#because we dont have words for jt
kawaiianimeredhead · 11 months
My day popped off from 0 - 100 at like 5ish when I thought I'd be getting only up to like 40 running some errands
And I exhausted myself and I am so tired but I also feel like my pacing with my day and the expectations have been so thrown off I can't fall asleep but also I have work at 5 tomorrow morning because my coworker is getting married and so I need to sleep but it's so hard
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swiftgreatest · 2 years
Everything Has Changed | Eddie Roundtree x Fem!Reader
request by anon: "hi!:) i dont know if you take request but i would love to see eddie’s blurb where he mets his old friend from his hometown on tour and falls in love with her"
a/n: hello, thanks for request. i love your idea!! i loved write this, i really hope u like this, give me your opinion about it!!!
words: 2.3k
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After hours and hours on the rond the band finally arrived in Seattle for one week with three shows in the city. All the audience was excited for this, as it was the first time Daisy Jones and The Six would be in the city and the three shows were sold out, this was one of the most talked about subjects at the moment.
Eddie was accustomed with this commotion in the cities where the band performed, hysteria everywhere, people following the bus of the band and camping at the front of the hotel, it wasn't something new for him, the band was on tour for several months.
The travels from one city to another were very tiring and boring sometimes, there wasn't much to do on the bus aside from look at the landscape, drink sth, smoke or take drugs. Sometimes Eddie used the travels to write letters and make melodies for his bass, he always wanted to write his own lyrics but he didn't have much confidence in himself, until his childhood best friend helped him with this. She encouraged him and said she was his number one fan.
The bassist catches himself remembering her sometimes, he misses her and all the things they did together, she was his favorite thing in Pittsburgh. He constantly wonders what she is doing now.
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Eddie sat in one of the empty booths of a snack bar, he and the band got off the bus and he was starving for some real food then ran out to find a snack bar and entered the first one he found.
As he looked at the menu, a waitress appeared to take your order.
"Welcome!! What would you like to order?"
"I would like some-" Eddie couldn't speak anymore after looking at the waitress who was looking at his order book. "Y/n? It 's you?" He recognized her, it was her! His childhood best friend, sweet Y/n!
"What?- Oh my God, Eddie jt's you!!!" The girl opened a smile that filled her face. She couldn't believe it, it was like a dream, her childhood best friend and secret love was there, in front of her. It's Eddie, her Eddie. O mean, he was taller now, long hair, expensive clothes, looked more confident but he still being the boy she ran away from home with to go to rock concerts in the early hours of the morning.
"I can't believe it!" Roundtree said while standing up and hugging the girl. She was taken aback by the hug but put her arms around him. Eddie couldn't even explain how much he missed it.
"Dude, how long! You're in Seattle all this time?? How I never found you??" You asked him, you've so many questions.
"No, I live in Los Angeles. I've come to work, in truth it's a long story and I-" They were interrupted by the rumbling of the bassist's stomach, oh he was so hypnotized by you that he had forgotten how hungry he was.
You laugh and he blushed with shame "Let's take it easy, sit and tell me what you want to eat and when I come back we can talk, right?"
"Right!" He sat down again and said his order to the girl.
"I'll be back in a few minutes!" You left and Eddie didn't take his eyes off you, you caught his attention, he couldn't believe he found you, you were so different, but what could he say, it's a long time, you two were different now but some feelings are still the same and still making his heart speed up.
– – – –
You was watching the boy in your front devour the food you brought, you worried about him because of all this hunger but he explained the reason to you. He also explained everything that had happened to him after you moved from Pittsburgh with your parents. The Dunne Brothers, new members, The Six, Billy, Daisy Jones, Honeycomb, Aurora and he tell about the others, Camilla, Graham and Warren, you are close in the past.
You're so happy for Eddie, he did it!! Realized his dream and looked so happy with the band, you remembered all the times you listened to him write or play something on the guitar and bass, it was so good, just you and him, listening to him sing to you and only for you.
"Eddie I'm so happy for you, that I don't even know how to express this. I'm so proud of you, you did it" You had a proud smile and looked at him with admiration.
This was so precious and valuable to Eddie, no one ever looked at him like that, no one ever admired him like you did, no one ever encouraged him as much to follow his dreams as you did, you always supported and helped him, he would never get over it or forget it. He entwined his hand in yours, it was so good to be with you.
"I'm so happy to give you prod, you always support me, and you make many things for me Y/n, you help me to be who I am and I will always be grateful for it" He cuddled your hand.
"You don't have to thank me for being who you are. You're talented and it comes from you naturally"
"And you? What have you been doing?"
You explained what happened after you moved from Pittsburgh. You spent some years in a small town with your parents until you got tired and moved alone to Seattle, you wanted new air, and the air of the big city was what you needed. You became a waitress, but you were also doing other things. You are a dancer in a dance academy and you were trying to win a scholarship to some college to become more professional in dance.
"That's amazing Y/n!! I always knew that you would be a star of dance one day"
"Oh let's not exaggerate, I'm still a little star who is getting to know this world of big stars and constellations"
"To me, you are and always have been a big star. My big star"
Oh God, didn't he realize how much he messed with you, how the way he looked at you and the things he said made you have an outburst. How could he never realize how in love you were?
"Thank you, I don't know what to say" You were going to say something but were interrupted by your boss telling you to get back to work. "I need to go Eddie, the work calls me".
"When is your turn ending?"
"At five" It was still three o'clock in the afternoon. "There are two hours left, you don't have to stay here waiting for me"
"I don't have any problem, I have been waiting for this for years, some hours won't kill me" He smiled and you smiled back. Your smile lights up his life since childhood and still.
– – – –
After two long hours of work, you finally end with your work, take your things to leave. At all this time Eddie was still sitting at the same table, sometimes he asked something to drink but only to talk with you. You smiled every time you passed by him or when you caught him staring at you, have been many times.
You both left the snack bar and walked the streets while talking, telling new stories, thoughts and problems too, it was as if everything was in the right place now, just you and Eddie keeping each other company and being honest.
Everything has changed. You and Him may have changed on the outside, but you still had a lot of your old version of the past inside of you. The same feelings still haunted you both and you still don't know how to deal with this like when you were young.
Every smile, word, memory, joke and thought connect you more and more, as in the past, or even stronger than that, you didn't want to leave this. After that reunion, Eddie promised he would never go away from you again.
– – – –
And he kept his promise, for the first he called you to go to a concert of his band, he didn't have to insist, you were crazy to see your friend on the stage and the band too.
While at the concert you admired him, you can't take your eyes off him, Eddie got a special place for you in the front of the stage. You loved the concert, they've so many good songs and the energy was from another world, unexplained.
After the end of the show, you met Eddie on the backstage, you hugged him even with him sweating and he hugged you too, holding you so strong as if he was afraid you would go away from him.
"I have some people here who need to see you" He led you into a hallway with dressing rooms and you were so involved that you didn't even realize that you entwined your hand with his. He led you into a room where Graham, Warren and the keyboard player, Karen, were.
The boys ran to you when they recognized you, you hugged both. They're so different but at the same time still were your friends from school. You introduced yourself to Karen and she was really nice with you, you like her.
"So you mean Eddie found you and didn't tell us? You were keeping her from us just for you weren't you brother?" Warren joked and Eddie gave him the middle finger.
"We have to make up for all this time" Warren said "And you know what's good for bringing people together?" He asked and after no one answered he shouted "A party!".
Everyone got excited and shouted together with him, and that's how you ended up at one of the famous band parties. You have fun all night, talking with several people, drinking, dancing and especially you did all this with Eddie who didn't leave you at any time and you didn't leave him either.
– – – –
It was like this all week, you went to the band's second concert and you see Eddie everyday since you reunited. You give him your address so he comes to see you everyday. He came early and his excuse was he didn't want to stay away from you. He took you to your work everyday.
When he didn't show he stayed with you in your house, you cooked together, Eddie was so good in the kitchen. You and him do other things like play games, watch movies, listen to discos or just talk and admire each other.
You didn't realize that, but anyone besides that can realize this, the way you look at each other, how you act towards each other, is like you have your own language and your own world.
You were so used to each other that you didn't even think about what would happen when the last show of the band was done and they left town.
One day before the last concert, Roundtree realized what was coming and that almost drove him crazy. He got nervous and so many thoughts appeared in his mind. What would you two do? Are you still friends? He didn't know what to expect, but one thing he knew. He couldn't lose you again, he couldn't live without you anymore and he was determined to do something to let you know about it, even if it changed everything.
– – – –
This is the last concert of the band in Seattle and you were there like the others, but this is different, is the last time Eddie would be in your city, you pretended it wasn't affecting you. When you realized that, you cried, you didn't want to let him leave, but what could you do? This was his dream and you couldn't ruin it just because you love him more than anything and didn't want to live without him.
The bassist noticed you were different, quiet and thoughtful, and he knew the reason, he tried not to show that it affected him too. The concert went so slowly for him. He didn't want it to end but he also needed to talk to you and couldn't hold back any longer.
After the show he took you away from others, nothing of parties or drinks for you two today, he has something different for today, something that will change your lives, for the better or worse. Roundtree took you to the roof of the concert hall, this is like a flashback from when you climbed the roof of his house to see the stars and smoke. All these memories come to you, just make you more sensible and you were holding yourself to not cry.
"I know I'm leaving tomorrow and this could change everything between us, but this doesn't need to change, I still with you, I'll be far away but I'll call you everyday, send letters and come to see you every chance I get, I won't let nothing keep us apart" He held your face with his hands " I was stupid enough to let you go once and I will never make that mistake again. Everything has changed. But I still love you. I love you all this time, keep this love with me and now that I've found you it has come back strong and clear, nothing will change my mind and if that's going to change all between us, even if it's for something worse, I'm sorry but I won't hide it, not anymore.
You didn't realize at what moment the tears started to fall down your face, you're so happy and emotional that you couldn't contain yourself. He looked at you worried, cleared your tears and when he goes try to say one more thing you kiss him. Nothing could change this, nothing could separate you now.
And this only proved that even though everything had changed, you two were still the same, and still loved each other in the same way.
– – – –
hello people, if u like reblog and like pls? my request still open and i loved write thisss
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waterfreshner · 5 months
You and Miguel had a son two years ago after getting married. An accident happened, and Vulture 2099 killed him as an infant. It devastated you, but it hit Miguel harder since it was the second time he lost a kid. The only thing keeping you together was caring for your husband, channeling your maternal energies into making sure he was doing well and wasn't entirely swallowed by grief. Now you have gotten into a new rhythm and went out to your anniversary dinner, and now you have broken the news to Miguel…….. Your period is two weeks late, and you just took a pregnancy test.
“I'm home!” I shouted down the hall, throwing my keys on the counter.
“I'm in here!” he replied from the bedroom.
I entered the room to find him lounging on the bed in his regular civilian clothes. He didn't have many days off, and I came home early just to spend time with him since I rarely got to cuddle with my husband, wear sweatpants, watch telenovelas, and eat snacks.
“What's up? How's your day been?” he asks as I collapse on the bed
“It was a day,” I sigh, rubbing my temple. “Susan was a bitch again today, and of course, nobody did anything to help.”
I move next to Miguel, and he puts his arm around my shoulder. “I am glad to be home with you,” I say, smiling at him
I look at Miguel and see how relaxed he is; his hair is unkempt, and his dark circles aren't as prominent as they used to be. He looks good like this, domestic and happy. I hate knowing that this will probably change soon the second I show him the pregnancy test hidden in my purse.
“I’m glad you're home too,” Miguel says before kissing me on the forehead. I zone out, staring at my wallet, until I hear Miguel talking to me gently
“¿Qué ocurre?’ he asked, looking at me worriedly.
“I'm fine,” I groan as I stand up.
I couldn't keep this from him; he deserves to know. I seemed to leave my body as I watched myself slowly stand up from the bed and walk to my purse while Miguel moved his attention back to his show. Time seemed to slow as I grabbed the test and sat back down.
“What did you get me?” Miguel inquires, sitting up and looking at me.
I take a deep breath and try to map out what I'm going to say. It should be short and sweet, easy and simple.
“I'm pregnant,” I mutter under my breath, not truly believing the words myself.
“What?” Miguel says, looking at the test with a puzzled expression.
“I'm pregnant,” I repeat louder, pointing at the two lines on the test.
For a moment, I thought I had broken Miguel. He stared at the test for almost a full minute before saying anything.
“Are you sure?” he asks quietly.
“I'm pretty sure I took three pregnancy tests, and all of them were positive,” I responded gently.
“Have you scheduled any appointments yet to see how far along you are?” he says, finally setting the test down.
“Not yet,” I answer, sitting down, trying to gauge how well he is taking this.
“Do you want to try again?” he turns to face me, gently taking my hand and scanning my face for any sign of uncertainty or grief.
“I think so,” I respond quietly, squeezing his hand slightly
“Ok then,” he says before picking up his phone, immediately making an appointment at the nearest clinic, and then setting his phone back down.
Neither of us knew what to say or how to respond. We just sat there hugging and staring at the positive test with doubt, wondering if we were ready to be parents again after the loss of our son (INSERT BABY NAME HERE). The rest of the evening, we were in some kind of denial. We went about our everyday routine as if nothing had happened, except I noticed Miguel was being more careful around me. He moved me out of the way of bumping into things and told me to sit down because I'd been standing for “so long.” Even though I was only on my feet for 15 minutes, he wouldn't even let me help cut vegetables for dinner.
“Miguel, I'm not made of glass,” I say exasperatedly. I'm pregnant.”
“hi, pregnant. I'm Dad,” he says with a shit-eating grin before doing a little dance, aka hitting the griddy because he is a silly goose on the loose, and he desires to choke slam fifteen-year-olds into trains and tell them they are a mistake. 😀
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td-brick · 2 months
OKOK!!!! It's pretty late where i am so sorry for any typos or weird wording. I have a lot to talk about probably but first i'll elaborate on what i said in the other post about her being less willing to receive help. I dont think thats really just in relation to her and brick or even her and romantic relationships in general, i think it reflects in most facets of her life. Which idk to me is obvious looking at canon but jts also interesting to think about why shes that way. I think she already wasn't super sociable even before that (autism to me.. she was a micromanager and very bossy/blunt/direct/etc when interacting w other kids) but i think also being a competitive athlete she started developing the "every man for himself" esque idea in her head. Especially combined with the misogyny she would have faced as a girl going into a very guy dominated profession/hobby especially one that's considered more masculine at that she would have started to be more self-reliant and detest working in teams and having to rely on other people for help or anything like that. I feel like this would have also lead to her developing the internalized misogyny we see she has in the show, she feels like shes not really allowed to like anything more feminine because it will lead to people not taking her seriously as an athlete. And also this leads me to some frequent thoughts I have about her although it's more me complaining about how other people perceive her. Hold on i wrote a thread on twitter about that I'll just put it here. There are definitely typos there but if it's hard to read I rewrote it with correct spelling in the alt text
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And also the elusive google docs paragraph I wrote about her. This is pretty bad  imo which is why i rewrote it entirely here instead of just copy and pasting this but 😭😭 i don't know maybe it adds more context to a few things so I'm posting it anyways
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Also correct me if i'm wrong about any athletics/sports stuff I was guessing based off what i've seen but i haven't actually done anything related to that in like 8 years so
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pineappleparfaitie · 4 months
Regarding recent events
Alright im in a better mental state so i want to clear some things up
1. My "callout" posts ir whatever the fuck  had sfw vore community tags on it I never should have  put on there . Im genuinely sorry to everyone ive hurt with that decision for causing anything triggering or anything along those lines. I was 100% in the wrong and i may have even caused some people to do bad stuff to themselves. I am sorry.I am so sorry.
2.I am in contact with someone trying to clear this up, i saw this person make a post trying to prove i sentthrm BOMB threats. I want a vide recording of this proof sent to me as this is a) a lie on the part of their friend b) i have hd to provide video evidence so i believe it's only fair. If this person is reading this I want your friend to record them doing that as i feel its the best way for us to see the truth.
3.I am most likely leaving the community due to this. Never in my 16 and a half years that I have walked this planet have i been called a neo-n@zi, have i been called a straight up nazi, have i bee called scum and have i had someone so publicly wish harm upon me. I have been threw hell in the last 12+ hours ,i havent slept, my heart aches and I am unable to breath normally.My menstrual cycle wil probably be late due to stress alone even though i should have gotten it a few days ago.
I have RUINED,TAINTED and DESTROYEE discourse around this topic in the community and im so sorry.Im sorry people will wat to speak up on this and fewr theyll be a moron like me.Im sorry people will look at me and never want to bring this issue up because they dont want to end up like me-pathetic and unable to talk without bring so confusing people cant even understand what Im saying.So bad at emphasazing a point I have peple thinking im a nazi or even nazj SYMPATHISER God forbid.
Im sorry to anyone and everyone ive hurt , to anyone and everyone who saw my posts and felt hurt because they had every right to be.
Im so sorry.Im sorry.
This mext bit is directed at this individual.
Read if you wish but if I see or hear people sending threats to this person,sending insults,sending death threats or anything under thr Sun along those lines you are DIRT to me.
. Im sorry. I have tried apologising where I went wrong. I apologised to you when we cut ties and I reiterated stuff wasnt your fault. You have called me names,misgendered me ,claimed it wasnt a gendered term and later said you thought jt said she/her in my bio when it wasone of the first things on my blog.But i can forgive that. It makes me salty but its a simple mistake .
Im sorry. I am so sorry I hurt you. I am sorry you think id even IMAGINE makin bomb threats to you, had you told me to the extent these people were going I would have tried tracking them down myself.  I thought all they did was call you a Zio which I dont even believe you to be. Im sorry if you ever felt belittled ,hurt  ect and weather or not anything comes to light You have the right to FEEL hurt. To FEEL that i wronged you in every way. No one should insult your feelings over this tyoe of stuff. But all I ask is a GRAIN,  not even an ounce, a GRAIN of sympathy after being told to get hit by a train ,then publicly being called a nazi with no proof. The things you listed by definition wouldnt make me a nzi. You have misinterpreted and misunderstood my words and I am SORRY I couldnt be more understanble and word myself better.it was MY FAULT. not you It was ME But I have never insulted you ,called you what you have called me, called you a bitch ,said you were yapping whe you wanted to disprove anything,  gave you desth threats. I am angry amd I am devestated but I will never even call you a zionist. The only issue I ever had after we cut dtuff off was you calling me a neo nazi publicly via vauge post. You could have hated my GUTS and it wouldn't have bothered me cause you have the right to feel hurt
Please. Send me video evidence. Because you andyour friend are making me out to be a antisemitic nazi monster who sends bomb and starvation threats to random 16 year old online. Im the same age as you. I am leaving a community i adored because of this if not 100% then considering I hope you can be happy when or if im gone.Maybe it would bring you closure cause you said everyone agrees im wrong. I may have misread your words here - but I believe you said it would be better if i left. The post isfone now tough.
Im not claiming you did i may have misremembered. But if so I hope you can finnaly get closure and be happy when im gone.
I hope you can finnaly be happy .All i ask is ehen I leave to not do this to anyone else. You have destroyedme from the inside out.
Im sorry I wasnt better , im sorry i made you feel like shit, im sorry me not thinking may have or HAS caused you mental or even physical pain.
Im sorry. Im not asking for forgiveness, because no one decides that but you. Amd you habe every right to not even think about it
I want you to know Im sorry
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arcanewebs · 6 months
(hi this is still me callizinc) Literally crumpling to the floor with you . bro... bro..... like i don't want to sound ungrateful or pissy or like a dumbass but like. 😭 youuu get me . I wanted things to go so bad both cause i like horror and because i cannot stress enough how devastated i am we didn't even get 1v1 riz vs baron. or just the second phase in general. We could've had it all......
STILL LOVED IT. ICONIC AMAZING SHOWSTOPPING. BUT HERE'S THE THING. The aromantic community exchanges pondering glances. 😭😭FDJGOIHUSU BUT YOU AND ME WE MUST JOPE TOGETHER!! IT'S NOT JOEVER!!!!! I MEAN THE BRIEFCASE LITERALLY. OPENED. AND BARON DIDN'T DIE (THANK GOD). THEY'RE PROBABLY OUT THERE NOW. Basically PLease it doesn't have to be big i just want the word aromantic to be said in a popular show Ok
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about it at the Moment
GOD A 1v1 WOULD HAVE TRULY BEEN SO GOOD .a girl can only dream.!!😭😭
i was really satisfied immeidiately after finishing the ep but then i thought about jt for a little too much and now im. URHGKK. ITS OJKAY. IN HIGH ANTICIPATION FOR NEXT WEEK THOUGH
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gardens-of-may · 1 month
ENTRY THREE - chap. 50 to end
spoilers ahead
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i don’t remember what happened 
i know what happened tho
i’m not going to tell you 😋
suck it ha!
wakey wakey 
katharine hmm
saturday mornings
not a scavenger hunt then?
i js realized both of the boys are dealing with their fathers
skye might be a pretty name but the human is actually vile
if gray hurts himself I WILL SUE
ehehehe thomas thomas?
i bet IT sounds like a wet dog
but an ugly dog not a cute dog 
what the hell
no we no we NO. WE. 
bitch ☺️
she talks like she’s so wise and blah blah and respected but no
you’re alone?
throw her in the pool 
oh hi nash ☺️
oh gigi 
awww ticklish gray 
i love her SO MUCH
omg it’s like me after the sols times one hundred 
please don’t get distracted, we know your girlfriend is hot but don’t
we’ll celebrate 
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we know
le oop 
fhehsha HIS SISTERS 🥰🥰
it’s her
em*ly 🤢🤢
i don’t really think you do love them 
oh. poor gray. 
she’s alive bro
i’m back bitches
my favorite 
no it’s alright girl i’d do the same 
awww 🥰 
cookies 🍪 
so no one won the game
oh ☹️
he’s really lonely 
is he dead?
btw maisie peters IS gigi
eve is a bitch who should be six feet under 
awww 🥰 
no now i’m crying 
ohhhhh shittyttttt
tears on my pillow 
is zella alice?
she’s right. rich white boys het farrr in life 
LYRA 😍😍😍
bitch jamie can’t even come
he needs to laugh
stop 💀
omg that would be fucking terrifying 
gigi and gray’s relationship means so much to me 
well i already knew that so hahaha
why would you end a book like that?
now i am going to go chug some coffee and we are jumping straight into the grandest game 
the end. 
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dreamii-krybaby · 2 years
your nori headcanons, hand them over
Wait. People are actually interested in my Nori HCs? Holy shit *screams in happiness*
Ironically I been working on a post dedicated to my Nori HCs! but am going to throw a “few” in here.
Nori Doorman! HCs 🗝️
(watch all of this get absolutely wrecked when we fully get to see her character alongside others.)
(Btw some of my HC are connected to my personal speculations)
• I honestly can’t see this woman being straight. So fuck it. She is pansexual now.
• I was thinking of HC her as neurodivergent! But not sure rn.
• Nori was named that way by herself because after she found out about sushi’s existence,and after finding out the algae used in sushi is called “Nori”, she later named herself after that bc she thought the word sounded cute.
• If robots could eat human food,she would definitely try all kinds of sushi or just the algae for curiosity.
• We canonically don’t know if Nori was a WD that had parents or was a WD who gained sentience. But personally I like to think she was one of the many WDs who gained sentience.
• She actually gained sentience when she was slightly younger and moments after the extinction of humanity.
• She was around her early 30s when she passed away.
• She met Khan before the WDF existed or when Khan wasn’t even considered a leader.
• They met while both found themselves in a pickle after trying to scavenge scraps for personal projects.
• I do think if they were WDs who attended high-school,they would have met after being paired for a school project.
• If Nori ever went to high school she definitely strikes me as a “shy nerdy geeky girl but gets super exited when talking about her passions”.
•Nori and Khan were roughly the same age when they started dating but Khan started to age physically more faster bc of overwork and stress after becoming the colony’s leader.
• Honestly Khan and Nori’s relationship strikes me as:
“Big menacing dog who is actually a goofball” and “Tiny black kitten who looks adorable but will commit war crimes if provoked”
• Honestly I can only see Nori’s and Khan’s relationship being so fucking wholesome,they were lovebirds your honor. Ofc before shit hit the fan.
• She used to spend time with the WDF and join in their card games!
• Nori was incredibly good at card/board games. She always somehow won when playing card games with the WDF. The WDF still let her join bc it was fun. (And bc she was their leader’s wife)
•The way of how imagine Nori’s voice is sort of a smooth and soft voice. Slightly monotone and a bit high pitch. Like her voice immediately gives “shy soft woman who also happens to be a mother” vibes.
Her voice does shift a bit when she gets really excited! (Or any strong emotion) Completely loosing her monotony and smoothness a bit.
The best voice claim I can think for rn her is actually Candace from Genshin Impact, just make her voice a bit high pitched.
Also fun fact! Candaces english VA (Shara Kirby) is the same VA of Serial Designation-J!
Another Voice claim i can come up is Andrea Storm Kaden!
She is a singer who performed in a lot of fan songs of video-games. (tattletail,FNAF,BATIM, Overwatch,etc. She did a lot of collabs with JT Music and I think a few with TryHardNinja.)
• She is actually shorter than the average WDs,but just by a few inches. She isn’t an ant like Uzi.
• Her hair is much more longer and a few shades lighter than Uzi’s.
• Her eyes are also much saturated compared to her daughter’s eyes color.
•She also has cute lil chompers! Tho they dont look the same as the DDs. They are smaller and shorter,Uzi inherited that trait from her.
• Uzi’s necklace actually belonged to Nori.
• When Nori got her hands on this necklace and started wearing it,she never took it off.
• She definitely strikes me as someone who is into cottage-gore.
• She is a goth mom,thats it. Like and old-school goth mom. (Like she is more into the “feminine” part of goth,if I can explain myself)
• She constantly wore black dresses. The one she wore the most was a simple off shoulder black dress with short sleeves and frills on it. It was made from a very thin and light material. And it had a purple flower pattern on it.
• She wore this dress while wearing black combat boots (Like most WDs) and her necklace.
• She had a pair of black combat boots but this time her boots lace was a purple color.
• She also had a WDs jacket! And occasionally wore it. It was purple.
• One of her many hobbies was painting. She didn’t do it all the time,just occasionally. Khan still kept some of them hidden away.
• She was definitely one of those girls who would see true crime content.
• She would sometimes put screamo music when cleaning.
•She definitely listened to grunge,goth,metal music
•She isn’t much of a singer but she can hum pretty well!
•She hums when doing chores or when comforting Uzi.
•Uzi’s and Nori’s love language would definitely be touch. I can see her humming as she caresses Uzi’s head,as Uzi lays it on her mother’s lap. She did this whenever her kid had a rough time.
•Nori was the only person who could calm Uzi down whenever she went “feral”.
•Uzi would probably be more close and vulnerable with Nori.
• Nori is probably one of the most softest/chillest person. But make her really pissed and honey you are dead. (May or may not be literal)
• Whenever she is just angry but not necessarily pissed she is more a cold,piercing kind of anger. The kind to stare into your soul and makes you question all your life choices.
Note: Btw I theorized she was related to the AS and actually had it since EP2! So have some of that!
• She was covered in scars,bumps and dents,but she mostly covered them up with her clothes or the AS did the job healing the scars. Or she covered them up by literally painting over herself.
As to why she had these scars? Well lets say she got herself into questionable and dangerous situations.
• She would replace a lot of the broken mirrors that she would break with her AS in her house,in secret.
• She would occasionally use her AS when doing chores.
EP3 spoilers!
Note: We don’t know if Nori consumed Oil whe she was alive,since I theorized she had the AS. But I have some HCs if she did:
• Sometimes she would arrive at her home,alone or when Khan was sleeping. Wearing long forearmed-length black gloves, laced up with purple/white lace.
• She would carry a dark colored bag (that looked like those tote bags but is was bigger and the material was much more thicker) that leaked oil at the bottom.
• Her dress would have dry or fresh stains. She also reeked of oil.
• She started out as frenemies with Yeva,but they later became besties.
• The 2 would hang out a lot alone.
• Nori constantly visited Yeva at her house,but she never invited Yeva to her house. Since Nori was always sort of messy, and she was self conscious about that in the past.
• They both would probably talk all kinds of things.
• She would definitely teach Yeva 1 or 2 things about her AS powers,since Nori has more experience with her AS abilities than Yeva.
• Nori would sometimes speak russian to Yeva. Meanwhile Yeva would speak English to Nori. Just for the funsies.
• Nori actually met Baby Doll at some point! She even held her.
• I always thought of Nori as a more artistic oriented woman but EP3 seems to make me think of her more of the scientific side.
• So she is a bit of both but her artistic side is showed more often than her scientific side.
•Nori personally customized her own necklace and helped Yeva with it when it came to her bracelet.
Side Note: Ok wtf that was more than I expected jesus. Anyways yeah this is just like 5% of my interpretation and HCs if Nori…yeah I am
✨mentally not ok✨
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limestoner · 1 year
Select excerpts from a DM to my friend:
Oh look! It’s Crash’em Bash’em! But N. Gin can’t be on your team and barely appears in it. Though he does show us his balls. 😈 Though I wish it was more like the picture in the book you gave me. 👀💦💦
OMG that took forever to put in because I just took 3 hits of Yellow Fruit Stripes and it feels like my body is turning into a spiral. 🌀 like that’s my head in the centre and my feet at the top but I’m not even a straight line enough like that it’s like if a light ent a spy split spit spiral and every thing is made out of fuzz holy
I’m going to be like the guy with the Nerds Rope any second 🫠
-anyway, then I started enjoying N. Gin’s balls. But moving on from N. Gin’s balls. Sorry, I can’t stop saying N. Gin’s balls. I just love having N. Gin’s balls in my mouth. I know what I said.
Holy. Noises now sound like they are coming from 45° to the left of where they’re actually coming from. Rowan is on the rug but I hear him in the treasure chest.
Daisy is in jutchen but sounds like my room.
He’s trying to be welcoming but Daisy is having none of it. Earlier he was relaxing and pretended not to notice her as she went by so that she wouldn’t run from him.
Anyway anwyay, if they dont, they can bring us over there. I’ll get you a Notre Dame shirt with the fighting Leperchain.
Wow. Back to stuff related to what we were talking about! Take it slow on the relation ship station ship but you can drop ancor in any port and whirl away.
Whirl away! On the power of dodo gas. ⛽️ 🦤💨
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I mean where away. Anywye. I have a story. It isn’t my story, it’s from the book that tells the eagle feather story. That’s such a good book. Anyzwhs I was downloading the peg I mean PDF and realized that I was doing that because I want to read it again but it would be too fuzzy to send you the text of the story. I tell you about jt when wen FaceTime on the weekend.
It’s a scary animation I saw many years ago about the apocalypse. Not the one with the squirrels. But that’s a good one too. I’ll add it. And the mouse one.
Leoperous. Is that the name of a real thing or what words did you fuse together. I mean a real mythological thing ~~you know, like our relationships BLAMMO!!!!! lololololololol I find that disproportionately funny so I’ll move on~~ Revelation in the Blibble has all kinds of bizarre things: sword-mouth Jesus, seven headed dragons, Leopears, ape bears, and bandagos. Which are admittedly way more metal than the modern pagan afterlife that consists of a body being returned to the matter of the cosmos.
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It’s a leopard Cerberus eagle, it would seem. An Eagleoparberus. I dare you to go to a science event and say you read research article about [famous scientist with a ton of street cred] had discovered a new prehistoric animal in the genus Eagleoparberus. See if anyone questions it or argues.
But the Weber’s slices are getting pretty tiny. I mean wheel slices for when we spin it to pick a film.
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Hi, hello, bonjour. It's an update:
Sorry I haven't updated earlier, I've been bed ridden (or bathroom floor ridden) all day because of my cramps, I can't cope and pain killers and hot water bottles aren't touching it. I think I may have accidentally taken too many pain killers so it made it worse but I'm not sure and I'm starting to feel better so don't worry about that.
I'm going to be real I'm terrified that my recent low point was just hormones but it was going on for a few months before just got worse lately but now I feel like I'm not valid? I don't know anymore.
I'm getting results for everything next week so that's something to keep going for. I feel like shit. Sorry for the bad language but I cant find a better word that to describe how I feel. My grandma said I should go to the doctors about it but I don't want to go back because it made everything worse last time. We got into a small argument about it but we're okay now, I hate arguing with her she's my best friend.
I'm fine, I don't really feel anything? It's like yeah I know I should be sad but I just can't. The feelings are there but it feels as if they are buried under concrete and so all I can feel is just a faint sensation. That doesn't really make sense I'm sorry.
I found another reason to stick around though. My best friend. She's the person who has ALWAYS been next to me, she is the kindest soul in the world and I would do anything for her. She was the one who told people that she was worried I was going to do something and that got me an emergency mental health Evaluation last time (wich went no where because I wasn't an active risk) I will always love her for that. She is going through stuff right now and I want to be here for her.
I also don't want you to think that my mental health is dependent on your words but you also encourage me to stay so thank you.
I hope it gets better but I know as soon as it does all I will think about is when I'm going to drop back to this low again. I known need help but I dont know how to get jt and life is too busy at the moment so I'm going to have to wait.
You are in my thoughts and I thank you for everything you have done for me big sib 💛✨️ have a good week
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chanelfunnell · 2 years
anon, wwe know who is the person with multiple accounts and questions about Crosby. An insider now lol. Face to face lol.
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check the messages i got recently.
b) You can do at yours what you want and no one has a right to tell you a word or invite yourself over. so my blog. as Marketa is a solo owner of Balmoral and Sandringham house and estates hold in nominee trust, a life tenancy for Queen's father expired. Markle has no right or anything to do with Marketa's Balmoral because she is deluded for bedding a non royal Henry, a son of ginger sokdier called James Hewitt No one hsd right tio push themselves into yoir house and not crazy non entities. if she is linked to her sex harassment and secret filming Markle is done and so any supporter and their biz. at least in USA. No idea about her demented part of family with masochist men but no way Markle is behind married army poser with Jonathan T similarity like Tazer fior Marketa's dishonoured image because it sihnds like any bs from uk regency drama by Fergie or Netflix by UK productiion. the Thompsons are tied to a horse charity where Camilla is a patron..Other aide in her service is posing and she is behind Diana's royal train scandal. No way Markle will plot an insult about herself, by a fabricated stuff that shr ordered about M which is our US way during election wars. Car TV presenter was at the dane party like similar deluded control freak media poser anx trsshy celeb chaser Camilla. Givs me break with Ganes of Throne but M is smart observer to read a room and a game and wait as a marksman who is able to kill asap and hit well. Sje doe not make usually enemies and biunces pretty quickly back into her offensive campaign but a part of her family are stupid and sinilar idiots like their aunt Alicky in Russia with Rasputin while M became more Catherine the Great being eaised as a royal born abroad and taken to UK in cormafive yeaes according certain expectations. Talented, trained well but also very big fan of herself and often using her high emofional intelligence alongside Mensa IQ for numbers and tech to her own gain anx advantage. She is up to Balmoral for Christmas apparently. i dont think they salute her with promoted aide JT as non working royal at her castle where she will be a centre of the show anyway as an arresting beauty. M is a headturner in the rain, a flat cap and layers of clothes for a millionaire man who wrote about her,army and dragons, Kate not, just after expensive makeover and a new closet, silly enough to strike any interesting conversation but the most deluded like Markle is Camilla. She waa not a looker in her 20s to be bedded for pity or bad bet in USA yet she poses as a deluded desperado dictator of her cult by storm. the Kardashians are classier and more normal family costing you anything. no forcr to pay for security, force you to buy cozmetics or their wisdom copied from JFK or listen about crazy nobodies me me me gibberush and ups and downs. M's people sniffed around Montecito, no record about Lily founf in SB hospital but in LA. They started to snff around maternity dictor who resigndd. Archibald's certificate is nit signed by 2 UK obstercians, M is a grand daughtef of Edward VIII and expect what's up with a liar king and those crazies . Argentinian TV soao opera and Infian family saga is nill comparinv to their circus but no ice hockey . we are not Canada, no money for crazies snd their bedmates and only Trump up to impeachment. Joe has memory loss but bothers to visit his marines and new oficrrs, our First Lafies are accomplished pretty women without plotting and smearing other women. If M has info and ties to US arny, ourspoks are after Markle, a lover of fat politician and uk former Homeland Secretary for stopping M any time to get info about her travels and a house close to HQs of NATO and Joint Force Command, do not worry. we have no RF for ages anx we are not demented to listen to fantasies anx femands of deluded bed jumping non important wannabes. Harry is more lile a son of James Hewitt than even b rated royal. Markle bedded NHLeand demanded change of diet, habits lol and a credit card but it was abiut 2 flings and not ice hockey. yep NHLers are in NHL fkr s reason.
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My angry client probably emailed me since friday but I'll deal with it in the morning. At this point, I am going to fight for the idea that I should not work hard to keep clients who a) berate us b) completely misunderstand our services without any effort to remedy this or c) give us unreasonable ultimatums, especially since a majority of the time it seems that a and c result from things on their end like credit limits or whatever.
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strawberryspeachy · 3 years
S4e10 is the first time i want to actually rewatch an entire episode of handmaids tale.... ok wait second time - was it the new “ofglen” who blew up that important building with all the commanders inside and the handmaids outside - that ending was great
But omg
First off elizabeths moss’s acting!!! Ive gotten too used to that same dreadful look shes been making for the past couple seasons that... the wide range of facial expressions really surprised me and it just!! Wow
the suspence the whole episode. Nothing EVER goes right in this show. I knew what i wanted to see but i fully expected fred and serena to go free and happy. That back and forth feeling was super engaging
I loved that even though there was that tension between june and moira before, moira jumped right back to trying to fight and doing all the screaming and ranting for june - someones gotta do it and june was too mentally exausted
K like im still confused why everyone can go in and out of the waterford prison so easily and was like.... dooooo they want june to kill him?!?!? Why are you leaving her alone???
And i was so excited like yesssss shes gonna kill himmm - well first i thought she was gonna go to serena and kill her baby
But when she was walking around that room... like a cat pretending not to notice the mouse in the room - we just know june too well to think she wasnt at least planningggg something
Also fred is fucking DISGUSTINGGGGG as usual. Lying during his ... conference like WHY are you just gonna beleive this psycho at face value?!
Oh and serena thinking shes got all the power back.
Omg the two of them. I cant
And fred really being such a fucking disgusting person to think ANY part of june enjoyed his torture. She is so strong dude - i could never sit there not knowing if my plan will work and playing nice. I thought she was gonna break that glass and stab him
And like. Ok. Lukes not the worst but also - his whole - just get over it!!! Attitude.... even if she cant get him on the wall why are you reprimanding her and trying to pretend she can just get over that trauma with some food. Absolutr lack of empathy.
But june saying hes gonna be on the wall... i was so giddy!!
And i rewatched that smile she made when larence told her she hanst lost her touch- well she could barely contain her smile throughout that entire negotiation. And i loved watching larence put on a show like ‘ah we rlly miss waterford! My brother!!’
Gah and just. Also... i kinda thought june was gonna kill mark when she was outside his building. Men in this show. She went through 7 years of hell and you told her youd help and fucked her over and then throw an entire dramatic tempertantrum when she calmly sits on a bench near your house.... lol wow..i mean uncomfortable but have some prespective
And i wanna say the like demand straight to - oh im sorry. Didnt mean to he a cunt - i meant please? Act june did, its not overacting but knowing june it is so it was funny af
The suspence watching fred get ready to go.., i was literally chanting for the plane to be to gilead but it was so much better! Watchint him get arrested all shocked. “Im a man! I have rights” all the fucking ew... open the door back up and slap him
I just thought he was gonna get sent back and wed watch the commanders all hang him. But it to be lawrence - again with his ‘oh? Is there anything i can do to stop this? No? Ok bye fred!’
And i mean i knew we were in for a treat with nick taking him but i was NOT EXPECTING JUNE to just POP OUT of the trees!!! Fucking perfect. A literal horror movie just for fred
Also why did he keep calling nick son.... like... no one likes you???? Do you really think you can regain power just saying words like this???
And this is e first time i fucking LOVED seeing june in a red coattt and her faceeee like last episode when she turned from calm to screaming - it wad so good and so intense and such good acting and that heartbeat music got me
But hereeeee i cant even desribe the combination or rage and calmness pouring out. Not to be a weeb but thats the first time i think ive ever seen a live action representation of how i imagine anime cool characters to act
That power play of nick and june making out in front of fred loool - i dont care about the ships but that was perfect
“This is sick” - whats sick is how you never run out of things to do and say that make me feel sick...
I loved how june told him to choose - i feel like jt was a call back to his lawyer saying that she CHOSE to be a handmaid. Like theres not good option here
Does anyone think she actually would have shot him dead IF he did choose the gun - part of me wants an alterantive ending where he chose that just so i could watch june either tell him ‘no thats too easy’ or like shoot him in the foot so he cant even run right before being like
Oops i missed and chasing him down anyway
I hate horror movies but watching them all chase him down UGHHH IVE NEVER FELT SO MUCH GLEEE - k not never but ya know
OMG ALMOST FORGOT that sceneee with june and emily talking at the table about how june wants him to be scared to death. And fucking luke - with his judgements turning and looking. I feelll like.... emily helped june decide to do this. Because after getting to the end of the episode it seemed more like they were planning in plain sight in thay scene
I havent rewarched the show. So maybe im remembering incorrectly but it does feel like this fits because - wasnt emily kind of what inspired june to actively start rebelling when she drove the car around and ran one of the guards over
Anddddd the songggg from the 1st? Or 2nd??? Season. The ending right? I just remember that the last time we heard that song was when june first started a quiet resistance against gilead and all the handmaids were together in it. So it brought back those feelings of like ‘FINALLY its happening!!’ And it fit soooo perfectlyyy
When the girls first ran up to fred i thought they were gonna surround him and reinact that “shame” thing they used to be forced to do. I mean i guess they did without actually saying it cause they definitely killed him the way gilead forced the handmaids to kill people in the first season
And it was wonderful to watch! Thank you handmaids tale for making me feel like a psychotic sadist for enjoying that ENTIRE scene. I was giggling like i was watching a disney movie
Gonna ignore that part where june picks up the baby covered in blood - ew
I wanted to seeeeee serena get the finger - more so - i wanted to watch tha family come in and get her and be like - hey guess what your coming back to gilead!!! And see it end with serena as a fucking handmaid - GIVING BIRTH TO THE BABY BETWEEN (i forget the one who visited hers name) LEGS!
But fuck seeing fred on a wall with the “dont let the bastards grind you down” from the the very beginningggg - it felt sooo goodddd
And i just needed to squeal over this episode some more! I watched it hours ago. But i kinda wanna rewatch it rnn
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star guy looks like that dude in ep1 where he was next to deku and said that he could be a hero (i dont know the exact words as jt has been froever since i last watched it and im too lazy to check)
That's just him, you have a nice memory!
Horikoshi is bringing back the characters that got to know Deku in a more personal way in order to show and defend his humanity. So well probably get to see more characters from the past arcs!
Including villains, kids from other schools, maybe some characters from the movies that really exist on the bnha manga, characters that were there for a few minutes but we get to know, maybe the kids Shoto and Bakugo interacted with in the Hero License arc...
I think Horikoshi is a big fan of Naruto and I have this feeling that he's gonna give us a big shot of all the characters together for the final arc, even the civilians. Of course the final fight is gonna be more private, but he's gonna give a big closure.
I'm excited to see what exactly he's going to do. I love the fact that he's using an underground labyrinth once more (we saw it on the Overhaul arc and a little on the War arc), because he's diving the teams to give personal spotlights and different tasks that need to be individually done for Deku to reach Tomura and AFO.
So yeah, let's see what's he's going to do!
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rukanrin · 4 years
You set my world on fire---Dante x Female Reader
So I’ve been listening to this song for over one year now,Rapture Rising by JT Music, about BIOSHOCK and i was thinking,if i could do the same thing as i did with Vergil,with the lyrics and setting,could i make this blow by adding a lot more drama?(i will replace it with another song because hell it does not fit the romantic theme) well I’m here to find out! make sure you survive folks and this is when Dante was still a dipshit teenager,about 16 or 19 we will see -Ruka T/W: slight mentions of murder and cannon gore ---------------------------------------------- I lose my breath whenever I see you You stole my heart, what is it that you do? you shuddered,you mother had always hated your father,but never had you thought she would make you stay in the underwater city people claimed to be ‘paradise’, yeah, a paradise for monsters and murderers, you were a teenager now, the only thing keeping your sanity was the broken teddy bear and building blocks,you did get an education,but you hadn’t had contact with anyone,or anything for that matter for a long time My life was grey 'til you added colors Like the moon needs the sun, we don't care about the others you were sitting beside a small hole in the bottom of the hall,placed to that the water did not overflow or get in,your father had been missing for so many years,so were your sisters,but ‘mother’ would still watch your every step,oh how you wished to just jump into that hole and swim up to the outside world,the world the others say is free of greed,pain,boredom.... You set my world on fire You're my heart's desire Suddenly the water in the gap moved,which caught your attention,nothing had moved underwater for so long,so what was the water doing now,was it just that below your tunnel another cracked and let out air? then you saw it, the beings that crawled into your nightmares, its long,slender fingers bent as it pulled itself into the tunnel,then it saw you I just wanna love you, just wanna hold you Just wanna be with you 'til we grow old You subconsciously moved back,giving it even more hints that you were a living being,and you were ‘kill-able’,it screeched and reached out to you,only to get pissed off when you turned on your heels and ran,the (favorite color) bow’s ends flapping off your (black/white) dress,you ran,and ran,and ran,but it wasn’t that stupid, and surely was not as slow as you Please tell me you'll stay or take me away I want you for myself every single day you ran into a dead end,turning around to find the monstrosity in the tunnel right in front of you,you were on the verge of tears,you didn’t want to die,you couldn’t die,no,not here,not till you see the world above,you were now on your knees and covering your eyes, expecting to either be met with the sickly warm blood coming out of you, or to be turned into one of the yellow-eyed dolls,no ther weren’t dolls,but they acted like ones... You set my world on fire You set my world on fire but instead of the two,you heard a loud thud,and a metal click,you looked up,your cheeks pink from your tears,that’s when you first laid eyes on him,your savior,and also your curse...Dante...younger son of Sparda...his icy blue eyes met yours,yours were filled with shock and hope,whilst his were filled with mischief and love, “take a picture,it’ll last longer” he commented,giving you a smug grin which left you flustered,in search of words I don't know what I'd do without you You make me smile, what is it that you do? “I-im sorry,my names (Y/N),(Y/N)(L/N)...” You introduced yourself,extending your hand for him to shake, “Dante,nice to meet you beautiful~“ he held your hand with is gloved one,giving you a kiss on your knuckles,he then pulled you in and draped a hand over your shoulder,kicking the anomaly out of the way as he lead you through the tunnels,back to that sick,dark,little playroom you spent most of your life in My life was grey 'til you added colors Like the moon needs the sun, we don't care about the others “That’s your stop I’m gue-” Dante stopped talking after seeing your upset face,you didn’t want to be here,you wanted to break all the windows,break free from this underwater prison,but it would cost you your life “Hey...are you alright?“ he questioned,holding both your hands , his voice was coated in worry,you had been walking for a few days in the tunnels,meeting many more creatures,dolls, and dead ends,you got to know him personally through those few days,he was a fun guy,and you fell for him,you fell into a dark ocean,with no oxygen,you snapped out of your thoughts,not noticing the tears swelling up in your (eye color) eyes,he looked at you with a serious and worried expression,still holding both of your hands as if to say ‘I’m not letting you go till you’re ok’ You set my world on fire You're my heart's desire You came closer as he let go of your hand,embracing one another as you silently cried “I-I don’t want you to leave,I don’t w-want to be here a-anymore!” you whispered,you truly didn’t want to leave his side,he lit a flame in your candle heart,made you feel loved...you wanted to return the favor, “sweet pea,I can’t really have you going on wild hunting rides with me,but i can stay for a few da-” you couldn’t help yourself and cut him off with a kiss,you were ashamed,that you couldn’t have waited a little longer to confess... I just wanna love you, just wanna hold you Just wanna be with you 'til we grow old Please tell me you'll stay or take me away I want you for myself every single day but he didn’t push you away,instead he pulled you even closer,returning the soft show of affection,sure he had flirted a lot,and had a playboy attitude,but he didn’t really have experience,but he knew,at that moment,that the feeling that kept him from leaving you behind isn’t just his conscience.A minute later you both pulled away,you looked away,a rose red blush appearing on your face,as he gave you a daredevil grin “oh (Nick name),if you wanted a kiss you could have asked” Dante teased,to which you responded with “so do you um...li-” you felt a finger on your lips,making you stop talking You set my world on fire You set my world on fire “love you?” the son of Sparda finished your question for you,”will this answer your question?“ He chuckled before giving you a peck on the nose,you took that as a yes and nodded,but there was a problem if you two were to be together,after all,this town is full of tunnels,killers,monsters,dolls...”dont worry your pretty head about how it will play out,I’ll keep you safe“ dante promised,pulling you closer to him,and the cursed playroom seemed to finally regain its childhood warmth and light I just want you, I just need you I don't know what it is you do I just want you, I just need you I don't know what it is you do....
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toplinetommy · 4 years
You Bring the Moon and Stars to Me (Part Six) - Tyson Jost
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Synopsis: A Soulmate!AU where your soulmark only appears once you fall in love with your soulmate
Words: 5.6k
Warnings: none
a/n: thank you so much to @pizzasloot​ for proofreading!! as always, feedback is always welcome :-)
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
March 2019 - Denver, CO
Planning a 21st birthday party for Tyson was way harder than you thought it would be, plain and simple. You thought your college days, when everyone was turning 21, would’ve prepared you for a few more, but boy, were you wrong. When girls turn 21, they want the big balloons and the cake with the Barbie on it, but what about guys? Not to mention, Tyson wasn’t even American, so the anxiety made you think he wouldn’t care as much as a typical  21-year-old American would.
Nevertheless, with help from JT, Kerfy, and Sammy, you were able to pull it off. You were able to corral a good chunk of the Avalanche roster to attend the party, plus some of Tyson’s friends outside of the team. Tyson knew you were planning something big for his birthday, but he was unsure of what it was exactly other than throwing a pregame at the Rookie House and then going bar hopping downtown. 
While he and the rest of the Avs were at practice this morning, and while you and Caitlyn were on your lunch break at work, you snuck into the Rookie House to lightly decorate the place. You decided to get the typical big ‘21’ balloons in silver, alongside a hefty lineup of alcohol. You somehow convinced yours and Caitlyn’s boss to take a longer lunch, in exchange for not taking lunch the next day, so you were able to take your time and be there when Tyson got home from morning skate.
You had just finished laying out his birthday present on his bed when you heard the garage door opening, causing a flight of anxiety to course through you as you rushed up the stairs taking them two at a time. As you settle next to Caitlyn in front of the decorations, Tyson, JT, and Kerfy walk through the garage door together, still caught up in their previous conversation.
“Happy birthday!” The two of you yell excitedly, causing Tyson to turn his head from his friends and to the two of you in the living room. His face erupts in a smile, eyes moving back and forth between you and Caitlyn and the decorations that are set up. He’s in awe as he looks at the array of silver balloons, the small birthday cake placed on the coffee table, and the ‘finally 21 and legal in America’ banner. 
He reaches the two of you, giving Caitlyn a quick hug while thanking her before he embraces you in his arms tightly, “Thank you.”
He pulls away, and you rub your hands along his shoulders and biceps as he moves completely away. “You guys didn’t have to do this.”
“We know, but we wanted to,” you say, gesturing between you and Caitlyn. She smiles at you, hiding the fact that you essentially had to beg her to come help and that all of this was 100% your idea. Both JT and Kerfy comment on the decorations before disappearing into the rest of the house. 
“Where did you get this banner?” He chuckles, pointing to the black lettering being held up by a string. You and Caitlyn both laugh, knowing it was a funny and somewhat dumb addition to the decorations.
“This shop on Etsy does custom ones,” You answer. “I thought it’d be funny.”
“I love it,” He smiles, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and bringing you into his side. You check your watch to see the time, noticing that you and Caitlyn need to head back to your office soon.
“We have to get back to work, but I did get you a present. It’s in your room if you want to go open it?” You ask. He nods his head excitedly and the two of you go downstairs, leaving Caitlyn in the living room.
He sees the medium-sized gift bag sitting nicely on the edge of the bed, grabbing it, and sitting down. He opens your card first, reading it to himself. You watch as his eyes move left-to-right on the card, seeing a smile forming on his face from both the card and the extra note you wrote on it. He sets the card down next to him while patting the same spot for you to take a seat beside him.
You sit down, eyes on him as he pulls the tissue paper and the contents from the bag. His eyes scan over the small package of ukulele strings, setting them down to the side and digging in the bag again. He pulls each item out one by one, his smile only getting bigger as he sees a shot glass that says ‘legal as fuck, eh’, a pair of diamond-patterned dress socks, and a framed Polaroid of the two of you from Gabe’s wedding last year.
“Where did you get this photo from?” He asks, closely examining it. It’s a candid picture of the two of you that he had never seen before. Tyson’s shirt was unbuttoned showing his torso, much like the rest of the guys there, the both of you mid-dance and he’s holding your hands in the air. Even with how blurry and small the photo is, yours and Tyson’s smile are clear as day.
“Sydney gave it to me after the wedding,” You answer, looking up at him. “I kinda forgot I had it because I found it the other day when I was cleaning. It got under my dresser somehow.”
“Y/n, this is amazing,” He admires, setting the items down and turning to look at you. “Thank you, so much, really.”
You smile sheepishly, your cheeks warming at the extra attention. He’s looking into your eyes when you turn to face him fully and he leans in to wrap his arms around you, bringing you in for yet another hug. A loud yell of your name from upstairs causes the two of you to pull away slightly.
“I gotta get back to work,” you whisper. Even as you started to pull away, getting ready to leave, Tyson doesn’t let you go as quickly. He dragged the arm that was around your back to where your neck met your shoulder. It feels like time is moving in slow motion as his eyes glance to your lips before back to your eyes.
“y/n! We have a meeting in 35 minutes, let’s go!” Caitlyn shouts once again, snapping the two of you back to reality. You stand up, hugging Tyson once more as he thanks you again for the gift.
By the time most of the Avalanche roster had made their way through the front door of the Rookie House, Tyson was already four shots and a mixed drink deep. He had insisted he take one with you the second you got back to his house after work, and had convinced you and his roommates to take a shot before anyone else arrived. 
Knowing he was going to start feeling the effects of the alcohol soon, you pulled him aside to take photos in front of the balloons and banner you had set up earlier. You hand your phone to Caitlyn and lean into Tyson’s side, him squeezing you impossibly close, causing a laugh to slip from your lips. You pose for a few more photos before having some other people join in for group shots. 
Once you get your phone back you look through them all, finding the best ones to post on Instagram. You choose two: one where Tyson’s arm is wrapped tightly around your waist and you’re leaning into his side, your hand splayed in his lower abdomen. The second one is more on the candid side. Your eyes are squinted close and your mouth is open, mid-laugh from Tyson pressing his fingers harshly into your side. Tyson continues taking photos while you edit them and open up Instagram typing out a caption before hitting post. Tyson feels the vibration of the notification in his pocket and pulls it out reading the caption and swiping through the photos. 
yourusername: happy 21st to my superstar of a best friend. glad you finally dont have to use your big-shot hockey player status to get into bars now! cheers to you💥
He laughs before typing out a comment and sliding his phone back into his pocket. 
josty17: thx for exposing me🙄
The pre-game is in full swing by the time everyone’s finally arrived. As Tyson’s best friend and designated drinking buddy, you give yourself the duty to make sure he always has a drink in his hand. As you’re making him his final drink before heading out to the bars, his large body collided with yours. 
“Hey best friend,” he greets, teeth shining under his wide smile under the kitchen lights. 
“Hey best friend,” you laugh, putting the cap back on the bottle of New Amsterdam in front of you. You grab the lemonade, opening it and filling the rest of the glass. “Here’s your refill.”
“Can we do another tequila shot?” He asks with pleading eyes. Luckily, he had an optional morning skate before their game tomorrow, while you on the other hand had an 8-5 job. The pleading eyes on Tyson’s face give you little room to say no, so you grab the bottle of tequila dramatically and the lime slices next to it. 
He grabs two shot glasses and you pour the shots, sprinkling salt onto yours and Tyson’s fists. You raise your glass to cheers his and give a quick toast,
“Here’s to being way more successful than I was at 21 and to this year being the best year yet. I love you and happy birthday superstar!” You cheer, clinking your glass with Tyson’s and downing the shot. 
Once Tyson finishes swallowing his shot, he cheers loudly, drawing the attention of those surrounding you. Tyson pulls you in for a hug, which is probably at least the thirteenth time he’s hugged you today, but you’re not complaining. 
“Thank you again for all of this, and for my gift earlier. This all means a lot.”
You laugh and shrug off the compliment, “it wasn’t just me, but you know I’d do anything for you and besides, you wouldn't have done anything big unless I took it over.” He laughs in agreement, knowing that he wasn’t one to pass up a party like this but would’ve never been the one to plan it for himself. 
Once he finishes the drink, the large group all starts ordering their Ubers or heading out in their own cars if they have someone to drive. Your group, consisting of Tyson, JT, Sammy, Gabe, and Tyson, all piles into the Uber that you ordered minutes ago. You’re all the first to leave, everyone in tow, all in agreement on the first bar to meet at.
As the night gets later, the rowdiness of the group of men you’re with only increases. It was a lot for you to handle at the start, the pressure to make this a good birthday for Tyson and being around so many of his friends in a larger than normal group only adding to it. The time was nearing last call at the last bar you were all at. The large group of broad hockey players had started to dwindle as guys headed home to get rest for tomorrow.
Tyson is starting to hit that stage of drunk where if he sits for too long, he’ll want to go to sleep, but at the same time, you can’t seem to keep him in one spot for more than a few minutes. Throughout the night, the boys had been feeding him shots, making sure that if they saw Tyson’s hands empty, they wouldn’t be for much longer. In order to keep him out for a little longer, you drag him to his feet from where he's sitting at the booth to the edge of the dancefloor where some of the guys are located.
As you approach Tyson, Gabe, and Nate, Tyson takes ahold of your hand, interlocking your fingers together, he leads you through the crowd. He looks back at you, with a wide smile as his expression is the only thing you see, the large crowd and bright neon lights turning into a blur. It was like he was trying to pull you closer to him with nothing but a subtle smirk and a twinkle in his eye; the twinkle in his eye causing you to match his smile with an equally wide one.
His shoulders are slouching and you’re somewhat surprised that his light blue button-up is still on over his black t-shirt and not tied around his waist, knowing he easily got overheated when he drank. Gabe embraces him in a bro hug, cheering loudly about how he’s still alive and that he better be ready for the game tomorrow. Tyson was well aware of tomorrow night’s game and made you promise him that you wouldn’t let him get too drunk, in hopes of his hangover being bearable in the morning. 
Because of this, you decide to leave the small group of guys to go get him water in hopes of clearing his head a little. When you get back to the group, Tyson doesn’t take notice of your sudden presence, even as you shove the water into his hands. “I think I’m going to invite her to Canada this summer,” he yells in a slur over the music to his teammates. 
“Who’re you inviting to Canada?” you ask, sticking your body fully into the circle. You stand next to him, hesitantly reaching for his free hand with one of yours to connect them again. He interlocks his fingers with yours without a thought and stares blankly towards you once the question has left your mouth. 
“Uhhh, no one,” he brushes off with a stutter. You look at him quizzically before ignoring what you heard, assuming the alcohol is what caused you both confusion. 
“Y/n, this is water,” he complains once he takes a sip. You laugh and roll your eyes at your friend. It was nearing one-thirty in the morning and he had already consumed more drinks than you could keep count of. He was clearly past the level of drunk, with how he was stumbling when he walked and slowly slurring his words as he spoke. 
“Drink it and we can get you another drink before we leave,” you negotiate. You assume he agrees to your negotiation as he chugs his water faster than you’ve seen him chug anything before. With his triumphant look as he shows you the now-empty glass, your plan failed you, and the guys surrounding you laugh knowingly.
“How about this? Nate and them will go get refills for all of us,” You eye Nate, Tyson, and Gabe as you speak. “And we can go get some fresh air outside and meet them back here in a few?” 
They all understand what you’re getting at, nodding their heads and saying they’ll see you in a bit before heading towards the bar. You tug on Tyson’s hand, heading for the front exit of the bar, maneuvering between the drunk and sweaty bodies. Once the Denver winter air hits both of your faces, you slyly pull out your phone to order an Uber back to his house.
You had let go of his hand once you got outside, and crossed your arms over your chest, phone still in hand. Tyson’s teeth chatter a little from the cold and he rests his head on your shoulder in hope of pulling any sort of warmth from your body.
Minutes pass by full of incoherent conversation from Tyson, most of it him telling you he’s cold and that he wants to go back inside, to which you respond with that you’ve only been outside for a few minutes. He easily believes the lie as another five minutes pass by and you’re shoving him into the backseat of an Uber. 
Once the door is closed behind you, he whips his head towards you, “Y/n! Where are we going? I thought we were just taking a break.”
“I’m taking you home, Tyson,” you explain. “It’s really late and you have a game tomorrow.”
He pouts at your explanation, but he stops complaining anyways. The bumpiness from the potholes on the ride home has him focusing on his breathing and leaning his head on your shoulder once again until you’re pulling him out of the car and to his garage.
He tries entering the code and after the fourth failure, you shove him aside, “What’s the code?”
“It’s 3717.” He mumbles.
You try the code and it doesn’t work and after your third attempt, it’s still not working. “It isn’t working, are you sure it’s 3717?”
“Nope,” He enunciates. 
You look at him with a deadpan expression, “Are you going to make me call your roommates to figure it out?”
“No, let me do it.” He asserts, throwing his arm over your shoulder and punching in the code, and the creak of the garage opening makes you let out a sigh. 
“What the fuck was the code?”
“A secret I’ll never tell,” he salutes, making his way to the mud-room door. As you walk behind him, you clench your fists in annoyance at your friend's actions, giving him the benefit of the doubt from his drunken state.
He stumbles up the small flight of concrete steps, walking inside and instantly heading to the kitchen to find some sort of snack to soak up the alcohol. The rustling of packages stops as Tyson whips around,
“I want a grilled cheese. Will you make me one? Please?”
You drop your shoulders in a groan, silently saying yes as you move to the fridge to grab the ingredients. You chuckle at the organic cheeses in the fridge and the weird oat nut bread he has. Tyson hops up onto the counter beside his stove, swinging his legs as he watches you prepare his sandwich. 
As you go to put the sandwich in the pan, his hand grabs yours pulling it back. “You forgot the pickles!” He exclaims, jumping from his spot to the fridge and pulling out a jar of bread and butter pickles. 
“That is the nastiest thing I’ve ever seen,” you fake gag. He places a handful of pickles on the sandwich and then moves back to his previous position on the counter. “I don’t think I can ever see you as the same person again.”
Tyson’s face fills with hurt, and you’re not quite sure if he’s faking it or the alcohol in his body actually makes him think that. 
“I hate pickles.” You state, eyeing him as you flip the sandwich over. 
“I feel like I’ve seen you eat one before.” He responds, dipping his fingers into the pickle jar and snacking on one. 
“Have you not noticed how I always give you my pickles when we eat out?” You ask, thinking back to the countless diner and sports bar trips where the first thing you’d do when you got your plate of food was give him your pickle. 
“Well, yeah,” he answers quickly with a shrug. “I just thought you did that because I like them so much.” He smiles at the memories, biting into one more pickles chip before clasping the lid back onto the jar. You smile softly at the thought, too, before turning off the stove and sliding the sandwich out onto a plate for your friend. 
He grabs the plate and instantly drags you down the stairs to his room where he plops on his bed, criss-cross applesauce, white Adidas still on his feet, causing you to rip his feet from underneath him.
“Tyson, your shoes are disgusting from the bar,” You puff, taking them off his feet since he was too preoccupied with his sandwich. He thanks you through a full mouth before you join him on his bed, folding your legs underneath you to mirror his position. 
“Slow down there, killer,” you joke as you notice how fast he’s eating and how many extra large bites he’s taken. He swallowed the last piece harshly before setting the plate on the ground at the foot of his bed. 
“Are you sleeping over?” He lays down, eyeing you with droopy eyes waiting for an answer.
“I can, but I have work early,” you remind him, shuffling to stand up from his bed as you itch the back of your arm. 
“So then you’re sleeping over,” He states matter of factly. His eyes are closed now as he senses the movements of you standing up from the bed. With it almost being two in the morning and you having work early in the morning, you really should get home but with the added time of needing an Uber from your alcohol consumption, you decide staying is best. You set a handful of alarms on your phone, making sure you leave enough time for you to drive back to your place, get ready, and then get to work, all before 8:30 am.
“Let’s get you changed. You want shorts?” You start. “They’re in your dresser, right?” You ask for clarification. You hear him say yes tiredly, and you start shuffling through the chestnut drawers.
“You know, I really wanted to kiss you earlier when you were giving me my gift,” Tyson thinks aloud in a mumble as he sits on the bed. The admission causes you to halt your movements in your search for shorts for him. “Would you have let me kiss you? Wait, no, don’t answer that.”
Him telling you not to answer pushes a wave of relief through your body, thankful for not having to answer that question. As you open the third drawer you think to yourself, would you have let him kiss you? You didn’t see the harm in it, knowing that most guy and girl best friends shared at least one kiss throughout their friendship. Even Caitlyn and Tucker had asked you on multiple occasions if you had kissed to which you always replied with a harsh no. 
You finally locate a pair of shorts and walk back towards Tyson, helping him stand from the bed to get changed. He’s just coherent enough to strip out of his button-down and white t-shirt; where he starts to struggle is when his hands reach the button of his jeans. He pushes them down his thighs, he gets stuck at his knees he starts to stumble, falling into the bed and you laugh lightly at your best friend’s movement.
He curses out a sigh, before sitting up and finally getting them off and pulling shorts on.
“You good there?”
“Yes, bedtime.” He huffs decidedly, shuffling up the bed and throwing the covers away so he can get under them. 
You stand up, moving back to his dresser and closet to find clothes to wear when you hear a whine from behind you. “Hurry up, I want cuddles.”
You laugh at his newfound neediness, something he always was around you but it came out much more than normal tonight. Whether it was from the level of drunk he was or just the new shift in the comfort the two you felt in your friendship. You reemerge from his bathroom, changed into a pair of his sweats and his Colorado Eagles shirt.
“I like the shirt,” he chirps, smiling from his spot in bed. He continues to watch you as you lay down next to him and text Caitlyn, asking her to call you in the morning just in case your alarm doesn’t wake you. He’s on his side facing you, one hand tucked under his head and the other moving to rest in the air as he makes grabby hands. “I said I wanted a cuddle.”
“Fine,” you huff, even though you’re smiling and scooting your body down and underneath his arm. Your fingers find their way over his rib cage, lightly scratching at the bareness of his back, just underneath his shoulder blade.
“I know I said thank you a million times, but thank you for such an amazing birthday.” He speaks, voice quiet for the first time in hours. 
You flick your eyes up to where his are a few inches higher, “I loved doing it for you, Tys. I’m glad you had an amazing day.”
He stares into your eyes a moment longer before shuffling up the bed a few inches so he can rest his cheek on your forehead. “Can you scratch my elbow?”
You move your fingers from his shoulder blade to his elbow, lightly scratching at the muscles in his triceps. He softly groans at the feeling and you bite back a laugh in reaction. Soon his breath is heavy over your face and you're trying to force the smile off your face so you can focus on going to bed. But it’s hard, being this close in proximity at such a high level of intimacy with your best friend is causing an explosion of feelings in your heart and a warmth occupying your body. You think to yourself how light you’ve felt all night by his side and you think back to his earlier comment about how he wanted to kiss you. Not even an hour ago the attempt would scare you away, but now, you’re not so sure. 
When you turn over to get in a more comfortable position, your eyes land on the new decoration on his bedside table. You squint your eyes to get a better look and you recognize it as the Polaroid you gifted him earlier in the day. The soft smile on your face nearly triples in size at the thought of him putting your picture near his bed and a little part of you wants to steal it back just for you to place it near your bed in your own home. 
At the feeling of Tyson’s heavy breaths at the back of your neck, you close your eyes and let out a content sigh. Sliding your head deeper into the pillow, you play with Tyson’s fingers on the arm that’s laid over you before interlocking them and falling asleep. 
The ringtone of your phone is what pulls you from your sleep the next morning. You try to find your phone with your eyes closed, but with no luck on your side, you squint open your eyes and grab your phone. Seeing as it’s a phone call from Caitlyn and not your alarm, also seeing that it’s already 7:45, you jolt awake. 
“Fuck,” you curse into the phone as you pull it to you ear, sitting up against the pillows. Tyson’s arm tightens around you, his figure Shull heavy with sleep. 
“Dude, I saw your car across the street. Please tell me you’re home and like getting a ride to work.” Caitlyn rushes out. 
“I fucking wish. You literally just woke me up, shit.”
“Please tell me you have clothes I can borrow and that we can carpool to work. I’ll owe you big time, please.”
All of the commotion doesn’t wake Tyson to your surprise, but as you sit up further in the bed as he starts to stir next to you. 
“I’ll be over in like ten, you’re literally a life saver.”
“It’s so early, shhhhh,” Tyson mumbles next to you, turning further into your body. You want to scream out of anxiousness and stress but Tyson resting his head onto your chest stops you and you lift your hand to comb through his hair. 
“I have work in like, 30 minutes,” and that statement jolts him awake just as much as the phone call not a minute prior did for you. 
“Oh, shit, sorry,” he rubs his eyes. He rolls over onto his back and you miss the warmth of both his arm and his chest against you instantly. You throw the comforter over you, standing up from the comfort of his bed. You stumble to find your socks and grab your outfit from the night prior, moving to the bathroom with the intention of changing back into it before changing at Caitlyn’s. 
“You can just keep the clothes,” Tyson starts, his eyes open now as he sits further up against his headboard. “I can get them back eventually.”
“I promise you’ll get it back, thank you,” you speak, turning back to the man in bed and going to hug him goodbye. It’s an awkward hug with how you’re standing and how he’s half laying down but he gives you a kiss on the forehead before bidding you goodbye. 
“Text me when you’re alive,” you shout as you finally exit his room. 
Once you’re ready and buckled into Caitlyn’s passenger seat, the two of you speed through the short commute to your offices. 
“Caitlyn, before we get there I need to like, unload on you.” You start shakily, playing with your phone in your lap. 
She glances at you before turning her attention back to the road in front of you. 
“So, remember yesterday when I gave Tyson his gift and I was kinda taking a while? Well, it’s uh, he almost kissed me that’s why.”
“What?!” She exclaims, whipping her head to face you as she comes to a stop at the stoplight. “You cannot be serious!”
“Yeah and then when I took him home, it was just a lot with what was going on.”
“Please tell me you guys did not hook up,” she groans, stepping on the gas as the light turned green. “You guys can’t finally decide to get together and have it happen when you’re drunk off your asses.”
“God, Caitlyn, no we didn’t ‘finally’ hook up or whatever,” you stress in confusion. “I just made him food and it was just, really domestic, and then when I was finding him clothes to change into, he was like ‘I wanted to kiss you earlier’ and asked me if I would’ve let him if he did.”
“And? Did you say yes?”
“First of all, why would you assume that I would’ve said yes? And secondly, no because he told me not to answer.” You brush off. 
“Y/n,” she starts, pulling into an empty parking spot. She puts the car in park and turns to face you fully. “Before I give you my speech, answer this: you would’ve let him kiss you, correct?”
Even though you barely have to think before answering, the question oddly carries a lot of weight and it scares you. “I think so, yes,” you nod your head slowly.  
“Okay, hear me out. You and Tyson are best friends and not just like normal best friends, you two are inseparable. And I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, because it’s not, but I think you need to start noticing the small changes you two have been making recently. You wouldn’t just let a friend kiss you, you’d only want that if you felt something more.”
Her rant makes you sink back into your seat, making you feel cornered in the small confines of the passenger seat of her car. The combination of your hangover, her speech, and it not even being nine in the morning makes your stomach churn. 
“Yeah, I guess so, I don’t know.” You ramble, grabbing your purse from the floor in front of you and opening the car door. “It all happened in one night, it’s a lot to take in.” You defend yourself as you meet her at the end of the car. 
“You guys have been going through some change for a while now, Jack and I have noticed it. Hell, I think some of the guys on the team have started to see it, too.” She insinuates with exaggerated hand movements. “Like I said back when you were with Aiden, you obviously waited to tell Tyson about him for a reason and that was almost six months ago. Think about why you did that, and I think you’ll know what’s going on.”
The two of you ride up the elevator from the parking garage to your office in silence after that. The statement by your friend doing circles inside your brain as you try to figure out the real reason behind all of your previous actions with Tyson. As the elevator doors ding open and the white lights of your office shock you, you opt for a closing statement. 
“I think it’s just hard because I’m clearly attracted to him, and I have been for three years now. Usually, with friendships, I lose that interest pretty early on and like, build a wall if that’s what you want to call it,” you start as the two of you make way down the hall to the break room in need of coffee. 
As you select a K-Cup for both you and Caitlyn a smile grows on your face as you continue. 
“But with Tyson, every time I see him I feel the physical attraction with him, which sounds kind of shallow since that’s all I’m emphasizing right now, but it’s not just that. He’s such a good human and a good friend and knows exactly what to say to me even if I don’t want to hear it and all of that coupled with how handsome he is makes me feel a lot of different things that I still can’t exactly put my finger on.”
You turn your focus to Caitlyn, who has a knowing look playing on her face, her arms crossed over her chest as she leans against the fridge,
“See, I think you’re starting to figure it out.”
You smile, grateful for your friends words of wisdom. Even If you wanted her to just spell it out for you, her talk still helped as the two of you go your separate ways a few minutes later once your coffees are poured and after you ramble on about your night with Tyson a little bit longer.
tag list: @reavenedges-lies​ @oilers2997​ @quinnsbxtch​ (let me know if you wanted to be added!)
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