#i also would like more queerness on aussie tv
bookofmac · 2 years
if everyone keeps going 'why arent they more gay?' about class of '07 i'm going to explode.
the show is set in 2017, the year that marriage equality was publicly debated and then eventually voted in it and it was a ROUGH year.
also, they went to CATHOLIC SCHOOL!!! I might just be speaking for myself here, but I wouldnt be getting into a relationship with any of the girls I went to school with if i was stuck on the campus with them, like a non zero amount of the student leadership were young libs (australian conservative party's youth branch).
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stereogeekspodcast · 3 months
[Transcript] Season 4, Episode 9. Anne Rice's Interview With the Vampire
One of the best shows on television right now is Interview With the Vampire. The Stereo Geeks review the first two seasons and share their hopes for season 3. Spoilers ahead
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Ron: Hello and welcome to a new episode of Stereo Geeks. Today we’re reviewing Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire. 
I’m Ron.
Mon: And I’m Mon.
Ron: We will be discussing both seasons of Interview with the Vampire so beware of spoilers. 
Mon: We have a long connection with the Vampire Chronicles. We heard about them when we became fans of the Aussie band Savage Garden, their name was taken from this series. We decided to give the first book a read and even watched the rightfully panned film adaptation. I’ve gone on to read several more of the books. 
Ron: I did learn from my WWAC colleagues that the movie was a box office success in North America. That’s not what we heard in our part of the world!
Mon: Oh interesting. Let’s call it a critical failure then. 
The books are an… acquired taste. They’ve certainly gone places–they’re weird, and sometimes problematic, but the appeal, for the few of us who’ve read them, has been the expansive, complicated world filled with characters who are not defined by labels. 
When I heard they were adapting the series into a TV show, I’ll admit, I was concerned. What exactly would they adapt? It’s easy to fall into the traps and tropes of a vampire story featuring two male, immortal leads–the film is there as proof. Would the show head the same way?
Season 1 thoughts 
Mon: I started watching the first season from a hyper-critical point of view. I was so immersed in everything that I thought I didn’t like that I clean forgot to enjoy the first few episodes.
In fact, I didn’t relax until you started watching it, Ron. And then I saw the show from a completely different angle–this is not a show that cares about your comfort. It’s a show about larger-than-life, extraordinary characters desperately trying to be normal. But what is normal when you’re an ancient vampire?
Ron: What made you so tense about the show? I remember asking you if I should watch it and you were so unsure!
Mon: The violence, gore, and depravity–these are not stylistic elements that I like to engage in in my entertainment, and Interview has a lot of that. So, I convinced myself that I didn’t like this show. It was a guilty watch, and maybe a guilty pleasure. But I was wrong–it’s not a guilty anything, it’s art; it’s storytelling. Interview is very direct about the pain and suffering these characters face and cause. This show made me realize something about myself, I don’t like being uncomfortable, and these characters make you uncomfortable. Deal with it. And now I’m ok enough to deal with it that we’re doing a whole episode on the show. 
Ron: Okay wow. I also don’t like being uncomfortable or cringey but those were the exact elements that took this show through the stratosphere for me. I loved the first season. I didn’t know what to expect from it but it was a fascinating character study, and an examination of relationships. It wasn’t afraid of being camp and queer because that’s what the people of the time didn’t want to see but Louis and Lestat were shoving the campness in their faces. And it really leaned into the unbearable discomfort of unhappy relationships. 
Ron: The race swap for Louis de Pointe du Lac, played by Jacob Anderson, was a stroke of genius. As was setting the start of the story in the early 1900s. It really complicates the story world and Louis’ relationship with Lestat de Lioncourt, played by Sam Reid.
Mon: You never know what brilliance will emerge from one change, but race-swapping Louis gives the show, at least in the first season, a whole new dynamic. I wrote about why this change elevated the story at Collider.com. We’ve linked to the piece in our show notes. 
Ron: Season 1 took us into Louis’ world. He’s a Black man making his way in a New Orleans that is very white and segregated. He’s still treated like a second class citizen even by the people who are regular patrons at his establishment. But among his own people, he’s terrified of being his true queer self. Lestat gave him a way to transcend the social norms of heterosexuality and race. But then Lestat is the one who becomes such a danger to Louis. We get a few episodes of the two of them just being happy together and then when they find Claudia, played by Bailey Bass in season 1, they’re this happy little family. Of course everything goes to hell. And so much of that is down to the toxic dynamic between Lestat, Louis and Claudia. 
Mon: The main reason the raceswap works, along with setting the story during the Jim Crow era, is that it becomes more than just a vampire story. Now it’s a story about race and discrimination, retribution and justice. Louis is white in the books, has plantation connections, which means he would have had slaves. Even if it was never addressed in the show, how much would we like, let alone, love him, in the show? 
Ron: I’m going to interject here to recommend a very good YouTube video by Princess Weekes about the numerous confederate vampire stories out there. We’ll link to it in the show notes. 
Mon: My favourite thing about the raceswap is that it gives new meaning to Louis and Lestat’s relationship. Suddenly the story isn’t just about lust and longing, it’s about saving and belonging. 
Ron: I am very impressed by the direction they went with for Daniel Molloy, played by Eric Bogosian. He is not afraid to call Louis out for creating this fantasy version of Lestat in his head for his memoirs. He’s also the one who puts into words that Louis and Lestat’s relationship was abusive.
Mon: The role of the interviewer in a story can be such a thankless and boring choice for an actor, and yet, Daniel Molloy, is as much a character in the story as Louis and the rest of the vampires. I was initially concerned with the choice to age-up Daniel that much, but there’s a whole new dimension to his and Louis’ interactions knowing that this is part 2 of their interview, and not their first meeting.
Ron: Speaking of the change to Daniel, I haven’t read the books. How faithful is this series to the books you read?
Mon: The show differs from the books quite a bit. Daniel being older is one thing, and this is, essentially, a re-write of how Louis told his story before. 
Claudia having a two-season arc is only possible because they fill out her role so much. And it’s for the better as well. I don’t remember Antoinette in the books–Lestat did not have a romantic paramour to make Louis jealous, not one I recall, anyway. He was just mean. The timelines are off, which isn’t a bad thing, but it’s hard to keep track of where I am in the adaptation. It’s small fry. The creators are using beats from the books to tell their story, not necessarily the same story as the books. 
Ron: So things like that reveal in the season 1 finale with Louis declaring Armand, his greatest love. That wasn’t in the movie so it was a surprise that got me. Especially since Armand, played by Assad Zaman, had been pretending to be Louis’ housekeeper Rashid all season. What a way to get us excited for season two. 
Mon: I loved that reveal. Did not see it coming. And I especially like that we get a Spaniard of Indian origin. Europeans of colour do not often show up on screen in a significant way. And it made perfect sense too–because, in the books, Louis and Armand are together.
Season 2 thoughts 
Ron: The second season has a very different tone and style than season 1. It’s very focused on the Théâtre des Vampires and there are extensive scenes of the rehearsals and plays the vampires put on. There’s a lot we see of a new character, Santiago, who is played by Ben Daniels.
Mon: Yeah, Season 2 is vicious, and stressful. This show does not ease up. And the tensions within tensions of who’s playing whom are diabolical. Plus, the threads that Daniel, and the viewer, keep trying to pull at about Louis’ story and Armand’s hand in everything that happened to Claudia make this riveting viewing. 
Mon: I don’t remember the Théâtre des Vampires having such a large role in the books, it was probably just one section. This is a significant change in the show, but gives Louis and Claudia the screen time needed to develop their relationship, not to mention we get to see Louis and Armand’s romance grow.
For some reason, I can’t remember Santiago from the books, even though I know he plays an important part in the story. I’ve just blanked him out. The show’s version is super memorable though.
Ron: The expanded world of vampires that we’re introduced to is interesting and grotesque. The first few episodes see Louis and Claudia travelling Europe during World War II looking for vampires and instead they keep running into the worst of humanity, because you know, war. And when they finally meet vampires in Romania, it’s an absolute horror show. They’re starved and near death and being led by this vampire who’s too old and too frail. It’s only in France that the coven finds them and for Claudia especially, this is such an amazing experience because she gets to be with vampires who aren’t abusive, like Lestat, or monsters, like Bruce from season one. But that doesn’t pan out either! By the end of season 2, the vampires are openly admitting to their monstrousness, but it’s just so unfair to Claudia, who got to see so little good in her human and vampiric life. 
Mon: See, this is why I’m so glad you decided to watch the show despite my apprehension. You’re watching this like a character study, which is exactly what it is. I don’t know what I was doing, but I’m so glad I get to chat with you about this show. 
Ron: Gee thanks. I’m super surprised by your apprehension. We’ve had such a long association with this story that I honestly couldn’t wait to see it. I didn’t expect it to be a character study but from the moment Louis appeared on screen, I knew this wasn’t going to be a salacious, surface-level plot about vampires killing people. 
Ron: The first season was really a study of the three main characters and their dynamic. In the second season there isn’t as much Louis but the world became so much richer, that I didn’t mind it as much. Lestat spends most of this season as Dreamstat, this idealized version of the real person in Louis’ head.  
Mon: Dreamstat is a cool nickname. 
Ron: I can’t take credit; the internet named him that. 
Mon: Funny that you felt there wasn’t enough Louis in Season 2. I was surprised at how little Lestat there was. It makes sense, of course, the first book doesn’t have much Lestat, but I didn’t think the show would sideline the main white guy. I’m very cynical. But Lestat taking a step back meant Claudia and Armand took centre stage, and I’m all for that. 
Ron: Delainey Hayles takes over as Claudia in the second season. Excellent choice. The casting change felt surprisingly seamless for me. 
Mon: Absolutely seamless casting. She matched Bass’s energy, but brought so much more anger and pathos. Plus, she spouted so much dialogue in so many different languages. 
Ron: Hayles managed to follow in Bass’ footsteps while making the role completely her own. Her screen time is expanded this season and that is for the betterment of the show. We get a proper sense of just how hard it is to be her, a grown woman trapped in the body of a child for all eternity. What was essentially a selfless act to save a child’s life has turned into a cruel and selfish decision that Louis and Lestat made on Claudia’s behalf. 
Ron: Jacob Anderson is remarkable. I love watching him. He’s so expressive but knows when to hold back. That scene in the 70s when he’s absolutely tearing into Armand, calling him boring, all while this fake blood is plastered on his face, it was so incredible to watch. The loving father-daughter bond between Louis and Claudia, Anderson absolutely sells it. In season two they’re more brother and sister because of Claudia’s insistence on it but one can see that Louis loves her like a daughter. And yet! Louis struggles to deal with the harsher side of being a parent. Learning the truth about what Bruce did to Claudia, Louis sits in his coffin and cries quietly. And the whole time I’m yelling to the screen, to Louis, to go and hug his child. 
Mon: BT dubs, there’s no Bruce in the books. 
Ron: Oh interesting. 
That final two-parter in season 2 when Lestat finally admits to having hurt Louis, and his apology, Anderson’s acting was sublime. Without a single word, just with his expressions, he tells the audience how little he thinks of Lestat’s apology. It’s a masterpiece. 
Mon: He’s stellar. Where’s he been all this time?
Let’s talk about Assad Zaman as well. He’s British of Bangladeshi origin. In Interview, we learn that Armand was originally Arun from India (which Bangladesh would have been part of during that period), sold to slavery and taken to Spain, where Marius found him, renamed him Amadeo, and then turned him into a vampire. He’s so good at playing this tragic character, a reluctant hero and leader, but also so devious. I’m just floored by the layers of his performance. He can convey so much by just sitting in place with his head cocked to one side. 
Ron: Assad was a delight to watch. Even with those contact lenses, you could always tell when Armand was being his true self, when he was hiding something, and when he was truly sorry about something that had gone down. I’m so glad he got such a large role here. It made up for the lack of Lestat. 
Mon: And let’s not forget the Brat Prince himself, Lestat. Sam Reid is so good at stepping away from the spotlight and then stealing it when needed. He plays Lestat’s narcissism so well; he’s cruel and mean and yet he knows how to convey his heart break. In Season 2, he has so little to do and yet he commands the camera so well. 
Ron: I did not know Lestat was called the Brat Prince. What a hilarious name. I feel like Sam Reid had a really tough task. Tom Cruise has such a massive fan base and people still love his Lestat. Even Stuart Townsend got some fans for his performance. But Reid makes Lestat his own. It helps that he has insane chemistry with Jacob Anderson. Their Louis and Lestat are very believable as a couple. Reid does a good job of playing up the charm when Lestat wants something, and he’s downright terrifying when things aren’t going his way. But I like that he can still bring pathos to Lestat. He’s not just over the top—Lestat is trying to live his best life when he no longer understands what living is meant to be. What’s life to an immortal? And somehow Reid manages to make that a relevant existential question for us mortals. 
Ron: Both Bass and Hayles were excellent as Claudia but Hayles got to be a lot of different versions of Claudia. Hayles brings a great deal of rage and frustration to Claudia because she is so much older by season 2, yet she’s still being treated like a child. And that awful show she has to put on for the theatre. I love how committed the actors are to these characters and this story because, after all, vampires aren’t real, and immortality isn’t a problem for us, but they demonstrate the pathos of their characters’ situations to make it seem like reality. 
Mon: Bass and Hayles are stars in the making. I hope they get fantastic opportunities. You don’t bring that level of energy and complexity and only get a season to flaunt it. 
Ron: This show is so unapologetically queer. Straight people? Never heard of them! Well, not really, but the central romantic triangle is these three men from three very different parts of the world. The scene in the finale when Louis declares to Lestat that he’s going to spend his life with Armand, that’s the epitome of queerness in this show. But it really sucks that Louis thinks he can only be with these two awful men. He keeps seesawing between them and they both suck!
Mon: The books are very gay, but sometimes too vague about it, which annoys me. The show is clearer and gayer, which I really like. I was worried about that going in because Anne Rice had a whole homophobe stage of her life–don’t ask me—but she walked it back, I guess, seeing as she and her son had a hand in getting this series off the ground, and the show is not shy about being queer. 
Mon: The Season 2 finale comes down to one thing–this is a love story. It’s about a man, Louis, desperate for love. He’s known it with Lestat and Armand, and they’re both devils, but they’re safe and known devils. It’s cute in the most dramatically violent way. You can’t blame Louis for his poor choices in men—he had to hide his sexuality for a long time and he struggles with being a vampire, at least in the past, so vampires who love him back, even if they’re toxic, is perhaps comforting to him. 
Ron: And then Claudia gets a romance with Madeleine which isn’t in the books, is it? 
Mon: Is it a romance here? Or is it a companionship? Claudia’s an old soul in a child’s body, so can Madeleine love her romantically? I like that they leave it vague. 
Ron: In the book, Madeleine and Claudia had a mother-daughter relationship but that doesn’t work in the show’s story. Claudia wants to be an equal so she wouldn’t have wanted a mother. But it’s so tricky with Claudia being 14 forever—how do they give her a partner who isn’t immediately suspect for wanting to be with a 14 year old. I like how they built up the friendship between Claudia and Madeleine, laid the groundwork for Madeleine understanding what Claudia is, and they only get together after Madeleine is turned into a vampire. It worked for me. Of course, now they’re both dead so… I guess we don’t have to think about it anymore. 
Hopes for season 3
Ron: The show has now been renewed for a third season and it’s set to be following Lestat’s music career. The finale of season 2 sets that up very subtly! I would love to spend more time in that world but I’m worried about where Louis might fit in.
Mon: Lestat starting his rockstar career is going to be wild. But who he’s starting it with is even wilder, because the characters mentioned in the Season 3 summary weren’t in the band in the books.
Mon: The show is now so different from the books, that I can’t predict what a Season 3 will look like. I mean, they mention space in the Season 3 summary. Space! Dude, it’s too soon for this space stuff.
Ron: So I’m trying to avoid all this information about season 3 but space huh?
Mon: Yep, space. Let’s leave it at that.
The fact that Lestat has Akasha’s blood in the past is a huge change in the timeline. Akasha and Enkil are the original vampires, from whom all vampires are born. That’s been retconned, somewhat in recent books, but let’s not get into that. Lestat having Akasha’s blood is the reason he’s virtually unkillable. It explains why he survived Season 1, but this throwaway line in the finale makes it tricky for them to adapt the storylines from Queen of the Damned onwards.
Anyway, back to Louis. Louis’ fate is with Armand or Lestat. In the books, Louis is with Armand. Them breaking up in Season 2 is a big deviation. Who’s he going to end up with finally, especially since Lestat has other lovers from the books who could be introduced. 
Ron: I’d also love to see more of Daniel Molloy. He’s a vampire now. Who turned him? Is it Armand? How does he feel about being an older vampire? I want to see the world through vampire-Daniel’s eyes. And I would really like to explore his relationship with Louis. They’re clearly fond of each other. 
Mon: In the books, Armand turned Daniel. And Louis seems to suggest the same in the finale, but who knows. They’re always surprising us. 
Mon: I’m intrigued by the introduction of the Talamasca in Season 2, and I understand there’s a show coming as well. The Talamasca are a secret society, kinda like the X-Files but for occult creatures. How interesting will that be? I’m not sure. I watched the first season of the other AMC show, Mayfair Witches. That’s also adapted from a series in the same Immortal Universe, and Lestat popped up in the books a couple of times. I could not get into that show at all. Not enough gay people. Hehehehehehe.
Ron: The queerness of Interview is such a highlight for me. It’s hard to watch straight shows now. Haha. 
Mon: But, honestly, I think we’re invested in Interview because Lestat and Louis have been a part of our lives for a really long time, and the creators have made a show that’s not just about them being vampires. It’s about people, and the messiness that comes with it. I didn’t find that in Mayfair. So, what’s the Talamasca show going to have? Lestat’s long-time partner, David Talbot is/was part of the Talamasca. He’s not joined Interview yet, so that’s a possible connection to interest us.
Speaking of David, I don’t know if they’ll be able to introduce him, or if Daniel will take over that role. I say that because Daniel has met Raglan James–the Talamasca dude in the sushi bar in Season 2, and David enters the books when Lestat encounters Raglan. I’ll admit, I’m gutted that Raglan seems to be an old white guy on the show. He’s a body snatcher in the books, and when Lestat meets him, he’s in the body of an Anglo-Indian man. I think, in a way, the creators tried to appease us by making Armand Indian instead. 
All to say, I haven’t a clue what to expect next. There are so many books to be adapted, but Louis’ not in them much, if at all. If they pivot to Lestat being the main character, I worry that they’ll lose the viewers, many of whom have tuned in specifically because Louis is Black and has a certain lived experience. But I want more seasons, and I have hope that the creators will make the right choices in telling the stories needed.
Ron: I want to add that this show has such a fan following. Two podcasts I’ve been listening to did entire series on this show because they became so obsessed with it. I’ve had random people I follow on Twitter regularly calling on more people to watch the show because it is literal perfection. I can’t think of anything I would change. I’m desperate to get my hands on some of the scripts because it’s going to help me become a better a writer. And some of the direction for this second season especially, that scene when the Theatres abduct Louis, Claudia and Madeleine and the background actors are frozen, or rather acting frozen, they really knew how to ratchet up the suspense. 
Mon: This show is literally art–there are screengrabs from this show that are homages to artworks. We need more of that. And we need more shows that effortlessly include queer stories and feature characters from different races and ethnicities. This show has done that for two seasons. It could do so much more if the seasons continue.
Season 1 was about racial dynamics and interpersonal relationships in a world that doesn’t accept queer people. Season 2 was about autonomy, especially bodily autonomy, and monstrosity—what it really means when applied to people, be they vampire or human. The show can examine anything and everything and wrap it around a glorious romance. I’d love to see that. 
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qnewsau · 2 months
Farmer Dave Graham says he's open to Farmer Wants A Wife
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/farmer-dave-graham-says-hes-open-to-farmer-wants-a-wife/
Farmer Dave Graham says he's open to Farmer Wants A Wife
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Farmer Dave Graham has said he’d be open to finding love on a reality TV show like Farmer Wants A Wife.
The long-running Aussie reality TV matchmaking show recently announced another lineup of eight straight white farmers for the 2025 season.
But we know that Farmer Wants A Wife Australia has long wanted a gay or lesbian farmer on the show. An insider recently confirmed producers have struggled with a “lack of interest” from applicants.
Of course, Farmer Dave’s name came up, and he’s weighed in on the show in a new interview.
Speaking to pop culture podcast Chattr, Dave was asked if he was single and would be keen to go on Farmer Wants A Wife. Dave said, “Yes and yes.”
“It is hard [for farmers to meet people],” he said.
“It’s even harder for people like me in my boat, because there are fewer of us, but we’re there. We definitely exist. We’ve always existed.”
Dave also suggested that Farmer Wants A Wife is different to some other reality shows and has a real opportunity to represent a story like his authentically.
“That’s the beauty of this incredible show, is that it is real,” Dave told Chattr.
“It would be a great opportunity. We now have equal rights to marry, it would just be a natural, normal part of the show’s flight.”
Dave Graham became a household name when he came out as gay on Big Brother Australia in 2006. These days, he’s a dog trainer and youth worker in country New South Wales.
“Australia’s come a long way since 2006 when I was part of a real change in looking at ourselves and understanding who we are. That’s the beauty of reality TV, ” Dave said.
“It has always been a mirror for who we are. It’s got to be realistic, not tokenistic.
“The great thing about Farmer Wants A Wife is they haven’t gone deep down the Married at First Sight dive into over-the-top drama and cyclonic contestants.
“It is still such a great, wholesome show. It still has all the values that it started out with.”
Farmer Dave Graham said he’s been single for a minute now, and these days he’s serious about finding a lifelong partner.
“I’m at that point in my mid-40s where I’m serious about getting a real future plan and doing that with a lifelong partner,” Dave said.
“I’m a farmer looking for a husband. I know the title does suggest you only supply wives, but it’s 2024. Help a bloke out.”
Farmer Wants A Wife ‘unbelievably open’ to queer singles
Farmer Wants A Wife Australia host Sam Armytage has also spoken about the lack of diversity in the Aussie version.
“That does come up every year. We know it, we see it, obviously, and the thing is we’re completely open to it,” she told TV Tonight in 2023.
“People ask me every year, ‘Why isn’t there a gay farmer on there?’
“Good question. If you know any, and they want to be on TV, let us know, we would love that!”
Despite the reality show’s title, there have been straight female farmers on the show before, meeting a group of potential husbands.
Sam Armytage said the producers “are unbelievably open” to LGBTQIA+ farmers, as well as farmers of different nationalities.
“It’s not just about finding a farmer. It’s finding a farmer who’s willing to go on television, which is a big thing to do,” she said.
“I take my hat off to them. It’s huge to do this on camera. We’re unbelievably open to having more diversity on the show, but it’s tricky.
“We put the call out all the time, ‘If you’re interested and want to do it, we’d love to have you!’
“We’ve just got to also get them to agree to come on television.”
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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peaches-of-1 · 5 years
Peachtober | Day 17: Lotus
I didn’t realize this wasn’t in queue, so sorry for this being a few days late!
Hey, guys! Some of you may not know I have a side blog called @iris-idol where I do a sort of self insert kind of thing about my life as an idol. The first part is done at this point and here is a sneak peak of something I haven’t posted it yet.
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September 11th, 11:59am
I was so ready for Namjoon’s birthday since he was able to come home from service to celebrate it. I sent him “Happy Birthday, oppa!” at midnight as I planned to do with all of my other members when it was their birthday. We had performed together not too long ago. He had only joined the Army last month. I remember crying so hard when him and the other members of the hyung line left together.
For now, Maknae line had formed a subunit and TXT was having a comeback soon. I was also really excited to finally have an offday just so that we could celebrate with Namjoon for a few hours. Since the show was done, the members that would become Dei5 were in the beginning stages of our trainee lives.
It wasn’t too much right now, just coming up with our concepts to make sure we have clear goals to work towards and stuff like that. Of course we had our deities to research nonstop and there was a ten page essay we had to turn in, written in Korean, to make sure we were making good strides towards understanding what persona we were going to put forward.
For me, that was Iris, goddess of the rainbow and fellow messenger alongside Hermes. A lot of my clothing would be rainbow themed, but also my color was pink. That meant I kept going towards super cute and unicorn imagery. I wanted to do something really aegyo and kawaii but also mix it with hard rock. My Trinket aka symbol was a rainbow rose so there were a lot of duality aspects I could do.
We were going to be a rock-rap group from what BigHit officials told us. I was excited to learn hardcore about rock culture because I had lived it mostly during middle school and high school. It was obvious why I was chosen for the show if they were going for a rock inspired group since I took a lot of vocal inspiration from Adam Lambert and Evanescence. 
Alice would be Lyssa, goddess of madness, and her color was black. She had a secondary aka accent color which was silver. She was half Korean and half Aussie, so her blonde hair and blue eyes were completely natural much to people’s surprise. She had been super shocked to be chosen for this group since the final vote was up to the Korean people. Alice was queer. She didn’t put a label on her sexuality and rarely ever specified what she meant other than saying love is love and she wasn’t going to let society get in the way of her heart. Her trinket was a black lace blindfold.
Jun aka Lan Caihe was like our big brother/sister so far. We were pretty sure he was going to be the leader because both Jun and her deity were genderfluid. Jun went by any and all pronouns and liked to dress more closely to a femine aesthetic. Back home, she did drag and made a lot of friends that way. He was the oldest...I think. Anyways, Lan Caihe’s color was green and her symbol was a bamboo flute.
Oppa was Hyojoon, a cutie that was shorter than me and his deity was Igong Hallakgungi and we mostly just called him Halla. By “we” I meant most of the non-Koreans who were on the show because long words are hard. His color was blue. His was the deity of life and death since his deity watched over said garden. Meaning his trinket was also a watering can. Since the show was over, he no longer had to stand out so much. He let his white hair fade and his roots were coming in.
Our youngest was Tristan. He went by Tristan and liked that better than his birth name, so I didn’t think about his actual name. He was a sweet guy and adored me so much. I adored him right back. I called him my little brother, and I meant it. The way he called me Noona was different from how he called Jun or Alice. Like I was his actual big sister. Although we both had other siblings, we treated each other like we had wished our siblings treated us. Basically, I babied him quite a bit. He enjoyed that because he was the oldest of three sisters.
He was kind of like my soul mate. My best friend. My brother.
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He then asked me how my training had been and I told it was good. I have honestly just gotten back about a week or so ago. I spent the last month hanging out back home and collecting the rest of my things that I wanted to bring to Korea since I’d be living here from now on.
There was a knock on my door, probably my manager coming to take my phone and tell us lights out. We weren’t allowed to have our phones until after we debuted and after we made a certain amount of revenue.
September 12, 9:21pm
Namjoon oppa had wanted a casual costume party, but I was not a casual person. So I took a shower before showing up to the boys’ dorm in a starry dress. We had planned to make him the center of our galaxy for the night meaning everyone was wearing something with stars or planets or moons on them. Although the trainees from Deify weren’t very close to a lot of the other members of BigHit Entertainment, we had been invited.
Jimin was already redfaced and giggly when I arrived. I bowed and spoke politely to Yoongi who had been a judge on the show as well as everyone else. I wasn’t allowed to drink because we would have meetings and such all day tomorrow. It was mostly just eating and watching videos on the TV.
“It’s nice to see you again, Farai.” Namjoon said my birth name. “You look well.”
“Thank you. You look great too, all healthy. How has your training been, or are you done with that now?”
He handed me a slice of cake, “It’s done with, but I have big news to share with everyone. I guess you can find out first.”
“How come I get to know first?” I asked.
Namjoon shrugged, “You’re good at keeping secrets, and I trust you. Also, you might be able to give me some advice.”
“What do you mean by advice?”
“I’m going to be sent to America for most of my service. They said somewhere in the South, and since you’re from that area, I was hoping you could give me some tips about how to act.” He said, leaning on the counter by the fridge.
“Ah,” I replied. “I see, well. I think you will do a good job because one things I was going to tell you is to be respectful and to call people older than you either ‘Sir’ or ‘Ma’am’. However, you already do that. Hmm,”
I took a moment to think and noticed he was nervously playing with the hem of his new jacket gifted to him by Jungkook.
“Oh, I think this will be a good tip. Two things are really a big deal when it comes to business and older American people. One is eye contact. It shows that you are listening to them and paying attention. Second is a firm handshake. I do not know how you will be treated there, but do your best not to be shy.” I giggled. “Strong but silent is good, though.”
I went on and tried to show him what a firm handshake would be like, his hand lingering in mine as I did my best to explain in English and choppy Korean.
“Iris!” Taehyung turned the corner into the kitchen. “I’m so glad you’re here. I want to show you something.”
So he motioned me over and Namjoon let me join the younger member. Tae had wanted to show me some music and lyrics he wrote for me and was really hoping I could consider adding it to my album. I was taken by surprise. What was I supposed to say?
“Ah, I um. I will try. I will talk to the music producers and see if they will consider it. We are not working on music at this moment, but it sounds really nice. You have grown so much as an artist, Taehyung.” I smiled at him wearing a star spangled beret.
Then we went back to the party for a bit. Trainees couldn’t stay for too long because the grind was just beginning and we were learning Korean. I felt so out of place but also star struck because there were so many idols there. Namjoon was the only one in orangey clothing, so he was easy to find in the crowd.
One of his non idol friends was hitting on me. I was being nice, doing the whole Southern Hospitality thing, but I was not interested in the slightest. He spoke to me in broken English and did his best to hold a conversation with me, so I hung around. Until..
“Will you twerk for me?” He asked.
I bit the inside of my lip and tilted my head, “Um, what?”
“Twerk, you know...with your booty. Like girls in video.” He replied.
“Hahahaha~” Namjoon said, slapping his friend on the back. “Don’t be stupid, Han-hyung. That is really rude.”
The man blinked, “Is it? Really? Is that not just what black girls do?”
“Hahahahahaha~~no. No it’s not. I am so sorry, Farai.”
“I am going to play with Yeontan.” I replied and left them to that.
Tristan hugged me, “Noona~ You look sad.”
“It’s nothing. Just an idiot.” I responded.
“I love you, Noona. You are amazing and strong. Whatever happened, you just add it to reasons why you have to change Korea’s ideas of what someone like you does.” He said, rubbing my back.
“Thanks, my lovely deongsaeng”
Yoongi also wanted to talk to me about my future and songwriting and stuff. He had been a judge on the show, so things were still kind of tense between us. Yoongi had been nice, but I didn’t feel right calling him Oppa just yet. He reminded me that I was going to make the biggest splash as a BigHit artist but also to just focus on being a trainee for now. I would have all my life to deal with the stress of being a foreigner, of being plus size, of having my natural hair, of being dark skinned in Korea. For now, I just had to show that I was an idol first and foremost.
“I promise I will not let you or BigHit down.” I said.
He smiled, “Good.”
Jungkook’s voice called my name next and he said that he wanted me to help with his gift for Namjoon. Right now, it was hard to say no to anyone older than me, especially someone I looked up to. Still, if it made me too uncomfortable, I would have to reject his offer.
“I want to give him birthday kisses. It’s become a tradition now, and I know you have to go soon. I was thinking that we could each kiss one of his cheeks, if that’s ok with you.” The BTS maknae spoke to me in English since he was fluent in it and I was not that fluent in Korean just yet.
“Wouldn’t that be too easy to turn into a scandal of some sort?” I asked.
He waved away my concern, “Don’t worry about what the fans will do. You already have had several dating scandals. Anyways, this is for fun, and I know Namjoon will like it. Don’t you want to see him all blushy and shy?”
I bit my lip and put on a playfully stubborn face, “Maybe…”
Jungkook smiled and we went over to to behind where the birthday boy was sitting. The star eyed maknae counted to three and then both of us leaned down to place a small peck on either of his cheeks.
“Happy birthday, hyung!” Jungkook said.
Namjoon hid his face in his hands, but I could tell he was smiling. Then he looked up at me.
“Et tu, Farai?”
I pointed to his own member, “It was Kookie’s idea.” and giggled, only the color of my skin hiding how I was blushing too.
Alice traced her fingers through mine, “Come on lovebird, we have to go. Work starts early tomorrow.”
I nodded and we told everyone goodnight and farewell.
October 21, 10:33am
I was so ready for Halloween. It was fun trying to come up with ideas of what to do and of course it got turned into a sort of mini promo. When it came down to it, we were basically going to disappear for two years while we trained for Dei5 and wanted to make one final noise before we poofed.
So, we released a short Halloween song and were going to be doing busking in order to promote it. It was a remixed version of “Spooky Scary Skeletons” and all twelve of us who had been on the show were learning a dance for it. We had been working on it for two weeks now, just the dance part. The song was done in about a week. Halloween was in 10 days! Ah, I was living for this.
I knew that what we were doing was simply the tip of the k-pop idol iceberg, but I was just so happy to be busy and doing what I loved. It was frustrating at times since this was all short notice, but I liked it. Today, we worked on gathering costumes for our busking performances. We tried to choose stuff from the same show or franchise, but Imani now understood my distaste towards morph suits. So superheroes were out of the question.
Then we got the idea while playing video games with Sooja and Matthew just a few days ago. Mario characters. Everyone said I had to be Princess Peach, but I wanted to be Peachette. So that’s how we all evolved into all the “-ette” versions of the characters we had chosen. Well, most of us.
I was Peachette, Tristan was Bullet Billette, Alice was Bowsette, Hyojoon was just a regular Boo, and Jun was Yoshette. James was Piranha Plantette, Sooja was Boosette, Matthew had decided to go for Walette while Dongmin decided to be Wariette. Nawoo would be Toad, Gina went for Daisy, and Imani was Rosalina.
We were mostly looking for skirts and dresses. For Dongmin and I who were the two bigger members of the group, literally, we did some online shopping from our phones while everyone else did their things. I was able to get a really long blonde wig to fit my head from a place that Jun told me her drag queen friends always went to.
Jun said he would help me style it to fit Peachette’s hair. I was so thankful for him because I’d be struggling without her.
As my little group of Alice, James, and Nawoo went to the party section to see if the fabric pens were there, my eye caught the cutest arrangement of Halloween gift bags. I looked back at my manager and gave Kyung the best puppy dog eyes I could manage aven pouting a bit. I had talked about doing a project like this before, but he said he didn’t want to spend money on it.
He rolled his eyes and grabbed three packs of 20. He then left us to grab some of the huge bags of candy. I wanted to do something for the people who would be watching us perform. And for Halloween, that’d be candy. The only rule was that I had to make the bags myself. Yeah, that was extra work for myself, but I would always do it for Halloween and Valentine’s Day. The only reason I wouldn’t do it for Christmas is because that was festival season, the most stressful and busy time of the year. I didn’t want to get in the way.
October 31, 3:03am
I had finally finished all of the bags and tied them up. It went faster because of Tristan and Alice helping me, but still. They had extra practice to do to help their dancing skills. Alice was a fantastic dancer, but she didn’t have a great sense of rhythm. I put the last dozen in a wagon that Hyojoon oppa had let me borrow for this since it looked haunted.
Now, I had to go to bed for about seven hours before having to wake up and get ready so that we could be shoved off to perform in Hongdae and Itaewon. They were closer to our dorms than Busan and Ilsan and Daegu.
October 31, 12:30pm
Dei5 had a short meeting where we found out that our official logo would be a lotus, a symbol of rebirth and renewal. It would have five petals for each of us. We would go for a regular sort of symbol, smooth and simple, the lines were not too thick or too thin. It gave us the chance to alter it and remodel it for each comeback. Honestly, it would just be five gold petal outlines with a white center.
It was all that we could talk about with our other members.
I was getting a call from Taehyung during a quick lunch break before we continued dancing. We were at some traditional Korean place and eating bimibap, kimbap, and cold noodles.
“Hello?” I said after swallowing.
“You can’t call her. She can’t know about this.” It sounded like Jimin’s voice in the background.
Taehyung responded, “It’s not like we have many options.”
“If she was invited, you’ll see her there. Do you want to get in trouble with the Mentors?” Jungkook asked, worry and fear in his voice along with concern.
“No, Noona would get mad.” the current middle child said.
“So put down the phone.” Jimin said.
And the line went dead. I stared at my phone confused. What was that all about? Gina asked what the phone call was about and who it was from. I told her it was from Tae but it must have been a butt dial. Whatever, I had noodles to slurp up.
October 31, 7:22pm
Now in full costume, I was ready to dance with the others. I can’t believe it’s been over a month since since Namjon went back to serve. He had a lot of American fans, so he was seen through fan cams. Same went for Hobi, Jin, and Yoongi who mostly did office work. Well, Jin was part of Army Band and Hobi was in another performance Army thing.
“Hey, is it just me, or are there less people out on Halloween than during the day?” Imani asked.
I admitted, “I’ve noticed that too.”
“Do you guys not know?” Sooja asked, extremely puzzled. “Ah, I guess since you’re not usually in Korea during this time of year, and you haven’t been out much because of training, but um. There is a yearly masquerade party that idols go to. Some normies or trainees get invited too, but that is the only way you can go. By invite.”
Tristan added, “Yeah. I honestly thought we would have gotten invited, but I guess they want to train us first.”
Then they went into talking about what kind of rumors surrounded it. How people could go missing if they talked about it or how the person they talked to would disappear. It was very hush hush, like the bedazzled elephant in the room. Everyone who was anyone knew about it and got invited, but no one could really talk about it. Overall, it was a masquerade ball. Oh, I’ve always wanted to go to one of those!
There had been a livestream earlier when we were performing, made people who watched guess who each idol was. It was like a very intense but also fun fandom test. How well did you really know what your faves looked like?
We finally got into Itaewon for the third time today and there were people waiting for us. Like it had been happening all day, but it was still strange to see so many people who wanted to see us. Kyung had surprised me by setting up a total of 200 other goodie bags for fans who came out to watch. Him and the others were dressed in capes.
Our last stop was at N Seoul Tower. My skirt was actually shorter than the original dress just because I didn’t want to have to carry it around and lift it up as I danced. It was a pink lolita dress and Sooja actually had the Toadette/Bowsette crown. She helped make more for all of us.
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We would do a Six song set and finish with our Halloween song. I was in three of them with the other members who would make up Dei5. Alice and I did our “No” by CLC cover and we did our easier group choreo afterwards.
Then it was time for “Spooky Scary Skeletons”. The twelve of us got into formation.
“Mortals, Deities, and everything in between~” I spoke.
Matthew added, “We only have one thing to say.”
“Happy Halloween!”
We had cut up the lyrics and such to the famed Halloween song and added two different rap sections for it to help showcase the rappers. I was having such a good time when the first dance break came in and we marched in sync and then posed. It was mostly dance heavy, so it was mostly just remembering what order to do them in. Muscle memory was my best friend in this case.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw the cape wearing staff handing out my little baggies. They were filled with chocolate, non chocolate, and a few trinkets like Vampire Teeth and the like. Also, 100 of the ones that I did not make had special codes in them to get a preorder when our CDs came out. They would have to use them wisely and try not to lose them.
Everyone was given glowsticks too, so we lit up the area more than the tower behind us. Then we all went to the front.
Stay still for 10 second and then we all held hands and bowed, “Thank you! Happy Halloween! Thank you for all of your support!” and then it was done.
October 31, 10:00pm
I couldn’t help but fall asleep the moment I got home. Yes, it was bad to sleep in makeup and yes I would probably get in trouble for it when I woke up tomorrow because trainees had certain things to follow and wiping off our makeup and doing skincare was one of them. So I’d pay for it later. Right now, it was time to sleep.
I couldn’t help but dream about what it would be like if Namjoon and I danced together at the masquerade ball. The theme would be fire and ice, no jewel tones, no, space. Definitely space and so I could wear a more dramatic version of the outfit I wore to his birthday. However, I would need to be more careful. I was a girl. I was a foreigner and Gods Dammit, I will be an idol.
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hashtagyourshirt · 7 years
200: My crush’s name is: Liz.  199: I was born in: Camden. 198: I am really: aggressive. 197: My cellphone company is: Verizon. 196: My eye color is: blue/grey. 195: My shoe size is: 7/9. 194: My ring size is: 7. 193: My height is: 5′5″ 192: I am allergic to: trees. 191: My 1st car was: Ford Explorer ‘97. 190: My 1st job was: Royal Bargains, Dollar Store. 189: Last book you read: Love is Love. 188: My bed is: too small. 187: My pet: Willers, eventual cause of my death. 186: My best friend: works with me. 185: My favorite shampoo is: Whole Foods. 184: Xbox or ps3: N64. 183: Piggy banks are: stressful. 182: In my pockets: great Alanis Mourisette song. 181: On my calendar: new job tomorrow. 180: Marriage is: a commitment.  179: Spongebob can: be ready. 178: My mom: wants to get matching tattoos. 177: The last three songs I bought were? Sleater-Kinney 176: Last YouTube video watched: Carmilla. 175: How many cousins do you have? 56 first cousins. 174: Do you have any siblings? 1. 173: Are your parents divorced? no. 172: Are you taller than your mom? yes. 171: Do you play an instrument? guitar. 170: What did you do yesterday? went to the zoo with the school. [ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight: yep. 168: Luck: yep. 167: Fate: yep. 166: Yourself: eh. 165: Aliens: I hope. 164: Heaven: eh. 163: Hell: eh. 162: God: eh. 161: Horoscopes: yep. 160: Soul mates: yep. 159: Ghosts: eh. 158: Gay Marriage: yep! 157: War: no. 156: Orbs: huh? 155: Magic: in a young girl’s heart. [ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs. 153: Drunk or High: drunk. 152: Phone or Online: online. 151: Red heads or Black haired: black. 150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunettes. 149: Hot or cold: cold. 148: Summer or winter: summer. 147: Autumn or Spring: autumn. 146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate. 145: Night or Day: day. 144: Oranges or Apples: oranges. 143: Curly or Straight hair: curly. 142: McDonalds or Burger King: ew. 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk. 140: Mac or PC: Mac. 139: Flip flops or high heals: flops. 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor 137: Coke or Pepsi: pepsi. 136: Hillary or Obama: gimme both. 135: Burried or cremated: cremated. 134: Singing or Dancing: singing. 133: Coach or Chanel: Chanel. 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who? 131: Small town or Big city: big city. 130: Wal-Mart or Target: target. 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: ew. 128: Manicure or Pedicure: EW. 127: East Coast or West Coast: EAST COAST. 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: my birthday. 125: Chocolate or Flowers: flowers. tattooed on me. 124: Disney or Six Flags: disney. 123: Yankees or Red Sox: PHILLIES. [ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War: Boo. 121: George Bush: BOO. (also how the fuck old is this?) 120: Gay Marriage: YES. 119: The presidential election:  BOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! 118: Abortion: should be safe and legal 117: MySpace: high school 116: Reality TV: terrifying 115: Parents: boo. 114: Back stabbers: why did they stab backs? 113: Ebay: supes old 112: Facebook: listens to me 111: Work: exciting now! 110: My Neighbors: new 109: Gas Prices: moderate 108: Designer Clothes: expensive 107: College: long time ago 106: Sports: fun to play, and gay 105: My family: far away (blood)  104: The future: amazing [ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: yesterday 102: Last time you ate: yesterday 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: yurp (Tuesday) 100: Cried in front of someone: yeah, bit ago. 99: Went to a movie theater: uhhhhhhhh, for Wonder Woman 98: Took a vacation: ONE MONTH UNTIL PARIS 97: Swam in a pool: does a hot tub count? 96: Changed a diaper: this past weekend 95: Got my nails done: ten years ago 94: Went to a wedding: may 2017 93: Broke a bone: never 92: Got a piercing: seven years ago 91: Broke the law: NEVER 90: Texted: like five seconds ago [ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: Lizard! 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: being at home 87: The last movie I saw: I don’t remember 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: Paris 85: The thing im not looking forward to: getting up 84: People call me: kevy, pronounced KEV - EEEEEEE!!!! 83: The most difficult thing to do is: not bite my fingers 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nine years ago 81: My zodiac sign is: taurus 80: The first person i talked to today was: my wife 79: First time you had a crush: like over twenty years ago.... 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: everyone, but specifically my wife 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: my bff 76: Right now I am talking to: some friends, wife, some mutuals, tweeting 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: queer counselor (I’m grown!) 74: I have/will get a job: I’m a Special Education Classroom Assistant and a Queer student counselor at a gifted elementary school 73: Tomorrow: bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast 72: Today: book club 71: Next Summer: camp again? 70: Next Weekend: podcast taping (San Junipero) 69: I have these pets: Willers, he’s fucking annoying 68: The worst sound in the world: his fucking meow at 6 am 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Lena Luthor #pathetic 66: People that make you happy: my friends, my wife 65: Last time I cried: discussing queer politics 64: My friends are: great 63: My computer is: shiny 62: My School: new 61: My Car: piece of shit 60: I lose all respect for people who: have no backbone 59: The movie I cried at was: first girl I loved 58: Your hair color is: dark brown undercut, honey brown/blond on top 57: TV shows you watch: that gay shit. 56: Favorite web site: ao3 55: Your dream vacation: world tour over six months 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: my period pain was horrid about fifteen to thirteen years ago.  It’s manageable now, but still the worst. 53: How do you like your steak cooked: bloody 52: My room is: messy 51: My favorite celebrity is: Katie McGrath, Elise Bauman, and Eliza Dushku 50: Where would you like to be: right where I am, but bigger apartment, in better shape, and with more money 49: Do you want children: nope 48: Ever been in love: yup 47: Who’s your best friend: Anne 46: More guy friends or girl friends: all gals 45: One thing that makes you feel great is: finishing something 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my sis 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: nope 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: nope 41: Have you pre-named your children: nope 40: Last person I got mad at: fuckhead in chief 39: I would like to move to: Canada 38: I wish I was a professional: writer [ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: sour s’getti 36: Vehicle: my bike 35: President: Obama 34: State visited: California  33: Cellphone provider: idc 32: Athlete: I was obsessed with roy halladay as a youth 31: Actor: Katie McGrath 30: Actress: Elise Bauman 29: Singer: Ani DiFranco 28: Band: Against Me! 27: Clothing store: thrift store 26: Grocery store: don’t care 25: TV show: all time: Buffy, current: Wynonna Earp 24: Movie: Fried Green Tomatoes 23: Website: ao3 22: Animal: pitbull 21: Theme park: Harry Potter world 20: Holiday: purim, my anniversary 19: Sport to watch: softball 18: Sport to play: softball 17: Magazine: teen vogue 16: Book: dc bombshells 15: Day of the week: Friday (shabbat shalom!) 14: Beach: ocean city, nj 13: Concert attended: tied between Tegan & Sara (2016) and Blink 182, Weezer, and Taking Back Sunday (2009)  12: Thing to cook: steak 11: Food: sandwich 10: Restaurant: Jerry’s 9: Radio station: I do not know her 8: Yankee candle scent: midsummer night 7: Perfume: none 6: Flower: star gazer lily 5: Color: green 4: Talk show host: Ellen 3: Comedian: currently, Rhea Butcher 2: Dog breed: pit/aussie 1: Did you answer all these truthfully? yuh
Repost and do it yourself.
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qnewsau · 2 months
Real reason there's no gay farmers on Farmer Wants A Wife
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/real-reason-theres-no-gay-farmers-on-farmer-wants-a-wife/
Real reason there's no gay farmers on Farmer Wants A Wife
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Farmer Wants A Wife Australia is trying really hard to cast a gay or lesbian farmer on the show, but there’s allegedly a “lack of interest” from applicants.
The long-running reality TV matchmaking show recently announced another lineup of eight straight white farmers for the 2025 season.
Despite the reality show’s title, there have been straight female farmers on the show before. But nobody who’s ever been LGBTQIA+ has joined the show.
“Plans for a gay or lesbian farmer have been scrapped due to a lack of interest from the queer community during the application process,” a source confirmed to Yahoo! Lifestyle this week.
The insider said that the lack of diversity in the 2025 lineup “is not an intentional move” by producers.
“There were some pretty strong discussions that Farmer Wants a Wife was going to have a diversity angle [sic] next season,” they said.
“But they dropped those plans due to a lack of suitable applicants from both same-sex attracted farmers and potential love interests.
“We know that there are strong communities in regional areas, and we’d love to have them take part.
“It’s not for lack of trying. The audition process is quite extensive.
“There were a handful of options. But in the end, they picked farmers who were more suitable based on their personalities. We wouldn’t want it to feel like stunt casting.”
Canadian gay farmer looks for love
It’s a shame, because overseas versions of the show have managed it.
Last month, Canada’s Farming For Love announced gay farmer Kirkland was looking for a partner to ride off into the sunset with.
Kirkland, a 35-year-old cattle farmer and former rodeo champ, welcomed a group of suitors to his ranch in British Columbia
Sam Armytage says show ‘unbelievably open’ to gay farmers
Farmer Wants A Wife Australia host Sam Armytage has also spoken in the past about diversity in the Aussie version.
“That does come up every year. We know it, we see it, obviously, and the thing is we’re completely open to it,” she told TV Tonight in 2023.
“People ask me every year, ‘Why isn’t there a gay farmer on there?’
“Good question. If you know any, and they want to be on TV, let us know, we would love that!”
Sam Armytage said the producers “are unbelievably open” to LGBTQIA+ farmers, as well as farmers of different nationalities.
“It’s not just about finding a farmer. It’s finding a farmer who’s willing to go on television, which is a big thing to do,” she said.
“I take my hat off to them. It’s huge to do this on camera. We’re unbelievably open to having more diversity on the show, but it’s tricky.
“We put the call out all the time, ‘If you’re interested and want to do it, we’d love to have you!’
“They’re out there somewhere. We’ve just got to also get them to agree to come on television.”
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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qnewsau · 3 months
Absolutely Fabulous cast confirm new TV project
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/absolutely-fabulous-cast-confirm-new-tv-project/
Absolutely Fabulous cast confirm new TV project
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The cast of Absolutely Fabulous have confirmed they’re reuniting for a TV special over in the UK.
Jennifer Saunders, Joanna Lumley, Jane Horrocks and Julia Sawalha will all appear in the new two-hour project, titled Absolutely Fabulous: Inside Out.
It’s the first time the quartet – who play Eddie, Patsy, Bubble and Saffy – have filmed together since the 2016 film based on the beloved UK sitcom.
The new special will air on British channel Gold later in the year.
Ab Fab creator, writer and star Jennifer Saunders said, “I loved making Ab Fab but I can’t remember a great deal.
“So much of this retrospective is a revelation to me. Thank you Gold for this kind and helpful program.”
But Joanna Lumley said, “It was a fabulous wander down memory lane by actresses who only have the faintest grip on reality.
“Really thrilling, and I hope vastly entertaining. I loved every second.”
Gold’s Ben Wicks said the show “rejoices in all that was wonderful about Ab Fab”.
“[It’s] the most riotously funny show which satirised the era like nothing else whilst taking home more BAFTAs than Bolly in the process,” he said.
“Also it somehow predicted the future: now the whole nation’s parents are drunken embarrassments to their sober and politically enlightened Gen Z kids.”
Jennifer Saunders talks future of Absolutely Fabulous
Absolutely Fabulous debuted in 1992 and became a queer favourite over its run for five series and multiple specials until 2012.
After that, serial procrastinator Jennifer Saunders and her longtime comedy partner Dawn French famously bet £10,000 on whether Jennifer would finish the script for the film.
She did, and Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie came out in 2016.
On French and Saunders’ podcast Titting About in October year, the duo addressed the future of Absolutely Fabulous.
Dawn explained to listeners that she often challenges Jennifer to work when she needs a push to get projects done.
Jennifer Saunders revealed she wanted to finish an initial draft of a new project by the end of 2023.
“I need to write a film or a series based on Ab Fab, because everyone wants another Ab Fab movie,” Jennifer explained.
But she added, “I can’t do that. I just don’t have a thing. I want to do something related.”
Jennifer and Dawn then shook hands, committing Jennifer to work on a “first draft” of something that “includes some Ab Fab-ness, but not totally Ab Fab,” she clarified.
Joanna Lumley touring Australia in October
Meanwhile, Joanna Lumley will embark on her first ever live tour of Australia, Me & My Travels, this October.
She’ll take to the stage in five Aussie cities, sharing stories from her acting career and her global travels as a documentarian.
“Nothing like this has come my way before, and I may have to be dragged off with a hook at the end of each show,” Joanna said.
“This is especially for you from me, with masses of love. I think it will be fabulous.”
Absolutely Fabulous is streaming in Australia on Stan and Binge. Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie is streaming in Australia on Disney+.
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qnewsau · 6 months
Courtney Act headlines Olivia Newton-John tribute concert
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Courtney Act headlines Olivia Newton-John tribute concert
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You’ve been patient, you’ve been good, and now it’s time to get Physical, Brisbane! International drag superstar and singer, Courtney Act, is set to join Queensland Symphony Orchestra as host and performer for Hopelessly Devoted: A Celebration of Olivia Newton-John.
Hopelessly Devoted: A Celebration of Olivia Newton-John is set to make Magic at the QPAC Concert Hall this April.
Courtney will be the fabulous host for both concerts, joining stars of the stage and screen. David Campbell, Jess Hitchcock, Georgina Hopson and Christie Wheelan Browne are all set to co-star.
Orchestral arrangements of her songs will be crafted by conductor, Nicholas Buc and performed by QSO.
Courtney’s the one that we want!
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Born in Brisbane and known as Shane Jenek out of drag, Courtney Act made waves in 2003 by auditioning in drag and placing 13th in the first season of Australian Idol.
She then went on to tie for runner-up in RuPaul’s Drag Race U.S. season 6 and won Celebrity Big Brother UK in 2018. Courtney has become an Australian household name, representing the LGBTQIA+ community on a number of TV shows, specials and Pride events.
QSO Chief Executive, Yarmila Alfonzetti is relishing the groundbreaking collaboration saying: 
“Courtney Act will make very welcome history (herstory) as the first drag queen to share the stage with the Queensland Symphony Orchestra.”
Courtney, herself, couldn’t be more excited to be joining QSO on stage for this celebration of Olivia Newton-John.
“Who isn’t a fan of Olivia Newton-John?” Courtney asks.
“I’m thrilled to celebrate her music and legacy alongside Queensland Symphony Orchestra. It promises to be an incredible evening!”
All about Olivia
The queers and Olivia Newton-John have always gone together like “rama lama lama ka dinga da dinga dong,” and it’s not hard to see why.
Starting her career in 1971, Newton-John had several pop hits in Australia, the UK and the US.  Honestly I Love You became her signature song and first pop number-one.
Then in 1978, Olivia Newton-John was immortalised alongside John Travolta in the ridiculously fun movie musical, Grease.
It was here that generation after generation would fall in love with Sandy, the bright-eyed, sweet-as-pie Aussie high schooler from Rydell High.
Soon after in 1980, Newton-John went on to star in the cult film, Xanadu. A critical failure at the time, its soundtrack would then go on to be certified double platinum with five top 20 singles on the Billboard Hot 100.
Olivia’s Physical video and LGBTQIA+ advocacy.
In 1981, one year after Xanadu’s release, Olivia struck double platinum with Physical. It spent ten sexy weeks atop the Billboard Top 100.
The saucy, satirical music video for Physical was also where Olivia solidified her status as a queer icon.
Olivia starred as a flirty fitness instructor alongside oiled-up hunks in short-shorts, and some not-so-ripped men used for comedic effect (it was the problematic 80s).
Despite the overtly sexual nature of the video, it was the original end of this video clip that found controversy.  Two of the oil-drenched himbos walked through the doors of this bathhouse set hand-in-hand.
This resulted in MTV clutching its pearls and removing the homoerotic closing shot before it was aired. This, however, still wasn’t enough to stop it from becoming one of the most iconic music videos of the decade.
Olivia brought awareness to the global AIDS crisis by appearing in the 1996 film, It’s My Party, one of the first feature films that addressed the topic of AIDS patients dying with dignity.
Olivia was also a vocal advocate for marriage equality in the 2010s, being one of the first celebrities to show her public support for the movement in Australia.
Live your Olivia fantasy
QSO wants to see you dress in your Olivia Newton-John fantasy best!
Dress in 80s glam, roller disco realness or full Grease glory. Whatever your inner or outer drag desires, you are welcome!
Fans of Olivia Newton-John and fans of a camp ol’ time will not be disappointed with a ticket to Hopelessly Devoted: A Celebration of Olivia Newton-John. 
Grab your tickets from QSO now!
Read next:
Vale: Olivia Newton-John remembered as beloved gay icon
Courtney Act to lead Brisbane’s new River Pride Parade
Courtney Act celebrates 20th anniversary of Australian Idol
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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