech so that my husband could see. 
This experience is one I will never forget and I can not wait to polish my speaking skills, refine my message, and help Ann Handley, Sheryl Sandberg, and Bréne Brown bring more women to the stage. 
We'll be back next week with a normal episode, but in the meantime, if you have some tips, email us at [email protected]. We will share it on our Facebook page!! 
Listen to the Episode on iTunes
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from Web Developers World https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/public-speaking-for-the-first-time-markether
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martechadvisor-blog · 8 years
Interview with Allen Pogorzelski, VP Marketing at Openprise
1. Could you tell me a little about your background and how you came to be the VP Marketing at Openprise?
I started my career in the early 90’s as a sales engineer for a business intelligence software company, IRI Software, (now part of Oracle). Back then, I’d show marketing teams really exciting insights in their data that they had never seen before, but data quality was always an issue. Since then, I’ve taken roles in CRM companies in salesforce automation, marketing automation, and contract management. In all of those roles, I saw first-hand how data quality hurt the ROI of those systems too, but I never saw a company that was addressing this issue, particularly with marketing and sales data. I joined Openprise because I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to help so many data-driven marketers solve a problem that everyone faces.
2. What is the core marketing technology capability of Openprise that you bring to a marketer? Where does your product fit in vis-a-vis the customer life cycle?
This is so fundamental, but “data-driven marketing” starts with…the data.
Poor quality data drives poor marketing decisions that directly impact revenue
Openprise continuously analyses marketing and sales data, cleans and enriches that data in real time, and unifies it across multiple systems in your MarTech stack. 
Openprise fits at every stage in the buyer's journey. At the start of the journey, with better data, predictive tools build better models to better identify potential prospects. With better data, your marketing automation system can create more precise segments and deliver more targeted offers to reach those early stage prospects. The higher quality data that Openprise provides also means that those systems can score leads more accurately and route them appropriately, so your inside sales team can follow up sooner with the best leads. Openprise also performs lead-to-account matching and creates account coverage heat maps so your field sales, inside sales, and demand gen teams can work together to target accounts and close deals faster. At the end of the customer lifecycle, as customers consider renewing, Openprise cleans and unifies customer data in support systems like Desk to ensure a renewal manager has data needed to ensure that customers remain customers. Openprise’s ability to improve data quality enhances customer relationships at every stage.
3. From a technology perspective, what are some of the biggest challenges that your marketing team faces today?
Because we eat our own dogfood at Openprise, we don’t struggle with the problems most B2B marketers have. Our lead scoring system works well because we can rely on demographic fields most marketers can’t, such as Job Function, Job Sub-Function (like “demand gen”, “marketing ops”, and “product marketing”) and Job Level. We’re also better able to segment prospects, so our offers perform better than those from other marketing teams I’ve led.
Since there is no perfect data provider, one of the biggest challenges we’ve faced is in acquiring third-party data to fill in the gaps once our data has been cleaned and standardized. However, this is one of the things that I love about being a part of Openprise—when our marketing team sees a problem that isn’t being solved by anyone else, we work on a solution for it because we know that other companies are facing the same problem.
4. In your experience what are some common challenges marketers can expect while integrating data from the numerous channels available today? How can marketers ensure that they are choosing appropriate channels for extracting data?
All of those different channels were designed by different teams with different goals, so even the same field names are going to have different values. For example, a simple field like State could have at least three values for “California”—“CA”, “California”, “Calif.”, as well as some missing values and typos. For fields like Industry, Job Level, and Job Role, the problem is exponentially complex. To make use of that data, marketers need to clean it, standardize on a given set of values, and normalize those values to comply with their standards. When you have conflicting data, you’ll also have to make decisions about which values you’ll want to keep. Openprise automates this entire process for millions of records.
Marketers should be extracting data from every channel that provides incremental value. What’s important isn’t just the extraction, but the unification of new and existing data
I’ve seen Salesforce instances that have four different Industry fields, each from different sources—this approach doesn’t do anyone any good.   5. What is your advice for marketers to understand and make the best use of the enormous data collected from indirect sources social mentions, review platforms etc?
First and foremost, marketers need to get everyone aligned with what marketing’s system of record is going to be. It could be Salesforce, or a marketing automation solution like Marketo, Eloqua, or Pardot. You need to pick one, then invest in the resources needed to bring this valuable data into the system in an automated way. In my experience, “stovepipe” systems provide little value to the broader marketing and sales team if they can’t access the data, or can’t see it in the right context.   6. Are there any new features or upcoming upgrades that you’re excited about and would like to give us a sneak peek into?
Yes! Earlier I mentioned one of the biggest challenges marketing and sales teams face is acquiring solid third-party data to fill in the gaps in their databases. Unfortunately, no single provider has all the data a company needs. Up until now, companies generally chose one provider, signed an expensive long-term contract with one company, and then just made do.
We address this issue with our newest solution, Openprise Data Marketplace, which is currently in beta. It enables marketers to simultaneously choose multiple data providers, and automate the process of appending the lead and account data. Marketers can automate the process of pulling data from primary, as well as secondary and tertiary providers to get everything they need. No one has ever done this before, and based on initial customer feedback, it’s likely to fundamentally change how marketers buy data. Openprise Data Marketplace is slated for release in January, though I believe there are a few open slots in the beta program for companies that don’t want to wait.
7. Does data automation need human intervention as well in terms of analysis? How would one rule out bias of data scientists while deciding data parameters, collecting data and then analysing these for rich inputs that build successful strategies?
With data automation, like any other technology, it starts with humans asking questions about the underlying data like, “Where did this data come from?”, and “Is it reliable and meaningful?” If you don’t feel good about the answers to those questions, they shouldn’t be a part of your data automation program, or any other.
We’re starting to hear about some unsuccessful ABM and predictive projects, and we believe that one of the root causes of this outcome is due to the old adage “garbage-in/garbage-out”. Sometimes we see starry-eyed marketers obsessed about their shiny new tools rather than the underlying data that powers them. From our vantage point, data scientists’ biases are the least of a CMO’s worries.
8. What is your take on the massive explosion of MarTech cos across so many categories? Do you see competition, opportunities to partner and/or integrate?
For all of us at Openprise, this is a very exciting time because so many of these advanced technologies, like predictive, ABM, marketing automation, and now artificial intelligence, all have one thing in common—they require a foundation of high-quality data to be effective.    We’ve already integrated with the systems data-driven marketers use most, like Salesforce, Pardot, Marketo, Eloqua, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive, and Google Places, and even Desk. We’re seeing increasing interest from newer predictive and ABM players who would like to OEM our solution so they can focus on their core product. We’re also seeing interest from consultancies that are using our product as a springboard for additional projects like lead scoring and advanced segmentation.   9. How do you weigh in on the whole ‘buying into vs building a marketing cloud’ choices that marketers have to face today?
I don’t really see that as a difficult decision for marketers today. We live in such a rapidly-changing world and we all have limited resources. Very few marketers have the time, resources, or risk tolerance to build custom solutions from scratch any more.
10. Could you share for our readers, an infographic or description depicting your marketing stack (various marketing software products or platforms your team uses or subscribes to)?
I recently spoke with the team at CabinetM, who have a tool to do just that. The Openprise stack can be found here.
11. Can you share a screenshot of the homepage of your smartphone (iOS/Android/other)? It would be interesting to see some of the apps you personally use on a daily basis to get things done and stay on top of your day.
Connect with Allen
   This article was first appeared on MarTech Advisor
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