#i am not a jewelry guy in general for sensory reasons
queer-reader-07 · 8 months
earring tour!!
this is mostly for @bildads-shoes but hopefully other people enjoy this self-indulgent sharing of my earring collection. i hope this lives up to your expectations loz <333 (this was a nice break from my english homework)
(it is going under the cut because i have so many and i don't want to clog y'all's dashes)
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left to right: 1) my aunt bought these for me from a jewelry store in my moms hometown in Brasil 2) i bought these at the thrift store, i do have to take out my second lobe piercing to wear them though 3) my friend bought these for me at the state fair, i love them but they are SO heavy
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left to right: 1) i got these at a small, local farmer's market! they're some of my most worn earrings 2) i bought these at a vintage store in downtown Seattle, but they're from a local artist 3) these ones i got at the state fair when i went with one of my friends :)
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left to right: 1) bought these from a woman on a sidewalk in Ireland (i don't remember which city, it was one of the Kil-something's) 2) my mom's best friend bought these for me, i don't know where from other than they're from Brasil 3) same as the blue ones, bought on a sidewalk in Ireland lol 4) same as the pink & blue clouds, i got them from the same vendor at the market!
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left to right: 1 & 2) bought both of these the last time i visited Pike Place Market in Seattle 3) i got these ones when i spent a day in Mostar, Bosnia last summer 4) my mom bought these for me at local jewelry store last fall when she was in Brasil visiting family
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left to right: 1) i believe i got these at a consignment store 2) i bought these from an independent, local artist! 3) my friend bought these for me when she went to NYC last spring 4) i bought these at the farmer's market as well
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left to right: 1) my friend got these octopus earrings for me at a local pop up market 2 & 3) are both from when i went to the state fair with my friend
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left to right: 1) i bought these at a street market in Dubrovnik, Croatia last summer 2) these ones are also from when i was in Bosnia 3) i bought these on the side of the road in rural Ireland from a woman who had a very cute dog with her 4) my aunt & uncle got me these for my birthday two years ago
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left to right: 1) from my aunt in Brasil 2 & 3) also from my aunt and uncle two years ago at my birthday 4) you can't see it super well but these ones are mini copies of Dune by Frank Herbert which is my all time favorite novel, and my dad got these for me
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these are a collection of studs from my parents, aunts and uncles, and one from my friend. i don't where them all that much because i'm a dangly earring guy at heart but i love them nonetheless
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gorbo-longstocking · 3 years
Could we ask for your headcanon appearance of each monster? How tall are they? Anything specific out of the typical appearance made by the fandom?
OOOO i have no idea tbh uh. hm.
gonna put this under cut because you said monster not skeleton….. whole rq list is getting da treatment >:3 fair warning i have no been super into the aus for very long so idk what constitutes as fandom wide appearance and what doesnt
sans: i dont think i have any hot takes on what he looks like? hes just regular old sans blue hoodie and basket ball shorts. i do think he smells vaguely of cheese whizz though.
papyrus: i cant stop envisioning him in sweaters and i dont know why. like the really dorky ones. the kind of guy to wear ugly christmas sweaters for months. my hot take is he tends to wear the same couple of outfits semi-frequently for months at a time as a comfort thing. his gloves and scarf are ALWAYS apart of the ensemble. the gloves r also for sensory reasons
red: i am OBSESSED with turtleneck wearing red its changed my life. i think about ur near constantly. he doesnt wear his jacket as much as sans maybe? i can also see him wearing jewelry some. if he had ears hed have one pierced. its generally rings and necklaces though. he and esge have shark teeth too like those kinds of sharp teeth but i know thats generally normal. big boneed and has a belly. bc he deserves one
edge: LEATHER ENTHUSIAST. he wears leather pants i think. he also has a purse to carry doomfanger around in (she is wearing a harness) he wears heeled boots which add to his impressive height (6’5) uhh. smells like spices. vaguely of cinnamon. gloves are less for sensory reasons, more he isnt fond of dirt.
blue: wears a bunch of goofy graphic t’s and also his scarf. has a tooth gap and freckles but thats a pretty common interpretation. he wears sneakers and has various silly ones like light ups and heelies. just for a laugh. my hot take is every sans had a tooth gap growing up and only blue didnt get it fixed. he thinks he looks better with it.
stretch: CARGO SHORTS. the many pockets for the many things he finds and picks up. theyre seemingly never endless. hes lanky looking, always slouching and leaning to one side hes never known good posture in his life. talks with his hands.
lord: wears shoes that give him a height boost. also unironically wears designer shit. his gloves are also for sensory reasons like papyrus. instead of shark like teeth he just has very sharp canines. he smells like coffee underneath and OVERWHELMING amount of cologne.
mutt: ALWAYS wearing his jacket youd be hardpressed to get it off of him (only lord can do it wnd even then its still a chore) his boots are furlined and everything he wears is the same texture. he defaults to sweat pants bc jeans r scratchy but he can manage it ok. hes got claws he tries to keep clipped down bc they scratched his phone screen. has a tendency to glare.
g: turtleneck under leather jacket wearer. he smirks more than he smiles. the tallest sans. he and ace take on a thicker set of bones to match gaster. wears docs probably.
ace: argyle enthusiast. very very tall, kind of gangly with glasses and a very sweet smile. his eyes are VERY kind you know the ones where someone smiles and their eyes crinkle up and youre like my god they r the sweetest.
height wise from tallest to shortest: ace (7'2), g (6'7) edge (6'5), papyrus (6'3), mutt (6'1), stretch (6'0), red (5'5), sans (5'3), lord (5'1), blue (5'0)
gaster: tall, very tall. not really made of bone, it feels kind of boney but its more porcelain like?? holes in his hands and cracks on his face duh. kind of pudgy. like i know hes boney but hes got a dad bod tbh. his smiles kind of on the awkward side even when hes being genuine. he also tends to wear long sleeves.
mercury: eccentric sweater vest kind of guy. wears cordoroy pants and is a few inches shorter than gaster but not much. his missing a tooth in the front of his mouth (he tripped) but it only adds to his character.
epsilon: wears reds and blacks, with deep scars running along his face and also his body. his chest has a nasty one along with a few along his arm and on his back. shoes are snazzy, you can hear them click on the floor and he does it on purpose. intimidating.
height wise from tallest to shortest: epsilon (7'11), gaster (7'6), mercury (7'4)
toriel: not sure what to say here except toriel in my head is soft shapes. not super curvy just kind of round. mrs clause shaped.
asgore: took the tits in the divorce
rose: a little curvier than toriel. she has the appearance of someone who used to be kind of buff but over time lost that. sharper teeth, thoigh theyre somewhat small and unnoticeable unless shes threatening you. she also has claws.
oleander: HUGE AND BUFF. where rose’s fangs are small his are not and got are they obvious. has black hair as compared to swap and uts blond. huge arms. tends to wear tight fitting plain black shirts. always sneering.
clover: also buff, gotta be buff to hold that trident. she wears flannels and jeans more often than not. shes a bit serious, leaning more towards the tired side. has eye bags that she tries to make less noticable. her horns are bit bigger than uf and ut toriel.
basil: wears glasses like ut toriel, his muscle has turned to fat so he is very soft. has a warm face, welcoming and inviting. hes the smallest of the asgore but hes still pretty damn big.
dahlia: her fangs are not as big as oleanders but much bigger than roses. seems lost in thought and when shes not shes cold and prying. doesnt sneer, she smiles, though its almost too wide and somewhat unsettling. on the off chance her face softens, she looks younger and sweeter. her real laugh sounds kind of like a bell.
hemlock: black hair like oleander although its kind of greasy. he wears cardigans, always mentioning being cold. hes got fangs as well and his eyes are somewhat down turned kind of making him look perpetually miserable. hes the thinnest of all the goats, looking borderline unhealthy.
height wise from tallest to shortest: oleander (8'4), hemlock (8'0), asgore (7'7), dahlia (7'6), clover (7'5), basil (7'4), rose (7'2), toriel (7'2)
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