#i am gonna miss my boys. and hubby. and my bed. and so many things
naomiknight-17 · 2 years
Leaving on a business trip in less than 2 hours. Will be gone until Thursday afternoon at least
I'm not freaking out you're freaking out
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emilyutonium · 4 years
Dads in Charge
A Preview of the first part of my short story! ;) It’s about the boys having to take care of all their superpowered children while their wives are on vacation. It can by read on Wattpad, Archiveofourown.org and fanfiction.net under the username 3mi1y02. Enjoy!
The green puff bounced on top of her uniformly colored suitcase, struggling to fit all of her clothes as her husband laughed, laying on the bed beside her. She glared playfully, "Don't laugh, fucker. Help me."
"Shouldn't this have been done days ago?" He questioned, lazily getting up to help push the dark-toned tops and bottoms into the case. "Plus don't you think they would fit if you, I don't know, actually folded them?"
Buttercup gave him a weird glance before muttering, "Ew, extra work." to which he gave a polite chuckle.
She pursed her lips, "And yes but we're not gonna let Leader girl know that or she'll have my head. Besides I forget things when I don't pack last minute and I would have an even bigger problem with my other sister if I forgot our matching Powerpuff swimsuits."
"Mmm, wifey in a bikini?" Butch shut his eyes dreamingly, opening them again in a manner that resembled a pleading dog. "Please make sure I can get a picture of that beautiful sight before anyone else can?"
"You wish." She chuckled, not exactly denying her husband of that pleasure herself but reminding him of her younger sister. "Bubbles will have taken enough selfies and posted them before I can say 'Wait lemme pick up my privacy first'. That girl takes blogging to a new level." Buttercup finally giving up trying to zip the suitcase up all the way before she broke it, opted to just tell Blossom that she needed a bigger suitcase.
"Shame. Just another reason why your amazing hubby should be coming with you." Butch sighed, pulling her by the waist to stand between his legs on the edge of the bed. "Y'know we'd have a lot of good old fashioned fun down there."
"The whole point of the trip is to be just with the girls, Butch." She teased, knowing full well she wouldn't mind bringing him with her to a relaxing private island. It could've been like their actual honeymoon.
"I know but you could stash me in your suitcase like a-"
"Butch, my suitcase can barely fit the few clothes I even wanna bring. What makes you think I could fit you too- Bear? Hold on a minute." The 25-year-old mother turned towards the open doorway, where their son stood frozen. His back turned away from his parents as he tried to sneak past.
The 5-year-old turned slowly, grinning wide and facing his mother, said, "Yes, momma?" in the sweetest most innocent voice he could muster.
"What do you have in your hand?" Buttercup challenged, assuming an authoritarian stance that she had learned from Blossom. Legs spread. Hands on hips. Face stern.
"Ooo, you in trouble now baby Bear." Butch snickered at his son from behind Buttercup to which she reminded herself to punch him for later.
"What? Nothing momma..." The little boy lied before seeing his mother's disbelief stricken face. "Just this knife." He pulled a small needle-pointed knife from behind him.
"What is your obsession with knives lately? Give it." He obeyed. "Now go play with regular kid things like a damn baseball or something."
"Yes momma..." He muttered, hanging his head.
"That's my boy!" Butch called after his son as the door to the room closed.
"Where'd he even get this?" Buttercup's voice rang through the wood as Bear walked down the hallway, concentrating his hands together before a small dagger formed in his hands. He smiled and ran down the steps passing his red-haired uncle and aunt in the kitchen.
"Bear! No playing with knives, we need them and you could break something!" Blossom hollered.
"Ok Auntie red!" He responded, not even attempting to pretend as if he would listen and Blossom sighed. She loved her little nieces and nephews, she really did, but cripes did they ever listen? It only worried her how the boys would survive with all 6 of them by themselves.
"Ugh anyway, The twin's blankets?"
"Check." Brick noted, allowing Bailey, his 3-month-old, to grab at his beard. His super strength hadn't kicked in yet so Brick didn't mind. But it was possible that he probably wouldn't ever mind.
"How about Bailey's pacifier?" She asked, attempting to pace around the kitchen island while her 4-year-old son Bernard held her leg, following her everywhere she went. "Oh Bern honey, Mommy's not going anywhere. You can go play." The little boy shook his head and his mother sighed in defeat. She couldn't imagine what he'd do when she actually did have to leave for this vacation.
"He's got it right here." Brick said holding the baby out in front of him for his wife to see the cherry tinted pacifier between his lips. She smiled as Bailey giggled seeing his mother and kissed his forehead.
"Ok...packs of diapers?" Blossom quizzed, looking over the list in her hand.
"How many? BC told me little Butterfly still hasn't gotten a hand of potty training so you'd need extras just in case." Blossom pointed out. "I'd hate to be all the way in Bora Bora when you all run out of diapers and face an accident of some sort-"
"Which is why I had Boomer go out and get 4 more packs. Something I can get him to do again if we do run out." Brick countered, knowing how anxious and worried his wife could get and was getting.
"Great, but what about-"
"Bloss, we'll be fine I promise you. We're all adults, parents even. 3 grown adults in charge while you three are gone. you don't have anything to be worried about, seriously." Brick reasoned, admiring Bailey as he attempted to eat his old man's sausage fingers.
"Yea but with 6 kids Brick? And you know Butch and Boomer can sometimes slip into man-children every now and then. I don't want you to have to be in charge of all 8 of them!"
"Ok, You got me there, babe. Last week I walked in on Boomer laying on Bubbles like he was her second child. Didn't even know where poor Bambi was." The red-eyed ruff cackled lazily. "But still, I'm here to keep them in check. I mean I've been doing it for what? 25 years now? You know I can handle it. Don't worry."
"I know, I just..." She trailed off, pulling Bailey's curls away from his chubby face. "I don't want anything to go wrong while I'm not- I mean.." She stopped looking down at Bern, who was watching her closely with his thumb firmly in his mouth. "I mean while I'm here cause I won't be going anywhere."
Brick rolled his crimson eyes as Boomer walked into the large kitchen, opening up the fridge for an off brand soda, "Hey little buddy, why don't you go watch some tv with your cousins in the playroom? Bambi told me Frozen 2 is really good, maybe even better than the first movie." The little boy shook his head silently, holding on to Blossom's pant leg tightly.
"Aw, why not? It'll be fun besides you can't stick by your mom forever."
"Nooo, mommy nah going anywhere." Bern spoke softly but firmly as if he knew for certain his mother would actually stay by him forever. Poor boy.
"It's ok Boom, we stopped trying." Brick sighed, Bailey now taking a liking to the tattoos that lined his skin.
"Well, it's gonna be really hard for us to calm him down after you lea- OW!" He yelped and rubbed an already fading burn mark on his arm. "I mean...right. You're not leaving to go anywhere. I don't know what I was thinking."
Blossom rolled her eyes, "C'mon Bern honey let's go recount the boxes of snacks that Brielle isn't allowed to eat." She strolled out of the kitchen and towards the garage, Bern holding her hand tightly as they passed his blue-eyed Aunt.
"Why hello, Bernie." He waved bashfully. "Bloss, do you have all your bags ready? I caught Buttercup upstairs trying to finish packing."
"Of course she was but yes, they're in the car. Ready as soon as I can find a way to get away from this one." She whispered the last part at a decimal that only Bubbles could hear and she nodded.
"Ah, gotcha. Well, good luck!" She giggled, lightly floating into the kitchen area.
"Thanks, I'll need it."
"Hello boys, are you two ready to take on all the kids at once?" Bubbles grinned excitedly, no doubt the whole idea of this trip had been her planning.
"Of course we are suger. We're all experienced caretakers with wonderful daddy skills. I mean look at Daddy red over there with his 3rd child. He's practically a baby expert." Boomer boasted, jabbing his thumb towards Brick who was starting to pick up a not so pleasant smell from his son.
"We'll be fine, childproofed the whole house and got all the rooms basically set up. Now if you'll excuse me, this baby expert needs to change this one's diaper before it spills out onto his arm." Daddy red stood up, holding Bailey's bottom away from his canine nose as he flew upstairs.
"I just can't wait to get there, I've never been to Bora bora y' know?" The blonde sighed, setting herself onto the counter next to Boomer as she daydreamed.
"You have no idea how jealous I am of you right now angel. A relaxing island getaway sounds like so much more fun than taking care of 6 children with my brothers."
"Aw don't worry Boomie. I'm sure you all will have lots of fun. In fact, I think I'm the jealous one here."
"You? How? You'll be soaking up the sun with a tall drink and a handsome waiter named Alejandro serving your every need." He joked with a hint of jealousy in his tone towards the handsome make-believe waiter.
"But I'll be away from you. And Bambi." Bubbles added, shifting her gaze to the living room, where the TV was blasting while no one watched. "I mean she's only a year old I'm allowed to feel a little separation anxiety right? Like I feel like I always miss her even when I'm in the same area as her."
"Angel, you're allowed to feel any way you want. And I get you. I guess you're right. I'd hate to be away from not only you but Lady adorable as well. But that's the point of the whole trip, isn't it? To get away from everything?"
The blue puff nodded, thinking to herself, "Well before I do that then, I think I need one more hug or else the sadness of being away from her will be too much to bear."
"I'm sure that must be some kind of motherly bond type thing, no?"
"Probably. I just hope she isn't too upset when I'm gone. I read online that babies have no concept of time so when they see that their mother or father isn't around they don't know if they are coming back. Do you think Bambi would believe that? That I wouldn't be coming back for her? Oh Boomie, I don't want her to believe that I would ever leave her." Boomer saw that her eyes were starting to tear up and hoped that she, like Bern, wouldn't cry when the time came for the girls to leave.
"Angel- Bubbles of course not-" He tried to wrap his arms around her before she jumped down from the counter, determination glinted in her eyes. Or maybe that was the tears, Boomer couldn't tell anymore.
"Where is she?"
"Wheres's Bambi? I need to spend as much time as possible with her and make her understand that her mother isn't going to abandon her."
"Uh um I think she's in the playroom?" Boomer muttered, realizing it had been a while since he'd actually seen his child.
Bubbles' blue eyes abruptly flickered from determination to fear. "What do you mean you think she's in the playroom?"
"I mean the last time I checked on her, she was in there chewing on one of Brielle's toys."
"Oh Blossom, bless her heart, she tries but we have no idea where Brielle could've been with those things! Bambi! Honey! I'm coming for you! Your mothers coming baby!" She took off towards the steps, Boomer barely being able to follow as he dodged an angry 3-year-old.
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Opposite Dog Hybrid!Mingyu
Requested by anon: Helooo Mom™ can I have a fluffy Hybrid! Mingyu Or Jeonghan Au? 😊 thank you 💘💖✨💫🌈💘💝💫✨💗💖 
aaa here it is my love emoji anon!!!! i tried to make it super fluffy i think im gonna die from this sweetness!!! 
warnings: fluff that makes u wanna dIE AND MURDER MINGYU BUT ALSO SQUISH HIS FACE
You recently moved in your new apartment for the first time ever since graduating college
You were able to pick up some temporary jobs that would barely be enough to make a living but hey you wanted the freedom and you wanted to prove yourself to your parents
As you were carrying your boxes to the third floor, you were about to colLAPSE BC SO MANY STAIRS YOU WISH YOU DID BETTER IN PE
After you finally finished carrying all of your stuff you thought maybe i should show some hospitality and introduce myself to the neighbors!!
But you’re also a cat hybrid and you’re like um well do i really have to tho i’d rather just sLEEP MY ARMS ARE GONNA FALL OFF
But you’re determined to do something adult!!! You are now living alone and have jobs and bills to pay!!!!
So you gathered all of your willpower and got out some of your homemade bomb af cookies before heading to your next door neighbor
You were like ok chill all you’re doing is saying your name and giving them some cookies nO bIgGiE!!!
Shortly after you knocked you heard a “coming!” and some feet shuffle shuffle
A tall, dark boy sporting a casual button up and dark jeans was looking back at you like hello
Hello handsome
You noticed his droopy cute little ears on the top of his head that blended in with his caramel hair and a tail hiding behind his legs
And you were lowkey staring at him bc who is this magnificent being
“H-hi!! I’m y/n your next door neighbor i just moved here like rn ahahaha” *cue nervous high pitched laughter*
“Oh cool!!! Welcome!! :DDDD I’m Mingyu!11!!1” and he points to your bag of cookies like are those for me
You suddenly remember why you came and you’re like oH RIgHt yes here u go i baked some cookies hehehe i hope you like them!!!!! and me
you practically shove them in his arms and disappear in your apartment
“What a funny girl” he shakes his head laughing, looking at your door close before closing his own
A few days later you’re in the middle of rearranging your place when you suddenly get a knock on your door
He’s all smiles and greets you im gonna actually melt i love mingyu appreciate him
“Hi y/n!! I was wondering if you needed some help rearranging?? I feel kinda bad since im right next door but i didnt do anything to help you….”
And you’re like omg. How pure is he.
And you’re like o H! !! ! ofc you can help if you want to!!! So you step aside and let him in
He’s like uh did a tornado hit here um
He helps put away your kitchen stuff its a sign hubby material
And you’re in the living room rearranging furniture and whatnot
Two hours pass and you both are in desperate need of a break so you’re like ok i kinda want 2 sleep
Mingyu is insistent that you guys grab some Real Food for a lunch break and you’re like but,,,,, my bed,,,,,,,,,
“y/n it’s past one and we haven’t eaten anything cMON WE’RE LEAVING NOW”
“mingyu no i am tired!! we are staying her -- oH MY GOD PUT ME DOWN!!!”
“NO CAN DO MISS” he laughs as he runs out the door gdi mingyu why do you have to be such a fast dog hybrid
He decides to take you out to eat at a cute little lowkey restaurant
He orders a five course meal and you’re like,,,, can u pls order fish thx
“We came all the way here and you wanna eat fish???”
And he’s trying not to burst into laughter by how pouty you are and how your ears keep going up and down you’re so smol and cute
“Ok fine,,,,, lunch is on me only for u kitten ;)))))”
Fuck u mingyu who tf aSKED
How is it this hot in the fall
You awkwardly clear your throat and look away
Once the food arrives you’re like omg yAY FISH!!! And you’re happily chomping on your lil meal
Meanwhile gyu is inhaling that piece of steak and finishes 2 other plates in 5 minutes
You’re just like oh,,,, kay,,,,,
And he’s looking at you with such a playful grin and he giggles mINGYU PLS STOP
And you’re just like o k a y if you wanna play that game mingyu you can’t be mad at him anymore rip
After your meal you’re walking back to your apartment and he’s all giddy and hyper and swings his arm over your shoulders
plS!!! HAVE MERCY!!!
And you’re sO flustered that you just stiffen up so hard and you try to walk normally but he’s practically pushing your body towards his body heat is gr8
And he’s just all showing his canines and :DDD i think im blind
He’s so overly friendly and caring and you’re like :(((( this lil tol puppy doesn’t deserve my quiet nature!!!!
A few weeks pass and mingyu has taken the time out of his day to regularly visit your place and help you out with anything else involving moving and getting adjusted how cute!!!
You’re always telling him he doesn’t need to do ANY of this but ofc his heart of gold is just like what are u talking about y/n i want to!!!
Sometimes he thinks you’re gonna overwork yourself into unpacking way too many things for a day and he declares he’s gonna make you relax while he cooks hUSBAND MATERIAL!!!
And he digs through your fridge and manages to cook a decent meal with the very few ingredients you bought for the time being
He’s in the middle of mixing when you approach him bc you feel bad for not helping him so you ask him what you can do
“Sit down y/n i’ll take care of this!!”
“No pls let me help this is my apartment gyu mY rUlEs!!!”
“Fine you can start chopping up those veggies”
You grab a cutting board and a knife and start slicing
He sees you struggle and he’s giggling at the cute sight of you
He practically bounces over to where you are gdi i love dog mingyu
“Hehe you’re so cute y/n these slices are way too thick here this is how you should do it”
“Ah..haha….. Thank you” you manage to stutter out
He slightly turns his head to gaze at you so fONDLY AND HE’S SMILING SO SOFTLY MY HE A RT
You’re both looking at each other really,,,,, intently,,,,,,,,
Without realizing you’re both leaning in… the space slowly closing,,,,,,,,,,
You both jump back in embarrassment and he hurriedly turns around to switch off the stove
You’re too busy looking anywhere but him to notice that once he switched it off he immediately turns back to you
He takes your face in both hands and presses his lips to yours aND IM NOT STABLE
And you’re like hO L Y,,,, WHAT,, WHAT IS HAPPENING
You’re melting in his arms and have to clutch onto his shirt to not have your knees buckle underneath you
His kiss is passionate yet playful, very much like his personality
The kiss leaves you both breathless and you’re like,,,,,,,,, omg did this just happen
You kissed a dog hybrid what is this you’re supposed 2 like cats!!11!1 your own!!11!1!
And you seriously liked it
“Why,,,, why did you do that?” you looked in his eyes and asked even though you already knew the answer
He only smiles
“Didn’t I say I do what I want?”
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Oh! What kinda gal are you then?
I’m gonna U-turn this (even though I’m certain you were looking for a different answer) and tell you just what kind of girl I am. You said you were new here, right? 
Here are some things that make me me:I love breakfast food. At any meal (no potatoes though)I can drink coffee at any moment of the day. Even before bed. It doesn’t keep me from sleeping unless there’s a full moon. (figure that out, will ya? She-werewolf, or something. No clue)Hot pink is my most favorite color. I love being creative, which is probably why I do so many crafty projects, home improvement projects, chalkboard creations, play music, and look for something a little “different” in design. Peanut butter and chocolate should be eaten everything (IMO) If I could wear flip flops every day that would make my heart happy. Sunshine is my medicine and the Winter gloom puts a damper on my mood something horrible. The mountains are my happy place. There’s just something about pushing your body hard to get to the summit. Besides the views are awesome when you’re up above the treeline. I’m a sucker for a hard working man in dirty blue jeans. (sigh) Running and I have a love-hate relationship. I’m no good at it and yet I try to get better. Lifting makes me feel strong and powerful. I believe in sending “I’m proud of you” or “I miss your face and wanna see you” texts to those I love. Superhero movies. (that really doesn’t need an explanation) I love my toenails painted, but hate actually doing it. I load the dishwasher wrong on purpose so my hubby won’t ask me to do it. (there’s apparently a correct way???) I love the sound of belly laughs coming from my teenage boys. Music can repair my soul in the shortest amount of time. I like detail. And lists. And order. But I’m learning that there is more to worry about than trying to get everything “just right”. I crave adventure. I love spicy food, but not so spicy that it gives me the hiccups. But if you tell me you like spicy food I will try to out-spice you. I, um, am competitive. I believe you should kind. Next to music, baking helps keep me centered. Good food is good. Sweet and salty is a spectacular combo. If someone I know is having a rough day I will bring them treats. Gotta take care of your friends.That ^^^^, anon, is what kind of gal I am :)
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 7 years
Hi Sanna! I was just curious, since you were able to write so many fics for the advent calendar thing, how do you get inspiration for your works? I'm always impressed when people can turn an idea around so quickly.
Thankyou so much for your ask, @waitingforeleven. I was really excited about this, because it actuallyforced me to think a bit more about my writing process.
To be honest, sometimes I don’t even know myself where allmy stories are coming from. I didn’t start writing fanfic until May 2016. I had written two Gilmore Girlsfics about 10 years ago and can’t for the life of me remember how/why I startedwriting those, and then I got obsessed with really interested in AoS and felt like my husband wasvery slowly getting annoyed with me going on and on about my theories andworries about the show for days and days and days. And then I started bugging talking to my friend @mashiarasdream instead to give hubby a break and eventually she forced convinced me to start writing downall these theories that I had (she’s an avid fanfic writer herself, although not for AoS, and I made the mistake of ended up showing her my GG fics) … and BOY did she start something because all of asudden I couldn’t stop.
I’ve always had a very vivid imagination, playing stories inmy head (or… as an introvert: practicing conversations and phone calls ;) ),and that’s kinda what happens when I get an idea for a fanfic. It often startswith just one image (maybe from the show itself or something I imagine couldhappen) or with a line of dialogue. Then I just kinda let the story happen inmy head (makes for very long bathroom breaks and endless hours of lying awake in bed, let me tell ‘ya). Usually the dialogue just flows naturally. I can see and hear thecharacters in my head (sometimes, when nobody’s there, I even act and say things out loud–and for a brief moment in time think that my Scottish accent is really quite good ;) ).
When I start writing things down, I usually start with the dialogue, because that’s what’s the most prominent for me.Later I fill in the prose (and often struggle with it ;) ). I don’t know why, but most often when I start writing, the words just sort of flow out and I can barely stop myself until the main story is basically written down. [Which means I often curse myself when it’s once again 1 am and I’m still writing when I know my alarm is going to go off at 6:45 ;) ]
In almost all cases I already know the main arc (beginningto end) when I start writing, although sometimes I surprise myself and changethings later.
As for my inspirations:
It really depends. My very first AoS fic “Space” was written priorto the Season 3 finale. I was so convinced worried that the writers would kill of Fitzor Simmons and preemptively pissed at them and as a way of self-preservationand as a coping mechanism I wrote the most prominent theory in my head in thatregard down, because at least that way I could kill Fitz off on my own terms. (Thank God I was wrong… sorry, Lincoln, really, I’m sorry)
Some of my fics start out as coda fics in a sense. Somethingon the show gives me an idea of how the story might continue or maybe I wouldhave liked to see things differently. My second fic “Events on the Horizon” started out that way (post3x18).
Sometimes my own fics inspire me. My third fic “Beyond the Horizon” was inspiredby “Events on the Horizon” (a continuation). The fourth fic, “Decisions” was sort of sparked by how thethird fic ended. And there’s a bunch of shorter fics that kinda tie into the GhostsNo One Knew series (where part one inspired part two).
And since I’ve joined Tumblr (August 2016), I’ve written alot of fics based on prompts (either something people submit or something likechallenges posted by @thefitzsimmonsnetwork or @theclaravoyant‘s adventprompts). In those cases, I take the prompt and just kinda come up with a fewthings that the word/phrase reminds me of. Then I try to determine what kinda of fic Iwant to write (which characters to focus on, do I want it to be serious andangsty or humorous,…). Then I try to come up with the basic story idea, andthen I just kinda sit down and start writing. Sometimes I stick with the first thing that comes to my mind, especially when I’m struggling to come up with an idea, because then I tell myself “This was the first thing that came to your mind and maybe it’s weird, but there must be a reason why it was the first thing you thought of!”. Sometimes I think of a few things and then one just starts to jump out and give me an idea.
The advent prompts are a really good example and that was somuch fun to do! So, I’m gonna tell you a bit more about my process there sinceyou mentioned it in your ask. I won’t do all 24 prompts, but just a few (Ifthere is one that I’m not mentioning where you’re really curious about how Icame up with the story idea, feel free to ask!).
I knew I didn’t have to fill all prompts, but apparently Ilove a good challenge and so I really wanted to. I knew I would want to keepthe fics fairly short so I could post them quickly and each day (which wasactually a challenge for me, because, man, I sometimes just can’t keep thingsshort… see this reply as an example).
The second prompt was “smile” and who has a prettier smilethan Jemma? Sigh. And I thought of some of the moments when we’ve seen thatsmile and then I just rolled from there.
For the fourth prompt “wish” the first thing that came to mymind was “wish upon a star” and I couldn’t get that damn song out of my head, so I knew Iwould have to use it somehow and so I ended up with the meteor showers andthe idea that Fitzsimmons would take Daisy to see the meteor showers, and firstI was just going to focus on Daisy and her wishing for a family because let’sface it, Fitzsimmons would never wish upon a star because it’s so unscientific…and then I thought “What would makeFitzsimmons wish upon a star?” and that’s how the angsty bit got in there.
For the fifth prompt “sacrifice” my mind went “Awww, I don’twant to write something angsty this time. I want something happy. How can Ispin a sacrifice into something happy?” and somehow The Sushi Sacrifice wasborn.
My first reaction to the sixth prompt “star” was “Son of abitch! I just wrote a fic called “Wish upon a star” about meteor showers.PANIC!!!!” It took me a little bit longer to come up with an idea for that one,but I actually really love this Daisy fic. I had read a fic by someone else that suggests that Jemma made up her own constellations on Maveth and I really liked that (Who? Someone tell me what fic that was????), so I kinda picked up that idea as a memory for Daisy.
The prompt “bell” was probably one I struggled with themost. Nothing associated with bells (church bells, bell concerts, that rings abell) gave me any good inspiration. I think at some point I just started torandomly rhyme things with ‘bell’ and it I ended up with ‘hell’ and that mademe think of Fitz and his swearing and I was like “screw this, I’m just gonna roll with that” and TATA… I had an idea. [P.S. I also sometimesdraw heavily from my life, aka parenting experience. Toddlers do the weirdestand funniest shit stuff sometimes, so that’s great fanfic humor fodder]
“Journey” was another fun prompt, because–being completeFitzsimmons trash–I of course thought of Fitzsimmons’ journey first and wherethey would end up (Perthshire OF COURSE) and then I thought “But you alreadywrote a Perthshire/Fitzsimmons fic for the advent challenge” and all of asudden I had the idea of “What about Bobbi and Hunter? I miss Bobbi and Hunter!”
I’ve definitely had times when I’ve struggled to come upwith an idea, or where a story just won’t keep moving forward. I definitely alsohave some stories that are currently stuck in fanfic limbo on my computer, but more often than not the stories just keep happening (it’s also a fantastic way for me to keep my mind occupied, which otherwise wants to ponder all kinds of anxiety inducing, yet usually imaginary and far-fetched problems.)
So, I hope you enjoyed myfanfic writer rambles and that it answered your question (to some extent atleast ;) )
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