#i always felt i had to get the student passionate when i was tutoring but the approach i settled for and that i think worked better for me
soracities · 1 year
as a poem- and literature-adoring English tutor, whose job is to get students to pass their exams, sometimes I despair that they will grow up and find their view of poetry tainted by education. And I’m not sure if I even blame the teachers! It’s hard, I think, because you’ve got to teach that analysis somehow, and so perhaps whatever they end up analysing they’ll resent on some level because they ‘had’ to do it for school. I try to expose them to a wider variety of poems as a tutor, but they’re not necessarily ‘passionate’ about them, whether it’s because it just doesn’t click for them (which is fine!) or they don’t see them as important because they’re not going to be tested rigorously on them like they would be at school. I hope for some of them, they’ll discover pretty when they’re older, not because necessarily for any intellectual benefit but more for the emotional satiety (or wounding!) they provide.
i used to tutor in english for a bit, too and i completely agree with you! i don't blame the teachers either because, at least through the experiences i've had and witnessed, i don't think it's always as much to do with the subject as it is the framework they have to teach it (and test it) through which can be very reductive and stressful--that's not to say you can't have horrible teachers or that they can't have a huge impact on your experience of a subject (because they can and it's awful), but i sometimes think there's only so much a good teacher can do because structure of whatever education system you're in matters also, and most of the time (in some anglophone countries at least) it's....not great lol. i hope some of your past students can find literature that speaks to them also and see that there's so much more to it than everything they were forced to study and didn't enjoy 💕
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parkerluvsu · 1 month
Could u write some Patrick angst where you guys are in a solid relationship but Patrick tries to breakup w reader bc he’s never been in a genuine relationship so his own insecurities take over? Happy ending tho if possible🥹
yes i can <333 sorry this is long and it kind of takes a while to get to the point i hope you like it anyway 😭
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- as long as you've known patrick he's been known as a "playboy", previous room mates attesting to the fact that a new girl was leaving his room every night. patrick didn't know what he was looking for, there were no common links between his flings and he didn't care, he would buy them a drink and nod at their stories before he invited them back to his room, sending them on their way once he got what he wanted.
- you met patrick through a mutual friend in college, you didn't see too much of him because he was always late to class or never even showed up. of course, his grades started to slip and his parents noticed, immediately looking for a tutor for him and settling on you, since you were "friends". as it turns out it's pretty hard to contact someone who doesn't even have contact names for people, just " brunette from bar" and "chick from biology". you finally got a hold of him and told him the arrangement, he didn't like it (to be expected) but his parents threatened to not support his dreams of becoming a tennis star if he didn't get good grades, so he settled.
- outside of his frequent escapades, patrick was a nice person, he actually did listen and ask questions the whole time you were explaining problems to him. once he actually get to know you a little bit (simple things like how you always complain about being thirsty but never bring a drink, or only use pens and never pencils, not caring if it's more trouble when you make a mistake), he respects you and your time more and doesn't skip lessons as much and actually does his homework.
- once you become friends on a bit of a deeper level, not just tutor and student, he talks to you about tennis, eventually inviting you to come watch him play. usually he's playing doubles with art, but you personally prefer the days when he's playing solo, you really get to focus on his talent and passion for the game that way. and patrick comes to look forward to seeing you in the stands at his games, art makes fun of him and pushes his shoulder whenever patrick gets distracted. he notices a weird feeling in his stomach when he does find a moment to look at you, smiling at how you're biting your nails and leaning forward on your seat.
- that night, patrick invites you to come to his victory party, he reasons that you helped him archive this victory by bringing peace to his academic life so of course you should come. you spend the night sipping on a drink in the corner of the room, given you only knew patrick and art, who were surrounded by admiring friends and family. just when you were picking up your coat and keys to leave, patrick was able to escape his fans and come over to you, his brows furrowing as he sees you're about to leave. "what do you think you're doing?" he asks, "you haven't even said hi tonight", if you were looking closer it would almost seem like he's pouting. you explains that you're tired, you don't really know anyone and honestly you'd rather just be in bed. "well lemme walk you to your car then yeah?", he helps you to put your coat on, ushering you out the door into the quiet street, ignoring your argument that it's really not necessary, fighting back with "a pretty girl like you shouldn't be walking alone late at night" and that shuts you up as you walk next to patrick, neither of you saying anything. it's a comfortable silence though, and you think back on your time with patrick and realize you've never really felt uncomfortable with him.
- once you get to your car safely you lean against your car to continue talking to him, thanking him thoroughly for walking you to your car, even though he had to leave his own party. maybe it was the glasses of champagne you had at the party or the way his skin glowed in the moonlight but you leaned in and kissed his cheek as an act of thanks. as you opened your car door to leave patrick did something he's never done to a girl, he made the first move, cupping your face in his hands and kissing you. he didn't know what it meant for your relationship but he didn't care in the moment, all he knew was how soft your lips felt against his. when he pulled away it was clear you were both quite awkward, so he gets you into your car and told you he'd text you the next day. and another first, he actually did text you the next day.
- from then on your relationship blossomed, for how experienced patrick was, he wasn't experienced in the more romantic aspects of a relationship, but just like you taught him chemical symbols and equations, you taught him how to have an actual healthy relationship. but still, patrick feels like he should know all these things already, you shouldn't have to ask for flowers or ask to go on a romantic date, you should be with someone who knows how to treat you right. about 4 months into your relationship he couldn't stop himself from thinking this way, knocking on your door right after practice and praying you'd answer. when you do, he makes you sit down on your bed and explains the whole ordeal, ending it with "you deserve someone better than me, that can treat you better.. we have to break up". you're immediately confused, the reason that he wants to break up is so stupid you feel like you need to slap him. you don't, of course but you certainly give him a firm talking to, reminding him of all the things you love about him and he feels like crying, his head falling into your lap as he holds your hand. he'd never imagined being in a relationship like this, and he promises to make you feel as lucky as you make him feel everyday <33
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daisyvisions · 1 year
A Little Motivation - (e.s)
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‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Pairing: Baseball Player!Eric x Fem! Reader ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Summary: Being a volunteer tutor can be challenging, especially when it’s the university’s star athlete who hardly pays attention. How will you get him to focus and what lengths are you willing to go through to get his full attention? ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Word Count: 1.5K ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Warnings: Smut (18+, minors DNI), pervy!Eric, allusions to male masturbation, allusions to sexual favors, smut is not explicit per se, but let me know if I missed a warning! ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. A/N: had this drafted for quite sometime and finally found some motivation (lol) to finish it. Let me know if you’d like a part 2! Proofread once. ‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. Network: @deoboyznet
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Being a volunteer tutor was always something you were passionate about. You always loved to help others understand lessons they were stuck on, the smile on their faces when they get the correct answer, and even the spark in their eyes when they hit that “aha” moment.
And it really didn't matter to you how long it took some of the students to understand the lessons. Your patience was always one of your strongest traits. Never in your life had you felt irritable or impatient with anyone.
… that is until Eric Sohn entered the picture.
You've heard of the name countless times. He's practically the star athlete in your university. No matter who you were talking to, his name somehow found its way into the conversation. Not only was he the star athlete, but he was also known to be incredibly handsome.
His face looked like it was perfectly molded by the hands of a god. From his strong facial features all the way to his toned abs, one look from him would turn your knees into jelly.
But not you.
Eric Sohn was the bane of your existence the moment you were paired to be his tutor. You see, in order to keep his status as the star athlete, he needed to pull up his grades. Otherwise he would be kicked out of the baseball team (which was something he dreaded the most).
It all started when he showed up late to your first session all because he was flirting with someone outside of the library. Then later on he would constantly use his phone during sessions, half-ass his answers, wouldn't stop talking about sports or parties, etc.
Sure, you've had your fair share of distracted students. But he was a literal nightmare.
“Are you even listening to me?” you ask, trying your best to keep your cool.
“Yeah yeah atoms whatever-” he doesn't even look up at you while he's texting on his phone.
You were starting to become frustrated with him, wondering how anyone could see him as perfect when he's got the attention of a damn goldfish.
You sigh out of frustration, slamming the book closed and immediately pushing your chair away from the table to stand.
“I think we're done for today.” you wait for his reaction as you sling the strap of your bag over your shoulder.
“Yeah? Cool! See you tomorrow, tutor.” He winks at you before getting up. You scoff before you turn to leave the study room.
“See you tomorrow.”
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆.
The next day you were running late to your tutor session with Eric. Sprinting down the hall as fast as you could, you lost track of time tutoring another student who needed urgent help in finishing an assignment.
You barge in the private study room, immediately apologizing for your tardiness as you dropped your stuff onto the table and readjusted your hair and sundress from all the running.
“You okay there?” Eric asks while scrolling on his phone. “Yeah, got caught up with another student.” You breathe out.
“Ah shit-” you curse under your breath as your pen rolls off the table and you immediately drop down to get it.
As soon as you bend down to reach for the pen, Eric looks up from his phone to check what you’re doing and is suddenly greeted by the view of your sundress hiked up enough to give him a glimpse of your clothed cunt.
He felt like his eyes were about to fall off from the view in front of him. He knew he shouldn’t have stared but the way your ass was angled to him? He was ready to drop everything and worshi-
“Eric? Wanna start already?” you look up at him, noticing the hot flush in his cheeks.
“Y-yeah, yeah let’s start.” He frantically stutters, turning to his book as he tries to hide his embarrassment from you.
As the tutoring session goes on, it’s like you were slowly unraveling in front of Eric eyes. He kept getting distracted with the way your mouth moved when you talked, how your cleavage would show every time you shifted in your seat, and so on. You were like a forbidden fruit being dangled in front of his face and he was struggling to resist taking a bite into you.
The more he kept on looking, the more he could feel his cock strain beneath his pants. You’d think he’d be more distracted than ever when you would ask him questions, but it was quite the opposite. For the first time, Eric was actually paying attention during a tutoring session, but you already knew why.
And he wasn't so slick in hiding it either, you knew exactly why he was more attentive than usual today after catching him staring at your ass… So you decided to take advantage of the moment.
“Eric, can we take a tiny break first? I wanna talk to you about your progress.”
“Uh.. sure I guess?” his eyebrows scrunching in confusion.
“We've been at this for a couple of weeks now and it seems like your grades aren’t improving. They’ve been the same ever since and some even slowly dropping…” You heavily sigh as you lift your glasses up to your head and lean your elbows on the table, making sure your cleavage is tastefully exposed.
You can see the way Eric awkwardly shifts his legs from his seat, trying to “discreetly” adjust his jeans from the strain of his erection underneath.
You scoot a little closer, reaching your hand out to lightly grab his chin and get his eyes to focus on you, “What will it take for me to get you focused, hm?” You stare right into his dilated pupils.
“I-uh- I’m not s-so sure…” he stutters, trying to clear his throat from feeling the intensity of your gaze.
“I’ll tell you what-” You pull away your hand from his chin and place it on top of his thigh. You swear you heard a very faint gasp coming out of his mouth.
“If you get a really good score in your test this week… I’ll reward you with something special.” You stroke your thumb repeatedly on his thigh.
“Shit-” he mutters under his breath while trying to keep himself together.
“Do we have a deal?” You ask him.
“Yes, yeah. Totally, yeah we have a deal.” He quickly responds.
“Good!” You squeeze his thigh quickly before pulling back your hand and reopening your book, “Let’s get to it then!”
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆.
After an hour and thirty minutes more of your tutoring session, Eric was able to answer all your questions correctly and even get an impressive grade on the short mock test you let him answer.
“Wow look at that Eric! You answered everything so well!” You place your hand on top of his.
“Couldn’t have done it without the best tutor…” he replies sheepishly.
“Good job! I’m so proud of you!” You move your hand to lightly stroke his hair, Eric’s cheeks flush at the praise and gesture.
“T-thank you…” he stutters as he tries to avoid looking back at you. Your praises subtly making his hard on strain even further.
As soon as the bell rings, you gather all your things into your bag and head out for the door. You stop midway to turn back to Eric.
“Oh yeah! Almost forgot-” Your hands suddenly disappear under your dress. You wiggle your hips a bit until Eric visibly sees your panties drop to your ankles.
“What are you doing?!” He loudly whispers, shocked by your sudden gesture.
His eyes widen and before he can even fully process what’s happening you quickly step out of your underwear and throw at his direction making it hit directly in his face. His eyes nearly roll back in his skull from getting a quick scent of your essence on them.
“A little reward for today superstar, you deserve it.” You walk towards him as he’s still seated in his chair, making sure your hover above him.
“I gotta go now but just remember-” you caress his jaw with your hand while keeping eye contact with him. His cheeks start to feel like they’re on fire from your lingering touch and the way you’re looking down at him.
“-every time you do well, you’ll get a reward… and it can be anything you want.” You swipe your thumb delicately across his bottom lip, making him whimper from your touch.
“See you tomorrow!” you pull your hand back and quickly exit the room, leaving Eric stunned in his chair, your panties still crumpled in his hand and a light wet patch forming at the front of his jeans. Oh he’s definitely gonna have some fun tonight thinking about you while he shoves your underwear in his face and pumps his cock like there’s no tomorrow.
And he’s especially excited on what kind of reward awaits him the next tutoring session.
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-- Part 2 --
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euaphora · 1 year
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Nerd!Eren who had no experience sexually or in dating whatsoever. He usually was locked up in his room studying or reading comics. His main focus was school.
When he had met you through a class you had together. He found out you were a new student who just moved here. You didn’t talk to anyone and only talk when being spoken to. You had on the cutest outfit, with the cutest accessories and the cutest hairstyle. So when you had came up to him, he surely thought he was being pranked or something.
“Hi, do you mind if I sit here?” You smile at him, pointing to the desk next to him. “O-of course not!” He stutters and motions you to the chair. He seemed very welcoming. You catches on that he was the top of his class when he would raise his hand answering all of the questions the teacher would ask, always getting them right too.
Nerd!Eren who would help you with your work during class and always tried helping you as much as he could. You tried to connect the dots but they didn’t add up. You still told him you didn’t get it and invited him over so you could get extra help from him.
Nerd!Eren who got super exited and was smiling the entire day waiting for it to hit 5:45. As soon as he got home, he got ready and headed over to yours.
He knocks on your door, hands sweaty and books in hand. “Hi, Eren! Come inside!” You greet him in. “Let’s go to my room, we will have more quiet time there.” You grab him by the arm and walk down the hall to your room.
Nerd!Eren who helped you with the subjects you were struggling the most and explained it over and over until you got it. He didn’t mind helping you since he got to spend more time with you. You thanked him by giving him a kiss on the cheek and brought him to your kitchen to bake him cookies.
Nerd!Eren who got closer to you and got to know you better during your guys sessions together, you would rant to him about anything and he would be all ears. He liked when you would talk, he liked the way your voice sounded, he liked you.
Nerd!Eren who got the balls to eventually ask you on a date and when you said yes he felt like he was on cloud nine. Earlier, he had to ask a couple of his friends who had more luck with ladies then he did.
Nerd!Eren who bought you flowers and a big teddy bear on your first date together. He was a nervous wreck the whole time but you reassured him by holding his hand which only even got him more nervous.
Nerd!Eren who took you on many more dates and on the 8th, he asked you if he could be your boyfriend. When you said yes and kissed him on the lips this time, he didn’t hold back and kissed you harder with more passion.
Nerd!Boyfriend!Eren who would walk you to your classes and pick you up from them. He would ask you about what you did and what you learned. You would tell him and he would just listen and nod.
Nerd!Boyfriend!Eren who never stopped tutoring you and you never stopped learning. He always praised you by telling you good job and compliment you for being smarter than you were yesterday.
Nerd!Boyfriend!Eren who would kiss you every chance he got. If you went out to the movies, he would kiss you as you waited in line for popcorn. Or if it was at his house, he would kiss you non-stop. You didn’t mind, you love clingy men.
Nerd!Boyfriend!Eren who told you he was inexperienced after you guys had a deep talk about yourselfs.
“I can teach you, if your comfortable, I can even be your first’s…” you murmured to him, sitting on him lap. “Would you?” He said looking up at you with a smile on his face.
“Of course, baby. I can teach you everything you need to know..” you giggle as you kiss his lips, then his nose, then his cheeks.
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uwu-co-in · 11 months
What majors 'Attack on Titan'characters would have in college AU (part 2):
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Source: My Majors
Word count: 1.1k
(part one)
11. Sasha: Crisis/Emergency/Disaster Management
• Sasha was first admitted to a college with the major Culinary Science, along with her boyfriend, Niccolo, but left the course after a month
• I want to eat food not study it was what she retorted to everyone, but in reality, she just felt she would not be contributing enough to the community
• As the major took out for a lot of field work, she signs up for all, and even joined internships from the first year itself, regarding the same
• A procrastinator; crams on the night of the exam, while Niccolo is cooking her assortment of dishes and gets super groggy on examination mornings :')
12. Connie: Graphic Design
• His mother was extremely proud of her son getting into the college; so much that she had told every other person passing on the streets how Connie will be a genius, in whatever tech stuff he is doing
• Opted for a college far away from home, because he wanted to experience life to the fullest by living alone, and learning to fend for himself
• Teaches basic computer science to two kids, and works as a freelancer digital artist, along with juggling his classes
• Loves his subject and puts effort behind it quite regularly, but call him for a party he'd be there with two extra beer bottles, ridiculously shimmery clothes and a party popper!
13. Jean: Architecture
• Look me in the eye and tell me that Jean doesn't look like a dreamy arch student, always carrying his sketchbook along with him and sitting down to draw the building or monument designs that seem to intrigue him
• Was in eighth grade, when Mikasa told him that the way he draws the buildings are very clean. Boom, and he wants to draw them for the rest of his life
• For some reason, his mother did not approve of his subject choice, until one day she found a few building designs doodled in placards sprawled over his desk and reconsidered her opinion
• Loves a good party once in a while, but really wants to work behind the subject so sometimes, calls a rain check
14. Erwin: Intelligence
• Ever since Erwin can remember, he wanted to be in the army, fighting for his motherland. That was what he had wanted all his life, and he had every quality to enlist himself for it until he sustained incurable injuries on his right arm trying to save an elderly couple from an accident
• Intelligence major was a piece of cake for Erwin, for he was a natural leader, acing all his classes with ease. He loves spending time in the library a lot, and his favourite book is rumoured to be 'Crime and Punishment' by Fyodor Dostoevsky
• He is equally loved and lusted by the women in his university, but apart from occasional casual flings, he does not want to engage in a relationship because it 'fuddles his mind'
• His room is speck clean and he likes working out regularly and eating healthy (cooks his own food and is distrustful of the canteen meals)
15. Zeke: Law
• In school, Zeke was reprimanded a lot because according to his teachers, he was 'always quipped with a brash follow-up question, with no regards to authority'. In college, he encashed it by enrolling himself in a law major programme
• He is a big believer in practical knowledge and quickly networked to find internship opportunities to practice and observe lawyers alongside his regular studies
• With an absentee father, he worked two side jobs as a cashier at Starbucks and a private tutor
• He participated a lot in debate competitions and moot courts to enhance his critical thinking and analytical skills
16. Marco: Film Studies
• Always a sweet and dreamy guy, Marco chose film studies because he passionately believes films influence people a lot
• Ask him, and he will name the most obscure movies just to seem like a film student with a mysterious air, while in reality, his favourite movie is Mean Girls
• Likes people watching and tries to do all his college work sitting in a cafe, with 'coffee, coffee, coffee!'
• Has tried making short films, and although the themes and plots have been pretty good, he is yet to get real recognition for them
17. Porco: Aviation
• Ever the cocky guy, Porco took aviation because it made him feel like he was on top of the world
• Scored average in theory but was very skilled in practical knowledge
• His professors have often recommended he enlist for the air force, but he doesn't want to; he wants a low-key life without stress (staning a king who knows the importance of mental health!)
• Flirts A LOT with his fellow classmates, and 10/10 uses his charm to get his homework and assignments done
18. Pieck: Inorganic Chemistry
• Pieck's main goal in life is to see more women in STEM, and thus, her major
• Has excellent mathematical and statistical skills and uses them efficiently to excel
• Straight A student, has the special lucky glasses that she wears while taking her exams
• Very humble and soft-spoken, she is often forced to help others even when she doesn't really want to
19. Gabi: Marketing Research
• Gabi originally wanted to become a footballer and had once run away from home because she felt her parents did not approve of her career choice
• While football is still her passion, she has a newfound love for marketing
• Immense persuasive skills and great essays make her one of the toppers of her batch
• Feels stressed trying to juggle studies and football, but she loves both and can't live life with one without the other
20. Falco: Art History Criticism and Conservation
• Falco loved visiting art museums as a kid, and this love of his followed well into adulthood
• His favourite artist is Monet, and his core memory of college is their field trip to the Sistine Chapel
• Loves art, any art in any form, and appreciates every art he sees; is passionate about learning more and has inculcated the skill of finding beauty in everything
• His dorm room is filled with paintings from roadside artisans that he fell in love with, and on Sundays, he tries painting himself (and fails miserably, but is the happiest)
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yandere-genji · 2 years
yandere professor!gabe using his authority to intimidate and obsess over his student? (preferably female) also ty for coming back ive missed u :'D
ahhh tyty, hope this is to your liking. :,)
The rich scent of coffee fills your senses, sweet hints of mocha and cinnamon tempt you to buy another cup. But you weren’t sure if your pounding headache was due to the absurd amount of caffeine you had drank or the intense course material you were studying. And you weren’t about to find out. 
The words in your textbook and pages of notes were beginning to read like a foreign language. Various names of bones, ligaments, and tissues were impossible to remember. You had to try, though. Something had to get through to you soon or your grades would suffer. 
Your mid-term exam was a week away and you were nowhere close to understanding the material. Unfortunately, you had foolishly taken Professor Reyes’ Physiology course. It was only after you attended class did you learn his reputation as one of the most difficult professors. He must’ve been proud of that, too, because he was deliberately unhelpful when you consulted him during his office hours. You expressed your concerns about the difficult material and how you were at a loss when reading the textbook. His advice to you was to simply “study more” as he waved you out of his office, already focusing his attention away from you and onto whatever papers he was examining on his desk. As if most of your days weren’t spent glued to textbooks already. 
He must’ve taken some pity on you, however, because he had allowed you to tutor with him after class today. The prospect was equally optimistic as it was daunting. Professor Reyes was strict and spoke on only professional terms that mostly went over you head in the classroom. One on one, he might take you for the fool you always felt you were in his presence. But what choice did you have besides to omit sleep for studying if you were to pass? Whatever embarrassment you were bound to experience would be worth it. It had to be worth it. So, you rose from your seat, smoothing your pleaded skirt as you gathered your books and made your way to meet with the professor. 
The empty classroom was worlds away from the warm comforts that you left behind at the campus library. Colorless, scentless. The bright fluorescent lights and stark cold kept you alert and you straightened your posture. Professor Reyes was seated at his desk, a stack of papers keeping him busy. You let out a gentle “excuse me” to catch his attention. He raised an eyebrow and his sight met yours as he motioned for you to take a seat from whatever chair was available to you. You pulled a chair to sit across from him at his desk, stroking the collar of your shirt out of nervous habit. 
He pushed his papers to the side, extended a hand towards you. His hand seemed rough, almost calloused, and the same color you preferred your coffee. A peak of his arm from his reach revealed to be vascular and toned. It seemed the passion he had towards his studies was something he took to heart. A sigh came from his lips, “Alright, young lady, let’s see what work we have ahead of us today.”
You sighed and handed him your textbook, nervous to confess you still had much to learn, “I’m sorry, sir, I just feel so overwhelmed by the material. There’s so much to learn, I’m not sure how you do it.”
Professor Reyes opened the textbook to the chapter you were learning and scoffed at your comment, “While I’m certainly flattered, this material is entry level. I’ve had art majors pass this course with no issue.”
Your cheeks reddened and you felt your words struggle to leave your throat, you knew you would look like a fool in front of him but damn did he make it sting, “Perhaps I should consider changing my major.”
He managed to find the humor in your deflated tone and chuckled, “Well, don’t lose hope yet. Show me exactly what you’d like me to explain.”
You leaned your head into your hand as he went over in detail the exact elements you had struggled with. It seemed so easy when your professor was explaining it to you in simple terms and when he answered your question exactly, things were slowly starting to come together. He didn’t even look at the textbook once, only using it as a guide for you to show him what chapters you need explained. And as you were getting more confident with the material, your nervous shroud shed. Professor Reyes was strict, yes, but with that came the passion for his subject. He was an accomplished professor and that was what made him so renowned and equally feared by inexperienced students such as yourself. And you were witnessing his knowledge first hand, something many of your peers would kill for. 
The two of you went back and forth discussing the course content for almost two hours. There was still plenty of learning that had to be done on your part, but now that you were understanding the basics you hoped studying alone would become much easier. But it was getting late, the sun had set nearly a half hour ago and the parking lot outside the classroom window was emptying out. 
“There is much more going on beneath the surface than we realize,” Professor Reyes continued, “that’s a very important point of the midterm. You’ll describe the intent of certain parts of the body and how they work to keep everything in function.”
You nodded, not wanting to interrupt him in hopes he would spill some more information about the exam. 
“Do you have any questions?” he asked, and once you nodded your head in response, he closed the textbook, “It’s getting quite late, young lady. And I’m afraid I won’t have anymore time before the mid-term to offer you more private tutoring lessons.”
“Please, professor,” you begged him, hands clasped together, “just one more question. I promise I’ll make it quick.”
He sat back in his chair and crossed his legs as he contemplated entertaining your request, “What is it?”
“Just about the joints, I would really appreciate it if you could go over them for me. It makes much more sense when you explain it to me rather than the textbook,” it was a short chapter that he assigned the class to read independently, but the textbook had no sympathy to unfamiliar readers. 
“Do you expect me to dedicate myself to you?” he asked, his harsh tone was betrayed by the smile on his face, “No other student has had the benefit of me personally reviewing that chapter. Should I make a special exception for you?”
“Um,” your voice shook with nervousness and you brought a hand up to fiddle with the collar of your shirt, “I’m sorry, sir. I just find that you’re far better at teaching than I am at learning.”
His smile widened, exposing his teeth as he let out a hearty chuckle, “Well, you certainly need to be taught a lesson in manners, it seems. I hope you took good notes, you’re going to need it.”
He rose from his chair and walked over to you, gesturing with a nod for you to get out of your seat. You didn’t budge in protest, only stared up at him with pleading eyes, “Please, Professor Reyes. If I can understand this chapter I promise you I can pass this mid-term.”
There was a brief moment of silence as he considered your plea. He was standing just next to you, hand on the back of your chair. You felt uncomfortably close to him and too aware of the power he had over you now. Many things depended on his answer. If he agreed, it was very likely you would be able to at least pass the mid-term, if not ace it. If he disagreed, you would have to continue arduously studying the most difficult chapter to you by yourself with flimsy hopes that you might be able to pass. And this mid-term dictated a large part of your grade. You needed this, and you hoped Professor Reyes could sympathize with your determined will to pass his course. 
He hummed, giving you a light pat on the shoulder before returning to his desk, “Let’s make this quick. You should know how lucky you are.”
You exhaled a heavy breath that you didn’t realize you were holding, “Absolutely, sir. I’m extremely grateful.”
“I certainly hope so,” he began as he opened the textbook.
It wasn’t quick. Another hour was spent on that chapter alone as you wanted to ensure you understood everything in precise detail. At first you feared your professor would get annoyed with you. That perhaps he had somewhere he should or would rather be. But he wasn’t. Instead, he seemed even more invested in teaching you now than before, almost as if he had something to gain from it. Perhaps the satisfaction of having a struggling student understand material through his teachings was incentive enough. You really did appreciate the dedication he had towards teaching. 
When you felt confident in understanding the content of the chapter, and after having answered some of the professor’s own comprehensive questions in depth, you felt invigorated. Professor Reyes must’ve also felt some relief now that the session was coming to an end. Though you were tired from studying and lack of sleep, you were no longer anxious and that was somewhat refreshing. 
Professor Reyes leaned back in his seat and hummed in approval, “It seems like my work here is done. How are you feeling about the mid-term now?”
You nodded eagerly and your voice brightened when you spoke, “So much better, professor. I might even be able to get some sleep tonight.”
“Good,” he smiled, “Best you make your way out now before it’s too dark. Need me to walk you to your car?”
“Thank you, sir, but I should be fine,” there was something wholesome about the way he was concerned for you, “I should get going, though. Thank you so much for taking all this time just to help me. There’s not another professor I could think of as dedicated as you.”
He hummed in reply, hardly acknowledging your words, “Stay safe, I’ll see you on Tuesday.”
Your time spent with Professor Reyes was not in vein. Studying became less of a difficult process and more of a review of what you had already known. Finally, you could catch up on the sleep you so desperately needed to get through the day. All of you other mid-terms had gone smoothly, and when Tuesday had finally arrived, you felt more confident than ever. Professor Reyes greeted you as you entered the classroom and you felt a spark of joy at the bond you had formed with him. You hoped he felt the same, too, as having a good relationship with him might bode well in the future. He was well respected by his colleagues and students alike. 
The exam wasn’t simple. It was thorough and there were certainly some question you had to guess. But if you were to approach it was the mental state you had last week, there was no way you would survive. Some answers came to you in an instant, some not at all. Still, with your new spirits, you were among the first to finish in the class. Professor Reyes noticed when you handed him your exam papers. He didn’t say anything, but gave you an inquisitive look that was seemed like he was either impressed or appalled by your speed. Not wanting to ruin your spirits, you had assumed it was the former and practically skipped out of the classroom in delight. 
One good thing about taking exams was the early dismissal and the time you had to yourself on campus before your next class. There was no hurrying or running through the halls to try to get in on time. You could finally eat something during the afternoon instead of having to pray your stomach doesn’t rumble in the middle of a lecture. After the chaos of preparing for mid-terms, you could finally catch a break. 
The rest of your classes were easy, mostly just taking notes on new chapters. Not much work or actual thinking involved. It was the best time to be a student. Or so you felt until you opened up your email. To your shock, Professor Reyes had messaged you personally, something he had never done before even when you scheduled to visit him during office hours. Most of his messaging was automated, but this one wasn’t. The title read “Mid-term” and his message only said “See me.” It shook you to your core and swiftly eroded your relaxed state. Though you were about to leave campus as your last class had just ended, there was no way you could now. 
You almost ran through the long maze of corridors, all the way across campus towards the professor’s room. You stopped just short of the door to catch your breath and smooth the wrinkles of your outfit before knocking. That same suffocating anxiety caught at your throat. Subconsciously, your fingers crossed in hopes that whatever bad news was to come, karma might intervene and magically reverse it. The door opened and Professor Reyes stood in the doorframe. He was usually seated at his desk, and you had never stood at his side before. He was tall, must’ve been over 6’, and his shoulders so broad they almost touched the doorframe. 
“Professor,” you began, “I saw your email-“
“Come in,” before you could finish, he spoke, “There’s something we need to discuss.”
The tone of his voice had you immediately complying. It was authoritative but gentle, unlike his usually jovial tone. At this point, you could feel your heart rate rising and hands starting to perspire. The professor didn’t even sit behind his desk, rather he had pulled two chairs aside so you were sitting just next to each other. You kept your knees tight against each other and your arms almost hugging yourself in a desperate attempt to comfort your anxieties. He reached over at his desk to grab a small stack of papers, presumably your exam from earlier that day, and sat beside you. 
“You know,” he began, “I couldn’t believe how quickly you finished your test. In fact, I was so curious to see how well you did that I graded your paper not long after you left.”
You swallowed, biting your lip in anticipation at what was the come of this impromptu meeting. 
His eyes fixed onto yours before he spoke, “Do you want to know your grade?”
Of course he knew that you wanted to see your grade. It was like he was taunting you, hanging that carrot over your head with intent, “Yes, sir. I would love to.”
He chuckled lowly and readjusted his position, widening his knees, almost touching yours and occupying the space between the two of you, “I thought I taught you well,” he extended the papers in front of you, “But it looks like you’re in need of another lesson.”
You carefully took the papers from him, not wanting to tugged them from his hands in your nervousness. Immediately the red ink jumped at you with the mark of your grade. 62. There was no way. You were about to turn to the next page before your professor put his hand atop yours to stop you. 
“Hold on, now. Don’t get so antsy,” he was speaking in a tone you didn’t like and the atmosphere was swiftly changing, “We need to discuss how we’re going to proceed with grades like these.”
Everything was overwhelming your senses with shame. Your face was beet red and eyes were beginning to cloud, “Professor,” you said through bated breath, “I don’t know how this happened, I thought I did really well-“
He hushed you, putting a gentle hand around your shoulder. He seemed so much larger than you and you wanted to just shrink out of existence in that moment, “Now, now. No need to get upset. I’m sure there are other ways for you to bring your grades up.”
“Really?” you asked, holding back tears. 
“Yes, of course,” he said, the hand on your shoulder moving to hold your upper arm as he inched closer, “It’s a shame, to waste your potential. You’re such a good student, but I think you’re going to need more private sessions, don’t you?”
You raised your chin a bit to meet his eyes and just then you realized how close he really was. His knees brushed against yours and his arm wrapped around your body. When you meet his eyes, they were hardly a feet apart from your own and it felt wrong. He shouldn’t be this close.
“What do you mean?” you asked, turning your body away from his. 
His hand touched your waist, you yelled and tried to squirm out of his grasp but he moved in front of you and put his other hand on you to keep you in place. Your hands tried to pull at his forearms to release his grip but he stayed firm, “You’re going to need a lot more favors from me to pass this class. You better make it worth my while.”
“No,” you struggled against him as he began lifting your blouse, “Stop it, Professor, please. I promise I won’t tell if you just stop.”
“You already broke one promise to me,” he began as he  lifted you out of the chair and onto his desk, “I’m sure you’re just as capable to break another. But go ahead and tell, sweetheart. It won’t get you very far.”
He was too strong for you to fight, lifting you and moving you about with ease. His fingers almost ripped apart the buttons of your shirt as he undressed you, revealing a white bra with lace and ribbons. Without hesitation, he kissed across your exposed collar bone down until he was between your breasts, licking and sucking on their fullness. 
“Professor,” you gasped out, still squirming under him and feeling completely exposed as the cold air chilled your skin, “Please, don’t do this.”
Your cries feel on deaf ears as he unclasped your bra and your breasts bounced free, nipples hard and tender. 
“Fuck,” he tossed your bra aside onto the floor and admired you before him, “get on your knees. Don’t make me repeat myself.”
You sat frozen atop his desk, hands covering your breasts as you began to cry. Hot tears rolled down your cheeks and whines escaped your lips as you realized how helpless you were. A calloused hand grabbed your knee and threw you with incredible force onto the ground. You could hardly see from your soaked eyes the man towering above you, but you could tell he had unsheathed himself and was stroking his cock right above you. 
“We can do this the easy way, have a little fun. Or the hard way, which is just as much fun for me. Maybe not for you. If I were in your position, I suggest doing what I ask,” he spoke, reaching for your hair to tug you along to follow him. 
You didn’t know what to do. The last thing you wanted was to see through this man’s perverse desires. But you knew he was capable of hurting you, capable of doing whatever this was without consequence. Who would believe you? Professor Reyes was not only respected in his field, but women adored him, students and professors alike. Who would think he would have to coerce anyone to be with him? 
He tugged at your hair again, stinging your scalp and bringing you back to reality. Crying, you crawled over to him as he sat in the chair he had pulled you from. His cock was leaking with precum and presented to you. A hand on the back of your neck pulled you closer, you could see clearly the veins of his cock, see it pulsing and wet in front of you. You could hear his eager exhales and frustrated grunts. 
“Get it wet, girly,” he demanded, “down your fucking throat.”
You choked back tears and sniffled. Without thinking too much about it, you took his head in your mouth and he released a lustful sigh. You tried to inch your mouth further and further down to take him all in, but it seemed like his length kept growing and growing. He was huge in your mouth, length and girth practically choking you as your saliva and his precum struggled to lubricate the member. But he grew impatient and pushed you down until your nose was buried into his unruly pubic hair. 
Just as soon as he had you deepthroating his cock, he pulled you back up, saliva and precum drooling from your mouth onto your breasts as you gasped for air. He shifted closer to you, barely keeping himself seated on the chair and pulled you against him. His hand grabbed your tits and squeezed them around his cock, “Keep them there.”
You did, though it was much harder for you since your hands weren’t as big as his. He told you to stroke his cock with your tits, so you moved them up and down, hoping to satisfy him. It seemed to be what he wanted as he hummed in approval. His hand pulled at your hair again, pulling your lips down to the tip of his cock that poked out of your boobs and you obliged him by licking it while you stroked him. Your body was soaked in a mix of your own fluids and your professor’s and you felt like a filthy toy. Your blouse was stained with wet marks and you had no idea where your bra went. Just moments earlier, you thought your professor was trying to console you. Now, he was using you and speaking to you like you were nothing but a slut. And you felt like it, too. Never had you felt so dirty, knees on the hard, dusty floor, face and chest covered in spit as Professor Reyes continually pumped his cock around your boobs. 
He was getting close, you could tell by how hard he was fucking into you. His hands wandered around your body, pinching your nipples to hear you yelp and cry, squeezing your cheeks and rubbing your lips lewdly with his thumb. Hot streaks of white fell onto your face and chest, Professor Reyes letting out hoarse grunts while he finished all over you. His breath was heavy, he stood up and wiped himself clean with a few tissues from his desk. You stayed in place, shocked, hands covering your breast and silent tears falling down your face.
The professor walked over to you, kneeled next to your shaken form and displayed your exam papers before you. You looked at the papers, but didn’t say a word. Before you could realize what he’d done, he ripped the papers in half and throw them into the bin. 
“See me again this Thursday,” he said, “We’ll see if we can schedule a retake for that exam.” 
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tctteredwings · 1 year
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if you’re hearing I AM WHAT I AM by GLORIA GAYNOR playing, you have to know LUCIAN CARTY (THEY/THEM; GENDERFLUID) is near by! the THIRTY-THREE year old HOMELESS SHELTER LEADER/BARTENDER AT HELL & HIGH WATER has been in denver for, like, ALL THEIR LIFE ON AND OFF. they’re known to be quite CARELESS, but being PASSIONATE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble CODY FERN. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those PLACARDS FIGHTS FOR INJUSTICE, AN EVER CHANGING WARDROBE, MESSY BEDHEAD vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the RINO DISTRICT long enough!
tw: drug abuse, abortion mention, violence, drug overdose
Name: Lucian Carty. Age: Thirty-two. DoB: April 23rd 1990. Occupation: Homeless ShelterLeader/Bartender at Hell & High Water. Sexual/romantic orientation: Pansexual/grey-romantic. Birthplace: Denver, CO, USA. Current Location: Denver, CO, USA.
They’re a native to Denver and grew up in Lakeridge.
Product of a one night stand who was treated like crap by their mother from birth. She didn’t want them, had planned to get rid of them and made that clear each and every day. The police were constantly getting called to their place because of the continual screaming and shouting.
At seven they found their mum’s drug stash which suddenly explained why they had no money even though she was working all the time. It explained a lot.
Shortly after that they were joined by a younger sister, who their mum seemed to want this time.
Threw themselves into school. They were a bit of a brainiac. Maths club, debate, constant tutoring of other students, anything to keep them away from home.
By the time high school had come to an end they’d found a passion for activism and spent all their time in the middle of the city involved in protests. Constantly spent their time clashing with the police, chaining themselves to buildings and locked away for the night after peaceful protests ended up violent.
At around twenty-one they came out as genderfluid. They’d never fit in any kind of box anyway. Started going by both they/them, something that has stuck ever since.
They spent the rest of their time working in bars, coffee shops, restaurants (whatever brought the money in) and a local homeless shelter.
Attempted a relationship for the first time. Failed. It lasted a couple of years but ended when they let them get dragged off by the police without helping at all. They are a bit of a hopeless romantic deep down, but have never really felt they deserve love because of how they were treated by their mother when growing up.
Spent the next couple of years flitting back and forth between Denver, Los Angeles and new York constantly, unable to settle. 
Moved back to Denver permanently around five years ago after receiving a phone call from their younger sibling, who told them their mother had overdosed. Despite everything they still came running to take care of them both.
Picked up a job at a bar again pretty quickly, needing money to support themselves and their mother and sister, something they never thought they’d be doing. They live in an apartment away from them though, choosing to settle in Rino, there was no way they were living in the same house as their mother ever again.
They’ve fallen back into working at the shelter since arriving back home, working their way to leader. It's something they've always been very passionate about and dedicate most of their time to both that and charity work within the LGBTQIA+ community. Working at the bar just tops up their income so they have enough to survive.
Maternal Half-sister (0/1): Of at least half European descent. 7/8 years younger. Anya Taylor-Joy’s the dream.
Childhood best friend (0/1): This person was like Lucian’s family when they were growing up. That’s never changed.
Childhood friends (0/?): Anyone they knew growing up in Lakeridge.
Sister from another mister/brother from another mother (0/1): They’ve never been close to their actual siblings (or don’t know them at all) so this is someone they’ve formed a sibling-like bond with over the years.
Close friends (0/?): Friends they’ve grown close to since settling Rino.
Getting to know you (0/?): They’ve only recently got to know one another, but they’re working on it.
The best kind of people (0/?): They’ve met on numerous charity/good will projects over the years and just made a bond.
Ex-partners (0/2): There have only been a couple, Lucian doesn’t have the best luck with lasting relationships.
You’re kind of special (0/1): Someone they’ve found themselves growing closer to recently, although it might all be one-sided, they’re not sure yet.
One night stands (0/?): There aren’t too many of them, but every so often they’ll spend a night with someone.
Friends with benefits (0/2): Same as the one night stands, though these two keep coming back to one another.
Roommate (0/1): They are by no means rich, so having a roomie helps with rent.
People from work (0/?): People they know through their work at the bar or others who may work with the homeless from time to time.
Not quite the best of friends (0/?): They just really don’t get along… at all. They could have clashed during a protest or something in the city at some point.
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This is a few chapters ahead from where I left you. It takes place after Leonor and Alix have kept in touch, they’ve grown quite close and certain admissions will be told. I just thought this was too cute to not share. (At this point leonor and Alix have that ‘a little to close to be best friends vibes’.
The clock in the headmasters office couldn’t have gone more slower. Alix had half a mind to get up and pin the two hour hands together, make the clock stop its unbearable noise for at least two seconds. Her father, the king sat next to her, blue eyes remaining focused on the frames of art that were situated around them. 
“Straighten your back dear” her mother chimed in from her seat beside her. Alix had almost forgotten her mother presence. “A princess never crouches”. 
Alix as always only nodded, moving her hands that were anxiously rubbing at her skirt to lay across her lap. 
“This school is a fine establishment Alix…a mighty fine one. One of the best of the world colleges. I’m sure you will grow to love UWC” her father spoke, moving to rub his daughters cheek fondly. 
Alix found herself smiling, a wide ear to ear grin on her features. Preening  at her fathers words.  “Of course papa”. 
It was her mothers turn to fawn over her it seemed because the next thing Alix knew her mother was thrusting her whole body into her and cradling her close, eyes almost tearful as she spoke. “Oh my little one is going away! It won’t be the same back at the palace. And I know Peter will be sulking for days. He wished with his whole heart he could have gave you a proper send of”. 
Peter had stayed home on account of having many meetings with his own private tutor. It was mandatory apparently, when it came to the future of the volograd royal house it was always mandatory. a flash of guilt seemed to claw at Alix, she should have felt some form of disappointment  that Peter couldn’t make it. He was her twin for goodness sake, they had never spent a school year apart, and now here she was hours and a plane ride away. 
It was selfish of her. At least in her eyes. She was grateful he hadn’t shown, she wanted this experience to be hers, this was her own chance to spread her wings, to interact with other children her age from different countries and commonwealth’s. Here she was the kings daughter, not simply the kings spare. The door opened and in walked the headmaster assistant. He was a smiley man with a wide smile and an even thicker English accent. 
“I apologize for my late entrance your majesties.” He sat down in the chair and pulled out a vanilla file, before focusing on Alix. “Your royal highness, may I call you Alix?”. 
Alix nodded immediately, and he continued. “Alix your marks on your entry tests were simply superb. It’s obvious your tutors back home are doing their job. Just lovely. Your responses to the questionnaire was written quite passionately. Now I have gone ahead and gotten one of our second years to give you a small tour of the grounds, and I expect you’ll find the tour guide to your satisfaction. Next term will begin next week and we pride our students on being on time. You will report here next Monday and we will begin sorting you into your dorms. Your majesties any questions?” 
The school was quiet at the this time of day, the sun was beginning to go down and her parents had been asking various questions for what seemed like forever.  The headmaster’s assistant, Mr Crueso had been generous enough by leading Alix out of the headmasters office. “Before I send you of on the tour of the school is there any questions or concerns your royal highness?”. 
The words were on the top of her tongue, threatening to fall out. But it was the person that had entered the hall that made her halt her tongue.  She supposed it was frightful the way her heart had nearly jumped out of her chest at the sight of the blonde. 
Mr crusoe didn’t react, only smiled as Leonor came near, her kind smile plastered onto her features. Her calm baby blue eyes seemed to glint as they  focused on Alix, who as always was struck silent. 
“Your royal highness! I’m so glad you agreed to take time out of your schedule to help one of our new pupils. I believe your acquainted with her royal highness Princess Alix?”. 
At that point Leonor’s gaze was focused only on Mr Crusoe, nodding her head at his words and replying back. It wasn’t till her blue eyes moved to take in Alix that the green eyed girl outstretched her hand.  A drastic move on her part. 
“Absolutely lovely to see you again your royal highness” Leonor’s fingers seemed to wrap around Alix’s with a soft touch, blush on the tips of her cheeks. Her blue eyes held affection in them, and she simply smiled, bright and beautiful. 
“It is truly a pleasure to be welcoming you Alix. I enjoyed our last encounter”. Their last encounter had been simply magical. Alix had been sat next to Leonor at the celebratory dinner for her brothers coming of age and she simply couldn’t have asked for a better dinner companion. They had laughed and giggled and perhaps had Eve. stolen a few glances from behind their glass rimmed chalices. Since then they talked nearly everyday. Midnight chats, handwritten letters, phone calls throughout the day. It truly had blossomed their relationship.
That had been a good five months ago. The tips of Alix’s ears had gone red just from Leonor’s words and she willed her herself to stay confident in the face of such a divine beauty.  It was time to turn on the volograd charm. Alix smiled back, this time her features holding a playful stare. 
“I’ve been thinking of you often your royal highness” she began, a twinkle in her jade eyes. “It seems after all the dinner companions I have had none have captured my attention quite as you”. It was said so straightforwardly that Mr Cruesoe’s eyebrows furrowed. 
If leonor saw the odd look that Mr Cruesoe had given them she didn’t show it. Her eyes glimmered and she angled her eyes toward the floor before back up again. “You’re too kind Alix”. 
The way Leonor’s kind baby blue eyes seemed to trace Alix’s figure made the green eyed girl dizzy, her cheeks heating up gradually. “I suppose we should get on with the tour. Come” Leonor’s accent was smooth and calming. Leonor without thought reached out to intertwine her fingers with Alix’s as they began striding to the entrance of the campus. 
Leonor’s fingers felt soft and warm against her skin. “I’m glad you decided to take the entry exams. My whole school year is looking promising with you here” Leonor spoke. Alix’s smile was wide. “Well it was my only way of seeing you”. 
At the admission leonor halted, blue eyes moving back to Alix.  Her eyebrows furrowed and she bit back a laugh, “I hope you didn’t just choose the school for me. I’m…I’m flattered really Alix but…” 
The green eyed girl laughed, lips set in a wide grin. “I forgot you take jokes quite literally. No I assure you I had plenty of options. I must have visited more colleges than I could count with my father. But I will admit knowing you were here did…” 
Turning back to the blonde Alix’s voice halted. Leonor was in her personal space now, eyes so blue and effortlessly beautiful. The school grounds were quiet and the cool breeze seemed to move the bright blonde strands of Leonor’s hair swiftly. 
Leonor’s hand had suddenly moved from her hand to drag down to her waist, not completely gripping, but still enough that just the tips of her fingers wrapped gently around. 
All the breathe in Alix’s lungs halted. She had never felt so vulnerable like this, never had she felt the deep butterflies that swarmed in her stomach at another girls glance. Truth be told she was usually the girl who would make other young girls swoon. But never had she felt this before. 
“You were saying?” Leonor spoke, blonde eyelashes looking golden in the soft hue of the setting sun. 
Alix gulped, her green eyes moving to Leonor’s lips and then up to her eyes. ‘Reel it in Alix’ she wanted to yell at herself. 
But Leonor’s soft grip on her waist hadn’t lessened, and her eyes hadn’t moved. “If I asked you to kiss me right here…right now…would you?”. The words were whispered, so soft so faint she wondered if even Leonor could hear them. 
From the way Leonor’s eyes widened just a tad, a deep yearning in her blue eyes she gathered she’d heard perfectly. Leonor’s breathes were tumbling out fast now, her chest heaving and her cheeks filled with soft crimson hues. 
Her eyes seemed to analyze every inch of Alix’s face. Her pale skin, her beautiful jade eyes and her tall gangly yet firm figure.  Her mind was yelling at her to stop, to step back and think before she acted. But her heart had swooned at the words.  And before she could even stop herself to think she was pressing her lips against the girls. Soft and delicate, barely a soft peck. But still the way Leonor had pulled away so fast, eyes wide and heart beating rapidly in her chest. 
Alix looked like a love sick puppy. Her green eyes were glazed over, her once green eyes were dilated and heavy rimmed.  
Then again Alix moved to pull Leonor forward. Her touch gentle yet firm. Another kiss was pressed against Leonor’s lips, this one firmer. Lips met softly, delicately. Almost as if both were too scared to try anything further.  Leonor’s breathe tickled against the green eyed girls skin. 
Pulling away Alix rested her head against Leonor’s forehead, eyes closed. “You are very distracting” the princess muttered. 
Leonor giggled, “I’m distracting? Says the girl whose decision of which school to choose was based on her affections for a certain Spanish princess” she joked back. 
Alix rolled her eyes, head held in shame. “I am not afraid to admit that I am quite fond of you”. 
Leonor’s smile was wide, it stayed like that for a moment before she straightened, gaze focused and dutiful. “I really should give you the tour.  They have wonderful fencing classes on Thursday, over here is the canteen-“ 🇪🇸 (honest thoughts?)
O….M….F….G!!! I LOVE THIS SO MUCH! 🤍😭🥹🩷😍
This was the PERFECT time jump between the dinner and now! I think that maybe if we could have more context of their relationship began at the dinner, like how they got to be close friends, then I think that it would give their relationship more stability. But this piece is absolutely brilliant! I’m so glad that you chose to share it with us and I look forward to reading it more!
Thank you so much!!! 🙏🤍🩷✨
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moon-lv3r · 2 years
studying with you ~🍊
🦋 category: established relationship, fluff, one-shot
🦋 characters: narancia
🦋 summary: the year end tests are coming right up and you still haven't got the hang of a math topic, worse still, your boyfriend is an idiot when it comes to math and his friend, fugo, is too busy to be tutoring the both of you (reader is not a stand user)
🦋 warnings: nil
🦋 notes: so im in kind of a bad mental head space and i need things to help distract myself so i figured that i should try and write an one-shot for my beloved comfort character <3 hopefully it helps to clear my head bc everything has been shit. also i am too lazy to proof read so deal with the grammatical errors, english isnt my first language
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“I hate this!” You whined as you flipped through your notebook filled with numbers and formulas. Math was never easy to revise for and you were just getting really stressed out. Having a dumbass for a boyfriend doesn’t make it better, but at least he could make you laugh.
“Eh I’ve failed this topic like a hundred times! Fugo keeps explaining it to me but I don’t get it. What is a minor sector?” Narancia whined along. “Can’t you just get a ruler and measure around it?”
You would’ve burst out laughing if it wasn’t for the fact that you two were in a library and the librarian just so happened to be a cranky old man. Narancia always called him the “balding old fart” and said that Mista probably has the same hairstyle as the old fart. “That’s not how math works Narancia, or else I wouldn’t be in school.”
You have always been the top student in your class but recent stress has taken a toll on you. Sleepless nights, inability to focus, terrible headaches were all draining you. It was hard keeping up with expectations. Narancia was the only person that would let you relax and make you feel comfortable, which was the reason why the both of you were a thing. He just made you so happy.
The clock ticks while you and Narancia continued reading. Narancia was only three pages in when he gave up for good and took a short nap. His brain never works well with him. You have been doing math questions and checking the answers, each time you got a question wrong was an ego-crushing moment. You just felt like you weren’t good enough.
“Eh y/n, I just realised you haven’t eaten anything, how about we head over to the canteen for a break?” Narancia yawned, you didn’t even realised that he had woken up.
“No buts y/n! We are taking a break!” He cut you off while gently shutting your book and quietly making your way out. There was no way you were going to study alone so you decided to follow. There were barely anyone at the canteen so the queues were short and you were able to get your lunch rather quickly.
It took you a while to realise that Narancia only asked for a break because he noticed that you have been pushing yourself too hard and started to skip meals in order to study. This boy never fails to bring a smile up on your face.
Narancia decided that it would be a good time to ramble on and on about his life while eating three packets of snacks, all at once. He loved mixing up his snacks. “And there was this one time when Gio—”
The ringing of the school bell ended Narancia’s sentence before he could even finish. This was usually the timing when all of the students having extra lessons get released. Narancia looked mad while you laughed, urging him to continue. “Wait I forgot what I wanted to say… Damn it! Piece of shit!” Narancia swore loudly.
People started to fill the canteen and many of them had heard Narancia cursing loudly, sending judging looks towards the both of you. Most of the students found Narancia and Fugo weird anyway. Their style was enough to ensure that the people at school would make fun of them. They were also friends with Giorno, another student with weird style and skipped school for a whole week. Nobody believed that they were in the mafia until they were spotted with Bruno Bucciarati, the leader of Passione.
You decided to quickly finish your meal and head back towards your dorm with Narancia happily skipping his way with you. He was such a smiley boy. Your dorm was on one of the lower levels so it didn’t take long for the both of you to arrive. The moment you opened your door and entered, Narancia immediately jumped onto the couch. “So soft,” he mumbled while grinning.
He looked like a sweet gentle boy right there and then, completely different from his first day of school. A group of boys started making fun of him for being small and scrawny, thinking he would be an easy target, but somehow, those boys ended up getting shot in the leg after Narancia muttered something along the lines of “Aerosmith”. Fugo started lecturing him about using “stands” in public. You had no idea what all of that meant. Either way, the school deemed Narancia as innocent since they didn’t find any evidence of Narancia owning a gun. Those boys stayed the furthest away from Narancia after that. If somebody told you that you could be dating a boy who magically got people shot, you wouldn’t have brought it.
“Ghirga!” You shouted, “our exams are starting.” Narancia never liked it when someone called him by his surname.
“Oi y/n don’t call me that!” He retaliated. “Dumb (your surname).”
“Says the one with 0 out of 10 for a math test,” you replied.
“How am I supposed to know what is y=mx+c?” Narancia immediately defended himself from your sudden insult at his intelligence.
“Mhm,” you mumbled. “Come here Narancia, I am going to teach you.”
Narancia reluctantly got off your couch and joined you at the coffee table. He looked extremely focus while you taught him some math. Math was that one subject that seems to be impossible to understand but you always managed to understand it just a bit, enough to top your class. He “huh-ed” at almost everything and asked more questions rather than solving any. You were very patient however, telling him formulas, giving him tips, and even ways to remember formulas easily. Narancia seemed to be the type to learn better if you let him learn at his own pace and include funny things while teaching.
“Ah so y=mx+c is the formula for gradient?” Narancia asked.
“Not just any line,” you replied. “You need to be specific.”
“Straight lines! Because Bucciarati and Abbacchio are not straight so y=mx+c wouldn’t apply to them!” Narancia finished.
“That’s right!” You smiled. “You’re so smart Narancia, I knew you would get it!”
Narancia smiled back, “you sound just like Fugo. You know, I think you might be a better teacher. Fugo isn’t as good as you when it comes to teaching.”
“I am telling Fugo,” you chanted, trying to exit your dorm to look for Fugo. It was obviously a joke but you loved to tease that idiot.
“Wa— Get back! Y/n no—” Narancia practically jumped and chased after you. “Fugo’ll kill me!”
He fell for it.
“Come and get me then!” You panted as the both of you ran around your dorm, being careful enough not to topple anything over. It had caught you completely off-guard when Narancia jumped you from behind, tackling you onto the soft ground while giggling.
“Got you y/n,” Narancia grinned proudly. “Please don’t tell Fugo I said that.”
“Don’t worry I won’t,” you reassured him.
The very next day, Fugo was confused as to why you were laughing so hard when you, him and Narancia were all having breakfast together at the canteen. Giorno was confused as well when he joined you three for lunch.
Neither you nor Narancia ever told Fugo about what Narancia had said. Even Giorno was in on the joke after a while, Fugo remained clueless. Nevertheless, at least Narancia’s math improved. Even though he still failed the math exam.
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So you wanted to know about my Demon school S/I, but now I also want to know what you have for Balam! Oh, and Dazai as well, Because Bu gou Stray Dogs is another amazing series. - @itfitsitshipsart
Of course ! I'm glad you enjoy both of these epic series 🌟
Starting with my s/i with Balam
I've only drawn her once rn, but here she is
Her name is Gillian, as like all my s/is are called. Currently, she's a student teacher at Babyls in the misfit class with Kalego. She's super passionate about becoming a teacher and loves all her students. She sees teaching as a great calling, a position that let's them nurture young demons and to be someone who's there for them and believes in them. She's a soft, lowkey bubbly kind of person. She's always ready to help people, offering tutoring and the like.
Her blood line ability is Know. By looking at a person, she can know things about them. Basic glances reveal basic information, like name, rank, current power potential, etc. She needs to look at them a while to gain deeper information. It's hard to do this without the person knowing she's using her magic, since she needs an uninterrupted, long look at the person, unless they're somehow standing in one spot for a long time and she's far enough away or whatever. It also works on objects. It does help her in a fight to know her opponents moves. A brief look has sparkles of red appear in her eyes, and her irises turn fully bright red with its full ability being used. Also, by using her ability on the first day of class to know the current abilities of her students, she learned that iruma is human, but kept it secret on the whim of lord Sullivan for a while; plot wise, her bloodline ability is discovered until the Walter Park arc, and that's when iruma realizes she knows.
She's pretty tiny, but also abnormally strong. She's from a rather prestigious family. Her parents approved of her becoming a teacher, but other members of her family extremely disapprove of that.
She was a freshman at Babyls when Shichiro and Kalego were sixth years, and hadn't interacted much with them, just bobbing around in the background. To my knowledge, they haven't said when Kalego became a teacher at Babyls, I like to think it was when she became a sixth year that he first returned to Babyls. He quickly gained a reputation as a hard bastard no one wanted as a teacher. Gill was one of the outcasts. Her bloodline ability used to get her into trouble with other students before she realized people aren't fond of someone knowing their business, and it kinda led to her feeling left out. She rarely felt like anyone believed in her potential and only wanted her to be what they wanted, amongst her family and their social circles and such. But when she had Kalegos class, she saw that while he's a hard ass teacher, he also genuinely cares about teaching and his students, giving them a proper education. They developed a sort of student mentor bond and became pretty close, she'd eat lunch in his classroom, he'd bitch about the poorly done assignments some students finished. He was kinda the only person besides her parents she felt genuinely believed in her abilities. She had never known what she wanted to do after school if she chose her own path. It was Kalego who inspired her to be a teacher. She was moved to the misfit class at some point due to a certain mistake, and was sad to not be in Kalegos class anymore, but she kept following him around like a tiny, puppy whom he tolerated. Upon her graduation, he told her he had high expectations for her, and she'd better not disappoint him. It was years later that she returned to Babyls, and met him again as his student teacher. They continue to have a close mentor student relationship.
Now, with Shichiro, she met after becoming a teacher. They'd talk at meetings and in the faculty room, but for a while it was mostly just polite. Shichiro noticed she never seemed put off by his appearance and never pushed away his random petting, which surprised him. She shares his passion for all living creatures, and one day got him started on the topic and they talked for hours for the first time. She loves physical touch and they bond about their shared love of living and imaginary beings. She already has a tendency to love big, terrifying animals, having several pets that people usually run away from, and calls them cute. Aka, Balam isn't terrifying to her whatsoever. They're incredibly sweet when together.
I rambled a lot about that s/i lmao
Gonna try and be brief with my B.SD information for this post, but I always love talking about them and answering any questions ! 🌸
Now, the thing you have to know about me is I'm insane, and I have five different s/is. They are all shipped with all of my B.SD f/os (seperate universes tho), but I made them for different story ideas.
The relationship kinda changes slightly depending on which s/i is used.
There's my ADA s/i, adopted daughter of Fukuzawa. Her ability I call silver tongued maiden, and it is the ability to control people with her voice, though she dislikes fully controlling people and prefers to connect with their emotions and make more suggestions fueled by her ability, she can also unleash all of her emotions in a highly destructive scream, this leaves her emotionless and kind of having to be steered around until she can refill her emotions, usually takes a few hours of taking it easy and relaxing. She sees the entire ADA as her family and would do anything for them. Ranpo is her beloved older brother, and Yosano is her best friend among them. Her relationship with Dazai is built on acceptance, shes a little naive but she somehow sees him and sees why hes alwaya trying to off himself, and firmly believes he does want to live. They become close soon after he joins the agency, and she likes him long before he realizes he likes her.
My mafia s/i is Mori's daughter. She was friends with Ango, Oda, and Dazai until, yknow, they all left her. She stayed in the mafia, and got more reserved. She did become good friends with Chuuya. Her ability is to travel within shadows and control them, letting them become physical enough to attack, but not with a ton of strength, other living beings cant handle traveling with her in shadows tho she has used holding them under the shadows as a torture methodShe used her ability to keep Q company while he was kept locked away, and sees him as a sort of younger brother. She mainly works as her dad's body guard and does whatever other tasks he gives her. Not many people in the mafia know she's his daughter, outside chuuya and Kouyou, and Dazai. Kouyou she also sees as a mother like figure. She isn't satisfied in the mafia, but it feels like, to her, the only place that actually wants her. Her relationship with Dazai is complex, they were best friends, he abandonded her, they crave each other, it takes a good while before they fully reconnect and can become more. I could go slightly insane about her and Dazai, lmao
My guild s/i is the daughter of Fitzgerald. Her ability I call unbreakable diamond, she can turn her body into an unbreakable diamond material, as well as coat objects in it temporarily, technically she can also cover other living beings but it's incredibly painful to them because it literally grows on them and cuts into them. During the guild arc, she is at first fully invested in helping her father achieve his goal, but comes to be unable to finish it, feeling too bad for the people of Yokohama. She runs from the car when she and her fellow guild mates are leaving the city, and later joins the detective agency as a way to atone, and find her father who she firmly believes survived the fight on the Moby Dick and is hiding in the city. She surprises Dazai at first, him miscalculating how he thought she'd be. They banter together a lot, and become romantic slowly.
My circus s/i is part of a group I created from French authors, a French circus troupe called le Cirque des Désenchantés, which is English is the Circus of the Disenchanted. They're a super popular circus in France and Europe, and they've done to the states, my s/i is their star acrobat and one of the core members. They are founded on being disenchanted by the world, and seeking to create and contribute their own luster to it. Her ability is to strengthen other abilities, the opposite of Dazai's where by touch, or less boosted from being in her eye sight, she can make other people's abilities much much much stronger. The circus comes to Yokohama after Fyodor manipulates them into finding the Book to create the "best of all possible worlds" (guess who the ringmaster is, lmao), and they are like the season villain and timeline wise they would be season 3. Her circus members are like her family, since she spent years as a child taken from her birth family and moved around between ability groups to take advantage of her ability. While the circus was manipulated to cause destruction, she knew it wasn't right and betrayed them to help the agency stop them, though she adores her family a lot she couldn't help them. After the circus was stopped and temporarily disbanded, she is vulnerable without a group and joined the agency for protection and atonement. I decided on this ability specifically to be a juxtaposition of Dazai's. She's a little bit more teasing than my other s/is, and a little bit more tsundere. He enjoys teasing her and jokingly flirting with her, and he's not sure when exactly it stopped being jokingly.
My Jekyll s/i is part of the agency, and her ability is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Her ability manifests as another, stronger version of her, most of the time, Hyde is visible only to her but she can pull her from her shadow to fight and stuff, of become fully possessed by Hyde, which is when they're both strongest. As a kid, she was experimented on for her ability, though then Hyde was no more than a ball of light that could perform simple things and had less of her own personality. The rage my s/i felt from her captivity and the experiments coalesced into a single wish that turned Hyde into who she currently is. Hyde possessed her physical body for the first time, and they escaped. She was quickly taken by the Order of the Clocktower, where she was made to use her ability. Hyde had become visious and difficult to control, a self reflection of her self hatred as she and Hyde hated one another. She fled the Order of the Clocktower and went to Japan where she joined the agency. At some point during or right after this current season, I imagine the instability of her ability is preyed on, causing Hyde to fully take control and lock her away. Hyde joins Fyodor and them until my s/i takes back control, and she locks away Hyde, saying she'd never use her again, but she eventually comes to accept her ability again and Hyde becomes much less chaotic, but stays wild. She likes being around Dazai at first just because Hyde hates it, his ability messes with her ability and shes glad about it. They both have issues with how they view themselves and help each other be better.
I technically have another but it's literally me isekaid into the world lmao
That wasn't super brief, but it's an overview, lmao
Thanks for asking ! I love talking about my s/is, ocs, and my ships
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starset-mnqn · 2 years
Btw. I'm switching careers. Sometimes in life, you think you've got it all figured out, but then you just learn more about yourself and have to change plans. And I think it's a good thing.
When I was 15, I took a couple different electives to try things out. One of those was an engineering class and I was pretty good at it, so I decided to go to college for software engineering, cause hey, good money.
Junior year in college, I realized I had no passion for software. I could do it just fine, but it just didn't spark joy. The only classes I ever looked forward to were my math classes. But I felt like I was too far into the degree to turn back.
After graduating, I got hired as a software engineer. The work was pretty easy and my team was great. Very kind and helpful people. But as time went on, I found myself having to force myself out of bed each morning and I'd always be counting down the hours until work was over. It wasn't hard, it wasn't taxing. All in all, it was a good gig. But I just. Felt no spark for it. I was bored out of my mind. Near the end of my contract, it started affecting my performance.
That was just a year of software. One year. There's no way I can keep this up. The high pay isn't worth it.
But while learning and while working, there was something that never failed to give me a boost of energy. To make me drop whatever I was doing, even if that thing was playing Pokemon. Whenever anyone asked me for help with math, my eyes would light up. I'd be like a dog perking it ears up whenever it hears the word "treat". There was that passion. There was that spark.
I love helping people with math. I love walking them through the process and teaching them the concepts in a way that actually makes sense to them. I love seeing the accomplishment in their faces when they finally start answering the problems correctly, without my help. The more I was voluntarily tutoring people, the more I realized..... this is what I need to be doing with my life.
So as soon as my contract with my company ended, I enrolled in an alternative teaching certification program. And in mere hours from writing this post, I have an interview for a position as an aide at a nearby school so I can gain experience working with students while I complete the courses needed for my certification. For the first time ever, I feel excited about the possibility of getting hired. Not relief to have a stable income, but genuine excitement.
I know I'll be making significantly less money. I know that I'll get ridiculed by some family and family friends because I was "so smart" and went into such a "good field", why would I ever go into teaching? I know, I know. But I don't care anymore, honestly. Life is too short for me to not pursue what makes me happy.
So yes, I'm changing my career. And I'm damn excited for it.
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jjhoon · 2 years
“ah—” she felt a little guilty by that point. as if she was wasting his time – which, honestly, she was. unlike previous tutors, jihoon proved to care about her progress, or, more likely cared about doing his job. it wasn’t his main source of income and most definitely not his passion; she can see it in comparison to those few moments he recalls what had happened in the school day and how his eyes lit up, the enthusiasm obvious as he reminiscences merry moments shared with his younger students. that isn’t evoked when he comes around to the company, albeit his professional manner and thoroughness remains unfaltering.
momo can’t really blame him. there was a few of them who were agreeable at least – hard workers who excelled under his supervision – but there were others that made it difficult. sure, momo could be somewhat childish, but she did try when she could and she was never rude to him. out of habit, she would bring small trinkets and treats from Japan for those who work at jyp every time she’d return and jihoon had, over time, become the first pick of the bunch. for her other teachers she was focused, but he saw a more childish side to her. it was a conspiracy of things, really. the immense struggle she went through when studying english made her conceal it with juvenile behaviour (though it never got too out of hand) and the same aged aspect made their relationship almost friendly. not to mention they had more one to one time than say her dance teachers had in the past, or more chance to talk about things during their allocated time than her vocal coaches who focused solely on the sounds rather than their meaning. she was starting to feel even more guilty as she mulled over her self-indulgent behaviour around him, balled fist rubbing her left eye to try rid her of the sleepiness that clings upon her soul.
but then, he gave in.
a large smile breaks out upon her face, bridge of her nose scrunched up as she tries to contain her excitement. “really? really really?” but she’s not asking him for confirmation, not really, with the way she’s already up on her feet and grabbing her discarded jumper. her hands slip into the sleeves, as she gets ready to shove her head through the hole but she pauses, the smile replaced with the jutting of her lower lip. too often does she resort to this, somewhat talking in a pout that really was quite amusing considering they were the same age and, yet, behaved in stark contrast. “homework? i won’t be able to do any homework— but really? thirty extra minutes? fine… fine. as long as you’re treating i can’t argue it too much, right?”
with one swift movement, the oversized jumper is once more on and her hair, in disarray, is being smoothed with an air of delight. only small clues would elude to her earlier state, the sunken eyes and constant yawns concealed by a bright spark and lips which curl into a grin. “c’mon, i found a cool little café recently. let’s go there!”
it always surprises him how easily momo manages to tear a smile out of him, not even a forced one like he does with his coworkers but genuine, the kind he usually saves for his kids. “so not enough time for homework but plenty to go café-hunting, i see.” carefully, he takes off his glasses, head shaking lightly as he reaches for the hem of his sweater. he couldn’t say it, but he was actually very content with her choice. he hated homework, probably way more than the students themselves. adding thirty minutes seemed like a lot, but at least he could make sure she properly understood the lesson. not that he didn’t trust her to get the homework done without the help of any type of translator, of course.
it’s not the first time he’s had to tutor someone with a short attention span but what sets momo apart from all the others is that, you could see in the empty eyed gaze she has whenever his explanations get too long that she’s trying. she wants to understand. right before her, he had three other idols as students and their very obvious lack of motivation made him quit after 2 lessons. he’s learned to be patient and adapt his tutoring style to the student’s needs but nothing makes him angrier than someone wasting his time. which is why he was dreading his first meeting with momo and even considered declining the offer before they could even meet but he still gave it a chance, the last one he told himself, just in case. and to this day, he does not regret it.
clean glasses find their way back on the bridge of his nose, adjusting his messenger bag over his shoulder so that he could comfortably slide his hands into his sweater’s front pocket as he heads towards the door. "wait a minute.” with a hand over the handle, he abruptly turns around, looking down the other through squinted eyes. “why do i feel like i just got conned. you weren’t faking it right?” she isn’t, he knows it. “because if you are tricking me, this won’t end well. just saying.” 
and just like that he’s out of the room, making his way towards one of their fancy elevators, not the fanciest he’s seen, but fancy enough. “how do you call this?” he questions with a tilt of his head aimed at the elevator. 
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looye29 · 2 years
Do we really need online piano courses like Piano For All? The 2020 epidemic forced everyone to go deep and look at their passions deeply. Many people all over the world have changed their focus away from socialising and into more introverted pastimes. Learning to play the piano is one of these hobbies. The demand for pianos was so great in 2020 that dealerships were running out of inventory. Along with an increase in piano sales, there has also been an increase in global demand for piano courses. However, because they are too expensive for the typical person to purchase, there has been a boom in low-cost online piano lessons. And Piano For All is a market leader in this field. Many of my readers asked me to write a review on Piano For All. I won't lie, I was flooded with requests like these in my inbox. So I said, why not give it a chance and share my honest thoughts on the program? And, since I always trust my personal experience over what other people say on the internet, I bought this program and went through all of the lessons, read all of the books, and watched the videos all the way through. And now I'm here to give you my honest opinion on Piano For All. Enjoy :) NOTE: I have offered my honest opinion in this review, which is entirely based on my own experience with Piano For All. There is no bias in this content in favour of or against Piano For All. How can someone who has never played the piano benefit from it? Even if you're a complete beginner when it comes to playing piano, what I've found is that this program will grab you by the hand and teach you the fundamentals of playing piano in the same way as a personal tutor would. As a newbie, I completed this program by watching all of the videos till the end, reading all of the books cover to cover, and being all ears when listening to audio lectures... And I've never experienced any missing links, confusing examples, or the feeling of losing control of the subject. Every lesson was straightforward but comprehensive. Is Piano For All a Subscription-based offer? Unlike most of the reviews on the internet, I don't beat around the bush when it comes to talking about the prices of the products I review. Since this is the most important question in your mind right now, I'll answer this right away. Speaking of Piano For All, you don't need to pay a monthly subscription. There's a one-time price that you have to pay while purchasing and that's all. Also when it comes to the price, it's quite pocket-friendly. It costs $79 (one-time price), although they had a limited-time discount when I bought it, which I'm sure they still have on their website. So it only cost me $39, which is a bargain. Background Thousands of piano courses are available online. Unfortunately, the majority of them are not created by a professional pianist with a complete grasp, knowledge, and, most importantly, passion for what they are teaching. But luckily, Piano For All is one of the reputable courses developed not by a businessman, but by someone who is passionate about the subject. Robin Hall, being a respected piano master for decades, once felt that teaching piano in person will only help a few people who can afford his classes. But, since he wanted to share his experience with as many people as possible, he felt he needed to design something that could help him reach his goal. And it was there that Piano For All was born. It's a piano lesson for individuals who can't afford or don't want to pay a lot of money for a private tutor. Is this another one of those cheap "learn something in a day" schemes? To be honest, I wasn't sure of the depth of this when I bought it and assumed it was one of those "fast schemes" that I had purchased previously. However, after taking a closer look at the program's curriculum, I believe I can confidently say that, unlike other items on the market, this is an excellent program.
It provides in-depth knowledge of the subject as well as numerous valuable tips and tactics to help you learn faster and make the learning process less scary for beginners. What's in it that fascinated over 300,000 students worldwide? Piano For All, the most popular online piano course on the internet, has been chosen by over 300,000 students around the world. As a result, it maintains an alpha position in its market. Also, the quality that Piano For All has to offer is uncompromised. When I purchased the course, I thought it might include a few video lessons containing tips and tricks and an ebook or something similar to read. But, the actual content was quite surprising for me. Here's a bird's-eye view of the content: detailed books on every subtopic Blues Rock 'N' Roll, Advanced Blues & Fake Strides, Ballad style, Jazz, you name it! There's a book on every major topic. 500 Embedded Audios Don't just read, listen to an audio version of it as well. So that you don't miss anything. 200 Video Lectures Because it's an online course, it obviously has video lessons. But commenting on the value of it, I must say that those video lessons might be the best, and most thorough I've ever seen in a low-priced online info product like this. Lifetime access As I said earlier, this product doesn't charge every month like some of the other programs in its market do. So, to be able to access it, you don't need to refill your subscription each month. You just have to pay a one time fee and you will get unlimited access to it. Access across all devices You don't have to sit in front of your computer or open your laptop every time you want to use it. To save time, you can simply use your phone to access it. The Good This program was created by someone who is already a successful pianist. On a daily learning basis, the program is highly flexible and requires minimal time. You can easily fit it into your jam-packed calendar. The videos are thorough and really dig into the deepest areas of insight without making you feel overwhelmed. The books are packed with wisdom along with excellent explanations. The audio recordings are of high quality and serve as an excellent supplement to the texts. Even if you're a complete rookie, you shouldn't have too much trouble getting some positive results. The Bad If you don't like pre-recorded classes, prefer live coaching, and don't care about the price, this might not be for you. Even while the program is designed to help beginners understand better, you will still need some dedication and be able to practice on a regular basis. Does this program work? So, in terms of the program's quality, I couldn't find anything further to critique. It is unquestionably ideal for people of all ages, regardless of prior experience with playing piano. If you put in the effort, this program will work miracles for you. But, if you lack dedication and discipline, no program will ever help you. I know some individuals who buy programs like this and complain that those things don't work out for them, but when I realise how less serious they were to learning what they wanted to learn, their failure doesn't surprise me. Long story short, even if this program is wonderful for beginners, you will still need to put in some effort and discipline for it to work for you. Final Thoughts One thing I loved about it is that even if the product is cheap and has a lot of value, you're still protected by a money-back guarantee. If you don't enjoy it and think it's one of the best online programmes to learn a new skill, you can get your money back within 60 days of purchase. Personally, I don't believe any typical piano student would ever dislike or reject a decent program like this. But that's only my opinion. At the end of the day, you are the one who will purchase it, so you must think and decide whether or not a product like this is suitable for you.
0 notes
chvoswxtch · 2 years
sounds so pretty when you beg. (5/?)
pairing: eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: eddie munson desperately needs to graduate this year, and you're the only tutor that hasn't turned him down. (this is part 5 of this series!)
warnings: cursing, fighting, angst, explicit sexual content (minors dni)
word count: 6.9k
a/n: i’m so sorry i’m posting this so late. this is 18 pages of angst and pure filth. I didn’t know how to stop. forgive me, for i have fucking sinned. if you don’t like smut or sexual content is not for you, please feel free to skip this part! I am so grateful for all the kind words and responses to this series (which I will eventually name). as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated! please let me know if you would like to be tagged!
tags: @uraveragequeer @rosaline-black @willowss055 @lovsersclub @bellegirl16 @boeutiful
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My mom had told the school that I had come down with the flu. I spent the majority of the past few days in bed, wallowing in my own self pity. I didn’t want to think about what had happened. I didn’t want to think about him. I re-read the books on my shelves that I had already read a thousand times. I watched sappy romantic comedies, crying over a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream wondering, why can’t that be me? When was it my turn for everything to work out by the end? 
I thought about how if my life was a John Hughes film, this would be the part where Eddie realized he was wrong and showed up in the pouring rain to confess his undying love for me. Or more likely, when I finally returned to school, he would stand on one of the cafeteria tables and shout it for the whole student body to hear. We would exchange passionate climatic monologues, he would grab my face and kiss me, the entire school would cheer for us, and the credits would roll with an impeccable soundtrack. But unfortunately, my life was nothing even close to a John Hughes film. 
The only person I had even spoken to lately was Nancy. She called about twice a day to check on me, and stopped by to drop off my homework and assignments. She was the first person I called after everything happened. She immediately rushed over, held onto my hand as I fought through choked sobs to speak, and gently brushed my tears away. Nancy was always a good listener, and she had a calming effect on people. I always felt at ease in her company. She’d had her own fairshare of heartbreak and knew exactly what to say.
My mom knew for a fact I wasn’t sick, but she didn’t press it. She had attempted to get me to open up several times about what was really going on, but I told her I was just stressed out from school and college applications and needed a break. It wasn’t that I didn’t trust my mom, we were actually pretty close. She had me when she was my age, which created an interesting dynamic for us. Often times, I felt like I was the parent. A carefree woman had created a very careful daughter. It always felt like we were growing up together.
I just didn’t want to talk about it, and I didn’t trust my mom’s advice when it came to boys. She was a bit of a..incurable romantic, currently looking for husband number three. The first time I told her I had a boyfriend, she completely freaked out. I had never even voiced an interest in boys before. She shifted between excitement, telling me how happy she was, wanting to know every single detail about him and how cute he was, to panicking and rushing to schedule me an appointment to get on birth control while giving me the most detailed story about my birth that I never ever wanted to hear. By the time I got her to settle down, I had whiplash.
She was currently dashing around to get ready for a date with some guy named Tom. Or..Todd. Tim? Definitely something with a “T”.
“Does this look okay?”
“You look great.”
“You said that about the past four outfits.”
“Well, they all looked great. Everything looks great on you.”
It was true. Everything looked great on my mom. She was one of those people that was annoyingly beautiful. Everytime I had friends over, or had a partner come over to study, they gushed about how “hot” my mom was. Most people didn’t even believe she was my mom. They all insisted we were sisters. It is extremely hard, and awkward, to try your hand at dating when everyone is more attracted to your mom than you.
“Alright, I’m off. There’s money on the counter for food. Are you sure you’re gonna be okay honey? I can stay if you need me too. Or, maybe Nancy and Robin could come over?”
“I’ll be fine, mom. Have fun with Tom.”
“His name is John, Y/N.”
Wow, I was way off.
“Sure, have fun. Don’t stay out too late, you know your curfew.”
“Ha ha, very funny. I’ll be home by eleven. And you..don’t drink all my wine. If you’re gonna have a glass, save some for me. Don’t be stingy.”
I had thought about calling Nancy or Robin, but it was Saturday night, and I knew they had plans. I didn’t want to ruin their evening. Not that they wouldn’t come if I asked, I just..wasn’t in the mood to be around anyone. I didn’t want anyone staring at me like a wounded animal, choosing their words carefully and walking on eggshells like I would break at any moment if they said the wrong thing. I didn’t mind being alone. 
I’d decided to start my John Hughes marathon back up with The Breakfast Club and popped the tape into the VCR. It was one of my favorite movies of all time. Although this time around, I found myself paying more attention to Bender than usual. My eyes normally lingered on Anthony Michael Hall, but suddenly Judd Nelson was very captivating. Was he that attractive last time I watched this? I was a good thirty minutes into the movie when I had an epiphany on why I was so enraptured with him. He reminded me of Eddie. God, what is with me and long haired brunette drug dealing delinquents? 
As I began to question my troubling taste in guys, there were three loud knocks that sounded against my front door. I rolled my eyes and glanced over at the clock in the kitchen. It had only been about an hour since my mom had left. Was the date that bad? Impatient knocks quickly turned into an even more impatient pounding of a fist against the hard wood repeatedly. I groaned as I sat my ice cream down and tossed my spoon onto the coffee table. Irritation spread like wildfire throughout my veins and I stomped over towards the front door. Was a relaxing, quiet and peaceful evening too much to ask?
“My God mom, you have a key for a reason! I swear to everything if you lost yours again I am going to ground you into next-”
As soon as I had furiously whipped the door open, I instantly slammed it shut.
I spun on my heel and marched directly back towards the living room, hearing the sound of the front door opening and shutting again with a little less force. 
“Do you greet everyone like that, sunshine?”
“Go away, Eddie.”
“Look I came over for a very different reason, but now I gotta know why you’re the one doing the grounding around here. How does that even work? I mean does your mom-”
“What do you want, Munson?”
I flung the remote onto the couch after pausing the movie, crossing my arms over my chest and glared across the room at Eddie. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with his ramblings. I wasn’t in the mood to deal with him in general. He stared at me for a moment, his lips parted, and wrung his hands slowly in front of his stomach. The only time Eddie was ever quiet was when he was unsure of himself. He awkwardly scratched at the back of his neck and gestured towards me.
“I..uh..I wanted to check on you.”
“You wanted to check on me?”
“Yeah..well ya’know..you uh..haven’t been to school in a few days.”
“I’m sick.”
“Sick..right. Practically on your deathbed.”
I couldn’t take it. I couldn’t handle Eddie smiling at me with those stupid dimples and cracking jokes like nothing had happened between us. Anger bubbled inside me at how casual he was being, like he hadn’t practically ripped my heart out of my chest mere days ago. I clenched my fists and stormed into the kitchen, picking up the phone and aggressively dialing the number I knew without a doubt would make him go away.
“Look I just-wait, who are you calling?”
“What?! Why?!
“Figured if I tell him Eddie Munson let himself into my house and won’t leave, he’ll come running. You know, since that seems to be his new thing.”
Eddie frantically reached out to pull the phone’s cord out of the jack and stood in front of the wall guarding it. He held his hands up in surrender and let his plump lips settle into a thin line. I sent a death glare up at him as the line went dead, slamming the phone against the hook. 
“Give it back.”
“Just give me five minutes. Please? Five minutes, that’s all. Then you can tell me to fuck off and kick me out.”
Even though Eddie’s mouth was fixated into a frown, there was a soft pleading expression gleaming in his eyes. I hadn’t seen him in several days. I had tried my hardest not to think about him, but no matter what I did, he was there. As much as I tried to fight it, he still invaded my dreams and weaved his way into my subconscious thoughts. It felt like I was being haunted.
Sensing the falter in my fury, Eddie took a bold step forward towards me, his hands still held up in surrender like I would change my mind and attack at any moment. His scent wrapped around me and further eroded my resolve. He was magnetic, and I felt myself being drawn in closer. God, giving in would be so easy. I could just rush forward and grab onto him, let him wrap his arms around me and hold me close, whisper sweet nothings into my ear. We could just forget everything and go back to normal. It could be so easy. 
But then the memory of Eddie’s vicious words and the way he had looked at me flashed in my brain, and every thought about giving in went up in flames. My heart crumbled all over again, and anger once again found a home within me. I took a step back and looked up at him with a deep scowl, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Two minutes. I have a date with Anthony Michael Hall and you’re ruining it.”
“I thought you didn’t like blonde, blue-eyed jocks.”
“First of all, Anthony Michael Hall never plays the jock. He’s always the sweet nerd who should get the girl. Second of all, I never said that wasn’t my type, just that Jason Carver wasn’t. Is this really what you want to talk about right now? Cause you’re down to a minute and thirty seconds, Munson.”
“Jesus, remind me never to piss you off again. I miss the nice, sweet Y/N.”
“Well I miss the Eddie Munson who wasn’t a complete and total dick to me.”
I hadn’t meant to sound so emotional, or yell at him, but all of the feelings I had been avoiding the past couple of days had come back full force the second I saw his face on the other side of the door. Eddie winced at my words, bowing his head in shame and letting out a deep sigh. He screwed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose, placing his other hand on his hip.
“I..I know. I..look, about what I said the other day-”
“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure Mrs. O’Donnell keeps giving you those extra credit assignments so you can pass all on your own without me. I’ll tell her that everything was all my fault and that I failed you. And then I’ll tell Principal Higgins the fight was because of me so you don’t get in trouble and still get to graduate. I’ll make sure everyone knows that everything was all my fault and I’m the one who ruined everything.”
I don’t know at what part I started crying, but suddenly I felt wetness on my cheeks and noticed my vision had gone blurry. All of the pain I felt in the tutoring center was spreading everywhere again. I couldn’t hear anything but Eddie’s cruel words over and over in my head. My chest felt tight and I was completely overwhelmed. I barely registered the feeling of Eddie’s large hands on my cheeks.
“Hey hey, no no no no no. Please..please don’t cry Y/N. I’m..fuck, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry sweetheart. Please don’t cry. C’mere.”
I braced my palms against his chest when he tried to pull me in closer, frantically shaking my head. I couldn’t be near him. I couldn’t give into him. I needed to know why.
“You..you were so mean to me, Eddie. No one..has ever spoken to me like that..and you are the last person that I ever thought would. How could you say those things to me? And just..leave me there like that? I..I thought..I thought that you-”
“I just didn’t want you to get in trouble, Eddie! I didn’t want to be the reason you didn’t graduate. I didn’t want you to hate me for that.”
“Hate you? Angel, no. I could never hate you. Never. Hey, look at me.”
I shook my head slowly as I sat down on the couch, wrapping my arms around myself. I couldn’t look at him. I’d lose it all over again. I couldn’t see the hurt on his face. The frown on his lips. I’d just want to lean in and kiss it all away. Eddie sighed as he kneeled down in front of me and cautiously placed his hands on my bare thighs. If this were any other situation, I would be fucking elated that he was touching me like this. I would probably be a pathetic mess.
“Sweetheart..please. Please look at me.”
His voice sounded broken, like he was on the verge of tears. God, how many times could my heart break in one sitting? I focused on the rings on his fingers instead, taking a moment to savor every detail of them in case this was it. The last time I would ever be this close to Eddie Munson. I noticed a light tear on the cuff of his leather jacket, a small split in the worn fabric above his wrist. The metal of the chain dangling from it felt cold against my thigh. His thumb was drawing faint circles above my knee. His skin was always so warm against mine. I had missed his touch so much. Eddie gingerly reached out to hook his index finger under my chin and I slowly lifted my head to find him staring at me, the ghost of a smile forming over his lips.
“There she is. There’s my pretty girl.”
My pretty girl.
I hadn’t meant for it to come out as a whimper. I barely recognized my own voice. It sounded so small, so weak. 
“Please..please just hear me out, okay? Because if I don’t say this now, I don’t know if I ever will. I..I’m really sorry. I swear I didn’t mean to hurt you like that. I’m so fucking sorry that I was such an asshole to you that day. I just..I didn’t understand why you were mad at me for defending you and then you..you said I wasn’t your boyfriend and that wasn’t my job and I..fuck that just..sucked. Because..”
“Because I want to be.”
“Want to be what?”
Eddie stared at me for a moment, that unreadable expression coating his face again. His eyes seemed to be searching mine for something. I desperately wanted to know what it was. I wanted to know what answer he was looking for, and what he wanted. I would give him anything. 
“Your boyfriend.”
All of the oxygen that was in my lungs seemed to be knocked out with just those two little words. I found myself struggling to wrap my head around them. My brain refused to accept what Eddie had just said. Surely, I had heard him wrong. He must have said something else, and my brain just had a sick sense of humor. There was no way he just said that.
“Do you remember what we were talking about before Carver interrupted?”
I had been so focused on the terrible events of that day, I hadn’t thought about the better moments. I had almost forgotten that Eddie had held me against his chest, had smiled at me with those dimples I love and showed off his hard work. He looked so proud, and I was so proud of him. I remember him telling me our tutoring session was off Friday after school..I remember him looking nervous..he was trying to ask me something. What was it?
“You..you were going to ask me something.”
Eddie nodded his head slowly, his thumb still drawing invisible portraits on my thigh. His tongue darted out to lick his lips, a timid smile appearing on his mouth. 
“I was going to ask you on a date.”
Fuck Jason Carver. Fuck him and his stupid ego and his stupid beliefs and his stupid sense of entitlement and his stupid friends that ruin everything. The sadness that lingered in my bones all at once ignited into rage.
“Are you fucking kidding me?
Eddie’s eyebrows raised significantly as his mouth fell open, eyes as wide as I had ever seen them. He was clearly shocked by my outburst. 
“You mean to tell me that if Jason had just minded his own business, you were going to ask me out on a date, and my perfect attendance wouldn’t have been ruined?”
I couldn’t see anything other than red. All of this..everything that had transpired, was all because of Jason fucking Carver. If he hadn’t placed some predatory claim over me, I could have been hanging out with Eddie and his friends everyday at lunch. I could’ve tutored him somewhere else that wasn’t under the protection of our feared librarian. Eddie Munson would have asked me out on a date. I wouldn’t have missed school. Eddie Munson and I would be dating right now. He would have kissed me, and I would have let him. I probably would have let him do anything to me. But all of that was ruined by Jason fucking Carver.
“I’m sorry, did you just..say ‘fuck’?”
“Shut it, Munson. You’re still on my shit list.”
“Since when do you swear so much?”
“Eddie, I swear to-”
“I’m not complaining. It’s actually kind of hot.”
My threats died on my tongue as soon as those plump lips of his curled into a wicked smirk. I felt dizzy from the whiplash of all the emotions I had been processing since Eddie walked through my front door. I’m pretty sure I went through the five stages of grief in about thirty seconds.
“So..does this mean you forgive me?”
“I can work with maybe. Now that that’s settled, can we talk about the fact that you’re not wearing pants?”
There was a wolfish grin stretched wide across his mouth, and he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. I was suddenly painfully aware that the only articles of clothing I had on were an oversized tshirt, panties, and a fuzzy pair of bunny slippers. 
“I..I w-wasn’t expecting company.”
“I like the slippers. They’re a nice touch.”
I thought I was going to faint. Eddie Munson was on his knees, between my thighs, and his large hands were touching my bare skin. If he moved his hands up any higher, my lower half would be completely exposed. My skin burned under his touch and my breathing became a little erratic. 
“You’re awfully quiet now all of a sudden. Not mad at me anymore?”
“Words, angel. Tell me what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours.”
Eddie was staring at me with an intensity I hadn’t seen before. It made me shiver under his gaze. I couldn’t help myself from glancing between his large hands and his plump lips. They were so close. So close to where I wanted them. 
Eddie raised one of his hands up to my mouth, gingerly swiping his thumb across my bottom lip. My lips parted as he gently grasped my chin between his thumb and index finger, forcing me to meet his gaze. 
“Talk to me, sweetheart.”
“I..I don’t know what to say.”
My brain had completely shut down. I couldn’t form words. I couldn’t focus on anything other than Eddie’s touch and the way he was staring at me.
“How about you answer a question for me then, yeah? Can you do that for me?”
I nodded my head as I stared into his deep brown eyes. I didn’t trust myself to even attempt to speak. I’m pretty sure it would have come out as babbling, incoherent nonsense. 
“What would you have said?”
“If I had gotten to ask you out on that date. What would’ve been your answer?”
I hesitated only for a second. Because I knew my answer. But I also knew that once I said it, things would never go back to being the same between us. The invisible line we danced around would vanish. We couldn’t pretend or deny if we both confessed. We could never go back. But all at once, I didn’t give a single fuck. 
My cheeks flamed as soon as I blurted that word out. The room immediately felt entirely too hot and too small, and if Eddie kept looking at me like that, I was sure I was going to combust. I could feel wetness pooling between my thighs with a vengeance. I shifted in my spot and pressed my thighs together tightly, which did not go unnoticed by Eddie. He gripped both of my thighs in his large hands gently, leaning in slowly until our faces were less than a centimeter apart.
I could feel his hot breath fanning over my face. He was so close. If I moved even slightly, our lips would touch. I was overcome with desire, and I searched my body for even an ounce of confidence to grab a small fistful of his shirt. I wanted him. I didn’t care if Jason Carver didn’t like it. I didn’t care if the whole school called me a cult apologist. I didn’t care if the town labeled me just another freak. I wanted Eddie Munson, and I wasn’t going to let anything else get in the fucking way.
My voice came out in a breathy whine that I didn’t even recognize. I sounded so needy, and I didn’t even care. I didn’t feel any shame whatsoever. Eddie’s hands traveled up my thighs, grabbing onto my hips through the thin material of my shirt and nudged his nose against mine.
“What is it angel?
“Please..please kiss me.”
“Sound so pretty when you beg, sweet girl.”
Eddie wasted no time crashing his lips against mine and I moaned at how good it felt. His lips were so much softer than I ever imagined. I tugged him impossibly closer by my grip on his shirt, inviting him even further in between my thighs. I had never been kissed like this before. Every nerve ending was standing on full alert and I swore I could see fireworks erupting behind my eyelids. Eddie gripped onto the back of my head, swiping his tongue along my bottom lip asking silently for permission to go further.
I greedily accepted his tongue into my mouth and allowed him to take control. He tasted like mint, and something else that I could only assume was weed. I was intoxicated by him. I never wanted to stop kissing him, but I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I reluctantly pulled away to catch my breath, panting as I stared up at Eddie through heavy lids. 
“Fuck..you have no idea what you do to me sweetheart.”
“Show me.”
There was a low growl that sounded in the back of Eddie’s throat at my words. His normally sweet brown eyes were now almost completely black with lust. I gripped at the hem of my shirt that had ridden up my thighs, wringing it in anticipation.
“Jesus sweetheart..you can’t say shit like that to me.”
“Because I’m gonna cream my fucking pants.”
I giggled softly, my hand shooting up to cover my mouth at Eddie’s groan. I carefully moved to sit on my knees on the couch in front of him. Even with him on his knees on the floor in front of me, I still had to look up at him. I slowly reached out with shaky hands to grab the collar of his jacket, steadily pushing it over his broad shoulders and down the expanse of his arms. Eddie clenched his fists at his sides, swallowing thickly as he looked at me.
“What are you doing baby?”
“I..I want you to show me..things.”
“What kind of things?”
“Um..like..what I do to you?”
“I wanna show you too.”
Eddie’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he stared at me, lips parted in complete surprise. 
“Show me?”
“W-what you..do to me too.”
Eddie was completely silent for a moment and I started to panic that I had maybe taken things a bit to far. I tucked my hair behind my ears and sat back on my heels, staring down at my hands as I avoided his gaze.
“I..we don’t have to..I mean only if..i-if you want to. I just thought..”
“If I want to? Are you fucking kidding me? Jesus Christ sweetheart, I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw your cute little ass in the tutoring center.”
Eddie placed his large hands on either side of my thighs, leaning in to brush his nose against mine once again. His eyes had returned to their normal deep chocolate hue. His attention shifted between my eyes and my lips.
“Look I just..I don’t want you to think that’s why I’m here. I wasn’t expecting anything, I mean I certainly wasn’t fucking expecting this. I don’t expect anything from you, and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I like you, Y/N. So fucking much. And for whatever fucking reason, you seem to like me back. I’m not even going to get into that because I don’t think I will ever be able to understand what the fuck I did so right that I landed you but..that’s enough for me. You’re enough for me. I’m happy just to get to hold your fucking hand, okay? So don’t feel..ya’know..pressured or anything.”
My heart swelled with adoration at Eddie’s words. They only made my desire for him grow even stronger. He was such a stark contrast to the last guy I dated, not just in demeanor and outwardly appearance, but in the way he treated me. My ex used to always try to pressure me into doing things I wasn’t ready for, and made me feel like some frigid prude. I wasn’t opposed to sex, I certainly wasn’t saving myself for marriage, I just never felt the desire like I do for Eddie. I never felt uncomfortable with him, and him telling me that I was all he wanted only made me want him even more. I gently grabbed his large hand and smiled softly.
“I know. But I..I want to. I just..don’t know how.”
“Don’t know how what, baby?”
“Um..everything, I guess? I..I’ve only ever kissed a boy before..and it wasn’t anything like that.”
Eddie beamed at my statement that had clearly stroked his ego. He didn’t tease or make fun of the fact that I was a virgin. He cupped my face in one of his large hands, brushing his thumb along my cheekbone as he lightly squeezed my hand that he was holding.
“How about this, you tell me when you’re ready and what for, and I’ll teach you. We won’t do anything unless you say so. You hold all the power here, pretty girl. And the second you feel overwhelmed or uncomfortable, we stop. No questions asked. Okay?”
Eddie pressed a quick kiss to my lips, standing from his kneeled position and plopped down next to me on the couch. He was in the middle of kicking off his sneakers when I rushed out my first request.
“I want you to touch me.”
“Jesus fucking Christ-are you trying to kill me?!”
I couldn’t help but laugh as Eddie whipped his head around to stare at me incredulously, his foot hanging halfway out of his shoe. 
“You said to tell you what I was ready for and when.”
“Well..yeah but..fuck, right now?”
“I mean..I’m kind of..”
“Kind of what?”
“Why don’t you feel for yourself?”
I wasn’t sure where my boldness was coming from. I don’t know if I was just so turned on and aching to be touched I didn’t care how desperate I seemed, or if it was knowing that Eddie wanted me just as much as I wanted him. I reached for one of his large hands and guided it in between my thighs, pressing his palm against the front of my panties. I sighed at the contact, knowing he could feel the heat from the fire roaring down there.
“Oh my fucking God.”
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut and clenched his jaw, his lips parting in a shaky breath. The cold metal of his rings felt so nice against my heated skin. 
“Is this..just from kissing?”
“I..you’re a really good kisser.”
I blushed profusely as I stared down at where his hand was between my thighs. Eddie leaned in closer, gently grabbing my face and turning it to face him. That lust blown look was in his eyes again. 
“You swear this is what you what?”
I nodded my head slowly, leaning in closer to try and capture his lips.
“Uh uh. I need words, sweetheart. Be a good girl and use your words.”
Good girl. Those two simple words went straight to my core and I audibly gasped. Eddie clenched his jaw at my reaction, his eyes locked on mine. There was a wicked smirk forming at the corner of his mouth.
“I..I want this Eddie. I swear.”
“You’ll tell me to stop if it’s too much? Promise?”
“I promise.”
Something switched inside Eddie. Those little words of confirmation were all he needed. His large hands gripped onto my hips and without warning lifted my body over onto his lap. No one had ever manhandled me like that before and God did I love it. Eddie pulled me closer on his lap, causing the rough denim of his jeans to brush against my panties. I let out a soft moan at the contact, shyly smacking my hand over my mouth.
“Don’t you fucking dare. Let me hear it, baby. I wanna hear how good I make you feel.”
Eddie surged forward and attached his lips against my neck. I gripped onto his shoulders, tilting my head back to grant him more access. He trailed his tongue from the shell of my ear down to my collarbone, nipping at the skin lightly. I involuntarily ground my hips down against Eddie’s lap at the sensation, causing his grip to tighten on my hips.
“Fuck..do that again.”
Eddie’s words of encouragement flooded me with a new found confidence as I started to languidly move my hips against his. The moans that came from his mouth were like fucking music to my ears. I could feel him getting hard beneath me, which filled me with a sense of pride and power I had never felt before. I shifted my hips so that when I moved, his bulge pressed directly against my clit. I stuttered only for a moment, a louder more sinful moan falling from my hips. Eddie’s grip kept me from moving any further.
“Fuck..if you-if you keep doing that, and keep making those pretty fucking noises, I’m not going to last. This is about you sweetheart. Let me make you feel good.”
“But I do feel good, Eddie. This feels so good.”
“I can make it better.”
Eddie slipped his fingers under my shirt, rubbing his thumbs slowly over my hip bones. His lips were red and swollen, slightly glistening from his assault on my lips and neck. He lightly brushed his nose against mine before looking into my eyes.
“Can I take this off, sweet girl?”
I lifted my hands into the air, allowing Eddie to tug my shirt over my head and toss it into the floor. Even though my body felt like it was on fire, my nipples instantly hardened at the change in temperature. Eddie leaned back against the couch, drinking in the sight of my exposed body. The corners of his lips perked up into a grin as he brushed his knuckle over my panties.
“I like these.”
My face flamed as I looked down. My panties were soft cotton and white with dozens of little blue butterflies on them. It was almost funny seeing Eddie’s large ring-clad hand hovering over them. 
“These are exactly what I imagined you wearing.”
“You imagined my panties?”
“Among other things.”
Eddie’s gaze was daunting. A moment of self consciousness sneaked its way into my mind, but as I went to cover myself, Eddie darted out to grab onto my wrists. 
“Don’t ever do that. Don’t hide from me. I wanna see you, all of you.”
Eddie leaned in to press gentle kisses all over my chest, across my collarbones, the tops of my shoulders, down the swell of my breasts. His hands came up to cup them, giving a gentle squeeze as one of his thumbs brushed against my nipple. I gripped onto his bicep and gasped. Eddie took the hint and latched his mouth onto my other nipple, swirling his warm tongue around the sensitive bud. He bit down ever so gently and tugged softly. I let my head fall back, arching my chest further into his face. His mouth felt so good and I got so lost in wondering how good it would feel on my cunt. 
I was so wrapped up in pleasure I almost didn’t notice one of his hands had trailed down my stomach until I felt his thumb brushing against my clit through my panties. I jolted further into his arms at the sensation, a louder moan escaping past my lips.
“Easy, baby. I got you. Raise up for a second.”
I followed Eddie’s orders, holding onto his shoulders for support as I lifted my body. He gingerly pushed my panties over my hips and down my thighs, managing to remove them completely. He balled them up into his fist and looked at me with the most sinful grin on his lips. 
“I’m so fucking keeping these.”
Before I had a chance to protest, Eddie ran his index finger along the slickness between my thighs. I gasped when his knuckle brushed against my clit, subconsciously bucking my hips against his hand. Eddie gripped onto my hip and eyed me sternly, a silent order to be still. He stared down between us in wonder, circling his thumb languidly around my sensitive clit.
“Such a pretty pussy, baby. So fucking wet, and all for me. Such a pretty girl for me. Aren’t you? My pretty girl.”
Eddie eased one of his long fingers inside me, eyes trained on my face to see my reactions. He continued to brush his knuckle over my clit as he began to pump his finger slowly, curling it upwards every so often. As much as I loved how careful Eddie was trying to be with me, and how dedicated he was trying to learn my body and what I liked, I needed more. 
“Please what, angel? Tell me what you need.”
“More..please. I need more.”
Eddie easily slipped another finger inside of me. I could hear how easily his fingers were disappearing inside my pussy. It was becoming so difficult to stay still when all I wanted to do was ride his fingers. I could feel the band inside me starting to stretch. That burning feeling was bubbling in my lower belly, growing stronger and stronger. I was getting close, as long as he would just keep touching me there.
“Fuck Eddie..please..wanna move..”
“Does my sweet girl wanna ride on my fingers?”
“Yes..please..please Eddie..”
“Fuck I love how sweet you sound when you beg. Sweetest fucking thing I ever heard. Goes straight to my cock, baby. Go ahead, angel. Use my fingers.”
I gripped onto Eddie’s shoulders to steady myself, beginning to rock my hips in tune with the rhythm that Eddie set with his fingers. I pressed my forehead against his, closing my eyes as I tried to focus on how good this felt. I wanted to remember this moment forever. 
“I know baby, I know. I’m right here. I got you. Let go pretty girl, it’s okay. Let go for me. Come on my fingers angel.”
My hips stuttered when I felt that band snap. A cacophony of moans of Eddie’s name fell over and over from my lips as my release crashed over me like a tsunami. It completely racked throughout my body and had sent me into another plane of existence. Eddie’s voice sounded light years away as he whispered into my ear. I jolted due to sensitivity when Eddie removed his fingers from inside me, letting out soft whimpers of protest.
Eddie brushed the hair away from my face that stuck to my sweaty forehead. I tried to catch my breath, but it felt like I had just ran a fucking marathon. I could faintly hear Eddie laughing as he brushed his thumb along my cheek.
“Hey, you alright? Still with me sweet girl?”
I slowly opened my eyes when I felt like I was back inside my body. Eddie was staring at me with a goofy grin on his lips. His smile was infectious. I felt my own lips tugging into a wide smile.
“There she is.”
“Hi, pretty girl.”
“I can’t feel my legs.”
A deep laugh ripped through Eddie’s chest as he threw his head back, letting his body rest against the cushions. His eyes crinkled in the corners as he grinned at me, lightly tapping his index finger against my nose.
“Good, then I did my job right. Forgive me yet?”
“You are thoroughly forgiven.”
I brushed the rest of my hair away from my face. My thighs felt shaky, and I was certain if I tried to stand up I would fall straight on my ass. My eyes suddenly focused on the handcuffs on Eddie’s belt. I was completely exhausted from my mind-blowing orgasm, but I wanted to make him feel good too. As I reached out to grab onto his belt, Eddie quickly grabbed onto my wrist to halt my actions.
“Whoa whoa whoa, what do you think you’re doing?”
“I..w-what about you?”
“Don’t worry about me, angel.”
“But..but you were-”
“I’m okay, really.”
My lips settled into a frown as I looked at Eddie, crossing my arms over my chest with a defiant pout.
“That’s not fair.”
Eddie shook his head and chuckled, bringing my hand up to his mouth to kiss each of my knuckles gently.
“Next time, if you really want to. Alright?”
“But what about right now?”
“There’s..uh..nothing to uh..take care of, so to speak, at the moment.”
My brows furrowed in puzzlement at Eddie’s words. There was a twinge of pink coating the tops of his cheeks, and he was suddenly looking everywhere but me. I glanced down between our bodies to see that the tent that had formed previously was now gone. Even though his jeans were black, I could see a faint darker patch on the denim covering his crotch. I looked up to find a bashful Eddie staring at me expectantly, and it clicked.
“Wait..did you-”
“Give me a break, alright. Can you fucking blame me? I had the prettiest girl in all of Indiana moaning my name and coming all over my fingers.”
I giggled as Eddie huffed in annoyance, leaning in to cut off his grumbles with a soft kiss. I brushed his wild curls away from his face when we pulled apart, looking into his beautiful brown eyes with a content smile.
“That was..amazing. Thank you, Eddie.”
“Oh no, thank you. I’m saving that image of you for later.”
I couldn’t help but smile like an idiot. I didn’t know if I had ever smiled this much in my entire life. I just felt so..happy. I took one of his large hands and intertwined our fingers, repeating his actions from earlier and pressing a kiss to each of his knuckles.
“So..about that date.”
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All of this in a male dominated industry (Part 1) (George Russell)
Note: english is not my first language
I had this idea/character description in my head and I wanted to write about it (there's a part 2 as tumblr didn't let me post the whole thing as one)
Feedback is appreciated 🤍 and although I'm not taking requests per se, if you have any ideas or concepts you want to share, feel free to do so!
Also, thank you so much for every ❤️ and reblog, it means a lot to me!
Tw: Curse words, gender inequality
Part 2 can be read here
You could never have predicted that one of your rants would bring you here.
It started from a lunch break discussion on how women in engineering needed to do a lot more work to prove that they were at least as competent as their male peers, some of your colleagues and friends at the table joining for a polite discussion on their points of view. One thing lead to another and when Grace, one of the senior tutors, thought it was odd that the lab was empty and went looking for you guys, she heard you defend your points, smiling to herself as she had once felt everything you were describing as being the only woman in that project, "Y/N, a word with me please? In my office", she made her presence known in the room. Looking at everyone on the table, you knew that this was either a good thing or a really bad thing, and you hoped for the first. Sitting in the chair opposite to hers on her desk at her office, she went straight to business, "next week we're having a conference", she started, "yeah, I know, I already paid for my place". She offered you a smile you couldn't quite place between creepy and maybe pride, "We're holding a panel about women in engineering and we wanted a student to speak about it, and for the last few weeks I've had my eye on you and I think you'd be a great speaker". That's not how you thought your Wednesday afternoon was going to go, "Me? You want me? Susie Wolff is talking in that panel too", you tried to reason with her, "and? You're afraid you'll outshine her?", she giggled, coming back to the relaxed posture you knew her to have, "You really think this is a good idea?", you asked, "Obviously it's up to you, but if I were you I wouldn't lose this opportunity", she advised. The topic was something you always felt passionate about, from when you were a little girl and wanted to build cars with LEGO blocks instead of princess castles to receiving looks when you were one of the few females in your classrooms in university, earning many "are you sure you're in the right lecture? This is Thermodynamics", and you had looked up to Susie Wolff since you watched a woman do what she did, hoping you'd grow up to be just like her. Yeah, you would be damned if you didn't take that opportunity. Seeing the glimmer in your eyes, your tutor smiled, "just send me a draft until next Tuesday with the topics you want to talk about", before escorting the both of you out to the lab.
Which brought you here, checking if your cards were in the right order, "For anyone who called me stuborn when I was little, here's what you get when you work hard enough for things", you though to yourself as you looked in the mirror, checking if your suit was neatly ironed before heading to the room where everyone who was speaking in the panel gathered before the talk.
That morning, Susie was having breakfast at the factory with the team, George, Lewis, Angela, Toto and John, one of the engineers, sat in the same table whilst the rest of the team sat on the other tables, "Toto, don't forget you said you'd come to my talk this afternoon", Susie said to her husband who nodded, "You're giving a talk?", Lewis asked, "Yeah, it's all about women in engineering and there's this really good research group there, Grace from the university is leading it, and she says that they have some interesting takes on a few things for cars. You might even want to check it out, John, she said that they've tested in simulations and it seems quite good. Actually, you lot should come and see what us women are planning to do when we take over the world", she teased, earning a cheer from Angela, everyone at the table discussing who would ride with who to the conference. Arriving and choosing to sit in one of the available seats at the front, the five of them could see the chairs clearly, waiting for them to be occupied, "look, they have a student talking on the panel too", Angela pointed out from the program they had given out. Claps were heard as who Toto recognised as Grace, an old friend of Susie, sitting in one of the chairs, announcing and welcoming each member of the panel. And when you sat down, a cornflower blue suit complimenting your tones perfectly, you caught George's attention, "that's Y/N, the student Angela was talking about", Lewis said casually to George, "you looked like you could benefit from that information", before turning his head back and clapping for Susie before she began her talk.
The way you carried yourself was mesmerising to George, you were about his age and you spoke like you weren't in front of senior tutors and people from the industry, but like you were talking to your peers, sharing your experiences, the environment you were in granting you the freedom and comfort to do so. As it was the final panel of the day, the department headteacher did a closing session and guided everyone to the coffee break, different foods spread on tables as well as drinks for everyone to enjoy.
"Y/N, that was an amazing talk, and so relaxed as well! We already know Susie was a professional on these things", Angela congratulated you as she nudged Susie's side, "but you did really well too, congratulations!", "We took all of those photos with them, but it's really you who should gave gotten them. In a few years time, everyone will regret they didn't take a picture with you today. Your talk was incredible, I really enjoyed it", Toto complimented, "Thank you so much, it means a lot coming from the both of you. Everyone in this room probably has some sort of a photo of me, maybe I should be worried that they'll have one of me sleeping on top of a textbook in the library", you giggled, drinking from the cup on your hand. John then pulled your attention as you started discussing your project and its potential impact in a Formula 1 car, different points of view and possible obstacles being ruled out as you felt like you were just discussing with your colleagues and not with someone whose hardworking career had lead them to be in one of the top teams of motorsport.
George was positively smouldering, his eyes not being able to leave your figure, noticing how you had a cute little mole just on the side of your eye, showing up when you weren't giggling and had those little creases above your cheek, or how you had a heeled shoe on but still had to look up to talk to John, every now and again adjusting the sleeves of your blazer as you pushed your hair back. "Is someone looking for their next love interest?", George heard Lewis say, "in all honesty she looks like a lovely woman, you should take your opportunity", "you think so? A woman that carries herself with that confidence doesn't fall for 'charm' ou flirty pick up lines, didn't you hear all of her achievements? All of that in this male dominated industry...", George was speechless and Lewis had known him for a while to know that this didn't happen very often, "a male dominated industry you, a male, are part of", Lewis teased, "yeah, that's not helping the situation either", George sighed. "Are you, George Russell, one of the most confident guys I have met, afraid of going up to her?", Lewis couldn't help but laugh, never did he think he would witness something like this, "If it helps in anything, I heard Toto invite her for the next race so maybe you'll get to talk to her then, oh look, there they come", he said as they both looked at Toto, Susie, John and you approaching them, "Hi, thank you so much for coming to the panel. It means a lot to everyone here, and Susie too", you smiled and George knew he was gone, just looking at you. "Hi, I'm Lewis, really good talk, I'm very interested in empowering women in motorsport, usually in the athletes side, but still, if you need anything I'd be happy to help", he said as he elbowed George, as he was rhe only one who hadn't properly introduced himself, "yeah, hello, I'm George Russell, good talk you had there, very important matter you guys talked about", and he felt everyone cringe as soon as the words left his mouth, being saved by someone calling your name, "sorry, I have to go. Again, it was very nice having you here and", you turned to Susie and Toto, "I think I'll take you on that offer", you said, "So you're joining us? Yes! Amazing, I'll email you the details", Susie said as you excused yourself. "Man, since when do you introduce yourself as 'George Russell'? I was trying so hard to not laugh at you just there", Lewis teased, "you really have to up your skills if you ever want her attention on you". Yeah, George thought so too.
When you arrived at the paddock, you couldn't help but feel all of the eyes on you, wondering who was this young woman arriving on her own with every pass possible for the Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team, soon spotting Angela walking Roscoe, "Y/N, dear! Hi, how are you?", she said as she stopped for you to pet the dog, "Hi, I've been good. Definitely excited to be here, and you?", you said, feeling the buzz from all the garages rush to get the cars ready, "Back to work, running as usual, bye!", she said quickly as she felt the bulldog pull her so they could continue their walk.
As you walked in the garage, you saw Toto was talking to another tall, older man as he ushered you to come to him, "Y/N, This is Daniel, he is from the FIA, Daniel, this is Y/N, the student I was telling you about", Toto said as you shook the other man's hand, "like I said it won't be a problem" Daniel said before handing Toto some papers and making his way out of the garage, "Sorry Y/N, good morning, I forgot to tell you that we needed to disclose to the FIA if we had someone on the garage and although you're not out employee because we're not paying you and you're a guest, there are a lot of bad tongues in this paddock and it's best if they hear it from us", he explained knowing how some teams would try to bring your presence up if they figured what you were studying and use it against Mercedes just to bring the team down, "Good morning, don't worry, I understand. Again, thanks for having me here, I'm really excited!", you beamed looking at all the car parts the guys were assembling and all of the screens ready to be filled with graphs with the cars' performance. As you were talking with John about some of the latest developments on the project, George and Lewis arrived in the garage, greeting everyone. George had been on your mind since the conference, sure, you knew who he was and always thought he was a handsome man, but seeing him up close just confirmed your suspicions. But truth be told, you hadn't talked much to him and he didn't show any interest, maybe he didn't enjoy the talk, maybe he didn't understand where you came from, or maybe these were all evil thoughts from your head and he didn't have any opinion on it.
"Y/N, glad you could make it!", Lewis said as he hugged you, "we could use your help around here, all these guys have been needing some help and all", he teased, knowing fully well how everyone had been doing the best they could so the car could be in the top places, "I'm here to teach these guys some things, bring them back to their school days", you joined in the banter. George was next, embracing you as he greeted, "Morning Y/N, I'm very happy you're here, we all are", he sent a charming smile once you looked at eachother, "Hopefully we'll see you around", he said before someone called them for a meeting. Staying in the garage as they had their morning meetings and then heading to lunch, you sat in a table with the engineers, all of them wanting to learn about the project you were working on, which didn't go unnoticed by George, "She's all interested in whatever maths they're going on about, how am I supposed to talk to her? I barely now my multiples", he said ironically, feeling that if he didn't start using humour about this situation things would start to really get to him, "George, man, just go talk to her when she's free, we have loads of time around here, today's only Friday", Lewis tried to reason, "you didn't even stutter the last time you spoke to her, it's all good things from now on". When everyone got ready for the first session of free practice, things weren't going as well as they hoped, the car not performing how they hoped it would, and they continued until FP2, the guys getting to the garage and giving their take on how they felt in the car, the team brainstorming about ways to fix it until the next day
Part 2
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seoscribbles · 2 years
what my life is like on adhd meds
“it’ll be like night and day.” that’s what my doctor told me. this scared me to my core. what if I don’t notice much of a difference? what if i don’t have adhd, and all this time i’ve spent on trying to get a diagnosis was all for nothing? what if i’m just like this? what if i’m just a lazy person, not living up to my potential, and it’s my fault?
or, maybe just as bad, what if they do work? what if it is like night and day? what if something fundamental about myself changes, what if it turns me into a different person? what if my passion for my hyperfixations, my ability to speak at length about whatever is on my mind, my drive and excitement, all fades away into plainness? what if adhd is all that made me special? made me myself?
In the end, it was like night and day. Sometimes moonlight doesn’t illuminate all that the daylight can.
My sight was the first change I noticed. You know when you’re watching old cartoons, and the background is sloppily drawn? The art department didn’t get enough funding, the studio was cutting corners. So the only things that are in detail are the ones that the main characters interact with. That’s how everything felt before I started medication. Everything except for the things that I spent an exorbitant amount of energy trying to focus on was drawn with very little detail, and so the mind does not linger on them long.
And then, the meds kick in. And it’s like the world is in HD. Full colour. And that feeling you have when you ponder the beauty of your surroundings kicks up within you and you can’t believe how the world looked before.
Then there’s the sound. Music feels crisp in my ear. Lyrics come to me like they were always there, and listening to new songs with unfamiliar lyrics doesn’t feel like trying to understand the intercom on the subway anymore. It touches you more intimately. I used to be afraid of talking about music with other people. it didn’t really feel like I got it they way they did.
And you speak with people, and you’re engaged. You realize you can listen to your girlfriend talk for hours about fallout new vegas and not miss a word, and without interrupting. When I talk, I can go as in-depth into a topic as I want, and conversation threads aren’t lost.
My steps are grounded, I walk with more confidence. I hold things and I do not drop them. I walk into rooms confidently and my keys do not disappear.
Then there’s the words. I used to devour words on a page for hours at a time. But that was then, when reading was a distraction from the others. Now, the others are a distraction from the reading, and I couldn’t reach out and touch them anymore. That was the most devastating thing, losing the words.
But I take the meds, and the words come back, like an old friend’s come over again, and it feels like no time has passed since we last spoke. I can read. I can write. I feel like myself.
I was afraid that the medication might make the world seem dull, or make me feel out of touch with myself. That couldn’t be further from the truth. The potential I had, the things I was capable of, were parts of who I knew myself to be. When I failed to meet that potential, not being able to finish readings for classes or forgetting to bring the supplies I needed to tutor my students, I felt  my personhood, my character, my identity, slipping away from me. On meds, the road to getting it back doesn’t seem so difficult.
This isn’t to say that everyone should take meds, or that they’re perfect. I know they are inaccessible to many people, and they were inaccessible to me my entire life. There are side effects, and they are not a cure. But I’m really happy to be able to see the daylight.
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