#i also really like the autistic!zane headcanon.... it fits really well with him i can see why it seems to be a p popular take!!
cookii-moon · 1 year
This is my excuse to gush over Dragon form because yes.
Basically headcanon and redesign galore yayy
More under the cutoff since this is LONG. You have been warned.
The first part is an introduction, and then the second is actually talking about my designs and ideas and stuff, plus some thoughts/snippets/headcanons... help me.
SO apparently I am far more stupid than I thought, and the reason I say that is because for WHATEVER REASON, it took me ONE. YEAR. For the thought "Hey Cookie the ninja became dragons that one time" to even properly cross my mind, let alone set in. Which is surprising, because I historically freak out over dragons. You'd think that my favorite blorbos having dragon forms would make me instantly go crazy, but no, it took an entire year for my brain to even realize it was... you know... dragon related... even.though I knew they were dragon related... I just didn't... does that make sense? Probably not.
As it stands the dragon forms are forgettable because they're literally just reskins but with different element colors (which makes sense, cause yknow... Lego molds...) and then they vanish which obviously yeah. Who knows maybe they'll come back in dragons rising now that the ninja have their powers again.
Hyperfixation transcends the measly concept of time (actually that's probably not true I wouldn't know since I don't think about the very fabric of reality that often) so good luck stopping me.
ANYWAY, so uh... I might or might not have on a whim made messy concept sketches for each dragon form, made up a ton of headcanons, and chosen color scheme... no... no I didn't do that.
Okay yeah I did that.
...I was supposed to do two at a time.
How did I get here. The power of autistic brain.
Time to actually talk about the designs!!
Uhhh I'm gonna go in true potential order... because yes.
First... Zaneee!!!
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Without color in case it's confusing
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Also you're gonna notice a trend with this being that the drawings are not high quality or rendered or anything and are sloppily colored and that's because they're just concepts. I only did the actual "big" draconic traits because I wanted to get it finished quickly so i had an excuse to talk about it. If I ever do use them for an actual art piece then I'll fully render them n stuff obviously this is just to get across the concept.
So since Zane is a robot it.. would be kinda hard for him to suddenly get like.. organic dragon wings... or whatever...
So instead- he gets cybernetic dragon wings and a tail. Yes i know that still requires cartoon logic. The power of creation just magicked them into existence OK? It makes more sense than randomly growing scales.
The mechanic parts are mostly held together/afloat by the ice energy flowing through them (which is what the crystal-like fragments that make up most of his wings are!)
Also his horns are like a little crown... because... I dunno I thought it'd fit with his haircut and such but also ice Emperor (even though he didn't really wear a crown) look this was drawn at like 2 am I don't know what I was thinking with it or why I didn't actually draw the haircuts as well..
I imagine that he'd be very cold to the touch, especially his wings (which are pretty much sheets of ice) both Jay and Kai have ways of circumventing it, but when Cole has to deal with it (like sitting next to him or such) he gets sluggish pretty quickly. Zane is still trying to figure out a way to ease it a bit.
He also tends to make clanging noise by tapping his tail against the ground when he's upset, or make mechanical whirring noises when irritated. Nobody quite knows why since yknow robot, it's just a quirk.
His ice energy does mean he's gotten a power boost. Just like literally everyone else.
Also this is going to involve me assuming they kept these features because if Lloyd can be part dragon then so can the ninja I dare you to fight me /lighthearted
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Jay!! He bird. Feather scrunchie.
"But Cookie that's not a dragon-"
Shhhh If a dinosaur can have feathers so can a dragon they're both giant reptiles OK. Feather dragon. It's a thing.
I'm going to be honest the only thing going through my mind while drawing this was vague wing shapes I can't even put a name to (they were probably from monster hunter... I think... Uh... ) and silkie chickens. Not quite sure why I thought of silkie chickens, but I did. So here we are.
So anyways I love him. HIM!! FEATHER MAN!!!
Also I just realized while writing this he can finally be fugi dove's proper equal and arch nemesis. Amazing.
So while drawing I was like "it'd be neat if he could produce static n such with his wings/feathers" so I took off to the internet and after trying a ton of different "CAN BIRDS MAKE STATIC" "ARE BIRD FEATHERS STATIC" and such search queries I finally came up with that ostrich feathers can have static and chicken feathers were used in computer components and hummingbirds can produce static from how fast they flap their wings. Is that trustworthy whatsoever? Probably not. (Surprisingly the most trustworthy one seems to be that chicken feathers were used for computer components which is funny) But rule of cool. I get to break the laws of physics and reality for my story as long as it's cool. Yay.
He's very fluffy and enjoys using his wings to snuggle up in bed :) Cole also tries to steal him as a blanket during winter. Nya and Lloyd can't because of the static but Cole can't be shocked so Jay just has to begrudgingly accept it with his hollow bones and consequentially low weight. He's also known to let sparks off when he's excited/happy, which is f u n.
Also I used the blue/yellow color palette because they seem to be leaning towards using more yellow in Jay's color themes (like how they started using orange in Cole's or blue in Zane's) and I thought it worked really well here so yeah!! It also helps differentiate him even more.
He sheds like crazy. Especially during winter where he gets EVEN FLUFFIER. (no one knows how it's even possible) Feathers everywhere. Cole and Kai also shed, but they shed skin all in one go (usually..), whereas Jay just leaves a pillows worth of feathers everywhere he inhabits, and it drives them insane.
The type of dragon he is is mostly a flight based species. They hunt in the air, live in the air for most of their lives, and such. Because of that not only does he rarely sit down, but he is FILLED with excess energy. He's also the most natural and second fastest flier, and fastest consistent flier.
Because the type of dragon he takes after is so focused on flight, they also roost up in really high places, so you'll probably find him on the top bunk, up in rafters, on the Monastery roof, etc. He loves that they're on a mountain because it means he can take a flight whenever he wants to. That doesn't stop him from being horrible at evading actual birds, though.
He also regularly makes "chirp" and clicking noises. (By chirp I mean the type a cat will do while looking at a window or such. Look up cats chirping or smthn for an example if u haven't heard it before.)
Could I have just made him a dragon with lightning bolt patterns?
Yes but that would be very boring and uncreative (in my opinion and standards I hold myself to ofc-) SO.
Jay is chicken. Jay uses wings to shoot lightning. Thank you for your time.
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Cole. He crystal dragon. He's probably also gonna be a pain to draw (but also very fun) because of that. Yay.
I could of just done magma but I loved the idea of like a crystal dragon. So I made a ninjago related crystal dragon...
... again. Don't ask about the first one.
so uh I chose the colors bc like light blues/purples/white are pretty stereotypical crystal colors (plus I think they're pretty) and then orange... because. Cole. He has little crystal patches all over him and his scales also have like.. small crystals dotted all over.
I feel like whatever species of dragon he is is probably adapted to like.. mostly living in caves? Like cave bats kinda where it goes outside at night to hunt but sleeps and lives in caves, and probably goes deeper in the cave to hibernate. So because of that he can be sensitive to artificial light and doesn't really have any like adaptations for the winter, so he just tries to snuggle up with Jay or Kai to keep warm and gets really tired/sluggish when he's cold because reptile. On the other end he can sense vibrations since his species wouldn't be relying on sight as much, which is very handy.
Unlike Zane, Jay, or Kai, he can't really "fly" exactly. His wings are much smaller because the species kinda adapted to being able to use them as a sort of speed boost thing where they'd use them to get quick bursts of flight to catch prey, but since they mostly hunted on the ground and lived in caves they didn't need full on flight. However it's sorta a peregrine falcon situation where technically he is the fastest of all the ninja in flight, but only during a short burst.
He is also very well adapted to climbing vertical surfaces. His claws are REALLY good at gripping onto things since they were adapted to cling onto things such as stalactites, rock walls, etc. to traverse up ledges and deeper parts of caves, and he can also use his wings (and more specifically their claws) as a third pair of limbs to grip onto walls.
Cole tends to make more subtle noises, he growls when agitated and purrs when content or in pain (yes that's a thing, purring soothes and encourages healing, so cats will also purr when they're hurt or scared to comfort themselves) but it isn't very loud, so it's not easily noticeable.
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Could I have done magma for Cole and just given Kai flame wings?
Yes. But I'm not going to, because I find this approach more interesting.
... I joke that it's magma but not REALLy, it's still just.. fire... but his scales are brown cause I thought it fit. So. A lot of people like to draw Lloyd with the kinda dragon ears so I thought it'd be cute if Kai, as his guardian, also had them since, again, a lot of people like to see them as brothers. And I just gave him generic dragon horns. Because dragon.
It's hard to simplify it because... fire... so this is probably the worst sketch..
Look OK he gets to breathe fire. Like that's one of the most iconic medieval red dragon things, he's the fire ninja, he gets to breathe fire and blow smoke out of his nostrils when mad I don't make the rules.
I also kinda went all in on generic dragon tropes (i mean ig they're not as generic anymore because of stuff like HTTYD) because... Kai.
So like hot temper, fire breath, that type of thing.
He also has a hoarding habit, as in instead of cleaning or anything when he uses something and just tosses it aside, he puts it all in an ever growing pile of stuff that he just let's stay there until somebody else cleans it up because they were sick of it. Compared to Jay's feathers it's not the WORST thing in the world.
He's slower than Zane and Jay, but can fly for longer periods of time than Zane. His species is kind of adapted to flying closer to the land. So that they can eat some well cooked cow. Yknow generic dragon stuff.
I also think it'd be funny, since dragons are fiercely protective, if these dragons had a dragapult situation where if they didn't have a kid they'd just "adopt" (in their eyes, in reality it's abducting. Usually.) a random animal and pretend it's their child. Because. Kai.
He's also fireproof, to an extent. He can withstand intense heat (unlike Cole or Jay) and can withstand intense cold (Unlike Cole... poor guy) because fire. He can't dive bomb into a volcano though since it would eventually get through and burn him to a crisp, but in small amounts he'll be FINEEEE...
Im not quite sure if he'd make any sort of draconic noises or anything. I feel like maybe he'd growl when upset, but it'd be louder than Cole? Whereas Cole does it more frequently (probably to be passive aggressive) but it's much more silent. He also has a tendency to involuntarily raise his voice a lot.
Yeah that's about it. Also if you consider lloyd to be a dragon, or think of Nya as having dragon features from when she just became h2o that one time, then the entire group might as well be renamed to Dragon ninja. Even Wu!!
..I feel like Lloyd would be jealous- Like "Oh why do THEY get to go full dragon and have wings when I don’t?!" But he'd never say anything because Lloyd.. but everybody knows something is up and is trying to make him feel better... but it's making him feel worse because it just makes him feel more singled out... oh boy that's uh I'm gonna shut that depressing thought train down right there.
Poor pixal though... she's left out because she's too cool already.
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
what are some of your headcanons (if you have any) for jaden and zane? they're my favorite gx characters (and imo the epitome of adhd/autism solidarity) and i like hearing people's takes on them. also .
OH BOY DO I!!! :D omg it's so funny you ask, I love Jaden and Zane too, and ive been especially having Zane Brainrot for like the last 72 hours so the headcanons have been COOKING big time..... in general i love coming up with yugioh guy headcanons, there's so much potential there eheheh.
here's a little platter for each of them, off the top of my head:
I think you're dead on the money with him having ADHD.... it fits him SO well. He especially strikes me as someone who doodles a Bunch in the notes of his classwork to help with focus issues (to varying levels of success.)
Impulsively throws up a peace sign 90% of the time someone takes a picture of him.
I know in my heart this kid can and will take any opportunity to shout "Parkour!!!" while jumping off of picnic tables and benches and shit. Just channeling all his energy into unabashed teenage boy jumping and bouncing around and goofing off. I think even before I watched GX I felt like he had the energy of this vine.
Loves video games!! Nothing beats dueling of course, but he'll have a grand old time with his beat up Gameboy Advance SP, playing Pokemon Firered for the 5732754 time. I think he'd really love games like Smash Bros. too, just has a great time with them. He'd also love Sonic the Hedgehog...definitely loves the Sonic Adventure 2 soundtrack. (Every SA2 song sounds like a gx dub background track. buy my silence!!!)
He's constantly leaving a trail of napkins and crumbs everywhere. Jaden feels very "shoved a snack in his pocket for later" energy. Popping out a pack of Oreos mid-duel to nibble on.
Would enjoy nearly all superhero movies regardless of quality. This specifically pisses Aster "perpetually writing a Batman video essay in his brain" Phoenix off to a tremendous degree <3
Definitely had a fursona when he was like 12 and it was absolutely like. A zany cyborg superhero sparkledog with space powers or something like that. Just total shameless self indulgence. The Neo Spacians are basically his OCs after all!! He's a creative kid. ;w;
Likes heavy metal but also the crustiest early 2000's techno you can imagine. Unironically thinks the 7 minute long full version of Darude's Sandstorm kicks ass.
Lately I've been especially into the idea of Zane enjoying TTRPGs and particularly being a bit of a Perma-Dungeon Master (i, a perma DM, enjoy inflicting this upon characters lmao). I think he'd really into running these dense, edgy, rules-and-combat-heavy campaigns where there's like a solid 70% chance your character is gonna die. (Meanwhile Atticus does everything in his power to make the stupidest, goofiest character imaginable every time he plays in one of Zane's campaigns. unstoppable force meets immovable object etc etc)
I feel like bad eyesight runs in this family but Zane either never bothered to get glasses/contacts or willingly doesn't wear them. Is he glaring at you from across the room? Nope, he's just trying to make out a sign on the wall and he can't see shit. :/
Might throw "has a gluten intolerance" on top of all the other shit he's dealing with, as part of my ongoing agenda of making characters i like have gluten issues. Probably lactose intolerant too like Syrus. Guy looks like eating is probably one of his least favorite activities. Like. he'll do it. but hes not thrilled about the experience.
ok sorry i assign "Pokemon liker" to like every yugioh character but I'm really enamored with the idea of zane and syrus being "kids where one got pokemon red/gold/ruby and the other got blue/silver/sapphire" i think it's so sweet ;__; Zane has MASSIVE "gets really into competitive Pokemon and takes it dead seriously" energy. Stays up late playing ludicrously difficult ROM hacks and testing competitively viable teams. I think he would really like Dialga. <3
Definitely picked up some of Jaden's dorky ass slang whether he wanted to or not. He straight up says "throw down a facedown" in one episode and out loud i was like "oh he DEFINITELY got that from jaden." they are FRIENDS
Has a three-monitor desktop computer setup and all three monitors have a different cyber dragon painting for their wallpaper and it's not entirely clear if he commissioned them or ripped them off google images.
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