#i am lacking brain function tonight love island tired me out but i wanted to get this answered
raceweek · 2 years
Bestie what are your top 5 favourite chalex moments??
nutritious start to finish i can only thank lawrence barretto personally. the sincerity of explaining bear grylls as a concept. the no i actually Was good at throwing a baseball thank you. i will buy you flip flops:) oh wait…i can’t have the shirt
good morning baby. did he say it when he saw him tho…it’s been nearly two years. i need to know. im growing old
🧠🏌️ i admittedly do Not know for certain however the first time i personally saw charles golfing was with alex here (also). which. interesting alone for the fact that alex was very much not posting anything on his social media at the start of last year like. at all. and then suddenly charles who has never golfed is out golfing with him. and then he turns up in LA to go with alex again. and then he joins alexs golf team in bahrain. and then again with lando and nick. and then he apparently cheats to look good and- okay actually. 3b. im having a 3b okay it’s not cheating im just minorly following on from above. has he expressed an interest? yes of course. he does have my phone number he can text me? fascinating
mate you look amazing & alexander! charlie :) - both very dear clips to me personally. i find it hard to separate them both in just how endearing they are with just like. okay i am more comfortable now you are here energy
you thought you could get away!! anyway anyone who knows me personally as a human being should have probably anticipated this but like. any chalex list would not be complete with me dragging abu dhabi 2017 out and displaying it like it’s my most prized possession. the contrast is just. like competing until the last race of the previous season for the title as teammates in gp3. fast forward and going into the last race of the gp2 season and charles with the title all wrapped up, super impressive all year, f1 seat waiting for him. alex virtually nowhere in the championship and with no seat for the next year in any series and no academy or budget to get one either. alex is leading on the very last lap, on for his first win in gp2 in what could maybe be his final race in single seaters ever. charles is p2. and then. it eats at my brain it will never not eat at my brain hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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wiggly-blue-shite · 5 years
Chapter 32 From the Top!
(Prof H X Ted)
Join us and die,
Join us and die,
Join us and die,
All you gotta do is,
Ted woke up. Henry was staring back at him. The fear caused by Ted's dream went away. How does Henry look this good in the morning? That's not fucking fair. It was comforting to see him.
"Good morning." Henry smiled. He had such a beautiful smile. Ted didn't want to think about any of the things he needs to be thinking about right now. Just him, for at least right now.
"Good morning." Ted was pretty tired. Who feels energized after a nightmare anyways? He smiled back at Henry. Ted really loved him.
"I love you." Henry took the words right out of Ted's mouth. He didn't deserve Henry, he really didn't.
"I know." He wanted Henry to remember Ted's the one in charge. Henry already knows that Ted loves him.
"Rude! Really pulling a fucking Han Solo." Henry did an overdramatic tone. What an adorable dork.
"I'm kidding. I love you more." He really really really did. Ted grabbed Henry's hand.
"Impossible." Henry kissed Ted. This was perfect. He really was in love with Henry. He can't lose this.
"I'm scared." Ted could not handle losing Henry. He couldn't.
"Me too." Henry sounded a little sad. Ted wished that they had met under better terms. Not during the fucking apocalypse.
Paul and Emma walked into the living room. They obviously didn't sleep well but they weren't full on sobbing anymore so that's an improvement.
"You guys can borrow some of my clothes." Paul offered. No offense to paul but Ted did not want to wear any of his clothes. No thank you.
"Well Henry's place is on the way. They can get clothes there." Emma joined Paul in the kitchen. Now Ted was fine with wearing Henry's clothes. That is preferred.
"Ok." Paul made everyone coffee. It wasn't really good coffee but beggars can't be choosers.
Ted couldn't really eat, so it's good that no one offered him breakfast. Ted made sure to stay close to Henry. Ted knew that today might be hard for Henry so better keep close.
Emma and paul went into there room to change into something that was not pajamas.
Henry kissed Theodore's forehead. Ted didn't really know why but he's not complaining.
"Are you ready?" Ted wanted to make sure. He knew the answer. Today's going to be really fucking stressful.
"No." Henry didn't sound nervous. He looked pretty neutral.
"Me neither." Ted didn't know what to do. He felt a little useless.
Paul and Emma stepped out of their room in the most poorly put together outfit Ted had seen in a while. They hurried out the door. Henry grabbed Ted's hand.
The two men rushed into Henry apartment. Oh it has been a while since Ted's been here. There's no time to think about it though.
Henry was shoveling through his closet. Henry threw a sweater at Ted for him to wear.
"Here take this." It looked familiar. Where has he seen it before?
"A black turtleneck..." oh. It's what he was wearing that day. Man, Henry looked good in this sweater.
Ted put on the clothes Henry gave him. Oh god the sweater smelled like Henry. Ted felt a little weird for noticing that but who really cares? He loves Henry who can blame him for that? Ted tried to avoid watching Henry change.
Once they were done changing they hurried out of the apartment and in the direction of the news station place. Here it goes.
They reached the news place pretty quickly. They walked into a room with a bunch of fucking people in it. The woman behind the front desk did not pay them any mind.
Henry squeezed Ted's hand. Henry didn't really seem aware that he was squeezing his hand. He didn't really know why, he assumed he was nervous. Ted was pretty scared too.
"What's you pitch?" The lady was looking down at her computer not looking up at the four.
"We are from hatchetfield. We were there that day." Henry's voice was steady. Not necessarily confident but not scared. Henry squeezes Ted's hand.
"Everyone died from the hatchetfield incident." The lady wasn't going ti believe them was she? Damnit. Fuck. What do they do if this doesn't work?
We didn't." Emma Jesus Christ don't be a bitch to the woman who could run the fucking story.
"So then what happened?" Oh god she's going to think they're crazy. Shit shit shit. There's not a way not to sound fucking insane.
"We'll sound crazy but you need to here us out." Ah yes ted that's what all sane people say, we're not crazy! Fuck.
"We fear what happened in hatchetfield could spread if we don't raise any awareness." Henry didn't actually say what happened. That's probably a good idea, if the receptionist thinks they're insane there's not way they'll go anywhere.
"You're lucky the producers want more hatchetfield news. Wait here." The receptionist pointed to some benches near her desk. Holy shit. Ok this might actually work.
The four of them sat down on the bench. Henry sat really close to Ted. All of Ted's fears lessened a little but with Henry there.
Henry kisses ted on the cheek. Aww god ted loved him.
"What was that for?" Ted smiled at Henry. Wow he didn't deserve someone as wonderful as Henry.
"Nothing." Henry smiled back. What a sweetheart.
It felt like they were waiting there for fucking ever. Ted didn't really know how long they had left. This waiting just felt like a waste of time.
Ted put his arm around Henry. Henry leaned his head into ted. Is this considered PDA, technically this isn't public and also fuck other people's opinions. Ted contemplates taking a nap like this.
"Hatchetfielders." The receptionist called to them. That's not at all a demeaning way to refer to them at all.
"Yes?" Paul was the first one to get to the desk.
"The producers want to talk with you. Go through that door." The receptionist pointed them to a door. Here it goes.
They walked into the room. There were two producers sitting there. They weren't as intimidating as ted was expecting them to be.
Hello my name's Raffael." The male producer offered his hand to shake. They all had to awkwardly take turns to shake his hand. Which is not at all the worst way to shake hands.
"And I'm Louise." The woman smiled.
"I'm Henry."
"I'm paul."
Wow this uncomfortable.
"So you're from hatchetfield." She didn't sounds like she didn't believe them. Ted couldn't tell if that was a question or a statement.
Out the corner of his eye Ted could see Henry nod. Oh Henry's going to be the one who has to say everything again, isn't he? Ted wanted to take the burden of his shoulders but Ted didn't want to fuck it up.
"So let's cut to the chase. What happened?" Raffael leaned forward that way to business men do. Ted glanced towards Henry. He didn't look as nervous as he was last night.
"Before I start we are not insane. I have a doctorate in biology. I know what I am talking about." Henry took a deep breath. Ted did not enjoy how serious Henry sounded, it lacked the energy he had gotten used to. "The asteroid that hit did not rupture a gas line. The asteroid carried an organism, a pathogen really. It infected the people of hatchetfield, rearranging their genetic structure, functionally rewiring their brain. The infected had a certain bloodlust to kill, and spread the pathogen. You may recall the claims of sailors near the island, claiming to hear music coming from the island. Well, I did studies on the organism briefly, and it has an attraction to music, singing specifically." Henry shouldn't have to say everything.
"We think that the music that can be heard are the remaining infected." Ted needed to get this point across, it's the whole reason they're coming out with the story in the first place. "sooner or later they will find a way off the island. Once they get off the island, we're fucked. Excuse my language." Can you curse here?
There was a moment of silence. Ted could hardly breath.
"We're are going to need you to say exactly that on air. Same inflection and everything." Holy shit. They did it. Oh my god.
Henry walked off the set. Ted immediately runs over and hugs Henry, paul and Emma close behind. He was so proud of Henry. Ted knew that couldn't have been easy.
They headed back in the direction of Emma and Paul apartment. Ted needed a fucking nap holy shit.
"What do we do now?" Henry sounded nervous. Henry grabbed Ted's hand and held it tightly. There wasn't really much they could do in this moment.
"We prepare." Ted kissed Henry hand. Ted loved Henry so much.
They walked a little further. Henry was still clutching Ted's hand.
"I think I'm going to stay in my apartment tonight." Wow they were already on Henry's block. Ted's gonna stay with Henry obviously. Where else would he go?
"Oh ok." Emma smiled a little, "see you tomorrow."
"Take care of yourself, man." Paul patted Henry's shoulder. Well ted could take care Henry.
"I'll make sure of that." Ted's completely fine with taking care of Henry. More time with Henry is not a negative.
Emma and Paul walked off to their apartment leaving ted and Henry alone with each other. They walked up to the apartment.
"I'm really proud of you." Ted didn't deserve someone so brave and smart, "You did great." They walked into the apartment. Ted just wanted to spend time with Henry.
"Thank you." Henry grabbed Ted's hand. Ted will never get over how soft Henry's hands are.
"You give me hope." Ted smiled. Ted was sure this is the most he's ever loved another person. Ted kissed Henry. They stared each other in the eyes for a moment. Then Henry's stomach rumbled.
"I haven't eaten all day." Henry pulled Ted into the kitchen. Ted hasn't eaten either. He just realized how hungry he was.
"I'll cook you something." Ted leaned on the counter. Ted didn't really know what he had to work with but he could manage.
"You don't have to do that." Henry said that like Ted wouldn't enjoy cooking for him.
"I want to." Ted loved Henry so much he could hardly think straight.
They kissed once again.
"Today has been too long." Henry chuckled a little bit. He was right today just felt like it went on for fucking ever.
Ted would be lying if he said he wasn't scared. He was scared out of his god damn mind. But he had Henry.
He loves you.
How bout a dance started playing on my theatre playlist while I was writing this and I almost cried.
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