#i am going to chew through some drywall and maybe cry again
sparrowposting · 10 months
Actually thought about kip and tor for too long and now I want to throw myself into the sun.
Smthn smthn about relationships that are like. Could be platonic, could be romantic, could be sexual, could be chaste, it doesn't matter as long as it's each other and they're the most important and beloved person in each other's lives. I'm going to be ill.
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crowdedimagines · 5 years
Mistletoe - David Dobrik
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Today is the last day that whole group is going to be in Los Angeles. It’s always hard because we want to go home to our families, but we all have to go our separate ways.
“Y/n!” voices cheer as I walk in David’s front door.
“Merry Christmas!” I cheer right back as I walk in. I set down an armful of presents off under the tree. We’ve carried on this tradition every since David got this house, we all show up. Even if we don’t all celebrate, there’s something about being together to celebrate a holiday and pick things out for each other.
“We’re having dinner, then presents after.” Natalie explains.
“Y/n!” David grins, “Merry Christmas.” He walks out of his room and pulls me in for a hug.
“Merry Christmas, Dave.” I hug back.
“Wow, when I tried to get a hug earlier, you literally pushed me away.” Zane yells from the living room.
“That’s because you’re Zane.” David teases.
“How can I help?” I got there a little early so I can help set things up. Carly, Scott, Kristen, Erin, TJ, Heath, and Mariah are all here too. They’re all just sitting on the couch enjoying themselves. Jason, Natalie, and David are all in the kitchen.
“Could you set the table?” Natalie asks as she moves food into other dishes.
“Absolutely!” I grin. I take the tablecloth off of the island and lay it out over the tables for us to all sit at. I decorate the table and move some things around so everything is perfect. One by one, more people show up until now everyone is here and all of the food is almost ready. David is running around filming a montage and asking people questions.
“Y/n, could you grab the plates?” Jason asks, he carries the large roasting pan which either contains turkey or ham over to the center of the table.
“Yeah, where are they?” I get up from my spot on the couch.
“They’re in the spare bedroom closet with all the other storage.” Natalie explains, my eyes go wide for a second, “No, I can just do it-”
She starts to set down what she had been previously been doing.
“No no, I can do it.” I reassure.
I make my way to the extra bedroom and open the closet to be met with a stack of clear totes. They’re all filled with a mixture of things David can’t get rid off, stuff he actually needs, and PR packages.
“I was sent to help.” Jeff laughs announcing himself as he walks in.
“Yeah, I just might need it.”
He helps me take a few out before we find the right one. We put everything back the way it was, only Jeff is carrying a heavy stack of nicer plates now.
“Success?” Erin asks from the couch. Jeff and I stop to show off the plates with a grin.
“Oh my god!” Zane screams out interrupting me.
“What?” I ask, question is burst of excitement.
“Mistletoe!” He points to the spot above our heads. I look up to see that he’s right. I don’t remember that being there in the past, it must be a new decoration that was added today.
I turn to look at Jeff and he’s biting back a smile, his cheeks tinted in pink.
“What? Are you nervous or something?” I tease.
“I didn’t- I mean- I” He stutters while trying to come up with anything to say.
“Stop panicking. It’s only a mistletoe kiss.” I stand up on my toes and press my lips to his in a quick kiss. The group screams in shock that I actually did that. It’s not a big deal, it’s not like people in our group haven’t kissed for bits or other randomness.
He stands there for a few seconds, just a shy smile on his face. I take the plates out of his hands and walk back over to the table and start placing them around. I can feel David watching me as I do it.
“You okay, Dave?” I ask, looking up to finally meet his eyes.
“No, I’m good!” He smiles tight lipped.
“Alright, I think we’re ready!” Jason cheers.
The rest of the group scrambles over to take a seat and grab something to drink. I take a seat somewhat towards the end of the table near David. I sit on David’s right with Natalie to my right.
“I just want to thank all of you for being a part of my life. It’s cheesy, I know, but I really am glad to be hanging out with so many people who are half my age!” Jason holds up his glass, “But honestly, this holiday really is amazing to spend with you guys. I love wasting money on gifts you don’t care about.”
We all laugh throughout Jason’s toast. After he sits back down to David expecting him to say something too.
“Dig in!” He yells.
We all hesitate for a second, but dig in regardless. I guess David never really has been a sentimental guy anyway. We all dive into conversation, David being unusually quiet.
“Hey are you okay?” I ask, placing a gentle hand on his knee.
“Mhm.” He nods as he continues to shovel in more food.
“Dave.” I lean down to try and force eye contact again, “What’s going on?”
“Nothing.” he finally picks up his head and smiles at me. Maybe if we were still newly friends I would believe that it was a genuine smile. Instead of continuing to badger him for the rest of the meal, I focus on the group conversation again.
“Present time!” Erin cheers.
We all take our plates and clear them before sitting in the living room. We all pass our presents around to whoever they belong to.
“No cars this year, right?” I tease, taking a seat next to David.
“No cars this year.” David agrees, finally smiling. He throws an arm around the back of the couch around me. I don’t know what was wrong before, but he seems to be happy now.
One by one we all get to open our presents. Taylor gets to open the designer wallet I got her, which she completely flipped out over. Jason gets the massage gun I got him. Mariah for the mini filming get that she can use for youtube or to help record her dancing for Tik Tok. There were countless other presents too.
“Wait, what is this?” Jeff asks, digging to the bottom of the bag.
“It’s a toy for Nerf.” I explain with a laugh. I picked out other things for him, but that was a random add on that I thought was funny.
“Ahh, it’s perfect.”
He holds it up for everyone to see.
“Thank you.” He gets up from his spot on the other side of the room to give me a hug. I lean forward and mutter an ‘of course’.
I lean back and the attention moves onto Zane who was next for opening. David lets out a loud sigh and pulls back his arm. I try to ignore the mood swings he’s going through. Finally it’s made its way to me.
“My turn!” I sing with a laugh.
I receive cute clothes from Carly and Erin. Zane, Heath, and Matt all joined in to buy me a new lens for my camera. Jeff got me a pair of the shoes I had been complaining about wanting for a while and a coupon to visit Nerf anytime I want. Natalie and I unintentionally got each other the same exact bag from Gucci for each other because we loved it so much. We knew the other would too, since we have similar taste.
“Last one.” Carly hands me the last on from my stack on the floor.
“David?” I ask reading the tag on the top of the smaller box. I smile looking over at him. He has a red face and he’s chewing his bottom lip.
“Actually Y/n can I talk to you?” David interrupts, his hand suddenly stops me from tearing through the paper.
The room falls in to a dead silence.
“Yeah.” David stands up, “Sure, Dave.”
I follow where he leads into his room, he shuts the door behind him softly. My heart is racing over what this could be about.
“Hey Dave, what’s going on?” I ask as I take a seat on his bed.
He slowly walks over and stops in front of me. I look up and wait for an answer as he takes a deep breath before pacing again.
“I need to tell you something.”
“You can tell me anything, what’s going on? You’re making me nervous! Please sit.”
Finally he takes a seat on the bed, I turn to actually face him.
“I just wanted to do this in private because I had this whole plan with and I couldn’t go through with it with all of our friends out there. And Jeff.”
“What are you-”
David pulls out the gift from him that I had started to open from behind his back.
“Here, you can open it now.”
I hesitantly open it. It’s filled with random knickknacks from what I can best tell.
“What is all of this?” I smile looking back up at him.
“This,” He grabs the top item on the box, “is the wristband I was wearing the night we first met in that club. I took it off after dropping you off and filming with you, and I knew it was worth saving I knew you were going to be a big part of my life.”
I look up and his eyes are starting to water, I don’t dare say anything because I know that I’m not far behind him if he keeps this up.
“This is the receipt from the first time you made me run out and buy you chocolate from the gas station by my apartment. It was the first time we ever had a sleepover.”
He lets out a laugh, “That was in the shitty Dom apartment, I’m lucky you didn’t run then.” We both chuckle, I wipe away a stray tear drifting down my cheek.
“This is a piece of drywall from when you tried to convince me that you could in fact do a handstand and ended up putting a hole in my wall.”
We both laugh at the memory. He reaches in again to grab another object.
“This is the polaroid you gave me when you first got that camera. I barely opened my door and a flash went off. Now I can get you back though with my disposable cameras.”
“This is gross, but it’s a tissue that you gave me when Liza and I broke up. You stayed up with me for hours to listen to my cry basically and just make sure I wasn’t alone.”
He shakes his head looking down at it. I don’t know where exactly he’s going with this trip down memory lane, but it’s making my heart jerk.
“This is a movie ticket from the first time you stole my clothes. I couldn’t believe how good you looked wearing my sweatshirt. You claimed that movie theaters are always cold.”
“They are!” I interrupt.
“Whatever.” He rolls his eyes with a smile.
“This is the plane ticket from the first time I took you home to Chicago. You had no idea, but that whole trip was planned so you could meet my family.”
I nudge his shoulder lightly with mine, a steady stream of tears our drifting down both of our faces at this point.
He reaches in once again, there are few things left now.
“This is a dried up rose petal from when I tried to go over to your apartment to tell you that I loved you, but I chickened out.”
“This rose petal is almost two years old. I have been in love with you for two years, and I know that I always will. I just needed you to know. I couldn’t go another year without telling you. You’re my best friend, I want to tell you everything. I just love you so much, and I would love it if you’re comfortable staying in my life as a friend. I know you and Jeff are-”
“Jeff and I?” I interrupt.
“The kiss!” He says rolling his eyes.
“It was just mistletoe!” It’s my turn to roll my eyes now, “I would’ve kissed Natalie under it. It didn’t mean anything, it was only friendly.”
“Oh.” He bites his bottom lip.
“Wow, you were so jealous!” I grin.
“I wasn’t that jealous.” He shrugs, trying to act nonchalant.
“You totally were, and that’s okay.”
“It is?” He looks up, wiping his last trail of tears from a few minutes ago.
“It is, because I’m in love with you too, David.”
“You are?”
“Duh!” I tease.
“Oh thankgod, I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous.” He pulls me in for a hug.
“You did a really good job, Dave. Very sweet. Very sentimental.” I grin.
“I knew it would pay off keeping all of this crap for so long!” He throws the stuff back on the bed.
“Hey! It’s not crap.” I pick it all back up and put it back in the box.
“No, I know.” He presses a kiss to edge of my jaw.
“You missed.” I look up, his face being closer to mine now than it’s maybe ever been.
“What?” His voice is barely a whisper, he gulps loudly.
I smirk and tilt my head forward to our lips can meet after years of waiting. It’s like all this time was building up because it feels like a release of endorphins and excitement. I can feel his lips smiling against mine.
“Worth the wait?” I ask, I stand up so we can head back out to our friends who I’m sure are wondering what’s going on.
“Definitely worth the wait.”
“What’s going on? Are you guys okay?” Jason asks, hearing the door open and noticing us walk out. Everyone turns to look at us. We’re just standing outside of David’s room, eyes red and puffy. We both have smiles on our faces, but I’m sure it’s a confusing look. I’m sure they’ve just spent the last ten minutes talking about us.
I take a look at David and smile, we both walk in a little closer to the living room to see everyone.
“We’re great actually.” I grin, taking David’s hand in mine.
“Really great.” David agrees with a squeeze of my hand.
“Hey look guys, Mistletoe!”
i really hope you guys love this as much as i do. xx
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Your name: submit What is this?
Words: 3,741 Demon!Dean x Reader Warnings: none reaaaally A/N: This is the fifth part of a series! Read Part 1 2 3 and 4 first!
You let out a sharp hiss of air through your teeth. “Oooh. Ouch. That’s gotta hurt. Wonder which one hung up on you. Think it was Cas?” you asked in an undertone.
Dean nearly spit out the bourbon he had just sipped. You were standing there, just a few barstools over, leaning against the bar casually as if you’d been there for hours. Dean’s brow was furrowed a bit in perplexity and you sauntered over a little closer to him. His eyes travelled over you, looking you up and down, following your progress as you walked. He was a little slack-jawed and watched a smirk curve your lips.
When you were close enough you leaned in toward him, reaching over and taking the rocks glass out of his hand and downing what was left in it before setting it back on the bar top.
Dean glanced around and noted that everyone else in the bar had vanished. There was no sign of the other patrons, no sign of the bartender. He looked back over at you and narrowed his eyes a bit, studying your face.
You only let out a light laugh and smirked again. “Something on your mind? Cat got your tongue, Winchester?” You blinked and your eyes went black.
Dean’s swagger finally caught up and overtook his surprise and he cleared his throat and looked away, putting on an unconcerned expression. He reached over the bar and grabbed the nearest bottle of booze and refilled his glass.
You watched him take a generous sip, all the while smiling vaguely as you studied him.
Now Dean kept his eyes fixated on the wall behind the bar. “So, are you really here or is this just another scene you’re planting in my head?”
Dean glanced around again at the empty bar. He noted that the music that had been droning from the jukebox had stopped playing. He sipped from his glass again and set it down on the bar top. “I think you’re fucking with me.”
“Hmm. Maybe...” Suddenly flashes of you laid out on that table, all color gone from you, motionless, intruded into whatever this was—like another channel flickering on through the static, overtaking the bar scene. In another moment it was gone.
When he straightened up and looked over at you again you were still studying him, but the vague smile was gone from your lips. “What are you going to do about it?” you asked.
“About what? You fucking with me?”
You made no response. Dean stared down into his glass, swirling the liquid around in the bottom, watching the color change from amber to ochre in the light.
When next Dean tried to look over at you, ready to speak, ready to ask you what you wanted from him…you were gone. And he felt—he felt empty. And that realization made him angry. He’d been following your trail, not even entirely sure why, but he had yet to even catch a glimpse of you. Part of him still didn’t believe it was even possible that it was you, but he had to know. He needed to see you. He needed to replace that last fucking image of your body with something else—anything else. But you’d been like smoke; impossible to catch, leaving just a faint scent behind as the only clue that’d you’d ever been anywhere. And goddamn it, it was impossible to wash off.
”Buddy. Hey! Buddy!”
Suddenly the bar was again filled with the drone of old country and the lazy conversation of other patrons. The bartender was staring at him expectantly. “You alright, pal?” he asked.
Dean cleared his throat and nodded, unable to stop himself from scanning the room, half expecting to see you cloistered away in some corner waiting for him. “Fine. I’m fine.”
“You want a refill?” the bartender asked, pointing to Dean’s glass.
Dean waved him off. “Actually, I’m good for the night. Thanks,” he said, throwing some bills down on the counter. As he stood, he swore for a moment he saw you out of the corner of his eye, leaning against the wall near the entrance, but by the time he looked properly there was nothing there.
The scenes you had forced into his head, and the strange feeling that he was seeing you everywhere now left him agitated and unsettled—something that wasn’t supposed to be possible for him anymore. He was a fucking demon. He went where he wanted and did as he pleased… but then—if that was true—why was he following your trail across the country?
_ _ _ _ _
“A Knight of Hell,” Sam repeated, glaring at Crowley.
“It’s not as if I planned it,” Crowley said with a shrug.
Sam scoffed. “Right. You just meant to turn her into a regular demon.”
Cas shot Crowley an icy glare. “Is that supposed to make what you’ve done better?”
Crowley looked affronted. “Oh, this is rich coming from you two! ‘Team Free Will’ is basically the Royal Family of unintended consequences. Apocalypse? Falling angels? Hello? All I did was create a Knight of Hell or two… ”
Sam and Cas glared at Crowley a beat longer before exchanging a look with each other. “We have to find a way to cure them,” Cas said.
Sam nodded. “Our only hope is that there is something at the bunker—maybe the Men of Letters…” he trailed off, his mind heavy.
”Even if that is true, how are you going to get Dean and/or Y/N in a position to be cured? It’s not as if you can just mail them an invitation and expect them to file in, in an orderly fashion,” Crowley said.
Sam sighed and ran a hand over his face. “He’s right,” he said to Cas. “It’s going to take everything we’ve got to bring in one of them, and forget about both.” He turned back to Crowley and stared at him for a long moment.
“…What? Don’t look at me like that, Moose,” Crowley said.
“You’re in on this, Crowley,” Sam said, his tone warning.
“Yes,” Cas agreed. “This is largely your fault.”
“Perhaps. But why should I care about demon Dean and demon Y/N running amok?”
Sam gave him a wry smile. “You heard Dean. With those two out there you’re chopped liver. How many demons are going to remain loyal to you when they find out there is at least one Knight of Hell roaming around? If you want to stay in power, you need them gone. Both of them.”
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
There was a deafening crack and Dean shot up stock straight while his “date” ducked under the covers and screamed hysterically.
Dean’s eyes were wide as he took in the smoke from the gunpowder hanging in the air in a drifting cloud in front of you, the pistol in your hand still aimed, and the new hole in the wall behind the bed only a few inches above him. Flecks of plaster had rained down onto Dean and he brushed them off before turning back to glare at you angrily, but unable to completely erase just how shocked he was to see you standing there at the end of the bed.
”What the hell?!” he growled. His date continued to whimper beneath the covers and you rolled your eyes at her sniffling.
You considered the bullet hole in the wall above the headboard. “Oops,” you said carelessly, affecting a fake apologetic tone, but finally dropped the pistol to your side.
”Hey! This has nothing to do with you,” you said, raising your voice so Dean’s date could hear you above her own crying. When there was no response you continued. “Yes, you! Under the blankets! Get the fuck out!”
She peeked her head out, shaking from fear, to look at you.
You gestured in a circle with the pistol as if to say, “hurry up” while rolling your eyes again. “Get on with it! I’m not going to shoot you. I don’t think…” You sighed heavily as she slid out of bed and grabbed her clothes up off the floor. “For fuck’s sake…” you muttered under your breath as she stumbled around, still whimpering. “It’d hardly be worth the bullet,” you mumbled, now inspecting your fingernails carelessly.
Dean was still staring at you, a dark shadow across his face deepening, aghast. “Is this—you’re really—“
You laughed at what he was getting at. “Is this real?” you asked loudly, gesturing in the direction of the bullet hole with your pistol again. Dean reached up and ran a hand over it. It was real. His fingers came away stained white with plaster and drywall dust.
Dean’s date only sobbed harder and dashed out into the hallway, covering herself as best she could with her clothes.
”Nice to meet you!” you yelled sarcastically, flashing black eyes at her as she left. She screamed and the door slammed behind her.
Now it was just you and Dean.
”So, I guess it’s real,” you said, sounding completely disinterested.
You giggled a little at his question. “Why? Oh, I don’t know. It might have something to do with you tailing me all over the country.”
He said nothing.
”Why are you tailing me?” you asked, pacing around to sit on the edge of the other bed, facing Dean who was still under the blankets, staring at you in some mixture of disbelief and distrust. His guard was up and you smiled as you recognized it. “What’s the matter? You’re acting way different than the last time you saw me… Oh, oops—time before last.”
Another flash of your dead body jumped into Dean’s brain for a split second and he actually winced and put a hand up to his face, squeezing his eyes shut. He clenched his jaw, a wave of anger rising in his chest at the continued intrusion into his mind. He was even more annoyed when he saw the satisfied smile on your face at his reaction.
You laughed at his irritation. “You don’t like that pretty picture I keep planting in your mind?”
You watched him clench his jaw again and chewed your bottom lip, letting out an amused and satisfied noise at his further reaction. “Mmm. So, now what? You’ve been chasing me like my own shadow.” You tilted your head expectantly, and raised your eyebrows at him. “Here I am. What’s next?”
There was a flash of confusion across his face. What the fuck was he supposed to do here? What the fuck were you doing? He’d been chasing you but he hadn’t even thought far enough ahead to plan out what he’d do if he actually was in the same room with you. He’d just been so obsessed with getting a glimpse—and now here you were, sitting across from him, smirking at him.
He stared at you, steely, his expression seemingly impenetrable. “You tell me.”
Your smile widened and you got up from your place on the other bed and moved toward him.
Before Dean could react you were on the bed with him, crawling up toward where he was now propped against the headboard. His unyielding expression gave way to faint confusion, but he couldn’t look away from the way you were biting your bottom lip, your eyes fixed on his face. The next thing he knew you were straddled over him, sitting across his hips, your face close to his. He didn’t know where to look… his eyes flickered from your pouty lips, slightly parted, back up to the hungry expression in your eyes. One of your hands alighted on his shoulder and you reached up with the other and started to run your fingers through his hair.
Confusion was now mixed with amazement, but he sure as fuck wasn’t about to question what was happening.
”Dean, Dean, Dean…” you mused, the sensation of your fingers running through his hair almost hypnotic. Your eyes flicked down to his lips and back up to meet his green eyes, waiting, wanting, a little wide. Your lips curved in a small smile and you leaned in even closer, your lips now hovering mere millimeters from his.
Just when he thought your lips were finally going to meet his, you pressed a finger to the side of his chin and turned his head to the side. “If you don’t back off, I will fucking kill you,” you whispered right into his ear, your voice still silky and soft. You pressed a kiss to his jaw line and ever so gently dragged your teeth over his ear lobe, sending a wave of chills and electricity up his spine.
And before they even dissipated you were gone.
Dean’s head dropped back against the headboard behind him and his eyes fell closed. He couldn’t help but heave a heavy sigh, and clench his jaw in frustration. The next second he sent his elbow slamming back into the headboard. God-fucking-dammit.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
“I don’t think you’re going to find anything helpful in there, Crowley,” Sam said coldly.
Crowley looked down at the leather book in his hands. “Oh, no. Of course not. This is just a bit of light pleasure reading.”
Cas grabbed the book from the demon and tossed it down angrily. The title “Demon-caused Atrocities Volume 1: The Fall of Lucifer to Early Possessions” glared up from the cover.
”I don’t even know what we’re looking for,” Sam said. “I think it’s pretty obvious at this point what we’re going to have to do…”
Cas’s brow darkened. “It’d be nice to know for sure that it’s going to work before we cage up a Knight of Hell.”
“A lot of things would be nice, wouldn’t they?” Crowley retorted. “Chiefly, you getting these bloody cuffs off my wrists,” he added in an undertone. The demon rubbed at his wrists and the metal clinked.
Sam glared at him. “As I mentioned earlier, we could arrange that by moving you to your prior accommodations and fitting you with that neck collar if you’d prefer.”
“A little trust would be nice, is all I’m saying! We are in this mess together, aren’t we?”
Rage flashed in Sam’s eyes. “Trust? Trust? Are you kidding me, Crowley?” He stood up abruptly. “The only reason we are in this mess in the first place is because of you! So, no! I’m not feeling very generous. There is no way I’m just going to let you roam around in here! It’s bad enough that you’re in here at all! Now make yourself useful before I—“
Sam’s phone directed everyone’s attention to the center of the table, where it was illuminating and vibrating.
With a final scathing look at Crowley, he snatched it up. Unregistered caller.
Sam glanced at Cas who seemed to read the significance in that look. “Hello?”
”Heya, Sammy,” came Dean’s voice from the other end.
Another meaningful glance at the angel. “Dean.”
”How’s it going out there?” he asked.
”Uhh… peachy,” Sam responded, his tone puzzled. “Why are you calling? We weren’t really expecting to hear from you again.”
”Well, I just thought I would call you up and tell you I found Y/N and I really don’t think you should bother with whatever you’re planning.” The gravel seemed thicker than normal in Dean’s deep voice.
”What? What do you mean? What happened? Did she see you? Did you talk to her?” Sam’s voice was urgent and the questions were rapid fire. Cas’s gaze burned with more intensity, his blue eyes fixated on Sam.
Dean pinched the bridge of his nose and ground his teeth together. “Something like that.” No way in hell he was going to give any details on that encounter.
”Well, what happened? Where is she? Where are you?” he pressed.
”Look, I’m not calling to give you my goddamn coordinates, okay! I’m just calling to tell you guys to drop it. She is—this is way out of your league!”
Sam hesitated. “Uhh… yeah we—we know.”
This caught Dean off-guard. He really had been expecting the typical, noble Winchester fight—the old “I’m gonna do it anyway and damn the consequences!” refrain. “What do you mean you know?”
“Well…” Sam wasn’t sure if he should tell Dean what they thought Y/N had come back as or not. He was trying to weigh the options as quickly as possible and he looked again to Cas who seemed also at a loss for what to do. Crowley was even earnestly listening, his expression thoughtful. When Sam caught his eye, the demon raised his eyebrows and tilted his head as if to say, “go ahead.”
Sam put the call on speakerphone.
”What exactly happened to make you say it’s out of our league?” he pressed Dean again.
Irritation was dripping from Dean’s tone now. “What the fuck does it matter? I’m giving you the courtesy of the damn phone call to tell you to stay out of it! Shouldn’t you be grateful and not giving me the third degree?”
Now it was Crowley’s turn. “You said you had been hearing rumors among our demonkin that Y/N has gone nuclear,” Crowley said. “Did you hear in what exact way?”
”You’re still there, are you?” Dean chuckled. “Have they got you back in the dog collar yet, boss?” Dean asked.
Crowley’s face grew red and he clenched his teeth together, but he kept his voice calm. “I’m not quite sure even you really understand just how out of our league this Y/N-situation may be,” he said.
Dean rolled his eyes. “Jesus Christ, I’m not gonna beg you for it. If you want to say it spit it out, otherwise I’ve got drinking to do and tail to chase.”
”We believe Y/N came back as a Knight of Hell.” It was Cas who finally said it. The words fell like lead weights and seemed to just loom in the room somehow.
A heavy silence stretched on the other end of the line, and if it hadn’t been for a little bit of background noise, Sam might have thought that Dean had hung up. But he spoke eventually.
Crowley smirked. “That seems to be the lay of the land. You aren’t the only big bad demon in town anymore, Squirrel.”
Dean shook his head. How was that even possible? “How? Why would that happen?”
Sam laughed a little cynically. “Why does any of the shit that happens to us happen? Dean, I’m talking to you right now and YOU are a Knight of Hell. And somehow Y/N being one is unbelievable? You’re the one who just called us up to tell us to leave it alone because we can’t handle it.”
”You can’t,” Dean said again.
Sam threw his hands up and looked at Cas.
”But there’s no way she’s a Knight of Hell. Leave it alone.”
And then Dean hung up.
_ _ _ _ _ _
It was a rare moment where you were relaxing at the latest hotel you had decided to call home for a few days. Your boots were off and you had the TV on, kicked back against the headboard with a beer.
For once you had been able to put aside the rage which usually fueled you to keep moving, and your mind was quiet. That was until there was a knock on the door.
You annoyedly climbed to your feet to answer it, and were surprised to peer through the peephole and see two demons on the other side of the door. Your hand went to your hip and landed on the hilt of a demon knife you had tracked down in Romania. You wrenched the door open.
The two demons stared at you for a long moment before one of them finally spoke.
”We’re—we’re very sorry to disturb you,” he began.
”Then why did you?” you responded, leaving the door open and retreating farther inside, grabbing your beer off the nightstand.
”Umm… well, we came to offer you our help,” he said again.
You looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Help?”
The demon nodded. His associate stood a little back toward the door and was wringing his hands anxiously.
”What could you possibly help me with?”
”Anything!” he said eagerly, stepping farther into the room. “Anything you need!”
You peered at him in curiosity, your face not betraying anything.
”Listen, Y/N—“ he stopped abruptly when he saw the slight narrowing of your eyes when he said your name. “—umm… sorry. Your—Your Grace, your power is being spoken of all over. We know you’ve been killing humans and we want to help. We believe that you could truly unite demons again. Many of us are scattered and leaderless. We believe in you and your power. We want to help you.”
You took a swig out of your beer can and approached the closest demon, the one who had been making the little speech. You considered him closely, your face still impassive.
And then you jammed that demon knife into his chest.
Fiery light burst from his eyes and his mouth and the body crumpled to the floor as his associate jumped and went wide-eyed in surprise.
”What the fuck could I possibly want your help with?” you said, still looking at the body on the floor. You took another swig of your beer. You turned your back to the other demon and casually called over your shoulder. “Get out.”
He didn’t need to be told twice.
To your annoyance, there were a series of these incidents over the next few weeks. Now not only were you leaving a trail of scumbags, but a trail of demons too. And despite your best efforts, the goddamn demons seemed to respect you even more for it. Fear you, sure… but respect you, too.
This is what you were expecting when you were sitting in a bar in Plainfield, OH when you felt someone suddenly approach you and stand over your shoulder.
”Whatever you’re selling, I’m not interested,” you said, sipping your beer.
”Are you sure about that?”
You were surprised when the voice belonged to Dean.
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theflashfics · 5 years
Steps To Get Over Heartbreak // Ralph Dibny
Pairing: Ralph Dibny x reader
Summary: After four years, your boyfriend has skipped town, and you’re devastated. Who better to take care of you then Ralph Dibny accompanied with icecream and Titanic on DVD?
Warnings: Just fluff, a cute kiss
Word Count: 2286
Requests: Open!
Four years. Four whole years of your life thrown into the wind on the whims of a simple text message. Your dick of an ex had skipped town – no doubt with someone new – and had alerted you so discreetly with a text message that read: Hey Y/N! It’s Jake. I’m leaving Central City. Stay cool. God, you hated that bastard. The text arrived that morning and you couldn’t bear going to STAR Labs where you worked with Team Flash. It would just be painful for everyone, as the team had spent tedious amounts of time warning you against Jake, saying he had a ‘bad energy’, which you dismissed as his demeanour around new people. Ralph, who had joined the team a month or so ago and who you’d become particularly close with, had found him aggravating and, in his words, a ‘massive twat’. Which was absolutely correct, if even you hadn’t seen it then. Which is why you couldn’t turn up to work for him to say, ‘I told you so’. So, in true post-breakup fashion, you were moping in your apartment. There was something poetic about crying and eating copious amounts of icecream. Not. You’d ran out of icecream and tears an hour ago so now you were just an angry puddle on your couch. 
You picked up the tv remote, flipped it in your hands, and ditched it at the wall. You could see why Harry did it – it was rather satisfying. As you picked up a dangerously fragile vase and prepared to throw it when you heard a knock at the door. “Hello? Y/N?” You whipped your head around and put the vase back down. “Who is it?” You asked flatly, trudging to the door and looking through the peephole. It was Ralph, struggling to contain a plethora of icecream and movies in his arms. You rolled your eyes fondly and opened the door. “You know your arms stretch, right?” You remarked, quirking an eyebrow. “This is why you’re the smart one in this friendship,” Ralph groused, stretching his arms to comprise the content he was holding. He walked past you, into your apartment and dumped the icecream and movies onto your marble bench, then turned around to face you. “You look-” he struggled to find the word. “Gross, I know,” you grumbled. You donned a oversized hoodie and sweatpants, and your face was tearstained. “No,” Ralph frowned, “You look sad.” You shot him a dirty look. “No shit, Sherlock. That dickwad of a boyfriend ran off over the rainbow, no doubt with someone else,” You sighed, “And I suppose that’s why you’re here.” 
Ralph gave a sheepish shrug. “I kept tabs on Jake because I knew he was a candle in the wind. A dumbass candle in the wind.” You gave a weak laugh. “And I found out he skipped town, so here I am. I don’t want you to be upset over some twat who doesn’t deserve you,” he said sweetly. You opened your mouth to say something, then closed it again. “Where’s the suit?” You joked, walking up to him and attempting a grin. Ralph was wearing sweatpants and a casual t-shirt, which was a stark contrast to the usual clean cut suit and blazer. “Well, this is all the comfy clothes I have, since someone-“ he looked you up and down playfully –“is wearing my favourite hoodie and sweatpants.” You pouted cutely, “I like them. Plus, that asshole didn’t give me back the clothes that I left at his house. So his ass probably has them in the back of his stupid car. In fact, I bet someone some blondie is wearing my hoodie and sweats! That lying, thieving little-“ “Hey, hey, calm down,” Ralph said, pulling you into a hug. He felt warm and comfortable and smelt of the cologne you liked. “Thanks, Ralphy,” you mumbled against his chest. He pulled away from you and snatched a movie off the bench. 
“I got your favourite,” he grinned, holding up a DVD with Titanic written on it. You groaned in appreciation and seized it off him, gazing at the cover. “Nothing like lusting over young Leonardo to get me over a breakup,” you kissed the plastic case, holding it close to your chest. Ralph frowned. “I thought I was your best man,” he whinged. You looked up at him and smiled. “Leo’s got nothing on you,” you poked his chest, and shuffled over to the couch with the DVD, slipping it into the television and diving back onto the couch, snuggling into the collection of blankets and cushions you had arranged. From the kitchen, you heard Ralph yell out. “What flavour of icecream?” Without a thought, you replied, “Just bring all of them!” You heard Ralph chuckle fondly and bring a selection of icecream tubs and unusually large spoons. He dipped his head down above you and handed you a tub of cookie dough icecream. “You know me so well, Ralphy,” you said approvingly, peeling off the lid as he walked to the television. When he reached the console, he frowned and looked at around the room. 
“Uh, Y/N, why is the remote over there?” He asked confusedly. You just mumbled in response and shovelled in another spoonful of icecream. “Accompanied by the hole in the wall?” He persisted, pointing at the crumbling drywall. You looked over and cringed. “I must have thrown it harder than expected,” you looked at your feet. Feelings began washing over you again and the tears returned. Ralph picked up the remote from the floor and chucked it onto the couch, then taking you by the shoulders and tipping your chin up to look at him. “You really liked this guy, huh,” he said softly. You nodded, bottom lip trembling. A single tear fell down your face, but you wiped it away quickly. “Whatever, he was a dick anyway,” you sighed, “I’ve just gotta get over it.” “Well, luckily,” Ralph said teasingly, running his hand down your arm, “I’ve compiled you your very own Steps To Get Over Heartbreak List.” You dashed into his arms and gave him a quick squeeze, then pulled away. “So, this list. Do tell me the steps,” you smiled warmly. 
Without a warning, Ralph picked you up in his strong arms and threw you onto the couch like a rag doll. You squealed in mid-air but was luckily cushioned by the masses of comfy items you’d piled onto the couch. “Ralph!” You said hysterically, but you didn’t mind at all. “Step one: get comfy.” He grinned at you and threw a fluffy blanket over you. “Step two: movie. Which is Titanic, obviously.” He started the movie, and the familiar beginning of the movie began. “Obviously,” you echoed, snuggling into the cushions, “Even men can appreciate the fact that a large dose of Leonardo DiCaprio is good for any healthy person.” “Step three,” he continued, returning to the couch with you, “Icecream.” You picked your tub off the floor and held it up, showing him. “Check,” you said, eating another chunk off your massive spoon, “And I’ve already got through quite a bit.” “That’s my girl,” Ralph grinned. You felt your heart jolt, which was strange. But you didn’t mind Ralph taking care of you so sweetly. He made you feel… safe. But also confused. What were these feelings? 
“And the next step?” You interrupted your inner dilemma. Ralph cocked his head. “Well, me of course. Your charming, dashing, gorgeous, ruggedly handsome best friend.” He put his hands on his hips and attempted a smouldering gaze. “How modest of you,” you said flatly, but you smiled anyway. He grinned cheekily and jumped onto the side of other couch when the screen displayed Jack boarding the ship. Just as he was making himself comfortable, you pouted and said, “No.” Ralph froze, propping himself up on his elbows. “No?” He quirked an eyebrow. You sat up and patted the space where your head just was. “Come here, Ralphy,” you whined, and he complied. “You’re such a baby,” he grumbled. You held up a finger at him and waggled it. “Be careful, boy. You don’t want to upset the baby,” you said airily. Ralph rolled his eyes, albeit fondly, and flicked his hand at you. You moved over for him and he lay down where you once were. “Better?” He asked, holding his arms out. You nodded in response and yelped when Ralph pulled you down onto him. 
“You’ve got to stop doing that,” you told him begrudgingly. “Oh, be quiet. You love it.” He winked at you. You snorted, then saw the way he was looking at you pointedly. “Shut up,” you stammered, poking his shoulder angrily. “You’re cute,” he stated, poking you back. Your cheeks flushed unexpectedly, and you hid your face in his shirt. “Maybe I am,” you shrugged, narrowing your eyes at him, but snuggled down onto his chest anyway. You felt comfy and safe and warm in his arms and as the movie played on, you put your arms around him. When it arrived at the sex scene, you buried your face in his chest and said, “Leo is so hot.” Ralph laughed and shook his head. The screen showed Rose’s hand slap against the foggy glass of the car and your face heated up. “Damn, that hand always gets me,” said Ralph, engrossed in the movie. “Don’t get a boner,” you grumbled. Ralph snorted. “That won’t be a problem.” You were suddenly acutely aware of how much you were blushing and sat up off his chest, seizing the tub of half melted icecream off the ground. You grinned at the sugary concoction and dug your spoon into it, then shovelling it into your mouth. “Icecream can cure everything, I swear,” you moaned and chewed on a chunk of cookie you found in your spoonful. 
You stole a glance at Ralph and noticed he was staring at you and the icecream. You raised your eyebrows. “Lusting over my icecream, Dibny?” You teased, flicking your tongue on another scoop. “Not just the icecream,” he murmured, putting his hands behind his head. You gazed involuntarily at the way his muscles rippled, and your face grew hot once again. In an attempt to play it off, you took another scoop of the delicious icecream and positioned it over to his face. “Want some?” You said innocently, and as he moved his head towards the spoon you snatched it away and slurped it up with obscene sounds. “You hostile bitch!” Ralph said with mock affront, sitting up and twisting himself around you so you were sitting between his legs. He grasped the spoon off you and took his own scoop of the icecream, moaning at the taste. You scowled, then snatched both the spoon and icecream off Ralph, putting them on a nearby table. “Focus on me, not the icecream!” You complained, pushing on Ralphs chest and pushing him back into his previous position. “You’re insatiable,” he mumbled, pulling you down onto him. You shrugged, then put your head back down onto Ralphs chest, and closed your eyes to feel the steady rise and fall of his breathing. 
His hand began stroking your head absentmindedly and playing with your hair, and you hummed appreciatively. On the television screen, Jack and Rose dived off the boat. You looked up at Ralph and caught him gazing at you. To him, you looked stunning; raw and tired but gorgeous. You raised an eyebrow at him and he winked, eliciting an eye roll from you. “What’s up, handsome?” You teased, propping yourself up by putting your elbows on either side of his torso. “For someone who was just broken up with, you seem pretty happy,” he remarked. “He was a dick anyway. And maybe it’s because I have my extra special super awesome ruggedly handsome best friend with me,” you said softly, smiling at Ralph from above him. “Don’t fall in love with me,” he joked lightly. Seconds passed, and you found your eyes flicking back and forth from his eyes to his lips. You were just broken up with! You chided yourself, but another sneaky thought popped into your head: Well, getting under somebody else is always the best way to get over a breakup. And Ralph is freakin under me. 
“Y’know, Y/N, I never told you the last step on the list,” said Ralph, trailing his finger lazily up your arm. You took a sharp intake of air and flicked your hair out of your eyes. “And what’s that, Ralphy?” You asked, licking your lips. His eyes were drawn to your lips with that simple action, lingered for a hot second, and travelled back up to your eyes. “Well,” he shrugged, not talking his eyes off you, “I’ve heard that the best way to get over a breakup is to move on fast and… onto someone else.” You laughed breathily, hyper aware of his long fingers making their way up and down your arm, creating goosebumps. “Anyone you might recommend?” You inquired teasingly. “Funny you ask,” Ralph chuckled, “I brought my resumé.” Your hand found his cheek and you leaned into him, pressing your lips against his. His reaction was immediate, and he reciprocated softly. You melted into the kiss and put your other hand at the nape of his neck. You could feel him smiling against your lips. His hand snaked into your hair and gave a light tug. You moaned softly, then pulled away, Ralph lingering on your lips but reluctantly pulling back. “That was… awesome,” you breathed out. He placed one last chaste kiss on your lips and looked up at you, grinning. “If I didn’t have a boner then-“ “Ralph!”
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