#i am making my silly little character have the horrible disease of does not sleep enough due to the whole being undead thing
volfoss · 2 years
Doing different things w a faceup is resulting in me just being like yeah. The under eye bags r not dark enough I need to keep putting more grey on those bad boys
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jazy3 · 3 years
Thoughts on Grey’s Anatomy: 17X11
I liked this episode overall even though it wasn’t quite what I was expecting. I thought that in this episode we were going to see Meredith and Derek reunite one last time on the beach and then Meredith was going to wake up in a dramatic fashion and we would get some big dramatic scene. I now think that that's going to happen in next week's episode or the one after. I like that they showed that she was getting better but that the challenge now was to get her to wake up and stay awake. While it wasn't super dramatic it was probably more realistic to how the disease actually works and affects people in real life.
I kept thinking every time Meredith fell back asleep that she was going to appear on the beach, and I was little disappointed that she didn’t. That being said, I really loved Jo's scene with Meredith. I thought it was really sweet and touching and I like that Meredith was supportive and told Richard what Jo had said so that he could help her. Jo was scared that Meredith would yell at her and not understand if she told her so that was nice to see. I also liked that this episode combined with the previous one seems to indicate that the beach exists in Meredith’s head, it’s her happy place, and that she can hear people when they talk to her at her bedside and can potentially hear people when they stand outside her room.
This means that when she does wake up for real, they won’t have to rehash plots that we’ve already seen because Meredith will already know what happened and they can just go from there. I also really liked the scene where Richard came to Jo and she was worried he was angry with her and would try to talk her out of switching specialties, but instead he told her he wanted to help her but he couldn't do that if he was in the dark. That being said, while I’m okay with Jo switching it up, I'm still not sold on Jo switching to OBGYN because I don't think they've done enough to set up the storyline.
We’re 3/4 of the way through the season and all Jo has done is talk about it, but she hasn't done anything to actually make it happen. We got more set up for her switching to Urology and being mentored by Catherine in one episode than we've had all season with Jo wanting to switch to OBGYN. Jo’s had plenty of time to talk to people in the field about her desire to change careers, talk to her superiors, and find a mentor. She’s done none of that. In fact she’s been hiding her desire to switch from everyone who could actually help her with feels a lot like self-sabotage. If she’s really interested, she should have gone to Meredith, Bailey, and Richard in the first half of the season and talked about how she was feeling.
She should have asked Hayes and Carina what working in OBGYN and Pediatrics was really like. She hasn’t done that and right now she seems to have a very rosy picture of what the field is like that just doesn’t match the reality. She keeps talking about how it’s going to be great because it’s all about happy Moms, but that isn’t the reality for everyone. There’s a lot that can go wrong in childbirth, not everyone is happy to be having a baby, some might be placing their children for adoption, they may be fighting with their partner, they may lash out because they are in pain, the list goes on.
If Jo is serious about switching, she should be asking Hayes and Carina a thousand questions and finding someone to mentor her. Instead her and Carina haven’t had a single scene together this season that I can recall, and she spent two whole episodes screaming at Hayes and being super aggressive towards him when he was already terrified about Meredith and Irene. She knows that if she switches specialities she’ll be working with Hayes and people in his Department a lot. Which means she should be super nice to him and being asking for his help. Instead, she’s created this super weird dynamic in which she’s either yelling at him aggressively or they are exchanging polite conversation about work.
Hayes makes it clear to Irene that they are not friends, he is not interested in her, and has no desire to change that which is on Jo because she went from being nice to him and being friendly and teasing him about his feelings for Meredith last season to taking advantage of the fact that they are coworkers to scream at him when he didn’t want to break protocol after what happened to Meredith and was upset after Irene was admitted. She also made that horrible comment comparing his wife’s death to her divorce from Alex and seem to take the fact that he was upset and wanted the best care for Irene as a personal offence and to mean that Hayes think she’s incompetent. None of which is true. It’s all in Jo’s head.
So yeah, I’m not sold on her switching to OBGYN because they haven’t done enough set up and they already tried that with Carina, and it didn’t work. There just isn’t enough material to have a character appear on the show regularly if they are an OBGYN only and can’t perform pediatric, fetal, or neonatal surgery. After they wrote Arizona off, they spent two seasons trying to find stuff for Carina to do before pairing her with Maya and moving her over to Station 19. Several of the current writers were present during seasons 14, 15, and 16 so they were there when that happened, and they were involved. So, I’m confused as to why they think something that failed the first time is going to work with an existing character.
If this is the show’s last season, I feel like this storyline is going to end with Jo re-specializing and adopting Luna. If this isn’t the show’s last season and they’re doing one more I don’t understand how the writers think they are somehow going to get a season’s worth of content out of Jo delivers babies and sleeps with Jackson. We got some good patient storylines this episode and the storyline about the newlywed couple was funny and interesting. I had a feeling as soon as Bailey convinced the guy to talk to his life that it was going to go the opposite way than Bailey intended.
I like that Owen took Bailey’s advice and gentle prodding to heart and apologized to Teddy. I am happy that Owen finally made amends and that he and Teddy seem to be moving forward. I was so sick of them fighting so I’m glad to see that storyline come to an end. It was exhausting and I'm glad that Owen finally got it and that that they are both starting to heal. It was long overdue. I think he heard what Bailey was saying and even though it didn't hold true for the couple they treated it did hold true for him and Teddy and that's what Bailey was trying to share with him.
As for what the future holds for Teddy and Owen, I'd like to see them become friends again and find a way to co-parent peacefully with Amelia and Link for the good of their kids and themselves. I think there's been too much drama and heartbreak for them to work as a couple at this point. I loved seeing Maggie and Hayes work together to treat a patient. I liked the scene where Maggie said it was time to let the patient go and Hayes looked at her and said aren't you some kind of genius or something? Figure it out.
It was nice to see her in a non-romantic storyline with someone that Meredith is interested in. I never liked the “Meredith is dating or interested in someone or they are interested in her, but her sister misunderstands the situation and thinks they are into her or cluelessly asks them out” plots. I love that Hayes is finally getting his moment in the sun. He's played a big role in the second half of the season so far and I'm really happy about that. He's one of my favourite new characters and they really underutilized him in the first half of the season. I loved seeing his interactions with Maggie and watching them find a solution for his young patient. I really loved the scene where they're all in the OR and their idea works. The unfettered joy on their faces was palpable and it filled me with joy!
The scenes where the patient’s father confided his fears to Hayes about his son and how his wife hasn’t been able to get out of bed in weeks and then just before they took him into surgery, he talked to his son about all of the things he wanted to do with him. That made me tear up. I loved how Hayes got the idea for the surgery from Jo being metaphorical and convinced Maggie to do it. I was surprised that Maggie’s engagement wasn’t mentioned, and I got the impression that Maggie hasn't told anyone about her engagement yet as no one commented on it so I'm interested to see when that will come out and people's reactions to it.
I liked that Link’s parents showed up and offered to take the kids out for the day (safely) and that we got to see Link having a happier interaction with his parents and that Amelia and Link got a break. While his parents have come across as selfish and sometimes cruel and irresponsible in the past it was really nice of them to offer to take the kids for the day and I like that they happily offered and accepted Meredith’s kids as family and that Link’s Mom called Amelia her daughter-in-law and said she considered her part of the family.  
I really loved the Amelia and Link scenes this episode. They were great! They were emotional and sexy and fun and silly and heartbreaking all at once. I'd like to see them get married, but not because his Mom keeps pushing it or because they find out that Maggie and Winston are engaged, but because they feel it's right for them. Link is at that place, but Amelia isn't and I don't want to see her jump into something because of outside pressure. She's done that before, and it always ends badly.
I really appreciate that the series is actively addressing Amelia's addiction and what it's like to live with that. Addiction is a lifelong battle, a chronic illness of sorts, and it is not a one and done deal. Amelia and Link don't have a lot of story options available to them because of Meredith's COVID storyline this season so I like that they are taking the opportunity to explore that more. I liked the comparison to her relationship with Owen where Link said I love you and I want to marry you, but I'm not Owen so I'm not here for the drama and if us getting married could cause you to relapse then we should wait. Link proposing and Amelia shouting no at him especially when he was shirtless made me laugh! I’m always here for shirtless Link!
I also really Jackson and Mama Ortiz’s storyline. They addressed a real issue in that sometimes people try to help because they feel moved or called to do so, but their band aid fix creates more problems long term than they solve. I like that Jackson got what Ortiz was saying and that he called her at the end of the episode and asked for her ideas for how they could use his money to really help people in their community long term. I love the actress who plays her and I'm excited that she’s getting more screen time.
I loved seeing Tom back in action! His lines in the trauma room were great! Bailey had some great scenes this episode as well. They're focusing more on the characters I really like or find interesting in the second half of the season so I'm really enjoying that. I had a few favourite scenes this episode. I loved the moment where Meredith woke up and Richard said, "Hey there, sleepy head," and Meredith said she was sorry he had to put her on a ventilator because she knows how hard that must have been for him and he said he'd do it again. And then Meredith said, "I'm glad I chose you." I love their father daughter relationship and that scene warmed my heart. I also really liked Teddy's line about the tea. That's a meme waiting to happen.
Onto next week’s promo! We see Jackson running by a Black Lives Matter protest which puts this episode at either the end of May or the beginning of June 2020 as George Floyd, may he rest in peace, was murdered on May, 25, 2020 and protests erupted the next day and grew in size in the following weeks and months. In the promo Richard brings in a wounded protestor and tells Jackson they were marching peacefully, and Jackson appears to be treating Hayes who we know has two black biracial children.
We also see Meredith being taken into the Hyperbaric Chamber by Levi, Maggie talking a distressing phone call, and Teddy doing chest compressions which means she’s back at work. Here’s hoping that Teddy took Amelia’s advice and found a new therapist that works for her. The most intriguing part of the Promo for me is that we see Bailey, dressed in full PPE, duck into a stairwell and scream “What?!?” out loud several times. I’m curious to know what she’s screaming about. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it both? Is it something bewildering? Can’t wait to find out.
Until next time!
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I know Freddie Mercury isn’t a superhero, but he’s also maybe a superhero, and I guess I’m gonna put this movie discussion here, because... this blog is already used to my bullshit.
No, but, this is actually a serious thing. This will be lengthy, because I’m approaching this not as a rant, as per usual on this blog, but as a study? I guess? I mean, without research, because I’m in grad school and my brain will crumble if I add any extra research, but yeah. 
I have seen a lot of criticism of the Bohemian Rhapsody movie that I have been giving a lot of thought to. To be completely fair, I sort of have always had this view of Freddie Mercury as a godlike figure. And I love Rami Malek. So, I have been checking and double-checking myself for bias, which is the thing to do in this situation. 
I really enjoyed the film. I am also a screenwriter (MFA student) and I understand and cannot totally ignore the problems with the film. 
One of the things we’ve been taught to do, in my MFA program, is pay attention to things like cultural markers and identity markers in our writing. As in, if we write a bisexual character, what makes them bisexual? If we write a South Asian character, what makes them South Asian? Often, writers will write “diverse” characters just for the sake of having them in the picture, but they will inadvertently be devoid of whatever it is that makes them... part of their culture. This is not my criticism of BoRhap. In fact, this post will not be a criticism, per se. It’s... it’s an examination, and a question. And, full disclosure, I should absolutely be working on stuff for class, right now.
This will be focusing on the portrayal of queerness in BoRhap more than anything. 
When I saw the movie, being queer myself, I was very... excited to hear Freddie say, on screen, that he thinks he’s bisexual. Like, what a moment, in film. I don’t think that happens, often, and I don’t think screenwriters write shit like that. I believe it’s because bisexuality is misunderstood. People assume bisexual men are gay. People assume bisexual women are straight. People think of bisexuality as something you do while you’re in college out of curiosity, or the last stop over to gayville. People think bi people who date or marry members of their same gender are gay/lesbian. People think bi people who date or marry members of a different gender are straight. It’s just a very, very misunderstood sexual orientation, and those of us who identify this way (I mostly do, although I kinda like queer as a general term) really walk on eggshells all the time trying not to ... be constantly judged from all parties, I guess. So, to hear a character say it in a film? And it’s sincere and not a character flaw or played for laughs? I C O N I C.
But the film also undercuts that line immediately, with Freddie’s girlfriend yelling at him that he’s gay. Because a man can’t be bisexual, yenno? If he likes dick at all, he’s gay. (Of course this is wrong as hell, but whatever.)
I guess, that’s part of the reason so many people are unhappy or even angry with the portrayal. One criticism I keep seeing is how it treats queerness as a cautionary tale. How Freddie gets caught up in this “gay underworld” lifestyle and it literally kills him. How redemption is him “straightening up”. (Which actually does not happen in the movie. The movie... ends with him finally settling down with JIM, a man, JIM! How that was read as “straightening up” or I guess becoming hetero to some people is beyond me.)
And mentioning that, there’s criticism of showing Paul Prenter, who I understand re: Queen fans, to be a slimy slimeball piece of crap, as the villain, because Paul is also a gay man. 
So, this is my concern, or I guess, my issue, with these criticisms: much of this is based in the reality of the situation. I’m not suggesting that this film is historically accurate. I’ve seen discussions of timeline issues, invented moments, and Freddie actually never told his bandmates he had AIDS until the day before he died (unlike in the film). But I struggle with the argument that it presents queerness as a cautionary tale when Freddie’s battle with AIDS is actually what happened. He actually died of AIDS related illness in 1991. That’s not to say being gay killed him. A lot of people were gay in the 1980s and did not contract HIV or die of AIDS. But unfortunately, Freddie did.
So, what is the line? When we’re handling stories based on true events, based on real people... what are we supposed to write? Would it have been worse to show Freddie as a healthy man who died in his sleep of natural causes, ignoring his battle with AIDS completely? 
What about the Prenter situation? The man wasn’t a good person, and wasn’t good for Queen or Freddie. I’m not extremely well versed in Queen history, but I do know that Paul Prenter is, well, a villain in the eyes of Queen’s fans, and he did do snake shit to Freddie. Does the fact that he’s also gay mean that should be left out? Or should they have erased Paul’s queerness, so that it’s not suggested that the evil gay person ruined Freddie’s life?
Some of my opinion on that matter should be clear, but I also don’t really know the way they should’ve handled this stuff. I thought, personally, that they handled AIDS delicately, and maybe a little too delicately, but... I thought it was done fine. Freddie wasn’t even blamed for having the disease. And the invented scene where he tells the band before Live Aid (I don’t know that he had even been diagnosed, yet, in real life), was a touching, beautiful scene. Nobody scolds him, or says “you shouldn’t have fucked all those people!” They aren’t angry. They cry together, and tell him he’s a legend and they love him. Then they go get a drink. It wasn’t... at all... very “cautionary tale,” to me. Especially because directly after that moment, he goes and finds Jim Hutton, the man he’s been wanting for a long time, and finally pursues being with him for real. So, what’s the caution, here? Don’t be gay, just be gay? I don’t... get it....
Like, it’s a hard line to tow. Do you... make a huge show of an icon dying from a horrible disease that ravaged the LGBT community terribly during the 1980s? Or do you.... not mention it at all? Or ... do you do what they did and mention it lightly, and try not to make it a huge deal? I don’t know. I’m sure you don’t really know, either. You’d probably try your best, if you were writing this, but ultimately, it’s hard to know what the move is, here. 
That’s not to say that the movie doesn’t have faults. It doesn’t know which story it’s telling. It sort of moves like a “brief history of” type of thing. It’s also 2 hours and 30 minutes long, and still feels like it didn’t go in depth at all. 
I also agree that we see much of Freddie’s vices and little of the other members’ vices. I mean, we get hints of Roger’s affinity towards being with multiple women, but barely. And John and Brian were basically angels. Which... can’t have been realistic, considering they were hot rock stars in the 1970s, when everyone was fucking everyone and everyone was snorting cocaine. I do wish they would’ve showed them all behaving like rock stars, more, instead of showing Freddie throwing lavish parties and the other guys sort of shaking their head and going home to their wives. But also, we don’t see very much of Freddie’s wildness, either. The movie is very, very tame, as rock star biopics go. There’s not even a sex scene. There’s cocaine on a table, but nobody snorts it on screen. There are parties with lots of boys making out and whatnot, but Freddie isn’t even shown really participating in that shit. I honestly think it’s even this tame because the living Queen members had a say.
Like, if Brian May and Roger Taylor weren’t involved in the production, I’m sure we would’ve seen more of their vices, too. And probably more of Freddie’s vices. I think it’s silly for people to suggest they are jealous of Freddie and made it look like Freddie was the only one partying to make themselves look better, because I think Freddie looks damn near innocent in the film, and I think that’s thanks to Brian and Roger protecting his legacy. For instance, we learn towards the end that Freddie has AIDS. But WE NEVER SEE HIM CONTRACT HIV. We don’t see him sleep with some dirty bear in the back of some gay bar in NYC or something. We just... learn he has AIDS. 
That can either be cause for criticism or praise, I guess. From a writing perspective, generally you wouldn’t randomly reveal a character has AIDS without some hint as to how they contracted it, in a narrative like this one that spans like 15-20 years. And also, maybe you could stretch it as an example of that “cautionary tale” business, like “even though Freddie was a good boy, he still got AIDS because of all the gay.” Which... is a reach, and I’m sorry I pulled it out of the sky. They also did one of my least favorite movie tropes, which is “character coughs up blood, so you know he gon die.” Although, IDK if that’s something that every happened to him. Singers can cough up blood just from damaging their throat while doing certain things with their voice, and getting infections and things...
I just... I get the criticism, and I get the instinct to be hypercritical of this movie. After all, Freddie was one of the most unapologetic and influential queer artists in the world. In history. You want to make sure it’s done right and with respect.
But, I genuinely don’t know how they could’ve approached this differently. I mean, I see how changes could be made to make it a better film, narratively speaking. But I’m not sure how I’d write a movie about Freddie Mercury and discuss his battle with AIDS... without the reality that Freddie succumbs to the illness in 1991. Or, how you write about the doomed dealings with Paul Prenter, without acknowledging that he’s a creep, even if he is gay.
See, when shit is based on a true story, it’s harder to navigate these things. Because, I totally understand the reaction to what many perceive is a slight against their people. But, IDK, if I’m writing a Freddie Mercury film, I’d know that he’s going to die, and from what, and I’d know that he kept it to himself, and explore why that is. 
And as for Paul Prenter, fuck that guy. One can be evil and gay. Just as one can be a sweet baby angel and gay (like Jim Hutton.)
The movie has problem. (Another topic for another day). These aren’t problems it has, to me. 
I’d be open to hear others’ opinions, here, but only if you promise not to yell at me (CAPS IS YELLING) or call me names or be a general jerk about things. 
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casimania · 7 years
I finally put together the the questions and answers for our one and only vampire hunter Abner from the “Ask the cast” journals, almost 5 years after putting together the ones for Casimiro, Finas and Toni! With a few bonus questions for Paradox (and Worth and Conrad briefly appearing ). Enjoy!
"SO! Abner! Why are you so germaphobic? >.> You're going a little overboard, I think."
Abner: I do not think one chooses to be germaphobic and to what extremes.
"@Abner: So. Vampire hunter, eh?"
Abner: That's the rumor.
"Abner: So what's the truth?"
Abner: The same as the rumor.
"Abner's ferret: Arenchoo cuuute."
Para: Dook!!
"Worth: You and Abner in a fight. Could you take him? Abner: Same question."
Worth: COMPLETELY. Totally. Mysophobic dick.
Abner: ...yes.
"For got to Ask to Abner: Since Shot guns, face masks, and tall lanky men are my favorite combination, what can make you even more awesome then you all ready are XD"
Abner: Ah, thank you...
"Abner, what's the name of your ferret companion?"
Abner: Paradox. I call him Para...
"Abner: How long have you had that ferret? Does it help you out with your paranormal-entity-elimination in any way?"
Abner: A while. He can be a bit handy, he sneaks into tight places quite well.
"Abner: Were you trying to go for the cyberpunk look, or did it just sort of happen with the mixture of gear you wear?"
Abner: More of an accident.
"Para: WHOOOOSAGUUDBOOOIIII. Want a treat? Do ya? DO YA? <3"
Para: Doookdookdook!
"Mr. Abner: Srsly, can't you just pick on Cas and Finas? Poor Connie gets his ass kicked all the time. Don't you think he could at least have one day off?"
Abner: I might be doing him a favor.
"To Abner: Do you always wear goggles and a doctor's mask? Oh and why do you wear them anyways?"
Abner: I don't like fluids getting near my eyes our my mouth or really touching me in any way. I wear them as long as I am out.
And Abner, you seem to have one of my ferrets. I don't actually want that one back, but would you like the other ferret too? They cause four times as much trouble when you have two of them. I swear the other one is much cuter than the one you have there.
Abner: My ferret is just perfect for me.
"To Abner: What got you into the business of vampire hunting? Also, good choice in having a ferret. But was there a reason you chose a ferret as a companion?"
Abner: It is complicated, but thank you. Para is a very good ferret, though it happened more by chance than me picking him.
"For everyone: if you could have one wish granted, what would it be? No wishing for more wishes, and that "I want world peace" schlock won't get you any points here."
Abner: 😐
"Abner: Are you related to Hanna in any way?"
Abner: I sure hope not.
"Abner: I know you hunt vampires, but what about ... zombies? And werewolves? Are those fair game?Also, m-may I pet your ferret 8[;;"
Abner: I specialize in vampires, I try not to bite off more than I can chew. There are many and hard to deal with. You may, of course.
Para: <33!!
"@ Abner What's your furry buddy's name? You must like the fella a lot to like it a lot to let it climb all over you... Did you have to disinfect him/her?"
Abner: His name is Paradox. I bathe him regularly though he is safe so he does not gross me out.
"@ Abner What's your furry buddy's name? You must like the fella a lot to like it a lot to let it climb all over you... Did you have to disinfect him/her?"
Abner: It is a tad complicated but just trust me the ferret is not contaminated like strangers.
"Abner: If you're a mysophobe, then what's with the ferret/weasel you have with you?"
Abner: It is a tad complicated but just trust me the ferret is not contaminated like strangers.
"Abner: ... You get a flu shot like, every two weeks... don't you?"
Abner: That would be silly.
"@Abner: Does your... ferret (I believe. shoot me for my horrible lack of knowledge on animals. -sob- ) have a name? Or superpowers? Because superpowers would be a nice addition."
Abner: Paradox is very intelligent, but no ... superpowers.
"Abner: How often do you have to clean your equipment dude? Do you like, carry disinfectant wipes to clean them off at every possible chance or what? All those germs building up on the outside of them everywhere you go...and then do you sleep with them on? ...oh sorry that's more than one question."
Abner: I clean my equipment very frequently, I keep proper tools around. When I sleep I try to pick someplace not contaminated then I may take off the mask...
"Abner: What did you want to be as a kid before you wanted/became a vampire hunter? What did you do before hunting the oogie-boogies?"
Abner: I wanted to be an engineer. I was an engineer.
"Abner: Funky outfit bro, real funky. Where'd you get it?"
Abner: Ah, thanks. I accumulated it?
”Abner: what was the inspiration for becoming a vampier hunter?”
Abner: There's not a lot of them out there.
"Abner: I'm going to sneeze on you now"
Abner: Please don't.  "
Heya, Abner- I'm a bit of a mysophobe too! Got any tips either get rid of some of those quirky tendencies or should I just harness them and use them to my advantage?"
Abner: Probably the latter.
"Abner: did your mother often told you to wash your hand? And how's your mother, btw? (I hope I'm not poking at a delicate subject...)"
Abner: She is quite fine. She did insist I wash hands quite often.
"Abner: Why not just invest in a ski mask ? :0 Or a nice, big motorcycle helmet. Granted, peripheral vision would be a bitch. But it seems to me like blood and other bodily fluids would still splatter on yer face; there's just that bit of skin exposed between your mask and goggles, yanno. And then, there's your hair to think about ... :'D"
Abner: Yes, that happens, but helmets and things tend to trap...my own sweat.
"Abner: WHAT IS YOUR FERRET'S NAME, IS IT A BOY OR A GIRL, AND DO YOU LOVE IT. I MUST KNOW THIS. *is leaning uncomfortably close to Abner's face as she says this and giving him a semi-creepy stare*"
Abner: ...Paradox. Boy. I do. /puts hand on face and pushes away
Abner: Mn, you're a bit feral, aren't you?
Abner: I'm guessing you're not much into relationships?"
Abner: Not so much.
@Abner: Please either leave Conrad alone or make him into a braver man. Don't "kill" him, please!"
Abner: I'm not sure the latter is possible.
"Abner: You have a shotgun, goggles, a mask & what appears to be a ferret. Are you aware that you're quite possibly the coolest character EVERRRRRR?"
Abner: Ah, am I?
"and to Abner: So you neutralize vampires, eh? How do you feel about werewolves, selkies, ...zombies?Also, if someone coughed on your face, would you wussy out?"
Abner: No I don't wussy out I would shoot them. Werewolves, selkies and zombies are fine.
"Abner: You look like you have one of the BADDEST ASSES I've ever seen. How are you so awesome and how can I be more like you?"
Abner: Thank you. I'm not sure I'm that badass and I wouldn't recommend following my foodsteps either. It's not the brightest path.
"To Abner: have you always been a mysophobe? What other phobias do you have? Hmmm? Oh, and your ferret is pretty badass too."
Abner: Thank you, Para is wonderful. I have always had ... these issues yet.
"Abner, are you sure calling your ferret 'Para' has nothing to do with your no-longer-secret obsession with the parapara dance craze?"
Abner: I am pretty sure I have never parapara danced.
"And Abner, you germaphobic nutter, do you ever eat at restaurants? 'Cause you never know what goes on in those kitchens if you can't see them, right? What if the chefs aren't washing their hands? What if the floor is dirty? What if there's an angry employee spitting in all the food?! YOU DON'T KNOW."
Abner: I don't. I cook for myself.
"Does your ferret friend, Mr. Paradox, is it? Well, does he steal things like my ferret does? Because we just found her stash recently and uh... I'm curious if you've ever dealt with this issue as well."
Abner: He does gather things, yes.
"Abner; Is that a black-masked Ferret I spy on your shoulder?"
Abner: It is.
"To Abner: Aren't you worried at all that because of your over-protection from germs that you're actually doing yourself harm in the long-run, since your immunity must be weaker than average person due to the lack of a chance to develop?"
Abner: I believe that would be my problem and I will take care of it should it arise.
"Abner: You are aware that ermines and the like carry a number of diseases, right?"
Abner: Yes. I am aware. It's complicated. 
"Oiiiiiii Abner! 'Sup, man?Say, that's a MIGHTY fine rifle you've got there, mind if I give it a go?"
Abner: Thank you, but I don't really like other people touching it. "
”Abner, what caused your germophobia? And what would you do if you got stuck in a dumpster full of nasty, nasty stuff?"
Abner: I would be very very unhappy.
"Abner: *pokes*"
Abner: 8T
"Abner: How and why did you choose Paradox as a companion?"
Abner: I suppose it is easiest to say that it just happened and not a lot of choosing went on. He is very smart though and beats people when it comes to company.
"Abner: Would you ever touch Mrs. Blaney?"
Abner: I would never touch a lot of people. But Mrs Blaney is on that list as well, if you need clarification.
"Abner: How do you pay rent? Is there like a vampire extermination company?"
Abner: .....yes.
"Abner - What is your favorite brand of hand-soap?"
Abner: I am not sure there needs to be a favorite.
"Abner: how many guns do you have and what kinds? Which one is your favorite?"
Abner: Several. I'm partial to my shotgun, but have handguns ready should I need them.
"Abner: Do you have an aversion to yogurt, what with all the bacteria it contains?"
Abner: Are you mocking me?
"Abner: I'd like your honest opinion on a "gentleman" of Doc Worth's stature and personality and general lack of hygiene-- please?"
Abner: He's disgusting and if he were a vampire I'd happily relieve the world of his presence.
Worth: Bring it.
"Conrad- What sort of eyesight problem do you have? Abner- Can you help get rid of the cockroaches in my apartment?"
Conrad: Nearsighted. And I wouldn't ask Abner, he'd probably just try to shoot buckshots into the cockroaches.
Abner: /eyes Conrad warily/
Conrad: Don't shoot me too....
"Abner: Do you speak more than one language? I'd imagine that might be useful in your profession."
Abner: I do enjoy linguistics.
"Abner: Were you ever made fun of or called crazy for your obsessive compulsiveness or your mysophobia? I for one hate it when that happens; we aren't crazy, just careful..."
Abner: I agree, though I confess that I am a bit crazy but for other reasons. I won't deny it.
"Abner: *surprise hug*"
Abner: 8|
"Abner, can I play with ParaPara? Pretty please? <3"
Abner: Just be careful.
"Abner: Aren't you freaked out by public transit?"
Abner: It is uncomfortable.
"Abner: How exactly do you define a person as being "safe" or "unsafe"?"
Abner: It's difficult to explain.
"Abner: c-can I please pet Para?"
Abner: Of course. Just wash your hands first.
Abner: ...who.
"Abner - What is your favored method of killing vampires, and how does your hatred for touching bodily fluids influence that?"
Abner: I like to kill them in various ways. I try to see each target as an experiment in the medium. Finding a method of death suited to them is also quite entertaining. Guns are a favorite tool, and generally fluids aren't a problem due to the layers I wear.
"Abner: Are you your own boss, or do you work for someone?"
Abner: My own boss.
"To Abner: Would I be considered Safe or Unsafe? How exactly do you decide what's safe or unsafe?"
Abner: Unsafe. I do not know you.
"Abner: Tell me more about Paradox. Because I've heard ferrets are incredibly dirty and nasty. But now, I like them more because I hear they're cute. How do you find time to keep him clean while vampire hunting?"
Abner: Hunting is on my own time, so there is plenty of time to keep Paradox clean.
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