#i am a proud filler enjoyer down to my core
dykelizard · 7 months
hi yeah g-8 is actually the funniest anime filler of all time because this genius marine vice admiral is playing 4d transdimensional chess and thinks that the strawhats are too but luffy is actually just playing candyland while utterly oblivious about how this dude is literally doing mental gymnastics trying to figure out what his angle is. comedy fucking GOLD
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elven-ariaera · 5 years
Welcome all!
If you’re reading this, I’m assuming you’re familiar with my work as either an artist, cosplayer, writer or any of the other creative things I do. Recently, I had been asked about some of the work that I do, and I thought a fun way to just that was to fill out a few questionnaires. Here I talk about some of the high and low points of doing what I do, what inspires me, and my process of creativity.
For those who are only interested in certain segments, I’ve broken the article into the following sections for you to easily maneuver your way throughout the piece: Art, cosplay, writing, and questions asked by you.
I know I’m no professional and compared to a lot of others I don’t have as outstanding an amount of followers, but if this article can help inspire at least one artist to try something new or learn something they didn’t know, well, that’s good enough for me! I hope you enjoy!
When did you get into art?
I’ve been drawing as long as I can remember, but I do recall middle school in particular being the time that I really started pursuing art. I had to choose between volleyball and art club after school, and guess which one I picked. It wasn’t just academics either. My notebooks were full of fan art of mostly Link and Zelda, but you could find some Kirby, Pokémon, and Naruto scattered in there as well.
Show us your oldest piece of art you have on hand.
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Yeah. It’s… Something.
What defines your artistic style?
I think the faces of the characters I draw distinguish my art. I always have a certain way of drawing the eyes, ears, and other features. I always give my females more prominent eyelashes than males as well. Certain clothing as well — The way I draw capes and hoods are distinct. Not to mention when designing my own clothes, I tend to use similar patterns.
Do you practice other styles/have you tried other styles in the past?
I occasionally dabble outside my comfort zone. I’m not necessarily a huge fan of the “Cal-Arts” style, but I’ve tried it every now and then, especially when creating fan art for shows like Steven Universe, The Amazing World of Gumball, and Amphibia. I don’t really do it too often, but I’ve made a piece for my portfolio mimicking several art styles from a variety of different shows just to demonstrate that I can do it if I’d like to.
What levels of artistic education have you had?
Honestly, just high school. I thought I was going to college for digital illustrations but it turned out communication/graphic design was totally different. I actually got into that because I could draw when not many other people in that field could. Of course, I’m always interested in learning outside of school. I learn through watching other artists on social media, seeing how they create their work. Just watching a speed draw can help so much! The way I learn the most, however, is just by doing. Practice, practice, practice! 
Show us at least one picture you drew or sketched recently that you did not put on a public site.
I’ve been doing a lot of Fire Emblem doodles for my new sticker line, so here’s Setsuna. Honestly, I just like drawing bust portraits like this.
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What is your favorite piece that you have done?
I can’t just pick one! I’ve drawn over 900 things since I first joined DeviantArt (and I’ve been drawing even before then), you want me to pick just one? Haha, I’ll narrow it down to three of my favorites (in no particular order):
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I love this one because it was like the first cute drawing of Ivysaur I’ve ever done. Ivysaur was always a tricky pokémon for me to draw, but this was the first time I feel like I nailed it. Ivysaur also happens to be one of my absolute favorites, so that’s a plus.
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This is Minerva, a Guardian from my fantasy stories. Every time I drew her prior, I could never quite get the look I wanted. This was the one that I really liked and so I colored it and am very happy with how it turned out.
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I don’t know why I just love this drawing I did of Dimitri from Three Houses. I think its the eyes and hair. And the color contrast — especially in the original ink sketch (that I hung up over my craft table.) I just love it.
What is your least favorite piece that you have done?
Again, you want just one? Haha, too many failures. I’ll be fair, though, and post three of those as well.
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Here’s one from my early days. I was trying so hard to get the hair all detailed like and instead it came out looking like gross looking veins. Not to mention how atrocious the proportions were. Oh man, I’m sorry past me, I know you tried.
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Here’s one I was so proud of: I copied the official art for Twilight Princess and thought it came out amazing. So amazing I titled the piece “Awesomeful Link.” Yeah. Um. Nope.
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Here’s a more recent one that I’m not too pleased with. I was so excited about the latest batch of Steven Universe episodes (which I would later learn were a big bunch of filler episodes and that didn’t make anything better) I drew Pearl reciting her ‘big line’ of the trailer. I tried to mix styles and I tried something different with the eyes and all in all it just came out… Meh.
What do you like most about your art?
I like the faces that I draw. They’re always the most fun and I think they come out the best. I especially love the eyes, I go into so much detail on them (even though they’re usually so small when I print them.) I’ve had issues in the past where I made all of my characters look like they had the same face, but I feel I’ve been doing a lot better at individualizing the face of each character and that makes it all the more fun as well.
What do you like least about your art?
The hands. Sometimes I draw them well, but I still struggle hard and sometimes it really shows. For chibi drawings, I don’t really care as much, but on my more “serious” art, I get a little bummed when I’ve got a wonky hand hanging off their wrists. Feet also sometimes give me a bit of trouble, but usually only when I do poses that involve more movement, which is why I sometimes make my art stiffer and I don’t like doing that either.
Have you ever considered taking commissions?
I do take commissions. In fact, I’d love to take more if it were possible.
Are you looking to pursue a career in art?
I do it part-time right now. I’m satisfied doing commissions and artist tables at local conventions. I think I’d like to pursue writing more than art, but I do love art just as well, so part-time is perfect for me.
What do you like drawing the most?
As I mentioned before, faces. I love drawing facial expressions, I feel like it’s the very core of a character. It’s the first thing I notice when I look at anyone’s art, so I always go all out on my own. I also like drawing hair and wrinkles in clothing. I used to be really obsessed with wrinkles and it would always look like my characters didn’t iron their laundry, but I’ve definitely toned it down since then, haha.
All in all, I like drawing human characters the best — or humanoid. Elves, fairies, merfolk; I love them the most. I like drawing animals too, but not as much as people. 
What do you like drawing the least?
Once again my answer is hands. They are still as difficult to draw as the day I started.
Backgrounds are also not enjoyable for me to draw. It’s an important part of a piece, but I get so bored drawing anything that’s not a character — which is why you’ll probably notice in a lot of my art that I do a lot of very minimal backgrounds. I’ve been trying very hard not to just take stock photos anymore (with the exception of my Mythical Month art as they’re meant to be stickers,) and I’ve been using games like Skyrim and Breath of the Wild as inspiration with their gorgeous scenery. 
Do you draw more fanart or original art? If fanart, what fandom do you draw the most of?
I post a lot more fan art than original — at least I used to, but I also think I have expanded in sharing my original art more and more with my Mythical Months/Mondays. I guess maybe I’d say about half and half.
What medium/program do you use the most in your art?
Digitally I always use Photoshop. Always. As for traditional art, I’ve been using Copic knock-offs (I’m still learning, so I’d rather not waste the money) and the Sakura Micron pens for my ink sketches. I’ve really been enjoying them, actually, it’s very therapeutic. However, no matter digitally or traditionally, I always, ALWAYS start with a pencil. I like mechanical pencils, I don’t like traditional #2 pencils anymore. The thin lead helps me keep control better.
How would you rank your art? (poor, mediocre, good, etc.)
I always say I think my art is “above average.” I know it’s not bad, but I think it could always use improvement. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to a place where I think my art is phenomenal, but I’m content with it, it makes me happy, and that’s all that matters.
List at least one of your “artspirations.”
My art style was greatly inspired by Naruto, Fire Emblem, and Zelda. I always liked more proper body proportions with that hint of anime inspiration. I like bigger eyes on my characters because they help convey emotion so much better, but I also don’t like the oversized baby eyes outside of the occasional chibi style. Avatar: The Last Airbender was also a great influence since the creators did exactly what I like to do and execute it wonderfully.
What do you think you could stand to improve on?
I feel like I can always improve on everything that I do in my art. There are things I’m good at, but I don’t feel like I’ve mastered anything in particular. Then there’s hands and feet again which I definitely need to work on. Lastly, motion. I want to be able to draw more fluid character motions. I’ve been working on it with my original art that I don’t post online, but hopefully I’ll start incorporating it into all my work.
Do you have a shameful art past? (recolor sprite comics, tracing art, etc.?)
Ugh, yes, YES! I admit I was so bad at first, but I also think that’s just how we learn. I used to do a lot of tracing. I started first just full-on tracing images off my computer — That’s right, I’d put the paper up to the computer and trace it like that. Then I started using bases, which was better because at least I had to draw all the details like hair and clothing by myself. Then I finally worked up the courage to stop using them completely. I’d use references, but I would force myself to figure it out by eye rather than copy it straight from the source. I’m happy to say I haven’t been tracing since my late middle school- early high school years.
How many years have you cosplayed?
My first cosplay was when I was fourteen, and I’m twenty-five at the time of writing this article, so eleven years now. Wow.
How did you get into cosplaying?
I honestly don’t know. I was invited to a convention where I heard people dressed up and was like “hey, I want to try that!” I guess it was because I didn’t really do Halloween as a kid and I was so deathly terrified of costumed characters as a toddler that I never took an interest until high school.
How many cosplays have you done?
That’s funny, you want me to remember how many cosplays I’ve ever done. A lot. According to my photo collection, I’ve done about 60 different cosplays (59 exactly if I’m counting correctly.)
What was your first cosplay and why did you choose it?
My first cosplay was Osaka from Azumanga Daioh in her blue summer uniform. Azumanga Daioh was my second ever manga series and my cousin and I were so obsessed with it. She even went as Yukari with me to the convention (though only, like, two people knew who we were.) Tomo is probably my favorite character, but I related personally more to Osaka, being the air-head that I am. I also didn’t have to really style my hair (because that was an era before I used wigs.)
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What is your favorite cosplay you’ve done so far?
It’s a tie between my Trainee Link (Hyrule Warriors) costume and my Royal Guard Link (Zelda: Breath of the Wild) costume. Both are alternative costumes for one of my all-time favorite characters that I hand made all the really detailed pieces all from scratch. Link has always been a special character for me to cosplay, but these two are my favorites.
What is your least favorite you’ve cosplayed?
Rapunzel (Tangled). I was obsessed with her at the time which is why I wanted to cosplay her originally, but my dress was not the best and I didn’t look good as her. At least I think so. It was the only costume that made me feel insecure.
What cosplay is the most uncomfortable or troublesome?
Okay, I love this costume and character to pieces, but my gosh the struggles I go through for Pearl (Steven Universe). Blue Diamond (Steven Universe) is the worst in terms of how long it takes me to put my makeup on, but Pearl is right behind her at about 2 hours being my best time. However, the thing that makes Pearl more troublesome to wear is one thing and one thing alone: armsocks.
They look great and prevent you from having to dab makeup all over your body, but I literally couldn’t even hit the home button on my cellphone and it’s not like I could just take them off like gloves. They’re attached at your middle and putting them on is a hassle on its own. Getting your fingers into each tiny socket is so time-consuming. Now imagine this while also being coated in body paint. Plus, having white be the color of the stockings, you have to be conscious of everything you touch because it will stain and show. Because of all this, I refuse to use the restroom dressed as Pearl, and while that is “in character,” it is not healthy and totally NOT recommended you do that.
What is your most comfortable cosplay?
During the winter, Ravio (Zelda: A Link Between Worlds) for sure. It’s like wearing a giant snuggie. However, in summer, it does get hot very quickly (which is why I literally only wear biker shorts and a tank underneath if I ever do take it out on a hot day), so I only wear it in summer if I know there will be AC. Heatstroke is a real thing. Miss Frizzle (Magic School Bus) is probably the best all-year cosplay in terms of comfort. It’s just a dress, stockings, and a wig really.
But in all honesty, most of my cosplays are relatively comfortable. There’s really nothing that I’ve been so uncomfortable that it’s made my physically ill or scarred me physically. My health is important to me, and should safety should always come first.
How do you research the cosplay before you make it?
I look up lots of reference images. I need an image of the front and back, though if it’s not available, I just improvise based on the images I do have on hand. After that, I kind of just wing it.
Do you sew your cosplays yourself?
A good majority of them, yes. There are a few exceptions to this, though: My Disney princesses are all bought since I use them in performances and want them to be durable if children come and tug on the outfit. Pearl, also being a performance cosplay, I did buy as well. For her second reformation outfit (the sleeveless with the ribbon) I got specially commissioned to look and fit me just right whereas her movie/future appearance (jacket and mom-jeans) I literally found at a thrift store. I also love to find costume pieces at thrift stores. Whether I use them as is or make alterations, they make life so much easier when you make a good find for a cheap price. Leni Loud (Loud House) is probably my favorite thrift/sew hybrid. I found a base dress, altered the top and added strap sleeves, put lace around the edges, found a blingy pair of sunglasses, bought earrings and painted them, and made bows for sandals I already had. The most expensive part of that cosplay was the wig I bought from Arda (and it’s always worth it to buy from them in my opinion.)
When I make a costume completely from scratch (like Ravio, Thranduil, any of my Link cosplays) are when I really love the costume and character and want to take on a challenge and bring it to life myself. They also tend to have pieces that can’t be altered from your everyday clothing, but that just makes me work harder and learn more!
How did you learn to sew?
My grandmother taught me how. Osaka was my first cosplay, but my mom altered it from a tee shirt we found at a thrift store and a lucky skirt find. Kabuto Yakushi (Naruto) was the first cosplay I made from scratch (and I won best novice at the convention I wore it to — even with my terrible wig, haha.) She showed me how to use patterns when we made that and my Ayame Sohma cosplay, but after that, I scrapped using patterns and I basically just eyeball everything now. It’s totally not recommended, but I’m a little weirdo and just prefer to do things the way I do. Still, I wouldn’t be able to use a sewing machine if it weren’t for her. Thanks, Nanny!
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Do you make your own props?
Most of them. I don’t really use props too often as I find them cumbersome to lug around a convention (which is how I thought of the Fire Emblem, Gravity Falls, and Skyrim book boxes to store your stuff and add some extra flair to a costume.) The few props I have made include Link’s sword, his trainee shield, his original shield from Zelda 1, and Soren’s Wind Tome (which I used for Laurent (Fire Emblem: Awakening) because I didn’t finish Soren (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance) yet…) Then there’s my prized cosplay prop; Victreebel for James (Pokémon). That was all thanks to my fleece hat business in high school that taught me the skills to build that thing.
I actually think the only prop I store-bought was my Hylian Shield because it was so lightweight and easy to carry, plus I was dreading doing all those details at the time. Maybe one day I’ll make it from scratch, but for now, I’m content with my store-bought.
Do you style your own wigs?
Yes. I have been improving my styling skills a lot more since I first started. It was always a more difficult task for me, but I’ve been practicing more and more. The first one that I attempted on my own was my short-haired Rapunzel. That was basically just giving it a haircut, though. My first real styling challenge was Breath of the Wild Link. It took a long time, but I actually had fun figuring out his hair.
For most of my costumes, it’s really just the bangs that need that extra pop, to which I use Got2B gel and spray. Does the trick every time and keeps everything in place. For those who are wondering, though: No, I did not style Pearl’s wig. I am not ready for that kind of gravity-defying styling. That was all E-Bay.
What skill has been most useful for making your cosplay?
Well, sewing mostly, but other skills that have come in handy for me personally have been painting, crafting, makeup, styling, and overall decorating. Probably other stuff too, just nothing more I can think of off the top of my head.
What is the hardest thing when making a cosplay?
Probably figuring out how things connect. This is the main reason I’m timid when it comes to armor. I’ve been getting better, but I’m still having trouble figuring out how everything attaches and how to put on these kinds of costumes, which is why my Skyrim Elven Armor has been put on hold.
What was the biggest screw up you’ve had making a cosplay?
I’m not sure if I had any major crisis’ when it comes to making cosplays, but I’ve certainly had my fair share of irritating mishaps and mistakes. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve accidentally sewn the sleeves on a costume inside out about 4 times before I finally got it right.
I’ve cut holes in my clothing, I’ve sewn sleeves on too tight, and I’ve even completed a hat that took hours just for it to wind up being too small when I put a wig on. I guess most of the major issues I’ve had with sewing are measurement issues, so my advice to you is to always measure and try on your costume as you go. Don’t wait until the day of the con to try out your new cosplay.
How often do you injure yourself while making a cosplay?
Not too often, I occasionally prick my finger with my sewing needles, but I haven’t had too many serious injuries. I think the worst was when I slashed my thumb with the exacto-knife when making my first shield for Link. Needless to say, there was a lot of blood.
Do you try to stay cheap or do you splurge on materials?
I am a frugal soul; if I can save, I will. That’s why I thrift so much. However, on a costume I’m really passionate about, I will spend more to ensure the quality. For example, I spent a little more going to a more shimmery material for Royal Guard Link. It cost about $50 for the blue and red material, which to me, is a lot (and that was with coupons). However, the results were 100% worth it. PS, Michaels and Joann’s ALWAYS have coupons. I totally recommend downloading both apps.
I also stand by that with wigs and contacts. I love Arda, their quality is great, but they are more expensive than Amazon. Contacts I don’t mind spending more for as well since the quality is VERY important in this case; they are going on your eyes, after all.
However, as I said, I am absolutely not opposed to going cheap. If you can make it work, make it work. My Nyo!Austria (Hetalia) cosplay came out very cute and it was literally made from bedsheets. From using mostly thrifted and recycled materials, a lot of my cosplays came to around an overall price of around $30. Some of these costumes include Mega Gardevoir (Pokemon), Tomoyo Sakagami (Clannad), Spyro (Spyro the Dragon), and Luan Loud (Loud House.)
Cosplay can be totally affordable, you just have to be creative and think a little outside the box sometimes to make it work.
Have you ever cosplayed with a partner or group?
Yes, a few times. I’d love to do more group cosplays, but we all have to think of something we all like. Luckily, two of my very good friends decided they would dress up as Steven Universe and Amethyst to go with my Pearl this year for Comic-Con and it was such a great experience! I’m trying to convince them to do others as well, such as The Loud House and The Magic School Bus with me as well, haha.
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Do you try to act in character?
Always: but I don’t always succeed. It really depends on the character. Pearl I could roleplay for days. It’s probably because I connect so much with her and performing as her doesn’t hurt either. Dee Dee Magno Hall says her favorite lines to say are peoples names, and after giving it a shot myself, I totally see why. I even practiced Garnets “Stronger than you” monologue in Pearl’s voice and tone (in case no one volunteered to sing during our karaoke event) and it always makes my friends laugh.
The characters that stump me a little more are the more serious characters I choose to portray; Link, Laurent, Thranduil (the Hobbit), Belle (Beauty and the Beast), just to name a few. I’m kind of a goofball/airhead so those characters clash with my personality a little bit, but I am getting better. Blue Diamond is surprisingly the easiest of these types to stay in character for.
That being said, I love being the outgoing, oddball characters. Like I said, Pearl is second nature to me, as well as Anna from Frozen. Back in my Hetalia days, Austria and America were my go-to guys. I could act as them forever, and my friends and I literally lived as them for a while with how much we role-played. Most of the Disney Princesses it’s pretty easy for me to stay in character, especially (like I said before) Anna, Sofia the First, and Merida.
How do you react to cosplayers dressed as a character from the same anime/game/etc?
If there are some good character opportunities, I will role-play on the spot, but more often than not I will ask if we could all get a picture together. There were so many fun interactions with other Steven Universe cosplayers when my friends and I did our little group, but one of my favorite interactions was probably when I was dressed as Laurent and I stumbled across a Miriel cosplayer and I just shouted out “MOM! I FINALLY FOUND YOU!”
Do you try to duplicate your character’s expressions, walk, movements, etc?
I can talk the talk (mostly), but I have more trouble walking the walk. I’ve been trying to replicate movements better, but facial expressions I have trouble with (ironic as it’s my favorite part of drawing.) I’m not as photogenic as I’d like to be, as you could probably tell by most of my pictures being the same face, but I definitely am striving to improve on that.
What was your funniest experience of acting in character?
Okay, there’s a lot that I could share, and eventually, I want to do an article solely on cosplay “in-character” experiences, but the one I HAVE to share right now is a recent experience when I was dressed as Ariel from The Little Mermaid.
I was performing at the family day event my church helps out at my pastor’s air force base as Ariel, and after my sing-a-long, my makeup was a little smudged. I asked a volunteer where the restroom was so I could touch up before I headed back out to the crowds. I thought he’d take me to a private restroom, but he brought me to the public one where there were families waiting outside. They noticed and the dad joked “See? Even princesses have to go.” to which I laughed and gave my best Ariel shrug to play along. I went inside, fixed my makeup, and went back outside.
It wasn’t long, so the family was still outside the men’s room. As I walked by, the man’s son shouted out “Ariel, congratulations on going pee-pee!” to which I bursted out laughing. Everyone was. I mean, if you gotta congratulate a princess on using the bathroom, you picked the right one! After that, I did explain that I was just putting on makeup but I appreciated his enthusiasm and thanked him for it.
Do you compete in cosplay contests?
All the time. I love them. Whether I win or lose, I always get something out of it. I learn tips from other cosplayers, get to meet so many interesting people, and those times I do win I get prizes which is always nice as well. Most importantly, though, the memories that are made there are the very best part.
Have you won anything?
I have won quite a few. I have three trophies, a medal, a few certificates, and have won a cash prize as well. My first win was my second convention as Kabuto where I won the best novice trophy. My most recent win was for Ravio in August of 2019 with best in show. It’s amazing, I never thought I would get this far, but I’m so grateful for everything I’ve been a part of.
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Again, it’s totally not about winning, but I’ll admit that it does feel really nice to have my hard work appreciated. Just as drawing, I still feel like I have a lot of room for improvement in my cosplay, so winning a few contests here and there definitely helps my low self-esteem.
Do you prefer skits or walk-ons?
I’ve only ever done walk-ons. I’ve never had anyone to do a skit with and I don’t think I could pull one off on my own. I’d love to do one eventually, but for now, our panels are good enough.
How many friends have you made because of cosplay?
Quite a lot. My Instagram is full of cosplayers I’ve met at conventions and I love seeing their cosplays and drawings, it’s all so inspiring!
Do you attend photoshoots and meet-ups outside of conventions?
Occasionally. I’ve never done a professional photoshoot (though one day I’d like to,) but I have attended a few meetups. I’ve done one for Steven Universe, Once Upon a Time, Disney, and I actually accidentally walked into a Fire Emblem: Awakening one dressed as Laurent, so that worked out.
What is the funniest reaction you’ve gotten cosplaying from people outside of the community?
The best one was when I was dressed as Link and my friend and I were on the subway. There was a mom and her kid sitting across from us and she pointed to me and said to her child, “Look, an elf! You see? Santa’s got his helpers out all year round, so you have to be good!”
I also had another wonderful experience outside of a con dressed as Link, though it’s not as funny but more just a sweet memory. It’s quite a bit, but luckily I’ve already written about it for Zelda Universe so I’ll just link it here for anyone who’s interested. 
Name a few cosplays you’re planning to do next:
I’ve got to get Soren (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance) done soon. I’ve been wanting to do this cosplay forever and I did start it, but I need to finally finish it. Dimitri (Fire Emblem: Three Houses) is also on my list to do next. Not sure about who else I want to do for sure, but some ideas that have floated around in my head have been Tilly Green (Big City Greens), Anna with her Frozen 2 look, Princess Peach (Super Mario), and a Thalmor Mage (Skyrim.)
What is your dream cosplay?
Princess Zelda from Twilight Princess. I’m still too scared to try to cosplay her. I bought a cheap starter costume that I was going to build off of and it wasn’t turning out the way I wanted, so I put it off again. One day I’ll feel confident enough to make her costume, but until then I’m totally satisfied with my Link cosplays.
What do you take into consideration when picking a character to cosplay?
Honestly, I just have to love them as a character and the costume itself has to seem do-able. I mean, I’m totally not opposed to buying cosplays if I really want to be a particular character, but like I said, making it means all the more to me. It’s my display of affection towards that character, the creators behind them, and the series as a whole.
Is cosplay serious business for you?
Yes and no. No because I don’t do it for money, likes, or internet fame. I do it because it’s fun and what I like to do. Yes because I go all out when I cosplay. I do everything I can to get the look the way I want it and I put my blood, sweat, and tears into it when I make them by hand. 
What is your favorite thing about cosplay?
Everything: Dressing up as a character I love, roleplaying them, taking photos, just everything! I would do it more often if I could!
How do you want to grow as a cosplayer?
I want to learn how to make more. I want to build armor, I want to learn new makeup and hairstyling techniques, and so much more. I’m happy where I am, but I know I can be better. I will watch others and learn from them and push myself to try new things!
Are you willing to answer questions and help other cosplayers?
Absolutely! I may not be a top dog of cosplaying, but if I can help someone with something I’ve learned along the way, I’m more than happy to help!
When did you start writing?
I started in middle school as well, I used to write a Nintendo fan fiction called “The Kirby Show,” where Kirby and his friends would get into wacky sitcom scenarios. They were really just knock-offs of the television shows I used to watch back in the day, but hey, everyone’s gotta start somewhere.
As for my original writing, I started that more in high school. I still wrote a lot of fan fiction at that point, but I was starting to develop my own characters as well. I thought it about time to think of my own creations, and I did. I remember I was in my Godmother’s car when I thought of the main three characters and since then the cast has expanded so much, their stories are much better developed, and the lore is much more solid.
When you were a beginning writer, what did you write primarily? What do you write now, primarily?  (i.e. romance, fan-fiction, poetry)
As mentioned before, I started out writing stories about characters that were not my own. Now I do all original writing — well, aside from my work at Zelda Universe. There I get to write about all the unique aspects of one of my favorite game series of all time, so there’s that as well. Writing there has helped me start writing little fandom topical posts for my own blog, such as top 10’s, reviews, and other things along those lines. 
How often do you write?
I make it a habit to try and write at least a half-hour a day. If I’m really on a roll, I could write up to a few hours a day before I get burnt out. Even though I’m not always writing, I’m always developing the stories in my head. 
When is your favorite time of the day to write?
I always write a half hour before I go to bed. The later it is, the more ideas keep rolling in. With my early hours for work now it’s harder to stay up late, but that doesn’t stop the ideas. I just gotta push myself a little harder to start earlier to have more time before I need to go to bed. 
Do you have a writing muse? If so, who/what?
Not in particular. I always just write about what I like and incorporate different aspects of my life into it. I guess I’m my own muse in that sense? I don’t know. I just write what I do know. 
What is your most popular lit piece?
Out of all my public pieces, I’d say either my “Animal Crossing Diaries” series or my “Endless Ocean” screenplay. “Vagabond” gets some decent attention as well, which is nice, but honestly, I’d be happy if there was just one person enjoying my work, so I really can’t complain. 
What is the piece you are currently writing?
Out of my public blog works, “Vagabond,” from my Zelda Universe collection I’m working on a character piece on Colin from Twilight Princess. 
What is the piece you most recently finished?
On my blog that would be my “Top 10 Favorite Fire Emblem Characters” list. For Zelda Universe, it’s actually a piece about Fire Emblem as well — It was DS week, I could write about whatever DS game I wanted to, of course I have to sneak in some Fire Emblem.
What piece are you most proud of?
While “Vagabond” definitely needs some more work, out of all the pieces I’ve posted publicly, that one is the one I am the proudest of. If anything just for Kurt and Maerwynn. They are two of my favorite characters to play around with and I’m so happy that somehow I was allowed to think these two up.
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In my more private works, my fantasy story is my pride and joy. I feel so blessed to have been able to come up with these characters, and I do hope that someday I will be able to share them, whether on a television screen as I’ve always dreamed of in a novel of some sort. One day, maybe. 
What piece are you most disappointed in?
It’s not so much disappointment, but rather I’ve grown so much in my work, it’s very hard for me to look back at my first romance story. It’s a little cheesy and the dialogue is a bit clunky, some of the actions that my characters had performed totally go against what their characters have become now after spending a lot more time with them. It’s something I would love to revisit and maybe even go public with, but it’s going to take a lot of work. 
From all of your stories, who is/are your favorite character(s) and why? (try to limit it to 3)
Since I only published “Vagabond” online, I’ll stick to characters from this story in particular.
Maerwynn is definitely a favorite because she’s got a lot of qualities that I wish I was bold enough to enact myself. She speaks her mind without a care of what anyone else will think, even if it’s blatantly rude. She goes for her goals, even if they may seem ridiculous, and she pursues them with great passion and ferocity. Even with this rough and tough exterior, she’s still got a softer side that she’s just discovering in her new life at the palace. Now, I wouldn’t ever recommend being like Maerwynn ALL the time, but there’s definitely is a time and place where we could all be a little bit more like her, I think. Her confidence is the thing I admire most about her.
Kurt I connect with as well. Again, he says all the things that we all wish we could get away with at one point or another, but he knows he can because he’s royalty. However, he’s got so much going on underneath the surface as well with the complications of his past. He’s learning to open up, connect with others, and understand his feelings. Despite feeling restricted by the laws of his kingdom and the traditions of the royal family, he finds his own way to feel free and be himself. 
What is the best compliment you ever got on your writing?
My best friend who I’ve been sharing these stories with for as long as we’ve known each other told me the nicest thing not to long ago. I always laugh at myself for going so crazy in-depth with the lore and characters of my fantasy world, but she told me how she’s admired that and the love and care I put into each little thing was what made it so great. It really meant the world to me to hear that and I can’t thank her enough for all the love and support throughout the years! 
What is your main goal in writing?
I don’t know if there’s one main goal in particular, but I suppose if I had to pick just one, it would be to show good through the works of my characters and hope and pray that it inspires others to be like them. Kindness is growing scarce in the world, and if I can just inspire a little bit of it in someone, I suppose that’s all I can ask for. 
Have you ever been published?
No, but I am aiming for it. Once I complete Vagabond, give it another revise myself, and hopefully find an editor to give it another look over, I’d love to find someone to publish my book or even self publish on a platform like Amazon. Just something to get my work out there.
Questions asked by you
Who is an artist that you look up to? There are a few artists online that I follow who I just adore their work. Three that come to mind in particular are Bianca Roman-Stumpff, Bellhenge, and TheStarfishFace. Their art is so different from mine, but I think that’s probably why I love it so much (if that makes sense?)  They each have such a unique style and great subject material, I highly recommend giving them a look!
What did you think of “Frozen 2”?
I loved it. No secret that I’m a huge Frozen fan, so I was bound to like it. I was actually really nervous about how it was going to end, but I can say (without spoilers) that I am 100% satisfied with how it concluded. Also, Kristoff finally gets the spotlight that he deserves, thank you, Disney.
However, as much as I did love it, I do totally admit I do see flaws in it that could have been improved on. That being said, there was that in the first movie too and I stilled loved it. The characters have enough charm to keep the film entertaining throughout and I just adore them!
What does your family think of your art?
My parents have always encouraged me about my art and I know my grandmother loves it; I gave her a sweater with the art she liked of mine last Christmas and my mom says she wears it all the time. The rest of my family knows and supports my art as well, I  never really had any issue with my small art business and the family.
Any memorable cosplay experiences at a con?
So many. I’ve shared a few before, but I think I’d like to make a whole article on the great cosplay experiences I’ve had! There are so many to talk about and stories to share.
Is there a type of art that you would like to get into? I’ve seen a lot of people doing wood carving and burning, but that looks insanely difficult.
I’ve actually been considering wood burning, haha! It does look difficult, that’s why I’ve been hesitant, but maybe in the future I’d give it a shot. I think they’d make my Skyrim wood pieces look legit.
I’m really up for trying anything. If money wasn’t a thing, I’d have tried a lot more by now. In the future, I’d love to try needlepoint as well! 
Recently, I had been asked about some of the work that I do, and I thought a fun way to just that was to fill out a few questionnaires. Here I talk about some of the high and low points of doing what I do, what inspires me, and my process of creativity. Welcome all! If you're reading this, I'm assuming you're familiar with my work as either an artist, cosplayer, writer or any of the other creative things I do.
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airoasis · 5 years
Fallout 76 Angry Review
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/fallout-76-angry-review-2/
Fallout 76 Angry Review
You fucked it up by means of now you know that this sport sucks I might barely carry myself to play it in order to conclude this evaluate i’ve never in no way obvious this type of piss-bad effort from Bethesda a recreation manufacturer i like in a door you would name me a Bethesda fanboy I make whole game days for his or her releases and no I truly failed to get a review reproduction or a free box set I in reality purchased the 200 greenback collector’s variation with my possess cash long in the past most often for the helmet but I had a small hope that Bethesda would put out the game they promised to us and conceal up so much go the place you want watch do anything you need this is the Golden Age of game make the player proud song language make your self proud that you simply made it make your player proud that you simply purchased it it works it absolutely responds to move the place you need do some thing make your player proud well I was once lied to we were all lied to and betrayed betrayal yeah that is all I wanted shut the door fuck this position shut the door i have not felt one of these massive disparity between what we have been instructed and what we bought due to the fact aliens colonial Marines and no man’s sky bethesda has unequivocally failed at what it set out to do right here in spite of whether you for my part like it or no longer on account that one man’s trash is a further man’s treasure and trust me this is trash by using their possess words they fail and this time it points all new rendering lights and landscape science rendering quite you get here it is proper over there there it’s see it you not see that helicopter what the fuck proper there it just spawned in that popin is fucking horrible and this time it elements all new rendering lighting fixtures appear at this like can i just ask okay inform me why that light is coming from okay it can be like you understand what like you know if persons like God Ray’s God Ray’s out of the fucking earth that is so folks like what’s the floor will not be why is the ground i am blowing oh my god what is this fucking guy and this time it points all new rendering lighting fixtures and panorama technological know-how first of path that you can play this solo alright you’ll be able to be you can be who you want exploring a big world doing quests experiencing a narrative and leveling up we like those things about our video games too it wouldn’t have it another means in actual fact you’ll by no means even see a server while you play so realistically speakme oh appear the server crashed tremendous time it cup yeah it relatively cannot go any minimize severely fallout 76 is through some distance the biggest undertaking that now we have ever performed it encompasses materials of the studio in Maryland Austin Montreal for Bethesda sport Studios as good as we’re getting quite a few aid from different parts of Bethesda one of the vital pleasant men and women at ed software arcane ZeniMax online and so it really is a tremendous challenge not just for us but all elements of Bethesda no no it can be not and if that many studios contributed to making this mess then perhaps that used to be a part of the predicament why did it take that many to create this piece together fallout four asset blip considering that that’s what that is provide an explanation for it to us gigantic patches that hardly fix some thing it is obtained so many technical problems it can be amazing Bethesda I’ve web I’ve there may be truthfully I’ve this clip proper here this is this encapsulate psmith is de this is without doubt one of the most blurring undercooked worm crammed lazy efforts with the aid of Bethesda and as long as i will be able to remember you sir I just bought a sweet roll hell yeah they would need to double your stamina they usually desire a fast travel again right here at least OG we see a participant here you higher be competent to move bro i’m continuously competent be ready to move at all times it comes by means of a hundred% as a speedy effortless money snatch to any person with a mind it takes expertise of the Fallout fan base except but this did not even trouble to decorate it up a little bit bit no rather it shows up tremendously late belligerent and shit-faced inebriated to the survival get together you understand that asshole that manages to break it for everyone 76 is here little one ready to social gathering no boy come on let’s go back know the survival occasion is over howdy did you just log out no no would you just glitch no you bros you all out fallout all out 70 triumphant first-rate – it’s idiot no all right it’s night he is asking me for money now look nobody plans survival games in or you are late to the party it can be what about mutters oh yeah now combat Royale fuck is that fuck that man he is a fine man he does not have you ever go residence go home touch me do not touch me cook dinner come on I are not able to don’t forget this is the identical studio with a view to cancel the strong-watching preto due to great issues and production cut-off dates yet turns around and places out this excellent sign for this with probably the most worst bugs and outright admitting it can be now not even completed of their freaking press free up and their computer virus record reads like a fucking novel no no this isn’t ideal this is not our job that’s your job your job is to unlock a completed game not a opening factor to a sport so that we will fix it for you our video games often at this point have numerous techniques which might be working but we’ve not quite gelled all of them together rather the way the end customers see it and definitely we did file these malicious program issues to you three years ago and fallout four you just ported it proper back in right here nonetheless damaged although the group fix them with patches you could not be equipped to do the equal and they literally reproduction pasted this sport so tough that that trojan horse from fallout four exists in this sport and it is fucking over 1000’s of people when you consider that you can not patch it what do you imply you can’t patch up you cannot use the fix from fallout 4 and fallout 76 which was once a participant patch Bethesda is mindful of this worm and it has existed for two years in Fallout 4 and they not ever constant it and it is on this recreation that too I’ve grow to be Windigo man all proper you’ll you can be who you want exploring a huge world doing quests however that’s executed this isn’t early entry this can be a full retail recreation that clearly has no proper to be bought at these costs that you’re promoting and now you have to agree considering the fact that it’s already reportedly right down to 40 after which by the point this review it is like a 35 I’ve under no circumstances noticeable a sport dropped that rough and speedy in price in ceaselessly if ever that means they already knew it wasn’t worth that shit and folks like me who paid for to persons such as you who pay for guts we paid them to beta experiment their game we anticipate triple a satisfactory or at least finished pleasant from a company we keep in high regard and that i on no account not ever want to see them pull some thing like this again I I learn on the net that our video games have had a few bugs I did I learn it on the internet so it is actual and that in many instances it would not just work anyway certain variations it is excellent the graphics are awful it permits us to have sixteen instances the element sixteen occasions the detail sixteen instances the element I was once announcing sixteen occasions the detail yeah I used to be saying some thing 16 times the detail I was once definitely pronouncing whatever that is for sure the sport is actually destabilizing in front of me there may be a glitch in the matrix its action oh my god it’s just getting worse in each door oh however God the game is destabilizing sixteen instances the element i’m jogging into an invisible wall correct now all of this simply works it’s no longer i’m not kidding and again it just works in even view far-off climate programs throughout the map and i’m worn out of it the computer interface it’s shit there was zero effort put into that poor and the engine it is a literal fossil the sport on pc has such awkward default enter instructions its dumbfounding in an RPG where you are fiddling round along with your inventory much more so than than fallout 4 and also you cannot pause the article for the reason that of all their gathering and crafting and within the are living survival recreation now that damn factor was applied to enhance a player’s exceptional of lifestyles ctrl + tab doesn’t do some thing yeah does ctrl tab and that is sure I would like to join the staff now you invited me to alternate within the manipulate tab you have to become a member of our staff they simply basically did the identical from fallout 4 the same crafting the identical constructing with a few extra abnormal action options right here and there this game is actually all of the weakest points of fallout 4 repackage together as its core expertise does that sound enjoyable to you the shitty filler quests the busy work the fumbling around and a strategy to small stock all made worse by the introduced hunger and dehydration considerations there must be residing this factor proper additionally we have to heal we did not even drop I bought two pieces of dogmeat and that i bought that is it that’s off the dead dog lets off the dead dog gunpowder and why don’t our there no interesting human NPCs it contributes to creating real world feel empty and shallow though it teases you with a mayor a hunts grasp oh however of path they may be robots just of course you’re fortunate they help us get equipped for the upcoming flood of keen tourists and i am now not the whole 5% off the cost of all points of interest we now have four major points of interest around here wavy Willard’s no doing variety no no no you mess with the lore anyway to get this recreation to occur you mess with the Brotherhood lore you may have messed with the creature lore you’ve got messed with the Enclave and the timeline you are clearly inclined to bend matters and create new things but you refuse to place in human NPCs with intriguing reports given that of a massively misguided directed from possibly Todd that every human he desired you to meet can be a participant however there is one huge difference with this game it can be that each of these characters is an actual person well guess what players suck gamer’s don’t play games like npcs and they may be able to on no account be substitutes for them chiefly on account that people are shitty assholes in games with the aid of nature they do and say shitty matters they lose their fucking cool please do not behave as Bethesda wishes them to and none of this cross their mind considering that they could not even be bothered to position adequate push-to-speak feature at launch ELC which is the fuck they the game with the open mic from the damn personality creator they do not even help you get out of the vault before somebody’s yelling racist shit respiration into the mic like a moron or their mother is heard yelling at them to wash their fucking room that is fucking ridiculous what’s the who the fuck is speaking right now shut the fuck up tell your mom to shut up looking to fucking play listen right here you little stop fucking masturbating and switch your mic off this indicates you ways little proposal went into this it’s all downhill from there the opening of the vault it feels weak when it’s presupposed to be this epic moment it appears like rust crap i am opening compared to yes okay when you get available in the market there may be consistent popping so it is for that rendering and landscape engine horrible draw distances there’s an unsightly blur off in the distance irrespective of how powerful my computer is and it is empower ‘fl movement pace is relatively tied to border cost some persons document that it even makes the motion ill to play with this totally limited field of view and bobbing head made even worse in third-man or woman and particularly once more there is an issue with the engine they can not even quite comfortably repair to put sufficient in fov slider yeah there is zero problems with this engine all right um the satisfactory strategy to alternate the fov is to move inside of your consumer account files my video games and fought seventy six find the fought 76 I and i and do a replica paste and then rename the reproduction customized simply add the phrase custom like that now I can not do it once more on the grounds that I already have one however you then just identify yours customized and then what you wish to have to do is go into the custom ini and these are the two traces you need the lighting fixtures bloom effect is ridiculous guys it offers everyone keratoconus a degenerative eye that I actually was diagnosed with and suffer from where lights get blurred and they have got like these halos and lots of spill to them and bleed outcome so watching at fallout is how I truely see most often this game actually gives you a simulation of getting a scientific i what the fuck it seems that the shadows are based on the place i’m looking video on how to get unlimited grenades and unlimited XP so and it will not stop going up fucking unlimited however yeah see i’m going right right here showing you you could go to each of these wires don’t work that way oh yeah the sport’s story which there is not any story is brought to you in probably the most boring static holotapes so you engage of their story we brought a lot of holotape to this sport you can hear plenty of audio you will of path be capable to it so that the reports absolutely wealthy in a way considering that you’ll be able to be able to hear it as you continue to quest along and enjoy the experience in a technique we have not carried out earlier than oh your acquaintances and random strangers are screaming on your ear so you barely even work here with them they’re saying I do not know how you are making ammo I believe you desire a tinker and these supposed quests first of direction you can play this solo my god I was once describing this recreation to a buddy and i spotted simply how mundane these quests have been I used to be like hi there man yeah I needed to select up ten beer bottles turn a water valve which failed to do something cool like fill the park with radiated water or something after which I had to kill a crap exceptional satisfactory genius time you keep thinking that it’s gonna get higher it is gonna go someplace the questions gonna get better your degree 10 it can be gonna get better degree 20 is it better but level 30 better please degree 60 oh my god why is it no longer better he’ll Dell even made it to 100 and fucking 40 and it in no way acquired any better it in no way does all that occurs is you get fairly cooler loot to play the equal terrible gameplay loop again and again awful pics awful UI awful quests terrible gameplay loops terrible enemy AI awful and that’s to not say that the gameplay can not be exciting once in a while along with your buddies it can be a stressful second while you see an awfully high-level gigantic monster on the earth and taking one down with the crew it can be enjoyable but these moments are few and a ways between and are not particularly all that high-quality after its newness wears off by and large because the combat is so shallow can they are saying they made these guys like pleasant shit Raiders are replaced with the boring scorched zombies I believe they are forever caught in here but other than that the style of enemies is without a doubt notably good most effective ruined by the horrible AI it is mind-dead god-awful standing round like statues caught in poses or enemies popping correct in entrance of you fuck did you simply spawn correct in entrance of me but perhaps that is all of the intention maybe the complexity of the AI in fallout seventy six is so first-class that it is borderline self-mindful and the AI effortlessly just desires to kill itself for being on this game stating that this can be a $60 recreation with shit like this okay did this this is my point this proper right here Wow seem chat is still oh my goodness Wow what about what about just like the super gun right here nope still nonetheless the difficulty bats has been bastardized to check out to fit in here it should had been unnoticed entirely it is what made fight in prior Fallout games tolerable but it surely’s oftentimes less accurate than just firing your self considering the fact that it will go from like ninety five percentage all the way down to zero in an on the spot without good judgment real-time bats it is simply dumb and i’m so unwell and worn out of the Bethesda fanboys attacking me on the grounds that i do not like this game and that i think Fallout multiplayer deserved significantly better painting me as a troll on YouTube immediately to Todd or to Pete conveniently since I located it boring in one early session however Joe it can be fun with pals frankly any game is extra fun with friends so do not trot out that tired excuse to disregard its flaws and paint me as a villain i do not I critically should not have some form of vendetta to ruin this sport I wanted it to be excellent to be better than what we bought I paid $200 but it has just method too many problems and i see it for what it’s my personal favorite part of fallout 76 is when they create their own enjoyable a giant part of the sport is meant to be PvP it is only awful and execution here it desperately desires a whole redesign and our PvP targeted provider to work if n if the game is meant to be a co-op expertise to take down fallout monsters with your acquaintances then let or not it’s that but if it was once supposed to be PvP as well that some serious work needs to go in right here cuz everyone ignores it i do not even care o.K. Let me show off my PvP so dumb on this game i have a bounty of a hundred and twelve caps right now would not topic that i’m desired or some thing if I if I die lose these caps but except I fucking go and get shot back by means of this man or woman even though I want a PvP it doesn’t matter most robust shotgun in the entire King imaginable and i cannot kill this individual I do like one damages shot i am got bounty for attacking him up to a hundred and twelve calves and there is nothing i will do except he clearly fucking shoots me again now that I simply have a bounty and if I die I lose all those caps there is nothing I would do about it so if he shoots me but oh no someone’s opposed and i will be able to kill them in a single shot or not I would get the injury worm on a participant I ok now I acquired I got the damage trojan horse on a player so i don’t i don’t even understand i don’t even comprehend how you can handle that this game is too damn buggy it is just you suck at a such a disadvantage to fight your enemy’s gonna respawn correct subsequent to you again and again striking you into a demise spiral loop it’s atrocious put out of your mind it i’m accomplished the top recreation it is non-existent yes shedding nukes may also be cool as hell what have I completed that is what you get for telling me to gather cans motherfucker that is what you get well feed the humans you know what I spent them dying but even that has disorders you type new codes which can drop by way of the world or perhaps it failed to drop through the arena and it is just that worrying beeping even when there’s no codes it makes no gameplay feel anyway you kind these codes you drop the nukes and then you definately inform the new crop field but you don’t even need to farm those codes anymore when you consider that these idiots don’t trade the codes whenever a nuke is launched so the code is the same and all of the work you probably did to find that code means nothing when anybody else simply post the code to learn it so that you can simply launch it with no need to do any of that shit it is long gone there may be nonetheless beat me there’s still fuckin pygmy whats up hey the place did you get that new this is penny out bloodless do you telling me that i’ve been out here for hours days or don’t fucking map for the fucking correct go peasant get fucking read did you waste your time however watch out to now not drop a couple of nuke at a time or it will crash the Bethesda servers if truth be told you’ll be able to under no circumstances even see a server while you play your ultimate boss is a scorch beast queen I imply Skyrim dragon however even that’s mainly a enormous waste of time legendary drops are so totally random so that you get a lone one megastar piece of legendary for your entire rough work and past that there’s nothing at this factor within the recreation you’ll be killing glowing loss of life claws like they may be nothing oh my god I wrecked it simplest life deflating the entire undertaking in the sport happens means too speedy your hardest enemies assault Franz possibly mirelurk queens are more difficult to kill definite but once more the sport finds a approach to fuck that up hiya howdy this just works it can be no longer i’m now not kidding look at that 4 bus kiss chat get in on that for a bus yeah let’s doing it for me oh there she bought me get oh there goes the help and again it just works so does the game do anything well good sure i would say probably three matters complete the new perks system it can be sort of interesting but I cannot particularly say better per se it’s simply exciting it’s like playing should you get card packs and gum which scared the hell out of me into considering that we’d be shopping these packs as frankly it seems developed for that purpose however nope they’re simply given to you at intervals perhaps it’s intelligent to keep it that means if they weren’t aspiring to do some thing one of a kind let’s hope it stays that method but at later levels even with that you simply get annoyed regularly swapping your perks for stuff like normal things like lock-deciding on given that it’s the one technique to do it and if you screwed up your stats while leveling get this too bad you can’t admire at all although I completed the sport and i hit degree 50 and like you get stopped getting perk points at level 50 not being capable to respec like to change your stats it can be such a tough method because i have so many perk facets and so many matters I want to do but there may be like actually no appreciate within the recreation you just caught with anything aspects you get so should you like her just a informal player and you do not feel this out earlier than you go and do it you get screwed like if I have been to only have 5 agility i would be screwed someone else at this point consider this game was once not well suggestion out and was rushed every game that we will we are taking the entire suggestions that now we have gotten from our fans that are effective and they provide it all to us whether it’s good dangerous anything that is what makes us better builders and so reading all that suggestions from our previous video games what they already consider about fallout 76 fairly informs what we’re doing what we do in the future go the place you want what do anything you need I was gonna say the tune subsequent but fairly it can be only one stunning track that I rather love k and the map the map it’s stuffed with exact areas and lots of kind probably greater than some other Fallout sport ever the sport is colorful in ingredients now considered one of my colossal criticisms of Fallout 4 used to be how drab it used to be and this cements that it is only significantly better with just a little of color but what is the factor when the whole thing else fails to are living up round it it is like a amazing wealthy child sandbox with just a bunch of broken lame-ass toys to play with him there after which it has the gall to ask you to purchase microtransactions but what the fuck is this or are you fucking serious a paint set 1800 atoms for fucking blue you need me to spend $18 for fucking blue what is this evolved no Bethesda No zero effort here like the rest of the sport but laziness even extends to what they need you to buy and microtransactions it’s astounding you guys are fucking incompetent I hate this sport and that i barely desired to play any further of it i’m sorry the overview took goodbye however i’m gonna recall this this it can be it can be simply terrible it is boring there’s nothing worse than boring I almost have a hilariously dangerous sport than a fucking boring game and that is what that is it in general deserves probably as if you’re crazy you could supply it a type for those who literally love whatever certainly not once more and i hope this sends a message but this does now on become aware of and recognize the trolls did not do it the YouTube provocateurs failed to do it however that did it and now i am going from insanely occupied with megastar subject and Elder Scrolls 6 to deathly afraid if Bethesda used to be willing to position this out with out apology this must be a serious warning call for this corporation there’s no love no care no effort here at all an asset flip fuck fucking cat toes you’re gonna you are gonna put tattoos in my face on the end of the evaluation for this much money anything that was once free and a long way for I can’t I cannot I cannot with this no terrible i want my money back okay am i able to nonetheless get my money back does anybody wish to buy up a fallout 76 what number of any individual did you waste your time you’re now not fucked it up
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Fallout 76 Angry Review
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/fallout-76-angry-review-2/
Fallout 76 Angry Review
You fucked it up by means of now you know that this sport sucks I might barely carry myself to play it in order to conclude this evaluate i’ve never in no way obvious this type of piss-bad effort from Bethesda a recreation manufacturer i like in a door you would name me a Bethesda fanboy I make whole game days for his or her releases and no I truly failed to get a review reproduction or a free box set I in reality purchased the 200 greenback collector’s variation with my possess cash long in the past most often for the helmet but I had a small hope that Bethesda would put out the game they promised to us and conceal up so much go the place you want watch do anything you need this is the Golden Age of game make the player proud song language make your self proud that you simply made it make your player proud that you simply purchased it it works it absolutely responds to move the place you need do some thing make your player proud well I was once lied to we were all lied to and betrayed betrayal yeah that is all I wanted shut the door fuck this position shut the door i have not felt one of these massive disparity between what we have been instructed and what we bought due to the fact aliens colonial Marines and no man’s sky bethesda has unequivocally failed at what it set out to do right here in spite of whether you for my part like it or no longer on account that one man’s trash is a further man’s treasure and trust me this is trash by using their possess words they fail and this time it points all new rendering lights and landscape science rendering quite you get here it is proper over there there it’s see it you not see that helicopter what the fuck proper there it just spawned in that popin is fucking horrible and this time it elements all new rendering lighting fixtures appear at this like can i just ask okay inform me why that light is coming from okay it can be like you understand what like you know if persons like God Ray’s God Ray’s out of the fucking earth that is so folks like what’s the floor will not be why is the ground i am blowing oh my god what is this fucking guy and this time it points all new rendering lighting fixtures and panorama technological know-how first of path that you can play this solo alright you’ll be able to be you can be who you want exploring a big world doing quests experiencing a narrative and leveling up we like those things about our video games too it wouldn’t have it another means in actual fact you’ll by no means even see a server while you play so realistically speakme oh appear the server crashed tremendous time it cup yeah it relatively cannot go any minimize severely fallout 76 is through some distance the biggest undertaking that now we have ever performed it encompasses materials of the studio in Maryland Austin Montreal for Bethesda sport Studios as good as we’re getting quite a few aid from different parts of Bethesda one of the vital pleasant men and women at ed software arcane ZeniMax online and so it really is a tremendous challenge not just for us but all elements of Bethesda no no it can be not and if that many studios contributed to making this mess then perhaps that used to be a part of the predicament why did it take that many to create this piece together fallout four asset blip considering that that’s what that is provide an explanation for it to us gigantic patches that hardly fix some thing it is obtained so many technical problems it can be amazing Bethesda I’ve web I’ve there may be truthfully I’ve this clip proper here this is this encapsulate psmith is de this is without doubt one of the most blurring undercooked worm crammed lazy efforts with the aid of Bethesda and as long as i will be able to remember you sir I just bought a sweet roll hell yeah they would need to double your stamina they usually desire a fast travel again right here at least OG we see a participant here you higher be competent to move bro i’m continuously competent be ready to move at all times it comes by means of a hundred% as a speedy effortless money snatch to any person with a mind it takes expertise of the Fallout fan base except but this did not even trouble to decorate it up a little bit bit no rather it shows up tremendously late belligerent and shit-faced inebriated to the survival get together you understand that asshole that manages to break it for everyone 76 is here little one ready to social gathering no boy come on let’s go back know the survival occasion is over howdy did you just log out no no would you just glitch no you bros you all out fallout all out 70 triumphant first-rate – it’s idiot no all right it’s night he is asking me for money now look nobody plans survival games in or you are late to the party it can be what about mutters oh yeah now combat Royale fuck is that fuck that man he is a fine man he does not have you ever go residence go home touch me do not touch me cook dinner come on I are not able to don’t forget this is the identical studio with a view to cancel the strong-watching preto due to great issues and production cut-off dates yet turns around and places out this excellent sign for this with probably the most worst bugs and outright admitting it can be now not even completed of their freaking press free up and their computer virus record reads like a fucking novel no no this isn’t ideal this is not our job that’s your job your job is to unlock a completed game not a opening factor to a sport so that we will fix it for you our video games often at this point have numerous techniques which might be working but we’ve not quite gelled all of them together rather the way the end customers see it and definitely we did file these malicious program issues to you three years ago and fallout four you just ported it proper back in right here nonetheless damaged although the group fix them with patches you could not be equipped to do the equal and they literally reproduction pasted this sport so tough that that trojan horse from fallout four exists in this sport and it is fucking over 1000’s of people when you consider that you can not patch it what do you imply you can’t patch up you cannot use the fix from fallout 4 and fallout 76 which was once a participant patch Bethesda is mindful of this worm and it has existed for two years in Fallout 4 and they not ever constant it and it is on this recreation that too I’ve grow to be Windigo man all proper you’ll you can be who you want exploring a huge world doing quests however that’s executed this isn’t early entry this can be a full retail recreation that clearly has no proper to be bought at these costs that you’re promoting and now you have to agree considering the fact that it’s already reportedly right down to 40 after which by the point this review it is like a 35 I’ve under no circumstances noticeable a sport dropped that rough and speedy in price in ceaselessly if ever that means they already knew it wasn’t worth that shit and folks like me who paid for to persons such as you who pay for guts we paid them to beta experiment their game we anticipate triple a satisfactory or at least finished pleasant from a company we keep in high regard and that i on no account not ever want to see them pull some thing like this again I I learn on the net that our video games have had a few bugs I did I learn it on the internet so it is actual and that in many instances it would not just work anyway certain variations it is excellent the graphics are awful it permits us to have sixteen instances the element sixteen occasions the detail sixteen instances the element I was once announcing sixteen occasions the detail yeah I used to be saying some thing 16 times the detail I was once definitely pronouncing whatever that is for sure the sport is actually destabilizing in front of me there may be a glitch in the matrix its action oh my god it’s just getting worse in each door oh however God the game is destabilizing sixteen instances the element i’m jogging into an invisible wall correct now all of this simply works it’s no longer i’m not kidding and again it just works in even view far-off climate programs throughout the map and i’m worn out of it the computer interface it’s shit there was zero effort put into that poor and the engine it is a literal fossil the sport on pc has such awkward default enter instructions its dumbfounding in an RPG where you are fiddling round along with your inventory much more so than than fallout 4 and also you cannot pause the article for the reason that of all their gathering and crafting and within the are living survival recreation now that damn factor was applied to enhance a player’s exceptional of lifestyles ctrl + tab doesn’t do some thing yeah does ctrl tab and that is sure I would like to join the staff now you invited me to alternate within the manipulate tab you have to become a member of our staff they simply basically did the identical from fallout 4 the same crafting the identical constructing with a few extra abnormal action options right here and there this game is actually all of the weakest points of fallout 4 repackage together as its core expertise does that sound enjoyable to you the shitty filler quests the busy work the fumbling around and a strategy to small stock all made worse by the introduced hunger and dehydration considerations there must be residing this factor proper additionally we have to heal we did not even drop I bought two pieces of dogmeat and that i bought that is it that’s off the dead dog lets off the dead dog gunpowder and why don’t our there no interesting human NPCs it contributes to creating real world feel empty and shallow though it teases you with a mayor a hunts grasp oh however of path they may be robots just of course you’re fortunate they help us get equipped for the upcoming flood of keen tourists and i am now not the whole 5% off the cost of all points of interest we now have four major points of interest around here wavy Willard’s no doing variety no no no you mess with the lore anyway to get this recreation to occur you mess with the Brotherhood lore you may have messed with the creature lore you’ve got messed with the Enclave and the timeline you are clearly inclined to bend matters and create new things but you refuse to place in human NPCs with intriguing reports given that of a massively misguided directed from possibly Todd that every human he desired you to meet can be a participant however there is one huge difference with this game it can be that each of these characters is an actual person well guess what players suck gamer’s don’t play games like npcs and they may be able to on no account be substitutes for them chiefly on account that people are shitty assholes in games with the aid of nature they do and say shitty matters they lose their fucking cool please do not behave as Bethesda wishes them to and none of this cross their mind considering that they could not even be bothered to position adequate push-to-speak feature at launch ELC which is the fuck they the game with the open mic from the damn personality creator they do not even help you get out of the vault before somebody’s yelling racist shit respiration into the mic like a moron or their mother is heard yelling at them to wash their fucking room that is fucking ridiculous what’s the who the fuck is speaking right now shut the fuck up tell your mom to shut up looking to fucking play listen right here you little stop fucking masturbating and switch your mic off this indicates you ways little proposal went into this it’s all downhill from there the opening of the vault it feels weak when it’s presupposed to be this epic moment it appears like rust crap i am opening compared to yes okay when you get available in the market there may be consistent popping so it is for that rendering and landscape engine horrible draw distances there’s an unsightly blur off in the distance irrespective of how powerful my computer is and it is empower ‘fl movement pace is relatively tied to border cost some persons document that it even makes the motion ill to play with this totally limited field of view and bobbing head made even worse in third-man or woman and particularly once more there is an issue with the engine they can not even quite comfortably repair to put sufficient in fov slider yeah there is zero problems with this engine all right um the satisfactory strategy to alternate the fov is to move inside of your consumer account files my video games and fought seventy six find the fought 76 I and i and do a replica paste and then rename the reproduction customized simply add the phrase custom like that now I can not do it once more on the grounds that I already have one however you then just identify yours customized and then what you wish to have to do is go into the custom ini and these are the two traces you need the lighting fixtures bloom effect is ridiculous guys it offers everyone keratoconus a degenerative eye that I actually was diagnosed with and suffer from where lights get blurred and they have got like these halos and lots of spill to them and bleed outcome so watching at fallout is how I truely see most often this game actually gives you a simulation of getting a scientific i what the fuck it seems that the shadows are based on the place i’m looking video on how to get unlimited grenades and unlimited XP so and it will not stop going up fucking unlimited however yeah see i’m going right right here showing you you could go to each of these wires don’t work that way oh yeah the sport’s story which there is not any story is brought to you in probably the most boring static holotapes so you engage of their story we brought a lot of holotape to this sport you can hear plenty of audio you will of path be capable to it so that the reports absolutely wealthy in a way considering that you’ll be able to be able to hear it as you continue to quest along and enjoy the experience in a technique we have not carried out earlier than oh your acquaintances and random strangers are screaming on your ear so you barely even work here with them they’re saying I do not know how you are making ammo I believe you desire a tinker and these supposed quests first of direction you can play this solo my god I was once describing this recreation to a buddy and i spotted simply how mundane these quests have been I used to be like hi there man yeah I needed to select up ten beer bottles turn a water valve which failed to do something cool like fill the park with radiated water or something after which I had to kill a crap exceptional satisfactory genius time you keep thinking that it’s gonna get higher it is gonna go someplace the questions gonna get better your degree 10 it can be gonna get better degree 20 is it better but level 30 better please degree 60 oh my god why is it no longer better he’ll Dell even made it to 100 and fucking 40 and it in no way acquired any better it in no way does all that occurs is you get fairly cooler loot to play the equal terrible gameplay loop again and again awful pics awful UI awful quests terrible gameplay loops terrible enemy AI awful and that’s to not say that the gameplay can not be exciting once in a while along with your buddies it can be a stressful second while you see an awfully high-level gigantic monster on the earth and taking one down with the crew it can be enjoyable but these moments are few and a ways between and are not particularly all that high-quality after its newness wears off by and large because the combat is so shallow can they are saying they made these guys like pleasant shit Raiders are replaced with the boring scorched zombies I believe they are forever caught in here but other than that the style of enemies is without a doubt notably good most effective ruined by the horrible AI it is mind-dead god-awful standing round like statues caught in poses or enemies popping correct in entrance of you fuck did you simply spawn correct in entrance of me but perhaps that is all of the intention maybe the complexity of the AI in fallout seventy six is so first-class that it is borderline self-mindful and the AI effortlessly just desires to kill itself for being on this game stating that this can be a $60 recreation with shit like this okay did this this is my point this proper right here Wow seem chat is still oh my goodness Wow what about what about just like the super gun right here nope still nonetheless the difficulty bats has been bastardized to check out to fit in here it should had been unnoticed entirely it is what made fight in prior Fallout games tolerable but it surely’s oftentimes less accurate than just firing your self considering the fact that it will go from like ninety five percentage all the way down to zero in an on the spot without good judgment real-time bats it is simply dumb and i’m so unwell and worn out of the Bethesda fanboys attacking me on the grounds that i do not like this game and that i think Fallout multiplayer deserved significantly better painting me as a troll on YouTube immediately to Todd or to Pete conveniently since I located it boring in one early session however Joe it can be fun with pals frankly any game is extra fun with friends so do not trot out that tired excuse to disregard its flaws and paint me as a villain i do not I critically should not have some form of vendetta to ruin this sport I wanted it to be excellent to be better than what we bought I paid $200 but it has just method too many problems and i see it for what it’s my personal favorite part of fallout 76 is when they create their own enjoyable a giant part of the sport is meant to be PvP it is only awful and execution here it desperately desires a whole redesign and our PvP targeted provider to work if n if the game is meant to be a co-op expertise to take down fallout monsters with your acquaintances then let or not it’s that but if it was once supposed to be PvP as well that some serious work needs to go in right here cuz everyone ignores it i do not even care o.K. Let me show off my PvP so dumb on this game i have a bounty of a hundred and twelve caps right now would not topic that i’m desired or some thing if I if I die lose these caps but except I fucking go and get shot back by means of this man or woman even though I want a PvP it doesn’t matter most robust shotgun in the entire King imaginable and i cannot kill this individual I do like one damages shot i am got bounty for attacking him up to a hundred and twelve calves and there is nothing i will do except he clearly fucking shoots me again now that I simply have a bounty and if I die I lose all those caps there is nothing I would do about it so if he shoots me but oh no someone’s opposed and i will be able to kill them in a single shot or not I would get the injury worm on a participant I ok now I acquired I got the damage trojan horse on a player so i don’t i don’t even understand i don’t even comprehend how you can handle that this game is too damn buggy it is just you suck at a such a disadvantage to fight your enemy’s gonna respawn correct subsequent to you again and again striking you into a demise spiral loop it’s atrocious put out of your mind it i’m accomplished the top recreation it is non-existent yes shedding nukes may also be cool as hell what have I completed that is what you get for telling me to gather cans motherfucker that is what you get well feed the humans you know what I spent them dying but even that has disorders you type new codes which can drop by way of the world or perhaps it failed to drop through the arena and it is just that worrying beeping even when there’s no codes it makes no gameplay feel anyway you kind these codes you drop the nukes and then you definately inform the new crop field but you don’t even need to farm those codes anymore when you consider that these idiots don’t trade the codes whenever a nuke is launched so the code is the same and all of the work you probably did to find that code means nothing when anybody else simply post the code to learn it so that you can simply launch it with no need to do any of that shit it is long gone there may be nonetheless beat me there’s still fuckin pygmy whats up hey the place did you get that new this is penny out bloodless do you telling me that i’ve been out here for hours days or don’t fucking map for the fucking correct go peasant get fucking read did you waste your time however watch out to now not drop a couple of nuke at a time or it will crash the Bethesda servers if truth be told you’ll be able to under no circumstances even see a server while you play your ultimate boss is a scorch beast queen I imply Skyrim dragon however even that’s mainly a enormous waste of time legendary drops are so totally random so that you get a lone one megastar piece of legendary for your entire rough work and past that there’s nothing at this factor within the recreation you’ll be killing glowing loss of life claws like they may be nothing oh my god I wrecked it simplest life deflating the entire undertaking in the sport happens means too speedy your hardest enemies assault Franz possibly mirelurk queens are more difficult to kill definite but once more the sport finds a approach to fuck that up hiya howdy this just works it can be no longer i’m now not kidding look at that 4 bus kiss chat get in on that for a bus yeah let’s doing it for me oh there she bought me get oh there goes the help and again it just works so does the game do anything well good sure i would say probably three matters complete the new perks system it can be sort of interesting but I cannot particularly say better per se it’s simply exciting it’s like playing should you get card packs and gum which scared the hell out of me into considering that we’d be shopping these packs as frankly it seems developed for that purpose however nope they’re simply given to you at intervals perhaps it’s intelligent to keep it that means if they weren’t aspiring to do some thing one of a kind let’s hope it stays that method but at later levels even with that you simply get annoyed regularly swapping your perks for stuff like normal things like lock-deciding on given that it’s the one technique to do it and if you screwed up your stats while leveling get this too bad you can’t admire at all although I completed the sport and i hit degree 50 and like you get stopped getting perk points at level 50 not being capable to respec like to change your stats it can be such a tough method because i have so many perk facets and so many matters I want to do but there may be like actually no appreciate within the recreation you just caught with anything aspects you get so should you like her just a informal player and you do not feel this out earlier than you go and do it you get screwed like if I have been to only have 5 agility i would be screwed someone else at this point consider this game was once not well suggestion out and was rushed every game that we will we are taking the entire suggestions that now we have gotten from our fans that are effective and they provide it all to us whether it’s good dangerous anything that is what makes us better builders and so reading all that suggestions from our previous video games what they already consider about fallout 76 fairly informs what we’re doing what we do in the future go the place you want what do anything you need I was gonna say the tune subsequent but fairly it can be only one stunning track that I rather love k and the map the map it’s stuffed with exact areas and lots of kind probably greater than some other Fallout sport ever the sport is colorful in ingredients now considered one of my colossal criticisms of Fallout 4 used to be how drab it used to be and this cements that it is only significantly better with just a little of color but what is the factor when the whole thing else fails to are living up round it it is like a amazing wealthy child sandbox with just a bunch of broken lame-ass toys to play with him there after which it has the gall to ask you to purchase microtransactions but what the fuck is this or are you fucking serious a paint set 1800 atoms for fucking blue you need me to spend $18 for fucking blue what is this evolved no Bethesda No zero effort here like the rest of the sport but laziness even extends to what they need you to buy and microtransactions it’s astounding you guys are fucking incompetent I hate this sport and that i barely desired to play any further of it i’m sorry the overview took goodbye however i’m gonna recall this this it can be it can be simply terrible it is boring there’s nothing worse than boring I almost have a hilariously dangerous sport than a fucking boring game and that is what that is it in general deserves probably as if you’re crazy you could supply it a type for those who literally love whatever certainly not once more and i hope this sends a message but this does now on become aware of and recognize the trolls did not do it the YouTube provocateurs failed to do it however that did it and now i am going from insanely occupied with megastar subject and Elder Scrolls 6 to deathly afraid if Bethesda used to be willing to position this out with out apology this must be a serious warning call for this corporation there’s no love no care no effort here at all an asset flip fuck fucking cat toes you’re gonna you are gonna put tattoos in my face on the end of the evaluation for this much money anything that was once free and a long way for I can’t I cannot I cannot with this no terrible i want my money back okay am i able to nonetheless get my money back does anybody wish to buy up a fallout 76 what number of any individual did you waste your time you’re now not fucked it up
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