#i also still need to weave in ends on the blanket
quecksilvereyes · 7 months
okay so. hubris project. my friend @mushroom-in-space has moved into their own place and i WANTED to have this done for their move which was uhhhhhhh last summer. it is not. done. yet. new deadline is mid march.
its a crochet blanket, pattern brought to you by ravelry, one of the scheepjes cals:
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now, i looked at this and went. hm. i dont like the structural integrity of those lace corners. i'm gonna back it. and because i can't fucking chill, i decided to patchwork the backing fabric, which will then get basted on a wool fabric and lined with a white cotton to make the design stand out.
currently im about 2/3rds done with the patchworking, i need to do another one of these panels, iron everything and attach the border. (and. remove all the basting. sob.)
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had to be a herringbone because. hello. have you met me.
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etherfabric · 2 months
Directions from Your Higher Self
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Choose a pile by which picture you resonate with the most.
If your mind is too busy to clearly decide, take a few deep breaths, and use the finger of your non-dominant hand to hover over the images. One will give off the most subtle yet prominent signals, like tingles, a magnetic pull, or temperature. This is your pile. Multiples are also possible.
Pile 1
The Star, The Moon
You started to believe in miracles, and are now scared shitless. No small expectations keeping you safe from disappointment anymore. You got a taste of what magic feels like, and now fear dullness like the plague. Two things: You are allowed to have boring days, that doesn't mean the magic is gone. It can't be Christmas everyday. You would get sick of the lights eventually, believe me. And the other thing: That's why they say that victimhood can be a kind of safety blanket. If you already expect only crap from life, there is no horrible suspense anymore. But now... you can't go back. Even if you try it.
This is an icky phase of metamorphosis. It's normal that it feels disorienting and like you can't make sense of anything anymore. Do soothing stuff, calming habits, be around safe people. And spoiler: This is about embracing your humanity in a whole new depth. Don't worry, it will feel supernatural again soon enough. But for now, practice being plain, while also weaving your belief in miracles into it. Challenging, yes, but nothing you can't handle. You got this.
Pile 2
The Moon, 3 of Pentacles
Nothing you put energy or effort into seems to yield anything. It feels like punching in slowmotion, nightmarish. Hitting no one who needs to feel your hits. Newsflash: This is not a time for work! Get soft, dammit. You can't experience rest while still trying to prove something. No one is watching. You are being your own cruel audience, and boo yourself into despair. What are you aiming at? Who convinced you that particular thing is the sole hope for you to be happy ever again?
I love you, you are me, I am you, but I can't let you go on like this. Not with what lies ahead of us. If you only knew how easy things will get. How many fears will never come true. How much lighter you could afford to be. How much love you already deserve. But you have to dare opening your arms, and put the tools down. The monuments you try to erect are aimed at Gods you won't believe in anymore once you experience your feminine side as a gift, and not a curse. Grindset? Grind your teeth while napping, if you have to. But this is bigger than your egotistical, temporal ambitions. You need to do it slow, and I won't stop insisting. Because I can see more than you. You will have no choice but trusting me on this one.
Pile 3
The Emperor, The Devil
Have you heard of this awesome thing called "free will"? Let's take that baby for a ride. Use 3 spoons for the same meal. Lie on the floor of your hallway and recite a song. Buy a stranger a magazine about trains. Take a pair of scissors to your least favorite shirt. Name your nail polishes after famous people. The possibilities are literally endless, but yet you rotate the same 7 things. They will stay ready for when you need them next, but let's shake it up a little, huh? No wonder you feel trapped and stuck. But YOU make the rules, at the end of the day. Yes, there are outer limitations you have no influence over, but even in a literal cage, you can decide what you think, or how you sit, or what notes you hum, or what shadow figures you make with your hands.
The thing itself is meaningless - it's about you experiencing being a CREATOR. Not just a servant to others. I don't care if it's throwing a paper plane into your bathtub, or quitting your job and disappearing to Nepal - but we crave novelty and agency. Deeply. Break the self-imposed limits, any of them. Just to feel what it feels like. It's more rewarding than you imagine.
Pile 4
The Hanged Man, 2 of Cups
Oh shucks. You like someone. It happened. And you can't cancel it willynilly. Suppression has run its course, and now you have to face the embarrassment of having a heart with a need to connect and love. This has completely ruined your illusion of sovereignty you so deeply depended on to feel safe in the world. What now? Where will it lead? What does it mean? What will happen next? Do they like me? Do they think of me? Do they think of me badly? Why do I think about them? Is this me being brave, or pathetic? Is there a true difference?...
The questions don't stop, and you know what - they shouldn't. This is less about the "result" of this connection (I know, boo me, because this is your hyperfixation above all, despite not ever admitting it) and more about getting you out of your shell to be curious about yourself again. The heart needs to be open, and these fears and doubts have been there for a long time already. You are ready to face them, examine them, and learn more about yourself than any flavour of aloofness could ever teach you. I know you hate it, but I can also see the faint giggly twinkle in your soul from up here, buried under all this denial and acting tough. And that's the most scary part for you. That you actually like someone, like, in THAT way. How scary that life has no guarantees, but coming to peace with that truth will serve you much more than any relationship ever could.
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theostrophywife · 1 year
here in your arms.
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author's note: couldn't resist writing for my little foxy boy. this is the twin to this request.
eris preferred to sleep alone.
at least, he used to. when it came to his bedchambers, the autumn court heir abided by one simple rule: he could invite whomever he pleased to bed, but they were not to overstay their welcome by any means. it was a good rule and one that he had upheld for centuries. until you came along.
eris wasn’t even sure how it happened. the most likely scenario was that the two of you had stumbled into his bed after a night of drinking and debauchery, taunting and teasing one another as you were wont to do. you were the one person at court whose sarcasm rivaled his own. ever since you where children, you had kept eris on his toes with your sharp wit and fiery personality. you challenged him and though he'd never admit it, the future high lord was absolutely soft for you.
perhaps that was why he hadn’t objected when you had fallen asleep on his bed, blankets greedily wrapped around you while you cuddled with his favorite pillow. you looked so serene laying there, still dressed in your ridiculous ball gown with your hair loose and unbound, fanning around you like a waterfall and framing that beautiful face eris had come to memorize.
he had simply crawled in beside you, his eyes heavy from the alcohol and his thoughts flowing like honey. the last thing he remembered was your hand reaching for his, weaving your fingers together.
the autumn court heir convinced himself that it would only be that one exception, but then he laid in bed the next night, tossing and turning. unable to sleep without the warmth of your body next to his or the soft breaths that lulled him into sweet dreams or the way that you reached for him even when you were unconscious.
he thought he could will it away. eris had survived centuries sleeping alone, so there was no reason for him to suddenly crave a bedside companion. he didn't need anyone to cuddle with. night after night, that's what he told himself. until two days passed, then three. finally after an entire week of fitful sleep, eris admitted the plain, ugly truth to himself.
you had utterly and completely ruined the male.
so he pushed aside all of his pride and walked to the other end of the forest house where your bedchambers were located. you had opened the door to find the rumpled, weary redhead glaring at you with accusation.
"what have you done to me, woman?"
you yawned, pulling your robe on tightly. "i have various schemes and plots against you at the moment, so you'll have to be more specific than that, pumpkin."
eris sighed exasperatedly and marched right into your suite. you shut the door behind him, watching with an amused smile as your friend paced in front of the hearth. "yes, eris why don't you come on in. it's not like you were interrupting my sleep or anything. of course, midnight is a perfectly reasonable time to drop in unannounced."
the eldest vanserra rolled his eyes. "i can't sleep!" he whirled around, folding his arms in a regal, yet disdainful way. "and it's your fault. it's been an entire week and i cannot take it any longer."
"and how, pray tell, is your sudden bout of insomnia my doing?"
"because," eris stated matter-of-factly, "ever since that night that you fell asleep in my bed, i haven't been able to get your damned lily soap scent out of my sheets. my room is too quiet without your obnoxious little snores and my legs are perpetually warm without you pressing those frozen icicles you call feet against them."
"let me get this straight," you said with a snort. "you marched all the way across the forest house, just to insult my soap, my snoring, and my cold feet."
"as future high lord, i am allowed to voice my displeasure with court subjects."
"as your loyal subject, i am also allowed to tell you to kindly fuck off."
eris bit back a smile. "i'm being serious, y/n. i cannot lose any more of my beauty sleep. it is absolutely maddening."
you rolled your eyes. "then stop being an insufferable twat and sleep with me."
the redhaired male opened his mouth for another snarky retort, but you merely tugged him towards the bed. you peeled back the covers and gestured for eris to make himself comfortable. he did so, albeit looking a bit peaked as you slipped in beside him.
“oh, you look positively virginal eris.” you said with a chuckle. “fret not pumpkin, i have no plans on ravishing you. now come cuddle before i come to my senses and send your sorry arse back.”
eris scrunched his nose in feigned annoyance. “you’re such a bossy little fox. you are aware that you’re speaking to the heir of the autumn court with such insolence, aren’t you?”
you tugged him to you, pinching his cheek as he laid against your chest. “i wouldn’t have to resort to insults if the big, bad future high lord had the balls to simply ask for what he wanted.”
“and what do i want?” eris asked, shifting to face you as you ran your fingers through his luscious hair.
“to be babied,” you declared. “admit it, pumpkin. you just want someone to play with your hair and cuddle you at night and give you all the kisses.”
“you’re wrong,” eris declared, his lids fluttering shut as you snuggled against him. “i don’t want just someone. i want you, little fox.”
you smiled. “well, i’m already playing with your hair and cuddling you so all that’s left is —“
eris took your face in his hands and pulled you down to him. his lips were velvet against yours, playful and teasing just like the male you were kissing. butterflies erupted in your stomach as eris clutched you closer, his breath warm against your cheek as he deepened the kiss, filling you with the taste of freshly picked apples and rich cinnamon with a hint of mint toothpaste. eris pulled away reluctantly, pressing his forehead against yours.
amber eyes full of heat pierced through you as you smirked. “it took you damn well long enough.”
eris rolled his eyes fondly before pulling you against his chest. “you absolute menace,” he said, kissing the top of your head. “you’ve finally pierced my wretched heart. it feels as horrifying as i imagined.”
you buried your face against his neck, smiling against his skin. “good night, you insufferable drama queen.”
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moongothic · 2 years
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✨👁️✨ I AM SO COZY NOW ✨👁️✨
So I started working on this blanket around June of 2022. Got like, maybe half-way through the blanket and then the yarn I needed for the blanket went out of stock at my local yarn shop. Now I didn't know the yarn would be completely unavailable for like 6 months (until the stop closed permanently), so I just kept on waiting, hoping for it to come back in stock-- but it never did, so in January I finally looked online if I could find the yarn elsewhere and I did, I got the yarn I needed, and finished the blanket. So it kinda took me 6 months to make this blanket but also not
What made this blanket a truly exciting and fun project for me is that this has been the first blanket I actually made for myself and designed for myself. Like I've enjoyed every single blanket project I've had so far, but having a blanket that's Just For Me is just. It's nice
I originally planned the granny squares out digitally because I wanted to have a fun pattern of different granny squares, something that wouldn't be too busy looking and was carefully planned, and here's what I came up with
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I had two versions of the square pattern, one with moon phases right in the middle of it and another without them. I do like how the moon version looked and part of me kinda regrets not making that one, but I'm not sure the moons would have really gone well with the eyes... So I did go with the first version
(Sidenote, it's not on the pattern above but I added extra rows of just black squares at the top and bottom of the blanket, so there's two rows of black instead of just one)
(Sidenote 2, although I knew I wanted the blanket to be mostly black from the begining, I wasn't entirely sure what accent color I wanted to use, it really was depending on what colors the shop had available. Like I used yellow as kind of a default color since it worked nice with the stars and eyes, but I could've gone with some other color too. In the end, because I didn't like the color options for the yarn at the shop I ended up going with a yellow anyways) (Also I tested out a reverse color version with the pastel purple and white base and no eyes, just for funsies, it looks kinda neat)
But yeah, that's how the planning of the blanket went.
The blanket is made of 231 squares in total, 11x21 rows. 186 of the squares are plain black, the rest are patterned. The star squares were the worst to make because of how many strands of yarn I had to weave in, 0/10, would not reccommend.
I used the Cedro 100% wool yarn (reccomended hook size 5, 50g=100m), and it took me about 38 balls of yarn to finish the blanket (including crocheting all the squares together and doing a single round of double crochet around the blanket to finish it off)
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This is literally all the yarn I have left from this blanket; one untouched ball of black and three partially used balls.
I gotta admit.
I'm kind of shocked by the size of the blanket. Like I very carefully measured it to make it the exact size to fit my bed, and it fits perfectly. But I'm still kinda shocked how big it is. (Which is why I didn't make the border of the blanket any bigger, even though I could've with the yarn I have)
Like, of course it's heavy, it's 100% wool and thick, but MAN I didn't expect it lmao
But that kind of makes it perfect for cold winters especially, it's super warm and the weight makes it cozy- like who needs a weighted blanket when you can have one of these lmao
Now I just need to figure out how to protect the blanket from being covered in my white cat's hair...
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badyan · 8 months
The clanks
"oh-…i can move, you don’t have to sit on the floor"
"I prefered it." he answers simply, not bothering himself to explain anything more than that. His metal feet clanked against each other as he sat on the floor nearby the bed where you were laying, doodling nothings in your sketchbook — the thing you have made a habit to do when you’re hanging out in his quarters while he’s busy.
And you have never seen him this busy before. Hours standing still at his workbench, staring down the poor blueprints, then pacing through the room, his steps more calculated than the clock’s clicks. Nights follow days and the first sun rays always wake you up because there’s no curtains or anything that can make this place cozy at its bare minimum — except for the soft cushions and pillows and blankets on the bed which he has gathered only for you, only because you asked, only because you wanted to spend more time with him.
The bed was giant, clearly made for two, but there wasn’t a chance in the last few days for you to feel the familiar weight sliding closer in the dark of the night, spooning from behind so carefully, his hands gently finding their rest on your waist. Something was haunting him for too long now and you wouldn’t mind waiting for him, no, never have you, but you simply started to get worried about his state — and you’ve approached him with that but was gently turned back to your rest. You knew that he wasn’t going to listen to you anyway — but you also knew you couldn’t just let him be in this alone. So, you’re staying with him for a while. Even if he barely talks to you, he could never deny your company.
And now you’re relieved to see him sitting down nearby to meditate a bit — for the first time during this whole time. You move closer to him, hand gently sliding onto the broad shoulder.
"You should take a rest now, hun…"
"I truly don’t have much time for that." he grunts, though he knows you’re right. And the constant feeling of your attentive eyes was the actual reason why he actually forces himself to set aside his work and go take a breather. Even if he can’t actually breathe nor focus on the meditation itself.
"I…understand.." you reply reluctantly, fingertips brushing along his long collarbone pistons in a little affectionate way. He relaxes his schoulders slightly, subtly giving you more room to caress, and interwhines his hands together in the meditation gesture.
You continue to glide your hand against his metal, almost trying to calm down its unusual warmth — countless hours of mulling over his duties must have caused him to overheat. Mindlessly, your fingers wander further, over his ribbed chest and up to his neck, where they stumble upon the shiny ends of his cable hair. And that soft clank of them gives you an idea.
You sit on the bed, right behind him. An unusual angle — were his shoulders and back always this wide…and somehow heartening to look at? Like you could lean on it and feel the safest in the whole world… He sit on the floor and you still have to slightly raise your hands to carefully grasp his hair, moving it all back. You can feel him flinch just for a bit and you can’t help but smile at him being startled by such a simple touch.
"What are you doing?"
"I’ll just put them up for you," you say softly, shuffling through the thick cables in your hands, feeling their pleasant weight and quiet clanking. He almost scoffs at your offering.
"There’s no need for that-"
"Hush now." you insist, hands brushing through his cables length. "I know how it feels when they start to clutter around and piss you off. Just let me help you a lil’ bit."
And he modulates a sigh, returning to his meditating posture. That’s where you take things into your own hands — and with that, you start to work. Carefully combing his hair, then parting down the center, then starting to weave some cables together in the order only known to you. Your hands go slowly, taking strand by strand so carefully, like it would hurt him otherwise — and Ramattra can’t help but to concentrate only on your movements, feeling every subtle tug and twist you made with his cords, but oh with such care, it makes his circuits warm up…
"What are you planning to make?" he asks after a few minutes of pure silence and, suddenly, you can sense something new in his quiet tone. A hint of hesitation…but in a good way. Oh, it clicks for you immidiately and you can’t help but to chuckle softly.
"Just braids" you murmur, leaning in to give him a sweet little kiss on the top of his head. Such a simple tender gesture, yet it almost makes him falter.
"Braids?..." his head tilts in confusion — and you have to grab it by the sides gently and turn back up.
"Hey, stay still! They’re gonna look great on you, trust me…" your adorable reassurance doesn’t leave him another choice but to surrender. Though, he does find himself enjoying this whole unnesessary braiding thing…Your presence so close and your gentle little hands doing some magic with his hair, these bulky cables following your lead, not without some struggling first, but still. It’s you — you’re doing something for him. You’re here, by his side, all this time…It’s enough to finally let all these irritating thoughts begone. His mind fills with nothings, sweet nothings indeed: your hands playing around with his hair and your breathing quietly making the peaceful rythm of the moment. You are with him.
Is this…the tranquility Zen is always talking about?
He doesn’t realise how long you two were sitting like this. He simply doesn’t care now — everything seems to matter less and less the more you’re tangling your hands in his cables. But eventually, you make the final tugs and withdraw from him.
"Here you go.."
"Already?" he asks too quickly, with an undertone of longing. The moment dissapears so fast, no matter how hard he hopes it to last just a little longer.
"It took me nearly an hour!" you laugh at his question, hands running down your little piece of art. Two thick french braids go from the upper corners of his faceplate down along his head, slightly resembling dragon horns which reach up laying on his shoulders where your hands carefully move them. The weaving was quite simple but made so thoroughly the ends don’t even need something to tie them up — the rubbery texture and the tight neat braiding hold the cables together without any additional knots.
"Now, turn to me."
He slowly does so, feeling how the movements of his head became freer. It feels almost like getting your body part replaced. The same, but somehow still different. He doesn’t feel like he dislikes it, he just isn’t used to the sensation, doesn’t know where to place it within his system — but when he sees himself in the mirror you brought up to his face, he understands it immideately. Love.
Not with the braids, though he does like the way they look on him. He is in love with you. That unconditional, utter feeling which makes his circuits overheat and that electric pulse go haywire till the HUD flashes with a bunch of new warnings. That feeling he thought he never ever would be able to share with someone…
And there are you, looking at him fondly, while being so busy adjusting the way the cables twist around his faceplate.
"You’re gorgeous…You already knew that, don’t you?"
"I-…" his voice stutters into a static — clearly from your sweet words — and he tilts his head slightly to admire your work. "I love it. Thank you, babe" his faceplate lowers to gently press against the crook of your neck, soft vibrations in omnicode expressing the whole of his feelings that he can’t quite place in words now, mimicking the tender kisses. And the way you slightly shy away from his touch, giggling and whining playfully that it’s ticklish — it only makes him fall for you even more, wrapping a hand around your waist and pulling you flush against his body in a tight embrace, letting himself nuzzle into your neck and get lost in your charming laugher.
A half an hour goes by unnoticed in the sweetest cuddles for the last week, accompanied by cute little pecks here and there, the soft sounds of your whispers, his quiet murmurs and the clanks of his cable braid’s ends when you playfully nudge him in the chest. Yet, suddenly, your eyes flash with an another idea and you pull away, leaving him puzzled and eager to just grab and move you back there for more cuddles.
"Now, you stay here." you lean against the wall and grab your sketchbook, opening it on the new page and biting down on your pencil, looking thoughtfully at your dear omnic, admiring the way confusion stirs within him.
"I need to capture your beauty" and you can hear him steaming from your words.
thank u for the idea, @statuetochka <з you make me feel so inspired with your art, hope this lil piece will make you smile
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Fall Yandere Prompts
Fuck Me I put prompts on the other thing at didn't actually put prompts, I suck anyways here are a few prompts made by yours truly. Others are free to use them just please tag me. Thanks. I'll make more Halloween ones if people like these.
Apple Cider: A sweet yet tangy that leaves a warm feeling. Your eyelids start drooping after drinking every drop.
Bonfire: Dry sticks and leaves are so easy to burn in high bright flames. Be wary of what the light attracts.
Crows: Inky black birds with a glimmer of intelligence in their eyes. You feel a dozen pairs of eyes watching your every move.
Dry Leaves: Crunchy and brown and always fun to mess around in. You hear a second set of feet slowly trotting behind you.
End: Autumn signifies the end of Summer and a change in season. It also signified the end of your freedom.
Flannel: The warmth of this fall apparel is so comforting in the crisp weather. Don't you like it, they picked out just for you.
Grain: Bountiful and golden, shaking in the cool breeze. You meet a friendly stranger standing in the grain field, holding a scythe.
Harvest: Fall provides us with a bountiful harvest of corn, pumpkins, apples, pears, and grain. Such bounty requires a sacrifice to be made.
Indoors: Why go outside when you can snuggle under the covers and keep warm? Just because it's your home doesn't mean you are safe.
Jack-O-Lanterns: Grinning gourds light up the night, carving them is a fun activity. They want to participate but got a little too creative.
Kettle: Boiling water for a hot beverage on the stove is so nice. The water isn't quite done but you still hear whistling.
Leaf: Colorful trees make such wonderful leaves they look good pressed in a book. You see one on your bed side every day, they have a distinct metallic scent.
Mushrooms: Clustered together they're a fungi to be around. More seem to grow near you each day in strange patterns.
Nutmeg: Fall spices are aromatic and make every dish warm with flavor. If your running low the next-door neighbor might have some, might as well come inside while they look for what you need.
Orchard: Fruit trees tended to with tender care, baring crimson fruit. Picking just one won't hurt.
Pie: Steaming goodness wrapped in a golden shell. Have another slice there's plenty to go around.
Quiet: Many an autumn night is filled with sweet and calming silence. It feels a little too quiet tonight, might want to retire early.
Reaping: How to harvest the crops grown, you reap the rewards of the Earth. Someone has come to take you or your soul, they're not very picky.
Spider: Dainty legs weave beautiful webs, enticing as they are dangerous. Any prey they catch, they won't let go.
Tree: Majestic and tall these ancient plants reach up to the dwindling sun with aching branches. Haven't you seen that tree before, you must be hopelessly lost, perhaps that's better than being found.
Umbrella: The cold weather makes rain extra chilling; with a warm smile you share your umbrella. No good deed goes unpunished, as the storm outside isn't what you should be worried about.
Vermillion: Beautiful shade of red found plentifully in the fall, its beautiful yet it can be a dangerous color too.
Wind: Rattling trees and blowing the leaves to the ground, the wind tickles your ears and nips at your nose. It carries with it the unhinged words of a person you never want to see again.
Xenial: Being most hospitable is a must during autumn. This does not change when a stranger shows up at your front door requesting shelter.
Yarn: Soft threads of vibrant colors used to create warm clothes, blankets, and other things. The string prevents you from moving while someone knits in the corner, eyes focused on you.
Zipper: Better zip up when it's so chilly outside, wouldn't want to catch a cold. You also might want to zip it before they hear you.
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spacelazarwolf · 6 months
monthly e-begging bc the paycheck for my new job won’t go through until the 1st of may, at which point i will actually be able to afford rent 🎉
if you are feeling generous, i have a ko-fi you can donate to, a patreon you can subscribe to (new post coming this weekend — celebrating pesah as a non ashkenazi jew among mostly ashkenazim, including resources about a variety of sephardi pesah traditions), and i also sell homemade crochet! i have mostly done kippot and blankets but i’m open to other stuff as well. i can do commissions like the ones pictured below but i’ve also included a few that are already made and ready to ship.
(please check the original post to see updated total)
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tallit (in progress, still need to weave in the ends, block, and add tzizit) — available ($75)
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kippah with star of david pattern — commission
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multicolored kippah — available ($20)
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blanket — personal project in progress, but i can make more with different color combinations
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dullgecko · 1 month
Oh god I’m loving what you wrote about the bad kids and the goblin hoard, doesn’t matter what species you are grandmas are gonna find a way to meddle ha ha and the misunderstanding and confusion on rizs part is also great. I also love how while hilarious it does also show how disconnected riz can be from other goblins being raised with mostly none goblins (apart from his parents) and how certain nuisance and subtlety on goblin culture are just as unknown to him as the other bad kids.
Also while reading I remembered an idea for Kristen basically having a one night fling with a teen goblin girl (she needs a rebound after tracker).
Poor Riz being the only one who can understand common and goblin ends up having to basically be a translator for the two;
Riz furiously blushing and clearly uncomfortable “there’s no way I’m translating that!”
Kristen: “yeah pretty sure I got what she said from context alone, plus the lewd gestures really helped”
I give to thee a whole ass chapter. I hope it pleases you oh giver of dope-ass headcannons.
Riz spent hours curled up and hidden in the hollow between Fabian and their camping supplies, eyes shut in an effort to at least try and get some rest while he was there. He didn’t mind that he was getting slightly squished, Fabian having finally dozed off and listed to the side to lean more on their bags even while still in a seated position, but he was getting quite warm since he’d tucked himself into the small space with the battle sheet.
Lying still for so long squished into one position was starting to make him feel jittery, which was only compounded upon by the fact that he’d been very thoroughly felt up against his will, so Riz decided to give up on the idea of sleep and carefully extricated himself from his hiding space. While he’d been sulking the rest of his party had apparently decided Fabian was the congregation point for the night, all of them piled against either the fighter or Gorgug as they either slept or tranced.
Riz noticed that there were quite a few blankets that they didn't have before thrown over his party members and given the weaving patterns guessed they were probably from the elders who had been fawning over Gorgug for most of the night. They were still in the cavern, though they had situated themselves far enough away that they wouldn’t disturb the sleeping party while they worked on repairing what looked like fishing nets and attempted to keep the younger kids at bay, so Riz gave them a little wave of thanks before stretching to work out the kinks in his joints.
Goblins were nocturnal, and according to his watch it was only about 4am, so there were still quite a lot of people milling around the common area. Without his watch he wouldn’t have been able to tell how late it was, though he was sure the caves residents were perfectly aware of the hour even without timepieces.
Riz really wanted to work on their report for the rangers detailing their mission so far but knew if he started working on it here out in the open he’d either wake one of his teammates or attract unwanted attention so he decided he might as well do a little exploring and find a quiet place to work. He had to be very careful not to wake his teammates by digging his briefcase out of their pile of belongings but he was nothing if not an excellent rogue. He even managed to shift Fabians sleeping position slightly to be more draped over their bags, sitting upright like that he’d end up with a cramp in his neck, and tucked his sheet under his head as a pillow.
The goblin living areas were a no-go (he was not going to risk being pulled into someones room) but he figured there was probably somewhere nearby he could settle down where he wouldn’t be bothered. Riz had noticed during his tour that the living situation was a lot less vertical than the horde his parents had belonged to, though they had come from an area that had a lot more sheer cliff faces and a lot fewer of these large and deep natural caves. This group probably didn’t need to climb as much to get to safety so didn’t risk injuring themselves by trying to, which left a possible unused ledge in the high walls of the cave as his best bet for being undisturbed.
He ended up pacing around the circumference of the large cavern, occasionally stopping to shine a light up into the higher corners when he still couldn’t pick out detail with his dark vision. He wasn’t being exactly subtle with his explorations, most of the hordes members who were hanging out in the cave nearby stopping what they were doing to watch him. He ended up striking gold after only a few minutes when he found a ledge forty feet up that looked fairly solid. It was in a good position too; from that point he would be able to see both his party and all of the entrances to the cavern while staying mostly concealed.
Decision made he readjusted his gear so it wouldn’t get in the way, briefcase getting clipped to a harness specifically made so he could carry it without using his hands as he surveyed the rock wall carefully. Riz even stretched a little bit, wincing as his joints creaked from hours of trying to sleep, and flexed his hands to extend his claws fully. The sheer rock face offering little by way of challenge as he scaled it in a few seconds and hauled himself onto his chosen surveying position. He knew he hadn’t managed to do it completely unnoticed though, as a group of teens who had been hanging out on the far side of the cavern whooped and cheered once he was finally situated on his perch. Even a couple of the elders who were ‘guarding’ his party from being disturbed by the curious children had chuckled and clapped quietly, making Riz flick his ears down in mild embarrassment as he settled back further onto the ledge where he couldn’t be seen.
The ledge was a little bigger than he expected once he was finally up there but had clearly never been used before. He took a moment to brush most of the dirt out of the way before putting down his briefcase; the rogue plopping down to dig out the paperwork and maps for this job so he could update their progress so far and plan their next route. It was going to take him a while, given that they’d not had a spare moment in the last few days to fill anything in, but he’d made quick notes and remembered every detail so it wouldn’t be a problem. It wasn’t quite as fun as working on one of his cases without a mystery to solve, but he still enjoyed the routine of going through notes he’d quickly jotted down after their fights and organising them into something more coherent.
His party hard started to wake up by the time he was finishing up filling in their paperwork. It had taken him longer than expected because from the data they’d collected the wyverns they’d culled so far were far bigger than what was typical for the area. His brain had latched onto the weirdness of it almost immediately in the absence of a mystery to solve and he’d stopped writing the report for a while to arrange the details in his notebook in a way that was easier for him to contemplate over later.  They were getting larger the further away from the ranger station they got, but the reasoning behind it was stumping him so far. It also meant that they could expect the fights to continue to get harder from this point forward which meant they would need to resupply soon. Hopefully the horde would be willing to help them, he doubted they wouldn’t given how kind they’d been so far.
Riz was so deep in thought that he jumped and hissed in alarm when there was a loud thumping noise slightly below and to the left of his perch. The rogue putting a hand on his sword as he peered over the side only to come face to face with one of the teenage goblins from earlier in the night. The girl huffing as she hauled herself up to sit on the edge of the ledge and catch her breath.
//If you do not wish for the others to continue trying to tempt you into their beds you should really tone down the displays of skill and dexterity when they are watching.// She teased, bearing her teeth in an amused grin and wiggling her ears at him. //You got up here impressively fast.//
Riz suppressed a groan when he realised it was the girl who had offered to include Fabian in a threesome with them both if he was interested and briefly contemplated just jumping off the ledge to get away. He still had all his notes and papers out though, so he instead settled for trying to organise them so he could shove them into his briefcase.
//I’m really not interested. Really I’m trying not to be rude but I think I’m at the point where I’m going to start biting… in a bad way not a fun way let me be very clear about that… if someone gropes me again.// Riz grimaced, pulling his bag into his lap as he started packing things away and partially using it as a buffer between him and the girl.
//Does that apply to just us or does it include your pretty elf boy as well, because from what I saw you rather enjoyed that attention.//
Right, they were a lot more aware of his body language ques than his party could ever be. Of course she’d clocked that he’d liked the attention; he really needed to make more of an attempt to school his body language here than he ever would have to in Elmville.
Riz’s ears flattened back against his head, he could feel the blush starting to form on his face again and he covered it with his hands in an attempt to hide it. Fingers pressing hard against his eyes as he took a calming breath, he needed to be polite. If he got into a fight with someone now they were less likely to give them the help they needed and if his hunch was correct they were REALLY going to need the help.
//Maybe but he’s not in-// Riz was cut off when she put her hand up to silence him, the teen laughing and shaking her head.
//I am just teasing you. You made your feelings clear earlier when I asked and I will respect your wishes. Your reactions are just too funny to leave you be about it though.// She held her hand out towards him, offering a handshake that Riz accepted with some suspicion. //I am Tiktik. I am not here to proposition you I promise but the hunters had a question and none of your horde seem to understand what they’re asking. I saw you climb up here earlier and no one else was able to reach you.//
Riz blinked at that, closing his briefcase and drumming his fingers lightly on the lid //No one else could get up here? We’re only what… forty feet up?//
//Ah of course, your accent, you’re from down the range in the cliffs. We do most of our hunting in the forest and not on the cliff ledges so there’s not much reason for us to be climbing. Forty feet is quite a bit too high for any of us to climb up safely.// Tiktik pointed down towards the rest of the bad kids, Riz following her gaze to where Gorgug was sorting through their gear and getting washed and changed for the day.
//I only climbed about ten feet myself, your large friend was nice enough to throw me when I asked. My request involved quite a lot of gesturing but he got the point in the end.//
That explained the thump, Riz thought to himself, making a small ‘ah’ noise of realisation. Putting a mental tick against his earlier thoughts that this group of goblins weren’t quite as partial to heights as his own. They could obviously climb, they were just a lot more cautious about attempting to.
//Anyway.// Tiktik flicked her ears, the gesture signifying an end to that portion of their conversation. //The hunters wanted me to ask. You mentioned earlier that your group was hunting a wyvern? Again, I will repeat that if you do not want the others trying to sleep with you you need to tone down your quite frankly insane acts of skill.//
//That was our seventh so far this week.// Riz added offhandedly, reaching out to grab the map with the wyvern lair locations off the floor and folding it to put it away.
//Seven this WEEK?! There have been other weeks? How many dragons have you killed?//
//We’re counting dragons too? Wyverns are technically a lesser-dragon but if we’re counting dragons.// He held out his fingers, holding them up as he counted to himself and ticked off the kills from his prior fights. He didn’t get all the way through before he was stopped though.
//Stop stop, keep that a secret. Niktlek is already talking about challenging your elf to a fight after watching you climb the wall, he might actually follow through once he finds out about that.//
Riz snorted a laugh at that, not sure whether to be worried for Fabian’s sake or the goblin teenager. The poor guy was liable to get punted across the cave like a football given the fighter already seemed to have a low opinion of them.
//Please try to convince him it’s a bad idea. Fabian is used to fighting goblins we spar all the time. The poor guy is going to get murdered and I STILL wouldn’t fuck him if he somehow won.//
Tiktik nodded, glad at least that Riz seemed to have relaxed a bit now that he knew she wasn’t trying to proposition him. //I will do my best… or maybe not, it would be funny to watch him learn from the consequences of his actions.//
She flapped her hand at him, tail flicking over the edge of the rock ledge. //As I was saying, you didn’t have any meat on you when you arrived, but you had clearly been fighting something. They followed your tracks back to your kill and found the carcass and are bringing it back here for you. Did you have any specific plans for the meat and hide?//
//Oh….. no. You guys can keep the whole thing. We wouldn’t be able to carry any of it with us anyway. We’ll gift it to the horde as thanks for letting us stay here.//
The goblin teen grinned, reaching across the ledge to try and ruffle Riz’s hair and getting her hand batted away with a small warning hiss. The move just making her snicker at Riz’s reaction again because it was incredibly funny winding him up.
//Ah good. Your mannerisms might be a little strange but at least your manners are on point.// she dusted off her hands, skooting around the side of the ledge until she was able to reach the wall and hoist herself back up. //I will let them know, oh, before I go. The pretty orange haired female, is she free to proposition? I was made aware the half-orc was off the table but am I liable to get into a fight if I ask her?//
Riz cocked his head to the side at the question, eyes darting between Tiktik and his party members down on the ground. //Actually she’d probably be into it if you asked.//
//Excellent. May I ask you to translate for me?//
//Oh ABSOLOUTLY not. Just uhh, do what you did with Gorgug. I’m sure she’ll get the hint and if she’s into it I’m sure you’ll work something out.//
Tiktik grinned, hoisting herself the rest of the way onto the wall and slowly sliding down it using her claws to the sound of scraping rock.
Riz let out a sigh of relief when she finally left, flopping back against the cold stone wall and scrubbing his hands over his face. That had been… a lot. Probably the longest conversation he’d had with a female goblin since he was four years old other than his mum and that was honestly a little sad. She was nice enough, but the teasing was going to put Riz in an early grave.
He stayed leaning against the wall with his hands on his face for a while, mostly just listening to the sounds of people moving around below him. His party were by FAR the loudest, and he didn’t move from that position even after he heard Kristen ‘sneak’ out of the main chamber.
A high piercing whistle finally shifted him from his slump, Riz knowing the sound as one Fabian could make by blowing through his fingers when he wanted to get someone’s attention across distances. He was probably looking for him and given that he wasn’t sure WHERE he was in the caverns had opted for the loudest and most distinctive sound he could make. The rogue peeked over the edge of his ledge, watching Fabian turn in circles as he scanned the shadows of the cavern looking for something. Riz waiting until he was looking in more or less his direction before flashing the light from his watch at him to catch his attention. An act which earned him a grin and a wave before Fabian started signing briefly at Riz sure he was being watched.
~~You ok? Time for sparring? Food?~~ Fabian had only learned the basic hand signs recently, when Riz had started teaching them after he’d had an allergic reaction and hadn’t been able to speak, but he was picking it up fast.
Other than the circle of watch-torch light he couldn’t see Riz in the gloom, but walked over closer when Riz bobbed the light up and down like he was nodding. Holding up his arm like a falconer in a clear indication of what he expected Riz to do.
The goblin just laughed, remembering what Tiktik had kept repeating to him about shows of skill, and set about clipping his briefcase to its harness on his belt. He’d have to remember that for next time, but right now he didn’t care. Stepping off the edge of the ledge towards his friend to plummet towards the ground, briefly illuminating the cavern with spectral angel wings as he came to land perched on Fabians outstretched arm like a bird of prey. The cheers from the watching goblins much louder this time in comparison to his scaling of the walls.
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bwoahtastic · 1 month
Ohmigod minotaur max au 🥹 I have several thoughts if that's okay.
Little Carlos arriving with Fernando and Jenson and Lewis can't change him back from a werewolf but he can make it easier. He enchants some thread that Nico weaves into fabric and then turns into little mittens for Carlos to wear during the full moon. They can't be ripped or torn off even by his little werewolf claws and it means that he can't hurt anybody else or himself.
Lando climbs trees as easily as breathing. Some of the other children like max and Danny are impressed but Charles is a tiny bit jealous and insists that he can climb as well as lando, finding the highest tree in the forest and climbing all the way up to the top where he promptly realises that he cannot get down. Danny announces that he can get Charles down and Val runs to get Kimi or Seb before they inevitably get hurt. In the end it takes lando and Jenson guiding them down for everyone to arrive back on the ground safely. Charles and lando become friends from that, but Charles is still a tiny bit smug when he beats lando in a running race the next day.
Seb becomes the village school teacher. He's so clever and good with the children and so accepting of everyone's little quirks, whether it's being unable to sit still and concentrate like Danny or being a minotaur like maxy. All of the children love him, and their favourite lessons are when Seb takes them outside to the meadows to learn and they do their classes alongside the flowers and bees.
One extremely hot summer Lewis and Toto create a magical ice rink for the children. Kimi and Nico teach everyone to skate and little Valtteri is easily the best at it, zooming around on the ice like he was born there while most of the others stumble around like deer on ice.
Every time someone new arrives to live in the village, Nico always visits them the morning afterwards with a little hamper of supplies: food, firewood, blankets and candles to properly welcome them and make sure they're alright. Maxy likes to tag along to welcome their new residents and always gives them a gift from him too: a flower crown that he picked and made himself and that Lewis preserved with magic.
Lesis reading up a lot on how to help Carlos and he ends up making the mittens with Nico's help! Carlos is a little confused by them but they help him stay safe and the magic also calms him? Yes he isa little wolfie with mitten paws during full moon but he is basically just a happy lap dog who wants to chase sticks skks
Lando climbing so well! Lewis and Nico both now Lando must be part if not full elf or nymph but when Nando or Jenson don't admit it, they don't push for information! The little thing is sooo fast when climbing and also never falls! Charles claims he can climb too but ofcourse panics once in the tree! Danny climbs up to try and help but gets stuck too while Maxy moo and Val run back to get the adults and a very sleepy Lando for help. The kids manage to come down safe and charles and Dan have to promise not o climb that high again! And pls charlss and lando finally friends but Charles is a little smug winning in a running race (unfair, Lando's legs are tiny ksks)
Seb being such a good teacher 😭 he is patient and kind and understands what pups need. Danny struggles sitting still so momma easily.lets him zoom outside hopping as he does his maths exercise and Maxy needs a little extra love sometimes cos sometimes he will go "but maxy is judt minotaur do maybr maxy can't do this...". When possible the classes are outside or incthe greenhouse and there is a lot of playing too! And when Toto joins the town, he helps sometimes too, mostly by just being the quiet corner so pups snuggle up to him if they need a moment and he helps them read!
Pls the ice rink! It being so hot and tbe littles claim they are all melting! So Lewis makes the enchanted ice rink for winter of judt a day! Val being so natural and zooming around like he was made foe it ksks, and Maxy prefers snuggling with momma at the side and drink hot cocoa!
Pls maybr Toto and Kimi, with the help of others as the village grows, build little cottages just so they are ready for the new families inevitably showing up! Everyone deserves a safe home, they all lived through the insecurity of not having one and they want to help so bad!
Nico always taking a basket with some woven blankets, honey and wax from seb's bees, tools Kimi made, and some enchanted candles thst burn much longer and brighter thst Lesis makes. Maxy always wants to come and brings preserved flower crowns foe all new members. He is a little shy at first alwsys, hiding behind momma's embroidered skirts, but always dares to say hello eventually and is so proud when people like the crowns!
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oftenwantedafton · 7 months
Moody and Gray - William Afton x Female Reader
Rating - Explicit
Warnings - sexual content
Also available on AO3
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William Afton’s restaurant is closed.
It has been for serveral days, ever since the accident in the workroom. The owner is still recovering, but stable, out of any immediate danger. The springlocks had partially worked, preventing any major internal damage. But he’s going to be scarred for life, the imprints the unforgiving steel has left behind reaching from the base of his neck to his ankles.
You visit as soon as you’re allowed to. You wonder if you’re going to be bumping into family members. The wife. The children. But he’s alone when you slip inside the room. His color is better than the last time you’d seen him, that deathly pallor absent. A beard is starting to grow out. His neglected hair tousled and greasy looking. There are bandages on the arms that rest over the sheet and blanket. On his neck. That’s all you can see aside from the hospital gown. He’s almost completely wrapped up like a mummy.
His eyes are closed, his breathing even. You gently touch his hand, one of the few parts of him that had avoided any injury. A flutter of lashes. His gaze struggles to focus on you. “Moody.” A croak of sound. You know he’s on a lot of medication with sedative side effects. You drag a chair close to the bed. Talk about random things. Watch him fall back to sleep. Try to sort his hair into some semblance of order. Kiss the scratchy new growth of facial hair. Finally leave. Going back home to do what you’ve been doing since the accident. Staring. Pacing aimlessly. Crying. Forcing yourself to go through the motions of activities of daily living. Hygiene. Meals. Everything tastes like ash. You want William out of the hospital. Back in one of those silly purple suit vests in that stupid awful restaurant of his. You miss it. You miss him. You need him back.
The next visit you return to find William more alert.
There are get well cards cluttering every available surface. The nightstand. Bedside table. Windowsill. Some handmade. Cute children’s drawings. A variety of flowers decorate the remaining vacant spaces, their perfumed scents clashing in the air. Spring offerings. Tulips. Daisies. Lillies. The weather is warming nicely. You don’t need the cozy winter coat he’s gifted you anymore. A lightweight jacket now suffices. This garment is well worn, the sleeves fraying. You toy with those loose threads now, standing beside his bed.
“How are you feeling, Will?” You can’t resist reaching to fuss with his hair. At least it’s been washed and he’s shaved. Your fingers find his cheek and remain there.
“Better now that you’re here.” A small smile. You bend to kiss his mouth. “How’s my moody girl?”
“I miss you.” Another kiss. “I’ve been really worried about you.”
“I’m okay, Moody. Thanks to you.” His hand covers yours, trapping it against his cheek.
The door opens and you jerk back. Only the housekeeper. You tuck yourself into the corner while she mops the floor and empties the trash, smiling and nodding before she leaves.
“You’ve got a lot of people who want you to hurry up and get better.” You gesture to the cards and flowers as you make your way back to the bedside.
“I’m going to try to get out of here as soon as possible, believe me.”
“You shouldn’t push yourself too much, though. You’ll end up doing more harm than good if you don’t give yourself enough time to recover.”
“Are you going to be gentle with me, Moody?”
“To start with, anyway. We’ll see how it goes.” You bend to kiss Afton again. Lingering this time. A deep inhale. His fingers weaving in your hair. Tongue parting your lips. Oh, you’ve missed this. You feel him shift to sit up. Fumbling for the bed controls. It reminds you of that night in his car. The obvious frustration. A wince of pain when he reaches too far sobering you. “Will, enough.” Pressing gently against him. He scowls and sighs. You kiss away the lines. “You need more rest.”
“I need more you,” he argues.
“Rest,” you insist. “Heal. Then come back to me.”
The older man nods. You drag the chair back over and sit down, babbling about inconsequential topics. Reluctant to part from his side. He puts some awful morning talk show on the wall mounted television and you both roast the commentary. Give scathing reviews of the lunch tray he’s brought. He asks you to bring your Uno deck the next time you visit.
“I don’t want to leave, but I’m going to head out for now. I’ll be back tomorrow,” you promise.
“Thank you for this. It was…not unpleasant.” A more confident smile than he’d exhibited earlier.
“Mmm-hmm.” Grinning back at him. Kissing him again. A contented sigh when you part. You think you’ll sleep well tonight. Things feel almost normal.
Everything was going to be okay.
William Afton returns to work faster than anyone had predicted. Refusing to let any more time pass with the pizzeria’s doors closed. You see the lights on in his office and ascend the steel staircase. Knock before entering and close and lock the door behind you. For no particular reason. You aren’t expecting anything to happen. Just force of habit.
He looks up from the paperwork on his desk. “Moody.”
“Welcome back, Gray. How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine. Well, very behind. I have to get payroll done. And then I’ve got to do inventory and…”
“Will, it’s your first day back. You shouldn’t push yourself too hard.” You move behind his desk. “Can I help with anything?”
“No, it’s alright. I can manage. I did want your opinion on something, though.”
“What do you think about me coming over after work tonight?”
“I think that is a very, very good idea.” You would have suggested it if he hadn’t. “Do you have any more good ideas?” Your fingers trail over his tie.
He grins. “A fair few. But, they’re going to have to wait until later. I need to get this done.”
“Okay. Later.” You pout but relent, settling for a quick kiss before leaving his office.
You’re back in his office that afternoon.
“Will, can you come downstairs? Someone wants to talk to you.”
“Who is it?”
“Just come with me.”
He follows you down the stairs, those long legs making short work of them. Close on your heels as you make your way though the employee restricted area and duck inside the kitchen.
A large group of the staff have gathered there. There’s a sheet cake on the counter. Purple lettering over white frosting welcoming the owner back. His eyes on your mouth when you take a bite of the slice you’ve cut. Your hand on his spine just above the buckle of his vest when no one’s paying attention to the guest of honor at the impromptu surprise party, the attendees dispersing as quickly as they had assembled. A last graze of knuckles when you part ways at the door, a promise for later.
“Did you organize that earlier?” Your boss has got you pressed against the outside of the building. A quick cigarette break just before close.
You nod. “People really missed you, Will. They love you. I love you,” you add softly. He’d been unconscious the last time you’d said it. Now there was nowhere to hide. The words just out there in the open. Underneath the sky. Interspersed in the cloud of smoke he exhales to the side. Cinders ground beneath his feet.
“I love you too, Moody.” His mouth on yours.
William Afton stands at the threshold of your apartment.
You twine your hands around his neck and pull his mouth down for a kiss before inviting him inside.
“Do you want a drink?”
“I want you.”
You’re only too willing to oblige. It’s been so long since you’d been intimate. He follows you into the bedroom. You reach for the light switch but he halts you, his fingers closing over your wrist.
“I don’t know if I’m ready for you to see me yet. The scars…I’m going to be honest with you, Moody. There are a lot of them and I wouldn’t blame you if…”
“They’re not going to change how I feel about you.”
A heavy sigh. He’s been worried about this, you think. You guide him in the direction of the bed. He sits on the edge to unlace his shoes before lying down beside you. You stroke his cheek, planting gentle kisses on his face.
“I almost lost you. I was so scared. I don’t even know how to exist without you in my life anymore.” You feel for his tie and he helps you loosen the knot. You unfasten his vest and then begin working on the buttons of his shirt. His breathing loud in the stillness. Nervously anticipating your reaction. Your fingers inside of that parted fabric, touching his chest. The sparse spread of hair. The indents where he’s been marked. Taut skin. Furrows. Lines. Circles. Strange patterns tattooing the familiar body. You begin kissing them. Making them your own. His breath escaping in a hiss. Your tongue mapping the places your lips have been. His fingers sinking into your hair.
“Need you, Will. Need you inside of me…” Your breath hot on his abdomen. Working on the fly of his pants. His hands impatiently moving under yours. Pushing you back. Underneath him now. Fingers dragging your panties down over one thigh, then the other. Off your body. Your legs spread open for him. His fingers dipping inside of your entrance.
“Oh, my God, Moody.” Your arousal spilling over him. Your mouth meeting his sloppy and wet. His cock replacing his fingers. You moan at the feel of him filling you, your head arching back, digging into the pillow. His mouth chases yours as he thrusts. “Being with you…you feel like home. My moody girl…Mine…” Rocking beneath him. Legs digging in. Every push releasing another gasp of pleasure. His fingers woven through yours, pushing them into the mattress. That sweet tight coil of pressure forming within you. Drawing tighter and tighter. Clenching around him. Pulling him deeper. “Moody…” The final incantation before the spell is completed. Unspooling, undone around him. The heat of his release filling you. Your hands still linked together.
Later. The lamp on the nightstand switched on. The rest of his clothing removed. Bare beside you. Tracing the injuries that had nearly stolen him from you. Pink marks on that alabaster skin. So many of them. You’ll learn the feel of all of them. With your fingers. Your lips. Your tongue. For now you’re content to have your head pillowed on his chest. Slotting your fingers through his. Admiring the way they look together.
You hear the serious note in his voice. Your head lifts from the cradle of his pectoral muscle. You lean back until you’re reclining against the pillows. He rolls on his side. Your first glimpse of the scars on his back.
“I need to say something. It’s not going to be easy, but I’m not going to sugarcoat it. I just need to get this out.”
“Okay.” You’re a little uncertain. The gray eyes pierce you.
“I’ve been a terrible husband. And overall a pretty bad father, too. And I’m not blaming anyone but myself for those two facts. I got so caught up in work.” He shakes his head, pushing himself into a sitting position before continuing. “No. That’s too easy of an excuse.” Another deep inhale and exhale to steady nerves, to push through the rest of what he’s struggling to say. “The fact of the matter is, I didn’t want to be home. Things just didn’t feel right. Not the way I’d expected. For either of us. And we both just…stopped trying. Just accepted the failure. I believe in fulfilling obligations. I know I lacked on the emotional aspect, so I at least tried to ensure I was providing financially. Kind of a vicious cycle, really. Working too much, neglecting family, then working even more to make up for the neglect, and so on.
The thing is, Moody…I didn’t even realize how unhappy I was. Or care about how unhappy I was, I should say. Until I met you. And it made me want things. Makes me want things,” he amends. “You’ve made me realize what I could have. You’ve made me remember what it’s like to be happy, and I want more of that. In the future. With you. I want a future with you. I don’t want you to just be some mistress I keep on the side. I don’t want to hide you. I want to show you off. I want people to know that you’re mine. If I was a free man, would you have me, Moody? Would you be my wife?”
You’re stunned. Never in a million years would you have guessed that William Afton was going to tell you he wanted to build a life with you.
“I um…I was not expecting that.”
“What were you expecting?”
“I don’t know.”
“You know we can’t go on like this. It’s not fair to anyone involved.”
“Would you be asking if you hadn’t…”
“Almost died?” He supplies. You nod. “Yes. It might have taken me longer to come around to it, but yes. It certainly brought things into perspective in a hurry, though. Of course I’m going to still provide financially like I have been. Divide up assets. I don’t care about the house. She wants nothing to do with the restaurant. It’ll work itself out. What do you think, Moody?”
You lick your lips nervously. “I think there will be consequences. You saw how many people responded when you were in the hospital. You’re well known in the community. Respected. The restaurant has a reputation. You’re going to lose all of that if you openly leave her for me. Or even if you don't announce it but we get caught. It won’t be an uncontested divorce then. Even if she doesn’t actually want the restaurant she’ll legally be entitled to part of it. I know how much it means to you. I wouldn’t ask you to give that up. Not the respect, the reputation or any of that. You’d resent me if I cost you that.”
“I would never resent you.”
“You would. If you had to choose between having me or the restaurant…”
“I would choose you. Without question. Fuck the respect and reputation,” he growls.
“You’re going to throw everything away for some lousy waitress? Just give up everything you’ve worked so hard for? It doesn’t make sense, Will.”
“You are a pretty lousy waitress, I’ll grant you that.” He brushes your dropped bottom lip. “I’m teasing, Moody. But I’m dead serious about this. About you. I’m willing to take the risk. Just for the chance at a future with you. However bleak the odds are. When I was lying on the floor that day, all I could think of was how much I regretted not telling you how I felt. I needed you to know it. And I need to know if you want this, too.”
You swallow thickly. Pluck at the sheet beneath you. Chew your bottom lip. The last walls of reason and hesitation crumbling down. You do want it. “Yes. I do.”
“All in, Moody?”
“All in, Gray.”
The young woman enters the restaurant, pausing a moment to take it all in. The sights and sounds. People talking and laughing at rows of tables, inside booths. Arcade and pinball machines. Wooden balls careening down skee ball lanes. Plastic balls in the pit jostling together when a child dives in. There’s a hostess standing nearby, waiting patiently, a middle aged woman with a friendly grin on her features.
“Welcome to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria! Can I help you?”
“I’m looking for someone with the last name Afton.”
“Which one? There are two.”
“Uh…I’m not sure. I have a job interview for a waitress position.”
“You’ll be wanting Mrs. Afton then. I’ll go tell her.”
The girl nods, waiting. The glass doors of the entrance open and close behind her. A family with several small children enters. They immediately focus on the nearby prize machines. Stickers, candy, plastic trinkets. Everything themed after the restaurant’s mascots.
You weave your way through the dining room, noticing the potential new hire hovering nervously near the main entrance. Poor kid. She looks scared to death. First job, maybe. You smile and greet her. “Come with me. I’ll give you a little tour, talk you through the job.”
You guide her around the restaurant, noticing William’s left his office. He’s leaning over the railing, forearms braced against it, hands folded.
“Who’s that?”
“That’s the owner. So, what do you think? Want to give it a shot?”
She nods. “Do you like working here?”
“It has its good and bad qualities, like anything else. Mainly good.” Your eyes meet Afton’s briefly before your attention returns to the adolescent beside you. “When can you start?”
“Um, I can do Saturday.”
“Great. We’ll be busy. You’ll get plenty of practice in. Don’t worry, I’ll be here. I’ll make sure your first day isn’t too terrible.” You smile reassuringly. “Let’s go get your official shirt. Black pants are the other requirement.”
You lead the teenager back to the entrance clutching her uniform shirt. “Try to be on time. The boss is kind of a stickler for that,” you add. She nods, still a little wide eyed, then skitters through the door. Yeah, you were definitely going to keep that one under your wing. You nod to the hostess. Such a relief to find someone who seemed like they wanted to stay. College girl was long gone. You return to the dining room, ascending the steel staircase.
“Hello, Mr. Afton.” You join him at the railing, resting your hands on the metal surface.
“Hello, Mrs. Afton.” He straightens. “Who was that? New employee?”
“Yup. Waitress. High school kid. She’s nervous, but I’m gonna keep an eye on her. Make sure no one gives her any shit.”
“Good.” His hand slides over to cover yours. “Want to go take a break, Moody? Maybe get a bit of fresh air?”
“Hmmm,” you hum thoughtfully. “Do I want to go on break with you…”
His lips by your ear. “Unless you want to spend it in my office instead. A new box of shirts came in. Maybe I can help you find one in your size…”
“Will!” You hiss, mock scandalized, but you have to admit your body is definitely interested. You step back from the railing. The animatronics are beginning another performance below. Lots of noise. A good time for it. You see William smirk. Thinking the same thing, no doubt.
You follow your husband to his office.
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greenpaths · 9 months
this blanket is a fucking behemoth. it almost entirely covers my full sized bed, and it comfortably covers my mom and my dad when they're sitting side by side.
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it so succeeds in being cozy, and i'm so glad i chose the yarn i did. hobbii's bulk discount meant that i didn't spend as much in yarn as i could have (though i did still spend a lot, over $300 💀). amigo giga is rated as good to go in the washer, too, so that means i'm not terrified of the yarn getting damaged the first time it has to be washed.
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the colors are so bright, too. even though it's not perfectly done, (i accidentally did 2 rows extra in one of the stripes and didn't notice it till last minute, and i definitely could have done a better job hiding the weaved ends,) i'm so proud of myself for buckling down and working so hard on it. and my mom loves it! and that's what matters. so, ending out this update post! here are some Numbers:
the blanket measures out to be a whopping 65in tall and 72in wide (or ~165cm x ~180.8cm for my international friends). i used 12.5 skeins of hobbii's amigo giga yarn in christmas red, 4.5 skeins of hobbii's amigo giga yarn in cobalt blue, and 7.5 skeins of hobbii's amigo giga yarn in white. i definitely overshot how much yarn i needed the second time i ordered, but i'm sure i'll find a use for the leftover yarn! i also wanna shout out the creator of the pattern i used, this Puerto Rican flag pattern can be done in single crochet or C2C, but when I realized the weight of my yarn wasn't just right for this project the pattern designer personally helped me over etsy dms and she is just such a total sweetheart. i HIGHLY recommend her patterns! she was the one who gave me the advice of making the blanket out of double crochets like a genius to hit gauge (though i did go overboard on my own accord). overall, i'm very proud of myself for getting it over and done with, and i'm excited to start on my next (less ambitious, definitely less huge) project!
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mrsoharaa · 8 months
Ꮺ ❥ 𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂 𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆
characters: Miguel O'Hara x Reader
content warnings: MDNI +18 ONLY, biting, dry humping, slight swearing, Miguel being needy.
a/n: this was not meant to be this long I swear lmaooo. I kinda got carried away with this....oof, but I definitely do NOT regret it. this one...this one made me claw at my sheets and hurdle into my blanket ngl lool. (also this isn't entirely proofread, too lazy, was rushing towards the end ngl...sooo...sorry for any errors!) but, enjoy! ( ദ്ദി ͡º ꒳ ͡º)✧
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"Are you...sure you're okay with this? you don't have to do this..." his sleek voice rumbles in a soothe, concerned monotone. A waft of warm, enticing sensation slightly coils through your veins at the sheer gentleness and care in his smooth tone.
A small smile jests at the corners of your supple lips, gently unzipping the back of your suit, gliding down the stretchy fabric down just mid length of your shoulders and turn your back to face him. Your bare, tantalizing skin open to his roaming, cardinal eyes. The impervious, carnal desire to greedily tame it for himself, gnawing at the roughen layer of his beautiful brazen flesh. Practically digs his protracted claws deep into the callous of his tightening fists.
A soften chuckle hardly brushes pass your lips, still displaying your tender, silken vulnerability to his hungry eyes. Your head barely makes it over the strut of your right bare shoulder, pliable irises delicately gazing over at the towering, stifled man fighting every nerve thrashing urge to smother you entirely with his ascending hunger and thickening lust for you.
"If I wasn't okay with this Miguel, I wouldn't be here now would I?" the soft little glint of approval in your glossed, bewitching eyes and those simple, humbled words of utter assurance was all he needed to heed before taking a step or two closer towards you.
The drastic difference of height between you both still amazes you to this day (you can never get over it, you relished the feeling of being completely and utterly small to someone thrice the size of you...especially when it was him). The overcast of his soaring, brawny frame looms over you from behind, noting the intricate silhouette details of his pretty slicked back hair, wide, broaden shoulders and a slim figure that dipped ever so perfectly just below the waist always insinuated some sort of buzzing sensation through the midst of your fluttering, smaller body.
You exhale a low breath, twitching slightly to the sudden gentle touch of his larger, wider hands subtly homing onto each side of your tensed arms. Your heart racing frantically against your chest, mind already going fuzzy with accelerated exhilaration and a surge of pulsing thrill.
You tilt your head delicately over towards your left shoulder, exposing more of your gleaming, smooth naked skin to his view. Feeling the sudden tightness of his grip on each side of your arms slightly squeeze, a heavy, hot breath exhales from his full lips.
What a temptress you were.
He carefully weaves some of your loosen darken locks to the opposite side of your shoulder. Giving him a much better view of your luring skin.
Hums ever so deeply within the depths of his solid chest, leans in closer to the exposure of your neck and breathes heftily amongst the delicious, intoxicating aura that resonates from you. Stimulating his already spiked hunger and fervor for you.
With a quick glimpse over your shoulder, you were met with those beautiful pools of sleek ruby staring ever so intently and longingly down at you. Sending yet another wave of enticement and titillation down the stride of your tensed body, the added smoothness of his languid fingers brushing ever so softly, comfortingly along your limbs, only seeping deeper into the heightened, sensitivity of your growing yearning.
He takes in another inhale of your flushed skin, presses his nose just beneath the juncture of your clenching jawline and finally grazes his piercing fangs over along the sweetness of your plush flesh. The overwhelming, candied scent of your radiating aroma only violently routing his clouded carnal thoughts of wretched insatiability.
"Remember what I told you to do when it becomes too much?" his rasp voice drops a couple of octaves, grounded with nothing but over-consuming haste and need clawing through his baritone vocals.
You nodded slowly, inhaling another breath as your eyes peer back to note his dire glare.
Your thighs instinctively push together, skin crawling with arising goosebumps and pivoting elation.
He simply grunts deeply against your skin, breathing over you once more before reaching over the softness of your belly securely, pushing you back against his stern chest and finally sinks his edged fangs deep into the lush of your lavishing, warm flesh.
A steep growl and a sharp inhale through his nostrils fills the air around you. Along with the bitten back, inaudible hitched whine grating harshly down the back of your throat.
Hot waves of surged electricity and a tinge of burn seers all over your quickly heated skin. Your hands instinctively curl into tighten fists as your body hurls closer to the solidity of his firm, slightly hunched stature behind you.
You close your eyes tightly, fighting back the swelling thick tears blurring your vision. The intangible sensation of piercing pain quickly molds into a torrid, mind spluttering euphoria. Quickly washing over the piercing sting of his elongated teeth.
The rumbles and trickling reverberations of his grumbled grunts and elevated growls pings at the growing warm, fluttering sensation drawing all over you. Pushing your trembling thighs ever so tightly against one another with such shaken pressure. The pit of your swarming belly filled with heightened elevation and swelling rapture.
You hastily slump your head to the opposite direction of his nudged face smothered deep into your pulsing skin, lips finding home at the bulge of his flexing bicep.
You whimper more audibly at the accelerating, sweltering simulation coursing through the plain of your punctured neck. Your nails finding refuge on each side of his entrapping, muscular arms that draped around you.
Hardly flaking out your gritted teeth, you subtly skim them against the flimsy holographic fabric that hardly hid any of his protruding muscles. Whisking out yet another stammered groan from you, your nails prying into his suited skin.
Thick brows twitch to the sudden sensation of your nails clawing into him, slowly peers his hazy polished irises and captures the distinguished, rapturous expression drawn across your exquisite face. Reeling him in even more so to his deprived, twisted hunger and craving for you.
Instinctively bucks his hips into yours, earning himself a shaky, breathy moan to expel from your sputtering lips. Groans and huffs ever so heftily against your neck, palms strictly pulling you more closer into his encasing, hulked frame.
"F...fuck" was all that could be heard within the vast, dark vicinity you were both enraptured in. Your poor, smaller body trembles ever so violently when he begins to become more...touchy with you. Strong, wide hands roam curiously, needily along the voluptuous curves of your sweet, addicting body. His prone senses and spider like genes, revving into overdrive to consume you entirely.
Your head starting to become numb, lost into the burning passion of peeked arousal and pinched throbbing. Your hands softly run up the length of his contracting muscles, intricately and sensually, feeling up every crevice, dip and inch of his budging, clothed flesh.
Relishes in the way you caress his rough, rigid body.
Grumbles something deep and incoherent against your perpetual skin. His grip around you tightens as he absentmindedly walks you towards the nearest surface he could guide you to. Feels you stumble a bit as your mid abdomen hurls against the ledge of his office desk, bends you over gently as he continues to feed from your savory neck. Melds his firm hips against yours, sturdily pins you with his body against the cold surface of his once neatly organized desk.
Your palms quick to flatten themselves amongst the cool surface of his desk, chest pressing into the smooth, cold exterior.
"M-Miguel" you weave out a breath, feeling the hounding weight of his body pour down onto your back, his silky lips pressing and smearing ever so deeply into the flush of your pulsating skin.
His wandering hands never leaving your squirming, perfect body. Pulls and grinds you unbashfully against his own figure with such rigor and sensuality.
Your sweet, staggered moans only encourage his notions that much more. Pressing his pulsing bulge against the globe of your lush rear.
His teeth finally detaches from your neck, sheathes in a guttural, almost animalistic like groan against your skin. Too wrapped up in his own depraved rapture of senseless dry fucking you against his desk.
His mouth never parts far from your calling flesh, weighted breaths of pitched grunts and Spanish slurs cradles into the plushness of your neck.
"Joder, te sientes tan bien cariño…me haces tanto bien…" he husks out heavily, pressing the prominent tent of his bulge deep against the shape of your rippling bottom. Sultry, lapsed breaths fan swiftly along your ear. ("Fuck, you feel so good sweetheart…you're doing so good for me…")
"Just...just a little bit longer ok? just hold out a little bit longer for me, yeah? I just...need this...I need you right now- god, I just need you right now...so god damn b-bad" the blazing, enticing words that swindled off his perfect, full lips tremored all down your shuddering body.
Your nails scrapping and clawing pointlessly against the cold surface that pinned you against him.
Cheeks burned of pooling blood rushing to your adoring flesh, legs quaked to his every desperate grind and thrust he'd implore onto you.
After intense, moments of being so blindlessly consumed by the two of yours complete lust and desire for one another, you could feel the prompt halt of his hips messily plunging against yours. A torn, strained heavy grunt of pleasure hotly fuming deep int your heated ear.
Your body twitches sporadically against his stilled, tensed frame. Feeling a damped wetness prod against the upperside of your bottom. His hips gently rubbing against the soften, clothed backside of your body.
The weight of his foggy head slumps down amongst your right shoulder, sloppily yet, tenderly, places genuine, endearing kisses up and down the room of your exposed skin.
"Gracias, preciosa...you're too good for me"
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whatgaviiformes · 5 months
Fic: Grannies - part 3
A/N: Sorry this took so long. Unedited.
Summary: Gordon’s committed to the bit. The bit just happens to be an obnoxious amount of granny squares
Part 1 here | Part 2 here
Also just added to AO3
In this part: Virgil
“Your brother,” Virgil says, sinking heavily across from Scott at his work desk. The words trail… “Infuriating.” The chair was only there some of the time - mostly when more than one of them had to be on a conference call. 
Scott raises an eyebrow, his typing unhindered by his younger brother suddenly resting his cheeks on the wooden desk in defeat. “And? What did Gordon do now?” 
It’s of no consequence to Virgil that his big brother can tell just who’s the problem. It's obviously Gordon. They all have their little tiffs every now and then, but none of them would ever headdesk over the youngest, John's too far away for arguments to linger, and since Virgil is coming to Scott…
Virgil and Gordon work together too closely sometimes.
The interesting part is Gordon's off duty; he was called out to Eddington to spend some time on site with his marine research and would continue to be on leave for another four days.
“He leave you with a parting gift?” Scott asks. “Replaced your hair gel with Vaseline? Reorganized your paints? Switched your phone to pig latin?”
“Ugh, do not put those ideas out in the Universe,” Virgil warns, warily raising his head from his hands to glance around the villa. He doesn’t put it past Gordon to have ears around, especially those named Alan. Feeling safe that no one is hiding nearby, he swings back to Scott, his eyes narrowing as he catches sight of familiar stitching resting on the desk underneath Scott’s coffee. “You!”  
Virgil clambers for the square, pushing the mug to where the desk is bare. Luckily, Scott’s mostly drunk it through and so the liquid barely swirls halfway up the side in his haste to grab for the fabric below it. 
He glares at Scott.  
“It’s finished.” He raises the granny square up to Scott’s eye level, his fingertips white where he holds up the coffee-stained yarn. “How is this one finished?”  The confusion on Scott’s face dissipates, and Virgil notices the quirk of his smile that tells him Scott is biting the inside of his cheek to keep his expression in check.  “Why are you laughing? Stop it,” he says. 
Scott takes this as permission, of course, to crack a smile, and Virgil’s eyebrow twitches indignantly. 
“This is about the blanket, then?” Scott calmly and gently pries his coaster from Virgil’s fingers and straightens it back on the desk, followed by the mug in its proper position. “Before you start shouting betrayal, Gordon is still a shit and equal-opportunity pest. John wove in the ends for me last time he was here.” 
“John did?” 
Virgil deflates; the sigh deeply lodged in his chest as he squeezes the bridge of his nose. “Do you think he’d be willing to do about, oh, 200 more? And how do you know about the blanket?”
“Neither one of you are entirely subtle.” 
“Gordon figured it out, didn’t he?”
Scott hesitates. Nods. “There’s really only so much you can do with them. Retaliate, or make something. Gordon knows you well enough to know you won’t discard them. So…”
“So, he already knows I’m making something. Left all of these ends unwoven on purpose? Chose the most offensive colors known to humankind, specifically to annoy me?” Virgil shakes his head, groaning. “Nevermind, I don’t need you to answer.” 
“You know who he is,” Scott says with a grinning shrug. “I can’t let you disown him.” 
“Is that what dragged you down here all defeated?” 
Virgil points a finger. “I am not defeated. I’m frustrated. And I’m not sure there’s a point to all of it if there’s no element of surprise.” 
“I’ve been trying for,” he checks his watch, “five hours to arrange these squares together, and nothing looks right. So what do I do? I take a break, weave in some ends, come back to it after. And after - I have more ends and still no design.” 
“That sounds pretty defeated to me.” 
“He wants me to go insane!” 
“He wants you to embrace his chaos,” Scott amends. “Come now, Virgil. You got this. Let us help,” he encourages, and Virgil has no choice but to sigh as his brother reaches for the comm to Thunderbird Five. “John, we have a situation.”
Their brother smirks when he answers. His hair is a shade darker than usual and waving in its wet, unstyled shape, indicating that John’s only recently gotten out of the shower. He’s dressed, but hasn’t switched his glasses for contacts. “You know, that’s my line,” he responds dryly. “Good Morning, Virgil.” 
It’s 3PM. 
But it is the first time Virgil has had a chance to speak to John since he spent the bulk of his morning with the project at hand. Virgil usually checks in with their distant space monitor during his morning coffee, so Virgil internally scolds himself for the rude gesture he was about to make and recognizes the irritation he feels is not John’s - or even Scott’s - fault. He waves instead. 
It’s easier to let Scott explain. As the oldest of them, he has a way of focusing on facts and details for emotionally charged situations. It’s one of the reasons he’s a great commander. Of course, if he’s the one emotionally charged, that’s a different story.  
“Show me his stitches, again?” 
Now, John however, he’s concise - often three steps ahead before he clues the rest of them in. 
Scott picks up the coaster and pushes his chair back to come around the desk to give John a better view. Once Virgil spins his chair to fully face John’s hologram, Scott places a hand on his shoulder. 
“Yeah, you’re not doing that,” John tells him, matter-of-fact. “Crochet what ends you can when you join squares together. Measure everything so I can get enough fabric, and I’ll help you put a lining on it.” He says the list of instructions with the same inflection as when directing a rescue, his hands flying across the resources in front of him. 
It’s not a bad idea. With a lining, the most weaving he might need to do would be ensuring all ends were on the “wrong” side of the squares.  
“What about if something pokes through the spaces of the granny square?” 
John raises an eyebrow at Virgil’s question. “He’ll deal. He knew what he was doing when he didn’t finish them off properly. Don’t worry, we’ll find something so obnoxiously fishy, he won’t care. I found a pattern here with anemones in little hats.” 
Virgil can’t help but giggle at that, and John smiles at him brightly, his eyes larger behind the wire frames. 
“I’ll keep looking,” he tells him. “We can keep workshopping ideas.”
“Thanks, Jay. Now about the arranging,” Scott says. “I have some ideas about that, Virgil, if you’re willing to show me what you have.”
Grateful, Virgil nods. “Another set of eyes would be great.”
“F-A-B! Let’s go make order out of chaos.”
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milkweedman · 1 year
Hi Mr. Weedman,
Tl;dr: If you had a more convenient way to do it, would you give tablet weaving another shot?
Long time fan, first time asker. I actually got into textiles/fibercraft via tablet weaving, so even just seeing the warp for the blanket all nice and lined up got me psyched. Someday i wanna try spinning yarn for my own weaving.
While stalking your blog looking at your work I saw you gave tablets a shot, and I was sad to see it gave you so much trouble. Thus, my question.
I started out doing it exactly as you did (but with disposable chopsticks), and got just as frustrated with worse results. I was too deep in hyperfixation to do anything else tho, so after a ton of trial and error I've figured out some cool stuff, like this:
If you attach a weight to the far end of the warp (a partially filled water bottle is nice for adjusting tension) and drape it over something horizontal like the back of a chair, you can sit somewhere comfy and still attach it at your belt.
I'm hoping to make a demo post or video soon focusing on ADHD and financial accessibility. If you're interested I'd love to hear your take on it, either from a dyslexic POV or just as someone way more experienced with textiles.
Thanks for everything,
especially the dick positivity,
I have actually been thinking about tablet weaving a lot recently ! i came to the conclusion last time i tried it that i'd need an inkle loom, which i do now have the tools to make (just not the time or the materials at this moment). but your suggestion of adding weight to the other end to achieve the tension necessary, rather than needing to pull against it with one's body, is such a good idea !!!
i'd be fascinated to see your demo on it--please do send it to me/@ me when it's done, and i'd be happy to try it out and tell you my thoughts on itl ! i think i plan on building an inkle loom either way, but i enjoyed the simplicity of backstrap so much, and if there's a way for me to do it without as much pain i absolutely wanna try again. if im understanding you, it sounds like you could have the weaving tensioned on the back of a chair but could also sit in a backed chair while weaving ? that would fix it for me. and even if that setup isn't possible, im still much more hopeful that there's a way to make it work for me.
it's really great to hear about other fiber folks who hyperfixated their way through stuff not working and having a cheap setup, that's how i end up learning everything too xD
this was a lovely ask to receive , thank you for sending it :D
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m323200 · 6 months
True Feelings
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Luke Dunphy x Female!Reader
The readers name is Isabella Wheeler.
Warnings: None, just like a normal Modern Family TVPG episode.
Information: Isabella Wheeler and Luke Dunphy were friends since they were friends since they were 13, but ever since Isabella’s parents abandoned her, the Dunphy’s took her in and she’s been living with them plus the Pritchett/Delgado/Tucker at certain weeks. Child Services thinks it’s a good choice. Now the two both in high school.
(Takes place in Season 6, my version)
Friday Morning - At School
Isabella Wheeler adjusted her backpack as she made her way through the crowded hallways of her new high school. It had been almost two years since she moved in with the Dunphy family, and she was still adjusting to her new life. She glanced around, searching for her best friend, Luke Dunphy, amidst the sea of students.
"Isabella!" a familiar voice called out, and I turned to see Luke weaving his way through the crowd towards me. He flashed me a grin, his blue eyes sparkling with excitement. "Ready for another day of conquering high school?"
I smiled, feeling a surge of gratitude for the friend who had been by her side through thick and thin. "As ready as I'll ever be," I replied, falling into step beside him as we made our way to our first class.
Throughout the day, Isabella and Luke navigated the challenges of high school together, sharing inside jokes, trading notes, and offering each other unwavering support. They sat together at lunch, chatting and laughing as if they had known each other their entire lives.
As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, me and Luke walked out of the building together, the warm afternoon sun shining down on us. "So, what's the plan for tonight?" Luke asked, slinging his arm around my shoulders.
I shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eye. "How about a movie at your place? I heard your mom bought a ton of snacks."
Luke grinned, his excitement. "Sounds perfect. Let's go."
As we walked home together, I couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me. In the midst of all the changes and uncertainties in my life, I knew one thing for certain: with Luke by my side, I could face anything that came my way.
We were sitting on the couch watching our favorite movie Trolls. We had snacks (popcorn, water, and salad). Once the movie was over, we fell asleep. My head was on Luke’s shoulders and his head was on my head.
-Saturday Morning-
“What time is it” I ask and I realizes they slept on the couch. “Oh Shit! Luke we over slept!…Wait did you cover us with a blanket?” Luke says “No…”. “I did” Claire Dunphy says. She always think that we may end up together based on their friendship. “Also don’t forget, you two have the fair today.” Claire says. Luke bought tickets two weeks ago and Claire reminded them about it so we (mostly he) don’t forget, we don’t like it and she don’t. They seem like it’s a Lose-Lose sorta thing.
Phil drops them off, “Remember, if you need anything, call me or your mother” he says. Luke replies with how every teen says this word, “Okay!”. Luke and me tries almost all the games until, The Ferris Wheel. Isabella was afraid of heights, Luke wasn’t. “Let’s go on it.” An excited Luke says. “I can’t, you know me…I get anxiety which could lead to panic attacks…” I say. “Don’t worry, just get close to me if you feel scare or think of dogs, unicorns, rainbows.” he says. I replied with “Fine”. 
We went on and we watched the sunset go down. It was beautiful. We got close and close together, I felt calm, something I haven’t felt ever since they took me in. We looked at each other and I could only think of him.
We kissed, until the ride ended. “Oh um, sorry…” he says. “We should tell them to pick us up now…”. I say. The Dunphy’s dropped me off at Jay and Gloria’s, it was my week with them.
“In some way, I thought was it meant to be, was it the sunset that brought us together, or was it the Trolls that made me realize my true feelings to Luke. I think I love him.” I say looking at the camera sitting on the Delgado’s couch.
The ending part was a scene where they talk in front of the camera.
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messrsbyler · 2 years
thinking how will must've had a "they were right" moment, when he accepted the truth about himself and his feelings for his best friend. imagine will in his room, cheeks still hot and flushed from biking all the way from mike's house, though for some reason the heat doesn't stay only in the surface.
unlike other times, it seeps through his skin and curls in his stomach when he thinks about mike and the new campaign he had come up with and the funny voices he made and the way his freckles were darker now that the summer was here. in the loneliness of his room, will couldn't excuse the lurch inside his chest when he thought of how mike had wrapped an arm across his shoulders during lunch right after troy came close to give them trouble, shielding will and giving him a place where to tuck himself and hide away. will also can't fight the smile that pulls on his mouth when he remembers mike bumping his shoulder as they walked down the halls of school and how mike always stood close enough for will to catch a whiff of his bar soap and shampoo.
and with all that, with the heat and the blush and the lurching and the smiling, will simply knows.
they were right.
troy and his father and the rest of the bullies at school and in the streets. everyone who threw him an odd look or made a comment about his hair and clothes. they were all right.
that knowledge is enough to punch the air out of will's lungs and wipe the smile from his face. the comfortable heat in his belly is replaced by pure dread that claws his insides and leaves him cold and trembling. his heart stops and goes limp behind his rib cage and the world blurs in a mix of tears and colors and shadows.
because they were right. will is a queer. a fairy. will is all those words they aimed at him for so many years. and if they were right about this who is to say they aren't right about the rest of the things they've said? that will is a mistake, a zombie boy that should've stayed dead, a freak.
as will is losing all grip on reality, sobbing against his pillow so his voice is muffled and can be lost in the otherwise silence of the night, his radio, the one he keeps on his nightstand at all times, cracks to life and a soft whisper comes through.
"will. will, are you there? over!" mike's voice comes. it's soft and quiet and warm. "c'mon, will! over!"
will dries his eyes and cheeks with his sleeve and considers plucking the batteries from the radio and turning to the wall. but then mike's voice comes again, and then a fourth time, and each time it's like a weave of warmth that washes away the shame and fear will was just captive of. mike's voice makes him think of mike's face, of his smile and dark curls, his freckles and pale skin, his hands and bar soap smell.
will reaches for the radio, breathes through his mouth, and says, "i'm here, over."
his voice wavers a little and will hopes it will get lost in the bad signal. a couple of seconds pass by before the radio comes back to life.
"hi, will!"
"hi, mike."
silence again. shit. will purses his lips and knows mike clocked something is wrong with him right away. he chews on his bottom lip, begging mike will let it go and not ask. in the end, he does and will sighs, relieved. but again, mike is like that. mike knows will will come to him, that there's no need to poke around and push. that heat curls in will's stomach again, shier than before, but building to what it what felt like just a couple of minutes ago.
"did i wake you?" mike asks and will shakes his head before realizing mike can't see him. his face burns and he flops back on the bed.
"uh, no. what's up?"
"can't sleep."
"what about you?"
"yeah. why are you awake?"
will purses his lips and stares at the ceiling. "uhm... couldn't sleep either."
mike clicks his tongue. "you should've stayed over, then. at least he could've done something fun, like that."
the heat grows, the quiet heat to a gentle flame. it engulfs will like a blanket. no. like... like a shelter. it's the same feeling will gets whenever he steps into castle byers to hide away from the world. it feels safe, and warm, and his.
"i would've liked that," will whispers with a smile that echoes in mike's voice when he says, "yeah."
they stay talking for the rest of the night, mike's voice and words and presence guiding will out of that dark corner he walked himself into. because mike laughs at his jokes, and makes jokes himself, and they talk about the next campaign, and he says "hey, will? wanna stay over tomorrow, then?" and mike... all of mike erases any words troy and lonnie and the rest have thrown at will like daggers with a deathly precision. because mike is like a shield, and when mike is here, nothing can touch will. when mike speaks so softly through the radio, will can't feel like a freak or a mistake.
will only feels in love.
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