#i also know sjm wrote it the way she did so that feyre could admire tamlin's muscles
Stay With the High Lord
"Stay with the High Lord, human, and live to see everything righted."
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Feylin Week 2024, Day 4: Beauty and the Beast
Don't ask me why, but this is the first thing I thought of when I saw this prompt. Disney's Beauty and the Beast is one of my all-time favorite movies, and when reading A Court of Thorns and Roses, I couldn't help but wonder how much inspiration SJM took from the animated classic.
Really, Lady Midnight, I can hear you say, you didn't think of the romantic ballroom scene, or the transformation scene at the end? You thought of this scene? This one, for the most romantic prompt on the list? Really??? And the answer is, yes. Yes, I did. 😅 But he isn't even in his beast form in this scene in the book--Sh sh shshshs.
Don't ask. Just enjoy. That is all. ❤️
I am the artist. Please do not repost.
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nikethestatue · 1 year
I have a hard time understanding the following:
The same people that blame Feyre and Elain for “bullying” Nesta are completely OK with Nesta bullying Cassian, and treating him like dirt. I wonder if the gender of Cassian and Nesta were reversed , would Cassian be praised as much as Nesta was after ACOSF.
I have always had a problem with their relationship after ACOSF, because of the above. I often think, if there was no mating bond, would Cassian care about Nesta? Would he put up with her shit? It’s not like they grew to love each other, as far as the emotional romance in her book, it was lacking. Cassian just kept at her until Sarah choose to write her as a better person. I wonder if her sisters or Cassian did not intervene, she would go down that path to recovery?
This is different from Feyre and Rhysand’s relationship, and even Elaine and Azriel’s relationship, because those relationships are written as mutual attraction and appreciation for the other person, and a solid friendship, not a mating bond.  I don’t understand people who like Cassian and Nesta’s relationship after ACOSF, maybe I am just too traditional?
The way SJM wrote Nesta in my opinion was terrible. Essentially she was just really nasty, met some people who didn’t know her backstory and got validated by them (so i guess the reader is supposed to think she is good then, lazy) and then saved her sister and everything was forgiven. Why not work on the relationships that she currently had, not just make her and Cassian’s relationship about sex, show us more of her friendship with Amren, for heaven sake’s have her actually talk to her sisters about real things. I don’t know how Sara got away with writing ACOSF the way she did.
I don’t know when it became OK to rationalize/absolve someone’s behaviour because they have mental illness or are going through a tough time. You are still responsible for your actions. Having trauma or mental health issues is an explanation for your behaviour, but it does not remove the responsibility of how your behave and the repercussions to your relationships (family /friends).
There is a pervasive theme in the SJM fandom and how she writes her characters that being a “ victim” and take responsibility for doing terrible things to people cannot occur at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive. It’s very odd and I would even say dangerous way of thinking.
Thank you for your thoughts. I am in love with “the agreement” and look forward to Thursdays because I know a chapter is coming out.❤️
I generally agree, however, I remain in the ACOWAR state of mind for Nessian. If we look at how they were, at what they did for each other, at how they grew to admire and support one another, you can definitely see that there was attraction, interest and growth without the bond.
Nesta in ACOWAR was understandable--her anger, her resentment, her unhappiness, especially in the beginning, were all legit, because her life was drastically changed, her whole existence altered, her sister's life also ripped out from her grasp. But then we saw Nesta's growth, her willingness to understand her powers, her willingness to help however she could, her willingness to to to the HL Meeting, and then to the front. Her growing affection towards Cassian was also obvious--despite her fighting it, she was still so into him. She trusted him, she sought him out.
ACOSF is a hot mess express and there is no other way of putting it.
Did I want Nesta to find friends and have that independence from the IC? Absolutely! But the whole 'oh they are my sisters!' or 'oh they are my family!' is such BS.
I've noticed that in general, SJM doesn't know how to write female relationships. Whether it's friendships, parental relationships, sisterhoods. It always comes out bizarre. Aelin and Lysandra=weird. Danika and Bryce=forgetaboutit. Mor and Feyre=what is that even? Maybe Manon and Asterin? But they are also unequal and are beating the shit out of each other. Nesta and Emerie and Gwyn had the beginnings of a great relationship, but SJM chose to make it over the top to the umptieth degree. Like she doesn't understand that both love AND friendships could be just that--strong, powerful, intense, intimate relationships outside of familiar ties. You don't NEED to call your friends 'family'. You can choose your friends, and you can create a relationship with them in a way that is beneficial to you. They don't need to become your 'family' to be falid.
Same with love--you can just love someone, without having a mate bond with them. The bond, in my opinion, often cheapens the relationship, because it sort of negates the growth and the feelings. Thinking back to Rowan and Aelin--did they really need the bond? No. Not at all. There was so much between the two of them that the bond was completely superfluous. The only time the bond made sense and needed to be there was for Feysand--it was their tether, it was the reason why Rhys was able to save/hear/feel Feyre. It made sense. It should've been the only bond. But no. SJM is gonna stick bonds on everyone, like Oprah giving out cars.
ACOSF happened and now we have to live with it. Nothing we can do. I hope she knows to add something in the future that would make the Nessian relationship better. Offer some insights and additions that would make it more palatable.
Also, thank you! :)
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salalalala04 · 3 years
Unpopular Opinions for ACOSF:
There are soooo many things I hated about this book. And I am baffled about other people‘s opinions to be honest.
Opinion 1: Nesta‘s hype
Firstly, there’s the fact that people started loving Nesta after ACOSF. I really don’t get how or why. Yeah, we got some insight on her thoughts and whilst I felt sorry for her constant anger, it did not excuse any of her actions in my opinion.
This girl WANTED and LIKED to hurt people. She literally calculated the ways she could hurt them the worst, this includes both her mate and her sisters. And she did not even apologise properly. That scene at the end when she saves Feyre is cute, but it did not do much.
So I really don’t get how people started loving her.
Opinion 2: Feysand in ACOSF
I adored Feysand before ACOSF and I still adore them.
Feyre had zero malicious intent when she was trying to help Nesta. It is very obvious that she loves her sister and that seeing her destroy herself way too much for her. I get that her means may be a little controversial and debatable but I honestly couldn’t think of a better alternative to help her. Nesta herself even admitted that she had been destroying herself and that the training helped her.
So I don’t understand how people hated Feyre in this book. She was as kind and loving as usual.
Moving on to Rhys. I can totally understand why he hates Nesta. If someone was this terrible to your s/o would you treat them nicely? (I really hope you’ll say no). Yes, I don’t think he should have hidden the risk of the pregnancy from Feyre, however I do understand why he did it, as something like this can negative after a pregnancy and he did not want her to worry.
So was it justified? No. Was it understandable? Yes
Opinion 3: The Valkyries
I‘m going to be very blunt regarding this: the Valkyrie plot made me cringe. Hard.
While I do enjoy reading about woman power, this plot point was wayyyy to rushed.
No matter how talented you are, it is simply impossible and incredibly unrealistic to be able to defeat Illyrian warriors who dedicate their lives to training and fighting. Especially after only having trained for a few months.
I mean, I am aware that these kind of books are not meant to be realistic. But seriously? As if Emerie and Gwyn are the only People to climb to the top of Ramiel after centuries? It was sooooo cringy and unrealistic.
I would have much preferred it they had simply been able to reach the mountain and survive, as that is already really admirable after training for a few months.
Opinion 4: Elucien
So I know that people fight a lot about who’s going to end up with whom.
And while I ship Elriel, I do understand the appeal Gwynriel might hold to some.
But there’s no way I’ll ever understand why people STILL ship Elucien after ACOSF.
Don’t get me wrong, I very briefly shipped them too, when I found out they were mates before reading ACOMAF. But after finishing that one and ACOWAR, it is impossible to ship them.
Elain‘s has both expressed orally and physically that she is uncomfortable in his presence. She can’t stand to be near him or talk to him.
She’s trying to avoid him at all costs and does not want to use his presents. She hates the fact that she’s his mate. And she clearly has feelings for Azriel.
I do get why people might like to read about them growing to love each other.
But anyone who has read SJM books properly would know the dynamic endgame couples might have, even if they can’t stand each other.
Rowaelin and Chaolx Yrene are Great examples for that.
They couldn’t stand each other in the beginning but they still had a certain dynamic and tension and it was obvious they would grow to love each other.
I really can’t see this happening with Elucien. Also, we see him be much happier and comfortable with Vassa. SJM dropped like a billion hints about the mating bond being rejected.
I get why people want Lucien to be happy, I do so, too. But I don’t think Elain is the Right Person for that.
If you have read my rant until here, you’re got my respect! I Mainly wrote it to get it off my chest since there is no one with whom I could talk about this in real life.
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
Rags & Riches {16}
Summary: An A Court of Thorns and Roses Fanfiction. 19th century AU. Based on the prompt sent in by @cat5313 All characters belong to SJM, I am just a fan with a plot.
Warning: Mature content strung throughout.
A/N: I never realize how much I drop “fuck” until I proofread...ah, oh well. 5 chapters left. Do y’all mind when I post 2 chapters in 1 day? yay? nay? I’ll only do 1 if it’s too much, but either way, R&R will be finishing up, soon.
Enjoy (you know, if possible).
Leave a comment to be tagged & tell me what you think! :)
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One month had passed since they arrived in Hybern.
They had endured one battle, which lasted two weeks. Many of Hybern’s men went down, but a large number perished from their own side, too.
Even when they relaxed at camp, they were always on alert, always kept one eye open.
Azriel, Cassian, and Rhysand sat around the fire.
The three of them had created quite the bond, never leaving one another’s side - both in battle, and out. Rhysand had an opportunity to stay away from the front lines because of his title, but he did not. He stayed with Azriel and Cassian, refusing the opportunity without any hesitation. 
“Elain says she should start showing soon,” Azriel announced, the other two looking up from their letters. “She also says morning sickness is getting much worse.” 
“Doesn’t surprise me,” Cassian grinned. “If a little you was growing inside of me, I would probably feel like shit, too.” 
Azriel chuckled. “Yeah.”
Cassian knew that Azriel’s chest ached as he wondered how long he would have to be away. It seemed as if the war had only just begun, but he felt like he had been away from Elain for far too long.
“Any news from Feyre or Nesta?” Azriel asked.
“Feyre says Nesta is being extra bitchy,” Rhysand mumbled. “Other than that, she says she wrote to Elain, telling her to visit soon and their father is finally getting back this week. Oh, and they got a dog. Named him Oswald.” 
“Oswald?” Azriel asked, brows raised. “That’s a….nice….name.” 
Rhysand snorted. “And Nesta?”
They both looked at Cassian, who was reading his letter with narrowed eyes. “She gave me an update on the weather, says it has been raining a lot. I also hear of Oswald, and it is a terrible name, so don’t lie. She said she put a gift in here for me, but there was nothing in the paper.” He looked around for the envelope to put the letter back inside, and once he found it, and opened it up, he froze.
Azriel raised his brows as Rhysand reached for the envelope.
Cassian quickly put it out of his reach. 
Rhysand’s eyes narrowed. “What is it?”
Cassian put the letter back in the envelope and closed it. “Nothing. A photograph.”
Azriel blinked. “Of what?”
“Hmmm,” Rhysand hummed, leaning back. “Is this photograph of Nesta?”
“You will never know, will you?” Cassian asked.
“Is she nude?” Azriel chimed.
Cassian backed up, toward his tent. “I am going to bid you both goodnight.”
Rhysand howled as Azriel’s grin widened. “Alright. Don’t get too vocal with yourself, no one wants to hear all that.” 
Cassian rolled his eyes as he climbed inside, shutting the tent flaps behind him. He used a match to light his lantern, and his pipe, as he laid back against his blankets, atop the grass. 
He pulled open the yellow envelope, once more, removing the letter and setting it aside as he reached for the other contents. He pulled out a long, silver chain, an oval locket attached to the bottom. When he opened it up, all the tension was released from his body. 
On one side was Nesta, and on the other, was Marigold. Cassian chuckled at the photograph of the horse before brushing his thumb over the one of Nesta. She sat, poised, her chin lifted high. Even in black and white, he could see the intensity of her gray-blue eyes. 
He closed it shut and clasped the chain around his neck, tucking the locket beneath his shirt.
There was another photograph inside of the envelope. Azriel’s guess had not been wrong. Cassian took it into his hands and brought it closer to the lantern, his heart beating wildly. Her hair hung loose around her pale shoulders, reaching just below her breasts, which Cassian admired as he brought his pipe to his lips. Her legs were open, waiting for him, and he suddenly had the realization that someone must have taken such a photo, and wondered how Nesta had swung it without anyone seeing.
He laughed, under his breath, at the thought of Nesta ordering someone around to take a nude photo, only to have it instantly taken away and put in an envelope to ship to him overseas. He turned it over and on the back, it read, I know what you are thinking. Do not worry, Helion helped me with such a project and kept all details to himself. Cassian snorted - knew what he would be thinking, indeed. Then, below, it read, For when you are lonely. At night, this is how I wait for you to return. Hurry back.
Cassian flipped the photograph back over and ran his fingers down the image. She was so beautiful, especially when she was natural, bare. Nothing but the locket in which she sent along, the locket that was now around his neck, covered her skin. The silver oval laid between her breasts. 
He studied her until he could no longer bear to keep still. 
After unzipping his trousers, he wrapped his fist around his cock and began to stroke himself. His head fell back and his eyes fell shut, but the image of Nesta, his Nesta, remained.
Rhysand was eating a bowl of some kind of slop the next morning when Cassian emerged from his tent and stretched.
“Have a nice date with your hand last night?” Rhysand asked, filling his mouth.
“Fuck off,” Cassian said, shaking his head but unable to stop his grin. “Where’s Az?”
“Bringing our letters to the post. They’re going out this afternoon.” 
Cassian nodded, reaching for one of the bowls Rhysand had brought. “Okay, I grew up poor, but even this shit looks disgusting to me...and my standards are fairly low.” 
“At least it keeps us from starving to death,” Rhysand said. “Hopefully.”
Cassian was just about to reply as a bell sounded from the middle of camp. Rhysand quickly met his gaze, his jaw set, as soldiers all around them got to their feet.
Azriel was running toward them, eyes wild. “They’re coming, less than a mile away. We have to go.”
Rhysand swore, dropping his bowl to the ground as Cassian reached for their guns. A moment later, helmets were atop their heads and rifles were tossed across their backs and they were running across the landscape. Once in formation, they marched as one through the valley and halted. Beyond was the battlefield they had already seen, the battlefield in which so many had died around them. Rhysand looked to Cassian on his left. His friend was focused, his breathing even. He had a good shot, if he ever had nerves, he did not show it. Then Rhysand looked to Azriel on his right, who was closing his eyes. Azriel was fast, could dodge anything. Rhysand was not worried about either of them. He would not allow himself to be. They would stick together. They would make it out.
“Stay together,” Rhysand whispered.
The other two repeated, in the same quiet calm, “Stay together.”
“Feyre?” Nesta called, knocking on her sister’s door. “A letter just arrived from Elain. She will be here next week, she says.”
The door was opened a moment later.
Nesta froze.
Feyre’s eyes were red and puffy. “Sorry, I just….” her words trailed off and Nesta pulled her sister into her arms.
“Has something happened?” she asked. “Is Rhysand okay?”
Feyre nodded. “Yes, it’s nothing like that, I just….Nesta, I’m pregnant.” 
Nesta blinked. “Pregnant?”
Feyre laughed, wiping at her eyes. “Yes.”
Nesta smiled, wrapping her arms around Feyre even tighter. “That’s great news. Why are you crying?”
Feyre allowed Nesta into her room before she closed the door. They both sat by the fireplace, on the floor.
“I knew when I last wrote Rhys,” she explained. “But, I did not tell him. Now I feel guilty.”
“Why?” Nesta asked. “Why keep it a secret?”
Feyre nibbled on her bottom lip. “Is it truly better to tell him?”
Nesta’s brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“I mean...would telling him make him happier or just more upset that he is not here?” she asked. “He says he misses me, that all he thinks about is coming home, and if I tell him that I am with child, it would just be more of a burden. I thought perhaps I should wait, until he returns.”
Nesta nodded. “Well, I think you should let him know. He would want to know, considering he tried so hard to impregnate you to begin with.”
Feyre laughed, pushing her sister in the arm. “Perhaps. I do not know the right answer to anything these days.”
Nesta stared at her hands when she said.  “Would you like to know something that will cheer you up? Perhaps make you laugh?”
Feyre raised a brow. “You are going to tell me something that will make me laugh? That seems unlikely.”
Nesta rolled her eyes. “In the last letters we sent, I put a photograph of myself inside.”
Feyre blinked. “Why would that make me laugh?”
Nesta could not control her smile as she said, “Because I was not wearing any clothing.”
Feyre’s mouth fell open before she broke into a fit of laughter. “You? Nesta? You sent Cassian a nude photograph?” 
Nesta nodded, her own laughter sputtering out. “Yes. I wonder if he has received it, yet.”
Feyre put her hands over her mouth. “I cannot believe you did such a thing! How was it? Was it awkward?”
Nesta shook her head. “No, Helion took it when he was here last week, in my room. It was actually quite invigorating. I have never felt so….I don’t know. Powerful.” 
Feyre’s laughter died down as she watched the flames. “How very risque of you.” 
“Indeed,” Nesta agreed, then looked at her sister. “I am happy for you.” She nodded toward her sister’s abdomen. “Truly.”
“Thank you,” Feyre said, patting her sister’s knee. “And I am so very proud of you.”
Nesta looked over at her sister and they both broke into laughter, once more.
They were not certain of much lately, but they were certain that when their worlds were full of the unknown, laughter was the best medication.
Cassian had never seen so much blood.
The explosion happened quickly, no one had seen it coming. At the time, Cassian had his rifle pointed at one of the enemy, and the moment he pulled the trigger, as if on que, the ground exploded.
He was knocked on the ground, into the dirt, his ears ringing as he looked around for his brothers.
Rhysand was on the ground a few yards away, but he was already pulling himself up, rifle in hand. 
To his other side, men lay scattered, motionless.
He called out for Azriel, and when he looked back to Rhysand, his violet eyes were wide and panicked. 
“There!” he shouted, but Cassian could hardly hear him. He turned himself around, pulling himself fully off the ground, as he followed Rhysand’s gaze.
Azriel lay still, his gun a few feet beside him, his helmet having flown from his head. He was covered in blood, how much was actually his, Cassian was not certain. 
They were all covered in blood.
Their fellow man’s.
Their enemies.
Cassian and Rhysand ran to his side, sinking down in the dirt alongside him. Rhysand instantly had his back to them both, his gun raised, protecting them. 
Cassian pressed his ear to Azriel’s chest. “He’s still breathing.”
Rhysand gave a curt nod, the only sign he had heard as he pulled the trigger, firing upon any threat coming toward them. 
Cassian found the gaping wound coming from his side and tore open his shirt, where blood was flowing. “Fuck,” Cassian breathed, pressing his hands down on the wound to stop the flow. “Fuck! Rhys….Rhys, we have to get him out of here. We have to get him to medical.” 
“Can you carry him?” Rhysand called, still holding up his gun, not looking behind him. 
Cassian panicked. He was losing blood. So much blood.
He tossed his gun up to Rhysand, who took it and put it around his shoulder without taking his concentration from his own. Cassian quickly pulled off his shirt and tore it into long strips, his helmet discarded. He bundled up a few of the strips and pressed them into the wound, then tied a few together to make it long enough to wrap around Azriel’s abdomen a few times. Once he tied it tight, he nodded. “Yeah, yeah, I can.”
“Okay,” Rhysand called. “Let me know when to walk, I’ve got you both.”
The blood was still pouring from the wound, although not as bad.
With a grunt, Cassian lifted Azriel off the ground, carrying him over his shoulder. “Fuck, you heavy bastard,” he groaned, getting himself into a steady position. “Alright, Rhys, I’m moving!”
Then they both were moving, Azriel unconscious, but his heart still beating within his chest, against Cassian’s back. He was heavy, and nearly Cassian’s height, but Cassian did not let himself think of it as he hurried through the gunfire and around those that were already dead.
“Do not die on me,” Cassian grunted, Azriel’s weight starting to slow him down, “Do not fucking die on me. Elain would kill me if I let you die. Do not die, you hear me? You’re going to be a dad, do not fucking die on your kid!” Cassian yelled, eyes still ahead, blurred with tears but determined. “Do not fucking die on me!” 
Rhysand’s gun fired from behind them. 
“We’re almost to the clear!” Cassian called.
“I don’t see many more from Hybern!” Rhysand called back. 
Cassian could feel the warmth of Azriel’s blood sinking through the shreds of his shirt, onto his own skin, down his arm.
He suddenly became lighter a moment later, once they neared the end of the valley. Rhysand, with both rifles slung across his chest, said, “I’ll take his legs, you take his arms.”
Cassian nodded, putting Azriel down as gently as he could among the grass. He put his fingers against Azriel’s neck and swore before putting his forearms underneath Azriel’s underarms.
Rhysand took him beneath the knees and they lifted him from the ground, and they hurried, as fast as they could, across the remaining distance.
When they reached the camp, the medical tent was the first to appear.
They brought Azriel inside and a nurse yelled for a table to be cleared. Rhysand and Cassian put him down, then both stepped back to let the nurses swarm him.
“He’s going to be okay, yeah?” Rhysand asked, face paled. “He’s still breathing? He’s going to be okay?”
No one answered him, which only made Cassian ask, louder, “Just tell us he’ll fucking make it!” 
A nurse pressed her hands against the newly unraveled wound as she said, calmly, “Yes, he’s still breathing.”
“That doesn’t answer my fucking question,” Cassian spat. 
Rhysand met him at his side and started to pull Cassian back. “Let them work.”
Rhysand’s hands were surprisingly calm as Cassian turned to him, Rhys’ face covered in the blood of others and dirt, his hair drenched in sweat and wild. 
“He can’t die, Rhys,” Cassian breathed.
“I know,” Rhysand said, taking Cassian’s face in his hands. “I know, alright? So we have to let the nurses work. Yeah? We have to let the nurses work, Cass.” 
Cassian nodded, and Rhysand did not let go of Cassian’s face until his breathing began to even.
A soldier poked his head into the tent a moment later and said, “Hybern retreated. It is done for the day.”
The nurses gave a sign of understanding and the soldier went away. Cassian had not even heard them coming back, had not even heard the shouts of victory from the outside. 
“You two may stay, if you wish, but you have to sit to the side,” a nurse said, the one with her hands against Azriel’s wound.
Cassian nodded as he and Rhysand went to the side of the tent and slumped to the ground. 
Neither of them spoke as they waited. 
Hours passed, the day had gone and turned into night, and he did not open his eyes. The nurses had sterilized the wound the best they could and sewed his skin shut. He had lost a lot of blood. 
Rhysand looked at Cassian every once in a while, but neither of them said a word, neither of them dared. Cassian still sat with his chest bare, covered in filth, dried blood matting his hair to his forehead. Rhysand assumed he did not look much better. 
The minutes were passing too slowly, it was agonizing. Rhysand had killed more than he thought he would have to since arriving at Hybern. The thought was unnerving, but he tried not to dwell on it. He was protecting himself, protecting Azriel and Cassian. 
“If he dies, how would I ever go back?” Cassian whispered. Face glowing in the lanterns that surrounded them. “How could I stand there, in front of Elain, and Feyre, and Nesta, and tell them that Azriel died?”
Rhysand cleared his throat, his gaze falling to his hands where he began picking off the dried, crimson coat. “I don’t know.”
Cassian nodded, eyes empty. “They have a baby on the way, Rhys.”
“Yeah,” Rhysand breathed, not bothering to wipe away the tear that fell down his tanned cheek.
Cassian shook his head, but said no more.
When the silence became unbearable, Rhysand stood and walked to Azriel’s side. His chest was still rising and falling, his wound closed. Rhysand reached up to feel his forehead. He did not feel feverish. 
“Before we left,” Rhysand began, quietly, “me and Feyre tried, for a baby. Seeing you here now…” his words trailed off and he shook his head. “Elain needs you. That baby needs you. Fight for them, yeah?” he used his torn shirtsleeve to wipe at his eyes, his nose. “If you can hear me, you have to fight for them. Because if it were me in your place, and Feyre was pregnant, that woman would cut off my fucking balls.” 
Cassian stood and joined them at Azriel’s other side. Rhysand knew Cassian was thinking of their conversation on the ship. I wanted to give her a baby, to look at, to love, to remind her of me, if I don’t make it back. 
Azriel’s eyes rolled behind his eyelids, and both Rhysand and Cassian froze. 
“Az?” Rhysand whispered.
Azriel’s mouth opened, but nothing came out. He stirred, then groaned, softly.
Cassian and Rhysand said nothing as they watched, as they waited. 
Rhysand thought he would collapse once Azriel’s eyes fluttered open and met his gaze. “Rhys. Cass….”
Rhsyand nodded toward Cassian where Azriel’s eyes slowly trailed to. Cassian stood completely still, as if he were afraid to breathe. 
Azriel let out a breath as his eyes closed, once more. 
But his hands found theirs. One in Rhysand’s, the other in Cassian’s. 
“My side…” Azriel began, as if each word brought him pain, “fucking hurts.” 
Cassian, unable to control himself, began to laugh, and when he couldn’t stop, Rhysand started to laugh, too.
Azriel’s hands tightened around theirs, smiling faintly, eyes still closed. 
That battlefield had been littered with the dead, husbands and sons and fathers who would be no more.
But Azriel would not be one of them.
They promised to stay together.
They would stay together. 
At least, for now.
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The Sidra Coffee Shop
So I saw this post http://greenfire2908art.tumblr.com/post/156678536994/sjm-said-in-an-interview-that-feyre-would-be about Rhysand flirting with Feyre and I thought I might write it. Sorry if this turns out bad, another writer could do a better job than me. Hell, someone probably already has. Anyway I hope you enjoy!
It was Sunday morning and I was in my favourite coffee shop, The Sidra. It was named after the mighty river that ran through the centre of town. It was said that when we were invaded, the river rose as if in answer and wiped out the forces of the invading army and saving the city. You could see the river from my view of the window seat, it was an image I was trying to capture desperately in my sketch pad. 
I took a sip from my smoothie before grabbing my pencils and shading the jasmine flowers that bloomed along the riverbank. The whole atmosphere was pleasant, sitting in the rather rustic coffee shop, a faint moody dancing around the room, quite Sunday morning chatter in the background. I was quite content to spend the rest of the day sitting on the little wooden bench sketching. 
I had just finished capturing the image of the cafe chairs that adorned the edge of the Sidra, imagining how it would have rose. It was something I wanted to paint, I could almost imagine wolves jumping out of the very river itself and taking soldiers to their watery graves as they fought to protect their city. When a shadow fell across my page causing me to jump.
Startled, I turned to face the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He had silky black hair and a muscled chest, from what I could see of how his shirt hugged his body, but it was the bright violet hue of his eyes that enticed me the most. 
“Hey,” I started. “Can I help you?” I was a little confused at why this man was here beside me, I really did want to finish this drawing but he seemed to have other plans.
“Well, darling, as it is you certainly can. I was just admiring your drawing skills from that table over there,” he gestured behind him, “and felt that you should know that it’s  almost as gorgeous as you.” 
“Um... Thank you, I guess,” I was unsure of what to say so I took a sip out of my strawberry and dragon fruit smoothie. 
“Also, darling-,”
“Feyre,” I interjected.
“Well then, Feyre darling I was wondering if you have wifi?”
Who the hell was this guy, asking if she had wifi. All I wanted was to finish my sketch in piece.
“No,” I said and I turned back to my drawing.
“Well,” he drawled from beside me. “That is disappointing because I thought I felt a connection. I’m Rhysand by the way.”
“No sorry, no wifi here. Though I’m positive your friends must be missing you,” I said as what I hoped was a subtle dismissal. Apparently I had no such luck.
“Your jumper is perfectly stunning, did you know that?” He comments. 
“Thank you,” I simply stated before turning back to my drawing. After about five minutes he walks away. Muttering a short goodbye as he left. I turned back to my drawing an odd feeling surrounding me. I sort of did a double take, today was turning out rather odd. 
It wasn’t ten minutes before I was disrupted again. What the hell was with everyone this morning? Why couldn't I just be left in peace I thought. 
“Well hello, gorgeous,” he whistles.
I made a point to ignore him, carrying on with my attempt to capture the rest of the perfect image before the rest of the public rose from their beds. He just sits down next to me. He’s wearing a black hoodie and jeans.
“Nice outfit by the way, you look absolutely delicious.” 
“Thanks,” I reply. This was the oddest Sunday morning I had ever had. I took another sip out of my smoothie letting it wash around my mouth before trickling down my throat.
“Like you just walked off the runway,” he goes on. 
“Thanks,” I reply curtly. “Again.”
He throws some more odd compliments my way before heading off in the same direction that that Rhysand bloke had gone in. I turned around catching the tail end of their conversation. There were five of them in total.
“...way, she didn't even blush. I’ve never met anyone who has resisted my manly charm that easily before.” The hoody guy states.
“Well Cassian, it seems you own Amren ten bucks. I told you she wouldn't give you her number,” Rhysand drawls.
“Cough up boys,” the small one says. Her quick silver eyes flash over and meet mine and she smirks. 
“Nah ah ah,” Rhysand smirks like the cheshire cat. “I made no bargain or bet.” 
“No but you did say you would get her number and it seems you failed,” the blonde one perks up.
“Look,” he growls. “I’m just interested in her okay, lets not make a big deal out of it.” He picks up his coffee and takes a gulp. It’s black, the worst kind of coffee in my opinion. When I drank it I felt like I was choking down tar. So those men were trying to flirt with me? God, I feel so stupid.
I finish with my drawing, the crowds now to thick to properly capture the original image and pack my stuff away. I walk over and pay the bill, I’m about to leave when a thought strikes me. I may as well have a little fun with this situation they have given me. I stalk over to Rhysand, grab a napkin scribble my number down as he stares at me, fold it up and shove it into his chest before pecking him on the cheek and sauntering towards the door. 
Right before I set foot out of the cafe I turn around to see the whole bunch bent over double laughing all except Rhysand who is grinning from ear to ear and the small one, Amren, who catches my gaze and smirks at me knowingly. With that I walk out of the cafe and down the street, a small part of me hoping for a call from the gorgeous, violet eyed man I had just encountered.
I take no credit for the idea behind this piece, that should go to @greenfire2908art. I hope you enjoyed reading it. I’m sorry for the poor quality of writing I wrote this at midnight and now can't be bothered to reread it and edit my mistakes. Yep, I’m lazy like that. I hope it’s somewhere near what you hoped for @greenfire2908art sorry if it's not up to the right standard. I thought I’d give it a go though anyway. 
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theladyofdeath · 5 years
Rags & Riches {5}
Summary: An A Court of Thorns and Roses Fanfiction. 19th century AU. Based on the prompt sent in by @cat5313 All characters belong to SJM, I am just a fan with a plot.
Warning: Mature content strung throughout.
A/N: Oh snap.
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It had been a week since Cassian had managed to get Nesta back to her room unseen. She had woken with a pounding headache with her dusty shoes removed and placed neatly beside her bed. She had still been in her gown, but she was tucked in snugly.
However, she did notice that she had been missing her bracelet and assumed she had lost it somewhere in her drunken endeavors. She tried not to feel too disappointed, considering who had gifted it to her, but it was her own fault.
Nonetheless, the stableboy had taken care of her, even though Nesta only remembered glimpses of their night out at the tavern. 
Yet, she had purposely been avoiding him at all costs. Not that she went to the stables often.
When carriages were drawn, she waited indoors until it was pulled up front, ready to be loaded. She did not take Marigold for any rides, unless she was one hundred percent certain Edward was in the stables, not Cassian. 
Perhaps it was petty, but she could not face him, not after what she had remembered.
She knew she had drunk far too much, had confessed far too much. She was even certain that, at one point, she had called him handsome. 
She had called the stableboy handsome. 
And he had taken care of her. 
Nesta pushed the thoughts from her mind as she chose an unread book from the master library and trailed through the house.
“Miss Nesta! I have been looking everywhere for you.”
She froze, looking over her shoulder to find Alis trailing after her down the long hallway. “Yes?”
“You have received a letter, my Lady. Also, your father will be leaving this evening, after supper, for his journey north. He wishes you all to have a lovely dinner together in the main dining hall, promptly at six.”
“Thank you,” Nesta said, taking the letter from their maid. 
Alis curtsied. “Good day, Miss.”
“Good day, Alis.”
The moment Alis had disappeared around the corner, Nesta broke the seal and unfolded the letter. It was in that old familiar handwriting, the same handwriting she had seen all too often.
My dearest Nesta,
I hope you do not think too poorly of me. You will always have a piece of my heart, more so than my betrothed could ever have. Could we meet soon? I surely hope so.
Nesta was fuming.
He still wanted to meet? After he had led her to believe he would propose, then introduced her to his new fiance? Ha! Absolutely not. Tomas was an even greater fool than she thought to have written her such a thing. 
“You look angrier than usual.”
Nesta’s head jerked up to find her youngest sister leaning against the railing at the end of the hall, overlooking the main entrance. “I didn’t see you there.”
“Of course not,” Feyre said, simply. “You were too busy reading whatever that is in your hand.”
Nesta quickly crumpled up the paper in her hand. “It’s garbage.” 
“Hmmm,” Feyre said, then brushed it aside. “Excited for our big dinner with papa before he heads up north?”
Isaiah Archeron’s trip to the northern territory was his longest business trip of the year. This year, it was crucial, as they were running low on funds. He typically stayed just under a month, leaving the girls alone with Alis. 
Now that they were old enough to raise themselves.
Or something like that.
“I suppose,” Nesta said, Feyre making her way toward her. “I am certain we will be eating a pork roast since it’s papa’s favorite.”
Nesta was not a fan of pork roast.
The two went into the library and sat next to the windows where they could see Elain hovering over her garden. 
“Has she been acting strange lately to you?” Feyre asked.
Nesta took a moment to sort her words. Yes, she had, but Nesta wasn’t going to mention it. “I am not certain she is fond of Lord Lucien.”
“I don’t know why,” Feyre began. “He is handsome and kind. Out of all of us, Elain had always been the most excited to marry. At least, that is how it seemed. And, I thought father had chosen the perfect match for her with Lucien.”
Nesta agreed. “She hasn’t said a word about him. I would have thought she would be bouncing off the walls, already making wedding preparations.”
Feyre chuckled, looking out the window at her sister. “Perhaps she’s just nervous. Once Lucien asks for her hand, her entire life will change.”
Nesta mumbled her agreement, but couldn’t take her eyes away from where Elain sat on her knees, plating her newest seeds to some plant Nesta had never heard of. 
She wore a dress, although it was hiked up to her knees. It was the only time she was unladylike - when Elain was in her garden. Yet, she still made it all look graceful. 
“All I know is out of the three of us, Elain deserves to be happy.”
Nesta looked at her youngest sister and met her eyes, their mother’s eyes, the eyes identical to her own.
And she couldn’t agree more.
Elain loved her garden.
It wasn’t the sunniest of days, but Elain still thought it a great day to plant her chocolate cosmos. She had been waiting for her seeds to be delivered, and once Alis had announced that they’d arrived, she couldn’t wait any longer.
Besides, she loved the peace and quiet being outside in her garden brought. It was just her, and sometimes Alis. Her sisters didn’t find the same appreciation in gardening that she did, which was fine. It was Elain’s thing.
She stood, once her planning was done, and dusted off her hands. She admired the plants that were already sprouting stems above the top layer of dirt and took a deep breath. A few flowers had even begun to bloom, and she found herself awfully proud. 
Her garden allowed her to display her talents. She brought life from seeds, created something from nothing.
Once her hands were clean enough, she pulled the note she kept tucked into her dress pocket. After unfolding it, she looked at the simple signature and couldn’t stop her grin.
I watched you in your garden today. You look cute with dirt smudged against your cheek. In my dreams, we live in the countryside and you have your dream garden. You grow flowers, and vegetables, and I always tell you how amazing you are at it.
Which you are. Incredible.
But you are incredible at everything. Surely you know that.
I miss you.
I love you.
I can’t wait to sneak a kiss goodnight.
The note had been pushed beneath her bedroom door in the middle of the night. She awoke at dawn to find it sitting against the wooden floorboards, and found her soul lightening at its words. As expected, they had not seen much of each other since their night together. Their wonderful, amazing night together. Elain had fallen asleep thinking about it every night since. His hands against her skin, the way his breath felt against her neck as he pushed himself inside of her. Every now and then, she caught his eye and blushed, wildly, only earning a small grin in return. 
They had to be careful.
But it was so damn hard. 
She loved him.
And he loved her.
So why couldn’t they be together?
Then there was Lord Lucien.
He had written to her twice within the last week and she had felt obligated to send a reply, although her heart was not in it. She felt guilty, horribly guilty. He was so kind, so deserving of a woman who found him charming and worthy.
It wasn’t that Elain did not find him charming nor worthy, it was just that someone else had already captured her heart. Then again, she knew that she could not marry Azriel. She knew that she was meant to marry Lucien, was supposed to marry Lucien, would be a great match for Lucien. And, more so, Lucien would be a great match for anyone. He was kind, gentle, handsome, wealthy. 
He was everything she was supposed to want.
Everything she was told that she should have wanted.
But everything she wanted was in a man that she would never be able to have.
And at that thought, she slowly folded up the note and put it back in her dress pocket. 
Nesta was right.
Supper’s main course had been pork roast.
The four of them ate in silence, unsure of how to fill it. It was always that way when they chose to eat as a family, which was few and far between since their mother had passed. Yet, Isaac thought it necessary, especially before he left for a period of time.
Three butlers stood against the walls, silent after serving their course, waiting in case one of them needed anything. Two of them, Feyre recognized. The young, dark haired one. Azriel, she believed, was his name. And Anthony, who had been around since Feyre was a little girl.
Then there was a third, who Feyre thought she had seen in the stables. After stirring her mashed potatoes and gravy for the tenth time, she looked to the young man and asked, “Aren’t you the stableboy?”
“Feyre,” Isaac chastised.
The man simply smiled politely and nodded his head. “Yes, Lady Feyre. Oliver was feeling unwell this afternoon, so I offered to take his spot during mealtime, just until he was feeling better.”
“That was kind of you,” Elain smiled.
Feyre and Isaac agreed, although Nesta said nothing, staring at her pork roast.
“Have you heard more from Lord Rhysand?”
It took Feyre a moment to realize that Elain had been speaking to her. She cleared her throat, “Yes. He wrote just yesterday, in fact.”
“Ah,” Isaac smiled, setting down his fork. “And what did he write?”
“That he hopes to visit soon,” Feyre said, “in which I replied that he shouldn’t.”
Isaac stared as Nesta snorted. “Feyre, that is rude. You should write him again, inviting him to call.”
“Why?” Feyre asked, completely forgetting about her food. “He is selfish and wants me as a wife because I am beautiful.”
“Conceited, much?” Nesta mumbled.
Feyre ignored her, continuing to stare at her father. “He has not even asked you for my hand so I owe him nothing.”
“He is a Lord,” Isaac shot back.
“He is insufferable,” Feyre snapped, taking a large bite of potatoes. “And he can kiss my-”
“Feyre,” Isaac scolded. 
“Hand,” Feyre finished, staring at her father. “He can kiss my...hand.”
Nesta snorted, but remained quiet. 
“Well, I talked to Lord Rhysand and thought he was quite lovely,” Elain chimed.
“And what of Lord Lucien?” Feyre beamed. “Have you heard from him?”
Elain’s cheeks turned pink as she hesitated. “Yes. He has written twice since the ball.”
“And?” Nesta asked, as Feyre stuffed her mouth with more mashed potatoes.
“And,” Elain began, glancing toward the butler against the wall before continuing, “he is excited to visit us here again soon.”
“Any mention of a proposal?” Feyre asked, mouth full.
“Feyre, do not talk with food in your mouth,” Isaac scolded. “You know better.”
Elain cleared her throat. “No. Not yet.”
“Shocking,” Nesta said, picking at her food without really eating it. “I would have thought he’d be outside on one knee waiting for you to accept after he charmed you at the ball.”
Elain’s cheeks reddened further, but she said nothing. 
Isaac cleared his throat, having already cleared his plate. “As you girls know, I will be leaving tonight. I should not be gone any longer than four weeks. Although, if I am, it means that business is booming and I cannot leave. In that case, I will write. Edward will be joining me.”
Nesta’s eyes shot to the stableboy, then back to Isaiah. “Well, we wish you luck and look forward to your return, papa.”
Feyre and Elain chimed in their agreements before resuming their meal.
“At what time do you leave?” Nesta asked.
“When we are finished here,” Isaac proclaimed. “Alis will watch over you, of course. However, you are all women now and can look after yourselves, no doubt. I expect you to write often, especially if anything goes amiss.”
Feyre grinned, finishing off her plate. “I assure you, we will be fine.” 
Indeed, they were used to being stuck at the manor. They had not left much during the last few years, since their mother’s passing. 
Isaac smiled and took a look at his three daughters. “I know. I have raised you well.”
Feyre smiled, although she had to admit that her heart wasn’t in it. Everything had been off since their mother died. As she looked at her sisters, she could feel it. They were both hiding something, although she had no idea what. Nor did she care to find out, since she was hiding a secret of her own. She couldn’t wait until her father left so that she could go into town and play cards with the locals. 
Once they were done, they all rose from the table and saw Isaac outside, where Edward was waiting with a packed carriage.
Isaac kissed each of his daughters goodbye before he closed himself inside and was off, nothing more than a shadow being erased by the growing distance. 
“You have a girl, don’t you?”
Azriel froze where he sat atop his bed. “What?”
Cassian nodded to the pen and paper in his lap. “You’re writing to someone often. I assume it’s a woman.”
“Ah,” Azriel chuckled, glancing down at the ‘E’ written on his otherwise blank sheet of paper. “Yes, I suppose so.”
“A fling?” Cassian asked, kicking off his muddy boots and plopping down on his cot. “Or someone you intend to marry?”
Azriel took a moment to think about it before responding to his roommate. “She is the love of my life.”
“Congrats, mate,” Cassian said, wholeheartedly. He had grown to like Azriel within the recent weeks, since they had become roommates in the servant wing. Azriel was quiet, but he was kind and held no judgement. Cassian tried his best to be the same toward him. 
“What about you?” Azriel asked. “Is there a girl for you?”
Cassian chuckled and shook his head. “No. Just my mother and sister back home. I write to them often, although i haven’t heard from them yet this week.”
“Oh?” Asked Azriel. “How old is your sister? Where do they live?”
“An hour’s ride south,” Cassian began. “I grew up in a small village there. My sister just turned seventeen. She has her eye on one of the local farmer’s sons. Although, if you ask me, he’s not worthy of her one bit.”
Azriel chuckled. “No? Why not?”
“I knew the guy, growing up,” Cassian explained. “I know too much about him, if you know what I mean. He’s been with too many women. Loves himself too much.”
“And your sister?”
“Kind,” Cassian explained. “But can take care of herself. Stubborn, just like my mother. Has very strong opinions, which many think women shouldn’t have, but I beg to differ. I grew up in a home full of strong-willed women, and wouldn’t have had it any other way.” 
“What about your dad?” Azriel asked, writing on his sheet of paper as he spoke. 
Cassian took a moment to answer, realizing he and his roommate had never had a truly deep conversation before. “He left when my sister was young. He was a prick, horrible to my mother. I was eight when he left, but I was glad.”
Azriel nodded, but didn’t reply.
Cassian watched as Azriel wrote his letter to his lover. “What about you?”
“What about me?” Azriel laughed, short and quiet.
“Your family?”
Azriel took such a long time to reply that Cassian almost thought he hadn’t heard.
“I was abandoned as a child, adopted by an older couple. Diana and Renald. Diana was kind, but she was terrified of Renald. As was I.” Azriel talked slow, as if finding it difficult to remember. “He was an ass. He instantly knew I was different, knew of where I had…” Azriel paused, as if having trouble finding the words. “Come from. He treated me the worst. Partly because of my background, I assumed, and partly because I was the only other male. He...abused me. Often. And I ran away the moment I could, promising Diana that I would earn enough to get her free of Renald someday. That I am still working on. But I shall get there, soon. Diana writes to me often.”
Cassian cursed. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
Azriel shrugged, not taking his eyes off the letter he was writing. “That’s life.”
Cassian supposed so. Although if that was life, he was certain that life was not fair. He thought to Lady Nesta, when he had escorted her the week before. She had given herself to a man who thought nothing of her, then left her completely alone in their holier than thou circle. Cassian firmly believed that life was not fair, and only they had the power to change such a thing.
“Do you enjoy working here?” Cassian asked.
Azriel took a moment to think. “I would not trade this experience for the world.”
Cassian nodded, remembering his night a week before with the Lady Nesta.
“The Archeron sisters are an interesting trio, aren’t they?”
Cassian swore Azriel tensed, but then his roommate nodded.
“Yes,” Azriel said, quietly, folding his sheet of paper into a neat square. “They are.”
Feyre tugged on her trousers and waistcoat before tucking her long hair into a newsboy hat. The boots in the bottom of the chest at the foot of her bed slipped on easily.
After one last look in the mirror, Feyre stuck her head out of her door to make sure the halls were clear. Once she decided it was safe, she hurried down the hall and down the main stairway. Once she had reached the floor, she tiptoed into the sitting room, toward a side window, where she could slip out and easily reach the ground, knowing to keep it cracked so that she could get back in later.
But she didn’t open it. Just as she was about to, she froze.
Just outside was Elain, hurrying away with a tall, dark haired man, hand in hand.
She was smiling. 
It wasn’t until the man turned to look down at Elain that Feyre recognized him.
Before Feyre could fully process what she was seeing, she was running back up the staircase, straight to her eldest sister’s room.
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